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Messages - Toady One

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Announcements / The Bay 12 Games Report, June 1st 2024
« on: June 01, 2024, 06:31:08 am »
The Bay 12 Games Report, June 1st 2024

Entering June with more menus to do.  In the next beta release, you'll be able to spit again!  (and breathe fire, and raise the dead, and roll into an armadillo person ball.)  Just going to keep plugging away.  Working to finish the beta menus, get the new systems in (deities etc.), and then merge everything back into the main release branch.  Expect there'll be some additional beta releases first for sure.

Our first ever 20% off sale went quite well!  23.7k copies in May.  Now things will be chill for a bit we expect.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: June 01, 2024, 06:24:27 am »
Quote from: Xinrai
I've noticed that during worldgen, there is a huge boom of new sites during the first hundred years or so, after which expansion quiets down, some roads start being made, some crypts/monasteries...

Since worldgen has been made significantly faster now, would it be reasonable to slow down how quickly civilizations expand? I guess I could increase the site cap, but I'd rather have a world that's 500 years and still growing steadily.

Also, one small feature that's been missing since the steam version came out that is really bugging me:
You can't click on gods in the relationship tabs anymore! That's how I found out ages ago that my civ had their own special gods in the first place! Right now it seems like I have to build statues of them or hunt them down in legends mode to find out what appearance they have. Is this coming back?

EDIT: Oh and yeah, birthdays of my dorfs! I miss knowing those.

I'm not inclined to slow down the rates myself for vanilla.  I'd rather more disasters happened and there was other tumult with groups and such than to have less stuff.  It seems like the only relevant variable here is the abstract entity population rate (since hist fig rates are based on too many things.)  Exposing that as a parameter at some point would be reasonable for people that want a different pace.

I'll check that those are in the list of unfinished old business, and add them if not.

Quote from: aSpatula66
I recently noticed that none of the vanilla entities have stonecutter or stone carver as permitted jobs, and although modding them to have stonecutter works fine, adding stone carver does nothing and creates an error in the errorlog.

I also noticed some issues with mummies in adventure mode, they only curse you after exiting and re-entering combat with them and their curse is missing text (it just appears as "" in the announcement log.) Mummies not cursing you is something I've noticed in the previous version but the thing with text is likely because of how speech files were changed with the steam release.

Okay, I'll throw them in the bug pile.

Quote from: aSpatula66
What I meant was that although the civilizations have headwear and underwear assigned, NPCs never spawn with them as clothing. From my observations, legwear on the UNDER layer doesn't appear, bodywear on the COVER layer only appears on thieves, headwear on the UNDER layer appears but headwear on other layers don't, except for items on the COVER layer which only appear on thieves. All this only seems to apply to clothing and not armor though. I've also noticed that NPCs only generate with one clothing item per bodypart other than feet which do generate both socks and shoes.

Yeah, I didn't make an intentional change here, so I'll throw it in the bug pile.

Quote from: Fallingferret
Is support for wider/larger fonts for ASCII mode planned?

Yeah, we haven't gotten around to breaking free from the 8x12 and 32x32 limits on interface and play area elements.

Quote from: aSpatula66
Why are migrants restricted to the main species of your civilization? It makes no sense that even if half your civilization is non-dwarves they can't arrive as migrants. Maybe the first two guaranteed migrant waves could be only dwarves and after that non-dwarves are half as likely as dwarves to migrate to your fortress if you want to keep the amount of non-dwarven migrants low.

I addition to making no sense, I feel like it's a large contributing factor in spreading the misconception (especially among newer players) that species = civilization. Although I think the DF wiki is equally to blame given that they don't even have separate articles for the elven species and elven civilization, or the dwarven species and dwarven civilization, etc.

Also, why do people only immigrate to your fortress, instead of emigrating from your fortress? Maybe they would only do it if they're unhappy with your fortress and you permit them to, so that you have some control over it.

DPh Kraken:
aSpatula66 (op):

Yeah, as DPh Kraken said, this was about clothing as I recall.

Emigration is a much bigger deal because it takes from the player, and it was also harder to implement in the past.  It has been on the table for a while now, I just haven't gotten around to it, but I have to be careful swiping citizens from people.

Quote from: ror6ax
What's the biggest impediment for enjoyable, fast development of new features (let's say map rewrite), code-wise?

Could you share a bit more about what goes into migrating a piece of old menu to the new system? What are the issues you faced in porting UI in general?

Has Mantis been working as expected? Do you still find it useful to have community submit bugs there?

Any chance for adding sound effect on UI element clicks for additional feedback?

Any plan to make food prices less OP?

What is your favorite steam mod for the game and why?

How has the collaboration with DFhack team been recently? What is the vision for the future now that some things from DFhack like sorting are natively supported? Will you or Putnam be looking into porting more features to the game?

Just getting done with adventure mode, ha ha.  Then I should just be able to get started.  For the map rewrite specifically, some of the ways the underground layer stuff is woven into everything is going to be difficult to tease out piece meal, but it's the aim to try.

I just need to set up some scrollbars and index some textures and place some buttons.  It's not very elaborate generally, just mindnumbing at this point.  We dodged the largest issues by sticking with the ASCII grid.  Some of the layering is still annoying because we can't have graphics and text over each other more than once, which makes certain subwindows impossible to do, especially at smaller overall resolutions/window sizes.  It would be easier if they could all live together nicely without thinking about overlap.  Keyboard support is of course an ongoing challenge.

I know the Mantis has had some bumps, which I haven't heard about recently, so hopefully it's working.  I haven't really been deeply into the new Mantis yet since the basic menu work isn't done.

We already have the sounds avaiable, I just have to link them in, for adventure mode menus.  For fort mode menus, we need to have a whole meeting with the audio team etc. since the two engines for the modes need to be linked up etc etc.

Food has always been a bit weird.  We tightened a lot of the prices for the initial release, but if food prices are still out of control, they should be fixed, yeah.

Not aware of the mods currently.  Been pretty tunnel-visioned on menus and the surrounding matters.

Everything's been going well with DFHack as far as I can tell.  I don't have a specific list of DFHack features that I'm looking at at this time but I'm sure it'll come up again.

Quote from: Buttery_Mess
Up until now, the artistic team has mostly been playing catch up to existing in game assets. When it's done with that, will there be the opportunity for new plants and animals to be added to the game? Or should I stop praying for hawthorne, magnolias and fuschias to be added and mod it in myself?

As it stands, in adventurer mode, nothing can really keep up a jogging pace for that long without getting knackered. Although endurance is varied as is recuperation, afaik recuperation can't be trained. Consequently dwarves, or anything else, can't ever really train to run marathons. Is this something that might change when you take another look at combat? What really stands out in the combat code that you want to take a look at?

Eric Blank:
Buttery_Mess (op):

I'm not sure when we'll get new plants and animals!  The art team isn't really the blocker there, just the current ones not feeling fleshed out enough kind of.  Things like capybaras being the only ones with sounds and all that.

Ranged combat is the worst.  Endurance generally is trouble for sure.  How death works could be changed.  Skills should be more interesting.  Special attack opportunities are deeply silly and should be integrated into some whole other mechanism.  And so forth.

Quote from: Zaerosz
This user claims that a dwarf in their fortress succumbed to melancholy, but a cave-in incident caused his skull to be shattered and his brain to be severely damaged; following treatment and recovery, that dwarf is no longer suffering from melancholy, has resumed eating and drinking, and no longer has any memory of his family. Is this an actual deliberate feature (recovery from insanity, I mean, but also the memory loss) that went undocumented at some point, or a fascinating bug that (IMO) should be elevated to feature? Or just a rando on the internet making up stories, I suppose.

Eric Blank:

Yeah, there isn't anything deliberate here anyway, ha ha.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: May 15, 2024, 01:08:43 am »
Regarding the soundtrack question from last time - the Fortress Mode soundtrack should have wavs now!

Announcements / The Bay 12 Games Report, May 9th 2024
« on: May 09, 2024, 03:51:01 am »
The Bay 12 Games Report, May 9th 2024

We've got the adventure mode beta up on Steam, and that'll make it's way over to a full Premium/Classic when it's ready.  There are several menus left to do, and we're also going to add the new chosen/hero stuff etc.  It shouldn't take forever but the deity/demigod/dungeon bits will take some percolating.  Just cleaned up the barter menu yesterday and will probably clean up shops a bit next.  Should have more information on art and music soon as we reconvene after my late April/early May break.

Everything is still going well over in sales land.  Down to 8k copies in February, up to 16k in March, returning to 13k in April.  The adventure beta didn't move things much, but it was pretty low key, which is just as well since there are menus left to add.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: May 09, 2024, 03:40:41 am »
Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
With regards to the new forums, are you planning on just updating to use https (i.e., or are you planning on moving the forums so that they are under (e.g. or in order to take advantage of the fact that is already set up to use https?  If the latter, Is there anything that'll be done to avoid breaking links on other websites (I know you can just have the main page of the old forums redirect to the new forums, but can the server be set up so that, if someone tries to directly access a specific post on the old forums, it'll automatically redirect them to the same post on the new forums)?

I think we're going to set up https for  The urls should remain unchanged.

Quote from: Buttery_Mess
Is Dwarf Fortress officially now just Dwarf Fortress or is it still officially Slaves to Armok God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress, or is the latter just for the free ASCII version?

Will you ever publish any more crayon art? Do you ever bust the crayons out when conceptualising new features, creatures or objects?


Dwarf Fortress is increasingly official for all versions, yeah.  The free version is also using it.  But the readme still uses the Armok title.  I know CRPG Addict uses title screen, documentation, and box cover, something like that, and picks the winner 2 out of 3 to handle inconsistencies.  We don't have a box cover, so right now it's a 50-50 tie.

We never used crayon for concepts.  We had those tablets, which are just pencil or ink.

Quote from: Rumrusher
hmm having now thought about this if premium adv mode is getting a soundtrack is the classic build of adv mode going to stay silent or is there going to be like a toadyone original adv mode classic track for that also?
Quote from: Lemunde
To add a suggestion onto this, it might be fun to add lo-fi chiptune versions of the songs to classic. Understandable if that might be too much work.

Rumrusher (op):

I'm not planning to make any more music myself at this point.  There's a lot of regular work to do.

Quote from: TranquilRiverGiant
Are there plans to implement schisms / civil wars as part of the villains arc? It would make sense that parts of the kingdom may rebel against a usurper. It may also help prevent snowballing in worldgen. It would also be interesting if the different sides had opposing preferences, like blue vs red clothing or cow symbols vs eagle symbols, different religious sects...

TranquilRiverGiant (op):

Doing full breaks (or merges) or civilizations has always been held back by the entity code, and was going to be part of the entity rewrite stuff - which is now going to be done in smaller pieces.  We have coups as an official villain plot, and schisms as a planned religious feature, and the old insurrections as mentioned.  There are lots of things pointing this way, but the main work to be done involves just allowing entity structures to be more flexible.

Quote from: Eric Blank
Did you get any nice presents?

I did!  I got a knit frog with a knit sweater.  Otherwise it was a low key birthday focused on food ha ha.

Quote from: DPh Kraken
The adventure mode OST is fire (my complements to the chefs), but I checked the raws and didn't find any tokens for it. It looks like the playing logic is hardcoded (due to the dynamic mixing), will we be able to add our own music and sounds to adventure mode eventually?
Quote from: Doren I
What cues certain music tracks to play in Fortress mode?  I know the song “Vile Force of Darkness” plays when a siege arrives, but when, for example, does “Death Spiral” get triggered?  Will there be similar cues in adventure?

DPh Kraken (op):

Yeah, we're waiting for the work to settle down before we come up with a raw format.  The adventure music is not yet complete - right now it just plays songs randomly, and we're going to set up cues.  The fortress mode cues are all in the existing raw files that DPh Kraken linked.  I don't recall exactly, but the death spiral event relates to a number and/or percentage of citizen/resident deaths in a short period of time.

Quote from: dikbutdagrate
Do doors play different sounds when they're opened in adventure mode, depending on the material the doors are made out of?

Interesting if true.  But if the answer to that question is "yes", do "soap doors" specifically have their own sound effect?

And if the answer to that question is also "yes" ... then "why?"  And then where did you even get the sound?!

Did you and/or someone else actually try to make a door out of actual soap, just like smooshed together, and then have Three-Toe open it, while Putnam sat and recorded it with a directional mic?  Because I'd have mad respect for that.

Ha ha, Parker Bert did the sound effects for adventure mode.  I have literally no idea how they did them, but there are lots of them and they are cool.  We did get a bit carried away with materials.

Quote from: lingaic
Would it be possible to consider the return of ASCII creature graphics in future versions?
and the multi-view implemented in ASCII somehow.


Quote from: tsallast
Could an option be added to character creation (maybe in a debug section?) to force change the random indexes in graphics files? Talking about 'CONDITION_RANDOM_PART_INDEX', some UI that shows the ID and a number field clamped to go from 1 to whatever the max was set to. It would make creating highly customizable modded races way way nicer, for example I could let players pick a preferred clothing color option, or pick tail color and type, wing color, etc.

I want to do an appearance customizer (as in many games) at some point which should cover everything.

Quote from: Enemjay
I'm a big fan of AD&D's Underdark, and I think Dwarf Fortress does a fantastic job generating cavern layouts and featuring a subterranean ecology that rivals what is described in TSR's books. Currently, subterranean animal people in DF serve a similar role to D&D's Kuo-toa; With the upcoming map-rewrite, do you plan to include exclusively subterranean civilizations that might fulfill the roles similar to dark elves or dark dwarves? If so, would these be distinct races, or would they simply be elven and dwarven civilizations whose inhabitants possess malevolent personality traits (like goblins do)?

DPh Kraken:

Ha ha, DPh Kraken encouraging me to add an [INCORRUPTIBLE] tag to gorlaks.  The map+entity rewrite stuff was finally going to get us to better underground civs.  A lot is missing to make it work.  We want gorlaks to work, we want underground animal people to work, including things like ant people which have never worked and which could be really interesting with their own cave layouts and more proper caste usage and such.

Quote from: Yal
I noticed some portraits are inconsistent with the world sprites for dwarves - usually this is seen in hair color. Is it just that shades like "saffron" are yet to get dwarf portraits & will in the future, or is the system intended to work by approximating an array of in-text hair colors to, say, a single off-white?

We're hoping to get to the full palettes yeah, but they take time.  The hair is especially inconsistent yeah, I might be sitting on a fix for that which will at least line it up with the portraits.  I'm always one step behind the artists, especially for beta.

Quote from: dathin
Any news on the Mac version?


Quote from: dikbutdagrate
Will there ever be modding support for implementing things like firedamp? Blackdamp, whitedamp, etc?
More to the point, is the mining mechanic in its current iteration "finished"?

    Firedamp is any flammable gas found in coal mines, typically coalbed methane.
    It is particularly found in areas where the coal is bituminous.
    The gas accumulates in pockets in the coal and adjacent strata and when they are penetrated the release can trigger explosions.
    Historically, if such a pocket was highly pressurized, it was termed a "bag of foulness".

Basically, support for letting gas spawn and then linger. Custom gas evaporates very quickly, which is problematic for certain modding endeavors.

Goody towers lean close to something approaching a natural mining hazard, but obviously they are very much their own thing.

I could understand maybe wanting to shrug off adding in better gas simulation support until way off in the far future. Like, I get that.

Nothing's ever finished, and the map rewrite stuff, now coming in piecemeal, is supposed to make the underground more interesting.  Dunno if there'll be natural mining changes specifically.

Quote from: aSpatula66
Are there any plans to fully overhaul the small scale layered creature sprites in the future, with the new capabilities that came with procedural portraits?  (missing body parts, palletization, etc)

Additionally, I've noticed that NPCs never wear any headwear except for masks and face veils and never wear loincloths or thongs.
This is new since the steam release and I assume it was intentionally added to reduce clutter but it is a bit odd and makes kobolds always have bad thoughts for having no pants.
If this is changed I think kobolds should be given sandals too, to make them not get bad thoughts for having no footwear.

Yeah, it's on the list, and a lot of the palettized art is already done.

I don't recall a headwear change.  The PLAINS entity has all the types there, including the pants ones as well.  And dwarves have loincloths listed.  Are things not spawning correctly?

Quote from: rokoeh
I wonder if it is possible in theory to send a squad of dwarves in a mission outside my fort to demand or raid an enemy village and being able to join them in combat when I un-retire an adventurer or if I create a new adventurer in the target village and help them defend against the squad that is on the way.

I can make the unretire (or creation of new adventurer) simulation progress time at the start to be 1 day with DFHack (as the two weeks always are much more time than the travel time to the site). Even with that, would my squad actually reach the site if I could be there with an adventurer waiting? Or the mission are all abstract math behind the scenes and nothing would "physically" happen If I were there observing?

What about If I leave a squad member behind to be the ruler of the new site... I guess he would be there I would be able to find the dwarf?

Eric Blank:

Hmm, yeah, I have literally no idea what happens to squads on missions when you retire.  If they aren't otherwise handled, they should just continue on their way with the same "army controller" etc., which means they'd do their thing, but most of their things aren't actually programmed in adventure mode, so you wouldn't get to see them do anything zoomed up.  That's all former army arc/current piecemeal stuff, getting to the zoomed in army stuff.  You should be able to find administrators you leave in fort mode, or other occupiers.  Some artifact seekers also hunt for quite a while and might even be findable with the two week calendar.

Quote from: Beag
1. One thing I noticed from the current version of the adventure mode beta is we don't have progress bars for skills anymore like in the old version. Will those eventually be readded?
2. Since priorities are currently in flux regarding what gets implemented next what are the chances in one of the updates following adventure mode's release this year or next that we will be able to purchase houses/plots of land in towns? It was on the old to do list and it would be a nice variation on the base building that existed in the old version with building our own mead halls.
3. Are towns going to get any new kinds of buildings/features/organizations with the town updates? Previously libraries and guilds halls in towns didn't do much and it would be cool to see them have their own little quest types/if possible be joinable factions like mercenary companies are.
4. Will random edible leaves picked from the ground still be worth a small amount of money in trading? Stuff like lettuce and what not. In early versions you could pay for your inn room with lettuce leaves in a quick pinch.

1. Yeah.
2. The priorities are in flux and I don't know the chances.  Finishing the menus and getting the new deity/tutorial stuff in is the current focus.
3. Temples will be the first focus most likely (after shops are fixed), because they relate to the sure additions.
4. Ha ha ha, I haven't changed anything.  That seems like it could afford to be tightened up, but who knows how much that will happen.

Quote from: Verdiumm
Ever since the villains release, there has been an event where a villain can send people to corrupt your dwarves to steal an artifact of yours which is great flavour.
But for some reason it seems to be abnormally common. I'm talking hundreds of historical figures "Claiming from afar" in Legends mode almost the instant it is made for me a lot of the time.

This results in the majority of your guests being thieves, which both means you won't get many regular visitors and you'll need to seal away your artifacts 100% of the time (or disallow visitors).
Or, if you want more regular visitors, just get rid of your artifacts.
I'd guess this would be one of the things looked at when Villains is revisited and it's probably just a side effect of it not being finished right?

Yeah, we postponed villain completion right as heists were being finished so it's not surprising the frequencies are messed up.

Quote from: The Lawnmower Man
Are there any plans to make walls and raised bridges destructible by enemies?
It is ridiculous that a single wall tile or a raised bridge can completely neutralize almost any threat from the outside.
The defense of the fortress is now so simple that it is difficult to lose for fun.

Eric Blank:

Quote from: KristoffPL
Some months ago I noted that the soundtrack DLC on steam only contains low quality mp3 files, whereas the bandcamp release has FLAC files available. The recently released Adventure Mode soundtrack DLC has the opposite problem - it includes the chonky, gigabyte-sized uncompressed WAVs (which I feel is waaaay overkill for a soundtrack release IMO but of course so much better than just MP3s still).
Is there a chance that the original soundtrack will get the WAVs too, or that both of the releases will get FLAC files? I imagine the former would be better, as it would unify the releases, and it's fairly easy for anyone to convert WAVs to FLAC themselves.

I'll have to ask Kitfox.  The mp3/flac thing was a condition of the sound people, but if that's out the window then I have no idea what the current conditions are.  I'll get back to you when I hear.

DF Announcements / Dwarf Fortress 50.13 Released
« on: April 23, 2024, 11:05:25 am »
Download (Click refresh on your browser if it doesn't show up)

Release notes for 50.13 (April 23, 2024):

While the adventure mode beta is ongoing over on Steam, here are some crash fixes for the stable branch, and a few other tweaks.  This also has portrait support if anybody is modding them in.

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed statue-related crash
   (*) Fixed syndrome-related crash
   (*) Fixed temperature-related crash
   (*) Fixed crash from empty kitchen menu
   (*) Fixed multi-kill squad orders
   (*) Fixed world gen crash from the appointing of chefs by demon rulers that had been influenced by outside reading materials on decorum and leisure time
Graphics additions/changes
   (*) Portraits!
   (*) Centered some creatures that were printing off-center

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Large gems and gem crafts should be produced properly by gem cutting jobs again
   (*) Fixed cave adaptation
   (*) Fixed problem with numbers in wild creature clusters
   (*) SELECT_GROWTH and SELECT_MATERIAL available in plant modding

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: April 18, 2024, 04:17:07 am »
(gonna have to try again with fewer participants)

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: April 02, 2024, 02:47:43 pm »
Quote from: Digganob
Will caste requirements for different jobs/positions be introduced to civilizations at some point? This could have a lot of potential for modding, specifically. For instance, an insectoid civilization which has worker miners and soldier soldiers, or an amazonian kingdom which only allows females into the military and positions of power. I know this wouldn't be top priority, but is it on the easier side of things, or is it relegated to the "far future," if at all planned?

DPh Kraken:
Digganob (op):

Yeah, it would be great if ant people worked correctly or were done at all in any way ha ha.  This had always been sitting out at the entity rewrite, when we could start respecting more types of civilizations.  Now that arcs are gone, it's more about the general vibe of how the magic stuff unfolds.  It'll take a while for us to see how it's going to be.

Quote from: FrankVill
A few days ago I began to imagine what would happen if Dwarf Fortress included the concept of evolution (ancient bones prove that the dwarf descended from the orangutan and things like that). It doesn't seem crazy given that DF aspires to be a very complete world simulator. But I see it as logical that you have not considered it because it is not something that is usually dealt with in the fantasy genre (books, movies...).
Have you ever thought about the possibility of treating evolution? If so, what reasons led you to rule it out?
Are there other similar things that you have considered and definitively ruled out for compelling reasons, such as technical, complexity or time limitations?

Oh sure, we've thought about it because we like critters.  There are several obstacles of course.  We'd need a better genetic model and a better creature definition that can float some more, and of course in pre-world-gen and beyond it'd need to model selection and mutation and that's a whole giant can of worms.  But there are little bits of it sitting around, like our terrible half-baked genetics stuff and the virtually unused breed concept that can handle appearance changes etc.  It would be cool to get into different types of cats and dogs and then expand that outward for instance.

Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
I was watching the interview with BlindIRL, and Tarn was talking about “weaponizing the Dew”.

Does that mean that there’s going to be a product placement partnership with PepsiCo?

ha ha we'd have to say no, but also have not been approached.  but once we have proper non water/magma fluids, I'm sure the Dew mod would be the least of our worries.

Quote from: stoyang
1. Given the recent tooling changes around how you build DF (eg version control, multiple branches) what do you think has changed in the way you think about development thanks to this new tooling? What has it enabled in your mind that you previously thought might be too difficult to tackle?

2. Follow up on the tooling, what other interesting tools or patterns have you considered or looked into? what about unit tests? fuzz testing? c++20 concepts?


I'll defer to Putnam's modern programming experience on #2 ha ha.

Generally, I think it's great to be able to work on a feature for a bit and then just leave it on ice and know the merge is probably gonna be not too bad.  And it allowed us to do 50.12 while adventure mode was already in progress which was great.  If there's just never a huge dead period again, and it looks like that's the case, that's pretty cool.  And it's more natural to just mess with some idea on a branch.

Quote from: bratok
1. When map export function from Legends Mode will be aviable?

2. Will there be updates regarding the NPCs and their social component? For example, I noticed such a thing that characters can serve in the same unit for many years, and still remain strangers to each other. Or, after a battle, the wounded are simply abandoned, and first of all everyone goes to get drunk in a bar. In general, the behavior of the characters in some places is not entirely logical, and I would like to know if you are planning any updates in this regard.

1. I'm not sure, but it wants to come back!  In terms of missing old features, adventure mode is the higher priority.  But the missing bits of legends mode are not forgotten.

2. Lackluster and/or inventively negligent childcare is a frequent complaint.  We're all for getting to this stuff.  It has tended to get better over time.

Quote from: eerr
Historically, you've played roguelike games, where your score was tallied at the end of the game.
Would a numeric representation of score fit in adventure mode?


The original conception of Dwarf Fortress had an adv mode high score of course, but it's expanded out beyond that now.  We've thought periodically about things like some sort of arena-type submode with contained map generation that could be good for us for testing algorithms but also provide a space for a quick dungeon dive.  Scores could fit there, but even in that case the heavily procedural element gives the scores dubious meaning.  It's possible though.

Quote from: Beag
1. In addition to healing potions will there be any other types of potions?
2. Years ago, ThreeToe's storys hinted as magical corruption being a possibility in the myth and magic arc, will that be coming in the new small updates format?
3. Will the player adventurer in the coming updates possibly gain paths to having more magical abilities like the necromancers and undead lieutenants have?
4. In some generated worlds will it be possible for the player to invoke a deity's powers by talking to them if they are in their favor enough? Possibility with the risk of incurring their wrath and getting cursed?
5. Will new divine curses be on the table for the coming updates?
6. When will the new forum be set up? I am of the understanding this may be one of the last future of the fortress question responses this site has.


1. Not at first, but we are approaching the oh yes indeed era.
2. Yeah, it's in the mythgen prototype as well.  Side effects and downsides are part of the plan.
3. Yep, also part of the plan.
4. This sort of things should be in soon for the demigod type mode, and then be possible in the other modes as well with more or less effort.
5. Not sure!  Gonna have a direct line to a deity in some cases and if it turns out like most roguelikes, they will be very upsettable.
6. We're still going to be hosting the forum ourselves, and the posts should all be imported and everything identicalish.  Just going for https and to stave off the issue that risked the forum back in Feb/March.

Quote from: LanLan
When it comes to the healing methods you're implementing with the adventure mode release, how varied are they? Like, is it just a difference in ingredients, or are they going to distinguish between ingested/topical potions, and will healing sometimes have negative consequences?

Also, when you referred to 'killing the Big Wait dead,' does that mean updates are gonna be bringing features that would've otherwise been separated into arcs into the game independently of those arcs, or are the arcs still going to be a thing, but we'll see features of those arcs rolled out bit-by-bit?

Finally, will there be an option to auto-generate an adventure mode character?

At first, we'll probably be guided by existing implementation, which makes ingested (and spell-like interaction) more likely to start.  Of course the game gets more interesting when you can just place whatever substance on yourself, and we already have the system for that (as with forgotten beast syndrome blood that rots bare feet), so that's an avenue that's not too hard to take.

I think it's inevitable that we'll still focus on things for periods of time, but we're trying not to make those periods "26 months" ha ha.  But I also think we'll see a greater mixture of types of features.  With version control, I think we'll also see some features baking for longer and then suddenly appearing, regardless of what sort of features have been trickling in at the same time.

No auto generate option yet though I was thinking about that this morning ha ha, since it really is quite a lot of work to make characters and we already have something similar in fort mode.  But it won't be there initially.  Would be cool to just be like "spin me up a 4 character party" and it gives you a varied group to approve.

Quote from: Vaelwyn
1. I've been doing some research on the dwarf fortress wiki in preparation for the release and came across a list of power goals. It was very interesting to read, I understand that list is quite old and no longer up to date, but do these power goals still reflect your long-term vision of the game ?

2. More specifically, one of these goals mention the posibility for the live adventurer to have a wife, children and play our heir after death or retirement. It would leed to some amazing stories ! Is this feature still planed ?


1. Ha ha yeah I'd argue they were always very weird, maybe a little weirder than the game was going to attain, ha ha.  But it's still not a terrible list mostly.

2. Yeah!  Having relationships and families is definitely still a goal.  Can't wait for your spouse to be like "it was inevitable."  Or some pure half-authored half-proc cringe.  It'll be great.

Quote from: ShiraKage
Will chopped off limbs have different sprites instead of classic ''flesh and bone'' sprites? Additionally, will we see visible injuries in characters' sprites without looking at the portraits? Seeing missing arms or legs would be cool! And minimal injuries wouldn't be shown at all or shown as a single red dot on the sprite.

Also, When I was looking at creatures on wiki, I saw that Nightwings don't have tails even though dwarves like them for their long tails. I think the error is occured because one and only nightwing drawing has no tail (And apparently they have ''tail'' part in combat menu). Is it gonna be fixed?

About myth and magic update. We know that some myths create cursed races. In one myth, goblins were cursed dwarves because dwarves destroyed some object and the god cursed 1/3 of them and turned them into goblins. So, this changes will be seen in the game too? For example in that world dwarves call goblins ''cursed one'' or various things and goblins blame them etc.

About procedural dragons. Will they come soon or are you waiting for magic system to be implemented to the game? If I remember correctly, procedural dragons were about ''this one will breathe ice, this one breathe fire'' etc. but with the magic system, will they be intelligent, talk and use magic?

Missing arms and legs in sprites for the layered creatures (dwarves/humans/etc.) are just a matter of data entry at this point.  Better chopped off limbs would be cool but we haven't drawn anything.  I remember in my combat video looking around for the severed guts, could have had a dedicated sprite ha ha ha.  Always more to do!

Huh I wonder how they have a tail in the combat menu if they don't have a tail?  Anyway, it's better when things are consistent.  Not sure when we'd get to it.

This is the hope!  It'll lag behind the technical implementation since it has to start there.

Procedural dragons were about implementing the txt file format, so I imagine this could wait to see how any scripting changes work out.  We're hoping to experiment with that at some point.

Quote from: falcc
If you assign some artifact gear from your fort to adventure mode characters in your military and then return to adventure mode, is there any sort of transfer of ownership?

Will anyone show up to look for it from your fort's civilization in play, or are they cool with it as long as you're bringing glory and death with your indestructible leather pants?

What if you sign up under another leader or found a faction in the wilderness, will anybody come to press that claim for your old citizens?

Is there any different kind of response if the artifact was gifted to the fort vs someone's family heirloom?

For that matter, are there any plans for dwarves whose family artifacts have been traded away to other civilizations to start scheming for their illicit recovery?

Eric Blank:

Hmm, I think all fort mode assignments retain the equipment as community property, with the player freely able to unassign, so all the artifact claims would still be on that basis if you start playing again.  It'd require a more explicit gift system, or you could appoint the adventurer to a position and then make the artifact a symbol maybe.

I don't recall off the top of my head if anybody pursues artifact claims now but villains?  There could be a quest to get it back if it's marked as lost but I don't recall if NPCs take those up, even in world gen.  There was some work in that direction but I don't remember how far it went.

The gift/heirloom status does matter generally.  Factions only set up quests/etc. for stuff that belongs to them, rather than an individual citizen.  If the individual citizen gets villain status, they'll also try to get their artifact back in certain contexts (like the artifact heist), and also in worldgen, but I don't think it made it to adv mode.

This was all part of the delayed villain stuff which is now fair to pursue in the near term of course!  Once the beta dust is settled and the full basic adv update is out.  Finishing the elements of the villains release means all the artifact pursuit questions being answered in the affirmative, I think.  Artifact movement and claims and grabbing was a simple traditional glue to hold a lot of it together.  But we got delayed, and now we're arriving back, with all the magic/army/etc. stuff mixed in.

Quote from: kontako
Is the current cordial treatment of intelligent-undead and experiments by the living-aligned and red-blooded as intended, or will they begin to be expelled by societies (with particular ethics) in the continuation of villains work?

Is there a difference in how demi-god characters will play / be treated if their patron is the target of a non-reformed or reformed religion? (i.e. with or without organised temples and priests)

Are there no item retrieval missions if a demi-god character is created at year 1 (due to no relics having been yet created in world-gen history), or might there be new collectables?

Yeah, we have some relevant ethics, so it should come up.  Handling the social side of things broadly has always been a part of myth/magic, and it's certainly a little weird now for everybody to be so chill with the living dead especially.  Experiments are also pretty terrifying though in a world with various animal people it all kind of goes together (but some humans should be afraid of animal people too at first probably, depending on how the world is.)

Once we get to improving the temple relic quests it'll likely make a difference yeah.  At first there won't be one.

There are likely to be some additional primordial options along the lines of the existing titan shrines and vaults, since those are pretty rough.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: April 02, 2024, 02:42:01 pm »
Quote from: voliol
Will there be non-player demigod characters? Like, will they show up in legends as just the children of whatever god and influence the world?

Yeah, this was the hope, once it's complete.  It's a good way for us to introduce new people for fort mode, new companions and adversaries and others in adv mode as well.  Should be good fun, but won't be in immediately in April.

Quote from: Ziusudra
How much are the other controls changing and are any of the current ones are merging?

We've kept most of the current keys.  I don't remember any counterexamples off the top of my head.  Since we're not using WASD, the keys weren't exploded like they were in fort mode, so most everything could remain intact.

Quote from: Button
Hey Toady! I assume by the time you read this the bug tracker will be fixed; but in future, who should we contact/how should we let somebody know when the bug tracker is broken?


Quote from: Inevtable Demon mom
Hello! I watched Blind's recent video on "What to expect from Adventure mode and Magic healing!" and got very interested in the latter part. While at first I was very unsure of implementing a sort of magical healing that could revert otherwise permanent injuries, I started to think about what would be an interesting implementation that could fall in line with the feel of DF, so this got me thinking:

- Is this new way of healing conceptualized like a mage casting a healing spell on an injuried person or more like an alchemist or a traditional healer rubbing a combination of weeds and other materials on the injury?
- Will the new healing method serve as a single multipurpose heal-it-all solution or will there be specific (hopefully randomized for each world!) requirements and quirks for each sort of injury? For example, if you're trying to heal torn ligaments the material/other requirements are somewhat different from if you're trying to heal nerve damage. In this case, will there be different recipes for these different kinds of healing? Will scholars in fortress mode be able to discover these recipes by doing research and discussing with other smartpants who come visit your fort?
- How viable are you planning to make having an adventurer be dedicated to medicine? Would be very cool to have yet another different niche to specialize in the coming adventure mode.

Eric Blank:

Yeah, it's certainly going to be randomized on a per-world basis, and the particulars are just going to come in over time.  There'll probably be some powerful effects in the beginning and then it'll become diversified with some weaker stuff as we spend some time with it.  Relating it to scholarship in fort mode is a myth/magic goal but that won't happen at first, and hospitals won't see anything for a bit, but eventually they'll notice the new possibilities ha ha.  Integrating fort mode generally with magic is exciting and challenging and right in front of us.

For dedicated medical adventurers, who aren't just party members helping out, I see the basic issue there just being that there aren't a lot of randomly wounded/sick people out in the world.  Naturally, we'd like to make life miserable for everybody, randomly, but that'll take some doing.

Quote from: Salvadaddy
Hello, Toady, have you come up with any new monsters or creatures randomly as you've been working on the adventure mode stuff?


Nothing new yet!  It has mainly been interface and graphics and audio, and we aren't even caught up with all the existing features.  But there will be something to play!  (as seen in the combat video)  And new monsters should start coming as we go through our demigod/dungeon/temple roadmap - this won't be complete in April's beta either, but will be coming in as the update comes out of beta.

Quote from: voliol
When the biomes become sphere-aligned primarily, instead of being Good/Evil/Wild, what are your thoughts on the "surroundings" descriptor? I.e the one that says "calm", "haunted", "joyous wilds", etc. on the embark screen. Some sphere-alignments, like a land of thunder, don't map clearly to any of the existing descriptions. But at the same time, having descriptions for all spheres, or combinations of spheres, seems like it could be a lot. Both to develop, but also for the player embarking. E.g. if a biome is "rumbling" or "chaotic", how difficult is that?

Those adjectives are particularly linked to the three existing properties, so I imagine they'll get exploded.  Musical timbre is an example of us kind of going expansive with a collection of adjectives along a bunch of related axes, and something similar could happen.  I'm not sure adjectives will be sufficient though.  Hopefully places will be interesting enough eventually to describe with a sentence or two ha ha.

Quote from: TheMarmot
Will alive demigods influence the name of the age? vampires and necromancers already influence it, along with werebeasts and other creatures.

I'm not sure if we'll get to tweaks to age names here before they undergo more serious changes.

Quote from: Afroman726
Hello!  Im very excited for the map rewrite and was wondering what sort of plans there are to expand the surface level in fort mode.  I understand when you embark you can change the grid size but currently you have to load all Z levels below the surface.  Has there been any thoughts to having 2 embark selections?  One for surface and one for the underground?  I can envision having a 25x25 surface fortress sprawling with hamlets, houses and temples while having a 3x3 underground area to mine out and explore.


I think the replies covered this one!  It's definitely one of the things we want to accomplish.

Quote from: DPh Kraken
1. The portraits look like they're set up to automatically apply the hundred-or-so raw colors for worn items and eyes, but I haven't seen them applied to any previews. Will there be palette support for layered graphics? Any new uses for palettes planned, like doing unit-colored clothing as a palleted graphic?

2. Adventure crafting is minimal without modded reactions, and thus end up running into unexpected limitations. Is it likely we will see any bugfixes for typical reaction pitfalls, like unwearable gloves or stacked/dimensioned reagents (bone, bars, globs, etc) in the April update?

1. Yeah, that's in now, generally.  You can define multiple custom palettes to use for it, and also use the default one.

2. No, not for the April update.  But April isn't the full update.  I'm not sure how things are going to go as we head for the full release.  There's going to be a lot coming at me.

Quote from: aSpatula66
Will human, elven, and goblin civilizations be given hairstyling options now that we're getting procedural portraits? Also, why don't elf sprites show their facial hair, and goblin sprites don't show their hair or facial hair? I did notice though that the goblin portrait examples showed hair, but not beards. Elves and goblins do have beards, so the sprites should probably show that.

I've added hairstyles for humans and elves.  Goblins are in an odd position since we have hair but they don't follow the existing styles, so everybody is still bald.  No idea about elf beards.  We have one drawn, but no style images for it, though I think elves will style them now in text.

Quote from: saharo
Any plans to make water a continuous requirement for farming (and other crafts)?
Several DF crafts depend - in their real-life counterparts - on having water: farming, brewing, cooking, dyeing, smithing, breeding, and I'm sure I'm missing some.
While df-irrigation is used to create farmable soil, farmers don't water their plants.

Eric Blank:

The replies handled this - we certainly want water to be used in some more places.  Using it absolutely everywhere might be too much, just in terms of the amount of moving about or little cisterns or whatever that would need to be kept to keep the fort running, but adding a water requirement to several jobs would be fun I think.  We might need some more water gathering methods before we jump too far into that though, to keep more biomes viable.

Quote from: Urist McSadist
Do you plan attempting an in fort market economy again in the foreseeable future?

Ha ha, sure, but I have no idea when.

Quote from: Pillbo
I was looking into why buoyancy isn't a thing in the game and I haven't been able to find a post from you on the subject since August 2007:
The new fluids invalidated most of the old code.  Have water stop you when you jump into it so you don't go all the way down into the bottom is linked to density sink/float stuff, which I haven't done yet.  I'm not sure what I'll get to.  It'll either be done or get Req'd.

Other than that I saw lots of people make various comments about buoyancy being too hard, or implying you didn't want to implement it for some reason, but it's kinda hard to tell what is assumption, speculation, or accurate. 

So what is the deal with buoyancy and why hasn't it been included yet? If it is a technical issue what are the major problems?  Is it going to wait for boats?


Yeah, it just hasn't come up strongly yet, as Caldfir says.  Although I'm sure there'd be a few funny side effects currently, as with water pressure.  I'm definitely pro buoyancy, and I imagine it'll come up with boats, yeah, though things are so stark we'll have to be careful.  It seems unavoidable that it'll be the situation that adding a single coin to a boat at some tipping point will cause it to sink one tile deeper, suddenly flooding the entire ship and sinking it.  It'll have to warn you about that.  But if a dragon gets on board and the boat is all on fire and also sinks that would be amusing.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: March 27, 2024, 10:41:47 am »
(yeah forum being down + GDC + beta deadline just messed with my rhythm, Q&A will continue!)

DF Announcements / Dwarf Fortress 50.12 Released
« on: March 06, 2024, 02:06:42 pm »
Download (Click refresh on your browser if it doesn't show up)

Release notes for 50.12 (March 6, 2024):

New stuff
   (*) Ability to sort the lists from the creature/task menus
   (*) Kitchen interface sorting and searching
   (*) Work detail sorting and searching
   (*) Can edit and restore default work details
   (*) Saves can be sorted by world and folder on the title screen
   (*) Keyboard support for many unit lists
   (*) Ability to designate burrows over multiple Z levels

Major bug fixes
   (*) Fixed a few crashes relating to pregnancy
   (*) Fixed save corruption related to bad job ids
   (*) Fixed crash related to language mods
   (*) Goblins should have trolls again, and some additional friends (new worlds only)
   (*) Vampires in forts should hide properly

Graphics additions/changes
   (*) Additional statue graphics
   (*) Fixed some classic building interface lights

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) Squad assignment now lists already-assigned units last
   (*) Fixed error in calculation of bridge support
   (*) Fixed issue in how environment-appropriate work animals are selected for visiting fortress
   (*) Fixed missing autopause tooltip
   (*) Additional miscellaneous optimizations
   (*) Fixed minor issue with forest variant display
   (*) Fixed clipping issue on unit sheets
   (*) Fixed minor issue with cage contents display
   (*) Fixed pet list display on unit sheet rarely skipping a pet
   (*) Llamas are pack animals now

Announcements / The Bay 12 Games Report, February 3rd 2024
« on: February 03, 2024, 04:12:49 pm »
The Bay 12 Games Report, February 3rd 2024

Mission Status

  The Adventure continues.  As we thought, the first phase is progressing well.  This means that the interface moving from Classic to Premium one per one is going well.  But that's not all we want to do.  We want to improve on the original.  Not everyone is like you, the Hardcore.  We don't get good reviews from them, the Confused.  That's where we came up with the idea to ask for divine intervention.  We want this to be a great launch, so be patient.  Be little demigods and let your poppa work.  We promise it will be worth it.

"Congratulations to the generous!" -- ThreeToe

Fun with Numbers

  Some tangible steps toward Myth&Magic are on their way!  This should be fun.  We also have a 50.12 patch nearly ready to go.  It's been nice to have some patches while the adventure mode stuff is also underway.  We'll have to see what the release situation looks like after April once work is finally more normal again, with the two modes out.  We're going to try our best to continue with more regular patches rather than long disappearances, working in new features as we go.

In January, there were about 13.5k copies sold.  Everything still running along smoothly!

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: February 02, 2024, 02:55:47 am »
Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
Does this mean that the portraits shown will change variations every time they're displayed (at least until they're linked to fashion-item terms)?


Yeah, Telgin's got this one.  It's possible to randomize in a consistent way on a per item basis.  This one's slightly complicated since the item can theoretically float between different creature types if it isn't stopped by size (from a human to a 70000 size experiment, for example), so it has to be able to survive that, but that's just a matter of making the text consistent in the different raw layer entries, and having any necessary art available.  (whether size 70000 experiments have portraits with full clothing variations by the first release is a different question ha ha, the art work can really go on forever, in a good way, like the rest of the game)

Quote from: Bumber
Quote from: me
Annie made us cool hoodies in the style of those pig hoodies I wear, with the pigs in a grid, but with the dwarf face in place of pigs.


Quote from: Immortal-D
- Why is the number of custom labor groups limited and with numbers instead of icons?
- Are there plans to allow editing the default labor groups?
- Have you ever considered adding a world painter for precision embarks? (trying to spawn good & evil tiles adjacent is incredibly difficult)
- Do you know if Adventure Mode will be backwards compatible with existing worlds?
Quote from: me
Yeah, the Adv mode stuff isn't directly related (despite me working to have keyboard enabled there), but Putnam's already got some keyboard stuff working in Fort mode on some additional menus.  It's already in progress.
- Does this mean we can fully remap the sub-menus? Like right now adding a hotkey for building a door requires a custom graphic corresponding to said keys.


- Just didn't have time to do the art before the December 2022 release with the rest that was going on, and I didn't use the custom icons we had at the time since there were only a few the last I worked on it.  The player custom icons between burrows, squads, work details, etc., could be more unified and useful.  I'm not sure when we'll get to it, but it could certainly use improvement.
- This can be done in 50.12 on beta, although the normal restrictions on held-object labors apply.
- The replies covered some of this - if we get back into the map painting in vanilla, it'll be as part of the Myth/Magic editors, where we want to also include things like site maps.  It's an open-ended topic like most of the rest of development - could spend all the rest of dev time on map editors ha ha, but we'll likely do some stuff that goes beyond the current arena and map field files.
- Yeah, Adventure Mode is compatible with existing worlds.  I think certain things like portraits for necromancer experiments, if we get to those at all for the initial release, will be too time-consuming to get in to old saves, and some of the myth/magic stuff will probably require new generated objects, which would need a new world as well.
- We haven't touched the building menu yet so far as I remember.  We're just adding stuff that people want, pretty much, with an eye on getting a full keyboard enabled experience back.  It's not going to happen quickly.

Quote from: Ziusudra
Is saving in adventurer mode gonna gain the same options as in fort mode? Such as to save and continue playing or save to a new timeline.

Do you think there's any current features that might not make the initial adventurer mode release? Like the camp building mentioned on Blind's steam.

Are the controls also going to be designed around WASD?

I'm using the same save options, yeah.

I mentioned the camp building a long while ago and also in the latest adv mode update post (which probably was after your question) since it is the largest interface that isn't as core as stuff like inventory.  It'll be in the second feature (i.e. not fix/tweak) update if it's not in the first.

There's diagonal movement so I'm not attempting WASD alone.  I'm not sure what the keyboard option is for people without numberpads - eating up the QWEASDZCX cluster (or equivalent) is really expensive in terms of lost keys that we want for non-movement options.  People can rebind of course, but I'd like a decent default option and am open to suggestions.  I'm currently just using numberpad and/or mouse.

Quote from: uristmctinkerer
Any chance we will have key shortcuts such as "q", "+" and "-" back to fortress mode in the premium version?

We're slowly getting stuff back.  50.12 (up on beta now) has new keyboard controls for the unit lists.

Quote from: Vanzetti
How hard would it be to make the motion graphics of DF more smooth, interpolating the movement of creature sprites between squares instead of jumping discreetly from one position to the next? Rimworld style, basically.


Yeah, I've assumed that even at the default FPS this would look torn and broken.  Our creatures move very fast in comparison to other games.

Quote from: TheBeardyMan
Before the premium version, we could change which font to use for the ASCII graphics by changing the font name in the FONT tag in init.txt. In addition to changing the images used for the ASCII graphics, this would also cause map cells to be rendered with the aspect ratio of the font.

In the premium version, changing the font in the FONT tag still changes the images used for ASCII graphics, but the aspect ratio for map cells remains the same as that of the default font.

Will this feature - the font aspect ratio driving the display aspect ratio - be making a comeback?


Don't have anything to add except that on top of the fix Putnam mentioned, there's a lot of marked spots in the code where there are assumptions about 8x12 and 32x32 playing together (like unit textures in unit lists) that would also need to be addressed specifically, and non-ugly solutions for some combinations are not obvious.  But it would be nice.

Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
Regarding the recent Steam announcement:  will demigod players be able to select which deity is their divine parent, during character creation?  Also, assuming that “demigod” here is used to refer to the child of a deity and a non-deity, will they also be assigned a non-deity parent?

Also, what about elves?  Will they no longer be able to be demigods (or will it be possible for a “force” to be a demigod parent)?

Deity selection, yeah, that's the plan.  I'm not as concerned about the non-deity parents currently - regular adventurers don't get those either.  Deity selection could depend a lot on which options are most viable for an effective tutorial, if you're going for the tutorial aspect of it.  If that ends up being tight, the tutorial side of it might force a selection, but that's not the general idea.

I think whatever myth creation ends up being here and later will have a lot to say about elven etc. demigods.  In the most straightforward, fastest implementation, you'd always be a human or dwarf, yeah, but that situation is slowly going to get stranger and stranger.  We'll also have to tutorialize completely non-magical worlds as well, eventually, or warn the player that full tutorials aren't available on those settings.

Quote from: voliol
Getting a chunk of myth stuff is super exciting, however finalized it turns out it, it really is a sign we're entering a new era of feature development, beyond the different kind of goodieness that graphics and reworked UI has and will continue to be.

Tutorialization through deity sounds really fun, though I wonder:
1. In worlds without deities, or civilizations without, how will the demigod tutorial work? Will some other being take that tutor position? Or will it be impossible to play an atheist demigod?
2. Will demigods from goblins/dark fortress civs get guidance from the deified civ leader? Will megabeast-followers get it from their patron roc or dragon? What if this physical deity dies?

1. I mean, if there are no gods, there are no demigods, in a technical sense.  And yeah, we'll have to deal with it, but default worlds have them so it won't be a problem unless the player opts for it, at which point not having a full tutorial is not so bad.  But yeah, ultimately if we have to go with a standard abstract tutorial that plays the same role that's fine.  It just won't be as neat and will be missing some cool integration with other features (or be implemented in a flatter way.)  We'll see how this feels when I'm farther along this track.  Elves in forests being strictly left out of the tutorial zone is slightly weird.  The force could work, though the whole point of forces was not to give them personal identities, not at all, and even an abstract "you feel this, you feel that" still does that to some extent.

2. Ha ha, the rocs and dragons don't become deities in vanilla, they are just worshipped by frightened/awed people.  But of course the official introduction of myth/magic changes the possibilities up.  Gonna have to make decisions as I go - I wouldn't expect anything here until I get the basics up.

Quote from: Digganob
1. Will the graphics layering system be expanded or made more powerful? For instance, will more conditions for quality like in portraits, or will conditions for other layers existing/not existing be added to the regular, small-scale sprites?

2. Will a rework of the combat system, or at least the information displayed, be done at any point soon? A lot of things are somewhat confusing, like how "squareness" affects armor penetration and damage, what the chances of penetration and dismemberment are to begin with, how much skill affects things like dodging, parrying, chance to hit, etc. I think that clarity is more important than actual changes, especially considering the newer players.

1. It's like anything else now, slowly expanding.  The conditions we've added for portraits for instance work on all other layer types (like the small full body ones.)  A portrait is just a type of layered image.

2. It was always lurking behind the siege/army update to some extent, and the return of adventure mode brings it back.  I'm not sure what we'll have time to do for the initial release though.  There are a ton of high priority items for new players.  The mode is rough!

Quote from: PlumpHelmetMan
If a (very basic and incomplete) framework of the Myth & Magic system is coming with the Adventure update, does this mean the Big Wait might not be so big after all (at least, not counting the Big Wait we've already had waiting for the Big Wait)?

We're trying to kill the Big Wait dead at this point.  Or, yeah, as you say, the pre-graphics wait was the actual Big Wait and we've already done it ha ha.  Nice surprise if true!

Quote from: Rumrusher
So with the demi-god being converted into tutorial mode is there like an option to have the old demi-god settings? So that future runs aren't just stuck to the two lesser point pool options or risk dealing with the tutorial again?

the force tutorialization stuff kinda threw a monkey wrench in my common demi-god adv runs a bit
that said I wonder what this means for multiple adv party members if one of them is a demi-god? Does that lead to the Tori the goddess of Tutor popping in to explain a feature if a player tabs over to the demi-god?

Rumrusher (op):
aSpatula66 (op):

Character creation is one of the big menus/screens I have left to do, and this has been on my mind a bit yeah.  Up until now, the point pools enforced some sort of difficulty but didn't have any meaning in the world.  There are different interpretations for how point pools could work for different modes in the new peasant/hero/demigod setup, with the added layers of basic difficulty and roleplaying.  You should be able to play some kind of skilled warrior without having a divine parent or a heroic destiny for sure, with a variety of backgrounds in a way that makes sense.  The good versions of this are out of scope for the initial release (proper background generation/selection, playing historical figures, etc etc), and we'll likely just expand the concept/name away from "Peasant" and support varied point pool difficulty options at first.

I think the tutorial aspect of guidance will be tied to the party, mostly likely, just for simplicity.  But yeah, it's surely going to get weird as deity relationships build up in the party - I suppose this has always been true, even with regular relationships, since NPCs could hate different party members etc., and that probably led to intra-party stuff that simmered and broke in various ways ha ha.  Happy for it to get totally messed up as long as the tutorial aspects remain intact.

Quote from: Ten_Tacles
Will there ever be a rework of how alcohol is brewed, which is currently really simplistic and kinda boring for a game about alcohol addicted dwarves?
Perhaps procedurally generated, culturally unique recipes?

Is an overhaul planned for other older parts as well?

We've got our fort mode list and one of the big things we're going to do after the initial adventure mode release is figure out how to balance additions going forward, without getting sucked into the language of major arcs we have never finished.  Nice solid additions to fort mode are important, and we're hoping to slowly work through our giant backlog there while we're also expanding into the myth/magic/siege/villains/etc. stuff that we had previously planned in vanish-for-a-year+ arc terms.  That's just not viable now with a team of people, which I think will be good, really.  I've still got some ridiculous larks on lil version controlled branches so I haven't changed all that much ha ha, but they don't need to hold the nice solid bits up.

Quote from: Beag
1. Will peasant characters be able to join temple organizations to get bonuses when interacting with related deities? If so, what would the temple faction expect from the peasant character in return?
2. Will the spheres of a demigod character's divine parent matter in determining their special powers?
3. Since property rights are being overhauled does this mean we can no longer walk into a random warehouse and start stealing goods with no consequences?
4. Will hamlets get a new provider for food for adventurers since they don't have markets or inns? I assume the property rights update will stop us from stealing food from random people's houses with no consequences.
5. Previously characters could talk to their deity and get no response, with the myth and magic stuff coming will there now actually be some form of response to talking to a character's deity?


1. I expect it'll be the same as whatever we get to for everybody else, you'll just have to be proactive about retrieving relics or whatever we end up making easier for demigods (because the deity can short-circuit the being lost and confused part of it all.)  One of the reasons we're going with demigod tutorials to start is that we can't quickly fix the issues in the base game with quest flow and such - it's a larger multi-step project (along the lines of the adv mode villain stuff, which included better investigation.)  So I'd expect stuff here, but it might be hard to accomplish.
2. Depends on how much diversity we have - we have quite a bit available already, so it seems very possible.
3. This is the goal, but there's a lot to police.  We're going to take some steps.
4. Probably not at first!  There's a lot to do.
5. That's the basic idea ha ha.  We thought it would be funny if that option actually worked.

Quote from: Doren I
Hello Toady and thanks for this wonderful game.  I have been wondering if there was any word on a Mac release for the Steam version?

No additional word!  I'm stuck in adventure land with a deadline.  Still need a few computers.  Linux being done theoretically means the hardest part is over, hopefully.

Quote from: ryno
i have a question about the giant creatures of dorf fortress. Is it the case that they are very straight forwardly giant versions of real ones, or is it more like they are fantastical beings that are simply nicknamed after real ones due to their closest approximated similarities? Are the giant creatures considered to be genetically related to the normal ones? I understand that for their sprites they are simply scaled up versions of the base creature set, but I believe this is in order to save time above all else, and that it's possible that the canonical nature of giant creatures is not so 1:1, but can you clarify?
Quote from: voliol
I'm also curious if there's an official answer to this, what they are in the current version of the game. Otherwise it should be expanded upon when Myth & Magic drops for real. Are these giant animals monstrosities created by a force of chaos, only similar to normal animals as a mockery of their form? Are they normal animals warped by the magic surging in the lands? Or are they escapees from the platonic realm of beasts? Etc. etc... I imagine that will depend on their procedurally generated past in mythgen.

We don't have a theory for most things.  We'd rather generate canon on a per-world basis.  Of course we've had to make various decision for the default world, but here we didn't make any decisions at all except for the fact that there are "wild" regions with giant animals which are tied in some nebulous way to animal agitation and elves and forces and titans and big trees and sharp plants.  We'll have a complete set of giant creature sprites with the adventure mode release (they are almost done!), and we've been conceptually vague with their art as well (though no longer so pixelated!).  They are bigger, with the occasional emphasized feature.

Ideally, the magic release will give us all kinds of options, and they could have in-game repercussions.  Animal people are explicitly created in the prototype through whatever random incident, and giant creatures (and every other kind of creature) should also have some kind of explanation eventually, with procedural emphasis.

Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
Sorry to hear that 50.12 is delayed, but why do the links to the report and FoTF in the 1/30 devlog point to the ones from last month?

Eric Blank:

Yeah, I was just super late.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: January 03, 2024, 12:51:40 am »
Quote from: Eric Blank
How was thanksgiving for you Toady?

did you get any cool christmas presents?
Quote from: A_Curious_Cat

There were several family parties and such - lutefisk even tasted good this year!  Everybody was shocked.

Annie made us cool hoodies in the style of those pig hoodies I wear, with the pigs in a grid, but with the dwarf face in place of pigs.

Quote from: Acearl
So my question is, was this ever a feature that civs would intially have similar asestetic genetic traits? Or was this all head cannon created by coinsidences? If so why was it changed?

Eric Blank:

I think we used to have more similarity within the starting group of civs, yeah, then we removed that and made the starting group more variable.  There should still be inherited traits.  But there's also the matter of the non-figure pops, which had a set of traits but I think we leaned away from colors for that until we could point at it more, if we ever decided to do that, since it's potentially frustrating, especially in adv mode, where we eventually added a full randomization button anyway.  It's complicated to figure out where that should land, similar to gender norms etc etc.

Quote from: PlumpHelmetMan
Will the upcoming procedural portraits be applied to other humanoid creatures besides the playable races (such as semi-megabeasts)?

We're going to get to what we can!  Ideally everybody would get portraits that reflect variations, wounds, and equipment, but that's a huge huge lift.  We'll be lucky to have portraits beyond the playable critters (main races + animal people) for the initial portrait debut.

Quote from: darkhog
Will you add graphics raws to the Classic version so implementing custom graphics packs that are compatible both with premium and Classic will be easier? I'm talking about the TXT files in vanilla*_graphics that are present in premium but not in classic, not the art itself.

darkhog (op):
Eric Blank:
darkhog (op):

Yeah, the txt files for the graphics stuff are all public domain, and as Putnam said, I don't include them in Classic because there'd be a ton of error messages and possibly actual errors as well.

Quote from: kontako
Will the attire represented in the portraits enable distinction of units based on things like the social standing, culture, etc?

Will weapons / shield also be shown in the portrait?

Do you think that generated mythologies would be as extensive as current world generation history? (i.e, spanning hundreds to thousands of events and characters)

Do ettins have two personalities / souls?

There isn't any additional information attached to it, though social standing is represented for some critters by item quality, which will appear, and culture chooses which of the items are available.  But the more subtle variations don't yet have cultural links.  That won't happen until I attach words to clothing variations I expect.

We've talked a bit about weapons and shields, not sure if we'll get there.  It'd already be supportable for mods I think, since the full body layers can show those things and it's the same format.

If the distinction between the mythologies and the world histories is the existence of world-tile-level maps, then I doubt it, since we won't be able to spatially distinguish the same number of historical figures.  But there are gray areas as the maps come into focus.  It's still not entirely clear what year 1 is, or if there's even going to be a clear year 1 anymore (vs. a variety of calendars etc.)  It may be hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.  That could be ideal.

The current ettin like the hydra etc. just has one soul.  Almost certainly the ettin will end up with two when we get there, at least it seems like they are mostly depicted as arguing...  I have no idea about the hydra.  The conversation engine doesn't currently support a unit arguing with itself very well, especially in a way that distinguishes souls.  That would be part of that update.

Quote from: DPh Kraken
Did the hippo man wrestler in the trailer organically accept to come with, or was there some manipulation behind the scenes? I tend to have trouble recruiting in my adventure games.

Nah, we only had a few animal people portraits at the time, so we had to stage a bit to get the art we had into play.  I tried to do it fair at first, but I had a ton of trouble finding a hippo person at all and eventually resorted to a horrifying transformation of a human warrior bar patron.  It'd be easier now that there are more portraits, and we're generally hoping to address the recruiting problem a bit before the release.

Quote from: Pillbo
Will portraits work with non standard races? For example experiments, angels, gorlaks etc?
How will the portrait system work with modded creatures?
Will there be a way to add/modify the sprite layers used to build the faces?
If none are provided will there be some kind of stand in?
Quote from: A_Curious_Cat
Will it be possible for modders to mod in their own custom procedurally generated portaits (for example, for a modded in race)?

Eric Blank:

We haven't drawn the non-standard races (we'd like to!)  But the portrait system works exactly like the current layer critters, like building a face instead of a whole creature, and we've added a few more layer graphics commands (that function everywhere) to make it work.  So it'll work for mods and any creature you care to draw (including non-layer critters - you can set up a portrait layer with one image without screwing everything else up I think, as the most simple way through.)

Quote from: Telgin
What are the plans to add baby graphics for dwarves and other layered creatures?  Is that on the backburner due to the level of effort?

We've already got them, I think, for dwarf children and possibly also babies - I'm the bottleneck for several things like this.

Quote from: Eric Blank
I noticed it mentions you can click on a tile to open a context menu for that tile, but does that option also exist on keyboard, like the way the 'l' and 'k' keys do in the currently released adv mode? Thats a pretty important functionality for keyboard-only support i figure

Yeah, I was gonna wait until I did mouse hover info, but we'll have a keyboard cursor for look that probably doubles as the context cursor.  Don't want to dig the hole deeper with Adv mode!

Quote from: voliol
Are the armor variations seen in the most recent devpost based on item quality?

There are item quality sets, as well as random variations for a lot of clothing.  I'd prefer to also get those linked to fashion-type terms in text, but I haven't done that so they'll be random for now (variant + item quality.)

Quote from: Pillbo
The walrus man is described as "A legless person with the head and back flippers of a walrus" and has the tag ANIMAL_PERSON_LEGLESS, but in the new sprites clearly has legs. It's the same with the elephant seal man (but not the leopard seal man or harp seal man...). The snail man is kind of the opposite, it should have legs but it's sprite shows it as legless.

Are the animal people going to be updated to match their sprites or is that just not an important detail to you?


Yeah, there are some errors there from my poor communication with the artist (because there were so many to do at once.)  My fault.  And yeah, for whatever reason, we did decide early on that snail people should have legs and slug people shouldn't ha ha (and I failed to communicate that.)

Quote from: Immortal-D
Has working on Premium Adventure Mode allowed you to make any progress towards restoring the keyboard cursor in Fortress Mode?


Yeah, the Adv mode stuff isn't directly related (despite me working to have keyboard enabled there), but Putnam's already got some keyboard stuff working in Fort mode on some additional menus.  It's already in progress.

Quote from: ror6ax
Any recent programming discoveries/new approaches since Putnam joined?

Has there been any movement towards automating game tests before releases?

Nothing recently as I recall (Putnam might have a more interesting answer, I've been in menu land, though Putnam has also been in menu land ha ha), and no movement in that direction though I was hoping to start at some point after one of the recent releases.

Quote from: Beag
I remember in an interview earlier this year that you said you may sneak in small additions related to future content as you continue the updates at hand. Is there any chance next year after adventure mode comes out, we get another magical side activity like the divination dice?

We'll see!  We have plotted several pathways forward that will interact with the April deadline.  If we don't get to the coolest stuff, it'll still come right after.

Quote from: Randomizer
When you get to the map rewrite, how far do you intend to go to change the current system of mining? Right now a large number of tiles cleared do not drop stone. This practically annoying when you mine an ore vein and see a large number of tiles not drop ore. This seems like a quick fix for something you intent to overhaul later.

I could see a couple dwarves mining and another dwarf loading a mine cart and taking the unwanted rubble out of the mine.  We already have mine carts!!! We already have dumping zones too. You might have to tweak how quantum stockpiling works, but it could be done. Quantum stockpiling also seems like a quick fix that will be overhauled later.

Eric Blank:

Having stone drop everywhere would be an FPS problem as I understand it, and it also creates more hauling jobs (or more stone to hide, which is also unsatisfactory), which is bad for the game.  I know a lot of people want harder mining though.  Now that we have literal difficulty settings, perhaps this is more easily in the cards.  But it won't relate to the map rewrite at all.

Announcements / The Bay 12 Games Report, January 2nd 2024
« on: January 02, 2024, 11:02:46 pm »
The Bay 12 Games Report, January 2nd 2024

Mission Status

  What's to say about the year gone past?  That's one that I'll remember.  The year my other brother died.  There is nothing really good to say about this year...  except that we got paid.  It really does to take a lot off your mind.  It opens up a lot of opportunities, but can it really bring back someone who died so young?  There are a lot of things we are going to be able to do now.  We can travel the world on our own dime.  How much does it really matter when you lose someone who mattered so much?  I'll tell you.

You are the only ones holding us together.  Without you we would still be working thankless jobs that were far from rewarding.  We are getting older.  Friends and family passing away is something we'll have to get used to.  This was a lot though.  I have to ask if my wife will ever be happy again.  Do I think any amount of money will fix that?  With your help, I sure will try.

"Congratulations to the generous!" -- ThreeToe

Fun with Numbers

  Yeesh, what a year.  Hopefully the next one will be more relaxed and see us finish out Adventure mode and then get into new stuff for everybody.  I guess relaxed might not be possible, since we have ourselves another deadline ha ha.  But it'll be good to get through the basic Adventure mode update.

With the Winter sale, we hit 27k copies sold in December.  As expected, a pretty good chunk!

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