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Topics - sambojin

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Well, this is a "other games" forum, and WH40k is a game of sorts. Involving dice, and no lack of tragedy, in its vaguely and explicitly PtW model of a tabletop wargame.

So, discuss: (etc etc)

I'm going to earn enough money to buy several Leviathan boxes. At least two. And I am going to convert the miniatures into "actually good things".

Can I make my own rhinos/Razorbacks out of "whatever"?. Maybe.
Can I make my own giant-space-marine-fortress that shoots people several times in the head each turn with double heavy bolters, out of manilla folders and balsa wood? Maybe.
Can I make a drop-pod out of cardboard and glue and sprue pieces? Maybe.

We all know how cheap we are on this forum. A game had better be bloody good for $60-70, considering we know how many that are amazing for $5-15.

So chuck your cheapest tips in this thread of how to make WH40k cheap-af.
(And no, buying a good computer game isn't a reasonable answer)

Other Games / Games that the mini-Nes/Snes missed out on?
« on: April 18, 2018, 02:46:02 pm »
Now that the emulator "console" gimmick has passed, I'm wondering what games bay12 think should have been on there, to not only make them good/fun toys to have, but things with actual replay value. Almost to the point that you'd be happy to hand them down to your kids on a "this is what Grand-/Dad/Mum used to play, and they stood the test of time".

Not necessarily the big power hitters of each console, but games that really can be played for a bit of fun whenever, or even your "if I was stuck on a desert island" games. Disregard licensing issues, newer versions of, etc, etc. Just good games that *could* have been on those console's memory cards, so you would still consider turning them on in ten years time, even though you've finished those particular games.

My quick list (that I'll probably add more to, and isn't even really ordered other than the top 3) is:

NES Classic
#1 Sid Meyers Pirates! It's just a damn good, light hearted game. The NES menu system made everything fast to do, and it's still one of my go-to emulated games on my phone, because it's so carefree and open. Tight, easy controls, with plenty of fun and replayability.

#2 M.U.L.E  It's a trading sim that can bring great woe to friendships, or laughter, and is great to crack out after a few beers as a party game. It's amazing. Pretty good to teach kids some concepts too, because it can be played cooperatively or competitively, with non-zero-sum outcomes, specialization, market gluts, planning, economies of scale, random events, diversification, and many other somewhat complex topics all being covered in a fun/cutesy manner.

#3 Elite.  Yes, I know the controls are horrible. Yes, I know Elite isn't even that good to play with better controls. But it's Elite, the grand-daddy of first-person space Sims, and it's not on the NES Classic.

#720°.  A skateboarding game. Because skateboarding both was, and still is, cool.

#1943.  It's like Tyrian, but far, far worse. At least there's some character upgradability in it though.

#AD&D: Pools of Radiance. Because AD&D both was, and still is, geeky as fuck. But makes for a different RPG style from the FF or DW series.

#Bionic Commando.  Just good, novel, fluid mechanics in a platformer.

#California Games.  All the "cool" sports that aren't in other games, even if this is a crappy version of the title.

#Defender of the Crown.  Medieval sim. Because, there's not many of them from that era.

#Gauntlet/II. Plain good top-down dungeon crawling fun.

#Joust.  Look, we got Balloon Fight, why not Joust? At least joust is great fun to play in vs mode.

#Lemmings.  A puzzle game is sorely needed to enhance longevity. Even with a tiny colour palette so that it looks awful, and bad controls for this genre, Lemmings is better than most.

#Loadrunner. The completely unrandomized Spelunky of its day.

#Might and Magic 1: Pretty clunky as RPGs go, but closer to an "open world" experience out there than anything else on the NES.

#Operation Wolf.  Because, shooting EVERYTHING is fine to do sometimes.

#Rampage.  Because smashing buildings is fun.

#Rampart.  Because putting buildings back together in between smashing ships with cannons is fun, but hard.

#River City Ransom.  Open'ish world street fighting. Kind of.

#Romance of the Three Kingdoms II. You want deep and fiddly strategy? Here it is. Could also chuck in Nobunaga's Ambition II as well. Every Dynasty/Samurai Warriors fan's wet nightmare.

#Tetris.  I bought a cheap Chinese TV that had Tetris on it as a minigame a while ago. But the NES classic doesn't have it on the console. Everyone can play Tetris. So it should be there.

#Ultima 4.  One of the few RPGs that tried doing things completely differently, and entirely succeeded in doing so. A non-arbitrary bad guy, only your semi-virtuous self to rein in.

#A golf game, a baseball game, and a monster car game. These play quite well on the NES. So there should have been one of each. Possibly a "normal"driving game as well (or Spy Hunter).

#Aussie Rules Footy. No, the rest of the world hasn't heard of it. No, I don't even like the game IRL, and I'm Australian. But it translated to a two button console controller surprisingly well. A hidden gem, of a horrible football code.

What other games would you have chosen to slip into the memory card of the NES classic, mostly in terms of replayability rather than "big Nintendo games"? Admittedly I've listed a lot of games that also got PC ports, but being the master race and all, we're of more discerning values in what actually stands the test of time and playtime.

Dumb topic for stuff you came up with, either engineering/prototyping stuff on ship or cool stuff you did on a mission, that totally got ripped off by games/movies/real life. Especially if they'd work irl.

I knew I should have patented, trademarked and copyrighted that damn hammer. Blizzard, you bastards!

(note: the Hacksmith really doesn't understand how much rocket-power this thing needs. He's not even wearing a self-protection exo-suit)

Developed while bored and wasting PW's time before Sambo's first mission.

Feel free to add your own :)

Mmmmm. Deathtraps  8)

Fortress Legends! A game that has the rare honour of getting more Dwarf Fortress legends mode results on Google search than any other I've played.

The basic premise is, you've been teleported to a strange world and been told to fill a stone with magic. By creating a horrible deathtrap of a fortress around it and raiding the hell out of other people doing likewise.

Simple plot, good execution. Think "The Quest for Epic Loot!", but on mobile, with touchscreen/emulator joystick controls. It works surprisingly well.

On the gameplay side, when people raid your dungeon, you're not in control. It's AI asynchronous, but it works very well. You really have to put a bit of thought into trap placement, spawning portal summons, room type and defensive device placement. They may get a tiny bit of your loot, but you can watch the replay, and make it eviler next time. So much eviler. Plus, my raiding buddies raid my dungeon at least once a day. Because.
Mostly because I do it to them too. What goes around comes around, it's pretty random, and I've got well over 350 people that haven't sought revenge yet. Yes, that means I'm winning. Or just a part of a wrecking crew. BMing with the laugh emote is acceptable. Until your things get wrecked :)
A good, scary dungeon takes longer to make than a scary character. So don't be disheartened if you lose 10% of what is essentially unlimited gold and mana. My dungeon/fortress will be cool in another 3-4 weeks (1 1/2 months of play time all up. Yes, I will cackle maniacally). Your dungeon will catch up to you. Until then, raid everything profitable. My 3.2mil of gold and mana storage doesn't just fill itself.

On the raiding side, you and up to three buddies can wreck the hell out of other people's dungeons. It's real-time Diablo-style, but it feels faster paced, with 4 classes (a sword swinging tank, a twin-blader dps'er, a status-debuffer archer, and a JoAT/AoE wizard). You can level into various skills and classes in a reasonable RPG fashion.

You have 3 "attack slots" (essentially different load-outs or weapon-type builds. Broadsword/Twin-Blade/Bow/Staff), and a "defense" slot. You spec your defense slot entirely differently with gear than your attacking slots. You can amp your traps, monster damage, monster/building defense or HP and all kinds of other stuff for your defense slot, so when people raid you, your dungeon gets buffed. Don't be a troll and bring that stuff to raids. Unless it literally is your best gear. There's a heap of stuff to do for builds, even if itemization is a little limited (change it up on your skillset/items as you please. But no free character re-specs. Though you'll always level more than one weapon-type eventually).

And damn is this game fun to play. I've got a crappy little Huawei phone, and while there's a bit of lag, it's pretty damn responsive on WiFi. Graphics are good, sound is serviceable, music gets a bit repetitive. Matchmaking is quick, but you will get n00bs jumping into your party that'll make you cry. It's just a part of the game. I was level 5 at one point too (but at least I was the Hover monkey, so did something for the team).

It's also pretty much free-to-play. I've been playing a bit under two weeks. I'm lvl35 (mixed class, but mostly mage. You have to skill into different classes for higher end skills. Lvl50 is max), have a pretty reasonable dungeon (trap placement is a wonderful mind-game in expected player movements and psychology), with mostly rare gear (1 epic ring that is the best thing ever, items go to legendary though). Everything is on timers for upgrades and raiding, everything. But that's mobile games for you. Raiding timers are pretty lenient (15mins a raiding "stone", 20 max stored "stones", 20 extra free "stones" for each lvl-up, can go beyond the max storage cap due to levelling, raids take 5mins max. You can use 1-3x stones each raid, for 1-3x XP and loot). Dungeon upgrade timers are pretty harsh (6 days for my current main fortress stone upgrade. Besides all the other things I've got to upgrade. But I've got an awesome dungeon for under 2 weeks f2p).

There is a crafting system. More on that later....

This isn't a great description of the game, but try it out. It's free on Android and iOS, and the only p2w thing is to make your dungeon creation faster. Some upgrades take ages eventually, but that's not a necessary thing to be a boss that makes rooms explode when you press a button.

There's a quick upgrade path (buy one fairy, not two. Do up your storage with gems quick. Half fill your storage with gems to buy more storage asap. Mines/mana collectors are kind of pointless other than ornaments, raiding is your income stream. Choose Hover and +100MP as a Sorcerer so everyone's happy to have you along on raids, even when you're lvl 3. Level into whatever you want after that). Buying two fairies straight away probably isn't a bad idea though. I wasted a tonne of gems early on, and am now only just eyeing off my second bought one. Fairies do all the upgrade/building work, so are absolutely vital to get anywhere. Two is good, three is better. It's more or less the reason that I'd chuck some $$ at the game.

I'll fix this up a bit later, it really doesn't do the game justice. It's good enough that you wouldn't mind paying $5-10 for it, after a couple weeks of play to make sure you enjoy it. I've had tonnes of fun f2p anyway, so it's all good.

Here's some youtube trailers for it:
(they're not very good. Shit goes kaboom! when I play. You can actually facebook share replays too, but I've yet to bother).
Official ad for the game.
Random 15mins of lvl1 stuff
Probably pretty similar. Meh. I'll do a Unity EveryPlay thing at some point so you can see some of the fun stuff.

I'm "sambojin" on there if you want me to exploderize stuff for you as you level up.

Other Games / System Shock 3: It's happening. SHODAN-style.
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:38:26 pm »

Just a little bit of a tidbit for now.

Warren Spector, of the original System Shock, Wing Commander 1+2, and some Ultima games, has signed on to make System Shock 3.

When, why, how? We don't know a lot, other than it's being done by Otherside Entertainment.

Here's an article:

And a facebook page, so you can follow updates and stuff (or keep asking when it'll be done). It's his one, so be nice:

Warren's Wikipedia page:

Otherside Entertainment's Wikipedia page:

Paul Neurath's Wikipedia page (creative top dog for Otherside Entertainment, previously from Deus Ex, etc):

My ex-fiancée happened to have a lad that loved his hip-hop and dub-step. A bit of heavy too. Damn good with computers as well.

First production of his, so give it a click and an up-vote if you can. Yeah, he'll learn about production values. But Aussie hip-hop is as raw as shit to begin with anyway. Pseudo-cover-mix, but still sick that T-Rapper is doing it!

Big ups! :)

(upvoting does amazing things in Australia)

I'm sure many of you have fiddled with boxcar2d at some point or other. Well, the Genetic Algorithm 2d Car Thingy is just like that, except it's written in HTML5, so it can be run on virtually anything (even mobile phones without Flashplayer support).

For those that haven't, it's more or less what it says on the can. It makes little two wheeled cars with varying attributes, runs them over a length of terrain (with bumps and hills, etc), finds which cars got the furthest, keeps them, breeds them together and mutates them slightly, and then runs the whole simulation over again. If the next generation of cars did better, then great. If not, it keeps doing it until they do.

So yes, genetics with cars. It's quite fascinating.

But now, onto the challenge (or experiment really, since you can't make user changes in this version, unlike boxcar2d).

You can use a string to seed the initial track along with other options available. In time honoured tradition, we could use "bay12" as our initial seed and compare distances travelled by our own mob of genetically (im)perfect cars, just for giggles.

You can leave it running on your PC or phone overnight (just set the dev options on your phone to Stay Awake while charging). You can save results locally and run the sim later as well. And if we're all using the same track, then we can compare results. For, umm, science? I don't know. Mainly just to see how alike the better cars are, or how different.

So yes. I chose this version of boxcar due to compatibility, ability to save locally, and because it works. It's not as "good" as boxcar2d, isn't interconnected like another version, but it works.

So settings:

Go to "Create new world with seed". Enter "bay12", without the quotes, all lowercase.

Make sure the "Floor" option is set to "fixed".

Gravity set to Earth 9.81

Change whatever other options you'd like. It's probably best to save every few hours or so, in case it crashes.

Compare results, and take screenshots if possible.

The track isn't bad, but like all of them, it gets worse the further your cars make it.

Here's the website url to try it out:

Why waste all that computing power on your table or sitting in your pocket all weekend, when you could be breeding boxcars with them?

Other Games / Evo 2015 World Fighting Game Tournament.
« on: July 17, 2015, 06:29:08 pm »
Evo 2015 has started and will be running all weekend. Everything is just up to the pool stages (Persona 4 is at top 64), so you haven't missed anything important yet. Check it out live on Twitch on srkevo1 (and 2->7) for some quality fighting action.

Main Tournament website:

And the schedule here:

There's pretty much all the main fighting games represented, so no matter what you like, you'll be able to watch some of the best players in the world going at it.

Not the worst way of spending a weekend.

Other Games / Blood Bowl 2: More pretty carnage.
« on: July 08, 2015, 09:29:45 pm »
It looks like there's going to be a sequel to Cyanide's version of BB. All up, it looks like their modelling skills have vastly improved, and the player's movements look far more fluid.

There's also talk of a single player campaign this time, with a bit of a storyline. Heaps more random events are also alluded to, which will hopefully spice up the gameplay a little.

How true to the original TT game they're staying, I don't know. But a bit of extra stuff probably couldn't go astray, considering the easy game finding available on PC and consoles.

I'll do a proper writeup soonish (with details of what BB actually is, and all that).

Here's a few teaser trailers for now:


Other Games / Is anyone here playing Sins of a Dark Age?
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:01:40 pm »
Sins of a Dark Age. Made by the guys that did Sins of a Solar Empire.

Main website:

Has a substantial in-game wiki. For absolutely everything.

A MOBA style game, with a mixture of LOL style low-cooldown skillshots, DOTA style free characters, HotS objective based gameplay (that's optional, lane away if you want), with a nice UI and character customization available (both visual and character-skills based customization). A fair bit of crafting accessible on both of the last two points.

Are there any bay12'ers playing this game?

It seems to fit our standard favoured business model (free).

It seems to have plenty of customization and runs fairly quickly on older rigs.

You can put voice-chat onto "friends only", so you only have to listen to the a-holes you know, rather than it being an all-or-nothing a-hole affair.

I'll chuck a topic together once I've downloaded it and got a few hours of playtime in.

Is there much interest in it on here? What are your thoughts on it? Worthwhile setting up a bay12 group for easier team making?

A Totalbiscuit first-look in case it piques your interest:

And the full livestream he references:

Other Games / Magic the Gathering: DotP 2015 released on iPad
« on: July 13, 2014, 01:27:55 am »
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 has been released on iOS for the iPad for $10, with $2 premium booster packs or a $30 "get everything" cost. This "get everything" pack doesn't seem to include premium cards, only giving access to all planes and all normal cards from the get-go. It has been reported that it takes 14 premium boosters to get all the cards, inflating the cost by a further $28 if you want all of them. Ouch! Cheap at $10 though, if you don't want the premium cards and don't mind a bit of grind.

It will be released on other major platforms, including PC, on the 15th July or so.

It has a 4 common/3 uncommon/2 rare/1 mythic rare system, only allowing you to have that many copies of a specific card in your deck depending on rarity, with a total of 298 cards included at release. 51 cards per colour, with non-basic lands and uncoloured cards being the remainder. Some cards are premium cards that can only be gotten through the booster packs or DLC. Snazzy link to the card list below.

This time around you can make your deck however you want, as long as you have the cards to do it, and keeping in with the rarity restrictions above (60 card deck minimum). This is far more freedom than previous versions of DotP, where decks were their own set mini-pool of cards, and couldn't be switched between different deck types. With a total pool of 298 cards and more from DLCs, it should allow far more variation of playstyles than in previous versions.

Apparently the story is a little better than 2014's, with a few reveals and more of an actual thread of meaning to it. Which is nice tor those that like the fluff behind it all.

There's now also uncoloured flying equipment for everyone (yay for green :D).

This may seem like a rather poor introductory post, but two questions about the game:

Does anyone have it? Is it any good?

I'll edit this post and the one below as we find out more info. No pay-to-win posts thanks. It's MtG, that's what it does, just less-so in DotP. Just the facts for now thanks.

General Discussion / Intel NUC's and Haswell based over-clocking
« on: May 07, 2014, 10:20:02 pm »
I'm thinking of getting a new box for basic, low-end gaming, and liked the look of these. I know they're underpowered, but so was my last box. So is there any chance of significantly upping the speed of them? Even if decent cooling needs to be used (yes, I'm probably going to use a 12v powered esky, so not decent, but cooler than ambient), is it worth it?

There's been significant'ish gains made in graphics and memory performance by some, but will a decent bios eventually be able to unlock some more juice out of them (especially processor/graphics)? There's been some motherboards that have been able to re-volt and re-ratio non "K" style Intel Haswell processors, but is this a bios or a motherboard/chipset thing? Is there a comparative side/back-door in any NUC models that are known about? Is it the ASRock bios, or hardware?

Article here:,23273.html

and here:

There's been reasonable gains enabled by upping wattage available to these small form factor boxes, with perhaps more on offer with decent fans, cooling or ventilation holes. Article here:

As well as slight performance gains in overclocking memory. Article here:

So, is it to your mind, worth using it as a low-end box? I'd love some input on if point #1 is even possible on these boxes, and if points #2+3 are worth considering. Underpowered, undersized fake-PC, or potentially the "big boys" RasberryPi, when you want the whole damn cake and eat it too?


It turns out that that the dream of many great thinkers and !!scientists!! in dwarf fortress was completely real. In a war? Strap a rocket to a cat (or the other way around), light the fuse and hope for the best. Franz Helm, you are a genius! How hard to you think this would be to implement in DF, and if impossible, how hard do you think it would be to convince Toady to code it in?

It goes to show that no matter how disturbing your plans are for the kittens, someone probably outdid you in real life.

What are some of the other highly stupid, hilarious or downright bizarre forms of warfare that people know of that have been used throughout history? Post details or links please.

DF General Discussion / Time for bets. New release date?
« on: March 22, 2014, 06:26:07 am »
I'm choosing 16-19 days from now. 18 days as an actual call. It's 22/3/2014 here. (3/22/2014 for the weird yanks amongst us)

When do you think it'll come out? Game on.

You can win, ummmmm, a new version of dwarf fortress. Yayyyyyy!!!!!!

Other Games / Android games for a deserted isle? DosBox included
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:06:44 pm »
I'm hoping to be working soon on a lovely tropical island for about 6 weeks. The thing is, the net will probably be fairly iffy and I won't be taking my PC. It won't actually be deserted, but I will need something to do in my downtime to chill out.

The good part? My girlfriend just gave me a touchscreen Android phone. It's not particularly powerful, and doesn't have *every-god-forsaken-feature-on-earth*, but it is a touchscreen Android phone. Which, no matter how you look at it, is a massive upgrade from my old workhorse Nokia E63 (which I'm writing this on now. Damn I love hardware keyboards).

So, to the question at hand. What games would you take along with you if you were potentially out of contact from a PC for a few months? I'm pretty net savvy, can sideload stuff, love emulation and have already dumped a few things on the phone. It can handle SNES/Megadrive(Genesis) games easily, old DOS games aren't a problem, and might just be able to pull off a PS1 (maybe).

Here's the list I've gotten so far, if it says (p) after the name, it means there's a bit of fiddling I'll have to do to get it to work.

DOS: Civ1, SC2000(p), Xcom, Master of Magic, Merchant Prince, Tyrian.
NES: Pirates!, Tetris, FF3, Dragon Warrior 4, M.U.L.E, SMB3, Ultima 3, 1942/3, Galaga, other stuff (potentially lots of other stuff).
Master System: Wonderboy 1/2/3, Phantasy Star, Ultima 4.
Genesis: Phantasy Star 2/3/4, Shining Force 1/2, Madden 97, Mutant League Football, Sensible Soccer, Herzog Wei.
SNES: SMW, PGA Tour 97

Haven't chucked Win 95/98 on there (and probably won't for games), but all these are pretty stable, fairly longterm or replayable games.

Can you think of any huge gaps missing in the games list? What would you take game-wise on an extended non-PC mission/work-wind-down-run?

I haven't listed any actual Android games, because I don't have any, so any ideas would be appreciated. And yes, I do own all those cartridges for the roms (and more).

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