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Topics - Jakkarra

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General Discussion / Creepypasta
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:50:17 am »
A thread for all those weird stories and images you find on the 'net.

It'll be interesting to see what Bay12ers find interestingly Creepy.

For example, this is an interesting tale.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Your move.

General Discussion / When The Wind Blows
« on: June 19, 2010, 10:51:59 am »

It's a cartoon animated by the same man who did "The Snowman", and it's musically orchestrated by Pink Floyd, it's about an old couple caught in WWIII, with a nuclear missile from Russia hitting British soil (Assumedly American soil also) and their adventure throught.

It's about an hour long, and it's from 1986, but it's worth watching.

Play With Your Buddies / Lets Play: Half-Life; Blue Shift!
« on: June 16, 2010, 05:10:45 pm »
Stay tuned for the adventures of Barney Calhoun, as narrated by the world famous JAKKARRA!

I will be uploading the videos in batches, this time, i will not flake out! Tomorrow will be the first instalment (Possibly more) of Jakkarra's first proper LP, BLUE SHIFT!

Suggestions, comments, general hate towards me Welcome!

(Tone down on the hate)

Other Games / Portal 2
« on: June 16, 2010, 08:45:05 am »
New Trailer

VALVe will be releasing Portal two in june of next year, it was scheduled for the final quarter of this year, but due to VALVe deciding they wanted to develop it some more, it's been pushed back a bit, unfortunately.

The trailer shows WHY GlaDOS is still alive, and what's happened to the facility, We see that some of the old rooms are being either reconfigured, refurbished or seen to be completely beyond repair, Knowing valve, a lot of what you see in that trailer is done In-Game, and it's certainly all done In-Engine with the Source Filmmaker, which is one of valve's current defining traits for their trailers.

We also see that the companion cube might be making a comeback! (See if you can find it)

Speculation, Conversation and Jubilation are all welcome in the topic!

Other Games / Frozen Synapse
« on: May 31, 2010, 06:58:47 pm »

This little beauty is a lovely little game from a team of three indie devs.

It looks pretty damn nice, Two players assess the battlefield, set plans for their squad, and then it plays, you have to outwit your opponent with your strategic planmaking (You both pause during the Planning phases).

If you buy now, you get the beta and a free copy for a mate!

General Discussion / Forget it
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:46:47 pm »
Dosent matter

Other Games / Conway's game of life
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:04:10 pm »
I've seen this simulation a lot throught the internet, and have recently become quite interested in it, and was wondering what views other had of it?

I'm planning on running it for a while, to see if i notice anything that hasnt been seen before, i'm researching all about it at the moment.

Gentlemen, this is a thread for any mapping projects i, or anyone else for that matter, may do. I'm currently working on a TF2 map, which will have photos posted at a later date 9I hope quite soon, i just want to finish the blocking first).

Post any such projects you may have, and generally just use this as a blog. I'll put up polls and whatnot for you if you require them also.

(It's also to be used for a feedback thread)

DF Bug Reports / [0.31.01] Brooks appear to cause intense slowdown
« on: April 02, 2010, 12:38:11 pm »
I have a map running at the moment, that every time i attempt to start the game moving shoots from virtually unlimited FPS, down to around 1-2.

I believe this to either be caused by the brook, or the fact that it has two biomes. I believe this because i was able to attain a steady 100 framerate on another map, which did not have a brook.

DF Suggestions / Medical procedures as "Uniforms"
« on: March 29, 2010, 04:56:31 pm »
Greetings from the Lower Forum.

 May i ask that it be possible (If not already) for a later version to be able to have a medical procedure be designated as part of a "Uniform".

The next version includes Uniforms, and i was hoping for it to be possible to have dwarfs have some form of procedure done, be it a peircing, amputation of a finger or some suchlike thing.

It'd be quite a nice flavourful addition, having dwarves with a finger missing as a sign of military service or something.

It sounds a little grotesque, but it's something to be considered.

General Discussion / Isreal is playing silly buggers.
« on: March 23, 2010, 05:34:05 pm »
Seems mossad are cloning british passports for a secret assassination attempt. A dozen in fact.

Just played on the news, and i wanted to hear your views.

It's just not really a good thing to be doing.

Life Advice / Am i insane?
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:54:45 am »
It seems i have a strange quirk, it has been noted by several people, and has also happened just this very night, that during my sleep i, not too rarely, apparantly, Shoot bolt upright and start spouting gibberish and waving my arms around.

Apparantly i acknowledge the existance of other people, and am fairly pliable, and will go back to rest if asked.

but i have no idea why i am doing this... Some underlying condition? just something odd?

Anyone have any insight?

Other Games / Portal 2!
« on: March 05, 2010, 12:54:18 pm »
Holy-moly, Batman!

Valve just announced the release of Poral 2!

Don't believe me? HUZZAH!

General Discussion / I'm surprised.
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:47:47 am »
I expected better from him.

Actually, no. Don't click that, you might have a seizure.

General Discussion / Lets stop the madness.
« on: February 06, 2010, 10:12:32 pm »
Please, sign This Petition

No more games will be ruined by this Monster.

Why is this man still creating movies?

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