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Messages - Luke_Prowler

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 259
Do you think the people who say MS killed her because she was saying something they didn't like would have cared at all if she was yelling "Death to White Cis Men!" instead?

Edit: Perhaps I should add something a bit more substantial if this is the post that's going to break my long lurk. I think both the political nature of the fuck up (mostly because of the similarity to similar issues happening now, not necessarily because the people believed what she said) and the bond created by it probably caused more to care about Tay than if the fuck up was more mundane in nature. If she had been blathering gibberish or just said nothing, MS would have pulled her down anyway and most people would have gone "whelp, guess she was broken" and no one would have give much thought about it otherwise. The same chain of events would have happened and there may not have been the uproar about AI / Free Speech rights.

Other Games / Re: Payday 2 plan your heist well
« on: May 07, 2015, 09:42:50 pm »
Doesn't that also make the train job crazy good because of all the ammo bags?

General Discussion / Re: Knight vs.Samurai Who Is Best
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:08:33 pm »
Nah, that's just the knights of spamalot

General Discussion / Re: Sheb's European Politics Megathread
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:01:11 pm »
To be fair though, UKIP did have a point there.

That bbc poll would never come close to any proper scientific polling practices. For all points and purposes, the data is garbage.
I don't think the BBC claimed their poll was properly scientific? It doesn't matter if the data was usable or not

General Discussion / Re: Hey, let's talk beer.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:24:39 pm »
Who would waste a perfectly good keg on light beer?

I mean, I don't drink from a keg (unless draft counts), but if the intention of getting a keg is getting everyone drunk, light beer seemed counter intuitive.

General Discussion / Re: Hey, let's talk beer.
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:27:39 pm »
I'm an American and I can honestly say the growing trend of local breweries is the best thing to happen, particularly here in Michigan. I generally like very dark beer, lagers, and porters, but I'm totally fine with most things (in fact, the only thing I don't like is IPAs). Of course, because we live right next to Canada you can get Labatt Blue pretty much everywhere that has beer, and I think that's generally better than the other massed produced stuff.

Other Games / Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 10, Week 8 - TT S3, W6
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:26:11 pm »
I'm posting here to give my resignation. I am dropping out. This game has been terrible to me since the start, and I am sick and tired of terrible rolls followed by terrible rolls. I understand that the game is about risk management and Nuffle and all that, but I am only continuing to lag behind and I choose the only real option that I have rather than continue to rage ineffectively at a computer screen for however longer this lasts.

I'm out

General Discussion / Re: Counter-attack mechanic in TBS games
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:47:34 pm »
But then again in most games I have played theres somekind of limit on how many times unit can counter per turn in order to make relying on single strong unit unviable as well.
That is true, but not always. In the case of fire emblem, units always counter attack the other if they can regardless of how many times they're attacked, but this is generally made up by the fact that the type of weapon is more important than merely strength/defense stats, so even if an axe fighter can counter against the swordsman, it'll do far less damage because it's on the wrong side of the weapon triangle.

General Discussion / Re: Counter-attack mechanic in TBS games
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:45:08 pm »
It's also to prevent a horde of weaker units being able to overwhelm an enemy without any any consequence of going for horde.

Other Games / Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 10, Week 3 - TT S3, W2
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:57:45 pm »
[Sorry, double post]

The rematch between Ripsaw's Raiders and The Struggling People has ended.

In which I got my ass thoroughly whooped, ending 0-1 in lijacote, who only missed a second touchdown because the beastman couldn't do a hand off.

Other Games / Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 10, Week 3 - TT S3, W2
« on: September 02, 2014, 09:11:38 am »
Alright, I'm on right now

Edit: Er, give me a moment, the game is having a fit

Edit Again: Now I'm good

Since it worked last time: lijacote, when you have the time to play, respond here (or PM me)

Use it as a nice mantle piece  :P

I'll admit this is the first time I've actually gone to effort to remove the stuff. Usually I just take the minimal effort to remove the most egregious (take a drink) stuff, so going out of the way to nuke the thing feels good

That feeling of complete control and overwhelming joy when one manages to purge their computer of adware and malware. it's almost like slaying a hydra: a multi-headed being that won't die until you've destroyed it in it's entirety. If only real life's problems can be solved the same way.

Ripsaw's raiders vs lijacote's Chaos team, the Struggling People

To quote the game itself, someone opened a slap box and give out generously. A very mirror match, between the black orcs and orc blitzers vs the chaos warriors and beastmen there was never a turn when someone wasn't punching someone else.

The game went 0 v 1, in my lost. I was unable to keep the ball down in the first half, and in the second I failed to tie it up because of a failed attempt to hand off the ball, and after recovering the ball I get knocked down again and was unable to get the ball back in the hands, my thrower (which for those that don't know an Orc thrower have sure hands) managing to pass two GFIs and then failing to pick up the ball and then a blitzer would could have gotten it in one GFI and just unable to pick it up on a 3+. Sad. But an exhilarating game none the less

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