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Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: (ISG) The Warrens of Oric the Awesome...?
« on: November 02, 2022, 04:18:10 pm »
Once more the ancient invocations have been spoken, once more the old trails are trodden. The fires are lit. The way is chosen. The watch is kept., yeah! Cool beans.

Shit, I never thought the day would come. Incredible to see it. Hope you had fun at turnips all these years! :P

And for reference, as far as being worried about interest goes--I've been thinking nostalgically about the Warrens on-and-off since...well, basically since it stopped. This weird little forum game's turned into being a pretty big part of me, strange as it might sound to say it.

The game's antagonist is still my computer's password, yeah.

I'm speaking as someone who really only ever lurked on this, but I think anybody who was around the lower boards when this game was at its height will remember it.

...Although it may be wise to figure out some sort of soft reboot/easy jumping on point so new (or even returning) people don't feel lost. Or perhaps a brief animated summary. My memories of this are a bit blurry, and I'm not sure I have time to run through 1500 pages of refresher material.

My gut says these boards will undergo a surge of new and returning players whenever Toady/Kitfox release DF Steam Version, which may happen sooner rather than later. Would make for as good a time window as any to relaunch TWoOtA.

I'm hyped for new DF as well. 2023 is shaping up to be Nostalgia Year for me

Cranky struggles to regain control of his kart, chocolate chips and tofu bits flying everywhere! The only thing worse than his Kart's handling is the taste of that tofu banana! Fortunately, a solid whack of his cane loosens up whatever was jamming his steering column, allowing him to creep out of the mud pits just before certain doom takes him to a sugary grave. Even more fortunately, some contraption Diddy installed before the race starts chugging away, washing the clinging choco-mud off the Speedy Pete!

Diddy! I thought I told you to do something about the handling on this kremling-kursed kart!
I'm a mechanic, not a miracle worker, Pop Pop! It would be way worse without those tires, and between them and the choco-fludd you're covered from most of the course hazards. Speaking of the fludd, you should pull into the pit when you come around again. My smoothie machi- er, that is, the extra chocolate is weighing you down, so you should deposit it here with me!
Bah! Pit stops! Back in my day, if your Kart broke down after the first lap, you completed the last 2 on foot! I'm not going to pass up my chance at the item boxes just to hoard some glorified dirt!

Diddy doesn't give up his arguments, but Cranky ignores him for now- there's no sense thinking about the Pit Stop when he still has some difficult curves to navigate and a course hazard Diddy didn't prepare him for! He throws himself into a precise series of Powerslides, hoping to gain a bit of speed from the bumpers- and avoid hitting a plant and falling back!

Unfortunately for Cranky, there's no more time to stall. He has a date with destiny, and that destiny is shaped like a tofu-flavored tofu banana.

Fortunately for Cranky, at that very moment a rampaging triceratops sprays the Speedy Pete (and Cranky, and the "banana") with mud! Chocolate mud! Acting quickly before Wrinkly can swap out the killer tofu, Cranky jams the tofu banana in his mouth!

BLAH! It tastes like chocolate-covered gym socks!

Coughing and wheezing, Cranky rolls into the wake of Tricky Triceratops, once again Drafting behind him in an attempt to climb the ranks!

Cranky Kong finds himself in an unexpected (if not unprecedented) situation- he can't get a word in edgewise over the nagging of his undead wife, Wrinkly Kong! He sighs, knowing there's only one way to get her off his case, at least for a little while- eating the "healthy" tofu banana. He's not sure if he has the nerve, though- from experience, he knows the damn thing isn't even banana-flavored tofu!

Full of trepidation, he begins unpeeling the unappealing minimeal. To distract himself from the coming horror, Cranky focuses on throwing the Speedy Pete in to a Powerslide, hoping to keep pace with the pack!

Mr. Cranky, what are you doing! My viewers did not tune in to watch a big dinosaur butthole for 15 turns!
You're one to talk- I'm the one who's downwind of it! But thanks to this Golden Shroom, I won't be here for long!
Uh, Pop Pop, I've been meaning to tell you something about that aerodynamic shawl on your Kart...

Cranky isn't paying much attention to Diddy, however, as he slides into Tricky's massive wake for a Draft! Rather than risking a tricky stunt, he instead uses a charge off his Golden Shroom!

Don't worry, Pop Pop! This is exactly how last race started, and that turned out alright! Just remember, if you lose, we're broke, and we could really use the Coin.
Don't distract me, Diddy, I'm caught between a trike and an angry snowcone! It's a good thing there's some early items here to bail me out!

Not noticing an ominous flutter from the Spooky Shawl behind him, Cranky Kong Drives Defensively to set himself up for an Item Box! He gets the heck out of the way of Tricky, allowing the dinosaur to pass!

As the Speedy Pete rolls up to the starting line, the pit radio crackles to life!

Be careful out there, Pop Pop! A little bird told me our Kremkroc friends have put a hit out on you, so everyone will be looking for a chance to pound you into the choco-dirt!
Let them try- an old racer like me knows a thing or two! Just need to steer clear of Jack, he looks tooled up for headhunting.
Yep! I mean, no! That is, you beat him in a duel last time, and I'm sure you can handle him again! In fact, you should go out of your way to knock him down a peg, show'm who's boss! Embarrass him in front of his sponsor, put him to the back of the pack, or at least behind Bowser!
That seems... vindictive? What's gotten into you, Diddy?

There's no time to listen to Diddy's mumbled excuses, however- the starting light is about to go green! Remembering how his distraction cost him last race, Cranky puts his Pit Crew Chief out of his mind and focuses on his Rocket Start!

Diddy Kong's hovercraft glides smoothly over the rough chocolate landscape, laden with repair tools, banana milk, and a fondue set. Behind him, Cranky Kong struggles to control the Speedy Pete as the Coconut Spoiler catches air and causes the Kart to lose traction, sliding in the cocoa mud at every bump and fudge ripple! They come to a stop in the Pit Lane, preparing for final adjustments before the big race!

Bah! Diddy, you've got to do something about the handling on this Kart! There's no way I can race under these conditions!
Relax, Pop Pop, I'll take care of it. With the Coin you've been earning, you won't believe how well I can get this old Kart running!
Hmph. Well, you were right back on Luigi's Waterway, so I'll trust you. It's a long race, so I'm going to go hit the little ape's room- you get this Kart in racing trim!
Sure thing, Pop Pop! Diddy looks around the track nervously. Just, keep an eye out for that pesky reporter, will you? She sounded awfully determined to get that interview, and I don't think we've dodged her yet.
Bah! Let her dig around- we're as clean as this Kart! Cranky hesitates, seeing how the drive to the course has encrusted the Kart in chocolate mud. Cleaner, even!

As Cranky Kong stumps off to the restrooms, he doesn't notice the Spooky shawl flutter in the breeze, and the Speedy Pete seems to start cleaning itself. Neither does Diddy, as he heads off to the Chocolate Miner's shop.

Hmmmm... The choco tires would solve that handling problem Pop Pop was complaining about... But Choco-Fludd would go perfectly with my smoothie machine...

Regretfully, Diddy spends their last Coin on the Choco Tires, but as he turns away he sees a familiar mousey fellow in line at the trackside Burger-Kun stand. Thinking for a moment, Diddy pulls out a scrap of paper and scrawls a quick note, then hands it off to his Shy Guy Butler, Shysworth, to deliver to the Perfectly Legitimate Businessman.

Hey, Big Cheese

I need a Choco-Fludd on credit, no questions asked. Bring it to the pit lane, and we'll slide it in before anyone sees.

I can do you a solid in return- Bowser needs to beat Jack, right? I can make that happen, easy as banana pudding!

Sincerely, Little Red

Cranky Kong is relaxing in a rocking chair on a secluded Barrel Embassy balcony when Diddy and Dixie arrive to bring him the news.

Pop Pop! Our mortal enemies, the Kremlings, are trying to buy us out!
The Kremlings! The same Kremlings who have been after our banana hoard for decades? The same Kremlings who turned part of DK Island into an industrial hellhole? I spit on their offer! I'd rather die than take Kremling Coin! Why, I've got half a mind to-
Kremkroc Industries is offering 2 Coin right now, plus a 4 Coin bonus for every top-2 finish!
4 Coin for a win, you say? Well... If I don't take their Coin, they'll only spend it on something evil, right?
You can't be serious. And look here, the length of the contract is forever! Literally! What if they use your fame to do something more evil than they could manage with the Coin?
Well, if it comes to that I'll just renege on the deal. Maybe lose on purpose, make'm look bad. What are they gonna do about it, send Mafia bounty hunters after me? Ha!
Y-yeah, right. Ha. Head-hunting mafia goons. Sure would be weird for them to have an axe to grind.
Gimme that contract! I'll milk those slimy Krems for all they're worth, and then some! Diddy, take that bonus and invest it in the Kart- ol' Speedy Pete will need a heck of a tune up if we're going to live up to this!

Slapping his monkey's paw on the dotted line, Cranky Kong accepts the Kremkroc deal! As soon as the Coin arrives, Diddy scarpers off to the garage and starts ordering new parts- he's got an idea on how to make the Speedy Pete more Aerodynamic!

The garage at the Barrel Embassy is a small outbuilding at the edge of the complex, paneled in mahogany and roofed with palm leaves, designed to service the needs of Embassy personnel and their families. It was not designed to support a high-maintenance racing Kart, but that's the role it finds itself in. Every surface is covered in spare module parts, replacement vines, and a thin coating of Stardust suspended in coconut oil. It's a terrible fire hazard, but the Embassy enjoys diplomatic immunity, and the current guest is held in high regard within the building.

On one of the workbenches, almost buried in discarded banana peels and misplaced tools, a radio cuts away from a soothing steel drum ensemble in order to deliver a special MKL news bulletin!

New irregularities have come to light regarding the thrilling conclusion of the first race in the Mushroom Cup! Earlier today, a press release from Team Rocket's Mushroom Kingdom office alleged that local criminal enterprises interfered with the final race results in order to take advantage of the "live betting" feature offered at the Pokemon Game Corner, a Team Rocket subsidiary.
When Cranky Kong fell to 8th place at the beginning of Luigi's Waterway, our automated gambling service began offering significant odds against his claiming the Underdog Open trophy. At that time, a series of quite substantial bets arrived from what our security offices have determined to be agents of the Mouser Mafia. It is no coincidence that the senile old Kong was then the recipient of frankly unbelievable good fortune, including a massively important Thunderbolt item, the timely procurement of a very dangerous battle cane, and of course, the "retirement" and subsequent mysterious disappearance of the rightful race winner, Karate Joe.
The Game Corner has said their odds-makers will honor only racer positions, and that "claiming the trophy" was a euphemism for first place, not a reference to who actually left the course with the physical award. Cranky Kong finished in second place according to MKL official records, though he did receive the trophy, Coin, and MKL Points as if he had finished in first place instead. MKL investigators say there is currently no evidence to support Team Rocket's claims. When asked about the source of the alleged sleep powder in Rotom's Kart, Team Rocket declined further comment. We will have more on this story as it develops.

Just as the news bulletin ends, Cranky Kong pulls into the garage, parking the Speedy Pete somewhat haphazardly between a stack of tires and a pile of bananas. As he clambers out of the Kart, Diddy and Dixie Kong scurry in eagerly to congratulate him!

Great race, Pop Pop! Unbelievable stuff! I didn't know the Speedy Pete could do some of those maneuvers.
I've never had so many viewers at once! Plus I posted a clip from your speech to ticktock, and that's going bananas, and look at how many 1ups this pic got on bananagram! What a win for Team Kong!
I still don't like this whole "internet" business. Seems like a lot of hootinany over nothing. What's wrong with the race broadcast?
There's nothing wrong with it, exactly, the audience just wants to see more than they can show. The broadcast can give a good overview of the race, but Dixie can give the fans a whole new perspective on the race!
Like, that clip of Karate Joe blazing past you on his way to a higher plane of existence is my most viewed clip ever, and it's only been live for a few hours! That duel with Jack, the head-to-head with Crank, anything involving the purple guy screaming, it's all blowing up! Plus, someone noticed from the post-race feed that Bowser got some key in the race? He's only the most eligible bachelor in the entirety of everything, so everyone's dying to know what that's about!
Hrm. Well, I don't know...

Cranky begins hobbling out of the garage, his shiny new cane clicking sharply on the concrete, when suddenly a massive ostrich in racing sneakers blocks the door!

Cranky Kong! On behalf of DK Country, let me offer congratulations on your performance!
Ambassador Expresso! Thank you, and thank you again for the use of your garage.
My pleasure, Cranky, my pleasure. I've always been an avid racing fan, you know, and I prefer to walk around the Mushroom Kingdom anyway. But where is my head- I came here to deliver the mail you've been getting.
Mail? What mail? I haven't gotten so much as a birthday card in thirty eight years!
All kinds of mail, my curmudgeonly old friend! Fan mail, interview requests, photo ops, endorsement offers... I have a letter here from the owner of the DK Island Palm Wood Importer who wants to personally thank you for mentioning his product in your post-race interview. It seems some maniac has bought up his whole supply, and now there's an entire DIY Kart hobbyist market that exists thanks to you!
Great galloping gorillas, that stack is enormous! I can't deal with that, I'm a busy ape with things to do!
Aren't you glad you hired Dixie to be your PR manager, Pop Pop?
Bah! Fine! Have it your way, kiddos. Team Kong it is. Dixie, take care of this nonsense, I don't care what you do with it. Diddy, get my Kart ready for the next race- Speedy Pete took some abuse out there, and I want him in better shape than ever before! Expresso, why don't we swing by the cafeteria and see if they have any banana nut muffins left, and I'll tell you about the time I invented the rotary caliper. It was a different time, and the tsar had sent for me...

After watching the MKL security toads drag Waluigi away from the podium, Cranky Kong blinks in astonishment, then steps up to the microphone.

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? *cough* Yes! Well, that was a good race, wasn't it? Reminds me of the old days, when racers had to put together their own Karts from nothing but a coconut tree and a bushel of bananas, and didn't have to worry about all this newfangled crinkum-crankum. I'd like to thank my great-grandson Diddy Kong- not only did he do one bang up job of getting the Speedy Pete into racing trim, but he also found a new and improved replacement for my beloved walking stick, without which I would have never been able to defend myself in that final, decisive turn. That's the kind of inventive, old-fashioned pioneering spirit I came out here to encourage on the track today!

Why, it reminds me of the time I was racing Jump Man through the Crystal Gorge of Quetzldoppabopolis! In order to cross the bridge at Death's Hand Bend, you needed these special badges from the nearby checkpoint. So, I tied an onion to my belt, as was the style at the time. We couldn't get the white ones, on account of the war- it was one of those big yellow ones. To make a long story short, when I finally got to the badge station, I needed to pay 5 Coins for it! And in those days, Coins had pictures of bumblebees on'm! Gimme 100 Bees for a 1up, you'd say. So now that I had my badge, I needed to get back to the racetrack. So, I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...

As Cranky's acceptance speech becomes increasingly long-winded and "inventive," Diddy packs the Underdog Open Trophy into the rear of his hovercraft (along with the winnings) and heads back to the garage at the Barrel Embassy. Being the Pit Crew Chief for Cranky has given Diddy a bit of celebrity of his own, and he waves good-naturedly to the crowd as he idles off the track. Nobody seems to notice one of the fans enthusiastically returning his wave is a suspiciously mousey fellow in a trenchcoat carrying a very suspiciously empty umbrella case...


Coconut Spoiler, don't fail me now!

With the checkered flag approaching fast, Cranky Kong Drafts to the Outside, hoping to squeak over the finish line before the POW block of doom obliterates the track!

...also, I don't think a track section description should say anything about powerslides if it gives neither a bonus nor a penalty.

That's an artifact of how I wrote the rules originally. If you look at the Powerslide action itself in the rules text, it says it is made at -1, then gives examples of where that penalty might be offset or replaced with a bonus. I wanted it to be clear that it was a more situational action (since modifiers are quite significant in a 1d6 situation where "natural" results don't matter,) and to consult the track segment for details. Then I think I just wound up calling out what the bonus was in each segment even if it was the normal -1, just for convenience. Luigi's Circuit/Waterway is of course unusual in that no segment has the -1, but that's a quirk of the course, not the rules.

Cranky Kong howls furiously as the regulation MKL engine plays merry hell with his classic Diddy Kart! Lacking a cane to beat it with, he instead resorts to the Kart's built-in safety measures, saving the Speedy Pete but losing a position in the race!

Whose banana-daquiri soaked brain thought this blasted Stardust engine was a good idea!?! First the Rocket Start, and now my last chance at victory! I might fall all the way down the leaderboard at this rate!
Sorry Pop Pop, but it's MKL regulation! Everyone uses the same engine, and the same fuel.
Palm rot! There's nothing wrong with the way we did it back in the Diddy Kart days! And why did you weigh down Speedy Pete with this cockamamie fire extinguisher? It's dead weight!
Safety regulations require it, Pop Pop! Everyone's got one- nobody wants to die in a fire.
That's the problem with this sport, everyone's gone soft! If you're going to keep on as my Pit Crew chief, you're going to need to solve these problems if we hope to compete in the next race!

While he continues to berate his great grandson over the radio (to the delight of a radio audience that regularly consumes the tasteless content of DK Country Police Body Cam recordings with the sort of fervor usually reserved for a major religion,) Cranky focuses on reclaiming his position from the impudent whelp who passed him on the inside! Once again taking a clean race line into the final straightaway, Cranky Drafts, hoping to leverage his small advantage into a pass before the Fake Item Box completely cuts him off!

Okay, for real this time, illegal shenanigans

Spoiler: The Nefarious Store (click to show/hide)

The suspicion gain mechanics on several of those is pretty rough and thoughtless, and I didn't even bother with a couple there, so that part definitely needs review/revision before potential implementation. I was also going to include some notes on mods that specifically play with Course hazards/gimmicks, but I'm sleepy, so I'm outies.

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