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Messages - trib

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I always played vanilla ASCII (no tilesets) and never used Therapist (and I've been playing since the very first releases) , so I had some really strong muscle memory. It was strange at first, I even thought I couldn't stand the new version, but I tried and after some hours it's all fine. I still think it could improve, mainly by navigating menus without using the mouse, but its fine as it is.

Yeah I played 5 hours yesterday and after the first shock and hiccups, I learned the new hotkeys pretty quick(Played since 2010 with no therapist). Classic version hotkey missclicking only rarely pop up, no where near enough to be annoying. The new system is only slightly slower once you learn the new hotkeys and I bet some of the missing keybindings (lilke for building in workshops) will come back over time.

So I posted this on the subreddit, but decided it's worth it to let people here know as well.

Meet Sabosh Lashlightning the Dour Author of Coincidence.
He rides a reanimated dragon corpse that he killed when it was 356-years old.

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Now you will know why you fear the night.

Sadly it seems that it cannot breathe fire anymore or at least I haven't seen it do it yet, but boy does it like to claw the shit out of anything you ride close to. I'll probably try to do the same to a roc in my world for a gigantic flying mount as well.

A few tips for when you go try to get yourself a megabeast mount: Go alone and try to get a single kill hit so that you aren't taking off limbs of your new steed and to avoid mangling it. I got extremely lucky and on my second stab with my steel spear I got its brain and it dropped dead completely intact, except for the brain of course. At a full gallop, the dragon corpse only goes around 1.7 speed, but it can of course always be at a full gallop since it's undead. When you're riding it into battle it will make you nigh-invincible as it will tear off limbs with its claws and toss your enemies flying through the air.

Combat log, legends of the dragon and map of the arduous journey to it

I'll try that for sure, sounds clever.

You can even make it multiple stories tall if you want more cages to be set, just remember to set the bridges to the same lever so that they'll all activate at the same time. Also, Kruggsmash discovered when he did this in Futurelanters that it's much faster to built multiple levers and then connect those to the cages as if you have a ton of cages then you'll fill up the queue on a single lever quickly, but you can queue all of them to be linked up on multiple levers at the same time.

Put the cages right next to the pit so that the dwarves don't need to do dragging and will just straight up toss them in.

Alternatively, make a retracting bridge ontop of the pit, put your caged prisoners around the bridge and connect them to a lever. Then just pull the lever to release them and then open the bridge, most should fall down, but you may need to cycle it a couple of times as they tend to get stuck on the cage edge.

This is how it should look like



Set the number of secret types to 0 if you want no necromancers. Necromancers is the only secret type so that controls it.

Edit: I see that you did too that, other than that I have no idea. That is the only thing that controls it in world gen as far as I know.

Well, this shot was fairly easy to guess, yeah. But try taking a look at his world-map... its cloth nd cabinets all over the place :P

I think he is using the old, old phoebus tileset that is not updated with XXTatteredXX so the world map tiles are quite wonky. I too used that tileset until just recently so this is like looking at my own fort, but it isn't well adapted to the newer civ menus and such.

Once I had a fun embark with a waterfall and a colder climate at the bottom end. Every winter, a big lake formed that was later released down stream. I don't have raws though.

Damn, I've toyed around with WG a lot to get the largest rivers possible and hunting for waterfalls, but I've never even though about that idea! I gotta mess around with it more, that sounds very cool, although I bet it will absolutely slaughter FPS.

Btw, if you want huge rivers like this one you have to set minimum high rain squares to a large number and then set the minimum rainfall and minimum drainage settings near the top of the advanced world gen list to something like 90. This creates maximum rainfall and maximum drainage which creates a lot of rivers. Small/medium worlds usually only have 1, if that, but larger ones have a lot more, probably around 20.

Very nice use of 3d space, I've always struggled with that.

Thanks, I've got some experience though since I play with invaders off and just focus on building a cool fort.  This was my last fortress, carved inside a volcano. It took so long to carve that area into the mountain that I just resolved that everything has to fit there. It came out pretty well, but alas FPS killed.

Edit:Oh, by the way, there IS flux stone on the site, it's just quite deep.

DF General Discussion / Re: Disturbing Things In Dwarf Fortress
« on: February 27, 2019, 04:10:40 pm »
This is probably one of the cruelest things I've done to sentient beings(by game's classification) so far. An opossum man and woman, captured with cage traps and now chained with golden chains in the grand throne room along with a grizzly bear and a giant eagle. Just recently the opossum man fell into depression.
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Very nice use of the waterfall !

Thanks, I wish it was a few z-levels higher so I could have fit a proper library in there, but I do still think that this system has almost 100% misting effect since a lot of the main pathways go next to the waterfall.

This embark sadly has no flux stone, don't know about adamantine yet but what it does have is a shit ton of gold which I have used liberally around the fortress. Currently in the progress of upgrading the bridge into dacite and gold, but just had a bad construction accident leading to over 20 deaths, all fell off the bridge after a collapse and went down the waterfall. At least they will be with The Mist now. Fun fact, one of my dieties is called The Oceanic Shore and my temple to it(?) is got randomly called "The Moist Sanctuary".

This is what I ended up with trying to utilize the waterfall as much as possible. There's still some room to grow there too.

Here's the entrance, just a wood bridge over the river with a small secondary meeting hall so the dwarves don't have to run all the way down. Also a small arena in the meeting hall with bridges that can be used to flood/wash the arena.
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Just the arena and some dead panda folk ontop of my barracks.
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Barracks and a little bit of the hospital. Fortifications all the way along the waterfall and a well plus prison access.
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Temple area, all this is gold by the way. Also, wagon entry from the main rampway. Open area looking down on library and tavern. The most opulent prison I've ever made and count's bedroom.
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Count's dining and office, royal bedroom. Library and tavern seating along the waterfall to maximize misting.
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Bottom floor, throne room and royal dining. Tavern and tavern housing plus mayor's and captain of the guard's rooms up top. Tavern seating again along the waterfall for misting plus it leaves a nice open area for dancing.
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I have a special kind of madness.

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That's what I thought too, seems a waste to spend it on an entrance only. I was thinking a multi z-level tall grand dining room, make the whole waterfall wall fortifications so that the mist plays in whole 3d space. Then put stairs up from the bottom and make winding pathways with periodic tables and chairs for seating through the area that gets the most mist. Build vertically in other words, shame it's only 5 z-levels.

And yeah, this is by far the largest river I've ever seen. The fact that I found this waterfall in it is just amazing.

What would you do with a gargantuan river that stetches from the north of the island world to the south and near the end turns into an epic 5 z-level waterfall? Now is your chance to fulfill your wildest waterfall embark dreams and put your CPU to the test.

Behold it in all its majesty!
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World seed
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Directions to site
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I was debating if this was worthy of its own thread, but I felt that this was just too cool not to share.

On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating


There have been so many firsts in this fortress that it's become more of a test of long term game mechanics(In addition to an amazing story, of course). Speaking of which, have you checked with legends to see if writing & books have started popping up outside Archcrystal, as NCommander hypothesized back when he fixed the features in? That was almost a century ago and would be another first in DF. Just imagine, dwarves spreading literacy to the world, what could be more preposterous than that?

Smooth walls aren't impossible to climb, just harder. And they didn't climb from the bottom, that curtain wall is close enough to the ground before your ditch that they can sprint and just jump across and grab onto the curtain wall.

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