Other Projects > Play With Your Buddies

Cag is streaming for fun and profit. offline

<< < (3/3)

And starting to stream Just Cause 2 again, since it's pretty cool, and you haven't seen anything yet. Sadly, Janet got sick and can't concentrate enough to roleplay for exalted.

Starting to stream IWBTG.

Hi Chaoticag. I dunno if it is just something about your nickname, but I gotta ask, did you used to play Kohan and Kohan: AG back in the day?

Haven't. This is the first time I've heard of it, What's it on, and from when?

Kohan was an RTS from ~ 2001 or 02. Kind of a sleeper. I played the hell out of it; Had a fun, small and very active multiplayer community. Kind of my own personal "good old days" of online gaming, so I'll think I recognize a nickname and be compelled to ask. Also your avatar is just kinda sorta reminiscent of the game's art. Cheers!


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