Bay 12 Games Forum

Finally... => Forum Games and Roleplaying => Roll To Dodge => Topic started by: Chiefwaffles on February 18, 2017, 12:20:35 am

Title: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 18, 2017, 12:20:35 am
Well, the coming apocalypse to be more specific.

Scientists have noticed that the volcanoes seem much more erupt-y. And that the waters seem to be a lot higher than before. And did anyone notice that shower of meteors coming down? What about those totally-not-an-issue so-called "zombies" spreading at an alarming a completely okay pace around the world? And has anyone even looked at the signs of an incoming massive economic crash?
Some people started preparing their doomsday scenario plans, laughing at how right they are.

You're one of these people! Well, with a few budget restraints. Living across the U.S., you all have varying amounts of money - anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 - saved up for this specific (set of) scenarios, stored in easily-available cash. No fancy million-dollar bunkers, and other than your saved money, you have no other preparations ready. Why bother saving gas if the apocalypse turns out to be a gas flood, after all? You have a few days to get ready before society collapse and all hell - maybe even literally, the jury's still out on that one - breaks loose.

Each one of you has better get to work preparing, or else die to [insert environmental hazard here].

Apocalypse in: 1-2 turns?
Known apocalypses: ???

Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: S34N1C on February 18, 2017, 12:25:29 am
Is this a suggestion game? Or an rpg? either way, looks interesting.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 18, 2017, 05:25:58 am
Anyone can hop in as their own character at any time. It's a fairly simplistic RTD.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: TopHat on February 18, 2017, 12:36:47 pm
Let's give this a go.
Step 1) Quit job. No time for that now.
Step 2) Beg/borrow/illegally download and print as much survivalist literature as possible.
Step 3) Follow advice within said literature.
Step 4) Panic-buy as much stuff as possible with remaining time and money.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: star2wars3 on February 18, 2017, 12:56:40 pm
Build a bunch of nukes so I can blow up everyone that might start the apocalypse. Alternatively just buy some old ones from the black market.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 18, 2017, 05:25:32 pm
Let's give this a go.
Step 1) Quit job. No time for that now.
Step 2) Beg/borrow/illegally download and print as much survivalist literature as possible.
Step 3) Follow advice within said literature.
Step 4) Panic-buy as much stuff as possible with remaining time and money.
What job? You mean the job you already quit?
[4] But at least it turns out you have $70,000 in cash ready to be used.

[2] You spend $100 on some survivalist literature. Unfortunately it looks like it's all useless stuff written on the basics that you already know. Please, you've already gone over basic zombie-killing!

[4] On the bright side, $5,000 was enough to secure 5 weeks of food and water at the stores. You're keeping this stuff at your house for the time being.

Spoiler: TopHat (click to show/hide)

Build a bunch of nukes so I can blow up everyone that might start the apocalypse. Alternatively just buy some old ones from the black market.
[1] You never were good with financial discipline, apparently, and only have $10,000 saved for the coming apocalypse.

[1] Your quest to find a nuke on the black market did not go well. Apparently street gangs don't appreciate someone suddenly showing up and persistantly asking how to "buy nukes". At least the hospitals are still here, so your now injured left leg was saved from a worse fate. You wonder if trying to buy a nuke with no contacts and $10,000 in cash was a good idea in the first place, or if it could have worked at all.

Spoiler: star2wars3 (click to show/hide)

With the populace becoming more steadily panicked, the stock market (and economy) soon follows. The news is now reporting a severe economic crash. While the apocalypse hasn't happened yet, preparing for it is probably going to get harder. -1 to all commerce actions.

Apocalypse in: 1-2 turns?
Known apocalypses: None?
Current global status effects:
- Market Crash: -1 to commerce actions.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: NRDL on February 18, 2017, 05:31:14 pm
1. Start meditating

2. Let go of all worldly woes and fears

3. Ascend to a new state of existence beyond the reach of the coming apocalypses.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Dustan Hache on February 18, 2017, 05:53:18 pm
contact a psychic regarding the coming apocalypse.
Prepare with materials according to prediction, along with the standard rations allotment and a gun/appropriate time period ranged weapon™
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt on February 18, 2017, 08:53:14 pm
Can I join now? if so:

take my money and buy a oceangoing ship. Buy facilities to harvest kelp and fish, and facilities to turn kelp into bio-deasil to power my ship. Place said facilities on ship, along with desalinators.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 18, 2017, 11:32:34 pm
Anyone can join in at any point; the only thing to consider is that your cash may not be as effective and you won't have [as much/any] time to prepare as people before you.

1. Start meditating

2. Let go of all worldly woes and fears

3. Ascend to a new state of existence beyond the reach of the coming apocalypses.
[5] For a brief moment, you're there. You can see the wonders of this new exi-- oh. There it goes. You snap out of it after a hooligan starts throwing things outside your house before running away. Further attempts yield nothing, but you feel different after your short period of enlightenment. You now have a [Fearless Mind].

[2] You double-check your saved cash, and count $30,000 in total.

Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)

contact a psychic regarding the coming apocalypse.
Prepare with materials according to prediction, along with the standard rations allotment and a gun/appropriate time period ranged weapon™

[5] Financial security sure is great. You've got a whole $85,000 in safekeeping!

[5] Your new psychic offered you some impressive services at the low-low price of $500. She tells you much [in a PM].

Your purchasing decisions based off of this will have to wait for later, but you can still purchase your other things.
[1 - 1] Your local stores appear to be completely desolate of anything food-related. In your desperation, you try paying a shop owner to reserve a coming shipment of food, but ultimately it looks like you were scammed of your $5,000.
[3 - 1] Same for guns and ammunition. All the gun shops in the vicinity are bare of their entire stocks. But at least you didn't get scammed this time.

Spoiler: Dustan Hache (click to show/hide)

Can I join now? if so:

take my money and buy a oceangoing ship. Buy facilities to harvest kelp and fish, and facilities to turn kelp into bio-deasil to power my ship. Place said facilities on ship, along with desalinators.
[6] It's a good thing you saved that money. Before all this started happening, you were even going to have to make more room for your $100,000.

[5 - 1] At the nearest docks, you find a man willing to part with his moderate-sized yacht for the low, low price of $65,000. It's expensive, but the yacht should hopefully be able to fit your needs. Below is an image vaguely resembling your new boat.

[5 - 1] Equipment harvesting kelp and fish is much more simple. $5,000 covers the cost for a nice array of equipment that should bring in a decent amount of fish and kelp. The fish & kelp equipment is transported onto the yacht.

[2 - 1] Bio-diesel conversion facilities are, as it happens, really hard to find. $1,000 is spent trying to look for some place to buy what you're looking for, but in the end it fails.

[3 - 1] Desalinators are also a no-go, but you have the genius idea to stop just short of spending money only to find nothing.

Spoiler: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: TopHat (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: star2wars3 (click to show/hide)

There are still no immediate apocalypses occurring yet, but people across the country sure do seem determined to change that. Further widespread panic has started to lead to looting in stores. While the streets are relatively safe, stores' stocks are already starting to lower. The looters are primarily taking food.

Apocalypse in: Probably soon.
Known apocalypses: None?
Current global status effects:
- Market Crash: -1 to commerce rolls.
- Looters: -1 to rolls purchasing food in regular stores.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Dustan Hache on February 18, 2017, 11:38:06 pm
well, if I can't purchase, I will loot too. Try one last time to buy guns and ammo, in large amounts. Then if that doesn't work, time to do some robbery either way. Loot food by killing looters.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: NRDL on February 18, 2017, 11:41:37 pm
Defend my neighbours from looters, using any nearby weapon I have in my vicinity.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: fourtytwo on February 19, 2017, 12:39:48 am
Sorry, I'am late to the party.

1.Buy a AR-15 or any related gun.
2. Stock up on ammo
3.Go to gun range and practice a bit
4. Go to local grocery store and pick up food and water.

Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Shadowclaw777 on February 19, 2017, 01:12:12 am
Another late arriver arrives!

1. Acquire a nail gun through
2 Fortify my house
3: Use yard tools to dig below my basement for the setup for a bunker
4: Study hydroponic technology, or learn anyway to build indoor farms though the last days of the internet
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: ziizo on February 19, 2017, 04:49:14 am
1. Pray for divine assistance

2. Beat a looter and steal it's food

3. Start your journey to an isolated lake and mountain you remember having visited on your childhood.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: crazyabe on February 19, 2017, 07:23:22 am

Jack a bulldozer
Find  a bat
Board up my windows.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt on February 19, 2017, 11:04:37 am
Try to acquire desalinators and bio-fuel processors again as well as guns. See if anyone wants to volunteer to serve on my ship in exchange for safety and food.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: S34N1C on February 19, 2017, 11:15:56 am
1. Grab all the food from my already well stocked house.
2. Take my grandfathers machete, a blanket, and a couple lighters.
3. Head out into the woods. No looters in the woods, right?
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: TopHat on February 19, 2017, 03:23:46 pm
1) Go out and spend soon-to-be-worthless money on stuff which hopefully isn't very high looter priority: books, tools and construction materials, medicines, seeds and farming implements, toilet paper and soap, etcetera. Essentially, convert all cash into hopefully more valuable assets of all sorts.
2) Call up any nearby friends and family, invite them over for the duration. Bonus if they bring their own food. With their help, fortify house to a hopefully less looter-vulnerable state.
3) Use any spare time to print off as much of Wikipedia as possible. The useful pages, at any rate.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 19, 2017, 05:37:42 pm
Just to clarify: 1 turn = 1 week. (This is just for planning things like rations; limits/expectations on what you can do in a turn have not changed.)

well, if I can't purchase, I will loot too. Try one last time to buy guns and ammo, in large amounts. Then if that doesn't work, time to do some robbery either way. Loot food by killing looters.
[2 - 1] Nope. Nothing here you can buy. You almost got scammed again, but you're not willing to let that happen again.

[2] And the gun stores you tried robbing were all empty! If only you lived in Texas.

[6 - 1 (no weapon)] But robbing looters of their food was fruitful, even without a weapon. Fueled by your anger at the apparent complete lack of anything resembling a gun, you gather up 2 weeks of food and water.

Spoiler: Dustan Hache (click to show/hide)

Defend my neighbours from looters, using any nearby weapon I have in my vicinity.
[2] Nope. No weapons here.

[3 - 1 (no weapon)] Without a weapon, your attempts go mostly in vain. You're smart enough to back off when looters point guns at you, though, so at least you don't get hurt. Because you have no food stored, the looters don't really seem to be that interested in your house. Mostly. You make a note to fix those broken windows once the apocalypse is over.

Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)

Sorry, I'am late to the party.

1.Buy a AR-15 or any related gun.
2. Stock up on ammo
3.Go to gun range and practice a bit
4. Go to local grocery store and pick up food and water.
[4] You came pretty prepared, with $70,000 saved.

[4 - 1] You can't find an AR-15, but you do find a M1911 Pistol for the amazing price of $1,000. Supply and demand sure can sting sometimes.
[1 - 1] ...But it has no ammo. Like, at all. The pistol came with no ammo and you can find zero ammo anywhere. So now your pistol is somewhat useless for the moment.

[4 - 2] The grocery store appears to be on fire from looting. You decide it's best that you do not go into a flaming building to find food.

Spoiler: fourtytwo (click to show/hide)

Another late arriver arrives!

1. Acquire a nail gun through
2 Fortify my house
3: Use yard tools to dig below my basement for the setup for a bunker
4: Study hydroponic technology, or learn anyway to build indoor farms though the last days of the internet
[4] You double-check your savings and the $70,000 you have saved up is still safe.

[2 - 1] You were hopeful when you ordered the nail gun for $200, but when it arrived the box was empty. Damn it.

[2] House fortifying does not go well. Your supplies consisted of apparently extremely low-grade wood, and that proved to be your undoing. Despite your best efforts, this wood (and similar materials) just couldn't be used as reinforcements.

[4] The digging, on the other hand, goes well. Luckily you didn't buy your yard tools from the same place you got that wood. You now have a small excavated room. Unfortunately, without any reinforcements, it's quite unsturdy. Not unsturdy enough to collapse spontaneously, but enough for it to be a problem of note.

[3] You can't find enough information on hydroponics, but you think you learn how to make a basic indoor farm. You should probably get at least one sun lamp, some (small) planters, lots of water, basic gardening supplies like tools for weeding, fertilizer, and the like. And obviously seeds.

Spoiler: Shadowclaw777 (click to show/hide)

1. Pray for divine assistance

2. Beat a looter and steal it's food

3. Start your journey to an isolated lake and mountain you remember having visited on your childhood.
[1] It sure is a shame you only saved up $10,000.

[5] But you pray for divine assistance. Nothing seems to happen at first, but you feel a bit more [lucky].

[3 + 1] You find a random looter on the streets. They look like they're trying to fix their very broken car. You surprise them with a couple punches, kicks, more punches, more kicking, and so on and so forth. Eventually you search their car to reveal 3 weeks of food and water.

[5 + 1] You just barely manage to those rations you "acquired" onto your back, and start making your way to the isolated lake and mountain via the somehow-still-running public transit. Eventually you start having to hike up the mountain, but by the end of the week you arrive. It's completely isolated from civilization. You decide to set up "camp" (read: choose to sleep) at the edge of the lake, which also happens to be by a forest.

Though when arriving at the lake, you start to feel your luck to subside. Somehow. It was useful while it lasted.

Spoiler: ziizo (click to show/hide)

Jack a bulldozer
Find  a bat
Board up my windows.
[6] It sure is a shame you're not using your $100,000 of saved up cash this week.

[6] You find a recently-diseased construction worker (probably looters) in a still-running bulldozer. You push them off and nab the bulldozer and drive it to the front of your house. But when getting off, your overexcited hop yields a [sprained ankle]. It shouldn't last too long though.
Do mind the gas, though. Bulldozers guzzle gas.

[2] Your luck comes to an end as you are unable to find any bats anywhere. Not even the baseball fields. Whyy?

[1] As you're trying to board up the windows, you accidentally board up your thumb. Ow. Your [broken thumb] makes it too painful to continue. Instead, you sit and contemplate ways to stop hurting yourself.

Spoiler: crazyabe (click to show/hide)

Try to acquire desalinators and bio-fuel processors again as well as guns. See if anyone wants to volunteer to serve on my ship in exchange for safety and food.
[5 - 1] Desalinators, check. You pay $6,000 buying a large one that should be able to keep your water needs under control.

[1 - 1] Bio-fuel processors are really hard to find, apparently. You almost got scammed again but you're not willing to let the same thing happen twice.
Luckily your yacht only really needs gas to power things on board it.
Like the desalinator.

[1 - 1] But apparently you're not smart enough to do the same for guns. You're scammed of $5,000 as you fail to find any guns at all.

[5] Your recruitment drive yields 3 people willingly coming on board. Keep in mind you're going to have to keep them fed and hydrated as well.

Spoiler: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt (click to show/hide)

1. Grab all the food from my already well stocked house.
2. Take my grandfathers machete, a blanket, and a couple lighters.
3. Head out into the woods. No looters in the woods, right?
[6] Well, look who's rich. You have $100,000 saved up.

[4] You grab the 1 week of food and water conveniently stored in your house.
[5] As well as your machete and blanket and lighters.
It sure is convenient you have all this stored in your house. But unfortunately there is actually zero things left in your house at this point.

[3] You head to the woods. It has trees and is quite woods-y. Nothing much more to say here. It's the woods.

Spoiler: S34N1C (click to show/hide)

1) Go out and spend soon-to-be-worthless money on stuff which hopefully isn't very high looter priority: books, tools and construction materials, medicines, seeds and farming implements, toilet paper and soap, etcetera. Essentially, convert all cash into hopefully more valuable assets of all sorts.
2) Call up any nearby friends and family, invite them over for the duration. Bonus if they bring their own food. With their help, fortify house to a hopefully less looter-vulnerable state.
3) Use any spare time to print off as much of Wikipedia as possible. The useful pages, at any rate.

[3 - 1] You can't locate any stores selling the more general goods you were looking for, such as books, toilet paper, and more.
[4 - 1] Tools and construction materials are bought for $10,000, and should hopefully come in handy when constructing anything.
[1 - 1] You try to buy medicine, but it turns out that medicine was the first thing looters went for in this city. You're robbed of $5,000 that you took to buy the medicine, just to add insult to injury.
[4 - 1] Some seeds and tools for farming are easily purchased for $4,000.

[1] You call over a friend of yours. They never arrive, and investigation shows that they were killed by a looter and anything useful was stripped from their corpse. The rest of your family and friends aren't even responding to calls.

[5] You print out as much as you can from wikipedia on important things, starting at survival. Eventually you run out of ink and apparently ink was very quickly looted from stores. But you think that the existing pages you printed will help a lot. In fact, you think it makes you more [Knowledged - Survival]. With these papers, basic survival tasks such as camping, fires, hunting, and more, should be easier to do.

Spoiler: TopHat (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: star2wars3 (click to show/hide)

The media is reporting that with the collapse of supply chains, sources of commercially-available food have completely dried up. It looks like people are going to have to start relying on their stockpiled food, or else they'll have to find alternative methods of finding it. However, looting has subsided too, with a dwindling supply of things to loot.
There was also a curious mention of some kind of infectious disease spreading in some smaller towns.

Apocalypse in: Probably very soon.
Known apocalypses: None?
Current global status effects:
- Market Crash: -1 to commerce rolls.
- Grocery Collapse: Cannot purchase food regularly. Everyone has to survive on stockpiled food.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: S34N1C on February 19, 2017, 05:47:32 pm
1. Build a shelter if some sort.
2. Make a bow and arrow.
3. Do some hunting/gathering
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt on February 19, 2017, 05:54:04 pm
Pray to any supreme being, god, or other creature for help, then resort to every recourse available to me, including but not limited to: theft, paying exorbitant amounts of cash, offering safety to obtain a bio-fuel processor and weapons. Then, set sail as soon as possible. people who want to come with me have 6 hours or less to get to the ship after I get my bio-fuel processor and weapons. if the situation devolves further and I have to leave, I will abandon them
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Shadowclaw777 on February 19, 2017, 06:05:52 pm
1 Acquire a bandanna, hoodie, and any kind of shade for a way to conceal my identity
2: Use yard tools and/or a kitchen knife and start raiding houses and the people within them, within my suburbs to try to acquire any kind of weapons, food materials, and items for farming
3: Construct pillars within my excavated room for support
4: Make a final attempt to study hydroponics
5: Dig another room from the excavated room, this will be used as the Grow Room.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: ziizo on February 19, 2017, 06:25:57 pm
1. Try to find the hunting tools your father and you hid somewhere nearby, you never thought that would become useful someday.

3. Collect leaves and wood to start a campfire

4. Sing silly songs until fall asleep.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: crazyabe on February 19, 2017, 06:47:01 pm
Find myself a Good, Long, Knife
Look up "Recipes for human flesh" over the internet
Do some "Landscaping" around my home, Shoving up walls of road using the Bulldozer.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Dustan Hache on February 19, 2017, 06:55:58 pm
get construction materials, specifically gardening supplies, and check my foodstuffs for anything that can be grown.
Leave the city for the countryside, invite the psychic I met to come with provided they're not already out in the more rural areas.
Start a garden when I get far enough away from the city.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: NRDL on February 19, 2017, 11:58:27 pm

Get knife

Make a spear out of a broom, mop or any such item nearby.

Hunt evildoers and looters and harvest their flesh.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Mallos on February 20, 2017, 12:40:45 am
1)Acquire weapon(s). As many as I can get my hands on and manage reasonably.

2)Attempt to bring leadership to some looters/hooligans, that leadership being me. We'll be a group of raiders.

3)Rob a house in a rich neighborhood regardless of my success with forming a gang.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: fourtytwo on February 20, 2017, 04:58:31 am
Rent a car, preferably a SUV with a large fuel capacity, fill it up.
Stock up at local camping store.
Give another shot at going grocery shopping.
Buy some books on survival,marksmanship,close quarter combat.
Try ammo shopping again.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: star2wars3 on February 20, 2017, 03:58:10 pm
Run For President (Run On The Platform: Vote No To The Apocalypse. Vote star2wars3 For President)
Should That Fail Assassinate the President so as to prevent the apocalypse.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 20, 2017, 06:07:06 pm
The god of RnG is apparently displeased.

1. Build a shelter if some sort.
2. Make a bow and arrow.
3. Do some hunting/gathering
[3] You create a basic lean-to that serves as protection from the more basic elements like rain and kind of wind.

[3] You create a very shoddy bow-and-arrow from sticks and fibers scavenged from the forest floor. The shoddy bow won't be that great in terms of accuracy, but hey, at least it's ranged.
[4] Arrows go a bit better on the other hand. Some sharp stones are found, sharpened a bit further, and tied onto sticks. You've got 10 makeshift arrows that should perform just fine for their role.

[5 - 1] Despite the questionable craftmanship of your bow, you find enough wildlife this week and end up with 1 week of unprepared meat stored at your little camp. 4 makeshift arrows were spent doing this. Now you just need to prepare the meat and get some water.

[1] Okay, maybe you should have checked that food you brought before eating. You get a mild case of [food poisoning] when eating your 1 week of food and water.
Spoiler: S34N1C (click to show/hide)

Pray to any supreme being, god, or other creature for help, then resort to every recourse available to me, including but not limited to: theft, paying exorbitant amounts of cash, offering safety to obtain a bio-fuel processor and weapons. Then, set sail as soon as possible. people who want to come with me have 6 hours or less to get to the ship after I get my bio-fuel processor and weapons. if the situation devolves further and I have to leave, I will abandon them
[1] You pray to the great [diety] and start to feel a bit [unlucky]. Maybe you should have used different word choice and phrasing...

[2 - 1] It turns out the only man in the city with a bio-fuel processor has a gun and has never heard of "warning shots". Your [leg bullet wound] is a testament to this. Luckily the bullet wound was in a very unimportant place and you are not going to bleed out. Using this leg will be a different problem.
[1 - 2] Okay, this man does not appreciate diplomacy. Your plan of buying the processor resulted in a walk back out of his warehouse with a few more bruises on your body than you had before. You decide to not try offering him safety because you're afraid of actually being killed.

[3 - 1] No one else comes aboard, but at least the people you previously recruited are all ready to set sail. No gas is used setting sail because once again, it uses sails. But your desalinator won't last forever on this tank.
Oh, and don't forget to actually tell those people you have to do something. As of now they're just sitting on their asses eating food. Well, they would be if you had food...

[1 - 1] You consider your extreme bad luck this week. As you do this you realize you forgot to actually start fishing or desalinating water. [Starvation] is beginning to set in.

But at least you feel your unluckiness going away. Not that a lack of it would have helped much, really.
Spoiler: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt (click to show/hide)

1 Acquire a bandanna, hoodie, and any kind of shade for a way to conceal my identity
2: Use yard tools and/or a kitchen knife and start raiding houses and the people within them, within my suburbs to try to acquire any kind of weapons, food materials, and items for farming
3: Construct pillars within my excavated room for support
4: Make a final attempt to study hydroponics
5: Dig another room from the excavated room, this will be used as the Grow Room.
[4] You conveniently find a bandana and hoodie on the corpse of a looter. You don the new articles of clothing and continue.

[2] You end up deciding to use a butter knife for your raids. Not the best choice.
[1 - 1] Your choice of a butterknife proves to be a fatal mistake. Along with the choice to raid the house of someone with a gun. You're shot in the chest before barely managing to escape with your life.
[2] While you obviously aren't dead from your [Chest Bullet Wound], you weren't able to stop the [bleeding]. You're already starting to get a bit woozy.

[1 - 1] While trying to make some pillars inside your excavated room, you accidentally undermine the structural integrity of the room even further while failing to make pillars. The room appears to be [Very Unsturdy] now.
You decide it's best not to excavate another room because you don't feel like dying to a cave-in right now. You carefully leave the room for now.

[3 - 1] You almost understand more of hydroponics, but you find it hard to focus with all this blood pouring out of your body.

And with no food, [Starvation] is starting to kick in.
Spoiler: Shadowclaw777 (click to show/hide)

1. Try to find the hunting tools your father and you hid somewhere nearby, you never thought that would become useful someday.

3. Collect leaves and wood to start a campfire

4. Sing silly songs until fall asleep.
[6] By a pure stroke of luck, you find your father's family heirloom that was buried here in a time capsule he mentioned to you offhand ten years ago. You now have a blunderbuss and 10 cartridges.

[1] When starting your campfire, you fail to realize that you left a cartridge underneath the fuel. This explodes in your face. In a literal sense. You now have a burned face. But at least the campfire was started.
You just realized that you didn't even plan on starting the campfire. Oh well; back to square one.

[4] You come up with quite a silly song and fall asleep with relative ease at the end of the week.

[5] As one would expect, 1 week of food and water was consumed this week.
Spoiler: ziizo (click to show/hide)

Find myself a Good, Long, Knife
Look up "Recipes for human flesh" over the internet
Do some "Landscaping" around my home, Shoving up walls of road using the Bulldozer.
[6] You find yourself a very high-quality butcher's knife in an abandoned kitchen. Your excitement is a bit too high as you end up slightly cutting yourself. But it was on the broken thumb. So while extremely painful, at least that's effectively nothing!

[1] You return from your internet search with no recipes and a new entry on the government's watchlist.

[3] The bulldozer works fine with creating some basic "wall" around your house. While not enough to deter intruders, it should be a good point to defend your house at, if needed. Gas was used, as is expected.

[Starvation] begins to manifest itself by the end of the week, as you had no food or water to consume.
Spoiler: crazyabe (click to show/hide)

get construction materials, specifically gardening supplies, and check my foodstuffs for anything that can be grown.
Leave the city for the countryside, invite the psychic I met to come with provided they're not already out in the more rural areas.
Start a garden when I get far enough away from the city.

[2] You couldn't find any construction material, unfortunately. It looks like people here are starting to realize it's the apocalypse and now want to life up to their wildest home-bunker fantasies.
[1] Also no gardening supplies. You feel like something bad would have happened here if things can go bad when looking for gardening supplies. It's not a dangerous task.
[4] But you do manage to extract some hopefully-"working" seeds from some of your rations. These 40x seeds could come in handy.

[2] You find the psychic and invite them to come with you, but they politely decline. They seem to have it all figured out.

[2] You barely travel at all outwards from the city due to the chaos happening inside. You just barely make it to the city outskirts by the end of the week. There's no suitable ground here for farming, too.

[1] You think you got food poisoning from something in your rations. But at least you had food and water this week, unlike many people. 1 week of food and water was consumed.
Spoiler: Dustan Hache (click to show/hide)

Get knife

Make a spear out of a broom, mop or any such item nearby.

Hunt evildoers and looters and harvest their flesh.

[4] A relatively sharp kitchen knife is extracted from your kitchen.
[2] But you couldn't make a spear. For some reason you just couldn't manage to firmly attach the knife and handle together with what little "adhesive" material (read: string) that you have.

[1] You find an evildoer harassing someone. You charge at them with a knife before you're shot. In the chest. Next to your heart.
Luckily though it seems that your [chest bullet wound] was in a particularly unimportant area and there was minimal bleeding. There was not minimal pain, however.

Thanks to your [Fearless Mind], you can ignore the effects of the bullet wound. You should try addressing it, though, as it may not be a good idea to leave that injury there and get shot again. So at least this was a learning experience for some of the benefits of your kind-of-state-of-enlightenment.

You're feeling some [Starvation] without any sustenance this week.
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)

1)Acquire weapon(s). As many as I can get my hands on and manage reasonably.

2)Attempt to bring leadership to some looters/hooligans, that leadership being me. We'll be a group of raiders.

3)Rob a house in a rich neighborhood regardless of my success with forming a gang.

[2] With such a late arrival to the scene of preparation for the apocalypse, most of the obvious spots for weapons have already been scoured. No weapons for you, unfortunately.

[3] You find 2 unarmed looters scavenging in a store and convince them to follow your leadership. Keep in mind you're going to have to feed them.

[4] A house is cased and robbed. The owner isn't present, but you find 4 weeks of food and water stockpiled up in there. Careful, though - that's only enough for one full week in feeding your entire gang.

You used the food you had in your house this week, but starting next week you're going to have to go off of your stockpiled rations.
Spoiler: Mallos (click to show/hide)

Rent a car, preferably a SUV with a large fuel capacity, fill it up.
Stock up at local camping store.
Give another shot at going grocery shopping.
Buy some books on survival,marksmanship,close quarter combat.
Try ammo shopping again.
[2 - 1] You find a person manning a rental agency and hand them $5,000 to secure a car, only for them to run away with your money. Of course.
All the cars at the agency are locked and the keys are stored somewhere that you can't reach, too.

[4 - 1] The local camping store is surprisingly still in business. $10,000 is spent to get a tent and a solar-powered electric portable stove.
[4 - 1] 2 weeks of food and water are purchased at a store that has been very vigilant in warding off looters for the price of $1,000

[6] You find a bookstore and find a book on marksmanship and a book on CQC, but nothing on survival. The bookstore is abandoned, so you just grab the books and gain the traits [Knowledged - CQC] and [Knowledged - Marksmanship]. But you feel like the time spent desperately stuffing this stuff into your head has made you a bit more [Ignorant - Survival]

[3 - 1] Nope. Checking the ammo stores again does not replenish the ammo. It was worth a shot, though.

[6] In a stroke of luck, it would appear that some of the food you bought was improperly packaged and you had enough extra food this week to not even use an existing week's ration!
Spoiler: fourtytwo (click to show/hide)

Run For President (Run On The Platform: Vote No To The Apocalypse. Vote star2wars3 For President)
Should That Fail Assassinate the President so as to prevent the apocalypse.
[6] Your campaigning proves to be very successful among the people of your city, and they revere you as a [public hero]. Unfortunately the elections are a couple years away and are probably cancelled anyways. You don't even know where the current president is, so no assassinations.

[Starvation] rears its ugly face as you have no food or water to consume this week.
Spoiler: star2wars3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: TopHat (click to show/hide)

The news is getting spottier. Cable is getting dug up for salvage, and broadcast stations are beginning to stop their broadcasts due to either no one manning them or disrepair. But from the smaller amounts of media, anyone can tell that the state of society is dire. At this point, people are recognizing it's the apocalypse and are panickedly "preparing". The market crash is now meaningless as nearly every known store is no longer in business. Either from their owners disappearing or a complete lack of anything to stock it with, these stores are now just mostly empty shells filled with the occasional scavenger. The occasional store is still being manned by brave owners still holding out on some stock, but those are a rare sight.

The virus briefly mentioned in the news last week is picking up more coverage. Entire towns are essentially disappearing, and the military is reportedly being deployed for some unknown reason. The extremely little footage of diseased individuals shows a very strange state that TV anchors have called "virus-induced sleepwalking".

The worst has also happened. The internet is starting to go down across the country. A few spots may have it, but in nearly every city it's no longer present. Even if one does manage to get actual internet access, they'll be lucky to find any useful websites still online.

Apocalypse in: Probably very soon.
Known apocalypses: None?
Current global status effects:
- Societal Collapse: -2 to commerce rolls involving stores.
- Grocery Collapse: Cannot purchase food regularly. Everyone has to survive on stockpiled food.
- Internet Collapse: Cannot use internet.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt on February 20, 2017, 06:11:08 pm
I can't survive unless I get really, really lucky and find an island. with that in mind, I don't have any charts/navigational information. Go NS/S/S
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: NRDL on February 20, 2017, 06:24:11 pm
Start scavenging for food, dead bodies, anything remotely edible. Keep my knife at the ready.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Shadowclaw777 on February 20, 2017, 06:32:32 pm
1: Pray to the gods that my pain and suffering should be atoned with good luck and fortune
2: Grab my advanced first aid kit in my bathroom and start repairing my body.
3: Move dead bodies from the street to my house, commit cannibalism and makes sure to drink blood of these corpses for hydration
4: Gather up any followers within the streets, with the usage that I will be the prophet of saving the human race, try to convert them to a cannibal cult
5: Finally, try to see if I can make my premature bunker/excavated room great again, with or without followers
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: crazyabe on February 20, 2017, 06:32:32 pm
Threaten someone out of their food, Failing that Kill them and drag them back to my Home, Cutting the meat off people can't be that hard, and I can't catch anything off them if I cook 'em the same way I'd cook a chicken...

Raid a Mall for Seeds, Who'd Steal the things?

Look for a Gun, someone out for cash 'ought to have one.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: ziizo on February 20, 2017, 06:34:01 pm
1. Go to a nearby town and steal axes.
2. Keep campfire alive.
3. Hunt while yodeling.
4. Continue the search for your and your father stockpile
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Enemy post on February 20, 2017, 06:44:39 pm
I run out and spend all my money on building up a massive stockpile/museum of all the Alien Vs Predator merchandise I can find. Someone has to look out for the important things.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Mallos on February 20, 2017, 07:38:18 pm
1)With my gang, jump some people and beat them shitless. Make sure they die.
2)Take parts of their bodies as tribal trophies of sorts, making sure we wear them visibly for morale damage on enemies and better intimidation attempts.
3)Press people into joining our gang.
4)Raid a lot of houses, preferably ones in proportion to what my gang should be able to deal with.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Ardent Debater on February 21, 2017, 09:04:00 am

1.) I realize that Armageddon has come and that as the One True Prophet, it is my destiny to usher in a New Age!

2.) I take up the blade and escape the mental hospital that has imprisoned me for so long. If possible, I preach the Divine Truth of Cthulhu and Bruce Lee to my fellow prisoners, and urge them to join the New Faith under my guidance.

3.) Once I and my followers have escaped the mental hospital, I preach the Divine Truth of Shrek, the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, and Lord Xenu to the unwashed masses so that they will convert to the New Faith and be Enlightened by my wisdom.

4.) We then attempt to gather sustenance for our mortal forms and armaments to safeguard the Faithful.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: S34N1C on February 21, 2017, 11:18:05 pm
1. Make more arrows
2. Find some fresh water
2b. Hunt while doing this
2c. See if there's some clay at/near the water source. If so, gather some
3. Make a fire to actually cook the food I get.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 22, 2017, 08:43:45 pm
To make things simple:
Food & Thirst are basically the same thing. You need food and water to make a meal, and if you're missing either food or water, you get the starvation status effect.

1. Make more arrows
2. Find some fresh water
2b. Hunt while doing this
2c. See if there's some clay at/near the water source. If so, gather some
3. Make a fire to actually cook the food I get.
[5 - 1] You make 8 more makeshift arrows from assorted materials lying across the woods. You would make more, but your arrow-making was interrupted by uh, violent stomach activity from your [food poisoning].

[2] But no fresh water could be found. Searching yielded no sources that could be used.
[4] But on the bright side, you used up 4 arrows acquiring another 1 week of unprepared meat.

[4] A fire is competently assembled and the meat acquired last week and this week are prepared for consumption.

Without water, you stat to feel the effects of [Starvation] taking hold. No meat was consumed this week without the water.
Spoiler: S34N1C (click to show/hide)

I can't survive unless I get really, really lucky and find an island. with that in mind, I don't have any charts/navigational information. Go NS/S/S
((Just a heads up - you actually need to operate the fishing & desalination equipment to get food and water. Out of my amazing compassion and kindness of heart, I didn't roll for starvation for your followers this turn and this turn only.))
[3] Your inspired "flailing in the dark" technique allows your ship and its motley crew to come across a small island - about a mile in diameter. It has some trees, sand, and the occasional grass.

[6] You're amazed that you survived this week without any suffering in mental or physical capability from your [starvation], but you don't think you'll be as lucky next week.
Spoiler: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt (click to show/hide)

1: Pray to the gods that my pain and suffering should be atoned with good luck and fortune
2: Grab my advanced first aid kit in my bathroom and start repairing my body.
3: Move dead bodies from the street to my house, commit cannibalism and makes sure to drink blood of these corpses for hydration
4: Gather up any followers within the streets, with the usage that I will be the prophet of saving the human race, try to convert them to a cannibal cult
5: Finally, try to see if I can make my premature bunker/excavated room great again, with or without followers
[2] The gods seem to just be laughing at your suffering. Typical.

[5] You find your rudimentary first aid kit in the bathroom and try to start using it to patch up the bleeding.
[5] You manage to stop the bleeding for now. Your life is now a bit less of condensed suffering.

[1] As you're dragging a body back to your house, some kind of vigilante sees you and...
[2] Charges you with a menacing-looking crowbar. You book it, but are not fast enough to save yourself from further injuries, as well as your dignity.

[3] The "vigilante" looks to be satisfied with their handiwork after they break one of your legs' bones. You walk back to your house with your [broken leg].
[1] You begin to cry.

You make it to your house and sit down on a dusty chair.
[2] You can't summon the mental willpower to leave the house again to gather followers.

[3 - 1] You almost repair the unsturdy nature of the excavated room, but you feel like that somewhat annoying bullet hole in YOUR CHEST is preventing you from putting in the required effort. Darn.

[2] After further days spent pent up in your house, you truly begin to feel the consequences of your [starvation]. Perhaps it was that annoying bullet hole in your chest, or your broken leg, or your destroyed sense of dignity, but by the end of the week, you stopped breathing.
Looters would eventually find your house and take everything of value in it and more. But you had the last laugh. A couple of weeks after your death, the excavated room collapses in on the vigilante that broke your leg in the first place.

Shadowclaw777 has died.

1. Go to a nearby town and steal axes.
2. Keep campfire alive.
3. Hunt while yodeling.
4. Continue the search for your and your father stockpile
[6] On a trip to a nearby town, you come across a solitary cabin in the woods. You carefully enter it, seeing a small room with only one feature of note. A fireplace. And above that fireplace?
The most perfect axe you have ever laid your eyes on.
You make it halfway across the room before you notice that the owner of the cabin is currently sleeping. You tip-toe further and nab the axe. But a single mistep wakes the owner. He gives you a dirty look and starts walking menacingly towards you.
[2] You decide to stand your ground and fight. You take out your blunderbuss, aim, and fire.
[5 - 1] A single cartridge hits the man in the chest, knocking him onto the ground. Unwilling to take the chance and investigate whether he actually was dead or not, you double-check that you have the axe and run.
Eventually you make it back with the Perfect Axe.

The campfire is maintained easily.

[3] The hunting goes okay, and you manage to attain half a week of unprepared meat.

[6] ((Goddamnit)) You find the LAST stockpile left by you and your father. It contains 10 cartridges, and a survival manual. Reading the manual makes you feel more confident, and you become [Knowledged - Survival]

[1] You feel the onset of food poisoning from the 1 week of Food & Water consumed this week.
Spoiler: ziizo (click to show/hide)

Start scavenging for food, dead bodies, anything remotely edible. Keep my knife at the ready.
[2] No food here. Looks like the common sources of food have already been stripped clean.
[2] No dead bodies, too. Stupid looters; you're supposed to be the cannibal!
[4] But after some desperate scavenging in dumpsters, you find two weeks worth of questionable food.

[2] Unfortunately the stuff you ate this week doesn't seem to be comfortable inside your stomach. [Food poisoning] is on its way.
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)

1)With my gang, jump some people and beat them shitless. Make sure they die.
2)Take parts of their bodies as tribal trophies of sorts, making sure we wear them visibly for morale damage on enemies and better intimidation attempts.
3)Press people into joining our gang.
4)Raid a lot of houses, preferably ones in proportion to what my gang should be able to deal with.
[1, 1, 2] You fool! Your hubris as resulted in you being the ones beat shitless!
Luckily one slightly more lucky looter of yours managed to put up just enough of a fight to get your pursuers away before any serious damage was done. Still, your...
[2] [Sprained ankle] makes your life a bit more difficult.

No body parts could be taken from your victorious enemies, sadly.

[5] Your gang gains one armed looter!

[1] As you should expect by now, your house raids do not go as planned. A rival gang turned out to be occupying one of the houses you were raiding.
[5] Luckily, no one in your gang dies.
[4] With the help of your armed follower, their gang is scared out of the house, and you find...
[3] 4 weeks of food and water!

You take this opportunity to try the whole tribal trophy thing again.
[6] Their body parts are expertly taken apart and crafted into trophies for you and your gang to wear. You are now [Intimidating]!

[2] 4 weeks of food and water are consumed in total by you and your gang.
Spoiler: Mallos (click to show/hide)

I run out and spend all my money on building up a massive stockpile/museum of all the Alien Vs Predator merchandise I can find. Someone has to look out for the important things.
[1] It turns out that you didn't save any money for the apocalypse, but at least you're acting now.

[4] You find a shop with a decent stock of Alien Vs Predator memorabilia and merchandise. Strange that no one has looted stuff this valuable yet. You must just be very lucky. You grab the large amount of Alien vs Predator merchandise and bring it home. You would spend money to make an appropriate museum for this stuff, but spending money is somewhat of a hard task when you have no money.

This week you finished off the food you have left in the house. Now you're going to need to find some to avoid starvation.
Spoiler: Enemy post (click to show/hide)


1.) I realize that Armageddon has come and that as the One True Prophet, it is my destiny to usher in a New Age!

2.) I take up the blade and escape the mental hospital that has imprisoned me for so long. If possible, I preach the Divine Truth of Cthulhu and Bruce Lee to my fellow prisoners, and urge them to join the New Faith under my guidance.

3.) Once I and my followers have escaped the mental hospital, I preach the Divine Truth of Shrek, the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, and Lord Xenu to the unwashed masses so that they will convert to the New Faith and be Enlightened by my wisdom.

4.) We then attempt to gather sustenance for our mortal forms and armaments to safeguard the Faithful.

[3] You decide it's best to escape the mental hospital before it turns really creepy. You may be in an apocalypse, but you are not in a horror movie.
[2] You preach the divine truth to your prisoners before leaving, but they're too busy groaning in menacing ways and spreading blood across the place and making creepy one-liners and just generally being disturbing.

[5] Yet outside of the mental hospital, you find 4 Religious Followers for your cause! You organize frequent regular meetings with your followers and you. At the beginning ext week you can start giving them tasks like a real prophet!

You finished eating the food you brought with you from the mental hospital this week, and will have to find more soon.
Spoiler: Ardent Debater (click to show/hide)

Threaten someone out of their food, Failing that Kill them and drag them back to my Home, Cutting the meat off people can't be that hard, and I can't catch anything off them if I cook 'em the same way I'd cook a chicken...

Raid a Mall for Seeds, Who'd Steal the things?

Look for a Gun, someone out for cash 'ought to have one.
[4] Someone leaving their house is easily threatened to give over 2 weeks of food & water.

[5] You were mostly wrong about the no one stealing seeds idea, but you still found 30x Seeds remaining in an abandoned gardening supply store.

[5] Also at the mall, you find a person clutching a Hunting Rifle, crying. You end up giving them $15,000 for the gun, and they luckily still accept the arguably-useless money. They also depart with 12 low-caliber bullets.

[5] You eat 1 week of food and water, putting [starvation] at bay. Your sprained ankle also is virtually gone now!
Spoiler: crazyabe (click to show/hide)

Inactive Survivors
Spoiler: Dustan Hache (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: fourtytwo (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: star2wars3 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: TopHat (click to show/hide)
Diseased Survivors

One thing of note this week is a sense of divine abandonment. People are starting to feel hopeless with their chosen deities.

Oh, yeah. The even-more-spotty media is now broadcasting widespread reports of zombies. Survivors are starting to notice them appearing in the cities, too. It looks like this is the virus being observed beforehand, and now it's been spread across the country. The pundits estimate it's only a matter of time before large population centers are completely overrun.

Apocalypse in: Now!
Known apocalypses: Zombies
Current global status effects:
- Societal Collapse: -2 to commerce rolls involving stores.
- Grocery Collapse: Cannot purchase food regularly. Everyone has to survive on stockpiled food.
- Internet Collapse: Cannot use internet.
- Divine Abandonment: No praying actions.

So, Shadowclaww77 gets the prestigious achievement of being first to die! Feel free to start again from scratch if you still want to continue playing.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: crazyabe on February 22, 2017, 08:49:24 pm

Threaten someone out of their food, Failing that Kill them and drag them back to my Home, Cutting the meat off people can't be that hard, and I can't catch anything off them if I cook 'em the same way I'd cook a chicken...

Raid a Mall for Seeds, Who'd Steal the things?

Look for a Gun, someone out for cash 'ought to have one.
Sheesh, skippin' me.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Chiefwaffles on February 22, 2017, 09:01:28 pm
I would clearly never do that. Your eyes must be faulty; check again.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Shadowclaw777 on February 22, 2017, 09:07:08 pm
1: Become zombified through the undead horde
2 Achieve personal sentience by mentally conquering the virus's influence
3: Achieve dominance on the zombie horde by preying on children zombies and/or remaining human survivors
4: Lead horde through a general cliche zombie rampage in the city
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: ziizo on February 22, 2017, 09:11:48 pm
1. Cut some trees.
2. Check back the cabin and search for stuff
2.a hammers
2.b food
2.c books
2.d fishing rods
3. Pray to the gods anyway the bastards will take responsibility for the apocalypse even if it isn't their fault.
4. Make some traps.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Mallos on February 22, 2017, 09:16:06 pm
1)Intimidate people into joining.
2)Try taking over a structure of some kind, one proportional to my gang's strength.
3)Fortify location. It will be our base of operations.
4)Raid and pillage.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: S34N1C on February 22, 2017, 09:18:19 pm
1. Search for water.
1b. Failing that, drink my own pee to stave off death.
2. Do some more hunting. Cook what I kill.
3. Try to make some warmer clothes and/or blanket using animal hide.
4. Make a hat out of money. Use at the most $1000
5. Search for water some more. Just in case.
6. Begin working out. Carve barbells out of logs.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt on February 22, 2017, 09:21:40 pm
Search for water on the island. also: fish.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Enemy post on February 22, 2017, 11:08:22 pm
Hmm, I need a weapon. Tossing a miniature facehugger into my pocket for good luck, I go out and try to make the closest thing I can to Predator wrist blades. I also look for food, water, and a shopping cart*.

*In case I need to move my AVP stuff in a hurry.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: NRDL on February 22, 2017, 11:22:46 pm
Food poisoning? HA! I laugh in the face of food poisoning!

Through sheer willpower, ascend to a new form of life free from these pesky mortal bonds. Using my knife, adorn my body with the primal language and runes of the Old Gods, that they may grant me their favour. Offer up my soul as sacrifice to my becoming.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Ardent Debater on February 23, 2017, 10:00:04 am

1.) I pray to Chuck Norris, not for aid, but that He might know that the One True Prophet and the Sacred Flock endeavor to spread the Divine Truth to all peoples of the world.

2.) I task the Sacred Flock with gathering sustenance for our mortal forms, and tell them to gather their friends and families, so that they might hear the Divine Truth and be Enlightened by the New Faith. When the Sacred Flock has gathered sufficient sustenance and brought a sufficient amount of the Lost and Hopeless to the Divine Truth, they must gather a supply of armaments, that the Sacred Flock will be prepared to do battle against the Unholy Foes of the Divine Truth. Such is the Holy Will of Lord Xenu, His Will be done.

3.) I take up the mortal instruments, and attempt forge a Flamethrower, that those who would oppose the Divine Truth will will be cleansed in the Holy Fires of Divine Wrath, all praise be to the Divines. I then take up the mortal instruments and attempt to forge a suit of Plate Armor, emblazoned with the Holy Symbols of Armok, the God of Blood, that I might be shielded by His Divine Presence, so that the foes of the Divine Truth will fail to slay the One True Prophet.

4.) I preach the Divine Truth to the Lost and Hopeless, so that they might find the Divine Truth and be Enlightened by my wisdom.

5.) When the week has come to conclusion, I and the Sacred Flock will endeavor to find Vessels Of Motorized Transportation, most preferably motorcycles and sturdy jeeps.

6.) When we have gathered a sufficient quantity of Vessels Of Motorized Transportation, we will flee the City in a Grand Exodus, so that the Undead Aberrations will not overcome us. We will endeavor to find a small town susceptible to the Divine Truth, and if we are successful in our endeavor, I will preach the Divine Truth to the Lost and Hopeless, so that they will know the Divine Truth and become Enlightened by my wisdom.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: crazyabe on February 23, 2017, 12:34:34 pm
I Look for a Crow bar
Search for Boards
Search for more food & water
Kill Zombies that are getting too close to my home
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: Lorknis on February 23, 2017, 03:48:06 pm
Better late than never.

1.Aquire a map of this cities sewer system.
1a. Get a flashlight and crowbar.
2. Using this map, find where all the local entry/exit points are.
3. Move all my house's supplies into a side room down in the sewer. There should be quite a few of those with metal doors.
4. Loot buildings that directly link to the sewer from their basement.
Title: Re: Roll to Survive the Apocalypse
Post by: TopHat on February 24, 2017, 01:08:15 pm
1. Retroactively eat food for the past two weeks.
2. Stockpile stuff upstairs; go through pre-apocalypse possesions for anything useful. Fill bathtub with water if its still running.
3. Take the most weaponlike construction tool I have and do a spot of looting. Go for whatever looks easiest.
4. Demolish staircase and hide upstairs like a wimp.