Dwarf Fortress > DF Dwarf Mode Discussion

Booming population

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I start out strong. Good. Start pumping out booze like a superdwarven machine. Cool. Dwarven Liason shows up, I get some more kinds of seeds, cat and dog, and 3 migrants. I draft two of them and they become champion wrestlers before winter began.
Winter was wild.
Twenty migrants showed up at the same time. Two cheese makers, 10 peasants (stone detailers now), one fisherman (with dissection), one ranger and 6 children.
I immediately assigned my second champion wrestler (he had conversationalist, intimidator and comedian skills at that level, so feh) to be sheriff.
Is this normal?
NOTE: I had only 7 rooms and a barrack carved out before this happened.

What kind of stones and stuff did you hit?
Also, did you make and place 2 metric shit-tonnes of gear assemblies?

Yeah I get crazy immigration sometimes too. I'm pretty sure its related to fortress wealth but there might be more to it; I sometimes get massive immigration even when my dwarves are just puttering around with wood and bone. As long as they aren't hurting your FPS, more immigrants are usually more fun as you can specialize them a lot better and start training up soldiers (not to mention megaprojects)

I'm having the exact opposite problem.  I haven't had any immigrants for 2 years now even though I've doubled my wealth from 1 million to 2.

I need more stone haulers for the catapults.

I have been drowning in chalk, recently hit Jet and Olivine.
Been making alot of stone mugs and junk, and I guess having all the rooms smoothed and engaved helps also.
Also, the carpenter's lowest quality bed was a -birchen bed-


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