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Author Topic: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story  (Read 8004 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2023, 09:45:01 am »

Best of luck to the Abbey's denizens...

Summer has come.  At least the barracks is half roofed and the hospital has beds and tables.  But the temple is still being worked on.  The second room will likely end up having bedrooms.

isn't it amazing how LONG above-ground construction takes? it's one of the more realistic things about DF - years go by before even simple builds are finished, akin to the building processes of ancient temples or medieval churches or cathedrals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2023, 07:52:22 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Nine

Dear Diary,

I decided to write a little about the third wave of migrants and on our new entertainer.  Well, Sesta is the Tavern Bard now I guess.

I found Feb Tubesroads working on the temple.  He seems to have skill as both a miner and as a carpenter.

He seems to enjoy this work and is already settling in.  Enjoyed the booze and entertainment in the tavern.

His wife, Kel Trusshatchets, was helping with the temple.  She too seemed to be happy with her fine bed, the food, and the performer we have allowed to live in the outpost.

And, of course, she is happy to be with her spouse.  I am just happy to see somebody working on the temple.

I found onul Stockadeway making a wooden pot.  Seems she know a little about animal training and woodcraft.  Maybe she will take my job as building designer?

She, like the rest of the migrants, seems happy with the outpost.  She has work, booze, food, and a place to sleep.

Sesta Colorchurch, from what I understand, is also a planter on top of being a performer.  She seems to be happy having a job, a bedroom, getting drunk, and even enjoyed watching the performance of others.  Likely one of the Bards before they left.

She has exttemely long, white, hair, and burnt umber colored skin.  Seems both male and female humans wear skirts.  Maybe it is a cultural thing?

From I understand she has a good memory, which makes sense, but also rude according to some of the others.  A rude performer? 

Also seemed she liked to talk to herself. 

Anyway, it seems everybody is settling.

I have been told that no dangerous animals have been spotted.  Only a weasel and a juravenator.  Which I have been told is a tiny feathered dinosaur who comes out at night.  It hunts bugs and small prey.  So, I hope, neither are going to attack me. 

Wish me well,

« Last Edit: June 17, 2023, 06:00:21 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2023, 07:49:24 am »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Ten

Dear Diary,

The Temple is still being worked on as summer starts.  And a human pikeman is visiting called Tura Raquisaning.  She went stright to the tavern and listened to poetry.  And yes, she has a pike.

From what I understand she has four lovers but only ONE child. 

A human Poet approached from the west on the 10th Hematite.  Named Lum Dreamutter.  Of course we all know where he went.
The temple, while the roof was not yet complete, was named the Natures of Weakening and was made into a place of worship for no particular deity. 

The Miners keep testing the ground, digging down, but keep finding wet rock or soil.  I think we may have to import stone.

On the 19th Hematite more migrants have appeared.  I haven't even finished the temple and there isn't any bedrooms.

The first was a Woodcrafter named Vabok Equalchanneled.  She was curious, fearless, and valued harmony.  Too bad she dismissed self-control, was weak and clumsy.  Luckly she was able to slip pass a male Triceratops.  Otherwise she might have been killed.

Luckily the dinosaur didn't seem interested in any of the new comers.

Then there was Kol Boatsound, her husband, who was a Fish Cleaner.  Which is good.  The fish ARE starting to pile up.  He had low willpower, depression-prone, and was bad with words.  So...not going to be a Broker or Noble.  Right?

Then there is Onget Granitebucks, a Peasant, who had high willpower, tough, and valued competition.  Oh ueah, into the military he goes.

On the 25th of Hematite one of the Triceratops attacked one of our Farmers as they were gathering fruits and stuff.  The squad was called out to kill it.  In fact we were told to hunt them all down.

All three were killed.  But at a cost.  We lost Sigun Godenamkin and Meng Kitasob.  Both were killed.  The horror!

I also ended up in the hospital along with the Militia Commander, Deler.  Seems she lost a lot of blood and her right hand is missing.  Ouch.

I tried to get some sleep but one of the male raptors decided to visit me.  AKA - sit on me.  What do they think they are?  Cats?

While I was in the hospital, wishing somebody would cut down a tree and make a bucket so they could giving me water, a human Dancer showed up.  Male named Tolis Meteladgi.

Of course he went to the tavern.

Also seems the Leader was trapped in a tree.  And the axes were not available as some of the soldiers prefered them to hammers.  So the Squad was disbanded. 

And still nobody is cutting down any trees.  Oh boy.

Finally some, in mid summer, decided to start felling trees.  But by then I was sick of waiting and dragged myself to the taven to get a proper drink!

Then went to the kitchen to get some finger lime mash.  Made up of minced orange, minced Psarolepis, and finely minced finger line.  Yes, sounds horrible but I was FRIGGING hungry!

Then I went and made a masterpiece bucket!  Nobody will get thirsty again in the damn hospital!

By the 12th of Galena we had two visitors.  One was a human Maceman named Ac Ithbiescu.  The other more interesting.  A Goblin Bowman named Cudal Irosmoma.  A female.

And yes, both went to the tavern.  Where the Maceman, who was a male ape, starting telling tall tales and everybody listened.

The only complaint about the tavern is the food stockpile has no food in it.  Only drinks.  That has been corrected.  Or, at least the Leader has ordered food to be stored in the tavern.

With the military disbanded I wend back to wearing my normal clothing and enjoyed my normal duties.

Then  autumn came.  Yet the temple is finished as are the bedrooms above.  Kind of, they still need roofs.  And walls.  And beds.  But you get the idea!

Oh, wait.  With the two deaths there may be two bedrooms available. 

And let us hope the traders will bring STONE!

Wish me well,

« Last Edit: June 21, 2023, 07:54:42 am by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2023, 03:12:10 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Eleven

Dear Diary,

Funny enough it seems the new arrivals claimed the empty bedrooms already.  So we're good.  We'll have extra bedrooms by the time the second flood of the temple building is done.

And I am feeling pretty.  At least the last time I got wounded we had a proper hospital and doctor to check me out.  Males like scars on females, right?

The Leader has debated removing Deler of her position as Militia Commander due to her lack of a right hand. 

Sadly, nobody is as skilled as she is.  And it has been decided to allow her to continue as the commander as, even without the hand, she can still train and fight.  Kind of.

And another visitor, a Speardwarf named Goden Salvefinger, is in the tavern.  Seems he is curious about the Sword-Woman.  At least that is what HE says.

On the 16th of Limestone the traders from Olin Nonub were spotted.  Along with the liaison.  I wonder if they brought the stone?  The Leader ordered the many crutches we made to the Depot!  As well as some of the bone crafts we have produced.

Once again the Leader asked for stone.  This time the liaison asked her for the export of tools.

While this was happening Onget Granitebucks, a Peasant, has reported to the hospital.  He seems to be having trouble just lifting and carrying things.  The missing right hand likely has to do with that.  But both arms are heavily scarred and that might be the issue also.

They have brought us stone!  Lots of it!  Wonderful.  We now need a place to put it all.

Also...they brought nothing else.  Just stone.  And we have a huge amount of wooden crutches.  We'll keep them for next time.

Seems somebody killed a Sinosauropteryx.  Not even sure what that is.
On the 25th of Limestone we finally have a working Quern!  Thank the traders for bringing us REAL stone!

And the Leader had created another military.  Called the Barricaded Horns.  Wow, horns?  Really?  And guess who is back in the Squad?  Me of course. 

The Leader has also ordered a Mechanic's Workshop made.  Now we have stone we can start thinking about more advanced tools.  Machinery to be honest.

On the 5th of Sandstone a human Bard, called Atthem Plottedpants, has approached the Hamlet.  I assume he will head right for the tavern.

But I have been told he looks...different...from other humans.  He wears trousers instead of a skirt.  And he has copper colored hair.  He most come from another part of the world than the other

Yes, we are a Hamlet now.

I fear the kids are not doing any better lately.  I fear that they will become bitter adults.

Well, at least we have proper tombstones for the graves.  The last one was put up by Nish and it was for her mother Id.

Oh no.  It is the 3rd of Timber.  And we have new arrivals.  A LOT of new arrivals.

So...let us go through the list.  There was Tekkud Coalwealth.  A Gem Cutter.  She is going to be so bored.  She is tough and artistically inclined.  But has no empathy.

Then there is Urvad Lancerbeaches.  A Leatherworker.  He loves to brawl and is a quarreler.  Great.

Well, at least we have a Woodcrafter named Uvash Blockedrelic.  We have lots of wood.

Then there is Fikod Walldoor who is a Cook.  Who is Clumsy.  Great.  Hope he is okay with fire and knives.

There is also a Miller named Kadol Youthlabors.  Who is said to be single minded and sickly.  Wonderful.

A new Planter named Dastot Rampartamber.  Which is good.  We could always use more help with the farming plots.

There is also a Potash Maker named Dodok Portalhood.  Who has low self esteem.  Well, it might get lower when he finds out we don't make potash right now. 

And last is Sodel Gulfsmiths who is a Pump Operator.  She is tough and values POWER!  Great.  What we need.  A fight over who is in charge!

The migrants found the pit we're digging.  To try to get to stone.  It is a way to try to get past the damp stone.  We hope.  I think they plan to wall off the damp walls as they go deeper down.

I shoved more beds and chests into the new bedrooms and now have five I could assign to the new comers.  Still need a few bedrooms.  Maybe the third floor?

And the new comers brought a cow and a baby velociraptor.

The idiots.  The folks digging the pit decided to dig under some of the others.  Instead of digging DOWNWARDS some of them started at the lower level.

The idiots survived, went to wash off in the hospital with the brand new WORKING well....then went back to the pit.

The Leader ordered them to dig out the soil from the top down this time.  Water is already leaking in. 

Also I asked the Miners to dig out more underground space for more storage.

And the bees are Melittophex bees.  Not sure what that means but that's what I have been told.

On the 19th of Timber another Bard showed up.  A male dwarf named Kadol Guardcrypt.  Went straight to the tavern and started chatting with some of the others. 

Then another Bard, a human, named Fatab Kadestguki.  And, of course, she went right to the tavern.

In fact on the 21st the human Bard asked to become a resident.  On one hand we already HAVE a human Bard.  On the other hand the female Bard we have did all the work on building the well.  So the humans are not lazy.  And with new bedrooms being made....I suggested to the Leader to say yes.  And she did.

So we have a NEW Bard!

I've just been told the Doctor, ushrir Edosastesh, has been missing for a week.  Oh no.  What happened.  Badger attack?  Trapped in a tree?  Who knows....

The NEW Chief Medical Dwarf is now the Miller, Kadol, who will take over.

Winter is there.  The third floor of the temple is almost roofed in and all the bedrooms have been assigned to the new comers.  The hospital is now complete.  But the ex-Doctor's body has not yet been found.

And the new Bard seems to be singing.  Maybe a song about winter?

At least we have a ton of drinks.  Though, to be honest, some of the folks seem to be grumpy after having the tea.  It seems to make them hyper without getting them drunk.  Why invent such a drink?  I bet it was the Elves.

And we did butcher some of the adult pigs.  As they have had more piglets.  And I think we have some baby goats too.  So cheese and pork has been added to the menu.

Wish me well,

« Last Edit: June 27, 2023, 09:13:33 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2023, 08:53:47 pm »

The Abbey of Full Stomachs, more like, what with all this cheese and charcuterie about. nicely done. and I've always like the look of open-air quarries so I look forward to further updates on the pit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2023, 08:41:13 pm »

The Abbey of Full Stomachs, more like, what with all this cheese and charcuterie about. nicely done. and I've always like the look of open-air quarries so I look forward to further updates on the pit.

Be it Dwarf Fortress, Banished, or other Sim Civilization games I am always paranoid about food.   FOOD! 

And, of my lord, I want a local stone source!    :'(
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2023, 03:11:29 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twelve

Dear Diary,

Okay, winter is here.  But there is a debate happening among the citizens that I figured I should write down.

It has been pointed out that while the Tavern, the Sword-Woman, is a great place to drink and talk and sing it isn't really a great place to eat.  Nobody has moved any of the FOOD to the tavern and when people get hungry they head off to the storage areas and eat right out of the barrels or wooden pots.  Yuck.

Not that we use plates.....but still.  Think of all the hair and backflow into the food?  Double yuck.

So it had been suggested I may wish to design a proper dining area with tables, chairs, and a large food stockpile.  With just food and some drinks. 

Talking about food we seem to have a lot of it.  I'll paste the menu into the diary so you can see what we have available.

So, now I need to build a dining area and, likely, more bedrooms.  And continue to help the Miners work on the pit.  We want stone so badly.  I think we need stone pots to make..what they call coffee.  Otherwise the grounded up beans just end up in the food. 

There is also talk of a museum, a library, a proper jail.  So much work!

Wish me well,

« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 03:51:19 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2023, 04:55:28 pm »

I was severely confused reading your list until I recalled there were modded dinosaurs kicking about your forests. it seems the dwarves are significantly more than capable of killing and eating such beasts. coffee and roast dino anyone?

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2023, 03:33:57 am »

I wonder how the dwarves will feel about coffee when they get to drink it?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2023, 04:28:17 pm »

First, we now have coffee.  I figured out how to get them to stop cooking the grounds and brew them.  As some of them don't seem to like the tea I don't think they will like the coffee?  But maybe some will.  And maybe the humans or goblins will like it?

Second, from what I can tell most of the animals on the menu are not dinosaurs.  But they are interesting creatures.  Two are fish, one of the fish is armoured, and one creature is a reptile that lives in rivers.  I guess when the folks go fishing they caught these guys.

Which means some of the salads are kind of like tuna fish salads.  We have eggs so maybe mayo?  And some of the stew are just fish stews.

Not sure about the reptile cakes.  Meat cakes?
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2023, 03:43:56 am »

Maybe you could change the fort into a coffee shop if the visitors like it more than the dwarves.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2023, 08:47:43 am »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Thirteen

Dear Diary,

Lots to write about.  First off as you know the Tavern has been named the Sword-Woman and the Temple, the only Temple, is named the Natures of Weakening.  But I found out the Hospital is named the House of Creation.  Which is somewhat alarming.

So, first off a Albertosaurus showed up at the river.  It looked kind of scrawny.  Maybe it smelled food and was coming to explore the settlement?

Well, the Squad was sent out and it died preetty quickly.  It went down like a tree being well...chopped down.

Then somebody noticed a body in one of the ponds near the gathering region of the forest on the 2nd of Moonstone.

It was the Ex-Doctor.   I guess he fell out of a tree or got pushed into the pond?  Was he murdered?

A memorial slab has been ordered to be made.  Also there are plans to drain the pond.

Then a day later a Cave Fish Man Merchant appeared from the west.  Naked and blind to boot.  This should be interesting. 

It also seems somebody brewed the ground coffee beans.  And then, somehow, make cakes out of the super hot brewed coffee

So the Leader told them to stop that and by the 7th of Moonstone we have 30 units of Brewed Arabica Coffee.  Finally.  Sounds horrible to me.

Anyway, starting building a dining area over the barracks.  A kitchen has been built into it so that people can be served food hot from the oven. 

And there are reports that one of those horned devils are back.  The same one that wounded Onget.  Of course, the Barricaded Horns...I hate that name...was called out to assemble outside the tavern.  We would go, in mass, to attack the creature has no name yet. 

Some Triceratops have been given names for their murderuous actions.  This one...just wounded people.

Once ready we were sent to kill it.  I hope....


Okay, this is the Leader.  Callisto is dead.  So is Onget, Vabok, and Deler.  The remaining member of the squad was told to withdraw.  We are rethinking how to deal with the damn horned devils.  Maybe traps?

The Herbalist, onul, ran into the damn thing while trying to recover the bodies.  So SHE had to be recovered and taken to the hospital.

And I have selected some more dwarves to fill in the hospital staff. 

I have ordered more graves dug.  We also need more stone for memorial slabs.

At least the Cave Fish Man Merchant seems to be happy in the tavern.

On the 22nd Moonstone we found Ducim, a Farmer, dead.  Drowned.  HOW?!?!  Right near the Ex-Doctor's body.  I am moving the Gathering area.

Right, I have set up four regions, none near water, for gathering fruits and such.

Oh by the tree loving elves!  One of the Woodcrafters, Feb, has been taken by a strange mood.  Not happy about that.  Seems he has claimed a Craftsdwarf's Workshop.  Problem.  He seems to need a stone block.  I don't think we have any stone left!

We have no stone left.  He is going to go crazy.  We'll have to kill them.  Damn it.  I made a small squad, including myself as the commander, called the Ferocious Coal.  Just in case.

The shareholders are going to be pissed about all the citizens who had died.  Looks bad on the public relationship newsletter.

On the 13th of Opal a human dancer named Osman Wavyspirit has shown up.  Who is 86 years old.  Must be very skilled.

Also much of the lower pit is full of water.  We may have to try digging another one somewhere else.  We need stone.

Also it had been announced that we also have something called Green Tea on top of Yerba Mate Tea and Arabica Coffee.  Seems Kol Boatsound, the Fisherdwarf, drinks the coffee.  Seems he really likes it.  Almost like its booze.  Wild.

Why can't the citizens put the dead bodies of their fellow dwarves in their tombs?  Too many things to do?  Maybe.

Oh, and we have a visiting human Lasher.  Called Thon Throwbowl.

He has handed me a Petition after visiting the tavern.  He wants to be a soldier.

I approved.  And added him to the squad.  We need soldiers.  And we have a few empty bedrooms at this point.

Also another human showed up shortly afterwards.  Artuk Nongospib.  Another human dancer.  Callisto would be proud on how the tavern seems to be drawing visitors.

I have also selected the Engraver, Etur, as our Messenger.  I am sending him to the nearest Elven settlement.  If they notice us they may trade with us.  We just have to threaten them first.  Demand wealth or something like that.

I have selected the Eleven Retreat of Visesister.  They have a populace of about a hundred. 

Funny enough he refused to go.  Said he had to be a Militia Captain or something like that.  Guild Laws he said.

So I made him a Captain and sent him off.  He is now the Figures of Twisting.  Hey, I just pick the names out of thin air.  Blame the Gods.

As the new Captain left a Poet arrived.  Urdim Bootsplashes.  A fine lookling male Dwarf.  Maybe he'll ask to join us? 

The pump we tried to drain the pond with the dead comrades in it failed.  Just flooded the area instead of dumping the water into the next pond.  We'll have to rethink the whole thing.

While this was happening a WHOLE performance troupe, the Tactical Twigs, arrived. They are ALL elves!!!!  About eight of them.

On top of that Urdim submited a Petition.  I will approve it.  We have empty bedrooms and need more hands to lighten the work load.

The Captain Etur had returned!  Looks like we made contact with them and we're at peace with them.  They refused to give us tribute.  But, maybe, they will trade with us next year?

Oh boy.  The tavern is full of humans and elves!

And another Poet has been spotted.  A female dwarf named Unib Ravenrock.  And she seems not inclined to create art.   What?  And a loner. 

Oh no.  A human Bard and a Goblin Bard have shown up also!  The Tavern is becoming crowded!

Ravenrock has turned in a Petition.  I approved it of course.  She is kind of old but another pair of hands is another pair of hands.

One of the Human Bard, one of the females, has also asked to join the Hamlet.  I'm going to approve Mistrum's request.  But only because we have a empty bedroom.

There was another Petition but we don't have any more room so I turned it down.

It is late winer.  We're going to try to drain the pond again.  Into underground chambers.  Not sure if it will work or not.

Another human Bard has shown up.  Wow, folks love our tavern.

Oh no.  More visitors.  I am not even going bother listing them anymore.  And all future Petitions will be turned downl.

Feb has given up the workshop.  It seems he has been stricken by melancholy.  Or at least that is what the witnesses say.  In other words he has gone insane.  At least he isn't attacking anybody.  Or damaging anything.


The pump was started and is filling the underground chambers.  The dwarf who started it fell into the pond a couple of times.  The Pump Operator Sodel seems to know how to swim.  She is a Novice Swimmer.  She's a keeper.

Oh, the tavern has a visiting Baron Consort.  Who is a male Goblin.  Seems to be socializing and getting along with everybody. 

And a Goblin Brewer has also shown up.  Interesting. 

I have ordered the adult chickens all butchered.  The chicks are about to become adults and we need the room.

The pumping seemed to work.  The bones of dead were reachable.  But nobody bothered to grab THEM!  Now the underground chamber is full of water.  Why are my citizens so lazy and stupid?!?!
All the chicks have become adults and started fighting each other.  I ordered more than half to be butchered.

We dug out more underground chambers, worked the pump, and finally recovered the two piles of bones.  Though I fear there are still tools and such in the pond.  I have ordered the pump to be dismanated.  But maybe I can find a way to use it in the pit?

And the other bodies are also finally being recovered.  Hopeful they are put in the tombs before we start getting ghosts.

The horn devils have shown up but havn't killed anybody.  And Spring has come.  It is the year 252.  I will close and seal Callisto's notes.  And sent it with my report along with the inventory on our stock and the list of citizens.

Just wish the male elves would put on shirts or something.

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Amost Craftdied

Expedition Leader, Militia Commander, Manager, Broker, and Bookkeeper
« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 04:06:08 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2023, 04:21:01 am »

Adding dinosaurs always seems to make games more deadly.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2023, 11:02:21 am »

The shareholders are going to be pissed about all the citizens who had died.  Looks bad on the public relationship newsletter.

not the optics! Quick, donate beer and copper coin to some random charity, balance the bad with the good you know?

Adding dinosaurs always seems to make games more deadly.

rimworld was like this. the dino mod was nighmarish.

I'm curious, are the triceratops fighting with their horns as one might expect?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2023, 04:02:45 pm »

I'm curious, are the triceratops fighting with their horns as one might expect?

I don't remember.  I remember the mom was beheaded and her head ended up a few squares away from the body.  I assumed it was a strike with the horns.  But I can't look back because the game does not keep announcements.  Next time I have to take screenshot to show.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!
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