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Topics - Duelmaster409

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(Male Voice) "Oh... hey, it's you again. How are you? I'm fine. It's been a while since we've talked, why don't we catch up?"

A young man lays soundly asleep in a bed in a grey, sterile room. A meager glance of the area reveals some chairs, a table, and some kind of containers. Everything but the bed appears to be made metal. On the Northern wall is a small displacement that could appear to be a door of some kind. On each side of the bed is a counter, with some possible personal belongings on them.

Rays of light pour from a luminous sphere on the ceiling and onto the man's crisp brown hair. The sheets of the bed are entangled and rough, and there is no pillow. You can hear the sound of something or some things banging on metal from a muffled distance.


What should this man do?

Forum Games and Roleplaying / The Roguelike (ASCII-illustrated adventures!)
« on: December 24, 2010, 02:44:13 pm »
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Your name is... uh, well, you don't know what your name is! In fact, you think you might have amnesia or some bullshit like that. Regardless, you're an ASCII man, now let's take a look around us.

> Examine your surroundings.

Well, I'll be a -- you can't see much! Your vision has been rendered mostly useless, bummer. You wonder if it's related to your amnesia or whatever. You don't know anything prior to just seconds ago, and you have no clue where you are!

You can see pitch black with specks of white to your north; after a small session of feeling around you, you feel a cold, flat barrier against your hands. You can also determine that you're in an enclosed metal room, but there's bound to be a door here somewhere.

You can make out the figure of something tall across the room, but you're not quite sure what it is. The final thing that catches your eye is a panel or something embedded into the wall off to your south.

What should you do?


DF General Discussion / If the forums were a fortress...
« on: November 24, 2010, 02:29:10 am »
What job do you think you would have?

Someone's gotta make that cheese.

Other Games / Interactive Buddy
« on: November 22, 2010, 02:55:46 am »
Interactive Buddy is a neat flash game I found a looooong time ago. I've recently stumbled upon it again only to be mildly disappointed: most of the flash versions have been dumbed down with everything "violent" about the original game taken away. However I've found an early version of the game which is true to its soul; a nasty game where you play around harmlessly with your buddy for a while to grind money then buy weapons and blast him until you get bored. There's gore (which is actually just blood particles that emit when your buddy gets hurt) to be seen but has to be bought in order to be enabled in in-game cash. You earn cash by either beating your guy to shit or doing good things to him. Good deeds typically net you more money per second but bad deeds like throwing grenades at your buddy or knocking him unconscious with your fist earn you less money but is more satisfying in a sense.

It's a basic sandbox game with cool physics and a very, very small and limited space to play in. You can buy an assortment of trinkets and weapons to amuse yourself and your buddy (he actually has "feelings" for both you and his environment) or just blow shit up. There's not much else to the game besides the ingame scripting engine which you can buy for $400 ingame, which I have not messed with before but actually looks pretty interesting.

You can find the game here. Yes, I'm pretty sure the game saves.

So in my latest fort I've decided to use a new approach to digging; making a "nerve" center of the fort near the surface layers with recreational centers, dining rooms, a statue garden/art gallery, a zoo, and some other stuff to keep dwarves happy. To the west of the nerve center I have a building district. Mason's workshops, carpenter's workshops, siege workshops, and anything involving production of items used for BUILDING stuff will go here along with their respective storage rooms.

To the east I have the crafting district; Kitchens, stills, clothiers, tanners, crafting workshops, etc. will go here. This is naturally the biggest district, and there are a lot of storage rooms underneath the actual workshops.

To the south I have the smithing industry. I took into account that I would later want to pump magma here. Usual smithing/metalworking workshops go here.

Now, underneath the dwarven nerve center is where most of my design went to. I designated areas for channeling and digging to mark where I wanted everything. Down here is where all of the living quarters would be, with some of the noble rooms already planned out. To design the entire fort, it took at least 1 hour to 30 minutes, possibly less, but it was a significant chunk of my time.

Then, Dwarf Fortress decides to kick my groin. While my miners were excavating my designations, I stumbled upon something horrible... HORRIBLE while I was digging the stairs to the bedroom complex; ALL of my designations were eaten alive by a gigantic cavern that I unearthed! This is one cavern that I will not appreciate, even though it seems to have plentiful cave water which is pretty cool seeing I can make a well over the water.

tl;dr: A cavern f*ed my fortress design over. :(       Has this happened to anyone else before?

DF General Discussion / Beared dorf babby
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:26:07 pm »

If only we could study the anatomy and cellular structure of creatures in Dwarf Fortress. I'd really like to know how something so young (it was born not two frames ago) can have hair at all, let alone sport a friggin' awesome 'stache and beard.

Maybe they grow hair while inside the womb?

I once had a successful fort go up to 3 years in a 3-week timespan and I was happy with it. But I got bored of it eventually because there were no sieges or ambushes at all, so I abandoned it and tried a new location. Now most of my time spent playing DF is getting midway through Year 1 then abandoning the fortress because I get bored of it.

The main problem I'm having is my inability to stick with a fort long enough for it to actually establish into something. Because of this I've never breached the 2010 HFS (nor do I know what it is!) and I've never had a siege, or established a dwarven economy or anything like that. I'm open to suggestions as to how to make building my fort from the ground more interesting!

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Is it normal for my book keeper to...?
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:19:04 am »
Is it normal for my book keeper to be in his office, doing his record-y stuff WHILE holding an entire barrel of booze? It wouldn't normally be a problem if it weren't for the fact my fort has NO talented brewers and we're short on anything brewable. So him hogging the entire barrel seems rather selfish. Is there something I should be doing about this, or is it a bug? Or is this dorf in particular very, very greedy?

DF General Discussion / Pathfinding question
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:59:57 pm »
I have a small little question; what happens if there are two or more paths to a certain location that have the exact same number of tiles in distance? Like so;

Code: [Select]
#   @   #
#  ###  #
#  ###  #
##  +  ##

Which path gets chosen? The left or right? We're assuming + is the start and @ is the finish, though it won't matter if they swap places.

DF General Discussion / Slowness in DF2010?
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:24:00 am »
Does anyone else experience a whole lot more slowness in DF2010? Loading games, starting up legends mode, adventure mode, dwarf mode, and generally FPS is lower. What causes this, and why? Does anyone else have these problems?

DF General Discussion / Happy St. Patricks day
« on: March 17, 2010, 11:12:48 pm »
Because I couldn't find or make a good DF-related St. Patricks day card, I found this little guy drinking booze with a beard. VERY DWARVENLY.

Happy St. Patricks day, enjoy your booze and wait like a bomb's about to go off for DF2010!

For those of you who speak only dwarven:
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DF Gameplay Questions / Peasant Kings
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:34:41 pm »
I know a king disguised as a peasant will arrive once I uncover the barrels of fun underneath my fort eventually, but I'm not sure how it will happen. Will he arrive with his full escort or will it be him, alone, in crappy clothes demanding royal crap?

DF General Discussion / A conversation with my trigonometry teacher...
« on: March 01, 2010, 08:40:16 pm »
So he's into gaming, a lot apparently. When we were talking about various different games, he somehow got into the discussion about Nethack. It struck me; if he likes Nethack, he'd probably like Dwarf Fortress... Unfortunately I didn't have the balls to mention it. You think I should recommend him to it? If he's a Nethack player, one would think he'd love Dwarf Fortress just as much.

Other Games / Deus Ex 3
« on: February 18, 2010, 12:15:52 am »
Anyone else here anticipating the release of Deus Ex 3 besides me? What really got me pumped about it was the fact that the teaser trailer actually has enough juice in it to tell you a bit on what the game's going to be about. And I'm just a big fan of the Deus Ex series, regardless of what you say about Invisible War. There's patches and mods to "fix" the design flaws.

If you disagree, then you may kindly SUCK IT, SUCK IT DOWN!

DF Gameplay Questions / 'Tarded soldier
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:01:02 pm »
Like the topic suggests, I happen to have a very 'tarded soldier. Why? Well, he's a legendary wrassler/macedwarf who can beat the Fortress Guard around senselessly (He happens to be a HE, while I make it a habbit to have all of the Fortress Guard female, including the Captain of the Guard. Dunno) but can't stand near the entrance of the fortress for two god-damned seconds before going off to guard the booze stockpile. He's no longer the squad commander because he just drags everyone to mindlessly protect the booze with their steel armor and weapons, studded with pig iron with images of elves. Screaming elves. My dwarves seem to like screaming elves.

So, is the dwarf who can't stop guarding the booze a bug or is he going renegade on us and protecting the booze whenever he's on duty? How can I make him focus on more concerning matters aboveground and part with the booze?

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