Bay 12 Games Forum

Other Projects => Other Games => Play With Your Buddies => Topic started by: Il Palazzo on December 13, 2010, 04:29:36 pm

Title: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 13, 2010, 04:29:36 pm
Previous Dom3 games on Bay12Forums:
Round One (
Round Two (
Round Three (
Round Four (
Round Five (

Spoiler: What is Dominions 3? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: How does MP work? (click to show/hide)

Useful links:
The wiki (, with loads of useful information, including strategy guides.

Llama Server (, which is the automatic hosting server we'll be using.
Llama Server's map and mod browser (

We'll be using the Conceptual Balance Mod, v.1.6. Which you can get here (

Map to be found here:

Game page on llamaserver:(the scoreboards are borked and not up to date, though)

Era is Early.

Victory conditions: 6 out of 9 victory points.
Special site frequency: 60
Hall of fame entries: 15
The rest is on default.

Spoiler: The Map (click to show/hide)

The list of players:
1.Lanka: Land of Demons - Il Palazzo
2.Ulm: Enigma of Steel - Dakk(previously slMagnvox)
3.Abysia: Children of Flame - Kebooo
4.T'ien Ch'i: Spring and Autumn - Tres-Huevos(previously Lorak)
5.Marverni: Time of Druids - E.Albright
6.Pangea: Age of Revelry - Ignus
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Burnt Pies on December 13, 2010, 06:09:45 pm
I'm really interested in this game, having followed the other two threads for a while. However, I don't have that kind of cash to throw at a game currently. I'll see after christmas, when I will (hopefully) have more cash, and maybe a new computer.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: slMagnvox on December 13, 2010, 06:45:31 pm
Ok! I had half a mind to post the next round myself because I've been itching for a game, thanks for the heads up Il Palazzo!

Mark me down as Enigma of Steel Ulm. Conan's coming for Xmas dinner!
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 13, 2010, 06:58:38 pm
Heh, I was hoping you'd join, slMagnavox!

@Burnt Pies: I'm almost 100% sure we'll wait until after Christmas before starting, so just let us know when you're ready.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Kebooo on December 13, 2010, 09:09:08 pm
From behind the towering wall of flames, a shadowy figure shifted.  Ever so slowly, it inched further and further toward the great expanse of its new dominion. 

"Ah, yes, it's good to be alive.", PalazzoDiesThisTime said.

I'm game, count me in as Aybsia.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Lorak on December 14, 2010, 08:02:59 am
I'm in, of course.

As always, I'm rolling random....  ... ........ .... ....... .....

... And after like 12 rolls that were all nations I had already played, or nations you guys picked, I came up with Tien'Chi, so put me down for them!

I think I'm going to skim through the other game threads and look for everyone who expressed interest in playing and send them PMs...
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: EuchreJack on December 14, 2010, 01:52:49 pm
Make sure Il Palazzo hasn't already done so.  I know for a fact he already pm'd me.  I don't need 8 pms asking me to play...

Sorry folks, I probably do not have time.  But I'll be cheering on Il Palazzo's defeat from the sidelines regardless.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 14, 2010, 03:02:06 pm
Apart from you guys, I've PMd Lap, E.Albright, and Korbac.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: EuchreJack on December 14, 2010, 08:59:12 pm
Thanks for the info.  By the way, I did appreciate being asked to play.  It's just that I was worried others might not like multiple pms, and that I might be less appreciative if I recieved too many invites.  Have fun!  :D
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Burnt Pies on December 14, 2010, 10:52:40 pm
Downloading the demo now, I'll give a concrete answer on whether I'm getting this or not sometime soon.

Also, I promise not to fill up the thread with accounts of my demo exploits.

EDIT: Well, the demo was a lot of fun, even if I got my arse kicked. Money is less of a problem than it was, so I'm looking at getting the game soon.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Korbac on December 15, 2010, 10:31:16 pm
Go ahead without me this time, Palazzo. I'm going home for Crimbo where I'll actually be able to play the game on Saturday, but I'll be meeting up with old friends / family / revising up until my exams mid jan, so I won't be able to participate until after then. Sorry!  :-[
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: slMagnvox on December 15, 2010, 10:33:15 pm
Oi! A big catch in this game is having a good set of committed players. We've signed up a good crew already but disappearing players do happen. To mitigate that effect on our New Game! I would like to formally suggest a six player game on the following map: Six Lands ( It is kind of a mirror/balance map that wraps around east and west. I've never played on a map like it and think it would keep things nice and tense throughout. PS: Don't rush me pls!

With only six we can turn up the fluff a little and the map layout certainly lends itself to some epic backstabbing opportunities. And the last two spots will hopefully go to known players or those comfortable with the commitment (E.Albright, if you're reading this c'mon and join up already. You know you've got the time for a game, Dom3 is soooo easy). Ok! Also good to bump this a little, commence with the feedbacks.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 15, 2010, 10:54:03 pm
Man, I nearly wrote a bloody love letter to E.Albright asking him to play. We need that son of a gun.

Feedback commencing:
6 commited players sounds much better than 12 quitters. Still, if a sudden rush of incomers will somehow materialize itself, we could reconsider going over that limit.
And boy, do I hate symmetrical maps. Fighting over another iteration of the same province is just so much more boring than having unique territories to play with. Also, ~14 provinces per player only? I'd preffer around twice that amount.
These are my two pences, but of course, should the majority decide to accept...
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: slMagnvox on December 15, 2010, 11:17:22 pm
Feeling a little claustrophobic already, huh Il P? =)
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Burnt Pies on December 16, 2010, 12:03:24 am
I'll say Arcoscephale, by the way. I've had most success with them in the demo.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: EuchreJack on December 16, 2010, 12:09:16 am
Arco?!  Yay, somebody is using my old nation!  PM me if you want to discuss strategy!

I claim 25% of the credit for Burnt Pies's inevitable victory.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Caz on December 16, 2010, 12:38:40 am
God damnit I'm only descent at playing Abysia.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 16, 2010, 07:53:41 am
Feeling a little claustrophobic already, huh Il P? =)
With you on board? Certainly.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: E. Albright on December 18, 2010, 01:03:34 pm
I can't commit to joining this, but I'll tentatively indicate interest. My copy of D3 is currently about 4000 km away from me, but in theory it's going to be shipped in the not-too-distant future. In theory. If I get my copy in a timely manner, I'd probably have the time needed to join a game...

[e] To clarify, for unrelated yet serendipitous reasons I finally got around to requesting  this morning that the HD my copy skulks on be shipped to me. I can't imagine I'll see it before the first given seasonal postal congestion though...
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 18, 2010, 02:12:56 pm
I'm all for waiting till after the first of January, if it gets you to play. This game wasn't even supposed to start much earlier anyway.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff). NOW RECRUITING!
Post by: Ignus on December 18, 2010, 10:52:46 pm
If you're still looking for players I can commit to a second game after Christmas. I'll even be something festive, in the form of the lovable Pangaea.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 19, 2010, 09:58:51 am
I guess we'll just wait for E.Albright, and we could start. That is, it's going to begin after New Year.

The other game( ) has got a couple spots vacant: Mictlan & C'tis.
If any one of you wants to take up the challenge(neither of these nations are really well developed, but they're not in dire straits either, I think), feel free to let me know.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: E. Albright on December 23, 2010, 01:29:15 am
So, um, if there's to be seven of us, what map? Still the homogenized 6-player one, or something larger? (Grr, and I suppose this means I need to try to decide on a nation. Decisions, decisions...)
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 23, 2010, 08:55:22 am
How about invading Middle Earth? This will lend itself nicely to hilarious storytelling.

113 land, 6 sea provinces.
dowload link:

Unless you'd like to play as an underwater nation, then we'll need some more wet space to accommodate you, I guess.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Ignus on December 23, 2010, 12:11:04 pm
I'm happy with the map. I've played on it before, it's good looking and has a good province layout with lots of choke points and other fun stuff. Plus I like the idea of Pangaea invading Mordor and teaching them how to party.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 28, 2010, 10:36:44 am
Some more feedback on the map, please?
Counterpropositions are welcome too.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Burnt Pies on December 28, 2010, 10:54:00 am
Looks good to me.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: E. Albright on December 31, 2010, 07:02:53 pm
Still waiting on my copy to get here. The map looks acceptable. Waffling on nation choice, but leaning towards Marverni. Much as I'd love to play a CBM'd Atlantis, or try something very much out of my comfort zone like Hinnom, I don't think either would be a good idea. But yes, still waffling. Might not decide until I've had a day or two to poke around and re-acquaint myself. It will have been almost a year since I'll have played...
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 04, 2011, 02:53:49 pm
Well, then. I'm going to put the game on the server, even though I still don't know if the Middle Earth map is o.k. with everybody or not.
Should some objections arise, then we can always change it to something different. In the meantime, whomever's ready, can upload their pretenders.

I took the liberty of changing the stettings to the following:
Victory conditions: 6 out of 9 VPs.
Special site frequency: 60 - because those are always fun.
Hall of fame entries: 15 - for more heroic heroes etc.

If you guys want something different, let me know, and we can change it.

Era is Early, using CBM 1.6.

You need to download mod and map files before you can play(and before you start designing your pretender). Links on the game page:
and in the opening post.

As a reminder, you need to create a pretender, and send the file(to be found in your /dominions3/savedgames/newlords; named <your_nation_era_number.2h>, where number is most likely "0" if it's the only pretender you've created so far for this nation.) to "pretenders [at ] llamaserver [dot ] net" with the game name as the subject.
Game name is "Bay12GamesRoundSix".
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: slMagnvox on January 04, 2011, 03:44:17 pm
My silence on the subject was meant to be interpreted as approval. Hah. Middle Earth should be fun; So long as it is a map and has provinces, I'll try my damnedest to conquer them. Will send in a pretender post haste. Or tomorrow. Tomorrow haste.

Roll call everybody.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Burnt Pies on January 04, 2011, 04:30:47 pm
I don't think I'm in for this one. My lack of money usable on the internet has somewhat scuppered my game purchasing plans.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 04, 2011, 04:39:56 pm
I see. Some other time, maybe.

Well, then. What do we do? Do we stick to the map at hand(~20ish provinces per player now), or do we use the one slMagnvox proposed earlier?
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Lorak on January 04, 2011, 05:11:05 pm
I like a tight map, but I know a lot of people don't, so I'm cool either way.

Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 04, 2011, 05:16:07 pm
I'm ok with both as well. The Six Lands map has ~15 provinces per player, so it's not a big difference, while being a wraparound, which is nicely conductive to backstabbity coexistence.
Middle Earth, on the other hand, is full of chokepoints, and fluff-enabled.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: Kebooo on January 05, 2011, 08:53:16 pm
I'd prefer Middle Earth.
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: slMagnvox on January 06, 2011, 01:06:39 am
Pretender sent
Title: Re: NEW Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six(+fluff).
Post by: E. Albright on January 06, 2011, 10:55:19 am
Pretender sent. The longer all'y'all take tho', the more and more likely I'll send another, and another, and another...

(Stop me, before I waffle again!)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 07, 2011, 09:39:43 pm
We can start as soon as Lorak is ready.

I've been reading about Marverni a bit. The druids look scary.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 09, 2011, 06:54:05 pm
Sorry I took so long.  Pretender sent.  Just hope that was the right one.  <_<
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 09, 2011, 11:37:50 pm
O.K., it has begun!

Check if everything is fine with your choices, so that we can quickly restart the whole thing if needed be.

I think I'll set the hosting period to 48h, so that there's enough time to leisurely write down some fluff every now and then.(and be sure to introduce your pretender!)

(damn, I was hoping I'd start in Shire)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 10, 2011, 07:35:41 am
There is something abroad.

Mothers hold their children close. Young maids are led to distraction and shame at the stirring in their loins. The men folk have started to spend longer away from home, better pleased amongst the forests and the hills chasing game. None speak of the music echoing through the valleys, caught in snatches of fiddle and drum on a breeze heavy with sex and cinnamon. Around the midnight fires those set to watch to the mountains talk. They say: The years of summer are at a close, the lords of Caer Hafod are restless. The Horned Prince is returned, and with him the age of revelry has begun. Gods spare us.

[Lock up your daughters, Pangaea has submitted its turn! Everything seems ok here, and 48 hours sounds good for turns.]
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 10, 2011, 11:00:29 pm
Conn mac Cumhaill gazed down from the narrow window of his council room at the market bustling in the bailey below. Behind him, he could hear the crackle of the the druids' fire, and their faint whispers. He did not know what they were talking about, nor did he care. They claimed the fires told of change. Of glory. When he replied that he was old, and care little for glory, the druids claimed they spoke too of danger, and death. War without end. The Lord of Near and Far had spoken, they said, and the High King must heed him or the tribes of Marverni would be scattered and enslaved.

Conn glanced back at the huddled druids, then down to his subjects below him. They were not a warlike people, and had not been since his grandfather's time. The old warrior had united first the clans of the Marverni, and then brought the other four major tribes under their rule. Where there had once been fierce warriors there were now mostly craftsmen. But if the Lord had spoken, they must reclaim their savage ancestry. Torcmór could not be denied. The High King might rule the craftsmen, the warriors, the bards, and even the shifty druids, but he was a pious man and would not defy the Master of Carnutes. If Torcmór ordered the forges of his people to forge swords and axes, they would. Conn would not defy a god.

Troubled as he was by what these conniving priests told him must be done, the High King knew he was only stalling. He turned from the window, and strode back to the circle around the fire. Catching the gaze of the youngest of the druids, the one they had chosen as their spokesman, he spoke strong and clearly. "Your augury has shown the Lord's will. The tribes will prepare for war. I shall call for my sons, and they will march forth before the moon next waxes, druid." The tall figure gazed back with the dull gray eyes of a purebred Eponi, and responded in a soft, sibilant voice. "No need for all your heirs to risk their lives, my liege. Send forth the youngest, and I shall personally guard him from all harm. Let the others stay and prepare the land for war." When his sons later asked him why only Roc would be leading the tribesmen to war, Conn could never quite remember what had convinced him to accept the archdruid's counsel...
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 11, 2011, 12:50:29 am
I feel like I made the wrong choice in my pretender design.  >:(

Oh well, working on my turn, will try to get some fluff in.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 11, 2011, 01:01:09 am
I feel like I made the wrong choice in my pretender design.  >:(
The game hasn't really started yet, so we can easily roll back to the pretender submission part.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on January 11, 2011, 01:25:29 pm
The candles danced back and forth in the dimly lit cellar.  Here, gathered in secret, were The First, as they called themselves.  The first to dare to summon PalazzoDiesThisTime.

"The hour is not yet upon us." hissed Ophis toward the others. 

"Soon, brother, our patience will be rewarded.  Do not fret." replied Nurbis.  A sickening, malevolent grin spread across his charred face.

And from the fiery depths of a place long forgotten, the object of their worship began to move for the first time since the beginning of all things.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 11, 2011, 03:49:50 pm
In his fortress in Andrast, Tom Cruise was asleep. However, a peaceful sleep it was not, for terrible nightmares tormented him. Visions of strife, of the past long gone, of the evil presence looming over the world and of hellish flames consuming his people, of a fiery mountain in which thousands of suns shone and burned his very soul to cinders. He had those same dreams ever since the Pantokrator dissapeared, but this time, it was different.
For suddenly, the conflagration subdued, the flames flickered and went out with a hiss, and the burning suns faded. From the darkness, a voice spoke:
"Tom. It is I, L.Ron Hubbard, God of Suffering, Lord of the Healing Arts, the Mountain Lord, whom you shall call your only God and Master. I have chosen you, for your thetan is pure, and your name is widely known amongst your people.
What you have seen was both the past, and the possible future. Middle Earth is in danger. Evil Xenu is coming and brings eternal misery to every immortal thetan he can find. But fear not, for I shall guide you. Thou shalt go into the deepest jungle, beyond the hidden mountain range, where you'll find my Apostles awaiting your call.
Tell them that the time is ripe, and the Great War is afoot. They will help you prepare for my coming, as only I can stop Xenu and his many minions from destroying the world with his suns of fire.
The darkness shall be your friend, and my divine touch will protect you. Go and spread the word of my imminent arrival. Gather followers, collect tithes, and erect temples to my name. Specifically, seek out those with high thetan count, for they are the lifeblood of my plans.
Now, my prophet, awaken, and do as I have told you."

Tom Cruise opened his eyes, in which a new purpose shone.

ed: typos
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 11, 2011, 04:04:25 pm
Meh, he SOUNDS faithful but a couple of drinks and your prophet will forget about boring old Hubbard and his demon monkeys and become more of a man's man (if you know what I mean) like he's always wanted.

He'll dance for The Horned Prince with the rest of them. :boogies:
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 11, 2011, 04:45:45 pm
Well, to be honest with you, he's actually an animal. It says so right there, in the unit description.
I suppose, the best he could do, is become a man's animal then.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 11, 2011, 08:57:36 pm
Nope, that won't do. I'm not in the market for pets, already up to my armpits in harpies. I'll just have to transmogrify him first then teach him how to be a man's man.

Blimey, the lengths a semi-divine being has to go to to get a celebrity dancer these days.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 12, 2011, 12:29:35 am
Tom was not amused.
-Aitareya, you fat ape, how could you fail me so? I gave you my personal markata and atavi household servants, and only asked to go the the Western White Mountains and spread the word. How hard is it to go from cottage to cottage and hand out leaflets?
-But... but the undead! They wouldn't listen, they told us to screw ourselves!
-Why must I do everything myself?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 12, 2011, 02:14:03 am
One does not simply walk into Mordor.

This was what they used to say, at least.  However, with the mysterious appearance of The Bamboo Grove in this barren wasteland, monks and warriors had started travelling from far and wide, by foot, to Mordor.  Something called to them, to learn the secrets of this grove and master the Five Elements.

The first monk to arrive was a man by the name of Yen-lo-wang.  When he arrived he was surprised to find a giant cyclops meditating in the grove.  Not wanting to disturb the meditation, he sat along the edge of the grove and waited.  One month later, the Cyclops finally nodded and acknowleged the presence of Yen-lo-wang. 

"You know why you have come here, so why do you feel so confused?"  asked the cyclops.

"Well truthfully... when I arrived here, I expected to find something more... magical,"  said Yen-lo-wang.  "Maybe somebody with high levels in multiple magic paths so that they could put out some serious blessings on..."

"Enough!"  Interrupted the cyclops.  "I am vastly powerful in magics" he said, as he unleashed a storm of pebbles, launching them clear across the valley of Gorgoroth.  "But my personal magic skills are not why I am gathering people here.  I am sure you have noticed an emptiness in the world.  An emptiness that needs to be filled, and only I am capable of doing so.  However in order to achieve this we need to... convince the rest of the world that I am the one true God."

"Well yeah, but couldn't you have picked a better area to start?"  Asked Yen-lo-wang.  "I mean, these neighboring provinces have like 6 and 4 income.  We'd be better off in the long run if we -didn't- conquer them because they'll never make up for the price of soldiers we'll have to sacrifice to gain control of them."

"What can I say?   I thought Mordor would be cool.  Deal with it."
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 12, 2011, 07:01:42 am
Maginrad. Mag the Rad, prophet of Cassette. God of all things awesome and magnetically recordable.

"This is why we've brought the tribes together! Rich lands, plunder. Driving women elsewhere and someone making lamentations regarding something. The things that are best in life! Our day has come!"

Grom, an inconsequential chief, spoke up. "Which one is the Shire?" he asked, waving at a immense hide stretched and inked in the style of a map.

The chiefs looked around at one another in anxious confusion until Maginrad laughed and then all but Grom joined in.

"Why," Mag boomed "It is surely there somewhere!" Only a noob couldn't find The Shire on a map of Middle Earth! Surely!

"Now a cheer for Mag and Cassette!" Shouts rang out and greatswords clattered. "We march on the morrow and let the lamenting be great!"
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 12, 2011, 07:13:03 am
What a merry company.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: HLBeta on January 12, 2011, 12:06:12 pm
I think I'm gonna enjoy spectating this round.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 12, 2011, 02:22:49 pm
Davidesh Miscavigesh reported to Tom Cruise:
-Sir, we've found coupious amounts of gold in the West White Mountains.
-Gold? We must acquire this valuable resource to further our cause! Put the miners on 24 hour shifts and tax the bejesus out of the populace.
-There will be complaints. They might try and take a legal action.
-Let them. Our lawyers' skill and cruelty is legendary. Dismissed!
-Sir, one more thing.
-What is it now?
-Shouldn't we be saying "behubbard" instead of "bejesus"?
-Good point, I'll get our PR apes to work on this.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 12, 2011, 05:42:41 pm
According to Llamaserver, there is now a new version of Dominions 3.  Will this affect our game any?  Should we get the new version?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 12, 2011, 10:14:53 pm
I think we need to stay on the old copies.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 12, 2011, 11:07:47 pm
The new version is not yet in fact released. I'll be annoyed if all Llamaserver's talk of being shut down 'til it gets patched up-to-date means it's just gonna sit in limbo until release does finally happen...

[e] Nope.  :)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 14, 2011, 09:10:00 pm
Jonash Travolta triumphed.
He knew his name was widely respected, but the scale of his victory was surprising all the same.
Once he was announced as a contender for the title of Arena Champion, all the other contestants quickly scurried away, so that when he appeared on the stage to dance his trademark dance from Pulp Fiction, nobody rose to challenge his skill.
As he started on a way home, he caressed his newly acquired prize trident, which sparkled in the moonlight.
"I knew I was good, but now, I'm fabulous!"

Tom looked upon the hills gently rolling before him.
-"Yes, this is good, this land is fertile. And we will thrive. And we'll call this land... "This Land", and...
-"Excuse me, are you Tom Cruise?" a voice behind startled him, and broke his line of thought.
-"Why, yes..." He said as he was turning to face the speaker.
-"Good, good. Can I have your autoghraph..." The voice suddenly became cold as ice, "in your own blood?"

R.I.P. Tom Cruise. Some local militia didn't like your movies.

Let it be known among all the nations of Middle Earth, that the glorious nation of Lanka claims the lands of Gondor in the name of Scientology. Let none dare to enter the plains and forests of Ithilien, especially not those dirty little asian guys, who reside in Mordor. Any further influx of immigrants past the bulwarks of Minas Morgul will be regarded as a show of bad taste, lack of manners, intolerance of legally registered religion, and politically incorrect behaviour.
In other words - don't you go into Gondor, or we'll sue you!

ed: Mother effin' Lorak, 19 gems income on turn 6? How do you even do that?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 14, 2011, 10:16:04 pm
I'm gonna guess Lorak has a tender, juicy, sleep-deprived rainbow pretender, plus an unwholesome amount of luck. Not Luck, mind you: luck.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 14, 2011, 11:14:22 pm
I find it better to ignore the graphs. It makes me feel much better about how "well" I'm doing, especially in light of my prize general deciding to be heroic and take EVERY ARROW FOR EVERYONE IN HIS ARMY. Arg!

Expect complaints in prose form!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 15, 2011, 01:12:01 am
Well all I can say is when you've captured as many provinces as I have, and your gold income graph is still a horizontal line because all the provinces have 6 or less income as well as minimal resources, they -better- be full of fucking gems!  XD
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on January 15, 2011, 11:23:03 am
"Are they all so poor?" Nurbis complained, as he hacked another limb from one of the peasants rallied to fend off the Abysian invasion.  Some intestinal entrails stuck to his battleaxe.

"Poor? What ever do you mean? Look at all of this thick, glorious blood!" Nygon the warlock exclaimed.  He leered at several naked virgins.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 15, 2011, 06:36:17 pm
Somewhere on a battlefield, One Eyed Pete was busy throwing pebbles at an army of militia.

"Sir!"  Exclaimed Yu-huang, Pete's personal magic site searcher.  "It appears we have another incoming mental call and it's Lanka's lawyers again.  Something about trespassing on Gondor."

"Tell them to put us on the 'do not call' list"  said the mighty Pete.

"Sir, they are lawyers, not telepathymarketers.  I think you should talk to them."

"Urgh, I'm a little busy right now"  said an irritated Pete as he punched one of the militia who were now poking at his kneecaps with spears.  "See if they are willing to come to a compromise at Lebennin.  Surely they must understand that Mordor is not very rich in gold, and we need the surrounding farmland if we are to have any hope of long term survival as a nation."
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 15, 2011, 07:10:41 pm
To: Mr.One Eyed Pete,
From: Davidesh Miscavigesh, 2nd Field Lawyers detachment of Lanka.
Regarding:Unlawful repossession of grounds and buildings belonging to the Church of Scientology.

Dear Mr.O.E.Pete,
In the view of your and your followers' recent actions, we are filling a lawsuit against your persona.
We are going to pursue your immediate expulsion from the disputed territories with extreme prejudice.
The fact of your poor economic situation does not concern us in the slightest, as we've got our own expenses to cover, including a new villa for Mr.Travolta. If you're that poor, I'm sure you can find some peasants to oppress in the fertile plains north of Mordor.
Should you deign to remove your troops from Gondor, we will cease any further actions against your organisation, and settle for a peaceful coexistence, with a border drawn between the towers of Minas Morgul(yours) and Minas Tirith(ours).
Otherwise, our legal actions will continue indefinitely.

Yours Sincerely, D.Miscavigesh, for L.Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology.

In the light of One Eyed Pete's recent legalization of the Church of Scientology throughout the lands of Mordor, we are dropping all charges against him.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 17, 2011, 07:08:48 pm
Wolkan the Unrenamed searched diligently, turning over some rocks and scratching the moss off trees.

"How boringly unmagical this region has turned out to be!"

Not that the chiefs would give half a damn. They thought of magic as a women's past time. Like knitting. Wolkan knew a little better than that, and Cassette would need all of the arcane arts the tribes could bring to bear. And likely no small amount of knitting either.

"Oh ho! Hmm! No, nothing here either"

A local goon and his henchmen had been employed by Mag as he raided though these woods this spring to act as the local authority. The goon chose this moment to speak up

"Some riders decloaking off to starboard side! I mean, centaurs sneaking past yonder cottage!"

An arrow blossomed in the neck or a bored henchman and Wolkan, true to his antlers, made like an elk and vamoosed.

Dear Ignus
How unsportsmanlike! War shall surely be declared unless you convince the chiefs those centaurs were on a peaceful mission of exploration and archery practice. How do you propose to secure such ill gained territory and could you suggest to the chiefs a more pragmatic border policy?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 18, 2011, 01:57:08 pm
"My wife... my wife was carried off by one of those ... one of those..."

The whole village crowded around the table of the Ulm, listening to him try to tell his story through a veil of booze.

 "...lascivious centaurs. Stuck an arrow in my leg, pulled poor, poor Helga onto his back and fled into the west. Poor, poor Helga..."

Another cup came thrusting through the crowd, doing little more than allowing the drunken man to drown his beard in it.

"I have a similar tale, of my sweet Guan-yin. Not two nights ago..."

The small southern man along with the whole inn was silenced as the howling laughter returned. The satyrs were coming back from the forests. To shout, to drink, to fuck, to mock.

And not a man could continue his story. For no matter what else they may have said, no matter how many similar stories of kidnappings and murder came from their fellows, they all knew the truth. Their wives and daughters were not stolen. They left.

Dear Ulm
I come not bringing war, but love! ACCEPT MY LOVE! (Will trade Love™ for sexy Ulmish woman-folk. Or man-folk, as long as they're hot.)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 18, 2011, 02:51:54 pm
Dear Ulm
I come not bringing war, but love! ACCEPT MY LOVE! (Will trade Love™ for sexy Ulmish woman-folk. Or man-folk, as long as they're hot.)

How ghastly!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 19, 2011, 12:57:00 am

Get a new patch:
The most recently generated turn requires is to run.

If you've got any other Dom3 games running, with turns generated before the update, submit your outstanding turns before patching.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 20, 2011, 02:41:24 pm
Four hours to host, missing Pangaea's turn. Maybe push the deadline? Could be having problems getting the update.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 20, 2011, 08:11:13 pm
Apologies for that. The patch wouldn't apply itself because of being blocked and I couldn't find out from where.

Fixed though, just in time.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 25, 2011, 04:39:22 am
Lol Abysia's passionate message style.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 25, 2011, 03:22:26 pm
Would that be a passionate message begging aid for the poor, beleaguered Abysian armies in desperate need of asbestos sweaters because they're catching a bit of a chill rampaging through the temperate Marverni heartlands?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 25, 2011, 04:54:24 pm
Would that be a passionate message begging aid for the poor, beleaguered Abysian armies in desperate need of asbestos sweaters because they're catching a bit of a chill rampaging through the temperate Marverni heartlands?

The markets of Ulm to offer best prices on Asbestos Sweaters!

"Oi, Mag! The tribes have gathered like you asked. Praise to Cassette!" shouted Wolkan the Unrenamed. "So, err what is the plan?"

"Well!" rumbled Mag, "It will be like you said Wolkan. The chiefs don't see the value of your precious magic gems but Cassette is determined to convince them otherwise!"

"Arrg, you know the other shamans and I are sick to death of scraping and searching for the things. Why gather the warriors when this will be the work of shamans?"

"Ha, HA!" Mag boomed. "Who mentioned further searching, my good Wolkan? We won't be searching, we'll be taking! We march to war with the T'ien Ch'i!"

Hey Lorak, let's have a war! See you on the field next turn!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on January 25, 2011, 08:10:41 pm
Orphis sat alone, penning love letters to Mary Sue Hubbard.

Nurbis walked in and interrupted his concentration.

"What is it?!" Orphis snapped.

"Silly warlock, so many naked virgins, and you waste time writing to that old hag?"

"This is what you've come to say to me? Begone!" Orphis turned back and continued writing.

"No.  Of course not.  We have been invited to a grand ball to dance.  They call themselves the Maverni.  You know, those rats that were, until now, right outside of our capital."

"Oh, them.  Silly little creatures, when will they learn you don't poke a hot stove? Just incinerate them all and be done with it."

Nurbis smiled and made a grand exit.  Orphis didn't notice; he was well underway painting his portrait of Mary.

Deep in the mountains, PalazzoDiesThisTime frowned.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 26, 2011, 12:23:40 am
The High King gazed from the narrow window of his bedchamber into the summer sky. It had been nearly a year since his youngest son had visited him, and Conn's heart grew weary with waiting for his favorite son's return. True, on his last visit the youth had brought ample plunder from the savage lands brought under the Marverni overlord's control, and had looked stronger and healthier than ever, and the druids brought news of his conquests in distant lands each month, but the old man longed to see his boy. Well... that, and he did not entirely trust the druids. He ruled many lands now, yes, but the druids administered them. And he did not like this. The druids did as he asked, but they seemed too... confident. Too... smug. There were times he felt they were humoring him, their liege though he might be. The priests brought messages of how his new lands fared, but when he sent spies to confirm their tales, they did not return. The druids spoke of bandits and ruffians haunting the roadways, but five envoys had died this past year. Something was not right.

And now, his sheriffs had began to recount merchant's tales of demonic marauders roaming nearby lands. Of farms ravaged by packs of devils. Of cults of blood and fire springing up in the north. Conn shivered in the abnormally cold summer air, made the sign of Torcmór, and turned from the window towards his hearth, to stoke the fire before retiring to another night of troubled sleep.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 27, 2011, 03:12:20 pm
Turn postponed for the sake of our lovable Pangea.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 27, 2011, 07:15:17 pm
Thank you sirs. The rare natural wonder that is Being Forced To Work A Late Night And An Early Morning has occurred. Though beautiful it has delayed our important Dominions together-time.

Fear not! The turn is (theoretically) submitted.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Cthulhu on January 28, 2011, 04:52:59 pm
Damn, I start getting the urge to play this again and both games have already started. 

Reserving a spot on round seven.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Akhier the Dragon hearted on January 28, 2011, 05:07:51 pm
I believe I will reserve a spot as well!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 30, 2011, 04:13:25 pm
Our game seems to have disappeared from Llamaserver.  XD
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 30, 2011, 05:02:03 pm
Our game seems to have disappeared from Llamaserver.  XD
Something fishy seems to be going on here. Very fishy. I bet it is Xenu's evil meddling.

We'll wait a few hours, to see if it reappears in all it's former glory, and if not, I'll try nagging llamabeast about it.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 30, 2011, 05:13:17 pm
I hope it doesn't happen to the other game, too.  Once Llamaserver finally processed, I got emails confirming I sent my turns, as well as confirming I sent a revised turn for each game.  However, I only sent one turn to each, so kinda odd about the revised turns.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 30, 2011, 05:18:27 pm
Did the rest of you get "Nagot gick fel" emails?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on January 30, 2011, 05:29:55 pm
Yeah, I did.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 30, 2011, 05:38:54 pm
Yeah, the mystery thickens. Nagot gick fel sounds ominous.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Akhier the Dragon hearted on January 30, 2011, 05:59:20 pm
   Google (|en|Nagot%20gick%20fel) says that "Nagot gick fel" is Swedish and translates to "Something went wrong"
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on January 30, 2011, 06:03:23 pm
"Nagot gick fel" is the standard Illwinter crash message, for any and all program crashes. It's been the bane of pretenders since Dominions 1.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 30, 2011, 06:32:27 pm


Aaargh, tried to fix it too fast, was at home for about 2 minutes and tried to fix it and caused a disaster. Infuriatingly our ISP have changed all our settings so I can't log in remotely.

I have just asked my housemate to turn it off at the wall. I am at home properly tomorrow and will fix it then. Very sorry everyone for the inconvenience.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Akhier the Dragon hearted on January 30, 2011, 06:40:02 pm
Tja, jag antar något gick fel då
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 31, 2011, 07:06:08 am
Oh how I wish I wish I hadn't sat on that fish. I mean, had a new turn to play.

Did anyone (that means you Palazzo) poke llamabeast about our vanished game?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 31, 2011, 07:29:49 am
I did not. Llamabeast did, however, post on Shrapnel's forum that he's going to try and fix the server today evening(GMT), and somebody already mentioned games dissapearing from the list.
I'll wait for his promised email and see if our particular problem gets addressed at all, before hitting him with a finely crafted message from the shadows.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on January 31, 2011, 07:39:34 am
<3 Palazzo

Dude, where's my patience? Hah. Finger's crossed things will sort themselves out, time to stop dwelling on the topic!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on January 31, 2011, 09:36:02 am
Am I the only one that got a long message from him? Or is this a different problem?

Hi. On trying to host Bay12GamesRoundSix just now, Dominions crashed. This is not a LlamaServer issue, but rather Dominions itself crashed with a "Nagot gick fel" error.
These errors are normally caused by a (generally inexplicable) problem with one of the players' 2h files. Therefore the LlamaServer moved all your 2h files away before hosting again. This is why you will receive a new turn file in which you've staled.
There are two options from here. Either you can treat the stale turn as a random event and carry on with the game, or you can roll back the turn and try to host again. If you try the latter your game admin will have to do the rollback via the admin options on the LlamaServer website, and you will all have to do your turns again. Note that in this case it is _really important_ that you actually do redo your turn, rather than just sending in the same one again (which people sometimes seem to do because they don't believe me). If you just send in the same file, hosting will simply fail again.
I hope you manage to get the game back on course, whichever option you go for.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 31, 2011, 12:23:32 pm
Dude, where's my patience?
I understand your excitement. After all, if I were preparing to launch a sneaky attack on one of my neighbours myself, I'd get equally impatient.

Kebooo: yeah, I believe we all got this message. Doesn't help us and our dissapearing game much, though.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on January 31, 2011, 06:53:26 pm
And so it came to pass, that llamabeast rose, and smote the llamaserver with a quickfix, conquering the dreaded Nagot Gick of Fel, and restoring the rightful rule of law.
And it was said that this was such an auspicious event, that a double post would be well justified.
All praise llamabeast and his eternal struggle to bring us a working server.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on January 31, 2011, 06:59:58 pm
Huzzah! Turn is submitted. Now Pangaea can continue to sexydance its way to victory ::does the sexydance::
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on February 02, 2011, 09:25:05 pm
Well, that certainly was a lot of fighting on one turn.  I'm going to have to write something up for it when I have time to look at what exactly happened.  I hope Ophis didn't die.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on February 02, 2011, 09:25:58 pm
Is the server still being a bit funky? I submitted my turn yesterday and I just got an email saying that I submitted the wrong turn. Then it sent me a new turn anyway.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 02, 2011, 09:29:34 pm
Everything seems working peachy since turn 19 or whatever. Make sure you've downloaded and played your newest turn 20 .trn?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on February 02, 2011, 09:30:37 pm
It liked it the second time. Oh that fickle llama
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on February 03, 2011, 01:35:13 am
Grr. The Internet ate my exposition. We Shall See if I've the patience to recreate it, when I find the time...
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 03, 2011, 06:08:47 am
Grr. The Internet ate my exposition. We Shall See if I've the patience to recreate it, when I find the time...


"Mighty Maginrad," piped Gary Numan, recently promoted shaman and first intelligence officer,

"The Centaurs have failed to do little of anything, the Lankan lawyers appear to be organizing a virginal blood drive in Khazad-dum and the Marverni tribes of the West look to be losing some ground to the Abyssians. There are some speculative reports that the demon advocates of Hubbardism are preparing to litigate but we are not sure on who's behalf. "

Mag laughed, "Hah, I don't know who I would envy least; Those prosecuted by the lawyers or their clients!"

"Hmm, indeed that is amusing my lord," agreed Gary. "How amusing will you find the Hubbard faith proliferating in the provinces of the glorious Cassette's Ulm?"

"Fah, if a little bit of spilled virgin blood will sway them let the small folk worship as they will. Surely, I am fond of our Cassette, she has a fine figure, but I signed on for this prophet job for the whole pillaging and warband routine. You and your shamans can concern yourselves with the mystic, I'll concern myself with the warring."

"And Cassette is assured you have a handle on these T'ien Ch'i?"

"Oh, they've surprised us before, those river demons they're fond of are everywhere we look now, but the strength of steel overcomes." Mag paused, "Cassette has seen my reports, go elsewhere, spymaster. I find little trustworthiness about you."
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 03, 2011, 06:44:01 am
Let it be known, that looking for virgins in Khazad-Dum is a pointless undertaking.
I mean thetans. We're looking for people with high thetan count, not virgins. Of course.

Do you ever feel alienated in your life?
Do you sometimes think that you've got a hidden, unused potential?
Have you ever felt that something important, some grand realization is elluding you, staying always just outside your grasp?

You might be a special person! Come to one of our Testing Stations, where one of our operatives will test you with a Thetan-o-meterTM.
We CAN help* you.

*For a very modest donation.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on February 06, 2011, 01:37:56 pm
Within the shadows of the gloomy stone monument, the Circle bickered. The Watchers gave their reports, the Magistrates presented their figures, and the Seers relayed the progress of their studies, but not one of the Speakers could agree on the proper course of action.

The First's proxy argued for gathering a mighty army from the furtherest-flung provinces and raiding the Abysian's undefended heartlands. This would force the bands of flame mages and burning ravagers marching ever deeper into the Near and Close to turn back to reclaim their homelands.

The Third argued this was folly; surely, if the fire demons could hold whole provinces with an officer and a handful of henchmen, or man mighty keeps with only three or four officers, they must be mighty indeed, else their neighbors to the south and east would not be too terrified of them to lay waste to their seemingly undefended lands. No, all resources must be massed to break the thin, iron shroud being dragged forward towards Carnutes. When this small but fierce line was broken (as it would have been in the Shire, had the First's foolish hireling Stroumsa joined the fight rather than seeking plunder to the east), the other nations would see that Abysia was a burning wicker boar, and as its only standing armies would be broken, all the world would fall on its undefended holdings like a flock of vultures.

The proxy for the First replied that the Third was contradicting himself, as had he not just said the other nations were too frightened of Abysia to raise arms against it, even should the whole of its armies be routed in the heart of Marverni? As he began to wax poetic comparing the Third's face and mind to the droppings of lowly Torcmór, he was drowned out as the Second, Fifth, and Twelfth's argument over research priorities erupted into a screaming contest.

The Eighth and Nineth were physically separating the Fourth and Tenth, who had come to blows over the practicality of allowing the High King maintain his illusions of rule in lieu of the Regent wielding his authority openly. This did not last, however, as the Nineth, sharing the Fourth's regicidal inclinations, turned loose his familiar inside the robes of the Tenth under the pretense of restraining him; soon enough those four august priests were engaged in a fistfight that would not look out of place in a village ale hall.

The Sixth and Seventh had cornered one of the Magistrates, and were arguing with each other (through him) about appropriate tax rates. The argument, though originally grounded in reason and fact, with valid concerns raised on both sides, was rapidly devolving into a squabble over age-old grudges between the Sixth's Eponi and Seventh's Sequani tribes. It looked as though they would soon enough also come to blows, although again perhaps through the hapless surrogate between them.

From the shadows, the Eleventh and Thirteenth watched with gloomy resignation. If the Circle, the self-proclaimed wisest and most responsible of all the Marverni people, was anything to judge by, the tribes would soon enough fall under the blackened lash of the burning ones. The junior Speakers shared a grim glance, and slipped from the Circle.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on February 06, 2011, 03:17:58 pm
Ophis patrolled through the camps of his million man army, conveniently located to stop any potential invaders from the south or east.  He twirled a strand of his hair as he skipped along, but flinched when he saw Nurbis.  Nurbis had been successful in his recent campaigns against the abominable Marverni.  Ophis hoped that historians would remember the peaceful nature of Abysia and how Marverni began the conflict with an illegal incursion toward his nation's capital.  As Nurbis approached, Ophis could see he wore a necklace that contained the skulls and hands of his slain enemies.  Nurbis was a large, behemoth of a man, causing the puny, pathetic, insignificant Marverni skulls used to protect their miniature brains to appear rather small dangling in front of his chest.  With fresh blood still dripping from his axes, Nurbis walked past without a word.  He was off to kill more Marverni.

A stray arrow streaked through the sky and pierced Nurbis's heart, ending his life.  Ophis fell to his knees and wept.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 09, 2011, 12:13:59 pm
"What does he want?" Asked Mary Sue.
"He says that he wants to know if the sudden buildup of our forcers on their borders means that we're going to attack them."
"And he thinks that we'd tell him what our plans are? Tell him to bugger off and go back to his gym, or something."
"Yes Mistress. Right away."
"No, wait!" Mary Sue had a devious idea. "Let's do something they would never expect, and tell them the truth. Show the envoy around our forges and our army camp, and then take him to the command tent, so that he can see all the maps and the planned attack directions. Make sure that he knows that we'll be attacking from Gondor Northwards, from Khazad-Dum Eastwards, and from Western Rohan too, as soon as we get rid of that idiotic barbarian horde stalling our army there. Got it?"
"Y... Yes, Mistress."
"Good, now leave me alone."

"This surely will confuse the hell out of them. I'm so clever, my husband surely will compliment me on my shrewd idea." Thought M.S.Hubbard.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 09, 2011, 01:02:51 pm
Clearly, I cannot choose the wine in front of me!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Akhier the Dragon hearted on February 09, 2011, 06:02:50 pm
Clearly, I cannot choose the wine in front of me!
   The secret is that when given the choice of 2 glasses
of wine you choose the third option of taking a swig of
whiskey from your hip flask.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 10, 2011, 06:00:42 am
Clearly, I cannot choose the wine in front of me!
I should've known better than challenge a Sicilian to a battle of wits.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on February 10, 2011, 10:51:11 am
In the war council of the High King, tempers flared. The wardens and chiefs of the major tribes bickered and argued, while their liege brooded. His sons sat at his side, equally silent.

Finally, the Ambibate chief stood, slammed his fist down, and brought the bickering to an end. "My brothers, we must face fact. We cannot stand against the burning devils. We must negotiate a peace with them. They cut through our lands like a hot axe, and will be at the gates below in no more than a month. We must make peace. Somehow. I know not what they want, nor why they attacked our people, but we cannot stand against them." He paused, spat, and continued. "Especially with the druids nowhere to be seen." All eyes glanced at the empty seats of the Sequani and Eponi chiefs, and the deserted hearth behind them where the priests normally lurked.

The Warden of Carnutes arose, and gestured to this void. "The cowards have fled. Where is their talk of destiny now? They stood fast until these Abysians invaded our lands, then they vanish like they never were. We must sue for peace. Surely, we are a peaceful people, and can find a common ground with these fiends. They have no grievance against us, they merely want plunder. What is a little tribute from the distant provinces if it keeps the heartland safe?"

As the Marverni chief rose to speak, he halted. Eyes followed his; at the head of the table Conn mac Cumhaill had finally raised his head from his grim contemplations. The hall was silent.

"Loyal brethren, my Warden is right. We have done nothing to provoke these ravagers, yet they invaded our lands anyway. We have only sought to defend ourselves, and yet they march ever deeper into our realm. They will not be satisfied with a little gold. They want our blood, our people enslaved, our wives and daughters for concubines or worse. We did nothing to them, and still they slaughter our people relentlessly. There can be no peace. With the treacherous druids, or without, the Marverni tribes will fight to the last. We are the sons of Torcmór. It is our destiny."

A cry of acclaim arose throughout the hall, but it was a cry of grim resignation. The tribes were united still, and would be unto their deaths.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 10, 2011, 03:49:15 pm

"What a splendid victory!" Exclaimed Mary Sue, as she was strolling amongst the mutilated bodies of Ulmish PD. "Obviously, those rednecks fell for my excellent ploy. My husband will be very happy to learn of my exploits when he finally arrives. I just have to make sure not to mention that one of my armies' surprise attack got foiled by a barbarian horde coming out of nowhere, and that the other army got so drunk in Khazad-Dum, that the soldiers forgot to march out."
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on February 14, 2011, 10:40:28 pm
As a heads-up, I'm going to be traveling and thus totally and utterly incommunicado from the 18th through sometime on the 22nd. And my strategic situation is nowhere near bad enough that I'd be conveniently dead before then. So, um, yeah.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Lorak on February 15, 2011, 01:11:47 am
Also, I'm going to need a one day extension this turn for both games.  Tomorrow is going to be dreadfully busy for me, so there's a good chance I won't get around to doing my turns.  >_<
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 15, 2011, 06:00:13 am
No problem guys.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on February 15, 2011, 07:38:34 pm
I was feeling left out so I thought I'd join in by getting called away unexpectedly. 16th to the 19th for me.

If I can wrangle a PC on the other end I will jam the game on a pen drive of some sort and drag it with me, otherwise I won't be able to do my turns until the night of the 19th or 20th's morning.

Shame, 'cos things were getting rather interesting in both games.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 15, 2011, 08:08:24 pm
Well, then. Let's have a nice time off from playing. Until ~20th.
See you around.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 24, 2011, 03:31:18 pm
Lanka is a buzzsaw. That is all.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 24, 2011, 04:32:32 pm
Oh, thank you. I only lost 2/3rds of my bigger army. But sure, go ahead and try convincing people that I'm the bigger of two evils or somesuch nonsense.

News from Khazad-Dum:
Last words of Paul Westerberg, the Champion of the Arena, as he was dying under 10PD worth of markatas:
"So... cute."
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on February 24, 2011, 11:25:14 pm
I am glad that you finally admit to being evil. Now we merely have to determine exactly how evil.

I propose Ulm and Lanka send their entire armed forces, minus the arms, to Pangaea where I will smush them in my grape presses to see how much evil comes out, thus settling the dispute and bringing peace to the land.

Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 25, 2011, 04:42:02 pm
Let it be known that Lanka is now buying Air gems. As many as 50 Earth and a similar number of Nature gems are available for trade. All interested parties should apply by sending their offers via PM correspondence.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 27, 2011, 03:15:39 pm
I missed the bus!

Literally. Can I get a couple extra hours if it isn't too late?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 27, 2011, 03:56:56 pm
No problem. I'll add 12h.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: slMagnvox on February 28, 2011, 06:24:26 pm
Thanks for the bump Palazzo. You are my hero. And my arch arch arch arch enemy. That's 4x arch, folks
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on February 28, 2011, 06:33:37 pm
I'm deeply honoured by all the arches.
I've noticed that Frau Cassette decided to move her shapely bottom and teach Mary Sue a lesson.
Woman on woman fights tend to be ugly.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on February 28, 2011, 08:12:38 pm
Kill a Marverni and two sprout from where it stood.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on March 01, 2011, 02:46:09 am
Hmph. Two humanbred, maybe.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on March 03, 2011, 07:15:11 pm
Help! Help! My turn file is corrupt!

So, what's up with that?

EDIT: False alarm, I was just unlucky and Hotmail/Chrome screwed up the download four times in a row.

EDIT EDIT: Oh poo. I missed the turn my 15 minutes. If I loose I will be blaming this set back, just FYI.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 03, 2011, 08:49:37 pm
Eh. Lorak stalled as well. If you guys feel that you really need to do that last turn, we could go through all that rollback process for your sake.
Do, voice your stances on the subject.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on March 03, 2011, 10:04:03 pm
I'm ok with it. My fault for forgetting, no point wasting peoples' time over it.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 05, 2011, 02:10:33 pm
I'm postponing both games until Lorak shows up again.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on March 05, 2011, 06:57:29 pm
Damn that Rift.

Fetch the ropes and prepare the isolation room!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on March 07, 2011, 06:49:35 pm
This looks pretty fun, I'd love to joint up on the next one you guys make. Do I have to get the latest patch for the lamma server shenaningas work?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 08, 2011, 06:29:52 am
Yes, you need the latest patch.
If you're interested in playing, I remember Cthulhu mentioning that he wanted to play again, a while back. You might want to PM him, and decide if you want to simply set up another game yourselves.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Akhier the Dragon hearted on March 08, 2011, 11:56:15 am
   If someone does start a new one I want to join.
Either pm me directly or put a message in one of
the current Dom3 PBEM's cause I am watching both.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 13, 2011, 07:39:07 am
I guess we should start looking for a replacement for Lorak.
To take over T'ien Ch'i, send your CV and covering letter to
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 13, 2011, 07:28:39 pm
I kinda forgot to postpone the game, and it processed the turn without half the players' saves.
I've rolled it back just now.

Those of you who sent the turns properly - you don't have to resend it again, even if llama tells you otherwise.
Also, don't download the new turn file. Or, if you have and played the new turn, delete both .2h and .trn files from your saves folder, else the game goes bananas.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 17, 2011, 02:27:16 pm
Still looking for a replacement. The Chinese in Mordor await their new master.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Tres_Huevos on March 17, 2011, 06:03:01 pm
If no one else turns up, I'd be willing to give it a go, so long as my being a complete noob at the game isn't a problem (I've only had the game for about two days, but, hey, it should be Fun).
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 17, 2011, 08:02:22 pm
As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome.
Pass me your email address, and I'll get you the save.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Tres_Huevos on March 18, 2011, 10:14:08 am
"H...o? Hello?" A voice rang out in the head of Gun, the prophet of One Eyed Pete. Looking up from the books he was pouring over, he peered about shocked, and stammered, "Wha..?"

"Can you hear me now?"

"Pete? Is that you Pete? I thought you died."

"Yeah. I did. Are you going to, you know, actually do anything about that, or just leave me rotting here?"

Gun cringed as he felt the ire of his god, "Yeah, sorry about that, we've kind of been lost without your guidance."

"That's pretty obvious. Ugh, I don't know what killed me, but whatever it was, it must have bashed my head in pretty damn well, because I remember next to nothing. Also, I woke up still DEAD, did I mention that? Not too pleased about that. Anyway, I'm going to need you fill me in on what the state of affairs of my state are."

"Yes sir," Gun closed his tome, and did his best to fill his god on the goings on of the world.


In other words, I'm taking over for T'ien Ch'i. If there's anything I should know, such as if I'm at war with someone, or there are borders I should be respecting if I don't want to be at war with someone, it'd be nice to be filled in.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 18, 2011, 10:32:04 am
Our good chap Lorak left Mordor slowly rebounding from the Ulmish incursion that had seen much success initially, possibly even killing Pete himself. Luckily, Mordor's good friends in Lanka sent their famous lawyers and celebrities to help their neighbour in those dire times, as well as supporting them financially.
Together we marched against the beefed up musical hordes of the evil Cassette.

Little concrete news reach Gondor from the faraway lands where lovable satyrs and centaurs frolick with peasant girls in the fields, but our impression was that they had a short history of violence with both Ulm and T'ien Ch'i, but due to the fickle nature of Pangea's inhabitants, both conflicts fizzled out rather quickly, reverting to the peaceful state from the times of yore.

In the North and the far East, naked gaellic weirdoes and their druidic drug-dealers are fighting a bloody war against the passionately extraverted hotheads from Abysia. Hundreds upon hundreds are dead already, especially around the fortress of Shire.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: slMagnvox on March 19, 2011, 02:28:45 pm
Oh noes.

Ignus, you'd better get up to something quick! And no, not declaring war on Ulm!

Palazzo, this thing is ready to rock as soon as everyone (looks like you, me and Kebooo) get turns in, yeah?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six - SEEKING REPLACEMENT FOR T'IEN CH'I
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 19, 2011, 02:53:59 pm
Ayup. It might be acutally just you and me, since there was a rollback, and Kebooo had his turn in, I think.
Gotta change the thread name.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 22, 2011, 02:07:11 pm
Still waiting for slMagnvox's turn. There's no need panic. Stay calm. Everything's fine.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on March 24, 2011, 06:27:48 pm
Who unsubscribed me to this thread? Hmm? Was it you?

Damn centaurs, awful with computers. It's the hooves, you see?

Anyway: Chop-chop with the delaying. That's my job.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 27, 2011, 07:29:59 pm
"Ha-ha!", L.Ron Hubbard shouted with a great shout, as he finally managed to unlock the door of the closet in which he accidently locked himself a few years ago.

The masses of his demonic and primate subjects gathered in front of his house chanted in unison:
"L.Ron Hubbard came out of the closet! He came out of the closet!"

And there was a great feast and much celebration. The apes ate the demons, the demons ate the apes, and everybody ate the markatas.

Mary Sue Hubbard ordered a sacrifice of a hundred virgins of highest thetan counts, and prophesised that the end of the Evil Cassette's reign in the musical industry is nigh. She also branded Cassette "The Wife of Xenu", and blessed the ears of the faithful, so that they wouldn't be hurt by the horribad Ulmish music.

Speaking about good music, behold Ron and Mary Sue singing the national Lankan anthem (
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on March 28, 2011, 08:12:12 pm
Lankan anthem is bork'd :C

So basicaly lanka is a land of scientologist primates, r'lyeh is the syndicate of unemployed tentacle monsters, ulm is a black metal records company, tien chi is a backwater theocracy ruled by the spirit of a godlike janitor, and the marveni is a social institution created to help to integrate a bunch of irish hobos who live on the forest into society.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 28, 2011, 08:37:06 pm
Lankan anthem is bork'd :C
Huh!? How odd, the Lankan anthem has been on the net since forever, bringing joy and patriotic tears to thousands of little markatas in jungles around the world! And now, just a day or two after I decided to share it's glory with the rest of the Middle Earth it's taken down?
This must be some evil meddling of spiteful Cassette! She's the enemy of good music, after all.
But be not afraid, for I have managed to fix that link with a counterfeit copy of our anthem. Sadly, this time without translation.

Also, I'd like to discard the circulating rumours that the man on the associated music video is in fact not L.Ron Hubbard but his trusty Freak. This is not true. L.Ron actually does looks like that, he just had a bad indigestion on the day of shooting.

So basicaly lanka is a land of scientologist primates, r'lyeh is the syndicate of unemployed tentacle monsters, ulm is a black metal records company, tien chi is a backwater theocracy ruled by the spirit of a godlike janitor, and the marveni is a social institution created to help to integrate a bunch of irish hobos who live on the forest into society.
Almost good, but you're mixing this game with the other one - R'yleh is not here, however Ignus, who annoys people with his tentacled minions in Round Five plays in this one as well, only with the lovable, prancing, lustful Pangea.
Also, you've omitted the heated, passionate Abysian folk, who turned Shire into a festung.
Last of all, Ulm is no black metal. It's more of a 80s rock scene. I remember fighting Foreigner, if it rings any bells.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on March 29, 2011, 02:20:25 pm
I can haz extension? Not gonna be able to touch this until late-ish tonight. Will repay inconvenience with fluff, I promise!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on March 29, 2011, 05:13:57 pm
I've changed the hosting period to 96h. The reminder emails will be sent 24h before deadlines.
The next turn will host Thursday evening.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on March 31, 2011, 05:56:49 pm
Chaos reigned.

The fire demons were everywhere. No one was safe, and no one could stop them. Their armies cut through the staunch Marverni defenders like an axe through mist, and a pallor of smoke hung over the land. The druids were still nowhere to be seen. The Wardens of the High King tirelessly traversed the land seeking to keep the peace, but his people were in a state of uncontrolable terror. Crops burnt in untended fields as the peasants fled to their liege's hillforts, which for now had kept the mauraders at bay. The Wardens warned that soon there might be talk of revolt; the people were quickly losing faith in their King. Worse, they were losing faith in their god.

At first, the Flaming Tide had driven the people in droves to the shrines of mighty Torcmor, but as their prayers for succor went unanswered, the crowds had gradually faded. Few went now to pay homage to the Lord of Carnutes. Even when mighty scions of Him had emerged from the groves to lay their heads at the High King's feet, the people seemed unswayed. In the homes and in the streets, people still invoked His blessed name, but there was little conviction behind it. The end of the world was nigh.

The signs all pointed to it. Baleful stars rose in the east, and the moon beamed down angry red light. Two-headed calves were born, and ravens whispered unspeakable things to travelers on lonely moors. Candles burnt backwards, and toads rained from the sky. In the alleys of the towns, strange robed figures could be seen out of the corner of the eye. But that was not the worst of it. That was not what caused new mothers to drown their babes-in-arms, and steadfast yeomen to tear out their beards and madly rend their clothes. Nay, the clearest sign was the mark of the Burning Soon To Come. The mark that had appeared with the waning of the last moon, and which had grown brighter in the sky over the groves of Carnutes every night. The sign of the Master of the Smouldercone. The Master of the Flaming Tide. The unspeakable vision of the Everburning One, riding high on the clouds in the heart of the realm. The writhing, sinuous, soul-rending apparition growing ever clearer in the skies over Marverni. The Lord of Abysia. Usurper of Near and Close. The unholy bringer of the end. Its name was whispered in fear, and all who heard it knew in their hearts only despair and resignation. There was no escape, and no king or god could save them. Fhionnuisce was coming, and the world would burn.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 01, 2011, 06:20:55 am
Eh, come on people, I gave you four days to submit the turns, and two of you still couldn't make it?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on April 01, 2011, 06:59:15 am
I'm going to assume I made it. I can't find the confirmation, but i definately feel like I played another turn recently.

Also, I don't think extensions are going to help with retention as it just encourages not thinking about the game. At least that's what I find; I always end up forgetting about them when the turns are long. Maybe it's just me but I like The Fear!

Just my opinion sir, either way I will remain your loyal, sexy neighbor/mortal enemy.

Crapsticks. It was me that delayed. Sorry about that, I must have gotten confused again. Typical, the game I'm enjoying most is the one I forget. But don't worry I'll be there for every humiliating defeat for R'yleh though, apparently. Damn squidfaces...
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 01, 2011, 07:16:06 am
I'm going to assume I made it. I can't find the confirmation, but i definately feel like I played another turn recently.
You must be thinking of the other game, as you've most certainly just stalled this one, t"ogether with Ulm.

Up until recently my policy was to manually postpone the turn every time I've seen somebody being late for the deadline, as I thought that a game as small as this one makes little sense otherwise.
I'm not going to do it anymore, so if anybody can't find a half an hour(tops) every four days, then it's his loss. Of course the game will suffer, but it does so anyway, due to the prolonged waiting periods, I think.

Exception to this rule will be somebody directly asking for an extension due to some(even made up) problems of whatever nature.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on April 01, 2011, 08:49:25 am
Months had methodically passed since Ophis' death.  No one had attended his funeral.  It is said a final letter was delivered to his gravestone, from who, only he can ever know.  His absence had left Abysia without an official historian.  Little did it matter now that PalazzoDiesThisTime walked the earth.  Not even Abysian warlocks dared to whisper his name any longer.  They had long forgotten the original pact to summon their god.  He spoke of nothing but a demon he called "Palazzo".  Abysia's most powerful mages, the few that could stand in his imposing presence, merely nodded their heads, but did not heed his warnings.  For upon the great plains between the kingdoms of Abysia and Marverni marched hundreds, perhaps even trillions of Marverni, out to destroy all that is good and fiery in the world.  Abysians had no answer for the continus breeding of these creatures.  It was decided then that they must go to slaughter all of their people, to wipe them from existence.  A great host, the largest Abysia had ever seen, was commissioned to first take Girithlin.  There gathered some of the kingdom's finest mages and warriors.  Bael, O'al Bar and Chutirel distinguished themselves from the rest.  Between them they had personally slain nearly three hundred men.

"We go round and round in circles as their ranks grow ever thicker, it is time we considered a new alternative." O'al Bar bitterly lectured to his companions.

"Yes, indeed, I cannot deny the allure of the innocent, naked virgins that scatter Marverni's land, but surely our lord must be growing impatient, for he now scours the land himself." replied Chutirel.

Bael was silent, he rarely offered advice.  He sat there brooding, smirking in delight at the thought of searing flames burning down the villages of his enemies and the sweet aroma of burned flesh in the morning.  Map after map lay upon the table, but they all had one thing in common, angrily scrawled marks pointed toward Girithlin. 
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 05, 2011, 07:31:09 am
Eh. Seems that Ulm went AWOL. I'm going to put the game on hold until the end of the week, and should he fail to reappear, we'll start looking for another replacement.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on April 05, 2011, 12:04:54 pm
Im half decent with ulm, altough I never really did Dom3 multiplayer so don't expect much from me. I can take over if he doesn't show up.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on April 07, 2011, 03:56:03 pm
Corpses littered the countryside.  Girithlin had been taken, but at a heavy cost.  Millions, perhaps billions, maybe even trillions of Marverni died, no one can truly know, yet quadrillions of them were still out there.  Bael's gaze shifted toward a bloody pile of robes.  He recognized the face; it was Chutirel.  Bael knew the world would never again be graced with such a handsome mass murderer.  May he rest forever in The Plane without Palazzo, he thought to himself.  The Marverni god had taken the field that fateful day.  The Abysians, ever stalwart, had yet to encounter a foe that could stand against their hellish fires.  Bael wondered if he would share the same demise as his late companion.  He had little time to meander, as the never ending Marverni war bands still gathered once again to continue The Eternal War, or as Ophis once said, their ballroom dance.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on April 08, 2011, 08:23:27 pm
In the town below the High King's keep, there had been riots. The Wardens of the Realm and the Royal Guard had joined with the town's garrison to bring the terrified, angry people under control, but as night fell, sporadic fires still cropped up and patrols were ambushed from the shadows. With that day's dawn, word had arrived of the fall of Girithlin, and the town had erupted. If the overlord's armies could not protect them from the demonic legions ravaging their lands, the provocateurs cried from every square, why pay him taxes or answer his levying calls? Most of these demagogues had been caught by late afternoon, and had died screaming in wicker men at sunset, but still the people fought with each other and their protectors.

In the keep, Conn brooded. The report he had recieved from Warden Sionn was far grimmer than the worst of the tales repeated by the yeomen below. Sionn had hidden himself away and witnessed the whole of the siege, the fall, and the sacking of Girithlin. He recounted how the brave but scant defenders had held the walls as long as they could before they were breached. How the armies from neighboring shires, gallently marching day and night to lift the siege, arrived mere moments before the gate was breeched, seemingly in the nick of time to save them. He told of how the enigmatic druids, so long unseen in Marverni lands, had spilled from the woods like a tide to support the thin green line of the High King's warriors. How their circles had called rains, plagues of insects, sounder upon sounder of noble boars, lightening bolts, and even stars from the heavens down to smite the endless legions of Abysia. How the steadfast warriors had held against the demons, and scattered their warbeasts to the four winds. How their meager force had held back the crazed and bloodthirsty fire warriors, even as the endless ranks of demonic warlocks skulking behind them called up the fires of Hell to consume all before them. He told of how it seemed that Girithlin would be the high point, where the Flaming Tide broke and receded. And then he told of the death of all hope.

With the hellbeasts of the Abysians in flight, and only the most crazed of their legions still pressing forward, it seemed that the handful of Marverni warriors would prevail. But then, above them... it appeared. The harbringer of despair. The Lord of the Smouldercone. The bringer of the end. The horrific living god of the fire demons, whose sign had hung over the groves of Carnutes these last months. Fhionnuisce. The Everburning One. And with its arrival, the Marverni knew terror, and death. The fires of the warlocks were nothing compared to the flames that then rained down upon them. The tribesmen fought for a few minutes more, then broke and fled. The Warden's report at this point became grim reading, as he recounted the brave warriors fleeing with the foul demon swooping and dipping over them, shrieking as fireballs slammed into their midst. How the druids' unexpected courage had vanished, and how they had melted into the woods as if they had never been there. How the Abysian god set the buildings of Girithlin aflame as it called its swarming children to it, leading them from one spot to another, and leaving nothing unburnt behind them. How the townsfolk's screams carried on the wind as the fire devils ravaged the once-proud steading, and how the demon-god's shrieks of unholy glee rose above even that. At this point, the High King had grown too disgusted to read further.

So. The easternmost holding of the Marverni people had fallen. Demons had ravaged another fortress, and the faith of the Marverni people in their liege was nearly at an end. The only good omen Conn could find in all this was that the vile sign of the Usurper of Near and Close had not been seen over Carnutes since the siege of Girithlin had began. As bad as the unrest in his homeland was now, it would be far worse had that foul sigil still glowed in the night sky. But Conn knew in his heart this was but a temporary respite. The world's end was drawing near. Fhionnuisce would return. First Marverni, and then all the world, would burn.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 11, 2011, 08:03:28 pm
O.k., Ulm's going to be replaced.

Dakk, if you're still interested, send me your email address, and I'll set you up.

There's also another nation(c'tis) of slMagnvox's in the other Dom3 game on this forums, if anybody's interested.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on April 11, 2011, 09:55:19 pm
I'll pm you my email right now. Fill me up on the do's and don'ts of PBEM, since I've never really done one. I'll just try to build on whatever the old player was. I'm not gonna risk taking c'tis since it takes more skill then EA ulm, but if you really do not find anyone else, I could take it aswell, I have a fair bit of free time after I get home from college still, test week is almost over.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 11, 2011, 10:31:16 pm
Do's and don'ts? I don't know. Use PMs for diplomacy, the thread for fluff and general announcements, and the ingame messaging system if you're feeling masochistic or like redundancy.
I don't think there is anything specifically important regarding the mp savoir-vivre, but we'll let you know if something comes up, most certainly.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on April 14, 2011, 09:34:44 am
There's been a problem with a HUGE ASS STORM RAVAGING THE COUNTRYSIDE and messing up with ISPs across the land, so I just got my internet back after nearly 48 hours, sorry about that, I'll follow Il Palazzo's directions right now. Sorry about that, nothing I could do there.

I just intalled the conceptual balance mod, but its giving me an error regarding the map image, I downloaded the two middleearthBB files from the other topic and put it on the maps folder, but dom3 doesn't seem to be finding it :S

Nevermind, solved. Anyway I just sent in the new .2h file to to llamma server and just got confirmation from it being received.

The goddess had turned silent. Months had passed, but she remained in a catatonic state, not moving an inch, and without her command, so did the united steel tribes of Ulm. But then she answered, in a way that shook the shamans on their feet.
A powerful wind was blowing, the antlers on the shaman's hats shook in the violent air, they were scared, as this was a very unusual and unexpected natural sign. And when an ulmish antlered shaman feels uneasy at a natural sign, it means all should aswell. Suddenly it stopped, but the goddess Cassette was silent, and then her once joyous (and annoying) voice had gone, now having its place usurped by a different tone, one the men and women of Ulm had never heard before.
The Shamans stepped back as their goddess approached them, she grabbled one by the antlers and whispered in his ear. The poor shaman dared to ask the goddess to confirm what she had just said, and she just nodded.

A message was sent to the troops rampaging towards the demon capital of Lanka, new orders were issued. It was time to restart the Ulmish war machine.

But yea, I just jumped in this game with little knowledge of what the previous player was doing, so I'm aiming to just have fun instead of actualy winning here. This is my first MP dom3 game, so bear with me here if I make stupid mistakes. I'll try to be as organized and less arbitrary as possible. Its a bit clusterfuckey, but I think I can cook something up.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on April 15, 2011, 12:47:48 am
If memory serves, what the previous player was doing was preparing a massive invasion of Abysia's largely-undefended eastern border. Yep, pretty sure that was it.  ;)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 15, 2011, 03:51:45 am
Undefended you say? Hmmmm...
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on April 15, 2011, 11:44:32 am
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 27, 2011, 03:27:31 pm
After many months of torturous studying of arcane lore and gnostic mysteries contained within the holy book of Scientology (, it was finally announced by the terrified scholars, that the name of the Abysian (false) god - PalazzoDiesThisTime - is in fact a cipher, which after applying a specific set of cryptologist tools, as well as smoking copious amounts of weed, eating only McBurgers for 40 days, and singing "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" in reverse, revealed itself to be an encrypted name of our greatest enemy - XENU!

Terrible news such as these were, the glorious nation of Lanka did not fret, and immediatelly launched a holy crusade to remove the evil Xenu from Middle Earth. Our thetan factories switched to full-time war effort, and our celebrities marched forth. Woe to anybody who stands in our way.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on April 27, 2011, 07:09:54 pm
Bael finished scribbling his hurried letter, then he spat upon it and ripped the paper to pieces. He had a servant reconstruct the ripped letter, piece by piece, and then repeated this process late into the night. When he finally felt satisfied, he had the letter sent to the Marverni king, hand delivered by a slave-boy from Girithlin.

A meeting between the finest mages and warlocks was convened the following night. They bickered about what to do about the unexpected Lanka invasion. Some believed they should be bribed with hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful, gorgeous gems. Others thought they should be embraced as lovers. Bael thought differently.

"My dear brothers, we all look quite dazzling tonight, even though we seem to have all worn the same clothing. No matter. This dire threat from the Lankans can only be dealt with in one way. By completely ignoring it and running as far as possible from them as we can, slaughtering and maiming as many Marverni as we can. Through this, and only this, can our god be appeased."

The assembly grumbled, but they all knew this was the truth. They retired to bed so that they may wage war on the hated skulls of the Marverni once again.

And elsewhere, PalazzoDiesThisTime chuckled to himself. He quietly whispered "Palazzo never dies." and cried himself to sleep.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on April 28, 2011, 05:19:00 am
"HE'S FUCKING NUTS!" cried a markata in the jungle.

Back in the less civilized parts of Lanka proper, L.Ron Hubbard was embarking on a carpet-flight with his wife Mary Sue. Mary Sue was openly disturbed:
-"But dear, are you 100% sure that PalazzoDiesThisTime is Xenu? Would our greatest enemy run from our advancing crusaders rather than stand and fight, or at least send a squadron or two of DC-10s to steal our thetans and deposit them in a volcano for exploding? Perhaps our cryptologist made a mistake?"
-"Shut your mouth woman! I know that you and that Abysian prophet have been exchanging passionate letters while I was gone. Don't you dare defending them now. But, however misguided you might be, there is a sliver of truth in your words, and being endlessly compassionate on Thursdays I will explain it to you. I have been following the decryption effort very closely, and have noticed that there were more than one possible explanations of the cryptic messages hidden in my own book! The conflicting messages include not only that PalazzoDiesThisTime is Xenu, but also that Fhionnuisce is Xenu, the Horned Prince is Xenu, that Cassette is Xenu, One Eyed Pete is Xenu, and Your Mother is Xenu."
-"But... which one is the real Xenu then?" Asked confused Mary Sue.
-"Why, all of them of course(especially your mother). I have already ordered my faithful servants to prepare for an all-out war with the evil Xenus of Middle Earth. They march as we speak."

"HE'S FUCKING NUTS!" cried a markata in the jungle, but there was no one to hear it.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on May 13, 2011, 01:50:57 am
Grr, I missed the deadline. Given how long it is that's rather sad, but still.

I will admit my motivation to keep at it is down, as the long (but yet still somehow not long enough?!?!?!?) turn length, coupled with my having been mostly stalling for time and executing delaying actions for about the last game year, hasn't exactly kept me at the edge of my seat...
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 13, 2011, 06:24:54 am
(...) hasn't exactly kept me at the edge of my seat...
Actually, I've got a similar problem, if for reasons pretty much poles apart. Without any false modesty I can say that there's noone there who could stop me from getting the last two VP provinces I need for victory, from which I'm but two turns' march away. Or who could reliably counter my armies for that matter.

If you guys want to continue anyway, to e.g. finally use those huge armies of yours(I'm looking at you ,Ignus), I could refrain from capturing those VPs and carry on with regular conquering.

Otherwise, let's just finish it.
Post your decision regarding the subject.

After checking the stalling chart, I've noticed that T'ien Ch'i has been gone for the last six turns, so he won't be saying anyting.

In hindsight, setting the turns to such a long hosting period was a mistake. The ratio of turns submitted to stalled remained pretty much unchanged, while we just kept on losing players.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on May 13, 2011, 09:53:55 am
Actually, I could probably obliterate one or two of your armies*, especially if my pretender could be bothered to stop gathering shiny pebbles and go back to pretending, and I'm pretty sure the main army of Abysia could catch and kill at least one, but I'm quite content to call it a day.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 13, 2011, 09:59:57 am
Actually, I could probably obliterate one or two of your armies.
O RLY? ;)

You've piqued my interest. Should the game end, I will demand you to tell me your secret techniques!
Perhaps I'm overconfident, but I can't imagine anything short of Firestorms etc. to have much effect. Especially with me being ready to cast a virtually undispellable Astral Corruption to disable most ritual attempts.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Neonivek on May 13, 2011, 03:13:43 pm

Surprised no sea army took to power.

Sea is quite the malicious to those who lack the ability to enter it. While the game doesn't seem to put on similar penelties
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on May 14, 2011, 08:08:27 am
Well, I'd like to see if my capital force can break this siege or not. I don't expect it to, but I need to learn more Palazzo secrets so that one day he can be defeated.  I got the sense E. Albright was losing some interest in the game when he didn't want to pair up against Palazzo without major concessions from me. Look at my research score! You should have used me as fodder since my long term threat was very low.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 14, 2011, 10:17:18 am
Well then, I suppose we can play a few more turns.

Those of you who are no longer interested - feel free to set yourselves to AI.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: E. Albright on May 16, 2011, 11:56:14 pm
Even after that stale I could probably still cobble together enough force to kill off the western army, but a) it'd be a Pyrrhic victory, and b) my heart's not in it. I'll leave Marverni to the tender mercies of the AI...

(In retrospect, I really don't like this map. There's a difference between maps that aren't blandly balanced, and maps that effectively kill players off via starting positions. I got a reasonably posh starting position, so I'm not complaining for me, but T'ien Ch'i literally lost the moment they got stuck in Mordor...)
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 17, 2011, 06:28:42 am
...but it gave them a crazy high gem income too. Seeing how Early T'ien Ch'i is summons-heavy, low income shouldn't be a problem - and indeed, Lorak did quite well there.

I've set Mordor to AI, seeing how it's been stalling for the last six turns or so. Of course, it attacked me straight away.
If only Ulm and Pangea joined the fray, it could still be quite interesting.

Well, I'd like to see if my capital force can break this siege or not.
Man, the storm demons are kinda overpowered.
Also, I think that the Earthquake was too damaging for your mages, without doing that much in return.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Kebooo on May 17, 2011, 09:17:27 am
Yeah, I had never even used earthquake before. It was worth a shot just to see what it did. My magic/research sucked (I used my mages for battling Maverni the whole game) so I had very, very few options for what to cast. I still have an army in the west, but it's only about comparable to the one you just destroyed. So I set myself to AI. Good game, and let this be the 37th lesson to everyone, Palazzo never dies.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 17, 2011, 11:14:21 am
Well then, that leaves just me, Ulm and Pangea. It's up to these remaining players if the game should continue or not. Should there be no response by the next hosting deadline, I'll close the game.

Kebooo, E.Albright, it was very interesting to see you two duke it out.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on May 18, 2011, 03:23:22 pm
I'm content to carry the game on if people are up for it. It's a shame my master plan isn't going to work now, as the AI is wise to my tricks and immune to my awesome psychological attacks.

Does explain why Mordor was doing what it was doing. Bah!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 23, 2011, 05:44:46 pm
In case you've been wondering, the reason for the delay is that the server froze, and no turns get processed.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on May 23, 2011, 05:47:04 pm
I actualy delved into a 40 page paper and terraria in the last days and ended up forgetting about this, sorry guys. But yea, I've been waiting the turn to come for a while and nothing happened.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on May 24, 2011, 10:13:43 am
The server is pestering me for a 2h file from a turn I haven't received. Did I miss something or is it going all peculiar?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on May 24, 2011, 10:42:09 am
I've requested turns resent for all of the remaining players, and postponed the hosting by ~48h. You should have your turns in now.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on May 31, 2011, 11:20:41 pm
The server hasn't recognized my sent turns again. I'm starting to think someone's out to get me, especially after my pretender got eaten by a horror. Whoever did that is getting a rather intimate visit from one of my centaurs!
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 01, 2011, 05:21:16 am
Whatever you mean by "not recognized"? The server tells me that your current turn is in, and that you did not stall your previous one.

The horror is probably your own fault - you should've known better than casting/forging non-blood spells/items with Astral Corruption global active.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Ignus on June 01, 2011, 08:53:40 am
The server has got into the habit of not giving me a confirmation when I send my turns, rather disconcerting.

Out of everyone in the last push of my summoning factory, my pretender was the only one hit. Bah! Still, totally worth it.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 01, 2011, 01:53:47 pm
Just attack me already, will you?
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Dakk on June 03, 2011, 04:30:41 pm
Guyse, next week is test week, and I have to go out of town this weekend, so I have been forgetting my turns a bit too often, it'd be better if you found a replacement for me.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 03, 2011, 06:08:03 pm
I think the game will just end.
Ignus, you're the last one left, if you really want to test your armies in battle, I can do a few more turns, but only on a condition that you'll drop everything else and just attack me, as I really have little fun fighting AI.
Otherwise, I'll shut it down, which is fine by me by the way.
Title: Re: Dominions3 PBEM - Round Six
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 10, 2011, 05:30:09 am
Bah. Sorry Mr Ignus, but I'm going to close this game. I just can't find the zeal to play this one with AI everywhere around me, and just one human player across the map.