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Topics - Ultimuh

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DF Gameplay Questions / Civ survivability
« on: November 26, 2017, 05:38:49 am »
After genning several worlds, I often see civs go extinct.
What Advanced World Gen parameters should I alter (on a small-sized world),
in order to ensure all basic civs (including Kobolds) will be around at the year 1050 (Long History)?

Other Games / Stellaris Empire Collection
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:42:13 pm »
Welcome to the Bay12 Stellaris Empire Collection! Or something like that, the name of this thread isn't important.
After creating several empires for this game, I was wondering if any of you guys have made any creations and wanted to possibly encounter any as AI empires.
The other Stellaris thread is full of discussions of the game itself and would likely bury any empires mentioned there,
so I decided to make a separate thread for Space Empires made by Bay12 users.

I will from time to time update this post, if this thread ever reaches more than a few pages. Or when needed.

A minor rule though, I would like to discourage any names or words which would be considered 'offensive'.
One big rule though, is that you have to mention if your empire is using DLC or mod content. Because not everyone has them.

Well then.. Let's get started.

Spoiler: readme (click to show/hide)

edit: I am not sure if any new empires will appear in an already saved game, but they should have a chance to do so within a new game.

Roll To Dodge / Escape From Murdercity - Turn 0: The Hunt
« on: June 18, 2014, 04:12:42 pm »
As I am kinda stuck with my other RTD, I have decided to do something with a bit more freedom.
It's sort of minimalist with player actions but still have non-minimalist features.

Welcome to Murdercity.
It's a dystopian future where one large metropolis have been walled and turned into a massive incarceration facility. Thus nicknamed Murdercity.
The authorities have been given military-grade weapons and training.
Due to funding issues, a group of high-class gentry have bought this city and has decided to utilize it for their own entertainment.

You are inhabitants of this once prosperous city, now trapped within it's walls.
You have been caged and are waiting in the middle of the metropolis for release.
The rules are simple;
Once you get out of the cages you are to escape the city by any means necessary.
Murderous gangs, insane sewer-dwelling mutants and fascist military-esque patrols roam the city.
You can decide to either team up with others or kill of your competition if you like.
Your freedom, and life lies beyond the walls.

There are a few stats that are required.
But first, a name would make things a bit easier to keep an eye for things.
(Gender too, but it probably won't matter what gender you decide you are.)

Name: This is quite obvious
Gender: As stated, it probably won't matter, but still required. Either male or female.

Brawns: Basically how well your physical attributes are.
Weaponhandling: This decides how good you are with various weaponry, useful for melee and ranged.
Street Smarts: How well do you deal with people? How well do you deal with murderous gangs? This decides that.
Techwise: This decides how your handling with technology works.

You have 10 points to distribute to these four stats.

A simple dice roll decides your fate.
A 1 is usually a critical fail while a 2 is a regular fail.
3-4 are considered normal rolls.
5 is a success while a 6 is a critical success.
Quite simple no?

You post how far you attempt to travel and how do try to do so.
Maybe you want to enter buildings and/or look for anything useful.
Just remember, staying in one place too long has it's risks.

This game will start once at least 6 people have joined. There is a wait list for the rest.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / The Forbidden Fortress
« on: April 04, 2014, 04:24:42 pm »
I am not sure how to proceed at the moment, so consider this on hiatus for now.

As a foreword, this is probably my first Forum RPG on these boards, so bear with me.
I would like to say that this is an RTD of sorts, only that you all control the inner voices of these hapless Dwarves.
Your objective is to find out as much as you can about this place and leave with at least one surviving Dwarf.

I do not have a plan for the story, or a layout of the fortress planned so I will make things up as I go.
The rolls for each action are done by me, you will not see the resulting numbers, only the consequences of the Dwarves actions.
Actions are suggested by telling the name of whoever dwarf should do what.
You may decide to suggest an action of one or multiple Dwarves.
I will update this as I see fit.
So, without further ado, here we go.

An enormous rampart of forgotten origins have recently been uncovered deep underground.
Due to rumors abound, the place have been given the name The forbidden Fortress.
No one really knows who built it or what purpose it serves.

Four brave Dwarven archeologists have been ordered to explore this foreboding ruin.

The first Dwarf is Uthen Hammerfist.
The leader of the expedition and a talented swordsdwarf.
His expertise is leading, masonry and engraver.
He likes fine Elven brews and hates nonsense.
Aside from his obvious equipment, he carries a pen, inkwell and a journal.
He also has a hammer and a chisel.

The second Dwarf is Olgar Stoutbrew.
The youngest of the crew.
He dabbles in dual hammers and always carries the two weapons his late father once adored.
His expertise is engineering, chemistry and mining.
He likes rats and dislikes acts of cruelty.
Aside for his equipment, he carries his toolbox, a mortar with a pestle and rations for two days.

The third Dwarf is Else Bouldergut.
She has mastered the crossbow.
Her expertise lies in hunting, dissecting and misc survival skills.
She loves and is accompanied by her Mastiff, Rendertooth. She also hates cats.
All she really needs are her trapping equipments and about thirty bolts for her crossbow.

The fourth dwarf is Galgar Barrelburns.
He is an excellent hammerdwarf.
His expertise lies in cooking, brewing and doctoring.
He likes any kinds of food and drink, but cannot stand the sight of blood.
He always carries a traveler's still in case he needs top brew something, also misc cooking utensils and pots.

They all share six foot of rope, twenty torches, some flint and tinder and food rations to last them all for two days.
Four lengths of bandages along with six splints, a bucket and a crutch is also among the baggage.
There's bedrolls and enough firewood for two nights.

The four Dwarves have just entered the keep when the metal gates suddenly shut behind them.
The hallway is long and there are towering pillars along the walls. There is a scent of dust and cold stone in the air.

(edit: Added a few things i forgot to add.)

Other Games / The Skyrim Vegan Challenge
« on: March 26, 2014, 10:26:03 am »
Some of us on the Bay12 Lower Boards IRC chat have come up with an idea for a Vegan challenge.
Why Vegan you ask? There are plenty of other challenges out there, so.. Why not?

These rules might not be followed 100% but if you do and manage to complete the main quest, kudos to you!

If you own a PC, Console Commands are a must if you want your character to live in a house without animal trophies.
The MarkForDelete command is highly recommended.
And if you have the Hearthfire expansion, do know that some things require things from animals to use, so be careful what to put up in your houses. Even carpets could potentially be of animal byproducts.
After an idea popped up in my head and a small discussion on the Bay12lc chat, we cam,e up with what might be an intereting Challenge for Skyrim.

Mods are fair to use for this challenge.
Some of them might even make this challenge easier or harder depending on what they add to the game.


No Animal products in foods or potions. This includes insects.
No weapons or armor which uses chitin or leather may be used or equipped.
The same regards store bought items, also things implied to possibly made out of silk and wool.
Bound weapons would be recommended to wield, as they are apparently not made from animals.

As mentioned above, potions.. Who knows what the store-bought variations have in them?
So it would be best if they were made by yourself to ensure that they are made purely out of plant-matter.

Things from Daedras, undead, giants, Atronachs, Spriggans, Hagravens and possibly dragons are an exception.
Soul gems are also safe to use if used on one of these exceptions. Black soul gems should only be used used on evil humanoids, no innocent NPCs or animals.

Gargoyles, Vampires and their hounds would possibly be considered as Undead. Also any creatures within the various realms of Oblivion, could be considered Daedra.

If possible, do not slay an animal. if possible avoid conflict with aggressive animals. Self-defense however is accepted, should you see no other option. Looting dead animals should be avoided if possible.Looting dragon bones/scales might be an exception.
Any of these actions required by the main quest however, can be justified. Speaking of the main quest, the whole deal with Paarthurnax should be done at your own judgement.

Daedric artifacts might be an exception regarding weapons and armor, unless they require animal product/byproducts to get, or are made from a werewolf.
Also artifacts requiring sacrifice of an innocent person might not be gained.

The safe artifacts are the following:
Sanguine Rose

Not very many huh? Well such is the life of a passive-aggressive vegan in the realm of Elder Scrolls.

Some races might not all be able to be vegetarians or vegans, mostly due to lore.
Orcs, Khajiit, Argonians and Bosmer might not be a very good character to choose for this challenge.
Any of the human races and the Dunmer might be a viable choice tough.
A self-righteous Altmer would be ideally recommended for this challenge.

Any mage based classes would be ideal, as long as they do not wield anything made from animals.
However be sure to use clothes that does not specify that they are made from any animal byproducts.
You could say some clothes are made of linen, cotton or hemp.
That would be completely fine as long as no visible leather wool or furs are seen on them.


I might have forgotten to include a few things here..
So, If anyone have anything to add, please discuss them here.

Other Games / Windforge - A 2D steampunk adventure in the skies.
« on: November 10, 2013, 10:47:44 am »
I am quite surprised a game like this isn't even mentioned on the forums, at all.
Maybe a look at the recently made Kickstarter page would attract a following.

The vids included there would probably explain more than I could here.. Altough there is one thing I would like to point out.
Would you play a game where you can hunt skywhales, mine their carcasses and build airships out of them? I know I would.

General Discussion / The Cat Thread. (Kittens, Cats and misc felines.)
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:38:42 pm »
I searched for a 'cat thread' on this forums and all I found were some old old posts in the Happy thread.
So I decided to make one myself, since no one seem to have made one yet.

Same rules apply here as in the Happy, sad & rage threads.
Also, please restrain yourself from posting stuff about furries and/or catgirls as such threads usually end up in.. strange places.
I do not want to risk Toady bombarding this thread from orbit.

With that said.. I'll start out with something.

In this apartment where I live in, I do not think I am allowed to have any sort of pets.
However when I feel the need for some "cat/kitten therapy" (the need to be near cats (yeah I am a cat-person)), I can always visit my uncle and his family (they live in the same town).
They currently have three cats, one of whom is female and quite often seem to give birth at least once a year (we suspect one of her oldest kittens is the father.. yeah cats do that.).
They are Norwegian Forest Cats, which often seem to have an extra toe (or whatever they are called) for some reason.
An odd thing tough, they always seem to have only three cats, kittens born are usually given away and any other cat kept somehow ends up in a fatal accident as the cats often have a tendency to go outside, the minor highway nearby is the most likely cause (they live a bit outside the town).

edit: So I forgot to explain what the meaning of this cat thread is.. Just talk about cats in general, talk about various breeds, cats we own, or show vids and/or pictures of cats. Whatever you expect from a cat thread really.

Other Games / Craft The World
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:40:35 am »
Seems like a new Terraria look-a-like is up on steam Greenlight.

As far as I understand it, it's sort of a sandboxy tower defense game with crafting.

Craft the World combines the most interesting aspects of sandbox, strategy, and god-simulation games. Explore different worlds populated by dangerous creatures, build a dwarf fortress, gather resources, and craft all the items, weapons, and armor you need.

It sure looks interesting.

Other Games / Ancient Games Thread: Let Us Revel In Nostalgia
« on: April 23, 2013, 06:38:47 am »
So I decided to make a thread for all the good old gaming of ancient times.
Made this to prevent clutter in another thread.

I myself never had any Amiga/Comedore games, my oldest memories of gaming is from ancient MS DOS and the good old Nintendo. However I miss the age of the SNES. Good times..

DF Modding / please lock this
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:15:37 am »

Other Games / Minecraft Succession Fortress
« on: December 03, 2011, 02:06:21 am »
So I got the idea of doing a succession styled minecraft fortress.

I highly reccomend the Metallurgy mod for this, as it has adamantine and coins.
Tough I forgot to implement it on the map before building stuff..
The map is mostly unexplored tough, so the cotton candy should be beyond what's already explored... (i think?)

Currently deciding on some important stuff.. this will take a while..

Other Games / Recommend me a Steam game
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:56:29 pm »
So I am growing a little bored of Sims 3 pets.
While I am currently waiting for Skyrim.. I might as well try something else.

So as the title says, anyone recommend me a game on Steam.
I have enough money but I do not want it to cost too much.
Also, it is probably best if the download size is at 500 megs or less. (Internet here in Greenland is expensive.)

I do like strategy, simulation (of the management kind, not any vehicle ones.) and RPGs (to a certain extent.).
Adventure sounds fun too, if they are anything like the good old Lucas Arts variety.

So.. what are the good ones on there?
What are the pros and cons?
What's the price and download size?

DF Modding / Grinding To Dust
« on: October 04, 2011, 12:21:23 pm »
So I suddenly got a very Dwarvenly idea..
My idea is to make Stone, Ores, Gems, and even Bars/Wafers (and wood?) into cookable/brewable dust (or whatever word suits better.).

Unfortunaly, I am not that experienced with modding, as I always remind you of.  :P
Anyone of you know how I should proceed with this?

edit: Also.. would it be possible to have this as it's own workshop? As I hate to use smelters for everything..

DF Modding / Bronze Dwarves
« on: August 04, 2011, 07:40:34 pm »
So I want to make Dwarves with skin of Bronze or some other metal.
This would be my first attempt at modding creatures, so where do I start without strange unexpected things happening?

DF Modding / Uses for stone
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:53:32 pm »
So I would like to add a new, unrealistic stone type, to my personal list of mods.
What should I do to make it more common than gabbro, basalt and andesite?
And I am looking for several uses for stone and I wonder if its possible to mod the ability of crafting armors, beds and even buckets of stone?
Also, what color is pleasing to the eye but still not a boring color?

edit: Also, is it possible, by fiddling with the raws, to make edible and drinkable materials from stone?

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