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Topics - Flying Dice

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Wanted to check in to see if anyone else was experiencing this. I found some threads elsewhere about it from early December but there doesn't appear to have ever been a resolution.

The symptoms: Since the 0.50.05 update, in the Premium version, I have been experiencing significant GFPS loss -- it now hovers ~5-7 while unpaused. Mouse input is extremely laggy: clicks sometimes do not register at all, and take >2-3s to register otherwise. While panning the screen there is noticeable hitching as the GUI moves. When paused, GFPS shoots back up to the cap (which I have set at 50). As soon as the game is unpaused, regardless of action (or lack thereof), zoom level, or what is on-screen, GFPS tanks back down to single digits in the span of less than a minute. The UI stuttering and input delay renders the game essentially unplayable while unpaused.

Computational FPS is unaffected, still sitting at my cap of 100 except for occasional dips down into the 80s-90s when there's a lot happening. The actual game is smooth as butter at the same time that the interface is lagging horribly. This is occurring on the exact same modset, worlds, and embarks which were running normally prior to 0.50.05.

I have verified two "solutions", one partial and one total:

1. In the core DF .exe properties, under the compatibility tab, clicking "Change high DPI settings" and toggling on "High DPI scaling override" with "Scaling performed by: System (Enhanced)" selected will result in moderate gains in GFPS. It does not recover to normal levels or performance -- it stabilizes at ~30-35 GFPS and is somewhat playable, albeit with still-noticeable stuttering and delays in the GUI.

2. Switching to ASCII on the premium version totally removes the issue. Likewise, my classic install does not produce the issue at all.

I am setting up a fresh world and embark with minimal mods on my premium install in order to test whether a fresh post-update file will reproduce the issue.

To avoid the pointless questions I saw in responses to previous threads about this issue:
-I do not have an integrated chipset trying to prioritize itself as the GPU.
-I have a solid modern GPU which should not struggle to render a UI.
-My monitor is plugged directly into the GPU, and the plug is seated properly.
-I have not changed my GPU drivers.
-I am not talking about computational FPS. I am talking about GFPS, the second number in parentheses in the FPS readout, which prior to the premium release essentially tied in to nothing.
-I am playing on a 1920x1080 monitor with resolution set to the same.

Just want to get this out there in case other people are struggling with the same problem. Hopefully my testing will indicate that it was a mod/save issue rather than some sort of bizarre performance bug with the UI.

Other Games / S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl
« on: June 14, 2021, 07:30:58 am »
The announcement just dropped yesterday.

First trailer. Hot damn if it doesn't look promising.

It's live on the Steam store, so it looks like it's at the very least going to be a PC/Xbox release.

The Steam store page lists the planned release date as April 28th, 2022.

I'll try to keep this updated as more news comes in.

General Discussion / Profile updating broken
« on: May 16, 2021, 08:10:11 am »
So after years of not touching the thing, I decided to update my profile information a bit. Any attempt to do so returns a blank page with no error message part-way through the save process and the changes don't go through. I've confirmed this on the latest builds of Pale Moon and Edge, for: avatar, personal text, location, website, and website URL, both individually and in combination.

Anyone else been having this issue?

Other Games / Wargroove
« on: February 01, 2019, 12:00:04 pm »
Wargroove, which released today, is a 2D sprite-based tactical turn-based wargame developed by Chucklefish. If you own Starbound on Steam, you just got a coupon for this.

For the most likely interested audience: if you have fond memories of Advance Wars, buy this now. It's just straight up fantasy-flavored Advance Wars with deeper mechanics, a full map, cutscene, and campaign editor, and naval units that aren't pointless. There's a SP campaign, local skirmish vs AI or other people + a few other SP modes, and online multiplayer skirmish.

It also has Florans as one of the factions.

Oh, and the base price is $20 US.

Other Games / They Are Billions - Hardcore Survival RTS
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:22:37 pm »
I've been tracking this for a while, and it just launched into early access on Steam. Very positive feedback from people who've had beta keys, and I just picked it up myself.

Here's the gist: It's a single-player only RTS oriented around building a steampunk-flavored colony in the post-zombie wastelands. The primary mode, and the only one available right now, is a timer-based survival deal where you're aiming to last for a certain amount of time against increasingly heavy waves of zombies, both spawned on timers and random hordes formed from the passive mobs of them on the map.

It's all sounding pretty generic, I'd bet. The hook is that the resource management is complex but clear, and really tightly wound. You're going to be spending every minute scrambling to macro as efficiently as possible while also juggling micro for the forces you're using to clear out new land, build up passive defenses, and save up for research. Even the default difficulty on the easiest map feels really damn tense. Speaking of difficulty, there are two adjustable settings: duration, and enemy density. The latter is obvious. The former scales difficulty up as the time you have to hold out for is lowered, because it's compressing the attacks that normally occur over 100 days ingame down to 80 or 60 or whatever. That, and there's no reloading saves. When your colony falls, your save gets deleted.

There's lots of well-planned little points. Walls are strong, but you can only build them two-thick. Units can't pass through buildings--if you turn your colony into a messy underhive dealie, your soldiers are going to get stuck walking single-file through crooked alleyways trying to get to the walls before they're breached. If you use soldiers armed with guns, they attract more zombies than your archer scouts. Whenever zombies infest a building that supplies population or workers, all of the people based in that building burst out as new zombies for the horde, making any breach that reaches your residential districts a likely game over. Most to the point, they're not kidding about the name: the devs have the engine set to support ~20,000 units onscreen at once. If you don't clear all of the passive zombies from the map, the last wave of the game will drag them all in on the final assault.

You unlock new maps by beating earlier ones at given difficulty levels. The maps are generated with a set of general characteristics and visuals unique to each-ferex the first map will always generate with a lot of natural chokepoints between forests, mountains, and lakes (all of which are impassable terrain), since it's the first map and they wanted it to always be a bit easier. They've got a full campaign slated for launch in early 2018. The game's $25 US, on a small 10% sale for a week or so for launch, and IMO well worth it even with only the survival mode. The music and sound are pretty good, the art style is tasteful, the gameplay feels solid.

HERE is the official trailer.
HERE is a screenshot they've had up that might give you a decent idea of what you're looking at on higher difficulties if you're sloppy.
HERE is the last bit of a 180% difficulty match on the first map played by one of the youtubers I watched before buying. FWIW earlier in the stream he mentioned being a Diamond league Starcraft II player. The other folks I watched didn't have as much RTS experience and got shitstomped even on 100% difficulty.

Life Advice / Upgrading to a desktop
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:08:53 pm »
Okay, here's my situation. I'm finished with my undergraduate studies and am doing my graduate work online, so my need for a laptop has diminished down to just about nothing.

If I had all the time in the world, I would build myself a desktop on the cheap. Unfortunately that's not how things worked out. My laptop's started freezing constantly without regard to whether it's running something or idle (or what it's running), and I've narrowed it down to Error 7 (good ol' bad block on the HDD). I'm still running fixes because I'm not sure if it's a physical problem with the drive or one of the myriad of software issues that have apparently cropped up around Win8.1 (most likely one which -- I'm not sure, the reports are mostly in broken English and the responses aren't much better -- is some sort of problem that makes all unfilled blocks read as if they're bad), but that doesn't really matter, seeing as how I have classes starting in less than a month.

In short, I need a computer. I also want to go ahead and invest in a gaming rig that'll be pretty good without breaking the bank. What I'm looking at is the Asus G10AJUS010S. It runs at ~$1,500 US (plus the cost of a cheap monitor), has consistently favorable reviews and no systemic issues that I've been able to uncover, and has the following relevant specs:

CPU: Intel i7 3.6GHz
GPU: GTX 970 (Yes, I'm aware of the whole 3.5GB thing, it's not worth an extra $400 to me to upgrade to something with a 980.)
SSD: 128GB
Power: 500W adapter

Q: Taking into consideration that I'm valuing speed (I can have this on my desk and running in less than a week) and my pressing issues, am I overlooking anything that would make this a serious waste of money?

Roll To Dodge / Roll to Fight the Law
« on: June 16, 2015, 07:38:47 pm »
Roll to Fight the Law

The law won.

That's all that matters in the end, and that's why you're locked up in this scrap-heap in the arse end of nowhere. The official name for it is Penal Colony C-7, but for you it's just the Rock. If you're here on a minor charge you've got the dubious good fortune to occasionally be allowed out in a vac-suit to do some mining -- by which I mean you're shoved into a stained discard with expired seals at gunpoint. But hey, at least you're not in solitary, right? Those poor bastards don't see another human face more than once a year.

Today's a new day, a different day. A real red letter day, in fact. There's the usual monthly freighter bringing in supplies as well as the prison transport, true, but rumor has it that the system governor is making a surprise inspection -- that'd explain the third ship some of the inmates have seen while mining. The fourth is a tad bizarre, but you know it's real because the staff have been cherrypicking the well-behaved types for its crew to interview: a holo-vid team shooting some sort of series about life on the Rock.

That's somewhat unusual, yes, but it's not what makes today really special. That's much simpler: today's the day your plan comes to fruition, it's the day you escape. You've worked toward this for a long, long time, but the payoff will make it all worthwhile. Word on the grapevine is that you aren't the only one who has an escape coming up; all the better, those other suckers will draw attention away from your brilliant plan.

There's nothing left but a little waiting and you'll finally be free, right?


Back to basics RTD. No modifiers. No bonuses. No special dice. Just you, one d6, and the uncaring heart of the RNG. Usual spread 6: Overshoot down through 1: Critical Failure.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

I'll take the six I like best to start, everyone else gets waitlisted based on post order.

General Discussion / This is only a test
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:40:25 pm »
Poll testing. Pay no attention to this thread.

Life Advice / Business casual matching and fitting
« on: April 05, 2015, 01:55:39 pm »
Hey, folks, I've got a bit of work to do putting together a small professional wardrobe for myself, and I need some advice. There are two points here:

1. I've already got several nice shirts in white twill and grey linen, as well as a good pair of brown leather dress shoes. What shades should I look for in slacks that would match those?

2. Additionally, should I go for the extra trouble and (painful) expense of getting tailored slacks? Normally I'm all about keeping my costs low, but this is something of an issue for me. I'm an American, but I'm 6'1 and 115lbs. What that means is that when I'm shopping for more casual pants, I go to the teens section simply because nothing in the adult men's is both long enough and slim enough to fit me.

I can't do that for dressy clothes, and in most stores the best I can hope for is to find a pair of slacks of the proper length which are slim enough that I can hold them on with a belt, but that still ends up looking rather bad, especially when most belts are so big that I need to puncture a new hole much further from the end.

Other Games / Starbound - Caveat emptor
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:30:54 pm »
It was pointed out in the thread that, as burningpet is banned, we're never going to see OP updates, which might actually be relevant if and when we see a stable update and people start caring about servers again.

So yeah, if you've got a multiplayer server set up, PM me and I'll add it to the OP.


Server status tracker + IPs. PM Ty or I for the password for his server. Though you should already know what it is.  ;)

On a related note, I know that there's inevitably going to be further resurrections of that stupid "CF is full of lying assholes! No, the playerbase is full of impatient assholes!" shitstorm. So when it does happen, please refrain from stoking the fires and avoid personal attacks, eh?

Forum Games and Roleplaying / World Quest
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:20:23 pm »
I've been bouncing this around my headspace for a few months, so here we go. It's a CYOA-style game with a single PC guided by the votes of the players, if for whatever reason you aren't familiar with the idea. We're going to be operating largely free of stats and numbers, thank goodness, save for an occasional percentile die to decide the outcome of difficult actions, as it's intended in part as a writing exercise for me. There's no central plot that I'm going to railroad towards, the intention is to let you decide where to go and what to do, and then weave those actions into the locations you visit to create stories. Narrative-driven, not numbers-driven.

Wanna build an army and conquer the world? Construct a keep and hide inside for the rest of eternity playing tower defense? Spend a decade wooing some random NPC you took a liking to? Expand your horizons with magic and some really trippy drugs in an endless sequence of experimenting while you experiment? Be the dashing asshole pirate everyone loves to hate? Found a religion? Hijack a religion? Found a cult? Become the focal point of worship for a religion? Build a magical Gundam and stomp evil and/or good and/or neutrals with your size-fuckoff shoes? Be boring and raid dungeons for loot, sell the junk, restock on supplies, wish that you were playing Diablo instead? Sure!

So without further blathering from me, let's get started.

1. What do you look like? Ugly, fetishistic, or bland? Good ol' "lazy-way-out" human, stereotypical fantasy race, or some moronic abomination that will make GM want to kill himself?

2. What are some of your broad personality traits and motivations? Are you a selfish basta- wait, who am I kidding, of course you are! Or maybe you're a rare exception with no regard for self-preservation? Of course you couldn't possibly be an actual well-rounded person with various desires, good points, and hangups, right? (Seriously though, this is your chance to define the character in a context other than your actions.)

3. What sort of life have you led? You're...
[] An urban thief, borne and bred. Like Starling Cloak, except robbing from the rich, poor, and everyone in between to give to yourself. Also, you don't live in a forest wearing tights like some bloody stupid wankers. Oi, didn't I just say not to compare us? I swear on me mum I'll stab ya mate!
[] An arcanotech tinkerer, harnessing magic to enhance your SCIENCE and creating devices to further refine your MAGIC. Who needs empiricism when you have lightning rods and uncontrollable fire!?
[] A bound champion, life pledged to a person, place, or abstract concept, a right proper unthinking dog... but any dog can slip their leash. Bow wow.
[] A vile ravager, preying upon the weak simply because you can, not filing your taxes, and intentionally forgetting to tip. When you inevitably become boring and predictable in the first week, you'll find yourself with plentiful opportunities to become less boring, even though you'll undoubtedly ignore them in favor of more grimderp nonsense from your edgethrone in Edge Castle on Edge Avenue as part of your role as the edgiest edgelord to ever edge in the game of edgethrones.
[] A fledgling necromancer, awaiting your opportunity to unleash undead hordes upon an unsuspecting world in a completely original zombie apocalypse. No, seriously guys, I'm totally a dangerous rogue trying to destroy civilization in a fell masterstroke. Hey, stop hitting me! Let go of my hat!
[] A wizard's apprentice fresh off being thrown out in disgust by your master when you one-upped them. You're all set to build babby's first tower in a suitable isolated location, provided you can coerce the local dullards into quarrying stone, shaping blocks, and constructing it for you. Ah, you knew you should have paid more attention to those texts on golem fabrication and earth manipulation. Heh, who're you kidding, you were too busy getting plastered.
[] A city guard. Why, it's been a quiet week and your partner is only a few hours away from retirement, what could possibly go wrong?
[] A member of a holy order with a dark secret, slowly working your way up the ranks while concealing... ah, bloody hell, you're all hiding something. Brahal's cheating on his wife, Megana murdered her brother over a tavern bill, Lenard... yeah, that poor goat.
[] An ordinary peasant dirt farmer. Expect week after exciting week of thrilling tales as you... dig up stones! Plant sustenance crops in your tiny allotment! Struggle to pay taxes! Beg passing adventurers for help and are ignored! Die of the plague! Die of malnutrition! Die of venereal disease! Die of sword! Die of spear! Die of damned near everything! Are oppressed by people what haven't got shit all over them! Have fun!
[] Something else entirely. Seriously, come up with an idea and chances are I'll run with it, unless it's against forum ToS. This is your delicious write-in option which, as always, affords you with the opportunity to come up with an idea vastly superior to the rubbish I offer.

I can't promise daily updates or whatever, but I've got about a month of free time where I'm starved for things to do, and an easy final semester of undergrad work that I'll be looking to procrastinate on, which should mean semi-regular updates So yeah.

What's that? You want a map? Do I look like I'm made of maps!? Actually, I totally am. You get a map! You get a map! EVERYBODY gets a map!

Might want to open it in a separate tab though because damn that's big.

The title for this is definitely not 'Snark Quest'.


Neptune's Pride 2 is a free, browser-based multiplayer 4X. Games typically last somewhere between a few weeks and a few months.

So, we're looking for people who are interested and willing to commit to playing. I'm going to cover the cost of a premium account (in order to create the match and any future ones) as long as we have at least 6 people willing to play, though matches can support up to 32 players, so there's not much of an upper cap.

I figured that this would be a more effective way of checking up on it than asking for more PMs in the two-page thread in OG. Once we get six people, I'll set things up as soon as we go ~1-2 days without anyone else joining, or once we hit a pretty good-sized number. If it gets to be around a week from now and it's still just four of us, I'll start with that.

If you're interested, just post In and your account name over there.

Quote from: Players; Forum Name | Game Handle
Flying Dice | Flying Dice
BlitzDungeoneer | BlitzDungeoneer
Cheedows | Cheedows
Ghazkull | Ghazkull
Octobomb | Octobomb
werty892 | Werty
bulborbish | Bulborbish
lavenders2 | Lavenders2

I'm also looking for opinions for a couple things, including the map (I'll post screenshots when we get closer) and whether or not we should have the ability to make/break game-enforced alliances rather than purely trust-based ones.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / DnD 3.5: Brackenreach/End IC
« on: July 28, 2014, 05:14:23 pm »
OOC Thread

You find yourself loitering around outside a shack – a well-made, homely shack, but a shack nonetheless – in the company of six others of various races and dispositions (eight, if you count the mules). The shack is situated in the shade of a small grove, surrounded on all sides by heavily cultivated fields. The mild spring sunlight filters down through the thickly woven canopy, casting a dappled pattern across the small packed-earth assembly area.

To the south-east you can make out the rooftops of Silver Falls in the distance, along with the glimmering waters of the Lake. The perilous snow-capped peaks of the End tower above you from horizon to horizon, ancient teeth biting at the eastern sky. You have responded to a routine Leafguard call for temporary work, and are essentially citizens-mercenary tasked with basic investigation and upkeep of Vale security – though why it’s taking so long for an officer to see to you is beyond your ken, at least for the moment.

((AKA get to know each other IC.))

IC Thread

I've been spending some time getting things together, as I've decided to try my hand at DMing. Incidentally, I won't turn down advice if an individual with some experience as a DM wants to offer it. At any rate, this is going to be DnD 3.5 in PBP format, because that's by far easier and more inclusive than IRC or similar (not to mention I won't be having time for IRC once I'm working on my thesis. :S). Once we've got our characters ready, I'll set up a separate IC thread. I'll be accepting 6 players at the absolute maximum, and it is not first come-first served, so feel free to take some time on quality.

1. Use Myth-weavers to manage your sheet.
2. 32 point buy. Here is an easy calculator for it.
3. Up to TWO flaws and TWO traits.
4. Characters begin at level 1. Maximum HP (highest roll of your class HD + CON), MAXIMUM starting gold for your class (PHB p.111; e.g. a Bard gets 160gp)

5. By default I will be allowing all official 3.5 sources and material (which means every Wizards sourcebook and splatbook as well as any direct excerpts from Dragon Mag you can find, barring some exceptions which I will list. Note that Rule 0 is in force, DM has veto rights on anything too broken. Also note that the difficulty of the campaign will vary based on how broken you try to be -- if everyone makes unoptimized low-tier characters, things will be easy, if everyone goes for a highly optimized build the difficulty will ramp up over time, and if everyone makes stupidly broken characters the enemies will be stupidly broken as well (as in "oh hey, that bugbear is now a fiendish dire bugbear"). Try to be mindful of your fellow players, too, we want everyone to enjoy this -- and more importantly, balance-relative-to-others is one of the two criteria I'm using when selecting characters. PROVIDE A SOURCE FOR ANYTHING NOT IN THE SRD/CORE BOOKS.

6. Classes get free LA based on their tier. Tier 1 = 0, Tier 2 = +1, Tier 3 = +2, and so forth. 'Free' means that you don't suffer the normal penalties of taking templates with LA. No additional LA will be allowed. For Tier 4 classes and below, look into the Silver Half Dragon -- note that no other Half Dragon templates are allowed. As mentioned below, if you are eligible for free LA but choose to take none, you may add 1 point per level of LA to a single ability score.

7. I'll be conducting all rolls, given that that's more streamlined than everyone dipping over to invisiblecastle for every roll. I'll only announce things like spot checks if they reveal something, aka "So'n'so, you see shadows moving to your left. Riffraff, you hear quiet footsteps in the darkness," but no "You all just failed your spot and listen checks." Make sure to Boldly State what your actions are, as opposed to dialogue or description.

8. Make sure to include in the notes section of your character sheet a Letter and Color that you want used to represent you on the tactical maps.

We'll copy a certain someone's setup for health and initiative in combat, e.g.:
Quote from: Initiative
Player 1 [8/8]
Player 3 [6/12]
Enemy 1 [Uninjured]
Enemy 2 [Near Death]
Player 2 [7/7]

Spoiler: Banned List (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Houserules (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Extra Houserules (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Vale (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Map (click to show/hide)

1. Osoero, Human Warlock -- Rolepgeek
2. Krag Bloodskull, Troll Warrior -- Remuthra
3. Ruvitsuvi the Red, Elf Sorcerer -- Tawarochir
4. Cernan Tiburux, Dragonborn Lesser Aasimar Cloistered Cleric -- My Name is Immaterial
5. Tradok Rawhide, Half-Orc Barbarian -- PrivateNomad
6. Ulric Farseer, Dwarf Fighter -- Nerjin
7. Slork Hemrun, Half-Orc Fighter -- Ultravalican

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Misleading Summaries
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:12:21 am »
The title is the only place in this thread where something is exactly what it sounds like.

Summarize things:
1. In ways which are technically accurate but misleading.
2. Which are fictional works. No real-life stuff, we don't need to go down the path that leads to.
3. With whatever length is necessary, a few words to a few paragraphs.
4. With the name of the work at the end, in color=transparent code if you want to save the punchline.

I'll lead off.

Two young men go on a journey of mutual self-discovery. They and their friends get roped into a roadtrip with a bunch of older men, but after putting up with the wacky adventures for a while--the guy who was supposed to be in charge got into a fight with this crazy dude on a bridge and fell off--they steal a boat and leave. There's only the two of them at that point, but this creep that's been stalking one of them for weeks keeps showing up. Eventually they make it to their destination, a really exotic place full of big game and gruff natives. It's a long hike, but they climb this big mountain together, and at the top one carries the other over the threshold into a chamber. At that point the other one pulls out a ring, and the two start to argue about what they're going to do. The stalker shows up again and accidentally saves their relationship. After that, they leave and spend some time lying around on a little island--the whole scene is really hot. They didn't plan on leaving for a while, but one of their older friends called in some favors to get them a free flight out, so they go along. That's when Aragorn is crowned as the king of Gondor and the hobbits go home. The Lord of the Rings

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