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Dwarf Fortress => DF Community Games & Stories => Topic started by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 12:40:07 pm

Title: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 12:40:07 pm
Abandon Hope Ye Who Enter Here
(The actual fort has started, you can skip to the beginning of the story on page 35 Here (, and you can skip to the beginning of the fort on page 51 Here ( I would suggest reading the process of creating this though, as it was quite entertaining)
Over my career of playing dwarf fortress I have amassed a stockpile of mods for personal use. Most of which conflicted gloriously and often led to, say, an invasion of Goombas wielding master swords with war allosaurs that breath fire. Some of which was my own personal tinkering to make everything even more broken and !fun!. The combination of many of these mods that were intended to stand alone and create their own world led to a very entertaining hell with many events that shouldn't exist. Not wanting to keep all the fun for myself I've decided to create and document a new (possibly succession fort depending on how much interest there is in it being succession) fort when the next dwarf fortress update comes out with all of my mod folder. But that's not all! Until I decide to start the fort I will be accepting Any mod personal or official (unless deemed to have an element that might destroy the experience too hard) or modification to existing game or mod functions to the fort. This is going to be a dictatorial democracy process.

The fort has been started, so mods will be no longer added. You can still submit them, but they'll be put to the side until further notice.

A simple bar fight could easily turn into a fruit salad in seconds.
This process has already turned into quite a spectacle.

Mod Accepting Process
    If I deem that something is too bad (such as say, changing rain out for lava or making an unbeatable beast as common as vermin) I may veto it, but if there is enough of a desire to over rule the veto than so be it. Otherwise, make any changes as small or extensive as you want (within reason). You can post a spoiler with the raw text in it, or send me a download link. If an official mod is desired point me towards it's thread. I'm not going to call anyone out for plagiarism, but don't steal too much. I only ask that you give a general overview of what the mod contains and a reason you want it, preferably with extra emphasis on what's in it that might bring the fortress to it's knees. It doesn't have to be balanced, but the game should at least not crash from just thinking about it.

     It has been determined, because of the stupid amount of effort that was put into making them reproduce asexually, that we are a fort of lawnmower ranchers.
Our resident lore master has begun to compile the know information of this world, found here:
I took a couple hours and wrote this, I hope it captures the egocentric, communist, & out right wrong veiwpoint of the Koopas.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I've lost track of what's actually made it in, everything that is in is listed here, but I have no idea what's actually in and what got cut.

Tampered with Mods (be aware that I might miss a few)
Rise of The Mushroom Kingdom
Dwarvemon (updated to 1.13) [Updated]
Zelda Breath of The Wild (or something, can't remember the name, civs taken out because of bugs)
Fortress Defense
Meds Rhendrow (most of it had to be removed because of bugs)
ZM5's Spooky Halloween Mod [Updated]

Untampered Mods (tampering encouraged)
Mostly Mythical Creatures Mod
What Lurks Below [Updated]
Black Powder Fire Arms
Deeper Dwarven Domestication
Modest Mod (I think it's in there, but I'm not sure)
Procedural legends
Teh Lol Mod [updated]
The Earth Strikes Back (could never get it to work, made a serious attempt at it but likely isn't working, help appreciated)
Enemy Post's Creature Pack [Updated]
Secrets of capitalism and communism by Bearskie
Burrito25man's script for butchering sapient creatures (maybe working)
IndigoFenix's Dwarven Bread
Scourge's extinct animals [Updated]
Stals Armory pack (I only gave the new stuff to the Koopa's, might give the stuff to the other civs)
Scourge's mundane animals [Updated]
Asin's Wee Folk Mod [Updated]
Asin's Golbinoids (and orcs) mod
Fluffyshambler's caverns of peace, friendship, and fun mod [Updated]
squamous's fantastic races mod [Updated]
Jazz Cat's dwarfsday winter holiday mod [updated]
ZM5's darkest dungeon mod [updated]
Dunamisdeos's Speecho the Trust Worm mod
Dunamisdeos's Fruit Engine mod

Modifications (as they are added/remembered)
Changed the Koopa people to be metal, six armed, lightning and laving spitting harbingers of destruction (I kept getting curb stomped by everything in the first month so I gave them a boost, not as OP as you'd think they are still quite susceptible to tidal waves of ruin that come with each invasion or wild animal wave)
Swapped around the alliances of some of the civs so we could be attacked by the useless trader ones while still having the useful trader ones
A lot more, going to be posted here as they are rediscovered

Pending Mods
Zelda Breath of the Wild Civs (they always made my game crash during world gen, if someone can fix them or tell me whats wrong they'll be put back in)

Enemy Post's Composite Pack (have to weed out what we already have in from what we don't)
Urlance Woolsbane's changes to procedural monsters

Mods That Don't Work
Saurfortress - ancient mammals addition (outdated)

Personal Mods That Work
Derpy Dev's meat block mod
bloop_bleep script that allows lawn mowers to self inpregnate
Pikachu17's billdads [not updated, but added because I felt like it]

Personal Mods That Don't Work/Ideas for Future Additions/Are in development
VolcanoQueen's BEE Fortress
I tried to make a Wasp Civ, but they never appeared in world gen and in the arena their stingers were indestructible and caused all attacks to be directed to it, I'll post the raws I have so far if anyone wants to try fixing it
I have a lot of other ideas, but I don't want to ask someone to basically make a modpack for me, so unless someone is interested I'm leaving this ambiguous

Here we find the art of those who have been inspired by the koopa cause.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Shell Cantina
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Defender
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Koopas and (possibly) turns
1. Mottled Petrel: Farmer, grower, and animal trainer, pets: none yet
2. bloop_bleep: Possibly mechanic, pets: none yet
3. Derpy Dev: Manager, self proclaimed 'bestest comedian', pets: none yet
4. Enemy Post: Whatever, pets: dinosaur something
5. Gwolfski: Whatever (as of so far), pets: Lol Cat
6. Scourge: Whatever (as of so far), pets: Whatever we have on hand that's the closest to a cat
7. ZM5: Occultist (as of so far), pets: none yet
8. MrLurkety: Whatever, pets: closest thing we have to a war dog
9. Silverlock: maybe something military would be fun/squire, pets: none yet
10. Asin: Duke Nukem wannabe, pets: none yet
11. Urlance Woolsbane: Doctor, pets: something weird
12. wags: bone carver or stone worker, pets: none yet
13. EPM: whatever's funny, pets: none yet
14. Stingpie: lore master, pets: none yet
15. SQman: 'executive' furnace operator, pets: none yet
16. Lord_lemonpie: army lad, pets: none yet
17. Pikalord: animal trainer/soldier with a huge obsession for pikachu, pets: preferably pikachu
18. Auze: scholar or broker, hiding fugitive (probably broker because we can't spare the worker at the beginning), pets: none yet
19. KoopaUnknown: communist, pets: none yet
20. Scarlet_Avenger: lawn equipment technician (animal care taker and mechanic), pets: maybe a lawnmower
21. MoonyTheHuman: Physician (you'll be lucky if I can even find any kind of doctor), pets: none yet
22. Imic: mason, architect, butcher, 'fortressier', pets: none yet
23. rainbowdashfanboi84: Guard (brony), pets: Something horse like
24. TheRedWolf: SwordSpiderKoopa, pets: dodrio
25. Sanctume: Axekoopa or weaponsmith, pets: none
26. Darkening Kaos: Mechanic, pets: none
(28 ).

Plan for Actual Fortress
It is going to be a Koopa Fortress (this isn't negotiable, I have spent too much time tweaking them and giving them the ability to make all the weapons and armor to have to make another one) preferably right smack in the center of a warzone between as many civs as possible. I would prefer a swamp/jungle with a small area of evil, but I will see what the consensus is for embark point. We have a lot of time to discuss the actual details of the fortress before the update comes out, so have at it.

Important things to keep in mind
This is my first time running a fortress, so I'm not quite sure how to upload a save or pictures or any of that (help requested)
This fort will literally push the bounds of the dwarf fortress experience, technical difficulties will happen, the start and updates will be delayed accordingly, so please be patient
Any with more knowledge than me on these topics should give their two cents and tell me how to do it correctly
There will likely be rollbacks if the fortress is crushed by a dragon necromancer with an army of undead metagrosses in the first five days
I forget things, I may forget to mention something important or forget to post a mod or something, correct me
This front page will be updated constantly as we get new stuff, check it often
It is your job to mess up everything as much as possible while still being playable

Known Bugs
Everything is always broken in modded hell, so I'm no even going to bother. I was keeping track of everything that was going horribly wrong, but the list just became so out of control that I gave up. If you want to see what those things were I posted about them more often than I put them here.

The 1st save (for people that want it)

The 2nd save (for people that still want it)

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: VolcanoQueen on October 14, 2017, 12:46:16 pm
In recent forts my koopas fall asleep and never wake up, when woken up with DFhack they complain about being tired and go back into endless sleep, Cause: unknown

Do the Goombas have [NOSTUN]? I remember reading on the wiki that the [NOSTUN] tag causes creatures who need to sleep to never wake up.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 12:59:15 pm
It was the Koopas that had the problem, and yes I gave them it. I'll go fix it, Thanks for the help.

A lot of amazing quotes have come from this, so this section is going to be kinda massive
Why did you pick the exploding birds? They might explode.

The world seemed to work fine, except that for some reason five or six remoraids fell dead out of the sky basically right on the wagon.

Do they breed? I would think not because they are literally a lawn care tool

But the real question is, how would lawn mowers reproduce? Would they lay eggs or give live birth? Or would they reproduce by budding? I'm actually not sure if I want to make lawn mowers breedable.

Plus, that would probably lead to a lawn mower-splosion ... Or if we just want little push mowers hatching from eggs that's fine too.

So! I heard you like conflicting mods that make everything hell!

Meat furniture is definitely going to be a thing

At this point we have way more lore for these lawn mowers than anything else, when we start one of the first things I'm going to do is make a temple and fill it with statues of lawn mowers.

Wow, I would never have thought about mating lawnmowers before I read this thread, now those horrifying images will never leave me.

I'm looking forward to this fort of communist turtle lawnmower ranchers.

wait, when did this fortress become communist?

When we decided to have fun.

Fun gets you sent to gulag.

brew a drink from their meat

I'll start working on meat wine.

I smell another useless poll that makes everyone who stumbles upon it question their existence. Keep up the good work.

Screw it, just add all the mods.

All of them. Every last one.
Surely nothing can go wrong with this.

I tried to make my own megamix quite a while back. It ain't too much until you start running into Impoverished Word Selectors and the creatures alone take half a minute to load.

Only half a minute?

Huh, changing barrels of venom into barrels of booze? Now that's appealing, for some reason.

Either as just the normal bird, or if someone takes it and turns it into a hulking monster that breathes fire and goes around karate chopping people in half (or something).

A simple bar fight could easily turn into a fruit salad in seconds.

"yes... bring the hair... vomit it upon my silvery scalp..." -UristMc Baldkoopa

I had to kill the Nosferatu before he'd stop drinking people's blood, but the master of the dead flew off scared after all of his ribs and his spine were ripped off by the dinosaurs.

I swear, if any of you react like this when we actually encounter snow I'm putting you all to the guillotine.

I suppose the obvious solution is to make a drowning room or an atom-smasher and designate it as a tavern.

There's a LOT of things that happened this update that ever so slightly hints at the amazing amount of instability this game is getting away with. Thankfully, none of it caused any crashes, but it makes you wonder how much is every so hopelessly broken behind the scenes.

You know, I think this story might be a little bit weird.

I love how the longer this goes on, the less sense it makes

A golden, dinosaur, jet figurine of koopas murdering capitalists? This is definitely going in the museum.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's only in Modded Hell that even the fucking god of chaos and disorder gets torn to shreds by a horrible monstrosity.

I think "Status update: This is fine. Everything is fine.
Status update: Everything is on fire." should be the motto of this fortress, now that I think about it.

No adventure mode, and razing and pillaging don't work?
Just typical modded hell changing the unchangable.
Ever since the calendar started to go backwards, it's all become just Thursday.

Sometimes, things just don't go the way you want. You step outside to go steal a book about cheese, and then you get swarmed by dinosaurs and hackers and fish people and undead. It's just a thing we all have to deal with at some point in our lives.

     lol......this «☼Post☼» by MottledPetrel was of the finest craftskoopaship, menacing with spikes of ☼Comedy Gold☼ and ringed with ☼Typical Koopa Bullshit☼.

Incineroar it is! Please, don't make me regret this decision.

I don't know, it's just not quite as catchy as "I choose you, Pikachu!".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Enemy post on October 14, 2017, 02:10:02 pm
This sounds great. Can we use parts of my creature pack? ( It's got a bunch of creatures that might be fun, like xenomorphs, Jurassic Park dinosaurs, and lawnmowers. Also, the ancient mammals pack is for 34.11, it won't work properly for this version.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: VolcanoQueen on October 14, 2017, 02:43:40 pm
It was the Koopas that had the problem, and yes I gave them it. I'll go fix it, Thanks for the help.
No problem, I'm happy to help.  :D
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 02:45:40 pm
We most certainly can! My only thought about it is that even though the ancient mammals pack doesn't work Saurfortress still does. So if we added in the jurassic park dinosaurs we'd have a lot of doubling of dino's. Indominous Rex isn't in though, and the other stuff seems really cool. I'll move Ancient Mammals to the "not working" category.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: VolcanoQueen on October 14, 2017, 02:49:14 pm
Once I get my Bee Fortress mod working, do you think we could use it in this? I'm having some issues with it, so it might take a while, but it could be fun.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 02:55:04 pm
I'd love to have more BEES in dwarf fortress. We have some time to wait, the update is scheduled to come out at the end of the month. Even then we can only start when I get everything (mostly) working. Depending on how long you think you need once we're ready to start we can wait. Would it be okay if I add it to the "in development" section so I remember?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: VolcanoQueen on October 14, 2017, 03:01:24 pm
I'd love to have more BEES in dwarf fortress. We have some time to wait, the update is scheduled to come out at the end of the month. Even then we can only start when I get everything (mostly) working. Depending on how long you think you need once we're ready to start we can wait. Would it be okay if I add it to the "in development" section so I remember?
You can add it to the "In Development" section. Once the update comes out, I'm guessing I'll need about a week. That's just a guess, though.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 03:05:14 pm
That'll probably be fine, just keep us updated. And could you possibly spoil a little bit of an over view of what it's going to BEE like.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: VolcanoQueen on October 14, 2017, 03:12:36 pm
I'm trying to make a controllable bee person civ that's mostly distinct from the normal dwarf civ in fortress mode. I'm trying to get the bees to make their own wax that you can build with, but I'm having some trouble with that at the moment. As I research bees, I'll add stuff that can mess with your fort like flies that turn your bees into mindless husks and unique diseases and all that FUN stuff.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Bearskie on October 14, 2017, 09:37:10 pm
You could try to merge this with enemy post's composite modpack used for Borechanced. (
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 14, 2017, 09:53:36 pm
That might take a little bit to weed out what we already have from it, but yes, I will try.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 14, 2017, 10:11:00 pm
Would adding in soviet bears from the GTTMM thread help any?

Or this perhaps, just given that one can never have too many explosions.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Enemy post on October 14, 2017, 10:14:56 pm
I wouldn't recommend trying to actually take the content from the Borechanced pack. It's all mashed up and out of date. You'd be better off just using it for ideas.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: crazyabe on October 14, 2017, 10:59:24 pm
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 15, 2017, 02:09:09 am
Regarding the Koopa's NOSTUN, perhaps you could mod it so they only have the tag while awake via invisible self-interaction used every two days or somthing?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Bearskie on October 15, 2017, 03:03:00 am
Just use dwarves? It really is just copying over the permitted reactions and buildings to the dwarf entity.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 15, 2017, 10:14:10 am
But where's the fun in using dwarves when there is so many other options? And I think I'll just go without the NO_STUN for the sake of effort saving.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 15, 2017, 11:37:00 am
Upon further consideration I think I might actually try to do that, we could do with more over complicated things that could go wrong :P. No promises that I'll get it anywhere near correct though.

Edit: I'm almost done putting in the mods that have been supplied so far, and will be trying a test fort to see if I broke anything important. I'm also thinking of adding the amalgamation of mods that have turned up in "Glory to Mother Mountain Home".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Gwolfski on October 18, 2017, 11:46:06 am
ooh nice
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 18, 2017, 12:57:35 pm
Q: How did you mod fortress defence?

Asking because I've been contemplating modding it to make the civs lil unique with Lucelle's 173 weapons and armour and unique start locations rather than appearing all over the place for easier worldgen manipulation.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 18, 2017, 02:45:40 pm
I haven't done a whole lot to it, I gave them access to a few more weapons and failed at changing their world gen locations. If you want to give them some more flair I would be grateful. I'm also in the process of trying to give the other civs I have some Lucelle weapons, so I'll skip fortress defense for now. Also, I think I know how to fix the zelda mod's civs, but no promises. Other pending mods just need to be slapped into the raws, in theory. Test fortress after these things have been resolved.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 18, 2017, 04:01:26 pm
Don't hold your breath too much, I haven't even started with making a wiki for her incredibly terse work.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 18, 2017, 04:47:45 pm
That's fine, I'll just go back to adding the weapons around. Anyone care to be dorfed and reserve a spot? Not for the test fortress, the real one. But I could throw in some people to the test fortress for lel's. After I decide if everything is working or not I'm just going to send everyone to kill the biggest thing on the map. Should be gruesome, so don't get too attached to your temporary characters.

Edit: Just tried to fix Zelda civs, they still crash the game after PLACING CIVILIZATIONS reaches 0. No idea why, any thoughts?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: ZM5 on October 18, 2017, 06:47:36 pm
Could be something hair related. has 'Nam flashbacks
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 18, 2017, 07:14:23 pm
I'm not sure why hair would mess with the civ, but I'll look to see if there's anything weird with the hair. Thank you. And I got bored so I went ahead and did the test fort. It took me upwards of 30 tries to load it, but once it was going everything seemed to be working. I can't vouch for everything that has been added recently is working, but it seemed to mostly be. It all ended in fire because I forgot that the koopas spit lava. Update tomorrow.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Enemy post on October 18, 2017, 07:33:38 pm
I'm a bit too busy lately to try fixing it myself, but try loading the Zelda civs one at a time. That should zero in on which one is causing the problem. Also, you've checked for duped raws, right? That'll be the main problem in a mod compilation like this.

demon haiiiir...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 19, 2017, 06:00:02 pm
I'll get on that. But first, the test fort.

Soooo. The game works, all we really needed to confirm. I couldn't get images to work, but I have them in case someone explains to me how to actually upload images. It took me about 30 tries to load the world, but once loaded it did fine. Everything seemed to be in place. There were some seeds that turned up on embark that I didn't recognize. Enemy Post's creature pack is working, the birdemic birds were available to our civ. I have NO clue how they work, so I don't know if they'd be a good animal to take along with us. The one weird thing I noticed was that the only cave animal that was available was spore wings, from the caves revamped mod. I don't know if this is coincidence or if the cave animals from the different mods had a war that wiped them out? Or the large amount of animals is causing some to be restricted to only some areas? Doesn't really matter, no matter what the caves are going to kick the hell out of us.
     I confirmed the existence of most of the added civs, couldn't find them all because the world wasn't big enough to house them all. The world seemed to work fine, except that for some reason five or six remoraids fell dead out of the sky basically right on the wagon. With everything checked to be working for the most part I did what any good Dwarf Fortress player would do. I set  everyone against everything on the map. Mostly pokemon, but they happened to be mostly Malamar. For anyone who doesn't know, they are basically giant psychic squids. The Koopas actually held their own against the squids, but because they had so many fingers on their many hands they prioritized the use of dragon claw, which barely bruised the skin. I removed it, because I forgot how much that move sucked. In addition to that they breathed lightning and lava. The lightning was really effective, but the lava set fire to everything. The Malamar had no problem damaging the metal Koopas and began to rend and tear. Arms were torn off, metal flesh was dented to uselessness, and then one of the bomb-oms I brought blew up and it was all over.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 19, 2017, 06:14:37 pm
Those are album links, you need to use an image.png link.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods and modifications
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 19, 2017, 06:40:27 pm
Okay, I got it

This was the embark point, and neighbors

This was the birdemic birds we had available

Animals I took that I thought would be interesting. Ropes are a small snake with mild poison, incredibly fast.

Wild Animals that were there on embark. All the remoraids immediately died, some falling from the sky for some reason. They were immediately replaced by Malamar.

Probably the most interesting page of combat, most of it was just repetitive small injury until something was ripped off or dented to hell. Metal body parts is going to supply an interesting challenge.

I'm not going to bother with posting pictures of the fires, you all know what fire looks like. So I ask you guys, should we keep the lava spitting? It might come in handy a few times, but for the most part it just sets useless fires that eventually burn down the map. But it's my understanding that some people might find that entertaining.

Edit: Just added the secrets of capitalism and communism from Glory To Mother Mountainhome by Bearskie. We are now all communist, communist turtles.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 20, 2017, 06:51:45 pm
Why did you pick the exploding birds? They might explode.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 07:02:45 pm
I picked the exploding birds purely because I was curious, and thought that they would explode. I wanted animals that would make a mess of the wild animals once I determined that the game still worked. I don't think I'll take exploding birds for the real fortress, but would the normal birdemic birds be worth while?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 20, 2017, 07:29:34 pm
Normal Birdemic birds are a little weaker than dogs individually. They can definitely kill humanlike targets on occasion, however. They're basically normal eagles with their strength boosted as high as it can be for such small creatures. Anyway, could we take a lawnmower or two with us?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 07:35:36 pm
We can definitely bring a lawnmower with us if our civilization has them. We could make them specific to our civilization when the update comes out to ensure that we can have them. Do they breed? I would think not because they are literally a lawn care tool, but it would make sense that they could breed so they don't go extinct. If anyone else has animal and/or personal pet requests I would suggest voicing them before we start. No promises that our civ will have them though.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 20, 2017, 07:51:04 pm
Lawnmowers don't breed, but they could be modified to do so. They probably won't go extinct either way, we could just buy new ones if our civ has them. They do need grass to graze on.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 08:13:08 pm
But the real question is, how would lawn mowers reproduce? Would they lay eggs or give live birth? Or would they reproduce by budding? I'm actually not sure if I want to make lawn mowers breedable.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 20, 2017, 09:22:13 pm
But the real question is, how would lawn mowers reproduce? Would they lay eggs or give live birth? Or would they reproduce by budding? I'm actually not sure if I want to make lawn mowers breedable.

Given that they already have sentience, it wouldn't be too far off to say that they have a self-replication unit installed and thus reproduce asexually.

Also, a dwarfing (preferably a mechanic) and a turn, please.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 09:31:31 pm
If aesexual reproduction was in dwarf fortress that would make the most sense, but our options are limited to eggs and live birth. I'll put you down for a dwarf and a turn, but if we don't get enough people to make it worth while I'm going to single player it. And in signing up for a potential turn I just want to make sure that you know these modded worlds only load successfully one out of thirty times and crashes aren't a rare occurrence.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 20, 2017, 09:37:01 pm
Well, you could use a script to make lawnmovers pregnant with themselves. Though this is not a sentence I've ever expected to type.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 09:52:25 pm
I feel like that would be WAAAAY too much effort to implement something that won't really make much of a difference. Plus, that would probably lead to a lawn mower-splosion because we wouldn't be able to geld them. But hey, if some one makes it I'll put it in. Or if we just want little push mowers hatching from eggs that's fine too. Actually, I'm going to make a poll for it, because I'm bored.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 20, 2017, 11:05:00 pm
Could we have an option for them to not reproduce at all? I didn't let them breed so they wouldn't have to have genders.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 20, 2017, 11:17:10 pm
Sorry, I meant to put that in. Poll has been updated.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 20, 2017, 11:22:53 pm
I feel like that would be WAAAAY too much effort to implement something that won't really make much of a difference. Plus, that would probably lead to a lawn mower-splosion because we wouldn't be able to geld them. But hey, if some one makes it I'll put it in. Or if we just want little push mowers hatching from eggs that's fine too. Actually, I'm going to make a poll for it, because I'm bored.

I'll get back to you on that....

EDIT: On that note, how do you find the race id of lawnmowers? Sorry, newbie scripter here, just thought it would be interesting to try this out.

EDIT 2: Nevermind. Apparently I have to do a lookup in for the race id and see if the name of the resulting creature definition is "LAWNMOWER."

EDIT 3: Okay, how long do pregnancies usually last, in terms of ticks? Or how long would you like them to last?
EDIT 4: Also, do lawnmowers have multiple castes, and in which proportions?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 21, 2017, 12:17:21 am
Lawnmowers have only one caste. Why are you using DFhack? Raw editing would probably be easier for this purpose. I can make them lay eggs or breed normally easily if that's what people want.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 21, 2017, 12:24:11 am
MottledPetrel said that if someone implemented the script that allows creatures to reproduce asexually he would use it.

That's what I'm doing right now.

Also, new question: would you like me to generate random genes for each new pregnancy or just copy the parent's genes? I don't know how to do the former, and so would have to research it. I'm pretty much done except for this.

EDIT: Here's the finished/almost finished code (depending on answer to above question):

Code: [Select]
local PREGNANCY_LENGTH = ?????
local PREGNANCY_CHANCE = ?????

local repeat_util = require 'repeat-util'

local rng =

local function select_caste(race)
    local n = rng.random(99)
    local raws =[race]
    for i, chance in ipairs(raws.pop_ratio) do
        if n < chance then
            return i
        n = n - chance

--local function gen_random_genes(race, caste)

local function impregnate_unit(unit)
    unit.pregnancy_timer = PREGNANCY_LENGTH
    unit.pregnancy_caste = select_caste()
    unit.pregnancy_genes = unit.appearance.genes --gen_random_genes(unit.race, unit.pregnancy_caste)

local function impregnate_lawnmowers()
    for i, unit in ipairs( do
        if[unit.race_id] == LAWNMOWER_NAME then
            if unit.pregnancy_timer == 0 then
                if generator.drandom() < PREGNANCY_CHANCE then

repeat_util.scheduleEvery('impregnate_lawnmowers()', IMPREGNATION_REPEAT, 'ticks', impregnate_lawnmowers)

(Note: it's compatible with multi-caste creatures since I implemented that before I got an answer to my question.)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 21, 2017, 04:02:46 am
Pregnancies are usually 300k ~ roughly 9 months for sentients, and two thirds that for nonsentients. I don't know if your lawnmovers are intelligent; they're certainly different from the lawnmowers I'm used to.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 21, 2017, 08:17:00 am
So! I heard you like conflicting mods that make everything hell!

Anyways this doesn't really conflict with anything, but I made a personal mod a little while back that allows you to turn meat into blocks, so you can build castles out of horse muscle. Since you said you wanted more mods... want me to share this?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 21, 2017, 08:21:55 am
...Okay, that's not the weirdest thing to build magma cisterns from, though walls of sizzling bacon is still pretty up there.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 08:28:45 am
I'd love it if you could share the meat blocks mod! What could possibly be more intimidating than building a flesh fortress. It doesn't really have to conflict, we accept any mods, but conflicting is encouraged. And holy fuck bloop_bleep, it's beautiful. I didn't think someone was going to make it this quickly, or at all for that matter. And unless lawn mowers have any real distinguishing features it seems fine that they just get a copy of their parent's genes. That's really what asexual reproduction does, just makes a smaller copy of the parent. And yes, 9 months is usually for sentients, but 1 season is usually for live stock. I haven't even bothered to look at the lawn mower raws yet, are they sentient?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 21, 2017, 09:00:39 am
2 seasons for livestock. Otherwise you'd get your first doggos born in the summer :v
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 21, 2017, 09:19:49 am
Consider your meat needs satisfied ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (

Now that's not quite all you need for the mod. Put that into the raw folder, and then access the entity default files to find dwarf reactions. Searching the following will probably get you to where you need to go:
Code: [Select]
After that, add this code directly underneath that line of code:
Code: [Select]

After that, the world is your meaty oyster! Side note: You might have to do this for your currently existing world for this to work, and I dunno if you can add workshops to existing worlds that easily. Haven't tested it. Good luck though!

Also, mind dorfing me as well? Thanks :)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 09:42:17 am
Glad to see another mod for the collection! And by the way, we're using modified koopas for this, look on the first page for roughly what I have done to them. I'll dorf koopa you, any preference for occupation or pets?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 21, 2017, 09:51:28 am
Glad to see another mod for the collection! And by the way, we're using modified koopas for this, look on the first page for roughly what I have done to them. I'll dorf koopa you, any preference for occupation or pets?

Okay, I'll be koopaed.

Hmm... pets and occupation... if I could be the manager and have an office with a meat chair, table, and bed, I'm happy :D

Even if you can't do the meat thing, manager sounds good. Thanks!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 09:54:43 am
Meat furniture is definitely going to be a thing, but you might have to remind me to give you meat furniture specifically. I will admit though, that in my two years of playing dwarf fortress I have never used a manager, but you'll be it and I might bother to learn how to use him.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 21, 2017, 09:57:44 am
Meat furniture is definitely going to be a thing, but you might have to remind me to give you meat furniture specifically. I will admit though, that in my two years of playing dwarf fortress I have never used a manager, but you'll be it and I might bother to learn how to use him.

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 10:02:04 am
Would you mind if I set you as a farmer until we set up a manager, and once we get more than just the first 7 dwarves switch you out to manager? We're gonna need that extra food early game.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 21, 2017, 10:08:40 am
Lawnmowers are animals.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 21, 2017, 10:10:33 am
Would you mind if I set you as a farmer until we set up a manager, and once we get more than just the first 7 dwarves switch you out to manager? We're gonna need that extra food early game.

Sure. No problem!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 10:27:49 am
Whatever they are, bloop_bleep the mechanic is hooking them up with a self replication chip before we leave the home  :P. At this point we have way more lore for these lawn mowers than anything else, when we start one of the first things I'm going to do is make a temple and fill it with statues of lawn mowers.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on October 21, 2017, 04:57:00 pm

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I've got some mods sitting around somewhere....
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 21, 2017, 06:18:39 pm
Hrmm... script seems to not be working. I fixed up the first few basic bugs, but now it just crashes the game whenever the baby is supposed to be born.

Perhaps it's because I'm testing in arena mode, which might not have been designed to handle pregnancies?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 21, 2017, 06:47:53 pm
You could try setting the pregnancy to only a few days and bringing a few in fort mode, that might help see if it's the arena's fault. And any mods help here scourge, just try to tell us what they do first.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 21, 2017, 09:39:18 pm
Nah, it wasn't that, it still crashed in fort mode.

Though, I think I might've found the problem, which has to do with pregnancy genes. I searched for DFHack scripts that involved pregnancy in some way and came across catsplosion.lua, and it looks like there's a specific process you have to use to obtain pregnancy genes, so  you can't just copy them from the parent directly.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 22, 2017, 03:17:21 pm
I'm trying out all the Zelda civs individually, hopefully at least a few work. If they all don't work for whatever reason I'm just going to give their items and reactions to other working civs.

Edit: Gonna list them as they show up in the files
0_Foes: Works
1_Hylians: Works
1b_Temples: Works
1c_Towns: Works
2_Kokiri: Works
2b_Winds: Works
3_Goron: Potentially working? (gave me a lot more problems than the others, but doesn't straight up crash it)
3b_Peaks: Mostly working (little bit of world gen trouble with world gen)
4_Zora: Works

Edit from the furture: This mod doesn't work in 44.02, so it doesn't really matter.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on October 22, 2017, 06:43:42 pm
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 22, 2017, 08:09:09 pm
K, so the script is working now. Here is the code.

Code: [Select]
local PREGNANCY_LENGTH = ?????
local PREGNANCY_CHANCE = ?????

local repeat_util = require 'repeat-util'

local rng =

local function select_caste(race)
    local raws =[race]
    local s = 0

    for i, chance in ipairs(raws.pop_ratio) do
        s = s + chance

    local n = rng:random(s-1)

    for i, chance in ipairs(raws.pop_ratio) do
        if n < chance then
            return i
        n = n - chance

local function impregnate_unit(unit)
    unit.pregnancy_timer = PREGNANCY_LENGTH
    unit.pregnancy_caste = select_caste(unit.race)
    local genes = df.unit_genes:new()
    unit.pregnancy_genes = genes
    unit.pregnancy_spouse =

local function impregnate_lawnmowers()
    local number_viable = 0
    local number_impregnated = 0
    for i, unit in ipairs( do
        if[unit.race].creature_id == LAWNMOWER_NAME then
            if unit.pregnancy_timer == 0 then
                number_viable = number_viable + 1
                if rng:drandom() < PREGNANCY_CHANCE then
                    number_impregnated = number_impregnated + 1
    --print("Number viable: " .. number_viable)
    --print("Number impregnated: " .. number_impregnated)

repeat_util.scheduleEvery('impregnate_lawnmowers()', IMPREGNATION_REPEAT, 'ticks', impregnate_lawnmowers)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 22, 2017, 10:17:33 pm
Wow, I would never have thought about mating lawnmowers before I read this thread, now those horrifying images will never leave me.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on October 22, 2017, 11:23:44 pm
If you want to make this even more chaotic, I'll happily upload a modified version of the executable that will allow you to modify procedurally-generated creatures.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 23, 2017, 12:19:56 am
Okay, now we just have to figure out the parameters for my script. Tell me how long you would want pregnancies to last and by how many percent you would like the lawnmower population to grow in a year and I will compute the necessary values.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 23, 2017, 01:25:54 am
I'm looking forward to this fort of communist turtle lawnmower ranchers.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 23, 2017, 01:14:16 pm
I just need to read the above post to know this will awesome/funny. Post to watch.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 23, 2017, 07:33:20 pm
Okay, so for the pregnancy time I'd say like two seasons or a season and a half, somewhere around there. And unless we want lawnmower army I would say keep the growth to around 50% to 70%. But since the consensus is that we are now a fort of lawnmower ranchers I'm not sure about that, we'll see what everyone says.

Scourge I'm going to get to implementing your mod, but not tonight.

Urlance Woolsbane I would love to screw up the world even more by messing up the procedurally generated monsters. You're probably going to have to explain how to do it, but the person to make the best monster gets to be baron. If that's how it works, but we'll figure that out.

And I'm glad to see that we've got a lot of support for the metal communist turtle fort of lawnmower ranching. We should probably start coming up with a real dwarf fortress name, but we'll get there. I would have liked a few more names for Koopas so instead of "UristMcKoopa was mauled to death by a lawnmower" we could have "Our noble Koopa, leader of the armed Koopa forces, Dave, has fallen at the hands of the capitalist lawnmower. Valiantly did he defend his home and family, Davina and kids David Daviner and Dave Jr., from the enemy Santa empire. Long will our noble bard, Davidarius, sing of his name to the glorious communist Koopa empire." but oh well, hopefully we'll get there. Or I'll just start accepting random names for our citizens.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 23, 2017, 07:46:58 pm
I'll take a Koopa. Any job is fine, I'd prefer male.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 23, 2017, 07:52:56 pm
Well, I would do that, but I find it inside my conscience to inform you that if the growth was set to 50% that the lawnmower population would grow 100 times bigger in a bit more than 11 years.  :P I recommend a growth rate of 5% per year, since then your population would grow as much only after about 94 years.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 23, 2017, 07:56:19 pm
Wow, I really messed up the percentages then. Go for 5% then. Enemy Post has been marked down as "whatever".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 23, 2017, 10:45:16 pm
wait, when did this fortress become communist?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 23, 2017, 11:18:02 pm
wait, when did this fortress become communist?

When we decided to have fun.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 23, 2017, 11:45:00 pm
Okay, the required parameters are as follows.

Code: [Select]

Had to raise the IMPREGNATION_REPEAT up a hundredfold so that PREGNANCY_CHANCE wouldn't just round to zero.

Would think about randomly generating the pregnancy length, but eh. They're machines, so they must have very accurate internal timing, I guess.  :P
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on October 24, 2017, 12:18:45 am
wait, when did this fortress become communist?

When we decided to have fun.

Fun gets you sent to gulag.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on October 24, 2017, 02:08:31 am
wait, when did this fortress become communist?

When we decided to have fun.

Fun gets you sent to gulag.
Reminds me of a dream I had where I played a communist version of Monopoly.

Every single field was replaced with "Go to Gulag".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 24, 2017, 05:26:18 am
That seems about right, I'm thinking of making a Gulag for all of the invaders we catch. They are going to be dropped into a pit, naked, with all of the untrainable animals we catch. And for people who don't know, I snagged the interactions from Glory To Mother Mountain Home that allows a creature to spout communist propaganda once a month or so. The lawnmower script will be implemented later today, any particular place I have to put it? And do I have to change the name of the .text file to anything specific?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 24, 2017, 10:28:06 am
Change the extension to .lua and place it into the <df>/hack/scripts folder, and add the line 'lawnmower-reproduce' (or whatever you decide to call it) to dfhack.init.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 24, 2017, 03:46:10 pm
Cool and good. I'll get on this... tonight? Any one got any other ideas for animals we can mod into something amazing?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 24, 2017, 03:47:46 pm
Billdads. When you eat one of these extremely delicious creatures, you turn into another one, and the cycle repeats.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 24, 2017, 03:52:14 pm
That seems a bit... extreme. We already have things that convert our noble communist turtles into filthy, disloyal communists. Maybe if we tone that idea down a bit we can do it, but I'd like to keep the massively fort breaking stuff to a minimum.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 24, 2017, 06:37:39 pm
It's only breaking if you actually let your guys eat Billdad. If they aren't eaten, they are just little harmless animals.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 24, 2017, 06:48:07 pm
Okay then, if someone wants to make them I'll put them in. Maybe we could feed them to the visitors once we get too many, or something. I appreciate the ideas, lets keep them coming.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 25, 2017, 01:20:07 am
Would need to be a drink to feed to visitors.

If you want more ideas, you could splice in the new trees proper density raws.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 25, 2017, 05:27:20 am
It would probably be possible to make it so we can brew a drink from their meat or something we get from butchering them, but at that point we would be introducing the transformation meat to the fortress. And I'm not quite sure what the new trees proper density raws are, but I'll try to look into it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 25, 2017, 08:07:41 am
It was an effort on google docs some time ago that some people - like Japa, to name one I recall - worked on. More correct colours, also, I think?

I saved the raws after it was complete but forgot where I saved the text file (looked earlier but couldn't find it, but I do recall I placed it somewhere weird).
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 25, 2017, 08:34:43 am
It would probably be possible to make it so we can brew a drink from their meat or something we get from butchering them, but at that point we would be introducing the transformation meat to the fortress. And I'm not quite sure what the new trees proper density raws are, but I'll try to look into it.
It would probably be possible to make it so we can brew a drink from their meat or something we get from butchering them, but at that point we would be introducing the transformation meat to the fortress. And I'm not quite sure what the new trees proper density raws are, but I'll try to look into it.
brew a drink from their meat


I'll start working on meat wine.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 25, 2017, 02:33:10 pm
The things people decide to make for this is amazing. I think to do it you have to make the butchered meat classified as plant or something. But the real question is, would it really be wine? Or would it be an ale or something different? I smell another useless poll that makes everyone who stumbles upon it question their existence. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 25, 2017, 03:47:50 pm
It says in the OP that you were considering the pack I made for Borechanced (, but you wanted to weed out what we already have. I'm not sure if we want to use all of them and it's probably not a good idea, but...

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 25, 2017, 04:13:02 pm
Screw it, just add all the mods.

All of them. Every last one.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on October 25, 2017, 04:28:42 pm
Surely nothing can go wrong with this.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 25, 2017, 05:50:39 pm
I guess caution will be thrown to the wind, and I'll dump it in. I was resisting it because someone said that it was really outdated and it might cause problems. But I'll try it. If anything seems to be broken I'm going to pull the plug and take out all of it, because I don't feel like testing all of it.

Nothing could possibly go wrong though...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 25, 2017, 05:58:30 pm
I said it was outdated, but I meant that the pack itself has old versions of the mods. The current versions of the various mods should be fine, barring duping issues and the sheer number of mods.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 25, 2017, 06:10:08 pm
Well in that case, lets dump them in. I fear we may be approaching the point of "this is just too much for dwarf fortress to handle" but until then everything is fair game. I'm in the process of adding the lawnmower reproduction script at the moment, so that will be next.

Edit: quick question, do I just dump all the lua's a find into the dfhack scripts folder? As well as I'm finding some .diff, .insert, and .init files I've never seen, any idea where those should be put?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on October 25, 2017, 08:08:55 pm
I tried to make my own megamix quite a while back. It ain't too much until you start running into Impoverished Word Selectors and the creatures alone take half a minute to load.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 25, 2017, 08:11:49 pm
I tried to make my own megamix quite a while back. It ain't too much until you start running into Impoverished Word Selectors and the creatures alone take half a minute to load.

Only half a minute?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 26, 2017, 02:01:54 am
I just want to see a test run of this.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 26, 2017, 05:29:14 am
There already was a test run of this a while back. I loaded the world, and after I discerned that evreything was working I sent the koopas to go kill the giant psychic squid monsters that were on the map. They actually did an okay job of fending him off, but one of the bomb-ombs I brought blew itself up and killed everyone. I'm going to have to do another test run when I add in the borechanced mods anyways, so I'll just post the results here. Should I try to actually go a season or two, or just turn everyone loose on whatever happens to wander by?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 26, 2017, 12:35:52 pm
So, meat constructing, communist turtles, lawnmower ranchers. 

With some focus in something edible that turns the eater to that something edible. 
But visitors do not eat; so the focus switch to something drinkable to make the drinker turn to that something. 

Which spawns the idea for meat booze of sort? 
How about something to make those useless barrels of blood or barrel of venom into booze?

How about, milking the lawnmower to gain lawnmower oil, and having that oil use-able in making soap? 

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 26, 2017, 12:58:05 pm
Huh, changing barrels of venom into barrels of booze? Now that's appealing, for some reason.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 26, 2017, 01:07:07 pm
Lawnmowers already bleed gasoline from their engines, that might useful somehow.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 26, 2017, 01:49:14 pm
Lawnmowers already bleed gasoline from their engines, that might useful somehow.

Woah.  That's like next level cold fusion.  A self-replicating entity that bleeds fuel to keep it going.   Not only that, it can function as guard for the a thriving civilization that spread it's value through propaganda.  Now if said entity can produce itself to sustain the citizens via food and drink intakes, then this is the key for world domination. 

The civilization's enemies will also have inherent fear because their remains will serve as building materials to grow it ever large.  Borgs will know fear.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 26, 2017, 04:11:30 pm
There are so many hidden layers we can dig into for this world. Because modded hell is like ogres. Ogres, have, LAYERS. It's good to see that our stars the lawnmowers are still getting so much attention. And it only takes you half a minute to load the creatures? HA. It takes me upward of three to load all of these. possibly test fortress this weekend, if I feel like it. But I'd like to see how fucked adventure mode is sometime, so I might try that eventually.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on October 26, 2017, 11:17:03 pm
     What do you get if you milk the lawnmowers???
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 05:17:30 am
I believe the plan is to milk motor oil from them, which could be used as oil for soap. And since the Koopas are made of metal it might make sense to say that they do that to keep all their metal joints limber. Or something, this is truly just people making nonsensical things more nonsensical. And I love it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 27, 2017, 10:40:55 am
I have another suggestion for something to add. I am currently working on a script that makes items dropped on top of minecarts go into the minecarts; it's not quite finished, but when it is, could we include it? It would allow for some really interesting fully automated transport systems, since the other two parts of minecart transportation (moving & dumping) can already be automated in the base game.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 27, 2017, 10:48:09 am
Hm. Are we talking projectiles, or are we talking any item sharing a tile with minecart?

The second might have some unexpected consequences, but the first one requires track stops dumping into cart to be on different z-levels.

Also, yay, something on my list that I don't have to code.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 27, 2017, 11:06:35 am
Dumping from above only, which means water can't push items into minecarts from the side. It also means dumping from track stops won't work so well, either, but I could make an exception for that specific case.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 11:15:57 am
If you make it, and it works, I'll put it in. I have little experience with mine carts though, so I'm not sure how much use that particular script will get.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 27, 2017, 01:36:07 pm
So Minecart #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, garbage zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Minecart #12?   

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 27, 2017, 01:40:06 pm
So Minecart #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, garbage zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Minecart #12?
If there is no floor above the minecart, then yes, it will go in.

EDIT: I realize that I didn't make this entirely clear. Dumping is not required for the items to go into the minecart; any items falling from above into the minecart will go in. So you can have a water system on the level above to push all the items in the area onto a hatch, which can then open to place the items within the minecart.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 27, 2017, 01:43:25 pm
So, you can more easily fill mine carts with junk, then throw them at your enemies?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 27, 2017, 01:50:22 pm
So Minecart #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, garbage zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Minecart #12?
If there is no floor above the minecart, then yes, it will go in.

EDIT: I realize that I didn't make this entirely clear. Dumping is not required for the items to go into the minecart; any items falling from above into the minecart will go in. So you can have a water system on the level above to push all the items in the area onto a hatch, which can then open to place the items within the minecart.

I just wanted to make that clear, because the above example can be applied to a generic container.

So Container #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, dump zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Container #12?

Now replace Container #12 with Minecart, Barrel, Bucket, Jug, Netherwood Cup, Obsidian Mugs, or Platinum Goblets. 

Next, replace Item X with Magma. 

Here, have a drink of Magma [833].

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 27, 2017, 01:54:11 pm
So, you can more easily fill mine carts with junk, then throw them at your enemies?
Yes, with a little ingenuity one can design a system where the corpses and loot from the previous run of a piledriver could automatically be gathered up and placed into minecarts to be shot at enemies next time. Perhaps some loot could be removed from the system on-demand so it could be used elsewhere in the fortress.

So Minecart #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, garbage zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Minecart #12?
If there is no floor above the minecart, then yes, it will go in.

EDIT: I realize that I didn't make this entirely clear. Dumping is not required for the items to go into the minecart; any items falling from above into the minecart will go in. So you can have a water system on the level above to push all the items in the area onto a hatch, which can then open to place the items within the minecart.

I just wanted to make that clear, because the above example can be applied to a generic container.

So Container #12 on stockpile #A at z-1.  At z+0, dump zone over #A. 
Item X flagged for dump.  Urist dumps item X, and item X goes inside Container #12?

Now replace Container #12 with Minecart, Barrel, Bucket, Jug, Netherwood Cup, Obsidian Mugs, or Platinum Goblets. 

Next, replace Item X with Magma. 

Here, have a drink of Magma [833].

I could do both those things if you wanted me to, but I'd better finish what I'm doing currently before going on to that.

Also, I'm not sure if ingesting magma would do what you would think. Magma may or may not have an ingestion syndrome attached to it. If it doesn't, perhaps we could mod one in, but I'm skeptical about that as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 02:22:35 pm
I mean, the Koopas currently spit magma. So how much damage could it possibly do on the way in instead of out? But just think about it, we could serve magma drinks to all the useless bards that will inevitably fill up the tavern.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 27, 2017, 02:39:26 pm
Or just set the visitor limit to 0...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 02:54:39 pm
But where's the fun in that? Besides, the fortress defense civs send a lot of mercenaries that are really helpful when recruited, and a few bards is always good to have around. My only problem with visitors is that sometimes we get giant waves of useless bards that stick around for way longer than they should. I'm thinking of them as a thing to test all these gruesome new features on without wasting a peasant or risk being attacked by a captured invader.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 27, 2017, 02:59:10 pm
Every corpse is a potential meat construction material or meat furniture. 

Make sure to test butchering humans for human hide pants.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 27, 2017, 03:00:56 pm
Humans are intelligent, unless you change that, so you can't do any reactions with their corpse.

You could set the visitor limit to the highest number you are okay with.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 27, 2017, 03:04:04 pm
They are going to visit hell on a koopa ranch.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 03:07:07 pm
I'm not sure if we're going to be able to work around the "can't butcher intelligents" problem. But if we can get the meat wine to work and the creature that turns those who eat it into a copy of themselves to work we can serve the guests the tainted wine and then butcher them once they turn and use their meat for construction. And I don't think I'm going to tamper with the visitor cap because each world has different visitors, and I want to see what we get from all of these crazy modded civs.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 27, 2017, 04:56:06 pm
Mm. There is a script for the sentient butchering problem (

Though bards make poor meat animals. Take over a decade to grow up while being tenth of the size of common large livestock.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 05:51:33 pm
Since when is dwarf fortress about logic, reason, or making rational decisions? Using the flesh of our enemies to build our towers is way more intimidating that making them out of boring farm animals.

I got bored, so I'm making a test fort, depending on how much I care I might do an update with screenshots, but no matter what I'll document it today or tomorrow.

Edit: world gen seems to be stable. I'm looking around though, and there are a LOT of towers. This should be fun.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on October 27, 2017, 07:08:50 pm
I request we have atleast one tower near our embark, multiple if it can be done without spending forever trying to get an embark with multiple
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 07:29:57 pm
Everyone know before reading this that this is a test fort to tide us over until the update comes out, then I'm going to take a serious stab at character development and role playing within the world.

So I genned the world. It seemed fine, but I could only see the physical topography so I had no idead what insane wars were being fought in this cauldron of civs who all spawned right next to each other. Like any sensible player, I placed myself right smack in the middle of it as close to as many civs as possible. The one weird thing I noticed was that there were towers EVERYWHERE. I know that some of the mods added some new tower building secrets, but there were literally only one or two spots outside of tower range.
A bit surprisingly, unlike the rest of the map this region had only one tower.

The world was kinda shaped like a U with a large mass on the bottom left. I realized that my Koopa civ had taken over almost the entire top right peninsula, and that most of the other civs were in that bottom left land mass. Because of this, when I started planning carefully my civ had access to literally HUNDREDS of tamed animals. I didn't even recognize half of them and neither did google. So I just chose some of my favorites and what sounded the coolest and embarked.

Saved game in case world decided to crash for no reason, took me about 15 minutes to load it up again.

Here's our starting group.
All of the Koopas were peasants because A. I wasted all of our embark points on animals and B. I tend to just set each member of the starting seven to do a certain group of jobs and then get more specialized as we get migrants.

Here's the wild animals that were here on embark.
For most of the wild animals that are going to show up during this fort and the real fort, your guess is as good as mine to what some of these animals are. If it's something that's really out there I'll screenshot the description. Because the pokemon mod adds something like 720 animals most animals we encounter will be pokemon. The naga that are here are like centaurs but with the lower body of a snake. The longnose gar are like a pickerel fish but with a very long mouth full of basically alligator teeth. You can look up the pokemon to get a better description that I could ever possibly give.

We are basically on a plateua that has a canyon running along the left edge. There is a small hill in the center that connects with the right boundary. I have decided to build the fort at the northernmost edge of this hill, walking distance from the river that cuts across this plateau.

I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see what course of action people want to take. I now realize that I was unable to obtain any lawnmowers, once the update comes out we will add the tag to make them a Koopa only pet so we are guaranteed to start with them. If I can catch a Koopa yelling communist propaganda I will screenshot it and post it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 27, 2017, 07:59:44 pm
I think we should build a quick shelter and then kill some animals for the meat blocks. Maybe next time we should bring meat on embark to start us off.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 08:04:06 pm
Well, some idiot dropped a tree that killed some of the livestock. And the Nagas on the map are climbing trees and jumping off of them. There is also a turf war happening between everything that is living in the river. I'm sure we'll be fine on meat in no time. My only concern with building with meat in the beginning is that the beta males (basically renamed trolls) only eat meat. But yes, more meat next time embark would be a better idea.

Edit: I just had an idea, would it be possible to mod in meat plants?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 27, 2017, 08:15:29 pm
Maybe, but doesn't that undermine the point of having buildings made from the dead?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 27, 2017, 08:18:44 pm
You're right, never mind then. The intimidation factor is much more important.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 27, 2017, 08:26:01 pm
I'm glad my meat mod is being put to good use :D

By the way, dwarves have a tendency to use any meat, meaning that instead of the preferred red meat castles you might get purple blocks from guts and an assortment of other less preferable colors. My tip is making a food stockpile, setting it to only accept meat and to not use barrels, and then forbid meat from all other stockpiles. That way you can easily see what meat is which color, and then forbid the colors you don't want to use.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 28, 2017, 12:41:09 am
I heard you can have an animal trapper in vanilla that can butcher vermins for meat?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 28, 2017, 01:14:57 am
Can we mix blood and motor oil together into a fermented drink though ???
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 28, 2017, 05:10:33 pm
The motor oil hasn't been implemented yet, it wouldn't be that hard to do but no one has gotten to it. The blood drink I think is going to be done by Derpy Dev who is making the meat wine. No word from him on the progress of this potential item. If we get the two things working we could totally make a combination drink, and it would kinda make sense for the metal koopas to be drinking a drink that both helps their metal parts and their organic parts.

Edit: I can confirm that the sleeping forever bug has been fixed. We are also under attack by a swarm of birddemic birds and the Goombas are already attacking. It just turned summer.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 28, 2017, 09:20:15 pm

So, over the past couple of days I've been working on meat brew, and... I dunno what I'm doing wrong. If nobody catches what probably obvious mistake I made, I'll move this to its own thread in the modding section, but... here's the reaction code so far:

Code: [Select]
[NAME:Make Meaty Brew]

I've tried a dozen minor variations of that, and every time the result is one of these two:
They take the mountain goat meat and the barrel to the workshop and come out with an empty barrel.
They take the mountain goat meat and the barrel to the workshop and come out with a barrel full of n/a.

Neither of these are acceptable.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 28, 2017, 11:07:50 pm
I don't think DRINK_MAT is defined for meat. You would have to add that to the replicating creature raws.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 28, 2017, 11:22:08 pm
I don't think DRINK_MAT is defined for meat. You would have to add that to the replicating creature raws.

And I did think of that. I replaced DRINK_MAT with NONE like I did with all the other meat items and inside the barrels was n/a, but this way the barrels are empty.

Either way this sucks, but I did try that.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 28, 2017, 11:31:25 pm
Maybe try changing the meat of a test animal to have DRINK_MAT?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 29, 2017, 01:09:33 am
check the old Brewing Meat meat wine ( and this bloodwine (
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 29, 2017, 08:25:33 am
check the old Brewing Meat meat wine ( and this bloodwine (

Okay that's exactly what I need. I'll finish up the code today! Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 31, 2017, 07:31:04 am
Update for test fort tonight (probably). I'm not sure what we did to it, I was expecting the game to get more unstable with all of these mods, but for some reason it has become incredibly more stable. It now only take 2-5 attempts to successfully load instead of the 15-20 tries it took when we started. There have also been minimal crashes, except sometimes when I "V" over a koopa it crashes. Other than that things seem to be doing well, except that this is the first fort I have ever played where I have been attacked during the first season. It was only one Goomba and he ran off when some passerby shot lightning at him, but this is surely just a precursor to the insane amount of armies that are going to try to crush us for being in the middle of this war zone. The meat building goes slow, but we're getting there. Good luck with the meat drinks Derpy Dev, I'm looking forward to using them in the real fort. Even without them in it's given me a lot of story ideas for the lore I'm going to spin for the real fort. I am now accepting names for the fort and funny/stupid names for the koopas, seeing as how we have had little takers for dorfing.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on October 31, 2017, 09:30:49 am
Post to Modded Hell
Here is the billdad. I have not tested it much in its non-D4FS form, so it may not work.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Additional idea: cultists, who have an interaction to induct other cultists. It is up to you whether they are actually dangerous, able to summon Cthulu, or simply a nuisance.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 31, 2017, 02:28:06 pm
Welp, I guess I'll add them when I get a chance. They could prove handy for some elaborate traps of some kind (not sure traps for who because I'm a bit iffy on what you can feed meat by just having it in their vicinity, but we'll figure it out as we go). And the capitalists we have function like your idea for cultists, the slowly bring loyal communists over to their side and once they grow big enough they can decide to rebel. I'm sure we could probably weasel in a few more things like that though (I realize now that we have a lot of impending calamities on our hands by just having these things exist in the raws, but hopefully it'll make for an entertaining spectacle).

I started up the world again. I designated a hallway dug into the hill with a big room at the end.


There's a hole in the ceiling over part of it, I have decided that it's going to become a meat tower if I take this game far enough to build one. Farms have been set up, and one of the naga men is climbing trees and jumping off of them. He's still alive, but he's got like two punctured lungs and is running around in the farm fields.


Even with two punctured lungs, he's REALLY fast. He keeps bumping into people, but no fighting has been done. Someone dropped a tree on one of our biddybugs, I guess more meat for the meat tower? Speaking of which, we are dangerously low on meat, the beta males only eat meat (or at least heavily prefer it) so this could get bad.


Workshops were placed, new pokemon came onto the map. Nothing was getting done and we were starting to run out of food so I activated autolabor. For those who don't know, beta males, gremlins, and fallen picori's can only do hauling unless autolabor is enabled. I'm probably going to disable it once we are established better, but for now we need to set up shop before we starve or are attacked.


Speaking of which, we have our first assailant. IT ISN'T EVEN SUMMER FOR FUCK'S SAKE. He ran after he was discovered, but come on, the first season and we're already being attacked. This doesn't bode well for the longevity of our people.


After the goomba left a swarm of killer birdemic birds came onto the map. Everyone who doesn't have to be aboveground is now underground. A vertical shaft has been dug down, hematite and lignite are being mined in hopes to arm ourselves before we get slaughtered by something on the horizon. The caravan has come and migrants have come. I saved when that happened, but most likely most of the money is going to be spent on meat. The nagini is still running around with two punctured lungs and a bruised stomach, I'm not sure what to do about it.

Also, any idea how to make my pictures less gigantic?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Sanctume on October 31, 2017, 03:53:57 pm
Make the posted image show a certain width and the user can click on it to enlarge it to full size: add "width=400" after the img in the first tag. 
Code: [Select]
[img width=400]http_link_to_image_file[/img]
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 31, 2017, 04:00:56 pm
Thank you, images have been made less gigantic.

I would also like to mention that we are being well dressed gentlemen during this fort.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on October 31, 2017, 04:30:49 pm
Fly, my Birdemic! Swarm forth, on .gif wings!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on October 31, 2017, 05:43:39 pm
Hahaha, thieves already? Shaping up to be fun.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 31, 2017, 06:55:59 pm
This test fort is really shaping out to be something. I got a Great weaponsmith who makes 3/6 mastercraft weapons on the first try, another goomba thief in summer, two more giant flocks of birds have come in, and a bard comes literally a day after I open the tavern.

I can only imagine how bad this is going to be for the real fort when we start sending war parties out to everyone.

Edit: make that 3 bards. Come on, where are the mercenaries.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on October 31, 2017, 10:07:39 pm
So... awkward story... but you know how sometimes you agree to do something today, forget for two days like an idiot, and then get sick out of your gomn dad mind and can't finish the mod because you are to sick to even understand what you're looking at?

...might take a tad longer than it should.

Here's what I've got so far though. The new reaction code:

Code: [Select]
[NAME:Make Meaty Brew]

And in the material_template_default file I added this:


Now this does currently just make you get barrels full of goat blood... but I'm getting there. I'll get back to work on it again when I can think straight. Sorry for the delay!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on October 31, 2017, 10:12:22 pm
So... awkward story... but you know how sometimes you agree to do something today, forget for two days like an idiot, and then get sick out of your gomn dad mind and can't finish the mod because you are to sick to even understand what you're looking at?
Erm.... that happened to me too. Minus the sick part.

Gotta get working on that minecart thing again....
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 01, 2017, 04:38:59 am
Humans are intelligent, unless you change that, so you can't do any reactions with their corpse.

You could set the visitor limit to the highest number you are okay with.


Or, you could modify the koopas ethics ever-so-slightly so that they would be okay with butchering sapients.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 01, 2017, 05:19:51 am
I'm not sure what kind of ripple effect such a change would make on the Koopa empire as a whole, but that is something I might actually do. Is it just a tag, or do I have to change some ethic from "unthinkable" to "acceptable". Take as long as you need on the meat drink Derpy Dev, as long as it's complete by the time we are ready to start the real fort. Toady One claims to only have 4 more things to do before the new version is out, so that should be soon. We might have to wait until dfhack has been updated to the new version and we figure out what files we need to slap into the existing Dwarf Fortress folder to get all of our stuff into the new version. I predict maybe like mid-November we'll start, but as things come up that estimate will probably change.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 01, 2017, 06:41:20 am
yeah I think you just need to set tags/tokens related to eating and making trophies out of sapients to either ''Acceptable'' or ''Personal Matter''][This]  (http://[This) reddit thread has a nice summary

[Sorry for not knowing how to format these links nicely :-\ ]
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on November 01, 2017, 06:43:58 am
Eating sapients is currently bugged. Might be fixed in the next release.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 01, 2017, 06:47:42 am
Till then, there's this (
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 01, 2017, 08:02:11 am
Eating sapients is currently bugged. Might be fixed in the next release.

Eating sapients may be bugged... but is building castles with them?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 01, 2017, 08:54:00 am
Eating sapients is currently bugged. Might be fixed in the next release.

Eating sapients may be bugged... but is building castles with them?

 ...and sigged.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 01, 2017, 09:23:57 am
Eating sapients is currently bugged. Might be fixed in the next release.

Eating sapients may be bugged... but is building castles with them?

 ...and sigged.

I'm okay with this :D
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 01, 2017, 03:40:10 pm
This thread has created a ton of great quotes, it's amazing.

Edit: update tonight (maybe, if not today then tomorrow)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 03, 2017, 04:25:03 pm
As much as I hate to admit it, this fort is doing incredibly well for the situation it is in. The thieves attacking us already alludes to this all going downhill pretty soon though, but we'll see how long I actually care to keep this going before I dfhack something stupid in to end it all.

Anyways, migrants and the caravan are here. The migrants only turned out to be a great bookbinder and a guy with pretty good glass making and mechanic skills. They were both put into the military because it seems that death is on every horizon, along with the stray yoshi, yoshi's suck. I don't know who here has ever played with the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom mod, but yoshis will literally pick up an item in an attempt to haul it and then hold it for a few days, until they have to drink, but then they pick up another item and hold it. I have no idea how this will affect his military performance, but at least he should work as a distraction. A minimal amount of meat was bought from the caravan, didn't have much to barter with nor did the caravan have anything really of value on it.


Dug out a smelting room 5 urists down from the main hall, next to a magnetite vein and coal. Birdemic birds left the map without causing any trouble (unfortunately) and were replaced with staravias (more birds). A Carnivine starved to death, it was a grazer and died because it was incubating its egg for too long. It's a shame we lost her, if the baby doesn't turn out to be a girl we won't have a breading pair. A carnivine is basically a giant venus flytrap with a mess of vines that it uses to walk, seems like a potentially really useful war animal.


Dug out hospital, stockpile area, dining room, bookkeeper's study, underground farm, and training area. I was going to lable them, but you can probably figure it out from the picture.


We were attacked by another goomba theif, made an attempt at having the military chase him down, with no luck. Some cage traps were set out in the field in front of the entrance, and almost immediately we caught a biddybug. This is pretty convenient, considering we dropped a tree on the last one we had. She tamed instantly, so more meat for the meat fortress. Speaking of which, I built an entrance bridge out of charizard brain. I would have preferred to make it out of hte meat of our enemies, but until we actually have some meat for that we need defense. I'll replace it when viable. Caught another biddybug, tamed and pastured.


Many babies were born at the same time, then some migrants arive: novice farmer, cottonee (owned), great metal smith, great trapper, great engraver, great weapon smith, great fisherkoopa.


The weapon smith literally makes two masterworks in like 5 seconds of being in the fort. I don't know if anyone has any experience with this, but even though the Koopas have six arms they weild all their weapons with the same hand. I give them six swords and it's all in the same hand, and yet they can still use each individual sword effectively. I can only imagine that this is a detriment to their combat effectiveness, any ideas on how to fix this?


Dug out tavern, library, and temple, and get three bards maybe the day after it is opened. I would normally never open a tavern this early, but for the sake of testing I wanted to see what we'd get. And it seems to be a Squeek bard and two white tiger women bards. I quit for the night a few days after I opened the tavern, so hopefully we'll get some useful mercenaries. Caught another biddybug, despite them being decent livestock, this is not really an animal that I care to waste cages on. Despite the impending invasions and bard-pocalypse, this is going pretty well, hopefully it will still be working fine when we decide ot make real fort. Any news on the progress of the meat drink?

Edit: making an attempt to add that script for butchering sapient animals, stay tuned.
Edit Again: In adventure mode I found that Koopa's in adventure mode have an "Unidentified Interaction" or something where the communist greeting should be, I'm not sure what I did wrong.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 04, 2017, 12:47:14 pm
Is the communist stuff in a folder beginning with [OBJECT:INTERACTION]?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 04, 2017, 01:00:42 pm
I put the interactions in a text document named interaction_capitalism in the objects folder, and the speech in the speech folder called communist_greeting.

Also, there was a bit of a mishap...


This in itself isn't that much of a problem, but the houndors got to them first...

They used something like flamethrower, and took out half the fort in seconds. The sheer amount of things being killed at once crashed my game. Houndors will now be pastured underground.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 04, 2017, 02:03:10 pm
I put the interactions in a text document named interaction_capitalism in the objects folder, and the speech in the speech folder called communist_greeting.

Also, there was a bit of a mishap...


This in itself isn't that much of a problem, but the houndors got to them first...

They used something like flamethrower, and took out half the fort in seconds. The sheer amount of things being killed at once crashed my game. Houndors will now be pastured underground.

Better idea, just pave over the grass with meat so the entire fort smells like bacon when it catches fire.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 04, 2017, 03:16:49 pm
It's on my list. I will at least make some firebreaks out in the fields, a complete floor might take a while though. I have also discovered that Yoshis can't have armor fitted to them, they are even more useless than I thought.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 04, 2017, 03:28:17 pm
Are the Yoshis pack animals? That'd explain why they pick up stuff but never drop it - I had the same issue with my eliminators and gorecyclopes at first as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 04, 2017, 03:51:33 pm
They are pack animals, now that I think about it that makes a lot of sense. I only ever get any at the start because they are pack animals, I'm not sure if I want to stop them from being pack animals though as they are used as them a lot. I'll leave it to the thread to decide if it should be changed, but at the very least I'm going to make it so that they can wear armor.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 04, 2017, 06:57:28 pm
Next time, maybe embark in no-vegetation desert with perhaps few aboveground caper berries.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 06, 2017, 09:04:18 pm
Hmm, maybe. I don't know, rolling forest fires that are constantly destroying everything on the surface have kinda become an icon for this mod pack I've assembled. If I had a dime for every time a caravan came onto the map and immediately burst into flames for no reason I would have at least a few dollars. As long as some fire breaks in the form of a 1 wide floor blocking the areas that matter from fire are made the fire tends to not be that much of a problem. And even if we do embark in a no vegetation desert, the amount of things that just breath fire for no good reason would probably negate the benefits of not having the fire spread. The real decider as to where we settle is probably going to be the area with the most feudal warring states, necromancer towers, and savage beasts we can find. If that happens to be desert then so be it, but the Koopas demand a challenge.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 07, 2017, 03:04:57 pm
Hmm, maybe. I don't know, rolling forest fires that are constantly destroying everything on the surface have kinda become an icon for this mod pack I've assembled. If I had a dime for every time a caravan came onto the map and immediately burst into flames for no reason I would have at least a few dollars. As long as some fire breaks in the form of a 1 wide floor blocking the areas that matter from fire are made the fire tends to not be that much of a problem. And even if we do embark in a no vegetation desert, the amount of things that just breath fire for no good reason would probably negate the benefits of not having the fire spread. The real decider as to where we settle is probably going to be the area with the most feudal warring states, necromancer towers, and savage beasts we can find. If that happens to be desert then so be it, but the Koopas demand a challenge.
I am torn between sigging your entire post here or just the hilarious highlights.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 08, 2017, 03:34:43 pm
Just throw the whole damn thing in there, there's probably a lot more to come. I'm hoping to REALLY get into the story telling of this fort, while still having a lot of those "oh fuck there's a giant fire breathing T-Rex that just decided to show up. If you need me I'll be in a fetal position under my desk. What's that? There's a giant psychic squid that shoots lazers that's shown up as well? Right in front of a necromancer and an army of undead groudons? Who decided to bring along their friends, and by friends you mean every civilization in the area has decided to try to invade us? Could you lock the door when you leave, and make sure the lawn mowers stay safe, I'm going to need something to take my frustration out on when I wake up from this entire keg of blood wine I'm about to drink to take my mind off how much I fucking hate our neighbors."
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 08, 2017, 04:00:25 pm
Could you lock the door when you leave, and make sure the lawn mowers stay safe?
The tradition of awesome sigs continues, and this particular part stood out to me.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 08, 2017, 04:29:27 pm
oh fuck there's a giant fire breathing T-Rex that just decided to show up. If you need me I'll be in a fetal position under my desk.

I'm giving in to instinct. Sigged.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 08, 2017, 05:54:06 pm
I'm considering making a quotes section, but I fear that it will fill up faster than the corpse pile we're going to have right outside the front gate. Have I mentioned that I have a bad habit of stockpiling all the corpses of the enemies right next to the main route outside, and then forgetting how to get rid of a stockpile. It's usually a decent repellent for all things sane. Oh, and any luck on the meat wine Derpy Dev?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 08, 2017, 07:15:57 pm
Oh, and any luck on the meat wine Derpy Dev?

Mostly just researching and procrastinating at the moment... I haven't just sat down and looked into this as much as I should have, and for that I am sorry.

So I'm working on making some material templates for blood wine, so it will be different and separate. Question though: is there a way to add a material to every creature with blood in the game without manually going through them all? Because that's not something I can do in this situation.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 08, 2017, 07:59:22 pm
Don't worry about it, you can take your time with this there's a ton of stuff I've been wanting to mess with in the files that I haven't gotten around to yet either. I was just wondering if you had made any progress. And you should, in theory, be able to change blood to what you want the creature to have. Or you might be able to change the body detail plans to include the thing you want them to have.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 09, 2017, 01:50:32 am
Well, you could add them dynamically on the fly as the game runs by editing, I guess.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 10, 2017, 12:12:26 pm
I'm probably going to do a full update today or tomorrow, but there is something that's sticking out as potentially broke. I've had the caverns open for about a season and they have been completely devoid of animal life. There's even a hole leading to the next cavern layer, but I have yet to see anything other than plants. Regarding the caverns, I also noticed that most of the Caves Revamped creatures have some kind of necrosis causing attack. How does necrosis affect a creature made out of metal?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on November 10, 2017, 12:14:50 pm
I'm probably going to do a full update today or tomorrow, but there is something that's sticking out as potentially broke. I've had the caverns open for about a season and they have been completely devoid of animal life. There's even a hole leading to the next cavern layer, but I have yet to see anything other than plants. Regarding the caverns, I also noticed that most of the Caves Revamped creatures have some kind of necrosis causing attack. How does necrosis affect a creature made out of metal?
Do Koopas have the GENERAL_POISON class? If so, yes, the syndrome will affect them.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 10, 2017, 12:30:05 pm
I'm probably going to do a full update today or tomorrow, but there is something that's sticking out as potentially broke. I've had the caverns open for about a season and they have been completely devoid of animal life. There's even a hole leading to the next cavern layer, but I have yet to see anything other than plants. Regarding the caverns, I also noticed that most of the Caves Revamped creatures have some kind of necrosis causing attack. How does necrosis affect a creature made out of metal?
Do Koopas have the GENERAL_POISON class? If so, yes, the syndrome will affect them.
If creatures made of metal get Necrosis, let's just call it Corrosion instead. That sounds cooler.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 10, 2017, 01:12:41 pm
I believe that they do have GENERAL_POISON class (I couldn't find it, but I don't think I fucked with it so it should be there). And something along the lines of corrosion would definitely make a lot more sense, so I'll use that in the write ups for when all of our noble warriors get cheap shotted with syndromes and die a not valiant death in the hospital.

Edit: work on the meat tower has begun. It is a mix of muscle and organs, but the point of "we will kill you and use your corpses to expand our glorious fort" is still shown pretty well with it. Soon all will tremble in fear before the mighty meat castle.
Edit again: it has also come to my attention that flygons can breath dragon fire. One goomba theif has been incinerated at the cost of basically half the map being reduced to ash
Edit again 2: all right, I know I should stop editing this, but there was another thief. It was a troll, and after the military killed him the Yoshi ATE HIM WHOLE.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on November 10, 2017, 03:11:10 pm
Edit again 2: all right, I know I should stop editing this, but there was another thief. It was a troll, and after the military killed him the Yoshi ATE HIM WHOLE.

Wait, how can it do that? Does it have an interaction which targets re-animatable bodies and transforms them into creatures which somehow make themselves disappear?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 10, 2017, 03:46:55 pm
I don't know man, it's an interaction is about all I can tell you. It's a pretty METAL reaction though, sucks that we couldn't butcher him instead the giant forest fire that is now destroying the map would've destroyed his body anyways.

All right, giant update because I was lazy and held off on making two smaller updates. That, and shit hit the fan really quickly and I wanted to be thorough in my retelling of it.

First thing I did was dig a staircase to the caverns to see if I could find any of the cool new creatures.


At the time, and for a long time after, there were no creatures in sight.


While that was happening I caught  six zebsrtikas on the surface. Zebstrikas are basically electric zebras with giant spiky hair. Right after that we were attacked by another goomba theif. I'm not sure if I want to take a picture just every thief that comes by, but I will if you guys want me too. The huge amount of thieves first year is making them lose their luster a little. I designated temple from one of the rooms already dug out on the main hallway. This was the point where the houndors killed half the fortress with flamethrower and crashed my game, so when I loaded it up again I designated houndors to be pastured underground.


I sent out the military to go kill a miccino because they needed the live training, and I felt like it. Bumpty caravan then arrived, basically big, blue, sentient penguins.


They brought a LOT of blood barels. Basically a quarter of their trade good were blood barrels. More meat was bought though, as well as a dugtrio and some paper. A koopa dies of thirst, no idea where or how, but most likely in some tree (I later found him in a tree when they were all collapsing from the fire). Because of this, I began digging out tomb. Usually I make it so that there is a custom engraving at the foot of each coffin telling how the Koopa died, but I'm not going to bother for Test Fort. More meat blocks were set to be made for the rise of the meat tower. Piloswines were spotted in the caverns, they are also an above ground creature so not sure why they're down there. I'm hoping to see some Caves Revamped creatures before I decide to dump this fort.


Many nipper spores were born, soon to grow into piranha plants. I tend to place piranha plants along main hallways and important entrances because they are immobile and act as good sentries. Cottonee starved to death after trying to incubate infertile egg deep underground in the houndor area, not really surprised, most grass type pokemon just end up dying because of that.


Beginning of meat tower. For reference, it is being erected through the hole in the ceiling of the main entrance hallway. Most of the blocks ended up being lung tissue, but I'm considering any organ as valid meat at this point.


Troll theif and goomba theif arrive, signaling the beginning of the end of all the peace and candy canes our fort was enjoying until now.


Before the military can make it outside to intervene the pokemon pastured outside get to them first.


The flygons shoots dragon fire and instantly melt everything in front of them, including the goomba theif and two buzzers. The Troll was farther back, and decides to run away from the inferno and legions of pokemon shooting every move under the sun. Then has the gall to turn around and try to steal something again. The troll is then killed by military with little difficulty, but then it gets weird.


I notice that instead of there being a troll corpse there is just a puddle of saliva. Apparently, the Yoshi ate the Troll's corpse whole. If I cared to role play it, I would have given him an instant promotion, and then taken it away because Yoshi's suck. Then the fire begins to spread, and consumes the whole map via spreading through tree tops. An infinite amount of "something has collapsed on surface" spam brings a halt to work. The collapsing debris breaks holes in the ceiling. Ironically, I found the dead farmer because of this.


This picture is kind of redundant because it doesn't show where that particular tree was, but it was right next to where the meat tower was starting. Work on the meat tower will probably be suspended for a long time.


Holes in the cieling continue to show up. Eventually,  the debris falls through the existing holes and break holes in the floor. All the brown squares with a white dot in the middle are impassible holes in the floor.


Finally, the dining room has caught on fire some how. Presumably because still on fire debris fell and ignited all the cave moss. An unfortunate Fallen Picori hunter burns to death inside while eating. With the doors blocked, the fire shouldn't spread to the rest of the fort. But I'm going to take a quick breather and see if anyone has any suggestions on how to not burn to death. The fire is still spreading outside and is about to reach the pastured pokemon and the front entrance, and debris is still falling and breaking apart the fort. If you need me, I'll be in a fetal position under my desk.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 10, 2017, 04:21:59 pm
The Yoshis have an interaction that reanimate a corpse, and turns it into a creature that almost instantly evaporates. The interaction also gives the Yoshis the ability to spit out corpse chunks as a projectile for a while.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 10, 2017, 04:36:32 pm
Reminds me of Boredchance - fires were an issue too - I don't recall the collapses of trees and so on causing massive gaps in the ceiling though.

Also those fucking boar things killing most fort members, I don't remember what they were called - think they were from the MH mod.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on November 10, 2017, 05:19:32 pm
The Yoshis have an interaction that reanimate a corpse, and turns it into a creature that almost instantly evaporates. The interaction also gives the Yoshis the ability to spit out corpse chunks as a projectile for a while.
Ha! So I did predict it correctly.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 10, 2017, 07:57:41 pm
The Yoshis have an interaction that reanimate a corpse, and turns it into a creature that almost instantly evaporates. The interaction also gives the Yoshis the ability to spit out corpse chunks as a projectile for a while.

*vomits in disgust and mental agony*
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 10, 2017, 09:02:22 pm
The Yoshis have an interaction that reanimate a corpse, and turns it into a creature that almost instantly evaporates. The interaction also gives the Yoshis the ability to spit out corpse chunks as a projectile for a while.

*vomits in disgust and mental agony*
in this, you can make walls out of meat, and also drink meat. Why do you mind the flesh chunks?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 10, 2017, 09:04:11 pm
Yeah, desert sounds good.

Or even just treeless grassland.

Underground, settle in stone/floor over soil.

Yoshi recruits might be best not used for single targets.

Lots of thieves is novel tho.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on November 10, 2017, 09:11:34 pm

Edit: work on the meat tower has begun. It is a mix of muscle and organs, but the point of "we will kill you and use your corpses to expand our glorious fort" is still shown pretty well with it. Soon all will tremble in fear before the mighty meat castle.


     Now you need bread to also be a construction material - make the foundation out of bread, a meat layer, then a roof layer for a building-sized bacon sandwich.

     And then two arches made out gold....nah, nobody would buy that.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 10, 2017, 09:40:19 pm
The Yoshis have an interaction that reanimate a corpse, and turns it into a creature that almost instantly evaporates. The interaction also gives the Yoshis the ability to spit out corpse chunks as a projectile for a while.

*vomits in disgust and mental agony*
in this, you can make walls out of meat, and also drink meat. Why do you mind the flesh chunks?

I mean... to be fair, I did make that meat mod, so...

Yeah I'll shut up.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 10, 2017, 10:37:52 pm
Reminds me of Boredchance - fires were an issue too - I don't recall the collapses of trees and so on causing massive gaps in the ceiling though.

Also those fucking boar things killing most fort members, I don't remember what they were called - think they were from the MH mod.
Bullfangoes the nicest cuddliest boars out their, or perhaps mosswines ??? 
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on November 10, 2017, 11:31:47 pm
     Now you need bread to also be a construction material - make the foundation out of bread, a meat layer, then a roof layer for a building-sized bacon sandwich.

IndigoFenix's Dwarven Bread (
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 11, 2017, 11:33:41 am
Are you serious, the exact thing that was requested as a joke actually exists? Now all we need is lettuce, tomato, and mustard blocks. I'm not entirely sure how bread buildings will fit into the lore, but I'm definitely adding this. And I am also now considering desert as desirable, or maybe someone can make make fire extinguishers to go along with the lawnmowers. Or maybe just something that emits some kind of dust that puts out fire (if that's even possible) or that destroys grass around it to stop the fires from spreading. When the real fort starts there will definitely be more focus on fire safety "Smokey the Lawnmower says 'only you can be careful about breathing fire everywhere and burning us all to death'".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 11, 2017, 11:48:43 am
Are you serious, the exact thing that was requested as a joke actually exists? Now all we need is lettuce, tomato, and mustard blocks. I'm not entirely sure how bread buildings will fit into the lore, but I'm definitely adding this. And I am also now considering desert as desirable, or maybe someone can make make fire extinguishers to go along with the lawnmowers. Or maybe just something that emits some kind of dust that puts out fire (if that's even possible) or that destroys grass around it to stop the fires from spreading. When the real fort starts there will definitely be more focus on fire safety "Smokey the Lawnmower says 'only you can be careful about breathing fire everywhere and burning us all to death'".

So tempted to sig the same person twice in the same thread...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 11, 2017, 06:45:31 pm
Could someone remind me how to disable "something has collapsed on surface" from dragging you to the site and pausing every time. It turns out that my game thinks that every detail of the entire map being consumed in a raging inferno is important.

The fire has also made it inside the main area, so we are straight fucked.

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 11, 2017, 07:12:02 pm
RIP meat castle.

Oh yeah, and I guess that the innocents that died in the fire deserve pity too. Sorry you guys suffered and stuff.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 11, 2017, 07:23:14 pm
What are you talking about, the meat castle is fine. It's just the people in it that are having problems.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 11, 2017, 07:28:00 pm
I would also like to report that the fire has MELTED some of the rocks in the stone stockpile.

The meat castle never made it off the ground though, the fire started right as the meat castle was started.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: VolcanoQueen on November 11, 2017, 08:56:08 pm
Melting in a giant, bacon-smelling inferno caused by trying to build a castle out of giant chunks of meat. Overall, not the worst way to go. Certainly interesting.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on November 11, 2017, 11:46:10 pm
Melting in a giant, bacon-smelling inferno caused by trying to build a castle out of giant chunks of meat. Overall, not the worst way to go.

Am sigging this. This thread is basically gonna be a signature/out of context quote farm.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 12, 2017, 12:20:28 am
edit /data/init/announcements.txt

Not that it'd make things less burning. Lessons in fire safety, ITT: Do not fire flamethrowers in your home.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 12, 2017, 03:26:30 pm an updated version of that mod I submitted is another mod I've made
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 12, 2017, 04:09:56 pm
It's good to see some submissions that don't breath fire and/or shoot necrosis causing syndromes fro once. At this point, mundane animals are like a whole new kind of exotic. In the process of adding and updating. And thanks for the reminder of where the notification settings are Fleeting Frames, I know it won't help with everything burning to the ground every couple of minutes but it will help me ignore them and pretend that we haven't turned the countryside into an ashen wasteland.

Also, wow, there are a lot of types of dolphins in this pack. I approve, but chances are people would probably frown upon us killing them like everything should in Dwarf Fortress.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 12, 2017, 05:10:18 pm
I ended up getting annoyed there were no dolphins (besides orcas but unless you are a  taxonomist it doesn't really count) so I decided to add all of them, only to realize..... there are a lot of dolphin species, same thing with the cata
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 12, 2017, 06:54:31 pm
Could I request a Dolphin civ or something, if it doesn't ruin the vibe of "Mundane Creatures"? Or maybe a civ of sea creatures that breathe air with lots of casts that make them into different sea creatures so we can actually see some of these sea creatures inland? Also, I have just discovered ZM5's Spooky Halloween pack, as always it looks super good and is full of things that I should never hope we ever see for fear of instant annihilation. Who's ready to celebrate a late Halloween this year?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 12, 2017, 09:20:41 pm
I have added a dolphin civ, although for now it's mostly just a modified human civ
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 13, 2017, 02:35:05 am
I tried making mermaids amphibious once, given that failed to maken a civ functional I take it it its more complicated than most modding in this game is ???
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 13, 2017, 07:09:45 am
Could I request a Dolphin civ or something, if it doesn't ruin the vibe of "Mundane Creatures"? Or maybe a civ of sea creatures that breathe air with lots of casts that make them into different sea creatures so we can actually see some of these sea creatures inland? Also, I have just discovered ZM5's Spooky Halloween pack, as always it looks super good and is full of things that I should never hope we ever see for fear of instant annihilation. Who's ready to celebrate a late Halloween this year?
Shouldn't be too bad unless you embark on an evil biome or dig too early into the third layer, hee hee.

Or unless the skeleton or circus armies invade.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 13, 2017, 03:44:54 pm
Knowing my luck I'll get all of them as soon as conceivably possible I'm sure it will be fine, it'll be their funeral trying to get through all the fire that I can only imagine will always be at the fort. I'm going to tamper with it a little to give the Koopas the anchors, because they're really cool and I want to see how a small six armed creature handles an overly huge multi grasp weapon. Also, I think I might spend the time to turn the dolphin civ into their own fully fledged thing. No promises though, and my expertise is fucking with existing raws, so I'm not all too sure how well I'm going to be able to make something from scratch.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 13, 2017, 05:01:24 pm
I give you full permission to modify the dolphin civ to your liking, but not the (in the newest update to the mod should be working) neanderthal civ, which I plan to exploit the upcoming expansion to domestication with
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Gwolfski on November 13, 2017, 06:30:40 pm
I forgot 'bout this. Saw a dwarf and pet section, so I'd like a dorf and a lolcat as a pet
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 13, 2017, 08:48:37 pm
Can do. Any specific profession, lore, or personality you want me to try to go with? I'm going to try to AT LEAST set up a really in detail lore base, but knowing how the test fort went in just the first year I'm sure it will soon devolve into feverish drunken rantings of a communist turtle who cares about nothing and gives no fucks when he orders the Bomb-omb squadrons to go out and nuke the area to cleanse it of all life, enemy or otherwise. Then it will get all peaceful for two seconds and he'll come out from under his desk and try to say something philosophical sounding, soon to interrupted by the allied "everyone against Modded Hell" federation, soon to be smitten down by the power that is within the mighty meat fortress.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 13, 2017, 08:50:40 pm
Can do. Any specific profession, lore, or personality you want me to try to go with? I'm going to try to AT LEAST set up a really in detail lore base, but knowing how the test fort went in just the first year I'm sure it will soon devolve into feverish drunken rantings of a communist turtle who cares about nothing and gives no fucks when he orders the Bomb-omb squadrons to go out and nuke the area to cleanse it of all life, enemy or otherwise. Then it will get all peaceful for two seconds and he'll come out from under his desk and try to say something philosophical sounding, soon to interrupted by the allied "everyone against Modded Hell" federation, soon to be smitten down by the power that is within the mighty meat fortress.

I feel like someone could just sig this entire paragraph.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 13, 2017, 08:59:19 pm
I think I'm just going to hoard all the desks into one room and label it "Panic Room". As much as I want my Koopa to be head lawnmower rancher I feel like that would cause him to be the first in the line of fire when everything in the fort spots a fly and shoots flames at it. I've got some seriously good lore already thought up that I'm hoping to implement, but me just saying these incredibly long broken english sentences professising the smoldering, meat lined hole in the ground that will soon be our fort tells me that my Koopa is gonna be constantly doing keg stands to cover for these moods I get in when I'm just like "fuck periods, all ideas can be grouped into the ultimate sentence".
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 13, 2017, 09:06:36 pm
fuck periods, all ideas can be grouped into the ultimate sentence.
Must have this for sig
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: FirePhoenix11 on November 13, 2017, 11:16:02 pm
How did I miss this? I knew the moment I saw Birdemic birds, all sorts of !!FUN!! was going to be had.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Person on November 14, 2017, 12:19:36 am
Damn, can't believe I've missed this. I was just recently messing around with the old MixMod for 31.25. PTW, may post more once I read all this stuff.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: IndigoFenix on November 14, 2017, 05:34:32 am
Yess, this is the ideal end result of all modular mods.

Fortal Kombat ( could fit in here.

I think it's funny that you're still calling your playable abominations Koopas.

Also, any plans of taking a short adventure mode romp through this wacky world?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 06:24:27 am
I will make an attempt at adding the fortal combat mod in a few days. And the extreme Koopa nationalism is kinda the only thing keeping them together as the Koopa civ I'd say. That and I have no idea what we would be calling them otherwise. I have taken a brief poke around in adventure mode that I haven't posted about yet, and it's been something special. For the most part this world is infested with Shy Guy bandits, which I have been killing ruthlessly. I also took on a tower, a tower that was apparently built by worshipers of the carp god. I got the ability to accept the carp god the moment I got there, but still killed everyone in search of necromantic books. I didn't find any, but I gained the ability to raise body parts as crabs or squids. Then after a day or so I gained like 7 other abilities that i haven't even taken a look at yet. But if there's one thing I love/hate about it, it's being asked to go slay a local Godzilla that has a couple hundred kills. Everyone sais they have no idea where to find it, yeah right, like one of the biggest things possibly in the game is hiding under a pile of leaves or something. I'm happy to see we had a lot more people discover this, maybe I'll try to make more of a post on the adventure.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 14, 2017, 07:19:44 am
For the purpose of the thread, I'd volunteer to go through a short trip in adv mode once MottledPetrel finalizes the world and all the included mods.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 03:34:16 pm
Once I have genned the world that we are going to use for the real fort and I play it for one update I will send you the save file. It would definitely help to get an adventurerer's perspective of the surrounding areas and neighbors.

I'm genning another world right now (because I'm bored and l like it) and I'm noticing three things: the world is PACKED with cites (no real surprise, but it's cool to see), most of the site's I looked at have a name in the Shy Guy language for some reason, and there is a disproportionately large amount of towers. I counted 7 in just a quick look at the main continent, not even the entire map.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 07:11:34 pm
Okay, I'm freaking the fuck out right now. I think we actually broke it, or at least this world is FUCKED.
spook lights are vermin, !VERMIN! How the actual fuck did they become a civ. And I don't even fucking recognize a good half of that list. Turtwigs are an animal, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY NOW A CIV.

There is no koopa civ in this world, but I have to investigate. I'm going to go look around the world to see what ELSE has magically become a civ.

Edit: I have found that the evolved versions of turtwig have their own civs as well. And this is the first time in my at I have ever seen a !FRIENDLY TOWER!
Edit2: I have also found that apparently this place holder civ I'm playing as is into fishercat woman trafficking, because for some reason the men aren't available.
Edit3: I'm sorry for cramming so much stuff into this one message, but this world is supremely fucked in ways I didn't even think were possible and it's giving me an ulcer. The animal prices area all over the fucking place, some gendered animals are  sold as gender neutral with some genders being only available as kids or not at all. Seriously, it keeps getting worse, WE CAN BRING A SENTIENT CREATURE FROM A CIV THAT SHOULD BE EXISTING AS A FARM ANIMAL.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 14, 2017, 07:29:22 pm
Okay, I'm freaking the fuck out right now. I think we actually broke it, or at least this world is FUCKED.
spook lights are vermin, !VERMIN! How the actual fuck did they become a civ. And I don't even fucking recognize a good half of that list. Turtwigs are an animal, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY NOW A CIV.

There is no koopa civ in this world, but I have to investigate. I'm going to go look around the world to see what ELSE has magically become a civ.

Edit: I have found that the evolved versions of turtwig have their own civs as well. And this is the first time in my at I have ever seen a !FRIENDLY TOWER!
Edit2: I have also found that apparently this place holder civ I'm playing as is into fishercat woman trafficking, because for some reason the men aren't available.

Okay, question: what was the last thing you added? Go investigate and, if necessary, remove it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 07:34:36 pm
It was the halloween mod, but I literally genned up another world 20 minutes ago and it was fine. It kept crashing on embark so I genned this one. There were a few small ones added all, so I'll have a look at those. But I'm going to have some fun with this world, once I get bored with it I might post the save to see if anyone is interested in screwing around with the most broken thing I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 14, 2017, 07:35:39 pm
You duped raws. Something has the same name as something else, that makes the game go crazy.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 14, 2017, 07:38:30 pm
You duped raws. Something has the same name as something else, that makes the game go crazy.

If that's the case... MottledPetrel, can you give me a link to this mod? I'll look through it and see if there's anything there that might share a name with something else.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 07:41:12 pm
If duped raws is the case I potentially might know what went wrong. There was some weirdness in one of the copy and pastings that I'm going to check out before I send it to outside help. Unfortunately, the game crashed, so I'm not sure if we can exploit this destroyed world.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 14, 2017, 07:44:54 pm
Check the errorlog, sometimes it can see duped raws.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 14, 2017, 07:50:00 pm
Errorlog is not an option, I looked and it literally sais that everything in the game is an error. I scrolled for a solid two minutes and the scroll bar hadn't even moved. I did find what potentially could have been the problem, for whatever reason when I tried to update Scourge's extinct creatures mod the short faced bear files weren't replaced with the new ones, leaving two under the same name. I will gen a new world and see how that goes. Sorry for freaking out everyone, but that REALLY took me by surprise.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 14, 2017, 07:53:40 pm
Sorry for freaking out everyone, but that REALLY took me by surprise.

Hey, don't be sorry. This is something that we need cooperation and communication about to keep alive and functional, if you don't tell us stuff like this next time it happens (and it will happen again, even if the best DF coder in the world is working on it) the project will collapse. Did it freak us out? Of course! But that's a necessary evil for this project to work.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 14, 2017, 08:15:18 pm
I for one am concerned about what a ''trollface'' is in game, as in I am terrified at the prospect of finding out.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 14, 2017, 08:17:48 pm
Exactly what it sounds like. It's the meme, floating around in the air and biting people.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 14, 2017, 08:28:39 pm
Exactly what it sounds like. It's the meme, floating around in the air and biting people.

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 14, 2017, 08:39:33 pm
I for one am concerned about what a ''trollface'' is in game, as in I am terrified at the prospect of finding out.

Oh I didn't even notice that...

Question: Can we keep those a civ? :P
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 14, 2017, 09:09:17 pm
I feel like the next community fortress idea should be a duped raw world
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: IndigoFenix on November 15, 2017, 05:23:13 am
I feel like the next community fortress idea should be a duped raw world

As great as that might seem, it should come at no surprise that duped raw worlds are quite prone to crashing.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 15, 2017, 06:25:44 am
I can only imagine how crashy it would be with a vermin animal as a civ. I would say that it at least demands a good try eventually, but no promises on actually getting it to work. It will definitely have to wait until the next fortress though.

Edit: I can' tcommit to starting a new test fort tonight, but I genned the world and it looks fine. Here are all the neighbors I plan to piss off with our shrieks of pain as we burn to death within the first couple of seasons.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 16, 2017, 06:08:42 pm
Okay, everything seems to be fine, but I need a little help wrapping my head around this one...

Actually, everything isn't all right. Some of the animal prices are down to one when they shouldn't be and some civ forming creatures are available. No idea why.

Okay, everyone burned to death literally minutes after I started. We spawned right on top of a group of gillmen. The koopas imeadiately spat lava at all of them, missing most. This ignited all the animals around them, who ran around spreading the fire. As you would expect, this didn't end well. I'm going to remove the lava spitting purely on the basis that I've had way more innocents killed with it than enemies.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 16, 2017, 07:12:22 pm
I can only imagine how crashy it would be with a vermin animal as a civ. I would say that it at least demands a good try eventually, but no promises on actually getting it to work. It will definitely have to wait until the next fortress though.

Edit: I can' tcommit to starting a new test fort tonight, but I genned the world and it looks fine. Here are all the neighbors I plan to piss off with our shrieks of pain as we burn to death within the first couple of seasons.

How do these ''politicians'' behave in game, I would be amused if they were rer-skinned vampires or Tick Men.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 16, 2017, 07:18:13 pm
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans. Having them act like tick men would have been hysterical though.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 17, 2017, 02:52:49 am
The forgotten beast thing is probably still duped raws, just a less severe case of it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 17, 2017, 06:21:03 am
I will have to take a look at it then, I knew it was too good to be true.

My initial look found no more duped raws, is there someway I could do a quick search or something instead of manually sifting?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 17, 2017, 11:27:42 am
Man what the hell, how did you manage to embark near 4 of the halloween invaders?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 17, 2017, 11:37:30 am
Also what on earth is a necrothreader in game ???
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 17, 2017, 03:35:31 pm
Pretty much necromancers as a civ. They are from Teh Lolmod. I forget if they had anything else. Oh wait, I believe they breathe fire. Or maybe that was just the FPS gamers...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 17, 2017, 04:56:30 pm
Necrothreaders can breath fire, I had a brief trial run with them as an adventurer a while ago. The only problem was that everything I reanimated turned on me, so it kinda defeated the point. And let me tell you, I have the worst best luck with settling next to everyone dangerous. But then the game starts and I never fucking see them. Or I get swarmed with their bards, and usually never any mercenaries. I really hope that isn't the case for this fortress, but I'm going to die of laughter if we get one of the giant skeleton monsters as a bard.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 17, 2017, 05:00:17 pm
Isn't there a way to prevent bards from certain civs, by removing instruments, and other stuff they would do?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 17, 2017, 05:21:25 pm
But that takes the FUN out of having a bard with, say, NECROSIS CAUSING POWDER FALLING OFF OF HIM come and visit your fort. And I'm not sure if the instrument thing would work, couldn't they still come as dancers, poets, and singers? I haven't experimented much with bards, I just know I get some pretty damn exotic ones every time I play.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 17, 2017, 05:25:00 pm
I can't recall, is there anything stopping you from putting bards in the military?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 17, 2017, 05:30:49 pm
Uhh, I can't remember, but I think bards can't do any work at all, including military. Travelers coming to join the military are mercenaries, and they can only be put into military. I like to have one or two bards around for entertainment, but after a while I just use them for trap testing. I'm hoping they could be used as good potential story seeds though, but other than that they tend to be extra mouths to feed that don't really contribute to society.

Just so you all know, because everyone burned to death 10 seconds in on my last attempt at a test fort I have created a new world. For this I will only document the funny things, the broken things, and the things that should be implemented in future forts. Somehow I managed to buy some awakened basalt at the start, so that's pretty neat. Apparently awakened stones can haul and do basic tasks, who would've known?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 17, 2017, 07:06:45 pm
How do these ''politicians'' behave in game
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 17, 2017, 07:26:58 pm
How do these ''politicians'' behave in game
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans.

I'm not an expert on the political climate but I'm pretty sure that politicians don't join armies and invade dwarven fortresses.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 17, 2017, 07:28:35 pm
How do these ''politicians'' behave in game
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans.

I so badly want to sig this, but I would be quoting myself and that feels pompous.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 17, 2017, 07:36:16 pm
I only now realize how incredibly accurate that statement was, and now I'm dying of laughter. Okay, someone needs to make a google sheet or something to save all of these incredible quotes.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 17, 2017, 08:30:27 pm
How do these ''politicians'' behave in game
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans.

I so badly want to sig this, but I would be quoting myself and that feels pompous.
Well I'm taking it then
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on November 17, 2017, 08:39:55 pm
How do these ''politicians'' behave in game
They kinda act like a less effective but more interesting and evil form of humans.

I'm not an expert on the political climate but I'm pretty sure that politicians don't join armies and invade dwarven fortresses.
IDK, I think the term ''Warhawk'' comes to mind.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 18, 2017, 01:48:38 pm
Welp, this world crashes consistently at around 2 minutes of playtime for no discernible reason, genning a new world now.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 18, 2017, 02:26:31 pm
If the duping becomes too much of a problem, most of the mods will update shortly after the new version comes out. I'm busy lately, but we could just rebuild the pack while being careful for duping symptoms. We'd get the mods' updates as well by doing that. I'd help if I get a chance.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 18, 2017, 02:37:33 pm
That sounds like a better idea than cut off the infected limbs of this ailing modpack in an attempt to save it. The only thing we would really need to save from this would be the Koopa's and their civ changes. For testing purposes of the universe we've created as a whole I'm going to continue to fuck around with what we have now to see if it's broken enough to require an entire remake.

I would also like to report that even without me assigning the Koopa civ most of the other civ's weapons, we have access to them. I forget where the christmas elves and such came from, but could someone describe to me how christmas lights are used as a weapon?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 18, 2017, 03:08:00 pm
could someone describe to me how christmas lights are used as a weapon?
With great difficulty - I'm not sure who made the christmas mod tho.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 18, 2017, 03:14:39 pm
That sounds like a better idea than cut off the infected limbs of this ailing modpack in an attempt to save it. The only thing we would really need to save from this would be the Koopa's and their civ changes. For testing purposes of the universe we've created as a whole I'm going to continue to fuck around with what we have now to see if it's broken enough to require an entire remake.

I would also like to report that even without me assigning the Koopa civ most of the other civ's weapons, we have access to them. I forget where the christmas elves and such came from, but could someone describe to me how christmas lights are used as a weapon?
Presumably as a festive whip
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 18, 2017, 03:19:50 pm
That would probably make the most sense. For a second I thought that electricity was invented just so that little festive lights could be there to bathe everything in a merry glow as the christmas elves strangled everyone to death.

Weirdness report: I got this alert, and then had my camera pulled all the way to the bottom of the world. I'm not sure if this guy is attacking from the magma sea or something, but I don't even know what a "dark knight from Vanda" is.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 18, 2017, 05:51:51 pm
A Vandal Batman?

Try this mod I found:;topicseen

Working on more stuff btw
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 18, 2017, 05:54:38 pm
Dark Knight of Vanda? I think thats Culex from Super Mario RPG.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 18, 2017, 06:05:11 pm
I find it incredibly ironic that you sent me a link to a mod I was in the process of checking out. In my two seconds of googling I could not find a Dark Knight of Vanda (then again, I didn't look very hard), but that seems to be it. Any idea when the announcement came it dragged me to the bottom of the world, and then the knight just never appeared? This world also has a crash I can't seem to do anything about as well, so I don't know what's going on. While playing it I was reminded of another longstanding glitch in this modpack. It adds on to the current glitch of dwarves getting stuck up in trees, but when I try to cut down the tree to get the koopa to the ground he just floats in midair. And while he's floating in mid air he can walk around on the same z level no problem. He just mills about without a care in the world, I have to build a staircase up to him. Then when he finally gets down to the ground he immeadiately runs to the next closest tree and climbs it, restarting the cycle. It is EXTREMELY irritating because I have to pay attention and manually designate one more stair to be built on top of each one, only to have him run up another tree. He eventually either dies of thirst or just decides to stop being an idiot and goes back inside.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 18, 2017, 06:37:27 pm
Thats a known problem with fliers, they're even worse about the "getting stuck" thing than regular dwarves, since they'll hang in mid-air.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 18, 2017, 07:07:51 pm
you know, the parakoopas would explain that. I never really bother to check what caste my koopas are.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 18, 2017, 07:53:30 pm
I made the Christmas stuff, the lights are in fact festive whips.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on November 19, 2017, 09:39:16 pm
That would probably make the most sense. For a second I thought that electricity was invented just so that little festive lights could be there to bathe everything in a merry glow as the christmas elves strangled everyone to death.
Hm, can you actually make strangling that suffocates a standard weapon attack without dfhack?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 19, 2017, 09:56:44 pm
No, sorry.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on November 19, 2017, 10:11:55 pm
That would probably make the most sense. For a second I thought that electricity was invented just so that little festive lights could be there to bathe everything in a merry glow as the christmas elves strangled everyone to death.
Hm, can you actually make strangling that suffocates a standard weapon attack without dfhack?

But you can add a touch interaction to the elves that causes a suffocation syndrome. Though they would be able to do it whether or not they have the festive whips.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 19, 2017, 10:30:45 pm
At that point, couldn't you just rely on the normal choking moves?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 20, 2017, 02:20:42 am
I think "choking with weapons" used to be a thing but isnt anymore.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 21, 2017, 06:21:21 am
Would having animals with the same exact name cause problems similar to duped raws? Because we have quite a few dinosaur mods that probably need to be trimmed down so they don't overlap as much.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 21, 2017, 06:35:09 am
You mean the caste/creature name or the identifier at the top of the creature file? The former shouldn't cause issues - the latter WILL cause duplication problems though.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Toxicshadow on November 21, 2017, 11:56:41 pm
How come you're choosing to assemble a mod compilation now but then waiting to play until the update? You'll need to either wait for every mod to be (hopefully) updated, or wait for the wiki to be updated with the new tags and manually update hundreds of creatures and entities yourself... I mean there's a *possibility* you could try to just dump the old raws in but it would likely not work.
Don't get me wrong though I'm ptw, this is amusing! :D
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 22, 2017, 05:17:10 am
How come you're choosing to assemble a mod compilation now but then waiting to play until the update? You'll need to either wait for every mod to be (hopefully) updated, or wait for the wiki to be updated with the new tags and manually update hundreds of creatures and entities yourself... I mean there's a *possibility* you could try to just dump the old raws in but it would likely not work.
Don't get me wrong though I'm ptw, this is amusing! :D
I highly doubt the next update will require the creature raws to be updated in any way. Entity files are more likely to be affected.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 22, 2017, 09:45:33 am
Yeah, as far as we know this is only an entity update. Chances are we're just going to slap the raws in and pray that it works. If it doesn't just work it's going to become a team effort to patch up just enough holes to get it to work mostly properly. But we're compiling the mods now so that when it is deemed "ready" we don't have to wait for more submissions before we start. That, and I'm doing my best to weed out the existing problems so we don't have to wait even longer when the update comes out.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 23, 2017, 10:12:10 pm
Sooo, apparently the new version came out. I'm going to play a (mostly) normal fort in it to see if it's playable enough now or if we have to wait for some bug fixes before we start. After that I'm going to see if we can just slap in the raws and have it work or if we need to do some extra work with it. In addition to that I still need to find what is causing the raw duplication problem, if anyone finds out anything about the new version and wants to share it here that would greatly help the process.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 23, 2017, 11:13:39 pm
Raw duping is caused by having two things with the same name. Like having two creatures labelled [CREATURE:DOG]. Since we're using a lot of mods together, it's almost certainly caused by different modders giving things the same name by coincidence.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 24, 2017, 07:36:53 am
I highly doubt the next update will require the creature raws to be updated in any way. Entity files are more likely to be affected.
remember this?

Also, I am in the proccess of adding _SCOR to all of my [CREATURE]'s to try to help fix it (hopefully it does, or this will have been a waste of time) and would also like to point out in case MottledPetrel didn't notice, a bunch of creatures file names were modified slightly in the last major update of my extinct creature mod (fixing spaces and _'s)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 24, 2017, 07:51:01 am
Yep, looks like I was wrong - nonetheless it wasn't too bad, I already managed to update everything.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 24, 2017, 08:20:24 am
All creatures in my mods now have _SCOR at the end of the [CREATURE:CREATURENAME] so that might help with raw dupes
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 24, 2017, 11:57:56 am
Alright, I'll check it out. And have we found if there are any new tags we have to add to everything?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on November 24, 2017, 12:00:50 pm
The file changes note in the Dwarf Fortress folder lists all the raw changes.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 24, 2017, 12:04:20 pm
... Alright, this may not such a cut and dry copy and pasting as I had hoped for.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on November 25, 2017, 12:24:49 am
Pretty much a problem faced by all mixmods so far.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on November 26, 2017, 02:29:27 pm
I have fixed yet another problem with the neanderthals, that they would end up with no trade due to not having animals, and then fixed a new problem caused by that fix, that being they have animal men, so now they don't, but be prepared for giant tyrannosauruses in sieges from neanderthals
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 26, 2017, 05:05:17 pm
So I'm gonna have to go soon, this is why. (

I'll try to deal with that meaty brew before I have to go though.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 26, 2017, 05:39:27 pm
I'm glad I waited on updating Scourge's mod because I was lazy because of strategic planning. I'm going to try to get on that soon, it's my guess that some confliction with Scourge's dinosaurs and the other dinosaurs is at least one of the problems. And I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to be here for the potential beginning Derpy Dev, but tell us when you get back into a position to join us. You probably won't have missed much We will be sure to make substantial progress in your absence.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on November 26, 2017, 05:55:08 pm
And I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to be here for the potential beginning Derpy Dev, but tell us when you get back into a position to join us. You probably won't have missed much We will be sure to make substantial progress in your absence.

It's fine honestly, just a bit sadmaking. Oh well. Make sure to build that meat tower tall and strong, I want goblins and dwarves alike to marvel at our massive hunk of meat.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 26, 2017, 06:01:08 pm
All creatures in the land, sentient or not, will marvel at the meat tower, and then be cut down and used for it's expansion.

Updating mods as I see them, I don't think I'm going to have to update all of them, but I don't know. Anyone have any experience with adding mods for this specific version. I'd also like you guys to know that the update to the dwarfmon mod adds pokemon werebeasts, so that's going to be fun.

I tried to gen a new world in the new version with the mods, and it almost worked but crashed on the last 2% of finalizing sites.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on November 28, 2017, 10:47:55 am
Are you sure about allowing lots of visitors? The new update apparently heightens the amount of visitors...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 28, 2017, 03:51:37 pm
Uhhhh... Surrrrrre. I don't see why not, it would be good to see what the land has to offer. I'm also thinking about potentially making the tavern the only entrance way to the caverns, so when something terrible and syndrome spraying decides to crawl up we have an early warning system. So all those bards won't end up being totally useless.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on November 28, 2017, 04:56:12 pm
Make sure to make a tavern at the aboveground entrance as well, hee hee.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 28, 2017, 05:48:57 pm
It has been decided that EVERY entrance to the fort will be a tavern. This will be to ensure that everyone is happy because of the constant party, as well as meat for the meat tower will be generated every time something attacks the fort. At the very least, the deaths of all the innocent party goers will be enough to give us time to close the drawbridge leading to the main fort.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 06:51:16 pm
Okay, so I've been updating the hell out of the mods and it still doesn't work. I moved it to the new version because I fucked up the last version and thought I might as well try the new version. It always gets to the very end and then crashes as it's finalizing the last few sites. Then I'm like "Hey, error log, mind giving me a hand on finding out what's broken?" and then the error log is like "No problem bro, now let me see... it seems that EVERYTHING is broken" "Would you mind telling me what needs to be fixed to make the game work?" "How about, uhhh, FUCK YOU, it's all broken, just throw out your hard drive now" "Could you at least-" "NO, it's all broken, just stop trying". I have no idea what needs to be fixed, but it's literally saying every creature in the game can't have any of its body parts attached correctly. I can't even scroll all the way through it to see if anything stands out, it's just too damn long. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 01, 2017, 07:06:21 pm
Take a mod out, create a pocket-sized very short history world, if it crashes, then put that mod in and try a different one
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 08:17:56 pm

I've been trying that. So far it has been ineffective, so now I'm just blanket removing. I removed EVERY item, nothing. I removed every civ except default, nothing. I removed the pokemon, nothing. I removed the TESB stuff, and I got within one site of victory. I think I'm just going to try to gen it without TESB and hope I get lucky for a little while. After that I'm probably going to go back to removing and praying.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 01, 2017, 08:52:50 pm
removing random stuff is likely to not fix it, since now the mods are missing things
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 09:21:26 pm
*shrug* Nothing I've done has made any change at all to anything, so I haven't the slightest clue what the problem is. Like even when I try to remove stuff just to intentionally break it, it just stays the exact same and crashes when it's finalizing the last few sites.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on December 01, 2017, 09:41:30 pm
The errorlog does tell you which parts are broken. If your errorlog is that size, you're likely dealing with a whole cascade of problems. It's not going to go away just by removing certain parts. Even if you did remove the game-breaking crashes, alot of things wouldn't work as expected - missing bps, attacks, etc.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 01, 2017, 09:42:13 pm
I'm pretty sure you need to rebuild the pack from the ground up, at least that's probably the easiest solution.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 09:51:42 pm
The thing is that the enormous error log has always been present and it's worked fine up until now. I will try rebuilding the pack from scratch tomorrow (keeping a version of what I have now as backup) and hope something good happens. I think the real problem stems from some mods being like "I want to replace this file, but I have new stuff" and then the next file wants to replace something and it all goes down hill. I'm going to try to do my best with managing that accordingly. I'm just going to show a little snip bit of the error log to show how these things just don't make sense.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I don't get it, the files are present that it's saying aren't present. It's saying tags aren't recognized, but they seem to be correct tags. It's saying that body parts aren't recognized, but they seem legit. I don't know. But it would probably be helpful to figure out what this problem is stemming from so we can prevent it from happening again.

Edit: oh fuck, I got one to work. Stay tuned for that.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 01, 2017, 10:06:16 pm
*** Error(s) found in the file "raw/objects/body_theropod.txt"
TOOTH: number capped at 32
TOOTH: number capped at 32

Is because the theropod teeth are greater than 32, and I don't feel like fixing it
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 10:15:25 pm
I don't see why that would be such a problem, more than 32 teeth isn't game breaking. Also, I managed to get into the embark screen and no further. It seems that there is too much wrong for me to just try to keep loading it and hope to get lucky. A good amount of the stuff just had no name at all, or was like UNKNOWN PLANT SUBSTANCE. Oh well, guess I'll completely remake modpack I've been working on for a year tomorrow when I get to it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Bearskie on December 01, 2017, 10:46:10 pm
The errorlog makes perfect sense.

For instance, there is no such body template as QUADRUPED_HOOF; those are legacy bodies from 34.11. Now they are called QUADRUPED_NECK_HOOF. SPEED and also SWIM_SPEED have also been replaced by the gait system. You can't just throw in 34.11 raws and expect them to work...

Meanwhile, as the plants can't find a material template SPECIAL_PLANT_JUICE_TEMPLATE, it proceeds to read all the material tokens as plant tokens, which clearly doesn't fly.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 01, 2017, 10:54:54 pm
You know, that makes sense. I guess my panic ridden and sleep deprived brain was too busy being like "come on, just cut one more thing out and it'll be fine" to actually look into what wasn't working. I guess that means I've got to cut those mods out and do some more screening to actually see how outdated some of these mods are. I just find it weird that these outdated mods have worked fine before now. I'm going to create one game for mods confirmed to work for this version and a second game for the experimental stuff. When I decide something iffy works good enough I'll throw it in. But until we have a better grip on this situation mod submissions are on lock down.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Kyubee on December 02, 2017, 05:21:56 am
I had people do something like this in a succession game, *but* i didnt have the skills in actual gameplay, or the functional internet, to actually partake, so... PTW
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 02, 2017, 05:39:54 am
Yeah, definitely check if the stuff is actually updated for the newest versions, or isn't missing body files and the like. A lot of the neckless versions of creatures are still in-game, but QUADRUPED_HOOF is definitely gone.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 02, 2017, 11:53:01 pm
Alright, so I completely redid the pack so that it only contains stuff that's updated for the newest version. It works, but unfortunately at the cost of over half the content. Hypothetically we could start now, but we would be without the koopa's and we would have to decide what race to go with. It also brings up the dilemma of whether we should wait a little longer to get some last minute submissions or just go ahead and play. I personally think we should wait for more so it can end up as insane as I hope it can. I would also like to thank everyone who knows anything about raws for the help they gave me in getting this thing to actually work. If anyone knows of any mods for this version on the horizon or any mods about to be updated, please inform me so we can try to catch them.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 02, 2017, 11:58:35 pm
What have we got in this version?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 03, 2017, 12:04:23 am
Anything on the front page that has [Updated] next to it.

For clarification, that would be:
ZM5's Spooky Halloween Mod
What Lurks Below
Teh Lol Mod
Enemy Post's Creature Pack
Scourge's extinct animals
Scourge's mundane animals
Asin's Wee Folk Mod
Fluffyshambler's caverns of peace, friendship, and fun mod
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 03, 2017, 12:22:36 am
Any mod from 43.05 that doesn't have entity files should work fine in this version. Even the ones that do should work, it's just a matter of being careful about duping. They probably just won't use a lot of the new features. If you want to convert something to the new version yourself, all you have to do is add the new bits of raws from the file_changes.txt file to the entities as needed.

Of the list from the prior version, I think Black Powder Firearms, Mostly Mythical Monsters, Saur Fortress, Stal's Armory, Dwarven Bread, and possibly Procedural Decoration Legends should all work fine in the current version.

I haven't tested this stuff, however.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 03, 2017, 12:31:16 am
Tomorrow is going to be testing day, I'm going to make a copy of what I have now and cautiously insert new stuff into there. I'll see how that goes, and for now I'm just giving all the reactions and buildings to the dwarves. And I've had some problems with the armory pack in the past. For whatever reason it was made to replace the normal weapon, armor (etc) files while only having like half the original stuff. My attempts at trying to combine the two of them was likely part of the problem with my last attempt at dumping everything in. Oh, and I'm going to try for the meat block mod as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 03, 2017, 06:42:04 pm
Alright, so I spent most of my free time today trying to implement the fantastic races mod. For the most part, it works. There's some body type duplication that I have to weed out, and for whatever reason it causes the game to crash a lot. This mostly happen when loading history for some reason. It has made it so I mostly can't gen a world over 125, which I wasn't really anyways, but oh well. I'm working on making it more stable, but other than the duplication problems I'm not really sure what's wrong. Oh, and Scourge, I'm getting a lot of this in the error log:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 03, 2017, 07:06:46 pm
Those aren't too hard to fix. You just need to correct the token GREY in the dolphin raws to GRAY. Archaeopteryx's derivatives should also easy enough, it just needs its horn tissue added in. Look at goats to see how it's supposed to be done. I'm not sure why they're using horns at all, Archaeopteryx didn't have them.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 03, 2017, 07:19:43 pm
Ah, I hadn't considered the American and English word differences being a problem. There are quite a few things saying that they're missing tissues, so I'll fix those. I'm also finding that ZM5's stuff and the dwarvemon mod share a LOT of bodies. This may have been the duplication problem in the last attempt. For example, they both have their own 5HEAD_HORN, but the only real difference is that one describes the horns as horn1, horn2, horn3 while the other has FLhorn, FRhorn etc. For these I'm just making my best guess as to what to get rid of, I'm sure there will be PLENTY of unforeseen consequences because of it, but oh well. This is also coming up, and as far as I know NODRINK is still a legitimate tag.
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Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 03, 2017, 07:41:34 pm
Whoops. It's supposed to be NO_DRINK, apparently. I'll fix that when I get a chance.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 03, 2017, 08:05:29 pm
Okay, so I went through the files and changed every grey to gray, and found that there was some problems with that in the normal DF files. Such as a gray squirrel being described as a grey rodent. Not really a big problem, just thought it was interesting that me bumbling around the raws in my attempt to get this monstrosity to work might have found a problem in the actual game. I also added the billdads back into this version, because they were on my mind and I felt like it.

Oh, and I updated the Teh Lol mod and the rail gun and similar stuff still doesn't work. Well I haven't tried to see if it works, so it could, but there's a lot of stuff coming up in the error log about it.
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Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 03, 2017, 08:31:06 pm
1. I knew about the grey/gray issue, but was procrastinating on fixing it (I have this problem as well)
2. I also knew about the horn issue but see above
3. They have it because IIRC it's in the body plan the dinosaurs use, and I guess I took it out for t-rex but not Archaeopteryx, and Allosaurus was the first one I did (the Ballad of Big Al movie is responsible for cementing Allosaurus as a special dinosaur for me)

Should probably fix those at some point.... I'll be back...

EDIT: After looking at the raws for the dinosaurs, I made the horns(and teeth) a separate thing from the rest of the theropod body plan, presumably for ease of editing, and I had it using [USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:HORN:HORN_TEMPLATE] for both materials and tissues instead of using [USE_TISSUE_TEMPLATE:HORN:HORN_TEMPLATE]
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 03, 2017, 10:31:47 pm
MottledPetral, it looks like you're missing TehLOLmod's buildings. Maybe you deleted by accident or it's missing from the download, but here are the buildings.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Toxicshadow on December 03, 2017, 10:41:24 pm
You'll need to either wait for every mod to be (hopefully) updated, or wait for the wiki to be updated with the new tags and manually update hundreds of creatures and entities yourself... I mean there's a *possibility* you could try to just dump the old raws in but it would likely not work.
Hehe I told you ;)
But you're doing some hard work it seems, glad to see you're making progress and keeping this going!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 04, 2017, 06:29:27 am
I didn't really expect it to work that well either, it just would have been really convenient. Besides me hopefully getting this to work, all this effort is also turning up some actual problems with some of the mods I have, so in the end I guess it's for the greater good that it didn't just work the first time. Most of the rest of the problems seem to be creatures missing tissues, but there also seems to be some serious issues with some of the races from the fantastic races mod, which I'll probably talk to the creator about to see what they say about it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 04, 2017, 03:35:35 pm
We still have meat building, right?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 04, 2017, 03:44:30 pm
I found that there were some problems with the current version of TehLOLmod, but this should work.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 04, 2017, 08:01:01 pm
We still have meat building, right?

Wait I need to update that mod for the new version don't I? Uh oh.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 04, 2017, 08:16:17 pm
It'll probably be fine, it's not an entity file.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 04, 2017, 10:35:49 pm
I've got a little minor Christmas mod in the works FYI, hint:Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 05, 2017, 06:29:17 am
Well, we'll see if it takes long enough for us to start this thing for you to have time to finish it. As for the meat mod, yes I'm going to implement it, I just haven't had time yet. I'm going to try to do it tonight, as well as update the Teh Lol Mod, as well as Scourge's mods. As a whole, the error log has been drastically reduced, to the point where I can actually sit down and skim it without going through a 1000 page novel. So I guess we've got that going for us.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 05, 2017, 07:37:46 am
I might get a Darkest Dungeon pack done before then as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 05, 2017, 04:11:31 pm
That would be great, we could always do with some more conflicting universes. Also, against my better judgement, I will soon be commandeering my second post to start a quotes section. Why? Because I feel like it, that's why. I'm going to try to do my best to sift through everything to pick out the good parts, but it will likely be a long process where I am likely to miss stuff. If anyone cares to point out their favorites I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 05, 2017, 05:22:46 pm
I forgot to ask, can I be koopa'd (with a pet feline-type thing)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 05, 2017, 07:43:57 pm
You most certainly can be Koopa'd, we could definitely go with more people to get attached to, so it's even MORE painful when everyone is slaughtered by Armok only knows what.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 05, 2017, 08:04:48 pm
You most certainly can be Koopa'd, we could definitely go with more people to get attached to, so it's even MORE painful when everyone is slaughtered by Armok only knows what.

Do not fear death, as life only ends when the meat tower falls.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 05, 2017, 08:07:40 pm
Might as well Koopa me as well once this gets rolling.

Also, out of curiosity, gotta ask - you think it'd be worth it just for the sake of even more chaos to give the [SUPERNATURAL] token to all megas and semimegas?

According to the wiki it'd give them innate magical knowledge related to their spheres, provided a type exists for those. Combined with my pack (and spellcrafts (, if you'd want to add that) it would get insanely chaotic when even an average vanilla ettin, minotaur or dragon shows up.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 05, 2017, 08:39:22 pm
My sense of self preservation is saying no, but my lust for blood shed is telling me yes. Yes, yes I would definitely like that. It's going to have to be for tomorrow, but would all I have to do is add the tag to the desired creatures and add the spellcraft mod? You will be Koopa'd as well. God, I'm going to have one hell of a time with my story telling of this.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: VolcanoQueen on December 05, 2017, 08:52:23 pm
Do not fear death, as life only ends when the meat tower falls.

I'm sigging this, if that's ok.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 05, 2017, 09:01:07 pm
Do not fear death, as life only ends when the meat tower falls.

I'm sigging this, if that's ok.

I don't mind :D

Like I'm getting sigged twice in the same thread, I'm on a roll.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on December 05, 2017, 10:42:08 pm
Do not fear death, as life only ends when the meat tower falls.

I'm sigging this, if that's ok.

I don't mind :D

Like I'm getting sigged twice in the same thread, I'm on a roll.

I'm sure each and every one of us will have at least 10 sigs to our name before this is over.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 06, 2017, 03:55:33 am
My sense of self preservation is saying no, but my lust for blood shed is telling me yes. Yes, yes I would definitely like that. It's going to have to be for tomorrow, but would all I have to do is add the tag to the desired creatures and add the spellcraft mod? You will be Koopa'd as well. God, I'm going to have one hell of a time with my story telling of this.
Yeah, just look for megabeasts and semimegas in the files and slap that token onto them.

I admit my instinct for self-preservation is also saying that this is a terrible idea. But my instinct for mayhem is telling me that yes, I want to see a dragon with the combined powers of a paladin, shaman and pyromancer.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Imic on December 06, 2017, 03:55:39 am
Has this even started yet?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 06, 2017, 06:31:15 am
Unfortunately it has not. It was stopped by a culmination of little errors that just made the game not work. Now I'm trying to iron out these errors slowly as I add mods back in. Along with that, we're just having a good time making this game even more hectic and unforgiving.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 06, 2017, 03:42:35 pm
I would also like to inform everyone that I have inspired the Teh Lol mod to create a civ made entirely of sentient guns. Yes, the guns can shoot. This should make things even better for the fort.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 08, 2017, 07:15:54 pm
So, I have enough time to get things done for the first time this week. To make sure I don't squander this, I have made a list of the things that currently need to be done, for both my convenience and yours. When I inevitably miss something important that needs to be done tell me about it and I'll add it to the list.

To Do list:
1. Update Caverns of peace: DONE (tested, seems to work fine)
2. Update Fantastic Races: DONE (tested, seems to work fine)
3. Add Dwarfsday winter holiday: DONE (untested)
4. Update Teh Lol Mod: DONE (untested)
5. Shit post: In progress
6. Make a list of reactions and workshops to give to desired civs: in progress
7. Re add black powder firearms, mostly mythical monsters, saur fortress, dwarven bread: not done
8. Test to make sure these last things don't destroy the game: not done
9. Figure out what the fuck to do with Stal's Armory: not done
10. Update Scourge's stuff: DONE (untested)
11. Try to fix Teh Lol mod buildings: possibly done (no clue if it really works or not yet, testing required)
12. Re add meat buildings: not done
13. Make a quote section: no fucking idea when I'm going to get to this
14. Sig that thing Derpy Dev said about life only ending when the meat tower falls: not done
15. Add spellcrafts: not done
16. Make sure I didn't break everything: not done
17. Add [SUPERNATURAL] to mega beasts, just to fuck things up even further: not done
18. REALLY make sure I didn't break it: not done
19. Git Gud at games: probably never going to happen
20. Become passable at games: in progress
21. Attempt to re add the communism and capitalism secrets: couldn't get it to work in the last version, so no idea how this will go
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 08, 2017, 07:25:48 pm
Cant wait to see what comes out of all this ngl. Best of luck! Make sure to message us here when issues pop up - maybe post progress updates too along with the files if issues come up so myself and others could take a look at it and try to fix stuff.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 08, 2017, 07:37:22 pm
Hopefully a mostly working game comes out of all of this. I'll keep you guys informed as it happens, and tell you what's broken. I'd also like to report that I've thought up most of my intro to this story when we actually start, and it's definitely something. You all better be ready for a lot of obscure references and a koopa named Mottled Petrel desperately trying to impress all the hip, young koopalings with his attempts to be RAD.

So, things are going pretty well. The error log is significantly smaller, most of it being made up of errors from the fantastic races mod and the dwarfmas mod I added. Not sure what to do about those, but I'm probably going to bring it up with the mod creators. The only thing that stood out as needing a potential fix was this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not sure what caused it, but it might have to do with pirate taunt being defined as pirate_ds instead of pirate_taunt, and such. There's also some problems with certain creatures, like QUAGGA_SCOR:FEMALE and MUMMY:MALE, but I don't know what mods these are from. Anyone know?

Wow, I'm not sure what I did, but this is incredibly stable. Unsettlingly stable. I can also say with pride that there is still a fuck ton of towers everywhere. I'm just going to be running a fort for a very little while to see if those random crashes that were in some of the other tests forts come up. I'll tell you guys if anything interesting happens. But for now, here's the starting area.
It's up to you guys to determine what some of these civs are, because I myself don't know what some of these are.

Oh, it crashed while it was saving. WELP, there goes everything I said about stability. I'm going to try to see if this is a fluke, but if it isn't we're probably screwed.

Crashes are consistent, let me try another world.

It keeps crashing during the saving at "saving world information". I don't know what's causing it, but here is the current error log if any thinks they can discern what could be causing it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I just realized I didn't see the duplication problem, but I'll fix it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 09, 2017, 02:25:26 pm
pirate_ds is from TehLOLmod. The HP_PIRATE is from a completely different mod. ZM5 should be able to give you the correct .txt files.
It appears that the joghadai don't have body parts to connect neck and throat to.
There apparently needs to be a BLOND color.
The various quaggas need a HOOF tissue. It appears the mummy doesn't have any materials.
I'll have to see the FLASH, and SHONE interactions to see what is wrong with them.
The duplication errors are simple. Just search for one of the duplicated things, then note the mods which have it. If the duplication is in the same mod, then there was a copy/paste error. If it is in two different mods, then people have named something the same thing. In that case, name each case something different.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 09, 2017, 02:35:16 pm
The text files are taunts for the pirates, skeletons and clowns - they're in data/speech in the download file.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 02:52:25 pm
The duplication errors are the fantastic races mod using some of ZM5's bodies, but they have their own file for it. With me having other ZM5 mods in it that causes a problem. I fixed it one, but updating the mod over wrote it. I thought I added the text files for the taunts, but I'll double check on that. None of the guy's I've asked has been able to tell me where the quaggas came from, but I'll try to fix them. I'll post the FLASH and SHONE interactions if I get a chance, but I'm probably just going to get rid of them entirely. Figuring out the BLOND color isn't worth the effort. I'm sure what I'm going to do about the joghadai, the mod author said it still works with the error and isn't that much of a problem. But progress is going pretty well, the error log has gotten small enough that we can actually touch upon each problem individually. I've got an idea on how to fix the crash during save, but if it doesn't work I have no idea what the problem is because none of these errors really seem to be game breaking.

There was also a lot of errors with the dwarfsday winter mod, to the point where I just removed it. I'll add it back if the author fixes the errors I pointed out to them. Apparently the taunt files never made it in, so they have been added.

FLASH and SHONE interactions for those who want to fix it:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh wait a second, the QUAGGA_SCOR is one of scourge's things. He had this same problem for some of his dinosaurs, so he knows what to do about it. But for now, because it is literally just a subspecies of zebra, I'm going to remove it to save time.

Alright, I seem to have fixed it enough so that I can save. I fixed most of the stuff that I said I was going to fix, but now I'm going to play the game out a little to see if it's stable. Wish me luck, here's our neighbors.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 09, 2017, 03:39:46 pm
Can I have any dinosaur for a pet, when we get a chance? The specific kind isn't important.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: ZM5 on December 09, 2017, 03:41:29 pm
Damn, you got all 5 of the halloween invaders as neighbors. Can't wait to see what happens when the sieges pop up, hee hee.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 03:45:48 pm
For clarification, this is just a test fort. Dinosaur pet has been noted. Knowing my luck I'm going to get a theater troupe from the holloween invaders, and they're all going to stay and deny military service. Put I'll keep the invasions posted, right now there's a fuck ton of water pokemon in the river killing each other. I don't know what sparked it, but there's water type moves flying every where.

Okay, this is actually getting pretty funny. A crawdaunt became enrage for some reason and decided to attack a politoed. The crawdaunt uses its most powerful move and was unable to do anything more than bruise the fat. This caught the politoed's attention, getting it to use double slap on the crawdaunt. This usually is a pretty lack luster move, but for some reason it was enough to reduce the crawdaunt's arm to a lump of gore. The politoed did this for the other arm and then walked away, leaving the crawdaunt basically helpless. But, through sheer force of will, the crawdaunt picked himself up from the puddle of his own blood and continues to pursue the politoed. The politoed is then like "dude, what the hell, just leave me alone" and keeps walking. The crawdaunt catches up and attempt to push the politoed, causing the politoed to double slap all but one of his feet into lumps of gore. This doesn't stop the crawdaunt, for he has a smoldering fury hotter than dragon fire. After a long "chase" the politoed finally gets out of range, and now the crawdaunt is just there with so much built up rage that he doesn't know what to do.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: scourge728 on December 09, 2017, 03:57:45 pm
It's funny, I can't remember if I knew of the hoof issue and forgot to fix it, or if I broke it fixing other things.....
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 04:10:22 pm
I only pointed out the issue with the dinosaurs, so it's likely that it was just never found. Also, I think we have the title for best government name.

I'm also naming forumites, because I feel like it.

Dude, what the fuck, it's only slate. Is this a new feature, do people just show up whenever they feel like it? Well, I guess you can come sleep in the farms, because that's about the only thing we have mined out so far.

This place is REALLY popular, and I'm struggling to accomidate the visitors when I literally have nothing more than a hole in the ground to work with. Now that I think about it, the popularity kinda makes sense. I founded the fort on a narrow isthmus that connects the two main continents, so if anyone wants to go anywhere they have to go by us.

WHAT THE FUCK, I JUST OPENED A TAVERN AND HALF THE CONTINENT DECIDES TO COME OVER FOR A PARTY. It's only malachite and I have no industry to speak of, and now I have to feed an additional ten people who don't work

uhhhh... I'm not sure what to do about that, that and the stream of visitors hasn't stopped.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Enemy post on December 09, 2017, 06:00:08 pm
I suspect the visitors are mostly if not all spies. It's a bug with the current version. I guess I let Thrash Doves have too high a population on Teh LOLmod.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 06:23:06 pm
Too high population? That's only the first page, there are currently 65 of them on the map and they're still coming. I had forgotten about the spies, how do they detriment the fort?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: bloop_bleep on December 09, 2017, 06:39:03 pm
Too high population? That's only the first page, there are currently 65 of them on the map and they're still coming. I had forgotten about the spies, how do they detriment the fort?

Get information from citizens about artifacts. I'm not sure, but they might also be able to take artifacts with them.

You know they're spies if they have weapons on them and they aren't, say, mercenaries or monster hunters, who are supposed to have weapons.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 06:47:19 pm
Why didn't anyone tell me that thrash doves steal items? There's like 70 of them and they're all stealing things. Thank god they're going after my wooden cups and not the anvils. It's also good that we have no artifacts to be stolen yet, but a legendary stone carver has come by. I'm not even going to even bother looking through all these visitors, most of them are warriors looking for the same artifact.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 09, 2017, 10:02:50 pm
I've started up the quotes section, and dear god do we have a lot of quote gold on this thread. I'm only on page 7 and I've already filled it to the extent that I've seen other mature threads reach only at the very end. It doesn't help that almost every other post is something hysterical, but searching through it definitely takes me back, way back to the days when we first started debating the breeding habits of lawn mowers.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: Karnewarrior on December 10, 2017, 01:12:29 pm
I think I'm going to post to watch any thread that seriously discusses lawnmower reproduction.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (players possibly needed)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 10, 2017, 04:26:21 pm
We can always do with more hands on deck, glad to have you here. And trust me, it's going to get a lot worse once the fort starts. I'm already like half way through what could possibly be the best intro ever. I'd say we're almost ready to start too, I just gotta add in the last things I promised to add in. After that, I'm going to see if I can shoe horn the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom mod in and pray it works. We're getting down to the dead line for mod submissions, so if anyone has anything in the works that's almost done I'd appreciate it if you could inform me of it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 10, 2017, 05:22:22 pm
I still have two things left to do for the DDU pack - megas and the final dungeon creatures - even those wont take too long since I have most of the body templates and interactions done. I'll send you a link once its done.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Lord_lemonpie on December 11, 2017, 04:48:51 pm
Ptw for thrash doves and quote gold
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 11, 2017, 08:00:59 pm
Glad to hear it Lord_lemonpie, almost feels like a betrayal updating the mod with the patch that decreases thrash dove populations. Take as long as you need ZM5, the darkest dungeon stuff will be great to make the caverns even MORE of a hellscape. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm scared that I'll open up the caverns and immediately be gunned down the DOOM stuff you added.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 11, 2017, 08:36:59 pm
Glad to hear it Lord_lemonpie, almost feels like a betrayal updating the mod with the patch that decreases thrash dove populations. Take as long as you need ZM5, the darkest dungeon stuff will be great to make the caverns even MORE of a hellscape. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm scared that I'll open up the caverns and immediately be gunned down the DOOM stuff you added.
Most of the wild DDU creatures will be in evil biomes actually, not the caverns (save for the final dungeon creatures). There are some, like Madmen, who will be found in non-evil biomes as well - otherwise, you'll mostly have to worry about the megas and invader races (8 in total). Won't have to wait too long, I only have 3 creatures left to do.

Depending on how fast you open up the caverns, the Doom monsters may not be so bad, considering I tiered them similarly to how they're "tiered" in-game, with each layer adding more enemy types (and the third having all of them). First layer is only the most basic stuff, i.e Pinkies (who may topple smaller constructions) or Imps (they throw fake "fire" that causes blistering and bleeding - no actual "fire" though for balance reasons). Second has the more advanced enemies, i.e Hell Knights, Cacodemons or Mancubi - last layer adds the big bosses and also Barons and Arch-Viles.

Fun fact about Archies, they'll raise anything that has the demonic creature class - this includes the demons from my cave pack, i.e the Abyss Worms, Possessed Dwarves/Elves/Humans, or Killer Clowns.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on December 12, 2017, 07:50:54 am
Are you still adding mods?

If you are, this seems pleasantly game breaking :;topicseen
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 12, 2017, 05:28:40 pm
That looks like it'd be something good to add, but it requires dfhack for a good amount of its features. Seeing as how dfhack isn't updated to the new version yet, I'm not sure I want to add it. I'm going to get through the predetermined stuff for this mod pack first, and then I'll see what we can do with that.

Edit: in the process of adding more, probably going to post the error log if it's anything I can't figure out at a quick glance.
Edit2: good news, I added like 5 things and there are no new errors to speak of!
Edit3: alright, making an attempt at adding the spellcrafts mod, chances are this might break it, but we'll see how it goes. Once I am SURE that it is working I will add the [SUPERNATURAL] tag to all mega beasts (I might miss some, but at that point I don't really care)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 12, 2017, 07:41:58 pm
Leaving tomorrow, but I'll give you a question. How about we add the [TRAINABLE] tag to all animal people? Then we can have a fort filled with animal people, which is good.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Asin on December 12, 2017, 07:48:19 pm
Asin's Wee Folk Mod [Updated]

What kind of stuff are you doing with my mods? I'm not mad, just curious.
I also assume "Golbinoids" is my Goblinoids (and Orcs) mod.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 12, 2017, 08:20:06 pm
Good bye Derpy Dev, we'll keep a meat chair warm for you for when you get back. It's going to take a little bit longer to get everything in that I promised to get in and iron out the subsequent bugs. In addition, there are some mods that I had in that are about to be updated to the new version soon, so I'm going to try to wait for those if they don't take too long. Most important of these is the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom mod so that we have the koopa civ to actually play as. I know IndigoFenix popped in here for a little bit to check this out, so maybe he'll hear my plea (I'm not going to send him a pm or post it on the ROTMK thread or anything, it's not that big of a deal). ZM5 says he's got another great thing almost done, so that will make it in. Scourge said he's got some stuff potentially in the works, I haven't heard anything from him in a while so I don't know if he finished it or even started it. As of now, it's very stable, the most errors are coming from the dwarfsday holiday mod, which can be removed no problem if I have to.

Asin, glad to see you found what I had intended for those mods. Even if I wasn't actively looking for additions to this collection I thought your mod was pretty interesting and had some good potential, that and I had some ideas for it and wanted to do some research. At the moment only the Wee Folk Mod is in as the Goblinoids mod was not updated to the current version and was causing more issues than it was worth. Sorry about not giving credit, I forgot who made it and where it came from, I'll add your name to it on the cover page (I'd appreciate it if you could do the minor updates to the civs that would make them usable, but that's up to you). The Wee Folk Mod is in, and is having some interesting results. I have found that the hobbits and shadow gnomes make up more necromancer towers than all of the other races combined. I don't know if this was intended, or even has a reason for happening, but it's kinda funny seeing the hobbits have more towers than actual settlements. As for what I've done to them, nothing yet. I'd like to have every race in before I take the giant list of reactions and buildings that I've made from every race I've added and just slap it into EVERY race to see how fun that gets.

Edit: oh wait, now I remember why goblinoids isn't in. It requires Grimlock's realism mod (or something) to run the civs. That might be throwing a bit too strong of a curve ball into the mix, but I'll consider it. I should also make a list of what actually made it in, because at this point I don't even really know. Oh, and can anyone vouch on if there would be any adverse effects to adding [TRAINABLE] to all animal men? I would think it would just allow them to basically become extra workers, but my experience with doing stuff like that to sentient animals is that it never ends well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Asin on December 12, 2017, 09:01:17 pm
Asin, glad to see you found what I had intended for those mods. Even if I wasn't actively looking for additions to this collection I thought your mod was pretty interesting and had some good potential, that and I had some ideas for it and wanted to do some research. At the moment only the Wee Folk Mod is in as the Goblinoids mod was not updated to the current version and was causing more issues than it was worth. Sorry about not giving credit, I forgot who made it and where it came from, I'll add your name to it on the cover page (I'd appreciate it if you could do the minor updates to the civs that would make them usable, but that's up to you). The Wee Folk Mod is in, and is having some interesting results. I have found that the hobbits and shadow gnomes make up more necromancer towers than all of the other races combined. I don't know if this was intended, or even has a reason for happening, but it's kinda funny seeing the hobbits have more towers than actual settlements. As for what I've done to them, nothing yet. I'd like to have every race in before I take the giant list of reactions and buildings that I've made from every race I've added and just slap it into EVERY race to see how fun that gets.

Shadow Gnomes as necromancers makes sense. If I remember right, one of the spheres they'll always be seen worshipping is death. That means more towers. Halflings as necromancers makes no sense. Halflings don't have death listed as a sphere for them to always worship...

EDIT: I am working on making the Goblinoids (and Orcs) mod up to date. There have been some... complications.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 12, 2017, 09:02:25 pm
I was KINDA hoping everyone would forget about that thing I said, as the mod.... doesn't work and I'm not sure why
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 13, 2017, 06:25:49 am
Eh, if it doesn't work it doesn't work. I was just wondering if you still had it in the works or not. Oh, and I've been thinking, could someone here try to mod mottled petrels into the game? My namesake, the mottled petrel, is a small migratory sea bird that I somehow found and used as my name. They don't really do much or have any redeeming qualities, but I'd still like to see them in the game. Either as just the normal bird, or if someone takes it and turns it into a hulking monster that breathes fire and goes around karate chopping people in half (or something).
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 13, 2017, 10:49:03 am
That's not hard. I can teach you how to make it yourself if you want. Or I can do it, just an offer.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Karnewarrior on December 13, 2017, 01:53:24 pm
Yeah, modding DF can be pretty simple. I generally spend some time after a while with a new vanilla update to mod all surface plants to grow in realistic timeframes and climates.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 13, 2017, 02:23:46 pm
Either as just the normal bird, or if someone takes it and turns it into a hulking monster that breathes fire and goes around karate chopping people in half (or something).
I nominate this to the quote bank.

Also, to my memory, [TRAINABLE] doesn't make something domesticatable. [TRAINABLE] makes already domesticated animals be able to be trained for war, or hunting. For that reason, I suggest we add [TRAINABLE] to chickens.
To get domesticated animal men, add [PET] to them, and also use the new animal defs from the latest release so we always have them available.
Give them all the ANIMAL_MAN creature_class.

And also, give all giant animals the  [PET] tag, so we can have an army of giant stuff without the help of elves.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 13, 2017, 05:08:46 pm
Either as just the normal bird, or if someone takes it and turns it into a hulking monster that breathes fire and goes around karate chopping people in half (or something).
I nominate this to the quote bank.

Also, to my memory, [TRAINABLE] doesn't make something domesticatable. [TRAINABLE] makes already domesticated animals be able to be trained for war, or hunting. For that reason, I suggest we add [TRAINABLE] to chickens.
To get domesticated animal men, add [PET] to them, and also use the new animal defs from the latest release so we always have them available.
Give them all the ANIMAL_MAN creature_class.

And also, give all giant animals the  [PET] tag, so we can have an army of giant stuff without the help of elves.

The suggestions for animal men and giant animals will likely be a lot easier if you add Pikachu's tags to the creature variances that build those creatures, rather than adding each tag manually.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 13, 2017, 05:11:05 pm
I would recommend don't add creature_class ANIMAL_MAN that way, as I use that to keep neanderthals from having them and duplicating it would probably be bad
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 13, 2017, 05:12:20 pm
So it already exists on the animal men?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 13, 2017, 05:13:18 pm
on my extinct ones yeah
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 13, 2017, 05:14:24 pm
Put MAN_ANIMAL for the ones we want our koopas to have, then.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 13, 2017, 05:16:52 pm
Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom has been updated for DF44.
Also, did I mention Fortal Kombat?  It hasn't been updated in a while but it doesn't really need to be.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 13, 2017, 05:18:25 pm
I was more asking if someone wanted to do it because I don't really have the time at the moment to do it myself. That, and all my attempts at creating animals have ended with weird results. I'd appreciate it if you could make something up, but you don't have to. Thank you for the suggestion for adding the tag to variances, that would be astronomically easier. As for giant animals, I tend to just add the [USE_ANY_PET_RACE] tag to the civ I'm playing and get loads of giant animals. It also seems that IndigoFenix has unknowingly answered my plea by updating the Rise of The Mushroom Kingdom mod, so as of right now we have everything we could potentially need to start. Nomination for quote bank has been verified, adding it now. That, and I've got a secret project in the works. I probably won't have it done in time to add it to modded hell, but I'll post it once I'm done.

Just saw the MAN_ANIMAL suggestion, I'll do that instead. Any suggestions for the types of animal men we want to have? First ten or so suggestions will make it in the first round. After that as long as you make a good argument for why you want them I'll probably add them, but I feel like giving EVERY animal man to the Koopas might be a little much.

Wow, a LOT of stuff happened while I was writing this. I'll see what I can do with Fortal Combat.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 13, 2017, 05:20:03 pm
Leech men.

Also, I can make giant mottled petrals and mottled petral men along with the normal ones. You'll probably want those, right?

*Edit, here are the petrals.

Code: [Select]
[DESCRIPTION:A small black bird that feeds on carrion.  It is social, very intelligent and knows how to use tools.]
[NAME:mottled petrel:mottled petrels:petrel]
[CASTE_NAME:mottled petrel:mottled petrels:petrel]
[GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:mottled petrel hatchling:mottled petrel hatchlings]
[PREFSTRING:muted coloration]
[ATTACK_VERB:snatch at:snatches at]

[CASTE_NAME:mottled petrel man:mottled petrel men:petrel man]
[CASTE_NAME:mottled petrel woman:mottled petrel women:petrel woman]
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_BIPED_GAITS:900:750:600:439:1900:2900] 20 kph
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_CLIMBING_GAITS:2990:2257:1525:731:4300:6100] 12 kph
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_SWIMMING_GAITS:2990:2257:1525:731:4300:6100] 12 kph
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_CRAWLING_GAITS:2990:2257:1525:731:4300:6100] 12 kph
[NAME:mottled petral man:mottled petral men:petral man]
[DESCRIPTION:A small person with the head and wings of a mottled petral.]

[NAME:giant mottled petrel:giant mottled petrels:giant petrel]
[CASTE_NAME:giant mottled petrel:giant mottled petrels:giant petrel]
[GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:giant mottled petrel hatchling:giant mottled petrelhatchlings]
[DESCRIPTION:A large bird-like monster, even more deadly when found in groups.]
[PREFSTRING:muted coloration]
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_WALKING_GAITS:9000:8900:8825:8775:9500:9900] 1 kph
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_SWIMMING_GAITS:9000:8900:8825:8775:9500:9900] 1 kph
[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_CRAWLING_GAITS:9000:8900:8825:8775:9500:9900] 1 kph

You'll need this color too.

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 13, 2017, 05:36:58 pm
MottledPetrel - sent you a PM earlier, don't know if you saw it yet.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 13, 2017, 05:37:24 pm
Brown Recluse Spider Men
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 13, 2017, 07:07:53 pm
All right, a lot has been happening today and I'm going to try to get to as much of it tonight as I can get to. Enemy post, I thank you for creating the birds on such short notice, there's so little actual information on these birds other than "they just exist and have nothing special about them". It pains me to point out that "petral" relates to the refining of petroleum, while "petrel" is a type of bird. I don't care enough to fix it and you don't have to either, for whatever reason everyone wants to spell it as "petral". Thank you for bringing attention to that pm ZM5, I didn't see it. Brown recluse spider man and leech men will be used as test races for the changes to the creature variation stuff.

Also, would the mottled color pattern be a descriptor raw? or something else?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 13, 2017, 07:17:26 pm
I fixed the typo in their name, good catch. The color should go in descriptor_pattern_special.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 13, 2017, 07:26:04 pm
You didn't have to fix it, but I appreciate you doing so anyways. I would also like to inform everyone that ZM5 has sent me a pre public release copy of his new Darkest Dungeon mod. I haven't seen much of darkest dungeon, but the parts that I have seen were pretty brutal, so this mod will do great with our current hell.

I have to admit, I laughed a little when I saw that it was labeled "Dwarfest Dungeon".

I've added everything in and made the necessary changes (that I've actually remembered to do, I haven't added the [SUPERNATURAL] tag to the mega beasts yet, but I will eventually), lets see how it goes.

Alright, it seems that all new errors have come from the ROTMK mod, I have yet to look into it. And we have our first crash, wonderful.

I messed around with the files a little, and it seems to be working better, but this is still turning up in the error log:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The color token problems probably aren't that big of a deal, just wanted to point them out to anyone who would care. I have NO idea why the ITEM errors are coming up, but I'm open to suggestions.

Uhhh, is it a problem that everything has suddenly decided to be heinously bright neon colors?
Can I also ask just HOW this can even happen?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 14, 2017, 06:20:26 am
Trees on the worldmap change colours with seasons.

If this was in worldgen, dont know - any of the mods add new aboveground trees? Cause that'd affect it as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Bearskie on December 14, 2017, 07:31:49 am
Looks pretty normal to me. Nice shade. In a mashup mod with lightsabers and meat castles, purple trees are far from bizarre.

For the errorlog issues, it must be a typo in the entity raws item permissions.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 14, 2017, 01:57:15 pm
I believe it'll work if you just remove the "ITEM_" part of those, but I may be wrong.
For the colors, looks like you have not added some descriptor_pattern file from Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom mod.

ZM5, why are you not releasing Dwarfest Dungeons now, if it is good enough to be entered for Modded Hell?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 14, 2017, 04:22:50 pm
I did a quick fix for ROTMK.  The name for the color descriptor files were wrong, though strangely I didn't see any bugs on my own worldgen... I also added pedestals to all civs.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 14, 2017, 05:56:22 pm
ZM5, why are you not releasing Dwarfest Dungeons now, if it is good enough to be entered for Modded Hell?
Waiting for the gf to make a tiny banner for it.

EDIT: Annnnnd also for the reason I expected - I messed something up and didn't notice it. One of the Witch castes didn't have a size set to it so they'd be microscopic.
@MottledPetrel I updated the link I sent you - the fix should work with an already generated world.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 14, 2017, 07:24:51 pm
Alright, I'll check those two fixes out. The fantastic races mod also seems to have been updated, fixing the problems I have previously stated here. What file are the witches in so I can only replace that one, because I don't really feel like replacing everything.
Thank you guys for getting this stuff out to me so quickly.

I replaced the creature_darkest_dungeon_invaders_zm5 file that contained the witches as a creature. If anything else needs to be changed to fix the error please notify me.

I don't know what happened, but the trees on the world gen map are back to normal.

Okay, turns out the trees on the world map aren't actually fixed. Koopa's are having trouble making it through world gen, but I fixed the problem with the weird item identifiers.

Who's idea was this and where did it come from

I may have found the culprit of the world map tree color changing, it seems that the new trees from the dwarfmon mod are colorful as fuck.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 15, 2017, 08:56:44 pm
If we are still accepting mods how about
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 15, 2017, 09:07:49 pm
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is this a mod that allows a certain creature to turn other creatures into fruit, or a mod that allows a creature to turn itself into fruit? Either way, color me intrigued.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 16, 2017, 02:24:05 am
The lasersaurs are mine, they're from the LOLmod. There's no problem with the colorful trees, right?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 16, 2017, 09:32:36 am
it allows a creature to turn others into fruit (any creature you give the interaction too)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 16, 2017, 10:10:52 am
There's no problem with the colorful trees, it's just a little weird having neon lime green and bright purple trees interspersed with normal oak trees. I'm not sure if I want to give this interaction to the Koopas or not, it seems a bit too over powerful. A simple bar fight could easily turn into a fruit salad in seconds. But, I'll put it up to another vote, see what everyone thinks.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 16, 2017, 10:15:27 am
A simple bar fight could easily turn into a fruit salad in seconds.
I want to nominate this for the quotes page. Even in-context it sounds absolutely bizarre.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 16, 2017, 12:46:31 pm
I suggest making a rare plant that, upon being eaten, temporarily gives the eater the power to turn its enemies into fruit.

Alternatively, a vermin creature with a bite that turns its victims into fruit.

Mushroomization is already a status effect in ROTMK so it's not even the strangest thing here.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 16, 2017, 06:11:42 pm
Alright, I know the poll is saying that people want it to be for megabeasts, but I feel like the most "balanced" and "practical" method would be to apply it to a plant. I'm thinking we should give it to a special magical lemon (grown as a plant in a crop plot, not as a tree), where you can eat it to gain the ability to use at a near rapid fire rate for about 7 or so days. Lore wise, I've got some pretty good ideas. I'm thinking that instead of eating the lemon and just gaining the ability, the Koopa using it will instead tear the lemon in half, squeeze the magic juice into their eyes, and be filled with the all consuming rage of the ancient fruit lords who seek only to purge the world of all non fruit based life. I say this because I've already written the frame work of a hypothetical situation in which a random Koopa eats one of these lemons and begins screaming about how it has "become the instrument of the wrath of the ancient fruit lords. And through their will this world shall be reborn in their image". I then promptly send him into the caverns or at whatever invading force is present to transform anything that moves into a fruit. But I can easily change it if people decide they want to base this ability off of another plant. Because of this, I'm changing the poll.

Quote added. I feel like I might plaster that one somewhere on the first post as well, because that one will definitely attract interest.

I'd also like to point out that without dfhack we can't use the script for lawn mower self replication. Egg laying by far won the poll, so if someone can make the lawn mowers egg layers I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 16, 2017, 08:25:39 pm
I'll write up egg lawnmowers when I get a chance. It shouldn't be difficult.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 16, 2017, 09:15:07 pm
Is there something I can do to prevent grazers from dying of hunger while they're sitting on their eggs? My lazer stegosauruses keep dying when they lay eggs, and I wouldn't want the lawn mowers to die in the future fort.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 16, 2017, 10:15:10 pm
I didn't know that grazing egg layers had that problem. I'll have to fix it sometime. Maybe put egg boxes in the pastures?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 16, 2017, 10:28:08 pm
I do that, they just stay on the one tile that the nest box is on until they starve to death. They can eat the grass below the nest box, but that runs out before the eggs hatch. And then after the eggs hatch, the creature immediately lays another batch of eggs without moving away to graze first. I'm not sure if there really is a solution other than micro managing the pastures to have the grazers forced between them every once and a while.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 16, 2017, 11:07:15 pm
Thats a known DF issue and I vote for pineapples
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 17, 2017, 12:06:24 am
I figured as much, I just wanted to know if anyone had found any solutions for it. Your vote for pineapple has been noted.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 17, 2017, 07:45:24 pm
Here are the egg-laying lawnmowers. You'll want to replace the old ones with these.

Code: [Select]
[DESCRIPTION:A noisy machine that rolls across the ground and trims grass with a spinning blade.]
[CREATURE_TILE:'h'][COLOR:2:0:1][GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:lawnmower chick:lawnmower chicks]
[PREFSTRING:grass cutting]
        [AMPHIBIOUS]STANDARD_GRAZER Disabled due to nest box bug. I suspect it might not matter because of the NO_EAT tag, but I don't want to test that.        [NONAUSEA]



[APPLY_CREATURE_VARIATION:STANDARD_SWIMMING_GAITS:5341:4723:4112:1254:6433:7900] 7 kph



My creature pack ( has also been updated to take the grazing egg-layer bug into account. Here's the fix for the lasersaurs.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Bearskie on December 18, 2017, 01:52:02 am
@Enemy post - How did you fix it? I was thinking about a syndrome that gives NO_EAT when the EGG_SPENT counter trigger reaches zero.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 18, 2017, 02:25:05 am
I just made them stop grazing.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 18, 2017, 03:16:24 am
But doesn't that defeat the whole point of lawnmowers?  If you can't have grazing egg layers I think we should ditch the egg laying, not the grazing.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 18, 2017, 06:21:53 am
I was just going to raise the grazer efficiency really high and then sporadically move the nest boxes so the grazers have to move over edible grass.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MrLurkety on December 18, 2017, 11:08:49 am
Dwarf me, any profession is fine. Gimme a war dog, if possible.
Later, I'll put up my creature mod. It consists of two snakes, one of which can fly and has a rare caste that can breathe fire, called the "Avian serpents". The other ones are called swarm serpents, which are basically just regular snakes that start out small and get VERY much bigger over time, but have a chance to die of old age after ~10 years.
You think this would be a worthy addition? Shouldn't conflict with anything, I don't think.
EDIT: Code:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 18, 2017, 04:25:04 pm
Thank you for the addition, I will add it some time tonight. And don't worry about confliction stuff, I say that more as there are plenty of mods that are in here that are designed to be stand alones that create their own unique world. When we patch them all together it's just really amusing seeing how all the things that once had special features for their unique world interact with everything in the newly created mosh pit. That, and how they react to me purposely fucking everything up for no good reason. So, this is your mod so if you don't want me to touch it I won't, but would you mind if I gave those snakes you said were starving to death in the forts some really muscular human arms for no good reason? And then we could slap the CAN LEARN stuff back in? Them being considered a pet isn't a problem, they'll still function properly, but I think they'll be reserved to only hauling and military work. This is also a second meaning of how I use the word confliction, we take something, and then we break it into something more numerous and fort ending.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MrLurkety on December 18, 2017, 04:36:04 pm
Thank you for the addition, I will add it some time tonight. And don't worry about confliction stuff, I say that more as there are plenty of mods that are in here that are designed to be stand alones that create their own unique world. When we patch them all together it's just really amusing seeing how all the things that once had special features for their unique world interact with everything in the newly created mosh pit. That, and how they react to me purposely fucking everything up for no good reason. So, this is your mod so if you don't want me to touch it I won't, but would you mind if I gave those snakes you said were starving to death in the forts some really muscular human arms for no good reason? And then we could slap the CAN LEARN stuff back in? Them being considered a pet isn't a problem, they'll still function properly, but I think they'll be reserved to only hauling and military work. This is also a second meaning of how I use the word confliction, we take something, and then we break it into something more numerous and fort ending.
Sure, I don't care if you do that. It's your world/idea. Do whatever you like!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 18, 2017, 04:50:58 pm
Should we start a new thread once the mod is ready and the fort begins? It might help attract new readers, since they wouldn't have to read through 30 pages of planning.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 18, 2017, 05:06:01 pm
I think that'd be a better idea, yeah.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MrLurkety on December 18, 2017, 06:55:05 pm
Should we start a new thread once the mod is ready and the fort begins? It might help attract new readers, since they wouldn't have to read through 30 pages of planning.
I agree, even though this is hilarious.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 18, 2017, 07:27:26 pm
I was just going to put a link at the top of the first post that takes you to the page where the game actually started, wouldn't want people to miss the modded hell experience of innefficiency  :P. (could someone tell me how to insert a link into a word, so I can just be like "find the start of the game here") If people want me to start a new thread in order to attract more clean minded innocents I will do so when I'm done with what we currently have. I would also like to report that I "accidentally" made the fire breathing snakes have arms also made out of fire, as well as having those arms come out of their eyes. Whoops. It doesn't really work, so I'm going to try to fix it. As for what I really think needs to be done before we start:

1. Give the Koopas six arms, make them metal (maybe), remove nerves because of all the stupid limb disabling nerve damage (I'm basically a nerve damage magnet, so I got fed up with all my Koopas walking around with two unusable arms dangling by their sides), give them a few moves from pokemon (so an unarmed Koopa isn't strangled to death by any snakes with fire arms coming out of their eyes that just happen to be wandering by), helmet snake bite (maybe, my experience with this is that they never use it, so it shouldn't be that much of a balance issue), suggestions on what else to give them will be taken into account
2. Decide what to do about the over abundance of bugs in the dwarfsday holiday mod
3. Add lucele's weapon mod (I most likely butchered the name)
4. Find someone to apply the fruit interaction to a farm plot growable lemon
5. Asin has informed me that his goblinoid mod only needs to weapons from Grimlockes realism mod, so I'll try to add them
6. I'm going to try again to add orichalcum, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get it to work because I haven't been able to do so in the past (I'd also like to know if this is the mod in masterwork that allows cobaltite to be refined into cobalt, or if someone could direct me to what does that would be nice)
7. Get these sneks to either work with the fire eye arms, or just add them in as normal
8. Finish the quotes section (or at least get a little closer)
9. Uhh, I think that's about it, I know I'm going to walk away and come rushing back as I remember things, but these are the most important parts that need to be in
10. Wait a few days for final testing and final submissions

And thus concludes my presentation, I'll be collecting your notes at the end of class for a grade. Depending on how well this goes and how many problems come up this should probably only take one more week or two depending on how the holidays are for me and how much I feel like doing it. My secret project isn't anywhere near complete enough for it to possibly get into this iteration of modded hell, so I guess I'll put that on hold until I've got the ship up and running. After the ship is up and running I'll still be accepting mods, but they won't be wedged into the existing world for potential stability issues, they'll be put into storage for future use. Oh, I also gotta add the egg laying lawnmowers and have them as a creature that the Koopas always have. I'm not yet sure how to use the new animal conditions, so I'll see how that goes. Just an FYI, I got no sleep last night, to explain how rambly and terrible this PSA was. Keep up the good work everyone.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: bloop_bleep on December 18, 2017, 07:51:50 pm
You can put placeholder text in place of a link by doing:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MrLurkety on December 18, 2017, 08:20:19 pm
-snip- I would also like to report that I "accidentally" made the fire breathing snakes have arms also made out of fire, as well as having those arms come out of their eyes. Whoops. It doesn't really work, so I'm going to try to fix it. -snip-
I am fine with this. Also, the fire breathing snakes are just rare births of the comparatively "regular" flying snakes.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 18, 2017, 08:28:56 pm
All right, no promises on me actually getting it to reasonably work. Also, I think something might be up with the game, sheep wool yarn is appearing as bright lime green and llama wool yarn is showing up as deep blue. Also, a good amount of Koopas are walking around with bright green plus signs flashing on them.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 18, 2017, 10:23:51 pm
-snip- I would also like to report that I "accidentally" made the fire breathing snakes have arms also made out of fire, as well as having those arms come out of their eyes. Whoops. It doesn't really work, so I'm going to try to fix it. -snip-
Sigging this
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 19, 2017, 07:49:39 pm
Glad to see my ramblings are keeping people questioning their existence. My innate ability to suck at all things creature files has prevented me from getting the fire eye arms to work, so I'm not sure how that's going to end up. I've also discovered that there's a pretty hilarious glitch that happens when you remove the existence of sand and then embark in a sand desert. My teachers have decided to cram a month's worth of work into this one week before christmas break, so I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to get done this week, but I'm going to try to keep progress moving. If someone can create a lemon that temporarily gives the fruit change ability that would be greatly appreciated. Link to that mod here for anyone who aspires to the challenge.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 19, 2017, 08:16:44 pm
I've also discovered that there's a pretty hilarious glitch that happens when you remove the existence of sand and then embark in a sand desert.
I'm afraid to ask, but what happened?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 19, 2017, 08:29:35 pm
So I didn't discover this, but I found mention of it in another thread and then tried it out for myself. Instead of the sand being nothing, sand tries to be EVERYTHING. For whatever reason each tile it's a completely different material and color, leading to the desert becoming the strobe light floor of an LSD filled night club. As you can imagine, having the each tile of ground flashing between adimantium and plump helmet tissue makes the game incredibly unstable, but VERY entertaining. My eyes are still healing from it. I only got it to work once, but if I get it to work again I'll try to take a screenshot of it for everyone.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Bearskie on December 19, 2017, 11:41:04 pm
Someone just discovered raw duplication for the first time. :D Fun, isn't it?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 20, 2017, 01:03:43 am
I suggest renaming the koopas to "mongrels" since they, like the mod itself, are a horrific and random amalgam of conflicting parts.  This will help to avoid confusing new readers.

Then you can also add the original koopas back in as an invader race.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 20, 2017, 06:27:43 am
Oh there have been plenty of issues with raw duplication here in the past, this one was more of a problem with raw absence. And yes, it was pretty fun, if you look back far enough you cna probably find the time that I somehow got vermin to be a civ. If people want me to rename the Koopas I might, most of my story is based around the extreme Koopa nationalistic zeal though. If anything, I'd rename them to something like Advance Koopas, because at the moment they're just normal koopas with more technology. Even at the worst of it, they're just going to be metal koopas with six arms, and I quite honestly like the idea as playing as the Koopas. I'll keep this in mind though, I'll put it up for debate after I'm done with the important things that have to get done first.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 20, 2017, 06:38:14 am
I'd call them koopaborgs, since the extra arms and metallic skin make me think of that tbh.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Sanctume on December 20, 2017, 10:42:28 am
I'd call them koopaborgs, since the extra arms and metallic skin make me think of that tbh.

How about cyberkoopas?  Since the lawnmowers sounds more like borg in their self-replication.

So cyberkoopas and lawnborgs?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 20, 2017, 03:46:49 pm
I'll put it up to a vote when we draw closer to the time of making a decision. It's more of a flavor thing, so it's not that high on my priority list.

I would like to report that in my current test fort fires are still as rampant as ever, just lost almost everything of value because I was too slow in my unloading of the wagon. This isn't really an issue though, more of a feature at this point.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 21, 2017, 02:06:42 am
(is a person that can speak but hasn't on this thread for eight days)

Just wanted to remind you guys that I am available again. Never mentioned on this thread that I returned because I didn't have anything really noteworthy to say. But I guess this is better than nothing, right?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 21, 2017, 06:36:04 am
Glad to have you back on the team. I'd suggest reading back to see what you missed, there have been some... interesting developments. But I'd say we're almost ready to start, maybe a week or more and we'll be good.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on December 21, 2017, 09:15:12 am
The lemons should become pumpkins.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 21, 2017, 01:46:58 pm
Are the domestic animals messed with?
If not, I suggest goats get an attack/greeting interaction that can be used once a month, that turns the target into a strawberry for a week,
pigs get an interaction that turns them into a hungry head,
Guineas get to spit lava,
horses can hide,
cows can be trained for hunting,
 chickens can be trained for war,
cats can scratch the floor like a chicken,
dogs have a farting interaction,
mules can turn into a Charmander,
donkeys turn into giant hummingbirds,
sheep can make things sleep by being counted,
cavies can turn into the cavy of the other gender,
ducks explode,
water buffalo turn dead bodies into edible jello,
reindeer lay "eggs" of coal,
geese make everything either faster or slower randomly,
yaks make koopas temporarily unable to speak, 
llamas spit caustic acid at enemies,
alpacas can breathe in water and turn anything that eats their meat into non-contagious vampires,
peafowl turn into hydras,
turkeys give enemies a useless interaction that makes them dance,
 and rabbits are made of petrified wood.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 21, 2017, 02:23:59 pm
Why do pigs become hungry heads? We already have Angry Birds pigs.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 21, 2017, 03:11:18 pm
We do? Didn't know that.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 21, 2017, 05:13:02 pm
They're coming from Necrothreat.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 21, 2017, 07:08:08 pm
Should the regular pigs be removed?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 21, 2017, 07:19:04 pm
Out of all the unbelievably outlandish stuff he listed you only question the pigs? If that isn't a testament for how much I have lowered the standards of the people involved in this atrocity, then nothing will ever be. I can confirm that domestic animals have not been messed with, and I appreciate the creativity in your, uh, suggestions. If someone makes these changes I'll put them in, the one I most agree with is "Rabbits are made out of petrified wood". Petrified wood doesn't get enough respect in this game, think about it, what's more dwarvenly Koopaly than a tree literally turning into stone?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 21, 2017, 07:48:35 pm
I like the rabbit cow and chicken ones
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Silverlock on December 21, 2017, 09:10:05 pm
I would like to be koopadorfed, please. No particular requirements, although something military might be fun. 

Perhaps I missed it in the thread, but who constructs meatblocks?  Butchers?  Masons?  Butchermasons?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 21, 2017, 11:34:56 pm
I would like to be koopadorfed, please. No particular requirements, although something military might be fun. 

Perhaps I missed it in the thread, but who constructs meatblocks?  Butchers?  Masons?  Butchermasons?

Uh, butchers. I set it to use the butchery skill.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 22, 2017, 12:02:18 am
Should the regular pigs be removed?

I don't think so, Angry Birds pigs are significantly different.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 22, 2017, 06:31:52 am
Silverlock has been koopa'd, and I'm probably going to give my dedicated butcher the title of "buthermason" because of that. Yeah, I see no reason to get rid of normal pigs, even if we had normal pigs and the ones that can just randomly turn themselves into hungry heads I'd leave the two in so I can mix them up and accidentally get everyone chewed to death. I made an attempt at adding Orichalcum, but the amount of effort and careful moving of individual items between files it would require to move it from a not raws only version to modded hell is staggering. That, and chances are I'm going to miss a thing or two and break everything, so that one's been postponed, possibly to never return, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 22, 2017, 03:07:57 pm
I would like to inform everyone that I have found, and intend to add, Speecho the Trust Worm. I'm not going to explain it, but here's the link.

Also, it still crashes about a year in, no idea what caused it. I've removed the dwarfsday holiday mod again because I believe it might have been the gift giver's coming to trade and breaking the game with the mod's items.
Error Log:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

new error log after some changes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Trying out an evil biome, this is going to go terribly.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: bloop_bleep on December 22, 2017, 05:24:45 pm
You can fix at least some of those problems by replacing NO_STUN, NO_FEAR, NO_PAIN with NOSTUN, NOFEAR, NOPAIN respectively (though you may want to remove those if you don't want Speecho to be too OP, since he can also breathe fire) and lowering Speecho's tooth count to at most 32. Also, I don't think VULNERABILITY is a valid attribute.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 22, 2017, 05:41:37 pm
The problem isn't Speecho's teeth, I think it's in the theropod raws from Scourge's dinosaurs. It looks like a pretty easy fix, it just needs the teeth in that file lowered to 32.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 22, 2017, 05:52:51 pm
The teeth isn't that much of a problem, even with the teeth being too many it still automatically lowers it to 32. Getting rid of the underscores in [NO_PAIN] is something I gotta change though. I somehow fixed the save that was broken, I sent the squad out to go take some random artifact and they immediately came back, somehow fixing the thing that was causing the game to crash.

I have succesfully fought off my first doom invasion. I opened the caverns for five seconds and 5 imps come rushing in with a few trolls. These caverns are definitely something.

Okay, things are getting dicey, everyone refuses to build the wall that will close off the caverns and a bunch of pinkeys came and fucked up half the fort.

He's in the caverns, what the fuck is this thing.

Alright, so a fight is raging, and some random planter decides to get a mood. I can't wait for the 50 spies in my fort to immediately steal it after everyone is dead and/or a fucking mega cavern weresalamander.

He takes two leather and an uncut gem, this better be good.

Okay, despite only one soldier having a weapon and the whole populace being unarmed the koopas are very good at not dying. Even with all these thins coming out of the caverns only one citizen has died, and that's because he dropped a burned up tree on himself. However, 95% of the fort is now in the hospital with varying degrees of cuts all over their bodies and one guy who got both sides of his hip utterly destroyed. This is going to be a fucking good game when I actually start it.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 23, 2017, 08:56:54 pm
So, uh, I'm not sure what I did, but somehow I accidentally made it so that the koopas can spit fat as a projectile. This fat can then apparently be scraped off the ground and used as normal fat to make tallow or use for other fat related reactions. I think I want to try to remove whatever I did, but what do you guys think, do you want it to be a feature?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 23, 2017, 10:34:06 pm
So, uh, I'm not sure what I did, but somehow I accidentally made it so that the koopas can spit fat as a projectile. This fat can then apparently be scraped off the ground and used as normal fat to make tallow or use for other fat related reactions. I think I want to try to remove whatever I did, but what do you guys think, do you want it to be a feature?
This should stay as a symbol for what we have managed to achieve here
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 24, 2017, 01:34:31 am
I think their "spit" may have an incorrect/nonexistent material defined, you should look into that - early on in my modding I removed the nagas "spit" material by accident and they spat "naga grease". So liquid fat.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 08:34:33 am
I think it might have been me trying to give them the thunder attack from the dwarfmon mod, that and I gave them helmet snake vemon (because I felt like it and helmet snakes are best snakes). I didn't really look at it and just pasted it in because previously I could do that nd it worked fine. But I recall the mod being updated to change the attacks, my guess is that thunder now uses a specified creature material that the koopas don't have and it just used fat instead. I have to admit though, it is quite funny, it does almost no damage but I can imagine the enemies being like "what the hell is this, ewwwwww, I'm going somewhere else this invasion isn't worth it anymore". That, and if we abuse it we have an infinite supply of food in the form of fat. I wonder if that counts as cannibalism, eating the fat spit from another of your species.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 24, 2017, 08:46:37 am
Bit reminiscent of a special attack I have for Saber Shamans from the raw travesties - it causes a fever and also the affected creature spews out a trail of cat grease every once in a while.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Bearskie on December 24, 2017, 08:49:00 am
But can the fat spatter really be used in reactions to make tallow etc? Doubtful, but if so, you might've just discovered something new.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 24, 2017, 08:54:04 am
I dont remember if spatters can be used at all, no matter what they are.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 10:50:35 am
It doesn't come out as a spatter, it comes out as a solid glob. This glob can then be picked up like normal fat from a butcher's table. I had a caravan come in while a large flock of pokemon were above them. What resulted was the entirety of the caravan acting like an anti air installment. everyone fired a few volleys of fat at the pokemon, doing little to no damage but scaring them off. I now have half the fort hauling the fat that was spit to the food stock pile, I haven't had anyone refine it into tallow yet because no one seems to want to build the kitchen, but considering they can haul it and it's been hauled to the stock pile I can say that they will most likely be able to make it into tallow. I'll try to get a screenshot of it later today when I'm playing the test fort again.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Asin on December 24, 2017, 12:46:14 pm
May I be koopa'd?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 01:29:36 pm
Most certainly, any preferences on what you want to be? I've got some more story positions I need to fill and I'd rather have koopa'd people fill them, but if you've got a certain way you want me to portray your character I'll do so. I intend to put WAY too much effort into the story for this fort.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Asin on December 24, 2017, 01:50:33 pm
Most certainly, any preferences on what you want to be? I've got some more story positions I need to fill and I'd rather have koopa'd people fill them, but if you've got a certain way you want me to portray your character I'll do so. I intend to put WAY too much effort into the story for this fort.
Male Crossbowkoopa or Markskoopa. Whatever the term is. Also, if you give me dialogue, just basically make me the fort's equivalent to Duke Nukem.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 02:01:52 pm
I was going to have a character be a koopa equivalent of Doom Guy to go along with all the doom demons we have in the caverns, but I guess I could have a Duke Nukem koopa as well. Even though he'd have crossbow or bow skills I could still give you some actual guns, I've modded those in. I think I'll give him a hand mortar (I think those are in, but if they aren't I'll give him whatever next powerful gun there is) to both fit the persona and to make you an almost literal walking tank. I'm going to have to do some research because I've never actually played a Duke Nukem game, chances are he'll probably morph into a Serious Sam somewhere down the line because I've played a few of those games.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Asin on December 24, 2017, 02:11:36 pm
I was going to have a character be a koopa equivalent of Doom Guy to go along with all the doom demons we have in the caverns, but I guess I could have a Duke Nukem koopa as well. Even though he'd have crossbow or bow skills I could still give you some actual guns, I've modded those in. I think I'll give him a hand mortar (I think those are in, but if they aren't I'll give him whatever next powerful gun there is) to both fit the persona and to make you an almost literal walking tank. I'm going to have to do some research because I've never actually played a Duke Nukem game, chances are he'll probably morph into a Serious Sam somewhere down the line because I've played a few of those games.

Real guns are even better. And I'm also fine with being a Serious Sam as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 02:27:23 pm
On an unrelated note, I have found that the merchants are selling dimple cup seed clothes and cave wheat seed chests. There were items made out of other types of seeds but these were the most common. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if some mod added this without me realizing it.

Also, someone ate the koopa fat before I could test it. Another something flew by and there was more fat fired, but I didn't see any land as a complete glob, so I'll have to wait to see how someone gathered a full glob of fat from the attack.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 24, 2017, 02:41:10 pm
(new to forums guy here) I like the fat but it seems too useful. You should switch it to something like hair.

"yes... bring the hair... vomit it upon my silvery scalp..." -UristMc Baldkoopa
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 24, 2017, 02:46:16 pm
Welcome to the forums stingpie, what a great first conversation for you to find here on these lovely forums. I'll have to think about the hair, but chances are I'll probably add it. If the thunder attack is causing this then I'll be able to do it fine. The attack is broken up into 5 separate attacks, I can just have the attacks alternate from fat to hair. I'm sure you'll do fine here if you're already coming up with such great dwarvenly koopaly ideas.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 24, 2017, 02:47:58 pm
Thanks for inviting me! I'm happy to be here
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 12:12:31 pm
So I just had a Nosferatu suck the blood out of half my fort, are they invaders or just evil land animals? Mental note, sending an unarmed militia against a blood sucking super person is not a good idea.

Alright, a master of the dead just showed up. I'm fucked.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 25, 2017, 12:50:20 pm
They're basically rare wild encounters in evil biomes - aside from that they only appear as night trolls or cursed individuals, neither of which attack in fort mode I think.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 01:05:26 pm
No, no, they went out of their way to try to kill everything and anything. I had to kill the Nosferatu before he'd stop drinking people's blood, but the master of the dead flew off scared after all of his ribs and his spine were ripped off by the dinosaurs. Lucky for me I was able to clear out the corpses from the Nosferatu attack or I would have had a zombie infestation on my hands.

After that some pompas bastard shows up and decides to use some of our valuable paper to write his crappy life story. He isn't even an adventurer or anything, he's a pansy philosopher who hasn't done anything except debate his whole life.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 25, 2017, 01:17:56 pm
Cegad Nusbisamo-----------------------------------  Guest / Whine about everyone else
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 25, 2017, 01:22:06 pm
I had to kill the Nosferatu before he'd stop drinking people's blood, but the master of the dead flew off scared after all of his ribs and his spine were ripped off by the dinosaurs.

I nominate this for the quote page.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 02:02:00 pm
Cegad didn't even write an autobiography about himself, he wrote a book about HOW to write an autobiography about yourself. Now everyone in the fort is going to start getting ideas and start writing about their own life stories, thinking I'll care.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Derpy Dev on December 25, 2017, 02:06:02 pm
Cegad didn't even write an autobiography about himself, he wrote a book about HOW to write an autobiography about yourself. Now everyone in the fort is going to start getting ideas and start writing about their own life stories, thinking I'll care.
"And this was the day I killed that minotaur!"
"But where is the day I gave a damn?"
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 25, 2017, 02:06:56 pm
Nosferatu are always berserk like werebeasts, so that doesn't surprise me - gameplay-wise they're a hybrid of 3 of the vanilla night creatures - vampire bloodsucking, werebeast homicidal-ness and strength, night troll behavior of kidnapping spouses to convert in worldgen. Only exception is they pop up in the wild in evil biomes.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on December 25, 2017, 02:10:56 pm
What the heck, I'll take slot #11. I'll be a doctor. Give me something offbeat as a pet.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 03:05:38 pm
Can do, welcome aboard. On another note, for some reason my fort has been attracting more scholars than I have citizens.

I swear if these guys start questioning how ethical my military death camps are I'm moving the library down to the caverns.

Well, on the bright side at least one of them wrote a book about alloys which my metalsmith is now reading.

Okay, now they're just making shit up.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on December 25, 2017, 04:31:26 pm
Okay, now they're just making shit up.
Heh. That one actually has tangential relevance to gameplay, in that you can export trade-maps in Legends Mode. I suppose it's an opportunity for a DFHack plugin, though I'm not sure what good having that knowledge on the fly would be...
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 04:45:17 pm
That might be valuable information in adventure mode when you want to know what places are producing the masterwork adamantine swords, but even then I wouldn't think the book would actually tell you.

I also got a picture of someone hauling the spat fat after a battle. For some reason they hauled it to the food stock pile and then hauled it to the collective crap pile, I'll see if they actually do anything with it.

Uh, they put it into a barrel and the barrel immediately caught on fire.

So, they were able to refine the fat into tallow, but they weren't able to finish before the silt stone kitchen melted.

Okay, these idiots keep putting it in every available barrel and burning it. This usually wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that I'm in a treeless wasteland/evil mountain. Luckily, I'm not sure if by a bug or not, but there were a decent amount of the extra colorful berry trees from the dwarvemon mod were growing next to the river.

Not exactly the person I hoped my tavern would attract.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 25, 2017, 05:56:11 pm
Aren't the koopas fire-spitting metal creatures? If that's not why the "fat" combusts everything I assume it has something to do with it being based on thunder, which is presumably quite hot
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 25, 2017, 06:03:09 pm
I would think so, but I haven't bothered yet to actually look through the files to see what I put in. Also, the Broodmother waited until it was inside the pokemon pasture before she started attacking everything. Everything in the immediate area was annihilated. Even the innocent adventurers that happened to be in the area. Luckily no one of importance got caught in the crossfire.

I may have actually accidentally killed a vampire with the crossfire, because now there's an enormous pile of gnome bone trinkets in the entrance hallway.

It also turns out that one of the travelers that got obliterated was carrying an artifact iron forum post. He won't be needing it anymore, so I guess I've got myself a free artifact.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 26, 2017, 01:07:43 am
Are koopas fire immune (in terms of materials, not the FIREIMMUNE token)? It could have something to do with that, iirc the temperature of liquid attacks is based off of their melting point - so unless you set the melting point to be normal room temperature its gonna be quite hot.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 26, 2017, 10:47:08 pm
I have yet to fuck around with the Koopa creature materials, and I don't really think that I will at this point. Anyway, here's the interaction that I think is making them spit fat:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

My guess is that it's taking the fat because it's the only local creature material that is a glob. I don't know what the melting point of fat is, and I think changing it to be liquid around room temperature would be more of a detriment than a help. Only abut 1 in 100 fat globs fire actually land as a usable glob, so I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort to make any substantial changes. The interaction from the previous dwarfmon versions worked fine and electricity was spit properly by the koopas, so I'm going to look into that one to see if there was any substantial differences in that interaction that I could put into the new koopa file. After that I'll migrate everything to the new version, update a few mods, and potentially add scourges living wagons for kicks and maybe the glorantha mod that seems to have popped up. I probably won't because my guess is that will ruin the stability that I've achieved. After that I'll do one final quick test world for only a month or two, then I'll dick around in the arena for a little bit, finally I'll start the actual world. I'm not sure if the fruit interaction will make it into the game at this point, but I'll make an effort to try to patch it onto a lemon. I'm going to put up a poll for whether a new thread should be started for the story and leave this one for only modding and game mechanics purposes, or if I should put the story here and just put a link to where the story actually starts on the front page. I'd also like to thank everyone for the help they've given to make modded hell the horrifying cesspool become.

Okay, I found that I had forgotten to define electricity in the koopa creature file, doing that now.

I also now realize that we could probably give the Koopas one or two abilities/hidden abilities from the dwarvemon mod, anyone got any suggestions?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: IndigoFenix on December 27, 2017, 05:16:29 am
Maybe separate them into castes.  Everyone being able to spit kind of takes the fun out of teaching them proper weapons.  Then you can have thunder shooters, fire breathers, maybe some supports as well.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: wags on December 27, 2017, 10:03:13 am
Can I become a Koopa?
I have no preference for gender.
I'd like to have my nickname as wags and I'd like to be a craftskoopa, especially rock and bone crafting.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 27, 2017, 11:01:38 am
Hmm, thunder hasn't really been that much of a replacement for weapons in my experience. With the cool down they kinda only use it once per battle, and they won't use it when they're close enough for melee combat. Even at that, they're lucky if they can chip a bone with it, but sometimes they get lucky and destroy a hand or a foot. Really it's most helpful when something is either running away or if it's flying. If people think it's too much of a powerful move I could reduce the attack from five shots to two or three. Or maybe I could give different spit attacks to each of the different castes. We'll see.

Welcome aboard wags.

Also, for the story, does anyone in the starting seven care to be almost like a squire to act for the delivering of announcements and stuff? I only ask this instead of just picking someone at random because it will probably entail a lot of yelling at them for incompetency and such when it's actually my fault.

So I've been messing around in the arena to see how things work in combat, and I've come up with some results. Nothing, repeat, NOTHING can even make a scratch on the avatar of the blood god. I sent an army of 50 grand master everything koopas with full steel weapons and armor after one avatar. The most they could do was bruise the skin, and even that was a very rare occurrence. I then pitted about 100 random creatures against each other to see how that went. The wimpy things got slaughtered immediately, and so did the medium things, and so did the strong things. Teeth were everywhere, bodies flew across the map, it was glorious. Then one of the flying bodies caught the attention of the avatar and it was all over. With this giant body part pile I thought it would be a good idea to spawn a master of the dead. I'd say it was actually, it's pretty entertaining, except the frame rate is less than one because of the tidal wave of reanimated teeth. But because of this I noticed something that I'm not sure was intended or not. Basically any hit stronger than a "glances away" is enough to kill one of these zombies. I had a random tooth bruise the foot of a big monster (forget what it was) and it was enough to strike him down. Literally everything kills everything for some reason. I'm not sure if this is a thing specific to the master of the dead, or if something's wrong with zombies as a whole, but I don't think bruising the skin of a zombie blue eyes white dragon should be enough to kill it. Now I've just spawned a few grand master everything koopas with steel everything to see if they can clean it all up, but no progress has been made because everything keeps being reanimated by the master of the dead, who I will point out is fighting his own undead minions. I've also spawned a few angry suns to see if they can incinerate everything. I'm going to leave this running for a little while to see if it fixes itself.

It also turns out that setting about 20 avatar of the blood god thread necromancers against each other on a pile of usable body parts is not a good idea.

Uh, a couple of shell creepers were able to kill a hive queen. I've got no idea how, but something's up.

After a little more testing, I can conclude that shell creepers are INCREDIBLY resilient. It's not that they're not taking damage, it's that they can take an incredible amount of damage and keep on biting. A single shell creeper is handling an avatar of the blood god better than an elite armed and armored koopa warrior could. This game fucking mystifies me some time, because this shouldn't work but it does.

For some reason the battle field is littered with mastercraft human leather pointy hats. Any idea where those came from?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 27, 2017, 08:49:52 pm
I would like to specify something for the vote. If we continue to use this thread and just put a link on the front page I will drastically change the title of the thread to help make everyone aware that the game has actually started.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Silverlock on December 27, 2017, 09:56:17 pm
I'm OK with being the squire/town crier/announcement guy.  I don't mind being yelled at.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 27, 2017, 09:58:51 pm
All right, guess I'll have to actually walk around to look at things until the first migrant wave.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: EPM on December 28, 2017, 01:18:58 pm
Requesting to join the Koopa Troop, as whatever's funny.

This is a goldmine through and through. If there are any unmolested raw files left in the game, I'll happily pollute them with nonsense. Post-worldgen raw changes are a little picky, but far from impossible to work with, if desired.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 02:22:12 pm
You've got some time to make the raws even more of a bio hazard than they already are before we start, what do you have in mind. I'd like to refrain from post worldgen raw changes for stability reasons, I'd hate to have the game break half way through for no conceivable reason. But until then, submit what you want.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 28, 2017, 02:33:01 pm
I think I would be a nice lore master, I'm preetty good with making stuff up.

I've already come up with some:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 28, 2017, 04:04:29 pm
Necromancers in the arena raise creatures as members of their own group. If they are independent of groups, so will be the zombies, and so the necromancer fights the zombies.
I believe the reason the body part zombies were easily killed, may be because Toady One made it so zombies can usually only be raised if they have heads or grasps. Since teeth probably don't have that(you should add teeth with hands now.), it is probably that after they are hit the game is looking at their bodies to see if they no longer have those body parts, and since they never had those, they instantly die. If a zombie with a functioning head and grasps dies the same way as the others, I have no idea what is happening, as is usual for this mod.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 04:11:31 pm
That, that was actually pretty good. Lore master it is then! I had some preexisting ideas for lore, so I'll tie your rendition into it. I was also going to have one of the magikoopas try to explain the magical reasons for why everything sucks and wants to kill them. I have a bad habit of buying way too many books from the caravans, so I'm sure you'll have plenty to research. I'm off to migrate everything to the new update, if everything goes well that should be the last change I have to make before we start, but I'll give you guys a heads up so you can find any last minute submissions or give preliminary character stuff if you so choose. Be aware that I've got about 2 or 3 story posts I'm going to be doing before I actually settle the fort.

I guess that explains what was happening with the teeth then (but don't teeth have the GRASP token? Zombie teeth usually work fine), but there were plenty of fully functioning corpses that were just dying. I'm predicting that there will be a lot of "WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN GOING ON" moments because of this, but at this point I wouldn't expect anything less from this pack.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 28, 2017, 04:18:02 pm
We are starting soon? Has my animal suggestions get added?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 06:23:02 pm
Uh, what were those suggestions again? I added the billdads if you were the one who wanted them.

This has to be some kind of record.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 28, 2017, 07:03:34 pm
I took a couple hours and wrote this, I hope it captures the egocentric, communist, & out right wrong veiwpoint of the Koopas.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 07:15:54 pm
You did a great job of capturing the self centeredness of the koopas, any race that writes 341 books about lawn mower care but can't be bothered to even learn about the existence of any of their neighbors is definitely a winner. Is this going to be an ongoing log as we learn more about the horrible denizens of this world?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: stingpie on December 28, 2017, 07:17:45 pm
yes, I'm hoping to update it whenever you come out with an update of the fortress.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 07:25:51 pm
I'm putting the link to it under the pitiful lore section I already have on the front page. In addition, I'm making lawnmowers a animal that the koopa civ will always have. Doing this reminded me that the self replication was only made possible because of dfhack, because dfhack hasn't been updated to the new version yet we have defaulted to egg laying lawn mowers.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 28, 2017, 07:32:12 pm
It has though?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 07:36:40 pm
No? I just looked and the most recent version of dfhack is for 43.03. Or is there now somewhere else they're posting it than the official dfhack thread?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Nahere on December 28, 2017, 07:45:22 pm
They made a new thread for the post 64-bit release: here (
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 07:52:49 pm
Ah, thank you for that. I would usually shy away from something not listed under the "stable build" category, but I guess I'll give it a try.

Is customizing the files something I should care about?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: scourge728 on December 28, 2017, 08:16:58 pm
I've never done it, plus if when something goes horribly wrong right, we'll know the changes have nothing to do with it if there are none
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 08:20:55 pm
I just got another warning saying that the alpha build of dfhack can lead to crashes and save corruption, I think I might go without dfhack for the time being. We can always add it back once it's more stable.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 28, 2017, 11:33:15 pm
The first part of the introduction to Modded Hell is done, and holy fucking hell did I get inspired half way through. I don't know what the character limit for the forums is, but I might have to break it into two posts. If no one is opposed, I think I'd like to start tomorrow, because I think the game is fit and ready and I really want to share what I've written. I'd like to thank you stingpie for that little lore thing you did about the creation and all that, because for some reason I used it a lot. I'd also like to warn everyone before hand, if I bad mouth your character in my writing (which I have already inadvertently done, and will probably continue to do) I'm not trying to indirectly insult anyone, it's just how I write and it also creates some good humor sometimes. We're almost there guys, it took me nearly three months to get this thing together, but the glorious fort of Modded Hell will soon prosper, in blood.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: SQman on December 29, 2017, 04:15:21 am
I'd like to be koopa'd as a furnace operator preferably, but anything will do, really.

This whole thread was hysterical so far. I didn't think I'd live to the day when people are seriously discussing building a tower out of pokemon meat while musing over lawnmower breeding.

This modpack is an abomination and it shouldn't exist, blasphemy against the act of modpack compiling itself. I come here specifically to read about atrocities, so I'm not complaining.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: ZM5 on December 29, 2017, 07:38:54 am
Can't wait for the proper fort start - especially once the sieges and megas start coming in. That's gonna be fun to watch.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: EPM on December 29, 2017, 03:00:27 pm
I'll throw out a few silly things you can paste anywhere desired, as opposed to more elaborate mods. For example:

Code: [Select]
Koopa cancels gather plants: shitting brick.

I've always wanted to make a fart mod something like this plus a material that evaporates at room temperature and carries a syndrome that gives a minor negative thought, come to think of it. Or I could add... nah, the goal is to have this up and running soon, so I'll back off on additions now. This'll be a beautiful disaster and I should just enjoy the show!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: Enemy post on December 29, 2017, 03:02:06 pm
Won't that trap koopas on nest boxes?
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: pikachu17 on December 29, 2017, 03:22:51 pm
Uh, what were those suggestions again? I added the billdads if you were the one who wanted them.
These suggestions.
Are the domestic animals messed with?
If not, I suggest goats get an attack/greeting interaction that can be used once a month, that turns the target into a strawberry for a week,
pigs get an interaction that turns them into a hungry head,
Guineas get to spit lava,
horses can hide,
cows can be trained for hunting,
 chickens can be trained for war,
cats can scratch the floor like a chicken,
dogs have a farting interaction,
mules can turn into a Charmander,
donkeys turn into giant hummingbirds,
sheep can make things sleep by being counted,
cavies can turn into the cavy of the other gender,
ducks explode,
water buffalo turn dead bodies into edible jello,
reindeer lay "eggs" of coal,
geese make everything either faster or slower randomly,
yaks make koopas temporarily unable to speak, 
llamas spit caustic acid at enemies,
alpacas can breathe in water and turn anything that eats their meat into non-contagious vampires,
peafowl turn into hydras,
turkeys give enemies a useless interaction that makes them dance,
 and rabbits are made of petrified wood.
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: EPM on December 29, 2017, 05:41:43 pm
Won't that trap koopas on nest boxes?

Right, this issue... Nest boxes, curse you!

Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 29, 2017, 06:31:31 pm
In my experience, the Koopas lay their eggs and then leave them if there is work to be done. They'll only try to sit on them if they're idle, but by that time someone will usually have collected them. Koopas will only lay fertile eggs if they have a spouse that is on site at the fort, and even then they have to be in close proximity when the eggs are layed. I've only had a few instances where this actually happened, and it got to the point where one koopa was carrying around about 12 babies at a time. I'm not sure how well the blocks would even work, but I fear that would make it so the koopas wouldn't be able to reproduce properly. This probably requires more extensive testing and tweaking than I'd like to do this close to the start. Sorry, but I'm going to have to put that idea away for later use. I'd definitely like to do something with it eventually though. As for the animal suggestions, I tried. I couldn't do it. Since no one else has stepped up to the plate to try to make them a thing, these ideas might also have to be put away for later use. I appreciate the creativity from you two, I might make a place for suggested ideas that need actual modding skill to fulfill. I'm genning the world I'm going to use now.

I've got some preliminary information before we start.
Here's our part of the world, every dark fortress and dark pit you can see is ours.
Realm: The Ageless Planets
Koopa Civ: The Ward of Searing
Region of main civ: The velvety continent
Main Dark Koopa Fortress of Kubacoppookopi: The Amethyst Desert
Tomb of Nikmoknokonk: The Amethyst Desert
Immeadiate Neighbors to the main civ: Cannibals, entertainers, shadow gnomes, Doogans, goblins, and forumites
Big first part, incoming!
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 29, 2017, 08:19:30 pm
     Somewhere deep in a Koopa fortress stands a middle aged koopa on a poorly constructed stage made out of meat blocks, in front of a well. In his hand he holds a script, behind him is an ornately carved stone wall, in front of him is a large crowd of whatever deadbeats members of the fort could be bothered to show up. A good portion of the crowd is made up of koopas just over working age. 

     "ALRIGHT! Can I have your attention koopas? So, the state has called upon me to inform the denizens of this fort about a certain place called Modded Hell. I don't particularly know much about this place myself, but they were nice enough to hand me this script filled with the necessary information before they put me up on this stage. Thanks for that guys" he turns and flashes a thumbs up to some koopas who can't be seen behind some curtains on the rightmost part of the stage. Some rustling papers and angry whispering can be heard from that direction. Agitated gestures are made that almost tear down the curtains that they are behind.

     "Geez, alright I'll stick to the script. So, I was also told that it was going to be mostly hip, young koopalings who would show up. Apparently, you guys have been shirking work here. And the state at least wants you guys to be educated on our kingdom's history if you aren't going to be useful. Before I get into this, I want you all to know that I'm not trying to guilt you into working or anything, I know what it's like to not want to work. I mean, look at me, it's been almost 40 years since I've done anything of value. I tried lawn mower ranching, but then discovered how rad the rest of the koopalings were. They weren't taking orders from anyone, they were wearing their helms backwards and skate boarding through the halls. Ah, what I'd give to kick flip again like I used to... Anyway, now for the presentation."

     The koopa on stage finally stops being a jack ass and opens up his script "All right, let's see what we've got here. Did you know, that when properly taken care of, a lawn mower can make a great life long companion. I didn't!" He looks over to the director koopas behind the curtains to his left "Hey guys, I don't think you gave me the right script. I got a" he closes the script and looks on the cover "'Basics of Lawn Mower Care for a Maturing Koopa'. Under the title it says 'to be read to the children after that old loser is done with the boring history presentation'. I know I should probably be offended by that, but come on guys, what are you, five? You could come up with better insults."

     From behind the curtains it almost appears that the directors are tearing apart a filing cabinet in an attempt to find the missing script. Papers go flying out from behind the curtain and one koopa runs out from behind the curtain, only to return with some scribing tools and parchment. The audience is clearly unimpressed by how poorly this presentation is being handled, one young koopa even dares to yell out to the koopa on stage "COME ON, I got things to do! You're literally standing in front of the history wall. Just read whatever lame history you've got to tell us from there and get on with it." It was true, behind the stage was a section of The Ward of Searing's history wall. A stone wall intricately carved with masterwork renditions of all of the events that had occurred during the reign of the koopa empire. It didn't take a scholar to realize that most of these pictures were either of devastating fires, monster attacks, or sometimes both.

     "Ah, I'd love to, but the events I've come here to tell you about are recent history. The wall only contains long past events that have come to a conclusion, so as to prevent changes half way through an engraving. But, while we're waiting for the SCRIPT" he turns and glares at the koopas working frantically behind the curtain. One of them spills a bottle of blooper ink, and said ink leaks under the curtains and onto the floor. It would appear that no one has any idea where the needed script went, or if it had even existed in the first place, and a new one was being improvised. A few of the audience members had seen other presentations where scripts had to be improvised, and quietly exited the room before they had to sit through another embarrassment.

     "*sigh* I guess we could look at some older historical events, like the great fire of 1, or the great fire of 3, or even the great fire/godzilla attack of 7. Now that I think about it, we really need to step up our fire safety. If we had, we could have prevented the death of my father in the great fire of 52, may he rest in peace." An elderly koopa with burn scars over most of his body calls from the audience "What are you talking about you fucking idiot, I'm right here."

     The koopa on the stage looks genuinely surprised to notice that his father, was in fact, right fucking there "Dad? Where have you been all these years? I thought you were dead, why didn't you come find me?" the elderly koopa in the audience looks irritated and unamused "Why the hell would I!? you're the one who pushed me into the fire so you could get to safety faster, as you were running away yelling 'women and children last'". The koopa on the stage continues to look dumbfounded, as if he actually didn't remember those events happening. "Really? I, did that? I don't remember doing that. I recall heroically saving a blaziken from the fire, and then realizing that it was a fire type so it would probably be happier in the fire. So I turned around and... pushed it... into the-" Realization dawns over the koopa on stage's face, he then apprehensively turns to look at his father with a squinty look of 'oh fuck, I really did push you into a fire'. The elderly koopa gets up and smashes his chair on the ground, and then walks out of the room in a anger filled huff.

     The audience has no idea what to make of the turn the presentation has taken, but finds it more entertaining than what they probably would have other wise had to sit through. Almost as to ruin this new feeling, an arm from behind the curtain reaches out to hand the koopa on the stage a new script. A more observant koopa would have noticed that this new script was only one page and had 'JUST FUCKING READ THIS' scrawled in big black angry letters on the back. It would appear that the directors were just about to storm out as well if something didn't start going right soon. "Ah! The script, thank you." the koopa takes the script and looks at it. It takes him a few moments to realize that he's holding it upside down.

     A few koopas with instruments walk out from behind the curtain on the other side of the stage. A few more koopas in the audience realize that what ever is about to happen is going to be terrible and leave as fast as they can. "So, it seems that to both save time and make this show more interesting they want me to do it in the form of a musical number. I've been told that some new fangled music called 'hip hop' is what the kids are into these days, so we're going with that."

    About half the audience makes a mad rush for the door, finally realizing what's to come. Before they can get to it, a guard on the outside closes and locks it. After some banging and desperate pleas to let them out the audience sullenly returns to their seats. "Aw, come on guys, it'll be fine. I've had more than my share of singing in my day. Now come on, GIVE ME A BEAT!" The instrument koopas reluctantly begin to play, eventually get to a steady hip hop beat

"Now, this is a story all about how
The kingdom got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like you to take a minute to just sit by the well
While I tell you the story of a place called modded hell."

     The instrument koopas play louder for the music break. The singing koopa looks at the script in his hand and says to himself "be quiet and wait for the music break to end, my tail". With that he quickly walks off stage and returns with a copper helm and a bright green skateboard "Now's my chance to impress all the cool kids and show them that I can still be rad". With that he puts the helm on backwards and gets onto his skateboard.

     It's very obvious to the audience that he hasn't touched a skateboard in years, and having the helm completely over his eyes isn't going to help. Koopas start to cringe and look away. The koopa on stage can't see this reaction, and probably has a giant dopey smile on his face as he imagines the crowd about to cheer him on. He attempts a kick-flip, and for one glorious second it looks like he's about to pull it off. But then he fails the execution so horribly that he lands with the board pointing straight up, almost gelding himself. He then falls head first off the stage and onto the floor. Now almost everyone in the crowd was trying to look away, in addition to one of the director koopas throwing his papers on the floor and storming off the stage. But, being a true showman, the injured koopa starts climbing up onto the stage to finish his performance. He takes his helm off, and a large dent can be seen on the top of it.
(have to split this into two parts because of character limit, please try not to post in the middle and separate it).
Title: Re: Modded Hell: a hectic collection of conflicting mods (Almost ready to start)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 29, 2017, 08:41:50 pm
"In west Ward of Searing born and raised
On the farm plot is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' planting all cool
And all shearing some fuzzies to spin by the spool
When a couple of civs who were bent on conquest
Came to the fort and made a mess
We lost one little war where the kingdom nearly fell
And the king said 'you're going to found a new fort by the name of modded hell'

     Another music break, this time the koopa on stage didn't pick up his skate board. Instead, he flipped the page in his hand over a few times. Then he leaned over to the curtain where the directors were hiding and whispered "Is this it? Is there another page? No? Alright". He looks over to the music koopas who are still playing and makes a cut off motion to them. They don't all realize it at the same time, so it's a super awkward and out of time end to the music. The koopa on the stage looks puzzled "Well, I guess that's it for the performance. I hope you learned a lot and all that. But this has left me wondering, what poor sap was actually sent off to found this fort?"

     At the back of the room one of the guards who was leaning against the wall in an attempt to look cool (an unsuccessful attempt I might add) tipped his helm up and glared at the koopa on stage. "That poor sap would be you Mottled Petrel, you haven't done a damn thing in years and the king needs someone unskilled and expendable to found a new fort to help get the empire back on its feet. We can't spare the manpower now to send competent koopas to do it, so you and six other dead beats are going to ship out tomorrow."

     An almost resigned look spread across Mottled Petrel's face "Well...alright, the song business was fun while it lasted." The guard looks surprised that he gave in so easily and didn't offer any resistance "Really? I brought this steel chain and everything for when you tried to fight us off. I even called in the royal guard and I was going to say something cool like 'not today, punk' or 'the king's orders will be fulfilled whether you like it or not'. Actually, now that I say it out loud neither of those sound cool. Are you sure you don't want to try to fight us off or something? We could-" "Are you two done in here yet!?" A burly koopa, who many would recognize as head brute of the fort and the most skilled fighter in the whole empire, yelled as he peeked his head through the door."And where's this 'grave threat to the safety of the fort' that you were talking about" He scans the room, only to lay eyes on Mottled Petrel atop the stage. His overwhelming disappointment towards the situation he was dragged into was soon replaced by the anger towards the two guards that had wasted his time.

     "Silverlock! What the hell! You file a formal petition for the help of not only the elite guard, but ME in particular, to help you escort an unarmed and unskilled peasant who doesn't even want to resist!? You know what, don't answer that, you've wasted enough of my time. And this is the last time you'll do so. You know why? Because the two of you just bought yourself a one way ticket for the next expressway going to Modded Hell! And you, the other guard, what was your name again... Asin! Asin, you're not so much to blame for this, but seriously man, you're creeping out all the other guards with your-" Asin is also leaning against the wall with silverlock, but is either trying REALLY hard to act like a professional guard or has literally no idea what is going on. Either in an attempt to try to fake that he was paying attention after hearing his name, because of some weird personality complex, or because of a few loose screws in his head he says one of his poorly timed, nonsensical lines that have made him one of the most disliked guards in the entire fort.
     "I've gotta have a serious talk with Croteam, one of these days". The head brute almost looks like he was slapped across the face by such an interruption, even worse, an interruption that made no sense."THAT! That's why I'm throwing you out too! Seriously, you don't listen to anything anyone says and all you say are these dumb lines that sound so prerecorded and make no sense. Who the hell is Croteam!? Why can't you at least keep your mouth shut so you're squad doesn't resent you so much. Whatever, you two are staying in the dungeon until we can secure you a ride with some more useless suckers. Actually, that reminds me."

     Still ticked off from this whole course of events, the head brute barges all the way through the door and up onto the stage. He makes sure to go out of his way to aggressively push Mottled Petrel out of the lime light. "This crowd is full of some of the most useless inhabitants of this fort, maybe even the empire. As of now, at the end of every month those judged to be the least beneficial to the fort will be marked to be shipped out to live in whatever disease ridden hole in a swamp this one makes for you all." He gestures to Mottled Petrel, who he assumes is the least worthy person to lead such a mission. The audience also believes this, and in turn, freaks the fuck out for fear that they'll end up in some poorly made death camp where they would constantly have to fight off the abominations of this world with their hands.

     The head brute can't help but grin at the fear he had instilled in the audience, a wild feral grin. Mottled Petrel couldn't help but grin too, but a more thoughtful grin, almost sinister. 'This fucker is putting me in charge of my own fort' went the thoughts in his head 'Almost unchallenged power over my peers for almost no effort on my part'. For you see, Mottled Petrel was the last peasant who would fuck up a fort like some of his fellow peasant would over something as trivial as 'I forgot to set up food and water systems' or 'wait, there's stuff out here that wants to kill us?'. For you see, he was not as simple as he appeared. He was the physical vessel of the great ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ of old, Armok's creative assistant, and ruiner of worlds.

     After seeing Armok perfect his art of creation, ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ decided a little more, entropy, was needed to make his worlds more interesting. What resulted was by far the most deranged and deluded realm either of them could ever have possibly imagined, he created The Ageless Planets. It was better entertainment than either of them could have dreamed. So great, that ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ couldn't help but insert himself into it. He made himself a koopa body to control, but not directly. Mottled Petrel was still a free thinking, independent creature, but when help was needed or when there was an opportunity to seize ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ would intervene a little.

     Now was one of those times, ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ would go far out of his way to take an opportunity to increase the power of the Koopa warlords to help drive this world farther into the ground. Mottled Petrel was oblivious to all this, and was just glad he was being forced to be useful instead of forced to the guillotine. The local idiot and aspiring skate boarder thought 'oh boy, I'm going to get to start a quiet little town of my own! I'll get to invite over all my friends and we can have sleep overs every night'. But little did he know, this fort, Modded Hell, would either become the pinnacle of civilization and a lasting testament to the might of the koopa empire, or the most apocalyptic insane asylum the two great creators had ever seen.

     'Either way,' thought ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ 'these custom pawns I've made will lead to quite an amusing show'. At this point Mottled Petrel's grin was reaching almost demonic levels because of ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ's influence. If a magikoopa had been present, the amount of dark energy coming off of Mottled Petrel would have been enough to drive them insane, if not cause their head to explode. The head brute finally lost interest in the crowd's hysteria and looked over to Mottled Petrel to see if he was quaking in his boots. Seeing the almost unholy expression on his face nearly caused a red flag to go off in his head, but this koopa, who had vanquished undead abominations and mega beasts across the Velvety Continent, would not allow such a weak excuse for a koopa unsettle him.

     "Hey, quit smiling jack ass, you're being punished for your uselessness, remember?" With that the head brute slapped him across the face so hard Mottled Petrel was strewn across the floor. 'One day,' thought ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ 'his time will come. He'll soon be cleaning the blood of his friends and family from the bottom of my human leather boots with his tongue'. All Mottled Petrel could muster was a slow rub of the wounded cheek and a thought of 'Wow, I'm glad we've got him defending the empire. One day I hope we have a strong warrior like him to live in my little town. Think of all the neat party tricks he'd be able to do!'.

     And with that, the head brute's patience had run out. "Now the rest of you, get out of here and find a job!" He didn't have to tell them twice, the audience was out of the room in under a minute. A few of them may have been truly inspired to become legendary metal smiths or engravers, but most of them would likely end up being novice fish cleaners at the end of the month. "And you!" the head brute was back to yelling at Mottled Petrel, who still lay on the floor "Get up, you're coming with me. As much as I want to send you out with only the shell on your back, the king actually wants your fort to succeed. So I've been tasked with helping you pick out your supplies, because we both fear you'll just take 500 step ladders or something. Come on, I want you and your friends out of here as soon as possible".

     And with that, they went to the royal stock room, not realizing that they had just ushered in a new age for this world, one most likely full of death and dismemberment. It would all be centered around Modded Hell, the soon to be base of operations for the ruiner of worlds, ₥ᴕʅʈΞꝺ ꝕꭂ₶ⱤꜪʅ.

Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on December 29, 2017, 10:40:59 pm
I love it so much.
just... just...
there are no words to describe my feelings about this.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on December 29, 2017, 10:48:57 pm
 :o :o :o
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on December 29, 2017, 11:00:51 pm
It begins.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 31, 2017, 04:48:31 pm
Uh, I'm not sure if this is a problem or not, but the embark map is saying that the oceans are heavily forested. Does anyone know if they created water trees, or something that would create a similar effect?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on December 31, 2017, 04:58:08 pm
I don't think anyone knows exactly what's in that pack you're using.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on December 31, 2017, 05:45:03 pm
Uh, I'm not sure if this is a problem or not, but the embark map is saying that the oceans are heavily forested. Does anyone know if they created water trees, or something that would create a similar effect?
We need a copy of this save, to explore this in adventure mode
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 31, 2017, 05:53:53 pm
I'm going to found the fort first and then play a year or two, then I'll put it up for adventurers because quite honestly I want to see how fucked up it is. I was just asking about the trees to see if anyone had even heard about such a thing being possible. The next thing I got for you guys is in the works, don't know when it will be done but it shouldn't be terribly long, depending on how much detail I put into it. As of currently, the detail levels are pretty high.

I've just found that The Ward of Searing has a random dark pit way up north right below the glacier.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on December 31, 2017, 10:10:52 pm
Alright, so I decided to split this update into a smaller part so we can get some debate going and it isn't just everyone waiting for me to get you the details.
For reference

Deep in a Koopa fortress walk two koopas. One is signifigantly more muscular that the other, who is being led by a steel chain around his hands by the first. The second, smaller one is deep in thought as he is being led to the fort's bookkeeper and the royal stock room.
     'Wow, my own fort. Well, is it really going to be my own? Or am I just going to act as a political figure head or something? Still, political immunity and the ability to ask for a mastercraft jewel spiked steel shell whenever I want is pretty cool, but I think I'd prefer to be the one designing the living spaces and eventual magma moat. I should probably ask this guy, I don't remember his name, but I'm sure it will be fine because he can't remember anyone's name.'

     Mottled Petrel turns to the head brute beside him, whose scowl deepens as he senses the imminent pestering for details. Instead of letting him pick away for the duration of the walk the head brute decides to just tell Mottled Petrel what he had been told by the king. "Tomorrow, or the next day depending on how long this takes, you're shipping out to a nice glade somewhere in the waxy jungles. Your mission is to survive long enough to convince the surrounding empires that we control the whole strech of land between the Trussed Horns and The Ocean of Prisons. We'll handle all the diplomacy and play it up like we've got more sites being founded there. Once we've deemed that the show has effectively stopped most enemy movement through this crucial pass we'll send over some some people who actually know what they're doing and take the place off your hands. If things go well and there's a good amount of your people still alive, we'll let you found another fort and maybe even a port on the coast of The Ocean of Prisons to further support our claim on the area. After that, we'll let you retire with a reasonable healthcare plan and a small pension for service to the king. To make sure you aren't mauled by coyotes or something, we're going to be sending you out with some proper gear, and some animals. At the moment, our store rooms are kinda filled with junk and our ranches are full of animals too stupid to be put to work, so really you can just take what you want. Not stuff of actual value though, that's reserved for the follow up team that will take your place. Please, don't ask me any questions."

     Silence for all but two seconds. "I have oooonnne." A sigh is heard that could easily have swept away a desert with its strength "you get one, make it count." 'Don't ask for a glass of water. Don't ask for a glass of water. Don't ask for a glass of water.' "Can I have a gla- er... Who am I going to be sent out with?" "Eh, I don't remember, they were all equally untalented vagabonds who didn't want to learn how to do anything productive. There are six of them, one of them was a... ZN7 or 8... an... enigma poster, or something. If you hadn't noticed yet, I can't really do names. Except when I'm taking the names of my fallen enemies, even then I can't even remotely remember any of them. That's why I have my second in command keep a written list for me. I've got my most recent copy right here."

     The head brute reaches into his first shell pocket to pull out the described list. He pulls out a hand that looks like it would be holding said list if her actually had it in his pocket. Expecting to see a look of awe from Mottled Petrel he looks at his hand when he is met with a look of confusion. "Well fuck. Guess I'll have to get him to make me another one. Maybe this time I'll get him to write in red ink on a parchment soaked in the blood of my latest enemy!" Silence for another five seconds. "I don't think you'd be able to read it if-" "Shut up, it sounded cool before I said it." Thankfully, the two reach the royal store room before Mottled Petrel questions the subject more than would be safe.
Ahhh, the royal store room, so marked by the statue outside the entrance. A giant platinum statue of a koopa lording over a pile of collected stuff, sorta like a dragon defending its pile of gold, except with more lightning being spit. Once the two were close enough to see through the porthole in the door it was pretty obvious that the statue's meaning was more literal than metaphorical.

     The royal store room was a literal mound of belongings in a giant vaulted room. What made the resemblance even stronger to the dragon sleeping on his pile of wealth were the tens of koopa guards climbing around in all the stuff heaped into piles. This was because in order to maximize usage of space no places were left for walkways, that, and there was a rumor going around that there was an entire kobold den living inside the pile. This could very well be true, for there were things constantly being lost from their 'assigned piles'. But most likely it was the complete lack of organization and utter disregard for the use of bins.

     As the head brute opened the door the edge of the pile that was leaning against the door fell out into the hallway. Most other forts in the world would have been appalled by such a breach of security, but to a koopa it felt just like home. The koopas resigned to hauling around and 'reorganizing' the fort's goods were among the happiest haulers on the continent. A lot of koopas would spend their leisure time rolling around in their own personal items, or the goods in the public store rooms. In the end, it was probably this desire to get assigned to hauling that led to the high peasant rate that got the fort into its current unemployment problem in the first place. Ironically, a few such peasants hoping to become haulers fell out into the hallway along with the pile of goods.

     "HEY! What are you three doing rolling around in here. You're supposed to be in the meeting hall getting ready to ship out to Modded Hell. Well, while you're here you might as well meet your expedition leader and help him pick out the supplies. I already forgot your names, so you four go through the rounds, I'll swimming through the main pile with the bookkeeper until you're ready. Clean this mess up before you leave." With that the head brute leaped head long into the room, not realizing that the latest pile reorganization had moved the knife pile right in front of the door. Luckily the shell took most of the damage, and being a shell of steel not much damage was done. It looked like he was about to yell out something like 'I'm okay', but then probably realized that that would draw more attention to the issue than he would have liked.

     'Well all right, these are three of the six koopas I'm going to spend the better part of the rest of my life with. Hopefully we all live long enough to swim through our own collective stock pile. But oh well, I've got to botch this first meeting before I can fix it later.' With that he turned to the three koopas who were still smiling and picking themselves up out of the items that had spilled into the hallway. The leftmost one was a tall, lanky individual. He looked like he was continuously bursting with excitement and in a perpetual state of bouncing up and down because he couldn't contain it. He had a thick grey mustache and the beginnings of a beard. The rightmost one was more average sized, and looked like a deep thinker. Not really deep thinker as scholarly thinking, but more like someone who had a full 10 minute debate with themselves over whether to go to the west dining room or the virtually identical east dining room. He had a head of naturally spiky, flowing read hair with nothing on his face. It almost looked like the hair style of the mythical Bowser koopa. Actually, it looked like that was exactly the look he was going for. 'I'll have to ask him if he was inspired to pick such a hair style. My own hair is much more of a rust color and flows down to meet my modest facial hair.' The middle, and final koopa was also more average sized, except that most of the length of his body came from his arms and legs and not his torso. It actually looked like existing was uncomfortable for him, but that's besides the point. He had the look of someone who wanted to conquer the world, but had the demeanor of someone who'd be lucky if they were motivated enough to take over the outhouse. He was completely devoid of hair, facial or otherwise. By the way the scales on his head shined it would appear that he was quite proud of that fact. Finally, his beak had a serious hook to it. A hook that converged to such a sharpened point that it looked like it was made to tear flesh. This all combined with the shiftiness of his eyes made him the most likely candidate for psychopathy if anyone had ever seen one.

     "Well hello everyone, I'm Mottled Petrel. Apparently I'll be the expedition leader and overseer of Modded Hell. I was hoping I could address you all by name when I eventually met you, but that head brute over there couldn't remember the name of his own mother if his life depended on it." He then tried to extend three of his arms to shake hands with them, only to be reminded that his hands were still tied up with the steel chain he was being led by. "Oh, well I guess I'll start with you. It's a pleasure to meet you, what is your name?" He extended all six of his arms to have the leftmost koopa shake his tied together ball of hands.

     "My name's Derpy Dev. I'm so so SO happy to finally meet you. Is it true we're going to the Waxy Jungles? I've always wanted to go there! I've heard that the bird watching there is great. I've been dying to see an archaeopteryx since I was a hatchling! I can't wait to spend all my time out there looking, because when I set my mind to something I-" "All right, we've still got things to do to ensure that we make it there safe. You can tell me all this when we're making the journey-" "YES SIR" Derpy Dev explodes, so loud that most of the koopas in the royal store room stop climbing through the piles to look at the spectacle. Seeing that it was only Derpy Dev, again, they went back to what they were doing.

     "Well..." Mottled Petrel turns to the koopa on his right "Hello, who would you be". The rightmost koopa breaks his thousand yard stare to notice that the introductions have started. "They call me Scourge. I..." his face scrunches up as if he's thinking incredibly hard about what he was going to say next to make sure it was exactly correct "I'm glad to see we have a leader to get us to Modded Hell safely." He stopped there, either because of a personal 'less is more' policy, or because he wanted to carefully think about how he wanted to go about the next things he wanted to say. The face scrunch wasn't there, so Mottled Petrel moved onto the middle koopa.

     Mottled Petrel was definitely getting some less than positive vibes from this one, but he didn't want to judge him too early. "Hello, nice to-" "This wasn't where I wanted to end up," he said quietly to himself "that move should have ended me up in unskilled mining or milling. They should have at least made me a fish cleaner, but this... I gotta rethink my strategy." The koopa broods to himself for a few seconds, and then notices that the other three koopas with him were staring. "Excuse me, where are my manners. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is ZM5. Great, great grandson of the legendary Koopa baron Zemithulus Matrida, they called him ZM for short. Unfortunately, his great lineage has come to this, a dirty peasant being shipped out to the middle of nowhere. But! I say my fellow peasants, let's not let it be so! I say we make this fort the best fort the Ageless Planets has ever seen! Who's with me!" And with that, all four break out into a patriotic war cry as they raise their right upper arms into the air in a fist. They run, still yelling, into the store room to choose the supplies that would hopefully secure their future.

(I'm going to try to compile a list of the available animals that I think are of importance. It's stupid long, so it may not be tonight. Most of them are pokemon, so really you can just name a pokemon and chances are we have access to it.)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 01, 2018, 12:42:04 am
(I'm going to try to compile a list of the available animals that I think are of importance. It's stupid long, so it may not be tonight. Most of them are pokemon, so really you can just name a pokemon and chances are we have access to it.)
Now I'm just imagining embarking with like 10 mewtwos and a delibird
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 01, 2018, 05:18:53 am
That'd be horrifying and also kind of awesome.

If we have any Gliscors, Mamoswines or Yanmegas available on the embark, I'd think they'd make for good war animals and would be worth taking.

Also for non-pokemon, if you have occulas or cats, you might want to take those, since I added a bit of new vermin to the caverns. Gray cyclopes could come in handy too since you can put them in the military and they're pretty large.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 01, 2018, 10:53:43 am
I think you should get the BIGGEST pokemon, Wailord (you can tell how good it is already). With 10 wailords, you could destroy everybody.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 01, 2018, 12:29:31 pm
Of course, we have to have lawnmowers. Maybe a breeding pair?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 01, 2018, 01:49:36 pm
Let's get some dinosaurs, hopefully we have access to some cool ones with many many teeth.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 01, 2018, 04:22:25 pm
During the making of this pack we have discovered that the teeth cap is 32, but I will most likely be taking some dinosaurs. Therozinosaurs (or however you spell it) surprisingly make really good livestock. Breeding pair of lawnmowers is going to be a priority. Mewtwo are megabeasts, so chances are we won't have them. But if we catch one we can tame it, that, and we can mega evolve them with mewtonite X or Y. Wailord wouldn't work because sea creatures can't be caught because cage traps can't be built under water, so they can't be tamed. Even if we were to take one, it would be near useless because they can't move on land. I'm working on the list of available creatures now, so we should soon have something to work off of.

Accidentally listed the animals of the wrong civ, working on the right one now.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 01, 2018, 06:24:38 pm
Holy fucking hell, this was a complete and utter waste of the past two hours, but I hope it gives you all an understanding of the complete confusion I experience every time I look through the embark screen. Please, go crazy with planning. We have approximately 750 embark points, but we can easily leave some extra crap behind for for more animals.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anything double, misspelled, improperly priced, or just completely unidentifiable is done so purposefully. This is exactly what I saw.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 01, 2018, 06:31:13 pm
I can't help but laugh at the single "beta male".

Also hell yea, mamoswines! Those could be real useful I'd imagine.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 01, 2018, 07:24:54 pm
Lawnmower, rotom mow, mamoswine
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 02, 2018, 12:11:12 am
RE:Row Motom

I didn't expect this mod to have two separate types of sentient lawnmowers, but it does make sense.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 02, 2018, 05:54:32 am
A handful of nipper spores (regular) could be nice.  They are kind of useful for defense when they grow into pirahna plantes, but more because they are cheap and breed fast.  Also they are vermin hunters in their nipper phase.

Goombas are intelligent and cheap so might work as extra hands, so to speak.  Bob-ombs are !!fun!! but probably not worth the trouble.

Chomps are really good for defense.  You can also farm them for iron.  Expensive, but you might want to take one anyway.

Grootslangs are HUGE, by the way.  I'm surprised you have access to them.  Bit pricey though.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 02, 2018, 06:21:01 am
Well I guess I'll take a mow rotom to help with our lawn mower obsession. They can't breed though, so it's probably not that useful. I always take at least 6 nipper spores and place them at key entrances and junction once they've turned into piranha buds for some stationary defense. Every time I've had any goombas they've done nothing and are useless in a fight, plus they take up valuable workers because people take it upon themselves to bring them water in a bucket instead of letting them drink from the water source right next to them. Of course I'm going to bring Bob-ombs, who doesn't want walking MOAB's in their basement? Every experience I've had with chomps is that they bite whatever they can reach, which usually ends up with a bunch of animals and people locked in combat with it because they can't do a damn thing to the iron shell, so they end up beating out the eyes and the teeth but nothing more. I haven't the slightest clue what to do with a grootslang, I looked it up and the internet said it was like the Loch Ness monster of south Africa. I also think I'm going to take a hint block, for comedic purposes. Ninjis, birdos, trolls, and beta males can do hauling and other basic tasks. Ninjis can become nobles as well, so I usually just have a ninji broker and bookkeeper because I don't want to waste an actual koopa with that position.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Lord_lemonpie on January 02, 2018, 12:42:06 pm
Requesting a Koopaification as well, preferably as an army lad.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 02, 2018, 02:29:30 pm
Requesting koopaification as an animal trainer/soldier, specifically a pikachu trainer named Pikalord. My koopa is obsessed with the pikachus, and anyone who harms them shall invoke his wrath!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 02, 2018, 03:42:02 pm
If you want to be a dedicated soldier you wouldn't be able to have nearly as much time to worship train pikachus.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 02, 2018, 04:33:08 pm
I'm going to train pikachus, and then if and when we have no more, I'll be a soldier, and my pikachus will help me in battle. Please assign all of my trained pikachus to me, so no one 'steals' them.
Please bring at least a couple pikachus with us at embark, so I can start training them as soon as my character arrives.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 02, 2018, 05:35:25 pm
Uhh, we got plusle, are they close enough? Actually, that'd be pretty funny, a koopa so overly obsessed with pikachu that he lives in the plusle pen and dresses them up like pikachus, or at least pichus saying "don't worry my babies, one day you'll evolve into beautiful pikachu!". Other than that detail, I've got your character all planned out. While I'm on the topic, anyone have any specific requests for character personalities and/or pets.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 02, 2018, 05:43:03 pm
I would prefer pikachus, but that sounds fine.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 02, 2018, 05:47:55 pm
You're going to be the first one to get your hands on the pikachu if we ever get any, but for now I guess we'll go with that. What's your policy on Mimikyu? We've got some of them laying around.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 02, 2018, 09:30:31 pm
My character should probably be a bit distant; a doctor with the mind of a watchmaker. A patient saved is, to him, a mended tool. As such, he is (or fancies himself) a perfectionist.

That should do for now.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 02, 2018, 10:10:50 pm
Just give my guy an unhealthy amount of what ever cap naps are. Just a ridiculous amount of them.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 02, 2018, 11:57:42 pm
I've returned from the latest of my inactivities! What did I miss?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 03, 2018, 06:24:24 am
I spent the last 20 minutes trying to think about what you meant by cap naps, and after a search of the internet concluded that they were sleeping caps for babies. Then I remembered that they're a useless animal we have access to. I'll get you a few, they're only like 8 each if I remember correctly and they breed like crazy. Derpy Dev, I'd say there is nothing we could do to describe what has happened better than you just going back and reading, it's been quite a thing.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 03, 2018, 06:38:56 am
Have I read it correctly? Are laser Ceratosauruses worth 1 embark point? Let's take a pair, pretty please.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 03, 2018, 10:38:43 am
What's your policy on Mimikyu? We've got some of them laying around.
My character just thinks they are Pikachu.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 03, 2018, 11:02:31 am
You should definitely hand over most of the weirder pets, i.e occulas, or anything thats eldritch/eldritch-lite to my character. I'd imagine he/she would be some kind of weirdo occultist koopaborg.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 03, 2018, 02:09:43 pm
Just give my guy an unhealthy amount of what ever cap naps are. Just a ridiculous amount of them.

These guys (  And yeah, they're pretty pointless.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 03, 2018, 03:53:48 pm
Yes, for whatever reason the laser Ceratosauruses are only worth one embark point, so I'll definitely be taking some. as for the capnaps, we can always do with more cannon fodder. Which reminds me, I've got a final question to ask all of you before I found the actual fort. There's no way in hell that I'm taking a 'safe' embark for modded hell, so I have two potential sites I'd like to pick from. There is a grassland (or some other mundane biome, I don't quite remember) that puts us within range for a TON of civs, most of which are hostile. And there is an evil mountain within range of a good amount of civs, but less than the other site. I'm going to get the exact details of each site later tonight as well as put up a pole so this can be properly voted on, but I'd like to know your thoughts on the situation beforehand.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 03, 2018, 04:14:29 pm
I'll wait and see what civs each site has before deciding, but I also think that we should try to embark on the edge of a biome if possible. Being in two biomes gives more animal variety since the game draws from each zone.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 03, 2018, 04:24:44 pm
Yeah, if we could get a dual (or more) biome embark it'd be great - same for the neighboring civs.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 03, 2018, 07:03:13 pm
Sorry, I should have been more specific. There are two specific region tiles I'm looking at as possibilities, within those region tiles I'm going to be doing a 6x6 and attempt to get as many biomes within it as possible, the evil mountain is just going to be one of those if we so choose so. Getting the information now so we can properly judge them.

Here we go:
First location. More neighbors and a flux stone layer, but only one biome. A move in any direction on the region map has us lose neighbors.

Second location. Haunted mountain and surrounding grassland and badlands. None of the biomes have a flux stone layer and only the mountain is heavily forested.

Any more information that people want?

Also, for reference, our main Koopa fortress is to the top right of that desert at the top of the pictures.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 03, 2018, 07:54:24 pm
I vote for the second location - seems like it'd be more fun.

Also, I can't help but kinda laugh that amidst all our weird and occasionally hostile neighbors, we have generic, normal human neighbors.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 03, 2018, 08:24:25 pm
Poll is up. And yeah, I never thought about the humans being the last untampered with civ. I can't wait to see what fresh hell their lives are like in this world.

Also, does anyone know how good datamined metal is in comparison to the normal vanilla metals?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 04, 2018, 05:32:53 am
Considering the sheer number of mods, I think any location have a potential to be !FUN!, but the possibility of encountering zombie lawnmowers is really exciting.

Anyway, would a zombified mow rotom be a zombie lawnmower possessed by a ghost, or a lawnmower possessed by a zombie ghost?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 04, 2018, 07:17:35 am
Poll is up. And yeah, I never thought about the humans being the last untampered with civ. I can't wait to see what fresh hell their lives are like in this world.

Also, does anyone know how good datamined metal is in comparison to the normal vanilla metals?
I can only speak for my own pack, but I've explained the new metals I've added here (

Some stuff has changed - eternium's a more balanced one right now, titanium has more of its rl properties (its actually light, still cannot be used for weapons though) and khorium is sharper (but still garbage for armor - if you get khorium armor pieces I recommend melting them immediately).

EDIT: Oh, quick question - when do you think you'll upload the save? I'd be really looking forward to exploring stuff in adventure mode.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 04, 2018, 11:30:02 am
That zombie mow rotom is going to haunt me, but I believe it would be a lawnmower possessed by a zombie ghost. When this poll is done I think I'm going to create a poll about that, because that is the unsolvable question of the century. It seems that location two is winning by a land slide, but I'll give it a few more days to see if it evens out. I was asking about datamined metal because every time I play I see it fucking everywhere, but I'm always too scared to use it because I don't know its properties. As for the save, I at least want to found the fort and run it for a season or two, so people can go visit their favorite fort and see how it's doing. I also wouldn't mind if someone could look through legends mode and try to actually work out this worlds story. Also, am I writing too much? I know some people probably just want this fortress to start already, but I'm having a great time developing the story before we set off. Either way, depending on what strokes of inspiration I get, I've got probably one more post while we're in the mountain homes and then one for the journey out to the site. I've got some ideas for unrelated events that could happen along the way, but if people want I could be like 'we walked in silence the whole way and made great time. Eventually we made it to the site.'
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 04, 2018, 11:55:16 am
Myself I'm very fine with the story and other little writing flavours trying to make sense of this chaos. I mostly just want to look at the world itself and legends, see what notable people and beasts are in it.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 04, 2018, 12:05:25 pm
...possessed by a zombie ghost.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 04, 2018, 12:23:42 pm
I feel oddly nostalgic now.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 04, 2018, 01:27:39 pm
So, I got bored and decided to go back and play the most recent test world for fun. And I've had three separate invasions in the first ten days of autumn. I've been attacked by neanderthals, Hlira (who came with hippies and and something called a Lodra), and something called sparkies, who came onto the map and immediately ceased to exist. I'm only on the second year, so this is going pretty damn well.

Oh, would you look at that, another ambush. More Hlira.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 04, 2018, 02:48:29 pm
A 6x6 embark!? What kind of rig do you have? One capable of running this mess, I suppose.

We definitely want the haunted embark though. Zombie lawnmowers vs. Piranha Plants, nature's eternal rivalry.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 04, 2018, 04:00:32 pm
A 6x6 embark!? What kind of rig do you have? One capable of running this mess, I suppose.

We definitely want the haunted embark though. Zombie lawnmowers vs. Piranha Plants, nature's eternal rivalry.
6x6 isn't too wild, in my experience. Anything downwards of 9x9 is probably manageable.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 04, 2018, 04:29:05 pm
I don't have an inherently grand computer, but 6x6 works fine for me. That, and I usually have enough free time and patience to power through a lower FPS game. My best guess is that we aren't going to ever be at a point that we're doing TOO well and it decreases FPS.
Zombie lawnmowers vs. Piranha Plants, nature's eternal rivalry.
There are going to be so many conflicting universes, it's going to be great. And it does seem that location 2 is going to win, so I'll be handling that soon.

Uh, I don't know what happened, but I seemed to have had something butchered and got ice out of it somehow.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 05, 2018, 12:41:47 am
Uh, I don't know what happened, but I seemed to have had something butchered and got ice out of it somehow.

Wow, that worries me for the stability of this pack. It's rather chilling.

It makes me fear that this will not go icely.

I hope that this is not a frost cause.

I really don't snow if this will turn out well.

...I'll see myself out now.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 10:05:16 am
I think it was because I butchered an ice type pokemon, and that somehow equated to me getting literal ice from it. But, someone just earned themselves the role of bad pun teller. I actually didn't mind those, but I feel like it would be good to have a comedic relief character.

Uhh, the neanderthal merchants seem to have brought me a giant Baji. Which upon looking it up appears to be a type of fresh water dolphin. I don't, I don't think this was intended to be possible.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 05, 2018, 01:31:19 pm
It won't air drown as long as it is in its cage.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 05, 2018, 01:34:02 pm
In a cage, air isn't calculated, so you could open it over some water and it would be fine
+ That's a mammal (I think) so it breathes air
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 05, 2018, 03:03:56 pm
It can be brought to the butcher's shop, right?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 05, 2018, 03:42:58 pm
Yeah..... I didn't really think about that possibility when I was making the mod.....
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 03:45:38 pm
I think it's actually pretty funny, so I'd say leave it in.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 05, 2018, 03:49:08 pm
That was my plan as well
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 05, 2018, 05:41:39 pm
Uh, I don't know what happened, but I seemed to have had something butchered and got ice out of it somehow.

Wow, that worries me for the stability of this pack. It's rather chilling.

It makes me fear that this will not go icely.

I hope that this is not a frost cause.

I really don't snow if this will turn out well.

...I'll see myself out now.
This is snow small problem.

Perhaps we *singing* can let it go, let it go.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 08:34:45 pm
I swear, if any of you react like this when we actually encounter snow I'm putting you all to the guillotine.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 05, 2018, 08:38:48 pm
Now I want to, only to have the guillotine fail on metal koopas
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 08:44:31 pm
Speaking of that, I forgot to mention, somewhere in translation between the versions Koopas have somehow become un-metal. But, chances are the Koopas will be unable to construct an actually working guillotine, so the only real damage you'll get is the whole wooden frame falling on top of you.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 05, 2018, 08:49:53 pm
Are you sure they still have [INORGANIC_MATERIAL] token?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 08:53:28 pm
Uhh, to make them metal in the first place I just made a clone of the standard creature body detail plan and just set everything to METAL. For all intensive purposes, it worked fine. I couldn't get any other methods to work, so I never really looked into if I was doing it properly or not.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 05, 2018, 09:04:55 pm
Every 'naturally occurring' Metal/wood/whatever has the [INORGANIC_MATERIAL] token. I don't know anything about modding, but every df wiki
semi-megabeast/titan has it.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 09:09:29 pm
*shrug* never added it and it worked fine. My only complaint was that having internal organs made out of metal really sucked, because whenever there was an attack strong enough to dent the metal all the internal organs were pushed through each other, tearing up everything. Luckily, the guts, stomach, liver, and kidneys could be completely destroyed and then somehow magically mended good as new by any aspiring doctor, as long as the koopa could be brought to the hospital fast enough. Like everything in this mod, it was a fucking miracle that it worked at all, and questioning it probably won't bring us any closer to the answer. It just... works.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 05, 2018, 10:03:45 pm
Try this,but replace bronze with whatever metal you want
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 05, 2018, 10:25:16 pm
I swear, if any of you react like this when we actually encounter snow I'm putting you all to the guillotine.

Wow, that's rather cold.

...well, begin the forced death march to the koopa guillotine. Puns are a death sentence.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 05, 2018, 11:47:19 pm
I actually didn't mind it that much, I was just in the mood to over react (I actually had a good laugh after I sat down and reread the thing I wrote, sorry if you actually took it as 'no puns ever, or death'). As for the metal, I don't think I want to tamper with the files of the already generated world. If something happens to compromise the current save and I have to make a new one I'll be sure to re-implement the metal.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 06, 2018, 02:42:57 am
I actually didn't mind it that much, I was just in the mood to over react (I actually had a good laugh after I sat down and reread the thing I wrote, sorry if you actually took it as 'no puns ever, or death'). As for the metal, I don't think I want to tamper with the files of the already generated world. If something happens to compromise the current save and I have to make a new one I'll be sure to re-implement the metal.

As somebody who is ALWAYS in the mood to overreact I fully understand ;)

I mean, of course I understood. That was a snow-brainer.

...Maybe I should stop. Eh.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on January 06, 2018, 03:03:40 am
   You had better stop before we get an avalanche of complaints...
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 06, 2018, 03:46:55 am
   You had better stop before we get an avalanche of complaints...
Don't tundra-estimate ole' Derpy. He's no flake; he'll weather whatever storm may come.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 06, 2018, 03:56:11 am
I'm watching this.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 06, 2018, 12:57:41 pm
I'm scared to see what winter will bring, I'm going to have to install a comedy corner for this train wreck group of aspiring artisans. As for the poll, it seems that location two has won, we will soon be wrestling with zombie ghost lawnmowers while we're up to our ears in capnaps. I'm going to go ahead and start writing about the infested warren that is the mountain home's underground pastures.

Does anyone know what the hell Sleeproot is? It's the food being brought along by the expedition and I'm scared that it might be something that puts people to sleep when they eat it.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 06, 2018, 06:03:17 pm
Well, I meant to at least have our team leave the mountain home by now, but I've gone on for long enough that I thought I might as well split it here. I hope you all enjoy.
Deep in a koopa fortress, four koopas are clambering over a large pile of unsorted, eclectic items. They came into the room with a gutteral cry of nationalism, but along the way that cry died out as they started having to actually focus on where they were going. After a few falls down the sides of the pile the cry ends all together, but the thought is still present in all of them. Eventually, they all tumble into the connecting underground pastures at the other end of the room. Immeadiately, the cries of hundreds of animals that both shouldn't exist and should never have been domesticated fill the ears of the four koopas. In that room waits the head brute and the bookkeeper, somewhere.
'Well then, so this is where we store all of our animals... This place looks like it has gotten really out of hand.' The underground pasture was a very long, very wide hallway with a thick layer of mud over the ground. The first detail anyone would notice about this floor is that it was full of the most clashing and unheard of colors a koopa could ever imagine. Dozens of exotic underground mosses, grasses, and funguses had already transformed this place into the biggest eye sore of the mountain home. Fuchsia, aquamarine, neon purple, blazing red. Imagine a color that you can't even imagine, now imagine it about thirty more times in juxtaposition to about every color on the known spectrum, that is the scene the four koopas were seeing in the almost knee high jungle before them.

     In addition to that, a multitude of exotic underground saplings had taken root and were in the process of claiming the hallway for their own. Towering mushrooms, gnarled tangles of thorns, and a few incredibly rare living crystalline latices that dropped usable gems from their branches. Along with this invading vegetation was an entire microcosm of vermin from the caverns deep below. The droves of mostly unidentified creatures living among the plants of this jungle were probably the only things keeping this area from becoming a paradise. It wasn't a rare occurrence for a worker tending to the animals to have to be dragged out after being bit by some venomous denizen of the underground jungle.

     Conversly, there was a small den of joltiks living in a small copse of mushroom trees near the entrance that had become a valuable source of silk for the fortress. A few koopas even found the glowing blue eyes staring down from the mess of webs to be cute, to the point where a few koopas had adopted their own to use them as shoulder pets. This often led to the joltik building a new nest in the koopa's hair, which was met with mixed responses.

    As the four koopas stood in the entrance doorway they found themselves staring at what could possibly have been a new creature that had made its way up from the depths. In the pathway ahead of them they saw what, in the little time they had to make scientific observations, was an almost literal disembodied human hand crawling around in the grass. Not a gnarled, decaying zombie hand, but a healthy looking, fully functioning normal hand. It almost looked like that hand had made an effort to keep its fingernails manicured. This in itself was enough for them to question life itself, but then the hand found some potential prey and it got a whole lot weirder. A small beetle, resembling a golden scarab but with demon horns, was found by the hand's probing fingers. The beetle turned around and let out a hiss, only to be squished under the same fingers that found it. With its quarry dead, a large, fanged mouth opened in the center of the hand's palm.

    At that point, three of the four koopas diverted their attention to other things around them, but ZM5 continued staring with a sinister grin growing on his face. It can easily be assumed that he had a link missing in one of his 'plans', and these hands offered a potential solution.

     A scholar could have easily spent his life studying this ecosystem and document only a fraction of what could be found, but the group had a job to do. They looked around in an attempt to find either the head brute or the bookkeeper, but where only met with farm hands running around trying to keep everything alive and without a murderous blood lust, and a head sized floating box off to the side of the entrance area. On top of it perched what seemed to be a small lizard with three sets of dragonfly wings. The box started to vibrate, shaking off the spores that had started to settle on it as well as spooking the lizard thing on top of it, causing it to fly away.

     "HINT! Welcome to the royal pastures, home of our fortress's livestock, war animals, and living oddities. I have been informed that you four are here to procure animals for your expedition. The bookkeeper and head brute are down the hall in the fourth pen on the left with the trolls. Please, enjoy your stay." 'What a polite hint block' thought Mottled Petrel 'I'm glad he was here to help direct us because I have no idea where anything is down here.' The four started making their way through the thicket to the pen they were directed to, but were stopped by a frantic whisper from the hint block. "HINT! Please guys, you gotta get me out of this place. I can't hear myself think, I've become a resting post for everything with wings in this place, and every couple of days something tries to nest inside my speakers. Please, take me with you, I can tell jokes, I can direct foot traffic, I can direct people to where they need to go in the fort. Please, anywhere but here.[/size]"

     They all looked at each other, "Anyone got any objections?" Mottled Petrel said, wanting to start off his leadership with a group consensus. Derpy Dev lit up at the suggestion "I'd love to have someone to practice my jokes with!". ZM5 had another weird grin, and Scourge didn't offer any objections. "All right, we'll work out something for you to do when we get there. Derpy Dev, take him with us." Derpy Dev eagerly plucks the hint block out of the air. It looks like he momentarily has no idea what he's holding or how the hint block was defying gravity the way it was, but after batting him around in the air a little Derpy Dev's perpetually excited smile returned. A low, happy buzzing sound can be heard from the hint block held under Derpy Dev's third left arm.

    With that, they finally started making their way to the troll pen. As they went they passed a number of other animal pens, each with an attempt made to personalize them for the intended inhabitants inside. Each started out as a stone fence around a uniform sized area on one side of the hallway. From there, a passerby could tell how dangerous the animals inside were by the amount of additional fortification added to the pen. The simple minded and/or harmless animals were only contained by a chest high stone fence enclosed by a simple gate. Anything that could fly had at least a copper wire mesh connecting from the fence to the ceiling. From there, the pens got a lot more creative. The pen before the troll pen was one such example. A solid stone room surrounded by a deep water moat only crossable by a draw bridge that had its own dedicated guard to make sure that no random peasant accidentally lowered it.

     Across the moat was a mastercraft solid steel door menacing with spikes of obsidian, for added flair and to ensure that nothing, inside or out, tried to bash the door down. At the top of the door was a small clear glass window, just big enough to see through. On the other side of the door faint dinosaur shrieks can be heard, as well as some explosions. Under those sounds, a guttural cry of fear belonging to an unknown koopa can be heard. The severity of this cry led Mottled Petrel to stop and ask the guard what was going on. "Laser Ceratosauruses. Probably the most blood thirsty and most powerful beasts we've got locked up here. We've tamed them, so they won't out right attack us, but if a breeze blows the wrong way, and they don't like it, they'll tear apart anything they see. They can also shoot these fucking crazy lasers whenever the hell they feel like it. It's a miracle this cell of two foot thick stone is enough to hold 'em. Unfortunately, before we figured out how unpredictable they were we installed some nest boxes in there, now we can't get them out. They're breeding like crazy in there and there ain't a thing we can do about it. So now, every once in a while we send in someone who's either deserving of punishment or who's just useless, to try to take 'em out of there. That ruckus you hear in there is our latest 'volunteer', some crazy koopa we found in the sewers talking to some dead rat. Stingpie was his name, self proclaimed intellectual or something. If he makes it out with a nest box or two we'll let him off scott free and let him try to find a new life in this new fort we're having some other guys found soon. I was told that those guys would be coming through here soon. And if he comes back out before he can get a nest box we'll keep sending him back in until he gets one. And if he doesn't make it, well, it saves us the time and effort of trying to put him through rehabilitation. I personally don't think he's got it in him, but maybe-"

     Before the guard could finish that thought the sound of something being slammed violently against the other side of the door could be heard. As that something was picked up and slammed against the door again a cry of "OPEN THE DOOR! I GOT ONE!", a similar noise can be heard as Stingpie was most likely thrown across the room and into the left wall. "Well I'll be... guess I should probably let him out. These fuckers can't swim, but you should probably duck so you aren't hit by any stray lasers." Three of the four koopas dive for cover as the gaurd moves to grab the lever, but Scourge stayed standing and thought about where he should best hide. Before he could come to a decision the guard had already pulled the door lever.

     It started to open slowly, but before it could open enough to see what was going on inside Stingpie was thrown against it again. This time, he flew all the way out of the room and into the moat. In his arms was a stone nest box that contained the remains of what might have once been laser ceratosaurus eggs, and around his ankle was the mouth of a laser ceratosaurus hatchling, still thrashing in an attempt to kill the invader. Behind the door was a large pack of angry, fully grown laser ceratosauruses, firing lasers out into the hallway in a final attempt to stop the theft of the nest box. Most of those lasers accomplished nothing more than spooking the animals in the other pens, but one of those lasers hit the pondering Scourge a glancing blow to the shell. It was enough to send him tumbling backwards.

     With another pull of the lever the door was closed again and the shrieks of the laser ceratosauruses were cut off back to a dull roar. Stingpie plopped the nest box down next to the guard, and then pulled himself out of the moat along with the hatchling still biting his ankle. The guard sighed, and then reached down to the hatchling and snapped its neck in one swift action. "Looks like it's my lucky day, I've been wanting me a new pair of scale boots. As for you Stingpie, I think I'll treat your good work to a -laser ceratosaurus meat roast-. What do you say?" Stingpie lay panting on the bank of the moat, bleeding from multiple bites and scratches along his arms and legs. "Aww, come on. You don't have anything missing, you'll be fine." Stingpie started flexing his fingers and toes, likely to confirm that they were all still there. Then he looked down to see the damage, he grimaced and let his head fall back onto the ground. "I'll... *pant* *pant*... have some roast... but first, please let me see Doctor K. ... *pant*".

     Footsteps can be heard coming from the pasture's entrance, a very serious looking koopa with a small set of spectacles balanced on his beak was walking towards the group. In his hand dangled a thick briefcase with a red symbol on the side. As he got closer, the four koopas could see that it was a koopa wrestling two snakes whose lower bodies were wrapped around a pole with wings, the standard symbol for medikoopa. "Ah, here's the doctor I asked to be on stand by." He grins and looks down at Stingpie, who is still writhing in pain on the ground. "Ah, you'll be fine, Urlance Woolsbane is a great doctor. Just don't expect any consoling, or even any conversation from him. If he starts talking about watches just don't engage, it'll be over quicker."

     Urlance knealed down next to Stingpie and put his ear to his shell and started tapping at different parts of it. "Hmm... *tap* *tap* *tap*... ah, I see. Well you're ticking fine, the center, third, and fourth wheel are undamaged. Maybe they could do with some extra lubrication, but you can do without it for a little while. The escape wheel isn't dented or shattered from the impact, and the escape wheel bridge over it is unmoved. All your important inner cogs are alright so there's no threat of your seconds hand slowing down or stopping. The crown and dial..." he knocked on Stingpie's head a few times "... are sound. What I'm more concerned about is your minute and hour hands..." he takes each of his arms and legs individually and starts bending them to test that the joints and connecting bones are fine. As this is happening Mottled Petrel can't help but wonder 'I'm no medikoopa, but I haven't the faintest clue what this guy is saying. Why is he treating this guy like he's a watch? I'd think that this would be a little demeaning for Stingpie, if he wasn't actually being helped'.

     Urlance, confirming that nothing was broken or bent, continued with his diagnosis "The minute and hour hands aren't broken, but they've had too much of their protective paint scraped off and they're leaking lubricant. Let me just apply a new layer." He pulls a needle and thread from out of his briefcase and begins suturing the many, many wounds covering Stingpie. "This is going to take too long" says Mottled Petrel as he finally steps out from behind the tree he was using as a hiding spot "We've still got a job to do, let's get to the troll pen and meet up with the bookkeeper. You've done good today Stingpie, we'll see you at Modded Hell once you've had time to heal." The four koopas, after having wasted enough time, went on their way again. However, it seemed that that last line from Mottled Petrel had made it through Stingpie's painful haze. "wait... Modded Hell?... YOU GUARDS SAID IF I DID THIS YOU WOULDN'T SEND ME THERE! LET ME GO! LET ME-" Urlance pinches Stingpie where his neck meets his left shoulder and Stingpie immediately collapses, unconscious. "Tsk, tsk. I can't mend a watch if the alarm is going off in my hands, now can I?". The guard was still watching the spectacle, and was thoroughly creeped out by the action  "You're fucking weird man. You aren't operating on me if I ever need it."
I'm hoping I can advance the plot a little more with the next update, but it'll all meet together soon.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 06, 2018, 06:39:10 pm
Haha, those descriptions of KoopaZM5 are perfect.

I really can't wait to see descriptions of invasions and megabeast attacks. Or random, weird animals coming from the caverns or surface.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 06, 2018, 06:58:33 pm
All the weird cavern creatures I mentioned here are in the game, someone made a literal disembodied human hand with a mouth in its palm that is also a vermin eater. I can't wait to try to make heads or tails of all the other weird stuff people have added.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 06, 2018, 07:40:26 pm
I'm guessing thats just layer 1 - I can't speak for other mods but the second and third cavern layers will definitely have some more horrors from my cave revamp pack and also the Darkest Dungeon one.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 06, 2018, 08:12:29 pm
Well, it seems I have a pet. Yay!

There are so many things in that post I just want to sig so badly... MottledPetrel,  you are truly a master of your job.

   You had better stop before we get an avalanche of complaints...
Don't tundra-estimate ole' Derpy. He's no flake; he'll weather whatever storm may come.

Yeah! *high fives like dork*

Hmm... Urlance might be trying to steal my pun crown. I'll have to watch my back around him.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 06, 2018, 09:04:34 pm
I loved the description of the laser-ceratosaurus pen.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: auzewasright on January 06, 2018, 09:33:06 pm
Would like to be koopa'd as a scholar or broker
Also, post to watch
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 06, 2018, 09:35:07 pm
I liked the update. Especially Urlance's strange obsession with clock-work koopas. He must have dreams about mechanical sheep.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 06, 2018, 11:48:56 pm
I liked the update. Especially Urlance's strange obsession with clock-work koopas. He must have dreams about mechanical sheep.
Yes, I rather liked that interpretation of my brief. Funnily enough, I happen to be reading that book right now...
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 07, 2018, 09:21:59 am
....Komeradez. How have I not properly looked at thiz? Requezting Koopa-ing as DelerKoopa, Champion of Kommunizm. He muzt zpeak in ☼Яussian accent☼.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: auzewasright on January 07, 2018, 11:26:14 am
Would like to be koopa'd as a scholar or broker
Also, post to watch
I would like my name to be "Auze", "Reluctant resident"
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 07, 2018, 11:36:11 am
I think "Reluctant Resident" fits all of the citizens.

Maybe except mine, considering there'll be so many abominations to study.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: auzewasright on January 07, 2018, 01:14:15 pm
I think "Reluctant Resident" fits all of the citizens.

Maybe except mine, considering there'll be so many abominations to study.
"Hiding Fugitive", then.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 07, 2018, 01:26:42 pm
Always glad to see new people on board, I've got characters for the two of you already so it should go fine. Speciesunkn0wn, I'm sure what you mean by DelerKoopa, but I've got the rest your request worked out. Auzewasright, both of your requests would work fine and I have characters for both of them, so you can pick whichever you like. I'm glad to see people liked the update, I thought I might have put a little too much attention to detail into it, but it seems that the mini bunker that was the laser ceratosaurus pen was quite amusing.

Ironically, I seem to have a character for everyone except the three other members of the starting seven. bloop_bleep, Enemy post, and Gwolfski, do any of you have any preferences for character? Or can I just come up with something random?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 07, 2018, 01:40:31 pm
I have no specifications besides the dinosaur pet, I want to see what you come up with.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 07, 2018, 01:42:10 pm
Very well, and thank you for reminding me of the dinosaur pet, because that just gave me an idea...
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 07, 2018, 01:51:37 pm
Very well, and thank you for reminding me of the dinosaur pet, because that just gave me an idea...
You know its gotta be good when the sentence ends with dot dot dot.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Pancakes on January 07, 2018, 02:40:15 pm
Ooh! PTW

Can I be koopa'd as the fortress's animal caretaker? "Lawn Equipment Technician"

...I never thought an animal caretaker would be fixing heavy machinery
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 07, 2018, 02:47:02 pm
Ha, I'm just waiting for someone to be inspired by all the attention we're giving lawnmowers to the point where they make an entire creature mod just full of sentient lawn care equipment. I'll put you down as animal caretaker and mechanic.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 07, 2018, 06:04:53 pm
Always glad to see new people on board, I've got characters for the two of you already so it should go fine. Speciesunkn0wn, I'm sure what you mean by DelerKoopa, but I've got the rest your request worked out.

Deler is the dwarven word for Steel. SteelKoopa. Like how Stalin means 'Man of Steel'. And DelerKoopa would be their name if that's what you were confused about.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 07, 2018, 06:12:57 pm
Thank you for specifying, because I had no idea what you were trying to say. I'm just letting you know, koopas have their own language and dwarves have been replaced by forumites, so no one is going to have any idea what you're trying to get across. But then again, that might be no issue when in context with the backstory I gave you.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 07, 2018, 06:23:52 pm
Yeah, a few pages back we had a list of neighbors (which I presume to not be the full list of races in the entire world) to our fortress - oddly enough, of all things the regular old vanilla humans seem to be the one remaining vanilla race. Don't know if elves or the non-Warcraft goblins are a thing in our world.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 07, 2018, 06:33:03 pm
Probably not the default elves. The LOLmod replaces them with hippies, and MottledPetral seems to be using its version of the vanilla races.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: auzewasright on January 07, 2018, 06:34:22 pm
Always glad to see new people on board, I've got characters for the two of you already so it should go fine. Speciesunkn0wn, I'm sure what you mean by DelerKoopa, but I've got the rest your request worked out. Auzewasright, both of your requests would work fine and I have characters for both of them, so you can pick whichever you like. I'm glad to see people liked the update, I thought I might have put a little too much attention to detail into it, but it seems that the mini bunker that was the laser ceratosaurus pen was quite amusing.

Ironically, I seem to have a character for everyone except the three other members of the starting seven. bloop_bleep, Enemy post, and Gwolfski, do any of you have any preferences for character? Or can I just come up with something random?
"Hiding fugitive", please.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 07, 2018, 06:37:05 pm
Probably not the default elves. The LOLmod replaces them with hippies, and MottledPetral seems to be using its version of the vanilla races.
Makes sense then.

Oh, might as well mention - you may want to put down ZM5 Koopa's profession as "Occultist".
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 07, 2018, 06:58:11 pm
Elves are in fact hippies, but I don't think goblins have been touched. At one point I had dark moblins in, but apparently they needed some stuff from another mod to work so I just removed them. I'm sure that Koopa ZM5 saying that his profession is "occultist" will be fine and that everyone will respect his job decision.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 08, 2018, 10:01:43 am
Then you can just put me as Comrade Unknown if you'd like. XD Still keeping the Champion of Communism part though
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 08, 2018, 11:46:09 am
I'm sure that Koopa ZM5 saying that his profession is "occultist" will be fine and that everyone will respect his job decision.
Of course, nothing to see here. I certainly will not dissect grotesque creatures from the deep to find out their inner workings, and I certainly won't lead the fort, or even the entire world, to ruin with my studies. (
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 08, 2018, 04:06:40 pm
There was no suspicion that you were even thinking about doing such things. Where'd you even get such an idea, he's working to help discover things to benefit the world as a whole.

Honestly, as long as koopa ZM5 isn't actively walking around drugging people and dragging them off for body modifications I don't think anyone will care what he does, or even notice with all the other fucked up stuff going on on a daily basis.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 08, 2018, 11:37:18 pm
Since everyone else is picking profession names, I'd like mine to be, "The Bestest Comedian". Or just "Comedian" if that other one is too long.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 08, 2018, 11:44:17 pm
Koopa me. Physician
May or my not actually help stress
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 09, 2018, 03:24:30 am
If everyone gets a custom profession, I'd like to be an executive furnace technician. I may be only a coal-shoveling grunt, but having a prestigious title would make me feel better about myself.
Koopa me. Physician
May or my not actually help stress
Considering the Dankest Dungeon mod is in, stress relief may be rather helpful. DAMN YOU BONE COURTIER!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 09, 2018, 06:24:11 am
I'm all for custom professions, so I'll add them.
Considering the Dankest Dungeon mod is in

I don't now if this was an intentional misspelling or not, but I laughed for a solid five minutes when I thought about how darkest dungeon could have easily become the dankest dungeon with the teh lol mod adding mountain dew, fedoras, and all the other stuff that could turn it into a bad MLG thing. I can't get the image of a plague doctor with 'deal with it' glasses doing a 360 no scope out of my head with a symphony of air horns behind him, good job.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 09, 2018, 06:31:17 am
I think bone courtiers may be the least of our worries, since I haven't found a good way to properly add them in - though, if the embark location has a cave nearby it could be the home of bone soldiers, who'd probably come to siege at some point. Madmen could still pop up randomly though.

I did see we embarked near Brigands, Cultists and Bloodsuckers though. So it's more likely we'll get stress-nukes from Cultist/Acolyte Witches and Templars; vampirism outbreaks courtesy of the Crimson Curse; and straight-forward but rough sieges from the Brigands (they'll probably bring cannons and rabid gnashers along too every once in a while).

Some of the Entertainer castes may have effects similar to the stress nukes as well, whereas the Cannibals are more straight-forward brutes with little defensive options but some strong weapons (they can also arrive to siege pretty early). Can't speak for the rest of the races though.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Derpy Dev on January 09, 2018, 02:09:37 pm
I can't get the image of a plague doctor with 'deal with it' glasses doing a 360 no scope out of my head with a symphony of air horns behind him, good job.

That... that's in my brain now. That mental image is going to spread like the plague, isn't it?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: VolcanoQueen on January 09, 2018, 04:54:51 pm
I can't get the image of a plague doctor with 'deal with it' glasses doing a 360 no scope out of my head with a symphony of air horns behind him, good job.

That... that's in my brain now. That mental image is going to spread like the plague, isn't it?

Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 09, 2018, 06:37:55 pm
Koopas naturally have +6 discipline, so I'm not sure how the stress nukes will go...

As for the puns, I think I can safely classify them as the 17th plague of Egypt.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 09, 2018, 06:42:55 pm
I will not let your Koopas GOOOOO!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 09, 2018, 06:44:48 pm
I will not let your Koopas GOOOOO!
I would like to nominate this into official lore somehow
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 09, 2018, 06:50:12 pm
My first thought was Titanic reference, but now I have no idea what you're going for. But official lore it is! Not understandable, just like all the rest of it!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: auzewasright on January 09, 2018, 06:51:01 pm
My first thought was Titanic reference, but now I have no idea what you're going for. But official lore it is! Not understandable, just like all the rest of it!
Prince of Egypt reference.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 09, 2018, 06:57:42 pm
My first thought was Titanic reference, but now I have no idea what you're going for. But official lore it is! Not understandable, just like all the rest of it!
Prince of Egypt (

The question I think in this case is who would be Moses and who would be Ramses.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 09, 2018, 06:58:35 pm
That was my second guess, that or Moses.
Anyone want to be Koopa Moses?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 09, 2018, 07:11:25 pm
I could be Moses I suppose...if Moses was a koopa secretely seeking the power of the elder ones.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 09, 2018, 07:23:03 pm
Can mine be the reincarnation of Normal Ramses because merging that with the traits he has already and the traits I was planning on giving him if I ever got around to writing would be interesting
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 09, 2018, 09:52:47 pm
I say Ramses should be some king of a kidnapping race. ;)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 10, 2018, 06:19:20 am
Speaking of snatchers, their job must be really interesting in this world.

"Hey, Amxu, how's the snatchin'?"
"Fantastic, Dostngosp! Just today I've kidnapped a demonically posessed heap of pig flesh"
"I only got a screeching mushroom fella nad an m16 rifle. I'm going to a dolphin village next, so wish me luck"
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 10, 2018, 06:30:11 am
Well now I'm thinking that King Ramses should be the king of whatever race invades first, and one of the koopas should be koopa Moses or something. I've got the next few updates planned out, so I'm probably going to not include any mention to this for a while, so you guys have time to work out a full plan for koopa Ramses and/or koopa Moses.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 10, 2018, 06:34:09 am
Could I be Kooped? A mason or architect or both, "Fortressier" or some such proffession name.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 10, 2018, 03:58:18 pm
I'm just going to warn you, requesting to be the architect will almost certainly lead to you being the main constructor of the meat tower and its non euclidean geometries. Because of that, butcher is probably in the job description as well.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 10, 2018, 04:00:39 pm
So basically... (

I send my +iron scourge+, I send my *steel shortsword*, thus saiiiith the Looord. (
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 10, 2018, 04:04:06 pm
Loved it, the musical number about the plagues was great! 10/10 -ign
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 10, 2018, 04:43:59 pm
That is a perfect rendition of what we were going for. So perfect in fact... that I may have just came up with an entirely new subplot... and some more bad koopa musical numbers... and for that ,EPM, you have earned the title of Koopa Ramsey, Lord of Sandshrew!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 10, 2018, 06:54:00 pm
there's gonna be a capnap man coming up to the fortress and demanding the release of all the capnaps, and my ridiculous amount of capnaps  will leave after ʧһՐⱺᵹҋΔⱤ the semi-megabeast of death kills Koopa Ramsey's firstborn son or something.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 10, 2018, 07:54:14 pm
My brain just had an awesome idea..... now lets see if I can't just write this well enough (there will most likely be less colors all at once after this, just an establishing thing)

Scourge didn't really know what was going on, he had only been half listening to the briefing he had been given, the voices in his head continuing to fight... SPACE SPACE SPACE, LET'S TO SPACE, LET'S GO TO SPACE SPACE, ATMOSPHERE Kill them, kill them all KILL THEM AND BOIL THEIR BONES AND DRINK THEIR MARROW, WEAR THEIR SKINS AS ☼KOOPA SKIN CLOTHES☼We used to BE someone, we had all the power we could ever want, and then we did grow proud and the star----- tore----- --- -- --dim--- here--- koopa You who I called brother, how could you have come to hate me so? and so on, thousands of them fighting for control, even for just a moment, their innane chattering a maelstrom of conflicting desires in his brain, but that laser, even at a glancing blow, it burned like hellfire, dark fire, now gypsy it's your turn!  molten iron on his shell, it must have been atleast 3000 degrees kelvin 14908 °Urist or was that unreasonable... he didn't really know what was possible for his kind anymore, with the voices whispering dark secrets and the ones whispering lies...
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 10, 2018, 08:26:10 pm
That... that was actually a really creative way to interpret how I made koopa Scourge, I applaud you. I was just going to have him be a little slow at making decisions and go from there, but this adds innumerable layers to him as a character. I don't quite know where you're going to take it, so for now I'm going to try to leave him as he is for a little while with only a few breaks from his normal character. After either I get an understanding of the main voices or you lay out a plan or something, I'll drop him into full blown multi-personality disorder, what remains of his mental fortitude will snap and it'll go from 0 to bat shit fucking crazy before anyone has any fucking idea what's happening.

Also, for reference, koopa shells are actually armor that they wear as clothes. The shells aren't actually a part of them like a real turtle's shell is.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: wags on January 10, 2018, 09:11:49 pm
I thought the koopas were metal abominations. Did you change them?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 11, 2018, 06:28:47 am
They're still abominations, but somewhere in my modding they accidentally were un-metaled somehow. I'm not going to try to fix it now that we already have the world, but eventually I'm going to fix it. I have also been made aware that a new version has come out, I'd like to migrate my save to it but I'm not sure what that would do to the stability of the save. I'd like to migrate because there were a few crashes that happened in some of the test forts that I'm concerned might show up in the real fort, and this update might have fixed them.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 11, 2018, 06:41:01 am
They should be compatible, bugfix patches usually are. Would just have to move over data/save and data/speech.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 11, 2018, 07:52:41 am
Being the butcher shouldnmt be that bad. As long as I can worship Wagonthulu, I'm fine.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 11, 2018, 05:18:02 pm
I look forward to this clusterf*** of mods inevitably ruining any and all attempts at something resembling a cohesive narrative. Godspeed, those of you somehow compelled to try writing stories.

And oh yeah I was cooking this up in Photoshop a few days ago but then it was mentioned that the Koopas aren't metal anymore, but oh heck might as well share:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 11, 2018, 05:28:02 pm
Hah, thats awesome - MottledPetrel, do we have an art section in the opening posts? It could be added to that, along with any future contributions.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: wags on January 11, 2018, 05:58:54 pm
I look forward to this clusterf*** of mods inevitably ruining any and all attempts at something resembling a cohesive narrative. Godspeed, those of you somehow compelled to try writing stories.

And oh yeah I was cooking this up in Photoshop a few days ago but then it was mentioned that the Koopas aren't metal anymore, but oh heck might as well share:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Now imagine how they look unmetaled. I thought they looked more like the Terminator robot thing.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on January 11, 2018, 06:33:35 pm
That's awesome, your all awesome.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 11, 2018, 07:35:42 pm
Ah, our first fan art, and what a glorious entry it is. I had always imagined the metal koopas just being like metal mario, a monochrome over a normal koopa body. I like this different interpretation, the bolts around his wrists and the screws in his nose are a nice touch. And don't worry about the unmetaling, metal mushrooms are still in the game and they have the ability to turn who ever eats them into a metal version of themselves. I always bring at least one spore, so we'll see some more metal koopas and I'll be sure to describe them as you have portrayed. I was going to try to make my own art of a few of the scenes in my story that have been particular amusing so far (the laser ceratosaurus pen), but I thought I'd better focus my effort on adding to the story. I also agree with the fact that once the fort starts going south my attempts at a cohesive narrative are probably going to either end in "fuck, fuck, fuck, there's a THIRD mega beast at the door" or "this is all you've got Armok! I spit at you! SEND ME MORE SO THAT WE MAY TEST OUR MIGHT!". I just want to write up this beginning like I am because I both really enjoy doing so and it will give us more of a thing to base how far we fall over the course of the fort. I will be adding the art to the front page under your name, any further art from anyone is greatly appreciated, I always love to see all the different art styles and how people interpret events differently!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 11, 2018, 07:57:48 pm
And don't worry about the unmetaling, metal mushrooms are still in the game and they have the ability to turn who ever eats them into a metal version of themselves. I always bring at least one spore, so we'll see some more metal koopas and I'll be sure to describe them as you have portrayed.
If my koopa could get one of those, the results would... interesting
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 11, 2018, 08:24:56 pm
If there's one feature that I wish dwarf fortress had it would be the ability to force a civilian to eat a specific food item so that I could have my military eat some metal mushrooms and super mushrooms before they go out to battle. I can't promise that koopa Scourge will ever eat a metal mushroom on his own, but I'll see what I can do about squeezing it into the story (I hope to get the next update mostly done tomorrow. I'm going to try for more smaller updates than a few large updates for the sake of progressing the plot and allowing you guys to have input).
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 11, 2018, 09:47:18 pm
I've yet to find a problem that can't be solved by locking the right person in the right room for a long enough period of time. Never hesitate to lock the door to the barracks and designate a food stockpile / dining room in there! Well, okay, hesitate if someone ate the flesh of those delicious creatures that turn the consumer into more of them. Wendigo-style Barbecue catches on quick.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 12, 2018, 01:59:51 am
And don't worry about the unmetaling, metal mushrooms are still in the game and they have the ability to turn who ever eats them into a metal version of themselves. I always bring at least one spore, so we'll see some more metal koopas and I'll be sure to describe them as you have portrayed.
If my koopa could get one of those, the results would... interesting

Technically, the metal mushrooms don't change someone into metal (this isn't possible); they add a material force multiplier that increases the damage resistance of flesh to be roughly the same as iron.  If an already metal creature ate one, it would become even tougher.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 12, 2018, 06:18:33 am
For story purposes I think I'm just going to say that it changes them to metal, but thank you for the mechanics clarification. I've tried a few times to force people to eat certain types of food this way, but I have yet to do so successfully. I'm also going to have to be super careful about making sure that no billdad meat makes it within the fortress's meat walls.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 12, 2018, 06:23:18 am
Make sure no mossrova meat gets into the fort walls either, unless you want koopas to start hallucinating and trying to kill animals or each other.

Though, as long as you don't butcher them, you should be fine - I edited them a bit so there's more of a reason to keep them around, their cheese provides temporary buffs when eaten. Milk is still hazardous though.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 12, 2018, 01:52:21 pm
I can't wait for the fort proper to start! :D who wants to bet that half the population dies by the end of the first year?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 12, 2018, 03:32:26 pm
God I wish that metallization worked. Imagine vermin getting into the food stockpile, killed off, and then being melted down into usable bars. Throwing rats into the smelters for a renewable iron supply. Or alternatively, the most literal source of Pig Iron ever. Hamzo Steel: This bacon has been folded over a thousand times.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: SQman on January 12, 2018, 04:16:03 pm
I just hope we won't get immediately torn apart by whatever first spawns in that place. No matter if it's the first summer or tenth year, we have to go out in a blaze of glory (some kind of blaze is pretty much guaranteed).

I know it's still some time before my koopa shows up, but I feel like writing stuff, and it won't hurt to establish the character early.

Spoiler: SQman gets on the list (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 12, 2018, 06:45:25 pm
Deep within a koopa forstress, four koopas wade through the knee high flora of the royal underground pasture.
The distance between the laser ceratosaurus pen and the adjacent troll pen wasn't very large, but the dense tangle of underground grasses and fungi reduced the the party to a snail's pace. As they walked a majority of the vegetation released huge clouds of spores, if even a fraction of these spores were poisonous or parasitic all four of the koopas would likely have been dead in days, just from the incredible amount of spores they were inhaling as they went. Ahead of them, small creatures flitted about just over the grass level as well as among the grass stalks. None of the koopas could even compare them to other forms of life they had ever seen before, and a few were unsettled by this fact. Instead, they decided to focus on their destination, the troll pen.

     To call it a pen would be like calling a mansion a cottage, for the trolls had put in some serious effort into approving their home. The approaching koopas could only see a stone brick building connecting to the side wall of the path where the troll pen was supposed to be. At the front of this building they could just barely make out an intricately carved door and a well maintained fungus lawn in front of it. At the points where the lawn me the edge of the building there was a collection of larger, and even more unidentifiable underground plants. For all intents and purposes, it would appear that some of the trolls had not only taken the time to create a nice yard, but that they had also traveled around the pasture collecting particularly interesting plants. Whether to find practical uses for the untapped potential of this ecosystem or to just create a nice flower garden, none of the koopas could tell.

     "Are you sure this is the place?" Mottled Petrel asks the hint block still under Derpy Dev's arm "I was expecting more of a mud pit or a tribal village with a bunch of trolls dancing around a bonfire. This seems more like an inn or a town hall or something." The hint block attempted to float out of Derpy Dev's arms and into its normal position at eye level, but Derpy Dev seemed like he was in the process of claiming it as a pet so he wrestled the hint block back under his arm. "*hghh, nghhh*. *sigh*. That is correct, this is the area designated for the permanent residence of the trolls. I have not been informed on the specifics of the lodgings of this pasture's inhabitants, but I do know that the trolls are quite intelligent and have taken quite a liking to the koopa way of life. I've seen them leaving the pastures and returning with copper coins at the end of the day. If anything, it seems to me that they are employed as workers more than treated as livestock. With these salaries they must have bought materials and constructed their own communal living space. I do know for certain that the head brute and the bookkeeper said that they would be waiting for you in there."

     At this point the group of koopas had made it to the lawn in front of the building. The other three koopas kept walking straight to the door, but Mottled Petrel took a moment to take a closer look at the plants and fungi the trolls were cultivating. He stooped over and smelled a very spindly mint green vine that was beginning to grow up the side of the building. The vine had about 10 long, purple trumpet like flowers growing off the main stalk. Most people would have made the same assumption Mottled Petrel did, that these flowers looked like they would smell nice, but Mottled Petrel was met with an acrid chemical smell with an undertone of sulfur. Thankfully, he recoiled quickly enough before he was met by what that smell belonged to. After being disturbed by Motteled Petrel's attempt at smelling it, the flowers released a fine yellow mist. Most of the mist sprayed out onto the wall, and a faint sizzling could be heard as the outer layer of stone begins to melt. 'Uhh... all right then... I guess I should try this one'.

     He turned to his left and was met with a small dark green plant with pink flowers. These flowers opened up with long petals that curved down. These petals seemed to menace with red spikes. Mottled Petrel didn't see anything inherently dangerous about this flower, so he moved over to it. When he got there he saw that on the other side of the plant there was a flower that was closed, out of the closed flower dangled an arm that might have once belonged to some kind of amphibian. Mottled Petrel pondered how this amphibian could have possibly found himself stuck inside the flower, and why the plant had closed around it, but was beckoned to the door by the rest of the group before he could come to any conclusions. Apparently the rest of the group wasn't so eager to step into the troll's living space and wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. Mottled Petrel got up and walked to the door, not noticing that the closed flower began convulsing in an almost mouth like chewing fashion after he left.

     'This... this is actually a really nice door'. The door had aesthetic curling lines around its edges, with a +engraving+ of a troll and a koopa shaking hands taking up most of the middle of the door. At the top of the door was a silver plaque, on it was engraved 'Welcome to Troll Town'. From behind the door a round of rowdy laughter can be heard. "Lets get the bookkeeper and get out before these FILTHY CRETINS interfere." Scourge said behind them. The other three turned and looked at him with a confused expression, but Scourge didn't offer an explanation, or even acknowledge that the other three were looking at him. 'Well, hopefully it's not too dirty in there' Mottled Petrel thought as he opened the door and walked inside.

     They were greeted by a large foyer, and a pair of troll children running past them. One child had a koopa mask on her head and two pairs of fake wooden arms tied around her torso. With her actual arms she was waving a wooden mini-chomp at the other troll child she was pursuing. Thankfully, a thoughtful parent had disabled the mini-chomp at the end of the stick, reducing it from a weapon to a plaything. The troll child being pursued had a toad mask over his head, and was doing a poor imitation of a scared toad shriek. Needless to say, it sounded just as horrible as the real thing. "Get back here you pansy!" the troll girl exclaimed in a mock serious voice that was full of giggles "Stop running and fight me like a real koopa!" this was met with a "WWwwWAaAAaaaHHhhHhOoOOoOoOOOO!!" from the troll boy. The chase led them to the back of the building, where they kept going and turned a corner. This drew attention to the fact that at the far end of the building a much larger room had been carved into the stone with many doors and hallways leading to who knows where.

     The large room and the foyer leading to it had a dark wood flooring and a dim lighting supplied by wall torches and a large tin chandelier in the center of the big room's ceiling. The foyer contained a sitting area with a number of wooden chairs and low tables arranged to face a fire place and hearth to the right side of the room. In one of those chairs sat another troll, seemingly absorbed by the book he was reading. At the other side of the room were a few diorite statues of trolls in various situations. All of the koopas were impressed by how nice the foyer was, even more so by the fact that it was a place where trolls live. Well, all of them except Scourge, who looked like he had no idea what was going on and was absently staring at a troll woman who was sweeping up a pile of hair with a broom.

     As if to cut their admiring short another round of laughter could be heard from the big room out of view from where the group was. Now that the sound was no longer obscured by the thick stone door, a more observant koopa could determine that it was a mix of troll and koopa laughter. None of the koopas present could be classified as such. Except maybe ZM5, but he was busily scribbling away in a note book he had pulled out of his shell at some point. Mottled Petrel leaned over to take a look, but only say a rendition of the vine he had just saw outside drawn within a mess of writing and smaller drawings. ZM5 noticed that someone had realized that he had a note book with him, and slammed it shut before quickly putting it back in his shell. He glared at Mottled Petrel for a second before saying "Well, we don't want to keep our hosts waiting, now do we?". With that he began walking towards the big room where the laughter could be heard, the other three koopas followed soon after they had shaken off the effects of how menacingly ZM5 had managed to make that polite comment.

     Once in the big room, it could be seen that one of the corners had been made into almost a bar area with a large round table used for all manner of card games. At the bar a few trolls were sitting on high stools having a quiet conversation with a troll behind the bar who had a nice vest on, in his hand he was drying a mug with a napkin. Presumably, this was the bartender. At the round table there was an intense game of cards in progress. It was being played by the head brute, two other koopas, and five trolls. All of the trolls had some manner of fine clothes on, but because they were covered in fur this did not equate to full garb. For whatever reason, none of them had pants on, but they had their upper bodies and heads covered with fine shirts, vests, and hats. "*psst*, that one's the bookkeeper, if you were wondering." whispered Derpy Dev, pointing at the small, wiry koopa sitting next to the head brute. He had a terrible poker face, and was visibly panicking after presumably receiving a bad hand.

     The cards they were playing with were traditional koopa cards, numbering from two to ten, and then going up to jack, queen, king and ace. Along with these numbers were pictures of tamed animals the koopas had taken a particular liking to. The numbers generally corresponded with the increasing natural strength or prowess of the animal on them. The only exception to this was that the ace had a picture of a lawnmower, which was the animal that the koopas liked the best. The game they were playing with these cards was similar to some dialect of poker, except that instead of playing with chips it seemed that they were playing with an assortment of bags of seeds, tools, barrels of alcohol, and even a stepladder. 'Are those bastards gambling with out supplies?' wondered Mottled Petrel, more curious than mad. Most of the supplies were gathered around the third and unknown koopa. His unchanging and uncaring neutral expression gave a strong 'dead inside' vibe, but a more adept face reader could see that behind this facade was a koopa who was loving every second of this game, and life in general. This was either his natural expression, or he had the best poker face ever to grace the Ageless Planets.

     He also moved his cards in his hands and glanced at the faces of the other players with an air of grace, pointing towards him being an incredibly skilled card player as well. The other players around the table weren't nearly as good at keeping a neutral expression and they floundered their cards between their hands and the tables with little skill. By all standards, it was a very one sided game. One of the trolls was already out of the game and was walking around the table checking on the other players. The other players only had a few bags of seeds, a copper drill, and a couple barrels of alcohol between them. Finally, one of the trolls had had enough "FUCK IT, I'M ALL IN" he roared, slamming his stepladder and his few remaining bags of seeds onto the center of the table as well as throwing his cards in. Without even the slightest change in expression, the unknown koopa placed his cards down to reveal he had a slightly better hand.

     The troll who lost banged his fist onto the table "DAMMIT! I can't believe anyone could be this good at cards! He's hiding aces in his shell, I swear!" the head brute, who looked like he had been taking drinks from one of the barrels he was using in the game, had apparently been the one causing the laughter from earlier. "An ace? This guy's got a whole 'nother card dealer up his sleeve dealing him in!" said the head brute, with a slight slur. "BWAHAAHAAHHAAA-" the entire table roared in laughter, except the third koopa, who didn't so much as blink as he slowly reached to scoop the winnings of his last hand over to his growing hoard. Even Derpy Dev could be heard laughing behind Mottled Petrel, he looked like he was about to tell his own joke, but Mottled Petrel stopped him with a 'don't blow this for us' look. In the throws of his laughter, the head brute noticed that the expedition he was supposed to be helping had shown up, he waved them over. "Heeeeeey guys! Come on, I'll deal you in. Watch out though, Gwolfski over there is one hell of a card shark. I'm starting to worry he might just be a shark with a shell!" more laughter, the troll next to the head brute forcefully pats him on the back of the shell in a 'you're fucking hysterical, man' gesture. This knocks the head brute out of his chair, still laughing.

     The most formally dressed troll gets up from the table after the laughter dies down "As much as I'd like to play another round with the addition of these four, er" he looks down at the hint block, and wonders for a second if he could find a way to to get him to play "these four and a half, I know you've got some business to attend to, as do I. As for you guys, Welcome to Troll Town! Our own little province inside the koopa mountain home. With all of the money earned from hauling and doing miscellaneous jobs around the fort we were able to buy more land behind our old pasture and some drills to mine out the halls you stand in now. Us trolls aren't as skilled and fast learning as you koopas, so we aren't suited for skilled labor. But, after some excessively long practice, we've been able to train a few crafttrolls in some of the more useful crafts. And with them, we've been able to properly furnish our province and create a proper town for ourselves. And I! I am its proud mayor! But alas, like the rest of the koopa state we suffer the problem of unemployment. A few of our own just refuse to work, so, we're shipping them out with you. Hopefully they'll at least help haul around heavy objects like our fore fathers did right after we were dragged out of the caverns below and out of ignorance along with it, but I hope that one day they can come to their senses and possibly form something wonderful like we have here. Bartender! Could you bring them in?".

     The bartender nodded and casually walked out to grab the desired trolls. Around that same time the bookkeeper noticed that Derpy Dev had the hint block under his arm "Why have you removed that hint block from its post?". Mottled Petrel turned to answer "Oh, we're taking him with us. He wanted to come, so I guess we're going to use him as a welcoming man, or to help people directions for navigating the fort or something.". The bookkeeper grumbled as he put on his glasses and took out a scroll with a quill and ink "*grumbles* This is against regulation, but I'll allow it. It shouldn't take too long to train another hint block to direct people throughout the pasture and log transactions within it. I'll get that zealot 'KoopaUnknown' to do it. Nothing scares the animal workers more that muscular koopa yelling at them in whatever fucking language his kidnappers taught him. *grumbles*". 'Uhh, I guess I'll take that as a yes' thought Mottled Petrel, looking back at the head brute who was attempting to take a drink from one of the barrels while still on the floor.

     A few moments of quiet, only broken by the sounds of the scribe scribbling on his scroll, and ZM5 scribbling in his note book again. Luckily, the bartender troll returned with 5 troll men and 3 troll women before Derpy Dev took the opportunity to try to tell jokes. "Here they are, 8 able bodied workers who refuse to work." said the mayor troll, gesturing with mild disappointment to the trolls who had been sentenced to travel to Modded Hell "I hope the threat of starving to death instills a better work ethic into them. Good luck! And be sure to say hi to the outpost liaison if you see him, I owe him a game of cards.". He turned to walk away, but stopped and turned around as he remembered something "Oh yeah, Gwolfski is going with you. He's an amazing card player and can do some incredible card tricks. I was going to hire him as an entertainer, but he's just too serious to be one. Our people value rambunctiousness in our taverns, but he's just a stick in the mud, all the time, 24/7. He's been loitering here in the tavern for far too long without so much as a thought of at least helping around the province. So, I asked the head brute on one of his previous visits, and he's being sent to Modded Hell as well. Good luck Gwolfski, I'm going to miss you. The card table is going to be awfully balanced without you here.".

     With that, the mayor troll banged his fist against his chest twice in a show of respect, then he continued on his way. Gwolfski's expression hadn't changed in the slightest, it appeared that he hadn't blinked once during the duration of the game. But it wasn't a vacant stare like Scourge had, it was a deep analytical stare of someone who was constantly taking in every detail of the situation while still guarding all emotion. He slowly stood up, "Very well, I will assist you on your expedition as I am able". 'Well, I guess I gotta make sure to make a card table some time for this guy' Mottled Petrel thought, and then looked at the large pile of supplies that were presumably theirs."Uh, do you think you guys could carry all of our supplies up to the wagon while the rest of us pick out our animals?" he said to the trolls, who were waiting against the wall. They all looked at each other, and then one of them shrugged and said "Sure, we'll get to it". They reluctantly walk over and start to slowly pick the supplies up off the table, ground, and the head brute. The bookkeeper got up after finishing the ledger he had been working on "Gentle koopas, I will accompany you for the rest of your time in the royal pastures. You be able to take all of these supplies here with you as well as extra animals. You can turn in some of these supplies in exchange for more animals. I will keep this list of your decisions so we can send the trolls down later to drag your desired animals up to your wagon when it is time for your departure. Shall we continue on our way?".

SQman, your introduction captured exactly how i would imagine the boiler room in this koopa fort would look. I applaud your good work.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 12, 2018, 07:04:33 pm
As scourge continued with the group, he contemplated the brief escape of the angry voice as best he could with the other voices swirling around his mind I'm doing science and I'm still alive MURDER THE FILTHY TROLLS AND EAT THEIR HEARTS!!!!!!!!! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Microwaves can interfere with Wi-Fi signals.  Seriously, what even is a microwave!?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 13, 2018, 05:27:57 am
I'm now thinking of a turtle-shaped tavern where the koopas and trolls would be playing cards.

Maybe once the fort itself gets enough migrants that could be some kind of project? A large turtle-shaped tavern, so we can see what kinds of freaks from all around the world come to visit.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 13, 2018, 05:38:56 am
I'm now thinking of a turtle-shaped tavern where the koopas and trolls would be playing cards.

Maybe once the fort itself gets enough migrants that could be some kind of project? A large turtle-shaped tavern, so we can see what kinds of freaks from all around the world come to visit.
Speaking of which, in light of the latest version's breakout bug, 'twould be best to stick to 44.03. We neither want nor need 200 semi-citizens within the first year.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 13, 2018, 06:03:51 am
Huh, thats annoying - thought this was a one-off weirdness in my own fortress.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 13, 2018, 06:09:04 am
Huh, thats annoying - thought this was a one-off weirdness in my own fortress.
It seems to be a misbegotten fix to the bug where mercenaries returning from raids would apply for sanctuary. First it was the dogs doing it, then the rooms weren't being reassigned, then the mercenaries broke, and now this. And there are almost certainly others I've forgotten about. Suffice it so say that the raiding system is proving an abundant source of borkery.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 13, 2018, 10:46:44 am
Turtle shaped tavern would be great, I'll make sure to try to do that instead of my usual square tavern. And thank you for alerting me to the problems of the new version, I hadn't made any progress in moving the raws to it so I guess I'll just leave them in 44.03. Is 44.03 stable enough to run a long fort? Either way, I'm going to make a copy of the save just in case something goes wrong and we have to emergency switch versions or something.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 13, 2018, 11:06:56 am
I mean mega-beasts don't really work....
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 13, 2018, 11:23:06 am
Yeah, thats the main dilemma.

Do we want megabeasts/forgotten beasts to path properly, or do we risk having migrants that dont work?
Admittedly, for the latter case we could always write it off as "unruly koopas that were forcibly sent to Modded Hell and refuse to work for one reason or another". Not sure how the former would make sense story-wisethough.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 13, 2018, 11:31:47 am
I vote for updating
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 13, 2018, 12:15:39 pm
I set up a poll for it, personally I'd rather have mega beasts. There's also the possibility that by the time we're ready to start there will be a new update that fixes everything, but until then we should probably decide which version we want. And for clarification, is it just a small percentage of migrants that won't work, or a large percentage?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 13, 2018, 03:01:06 pm
Overpopulation issues have a pretty easy fix, you know...  :P

Any screencaps of this wonderful budding mess as updates start to chug?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 13, 2018, 03:07:20 pm
I'll definitely be taking screen shots while I'm playing, both to help show the events and to help people weed out what I'm making up for the story and what's actually happening.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 13, 2018, 04:40:03 pm
Ach! I'd forgotten about the pathing bug. We're caught between Scylla and Charybdis, it would seem.

EDIT: I suppose the obvious solution is to make a drowning room or an atom-smasher and designate it as a tavern.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 13, 2018, 05:13:39 pm
I suppose the obvious solution is to make a drowning room or an atom-smasher and designate it as a tavern.

Quote list.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 13, 2018, 05:47:46 pm
Zm5's journal in ms paint (the journal is obviously koopa skin)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 13, 2018, 06:15:42 pm
Zm5's journal in ms paint (the journal is obviously koopa skin)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
IA! IA! CTHULHU FHT-oh wait, wrong "journal".
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 13, 2018, 06:19:27 pm
Ha, the Shell Catina, I like it. I'll add it to the art section, as well as the quote. Even though the poll has only been up for less than a day it seems that the people want the game to be updated, so I need you all to start planning visitor death traps.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 13, 2018, 07:28:36 pm
I know you were being rhetorical but...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 13, 2018, 07:59:32 pm
Did you use my xenomorphs? They seem like good pit monsters to me.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 13, 2018, 08:04:38 pm
I was not being rhetorical when I said I wanted you guys to make some visitor trap plans, I'd like to dispose of the visitor menace in the most creative and brutal way.

I thought you made xenomorphs into a civ, but if we manage to get our hands on any I will definitely use them as pit monsters.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 13, 2018, 08:08:43 pm
Xenomorphs aren't a civ, just permanently murderous animals.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 14, 2018, 02:36:08 am
If we go back to the OG SMB manual, I recall backstory being given about Bowser imprisoning all the Toads into bricks, and that's why Mario gets coins (gratitute) out of them when they break, which frees the Toads. So clearly some kind of conversion of migrants into building materials is ideal. We have the technology. We can rebuild them. Fastened to the floor. Stronger. Better for making some kind of stupid art project.

Bones being what they are, it's best to severely and thoroughly mangle those involved. Plastering the vicinity in migrant-salsa is the goal then. Since they can't be assigned labors or simply drafted, if I interpret the reports correctly, burrows and stationing won't work either.

I would love to make a deathtrap properly, but being unable to shepherd them like unwanted dwarves usually could be is a wrench in the gears. I actually drew up schematics for a lever and pressure plate hallway fork, relying on pathfinding exploitation plus an attached drawbridge, to fling the migrants up into the air in order to go splat. Another idea was simply a giant thresher made of impulse ramps in a circle with a door on either side, and use of burrowing could send all unwanted slobs into the lead-minecart-carrying-boulders meatgrinder.

I think the thresher idea will work if you designate a tavern on the other end of it and keep all the actual productive members of society locked inside in a burrow, so all outsiders would march into the minecart murder donut on their way towards The Baited Idiot's Bar & Gulag. I'll happily design deathtraps, but I need to know how these wonky broken migrants work.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 14, 2018, 04:53:27 am
Just build everything out of food and lock us underground. We'll die fat and happy.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 14, 2018, 05:43:17 pm
Good news, 05's out so we don't have to make the dilemma anymore.

Also means no senseless bloodshed - instead we can spill blood purposefully, for the glory of the elder ones.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 14, 2018, 05:49:23 pm
Well that solves one problem, but that doesn't mean we still can't have an emergency 'blender' switch for the tavern. Are there any other problems with the current version that we should be aware of?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 14, 2018, 05:56:19 pm
Well that solves one problem, but that doesn't mean we still can't have an emergency 'blender' switch for the tavern. Are there any other problems with the current version that we should be aware of?
Nothing in particular comes to mind. There are some outstanding issues with the raiding system, but those won't be an issue so long as you don't send everyone abroad.

EDIT: Come to think of it, it might be worse than that. Having soldiers captured by the enemy will prevent the fortress from falling, even when there's no one left on-site. But that's not too big an impediment. You can always select "Abandon Fortress" if that happens.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 14, 2018, 05:57:26 pm
I don't think so, seems like most of the irritating 44 bugs have been fixed - could be wrong though.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 14, 2018, 07:04:27 pm
Just build rollers pointing at the tavern and attached to a lever. "In case of insufficient work ethic, pull."

Urist cancels...wait, Urist cancels make Urist cancels joke: Koopa nomenclature uncertain.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 14, 2018, 08:03:42 pm
Koopa names are a lot different than dwarven names, the most common names I see are 'Nopooki' and 'Poonoki" or some variance of them.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 14, 2018, 09:05:57 pm
Poonoki cancels joke: interrupted by swear filter.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 15, 2018, 04:58:27 am
Poonoki cancels joke: interrupted by swear filter.
I can't tell you how many times I had to alter language files for some of my modded races, because it so happened that a generated word for something in their language was "Ass", "Dick" or "Anal" - either only those or as part of another word which would look awkward on last names and such.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 15, 2018, 10:52:35 am
I haven't seen anything inherently bad in the koopa names, so I don't think it's that big of a deal. Also, I started the next update and I thought I might as well share the over abundance of seeds we have:
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 15, 2018, 11:05:45 am
you forgot the seed of Marxism in there.
 are you  buying for CAPATILISM?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 15, 2018, 11:17:29 am
That... that would have actually been a really good idea to make into a mod. But at this point I think the koopas have a more reserved form of communism, not really in your face 'DEATH TO ALL CAPITALISTS' kill anything that can't be converted to communism communists.

That being said, the koopa nationalism will probably more than level out the lack of killing everything that moves, because you can always use more meat for the meat fortress.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 15, 2018, 11:40:00 am
Koopas running around surrounded by eldritch horrors and eating LSD ridden mushrooms, all the while yelling DEATH TO CAPITALISM!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: speciesunkn0wn on January 15, 2018, 02:38:05 pm
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 15, 2018, 03:39:16 pm
What about the worldgen seed? yuk yuk
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 15, 2018, 03:40:50 pm
I suggest that all entrances will have taverns, to buy time if sieges get in.
These taverns should have a bridge floor, a 5 z-level drop onto cage traps, and then you can sacrifice the caged visitors to lava, and if a citizen accidently is in the tavern, you can just let them out of the cage.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 15, 2018, 04:03:52 pm
A bit of a shorter one today, but I wanted to get out a second update this weekend to help move the story along. For story purposes I moved the perspective over to the bookkeeper, for those who are like me and can never pick out these things while reading.

Deep within a Koopa fortress 6 koopas stand around a pile of supplies. One koopa is almost passed out next to this pile, one koopa is poking this him with the handle of an axe from the pile.
     The group of five koopas who would soon be sent out to Modded Hell were standing around their pile of supplies, debating what should be kept and what should be left behind. This issue didn't concern the bookkeeper, so he was entertaining himself by attempting to wake up the head brute. "Come on you drunken idiot, I need you to help me handle these peasants." the bookkeeper gave him another hard poke on the shell with the axe handle in his hand. The head brute made no effort to get up, he only rolled over and drunkenly mumbled "Quit harrassing me mom, I just want to sleep for five more minutes. I don't care if we miss the public execution, I'm tired.". It was a fruitless endeavor, but the bookkeeper had little else to do so he continued. While he did so, he looked around the room to see if anyone had come to a decision. The 8 trolls that had been asked a few minutes ago to move the supplies up to the wagon had retreated to the bar while they waited. Luckily, the debate between the other five koopas was very one sided, with Gwolfski making most of the decisions.

     "To maximize the use of our embark points we should leave the wheelbarrow and stepladder here, as they are incredibly expensive and will only cost us one log to make ourselves. Most of these extra bags should also be left, because all of these seeds come in their own bags. If we ever need more bags we can always just empty the seeds into a barrel. We should leave all but one of each of the power up seeds, because they are also very expensive and will help us little in founding the fort. If we ever need more we can always buy them from a caravan later in the fort's life when we need them. This should give us approximately 800 extra embark points that we can use for extra supplies and animals. Any suggestions for what we might want to bring?" Gwolfski looks at the rest of the group, still with his guarded expression. This caused the other four to look at each other, hoping that someone had an idea of what might be useful to bring.

     Mottled Petrel takes a glance back at the trolls "Uhh, how about some more meat. I'm pretty sure that trolls are strictly carnivores, so it'd be good to have some more food for them. Plus, we're going to need some meat to start building fortifications with. Other than that... I think we should just bring animals." Gwolfski made sure that no one else had any suggestions. Nothing else was put forward "Very well" he turned to the bookkeeper who was still poking the head brute "We would like to request triple the amount of meat we have here currently, and that this pile is left behind so we can use our embark points for animals." he gestured to the pile they had made with the stepladder and the other supplies they wished to leave behind. The bookkeeper turned to see what they wanted to leave behind and sighed. He sighed because he realized that there was now someone in the expedition who wasn't an idiot, meaning that he'd have a much harder time trying to get them to bring useless crap and waste their embark points. But he wasn't a broker, so how much the state actually lost on this expedition wasn't his concern. It was only his job to document it, and document it he would. He took out his ledgers and began scribbling the changes to the embark supplies, also making a note to inform the king that the state should be wary of how much embark points they give expeditions, because all it took was one koopa to realize that they were being ripped off...

     He'd deal with it later, the trolls were already beginning to pick up the supplies and he only had two hours to dump all of the useless extra animals he could on these fools before he was needed in the boiler rooms to count how much coal the mountain home had left. "I have noted the changes you've made to your supplies. These changes aren't final, but for the sake of efficiency I don't want to send a runner up to the wagon every time you decide to forgo a seed or two, so please try to make as little changes as possible. In addition, you don't have a terribly long time to pick out your animals, so let's get to it.". So as to not give them time to actually make a plan, the bookkeeper started making his way out of the troll pen. Gwolfski looked like he was about to lay out another plan, but was cut short by the rest of the koopas walking towards the exit.

     Mottled Petrel ran up to the bookkeeper right as he got to the door "Hey, uh, do you have a list of the available animals or something? You're the bookkeeper and all, it would help us if-" "I didn't have time to grab my records before I came here, and without them I haven't the faintest clue what's down here. We're going off of a 'you see it, you like it, you get it' basis. I do know that there are plenty of things down here that the state has been trying to get rid of for years, so chances are no one will mind if you take them for next to nothing." Mottled Petrel looked a little disappointed that there was no available list, but also glad that this was being done pretty informally. The bookkeeper opened the door with another sigh, and was startled to find that there was something resembling a large, feather covered scorpion resting on the outside of the door. Whatever it was, it quickly clambered up the door and disappeared over the top of the building. The bookkeeper shivered, but continued on his way. Mottled Petrel looked to his right to see Urlance Woolsbane hoist a now bandage covered Stingpie over his shoulder. Farther right still was the mini bunker that was the laser ceratosaurus pen. Even from at the door of the next pen over, the bookkeeper could hear the lasers and cries of rage as the monsters inside tried to break their way out.

     "Do you think we could a few of them?" Mottled Petrel asked, pointing his thumb across the moat "How much are they going for?" "Pphhff, we've been trying to get rid of them for as long as we've had them. I'd personally pay you to take some, but since I can't, and don't actually want to, they'll be just one embark point each. We'll wait for them to calm down and hopefully get a muzzle on them. After that, they'll be your problem." Mottled Petrel didn't seem to understand the gravity of the mistake he was making "We'll take two breeding pairs". The bookkeeper couldn't help but snicker at the realization that he'd be able to easily dump all kinds of unwanted animals onto these guys with Mottled Petrel in charge. He marked them down for the four most dangerous and unruly laser ceratosaurs the mountainhome had. "All right, four of our more well behaved laser ceratosauruses. Let's continue down the hall and see if there's anything else you like.". The other four koopas finally caught up with the bookkeeper on the fungus lawn, Mottled Petrel didn't mention his request for laser ceratosauruses, which would probably come back to haunt him.

     Gwolfski looked like he was going to try to tell the group his plan again, but was interrupted by a growing ruckus further down the hall. It seemed that a medikoopa was busily trying to console a fungus tree while a gaurd stood watch next to him. From the top of the tree came a mix of loud grumblings and broken koopish. 'Oh gods, is that another crazy we have to ship out.' thought the bookkeeper "HEY! What the hell are you two doing over there? We don't need anymore tree loving hippies in this fort!". The guard looked over and yelled back "Come over here and I'll tell you about it, I'm not going to yell it all!". 'You're fucking lucky I'm on my way over there anyways, or I'd send you both to the jail cells under the pretense of tree loving' thought the bookkeeper, pushing his way into the knee high grass.

     As he got closer he could start making out what the medikoopa was saying to the tree "...up there for days. You can't keep living like this Enemy Post, I know you aren't a savage so why can't you come with us and start doing something with your life?" the medikoopa said up to the tree, where a koopa and a dinosaur of some kind could be seen. The koopa in the tree was very dirty with a wild head of hair. Over his shell was what appeared to be a dinosaur skin of some kind that had been shoddily turned into a toga. The dinosaur behind him was a theropod that was about 5 feet long with short but usable arms, it had a long tail and looked like it was VERY uncomfortable with being up in a tree. The koopa in the tree, Enemy Post was apparently his name, growled back "NEVER! No way but hunter way! No way but dinosaur way! Never come down, never stop hunting." He spat some lighting down at the medikoopa, not with enough strength to do any damage, but strong enough to splatter all over the medikoopa's face. The medikoopa slowly wiped the splatter off of his face, to reveal the expression of someone who has lost all of their patience.

     "I can't keep doing this Lord_lemonpie, I'm a physician not a therapist. This guy's really grinding my gears and I've had enough of him!" the guard, Lord_lemonpie, looked up into the tree to see Enemy post beating his chest while growling profanities "I don't blame you Moony, but you're the closest thing we've got to a therapist.". The bookkeeper and the 5 expedition koopas were now close enough to have a reasonable conversation, Lord_lemonpie noticed this and answered the bookkeeper's questions before he even asked them "This guy's been down here causing problems for a while now. He just walks around killing off our livestock at random and then eating them with his ornitholestes up there. He hasn't even learned any skills from it, the animals are too docile when he shoddily strangles them to death to consider it hunting, he just puts the entire animal on a spit so he isn't learning butchery, and he eats the animals whole so he isn't learning cooking. If he had actually learned something we'd have him employed and rehabilitated, but he's useless and dangerous so we're sending him off to some fort that's about to be founded called Modded Hell." he told the bookkeeper, twirling around his steel mini-chomp in boredom.

     Moony kept talking to Lord_lemonpie "Give me that flask, I need something strong." Moony reached into Lord_lemonpie's backpack to pull out a zinc flask, he then took a large swig. "A bit too tangy for me, but it's okay. What is it?" he asked, capping the flask and putting it back in Lord_lemonpie's bag "Uh, I don't know, I just grabbed the first thin I saw. I remember it was in a yellow barrel in the corner of the stockpile." Moony thought about this for a moment "Hey, aren't the yellow barrels used to store-" Suddenly, a deep rumble can be heard inside Moony, followed music that seemed to resonate from his bones. The bookkeeper recognized it as the super mushroom song, but it was incredibly off key and distorted. Fear tore across Moony's face as he recognized it too "I thought that brewing a power up removed its abilities? Why the fuck do you even have this on you?" Lord_lemonpie looked mildly concerned "I thought that too, but I did notice some floating particles in the barrel, must have been brewed by a novice. But it looks like you'll be fi-" Moony's right upper arm suddenly grows 10 times larger than its previous size, with a lot of audible cracking of bones. Moony screams, and then his legs grow as well, more cracking can be heard. Finally, the rest of his body catches up, but some parts of his body look bigger than others. His scream of pain is quickly replaced by a scream of rage as he realizes his new power. He looks over at Enemy Post with a crazed grin, Enemy Post looks like he's about to shit his pants as he foresees the terrible beating he's about to get.

     Moony grabs the mushroom tree with his two upper hands, and tears it straight out of the ground without so much as blinking. Enemy Post and his dinosaur fly out of the tree and land painfully near the bookkeeper. They look uninjured, but their moans of pain tell the bookkeeper that they're going to have to be dragged out. 'Good, I don't want any trouble from this guy. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the big one though'. Moony snaps the tree between his hands like it was a toothpick and throws the two split ends at Enemy Post. Thankfully, the pieces don't hit anyone, except for a random farm hand that happened to be walking by. It doesn't look like the impact killed him, but he could easily be horribly maimed under the wreck of the tree. Moony lets loose another cry of rage, and then storms off down the hall, tearing up trees as he goes. Somewhere farther down the hall way one of the trees flying though the air hits and destroys a creature pen, about 40 pidgeys fly out and into the hallway. Before Moony could make it into the fort proper and do some serious damage the song ends, and he shrinks down to his normal size, accompanied by a sound that could only be compared to throwing a box full of skeletons down a flight of stairs.

     Needless to say, Moony slumped onto the ground and stayed there. Lord_lemonpie reached into his backpack and then dumps his flask out onto the ground, anyone who was actually paying attention would have noticed that the grass below him grew an extra two inches when he did it. "Could you go check on him?" the bookkeeper asked Lord_lemonpie "and after you have a doctor look at him could you take him to the jail? When you get there there should be a left and right wing, take him to the left one" screams can be heard farther down the hall as the not quite tame pidgeys find some random farm hands that happened to be having a really unlucky day. "All right, but what's so special about the left wing?" Lord_lemonpie asked, not entirely interested, but curious nonetheless. The bookkeeper grinned as he thought about it and looked down at the ledger in his hand "Oh, nothing specific. I just thought he might like the left wing better." on his ledger he wrote 'Moony: physician. Sentenced to 30 days imprisonment, followed by lifetime in Modded Hell'. "Are you sure? If we're punishing him wouldn't we want to send him to a wing he wouldn't like-" "Just do it" snapped the bookkeeper. Lord_lemonpie did a half hearted salute, "Can do" he said as he walked to go throw his friend in jail.

     'We're going to be here for years at this rate' the bookkeeper thought "Let's keep going, please, try to stop talking to people along the way so we can get this over with. I'll get someone to clean this mess up later". He started walking again, ZM5 takes the opportunity to pick up Enemy Post and sling him over his shoulder "what do we want to do with the dinosaur?". Mottled Petrel turned to answer after some thought "We'll take it with us, we'll also pick up a mate for it on the way and we'll be having -Ornitholestes roasts- in no time.". ZM5 shrugged and hoisted the dinosaur on top of Enemy Post. The group was off again.
Rereading this one I felt that it came out a little weird, I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 15, 2018, 04:34:54 pm
that was pretty good! I was really expecting a pen to break open and all the napcaps stored inside would just run towards the closest koopa and assume it's their mother, though.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 15, 2018, 05:06:50 pm
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 15, 2018, 05:19:11 pm
I was really expecting a pen to break open and all the napcaps stored inside would just run towards the closest koopa and assume it's their mother, though.

SHHHH, stop revealing the future plot I've got some plans for the capnaps, but I was going to make it more of a religious thing than a motherly thing. I think I'm going to go with more of a motherly thing now though.

Glad to see you like your character so far.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 15, 2018, 06:23:23 pm
Urlance Wolfbane
Seeing as my username is (an admittedly odd) Don Quixote joke, I find this misrendering of it rather amusing. I suppose if I can skewer legions of furry varmints with my lance, it stands to reason that their primary predator is mere competition to me.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 15, 2018, 07:59:43 pm

At least i'm mostly sane. :D
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 15, 2018, 08:06:25 pm
Sorry about the misspelling, I've fixed it. Admittedly I had a moment where I was like "I'm not entirely sure I remembered his name correctly, I should check... nah, I'm sure it's fine".

I thought about having your character's name actually be 'MoonyTheHuman', but then I'd have to come up with an explanation for why a koopa was being refereed to as being a human. I was just going for overly angry, but I'm sure insanity could easily fit into there too.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 15, 2018, 08:15:44 pm
Sorry about the misspelling, I've fixed it. Admittedly I had a moment where I was like "I'm not entirely sure I remembered his name correctly, I should check... nah, I'm sure it's fine".
No need to apologize; I was simply amused.

I thought about having your character's name actually be 'MoonyTheHuman', but then I'd have to come up with an explanation for why a koopa was being refereed to as being a human. I was just going for overly angry, but I'm sure insanity could easily fit into there too.
I imagine it's a bit like a Russian nicknamed "Ivan the Bear." Perhaps he's rather clumsy, so he puts his fellow Koopas in mind of something with a mere two arms.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 16, 2018, 02:26:39 pm
Insanity can always easily fit into any given fortress.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 16, 2018, 02:30:06 pm
Alternatively, its like a weaboo. He loves human culture so much he starts dressing up like a human, talking like a human, enjoying human cuisine, and has a masterwork quality body pillow of his favourite human novel character.

Out of all the things in this thread, the thought that there could be a different species that idolizes human cultures to this point is by far the weirdest thing to me.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 16, 2018, 02:34:16 pm
Alternatively, its like a weaboo. He loves human culture so much he starts dressing up like a human, talking like a human, enjoying human cuisine, and has a masterwork quality body pillow of his favourite human novel character.
I daresay this interpretation wins (six) hands down.

"Moony the Human cancels Construct Building: Distracted by Urist McSenpai."
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Enemy post on January 16, 2018, 02:48:58 pm
If we're using the LOLmod, manga likely exists in the world.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 16, 2018, 03:14:45 pm
Kill the weeaboos! Declare a crusade!
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 16, 2018, 03:56:26 pm
I was going to try to leave weeaboos out of this story, but the thread has spoken, the next human of the opposite gender to Moony (until he/she actually shows up at the fort there's no way I can tell what gender it'll be) that shows up will become human senpai. I'll leave the rest of it open to further discussion, we've already got one vote to declare anime the 8th deadly sin.

(Or if Moony doesn't want it or people have a problem with it I won't add it)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 17, 2018, 02:45:28 pm
I got snowed in today, so I thought I might as well bust out another small update.
Deep within a koopa fortress, six koopas stand before a small animal pen enclosed in copper wire mesh. A seventh koopa and a dinosaur are being carried over the shoulder of one of the koopas. They stare into the cage, all with faces displaying a varying degree of confusion.
     'How the hell did we even catch these guys in the first place?' thought the bookkeeper as he looked into the cage. Inside the cage were what appeared to be living masses of water vapor, each with a joyful smile somehow on their 'faces'. Some of the creatures darted back and forth excitedly, while others fazed into and out of existence. Next to the entrance to the pen was a sign that simply said 'Cloud Drops. Further research required. Leave door closed at all times'. Mottled Petrel looked like he was the most perplexed of the group "Uh, do they do anything of value?". The bookkeeper had no idea what he was looking at either, and simply leafed through his notes to see if he could come up with anything. He couldn't, "I couldn't tell you.... Do you want some anyways?" the bookkeeper asked hopefully. "I'm not sure if we could even bring them up to the wagon, much less keep them at the fort." Mottled Petrel said, still trying to wrap his head around just what the hell was in front of him. A cloud drop moved towards the edge of the cage, but instead of passing right through the gaps in the wire like a normal gas would it stopped right at the edge. ZM5 used one of his unoccupied arms to reach up and poke the cloud drop through the mesh with his finger. His finger almost seemed to push into an invisible membrane of some kind, which flexed outward against the intruding finger pushing the cloud drop backwards. "What the hellllll..." ZM5 whispered to himself, taking out his notebook to quickly jot something down.

     "I don't blame you, no scholar to date has been able to make sense of them." the bookkeeper then motioned to a similarly small pen next to the cloud drops, this one was only surrounded by a small knee high stone fence "How about something more practical, no koopa fortress is complete without some proper defenses!" The koopas walked over to the small pen, and as they did so a few piranha plants rose up over the lip of the fence. In doing so, they caused a few nipper spores to float up into the air on the updraft they created. Even without eyes, the piranha plants recognized the bookkeeper and started moving back and forth eagerly like a puppy whose master has just come home.

     "Piranha plants make excellent sentries that can be placed at important entrances that need constant supervision. They can fend off any small intruder on their own, and they're robust enough to potentially fend off a larger one until actual fighters can get there. Also, they can get to know you if you see them enough." The bookkeeper explained as he opened the gate and walked into the pen. Upon doing so the three mature piranha plants leaned in to nuzzle him. The rest of the koopas stayed outside the pen, seeing that there were a number of nipper plants hopping around the bookkeeper's feet and a few piranha buds lightly clubbing his lower legs as he stood there. Mottled Petrel seemed like he agreed that this seemed like a good idea "Sounds good, but what are the rest of the things in this pen?"

     The bookkeeper was delighted to explain "Piranha plants reproduce once in their life, I'll explain how that happens later, but just know that it takes most of their life for the spores to mature to the point of being able to live on their own. When they reach this point the mature piranha plant ejects them and they float around along the ground for a while. These spores are alive and sentient, but have less cognitive ability than a stump. Within about a few months the spores settle onto the ground and transform into a nipper plant, which are these little white guys hopping around at my feet." the bookkeeper reached down and picked up one of the nipper plants that was in front of him. The nipper plant bit and latched onto his thumb, but it looked like it had as much force as pinching someone with tiny tweezers made out of wet paper.

     "These guys jump around and nip things at random for a while. As they do so they exchange pollen with any other nipper plant they might come across, fertilizing the spores that will eventually be ejected by the mature plant. After they feel that they've picked a good spot they send out some more permanent roots and grow a more serious mouth to become a piranha bud. In addition to those changes, the piranha buds also develop the aggression that is characteristic of piranha plants. They slam their heads into each other in an attempt to assert their dominance over the buds around them." The bookkeeper gestured to the piranha buds that were pounding away at his legs. He bent over again to put the nipper plant in his hand down, and then forcefully flicked one of the piranha buds with one of his fingers. The piranha buds took this as a sign that the bookkeeper was dominant and laid themselves low to the ground as a sign of submission.

     "The piranha buds then grow where they are and eventually become full grown piranha plants, restarting the cycle. But be careful, the mature piranha plants have a serious set of teeth and will still fight among themselves for dominance. They'll kill each other if you aren't careful. Finally, there's a lot of untapped potential to these plants. Someone accidentally left a bunch of them in the furnace room, and we eventually came back to find that they were spitting fireballs. Then some idiot hauler dropped one of these precious fire piranha buds into a pool of lava on his way to the designated sentry spot for the plant. We were about to have him executed, but then the bud rose to the surface with even more intense fire powers. We understand very little about the selective breeding of these plants, but every once in a while we hear similar tales from adventurers about piranha plants that have grown to have incredible abilities. The come tell of piranha plants that have adapted to swim through rivers, piranha plants that have grown fully functioning legs that let them jump through the tree tops, we even found a giant piranha plant down in the caverns that had adapted to living in the underground lakes! But alas, all of our experiments so far have provided patchy, inconsistent results. So, I can't say for certain what you should do to try to get any of your future piranha plants to grow up with special abilities. So, how many do you want?"

     The bookkeeper was hoping that they'd go for a few fully grown plants so that they would be out of embark points before they stumbled across some animals of actual value and rarity. The group of five outside the pen started whispering among themselves, but were interrupted by some unnatural sounds coming from one of the mature piranha plants. It sounded like the plant was trying to inhale a chair covered in glue, but the way it bent over with its mouth open towards the ground made it seem like it had already swallowed the chair and was trying to regurgitate the rest of the dining room set. The bookkeeper knew what was happening, but looked see, with amusement, that the other five koopas were torn between getting closer to figure out what was happening and recoiling in fear. Even Enemy Post tried to look up to see what the hell was happening, but fell back over ZM5's shoulder because of the pain.

     In the back of the piranha plant's throat a writhing ball of white and green could be seen rising. It looked like ZM5 mistook what was coming out of the piranha plant to be some kind of parasitic creature, because he jumped backwards in fear and started rifling through his notebook to see if he could find whatever he had misidentified it as. 'I should really confiscate that notebook when I get a chance, it looks like this guys is hiding secrets or something. I'll bring it up with the head brute when ever he wakes up from his alcohol coma.' The ball was rising farther into the piranha plant's mouth, and stopped before it reached the teeth. The piranha plant then forcefully spat the ball of who knows what onto the ground, creating a large splatter of white liquid around it. In his haste, ZM5 shoved his finger into his notebook in an 'I found it' way. He then reached into his shell with an available hand to pull out a small leather satchel, and opened it to show that it held dozens of small vials in all shapes and sizes. 'All right, now I really need to do something about this guy' the bookkeeper thought, and then looked back down at the pulsating ball of white goo and green tubes that was shaking around next to him on the floor.

     ZM5 ran his finger along the tops of the vials, and stopped at a small blue one containing orange liquid. He pulled it out, showing that it was surprisingly ornate with designs carved into the glass that looked almost like symbols of a forgotten language. He ripped the cap off and ran into the pen. Without a moment's hesitation he emptied the contents of the vial onto the white mass now at his feet. Everyone waited a minute, and then stared at him questioningly. The viscous white liquid that seemed to be holding the ball together began to settle out onto the ground and soak into the dirt below, leaving only the writhing green tendrils within. These green tendrils had a red ball at one end and what looked like a wet paint brush at the other end. A nipper spore that was floating around at the bottom of the pen came closer to the remains of the ball to see what all the commotion was about, upon doing so it recognized its new brothers and sisters that had recently been birthed. This spore then began to excitedly float around the pool of white liquid. The newly born nipper spores among the remains of their birthing fluids began to get up and shake the goo out of their head fluff. They were still mostly green, but soon enough they start drifting around above the ground to join their spore bretherin.

     "Oh" was all ZM5 could muster, as he slowly returned the vial to his satchel. "What was that that you just poured out?" The bookkeeper asked, stepping closer to ZM5 with an angry glare starting. ZM5 looked like he realized that he fucked up "Uhh..." he quickly moved the satchel behind his back "Orange juice?". He gave a guilty but hopeful smile, the bookkeeper totally didn't buy it "Really?" he asked incredulously. ZM5 cautiously placed the satchel back into his shell "Yeaaaaaaaah... I like to carry around juice with me in case I get thirsty. These ornate vials are family heirlooms, so I carry them around to hold my juice. I thought... I thought the new born nipper spores looked thirsty" ZM5 looked like he was expecting to be thrown in jail at any moment, but maintained a fake smile. 'I don't have time for this, this guy's lying but it's not my job to question personal items' "Whatever, but if I find out you're carrying explosives or anything on you I'm going to have you strip searched before you leave. Got it!." ZM5 nodded quickly and looked relieved, the bookkeeper continued to stare menacingly at him for a few seconds.

     "Uh, we'll take those six new born nipper spores. Can we get a discount because they're only a few minutes old?" Mottled Petrel asked hopefully from behind ZM5. 'Dammit, I can't sell them for much if these guys just saw them be birthed' the bookkeeper sighed "Fine, since they'll be useless for a while they'll be only three points each. But I can't offer such a price for the rest of them, so you'll have to bring them with you to avoid confusion. There should be a chest to the left of the gate, inside are some jars, scoop up the spores you want and put them in one of them. Don't worry, there's some air holes in it and the spores don't have to eat or drink." Derpy Dev looked down with another guilty smile, apparently he had been kneeling on top of the described chest the entire time they had been at the pen. 'Idiots, if he's broken that chest it's coming out of their embark points'.

     The chest was in fact not broken. Derpy Dev got off of the chest and removed a jar from it, then he eagerly jumped the fence to scoop up the nipper spores. The piranha plant mother father guardian? however the hell piranha plant reproduction works that had just given birth was now protectively sniffing its children to make sure that they had all made it safely into the world. Luckily for Derpy Dev the piranha plant understood that it would be unable to protect its children for long, the best it could hope for was a favorable gust of wind to deposit its children in a safe grove somewhere far away. It licked the remains of the birthing fluid from its children, a final act that it hoped would ensure that their tufts of fluff would be ready to carry them away from the nest safely.

     Derpy Dev plopped himself onto the ground and quickly began placing the spores in his jar. Because it only had a mouth, the piranha plant couldn't express much emotion, but what could be seen looked like the sad smile of a koopa mother whose children were old enough leave their home fortress to make a name for themselves out in the dangerous world. But it could be more accurately compared to sea turtles hatching on shore and immediately running to the ocean in hopes that a good current would be there to whisk them away to their new life... if their sea turtle mother was stuck on shore, was a plant,  and had just regurgitated them into existence. The bookkeeper picked up on this moment, and was touched, but Derpy Dev didn't as he closed the lid and jumped back out of the pen.

     He held the jar up in the air for a moment to look, mesmerized,  at the spores floating on invisible air currents within the jar, gently bumping into each other and into the side of the jar. He shook the jar a little with his other hand, visibly jostling the spores inside. Mottled Petrel looked concerned for the spores, and reached up and took the jar from him "Maybe I should hold this one, you've already got your hands full.". Derpy Dev reluctantly handed it over, but then smiled when he remembered the hint block under his arm. Mottled Petrel still hand the chains around his wrists, so holding the jar was really awkward "Bookkeeper? Can you remove these chains so I can carry the jar? It would probably be better to put them on Enemy Post than me". Mottled Petrel was right, Enemy Post was beginning to weakly try to struggle off of ZM5's shoulder. The bookkeeper sighed again, apparently something he was quite fond of doing, and unlocked the chain around Mottled Petrel's wrists. With a little bit of effort he tied Enemy Post's arms behind his back.

     "So... let's see... You're up to 1 hint block, 8 trolls, 4 laser ceratosauruses, and 6 nipper spores. Without further ado, let me direct you to my own personal favorite... the lawn mower pen!". The bookkeeper gestured to the next pen over, from this angle only a large fence could be seen. But what could be seen of the fence was impressive, the stones were masterfully arranged to depict a koopa embracing a lawn mower, several important parts of the depiction were studded with silver. 'God I love my job' was all the bookkeeper could think as he walked over to the lawn mower pen, the place where he had first met his beloved lawn mower companion.
I have yet to successfully initiate any piranha plant changes (then again, I haven't put much effort into a serious attempt), but according to the ROTMK thread it is possible to cause piranha plants to develop certain abilities when you have them undergo special conditions. The thread also said that there was a chance that the reactions didn't actually work, so if someone wants to test this on their own I'd appreciate it. Also, I don't like to request fan art, but if someone could try to make a rendition of a piranha plant trying to swallow a chair I'd love to see it.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 17, 2018, 03:26:11 pm
I give ALL my hands. I love it, plus it made me laugh for a whole 60 seconds, so go right ahead
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 18, 2018, 04:49:02 pm
So, as much as I'd love to come up with a story for every animal we see I feel like I should get things rolling a little faster. We are currently at 1 hint block, 8 trolls, 4 laser ceratosauruses, and 6 nipper spores. The requests (as I remember them) are:
something close to a pikachu
mamoswine (maybe)
mower rotom
Anyone have anything they'd like to bring? Even if I don't get to take them on embark I'll eventually request them from the caravan. And sorry in advance, I will most likely not be able to give every character an introduction in the mountain home. Both for the sake of getting the fort started reasonably soon and I don't want to have to awkwardly squeeze them into the story. For those characters that do get an introduction in the mountain home it's mostly just who ever fits reasonably into the story. Also, I'm thinking about making a banner for the front page that captures everything modded hell stands for. I intend to release it with the update where we actual get to the evil mountain, but if people want to try their hand at their own banners I'll gladly accept them. They don't have to be Picaso's, I'll cherish any attempt made on MS paint.

In case the list of available animals was forgotten, here it is again:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 18, 2018, 04:56:35 pm
I vote for a breeding pair of snow leopards, and if porygon can breed then them as well
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: stingpie on January 18, 2018, 05:21:11 pm
So are we stopping the koopafy-ing train? because, I was afraid you'd end up putting ninety something koopa's in, who I can't distinguish because i'm horrible with names.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 18, 2018, 05:41:51 pm
No, the koopa train will keep going as long as the fort is going, I'm just saying I'm going to wait a little bit longer on introducing some of the rest of them. They'll get their introductions once they arrive with the migrant waves. As for the confusion, I'm trying to keep a vague list of the characters on the front page with a more detailed personal list detailing personalities and all the secrets and future additions to their characters I want to make. Maybe you could try to make a more inclusive list in your lore page? If not, confusion is a mandatory emotion in Modded Hell, you get used to it after a while.

Porygons, unfortunately, do not breed. Snow leopards are definitely a thing we can bring, they make good fighters and they can be butchered for a decent amount. I can see it now, we're going to look like a bunch of rich, foxy grandmas in our exotic snow leopard pelt cloaks.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: pikachu17 on January 18, 2018, 06:41:55 pm
In my opinion, mower rotoms are possessed lawn mowers. No doubt this one is working for its demonic lord against OUR demonic lord, or whatever horrifying creature our civ has for a ruler.

When my character is introduced, could he kill a random hauler that accidently paper-cutted( or some other small injury) one of the Pikachus, force the doctor to take care of the pikachu, and then have the doctor say something like "Dude, it's just a paper cut."
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: EPM on January 18, 2018, 07:49:54 pm
I definitely support getting the ball rolling, so whatever facilitates that. All plans and ideas will be torn apart by whatever boiling cloud of crazy the embark churns out.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 18, 2018, 08:03:05 pm
The Hint Box is a sine qua non. Are those Vanilla trolls? If so, then I'd dump them in favor of something more interesting.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 18, 2018, 08:25:51 pm
The Hint Block is definitely the most important part of this expedition, hands down. They are vanilla trolls, the alternative choice is beta males, which are vanilla trolls with a different name. I'm bringing them because all they do is haul, which is really helpful once koopas start having a full time job. In other embarks I've had other creatures that can haul, such as Ninjis, birdos, fallen picori, spikes, yoshis, etc., but we only have trolls and beta males with this civ. Trolls and beta males are both only 1 embark point each, so they're crazy cheap. I'll pick up a few beta males as well.

I just want to set up a firm base for the world and set a really high starting standard for the writing so when it all keels over because every hostile civ in the area decides to attack at once (which has happened to me before) in juxtaposition to a bunch of DOOM demons rising from the caverns we'll have a good reference for how far we've fallen. Plus I've just really enjoyed writing about all this stuff in such fine detail Next update I'll do something like "bookkeeper says 'I've got places to be, you've got 15 minutes to pick what you want, go.'"
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 19, 2018, 04:27:32 am
I agree also with getting the ball rolling - our plans will definitely be completely wrecked in the face of whatever we're gonna face underground or in the evil biome where we embarked.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 19, 2018, 04:56:39 am
I agree also with getting the ball rolling - our plans will definitely be completely wrecked in the face of whatever we're gonna face underground or in the evil biome where we embarked.
Ditto. I tend to wing it when it comes to preparation, and I've rarely felt shortchanged for it. Let's add some beta males to the roster and be done with it. Much as I'm enjoying all this scene-setting, it risks overshadowing the main event.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 19, 2018, 06:23:39 am
Only in Modded Hell, page 50 and we still haven't even started yet. I'm going to *try* to start it this weekend, but I can't promise it. I've got a four day weekend this week because of how my school decided to change its schedule, so chances are I'll dump all the story stuff and the banner I've been working on sometime Monday or Tuesday.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Imic on January 19, 2018, 07:01:13 am
50 pages later...
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 20, 2018, 12:58:37 pm
This is the current plan for the animals we are going to bring, if you have a problem with it speak now or forever hold your peace:
1 hint block      
8 Trolls      
4 laser ceratosauruses   
6 nipper spores      
2 snow leopards
2 lawn mowers
2 thrash doves
2 ninji
2 laser compy
2 helmet snake
2 cobrat
2 frogog
2 beanlet
2 sky blue spiny
2 bob-omb
2 homalocephale
2 orintholestes
2 capnap
2 fuzzy

Apparently we do have ninjis, for whatever reason they can fill the position of broker and bookkeeper, so that's what they're going to do so I don't have to waste a whole koopa on each of those positions. I'm working on the update now, I'll only say this, it's about to get fucking crazy.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: ZM5 on January 20, 2018, 03:34:38 pm
Pretty hyped to see what's "fucking crazy" by the already-insane standards of Modded Hell.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: scourge728 on January 20, 2018, 03:39:27 pm
Pretty hyped to see what's "fucking crazy" by the already-insane standards of Modded Hell.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 20, 2018, 04:39:15 pm
Hmm, should I warn you of the hazards of raising fuzzies or leave it as a surprise?  Let's just say this: make sure to keep them from wandering into the dormitories.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 20, 2018, 04:56:04 pm
Hmm, should I warn you of the hazards of raising fuzzies or leave it as a surprise?  Let's just say this: make sure to keep them from wandering into the dormitories.
Don' get them wet and don't let them out after midnight? That sort of thing?
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 20, 2018, 05:13:17 pm
I know they've got a blood drinking thing (I've read through the ROTMK thread a few times), but I've yet to actually have a problem with them. I tend to just let about six of them wander around, not once has anything happened because of that other than they have a tendency to be the first ones to get cut up by invaders. That, and they have a tendency to wander around the refuse pile, I've had a lot of fuzzies crushed to death by someone dumping broken armor on top of them. I don't think this actually has a cause, but it's a pretty funny coincidence. I'm not sure how the blood sucking will go with the changes that have been made to the blood template by the darkest dungeon mod, but I'm sure it will be fine. If there's actually a problem with the fuzzies I'll just dump them in the pit I'm going to dump caged invaders.
Title: Re: The Beginning of Modded Hell (Finally Started)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 20, 2018, 08:22:31 pm
Deep within a koopa fortress stands a group of seven koopas. Six of them are staring at a lawn mower as it drives in circles around its pen. The seventh koopa is standing behind the other six with a look of frustration.
A few minutes ago the bookkeeper had told the koopas going on the expedition that he'd wait until they chose the lawn mowers they wanted, all of the time since then had been spent at the first holding pen. The six of them still stood there now, with dumbfounded expressions plastered on their faces. The bookkeeper had lost his patience, he looked down at his pocket watch to see how much time he had left 'I've only got an hour and 45 minutes left until I'm needed elsewhere. They've been staring at a single stock model for almost five minutes now, and we've still got at least 30 more models to go through. I've had enough of this charade!'. He aggressively snapped his pocket watch shut and placed it back into his shell, this got the attention of the group that was just ogling at the lawn mower. "I don't have time for this, you guys have 15 minutes to pick the animals you want. Just go get them yourselves and we'll deal with the prices and bookkeeping on the way to the wagon. Any embark points not spent in the next 15 minutes will be forfeit."

     Looks of panic swept across the group, they didn't want to waste their embark points, but 15 minutes wasn't enough time to form a proper plan. Gwolfski looked like he was once again going to call the group into a meeting so they could discuss how to spend their embark points, but the other five koopas made a mad dash out of the lawn mower pen and out into the hall. Even Enemy Post managed to get onto his feet, he then started running back the way the group had came. Gwolfski ran out to try to catch up, but was too reserved to break out into the full panicked sprint that the others were in.

     The bookkeeper sighed and sat on a nearby bench, he set a timer on his watch for 15 minutes 'hopefully this will be the end of it, I don't want them asking for any time extensions.' He propped up his head with one of his arms and prepared for a long boring 15 minutes, but was instead approached by one of the lawn mower ranchers. "Hello sir, would you like help selecting lawn mowers today?" the rancher asked with a cheerful yet professional tone. The bookkeeper recognized this one, he would consider him more than a passing acquaintance but not quite a friend "Oh, hi Scarlet_Avenger, I was here to help some idiots pick their animals for their embark, but they were taking forever, so I cut them loose and said 'get what you want and come back here when you're done'. I could use the company though while I wait for them." Scarlet_Avenger looked a little concerned "Are you sure it was a good idea to let some... more troubled koopas, handle their own animals? I mean, you've seen the stuff down here, it's dangerous for anyone to move their own animals."

     The bookkeeper continued his expression of 'I don't really care about anything right now', but deep inside he could feel a creeping suspicion that his decision may have been a mistake "Oh come on, there are plenty of trained animal handlers down here that could easily move the 26 mildes they'll probably want to bring. Besides, even these guys wouldn't be stupid enough to try to handle anything dangerous on their own..." A look of fear crossed the bookkeeper's face "Actually, maybe I should go check on them. They ran out in a frenzy that may be impairing their decisions.". Before the bookkeeper could even get up off the bench, a shout of surprise came from down the hall, followed by the sound of something falling into water. A faint sound of a lock being opened and the clink of chains falling onto the ground. 'Please dear gods forgive me for I have made a grave and terrible mistake' the grinding of gears can be heard as two levers are pulled, excited dinosaur shrieks slowly begin to fill the hall.

     Scarlet_Avenger now looked really concerned "Yeah, that might be a good idea, the laser ceratosauruses are probably REALLY agitated after having one of their nest boxes removed, I'm not even sure an expert handler could calm them down in this state." the scraping of stone on stone finally stops as the bridge to the laser ceratosaurus pen meets the other side of the moat, a stampede of theropod feet thunders over it. Barely audible under the sudden rush of dinosaurs is a gruff koopa voice and the clinking of chains "NO WAY BUT DINOSAUR WAY". The bookkeeper buries his face in his hands, for he understood what was about to happen. Through the entrance to the pen he could see the fort's entire laser ceratosaurus population storm by, with Enemy Post on one of their backs using the chain that had once been used to bind him as a bridle to guide the laser ceratosaurus under him. As the hoard went, small groups began to break off from the heard to attempt to claw apart other pens so they could eat the animals cowering inside. Scarlet_Avenger rushed out into the hallway to see what was going on, but was scooped up by the mouth of a passing laser ceratosaurus.

     The bookkeeper laid down into a fetal position along the length of the bench. Farther down the hallway someone yelled "Quick, before the bob-omb pen is breached activate the emergency seal. We can't afford them blowing up any of the bigger pensssAAHHHHh-" He was cut short by his own scream. At this point many of the smaller animal pens had been opened and the laser ceratosauruses that had stayed behind had lost interest, so many of the pasture's smaller denizens were making an escape. Teehee butterflies flew by, ratata's scurried along the ground, out in the hall way the bookkeeper could see a machop beating the shit out of an unlucky Moo Moo. It was an all out melee in the hallway, anything and everything that wasn't too skittish to run away from a fight was trying to tear apart their neighbor.

     An explosion, another explosion, the cracking of stone and the clatter of a wall falling to the ground. Another cry from down the hallway "THEY'RE OUT! THEY'RE LOOSE! RUN! ABANDON SHI-" the sound of a mighty footstep and a simultaneous splat. The laser ceratosauruses that were once rampaging down the hallway were now starting to run back the way they had came, with cries of fear instead of cries of rage. The bookkeeper didn't want to know what it was this time, he curled into a tighter ball on the bench and prayed that it would be over soon. As he did so, he noticed that a cloud drop had floated out of its destroyed cage and was now in front of him, with a look of friendly concern on its face. It almost seemed that the cloud drop could sense how unhappy the bookkeeper was and wanted to make him feel better, because it was soon nuzzling the bookkeeper. The bookkeeper was beyond caring about maintaining his manly image, he drew the cloud drop into a tight hug and forced his eyes shut even tighter.

     Outside the lawn mower pen a number of koopas could be seen running away from the new threats that were behind them. The bookkeeper was busy trying to drown out the hell on Earth that was going on outside, so he didn't notice them. A koopa with a large decorative head dress with a chain chomp adorning the center ran by, followed by about 20 sandshrews. Each of them was holding a sandstone ankh with a rendition of the koopa with the headdress's face on it. Behind them was a koopa with horribly bent tail and a red dot painted onto his cheeks. He had a few pichus in his arms, each of them also with red dots painted onto their faces. Next to him ran Urlance Woolsbane with a bandaged Stingpie over his shoulder trying desperately to get out of his grip. Behind them surged an almost literal sea of hundreds of capnaps, each of them seemed to also be trying to get to Stingpie. Occasionally a cross eyed owl or a fungal crow would swoop down to pick off a capnap and carry it away, almost definitely for consumption. A Tyrantrum was along the edge of this sea, frequently bending over to scoop up capnaps into its mouth as it ran.

     Even further back there was a koopa wearing a coconut bra. No amount of explanation in the world could accurately say why he was wearing it or what he was doing with it before. Behind this group running in terror came a wave of enormous laser brontosauruses, crushing everything in their way and firing immense lasers at everything around them. The chaos was immeasurable, nothing had any idea what was going on, causing every party involved to fall into the mindset of 'kill everything that isn't you'. It was almost as if the gods had planned a course of events very very carefully and had lain these events like dominoes on a table. These events were long and thorough to ensure that everyone got what they wanted out of them and that everyone ended up with a happy ending. Then, the bookkeeper flicked one of these event dominoes out of the way by sending the party off on its own instead of following standard procedure and accompanying the party as it met the denizens of the pasture.

     To further spite the gods, this event domino went flying and knocked over a nearby goblet of godly rawst berry wine also on the table, spilling all over the paper the gods were using to plan out the next line of future events as well as staining the nice white table cloth below. In their rage at having their plan and their table cloth ruined the gods swatted the rest of the event dominoes off of the table, leaving only chaos and pandemonium in the void created. Most of hese flying dominoes missed the bookkeeper, but they brought great pain to the rest of the koopas that were hit. The battle raged outside, worsened by a fire that was starting to rage along with it. Finally, one of these dominoes hit the bookkeeper when a stray rock fired by a graveller that was busy tearing a lion in half struck the bookkeeper in the head. The bookkeeper passed out, and the war outside slowly faded into a numbing darkness.
Mottled Petrel stood in front of the bookkeeper that was still passed out on the bench. It looked like he had fallen into a pleasant sleep after cuddling a cloud drop while he was waiting. Mottled Petrel would have normally snickered at this sight, but he was partially responsible for the decimation of the pasture, so he didn't want to push his luck. Out in the hallway death was everywhere. The fire had burned away most of the blood, but there was still a lot of blood dripping from the ceiling from the aerial fight between the swarm of birdemic birds and everything else that had wings. Anything that hadn't been killed had been corralled back into their pens and boarded in with plywood. Doctors were rushing around to treat both the injured koopas and the injured animals, for there was still a chorus of dying wails out in the hallway. These wails echoed a lot more than they usually would have, because most of the plant life had been burned away, returning the once thriving ecosystem to a barren cave.

     Fortunately, the gods had gotten a new table cloth, this one stain resistant, and had started placing some new basic events to fill the void and return order. Mottled Petrel stared out at all of the charred, smoldering corpses 'Well, that could have gone better. I was just going to grab 26 mildes and be done with it, how'd it end up like this.' There was the enormous corpse of a laser brontosaurus right outside the door, its neck was dangling over the pen wall. There were several scavenger flowers busy eating the corpse, unsettling most of the onlookers. At some point Enemy Post had been thrown off of his mount and gotten his head knocked against a wall, he lay passed out next to the group and their selected animals. Of the animals they had originally chosen most had died along the way, but the ones they now had behind them included: 1 hint block, 8 trolls, 4 laser ceratosauruses, 6 nipper spores, 2 snow leopards, 2 lawn mowers, 2 thrash doves, 2 ninji, 2 laser compies, 2 helmet snakes, 2 cobrats, 2 frogogs, 2 beanlets, 2 sky blue spinies, 2 bob-ombs, 2 homalocephales, 2 orintholestes, 2 capnaps, and 2 fuzzies.

     All of the animals looked like they had been shaken by the horrors they had just witnessed, for they were all frozen in place. The bookkeeper's watch alarm starts going off. Somehow, he hears it through the blunt force trauma and slowly moves to a sitting position and turns off the alarm. He looks around at the group in front of him in confusion, but then glances out into the hallway and remembers what happened. "What the hell did you guys do!" He looked like he was torn between tantruming and crying "I leave you alone for 15 minutes and you destroy the entire pasture and get most of its inhabitants killed!" Mottled Petrel tries to answer that "Don't answer that! Just get out of my sight. If you aren't out of this fort in the next 30 minutes I'm sentencing you all to death!" The whole group and the animals get the point, and immediately rush out of the pen. The bookkeeper keeps yelling behind them "Do you hear me!? DEATH! DEA-" He breaks down crying mid-sentence and returns to his fetal position with the cloud drop still in his arms. He cried for the deaths of his fellow koopas, he cried for the loss of all the potential research that had been missed out on with the destruction of the underground jungle, he cried for the deaths of the hundreds of mostly innocent animals that had been caught in the cross fire, but most of all, he cried because it was going to be a bookkeeping nightmare documenting what had happened. He cried himself back to sleep, the cloud drop looked like it was really enjoying itself.
Mottled Petrel ran frantically through the halls of the mountain home, searching desperately for some way up to their wagon. Behind him was a small stampede of animals with four koopas desperately trying to carry the still passed out Enemy Post by his arms and legs. As they went the group pushed everything in their way to the side of the hallway, a few unlucky haulers were trampled.
Up in the entrance hall sat a wagon, slowly being filled with supplies by a small group of trolls. Next to the wagon were two hammered silver chairs, in those chairs sat the king and his personal squire. The king was leisurely leaning back in his chair and smoking a chopped 1-up mushroom from his mastercraft clear glass gnob. A gnob is comprised of a hollow glass cylinder with a hollow glass bulb at the bottom. On the side of the bulb opposite of the smoker was a metal spigot where the mushrooms were placed and lit. Inside of the bulb was a liquid used to cool the mushroom smoke and add flavor. Most poorer koopas would have just used refreshroom juice for the cave mushroom that they were smoking, but the king was a very affluent smoker who could afford more exotic ingredients, so he used ice flower juice. The squire just sat there, observing the scene in front of him 'I'd call him on his smoking habits if the smoke from those 1-up mushrooms weren't literally healing everything wrong with his body.'.

     The king blew out the most recent smoke ring he had been working on, and decided to entertain himself by asking his eager to please squire some things he already knew "How much longer do we have until the expedition is scheduled to be here?". Eager to impress the king, the squire whipped out his folder full of important documents "Hmm... we have about an hour and 20 minutes until the expedition team will be out of the royal pastures, and then two hours for the animals and supplies to be vetted and catalogued, and then you requested an hour for the speech you wanted to give to the expedition and the fort, after that you've reserved the next five hours for the sending away party. So... three hours and twenty minutes until anyone actually gets here... Why are we here so early again?" the king had specified earlier that he wanted to be by the expedition wagon early, but they'd been sitting by the wagon for almost an hour with three hours and twenty minuted left to go until anything actually happened.

     The king shrugged and took another deep inhale from his gnob, after a long drawn out exhale he finally replied "I don't know, I didn't have anything scheduled, I guess I just wanted a change of scenery or something. If I wasn't here I'd probably just be doing this somewhere else, might as well make sure the preparations go well while I'm getting stoned out of my mind". For anyone who didn't know the king, it would probably not make sense how such a seemingly laid back koopa became the warlord king of the koopa empire. Besides the fact that he was the only demon koopa in the mountain home (a natural caste of koopa, not an actual demon), when he wasn't stoned he was probably the most iron willed and brutal leader the koopas could have ever asked for. 'Well, I guess that's a good point. If I wasn't here I would probably be next to him in the throne room while he was getting stoned out of his mind' "All right, I guess I'll file some paper work while we're waiting" the squire started filing paper work.

     It went on like this for about five more minutes, until the rumble of dozens of footsteps could be heard coming from the main hallway that led deeper into the fort. The king took his face out of his gnob to crane his neck towards the hallway "Hmm... did you plan a surprise before embark party or something?" the king elbowed his squire with a grin. The squire looked frazzled "Wha... no, I'd never do something like that without running it by you first. Maybe there's some peasants who want to get a good seat as well, or something." the excited cries of the laser ceratosauruses could now be heard from the hallway along with the footsteps. The king slumped back in his chair "Maybe they're bringing their pets as well". The squire looked down the hallway 'I don't recall authorizing any laser ceratosauruses as pets'. The hallway was completely empty.

     'Oh, there's one of them.' Mottled Petrel turned a corner and spilled out into the hallway 'Wait, isn't that the expedition leader? Why's he up here, why's he running?' Mottled Petrel picked himself up and began sprinting like a madkoopa towards the entrance hall and the wagon. The squire looked really confused, his look of confusion only deepened when an orintholestes and four more koopas also turned the corner, sprinting like there was a pyroclastic flow behind them. The laser ceratosauruses turned the corner as well, it looked like they were trying their best to stay on their best behavior and not kill anything, but the thrill of the chase was starting to get to them. The rest of the animals turned the corner as well, followed by two cap naps trying their best to keep up. The squire elbowed the king "Hey, you might want to get up and sort these guys out. I'm not sure what to make of this.". The king groaned and sunk further in his chair "I'll do it when they get here". The trolls noticed the stampede, and stood out of the way as Mottled Petrel ran up to and jumped into the wagon. He immediately started clumping all of the supplies in the wagon together and wrapping rope around it.

     The squire decided to pipe up if the king wasn't going to "Hey, uh, what are you guys doing, you aren't needed up here for another three hours." the other four running koopas made it to the wagon as well, they stopped for a moment before slinging the still passed out Enemy Post into the wagon. They then split up to perform all of the tasks needed to make the wagon ready for departure. "Something's come up, and we need to leave as soon as possible" Mottled Petrel yelled up from his desperate wrangling of the supplies "If you have any papers you need to give to us I'd appreciate it if you could get those out for us now.". The first of the smaller animals had made it to the wagon, Scourge ungracefully picked up the closest frogog and tossed it up into the cart. The squire looked over to his king for guidance, he shrugged "I would have liked to have given my speech, but if they want out of this fort so bad I'm not going to stop them. Give them the map, the fort founding permits, and all the paper work.".

     The laser ceratosauruses had made it to the wagon, ZM5 brought them to the front of the wagon and hastily began tying them to the front of it. "Hey, uh" the squire called to ZM5 "We're supplying you with pack animals, there's no need for that.". ZM5 looked up, and then around for the described pack animals. He pointed them out to Derpy Dev, who grabbed the nearest one and hoisted it up into the cart as well. The back of the cart was busy being loaded with other animals by Gwolfski and Scourge, so Derpy Dev lifted his animal up over the side of the wagon. It fell in with a crash. "They aren't going to be fast enough" ZM5 yelled from under the laser ceratosaurus he was busy harnessing "we need to get to where we're going as soon as possible.". Finally, the capnaps had made it to the wagon. Scourge picked one of the up and started to throw it into the cart, but he stopped halfway through, and instead gave the capnap a tender hug. The capnap looked like it appreciated the hug, but then the moment had passed and Scourge tossed it into the cart.

     The squire had no idea what to make of the blistering speed of the expedition group "Uh, if you're so keen on leaving this quickly you might want to find your seventh member.". The koopas stopped in their tracks, Mottled Petrel broke the silence "Uhh, who's this seventh member you speak of?". They slowly worked their way up to the pace they were originially at as the squire fished a paper out of his folder "Hmm... a certain Plonoki. But we haven't seen him in days, so chances are he's fled the mountain home by now. Soooo... I'm not sure what we're going to do about that.". He looked around as if his casual look would cause Plonoki to show up, but he did notice another koopa peeking in from the hallway to see what the commotion was. Upon being noticed he tried to back away down the hallway, but was stopped by the squire "HEY! You, what's your name, what is your current job.". The koopa slowly turned to face the squire "My name is bloop_bleep, I have no profession and I am currently hauling." he noticeably had nothing in his hands that he could possibly have been hauling. The squire noticed this too "What are you hauling and to where?". Bloop_bleep looked around for something he could haul, eventually he reached down and took off his right shoe, and then his sock "I'm hauling this fuzzy thread right sock to..." he looked around for a stockpile "this wagon for the expedition.".

     'Good enough' the squire thought as he quickly scribbled something and tore it off of its parent paper "That is correct, because for the crime of directly lying to not only the king's squire, but the king himself, you are sentenced to being the seventh member of the Modded Hell expedition". Bloop_bleep looked down and idly kicked a stone "Aw beans", he then sullenly walked over to the wagon and plopped himself down near the front. "All right, I guess that solves the number problem. Here's all the paper work you need, and other than that I guess you guys are okay to leave." he walked over to hand the papers to Mottled Petrel. Mottled Petrel was still frantically tying his supplies together, for whatever reason the squire didn't know. He handed Mottled Petrel the papers, Mottled Petrel didn't even look up. He swiped them out of the squire's hand and stuffed it under an already tied rope in the pile. As far as anyone could tell, all of the supplies, the animals, the koopas, and the trolls had somehow been stuffed into to wagon. Mottled Petrel did a little once over of the wagon before hopping into the diver's seat "Thank you for your help, and thank you too king for leading the empire, but we'll be on our way.". The king blew out a smoke ring from his seat "Bye, have fun you guys. We'll be sending you migrants withing a few days.". With that out of the way, Mottled Petrel raised some extra rope into the air like a whip to strike the laser ceratosauruses in front of the wagon. The squire realized this too late "WAIT! Don-" *crack*, whatever thin veil of restraint the laser ceratosauruses had was torn to shreds by the whip crack. The most rage filled shriek from them yet tore through the entrance hall, and they broke out into a sprint. Dragging the wagon behind it, wildly careening with everything inside sliding from side to side. 'Well I guess that's why they tied everything down' the squire thought as he sat back down in his chair to fill out more paper work. The king offered his gnob to his squire, he didn't usually smoke, but this time the squire took a hearty inhale.
They were out of the mountain home and out of danger, but everything in the cart was still in full flight mode. The laser ceratosauruses had thrown all caution to the wind, anything that crossed their path was torn to shreds without even a change of pace. Anything flying above the trail was shot down by lasers, and then torn to shreds. Anyone who didn't already know the path to the fort could have easily followed the path of blood and carnage. The trip would have taken less than a day at a walking pace, but at the break neck speed the wagon was going at they'd probably be there in an hour. 'Wait, I have no idea where we're going' Mottled Petrel turned around "Hey, can one of you hand me the map?". A few moments later a hand gave him a piece of paper that was fluttering violently in the wind. Mottled Petrel tried his best to smooth out the paper with one hand, but could only make out the red X of the mountain home and a bunch of green and yellow. He looked for something that could serve as a marker for the fort location, but the only thing he could make out was a purple triangle to the south west. 'Fuck, we aren't even going in the right direction' he yanked the reigns to turn the wagon in the direction of the purple triangle on the map. No one questioned this call, because they were all preoccupied with a game of 'who can catch the falling bisected winged animal'.

     Twenty minutes later the wagon was racing towards a town of some kind, a figure could be seen waving for the wagon to slow down. The figure soon became a cannibal, the cannibal soon became a lump of torn flesh between the jaws of one of the laser ceratosauruses. The wagon tore through the town proper, but the rest of the cannibals were smart enough to get out of the way. "Sorry!" Mottled Petrel yelled as they passed.

     More towns, more casualties, more hasty apologies. Fortunately, the wagon was traveling too fast for word to travel faster, so no armed defense forces were met.

Next was desert, empty, empty desert. The laser ceratosauruses made a game out of toppling dry dry cacti as they went.

Mountains looming on the horizon, soon replaced by mountains looming next to them, and then behind them.

After ripping past a few fortresses a large purple cloud can be seen looming in the distance 'guess that's the purple triangle'.

The wagon is now racing past the large purple cloud, Mottled Petrel tries to stop the laser ceratosauruses, and fails. His next attempt is to instead turn the wagon to go towards the mountain with the purple cloud over it, he only succeeds in turning the wagon so fast that it flips over.
Thirty minutes later the animals have been calmed down and the supplies have been thrown back into a pile near the wagon. Gwolfski lays on the ground picking at his shirt, somewhere along the way of their mad scramble the shells of all of the koopas had been lost "So... what now. This isn't the Waxy Jungles, I can tell you that much.". Mottled Petrel stood up and struck a menacing pose "I'll tell you what we're going to do, we're going to found the best god damn fort this world has ever seen! And then after that, we're going to make some beds, because I for one really need a nap right now!". The rest of the koopas looked at each other "I could go for a nap too" Derpy Dev pitched in. "All right, *yawn*, lets found the fort tomorrow." Gwolfski said as he rolled over in the grass, seemingly to fall asleep. "It's been decided" Motteled Petrel said as he laid back down "*yawn* We'll delve deep and secure lodgings later. We'll strike the Earth soon, yada yada yada. Nap time now.". The koopas cluster together and fall asleep.
Modded Hell has finally been founded, but sleep has taken priority. Once they wake up what will the plan be? I'll post a screenshot of the land once my computer decides to work.
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: scourge728 on January 20, 2018, 08:42:36 pm
The more aware of the voices were panicking at the screaming, explosions and death around  KILL THEM KILL THEM ALL RIP OUT THEIR LIVERS AND EAT THEIR LUNGS
Run, this is aperture, everybody hit the floor... after that Scourge began loading animals, stopping at the capnap That thing is so kawaii! You must hug it  and the next thing he knew he was on a wagon, and the world was ending, or something similar and then he was on grass...
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 20, 2018, 10:44:19 pm
So, uh, the save might not actually work. I've tried embarking about 5 separate times and it won't go past pressing 'e' on the embark screen, it just keeps loading forever but it never starts. Task manager says its still making an attempt at loading, and I've let it sit for about a half an hour. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 20, 2018, 10:49:34 pm
uh, try a dummy embark somewhere else? If it doesn't work, then RIP.
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: Urlance Woolsbane on January 21, 2018, 01:09:57 am
If you have to regen, you have to regen. Besides, that would let me get my forgotten beast patch in (I offered, but missed that you'd added it to list on the OP.)
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: ZM5 on January 21, 2018, 06:50:18 am
Oh damn, is it still with the default embark size?

Mind sending the world file? I wanna see if it can embark on my end. Though it seems like a regen might be neccessary, since something's clearly fucky.
Title: Re: The Founding of Modded Hell (Took Long Enough)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 21, 2018, 10:39:11 am
I tried founding at another location with only like 2 animals and it worked fine, I'm going to try a different side of the evil mountain and see if it will let me found there. If that doesn't work I'll post the save and see if anyone else has any luck with it.

So, I've concluded that it's either the area or the animals that are causing the problem.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 21, 2018, 01:51:14 pm
So, it seems to me that we now have three options:

1. Go through extensive testing to try to get the desired location to work
2. Just found the fort somewhere else
3. Gen a new world and go from there

I'm going to put a poll up, but just know that if option 3. is picked that also means that I will be updating mods and possibly adding a few more in while doing so. Mod submissions will be open again for a little while, but then there will be a little bit of a wait while I do testing and bug fixes. I will also dump the previous save here so you guys can fuck around with it and have some parallel universe Modded Hell stuff.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: stingpie on January 21, 2018, 02:17:39 pm
There's been already a lot of waiting for the fort to be founded. Even though this is modded HELL, I still think we should go somewhere eventually.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: EPM on January 21, 2018, 02:59:21 pm
Voting 2, potentially along with providing the save for bystanders to debug. The more eyes combing over this, the higher the odds of diagnosing and fixing the inevitable hiccups. Actual eyes with some kind of comb-like appendage may be involved.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 21, 2018, 06:57:12 pm
The voting is pretty even so far, if option 2 is picked I'll found the fort and then dump the save here for anyone who thinks they can iron out things. Sorry for the hiccup guys, I know you've been waiting patiently for the fort to start and I appreciate your continued help, hopefully I'll have it up and running soon.

Oh, and apparently 'modded' doesn't exist as a word in the koopa dictionary, so the official name of the fort will be modesthell, because that's as close as I can get. But it will be known as moddedhell, and story wise I'll just be like 'they didn't even spell our name right in the papers'.
Title: Ominous message.
Post by: Imic on January 22, 2018, 10:52:29 am
We should try somewhere else, and if that doesn't work, try to regen.
Title: no u
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 22, 2018, 11:01:23 am
I agree with imic, and i think my subject is funnier when taken into someone else's context.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: EPM on January 22, 2018, 11:27:42 am
The idea of "modest hell" is pretty funny though. No, we don't have a Semi-Molten Ceiling, and the walls are just made out of soil layers for the most part, but we're doing our best you know. The well is plastered in blood, vomit, and transformative slime. Miasma chokes the halls, nobody has all six arms working, the piranha plants keep jamming doors open, and the local weeb won't shut up about the beta male, who's too busy trying to avoid eye contact.
Title: Re: The Fixing of Modded Hell (Something Went Wrong)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 12:15:25 pm
All right, in the interest of saving time I'm going to take the results of the most recent poll and just found the fort in the other location that was thought about. For those who don't want to go back and search through the thread for the details of that location, here it is again:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'll post the initial embark screenshots once I have it up and ready.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 12:36:14 pm
Welcome to ModestModded Hell!
Our humble wagon has arrived in a mostly flat grassland with a river running through the middle, we must delve to secure lodgings for there is death circling above us at all times
I don't remember who submitted this one, but it's your lucky day, for they are the first wild animals of Modded Hell. I'm shaking in my boots a little because they're circling right over the wagon.
It also appears that one of the ninjis is the expedition leader, this isn't exactly a rare occurrence with this pack but it really hurts to know that the mountain home thinks we're so incompetent that an animal can lead better than we can.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: Enemy post on January 22, 2018, 12:40:09 pm
I wonder which pack changed the intro. Also looking forward to the dilophosaurus attacks. I've been wanting to test their behavior in natural conditions.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 12:50:51 pm
I was wondering if that was from the new update or not, I have no idea what actually did it. I didn't even know you could change the intro at all.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 22, 2018, 01:33:19 pm
Really hurts to know that the mountain home thinks we're so incompetent that an animal can lead better than we can.
Noko, in a squeaky voice, protested the notion of being called a mere "animal".
"Hey! I've got degrees in fluid engineering, geography, necronomics, geology, magmaology, and Pelagic dance therapy! I'm not just some uneducated peasant from the lowlands! Or, even worse, Vanilla Hell!"
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 01:42:40 pm
You forgot to mention that he has his own heavy metal poetry band. He's the lead singer/speaker, and he's coming up with the dances to go along with his new hit singles 'The Blade of Persuaders' and 'The Fortuitous Intricacies'. Ironically, both of his dances 'The Quiescence of Tweeting' and 'The Festive Veneration' are therapeutic pelagic dances. Wow, Noko is already becoming a full blown character.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: EPM on January 22, 2018, 03:43:28 pm
It begins.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: Imic on January 22, 2018, 04:32:25 pm
I can has kooping?
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 05:04:46 pm
Seven koopas lay sound asleep in the middle of an open grassland, a large brook runs smoothly near them. One koopa slowly begins to stir, he gets up and utters a startled cry
'Wha... Where are we? I went to sleep and there was a giant purple mountain looming over us, now we're in an , actually very pleasant, field.' Mottled Petrel looked around, he concluded that this place was actually much more inviting than the location he had fallen asleep at. The animals were all still present, albeit asleep in a pile next to the koopas.
'Wait, why is there now a beta male, a fembot, a blitzle, and a mudsdale here?' It seemed that there were now a few new tamed animals in the pile as well, Mottled Petrel shrugged it off for he really wasn't in the mood to ponder all the phenomena that had happened. He started prodding the koopas in an attempt to wake them up "Come on guys, nap time is over, it's time for us to start working for a living.". The koopas groaned, but eventually all got up and stood side by side facing Mottled Petrel. "I know that no one here has any applicable work skills, but we all have to start learning a trade or two for the good of the fort. Anyone have any preferences before I start deciding for you?" the koopas pondered their options for a moment, but not for long because one of the ninjis stepped forward holding a letter in his hand, in a squeaky voice he proclaimed "Before this goes any farther, I just want to inform you that the mountain home has made ME the expedition leader. I've got degrees in fluid engineering, geography, necronomics, geology, magmaology, and Pelagic dance therapy, so  will be taking over from here". If anyone had bothered to look at the letter he was holding up they would have determined that it was just a poor attempt at scrawling 'Noko Meppaculonokon, Ninji = Expedition Leader' over the document that made Mottled Petrel the rightful expedition leader, but no one bothered so everyone bought it.
     Mottled Petrel blinked "Could you show me these degrees?", the ninji looked surprised that someone would ask to see his degrees "Uh... I can't, I, uh... left them in my other pants. The ones I, left at the mountain home.". Mottled Petrel used his advantage "Well, (http://I'M) the overseer, so (http://I'M) the one in charge. Expedition leaders don't do SQUAT after the expedition has arrived at the fort location, so if you wanted jurisdiction over this fort you should have said something while we were on the road!". The ninji looked down and backed back into the crowd of animals "All right, geeze, I'll leave it to you". Bloop_bleep raised his hand "Uhh, where are we exactly? Weren't we just at the foot of an evil mountain, why are we here now?" Mottled Petrel shrugged "Your guess is as good as mine, once we get a magikoopa I'll ask them if they can figure it out. So, what do you want to be?".

     Bloop_bleep thought for a moment, and then shook his head "I don't know, what do you want to give me?", Mottled Petrel didn't hesitate "As of now you are a miner, mason, stone crafter, architect, and stone detailer. I know that's a lot of things at once, but they're all stone related and we need to multitask until we have more koopas at the fort." He turned to Derpy Dev "And you?". Derpy Dev giggled "Bestest Comedian?" Mottled Petrel looked unamused "I'll put that down as your custom profession, but you're going to have the same jobs as bloop_bleep. Enemy Post, what d-" "HUNTER![/i]" Enemy Post bellowed "I will hunt, hunt above and below, hunt big and small, hunt tasty an-" "All right I get it, you'll be the hunter, but in addition you'll be fishing as well as our emergency medic." 'he's probably the last person I want as a medic, but he has the jobs that can be dropped easily to care for koopas when they need immediate treatment'. Gwolfski weirdly stroked his bottom lip in thought "I'll take wood working and the related wood tasks, seems like something we'd need in such a densely forested area." Mottled Petrel looked glad that someone actually had something they wanted to do "All right, Scourge, would you mind having the same tasks?... Scourge?" Scourge was busy giving one of the beta males a burning death stare "I'll take whatever you want to give me, as long as it's as far away as possible from HIM!".
     He almost spat that last word as he pointed an accusing finger towards the beta male that had somehow wronged him, the beta male just looked confused. Confused as to how he even got here in the first place, and confused as to why this koopa hated him like he had killed his child or something. "Uhh... I don't think I can restrain him from going near you, but I'll keep that in mind. ZM5, what's your desired profession?". ZM5 tried to strike a noble pose "I, am but an occultist." Mottled Petrel raised an eyebrow "Uh, what is that and how is it applicable.". ZM5 reluctantly broke his noble pose "It's like, a... you know what, just give me alchemy, other than that I'll farm on the side or something.". Mottled Petrel lowered his eyebrow a little, but not all the way down "Your custom profession can be occultist, but me and you will be handling all of the assorted farming tasks. You can have alchemy if you want, but I'm not sure what good it will do you.".

     The group walked forward to pick up the tools of their new trades, Derpy Dev dropped his pick on his foot when he tried to get it out of the wagon. "Woodcutters, I want you to cut down every tree in the immediate area. Miners, I want you to dig a ramp leading down into the heart of this hill we're on. Keep going down until you hit stone, and then go down a little further. Then I want you to dig out a large room. Enemy Post, just do what you want, don't get yourself killed. Me and ZM5 will start tilling farm plots and planting seeds. Other able bodied citizens," Mottled Petrel gestured to the trolls, beta males, and ninjis "you can just stay there until we need you for hauling.". Everyone rushed off to their assigned tasks, Mottled Petrel yelled behind them "And can someone set up a trade depot if they get a chance?". No one responded, except for a few snakes flying around in the trees, they replied with a "SKREEEEEEEE!".
He also noticed a pair of swords floating in the sky 'That's probably going to be a problem'.
     Out in the fields he say some dinosaurs he recognized, Struthiomimus, the bane of a fort's existence. Struthiomimus would rush into the fort and eat/drink everything in sight, they could bore a hole through even the most well made barrels. They'd be screwed if their already pitiful food supply was plundered, so Mottled Petrel thought to call up to the trolls to defend the wagon, but noticed they were bringing animals down to the proposed entrance instead. One of them offered "We got bored, so we thought we'd at least move the animals while we're waiting." "Well, I appreciate you doing so, but could you move the frogogs away from the fort a little? Their mucous is poisonous and I don't want anyone getting poisoned by them.". One of the trolls who had a frogog in their hands immediately dropped it, and wiped his hands off on the troll next to him. Needless to say, that troll wasn't too pleased by the gesture "And could you put the nipper spores right in the doorway? We need to start training them for defense as soon as possible. Leave the hint block and the bob-ombs by the wagon, I've got a special place for them once the main room has been dug out.". The trolls grunted a little, but did as they were told.
     Just then, Derpy Dev yelled up from the hole in the ground "HEY! We struck dolomite and some limonite, also, I think I might know how to mine now!". 'Good, we'll have steel in no time!'
     "Just mine out a big room down there somewhere, we'll worry about the ore and the specifics of the fort design later. Right now we need to get our supplies under ground, fast.", "Yes sir!" was all Derpy Dev responded with. Mottled Petrel turned back to the farm plot he was at 'All right, so how do you plant a seed again? Is it pointy side facing up, or facing down? Actually, what kind of seed even is this, most of the bags have some kind of gibberish on them with 'berry' after it' He looked closer at the bag in his hand "Babiri Berries? Whatever. Hey ZM5, just grab a bag and put only that type of seed into a single farm plot. Other than that just make sure it's something edible.". ZM5 also looked down at the bag in his hand "Do 'Chuckle Beanstalks' sound fine?" Mottled Petrel shrugged "We'll have a taste testing after the first harvest, decide what stays and what goes. Just plant something and we'll go from there.".

     Off in the distance Enemy Post can be see beating the hell out of a humming tadpole "I appreciate the enthusiasm Enemy Post, but we kinda need to eat those things. So could you try to not grind them to a pulp?" Enemy Post rolled his eyes and reluctantly set the humming tadpole on the ground beside him. Gwolfski reports that the trees in the immediate are have been cut "All right, set up a carpenters workshop and a craftskoopa's workshop. Start making some mugs, nesting boxes, and barrels.". 'Damn, I need a squire or something to help me organize the work force or something, because this kinda really sucks.' the struthomimuses are inching closer to the wagon.
     Hematite down in the mines, along with some bauxite "Just dig through it, no time to deal with it now". Mottled Petrel notices one of the frogogs run out of its pasture, so he goes to retrieve it, only to find the frogog punching one of the plundering struthomimuses. The struthomimus runs away with only a bruised wrist 'Oh come on, you couldn't finish him off?'.

     Bitomous coal down in the mine. Another bag of seeds, another name Mottled Petrel doesn't recognize 'Garlic? What kind of berry name is that? Whatever, sounds tasty enough.'.
     A large puff of smoke comes from the entrance way, after it clears there are six little nipper plants hopping around. One of them bites bloop_bleep in the ankle as he walks out of the entrance after a long day of digging. He brushes it away, but the nipper hops after him making little squeaking sounds almost as if it was trying to say 'Yeah, I showed you!'. Scourge has been working on his nest boxes for days, but finally claims that they are ready for their eggs. Mottled Petrel has them placed in the animal pasture, immediately they are claimed by the Orintholestes, the laser ceratosauruses, and the lawnmowers. Mottled Petrel forbids the eggs from being removed "I would like some more animals to hatch so we can have a source of meat, and protection.".
     Just then, an ear shattering "SKRAAAAA" can be heard in the skies, a giant bald eagle can be seen circling above, 'Fucking hell, can we go just a few days without something deadly flying above us, just once?'.
     More eggs, 27 thrash dove eggs to be exact 'I'm going to let those hatch too, but I'm probably going to regret it.'. Enemy Post is complaining about not having a 'Hunting Weapon', "You don't even know how to use a weapon" Mottled Petrel countered. Enemy Post wouldn't give it up though "Hunting is in my blood, any weapon I pick up can be used to hunt.". Mottled Petrel didn't care enough to argue with him, sowing the fields for days on end was wearing him down a little "Whatever, tell one of the wood workers to make you a wooden AK 47 and some wooden bullets to go with it, we'll upgrade you to a real metal one once we're able to." Enemy Post ecstatically ran off to pass the command.

     The first harvest is starting, the first plant to reach maturity was something called an 'onion'. Mottled Petrel didn't know what it was, so he took one and weighed it in his hand, he then took the large bulb and took a moderate sized bite out of it "Hmm, *munch, munch*, it's okay, definitely has a distinct flavor." He took another bite "We'll keep 'em, put them in some barrels and put them down in the unfinished main room somewhere. We need to get them out of the ground before they wilt.".
     The miners had only left a narrow passage way into the main room, barely big enough to squeeze a barrel through. The haulers were also just dumping the barrels and bags onto a pile of stone instead of taking the three seconds of effort to move the stones out of the way. Mottled Petrel was oblivious to this, but he'd eventually have to squeeze himself through the tight gap the next time he wanted to get a drink.

     A call up from the mine "We've cleared out a small room before clearing out the bigger room" Derpy Dev reported "Do you want to put some stuff down here?" Mottled Petrel walked down to survey the scene himself, and was disappointed that they couldn't have at least widened the entrance a little "All right, I want a kitchen, a still, a butchery, a fishery, and a tanner's workshop along this southern wall the eastern wall will eventually be dug out for a dining room, but for now I want these stations built and the food stockpile" He looked with a frown to see that the food had just been lazily thrown on top of some rocks "to be expanded.". 'Wait, why am I commanding this? Most of these tasks fall on me. Eh, hopefully someone will do it eventually, I've got seeds to plant.' "Also, I want someone to bring down the hint block and place him near the entrance to this main room.". With the food stockpile expanded, the trolls quickly rushed down and haphazardly threw more bags of seeds into the room.
     Mottled Petrel emerged from the fort to see that there were now four sunfloras happily prancing around in the meadow, praising the sun 'They're lucky Enemy Post is too incompetent to actually hunt them down, because they look like they wouldn't stand a chance.'.

     Many days have passed, still no one has made the still and there is no drink left. Most other fortresses would have crumbled because of this, but the koopas were only a little disappointed. "I'm going to get a drink" Mottled Petrel announced from the field, Gwolfski replied "We're out of drinks, remember. Why don't you go build us a still and brew some more?" Mottled Petrel let out a whine similar to that of a teenage girl koopa who wasn't getting her way "Because I don't want toooooo. I'll do it tomorrow, I'm going to get some water.". Golfski shook his head "Whatever man, just make it eventually.". 'I'll do it when I feel like it, gods he's got some nerve telling me to make it now. What is it, the 24th of Felsite? I'll do it next month.' Mottled Petrel walks to the river, but stops halfway and yells back to Gwolfski who is idly reclining in his carpenter station "Hey, could you make something we could pawn off to merchants? Just put some spikes on it and make it look really intricate and I'm sure they'll love it.". Gwolfski gets to it.
     It is now summer, and no still has been built yet "Come on Mottled Petrel, even Enemy Post built his stations by now" bloop_bleep complained "Seriously, it would take you about 10 minutes, we've got the parts laid out and we've even pitched in to create a instruction manual for you with big easy to follow pictures." bloop_bleep hand Mottled Petrel a big piece of paper comprised of many squares that illustrated the steps necessary for assembling a still. Enemy Post had assembled the fishery workshop and the butcher's table, and was actively cleaning a fish. Instead of the normal assortment of knives used to slaughter an animal, for whatever reason Enemy Post decided to build himself a miniature guillotine. It seemed that Enemy Post had retained the natural Koopa admiration of guillotines, even if it was very impractical for butchering.

     Mottled Petrel whined some more as if he had daddy issues "But I'm busy planting seeeeeeds. If you've got these instructions why don't you do it?" bloop_bleep didn't budge "Because I'm a miner and I'm busy mining out the living space so we don't all die on the surface. Just please get to it soon, my mug has been dry for longer than I'd like." Mottled Petrel crossed his arms with a sassy expression 'I'll do it when I feeeeel like it.'.
     Mottled Petrel ordered the stray mudsdale and blitzle to be butchered, the guillotine drops twice. The still has still not been made, and the koopas have decided that it's a better idea to drink from the stagnant pools instead of the fresh mountain stream literally right next to them.
     The caravan has arrived, for the first time since leaving the mountain home Mottled Petrel wonders what will happen to him after founding the fort way off course from the Waxy Jungles. The caravan was scheduled to arrive a few days after the founding of the fort, it has been about two months since then. Mottled Petrel decides the best course of actions is to hide in a nearby bush until the caravan leaves. Even from far over the hills, the Oracle sees him do this, and is greatly displeased.
Once the initial scramble to get everything underground calms down a little bit I'm going to try to put a bit more detail into my descriptions of the events, but what do you guys think so far?

Imic, you are currently 24th on the Koopa-ing list. In regards to Koopa-ing, I try to go by who asked first, but if someone requested something specific I'm going to try to hold of until a koopa with their desired profession arrives. First immigrant wave should be imminent.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: scourge728 on January 22, 2018, 05:26:59 pm
Scourge listened to the koopa, what was it's name (hard to remember with all the screaming voices) giving out instructions, starting to respond before one voice managed to overwhelm him "I'll take whatever you want to give me as long as it's as far away as possible from HIM! Scourge really needed to do something about that voice, before it got him killed, and then later, a loud screech Giant eagle that was apperently a giant eag- not an eagle, RUN AWAY RUN AWAY DON'T LET IT EAT YOU! Jeez, what's wrong with you? Scourge thought, deciding to try to communicate with what seemed the most intelligent of the voices only for it to respond in whispered what almost seemed like prayer
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 22, 2018, 06:28:07 pm
I found it interesting that almost all of the koopas had at least one grudge with the trolls. This is literally the first time I've ever seen a grudge even form, and we've got at least 10 right off the bat. I'm sure this will do wonders for the fort stability once things start getting dicey, that and the fact that NO ONE WANTS TO BUILD THE FUCKING STILL!
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: stingpie on January 22, 2018, 06:45:26 pm
You gotta set everybody as a brewer to make it happen sometimes ya'know?
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 23, 2018, 05:36:03 am
Huh, I've never seen grudges like this before.

I'm imagining a very confused weedy hipster-looking guy being yelled at by Koopa Scourge. A small beta male meekly trying to defend himself against w/e Scourge accuses him of, while Scourge is like Samuel L. Jackson, if Samuel L. was a koopa potentially being used as a vessel for entities from the outer spheres.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: SQman on January 23, 2018, 10:54:39 am
Heh, I like how a wooden ak-47 is such a normal thing, that any unskilled koopa can assemble it and make it shoot wooden bullets. That really shows how bizarre this world is.

Beta males are renamed trolls, so they are bigger and hairier than any koopa. They are obviously obese neckbeards with bad teeth (and horns for some reason). I don't blame koopa Scourge for not wanting to associate with one of them.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 23, 2018, 11:17:15 am
I believe the story of the beta males is that originally they were some super intelligent race, but also huge weebs. They found a way to turn their waifus into a living creature, the fembots. Then they started worshiping them or something, eventually they let all of their hygiene go and turned into the hairy almost trolls they are now. Then the fembots somehow followed suit, everyone losing all knowledge of everything along the way. So if anything it looks like koopa Scourge just hates weebs.

Now that you mention it, it is pretty funny that someone with no knowledge of fire arms can just assemble a wooden ak-47. There were also a lot of other wooden fire arms I could have ordered to be made, but the ak-47 was one of the few that could fire wooden bullets. He has yet to pick one up, so I don't know if he actually intends to shoot something sometime.

Finally, operation 'Everyone Brews Everything' is going to be a go.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 23, 2018, 12:09:03 pm
Please, really quick, can someone tell me if I can weaponize this?
I bought it for future testing, but I'd like to know if I can spread were salamderism with it or if it's just going to be a story point.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 23, 2018, 03:15:40 pm
If this is vanilla weresalamander blood that by some miracle ended up being in a caravan, it wouldn't do anything either ingested or sprayed on someone.

If its from some mod, it'd probably only do stuff when being ingested - which I don't think koopas will do since it doesn't count as a food/drink item. If its contact syndrome (doubtful but possible) I still don't know how usable it'd be.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: scourge728 on January 23, 2018, 05:11:40 pm
I mean if it's ingest syndrome you could stop brewing and put it into the water supply
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 23, 2018, 05:15:33 pm
I guess it will just have to be used for !science!. And we don't have to stop brewing because the brewing never started. The still hasn't been made yet and about half the population has been unconscious for at least a month.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 23, 2018, 05:28:21 pm
about half the population has been unconscious for at least a month.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 23, 2018, 05:37:20 pm
I'm just going to leave you with that little tidbit, ZM5 you are one of the unconscious. Also, congratulations Stingpie, you're married to EPM.

Update sometime tonight.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 23, 2018, 06:56:26 pm
Out in a field next to a fledgling fortress a koopa whispers to a passing ninji angrily from a bush.
"Pssst" Mottled Petrel tries to get the passing ninji's attention, the ninji stops and looks at the bush. "Yeah you," Mottled Petrel continues to whisper louder than he probably should "you're now the broker. Go trade with the caravan, if they ask where I am tell them I'm not here." "All right, but I know nothing of trading so I can't promise we'll get a good deal." the ninji said as he walked off to get supplies to bring to the trading depot. Gwolfski walks by the bush next "Pssst, Gwolfski, you're now a brewer, go build the still." Gwolfski turns with a look of irritation "Are you serious, you're making me a brewer because you can't be bothered to go build the still yourself?" Mottled Petrel thought about that for a moment "Yes". "Fine, I'll do it once I finish these mugs" Gwolfski said, not looking forward to doing Mottled Petrel's work for him.

     The ninji brought about ten spiky wooden balls to the trade depot, wondering if he'd be able to buy anything of value with them. Mottled Petrel was still in the bush. Finally, the oracle arrived at the fortress's front yard and bellowed "WHERE IS HE!". Mottled Petrel curled himself into a tighter ball while the ninji walked up to the oracle "I am the broker, if that's who you're asking for.". The oracle continued to scan the bushes in front of him, for he forgot which bush specifically Mottled Petrel was hiding in "I'm looking for a certain 'Mottled Petrel', have you seen him" "Yeah, he told me to tell you that he wasn't here. He's in that bush over there if you need him." said the ninji, selling Mottled Petrel out by pointing out his hiding location. 'God damn it' thought Mottled Petrel, still not moving in hopes that the oracle wouldn't come check the bush.

     But he did, the oracle stomped over and pulled Mottled Petrel out of the bush. "You have directly gone against a laundry list of orders" the oracle began after standing Mottled Petrel up "Not only that, but you have gotten a dozen, if not more, innocents killed during your rampant run through the wilderness. I should send you to the guillotine for this, but I won't because I have something special for you. You... you...' Mottled Petrel cowered and prepared for a slap or something as the oracle fumbled for the right word "you, strategical genius!" the oracle said as he fell to his knees and grabbed Mottled Petrel by the legs. "Just your actions so far have thrown our enemies into a turmoil because they have no idea what happened. They've started blaming each other without even thinking to blame us. In addition, this location is within easy striking range of at least twenty different civilizations, you can distract them and whittle down their forces while the main koopa forces prepare for an assault.".

     The oracle got up and dusted off his knees "We will allow you to continue your operations here, sending you supplies and migrants so that you will one day be strong enough to send out your own raiding parties to confuse the hell out of the surrounding empires. If you are successful, you will be rewarded greatly!" 'Well, this is going better than I thought it would. I don't even know how we got here and look at me, basically getting a promotion.'. Mottled Petrel went along with it, smiling and shaking the oracle's hand "I'm glad to see the plan is coming along well. Sorry I couldn't tell you about it before, but the element of surprise was crucial to its success." the oracle looked like he understood "Don't worry about it, I understand. If any more attention had been drawn to it chances are it wouldn't have worked so well. I just would have liked it if you had left a note describing your location, because we've been treading the wilderness for months looking for you. But we'll worry about that later, lets trade and I'll tell you the news of the world!".

     For Mottled Petrel the trading was a bit of a blur, but apparently spiky wooden balls were something the mountain home didn't have, so they sold for a lot. The ninji walked away with not only basic trading skills, but also 2 ropes, 2 water skins, 1 nokokon (instrument), 1 epic sax (instrument), 1 alolan meowth, 1-... wait...
     "Uh, why do you have a barrel of weresalamander blood?" Mottled Petrel asks one of the traders. The trader just shrugged "Someone killed a weresalamander and drained its blood into a barrel? I don't know, all I know is that its expensive, might be a bit dangerous to have around though. Do you want it?" Mottled Petrel thought for a moment, he had heard plenty of gruesome tales of were animals ripping their neighbors to shreds "Sure, we'll take it.". The ninji gave Mottled Petrel a questioning look, he shrugged back "You never know, I'm sure ZM5 would like to use it for science and alchemy or whatever the hell an occultist does.". After that they purchased 4 barrels of alcohol, 2 buckets, an enchanted iron pistol (because it was really cheap for what it was), a bismuth bronze laptop (also unbelievably cheap), a bag of blade weed seeds, a bag of cheri berry seeds, a bag of babriri seeds, 20 meat, some pokebeans, 1 backpack, 2 quivers, and two parchment sheets.

     Overall, a very good haul for only about 10 logs worth of material. Scourge decided that he wanted the alolan meowth, Mottled Petrel acquiesced "We don't have a mate for it, so I guess you can have it. I'll see if Enemy Post can train it for war so we can assign it to you.".

     Before the newly acquired goods could be dispersed further the oracle pulled Mottled Petrel aside "I am your liaison from the Mountain home. Let's discuss your situation." he handed Mottled Petrel a folded piece of paper. In big black letters it said 'NEWS'. "Now, what do you request of our merchants?" he asked, handing a list of available supplies to Mottled Petrel. 'Uhh, there isn't really anything we need specifically at the moment. We just need to get ourselves underground and smelting, other than that we're good.' Mottled Petrel glanced the paper over "Uhh, I guess we'd like a few small cut key stones for evolving pokemon. That and maybe some more parchement.". The oracle looked surprised, as if he was expecting to wait twenty minutes for a decision to be made "That's it? All right, uh, I have finalized the import agreement." He was about to hand Mottled Petrel more paper, but thought it wouldn't be worth it with only two items requested "Now, let's discuss what we are willing to offer for your craftskoopaship.".
     He handed Mottled Petrel a final piece of paper, Mottled Petrel glanced at it 'Yeah right, like we're going to be exporting maces anytime soon.'. The oracle then bowed "Farewell, I look forward to our meeting next year. Our fortunes rise and fall together." he unbowed "I'm going to loiter around the fort a little while to make sure that things are ship shape, do you have a tavern or something I could crash in." Mottled Petrel gave him an exaggerated look "Dude, we don't even have room for our supplies underground, why the hell would we have a tavern?". "Oh well." was all the oracle said, as he walked down into the fort proper.
     Lucky for him the miners had finally gotten around to widening the entrance. The alolan meowth was successfully trained and assigned to Scourge, he kinda just stared at it for a little, but then the meowth climbed up him and draped itself across his shoulders. Scourge seemed to accept this, he named it Nokopa Kakpomnokonk, or 'Nakopa Narrowgaurds', then he went back to work as if nothing had happened.

     After the newly acquired alcohol had been brought to the stockpile the fort descended upon it like a pack of hungry vultures. Mottled Petrel did note that one of the ninjis drank something labeled 'dream ale', he immediately fell asleep as soon as the ale touched his lips 'Well, I'm not really sure what I expected from that one. Maybe that it was so good it was like a dream? I should probably forbid that, but I guess I'll leave it for now.'. Scourge then drank some of the dream ale too, and passed out on top of the ninji. 'Speaking of sleep' "Hey, can someone move the beds I had made to the north side of the room? We'll move them once we have a proper dormitory, but for now I want somewhere not on the ground to sleep. Also, when Scourge wakes up can someone tell him to make some tables and chairs?" no one really jumped to it, but no one refused.
     ZM5 and Gwolfski are now also passed out because of the dream ale 'That's it, that thing is getting forbidden. Then burned when we have the magma for it.'.
     The main room is now mostly clear, half of our workforce is still passed out in a pile, and the still hasn't been built. But native platinum has been struck in the top left of the main room.
     Unfortunately, this is countered by some potentially dangerous fire horses on the surface. The situation is further worsened by a literal dragon flying around over head. Enemy Post seems convinced that he can hunt one of them "Big dragon head will look good on wall over fireplace!" he exclaimed as he grabbed his maple Ak-47 and rushed out of the fort. Mottled Petrel tried to stop him "You've never even fired a weapon before! Wooden bullets won't do anything but anger him!" Enemy Post paid him no heed and continued running.
     Over the course of the day Enemy Post ran around under the salamence, never firing a shot. Mottled Petrel watched with angst from the sidelines, next to him 12 ornitholestes chicks hatched from their eggs and crawled out into the world. Followed by ten laser ceratosauruses and 3 lawnmowers. For whatever reason they ran out of the pasture and all congregated around the food stock pile.

     The trolls were lounging around the wagon "Hey, could you guys move all the supplies down into the upper left corner of the main room?". Then, a hoard of thrashlings erupt from their nest box "I want a few of them butchered, if we can get anything of value from them butcher some more.". 'Wait, I'm the only one awake who has butchering active.' Mottled Petrel grabbed a thrashling in a choke hold and dragged it down to the butcher's shop. He shoved the thrashling into the miniature guillotine, and pulled the lever. The thrashling basically split in half, yielding only a usable skull. 'Whatever, I'll let them mature and see if we can get some meat from them then.' Mottled Petrel picked up the skull and brought it to the refuse pile, noticing that the traders had left.

     '17th of Malachite and those guys are still asleep, and no still has been made. I should chastise Gwolfski for not making it when he wakes up.'.
     'If those rapidashes get any closer we're fucked. If Enemy Post tries to kill them we're fucked. If an animal wanders over there we're fucked. Gods, how do those things even exist as horses if they're constantly on fire?'.
     'Oh fuck, why'd they have to get here right in front of the fire horses?' migrants had arrived, and they were dangerously close to the passing rapidashes. Luckily, the rapidashes didn't notice them and the new migrants made it to the fort safely.

     "All right, lets see" Mottled Petrel pulled out one of the pieces of parchment that had recently been bought, he turned to the first koopa in line for entering the fort (for easier reading I put a * in front of Mottled Petrel's line) "*Name" "MrLurkety" "*Profession" "Jeweler" "*Skills" "Great gem cutter, great gem setter, great comedian, magikoopa" "*Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" MrLurkety looked a little surprised by this question "Oh, uh, the mountain home ran out of raw gems. And I drew the short straw" "*Preferences" "I'd prefer to remain a jeweler" Mottled Petrel finished the cat picture he was drawing on the parchment in his hand by adding a dead two legged rhino lizard dangling from its mouth. He hadn't been listening, but he heard jeweler and that was enough to go by "*All right, you can remain a jeweler, but from now on you are also a mason, stone crafter, and mechanic. I'll give a proper introduction once everyone is inside." "Uh, alright".

     Mottled Petrel goes back to his drawing and starts adding more details to the cat "*Next", the next koopa stepped up very eagerly "Hello, my name is Silverlock and I'm a great herbalist, adequate record keeper, and a great comedian. I've come to Modded Hell because I have heard of your legendary efforts and would like to help any way I can!" Mottled Petrel stopped halfway through the bat wings he was giving the cat "*How does squire sound?" Silverlock took a knee "I'd be honored sir" 'Good, now I don't have to keep yelling out orders as I walk by' "*All right, you'll be my squire. That means relaying orders, giving me reports, and generally being my second set of eyes. In addition to this you will be a farmer and the bookkeeper once we have an office set up for you. Go wait inside until I can give everyone a run down of our situation." Silverlock eagerly rushed down into the fort.

     "*Next" Urlance Woolsbane stepped forward, if Mottled Petrel had bothered to look up from the spikes he was adding to the cat's wings he'd have recognized him "*Name" "Urlance Woolsbane" "*Profession" "Animal Dissector" "*Skills" "Adequate animal dissector, adequate wound dresser, adequate diagnostician." "*Preferences" "Something Medical" "*Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" Urlance looked like he wanted to word what he said carefully "Uncouth medical practices" Mottled Petrel jabbed at the parchment with his quill, which may have seemed like an act of bookkeeping, but was really him just putting the finishing touch on the small family of two legged rhino lizards weeping at the loss of their son. "*All right, you are now chief medikoopa. You have all medical tasks and you will be a furnace operator when you aren't tending to patients. Please, head inside" Urlance looked like he didn't know how he got stuck with furnace operator, but he'd take chief medikoopa.

     Next a baby rhinocerous walked up to Mottled Petrel, "Name" *Rhinocerous noises* "Profession" *Confused Rhinocerous Noises* Mottled Petrel didn't look up from the sick leather boots he was giving the cat "Now don't get fresh with me mister, for that you're resigned to hauling" *Disappointed rhinocerous noises*. "Next" a turtwig walked up to Mottled Petrel, this time Mottled Petrel actually looked down "You can just go to the grass type pasture, more turtles are always welcome here".

     "*Next" a rather large and imposing koopa walked up next "*Name" "Неизвестный" Mottled Petrel stopped drawing the flame decals on the leather boots "*We speak Koopish here, sir" In a very deep, gruff, and broken Koopish the large koopa replied "KoopaUnknown" "*Thank you, profession" "Potazh Maker" "*Skills" "Great Potazh maker" Mottled Petrel stopped again "*Is that it?" KoopaUnknown thought for a minute "I am also champion of communizm, very strongk burly koopa, and expert intimidator" "*Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" "The gloriouz ztate zaid communizm needed to be zecured here" it seemed that in reality the mountain home just didn't want to hurt his feelings "*If you're strong I guess you could haul-" "NO, YOU WILL GIVE ME MILITARY POZITION SO I MAY FIGHT FOR COMMUNIZM!" Mottled Petrel flinched a few steps backwards 'He wasn't lying about the intimidation skills' "*Okay, you can be the head brute once we have a barracks and weapons for you. For now you can just do what you want, please don't hurt me". KoopaUnknown nodded and walked inside.

     Mottled Petrel was still a little shaken when the next koopa walked up, he gulped and composed himself "*Name" "Wags" "*Profession" "Gemcutter" "*Skills" "Great gem cutter" "*Preferences" "Gem cutter, and maybe bone carver" "*Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" "There was a mass lay off of gem cutters because the mountain home has run out of raw gems." 'We don't need more than one great gem cutter in this fort' "*Gem cutter can stay, you can have bone carver, but you'll also have leather working, weaving, clothesmaking, and bookbinding. The demand for any of those is probably going to be nonexistent, but we need at least one person to have it. Please wait inside". Wags started walking, but turned around "But I don't know anything about any of those tho-" "*Join the club, none of us know how to do any of our jobs either. You'll fit right in." Wags couldn't argue with that, so he walked in. Mottled Petrel stopped him "*Wait, are you a burly koopa?" wags was indeed a head taller than the other koopas and had rippling muscles "Uh, yeah" "*I'm assigning you to the military once we have a barracks for you." wags sighed in disappointment as if he had been expecting that to be the case and looked let down "Alright".

     A bidoof walked up to Mottled Petrel, he looked down from the scorpion stinger he was putting on the end of the cat's tail "You can just do what you want". Another koopa "*Name" "EPM" "*Profession" "Fishery Worker" "*Skills" EPM winced a little "Novice fish cleaner" Mottled Petrel didn't even have to ask why he was sent to Modded Hell "*Hm, how does metalsmith sound?" EPM looked like he had just been sentenced to being thrown into a volcano "Wha- I can't do something that advanced! I can hardly coordinate my hands well enough to clean a fish, much less make complex weapons and armor!" Mottled Petrel had decided to give the cat a small dimetrodon fin running the length of its back "*There is little to no chance that we're ever going to get someone with even a little skill in the metal works, so we need someone to start from scratch. Just make things with sharp points and you'll be fine. You can do fishing stuff when you aren't metalworking, but metalworking is the priority. Please, head inside." EPM walked inside looking like he was really concerned that he'd fuck up.

     Another koopa stumbled up to Mottled Petrel, this one looking a little worse for wear "*Name" "Uhh... Stingpie" "*Profession" "Loremaster" "*Profession" "Fine... peasant" "*Skills" "Proficient student, competent reader, talented logician, adequate mathematician" "*Applicable work skills" "...none" "*Preferences" "Scholar?" Ironic really, because Mottled Petrel had just finished drawing a two legged rhino lizard town burning to the ground in the background of his drawing. He was considering having a scholar run out of the town's library on fire "*Sure, you can do that once we actually have a library, but until then you'll be a farmer. Please, walk inside and aquatint yourself with the other koopas." Stingpie looked like he was just glad to have made it to the fort alive.
     "Oh, have you seen my wife, EPM?" that caught Mottled Petrel off guard a little "*Uh, she just walked inside." Stingpie rushed to catch up with her. Next, a wigglytuff walked by, singing "Sorry ma'am, but we don't need singers at the moment.". After a few minutes Mottled Petrel put the finishing touches on the forked tongue coming out of the cat's mouth, and then his drawing as a whole and held it up 'Damn, what a mastercraft. I'm going to hang this up on my wall once I get a room.' he looked around 'Oh, is that all of them. Well, I guess I'll go inside too and give the new migrants a run down of the place.' Mottled Petrel thought as he walked inside.
It is now the 24th of Malachite.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: scourge728 on January 23, 2018, 07:33:51 pm
Scourge saw the Alolan meowth and once again the clamor of the voices faded as one spoke up, something in his newly found coherence he had begun to notice We must obtain this, feline of some description for the s....... glor.... ...urn He didn't really see a reason why not and this voice was less of the constant stream of terrible ideas pouring directly into his brain like the others, and after that he saw dream ale Do not do it, do not even think about doing it, do not even think about NOT doing it! This is a bad Idea, nonononononononono he did it anyways

Flashes of images passed through his brain non-stop flashes of eyes and teeth, of claws and wings, of fire and death
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: stingpie on January 23, 2018, 07:57:48 pm
Scourge:'Woow this would make good gnob juice...'
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 23, 2018, 08:52:55 pm
Having consumed the strange brew, ZM5 entered a deep sleep.
A horrid vision began to form. A vision of grotesque beings from below the earth, tortured beings from a bygone era, begging for release, demonic aberrations mutilating and torturing their captives, and above it all, a glowing blue spire of metal, left long ago by the makers of the world.
The constant visions that haunted him for months all made sense now - it was in this place where he would gain his legacy, changing the world forevermore.
Awoken in a cold sweat, he immediately began to formulate a plan. He had to convince the other Koopas to dig deeper into the earth, without making his true intent known. Convenient that a new batch of migrants had arrived to the fortress - more hands with which to seek the power below.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 23, 2018, 09:54:41 pm
Do nothing.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 24, 2018, 06:19:28 am
I found the culprit in the raws:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Could someone tell me how long that is in game time? Thankfully it also gives the drinker no_eat and no_drink, so hopefully no one dies from this. Also, don't worry Moony you'll probably get here in the next migrant wave or two, just don't drink the dream ale or the were salamander blood and you'll be fine  :P .

Also, since the dream ale has a contact syndrome, doesn't that mean we could potentially weaponize it if we found a way to break the barrels near the enemies? Or if we lit it on fire and the boiling dream ale got everywhere they'd fall asleep when they inhale it? I'd like it if someone could start thinking about how to best turn this find into a weapon.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on January 24, 2018, 08:20:22 am
how can i be a part of this ? id like to be in the guard or some type of soldier id like the igglypuff and one of the rapidashes if you can somehow trap one.....cause i like mlp rapidash reminds me of an angry for my reason being sent to modded hell......i....cheated on my waifu
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 24, 2018, 03:44:13 pm
Always glad to accept more koopas, I'll put you down as the full 'rainbowdashfanboi84', but for the sake of story telling could you possibly shorten that a little, but if not that's fine too. I have to say, there's been a lot more waifu stuff that's come up in this story than I thought there was going to be, but I can't say that it isn't entertaining. All of the animals that just came are already pets, I'll post a list of who's whose later, and chances are that I won't be able to set up cage traps to catch the rapidashes in time. But I will keep an eye out for horse like things and give the first one we get to you.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 24, 2018, 04:24:50 pm
That syndrome will last about 416 days, so a few months over a year.  Hope the fort can manage without a few members for a while.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: stingpie on January 24, 2018, 04:28:18 pm
41, wow. Well, rip everyone.

Edit: should dream ale be nerfed?
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 24, 2018, 04:30:58 pm
Wow. MottledPetrel deserves an extension, because most of the koopas will be useless for a while. Also, restrict that goddamn drink from brewing if possible, so we don't have it happen twice.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: IndigoFenix on January 24, 2018, 04:44:18 pm
Edit: should dream ale be nerfed?

Syndromes that take someone out of commission for a year is an interesting mechanic but that can be a real nasty effect early in a fort's life.  It might make more sense as an enemy attack (the Shroobs do something similar with their mushroomization) but as a drink it's just kind of pointless.

Maybe if it gave them a beneficial syndrome when they woke up, like an improvement in mental stats?  But a year's sleep is still pretty long for something that you might accidentally drink right at the beginning of a fort's life.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 24, 2018, 05:05:17 pm
But a year's sleep is still pretty long for something that you might accidentally drink right at the beginning of a fort's life.
Yeah wouldn't it suck if that happened? *cough cough*
At least they had the decency to be useless for a complete year while they were safely inside.
Wow. MottledPetrel deserves an extension,
Uhh, I didn't think we were doing turns, I thought this was just me playing a fort and writing a story about it. We could start signing people up for turns if you guys want this to become a succession fort. Do you? I'll put up a poll.
Also, restrict that goddamn drink from brewing if possible, so we don't have it happen twice.
I love how the first ninji drank it and passed out and I thought 'Hey, I should restrict that. Oh well, I'll do it when he wakes up the next day'. Three koopas later I finally decide to actually restrict it, I'll also make sure to prevent it from being cooked or brewed.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on January 24, 2018, 05:15:01 pm
Duh. I need to read the posts better. I was assuming it was a succession all this time. A story fort is even better  :P
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 24, 2018, 05:18:34 pm
I voted for 1. I'd rather keep the format as-is - I'm admittedly worried we'd share the same fate as Borechanced or Thunderdoom (a goblin succession camp) - as in, dying off at some point due to lacking players.

Also d'oh, didn't think my koopa would be out for a year. I suppose my previous "lore" post would be from the future; until then my koopa would probably be thrashing in his sleep and speaking in eldritch tongues.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: stingpie on January 24, 2018, 05:24:24 pm
Dream ale trap
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 24, 2018, 08:06:10 pm
My personal vote is to keep doing what we're doing, but I'm open to a few lucky koopas being awarded a year of leading, plus I'll post the save for adventurers some time soon. Other than that, if we were to do a serious succession thing if people didn't respond within their time limit or if players stopped coming I'd take over again for that turn, I'd never let Modded Hell die prematurely over something like that. But it seems like at the moment the consensus is to keep it as is, I'll leave the poll up longer to see if this changes. Glad to see support is still strong for how it's going so far.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: Enemy post on January 24, 2018, 11:16:51 pm
Did I escape the Dream Ale?
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 25, 2018, 06:19:19 am
The koopas currently unconscious are ZM5, Gwolfski, and Scourge. The ninji broker is also unconscious, but that's not that much of a problem. Also, I'd like to inform everyone that I will be taking my turn for a succession fort this weekend and will be unable to create a normal update, is there anything small you guys want me to do instead? An informational update on the fort? Maybe a legends mode discovery update? Maybe I could doodle something?
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: Fluffe9911 on January 25, 2018, 01:35:48 pm
I think a legend mode discovery update would be cool also will you ever release the raws in like one big pack by any chance I would love to make my own Modded Hell world without having to go threw the trouble of making things mostly work lol
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: ZM5 on January 25, 2018, 01:54:48 pm
I mostly would like the save, so for whenever you have to take a break people could write down stories of their explorations, perhaps find out more of the worlds "lore". Would love to try my hand at it again.
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: wertyzerty on January 25, 2018, 02:46:47 pm
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 25, 2018, 04:49:11 pm
How about this, because I can't do an update I'll post the save this weekend so that anyone interested can fuck around with it and see how broken it is. Anyone can take it an do what they want with it, I just ask that you try to at least tell a little about your adventures here (And maybe see how Modded Hell is doing).
Title: Re: The Refounding of Modded Hell (Hopefully Goes Smoothly)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 26, 2018, 06:04:14 pm
The wait is over, I present you the current save file:

For everyone who wants to create their own adventurer, play a parallel universe Modded Hell, or just didn't believe that I was actually playing a game and was making the whole thing up, here it is. Do with it what you want, but please, chronicle your journeys here. Even if you don't feel like chronicling, I would appreciate it if you could at least tell us some of the stupid things that turn up. Go forth, run free, and revel in the brokenness.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: Fluffe9911 on January 26, 2018, 09:00:41 pm
Alright I decided to download it and give it a shot and at first it worked pretty good was able to retire the fort and get the legend data/look at legends mode so will report on anything interesting I come across also was able to get the world to work in legends viewer though the export was corrupted legends viewer was able to repair it crashes every time I try to launch in adv mode though going to edit this every time I find something interesting.

edit 1 alright first off here is a full world overview of the world atm as you can see currently there are a plethora of civilizations in this world coming up to a total of 67!!! currently living civilizations and 13 fallen or dead civilizations some notable ones including Koopalings, Hellacopters, Beans?, Cannibals, Bottlenose Dolphin Men, Zombies, and strangest of all 1 civ of 33 pedobears (wtf Mottled?!?) anyway going to go threw the megabeasts and see if I find anything interesting see you next edit.

edit 2 alright going to 1st talk about the well 1st megabeast that catched my eye his name is Arust Endsmiles the Defective Jailer and he has so far killed in his wrath 51 notable and 72 unnotable people and animals now whats really interesting about this guy is that he is nonother than drum roll please!!!! aaaaaaaaaa giant icosahedron yep he is literally a 20 sided sentient dice that has claimed the lifes of over 100 people and animals so far how does that work no idea but it seems to me this guy is like the literal embodiment of rng so I wouldn't try messing with him anyway on to the next megabeast that caught my eye Obje Luckblackade the Strategic Universes a female T Rex and the only one of its kind this lady here killed around 26 people and animals until the year 77 where her life was cut short by one of those strange bean creatures I mentioned earlier (seriously what are those?) anyway the bean that killed Obje went on to name the weapon it used to kill the T Rex Spellfinger which in my mind seems to be a pretty good name the bean never went on to do anything else interesting though and is still alive to this day. anyway I think thats all im going to talk about for today hope this helped enlighten you a bit.

BONUS Ok did one last look threw and had to include this one based just on what he was lol anyway here is a megabeast Glandfrothed the Feral Gut and this terrible horrible monstrous beast who has claimed the lifes of over 48 innocent lifes! was non other than a GOOBER BLOOBER!!!! DUN DUN DUNNN anyway other than being a goober bloober this beast isnt really that special and is still alive living in the oceans of prisons (nice name) also as a bit of extra trivia apparantly a goober bloober is a derpy giant squid boss from the mario franchise first appearing in super mario sunshine then being featured in 3 other games the more you know.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: stingpie on January 26, 2018, 09:21:54 pm
I downloaded it too, But, to make it extra difficult, I merged it with an already made world, and now I'm getting errors about missing the plant gloss cave moss.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 26, 2018, 09:48:12 pm
currently there are a plethora of civilizations in this world coming up to a total of 62!!!
I'd just like to point out that there might actually be more and that only 62 made it in because of the civilization cap. And the pedo bears aren't mine, but they are quite funny to come across. I'm not sure about adventure mode though, I'd say your problem might be the adventurer. There are definitely some sites that crash the game, so maybe try a different species or at least different site.

Gloss cave moss? Never heard of it. It shouldn't cause that much of a problem, but if it does you can always just go into the raws and remove it entirely.

Overall, this thing has a mind of its own, things break and start working again for no conceivable reason. The save works fine for me, so everyone is probably going to have to put their own unique fixes to it to get it to work for them.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: Fluffe9911 on January 26, 2018, 09:51:26 pm
There are actually around 80 civs its just 13 of them are fallen or dead atm (and I messed up my math lol) also I cant even do that cause it crashes before I even get a chance to choose a race (during the 1 week world gen thing) so no idea what to do there actually now I think about it its most likely because I dont got enough ram oh well also added a bit about some interesting megabeasts.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 26, 2018, 10:07:00 pm
I've had problems similar to that before, my usual solution is to just keep loading it and if it still works it will run 1 out of 20 times. As for the potential problem, there's a utility you can use called LAA that ups the amount of computer resources set aside for Dwarf Fortress. I've applied it to my version, and it loads fine, maybe try that. I don't know where to download it, but I know in the utilities section of Masterwork there's an accessible version.

The insight into the megabeasts is pretty cool, and ironically I know a lot about the ones you found. The iscodecohedron has an ability to roll itself, and it unleashes a different catastrophic attack depending on which side it lands on. The beans are the beanie people from one of the mario games, they're literally a humanoid bean. They actually make a really good adventurer because they have a solid outer bean shell that heals a lot faster than bone. I'm a bit surprised that there was a T rex megabeast, because we have about five non megabeast T rexes in. And the gooper blooper is a much more dangerous form of blooper, and the ocean of prisons happens to be right next to the koopa mountain home... so we might have to look out for him in modded hell.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: Fluffe9911 on January 26, 2018, 10:32:35 pm
Glad you liked my megabeast talk will talk about some more world stuff and megabeasts tomorrow also going to see if I can get adventure mode working using your advice anyway about time I went to bed see you tomorrow lol
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: ZM5 on January 27, 2018, 05:36:53 am
I'm looking through the legends file and hooo boy.
First off, some of the names of the civs.
The Cannibal civ is called the "Whirling Butcher" which is metal as fuck; meanwhile a Bloodsucker civ is called the "Nations of Liberty". I suppose they're right - considering they're highly decadent, degenerate mutant nobles that kill people and drink blood for fun they are liberated from any norms of civilized behavior.

Oh, we also have around 115 Nosferatus in the world. Considering they function a tad like werebeasts, we may get regular attacks from them after a certain point (I gave them semimega attack triggers). A notable one is this guy:
He knows the secrets of causing nightmares, according to legends.
There's also Annhyr, another Nosferatu.
She's been conducting raids on a Witch civ since her early years - total of forty-eight notable kills, and 50 unnotable ones.
There's very few megabeasts in the world, admittedly - the most deadly one does appear to be the living dice.

I'm gonna look through the history of our civ later but man, the world seems really insane.

EDIT: Ahhh, also another thing - I'm getting a very large errorlog starting up the world, a lot of it is missing text files from the data/speech folder - mind uploading those as well, MottledPetrel?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 27, 2018, 12:05:43 pm
All right, I updated the download to have the speech file, hopefully this will solve the crashes:
If you guys find anything else I might need let me know.

Those are actually some really fitting names, but I'm a little surprised that the iscodecohedrons are the only one surviving, usually there are at least a few godzillas wandering around.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 28, 2018, 11:37:40 am
I *might* do a small update today, but I promised to tell who had pets, so here it is:
I'm hoping to hear of some great adventures soon, or at least some confirmation that adventure mode even works.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on January 28, 2018, 11:49:27 am
what pets or pokemon are available?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 28, 2018, 04:17:05 pm
We don't really have anything more than the future war animals and the food animals (almost all of them are babies currently), if you had been about 1 update faster I could have saved the blitzle I butchered for you.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on January 28, 2018, 04:56:50 pm
ah....well thats fine i hope that when theres another update ill get a pokemon .....or 6 according to league rules......maybe a combination of six various creatures would be fine to although maybe everyone could have at least 6 various creatures to make it interesting
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: ZM5 on January 28, 2018, 05:11:49 pm
Having a bit of an issue with the save. Trying to go into adventure mode but it crashes each time I get to the "updating world" part. Doesn't even properly start it - it reads the raws, then crashes right as its about to get into the updating world bit.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 28, 2018, 06:11:22 pm
I'm trying it myself and I'm getting the same problem. I moved it to the most recent version of the save and it's still giving me that problem. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening and how we can fix it?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 28, 2018, 06:46:25 pm
A short one today, but hopefully a full one next weekend or during the week.
In a shallow koopa fort two miners chip away at the last bits of stone jutting out from an otherwise smooth wall. About ten other koopas stand in this room in front of another koopa with a piece of paper in his hand.
     Mottled Petrel addressed the crowd in front of him "Welcome to Modded Hell! There really isn't much to tell you guys about, all of us were sent here for one reason or another. Before I start doling out work, does anyone have any questions?" MrLurkety raised his hand "Uh, why are there three koopas and a ninji passed out in the food pile?". EPM was sitting on top of them, either completely oblivious or just because he was a jerk. Urlance Woolsbane was next to him, apparently diagnosing "Dream ale overdose, they'll be out for well over a year. There's nothing we can do about it.". Wags had just been beginning the motion of pouring himself some dream ale, upon hearing this he immediately stopped in his tracks.

     "I'm not sure what we're going to do about them." Mottled Petrel confessed "Any more questions?" almost all of the koopas attending raised one of their hands "None? Got it. All right, now that the main room has been almost cleared out I want workshops to be set up. I want three mason workshops, three carpenter's workshops, three craftskoopa's workshops, three mechanic's benches, a jeweler's bench, three smelters, and a forge. Anything that can be made out of wood should be made out of wood. Now, off to it!" the crowd dispersed to assemble the various workshops.
     "Sir, we've finished clearing out the main room." Derpy Dev reported to Mottled Petrel. "Good, now, the deepest soil layer, I want you to dig out an area for underground farming and animal taming.".
     After this order Mottled Petrel notices EPM claim a nestbox, and then lay four koopa eggs. 'With her husband here there's a pretty good chance that those eggs are fertilized', Mottled Petrel yells "Congratulations" over to EMP, who just blushes and gets back to work.
     Some giant sparrows now circle above, Enemy Post seems convinced that he can hunt them too. Mottled Petrel doesn't try to stop him this time. Instead, he tells his squire to order the carving of some bone AK-47's and some bone bullets. In addition, he orders the production of some shell shells "It's been too long since I've been able to curl up into a shell for a nice rest, if we've got any shell somewhere have someone try to make them into a shell." "Understood" said Silverlocke as he scampered away to relay orders. No shells could be found 'I'll order some bone shells if Enemy Post ever manages to kill anything'.
    KoopaUnknown suddenly yells "FROM NOW ON NO ONE IS TO ZELL ANY LARGE ZERRATED DIZKZ, WE NEED THEM TO PROTECT COMMUNIZM!". Mottled Petrel happened to be on break and was having a drink with the oracle when this happened, the oracle shook his head "Keep an eye on that one, we threw him out of the mountain homes because of how much of a political zealot he is. As you know, the mountain home is communist, but its a very moderate communism. We're rather accepting of other political ideas, as long as they don't directly challenge the koopa beliefs. But this guy, he almost killed a few koopalings who happened to be discussing democracy in the eastern dining hall." the oracle took another sip of his drink "Just... play the facade and he probably won't notice that this isn't as communistic of a fort as he thinks it is.". Mottled Petrel nodded slowly, before he yelled out to the rest of the koopas in the main room "You heard him, no selling any large serrated disks".
     Silverlocke runs up to Mottled Petrel "Sir, the miners have struck stone in the proposed underground farm, should they continue as planned?" "Yeah, just keep going, we'll put the stockpiles and farmer's workshops over the stone. Oh, and have someone make an armor stand, I want the militia training as soon as possible. And have someone start cutting gems".

     The still has still not been built yet, but the furnaces have been "I want 10 bars of charcoal made, and then I want someone on constant iron and coal smelting. Then, I want this next furnace to be only steel and pig iron smelting. There's no time for lesser metals, we need to be ready to defend ourselves NOW. I also want some tables and chairs.". Satisfied with another fine round of orders, Mottled Petrel walks back to the surface to plant more seeds. Upon doing so he trips over the nipper plants that have become piranha buds at the entrance. He call back "Can somebody carefully dig these guys up and place them at the tunnel intersections?".
     Autumn has come, and the still still hasn't been built, Mottled Petrel grows impatient. He lays out the blueprints for the proposed barracks and puts them at a lower priority than the miners are currently working at.
     After the making of a office for the bookkeeper Silverlocke reports to Mottled Petrel "Sir, a ruxian caravan is on the horizon." Mottled Petrel looked confused "What the hell is a ruxian?" Silverlocke looked a little surprised by this "What do you mean 'what the hell is a Ruxian'? You had a ruxian partner for last year's national three legged race in the mountain home. I've even got an engraving of you coming in dead last with him if you don't believe me." Silverlocke fished a small, flat rock out of his pocket "Wait, why do you have an engraving of me at all?". Mottled Petrel took the rock, and saw that there was indeed an -engraving- of him losing last year's three legged race. In the engraving Mottled Petrel was on his hands and knees pounding the ground with a facial expression that told him that he was screaming while he was doing so. Tied to one of his legs was what looked like a bird person with both wings and arms, the bird person looked like he resented his partner. The engraving showed that all of the other racers had already finished the race while Mottled Petrel and his partner weren't even half way.

     The memory was vaguely recognized by Mottled Petrel "Yeah... I remember something like this happening. I don't think I even bothered to look at my partner though. Would you mind if I kept this?" Mottled Petrel still had no idea why he had it in the first place "Sure, you can have it, I've got about nine other copies with me.". An even more questioning look from Mottled Petrel "Whhyyyyyy?", "You don't understand how funny it was to see you break down and scream in the middle of the race, they sell these things as traveler's souvenirs now. I couldn't resist picking up a few for keep sakes.". Mottled Petrel reluctantly slipped the stone into his pocket, as if just having it on him would cause another embarrassing event.

     'We don't really have much to trade, but mayb- Wait, why did one of them just fly off from their pack animal?'. One of the ruxes flew up into the air, leaving its pack skiddo on the ground, confused. That rux then flies up over the rest of the traders and directly into the depot. 'Our broker is still asleep, so I'm not sure if we'll even do much trading.'.
     A ratooey caravan appears from the same direction 'fuck it, anyone who wants to trade can go trade for us'. One of the trolls has apparently also given birth 'I'll deal with these traders later, it's going to be about a year and a half before those pack animals they left behind wander here on their own anyway'.

'We don't have enough trade goods for one caravan, much less three!'
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: EPM on January 28, 2018, 07:00:18 pm
Can't wait for the wagons to smack into each other, this'll be a riot.

Man, I get busy for a couple days and suddenly I'm farting out future residents. I wonder how that situation will work, if clutches of eggs can be laid at a time and then hatch. No idea how [LAYS_EGGS] would work with child tracking or population caps, etc. Might lead to something silly like 20 something future residents being hatched, might not...

As for the sleeproot booze, I'm not so sure about weaponizing it, but it seems like the perfect solution for any [CURIOUSBEAST_GUZZLER] wildlife around. If we treat it like a pesticide and spread some forbidden barrels of it around, it'd make an unorthodox but simple trap.

Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 28, 2018, 07:32:51 pm
Multiple caravans can pull into a single trade depot just fine, even if you make multiple trade depots they'll only pull into one. I believe eggs automatically become unfertilized when they exceed the population cap. I'm seriously considering setting out dream ale in the fields for any unwanted visitors, I'd also like to say that at least one of the caravans brought more sleeproots...
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: scourge728 on January 28, 2018, 09:25:53 pm
Unless these are new eggs, the eggs in the save were infertile (dfhack is best
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on January 29, 2018, 09:22:35 am
how did you get the mods to work? my friendship is magic and starwars mod keeps crashing
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: Enemy post on January 29, 2018, 03:39:35 pm
how did you get the mods to work? my friendship is magic and starwars mod keeps crashing

Did you try to combine them? There are probably conflicting raws in Jawa Fortress and Friendship is Magic. I made Jawa Fortress, if you tell me which pony mod you want I can probably merge them for you.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 29, 2018, 03:55:22 pm
The instillation of mods is a lot harder to do than you'd think it would be. Some of them are simple enough to just copy into the raws, but often times you need to put some serious effort into getting them to work.

Also, in response to adventure mode not working in the save, I'm thinking about simply genning a new world with the raws and putting that up for adventuring instead. What do you guys think about that?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 01, 2018, 08:39:22 pm
I'm going to try to get an update out this weekend, but for now, I thought I'd torture treat you guys with some spoilers points of interest:














My lips are going to be sealed on the purposes of these pictures and how they relate to the story, so please, let the conspiracy theories run wild.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: ZM5 on February 02, 2018, 04:45:22 am
Oh man, I don't remember the last time the merchants themselves got attacked in one of my forts. I'm curious as to what happened.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: stingpie on February 02, 2018, 06:06:22 pm
A merchant decided to snack on a 1up mushroom, took a swig of dream ale, and exploded from blood pressure?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 03, 2018, 08:58:12 pm
In a grassy field a koopa cranes his neck to see over an adjacent grassy hill.
      'As if we didn't have enough trade goods for 3 caravans, here comes another!'. From over the hills a silanif caravan approaches, in there eyes is a powerful glint of greed.
     Before this caravan could even get over the farthest hill the doublade that had been floating around since the fort was founded descended and almost bisected one of the merchants with a single blow from one of its swords. Surprisingly, the merchant survived and crawled away, but the wagon he was riding was shattered into a rain of splinters by the force of the blow.
     The wagon looked really depressed before the attack, so Mottled Petrel was unsure as to whether the wagon enjoyed being destroyed or not. The rest of the caravan immediately turned around and began fleeing, but the bouffalant that had been hauling the sad wagon decided to stay behind and avenge their gloomy friend.
     The two bouffalant were hacked to pieces in a matter of seconds. A caravan guard also stayed behind, not the help the merchant who was lying on the ground with his lungs hanging out of his chest, but to claim the glory of slaying the doublade for his own. He let loose a number of iron bolts, each one taking a good sized chunk of the duoblade with it when it hit. Eventually, even though the duoblade was probably never alive in the first place, the silanif declared it 'dead'. Mottled Petrel took note that the destruction of the wagon probably meant that they'd have to leave behind a large pile of their trade goods "Sorry about that guys, can you come back next year?". The silanif that had killed the duoblade shook his fist at Mottled Petrel and ran to catch up with the fleeing caravan, leaving his bleeding friend in the dirt behind him. Mottled Petrel thought about if he could remedy the situation, and then decided he didn't care enough because he didn't even know what a silanif was until a couple of seconds ago.

     Once back inside the fort he noticed a mole man ambassador and a ratooey minister of trade huddled around the passed out broker. "Squire! You're temporary broker until the old one wakes up. I want you to deal with these diplomats and call me over once they ask what we want to import.".
     Some angry yelling could be heard from outside, Silverlock was now next to Mottled Petrel "I think that's the diplomat from the caravan that got cut up. Not much we can do about them.". Silverlock steps aside to speak with the Mole person ambassador. After a few minutes Silverlock calls Mottled Petrel over and sums up the conversation for him "We have settled along a major trade route it seems, and the mole person people welcome us doing so. They see it as a way for them to better connect with the koopa people and that this could become a valuable checkpoint for all merchants. He requests that he be allowed to stay longer than the trade caravan so that he may better assess the trading potential of this location." Mottled Petrel was thinking about what he was going to have for dinner later '-nd then I could give it a side of pokebeans with- oh fuck, I missed all of that. Uhhh...' "Tell him that we are glad that his people have come to trade and agree to any diplomatic request he might have."
     Silverlock went back to talking to the mole person for another few minutes, and then returned to ask what Mottled Petrel wanted to import and handed him a list. "Hmm... I think we could go for a pair of Geo Vipers, they sound cool, some mountain dew, some pond turtles, for their shells. Other than that, surprise us." Silverlock ran off, then returned with the list of goods that the mole person people requested of the koopas. Mottled Petrel pretended to look at it 'They're getting spiked balls and they're going to like it'. Silverlock went to find the ratooey minister of trade, but found that he had been the one who had stormed off angrily earlier. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of this, but he noticed that wags was just sitting around "Hey, wags, you're a brewer now, go make the still" wags sighed "dammit..." and reluctantly got up.
     The three caravans on the surface had somehow all squeezed themselves into the singular trade depot, which was pretty impressive because each wagon was about the size of the entire trade depot. The three races all vied for Mottled Petrel's and Silverlock's attention, each describing just how quality their 'premium goods' were. "All right, calm down everyone, the ruxes got here first." One of the rux merchants pumped his fist and said "yessss" under his breath. Silverlock stood at the depot and looked at the goods, and then backed up and said "I have no idea what any of these are worth". 'god damn it' thought Mottled Petrel, as he looked around for someone else who could trade. A troll walked by, "Hey, you, troll, what's your proffession?" "trader" replied the troll.
     "Trader? Well get over here and help us trade!" the troll walked up to the depot and brushed Silverlocke aside. The troll looked over the goods for a few minutes as he tried to get an idea of the standings of each side of the deal, wags walked up to report that the still had finally been made.
     "It's about time! Now go down there and brew anything that's even remotely edible, I want enough alcohol to last us the winter.". The troll pulled Mottled Petrel aside to talk to him "They've brought a lot of stuff, but most of it is overpriced crap. Chances are we can dump our own overpriced crap on them. Just tell me what you want when you see it and I'll take it from there." Mottled Petrel nodded.

     Overpriced crap was an understatement, they were selling some stone blocks for 5000 urists...EACH. Nothing else was really of value. Mottled Petrel pulled the troll aside "These guys are fucking insane. 230 urists for a waterskin? I don't care if it's made out of imported white beaked dolphin leather, there's no fucking way we're paying that kinda money for a folded over piece of leather. Just... just buy some cheap barrels from them or something so they don't feel bad and they come back next year." The troll agreed with Mottled Petrel's call.

     There was only one cheap barrel, all of the other ones were encrusted in precious something or another. They payed for the purchase with a handful of cheap gems. The ruxes still seemed happy with that, as they immediately took out small magnifying lenses and eagerly looked over the gems. 'Well that was a bust, on to the ratooeys' "Hey, do you guys know why your minister of trade stormed off?" One of the merchants looked a little embarrassed "He's got a bit of a short fuse, if he doesn't get attention fast enough he gets angry and storms off. We'll try to make sure that this doesn't impact relations between us too much.". The ratooey merchants were much more agreeable than the ruxes, they willingly sold a magic reindeer waterskin for base waterskin value. Mottled Petrel asked if they had anything they thought could combat the effects of dream ale, the ratooeys pulled up a bag of revival herb seeds and said that they might help. The ratooeys were selling a few large gems for very cheap, Mottled Petrel bought them for future magikoopa spell making.

     At the bottom of the trade pile were a few books, most notably one called 'thoughts on the farm', it sold for 420 urists. "It's a book about farming plants made to be smoked" the merchant explained "I know the koopas use gnobs for that purpose, maybe it will help to give some insight on new things that can be smoked?" Mottled Petrel could barely read, so he couldn't actually check if this was true or not "Sure, and we'll take 'the mountain halls within reason' for future architectural help, and that limestone bound codex" The troll looked at Mottled Petrel as he ran his fingers down the side of the codex "Don't you at least want to know what it's about before we buy it?". At this point Mottled Petrel was rubbing the codex against his cheek slowly, and oddly intimately "But that gets rid of all the mystery.". "Whatever" the troll handed over a few spiked wooden balls as payment, the ratooeys were impressed by the intricacy of the spiked balls. 'Good, I don't want any of these guys asking for anything of actual value in return for their goods'.

     The mole people were last, and the koopas were almost out of trade goods. Most notable of the things being offered was a barrel of 'molding venom', "What does it do?" asked Mottled Petrel. The mole people looked at each other "We have no idea, a few mold monsters got loose in one of our mines, and one of them tried to poison us by releasing some of this substance into our water supply. Our best guess is that it will either kill you or turn you into a mold monster." "We'll take it, and what kind of blood is in that barrel?"
     The mole merchants were starting to look concerned, most of their trade partners never bothered to ask about the blood barrels "Uhh... we had a ninji criminal lord that we caught, and as part of his punishment we drained him of most of his blood. It was later found that a vampire had been the one to give this order, and was dealt with, but now we're left with a barrel of ninji blood... sooo...". Every part of Mottled Petrel told him that it would be a terrible idea to buy a barrel of blood in a fort where ninjis lived "We'll take it off your hands, only because we don't want you to have to carry it around any longer". The merchants looked like they were torn between being relieved to get it off their hands and creeped out that someone actually wanted a barrel of almost sentient creature blood.

     The 1-up mushrooms looked very promising to Mottled Petrel, but they wouldn't be able to afford them anytime soon. The mole people actually didn't bring that much, so only those barrels and a bone instrument were bought. Mottled Petrel patted the troll on the back "Thanks for the help man, now carry all this stuff inside.". The troll grumbled as he began picking up some boxes. Mottled Petrel walked back into the fort "Hey wags, hows the brewing goi-"
     "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN YOU CHOSE THE THING THAT HAS ALREADY PUT 4 MEN OUT OF COMMISSION![/i]" wags drops the sleeproot in his hand "I, uh, I just really liked how they smelled, so I wondered if when I brewed them they'd make the rest of the room smell like them." Mottled Petrel didn't buy it, and showed his distrust by doing a thing with his fingers that he hoped would say 'I've got my eye on you'. Wags had no idea what he was doing with his fingers, but gathered that Mottled Petrel hadn't bought his explanation.
     "Get your tail in the barracks, you're a chainsaw koopa from now on." wags began to protest "But I've never done so much as held a weapon in my life! These gem cutter's hands are made for precision! We don't even have any weapons for me to train with!" Mottled Petrel beckoned KoopaUnknown over "Head brute, the barracks has been dug out and you can start training. We don't have any weapons for you yet, but once we do you will have 4 tridents, 2 shields, and 2 claws for sidearms should you lose any of the above. This one" Mottled Petrel pointed towards wags "Will have the same, but instead of tridents he will have chainsaws. I know tridents are technically pikes, and are large and heavy, but with some training a strong koopa can hold a trident with only one hand. Now, I want you take this" Mottled Petrel basically spat his next word "capitalist[/b]" KoopaUnknown's head snapped towards wags. It held a gaze of the most intense and burning hatred either koopa had ever seen. Wags actually began to tremble a little "-and whip him into shape with some wrestling while we make some weapons for you. No training weapons, the only way to properly learn how to dodge is to start with steel and have the ever present fear of being ripped in half if you slack for even a moment."

     KoopaUnknown walked over to wags and gave him a powerful punch to the gut. As wags keeled over KoopaUnknown grabbed both of his feet from under him and started dragging him to the barracks "Don't vorry zir, he'll be zubordinate champion of communizm before you know it!". Wags was screaming as he desperately clawed at the ground with all six of his hands. Mottled Petrel didn't bother to see it through "Derpy Dev, could you did out the plan for those rooms I showed you earlier."
     "Sure, but what are they for again?" Mottled Petrel grinned "Don't worry about it, also, have someone build a meat hut when they get the chance, it's about time that we start building the foundations of the meat tower".
Migrant wave, for people who asked for a specific profession, do you want me to hold out for koopas that already have skill in it, or if none of them have skill in your desired profession do you want me to take a random one and start training them?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: TheRedwolf on February 04, 2018, 12:51:36 am
Could I be a swordsspiderkoopa? You have inspired me to create my own modded hell, and for that, I thank you. I might also have spare Raws.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on February 04, 2018, 09:23:55 am
i would like to be in the guard if at all possible but i can hold out if theres no immigrants that have anything to do with that profession
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 04, 2018, 03:54:14 pm
Could I be a swordsspiderkoopa? You have inspired me to create my own modded hell, and for that, I thank you. I might also have spare Raws.
I guess I never really considered that the koopas were basically spiders because they had 8 limbs, but yeah, you can totally be a swordskoopa. I'm also glad to hear that I inspired someone to break dwarf fortress as well, tell me how it goes and I'll try to help you if you have any questions. But be warned, it isn't as simple as download and drop them into the raw folder.

i would like to be in the guard if at all possible but i can hold out if theres no immigrants that have anything to do with that profession
Unfortunately there are a few people ahead of you on the list who asked for military positions, I'll try to get you in this migrant wave though. Chances are, though, that most of the military will be made up of high master threshers and peasants, so if I'm going to dump a useless migrant into the military that might be the one I koopa you as. Fortunately, when you work with 4 weapons at once and jump right into live weapons training you pick up fighting skills pretty fast.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 04, 2018, 06:22:42 pm
I can already smell the fun from here.

MottledPetrel, could you also make my dwarf a mechanic? i want to be involved in the making of any devious traps that you devise.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 04, 2018, 07:31:15 pm
Can do. Sorry, I forgot you wanted to be a mechanic. And don't worry, the over complicated death traps will come in time.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 06, 2018, 01:52:45 pm
I just want to be an animal trainer for pikachu, make them my own war animals, don't need to already be trained in it, and once there are no more pikachu-like creatures around to train, I'll go in the military with my pikachus.

Any chance you could go into the save's raws and make sleeproot's effects only 100 or so ticks, so that anyone else who drinks it will wake up pretty soon? Have no idea what effect this would have on those already sleeping.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 07, 2018, 06:57:34 pm
I will be sure to assign you any pikachu-like things we might find, and if we don't get any anytime soon I'll ask the caravan for some. I have no idea if changing the duration of sleeproot stuff will have any effect in the game, but I know it will have no effect on the items already on the map. Personally, I don't think I'd do it regardless, for stability reasons. And speaking of plants with needless syndromes... I whipped up a little thing today...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I haven't been able to test it, but the errorlog says that there's nothing glaringly wrong with it. If anyone finds anything potentially wrong with the code, please tell me so I can fix it. I don't think I'm going to add it to modded hell midway (unless people are feeling particularly sadistic), but this is a taste of things to come...
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: IndigoFenix on February 08, 2018, 01:01:41 am
I don't think it's possible to add new objects to an existing world, though you can add effects to existing plants.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 08, 2018, 07:55:58 pm
Out in the middle of a field a koopa sits in the middle of a farm plot, scratching his arm.
     'I really need to treat my scales better, all this time out in the sun is making them irritated' Mottled Petrel looks around, supposedly for some scale lotion or something 'Oh, more migrants, guess I should probably deal with them first'. Mottled Petrel gets up and pulls out his clipboard and scribing tools.
     'Oh good, one of them brought a gallade with them' the gallade takes one look at the koopa that crested the hill next to it and immediately runs away 'huh... guess it wasn't trained that well'. The first koopa steps up to Mottled Petrel who is leaning on the wall next to the fort's entrance "Welcome to Modded Hell, the most civilized place for miles, name" "Auze" "Profession" "Planter" "Skills" "Great Grower, magikoopa" "Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" he shiftily looked from side to side "I tried to become a bookkeeper, but there was some... complications with supplies going missing. Hey, you guys don't have any law enforcement here do you?" Mottled Petrel had begun drawing again, he started with a hyper realistic plain setting the scene "Nope, you could be that if you want to. Once we're in a better position you can be the chief wizard, as far as I know his only real job is to beat up criminals. Other than that, you now have all farming jobs." Auze looked surprised "Uh, alright?" "Please, head inside".

     Mottled Petrel began drawing the base of a cylinder rising up from the plain, the next koopa stepped up to him. This koopa had a broken tail that seemed to have been broken intentionally to give it a zigzag shape. On his cheeks were painted on red spots, it would appear that he was trying to look like a pikachu, but didn't come very close. "Name" "PIKA *cough* Pikalord" "Profession" "Animal trainer" "skills" "Great animal trainer, skilled student, novice writer, proficient reader, and talented critical thinker" Mottled Petrel looked up from the cylinder he was drawing at the koopa's broken tail "Critical thinker, right... Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" "There was an altercation when one of the other animal trainers tried to take away one of my babies" "Like, your actual child?" "No, no, one of my precious pikachus" "Where they actually your pets?" "Well... not technically, but I'd like to think that they liked me" Mottled Petrel rolled his eyes as he began to draw a smaller hollow cylinder around the base of his larger cylinder 'Yep, definitely a critical thinker we have here' "Preferences" "Well, I'd like to become a fighter after I find some more precious babies, but until then I'd like to remain an animal trainer" "You can remain an animal trainer, but you will also have all of the animal related skills as well as farming skills". Pikalord walked inside, looking around for anything that even remotely resembled a pikachu.

     Another koopa stepped up "Name" "Nokop" "Skills" "Great carpenter" "Ah, good, all of our carpenters are going to be passed out for the next year. You have all wood related jobs now" Nokop looked like he was expecting more "But, don't you want to ask me why I came here? I've got a whole backstory and this letter of recomen-" "Nope, make me some barrels tables and bins". Mottled Petrel waved him off, and Nokop sullenly walked inside with his head hanging down.

     Next was a koopa that was down on all eight of her limbs, Mottled Petrel failed to notice her until she made a few fake coughs. After that got Mottled Petrel's attention she let out a low hiss, Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make out of it "uh, name?" "TheRedWolf" the koopa said, in a low slightly hissy voice "Skills" "Great milker, Exssspert Ssstudent" Mottled Petrel actually bothered to ask an original question for once "Alright, what the fuck are you doing. Is this your theme or something?" "Can't you sssee? I'm a ssspider, look, I have eight legsss." She twirled around in a little circle on the ground to assert her point, or something "You sound like you're trying to be a snake, spiders don't hiss" She sighed "I know, but ssspidersss make little to no sssound, and what they do make sssoundsss like low clacking. The hissssing isss unrelated, I have a condisssion that makesss all of my Ssss sssoundsss come out like that of a sssnake. It REALLY killsss the ssspider thing I'm going for." "Whatever floats your boat ma'am, why'd you come here anyways?" "My husssband Nokop got a job proposssal or sssomething from the king, apparently this plassse needed carpenterssss becaussse all of them were passssed out. Honessstly, I think I wasss jussst creeping everyone out with my crawling acrosss the sssieling." She looked pretty sad after that last statement "Uh, alright. We don't really have anything to milk, so what do you want to do?" She suddenly looked up with a determined expression on her face "I want to be a ssswordssspider!" "Report to the barracks then. It's directly to your left at the bottom of the ramp. You should be able to find which room it is by the sound of someone being bashed against the walls. Don't worry, I'm hoping the head brute will calm down a little now that there's more people to train with.". TheRedWolf crawled inside after her husband 'He must be one lucky man' Mottled Petrel thought, shaking his head. A dodrio scampered in behind her, presumably her pet.

     Another burly koopa walked up to Mottled Petrel "Name" "SQman" "Skills" "Great wood burner, great flatterer, talented negotiator" "Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" SQman struck a triumphant pose "I, the great executive furnace operator, have been sent by the king to lead this fort to greatness!" Mottled Petrel gave him an unimpressed look "Come on, this is the fort where they send dead beats to work for a living. Besides, you have no furnace operating skill. Why were you really sent here?" SQman let out the air he was holding to pump out his chest in a sigh "As I told you, I'm a great woodburner. I wanted to move up to furnace operating after all the woodburners got layed off because we had enough ash to last the continent for years. Apparently, furnace operating isn't as close to wood burning as I thought it was, so I tried to sell some coal on the side to get myself a livable income. And" SQman spread out his arms "now I'm here!" "Well, we don't really have much skilled work around here. You can keep wood burning, but for the most part you're going to be a fully employed furnace operator. Get down there and smelt me some steel." SQman started to run towards the ramp, but stopped in his tracks with a look of mild panic "Wait! I didn't mean that kind of furnace operating. I have no idea how to smelt, I meant, like, powering a steam engine or something with coal furnace operating." Mottled Petrel didn't even look up from the semi circle he was drawing on top of the large cylinder on his paper "What do you think we are, an industrial complex? We hardly have tables to eat on, much less steam engines of any kind. You've been assigned to smelting, figure it out or ask someone for help. I don't care how the ingots turn out, just that they're made out of the right metal.". SQman lingered for a moment, but eventually walked inside.

     Another koopa walked up "Name" "Nokoopi" "Skills" "Great furnace operator, magikoopa" Mottled Petrel stopped drawing lines on the underside of the semi circle for a second "You wouldn't happen to be here for reasons related to a certain SQman? Would you?" Nokoopi sighed "That tool? Yes, I am here because of him. Instead of just admitting to not having any skill in furnace operating he decided to fabricate a claim that he couldn't work because I was 'harassing him' or something. I hadn't ever even seen him before, but apparently the state believed him, so they sent me with him to here." Mottled Petrel thought for a moment and he tapped his quill against his chin "...You have any idea how to smelt?" "Yes, unlike SQman I doubled in boiler operating and conventional smelting." "Get down there and teach those guys how to smelt please, after that you can smelt without talking to him if you're angry." Nokoopi walked in with an expression that said 'damn right I'm angry'. A sylveon and bannette, probably his pets, walked in behind him.

     Another koopa walked up "Name" "Nuku" "Skills" "Great furnace operator, great-" Mottled Petrel inhaled to say something, but Nuku cut him off before he started "Yes, I'm here because of SQman too. He REALLY upset the order of the furnace operators at the mountainhome. I got the short end of the stick when his first harassment claim didn't work. I'm also a great metalsmith, a great metal crafter, and a magikoopa." "...You can just head inside, I'm sure you know what to do.". Nuku stomped inside, probably to catch up with his fellow furnace operator.

     Another koopa stepped up to Mottled Petrel "Name" "Lord_lemonpie" Mottled Petrel stopped again "what the hell is _ ?" He shrugged "Weird naming system my parents used" "... skills?" "Great lye maker, magikoopa" "I thought you were a guard?" "I was, I got deported here when people found out I didn't actually have any real military skills." "Fair enough, you do know that we're never going to need a great lye maker, right?" he sighed "Yeah, just make me a macekoopa or something" "Macekoopa it is, but this time you're actually going to learn something from it, or you're going to be the training dummy.".
     Another koopa did not walk up to Mottled Petrel 'hmm, is that all of them? All right, guess I should get back to work.' thought Mottled Petrel, as he put the finishing touches on his hyper realistic mushroom drawing. 'It's going to be a nightmare equipping all of these guys with no one with any real weapon or armor making skills'.
We're getting a LOT of magikoopas, and I'm doing my best with doling out koopaings based on desired skills as best as I can. Also, I need some new name ideas for the thread, the distributing of modded hell is getting a bit old, especially considering that adventure mode doesn't even work for some reason.
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 09, 2018, 02:33:51 pm
"The magikoopas of Modded Hell"?
"The passed-out drunkards of Modded Hell"?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: SQman on February 09, 2018, 03:36:20 pm
Spiders would totally hiss if they could. It's really unfair that they can't be as sinister as snakes just because they have no true lungs or throats.
Nice migration wave, no fish cleaners, animal dissectors, or novice poet peasants, and only one lye maker.

Spoiler: Making steel (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: Sanctume on February 09, 2018, 05:02:27 pm
Request dorfing: Weaponsmith / Axedwarf, or both.
Title: Re: The Magikoopa Invasion of Modded Hell (Magikoopas Everywhere)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 09, 2018, 05:22:52 pm
There's been a lot of funny coincidences so far, like Urlance Woolsbane being an animal dissector as well as a doctor and me koopaing SQman as a woodburner only to have two great furnace operators come immediately after him. It's also kinda ironic that at this point we've got so many magikoopas that we're just letting them be farmers.

Request dorfing: Weaponsmith / Axedwarf, or both.
You can be whatever happens to come first, but I don't think I'm going to let my only nonexistent weaponsmith out on the front line.

Also, I totally agree, spiders would hiss if they were capable of it.
Title: Re: The Magikoopa Invasion of Modded Hell (Magikoopas Everywhere)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 14, 2018, 09:16:46 pm
As a gift to my fellow introverts on Valentine's Day I decided to let my creativity run wild in a more lore based update. I have to say, it got a LOT fucking weirder than I thought it was going to be, but it also set the stage for a lot of later story I'm going to get to as the fort goes on. I hope you all enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day from the koopas of Modded Hell.
In a fledgling koopa fortress, love is in the air. It swept over the fort in a large horrid cloud, leaving the inhabitants inside to squirm in the effects it left.
     Airborne love, a rare and wicked atmospheric anomaly. It manifests as a deep, bright pink fog that rolls across the country side as a single entity under certain rare conditions. Some say it's the blight of the gods while others say it is summoned from dark places unknown by twisted cultists. No matter where it comes from, any life unlucky enough to be caught in it suffers debilitating personality changes that last as long as the cloud is present... and a number of different otherworldly effects. Mottled Petrel was one of the astronomically few lucky ones, after the complete personality reroll that the cloud brings luck would have it that he received a temporary personality almost identical to his normal one. The only real difference was that he cared a little less about things than he usually did, which was very helpful as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

     Wasteland would be much too strong of a word, for the grassy plain in front of the fort was still the fertile, green place it was before the cloud. Slightly pink wind ripples swept across the sea of grass blades, crickets chirped unseen among their stalks, and Derpy Dev and MrLurkety were wrestling over a single troll fur sock in the middle of a torn up mud puddle. Luckily, Derpy Dev didn't have his pick on him, or he would probably have killed his opponent for the treasure that was between them. For once, the dearth of any actual weaponry in the fort seemed like a good thing, because if there had been any actual weaponry within reach of some of the koopas running around like mad men there would likely have been bodies already strewn about.

     During the scuffle, the sock somehow managed to get onto Derpy Dev's hand like a glove. Both of them immediately stopped fighting and stared at said hand with wide eyed expressions of bewilderment. "DUDE!" MrLurkety exclaimed "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOUR HAND GO?!". Derpy Dev frantically looked around for what he likely thought was a missing hand, as he did so he waved the sock hand around "I don't know man, I'm scared, I'M SCARED!". MrLurkety grabbed him by his upper shoulders and slapped him across the face "Don't worry bro, I'll help you look for it.". Derpy Dev brought him in for a hug and shed a single manly tear "What would I do without such a rad dude as you, bro!" they retracted from the hug "Now, I think I saw it over there" he pointed to a large pile of fallen leaves "shh, if we're real quite we can sneak up on it". MrLurkety nodded, genuinely convinced that Derpy Dev's hand had sneaked away to the yonder pile of leaves.

     The two of them did their best attempt at stealthily crawling up to the pile of leaves. Derpy Dev held up three fingers, then two, then one. He pumped his fist when he got to zero, and the two koopas pounced onto the pile of leaves. Inside there was a large rat hiding instead of a missing hand, the two of them grabbed onto it and began wrestling it like it was a pig trying to run away from a farmer that was trying to bring it in for cleaning. 'Have those two always been this dumb? And since when do they act like rad surfer dudes? Bah! I'll have to try to be cool with them sometime.' Mottled Petrel thought as he looked around to further take in the scene.

     EPM ran by with a snow leopard cub held high over her head. As she ran she made the cub swerve through the air as she made her best attempt at eagle and dragon noises with her mouth. The mother of the cub ran after her. Needless to say, the snarling noises she made weren't hinting towards good things. Further across the field three koopas looked like they were trying to play some kind of game. SQman and Urlance Woolsbane were about waist deep in a murky pool with an assortment of different sized wood logs suspended above the water by a carefully constructed lattice of string. The string made a grid, and some logs crossed more than one tile on the grid. Both koopas looked like they were deep in thought, while Enemy Post stood off to the side of the grid scribbling away furiously on a piece of bark. Urlance gingerly picked up one of the logs on his side of the lattice, and then threw it at one of the logs on SQman's side. This caused SQman's log to turn about 45 degrees in it's tile.

     SQman threw his arms up into the air and exclaimed "BLAST! You've beached my sperm whale! But don't get too comfortable, because I've got a swarm of locusts up my sleeve that will put your entire anacondaman workforce out of a job!". With that, he reached down and pulled up a small, flat stone from the bottom of the pool and placed it on top of one of his logs. Urlance Woolsbane raised an eyebrow "Hmm? You're going to have to try a little bit harder than a crow centaur civil protest to crash my stock market!". SQman had a devious, and yet somehow entirely murderous, look on his face "Oh" he said slyly "that's not all" he reached out and gently broke a twig off of one of his logs with a look on his face that could only be akin to a psychopathic tyrant that just ordered the genocide of an entire continent.

     Urlance Woolsbane recoiled in horror as if someone had just forced him to watch his own family be tortured in front of him, accompanied by a soul wrenching cry of disgust. He promptly turned around and threw up. Enemy Post jumped to his feet and blew into a small whistle that was around his neck, simultaneously pulling out a purple colored piece of bark and waving it at SQman. "Oh come on" SQman complained "A purple card!? That move was perfectly legal!". Enemy Post put a pair of reading spectacles on the bridge of his beak and pulled out a thick leather bound tome from behind him. He leafed through the pages and jabbed his finger at a certain spot on the page. "In accordance to article 34, section 47a, subsection 834n, underheading 89734...".

     Mottled Petrel lost interest, instead opting to walk inside the fort to see how it was inside there. Before he did so, he noticed bloop_bleep in the river. It seemed that he had joined a local school of humming tadpoles, as he was boldly humming an intricate rhythm with an assortment of humming tadpoles around him, all working together to form a surprisingly grand symphony. A number of other denizens of the river had gathered to watch the performance. A pair of rainbow trout appeared to be arguing with each other at the edge of the crowd, while a smaller rainbow trout wearing a baseball cap forlornly sat next to them, questioning his life choices. Mottled Petrel squinted at the scene, deep in thought. Coming to no real conclusions, other than possibly assigning that trout family a marriage counselor, he walked inside.

     Silverlock ran up to him, covered in blood. But not splatters of blood, delicate fingers of blood painted on with more precision than any of the finest paintings Mottled Petrel had seen in the koopa mountain home. Silverlock grabbed Mottled Petrel by the cheeks and stared deeply into his eyes, searching. Mottled Petrel felt that his very essence was being combed over by the koopa in front of him, and Silverlock's eyes held an unearthly wisdom to them. As this happened Mottled Petrel tried to make sense of the unexplainably detailed runes that had been painted onto Silverlock, unholy runes that no mortal should ever even know existed. Silverlock suddenly got incredibly jittery "of course" he whispered to himself with the expression of a terrified mouse corned by an incredible beast that should have no interest in vermin "of course... he's the master, the string puller, the creator... and you are but his vessel...".

     It felt as if a nest of wasps had been poked deep withing Mottled Petrel, and a black wave of eldritch power swept out of him to form a protective aura. Silverlock recoiled, the mouse was being toyed with now "I must awaken the key!". He ran off, the blood runes all over his body seeming to flicker and change with each step. 'What, do I have gas or something?' Mottled Petrel sniffed the air, and then sniffed his armpit. He grimaced 'Damn, I need to wash more often'.

     A little further down the hallway Stingpie had his hands covered in much less graceful blood splatters. On the wall was a large assortment of images painted in blood. They almost exclusively were renditions of hearts, but not simple hearts used to show affection between lovers, but renditions of the essential organ complete with the beginnings of a functional vascular system. Some hearts were smashed, some were bleeding, some were poisoned, but the one he was currently working on appeared to have a whole colony of small humanoids living inside. "Hey" Mottled Petrel called towards Stingpie "What's that you're drawing?" Stingpie looked up for just a second, before looking back to his painting "They're the painters... They live inside us all. Working, endlessly. They create, while we take. The paint that flows within us is their mark" he brings his hand to his mouth, and bites a large amount of scale off of his thumb "The world is their canvas, and once they deem us unworthy brushes, they leave, and we are discarded, left to wither, left to be forgotten... I'll show them" he brings the now bleeding digit to the wall and makes a bold stroke, using his blood as paint "I'll show them just how useful of a brush I am, then they'll use me forever, I'll never wither, and I'll make the best works this world will ever see".

     Mottled Petrel stared for a moment "Just make sure that thumb doesn't get infected, and clean this up when you're done". If Stingpie heard him he made no effort to show that he did. As Mottled Petrel walked down the ramp he saw a number of similar, yet different blood paintings. At the site of the future underground farm he found a much different scene. Auze was buried in the sand up to his neck, there was a concentrated expression on his face. Pikalord stood above him, with a watering can in hand. He noticed Mottled Petrel looking in through the doorway, and whispered to him "Shhh, my son's trying to grow his first leaves!". Auze also whispered to Mottled Petrel, expression still locked "Yeah, give me some room so I can photosynthesize properly". Mottled Petrel didn't even try to make sense of this scene, but noted that there was a thin layer of pink fog hovering over the ground.

     All the way down the ramp the layer of pink fog was much thicker, and there were some very loud noises coming from the barracks. Mottled Petrel opened the door, expecting to see a mosh pit a violence and death. His assumption actually wasn't that far off, but it seemed to instead be a VERY intense dance being done by the militia. All of the troops were doing some of the most complicated foot work Mottled Petrel had ever seen, combined with the almost telepathic synchronization they had between them it was a very impressive scene. The trolls and the ninji that was still awake were at the far end of the room, making some of the fastest and most melodic music ever to grace the continent with the random instruments Mottled Petrel had bought. Those who didn't have an instrument made pretty good attempts at making music with whatever junk they could find in the stockpile. A few trolls provided some very deep, yet incredibly satisfying, vocals in the background.

     Mottled Petrel closed the door 'At least they're getting some good exercise'. Making his way into the main room, Mottled Petrel found that ZM5 had been dragged from his position next to the dream ale barrel to the center of the room. Around him was a network of circular symbols and connecting bars made of blood. At the three corners of a similar triangular symbol made of blood the unconscious Gwolfski, Scourge, and ninji were laid flat across flat stone boulders. Gwolfski and Scourge writhed on top of these boulders with expressions of agony across their unconscious faces. The ninji had a determined expression on his face instead, and looked like he was trying to play an air guitar in his sleep. Most likely banish some kind of ancient evil in his dreams with his sick guitar skills, flowing mullet, and cut up jean shorts. The way he weirdly flexed his stomach hinted that in his dream he probably also had a rippling six pack.

     Silverlock was on his knees on the far side of the runes, actively painting more of it in great haste with the barrel of weresalamander blood next to him. He looked up, and his already meek expression sunk even further. He got to his feet slowly, defeatedly "I'm sorry" he said in a whisper almost as quiet as death "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Mottled Petrel". With that, he ran into the unfinished east hallway, leaving Mottled Petrel to sniff his armpit again. 'Damn it, my own squire finds my odor so repulsive he can't even be near me long enough for me to give him orders! Well, at least he was nice enough to try to give these guys some beds'.

     Finally, at the far end of the room, Nuku and Nokoopi were sitting at the dining tables chattering. Not chattering as in conversing, but chattering as in making sounds similar to that of a rodent. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to do 'Uhh, well I guess that's everyone accounted for.... No one's dead, wait, where's Nokop?' Mottled Petrel looked around. Nokop had some kind of beetle like vermin skewered on a stick and was busily trying to cook it over one of the forges. The beetle looked like it would be screaming if it could, but was only able to aggressively wiggle its legs. 'All right, everyone accounted for' but a new thought entered Mottled Petrel's head, one not his own. Something compelled him to take an empty barrel from the stockpile and walk to one of the corners of the room. In this corner the pink fog had collected to an almost waist high drift, and Mottled Petrel easily scooped this drift into the barrel he had in his hands. He sealed the lid, and hid it. 'I'm sure that might come in handy later. I mean, we've got a barrel of weresalamander blood, a barrel of hallucinogenic fog isn't that weird for this fort'. With that, he took a mug from the stockpile and got himself a couple servings of alcohol before sitting down at one of the tables to wait out the weirdness.

     Eventually, the fog receded from the fort and up the ramp as if it were a single creature's appendage. Mottled Petrel noted some banging coming from his hiding place, but made no effort to do anything about it. Slowly, the fogs tendrils also receded from the minds of the inhabitants of the fort and they regained their normal personalities and lost whatever other things the fog had given them. However, the citizens were fully aware of everything they had done during the past day. Not knowing what to do, everyone timidly gathered in the main room in front of Mottled Petrel, seeking orders to distract them from everything that had happened.

     "I'm not sure I can say I understand what just happened" Mottled Petrel began "but nobody died, so I'm going to say everyone clean up your messes and we'll try to not bring attention to it. But that doesn't mean we're going to forget about it completely, we have to be prepared to defend ourselves from any future events similar to this. We'll call this day... We'll call it..." Mottled Petrel looked up in thought, and was met with a strange site on the ceiling above where ZM5 was asleep. A line of molten symbols danced there, emanating a blue light. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but as he looked deeper into the symbols he was met with a familiar voice. 'Beware the wrath of Valine Teinn, he twists the ebony clock behind the curtain...' whispered a distant voice in Mottled Petrel's head, a voice that sounded sickeningly similar to that of ZM5. Mottled Petrel snapped his fingers "We'll call it the day of Valine Teinn!".

     The crowd looked confused, someone in the crowd called out "That name's fucking stupid!". Mottled Petrel reclined further in his chair and folded his arms behind his head "Well if you guys want me to retract my pardon and send word to the mountain home about this...". This struck the crowd, and basically everyone in it exclaimed something similar to "No no no no, that won't be necessary!". Mottled Petrel grinned "Then get back to work! And as a fort we won't speak of this again. Got it?". The crowd split apart as they went to do their previously assigned tasks. Mottled Petrel stopped SQman and Urlance Woolsbane before they ran off "Could you two try to teach me that game you were playing sometime?". Despite the horrors of the day they had all just gone through, the three of them couldn't help but grin at each other.
As I was making up that part about the game I couldn't help but feel like that is what it is like when I try to explain dwarf fortress to someone who has never heard of it. Also, more future holiday specials? Yay or Nay?
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: auzewasright on February 16, 2018, 03:23:02 pm
Journal of Auze

    I guess I can put another place on the list of "places I've been banned from". So far that's 20 races, 578 civilisations, 3780 fortresses/towns/cities/forest retreats/etc, and 20 universes. I will not mention how I got banned from the first universe, but let's just say it ended up horrifying demons, and the punishment that I escaped from was to be killed slowly, then brought back to life, then killed slowly again, the brought back to life again, repeat 200 times, then be thrown in jail for so long they invented scientific notation just to put it down (about 1*10^300 life sentences). I escaped, and ended up in trouble again and again in different universes. So now I am disguising myself as a koopa and waiting for it to blow over in the next few googol years. Being fairly intelligent, I decided to opt for scholar or bookkeeper or at least a broker, but they installed me as a planter! I don't have much of a choice were to live, given that this is the only place in this universe that doesn't have a perpetual manhunt on me right now. Thankfully, the head koopa was very reasonable and said that once we had the rooms, I would be the wizard, which is a position that would *not* get me arrested. As for leaving the universe, I can only do that when bringing myself back from the dead, and I will explain that later.

OOC: what do you guys think? Sorry about the text, not good at formatting.
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 16, 2018, 05:13:51 pm
I personally like it, when you said maybe a criminal background I thought you might have meant you snatched some old lady's purse, not the literal expulsion from planes of existence. Uhh, the broker's still unconscious, I could make you the broker if you want. Also, I'm gonna set up a poll for the potential of holiday specials, because the silence isn't exactly saying good things about such a prospect.
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: auzewasright on February 16, 2018, 05:32:23 pm
I personally like it, when you said maybe a criminal background I thought you might have meant you snatched some old lady's purse, not the literal expulsion from planes of existence. Uhh, the broker's still unconscious, I could make you the broker if you want. Also, I'm gonna set up a poll for the potential of holiday specials, because the silence isn't exactly saying good things about such a prospect.
Sure, and I'm not positive about whether there should be holiday specials. Just keep them better than the Star Wars one and I personally think it will be fine.

Edit: what are my qualities (likes/dislikes, relatives, etc)?
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 17, 2018, 07:44:10 pm
Here is your information:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After looking through this I'm actually really concerned that you might be a vampire, or a much worse modded equivalent. You're one of the first of your kind on a 250 year world, and yet you somehow look only 142 (something immortality related is probably in play). After 250 years of life you have no friends, no relatives, no grudges, hell, even no passing acquaintances (somethings up). You have a preference for manat bone, which is not only the bone of a sentient civilized creature, but I believe also a civilization that is an enemy to our empire and one of our neighbors (A manat bone throne is admittedly really cool, but having a preference for a civilized creature material is a huge problem because he might be some kind of psychopath). Personally thinking that the world should be engaged in perpetual war is just asking for trouble, and is admittedly the first time I've ever seen this preference (more evidence that shapes him to be some kind of psychopath or modded night creature). Dreaming of ruling the world is actually something that most koopas dream about, so you're good there, but if anyone dies mysteriously I'm pointing my finger at your first.
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 17, 2018, 09:55:39 pm
I had an update, but the game crashed and I lost all my progress. I'm going to try to play the exact same way, but even if the combat goes a little differently this time around I'm going to be posting the same thing that I wrote.

On one of my failed alternate timelines one of the koopas had his 'foul guts' spilled. I don't believe 'foul guts' are a normal part of koopa anatomy, any idea if this is a sign of a potential modded night creature?

I tried to do basically the same thing as I did the original run, and I got pretty close. The giant tick is still alive though, and a few struthomimuses.
     In a bustling animal pen a koopa is sitting next to a lawnmower, petting it. Nearby five eggs crack and bear their lawnmower chicks mewling into the world.
     'Ah, good, soon we'll have more lawnmowers than we'll ever need!'. The koopas of the fort were trying to get back into the swing of things after the unmentionable day, some better than others. Fortunately, Mottled Petrel had just the thing to cheer up his fellow koopas. Nothing got a koopa out of the dumps more than a shiny new pond turtle shell shell (redundant, I know).
     Mottled Petrel walked down into the fort and made an announcement to the fort "Listen up everyone, I'm going to have some pond turtle shell shells made to give everyone some extra protection. It's a first come first serve basis, but if you aren't working afterwards I'm going to have to confiscate them.". This got everyone's attention, and a hearty cheer from some of the koopas passing by. Bloop_bleep approached Mottled Petrel with his fedora held in his hands "Excuse me sir, but can I request reassignment to mechanickoopa?". Mottled Petrel thought for a moment "You can add mechanics to your current list of duties" bloop_bleep did an exaggerated fist pump and said "yesss" under his breath as if he just got a promotion.

     Before Mottled Petrel could leave he was also approached by a troll "Sir, we've found the pile of goods left by the destroyed wagon. Would you like us to retrieve them?" "Sure, hey, where was it anyways?" the troll stuttered "It's, uh, none of your business, it's a secret." Mottled Petrel raised an eyebrow "I believe what gets left in my fort and its land is my business, but whatever, tell me if you find anything of real value.". The troll walked off to tell his fellow haulers, who happened to be sitting around because there was nothing left to haul.

     Mottled Petrel finally walked off, but was approached by the bookkeeper a few minutes later "Sir, I've looked over the goods that were left, and you requested a list of anything of any real value. And I have found that they had a datamined anvil, about five metal cages, 20 cheese, some Z move crystals, a good amount of bronze armor that probably won't fit any of us, a barrel of basking shark blood, some iron weapons, and a few shields." "Good, give the shields to the military with the understanding that they will have to turn them in for steel ones once we have them. Oh, and why is a barrel of blood suddenly of interest?" "You seem to buy an awful lot of blood, so I just thought you might want to know." Mottled Petrel shrugged "Fair enough, but I really just buy them to see the expressions on the trader's faces.".

     Some commotion outside cuts the meeting short, Silverlock runs to relay the news "Sir! There is a giant tick outside fighting one of the frogogs!" Mottled Petrel grew concerned, a giant version of anything was a big problem "How bad is the frogog hurt?" "Oh, well, the frogog actually singlehandedly drove the tick off. He actually punched it so hard that his hand broke through the chitin and sunk into the things body, scaring the fuck out of it.".
     Mottled Petrel blinked a few times "Well what are you waiting for? If a frogog half my size can hurt that thing send the military out to finish it off!" "Yes Sir!". 'I'm probably going to live to regret this' a bloodthirsty snarl can be heard from the barracks, most likely belonging to Koopaunknown. He burst through the door, seeming VERY determined to destroy anything that threatened his new home, and communism. The rest of the guards ran out after him, not as determined, but it definitely seemed that Koopaunknown had somehow drilled some kind of discipline into them.

     Mottled Petrel comes out with them to watch, and notices that the dodrio that one of the migrants brought was actively trying to skewer a struthomimus with one of its beaks. When the 4 fighters made it out onto the prairie they released a volley of electricity, some of which struck the tick. Anywhere the electricity hit broke through the chitin, tore through the fat, but stopped at the muscle. Lord_Lemonpie made it to the tick first, and began double kicking and blaze kicking the tick, doing little more damage than the electricity did. At this point the tick had both collapsed from exhaustion and was actively puking up all of the blood it had drunken from previous victims.

     Koopaunknown released another volley of electricity, one shot got lucky and bruised the brain of the giant tick without actually puncturing whatever brain covering the tick had. A cry of victory is heard as the koopas climb the giant mountain of a corpse that had been left. They each tear off a decent sized piece of chitin as a trophy. "Good work guys" Mottled Petrel called from his viewing point "Now, go get someone to butcher this!". Koopaunknown jumped down from the corpse and exclaimed to Mottled Petrel with a feral look in his eyes "I ZTILL CRAVE BLOOD!". Mottled Petrel shied away a little "Alright, go chase down those struthomimus then". Koopaunknown did a short whistle towards the other koopas still on the tick and made a few hand motions, the group jumps down and begins running towards where the struthomimus herd is.

     One unlucky struthomimus tried to sneak through the animal pasture and into the fort, but was promptly torn to shreds by a laser-ceratosaurus and a snow leapord. At one point the laser-ceratosaurus almost crushed the struthomimus with its tail. Even though the tail strike destroyed half the intruder's body, the struthomimus survived and was propelled halfway across the plain. A troll dragged the animals back to the pasture before they could finish the struthomimus off.

     From the other side of the plain a cry of pain is heard. Apparently Lord_Lemonpie was not so lucky. The struthomimus he was fighting took a deep bite into his left upper leg, and got a lock on his right ankle with his fingers. The small dinosaur somehow had more wrestling knowledge than Lord_Lemonpie did, and rended his ankle in a horrid direction. 'Guess I gotta make that hospital now' "ALRIGHT, Everyone back inside. We can't have any more injuries.". The other koopas had been busy chasing their own struthomimuses, and weren't happy that their chase had been stopped by Lord_Lemonpie's injury, but they went back inside. No one went to help Lord_Lemonpie as he lay out in the field with his foot loosely flopping around at the end of his leg. The hollowing out of the entire hospital room couldn't wait, so Mottled Petrel designated the only dug out corner as the hospital.
Immediately, about five trolls and a fembot rushed into the hospital and lay on the ground.
     "What the fuck are you guys doing" Mottled Petrel asked, as he was still standing in the hospital he had just designated. "We're resting our injuries" one troll answered. Mottled Petrel pulled out the medical notes of the fortress Urlance Woolsbane had given him, he skimmed it and couldn't find any injuries on any of the trolls. He did notice that they were marked as 'diagnosis required', but no further explanation was given. In fact, it seemed like nearly half the fort had been marked as 'diagnosis required'.
     Mottled Petrel had no idea what to make of this, but before he could come to a conclusion Urlance Woolsbane opened the door, putting on the last of his silk operating gloves. He let the last one conform to his hand with an unsettling snap. "I'm glad to see that the watch shop is finally open, now we can get down to business." the look in his eyes was that of deadly professionalism, which was a very undesirable one for active medical practices. "Uh... Why have you marked half the fort as diagnosis required? Everyone seems fine." Mottled Petrel asked as Urlance pulled out some unnecessarily brutal looking surgery tools "Ah, and this is why I am a doctor and you are not. It's not the obvious problems that get you in the end, the crack in the dial, the smashed cover, no no. It's the ones you can't see that get you, even the malfunction of the tiniest cog will cause the whole thing to be rendered useless. That is why you have to be preemptive, sometimes you just have to" he stops pulling out his tools when he gets to his bone saw, and runs his finger slowly down the blade "take a look on the inside.".

     Mottled Petrel shivered "I forbid you from doing any surgery unless there is conclusive evidence that it is required.". Urlance slowly put the bone saw back where he got it from "Very well, but I'm still going to take a look at these residents.". A troll walks in with Lord_Lemonpie slung over his shoulder, he then places him down onto the ground, surprisingly gently.
     As he is being lowered Lord_Lemonpie is actively protesting "No, come on, I'm fine! Let me back out there, I need to show that dinosaur what for! I can't leave my squad without me, they need the manpower! Here, let me just get u-" he tries to stand up, it isn't even necessary to describe how that went for him. Mottled Petrel leaves, not caring to have his ears destroyed by screams of pain.

     'I should at least get these guys some weapons' "SQman!" SQman was poking at his smelter with some of his tools, showing that he obviously had no idea how it worked. He snapped to attention upon hearing his name "Yes sir?" "How much steel do we have?". SQman thought for a second "I have currently made thirteen steel bars and am working on the fourteenth" Mottled Petrel looked at the smelter "You know you're currently smelting platinum, right?". SQman looked flustered "Wha-, yeah, of course. I've been so productive that I'm both manning this smelter and the one next to me!". Nokoopi, who was busy hauling a dolomite boulder for steel making, called out from across the room "We have currently smelted two steel bars sir, but we have more coke and iron than we're going to need for a while.".
     Mottled Petrel frowned, and SQman looked like he was trying to think of good excuse for why Nokoopi had stolen his credit. "Whatever, I was hoping for more, but we at least need to give our military something. Nuku" Nuku was actively smelting datamined ore at the next smelter over "When you get a chance could you try to make a steel trident? I know you aren't a weaponsmith, but you're the only one here who knows how to work metal at all." Nuku didn't even look up "Can do, but are you sure you want that brute armed before everyone else?". Mottled Petrel could see up the ramp through the corner of his eye, from it he could see TheRedWolf shooting lightning at a struthomimus. The struthomimus's right arm almost flies off from the impact, but remains attached by some skin. It is very obvious that the struthomimus will probably never use that arm again "If there's anyone who's going to defend this fort with all their being, it's going to be him.".

     TheRedWolf starts thunder punching the struthomimus "Alright, but I can't promise quality though". EPM jumps from behind "I'll do it!" Mottled Petrel is only mildly startled "As long as someone does it I don't care". After much kicking and punching TheRedWolf had somehow managed to break practically every joint in the struthomimus's body, and then bit it in the lower body for good measure, injected his koopa venom into its blood stream. Even if it somehow managed to crawl away with all of its joints broken it would eventually succumb to necrosis. Even with its spine broken, the struthomimus manages to bite TheRedWolf in the hand, tearing apart the fat. After several minutes TheRedWolf is unable to kill the struthomimus, a passing troll comes over to help him. After goring the dinosaur with one of his horns he grabs it and throws it into a nearby tree. Having almost all of its bones already broken, the struthomimus is basically reduced to a fine paste on impact. 'I really need to get these guys some weapons'.

     A few hours later EPM leaves the forge with a surprisingly decent trident in her hands. It wasn't exactly straight, the points weren't the same size, but it was sharp and of sturdy build. She presented it to Koopaunknown, who had a wild grin on his face as he picked it up. He looked back at his squad, who were actively trying to cower in the corner as they thought about having to spar unarmed against the armed brute. A few of the troopas had picked up some of the shields that had been recovered, and would likely be using them pretty heavily in the future.

     "We've got three steel bars total if you want to make weapons for the rest of them so that they don't all get impaled" said Nokoopi who was having a drink behind Mottled Petrel. "Yeah, do that, a chainsaw, a long sword, and a mini-chomp to get these guys a chance to live.".
Just a note to everyone, we have encountered our first consistent crash. I know that such crashes can be bypassed with some serious luck, but I can't promise that I myself will get lucky. If worse comes to worst I will upload the most recent save and ask people to try their best to just do random things that might push off whatever event is causing the crash.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: Enemy post on February 18, 2018, 12:00:52 am
The foul guts are almost certainly a normal thing, there's an "Evil" related tag somewhere that causes it. It's just a flavor thing for goblins, I think. There might be a transformation interaction causing the crash, if it's the same day every time.
Title: Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
Post by: auzewasright on February 18, 2018, 07:47:50 am
Here is your information:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After looking through this I'm actually really concerned that you might be a vampire, or a much worse modded equivalent. You're one of the first of your kind on a 250 year world, and yet you somehow look only 142 (something immortality related is probably in play). After 250 years of life you have no friends, no relatives, no grudges, hell, even no passing acquaintances (somethings up). You have a preference for manat bone, which is not only the bone of a sentient civilized creature, but I believe also a civilization that is an enemy to our empire and one of our neighbors (A manat bone throne is admittedly really cool, but having a preference for a civilized creature material is a huge problem because he might be some kind of psychopath). Personally thinking that the world should be engaged in perpetual war is just asking for trouble, and is admittedly the first time I've ever seen this preference (more evidence that shapes him to be some kind of psychopath or modded night creature). Dreaming of ruling the world is actually something that most koopas dream about, so you're good there, but if anyone dies mysteriously I'm pointing my finger at your first.
Of course, I've already established that he is immortal, and quite a bit of a psychopath. I've seen the "personally thinks there should be perpetual war". Adds some decent clues for how I got the entire world to make me a criminal ;). Will put a new post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 18, 2018, 09:04:28 am
I'll keep the transformation thing in mind, there are currently a lot of things on the map that are due for a transformation.

Auze, due to your last complaint about being made a planter I feel like you forgot that I made you future head magikoopa, and am just waiting to actually have a room for said noble position so your guy doesn't continuously complain.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: auzewasright on February 18, 2018, 09:09:04 am
I'll keep the transformation thing in mind, there are currently a lot of things on the map that are due for a transformation.

Auze, due to your last complaint about being made a planter I feel like you forgot that I made you future head magikoopa, and am just waiting to actually have a room for said noble position so your guy doesn't continuously complain.
Sorry, must have missed that part, will fix.
Edit: I added it into the journal post.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 20, 2018, 08:13:37 pm
Just an FYI, if you're currently working on a character lore thing I'm not going to be able to hold off the fort for it. As soon as I get past the crash we'll be back to some (hopefully) smooth sailing. I'm going to warn everyone now, we're almost into invasion territory, in previous test forts of this pack there have been some serious armed invasions of upwards of 15 fighters as early as the first spring. Place your bets now people, who's going to invade, who's going to die (we have just created our first weapon at the end of autumn, our prospects of surviving any serious attack are low).
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: auzewasright on February 20, 2018, 09:15:33 pm
Just an FYI, if you're currently working on a character lore thing I'm not going to be able to hold off the fort for it. As soon as I get past the crash we'll be back to some (hopefully) smooth sailing. I'm going to warn everyone now, we're almost into invasion territory, in previous test forts of this pack there have been some serious armed invasions of upwards of 15 fighters as early as the first spring. Place your bets now people, who's going to invade, who's going to die (we have just created our first weapon at the end of autumn, our prospects of surviving any serious attack are low).
Are we walled in? If so, we could just wait until we are ready
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: ZM5 on February 21, 2018, 05:10:13 am
Hoho, I'm hyped for the invasions.

Our population exceeds 20, yeah? If so, most likely its gonna be the cannibals who will arrive to cause trouble.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 21, 2018, 06:35:01 am
We are currently above 20 population, and have no fortifications to speak of. No one wants to build the damn meat shop (or whatever the hell it's called), or even the kitchen for that matter. When I get the chance I'm going to have to get someone on that, but considering it took us upwards of half a year to build the still the chances of us actually getting a defensive wall in are not high. I'm hoping that just having the animals out front will be enough to deter any mild invasion.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 21, 2018, 01:43:46 pm
Have a thin(one square wide) entrance way to the fort you can block if necessary, and have a corridor of doors between it and outside.
You can lock the doors when invaded, and while building destroyers are trying to get through the large amount of doors, you can put a wall in the afore-mentioned entrance.

Way Later, get a bridge of floors with a 10-z drop on either side, and alternating with weapon traps and chained dogs. If anything tries to get in, the dogs and weapon traps will conspire to drop them in the pit.
Of course, make sure they can't get back up if they survive the fall, and make sure they can't get to anywhere from the pit.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: scourge728 on February 21, 2018, 05:30:48 pm
or you can just put some lowered raising bridges in the entry way and then attach a lever to them to have them raise on command, preferably several including a master lever for all the bridges at once
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 22, 2018, 03:09:34 pm
I would do scourge's suggestion in between mine, because if you have problems getting a still, you probably can't get people to make a bridge, lever it, and then pull the lever on time.

You just need to place a door or two, then place a wall when something invades, which you'll have more time for than pulling a lever, by virtue of locking the doors.
You can add in a bridge later.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 23, 2018, 11:34:27 pm
Update tomorrow, probably. It's probably going to involve me systematically culling livestock to see if one of them is causing the crash, or just me dicking around in general until I get it to work. Do you guys want me to document my failed attempts or only tell you what happens when it works?
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: scourge728 on February 24, 2018, 10:24:46 am
Document them
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: IndigoFenix on February 24, 2018, 12:15:45 pm
Try to get rid of anything that involves a) transformations or b) resurrections.  These are the most common causes for crashes in my experience.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 24, 2018, 06:12:46 pm
Alright, I THINK I got it to work. Either that or the crash is a lot farther off than I remember it being. At this rate the update is going to have to come tomorrow though. I will say that the current version of the save has the gallade mentioned a while ago turning some particular named creatures into deli thin meat slices with his arm blades. I'm actually surprised it took me this long to need coffins...

It seems that I called it quits too soon, I still need to deal with the crash.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 25, 2018, 02:29:54 pm
Okay, now I'm just confused. If I just let the game run without doing anything it crashes around the 6th of timber, but if I restrict everyone to a burrow it crashes around the 12 of timber. Any ideas? I've done most of the things I could think to do, and the only animals that I know are going to transform in the future are the piranha buds and a turtwig. I can't kill the turtwig because it's a pet and there isn't enough time before the crash to butcher the piranha buds. If I can't get this to work soon I'm going to upload the save and post it here to see if anyone else can get it to work.

I'm done for the day, I couldn't get it to work and I'm no closer to understanding what the problem even is. Here's the save. Please, I need help trying to fix this. If someone can get it to work (roughly past the 12th of Timber) please send me the save and I'll continue the story. If no one can get it to work I'll wait to see if moving it to the next version helps. If not, we may have to make a new world, which would Really suck.
Title: Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 25, 2018, 03:13:42 pm
Okay, now I'm just confused. If I just let the game run without doing anything it crashes around the 6th of timber, but if I restrict everyone to a burrow it crashes around the 12 of timber. Any ideas? I've done most of the things I could think to do, and the only animals that I know are going to transform in the future are the piranha buds and a turtwig. I can't kill the turtwig because it's a pet and there isn't enough time before the crash to butcher the piranha buds. If I can't get this to work soon I'm going to upload the save and post it here to see if anyone else can get it to work.

I'm done for the day, I couldn't get it to work and I'm no closer to understanding what the problem even is. Here's the save. Please, I need help trying to fix this. If someone can get it to work (roughly past the 12th of Timber) please send me the save and I'll continue the story. If no one can get it to work I'll wait to see if moving it to the next version helps. If not, we may have to make a new world, which would Really suck.

Just guessing, but perhaps there's an ambush being revealed that is causing the crash? That would explain how when you restrict everyone to a burrow, there is some additional time before the creature that is causing the ambush reaches your dwarves, and also how you're not able to see the source of the problem. Anyone know how to check if there are any invisible creatures wandering on the map with DFHack?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 01:35:05 pm
My computer is apparently hellbent on labeling ALL as viruses, and subsequently removing them without my permission. Would the REVEAL script work on invisible ambushers?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: Enemy post on February 26, 2018, 01:45:35 pm
You could remotely kill the turtwig and piranha buds by removing crucial body parts in the raws.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 01:51:38 pm
That's, a pretty good idea. I'll try that and see if it's the problem.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 26, 2018, 02:01:53 pm
Also, it's possible that new animals are entering the map which are crashing the game. You could check to see if any animals are leaving the surface/caverns before the crash. (This isn't a savage biome right?) If that is the case, there might be a way to change the random generator seed so that it chooses another type of animal to wander onto the map. (Again, anyone know how to do that?)

Though of course, this wouldn't remove the source of the problem, and you might experience crashes again later.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 02:08:21 pm
The turtwig isn't the problem, and it turns out piranha buds can survive an awfully long time without a brain, so I gotta find some other way to kill them. The ambush and animal ideas are also some pretty probably reasons, but my attempts with dfhack have resulted with errors saying that the SDl doesn't work. I'm going to keep removing the brains of animals to see if any of them are the problem.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 26, 2018, 02:11:38 pm
You could just allow butchering on everyone to solve the not-enough-time problem. Or is the time actually really, really, short?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 02:14:37 pm
It's literally two days from the save point. Maybe a minute and a half real time.

I killed the piranha buds, they aren't the problem.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: Enemy post on February 26, 2018, 02:46:18 pm
Have you tried retiring and reclaiming the fort? Maybe the timeskip will get us past the crash point.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 03:05:10 pm
I'll try that, but if I apply that to the real save would there be any unintended consequences I should know about?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 26, 2018, 03:09:13 pm
Lots of them. I am not sure what all the side-effects of un-retiring the fort, but I know there are many, and you should expect furniture to spontaneously destruct immediately after reclaim.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 03:12:33 pm
Good thing we're already too poor to afford furniture. We've got maybe 10 beds, 3 tables, 3 chairs, and an armor stand in the entire fort. At this point I think I'd rather fuck up the fort with an unretire than have the save be unplayable. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the problem, eventually whatever is coming onto the map and breaking the game will come again.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 26, 2018, 03:13:45 pm
If you're going to retire, you should at least back up the save. Some of the side effects might be too undesirable to handle.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 03:14:42 pm
Don't worry, I've got about 12 versions of the current save floating around my computer right now, as well as the one I posted on DFFD. There's no way I'd risk something like this with only one version of the save.

Well, the unretire at least undid the effects of the dream ale.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 26, 2018, 03:29:57 pm
I checked the save, and apparently the surface/every cavern layers has two groups of creatures on it (savage biome), except the second cavern layer, which only has 1 group of crundles. Perhaps the game is trying to spawn a new group of creatures which are crashing the game?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 04:06:07 pm
At this point if I can get the unretired save to run for at least a month without crashing I'm just going to accept it as cannon and keep going. In reality we only lose 16 in game days, and I think I'll take that. But do tell, did you find any interesting creatures in the caverns? Maybe a magma pipe?
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: scourge728 on February 26, 2018, 04:54:09 pm
I saw infested walkers, that thing from doom that's like a red eyeball with a smaller eye and a mouth, and a "cursed" along with noticing that a lot of the Pokemon have "<e>" at the ends of their names for some reason. I also noticed exterminating the Pokemon and most of the Mario creatures doesn't fix the game crash
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 26, 2018, 05:06:24 pm
The unretire seems to have fixed it, so I'm just going to go along with it and hope that it doesn't break again. Trying to fix the fort took a lot out of me, so I'm just going to post what little I have so far.
Out in a field a koopa watches in horror as their beloved pet dodrio is cut in half by a passing gallade. Another koopa stands beside them as they burst into tears.
     'Guess I gotta start working on the crypt now' Mottled Petrel thought, "Who's pet even was that anyway?". The other koopa, still crying in a ball on the ground, feebly raised his hand. Mottled Petrel didn't notice, or really care for that matter 'I guess we'll never know'.
     He walked back inside to designate the new crypt, and noticed some of the many, many magikoopas excitedly huddled at the back of the hospital. "What the hell are you guys doing back there?" Mottled Petrel called from the doorway, Auze turned and responded "It seems that our miners have found aether residue, a very useful magical item. Could I request that as soon as possible we begin construction of a magician's tower so that we can start working with the material?".
     "A magician's den is about all I can promise you, but as of right now we have two miners and more important rooms that need to be dug out. I'll mark it down, but don't expect it to be finished anytime soon." Mottled Petrel said, causing a number of the magikoopas to sigh, apparently they were really looking forward to a tower. Auze nodded, and went back to marveling over the residue. Mottled Petrel returned to the hallway "SQUIRE!", a few moments later Silverlock bumbled around the corner and into the hallway "Yes sir? You called?" "Order two coffins please, stone." "Right away sir" Silverlock said as he saluted and returned to the main room.
-The point at which the game crashed and I had to fiddle with it, eventually retiring and unretiring to where we are now-
     Mottled Petrel woke up from his position in the middle of the floor, and scratched his head. 'Wasn't I just designating the new crypt?' He thought, as he got up off the floor. Around the hallway, Mottled Petrel could see other koopas waking up as well. He also noticed that all of his past designations were gone and the animals were out of their pasture and in the hallways. 'I wonder...' "Hint block" Mottled Petrel called out "What day is it?". The hint block, happily floating at its post outside of the bookkeepers office called back "It is currently the 20th of Timber, year 125, reign of the good koopa king.". 'Alright, something's going on, I know for a fact that it was the 4th of Timber, and now it's the 20th?' Mottled Petrel stood there for a few moments, deep in thought.

     "EVERYBODY GET BACK TO WORK!" He finally called out "WE'VE HAD ENOUGH UNEXPLAINABLE EVENTS BY NOW, YOU SHOULD ALL BE USED TO IT!". Reluctantly, the koopas started getting up off the floor and back to work.

     Mottled Petrel spent a long while re-designating everything that had been designated, but people were to lazy to actually do. If you actually payed attention to what he was designated, you would be able to tell that it was nothing close to what it once was, but he had no idea how he actually had them because it had been so long since he had last designated them.

     In the food stockpile Scourge, ZM5, and Gwolfski were huddled together, shaking as if they felt that the very stone they were standing on was going to get them. "Hey guys, did you have a nice nap?" Mottled Petrel asked from where he was busy designating. Scourge and Gwolfski continued shaking, hinting that instead of dream ale they had likely consumed nightmare ale. ZM5, on the other hand, rushed over to Mottled Petrel and grabbed him by the shoulders. "We need to go deeper!" he cried in Mottled Petrel's face "I've seen it, it calls us.". Mottled Petrel frowned "We don't even have space dug out for the essentials and you want me to send our one and a half miners to go wrestle with magma men at the center of the world? I think you're going to have to wait a little bit on that one.".

     Derpy Dev, who for some reason had carried a stone up to the surface and back down, called from across the room "What do you mean one and a half miners?" "You've been busy making doors and tables for the past two months!" Mottled Petrel shot back. Derpy Dev looked down "Yeah, I know. But me and bloop_bleep are the only ones in the fort who have been tasked with stone working, and he refuses to make any of these things with me!". ZM5 shook Mottled Petrel by the shoulders to regain his attention "Listen to me you fool! In order to-" Mottled Petrel stopped listening, and instead focused on Scourge. For whatever reason, Scourge had begun doing the robot, and it was actually pretty good. Mottled Petrel was actually genuinely impressed for half a second. Gwolfski was left to shake on his own, looking side to side, wondering when the illusion would fall and he'd be returned to the lucid hellscape he had been locked in for half a year.

     "-understand?" ZM5 finished, "Huh, yeah, sure. But if you want to dig deeper you're going to have to do it yourself." Mottled Petrel replied, half listening "Great, where is my pick?" ZM5 said, letting go of Mottled Petrel. Mottled Petrel groaned "Nuku! Make this guy a datamined pick or something" ZM5 looked confused "We've gotten some migrants since you fell asleep like six months ago" Mottled Petrel offered. Nuku gave a lazy thumbs up from where he was reclining at his forge as he waited for it to warm up. Mottled Petrel turned back to ZM5 "Just mine these rooms out before you do whatever you're going to do, okay? And you're off planting duty if you're doing this." ZM5 nodded, and quickly ran to the far wall of the room where he started eagerly tapping the wall as if he was divining for something. "Squire" Mottled Petrel said to Silverlock, who happened to be standing next to him, helping with the designation "I want you to have someone engrave this image in front of the coffin for the dodrio. We may not have much here, but the least we can do is insure that those who die a warrior's death don't have their deeds forgotten" Mottled Petrel said, handing Silverlock a paper with a crude drawing.
     "Yes Sir" Silverlock said, as he went of to where the crypt was still being dug out. Before Mottled Petrel could think about what to do next he hears gun fire coming from the surface 'God damn it, who's invading us now'. He walks up to the surface to see Enemy Post with blood coming out of one of his arms, his AK 47 slung over his shoulder, and something held behind his back. If he wasn't trying to pull a menacing face he probably would have been absolutely beaming. "Sir! Have finally hunted something for the wall!" he reveals the remains of what looked like a decapitated child.
     "Uhh, Enemy Post? You know the koopas aren't baby snatchers anymore, right?" Mottled Petrel asked, wondering who's kid his renegade hunter just killed in cold blood. At the same time he wonders if he had given Enemy Post wooden bullets specifically so this situation wouldn't occur. "No no no, this is a raltz. Very fearsome beast. It is small, but has big psychic power. See?" Enemy Post points to the minuscule amount of blood trickling from his arm "Plus, the head is already off. Perfect for mounting on wall.". "If you want to take the effort to mount that head on some wall, fine. But butcher the rest of it for meat before you do so. And go get a bandage for that scratch, I don't want any infections.". Enemy Post rushed into the fort, getting more than a few concerned glances from passing koopas who probably also assumed that he had killed someone's child.

     Winter is upon the fort, and only one thought goes through Mottled Petrel's head "I swear to fucking god, if it starts snowing and these idiots start telling snow puns again I'm locking myself away in some closet until they're done.".
I'm hoping that this marks the return to more normal updates, but I can't vouch for how stable the game is going to end up being. And you guys might as well bust out your puns for precipitation frozen into ice crystals, because I think this is a freezing biome.

Also, pokemon will have an <e> at the end of their name to show that they currently are going to undergo an evolution in the future, and are just waiting for it to happen. I would assume the infested walkers and 'cursed' are some of ZM5's work. If he drops by sometime I'll ask him if they're something we have to worry about. Well, something we have to worry about more than usual  :P.
Title: Re: The Refixing of Modded Hell (Save up for people who think they can help)
Post by: scourge728 on February 26, 2018, 05:13:57 pm
This fool has failed to bring the s...c... to their full glory, I am in control now! Scourge first felt the flood of voices reduced to a dull whispering buzz and then felt himself shoved into a corner of his own mine, helpless to do anything but watch, reduced to one of the voices in this beings body as it upon awaking, spoke I have awakened.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 02, 2018, 09:46:51 pm
Deep in a fledgling koopa fort a koopa stands before a recently excavated area.
     'Took those guys long enough to dig out the first room. Now, what was I going to put here?' Mottled Petrel contemplated the reason as to why he had ordered this first room dug out in the specific shape he had requested. 'Oh well' He turned to yell out into the hallway "Alright, this room is going to be the dining room. I want all available hands to move some of the tables and chairs into here. Leave the ones by the wall, those will go into the tavern.". He turned back to the room and began marking specifically where he wanted the new furniture. Before Mottled Petrel could even begin marking out the places for the furniture he hears a loud 'clack' from behind him, and Derpy Dev calling "Second room's done, sir". 'I guess I should set up the tavern while I'm at it as well.' Mottled Petrel thought, as he started considering the name for the new tavern. Out in the main room a passing troll cries out in surprise after stepping in a white puddle "Gahh, what the hell is this stuff?".
     Mottled Petrel looks to see what he was referring to, and winces when he notices that the barrel of molding venom he had bought was leaking. 'I'm probably going to regret buying that, but it's too late now. If I actually tell anyone to dispose of it they'd probably just drink it instead.', Mottled Petrel slowly leaned back into the soon to be tavern.
     After a few more minutes of thought he snapped his fingers and pulled out a piece of paper. On it he wrote 'Tavern: The Amber Brunch. Submit any better names to Mottled Petrel for vetting'. He secured the paper to the inside of the hallway wall, and left to attend to other business. Mottled Petrel hadn't done so much as open the tavern doors to leave when a shadow gnome and a tomtenisse brushed passed him and walked into the tavern.

     Mottled Petrel did a double take "Who the hell are you two and what are you doing here?" neither of the visitors bothered to even look in his direction, after a few seconds of looking around the shadow gnome, Atheli Itilere, responded "We're here to check out the new tavern. I have to say, pretty sub par so far. You got any entertainers or somethin'?". Mottled Petrel stood, taken aback for a few seconds while the tomtenisse investigated the mugs in the coffer next to the door, "This tavern has been here for a total of ten fucking seconds. No it is not smoothed, no we have no entertainers, no we don't have any high quality mead for you, and no we don't have any opulent guest bedrooms. How the actual fuck did you guys even get here so quickly. For you to have learned about this tavern and arrived here so quickly after I taped that piece of paper to the wall you must have had to have been waiting across the hall.". Neither of the visitors stopped their scrutinization of the tavern "You seem to underestimate the power of a traveler's sixth sense for finding taverns." was all the shadow gnome said to that. Mottled Petrel blinked a few times "Whatever, enjoy your stay at the Amber Brunch.", the two visitors snickered at that, one of them even ventured to whisper "that's the dumbest name I've heard yet.". Mottled Petrel didn't bother to respond to that. He left the tavern as a Kalkir pikeman brushed past him to enter the tavern as well.
     On his way out one of the ninjis collapsed in front of him. 'Ah fuck, just like the dream ale' "Please, someone clean up the literal pool of venom on the floor".
     Now that he looked around, Mottled Petrel saw that a lot of passing animals had white liquid plastered all over their feet. Said animals were stumbling around like they were barely holding onto their consciousness. Just as he noticed this, one of the homalocephale collapsed farther down the hall. Within a few seconds the ninji rolled over and stood back onto his feet with an exasperated groan. He noticed that Mottled Petrel was staring at him, and quickly ran to pick up the passed out dinosaur to carry it to the pasture. Across from there Mottled Petrel saw the furnace operators hard at work.

     "Nuku" Mottled Petrel called "How much steel do we have now?", Nuku thought for a moment "10 bars, sire" "Good, I want you to make 8 shields and give them to the military. I want you to make it very clear to them that these shields are meant to replace the lesser metal ones they picked up from the remains of the last caravan.". Nuku stopped smelting the bar he was busy working on, and grumbled his way over to the forge. "Sir" bloop_bleep called from behind Mottled Petrel "We've finished the rooms you ordered. There was some gold and coal in the last one, but nothing really major". Mottled Petrel nodded "Alright, I want you to knock the far northern wall back a few feet, and then a two by two staircase down a few levels. I want you to dig out a decent sized room each level, and then you're going to follow ZM5 on a central staircase down until you reach the first cavern layer.". The three miners left the hallway to knock the northern wall back a few feet, it was impossible to read ZM5's expression as he did so.
     Suddenly, Silverlock ran down the main ramp, and gave a flustered report to Mottled Petrel "Sir! Sir! A ferocious beast has been spotted on the surface! Those who have spotted it say it thirsts for blood and hungers for our wealth!" "Calm down, calm down, tell me. What kind of beast is it." Silverlock thought for a moment "They said it was comprised of twisted plants and had a horrible head of white tentacles.". Mottled Petrel thought about what to do for a second, but before he could come to a conclusion Scourge walked down the ramp behind him a log in his arms "Hey Mottled Petrel, there's a cottonee flutering around above the pasture. It's scaring the hell out of the animals, could you send someone to shoo it away?".
     Mottled Petrel put his hand to his face and sighed, Silverlock stood awkwardly "Sir? Should I send the fighters-" "Yes, yes, send them" Silverlock ran to get the militia. 'There's no fucking way they're going to be able to catch that thing, why am I even bothering?" Mottled Petrel thought with his face still in his hand. Up on the surface the cottonee was attacking one of the lawnmowers and one of the snow leapords. Neither could land a hit on the thing because it was flying, but the cottonee kept making the effort to damage the metal lawnmower. Before the militia could even get to the top of the ramp the snow leapord had managed to rip one of the cottonee's eyes out, which was apparently enough to kill the small grass type. When the militia saw this they all groaned, as they were hoping for the vicious creature that the squire had described. Mottled Petrel saw this, and looked around the field "KoopaUnknown, you and your guys can go kill those Watchogs over there if you want." the militia looked around until they also saw the meerkat like creatures, then they ran out to meet them with a blood thirsty cry. Mottle Petrel looked around more, to find that a few ponytas had sneaked up on the front of the fort.
     These small fire horses could very easily end the fort if they were spooked into breathing flames and burning the fortress down. The koopa people had long been acquainted with the constant threat of life ending fires, but with most of the populous still without shells there would likely be horrible burns suffered if a conflict were to occur.
     Thankfully, the ponytas diverted their course, for now. KoopaUnknown was the first to the rodents, and fired a volley of electricity, missing most of his shots, but creating a wicked wound in its lower body with one of them. Once close enough, he impaled the rodent's left upper leg with his trident, and then bashed his other leg with the handle of his trident, audibly breaking the leg. Needless to say, the watchog fell down and didn't get back up. KoopaUnknown took this opportunity to scratch the watchog in its lower body, tearing the front part of it to shreds and exposing the organs to the daylight they should never see. Then, with a quick jab to the head he ended it and moved to the next.

     The next fight isn't so clean of a victory, as his first hit does little more than tear the skin. The watchog then slammed him in the body, shattering a good portion of his ribs. Luckily, the bone scraps didn't tear anything important. The watchog then bit one of his fingers almost clean off, but left the finger salvageable. This was followed by a vicious bite to the face that succeeded in tearing his left eye lid, but not his eye. A series of viscous bites succeeded in fracturing KoopaUnknown's skull and his middle spine bone. These blows did not discourage KoopaUnknown, instead he was lost in a fit of murderous rage, hellbent on destroying the meek rodent in front of him. KoopaUnknown did not pass out from pain, but was soon reduced to a pile of broken bones. Luckily, Wags and TheRedWolf come to KoopaUnknown's aid before he suffered any permanent damage. A few slashes is all it took to kill the watchog.

     Now might be a good time to mention that watchogs are actually a good deal bigger than koopas, so it may not have been that good of an idea to casually engage them in a fight. It also might be a good time to mention that during the fight KoopaUnknown had been hit by a confusion attack, apparently making him unable to attack, but still able to continue to throw himself headlong at the enemy. Mottled Petrel called them back before it could get any worse "Alright guys, that's enough for one day. Drag him back to the hospital." KoopaUnknown was in terrible shape, but was still fully conscious. He wasn't too happy to be dragged out of the fight, but his wounds needed desperate tending to. 'Probably should have waited for the shields to have been made' Mottled Petrel thought, as his head brute bled his way down the ramp. "Nuku, make these guys some steel shells" Nuku, who was still working on the shields, grumbled as he marked down four steel shells to be made.

     "Scourge" Mottled Petrel called to Scourge, who was carrying another log "I want you to make me a lot of wooden cages. It's time for operation 'catch everything'". Scourge gave an insidious grin "With pleasure". 'Fuck, now I don't have anyone to make mechanisms' Mottled Petrel walked to the in progress stair well, and called down "bloop_bleep, when you're done with this I want you to make me a ton of mechanisms.". From deep down in the mine Mottled Petrel heard a faint echo of "okay". Silverlock tapped Mottled Petrel on the shoulder, "Sir, there's another cottonee outside."
     Mottled Petrel sighed again "Alright, send them back out, but not KoopaUnknown. He needs to rest for a long while.". The militia arrived on the surface to find that Scourge had punched the cottonee so hard that it had exploded into a chunky mist over his carpenter's station.
     Scrourge made no effort to clear the blood and remains from his work station, nor did it seem that he was even acknowledging it. He seemed overly enthralled in the mechanisms of the cage he was making.
     A little while later Mottled Petrel thought he might as well make use of the mechanisms that hadn't been made yet "We will have a bridge near the entrance, that we will be able to raise into a wall when we need it.".
     Just as he was marking the place for the bridge a human and an extremely large octopus covered in natural chitin armor clambered past him.

     Somehow, the octopus managed to squeeze into the fort. 'damn tourists, we don't even have any artifacts for you to steal' Mottled Petrel thought as he shook his head. Nuku walked by, hoping to avoid eye contact with Mottled Petrel so he didn't ask him to make more armor. "Nuku" Nuku winced, but stopped "I want four steel helms" "dammit, alright sir".
I'm now accepting names for a tavern, library, and temple. It would be great if they're Modded Hell related names, but any names will do. I'll put the ones I like best up for vote, unless you guys unanimously agree on some before I do so. Also, about a quarter of our animals are now unconscious, I can only assume that it's the molding venom's doing.

Oh, and it seems that the visitor-pocalypse has started. If we get any long term residents and people want to be koopad as, say, a giant chitinous octopus, I would be okay with doing so.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: auzewasright on March 03, 2018, 01:29:31 pm
for a temple, how about the worshiping of Raws?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: auzewasright on March 03, 2018, 01:47:41 pm
  The Journal of Auze

This fortress has somehow gotten even stranger, with time stopping and starting. I start to try to figure out how this world ended up like this. My theory is that whatever creators of this world that exist have added strange modifications to the base laws of the universe, and have added so many that the fabric of this universe is breaking down from all the contradictions. Today, I saw Modded Petrol looking at me strangely. Then I realized that the koopa that I killed and wore it's skin as a disguise looks decades younger than the date, and that it was among the first generation, which means he/she (50 years in this world and I still can't discern sex) probably thinks I'm a vampire. I guess to them I am, not my fault they are very tasty. I also think I can use the chemicals found in this universe to do some "magic", though the real magic is the fact that they somehow made working bullets out of wood! I think about this for a moment and decide to put in a form requesting to be a future overseer.

OOC: I will take a future turn, if there ever are any.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 03, 2018, 06:23:50 pm
To be fair, we actually have a mod for legitimate black powder firearms. They're WAY more powerful than wooden bullets, but also much harder to make.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: auzewasright on March 03, 2018, 07:49:14 pm
To be fair, we actually have a mod for legitimate black powder firearms. They're WAY more powerful than wooden bullets, but also much harder to make.
Of course, this would finally provide a use for lead, which we may get tons of as a side effect of silver production (assuming we are mining out galena, I'm not sure). Plus, lead is low value, so it will be inexpensive to trade for.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 04, 2018, 01:50:02 pm
We're mining out a ton of stuff right now, but actually documenting it all would be a pain. Galena is somewhere, so yes, we will eventually have a ton of lead. I tend to just use lead to make furniture, because as far as I know lead is more valuable of a material than normal stone. In addition, it's also really fucking cool to have a lead throne. As far as I know we could use any metal for the black powder fire arms. I don't know how good lead would be because of its softness and low penetration power, but its density would probably make it great for weapons meant to cause the target to explode into gore. I can't wait until I start making hand mortars, those things will level most targets in only a few shots. I also like the idea of worshiping raws, and I'm going to be using a name based on that until we can get more ideas to a vote, if we ever even get enough names to do so.

Also, anyone got any ideas on how I could help speed up the process of cleaning up spilled alcohol? There is a certain pool of dream ale in the food stockpile that has put a few people without shoes to sleep. Actually, I'm going to go into the raws and reduce the sleep time, because this is just getting ludicrous. I've changed the sleep time to 5000 instead of 500000, should be around a month or so instead of upwards of a year.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: scourge728 on March 04, 2018, 03:02:05 pm
I mean if it is really a problem, you could always just use DFhack to clean the map..
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 04, 2018, 03:16:11 pm
DFhack machine broke (my computer is convinced it's a virus). Anyone got any other ideas.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Struggle Continues)
Post by: auzewasright on March 04, 2018, 03:55:55 pm
We're mining out a ton of stuff right now, but actually documenting it all would be a pain. Galena is somewhere, so yes, we will eventually have a ton of lead. I tend to just use lead to make furniture, because as far as I know lead is more valuable of a material than normal stone. In addition, it's also really fucking cool to have a lead throne. As far as I know we could use any metal for the black powder fire arms. I don't know how good lead would be because of its softness and low penetration power, but its density would probably make it great for weapons meant to cause the target to explode into gore. I can't wait until I start making hand mortars, those things will level most targets in only a few shots. I also like the idea of worshiping raws, and I'm going to be using a name based on that until we can get more ideas to a vote, if we ever even get enough names to do so.

Also, anyone got any ideas on how I could help speed up the process of cleaning up spilled alcohol? There is a certain pool of dream ale in the food stockpile that has put a few people without shoes to sleep. Actually, I'm going to go into the raws and reduce the sleep time, because this is just getting ludicrous. I've changed the sleep time to 5000 instead of 500000, should be around a month or so instead of upwards of a year.
Of course, at the speed that bullets go, it doesn't really matter that the lead is that soft (causes more damage). Also, the value of lead is 2, same as flux stone. As for the alcohol, maybe we could exploit it as a anesthetic, or weapon.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 04, 2018, 06:06:22 pm
Deep in a fledgling koopa fort, a koopa is leaning against a wall as he takes a sip from the mug in his hand. The hand he has against the wall sinks into the soft stone, throwing him off balance and causing him to spill the contents of the mug all over his new shell.
     'Dammit, what is this wall, talc?' Mottled Petrel pulls a small chuck of stone out of the small hole created by his hand. He crumbles it in his palm with ease 'This is talc! Why did we have to get the weakest stone ever for the main hall, how are we going to get any mastercraft engravings if I can just pull pieces off with my hands?'.
     Mottled Petrel looked around, as if doing so would offer a solution. His search only revealed a passed out ninji laying at the base of the ramp, with something splattered all over his feet.
     'Oh come ON! Where the fuck is that barrel.' Mottled Petrel stormed over to the food stockpile, but could not find the dream ale barrel that had already caused him so much hardship. He did succeed in finding what used to be the barrel, and its contents below it.
     There were a number of animals around that also had dream ale covering their feet, these animals were unconscious as well. 'Fucking hell' "Somebody clean up this pool for fuck's sake. And don't get it on yourself or I'm having you thrown outside for the ponytas once you fall asleep!" Mottled Petrel yelled, but of course, no one made any effort to clean up the pool.

     Up on the surface Enemy Post was running toward a herd of reindeer chargers with his wooden AK 47 held over his head. After a long afternoon of shooting the reindeer at point blank he had done little more than bruise their skin. At one point he managed to fracture the leg bone of a particularly delicate reindeer charger cow, but quickly ran away because he was out of ammo. Sore with defeat, he clambered back to the fort and collapsed in the dormitory that had been built next to the dining hall. 'Guess it's time to give him an upgrade if I want him to actually kill anything' "Oh NUUUuukkuuuuu." Mottled Petrel called in an almost song like voice. Nuku popped up from behind his smelter. He wasn't quite annoyed by being asked to forge weapons and armor, because doing so would probably end up saving his life, but in the short term he didn't really want to make them. "I want you to make a steel cannon and a lot of iron bullet bills to go with it. I also want you to keep in mind that Enemy Post is going to be the one wielding it, so try not to make it something he could hurt himself with." Nuku looked like he was being asked to hand a baby a match in a room full of explosives "Uhhh, are you sure you want to give him something so... powerful? The weapon you just requested could probably reduce an elephant to a red smear at a distance of 200 Urists, and you want to give it to someone who can't even speak proper koopish so he can go around shooting birds?".

     Mottled Petrel knew he was going to regret this decision, and many of his last feelings like this had come true, but he had made up his mind "Enemy Post is our first line of defense, if anyone is going to see the enemy first it's going to be him. If the invaders march up to our fort to find a borderline psychopath running around with a high grade piece of handheld artillery they'll probably turn tail and run. If not, I'm sure Enemy Post will have no problem breaking their shield arms before the military can get there to help.". Nuku looked like he saw wisdom in the words Mottled Petrel had made up without any prior thought, so he got to work.

     Mottled Petrel could hear what sounded like someone kicking around a pile of loose gravel above him, probably from the soon to be underground farm. Upon walking upstairs Mottled Petrel saw Pikalord kicking around the materials that would soon be the farmer's workshops with anger painted all over his face. "What the hell are you doing," Mottled Petrel asked "are you going to build the workshops or what?", Pikalord stopped his kicking of the supplies to turn to Mottled Petrel "I can't do it sir, it's impossible! There's this big boulder in the way, and every time I try to build around it I find that there's a part that needs to go there!". Mottled Petrel blinked "Well why don't you move it out of the way instead of suspending the task for the twelfth time?", Pikalord looked at the boulder in his way for a solid thirty seconds, before slowly sliding it about a foot to the right and out of his way. Mottled Petrel shook his head and walked back downstairs 'I'm starting to see why the mountain home wants nothing to do with us'.
     Spring has arrived, and Mottled Petrel is directing the construction of new workshops in the upper right corner of the main room. Directing might actually be too strong of a word, his thought process was more like 'I don't care where you build it as long as it gets built'. "I want a leather works, a loom, a clothier's shop, an ashery, a soap maker's workshop, a dwarven bakery, a meat hut, an unpacking station, a slot machine, a gardener's workshop, and a shell workshop. I don't care who makes them or where they go, I just want them made. And while I'm at it, someone mine out a room next to the hospital for the levers, that bridge is useless to us if we can't raise it.".
     Down the hallway the room for the temple was still waiting to be made a temple. Mottled Petrel thought about all of the wonderful Koopa deities he could assign the temple to.
     He instead decided on assigning it to no specific deity, it was way too soon in the fort's life to begin forming cults. Again he shrugged and placed a piece of paper next to the door 'Temple: The Fed Healing. Please, I need better names.'. On his way out of the hallway Mottled Petrel called once more to Nuku "Nuku" Nuku almost fell out of his chair as he heard his name called "Make three more weapons each for the army". "Sir, we're out of coke." Nuku responded, as a ninja and two humans walked into the fort and into the tavern. "Well once we have some more coal mined I want you to get to it" Mottled Petrel responded. 'They're going to need it' Mottled Petrel thought, as he listened to the sounds of the recently started live sparring coming from the barracks.
     After days of ruining the proposed second fortress level to acquire more coal, Mottled Petrel ordered the start of the production of long term resident quarters. The workers weren't happy that guests would be getting personal quarters before them. "Come on guys, I just want four rooms so that we can attract long term residents. Our personal quarters will be next on the list, but I think I'd like to attract some more giant squids to the fort to help protect us." Mottled Petrel pleaded. The crowd that had gathered looked at the giant octopus who was busy arm wrestle the ninja in the tavern with them. They all agreed that it would be pretty cool to have a giant octopus at the fort.
     One of the koopas in the crowd happened to be Scourge with his pet alolan meowth. As the crowd began to disperse, the alolan meowth evolved into an alolan persian. For those who do not know, an alolan persian is very similar to a gray puma with a circular blue gem in the middle of its forehead. Scourge looked down at his pet with an impassive look on his face as the cloud of smoke began to clear. He smiled a little, and then ruffed up the persian's head fur before leaving to make more cages.
     Through the open door Mottled Petrel saw some of the magikoopas carrying various items down the hallway. Mottled Petrel followed them to find that the empty room at the end of the hallway was now filled with many of the various magic related workshops. A conjuring circle, a holy altar, a magician's studio, a star beacon, a wood burning charge point, and an alchemist's laboratory. 'Saves me the effort of setting this all up myself' Mottled Petrel thought, as he slid out of the doorway.
     Once in the main room he was met by bloop_bleep who had just run up the stairwell "Sir, we have discovered an expansive cavern deep underground! There is also an almost vertical pit that seem like it leads to the second cavern layer." behind bloop_bleep a large cloud of shimmering, multicolored spores rose up from the stairwell.
     Most of the spores brushed against the ground but didn't stick, continuing farther up to the exposed dirt of the ramp "Just board it up for now, while leaving a little peep hole. I'll take a better look at it later. We are in no position to try to invade the caves yet." 'Gods, it took us a whole year to only reach the first cavern layer? Progress moves too slowly around here, I'm never going to be able to move to the next step of The Plan at this rate.'.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: scourge728 on March 04, 2018, 06:21:25 pm
"Yes, step one to *static* and C-ccrecrecreeeeAte a glorious new *garbled noises vaguely resembling speech* is compleeeeeete Step two: Repeat" Scourge procedes to put in a request to obtain more felines and have them assigned to him

((I'll be honest, I had a plan, but decided I didn't like it, so now I'm trying a new thing....))
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: Enemy post on March 05, 2018, 12:59:42 am
Come on caverns, please have some xenomorphs...
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 05, 2018, 06:17:52 am
If I find anything that could pass for a cat I'll let you have it Scourge. Good luck with trying to figure out what you want to do with your character, because in the end I fear that all of this careful character development will be wasted when the fighting starts in earnest.

The last few times I've looked in the caverns with this pack there have only really been weresalamanders and DOOM demons, but I'm sure in time there will be xenomorphs. Also, Enemy Post the koopa refuses to put down his wooden AK 47 for the literal piece of artillery I made for him. Even after forbidding the weapon he's currently holding he still won't give it up, any idea as to how I could get him to switch for the better weapon?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 05, 2018, 12:32:46 pm
If I find anything that could pass for a cat I'll let you have it Scourge. Good luck with trying to figure out what you want to do with your character, because in the end I fear that all of this careful character development will be wasted when the fighting starts in earnest.

The last few times I've looked in the caverns with this pack there have only really been weresalamanders and DOOM demons, but I'm sure in time there will be xenomorphs. Also, Enemy Post the koopa refuses to put down his wooden AK 47 for the literal piece of artillery I made for him. Even after forbidding the weapon he's currently holding he still won't give it up, any idea as to how I could get him to switch for the better weapon?
Put him off duty and put him back him on.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: ZM5 on March 05, 2018, 12:56:56 pm
If there's anything squid-like or tentacled that you can catch in the caverns, I would appreciate if it were assigned to my koopa.

Speaking of, is he and the initial few affected by dream ale still out cold?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 05, 2018, 03:42:05 pm
Put him off duty and put him back him on.
And to think I didn't think of that...

The retire/unretire woke up everyone who was out from the dream ale, so yes, you are awake ZM5. I will say that there are a few pools of spilled dream ale that are plaguing those without shoes, but I changed the syndrome time to around a month, so it isn't that big of a problem. You can have any squid-like things after I deem them tame enough to be allowed to wander around.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 06, 2018, 03:56:16 pm
Would you guys be interested in another lore update of the koopa mountainhome sometime in the near future? Or is everyone waiting to see the caverns and the first siege?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: pikachu17 on March 06, 2018, 04:14:54 pm
Would you guys be interested in another lore update of the koopa mountainhome sometime in the near future? Or is everyone waiting to see the caverns and the first siege?
Either is fine for me.

May I suggest having a visitor tavern in the front most part of the fort, as a first line of defense, and a locals bar in the fort proper?

Does Pikalord have any animals now?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: ZM5 on March 06, 2018, 04:36:55 pm
Tbh I'm more interested in what actually goes on at the fort itself - seeing a siege and what dwells in the caverns would still make for a cool update story-wise.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 07, 2018, 06:27:40 am
Just wanted to put it out there as a possibility in case some people were dying to hear what the king was up to, but I guess I'll save that for if the fort goes through a dull period. Instead, I'm going to try to be super descriptive of the caverns and make the retelling of the first invasion brutally accurate. It's probably not that far off, we've got 22 koopas, a decent amount of wealth, and we're within spitting distance of a whole host of cannibals.

And no, Pikalord has no pets because I have yet to find anything that resembles a pikachu. With operation 'catch everything' in the works I'm sure we'll catch you something soon.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 09, 2018, 09:52:53 pm
So it seems that there is a new update that both adds content and fixes some supposed bugs. Anyone know if it would be safe to add to the existing Modded Hell save?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on March 09, 2018, 10:16:47 pm
Why not give it a test run (on a seperate copy, obviously)
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 09, 2018, 10:25:49 pm
I more wanted to know if there was going to be anything gamebreaking farther down the line that I wouldn't necessarily be able to determine on a test run. On top of that I have no idea how effectively the effects of a 44.02(ish) save being converted to a 44.06 have been documented, because the modded hell save is pretty old. But yes, I will test it tomorrow if no one knows any pertinent information.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: stingpie on March 10, 2018, 06:11:04 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm sorry, but we need to clean up the goop. + none of the additions would add any crash-inducing features.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 10, 2018, 06:13:40 pm
All in favor of goop cleaning, raise your right hand (and place it on your mouse to go vote on the poll).
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: auzewasright on March 10, 2018, 09:09:16 pm
So it seems that there is a new update that both adds content and fixes some supposed bugs. Anyone know if it would be safe to add to the existing Modded Hell save?
Can't get that much more likely to crash. Running this fort is like balancing a porcelain set on a ruler just off the top of the Willis tower, while we try to add bricks onto the load in an attempt to stabilize.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: Enemy post on March 10, 2018, 10:22:45 pm
I think we should update because half the fun is MottledPetrel's continually escalating problems.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 11, 2018, 04:46:35 pm
If anything ever explained Modded Hell, it would be these two comments. I came into this knowing that it would be a train wreck, but I guess I'll break another main support beam, and see how that goes for us.

It doesn't help that all I'm doing to switch versions is copy and pasting the data and raws folder into a newer copy It took almost ten minutes for me to copy and paste the entirety of the data and raws folders, it's going to be fine.

That and the new index file, apparently that's important.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 11, 2018, 07:57:41 pm
I haven't had that much time for update recently, but a giant snow storm is heading my way this week, so I'm going to try to bust out some more updates then.
     Two koopas stand at the bottom of a deep stairway, one with a pickaxe in their hand, and one with a small drawing of a lawnmower. They are both looking through a large hole in the wall that reveals expansive caverns beyond it.
     'What the fuck am I looking at, this place looks like a barber's hair disposal' Mottled Petrel thought as he tried to make heads or tails of the underground flora.
     To give Mottled Petrel credit, the tree rising in front of him did look like a giant heap of hair held up by a log. "Say, you're a miner, do you have any idea what this pile of hair is" Mottled Petrel asked Derpy Dev, who was standing behind him. Derpy Dev thought for a moment "I think I've heard about this from one of the visitors, I believe that it's a beardwood tree. For some reason, it grows beard hair instead of leaves. I've also heard that if you find one, it can come to be a real life-shaver!" Derpy Dev said, giggling out the last line.
     Mottled Petrel died inside a little at hearing that pun, but continued to look around to see if he could find something not covered in facial hair. From his position he couldn't see many more plants than the usual stenchblooms, underberries, and cave grapes, but the water below him seemed to be teeming with life.
     And by life, he saw that it was absolutely filled with baby cheeps. 'This place is going to be a nightmare for everyone if those baby cheeps ever mature into full sized cheep cheeps, we don't need to have a repeat of the river massacre of 78' "Just, just cover up this hole when you get a chance. There's nothing down here of interest so far, but I don't want the interesting things climbing up here with spike covered tentacles when we're not looking." Mottled Petrel said to Derpy Dev as he turned to climb back up the staircase "Alright sir, I'll get to it in time, just bear-d with me!". Mottled Petrel was past the point of feeling emotion for the day, but if that wasn't the case he would have likely banged his head against the wall a few time.

     Up on the surface a flock of birdemic birds were actively trying to kill a giant moth in an aerial duel, while Enemy Post ran beneath them with his wooden AK 47. Mottled Petrel walked up to him "Enemy Post, why aren't you using the new weapon I had made for you? And didn't I forbid that wooden weapon?" Enemy Post didn't look over, as he was too busy trying to 'get a good shot' at the winged beasts far above him "Can't, on active hunting duty, no time.". Mottled Petrel, with the steel cannon in his arms, blinked "Well then you're off active hunting duty". Enemy Post looked towards him with a look of a kid about to throw a tantrum "FINE, I didn't want to hunt anyways" he yelled as he threw his wooden AK 47 to the ground. "Hey, Enemy Post" Mottled Petrel called as Enemy Post started to storm away "You're back on active hunting duty". Enemy Post looked elated, and ran back to retrieve his fire arm that was on the ground. "You can't use that one, that one is forbidden" Mottled Petrel called, causing Enemy Post to stop halfway through his attempt to pick up his weapon "But how do I hunt without weapon?" asked Enemy Post. Mottled Petrel held out the cannon in his hands "Here, don't tell anyone I did this, but you can use this special 'chief' hunter's weapon". Enemy Post ran to Mottled Petrel and took the steel cannon from his hands as if he was being knighted, and then flipped through the various control buttons, firing latches, and the other obscene amount of complicated doodads attached to the piece of artillery with the ease of someone who had been making artillery all their life.

     Mottled Petrel instantly regretted his decision, the amount of competency Enemy Post was showing with his new weapon was alarming at best, terrifying at worst. As if to further cement this fear, Enemy Post ran back over to the crowd of birdemic birds still trying to kill the giant moth. He hoisted the cannon over his shoulder, and flipped through the magnification lenses on his weapon until he found one that he liked. With an earth shattering 'boom', Enemy Post fired a high velocity bullet bill up into the heavens as if to smite the gods themselves. The bullet bill shrieked up into the sky, with an expression that said its limited consciousness was craving the blood of the birdemic birds quickly getting closer to it.

     The shot missed, and continued flying straight into the sky, but the shock wave of the passing bullet bill alone was enough to send the flock staggering back, likely with internal bleeding and bursted ear drums. What had once been a feeding frenzy was now a mad scramble to see who could fly away the fastest. Enemy Post chose not to pursue them, instead opting to look over his shoulder towards Mottled Petrel with an idiotic grin, and then to hold up one of his unused hands to give a thumbs up. Mottled Petrel smiled and shook his head, then walked away.
     At the entrance Mottled Petrel noticed a haxxor and a togriq asking Pikalord if he could direct them to the tavern. Pikalord did, and then asked the two if they had seen any pikachus on their travel. Both of them looked at each other, and then unanimously said no. Pikalord walked back into the fort as if they were no longer worth his time. The two scratched their heads, but eventually walked inside. Before they did so, the haxxor turned and called behind him "ALRIGHT GUYS! This is the place", causing a large crowd to emerge from behind the hills.
     Among them was a forumite (Ironically, the sworn enemy of the haxxor), a pianta (An oddly colorful and oddly muscular humanoid with a tree growing out of its head), two pirates, a ninja, and another togriq. They all swarmed into the entrance and into the tavern for free meals and free alcohol.
     Farther out in the trees a large, horribly rotted zombie stumbled towards the fort. A huge, perforated sack was where his stomach should be, said sack was still filled with corrosive stomach acid, evident by the little drips that were escaping it. Mottled Petrel was just about to call the alarm when the pianta turned around to see the zombie "AAAAYYYyyy! Sto! Glad you could make it buddy. Drinks are on me at this place, I've got to tell you about all the crazy shit I've seen around this place. I'm telling you man, this place is the spot..." the pianta said as he put his arm around the zombies shoulder, walking him inside.
     The zombie made a toothy grin with what little was left of his lips and made a few friendly groans. 'Where the hell are all these nutbags coming from, there are well established koopa towns just up north that have seen less total visitors in their decades of existence than we get in an afternoon. I swear, some of these guys better decide that they want to stay or I'm moving the tavern to the caverns' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched the zombie drip his stomach acid all over the entrance ramp that had just been cleaned.
Still no invasion, but the tavern is still being filled with colorful characters that I never even knew existed. I'm going to try to update more, but no promises.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: auzewasright on March 13, 2018, 03:35:18 pm
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: ZM5 on March 13, 2018, 04:22:06 pm
That's pretty awesome how amongst this already bizarre band of friends, we still manage to have one member of their group stand out as weirder than the rest.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: Enemy post on March 13, 2018, 04:37:32 pm
No way but the dinosaur way. Also cannon way.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 13, 2018, 06:14:46 pm
Guess I'll just update the game again. Huzzah for further potential instabilities.

I'm also going to warn everyone, we've achieved the most dwarvenly koopanly thing ever. We now have a blood and alcohol moat in front of the entrance for some reason.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (The Caverns Have Been Breached)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 14, 2018, 02:15:40 pm
At the entrance of a fledgling koopa a koopa tries his best to step over a festering cesspool in front of the fort's entrance. In the end he is unable to, and he slips and falls into the pool.
     'GAAAHHHH! Where did this giant puddle come from?' Mottled Petrel wondered as he wiped the mixture of spoiling alcohol, moldering blood, and old venom off of himself.
     For whatever reason, an absurdly large number of similar puddles containing who knows what had been popping up all over the fort, but right in front of the ramp a blood and alcohol moat had formed for no conceivable reason.
     'You know, if this puddle didn't obstruct the entrance so much, and smell god awful, it would actually be pretty cool' Mottled Petrel thought as he made a second attempt at stepping over the puddle. When he did so, he planted his outstretched foot firmly into a big pile of pianta pollen.
     Mottled Petrel looked down 'Don't tell me I'm going to get pregnant now'. He looked around, before trying to nonchalantly rub off the pollen onto a nearby wall. As he did so, he noticed that the piranha plants stationed at either side of the entrance had extended their roots into the alcohol pool in front of them. The effects of the blood and alcohol they had been consuming was evident, as they were both drunkenly slathering with expressions that said they were just dying to sink their teeth into something. Mottled Petrel picked up a dead rat that was next to him, and threw it towards one of them. The piranha plant instantly tore it to shreds before eating it whole. Mottled Petrel considered saying something witty, but then continued walking inside.

     Bloop_bleep approached Mottled Petrel on his way in "Sir, we've encountered demons in the caverns. Not, you know, real demons, just those demon wanna-be's, like imps and stuff. We've walled off the entrance, so it's not really that big of a problem." "Well, I'm not starting our invasion of the caverns with only four fighters, so just keep it locked up for now. But now, it's time to start our conquering of the surface. I want you and all available mechanics to set up as many god damn cage traps up there as physically possible so we can catch and tame all the blood thirsty things that live on our front lawn." bloop_bleep looked a little taken aback, but still very excited "Do you want them anywhere specific, or in a certain orientation or-" "Just put them anywhere that makes sense". Bloop_bleep eagerly saluted, and then ran off to grab some mechanisms.

     Mottled Petrel walked up behind a koopa busily working at the forge "Four pairs of greaves please, Nuku. Wait, you aren't Nuku." EPM turned around from the steel mini-chomp she was working on to greet her boss "Oh, hey sir, just finishing up those weapons you asked me to make. I can make those greaves to, no need to go get Nuku to tell me like all the last orders.". Mottled Petrel blinked "I told Nuku specifically to do those jobs, and he's been pawning them off to you?" EPM looked a little confused "Has he? He told me that you told me to do them. I don't mind though, because now I'm actually an armorsmith AND a weaponsmith! I'm still a novice, but this is still the highest skill level anyone in my family has had for generations! If only my Ma' could see me now, she'd be so proud that her little freeloader has finally grown up and gotten a skilled job."
     EPM said as she let the hot steel in her hand relax as she reminisced. Thankfully, she snapped out of it before the steel fell out of her hand and melted her foot. Nuku was busily working at the smelter next to the forge, trying his best not to draw any attention. Finally, Mottled Petrel made his decision on the matter "As long as someone does it, I don't really care who it is, as long as it works as intended.", Nuku let out a sigh of relief from his position behind his smelter "But you better be on your best behavior Nuku, or you're going to be live bait when someone finally decides to attack us".

     Farther down the line it seemed that SQman had finally gotten his act together and learned how to operate a furnace. He wasn't good at it, and it was pretty obvious that the great furnace operators around him were far outpacing him, but he had reach the territory of being 'okay' at his job.
     However, as he was working he was busily trying to sell the silver he would soon have to Urlance Woolsbane, who was half smelting, half animal dissecting behind him. A small dead creature with splayed tentacles was pinned to a board next to Urlance's smelter, and it seemed that he was busily filling the corpse with little gears and sprockets. Before Mottled Petrel could ask what he was doing, Urlance answered without looking up "It crawled out of the caverns and attempted to lay eggs in the warm ashes of my smelter when I wasn't using it. I'm thinking about turning it into a little statue for the trophy room Enemy Post is setting up in the lever room", SQman piped up from behind Urlance "And that's what I'm trying to tell you! A silver base would increase the value of such a statue ten-fold! Think about it, it'd be the best investment you've ever made!" SQman then noticed that it was Mottled Petrel who Urlance was talking to "Oh, uh, hi sir. I was just, uh, trying to increase the fort's value through the implementation of statues! Yeah, think about it, traders from across the world will be flocking to us if we've got silver statues outside to advertise.".

     Mottled Petrel looked at the two for a moment "Enemy Post has set up a trophy room in the lever room?" "Yeah, he's got the ralts head mounted to the wall, and he actually set up a pretty nice diorama with the two dead cottonees that everyone else left to rot outside, and now he's working on something with all the struthomimuses. He wanted to mount the head of the giant tick as well, but KoopaUnknown insisted that it should be mounted in the barracks because it was their kill. His intellect is lacking, but that koopa has the makings of a legendary taxidermist to-be." Urlance answered, still not looking up."I'll allow it" Mottled Petrel finally answered "That was an awfully big room for one lever anyways. Just as long as he doesn't touch the bodies of anything sentient, I don't want the morals of this fort going down the drain.", Urlance lazily poked around in his smelter with a metal rod before pushing his glasses farther up his beak and going back to the corpse in front of him "I'm not his dad, if you want him to actually listen go tell him yourself." Mottled Petrel shrugged "fair enough".

     ZM5 ran by the smelter area, carrying the corpse of a similar looking small creature with tentacles and an open journal "Hey ZM5!" Mottled Petrel called. ZM5 immediately slammed his journal shut, and crammed both it and the corpse into his shell, then he turned with an expression that blatantly said that he was trying to hide something "Yes sir?". Mottled Petrel walked up to him and handed him some blue prints "KoopaUnknown has been threatening to put my head on a pike if he didn't get quarters 'needed for adequate strategic planning' for a while. So here, dig this out when you get a chance.". ZM5 looked relieved that he wasn't being asked about the stuff he was carrying "Alright, I'll get on in a few days" he said, and then scurried off down the stairway.
     It is now summer, sometimes known as the most violent season of the year. The first successful spring crops have been harvested and the more sustaining crops that grow all summer will provide enough for an army on the march. This often causes summer to be the season where a greedy ruler starts eying the land of his neighbor, and finally decides that his forces are ready for a successful conquest. It was only a matter of time before one of the many civilizations nearby decided that Modded Hell was easy pickings. Mottled Petrel never really considered this, he was too busy shaking his fist at the ever cawing flock of birdemic birds that was still circling the fort and interrupting the sleep of its inhabitants. And even if he had considered this fact, he was already putting a lot of the fort's effort into arming and armoring the army as quickly as possible. As he thought about that, he told EPM to make 4 pairs of steel high boots, just so they could stay on schedule. Once down in the fort he noticed that the stoneworkers were carrying stone all the way from the crypt to the masonry workbenches, to remedy this he decided to have the vestigial hallway he had had started next to the barracks extended up to connect to the main room. "You know what, just make that whole section another room, I'll just have it be made into a statue room or something. Nuku, that means I want you, and you specifically, to make us some silver statues. You're our only metalsmith, and a great one at that, and I want these statues to be quality. Just, surprise me with them.", Nuku didn't look happy that he was being called upon, but he nodded anyways.
ZM5 didn't start the excavation, as he had been in the tavern talking with the visitors and listening to their stories.
Bloop_bleep got on the job instead.
     'Guess it's that time of the year again, merchant overload. Lets see if they offer anything of value this year. Wait, are those snails?' Mottled Petrel wondered as he looked at the approaching caravan of snail people cresting one of the nearby hills.
     The horses they were riding looked REALLY uncomfortable with the fact that they were completely drenched in the thick mucous seeping onto them from the feet of the snails riding them. It also appeared that a number of the traders were actively doing drugs as they rode into the trade depot, leaving them seeming very relaxed. They didn't even bring guards with them, so clearly they were very comfortable in putting their faith in the good nature of all the bandits of the area.
     Across the field the more tightly run koopa caravan came into view, bristling with weapons. In complete contrast to the snail caravan, the koopa caravan brought an obscene amount of seasoned guards to ensure that they could carve a bloody path to Modded Hell if they needed to. A troll walked by Mottled Petrel "Could you bring up the spiked wooden balls bin? It looks like we're going to get a lot of traders this year.". As the troll walked away to pick up the requested bin the Oracle from the mountainhome walked up to Mottled Petrel "Hello Mottled Petrel, we've brought you the... goods, you asked for, and I'm here for the yearly inspection." the Oracle looked over Mottled Petrel's shoulder at the entrance covered in blood and alcohol "and I can see that Modded Hell still isn't a center of art and literature.". Mottled Petrel looked back as well "Yeah, there's some idiots here who keep spilling anything liquid everywhere. Unfortunately, that also includes a barrel of venom we bought for some reason, so if you've got some exposed cuts on your feet or something try not to step in it. Don't worry, it's just the entrance that's like that, the inside's pretty clean and we've actually got decent tavern now.".

     The Oracle looked back towards the entrance to see the drunk piranha plants angrily snapping at the troll Mottled Petrel had asked to pick up the bin "Well, it checks out in the intimidation factor at least. But before I go, I have some world news for you and I need to mark down what you request from the mountianhome for next year" the Oracle said as he handed Mottled Petrel a piece of paper and pulled out a clipboard and paper to mark down the requests. Mottled Petrel still didn't really care to ask for anything, but he thought he might as well humor the mountainhome "Alright, it's been a pain making shells for everyone so I'd like some shell shells, one of the ninji claims that he knows how to play the guitar so some electric guitars if you have any, and some paper if it's convenient, I write a lot more notes than I should. And... that's probably it.". The Oracle jotted down the meager request "This isn't a trading fort, so I don't expect you to actually fulfill these requests, but I'm required to give you what the mountain home wants most" the Oracle said as he handed Mottled Petrel another piece of paper. Mottled Petrel didn't even look at it before tucking it into his shell. "I didn't think so," the Oracle said "the goods are being unloaded now, so I'm going to take a look inside to see your progress.".

     The Oracle then walked inside, taking deliberate care not to step in the blood and alcohol moat in front of the entrance. Mottled Petrel looked towards the trade depot where the snails and the koopas were trying to squeeze into the trade depot, and saw that the koopas had brought a laser-spino and a magnemite with them for trade. Right behind the koopa caravan was a smaller group of koopas, presumably migrants. 'Guess I better get some drawing paper, this looks like it's going to be a big one.'.
If there are any lurkers who would like to be koopa'd, now's your chance. There aren't a whole lot of people left to be koopa'd so we're probably going to have some high master millers ripe for the taking.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: scourge728 on March 14, 2018, 05:00:05 pm
If we don't get any more requests, I vote we name the various migrants after random Greek myth figures.....
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: auzewasright on March 15, 2018, 05:45:32 am
If we don't get any more requests, I vote we name the various migrants after random Greek myth figures.....
Let's make sure we name two Eris and Set, after the Greek and Egyptian god of chaos and discord.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 15, 2018, 04:35:33 pm
I actually like the idea that some of the lesser gods are picking up on all the bad stuff about to go down in Modded Hell, and that they decided to come and experience it first hand because of it. If no one else comes forth by tomorrow I'm probably just going to name some of the new guys after the various gods of chaos the world had known, plus some of the funnier or more useless gods.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: scourge728 on March 15, 2018, 05:32:05 pm
can we name the next one after random Greek heroes?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 15, 2018, 08:52:19 pm
Koopa me as a mechanic and churn out mechanisms for trade.  All except for the masterwork ones, stockpile them somewhere.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 15, 2018, 10:11:26 pm
Koopa me as a mechanic and churn out mechanisms for trade.  All except for the masterwork ones, stockpile them somewhere.
>bloop_bleep is not amused at your attempt to usurp him.

JK, we can always use more slave laborers helping hands.  :P
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 15, 2018, 11:03:00 pm
     > Darkening Kaos is not amused that you are not amused at his plan attempt to usurp you

     JK(maybe) I'm just here for my bacon and egg sandwich house.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 16, 2018, 05:27:23 am
Always glad to have more on board, especially mechanics because so far not a single mechanic has even attempted to build the cage traps I ordered. That also reminds me, it's probably about time we start constructing the meat tower, our lasting legacy to the world.
(Also, do you mind if I make a petty competition start between you two maybe with some issue between you two that carried over from the mountainhome? I think it would be pretty funny.)
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 16, 2018, 07:24:11 pm
     @MottledPetrel: sent you a PM.

     Looking forward to seeing my koopa's details, try to find someone who likes a specific metal, (like copper or silver), even if that happens to be an unskilled peasant.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 17, 2018, 11:30:21 am
It's that time of the week again, time for me to fork around a bunch of unskilled turtles. Chances are there will be an update today, depends on how many migrants there are and how many backstories I have to intertwine.

Quick question, how do you tell what kind of weapons a special weapon maker can make?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: IndigoFenix on March 17, 2018, 01:03:44 pm
It's been a while, but if I remember correctly "Special Weapon Maker" is just the name for Koopa crossbow makers, since their projectile weapons include things like cannons.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 17, 2018, 01:33:22 pm
Uh, I think I gave koopas access to crossbows, but I would agree that in my experience it is usually wooden ranged weapons.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 17, 2018, 04:41:30 pm
     A koopa stands at the entrance of a fledgling koopa fort, a stream of koopa migrants is heading towards him and a group of snail merchants is actively doing drugs in the trade depot next to him. The koopa at the entrance seriously considers doing drugs with the snails instead of dealing with the migrants.
     'I guess it's that time again, time for me to be 'responsible' or whatever' Mottled Petrel thinks as he pulls out a clean sheet of paper. The first koopa approaches, seeming innocent enough to Mottled Petrel, but the greater being inside of him recognized a fellow greater being. "Welcome to Modded Hell, home of The Amber Brunch, probably one of the most successful koopa taverns in the empire. What's your name ma'am?" "Eris" "Skills" "Novice wood cutter, novice carpenter, great thresher, novice cheese maker, novice herbalist, and novice special weaponmaker" "Really? What kind of weapons do you make?" Eris giggled, with a surprisingly deadly glint to her eye "Oh, you'll see".

     Mottled Petrel frowned "Whatever, do you have a specific profession name you'd like?" the being inside of Mottled Petrel already knew the answer, because it had already acquainted itself with the lesser god of chaos before it "God of Discord and Strife" Eris replied with another maniacal look. Mottled Petrel nearly snapped the charcoal pencil in his hand when he heard that "Uh, as much as we support the freedom of individual decision here, I'd like to ask you to not promote discord and strife in our fort. You can just keep doing what you know how to do, and make us some of those 'special weapons' you were talking about if you get the chance.".

     Eris did a small curtsy "Very well sir, it's a pleasure to be a part of Modded Hell. Oh, and my husband, Set, is back there with his pet stegosaurus, Nokook Castlebrand. He's been a bit down since he had to leave his bob-omb apprentice, Swoben Bombumbombub, behind by order of the king." "Oh, what was he teaching him?" Eris slowly grinned, a grin more sinister than Mottled Petrel thought was possible with a beak "The art of disorder and violence". Mottled Petrel blinked a few times 'I don't think I need to ask why these two got sent here' "I'm, uh, happy that he was able to experience the joys of mentoring. He taught quite a, uh, fitting profession for a bob-omb. We've got some stray bob-ombs inside if you think that will cheer him up." "You can tell him that yourself, because here he comes.".

     Eris walked inside, and a koopa walked up to Mottled Petrel with a young stegosaurus, this was presumably Set. "Welcome to Modded Hell Set, your wife told me a little about you, but I still need to ask some more. Skills?" Set finished petting his stegosaur so he could reply "Novice organizer, adept record keeper, great glazier, proficient writer, expert reader, and a great geographer." "I'm guessing you want a special profession name similar to your wife?" "Yeah, how about, God of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners? Actually, I don't care to write that down on all my papers, how about just God of disorder and violence?". Mottled Petrel sighed, and the greater being inside of him thought something along the lines of 'this guy is as much of a tool as I remember him being' "Alright sir, you can have that title, but the chances of us ever needed a glazier are minimal. How does macekoopa sound?" Set ran his tongue along the edges of his beak in a slow, deliberate, and incredibly unsettling manner "Perfect".

     'A match made in heaven' was all Mottled Petrel could think as he shook his head and marked down 4 steel mini-chomps to be made "Alright, head on in sir, bottom of the ramp, hallway to the left, first room on the right. The bob-ombs are in the second room to the right if you care to train any.". Eris walked inside, eying up the place as if it were his new hunting grounds. A stray hunting manectric trundled in behind him, stopping before the entrance to take a few sips out of the alcohol moat. The next koopa was a far more mundane one, but still had the air of incompetence around him that told Mottled Petrel that he was sent here for lack of skills, and not psychopathy "Name" "Sanctume" "Skills" "Novice engraver, novice mason, novice weaponsmith, novice armorsmith, novice metal crafter, and adequate shearer. I know, I know what you're thinking, 'this guy has taken on too many professions, and that's why the stoneworker's guild, metalworker's guild, and the farmer's association all voted to send him to Modded Hell', but I'll tell you this: I am more than capable of mastering not only these professions that I've started, but as many as I set my mind to" Mottled Petrel looked up from his notes "No, that wasn't at all what I was thinking, I'd much rather have an unskilled worker with ambition than a worker who refuses to work. That was also a very specific thing for me to think of, is that why you're here at Modded Hell?" "Well, that might have been the final push to get me here, but mostly I'm here to live with family. My aunt EPM, my uncle Stingpie, and my other uncle Urlance Woolsbane already live here, and I manage to convince one of my cousins, Imic, to move here with me. I also love steel and dolomite, and I heard that Modded Hell is mostly comprised of dolomite and you allow low skill workers to work with steel." "Steel and dolomite are about all we really have right now, so you're in luck. Continue with your current professions and we'll talk later, and maybe you can teach a thing or two to your aunt, because she's our most skilled metalworker right now." "I'll get to it, and you'll have more mastercraft tridents than you know what to do with before you know it".


     The next koopa was one that Mottled Petrel recognized from the royal pasture that he, uh, destroyed. He couldn't remember her name "Hello ma'am, you're that lawnmower technician from the mountainhome, right? What are you doing here? It seemed to me that you were the only one I knew who actually had a stable job." Scarlet_Avenger looked down and idly kicked a stone by her feet "Yeaaaaahh... My skill set was actually just directing people to the different lawnmower models. Once the animal handlers had to get to work rebuilding and retraining the animals after that horrible accident everyone found out that I didn't really have any applicable skills for my position. I got fired, and before I could find a new job I got a notice saying that I was being 'reassigned' to Modded Hell. But now that I'm here I'd like to finally learn the trades of animal trainer and mechanic." Mottled Petrel nodded "Alright, well what are your skills now?" Scarlet_Avenger took a long inhale as if she greatly regretted what the answer was "Adequate beekeeper, I kept a hive a combees in my room in my off-hours, so I could probably set up similar hives if you want me to." "Don't worry about it, most of the people here come with no experience. From now on you are on animal training, animal care, and mechanics. Our lawnmowers are fine as of so far, so you're probably going to be on cage trap duty.".

     Scarlet_Avenger nodded thoughtfully a few times, before looking back at the koopas still coming behind her "You might have a bit of trouble getting any information out of my husband, Asin, so I'm just going to tell you his skills now. He's a parakoopa, a novice markskoopa, a novice animal trainer, caretaker, and dissector, and he just has such a way with words..." a smile grew across her face as she presumably remembered good times with her husband "... but unfortunately, I think you would only be able to characterize him as a novice wordsmith, poet, and speaker. He also says a lot of... odd things. so try to not let it get to you, he's really sweet once you get to know him.". Mottled Petrel remembered the name of Asin, and knew that he had his work cut out for him, he gestured for Scarlet_Avenger to go inside as he watched the koopa with dark sunglasses walk up to him. "Na-" "-I'm here to kick ass and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum!" Mottled Petrel stared at the winged koopa in front of him for a few seconds "I know that you're a ranger, so for now you're going to be a hunter until we can get an archery range. I'll have a steel cannon made fo-" "-Double the guns, double the fun!". Mottled Petrel rested his head on one of his hands in agitation "Just please, go inside" "Well, I'm here now. We'll settle this once and for all." Asin exclaimed to no one in particular as he walked inside.

     'And this migrant wave was showing so much potential' Mottled Petrel thought, as an incredibly muscular koopa bore down on him 'Oh geez' "Hello sir, welcome to Modded Hell, name?" the koopa in front of him looked at Mottled Petrel like he was a puzzle box ready to be taken apart, and then begrudgingly took out a small letter with the king's symbol written on it with wax. Many who saw the king's unorthodox method of marking his letters often said 'it would be so much simpler and more efficient if you made a stamp so you can seal your letters with wax instead of just drawing a symbol with wax and then sealing it separately', the king's usual response was something along the lines of 'fuck you' or 'I'm the king, I make the decisions'. This letter was no different, but a letter from the king at all was a rare occurrence. Mottled Petrel opened the letter as the larger koopa stared down at him.

     'To whom this letter may concern, I have sent the holder of this letter as far away from me as possible for a number of reasons. This koopa happens to be a great gem setter, but one day he came to me and DEMANDED that I give him a chance to try to make some of his trap ideas. Despite having no skill in mechanics or guidance from some of the available, more accomplished mechanics, he showed me some pretty convincing diagrams that made it look like he was at least creative, so I allowed him to set up his supposed trap in an old exploratory mining shaft. I went to check on his progress a few days later before he was done, and the hallway was coated in blood with half-dead animals caught in the midst of restricting, bladed chains. Normally, I would have patted him on the back and sent him to the trap maker's guild, but farther down was the sentient creature testing and the insanely brutal traps he had neglected to show me diagrams of. It was at this point that I lost the contents of my stomach, and I promptly signed the forceful relocation form. Let him near your mechanisms at your own risk, but if there is any damage done to the caravan by anything trap related there will be consequences. Other than that, I have included the first installment of your government pension in this letter.' Mottled Petrel fished into the envelope to pull out a single copper coin, minted with the king's face 'Good luck, Sincerely, the king of the koopa empire.'.

     Mottled Petrel looked at the muscular koopa still standing next to him, who had pulled out a large, almost plank sized, notebook from his shell and was now busily drawing deliberate lines in it. Mottled Petrel folded the letter and gingerly held it for a few minutes, thinking. "The mechanisms are in a stockpile at the bottom of the ramp, have at it." Darkening Kaos flipped through the pages of his notebook, and then walked inside. 'All we've got for trap components are spiked wooden balls and cages, so have at it'.

     Only two more koopas were left in the migrant wave, and they both walked up to Mottled Petrel hand in hand "Hello, I'm Imic, and this is my wife rainbowdashfanboi84. My cousin Sanctume has asked me to come live with him with our aunts and uncles at Modded Hell. These are also my wife's aunts and uncles, but she also has a letter from the king and her own reason for coming here, which she has decided to withhold from me."  Rainbowdashfanboi84 then handed Mottled Petrel a letter signed by the king, similar to the one he received only moments before. Mottled Petrel opened the new letter, and this one was much simpler and to the point.

     'We caught this one dressing up horses and role playing with them, and I didn't care to actually come up with a punishment for a peasant with 0 redeemable skills, so she's your problem now. Signed, the king.'.

     After a few moments Mottled Petrel continued with the usual questions "Skills?" "I'm a novice fish dissector, fish cleaner, and fisherkoopa. And my wife is an adequate poet, a competent dancer, a competent singer, and an adequate stringed musician.". Mottled Petrel didn't want to continue with the questions, because he had really had enough with the migrants, but he did anyway "Preferences" "I'd like to be a meat architect in our new home, and I'd like the title of fortressier. My wife would like to be a guard, she hasn't said anything about a weapon preference, but she'd like any horse-like pets if you have any.". Mottled Petrel cringed a little, not wanting to repeat the issue that got her thrown out of the mountainhome in the first place "Imic, you are now all stone working professions except mining as well as architecture. Rainbowdashfanboi84, you're now a sword koopa, I'll have your long swords made as soon as I can.". Imic looked at his wife, who nodded "Alright, come on Nokopoc" Imic said, and a small kea chick landed on his wife's shoulder. The final member of the migrant wave was a stray war Pa'u style oricorio, who walked inside looking like it had no idea where it was. Mottled Petrel looked up from his notes 'Is that it? Thank god, it's going to be a nightmare trying to pretend to care about all these new people.'.
Everyone has now been koopa'd except MoonyTheHuman (Sorry, still waiting for some kind of doctor), and we now have more unskilled fighters. I'm kinda confused as to how most of the people now in the fort are related, and some of the marriages are between concerningly close relatives, but other than that things are going well, until they inevitably don't, but oh well.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on March 17, 2018, 06:40:20 pm
It's fine. i totally didn't get my hopes up
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: scourge728 on March 17, 2018, 07:55:49 pm
((I've decided on a formatting choice, all the text for the new scourge will be in the style that was normally being used only for speech))

Scourge was mildly annoyed. His aAaaAaAA%Z3254♀ゥ◣ゥ 8♂ and to ToPIt all off, the distortion of this world was causing all kinds of negative effects a-a-a-and those things that just arrived were only making it worse, Scourge decided to ΰϢΘϫՎǢϓ to ϢΘϓ♀ himself, and hope it would repair the damage

((I may or may not have gotten a LITTLE bit carried away, definitely didn't spend a very long amount of time just looking at unicode things, and am also curious how many koopas in this fort are secretly some manner of non-koopa demon/god/other from another place entirely))
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 19, 2018, 02:35:54 am
Spoiler: Preface (click to show/hide)

From the Diary of Darkening Kaos.
Date: Unknown.  Well, it doesn't seem important at this stage.

     A diary is a quaint idea, but I find that it does provide for some ordering of thought.

     Once arriving at Modded Hell, there was a mercifully short … conversation with the over-seer, Mottled Petrel.  After reading the letter from our glorious monarch, he assigned me to installing the cage traps, and I must admit I found the task cathartic and physically fulfilling – trudging back and forth from the fields around the entrance to my new home, carrying mechanisms and then cages to the points marked on the map given to me by Mottled Petrel’s assistant, (I didn’t catch his name and it was probably forgettable anyway).  It gave me the opportunity to think about the events that brought me here.

    Back in the mountainhome, I was nothing, not that it bothered me.  My time was taken up with hauling random stuff, often the same stuff as it went from place to place and back again – I’d get to the point where I could say, ‘Oh. Hello, Frank the barrel of Whip Wine.  How are you today?’  Of course, there was no answer, but I knew that barrel better than I knew my supervisor, so many times I had hauled it about.  I guess I didn’t really know myself what I wanted to do with my life.  That all changed one day when I was assigned to haul Frank, sorry, a barrel of wine to the extravagant party of graduating mechanics, (they thought a full barrel of wine was extravagant).  Before the graduation ceremony itself, there was a tour by our most glorious monarch as he examined some of the outrageous and typically over-the-top trap designs put together by the senior students.
     One of the last practical demonstrations involved a volunteer pulling a cart with a straw goblin on it through a hideously complex floor trap.

     It went off.

     Time slowed and in that one moment, I saw the synergy of chaos intertwined with order, and both fused with art in a deadly flash of copper, steel, granite and iron(see footnote).
     The straw goblin was shredded.  So was the cart.  And the rope which had got caught up in something.  As did the volunteer’s hand.  Up to the elbow.

     That moment irrevocably defined who I was.  I had seen my future.  Unfortunately, the mechanics guild declared I was not of the right family and no-one would grant me a scholarship or the fees required to get past the front door.
     It took months but my patience was eventually rewarded.  A drunken student fell asleep in a tavern where I took my meals.  His cloak declared him to be an initiate of the mechanics guild.  Picking him up and shouldering his backpack, I took him back to his dormitory, getting past a guard who knew the student, but escorted me none-the-less.  Once in his room, and gently arranging the student in his bed, I managed to secrete two books inside my shell without the guard noticing.  Wherein, the next problem came to light – I could not read.  Poor as my parents were and unable to afford even the simplest education, the books were meaningless to me.  Well, apart from the diagrams.
     After months of studying each diagram, and manipulating them in a fairly primitive way on a scrap piece of salvaged paper, I had the good fortune to deliver Frank, apologies, a barrel of wine to our glorious monarch’s personal quarters.  Breathless, with panic and excitement, I put the wine down and then showed him my plans for a simplified, but routine, trap experiment.  I might have been a bit forceful in my delivery and I apologised, explaining it away as a reaction to the awe I felt at being in his … august presence.  He gave that plan a quick scan and beneficently nodded.  I had permission to demonstrate my system.
     Down in a dark, abandoned corridor where I had been teaching myself to handle mechanisms, I was surprised to find that a goblin had snuck in from somewhere and was completely caught up in one of my first, primitive, somewhat … excessive traps – it had experienced a certain level of disassembly, fortunately for the goblin, it would have been quick.  Or was it two goblins? I had never seen one close up, so I couldn’t tell whether they had two heads each or not.  But, no.  I had no time for that.
     New parts were collected, the floor prepared and I began the laborious process of setting each part of the sequence.  There had to be a live test.  Which showed a few flaws, so I had to redo a few things.  Another live test was performed and it was during this test that our glorious monarch stepped out of the shadows to inspect my progress – a feral goat was in the middle of interpreting a painting by the abstract painter Picasso, (a painter-koopa of little to no repute).  Our glorious monarch’s widening eyes at my progress was a good sign.  The copious vomiting – not so much.
     At his incoherent screech, I was hauled away to a cell.  Only a week later, I was granted the opportunity to gather my few possessions, then given a letter with the king’s seal on it and bundled off into one of a string of carts heading off into the unknown.
     Along the way, a kindly old koopa taught me to read, I wished for the carts to travel slower for a whole new world was opening up for me.  Both figuratively and literally.
     I could now read the two books of introductory mechanics still secreted in my shell.

Spoiler: Footnote 1 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Footnote Continued (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 19, 2018, 03:23:33 pm
Moony, if we don't get a migrant with at least some medical skill in the next migrant wave I'll just make you the peasant that always wanted to grow up to be a doctor.
I'm glad to see that we've still got lore going. This week doesn't look like it's going to be that good for me, but if I get some time I'm going to try to play to the first invasion, which I can only imagine is ever so close at hand.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 19, 2018, 04:40:36 pm
I might be writing a bit of lore of my own pretty soon.

I also have an idea for a despicable trap that you might want to implement, Mottled Petrel. Send you a PM pretty soon.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 19, 2018, 05:53:51 pm
It's the 20th of Hematite, year 126 of our good koopa king. (for those who care)

And koopa bloop_bleep's information. (if you want to go by it)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have to say though, it's pretty funny that you prefer to eat something as exotic as blind serpents and then like to wash it down with some commoner's potato juice. Also, we've got a temple, pray if you need it so bad, god.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 19, 2018, 06:40:42 pm
It's the 20th of Hematite, year 126 of our good koopa king. (for those who care)

And koopa bloop_bleep's information. (if you want to go by it)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have to say though, it's pretty funny that you prefer to eat something as exotic as blind serpents and then like to wash it down with some commoner's potato juice. Also, we've got a temple, pray if you need it so bad, god.

Apparently I'm a girl. And a romantic one at that.

I haven't much experience at being either of those things, so it might be harder to roleplay this than I expected.  :P
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 19, 2018, 07:07:59 pm
Would you look at that, I meant to make that an image and not a link, let me just fix that.

Yeah, I didn't notice that you were a girl at all, much less a romantic one. But now that I read into this more I think you've got some character gold to work with, think about it, a super romantic and flirty girl values showing no emotion at all and also happens to be a six armed turtle monster? A girl who sees power over others as something to strive for, sees life as unfair and is okay with it, and sees war as a valid means to an ends? This is the most badass koopa woman a koopa bachelor could ask for. I think you've got yourself a great creative challenge to take on that could result in a good story. Or you could disregard the actual character and make up what you want to make up, he's she's your koopa.

Also, I'll look at whatever traps people want to send me and I'll try to make an attempt at them. I'm still waiting for my chance to implement the dream ale trap stingpie sent me a while ago.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 20, 2018, 12:11:38 am
The dream ale trap is easy; set up a bridge in the entrance corridor, and make a second offshoot corridor that goes around the bridge, which you use d-o to designate as a restricted area. Set up a dump zone in this corridor, and set the contents of the dream ale barrels (not the barrels themselves) for dumping. Whenever a siege comes, you can just close the bridge, and the invaders will go around it in the second corridor, stepping into the dream ale.

Actually, the problem with that is the invaders (unlike your dwarves) will probably have shoes on, so the dream ale will get onto their shoes, not their feet..... and then get tracked around the entire fortress when the invaders go through. Probably should hold off on that, for now.

Anyway, some lore!

I don't like the look of that fellow. I don't like the look of him at all. Some big brute, coming in here, acting like he's the boss. I was here from the very beginning, dammit! It was me that made all those mechanisms, set up all those cage traps! Me! I worked hard to get where I am. I worked for twenty years at the mountainhome, twenty long years, until that Armok-forsaken cavern project. The king, in his infinite wisdom, saw it fit to put his idiotic nephew in charge of it all! The ridiculous buffoon, he put actual *floodgates* in the cavern entrance! Floodgates! I told him to use a bridge airlock, I *told* him! But he wouldn't listen, would he? Then the trolls came, just like I feared, the goddamn bastard trolls came, and they threw the floodgates off their hinges without thinking twice. Three hundred people dead, and the king was looking for someone to blame. But he couldn't blame his poor precious nephew, could he, so he blamed me. Now look where I am!

To hell with them, to hell with them all. I kept quiet, I didn't yell or shout, like a good little koopa. I didn't show anything; I just did my work and blended in seamlessly. But now this brute is going to try to overthrow me! I won't let him. I won't be quiet anymore. I will create the best contraptions, the best traps, throughout the entire kingdom! I will finally wipe out the goblin menace, once and for all! I will make the entire world kneel to my might!

Today I present my first contraption to the Overseer. It is but a small and simple one that I designed myself, but alas it is very useful, and will lay down the groundwork for my next projects. It is a detector of a sort, that is capable of triggering a mechanical signal whenever an enemy is nearby, even those especially devious ones that know how to avoid the more conventional kinds of traps. As judging whether something is a threat that is not something a machine can do easily, it instead employs the use of an animal in that capacity. I eagerly await the start of my new plan.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: pikachu17 on March 20, 2018, 10:01:22 am
If we don't get any more requests, I vote we name the various migrants after random Greek myth figures.....
Dionysus, god of wine and madness. Also, dolphins. Probably as a brewer.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: auzewasright on March 20, 2018, 06:21:29 pm
I wonder if I should use this color
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 21, 2018, 06:48:46 pm
So I've come up with an idea to potentially solve the upcoming mechanic battle for supremacy. How about this, I make two identical hallway entrances to the fort and block both of them off with a bridge. I then give you two free reign to make whatever outlandish traps you want that involves the hallways and maybe any other excavations or constructions that don't infringe on main fort space. The lethality of these traps will then go through hypothetical and live testing, to be judged on a number of factors by a panel of three or more judges (me, and some other people I'll ask if everyone thinks it would be a worthwhile plan). I haven't devised a prize further than just bragging rights, so I'm open to suggestions.

Let me know what you guys think.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 21, 2018, 06:50:42 pm

Question: do we have a river on-map?
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 21, 2018, 06:56:49 pm
We most certainly do have a river.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 21, 2018, 06:58:33 pm
>bloop_bleep cackles softly and retreats into his study.

Another question: does style and manner of death also contribute to our score? I have a particularly unique trap I want to try.....
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 21, 2018, 07:01:26 pm
Uh, my scoring guide is still in the works, but I believe style is going to be a category and manner of death will fall under creativity.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: scourge728 on March 21, 2018, 07:31:38 pm
Do it
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 22, 2018, 01:17:41 am
     Hmmm.  I'm gonna need a hundred mechanisms.  Let me loose in a mechanic's workshop.

     @MottledPetrel: one thing I have noticed is that all of the stones have been reclassified as economic stone, with only a handful as Other.  This might be the cause of some problems.
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 22, 2018, 07:49:34 pm
Anyway, I've been working on my trap using the save that Mottled Petrel uploaded so we could fix the crash, and I've realized that the trap I was thinking of could be implemented in a much simpler way than I planned. I don't even need water now. The trade-off is that it doesn't work with creatures greater than the size limit for bridges (120,000 I think?), as well as the fact that now I won't get to implement absurdly complicated mechanical logic. :P

Now I just have to figure out how to make the creature stay in the trap area so it can do its magic. I have an idea for that as well, but I don't want to reveal it in case my competition plans for it.  :P
Title: Re: The Continuation of Modded Hell (Accidental Blood and Alcohol Moat)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 22, 2018, 09:06:25 pm
     With where the fortress stands at the moment, anything I build is gonna take years to build, MottledPetrel needs to focus on otherwise fortifying the fortress, like throwing up some walls here and there and building choke points, turtling the first few sieges, etc.
     Maybe when we have a decent metal industry going, I can design an effective mass extinction trap, but the fort is far too young for that.

     @MottledPetrel, btw, the embark size, was that 6x6?  It looks huge.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Trap Making Contest)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 23, 2018, 05:29:50 am
It was either 6x6 or 5x5, I don't really remember. And yes, it is huge, I always hated having small embarks, I need room to build all my stuff without invaders coming onto the map right next to the fort's entrance. And if your trap is too much work to build now I'd say I could just put it on a low priority to be built, because at the moment we don't really have a whole lot going on other than trying to bust out as much steel for weapons and armor as we can. But it's good to see the enthusiasm for this. Update maybe tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Trap Making Contest)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 25, 2018, 03:27:02 pm
Working on the update now, and I have to say, I have no idea if this is intended or not, but the bubblainians offer the most fucking overpowered weapons I have ever seen offered by any merchants. Just one of the higher end items they're offering is worth more than the entirety of the fortress at this point. Not only that, put things made out of valuable gems, forgotten beast bone, and raw fucking eggs. I have no idea if this is a glitch or not, but they're trying to sell me these instrument parts:
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Trap Making Contest)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 25, 2018, 06:46:22 pm
There's a LOT of things that happened this update that ever so slightly hints at the amazing amount of instability this game is getting away with. Thankfully, none of it caused any crashes, but it makes you wonder how much is every so hopelessly broken behind the scenes.
Out in a field a koopa and a ninji stand before a trade depot that is packed to the gills with snail and koopa traders. The ninji is busily investigating the box of spiked wooden balls that he has as trading items.
     "Alright" Mottled Petrel finally cut in "We've got stuff to do, so lets see what you bubblainians got for us". All of the bubblainians seemed to be drugged out of their minds, but one trader who was on the decline of his most recent high slithered(is snail perambulation considered slithering?) over to the two waiting to trade "Like, sorry man, but we've still got two more coming. See, they're out there walking gogoats over to the depot as we speak.".
     Mottled Petrel turned to see that said traders were still really far away from the depot, and were proceeding at a laughably slow pace. "You gotta take care of your animals from time to time, man. Just gotta let them chillax and refind their zen-" Mottled Petrel cut him off "Well if you aren't ready to trade yet we'll just trade with the koopas first". The koopas, with ample help from the obscene amount of armed guards they brought, were already ready at the trade depot. The guards were busy entertaining themselves by trying to spear fish humming tadpoles out of the river, while others anxiously eyed the convulsing mass of birdemic birds still in the sky. Mottled Petrel waved over one of the traders, who introduced himself as Nokog.
     "Greetings from the Mountainhome. Your efforts are legend there. Let us trade!". The merchant started showing off his wares, but Mottled Petrel stopped him "Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean our efforts are legend there? As far as I knew we were just a means of ridding the empire of its unemployed.". The merchant looked surprised "Really? You don't know? Word around the mountainhome is that at Modded Hell even the most unskilled worker is allowed to pursue whatever profession they desire. A proposition almost unheard of in a traditional koopa fortress. For those who actually care to learn a new craft, this place is chance for a new life. It's only been a little more than a year, so many koopas are still wary of living in such a small fort after living with all of the mountainhome's services, but for those who can live with roughing it Modded Hell is a beacon of hope. Of course, the king still mostly only authorizes sending criminals and nutjobs here, but there have been a few petitions sent to the state asking to allow certain koopas to come here willingly. Now, enough news, let us trade so I can show the mountainhome how successful you koopas are here.".

Mottled Petrel was a little taken aback, but proceeded to trade anyways "Uh, alright. That rope looks nice, how much is it?"
     "2510 Urists" replied the trader. Mottled Petrel couldn't help himself, and burst out laughing, after about a minute he regained enough of his composure to squeak out "The standard price of rope is 10 Urists, what the fuck did you make it out of, unicorn hair?". The merchant looked over some of his ledgers, and then shrugged "I don't know, it's just marked down as being really valuable, do you want it?". Mottled Petrel shook his head, and them continued trading "We'll take that cave spider silk rope, that waterskin, that wooden nokokon, the magnemite, 10 stacks of meat, some thread, two backpacks, a quiver, and, uh..." Mottled Petrel flipped over the final item and recoiled in fear.
     "We'll, uh, we'll take that demon-script as well as any paper you might have. Actually, we'll take the laser-spino as well." almost as if he understood, the laser-spino began wagging its tail inside its cage. This had the adverse effect of creating a miniature earthquake inside the trade depot. The merchant quickly signed the trade agreement before running back into the trade depot to try to calm the beast down. "We'll be back for you later" Mottled Petrel said to the bubblainian trader, who looked like he hadn't even blinked the entirety of the time Mottled Petrel had been trading. Mottled Petrel turned around to relay orders "pasture the spino with the frogogs, and just let the magnemite fly around inside. Everyone else, carry our new stuff inside.".

     After days of waiting for the straggling merchants to arrive at the depot, the bubblainians were finally ready to trade. 'This is going to be such a waste of my time. What are they going to sell me? Daisies? Cloth? What could they possibly-'.






'...-DIAL-UP NOISES-.........'.

Mottled Petrel had no idea what to make of the obscenely valuable and powerful weapons that the bubblainians were peddling. 'How can a people so lax make such intricate and powerful instruments of death. We can't even fucking afford any of this, nor do I even know the relative strength of these items. I can't just have them leave empty handed though, I need them to come back next year so after I learn what the hell any of this is I can buy it.' "Uh, we'll take that bone instrument-" the snail merchant started to reach for the ludicrously expensive one "-no, no, the other one. And we'll take that wheelbarrow, and those, uh...
instrument parts.". Even though the bubblainian could have made enough money to last him a life time, he still looked pretty happy that he was selling anything at all "Right on, man. Let me just package this stuff up for you.". Mottled Petrel stopped him as he was turning away "Also, here is a gift from us, the koopa people, to you, the bubblainians." Mottled Petrel said, as he offered about 1000 Urists worth of gems to the snail. The bubblainian looked even happier "I'm sure that our leaders will be totally stoked to receive these gifts.". The koopa merchants farther down the trade depot looked confused as to why Mottled Petrel was offering gifts so early in the fortress's life, but he didn't notice.
     On his way inside Mottled Petrel walks by Set, who suddenly looses a loud and bonechilling cackle coupled with a murderous smile. He immediately runs to claim a craftskoopa's workshop, and all hopes Mottled Petrel had of acquiring a useful artifact were dashed 'Oh great, we're probably going to get an earring or something'. Set then carries over a single boulder of tetrahedrite to the craftskoopa's workshop, and then begins to work furiously. 'Alright, this one is going to be REALLY disappointing, but I guess it's good to have artifacts around anyways.' Mottled Petrel thought, as he lost interest and walked way.
     A few days later Set holds a tetrahedrite earring over his head, Mottled Petrel was less than pleased. 'Are you fucking serious, the exact thing I said it was going to be that I didn't want you make?' Set grinned even wider from across the room, almost as if Mottled Petrel had said that last comment out loud. Mottled Petrel practically marched over to the craftskoopa's workshop and tore the small piece of stone that passed for an artifact out of Set's hands.
     He looked it over, and found nothing innately special about it other than a few oval shaped markings on an otherwise completely smooth earring. It seemed for a moment that a few of the ovals began to flicker, but Mottled Petrel made no note of it. "You got anything to say for yourself?" he asked Set after looking at the earring for some time, Set shrugged "Just creating a little disorder.". Mottled Petrel frowned "Well don't think you're getting off of military duty, we need a fighter more than we need a stonecrafter. Hey, Nuku, make a platinum pedestal please. We might as well put it on display to get us some attention.". Nuku gave one of his 'I'll do it if I get to it' faces, and walked away.
     Later it would appear that Sanctume and EPM were trying to share the forge and work on two things at once. Mottled Petrel watched from the sidelines, thinking that it was the most inefficient thing he had ever seen. Sanctume eventually noticed this and yelled over to Mottled Petrel "Don't worry! Just catching up with my dear old aunt. We're still getting work done, I swear.". On the other side of the room Imic was busy making meat blocks, when he noticed Mottled Petrel he ran up to him with a piece of paper in his hands. "Here you are sir, my most recent blueprints for the meat tower you asked for" Imic said, handing Mottled Petrel the paper. Mottled Petrel looked at paper, and immediately noticed that there were a lot more jutting metal spikes than he asked for. "Okay, the spikes are cool, but lets just make the meat part of the tower first. You have my permission to go ahead with this plan as long as you leave a good amount of edible meat in the food stockpile." Imic looked disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to add the spikes, but still glad that he was able to build any of it at all "Yes sir, I'll get to work laying out the plan for the first wall now.".
     The trolls got to work on the first layer of the tower immediately, and in the distance Mottled Petrel noticed that the merchants had decided to leave for the year.
     'Guess this room is going to be the museum. At least any potential thieves have to walk right by the barracks if they want to get to it.'. From his forge Nuku slams his tools onto the ground and yells "There! Are you happy now!". In front of him rests a mastercraft statue of the founding of Modded Hell in silver.
     The most notable feature of it was the ninji Noko being hoisted up by a crowd of adoring koopas and trolls. Off to the side was Mottled Petrel, sulking. "You did a really good job with this statue, but this never happened." Mottled Petrel said, as he came up from behind Nuku. "Well I wasn't there, so how the hell was I supposed to know how it went?" Nuku said, as he moved protectively near his statue. Noko, the ninji so valiantly displayed in this artwork, saw the statue from across the room where he was taking one of his notoriously long breaks. He gave a hearty thumbs up. "Whatever" Mottled Petrel said "we'll add it to the eventual statue garden, I'll just mark out where it's going to go. Actually, fuck it, the lever room is now the statue garden.". Silverlock came down the main ramp and ran over to Mottled Petrel "Sir, one of the caravan guards is stuck up in a tree.".
     Mottled Petrel blinked "Well go have someone cut it down then" "Yes sir". Mottled Petrel turned back around "As I was saying, your statues don't necessarily have to be such a high quality, but please strive for-" "-sir, the guard is flying around out of our reach now. He just keeps flying up." "Well I don't know what to say, let him fly around for a little while and if he gets stuck up there I'll authorize a rescue staircase.".

A few days later, Mottled Petrel is in the makeshift statue room with Nuku "Alright Nuku, lets see what you've made for us.".
"Pretty similar to the last one, but good.".
"That's a nice one, pretty too.".
     "A classic, and brutally accurate at that. Good work Nuku, I knew you had it in you.". Silverlock again approaches Mottled Petrel "Sir, there are more small dinosaurs harassing the workers. Chirostenotes this time.". Mottled Petrel didn't even bother responding, he simply walked out into the hallway, then stuck his head into the barracks. Inside, the warriors were locked in intense live arms sparring. Mottled Petrel gave a sharp whistle, before yelling in "I've got some more small dinosaurs outside for you guys to kill.". A hearty cry of approval was loosed by the fighters, who had not been able to kill anything in months.

     A few minutes later the surface was an indescribable pandemonium. Apparently, the chirostenotes had learned a way to piss of EVERYTHING, because nearly half the fort and the entirety of its animal population were actively engaged in kicking the shit out of the small dinosaurs.
Even Mottled Petrel was so enraged by these intruders that he ran out to fuck them up as well.
     Any chirostenotes that wasn't granted a quick death was pummeled into a lumpy puddle by the denizens of the fort over a long period of time, somehow just clinging to life.
     After all of the dinosaurs had been ripped limb from limb, the fort was left shaken and disorganized. Eventually though, both the koopas and the animals got over the excessive display the dinosaurs had put on and everyone got back to work.
     Just for the record, Sanctume and EPM were actively getting away with using the same workshop at the same time for different tasks with different materials. I'm not sure if this is warranted because it's such a heavily modded game, but this might be a legitimate bug I just found. I'm going to leave the other strange events up to your interpretation though.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: Enemy post on March 25, 2018, 07:49:33 pm
You know, I think this story might be a little bit weird.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 26, 2018, 01:56:48 am
    And the first nominee for "Biggest fuckin' understatement of the year' is.........

    {Enemy post's post should go in our quotes section, Mottled Petrel}.

     Diary: Continued.
     Date: Still don’t care.

     Mottled Petrel seems to really want a complicated trap lodged somewhere as a ‘welcoming mat’, as the old manuals used to call them.  And I really want to build a trap which, as far as I know, has only ever been designed and theorised, but never actually built – the problem is that it is resource intensive, requiring over 400 giant silver axe blades and 270-odd mechanisms.  Hmm.  I guess I could cut down on the final stage and redesign the intermediate stage, plus have an entirely different way of saying ‘Hello’ with a good old-fashioned slap-on-the-shell type of greeting.  And, yes, we must have a flight-training school. 

     {The rest of the page is filled with equations, notations and designs, all of which are scribbled out and redone a few times, ending up as a messy, incoherent mess – there is a final note that the finalised design is on the second page, which is not attached to this page}.

     {PM on its way.}
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 26, 2018, 05:23:13 am
You know, I think this story might be a little bit weird.

I'm honestly really not sure what to make of this at this point. There's just so much borderline broken about this game that I keep finding, and the story I'm trying to spin in general is branching into all kinds of unorthodox that you could be referencing so many things and I wouldn't know it. To the quotes section it is.

Ah, I just took a nice crash-course through memory lane when I looked back through the quotes section, and there are still plenty of things in the middle of the story that I meant to quote but haven't gotten around to. Other than that, I have received the basic blueprint for Darkening Kaos's trap. Once he finalizes it and bloop_bleep sends his in I'll start the preparations for the complicated trap making contest.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: ZM5 on March 26, 2018, 05:48:11 am
Things are only bound to get weirder as time goes on, especially once we get sieges.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 26, 2018, 01:40:01 pm
I have a question: is there just going to be one trap project for each side, or many? That is, do we just submit one design for judging, or do we have several rounds?

I'm asking because implementing a simpler, more traditional sort of tap first would buy me now time on my bigger project.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 26, 2018, 02:44:52 pm
Unless the consensus is different, I think it's just going to be one trap for each contestant. Of course, you can still submit more random trap designs for our amusement, because at the moment we can spare the koopa-power for unnecessary grand feats.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: pikachu17 on March 26, 2018, 02:56:15 pm
How much is the artifact earring worth? You could sell it to the next caravan.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 26, 2018, 03:03:39 pm
I don't know, I'll check when I get the chance. But does anyone have any idea how good any of these materials are, I've never heard of any of them:
holy wood
fire glass
manat bonesteel
(Is forgotten beast bone like normal bone but expensive?)
I'd like to know if it's worth selling my first-born child to the snails in exchange for these weapons or not.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: ZM5 on March 26, 2018, 03:37:41 pm
IIIRC forgotten beast bone isn't actually more valuable than regular bone.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: wertyzerty on March 26, 2018, 04:04:03 pm
Am I the only one thinking that multiple people using the same workshop wouldn't be a bad idea for a mod, if it's possible?
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 26, 2018, 07:14:16 pm
I mean, two dwarves working at the same workshop is completely and utterly impossible as the game is hardcoded to only allow one, which is why Modded Hell getting away with such a feat is so amazing. Even if it was possible, it wouldn't really gain you much. The dwarves still work at the same pace, you get the same products for the same quality, you'd really only save space. That being said though, I've still pondered the idea of making dwarven cubicles, little workshops that fill the tasks of normal workshops that take up less space.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: Nahere on March 27, 2018, 12:03:28 am
I'm not familiar with the other materials, but hoohoo is a RotMK metal that's especially good for blunt weapons. I'm not sure how good a spear made from it is though.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 28, 2018, 05:22:59 am
Well, that's one mystery metal accounted for, and if forgotten beast bone isn't more valuable than normal bone I have no idea why that forgotten beast bone item was worth 20000+. Next update is probably going to have to be sometime this weekend, I've got too much to do this week to squeeze one in before then.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 29, 2018, 03:52:45 pm
So there seems to be a new version. I'm not sure why I bother to ask because I'm going to implement it anyways, but does any know of any known problems that could arise from this new version?
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: scourge728 on March 29, 2018, 04:48:05 pm
Knowing the luck we've been having, the entire embark could catch aflame
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: ZM5 on March 29, 2018, 04:52:04 pm
A gigantic flaming apocalypse out of nowhere probably would be a fitting end to Modded Hell.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: pikachu17 on March 29, 2018, 05:08:07 pm
Well, that's one mystery metal accounted for, and if forgotten beast bone isn't more valuable than normal bone I have no idea why that forgotten beast bone item was worth 20000+.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 29, 2018, 07:10:45 pm
Ironically, most, if not all, of the previous I've played with this pack have been ended by rampant forest fires. Something comes onto the map, breaths fire or is just naturally of high enough temperature to ignite everything, and before I know it everyone and everything I love is on fire. If I have to place my forgotten beast bone instrument on what catastrophe is going to end the fort, I'd say it's going to be something at least fire related.

Speaking of which, I have seen adamantine artifacts worth less than that forgotten beast bone instrument, so I can't even begin to fathom what it's encrusted with that made it so valuable. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though, attempting to understand half the stuff that happens with this fortress would cause my head to explode.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: pikachu17 on March 30, 2018, 03:03:26 pm
Next time you could look at the intrument's description?
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 30, 2018, 06:36:42 pm
Can I do that if it's part of a caravan? I've never tried before, but I don't see why I couldn't. Update sometime this weekend, I'm hoping to at least play until sometime in fall to see if I can coax a siege out of the world, but if not I might as well start on some of the traps I have been sent.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: bloop_bleep on March 30, 2018, 08:05:14 pm
MottledPetrel, is it okay if I take another day to finish designing my trap? The trap design itself is pretty much completed, I'm just testing it with creatures that are not building destroyers, which surprisingly are harder to deal with in my trap than those that are.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on March 30, 2018, 08:43:40 pm
Take as much time as you need, just get it to me when you've got it (I probably won't even start the update until the day after anyways).
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on March 31, 2018, 03:11:43 am
Can I do that if it's part of a caravan? I've never tried before, but I don't see why I couldn't. Update sometime this weekend, I'm hoping to at least play until sometime in fall to see if I can coax a siege out of the world, but if not I might as well start on some of the traps I have been sent.

     Yes, you can (V)eiw any item of the merchant's caravan and even look inside bin/bags.
     Which won't tell what some strange things actually are or what they do, but you can get some idea of decorations.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 01, 2018, 07:06:10 pm
So, I meant to do an update today, but completely forgot it wad easter... I also meant to do an April fool's joke by posting a picture of the 'your fortress has crumbled to ruin' screen, and then saying "who's ready for Modded Hell two?", but at this point it's a little too late for me to do that. Tomorrows going to be an easter/april fool's special that I'm going to work into a normal update, if anyone has any (preferably egg related) practical jokes they want to pull feel free to send them to me and I'll try to implement them into the update.
Title: Re: The Fortification of Modded Hell (Strange Events Edition)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 02, 2018, 08:01:31 pm
In the skies above a fledgling koopa fort, an armed and armored koopa guard flies around with complete disregard for any of his responsibilities. As he does so he flies dangerously close to the ever present flock of birdemic birds, but never quite flying close enough to provoke a fight.
     Mottled Petrel stands by the trade depot, watching the flying caravan guard and wondering if he would ever come down. As he does so he takes a long look at the trade depot next to him 'I should really move this thing inside, we have the room for it.'.
     After Mottled Petrel finished marking the area of the wall where the new inside trade depot would be located he noticed that there had been some injuries sustained during the recent mob attack on the chirostenotes. KoopaUnknown walked out of the hospital with only a few stitches in his one of his hands and a foot, but MrLurkety had suffered a number of serious lacerations an all of his arms.
     He numbly stumbled out of the hospital, arms covered in gauze and thread, and proceeded towards the food stockpile to find something to eat. A few seconds later the stray hunting manectric that was brought with one of the migrant waves trundled out of the barracks to follow Koopaunknown. For whatever reason, the stray manectric had REALLY taken a liking to hanging out in the barracks, and looked like it was trying to ask one of the warriors to be its master.

     On a more productive note, the furniture for the soon to be library had been marked out for placement a few days ago and the trolls were now busily hauling them for construction. 'I don't even know why I'm having a library made, all we have is a singular manga and a codex, last thing I need is to have something to attract weebs to the fort. You know what, I'm going to have some quires made, in case anyone wants to try writing something better' Mottled Petrel thought, then shivered a little when he remembered the contents of the manga he had bought.
     Just as he thought that, he turned to see Enemy Post carrying the ninji broker over his shoulder heading towards the hospital. The ninji looked to be in excruciating pain, and his feet were incredibly swollen, presumably from walking in one of the pools of venom dotting the landscape outside, 'I hope they make it there in time, we can't risk being down a worker'. Concerned, Mottled Petrel followed the two to the hospital. The two ahead of him disappear behind the door, only to reappear moments later with the ninji walking on his own with no sign of any swelling (The ninji literally layed in the bed and was immediately cured of his drastic swelling, I have no idea what happened). Neither of the two offered any explanation to Mottled Petrel, who just stood there, confused. A troll with a similar confused expression walked up to Mottled Petrel "Library is almost done sir, you got a name you want us to give it?". Mottled Petrel kinda just waved him off "Name it the first thing that comes to your mind, we'll come up with a better name later". The troll nodded, and then walked away.

     The second that the library is assigned its location Eris dropped what she was doing and ran to the stockpile to pick up a codex, which she then proceeded to read in the library.
     She took incredibly long to to read the one page codex. After that she ran into the tavern to tell a group of trolls a story about how Nokop built a mastercraft bin a few months ago.
     'Something's up with her, but I can't tell if it's more than the usual' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched the odd scene unfold. "Auze, could you slaughter a few of the dinosaurs please?" Mottled Petrel asked as Auze walked by doing Armok knows what. Auze sighed "Do I have to?" "You haven't built any of the magic workshops, so what else are you going to do?". Auze inhaled as if he had a comeback, but then thought about it for a minute, he then proceeded to go butcher the requested animals.
     'Sir, Asin's stuck in a tree' Silverlock told Mottled Petrel a few days later. Mottled Petrel waved him off "Go have someone build a staircase up to him, we can't have another one perpetually flying around. After that cut down all the trees around where he's stuck to stop him from doing it again.".

     Autumn has come, and Asin refuses to come down from his tree despite the pleadings from his wife and the easily accessible staircase that was built for him. Having tired of the charade, Mottled Petrel gave a cue for Scourge to cut down the tree, and Scourge gladly goes to cut it down with his alolan persian not far behind. Before Scourges axe even touches the tree Asin flies down from it and proceeds to walk into the fort, "I'm storing an item in a stockpile" was the only explanation he would give for his sudden change of heart. Scourge still had a pretty good time felling the tree despite the fact that it was no longer needed. After doing so, Scourge's persian pounced on something hiding in the grass. It came up to reveal that it had a kakuna struggling in its jaws, which it proudly presented to its master. Scourge picked up the struggling kakuna from his pet, and promptly bit its head off. After a minute of slow chewing he gave the rest of the still twitching bug type to his persian to finish (Scourge's persian has been giving him an unholy number of dead vermin, and I haven't the faintest clue what he does with them after he gets them). 'Why can't we have one normal person living here' Mottled Petrel thought as he watched koopa and cat share their kakuna dinner.

     Months after the caravan had left, the flying koopa guard had finally decided to land and make his way home. 'Good luck to him, if the beasts of the wild don't get him the king will'.

     Silverlock approached Mottled Petrel, who is busy enjoying a nice meal of raw thrash dove eggs "Sir, I'd like to talk to you about our lack of food." Mottled Petrel almost spit up the food in his mouth "What do you mean lack of food? I've been slaving away on the fields all year, and now we've got over 700 plants last time I checked.".
     Silverlock looked like he was scared that he was going to get hit "We do sir, but, uh, koopas can't actually eat the berries you've been planting" Mottled Petrel almost choked on the prickle berry wine he was drinking "Well how much edible plant do we have". Silverlock pulled out a piece of stock paper and handed it to Mottled Petrel.
(Apparently the berries I've been growing can only be used as animal fodder)
     Mottled Petrel crushed the paper in his hand and seethed for a moment, "We've got upwards of 1000 eggs, if, if that makes you feel any better. So many that some of the koopas have taken to coloring them for decoration in the random pools that keep showing up around the fort. Others have just been throwing them at any unfortunate passerby, but that's really all we have to eat right now.". Mottled Petrel got up to change the crops in the outside farms, but as he opened the door to the hallway a bucket full of helmet snake eggs fell onto his head, getting egg yolk all over him. Out in the hallway two troll children who had been born the year before stood giggling, but when they noticed that it was Mottled Petrel who they had pranked they stopped laughing and ran. Mottled Petrel stood there, stood there and had a long, hard internal debate before he eventually wiped the egg yolk from his face so he could change the crops before they all starved to death.
     The ratooey caravan had returned after their minister of trade stormed off the year before. Unfortunately, the area for the new trade depot had not been dug out yet, so they would still have to trade outside.
     Right behind them was the ruxian caravan, who had apparently decided to travel along with the ratooey caravan to wherever they were going.
Still further back was the mole person caravan, seemingly convinced that Modded Hell was worth stopping at.
     Almost as if things were going too well, the flock of birdemic birds that had been circling the fort for almost a year now decided to descend from the sky to tear apart the approaching ratooey caravan. After horribly maiming one merchant the birdemic birds were scared off when Enemy Post came running up to the scene with his cannon held over his head, firing wildly.

     After a few snooty remarks to some of his ratooey brethren, the ratooey minister of trade finally began his discussion with the broker. A few minutes later the ninji broker walked up to Mottled Petrel and whispered in his ear "What do we want to import for next year?" Mottled Petrel didn't have anything in mind, just like all the times before "Just ask them for some zinc flasks or something" Mottled Petrel whispered back.

     After concluding his discussion with the ratooey minister of trade, the mole person ambassador began his yearly discussion with the broker. The ninji began to approach Mottled Petrel "Just ask them for more geoviper" Mottled Petrel yelled out to him, seeing clearly that the mole people had brought no geoviper despite that being their only request last year. As Mottled Petrel waited to be asked more questions, a writhing mass of cobrats slithered out of their nest box for the first time, each gingerly testing out their pellet firing abilities.

     The ninji called Mottled Petrel over to begin the trading, and he did. 'Let's see what garbage they have this year' Mottled Petrel thought as he walked to the area of the trade depot being managed by the ratooey "Let's see... We'll take a few waterskins, that instrument, that-" Scourge elbowed his way into next to Mottled Petrel "I'll take that alolan persian". Mottled Petrel looked at him "Alright, that alolan persian (opposite gender of our current one, so we now have a breeding pair for the cat army Scourge has requested), that barrel of koopa tea... wow, you guys have a lot of barrels of blood this year, that bag of turtle bush seeds so we can start brewing our own koopa tea, that, wait...".
     "What's so super about it?", the ratooeys looked at each other, then one shrugged. "Uh, alright, and these books and codexes" Mottled Petrel finished as he gestured to a large pile of books.
     The broker looked at Mottled Petrel as the merchants began to gather the requested items "Don't you at least want to skim them first?", Mottled Petrel shrugged "The library has been a surprisingly huge hit, I'm sure it will be fine.".

     Next up was the mole people, who looked more than willing to do business. "We'll have these waterskins, that breeding pair of zubat, that-"
(they had like 9 barrels of dream ale)
"Oh, no way, no more dream ale for us, but we will take that bag of smiling turnip seeds-.".
     In front of Mottled Petrel was a small gem figurine of a mole person and a koopa shaking hands "Alright, that's a nice gesture, I'll buy it because of what it stands for and use it as a desk ornament later, and all that paper you have.".

     Next was the Ruxes... who weren't quite ready "One of our guys has flown up into a tree and won't come down" said one of the rux merchants at the depot.
     Almost as if they were waiting for that cue, the Silani caravan shows up in hopes of riches gained through legitimate means. Almost as if to welcome their arrival, twenty eight helmet snakes hatch and begin slithering down into the fort. Just like last year, the silani caravan is set upon by the things flying above Modded Hell, this time by a flock of thrash doves hoping to steal all of their trade goods. They manage to fend off the thrash doves without losing anything, but just before they arrive at the trade depot the broker decides that he's ready for a nap.

     After his nap the broker finally gets back to the surface to trade alongside Mottled Petrel. "First of all, sorry about last year, but there's not much we can do about flying swords descending from the sky like they do. As for trade goods, we'd like some barrels of alcohol, some backpacks, and... that's it actually." the merchants groaned, clearly they were expecting to make more of a profit "Come on guys, what did you expect, most of your stuff is made out of rose gold and the rest is encrusted with billion, we have no need to buy such unnecessarily expensive items.". They didn't look happy, but the Silani eventually accepted the still pretty substantial amount of money they were being offered.
     Down in the fort, KoopaUnknown's head brute quarters were finished. The engravings from left to right are of Bacpat the koopa god of truth, a chompshell, Bacpat again, and a butterfree. It would seem that the engravers knew KoopaUnknown pretty well, because he happens to be a worshiper of Bacpat and he loves to consume Butterfree.
     Sanctume holds a gauntlet over his head in jubilation "I did it, my first masterpiece! A worthy piece of armor to aid our glorious head brute in his defense of Modded Hell.". KoopaUnknown, who was on his way to do something else, turned at this last comment "Why zank you, I would love zuch a gloriouz gauntlet.", he then walked over to Sanctume to try it on. Sanctume slowly and dramatically moved the glove towards KoopaUnknown's outstretched hand before finally slipping it past his fingers. That's as far as the gauntlet would go, for it was far too small for a normal koopa, much less a burly koopa. After about a minute of trying to force it farther onto KoopaUnknown's hand Sanctume exasperatedly pulled it away "Oh come on, I worked really hard on this thing.". At this point rainbowdashfanboi84 stepped forward, for she was an especially scrawny koopa, and extended her hand for a try. "Well who am I to refuse a lady a try" Sanctume said as he moved to try the gauntlet on the other recipient. This time the gauntlet slid past the fingers, and Sanctume was able to shove the gauntlet all the way up to the point of fitting. When he did so, a faint crack was heard and egg white began to drip out of the end of the gauntlet.

     Rainbowdashfanboi84 only looked mildly perturbed by the prank, but Sanctume and his aunt EPM began laughing hysterically and proceeded to high five each other. Instead of the usual slap to signify that the high five was a success, another crack was heard and egg white splattered all over EPM's hand. It would appear that Sanctume had been holding a small egg in his hand when he went for the high five so he could pull another prank, and EPM wasn't all too happy about it. Sanctume kept laughing though, even as EPM reached into her pocket to pull out another egg. She threw it at him, missing horribly and instead hitting Pikalord square in the face. He then pulled out his own egg in retaliation, you can probably infer how it went after that. Let's just say, it was quite the mess.
So, a few points I'd like to touch upon:
1. The food situation is fucked, I don't know if you can eat raw eggs, but it's about all we got
2. I think visitors are broken, because one of them is in the tavern but refuses to do anything, and the other two are near the edges of the map, stuck in the air
3. At this point I don't think we're going to get invaded until at least spring, but we can always have a winter Bumpty invasion
4. The flock of birdemic birds has been in the sky for over a year now, and because there are just so many of them no other wild creatures can spawn
5. I missed it, but one of the ministers of trade was offering to bring liquid skin, something's up
6. Something's causing horrible, but incredibly temporary, foot swelling and it needs to be dealt with
7. Happy late Easter/April Fool's day from Modded Hell!
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: scourge728 on April 02, 2018, 08:14:51 pm
I love how the longer this goes on, the less sense it makes
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 03, 2018, 04:22:45 pm
I'm putting that in the quotes section, because that sums up the Modded Hell experience so far pretty well. At this point (17 updates in, not including the preliminary lore) the most common emotion I feel towards this fort is confusion, and that's with some pretty thorough knowledge of a lot of the major mods. I can only imagine what kind of fresh hell it must be for you guys with little to no mod knowledge to try to understand this fort so far, and it's only going to be down hill from here. I hope everyone's enjoying it though, because I'm having a good time writing it. There's going to be a small update today because I have time, I hope you're all ready for my first attempt to establish a foothold in the caverns.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: scourge728 on April 03, 2018, 04:27:17 pm
this'll be Good a disaster !!FUN!!
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 03, 2018, 05:03:19 pm
Fuck, migrants have arrived. Moony is the only remaining person waiting for a koopa at this point, so I'll be sure to give them one, but other than that I think I'm just going to leave the rest of them free for future claiming unless any lurkers want to step forward and claim one. The caverns might have to wait depending on how many migrants we have.

Hope bone doctor is close enough for you Moony, he's also an adequate wound dresser, and those are basically the two useful medical skills.

Oh wait, there's also a great diagnostician/great wound dresser, I'll koopa you as that one.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 03, 2018, 07:03:30 pm
A koopa stands inside a tavern of a fledgling koopa fort, to his right stands a Haxxor who refuses to leave, and to his left are a few koopas busily smoothing over the floor and walls.
     The tavern had been a huge hit among the locals of Modded Hell as well as the many visitors they had been receiving, so in a lull between visitor groups Mottled Petrel had opted to have the tavern smoothed over. In addition to that, he thought a name change was in order, a more fitting name based off of a very popular tavern in the mountainhome.
In addition to that, the greater being within him had a suggestion for what the temple might be called.
Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but he couldn't come up with any better names himself.
     "Migrants!" yelled a troll from somewhere on the surface. Mottled Petrel sighed, but inevitably pulled out his paper and quill. Once on the surface he waited by the entrance as the group of migrating koopas made their way to the entrance. The first koopa to walk up to Mottled Petrel was fairly unremarkable, and Mottled Petrel sensed that the next few in line were as well "Name" "Nokog" "Skills" "Novice thresher, great cheese maker, novice dyer, novice shearer, adequate papermaker" "Reason for coming to Modded Hell" Nokog scratched his head and thought for a moment "Lack of useful skills?" "I appreciate that you're honest with yourself and know your place in the world, now how about this. We've got a number of odd jobs that need to be filled that don't require any prior skill. You think you can handle it?" "It sure beats being a lactose-intolerant cheese maker, you got a list of what you want me to do?". Mottled Petrel quickly jotted down a list, which basically involved all of the minor crafts, and handed it to Nokog. He took a good minute to read over the list before shrugging and walking inside.

     Next up was another fairly unremarkable koopa, besides the fact that he was wearing a pair of spectacles, which for koopas more denoted that the wearer was an avid reader than the fact that they had failing eyesight "Name" "Mugamok" "Skills" "Great miller, novice organizer, proficient record keeper, great student, novice wordsmith, novice writer, professional reader, great chemist" "That's a lot of academic talents you have there, of course, you realize that none of those are really practical, right?". Mugamok looked unfazed "I've been training under the wings of the legendary chemists Binbomb Bombeta and Brooben Robumblobomer for years now, and I come to this fort in search of a place where I can make a name for myself with my own scientific discoveries. However, knowing how outposts like this treat migrants, I am more than prepared to spend the rest of my days in the mines or carrying around refuse.".
     Mottled Petrel sighed "You're lucky that you happen to be a chemist, because we could actually benefit from one of those. If it had been a mathematician or something I would have sent you into the military on accounts of you being a great student. We've got a number of dangerous and unknown substances floating around the fort that I'd appreciate if you'd take a look at. You can be a scholar at our library under the condition that if we actually need you somewhere else I'm going to pull you and put you where you're needed, got it?". Mugamok nodded "Those terms are more than acceptable, just point me to the desired substances and I'll get right on it.".

     Next was a large burly koopa who was wearing the customary stained apron of a butcher "Name" "Nokopok" "Skills" "Great butcher" Mottled Petrel waited for a second "That it?" Nokopok shrugged "They needed unskilled workers to butcher the many corpses left after what went down in the royal pastures. Unfortunately, even with the skill I inevitably gained from butchering the hundreds of bodies left over the kingdom was left with enough meat that they'd never need my services again for years. So, now I'm here. I could cut you a phenomenal laser-ceratosaurus steak if you'd like.". Mottled Petrel could have really gone for a laser-ceratosaur steak just then, but he shook his head "You okay with military service, on account of your" Mottled Petrel gestured to Nokopok's body "hugeness?" "I guess, it's probably a pretty similar concept to butchery now that I think about it. I'll take long swords, because that's the closest to what I'm used to.".

     Next, another large burly koopa "Name" "Kogamok" "Skills" "Adequate wound dresser, adequate bone doctor" "Reason for coming to Modded Hell" "Just thought I'd come live with my not so big big sis, Scarlet_Avenger. Her letters speak pretty highly of this place. Of course, no koopa ever wants a doctor that's just 'okay', so I wasn't really needed at the mountainhome either."
     "Well it's your lucky day, because at the moment you're probably one of the highest skilled doctors we have. Of course, we can't just allow you to twiddle your thumbs while we wait for someone to get hurt. So how about being a miner and a stone detailer on the side?" "That's alright, I guess".

     Next, a normal sized koopa "Name" "Nuku" "Skills" "Great engraver, great mason" "Well it just so happens that we've been looking for a dedicated engraver, what are you doing here, the mountainhome always needs engravers.".
     Nuku started scratching her neck nervously "Yeaaaaaah, the state didn't take too kindly towards my unorthodox preferences. I used my earnings as an engraver to buy a nice rotting cannibal leather chair, and I was thrown out the next day for introducing a new disease to my housing block.".
     Mottled Petrel blinked "Uhhh, just, just don't do that again and you'll be fine. Just go inside and help the koopas down there smooth things over.".

     Next up was a nervous looking koopa who had a big, overstuffed suitcase in one of his hands "Name" "MoonyTheHuman" "Skills" "Great wound dresser, great diagnostician" "Reason for coming to Modded Hell" "Well you see... This fight broke out in the halls, and I decided to get into it to try to stop it because that's just the kinda koopa I am, and before you knew it the other koopas were on their backs with cracked beaks and-" Moony's suitcase finally bursts open from the strain of the contents inside. As the suitcase opens it empties itself on the ground, leaving a large pile of mangas depicting a number of underage koopas in school uniforms in various situations that no koopa in their right mind would ever be in or be interested in. A few of them appeared to be authored by Moony himself, but the rest of them were authored by a number of particularly notorious human authors.

     "...Ohhh" was all Mottled Petrel said after looking at the pile for a few seconds. At this point Moony threw himself on the ground at Mottled Petrel's ankles and began trying to offer an explanation "I swear, I only like these because of the human culture that's in them. It's so fascinating seeing koopas in human settings making human decisions, it's just so kawaii. I, I-" "Just go inside and keep it to yourself, don't let me see it again. You're on mining and stone detailing duty as well as general doctoring." Mottled Petrel cut off the groveling Moony, for he didn't actually care. At that, Moony quickly scraped up all of his manga while proclaiming "Thank you Mottled Petrel-San, thank you!".

     After Moony had gathered his things and gotten inside, the final koopa of the migrant wave stepped up "Name" "Nokonk" "Skills" "Great wood cutter" "Do I even need to ask why you're here?" Nokonk clicked his beak "Nope, there isn't really a demand for lumberjacks at the moment, but I am a magikoopa if that gets me any special treatment here" "Not really, but you can do alchemy in addition to the carpentry I'm going to assign to you.".

     With the final migrant inside Mottled Petrel begins work on his blueprint for the eventual forward base of operations for the first cavern layer, and now with the addition of a number of new miners the work will go much faster once it starts.
The traders have left Modded Hell, and the ruxes without their brethren stuck in the trees surrounding it. Following their departure, Mugamok gets right to work trying to solve Modded Hell's venom pool problems.
'Oh come the fuck on.'.
I didn't get a screenshot of it, but I think one of the migrants is married to a member of another species, or at least a koopa raised by another species. Her husband has an INCREDIBLY unkoopa-like name and it's concerning me. Does anyone know if there is any way to check that guy out short of legends mode?

Our wealth is also something like 400,000 or more last time I checked, we're a REALLY promising target.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: scourge728 on April 03, 2018, 07:32:46 pm
I'm kinda expecting the next siege to just be a bunch of dinosaurs, birds, and nothing else, seems about right for this...
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 04, 2018, 05:29:18 am
I don't think they bring war animals on the very first siege/ambush - so thankfully we probably won't have dinosaur war right from the start.

I'm still putting my bets on it being cannibals that harass us first, since they have a headstart when it comes to sieging tokens. That's gonna get weird once they do start bringing in animals though - chainsaw-wielding maniacs riding in on dinosaurs.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 04, 2018, 02:15:24 pm
I'm writing this in the middle of reading your second to last update, so it may be unnecessary, but you could cook the berries in the kitchen. I think so, anyway. I may be wrong.

EDIT:I think in the relationship screen it would specifically mention his species if not koopa.
However, you can't marry someone in DF not of your species, anyway.(though now that I think of it he could've been transformed by something after the marriage.)
He could have been born in a completely different civ.
You could check from for his name in the language files. And see if it is in fact a koopa name.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: scourge728 on April 04, 2018, 04:14:58 pm
I mean, given we've ALREADY broken hardcoded things...
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 04, 2018, 04:22:32 pm
I've seen it happen before, its just a koopa from our civ taking the identity of someone from another civ. Nothing broken - members of different species can't intermarry and I don't think even our shenanigans would cause that to break.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: stingpie on April 04, 2018, 06:08:15 pm
necromancy will undoubtedly be used near the dinosaur flesh tower though...
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 04, 2018, 09:09:14 pm
i lost it at "mottledpetal-san"
*clap clap clap*
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: auzewasright on April 04, 2018, 09:27:15 pm
Haven't posted in a while, but I think I will have a IC post out by Saturday.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 05, 2018, 06:44:25 pm
I've seen it happen before, its just a koopa from our civ taking the identity of someone from another civ. Nothing broken - members of different species can't intermarry and I don't think even our shenanigans would cause that to break.
Is that a challenge? I forgot that identities had been added, and that with it a christmas elve could disguise himself as one of the many iscodecohedrons rampaging around our world.

I'm kinda expecting the next siege to just be a bunch of dinosaurs, birds, and nothing else, seems about right for this...
It would definitely be fitting, but I don't think that bringing dinosaurs that flip people off that cause EVERYONE to attack them is really going to go well for them. Them bringing actual carnivorous dinosaurs would really suck, but my best guess is that they're going to bring either cave monsters or common domestics, which is basically all of the starter pokemon, which would still suck.

I don't think they bring war animals on the very first siege/ambush - so thankfully we probably won't have dinosaur war right from the start.

I'm still putting my bets on it being cannibals that harass us first, since they have a headstart when it comes to sieging tokens. That's gonna get weird once they do start bringing in animals though - chainsaw-wielding maniacs riding in on dinosaurs.
I've had them bring war animals on the first invasion, don't worry. Luckily they all happened to be war caoti (basically raccoons) and giant vultures, and not some modded annihilators. Cannibal invasion would be interesting, considering we already have one koopa who likes cannibal leather.

I'm writing this in the middle of reading your second to last update, so it may be unnecessary, but you could cook the berries in the kitchen. I think so, anyway. I may be wrong.

EDIT:I think in the relationship screen it would specifically mention his species if not koopa.
However, you can't marry someone in DF not of your species, anyway.(though now that I think of it he could've been transformed by something after the marriage.)
He could have been born in a completely different civ.
You could check from for his name in the language files. And see if it is in fact a koopa name.
Cooking the berries hadn't crossed my mind, because when I think berry I think 'if it isn't edible when it's picked, it ain't going to be edible ever'. I'll take a look in the raws to confirm this as well as find the language that spouse is using.

necromancy will undoubtedly be used near the dinosaur flesh tower though...
I didn't make the meat block mod, so I have no idea how the meat tower will stand up to that. I'm 97.4% sure that nothing will happen because the meat blocks are considered normal blocks by the game, but it will be great for story telling. I'd also like to point out, that there are a number of mods that add things that act like necromancy that are 100 times worse, like one where they raise the zombie in a full suit of iron armor, or make it composed entirely of hard gem...

i lost it at "mottledpetal-san"
*clap clap clap*
I'm glad you liked it, I was unsure if you really wanted me to go along with the 'weeb for human culture' thing we came up with a while back. If you've got anything specific you want me to do to your character, let me know.

Haven't posted in a while, but I think I will have a IC post out by Saturday.
I'll be glad to read it, always good to have extra input on the story that is still somehow coherent.

Finally, sometime this month there is going to be a time where I'm not going to be able to play for like 2 weeks, do you guys just want to have this take a break and just have unofficial personal character stuff, or do you want me to pass off the save so someone else can have a turn for a while? There's a lot of individual little things you'd have to do to the game to get it to work optimally, so I'd have to give some substantial prep on what to expect if we want the fort to last longer than a few months.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 05, 2018, 11:44:07 pm
Oh, did i never respond? I thought it was hilarious and was OK with it.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 05, 2018, 11:45:55 pm
Well, i'd love a general purpose release of the save. I'd love just to see how far the game has gone on it's own version of going insane.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 06, 2018, 09:30:04 pm
I'm thinking about sending our entire military up north to try to raze a cannibal village to both try to incite them into attacking and to test out the raid system that I haven't successfully used at all yet. In theory, it should only be a day or two's trip, so they'll only be gone for like a few in game minutes. What say you guys?
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: Enemy post on April 06, 2018, 09:42:39 pm
Do it. Either it works or it horribly breaks everything. We win either way!
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 07, 2018, 02:57:26 am
     Absolutely.  Send them our welcoming committee, see if they want streamers and balloons.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 07, 2018, 05:28:18 am
I'm on board with that. Hope we can get some neat loot out of it as well - perhaps some dino pets or other weird animals, along with weapons to arm our koopas with...though said weapons would be the likes of chainsaws, pitchforks, or machetes.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: auzewasright on April 07, 2018, 06:06:30 am
I'm thinking about sending our entire military up north to try to raze a cannibal village to both try to incite them into attacking and to test out the raid system that I haven't successfully used at all yet. In theory, it should only be a day or two's trip, so they'll only be gone for like a few in game minutes. What say you guys?
Sounds good.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: stingpie on April 07, 2018, 10:39:25 am
Remember: make sure you blame the cannibals for attacking their own village, and then attacking modded hell.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 07, 2018, 10:55:31 am
Remember: make sure you blame the cannibals for attacking their own village, and then attacking modded hell.
I'm thinking there'd be an underground resistance radio host in the koopa mountainhomes talking about it on his show, "Info Koopas", and getting accused of being a cannibal agent.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 07, 2018, 11:37:13 am
Well, that seems like enough of a resounding yes to go ahead with it.
Remember: make sure you blame the cannibals for attacking their own village, and then attacking modded hell.
I'm thinking there'd be an underground resistance radio host in the koopa mountainhomes talking about it on his show, "Info Koopas", and getting accused of being a cannibal agent.
I laughed for a good minute at this one. I think I might use this idea for my eventual lore update for the mountain homes where koopa Alex Jones claims that the Cannibals were putting chemicals in the water that were turning the friggin' frogogs gay.

After the first attack on the cannibals should we keep attacking them, or choose another target so we can piss everyone off?

The attack on the cannibals might have to wait...
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 07, 2018, 01:21:35 pm
We can change up the targets - we do have circus freak hamlets nearby, yeah? Those could be fun to piss off, hee hee hee.

I almost want Koopa Jones to be a migrant so we can put him in the military and reenact this amazing piece of art (, but I feel he'd work better as a background character.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 07, 2018, 01:37:26 pm
I've marked out the political map of the area in the update I'm working on right now, but I'll lay out the important part. The cannibals are actually five days travel and the koopa mountain home is busily wailing on them, but not a days travel to our east is a Forum civilization that we're at war with. I was considering pissing of the cultists just south of them, but I feel like we might as well pitch into an already active war. Unfortunately, the site with the lowest population in that empire is still a pretty substantial 75, so I might be sending my koopas on a suicide mission if they have any reasonably sized army... but I gave each fighter a war laser-ceratosaurus, so who knows.

Uhh, the entire military has been gone for almost two months now, and they were attacking a site that was less than a day's travel. The world screen says that they're still traveling, does anyone know if there's a way if I can figure out if they all died or if they're just stuck in transit?

I'm going to be pissed if this is actually the case
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: Enemy post on April 07, 2018, 02:37:19 pm
Normally, I'd think that would be a game-breaking bug, but the idea of our entire military abruptly deserting seems to fit here.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 07, 2018, 02:56:23 pm
It took them three months to make a day's travel, but they're back. And let me tell you, there are some weird results.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 07, 2018, 03:44:34 pm
A koopa stands in the doorway of a room filled with 7 other koopas in steel armor. Each of these seven armored koopas were busy practicing their skills together. They looked... surprising competent.
     'They're ready for a real fight, once I finish the war planning room I'm going to send them out to see if they can do some damage' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched Koopaunknown disarm his sparring opponent without breaking a sweat.
     For days, Mugamok has locked himself in the library, scribbling away furiously at a pile of papers containing unfathomable numbers of complicated equations. He has yet to finish a single book yet, but he is at least trying to discover new useful practices. Numbers of small explosions can be heard from the library as he works to perfect his new invention, a potent explosive called 'TMT'.
     A few days later he informs Mottled Petrel that he has finally finished his first book, "I've created an improved version of the current koopa anatomy. As any of our doctor's may or may not know, I understand that most everyone here has no formal training in their jobs, there are a number of gray areas currently in the koopa anatomy. We've covered the essential organs, but there are a number of smaller organs that are simply just referred to as 'guts'. This book labors to identify some of those smaller organs and describe what their function is in keeping us koopas running optimally". Mottled Petrel took the book he was being presented, and noticed that Mugamok had whitewashed the manga he had bought and written over it "Uh, you do know that we have plenty of quires at your disposal, right?" Mottled Petrel said, as he flipped through the pages. Mugamok shrugged "I couldn't stand to see such a waste of paper laying around, but I must return to my studies now. Show this book to our doctors so that they might gain a more accurate understanding of the koopa anatomy.".
     Sanctume was busily working away at the forge when Mottled Petrel walked by. Mottled Petrel approved of this, but he didn't approve of the fact that Sanctume was working from the bottom of the job list up (I fear that the forges has been ultimately fucked somehow). Mottled Petrel didn't say anything, because Sanctume had progressed to the point of adequate weaponsmith and didn't want to question his means as long as he got results.
     "Sir, Sir, we've spotted a haxxor sneaking around the fort! We believe he might be trying to steal our artifact earring!" Silverlock exclaimed as he ran up to Mottled Petrel "Tell the fighters I want his head on a pike outside the meat tower! NOW!" Mottled Petrel called back. Even though Mottled Petrel didn't like that the artifact was useless, he LOVED earrings, and would not let anyone potentially steal such a beautiful one. Unfortunately, it was questionable as to if the military would be able to catch the scoundrel, because he was discovered a pretty considerable distance away from the fort. The military realized this to, because when they heard the news they immediately sprinted out of the barracks and up the ramp.
     In the end, the koopas were unable to catch him, so they returned to their barracks in defeat. As Mottled Petrel began pacing around the main room trying to think of what the fort's next move should be, Mugamok approached him with his next book "This, sir, is a book that classifies many of the combustible materials previously untouched by science. I intend-" Mottled Petrel held up his hand for him to stop "Now's not the time, unless you have any books on military strategy I might be able to use.". "Why, no sir, I'm a chemist not a general. Although, I'm sure you can use some of my more recent findings to create explosives that could be used for war." Mugamok said as he slowly tried to hand Mottled Petrel his most recent book. Mottled Petrel waved him off again "I need a map" he said, as he walked away to find one.
     As Mottled Petrel searched desperately for a map he noticed a small group of visitors arrive. They immediately asked if they could see the museum, 'Fuck it, I gotta act quick'. Mottled Petrel picked up a spare table and a piece of paper and carried them to the barracks.

     Upon arriving at the barracks he found that the fighters were back to training, but when he slammed the table he had with him onto the ground and began scribbling on the paper on top of it he quickly garnered their attention. He drew a rough map of the world on the piece of paper, and then called out to the army around him.

(The dark fortress in the middle of the first picture is the koopa mountainhome, it is just northeast of the hamlets at the top of the second picture)

     "Alright koopas, the hippie gloves are off. We are a stronghold of the Ward of Searing, don't you all forget, and now it's time for us to get a little payback on some of our more... irritating neighbors.". This was met with a hearty cheer, before Mottled Petrel continued "Five days north of us is a belt of cannibal settlements of the Whirling Butcher, we are technically not at war with them, but the mountainhome has been attempting to push them back for a while now. To the east of the mountainhome is the kalkir civilization of the National Charms, we are currently at war with them and are far outnumbered. That is why our mission originally was to conquer the waxy jungles, but now that we're here we have a much better angle at another one of our enemies." Mottled Petrel jabbed his finger down on the horseshoe shape above the three magenta trees "This is us, nearly five days travel from the enemies threatening the mountain home the most. We have no one encroaching on our claim currently, but not a days travel to the west is the forum empire of the Merchants of Routing. We are currently at war with them, and they seem keen on driving us out of the desert north of us, but they have no idea that we're here yet and I intend to take the fight to them. Just northeast of us in this mountain range are our allies the mole people, who are currently under attack by the forum people, and to the south near the ocean are our allies the ratooey people, also under attack. To the south are the forum people of the Raw Fury, who have not troubled us yet, but are currently contesting the Merchants of Routing for the region. Your mission is to march a day's travel to the west-south-west to the Forum hillocks of VieledSilvers, lay waste to it, and grab as much loot as you can. I must warn you though, you are going to be up against a town of nearly 75, but if you take them by surprise I'm sure you can do some considerable damage with minimum injury. To aid you in this, I'm assigning each of you a war laser-ceratosaurus to fight along side you. What do you say?" Mottled Petrel finished as he looked up from the map he was just angrily scribbling on.
     A few of the koopas present were nodding thoughtfully at what by all means appeared to be a reasonably sound analysis and response to the political climate of the region, KoopaUnknown looked like someone had just tried to explain advanced physics to him. "Zooo... Thiz plan-" "The Forum people are capitalists." Mottled Petrel cut him off, and any shadow of a doubt in KoopaUnknown's mind was instantly cast aside. An intense fire burned in his eyes, and he looked like he was ready to snap the handle of his trident with how hard he was gripping it "CUNNING CITADELZ, FRONT AND CENTER!". The fighter's instantly clicked the heels of their boots and arranged themselves into a line as KoopaUnknown paced in front of them preparing to give his monologue "Koopaz, I waz zent to diz place with only one goal: Prezerve communizm at any cozt. Theze capitaliztz, they threaten everything we are az a koopa people, and becauze of that they muzt be zlain! We are but zeven, but if  zeven koopaz on their own can forge a great ztronghold out of forbidding wildernezz, than zo can we bring the enemy to their kneez! Today, ve will march out of our home and show them juzt how zuperior our economic zyztem trully iz! When we get zere, I want you to leave no houze unplundered, no capitalizt left alive, if zomeone'z pet dog lookz like they might be hiding any meanz of production I want you to ztrangle it with itz owner'z entrailz, UNDERZAND!". Each of the soldiers in the line snapped to attention and gave the traditional three armed salute "YES SIR, FOR THE KING AND FOR MODDED HELL!" they said in unison.

     KoopaUnknown slipped on his helm and held open the door to the hallway "Now, GO, GO, GO!". The koopas ran out into the hallway, which would eventually lead them to the surface and their target. Before he left at the end of the line, KoopaUnknown snatched Mottled Petrel's map from the table "It'z been an honor zerving you zir." and then he ran out with his men.

     Rainbowdashfanboi84 decided that instead of raiding, she was going to get some sleep first and went back to the dormitory (She eventually left to catch up with them after her nap). A few seconds later, a tomtenisse poked his red conical hat through the door to look in at Mottled Petrel "Nice speech man. I'm Givel Foldedlaces, mind if I live here. I'm a bard, and I can do bard things for you if you want."
"Sure, we could use someone to ask visitors while we're here. Just, I don't know, find somewhere to sleep I guess.".
The koopas of the fort wasted no time in telling the newest resident of the wonders of our glorious king.

     The military has been gone for over two months now, and Mottled Petrel is beginning to fear that they were wiped out (I'm actually really having a tough time telling the date. It jumped from the 11th of limestone to the 9th of galena to the 24th of timber back to the 9th of galena. I think the date might also be utterly fucked as well).
     Mugamek, however, seemed utterly convinced that the time spent in battle was going to make the story even better, and was actively preparing a guide for KoopaUnknown about how to write about military conquest.

     It is now winter, and there is still no word as to how the military is fairing, but it is nearing the point where it is safe to assume that they all perished.
     Word goes up on the surface that the army had returned, to Mottled Petrel's great relief. First is all of the war laser-ceratosauruses, they show no signs of being injured other than a few small scars.
     Next is rainbowdashfanboi84 who is completely unscathed, she walks into the fort and immediately starts bragging to her husband about her kills. Next comes Lord_Lemonpie, also completely unwounded. He apparently also had the exact same kills at veiledsilvers. Next is wags, uninjured, also with killing only one plump helmet man and one forumite. Next is Nokopok, uninjured, same kills. Next is KoopaUnknown, uninjured, same kills. "KoopaUnknown, what the hell happened, you guys have been gone for months and everyone claims that they killed exactly one plump helmet man and one forumite." Mottled Petrel asked as KoopaUnknown walked through the gate "Patienze Mottled Petrel, all in due time. Wait for my report and you will know what happened.". Set, same thing. TheRedWolf has the same story, but accidentally revealed a bit of her dark past while doing so.
     "Does the death of this koopa have something to do with why you were sent to Modded Hell?" asked Mottled Petrel "I, uh, I... It wassss an accsssident okay!? I really don't want to talk about it." was all she said before she scuttled off after her squadmates.

     After reading Mugamek's book on how to write about personal military conquest, KoopaUnknown finally presents Mottled Petrel with his written report on the events that transpired during the raid.
     Mottled Petrel looked up at KoopaUnknown "Is that it? You were gone for three months and you only killed seven forumites? Did you at least steal anything?" "We stole a wonderful zeedot leather backpack." KoopaUnknown replied. Mottled Petrel looked down at the report again "Do I really have to specify that I wanted you to raze the site?" KoopaUnknown looked a little surprised "Raze? I thought you zaid raid. Oh, my bad.". Mottled Petrel facepalmed, before saying "Gather yourselves and take a break, but once you're ready I'm sending you guys back out to level someplace.". KoopaUnknown nodded, and then placed the stolen seedot leather backpack in Mottled Petrel's hands before walking out to commend his troops.
So, I have no idea why it took them so long to get there and why each koopa only killed one plump helmet man and one forumite, but at least no one died and we gained some military planning skill. I'm going to send them out again, this time to raid some place in the near future, does anyone know if there's a good chance that I'll be able to attack the same site again without having a real fighting force present because they expect it? If not, I'll just attack somewhere else. Also, I'm thinking about leaving the actual battle story vague in case one of you guys wants write your own take on what happened. If not, I'll include my take on it in the next update, which might be soon because I really want to see what it's like to raze, or at least pillage a site.
Title: Re: The Agression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: auzewasright on April 07, 2018, 09:51:00 pm
Attack, and keep attacking until they are exterminated. If a siege of them comes, capture as many as you can, I have... plans for the prisoners. Nothing starts off a fortress like a nice little genocide.

Edit: You spelled aggression wrong.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 07, 2018, 09:54:43 pm
As much as people like being called on their spelling, thank you for catching that.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: MCreeper on April 08, 2018, 06:39:27 am
I'm actually really having a tough time telling the date. It jumped from the 11th of limestone to the 9th of galena to the 24th of timber back to the 9th of galena. I think the date might also be utterly fucked as well.
Well, this is probably an ultimate bug of this fort, unless it's as "common" as vermin civilizations.  :D
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: ZM5 on April 08, 2018, 07:02:41 am
I'm actually really having a tough time telling the date. It jumped from the 11th of limestone to the 9th of galena to the 24th of timber back to the 9th of galena. I think the date might also be utterly fucked as well.
Well, this is probably an ultimate bug of this fort, unless it's as "common" as vermin civilizations.  :D
I guess Modded Hell is in a deteroriating universe. Or its in some kind of time abyss where nothing makes sense, which would also explain all the weird shit going on.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: scourge728 on April 08, 2018, 08:08:24 am
I guess Modded Hell is in a deteroriating universe.
And you discovered my headcanon/roleplay stuff/whatever
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 08, 2018, 02:51:09 pm
It amazes me how many hardcoded things I've accidentally broken and how good the game is still running (22 frames with upwards of 200 tamed animals is pretty good). One crash is pretty good for the complete destruction of time. Speaking of which, time kinda restabilized when winter started, which is ironically when the invading squad decided that they had done enough partying and bought a backpack and said that they invaded the place. Next, I think I'm going to invade the goombas, they're usually complete pushovers.

I think raiding might be broken, there's no option to raze that I can see.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 08, 2018, 05:11:35 pm
I wonder if toady is going to look at just how broken we've made the game. Some fixes for some of this would be welcome lol
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 08, 2018, 05:12:46 pm
I'd love to see what he'd think of it if someone sent him a save, because at this point we're revealing a lot of potential bugs (The [d]etails button is replaced with [?] for details, which just brings me to the in game guide).
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 08, 2018, 08:14:00 pm
Above a fledgling koopa fort stands the beginning of a tall meat tower. At the top of it a winged koopa is perched at the top of an unfinished wall.
'God damn it Asin, not again' "Build a stairway up to him I guess, that guy's a loose cannon so there's no telling if he's actually going to come down or not." Mottled Petrel said, as he looked up at Asin on the wall. On his way into the fort he almost trips and is engulfed by the literal tidal wave of helmet snakes and capnaps that were now all over the fort. 'I should really have some of these killed, but if anyone ever tries to invade they'll never get past them'.
     'Ohhhh... This is going to be awkward' "Heeeey, welcome to Modded Hell. What brings you here?" Mottled Petrel asked the forumite visitor, who seemed to have a surprising low amount of vengeance in his eyes. "Just thought I'd check the place out a little, it seems like a nice pitstop on my journey to find who just killed my parents in the last raid on my home town" the forumite said as he took the place in "nice tavern you got, by the way.".
     Luckily, Nuku (stoneworker Nuku) dropped the boulder he was holding and ran across the room and defused the situation. Scourge was less than happy to find that it was his foot that was between that boulder and the floor.
     To further the foot problem, the ninji expidition leader was again being hauled to the hospital with two swollen feet. This time, however, the contagion responsible for it was identified by Mugamek.
     Nuku claimed a Craftskoopa's workshop, unfortunately, it happened to be the one outside and furthest from any potential resources he might need. 'I swear, if it's another earring I'm selling it' Mottled Petrel thought, shaking his head. In the meantime, Mottled Petrel had to deal with a promise he had made a while ago. "You're now the chief wizard Auze, your quarters are under construction and I want you to charge gems when you get a chance for koopa magic. Please, try not to hurt people too bad if you need to discipline them." Mottled Petrel said to Auze, who looked like he had forgotten all about the fact that he was promised that position "Oh, uh, alright. Do you have any cool magikoopa robes I could have?" "I'll put in an order for 'cool magikoopa robes' next time the caravan arrives.".
     Right across the hallway was going to be Mottled Petrel's quarters, so he didn't really mind that he had to make Auze his own quarters. While he was at it, Mottled Petrel began planning out the layout of the rest of the personal quarters.
     Trying (and succeeding) to take advantage of the recent increase of government power in Modded Hell, Eris decided she was going to run for mayor. No one ran against her, even though her main campaign point was 'to promote discord and strife for all of the denizens of Modded Hell'. "I want these plans enacted immediately, this ship is going to run much tighter than it was now that I'm in charge. I also want a mayoral room for me and my husband." Eris said, as she handed a small mountain of papers with a number of plans on them. If Mottled Petrel had bothered to look at any of them, he would have seen that these plans were not at all in the favor of the people of Modded Hell. "I'll make you a room and office, and I'm about to send the army out pillaging. Is that good enough for you?" Mottled Petrel said, as he looked for a place to put down the papers in his hands. "As long as we get to phase one of my plan after that!" Eris said, with one of her scary grins.

     Mottled Petrel dropped a big barrel of eggs in front of one of the recent migrants "I want you to cook us some meals, preferably egg based", the migrant looked a little confused "Do you want me to just fry them?".
     "You can do that!?" Mottled Petrel asked incredulously "Uhh, yeah, the king's cooks figured that out like last year." "Oh, well yes, fry us a lot of eggs.".

     After weeks of hauling things up to the surface, Nuku finally starts the construction of something that involves 3 jet boulders, 1 gold bar, and a whole pile of broken dinosaur bones.

     In his almost finished office Mottled Petrel waited for the fighters that he had called in for a meeting. They slowly filed into his office and stand in a line with KoopaUnknown at the front. On Mottled Petrel's desk is a similarly poorly drawn map to the one he had last time. "It's time for your second outing koopas, this ti-"
     Another tomtenisse pokes his head in through the door "Hey, you guys mind if I live here?-" "Yes, yes, just leave us alone so I can give these guys their mission.". "I'm a poet by the way" the tomtenisse said before he left to go find his fellow tomtenisse resident. Mottled Petrel shook his head "Anyway... On our continued fight against the Merchants of Routing I have our next step in the plan. They will likely be expecting us to attack one of the closer targets again, but three days to the west of here is a hillock with only a population of 40, easy pickings. I want you to march to the mostly undefended town of Relievedgirder and lay waste to it. And I'm telling you specifically this time, RAZE IT!  Bring back as much as you can carry, be it riches, slaves, I don't care, just make it bloody." (I don't actually have the option to raze or pillage, only raid. So we'll see how this goes).
     The koopas looked at each other "Alright" KoopaUnknown finally said, as he took the map and turned to leave. "And try not to make it take 3 months this time!" Mottled Petrel called behind them as they left. To celebrate the occasion, Auze mandates the construction of 2 figurines. It would appear that he might be trying to reenact the last battle with them, and needed more figurines for it.

     Speaking of figurines, Nuku reveals the secret artifact she was making to be a figurine of koopas. It was a miniature version of the ENTIRETY of the historic attack of the Bloody Blankets, which was pretty impressive considering how much detail was present. "I engraved it" was all she said when she gave it to Mottled Petrel "Uh, alright, I'll make a pedestal for it and put it in the museum. Now, get to engraving if you're such a good engraver.".
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: stingpie on April 09, 2018, 07:24:27 pm
A golden, dinosaur, jet figurine of koopas murdering capitalists? This is definitely going in the museum.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 09, 2018, 07:53:17 pm
That would make a truly glorious artwork, I'd offer a nice forgotten beast bone instrument with a side of fried eggs to see it.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: auzewasright on April 09, 2018, 08:09:56 pm
Journal of Auze
Finally got assigned to the position, I have some interesting new torture and punishment methods. There are some strange things going on with the universe, and I will document some causes I think there are later.

OOC: Trying to figure out a danger room style torture facility for unsuspecting victims dangerous criminals.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: bloop_bleep on April 09, 2018, 09:50:12 pm
That would make a truly glorious artwork, I'd offer a nice forgotten beast bone instrument with a side of fried eggs to see it.
I wonder if it is possible to add a placeholder creature into the raws with a plural name of "communism" so this can happen....
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 10, 2018, 05:13:47 am
I know there's a lot of [DOES_NOT_EXIST] creatures that have been added, I could easily change the name of one of them without there being much of a problem. This would give us a 'communism' creature that can only be engraved or added to artistic stuff. Should we do that? I think I'm going to add a poll because the last one has been obsolete for a while. Also
A golden, dinosaur, jet figurine of koopas murdering capitalists? This is definitely going in the museum.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm putting this in the quotes section.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: ZM5 on April 10, 2018, 05:44:23 am
Should definitely add a few more fanciful ones besides those for propaganda engraving purposes so the koopas have to suffer through cringy government "entertainment" - there's three fanciful creatures by default, yeah? We could replace the other two with "freedom" and "capitalism" or something.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 10, 2018, 09:27:21 am
May I ask that Dionysus, Greek God of Wine and Madness, be koopa'd like Set was?

Also, Is it possible the lack of razing is due to DFhack, or maybe even not using 44.09, the latest version?

And, lastly, you could build floors over the venom, and then it would go away, or hope the recent cleaning changes are enough and have a cleaning-only jobbed person.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: ZM5 on April 10, 2018, 11:37:50 am
May I ask that Dionysus, Greek God of Wine and Madness, be koopa'd like Set was?
Might as well pitch in - we should have YHWH as a legendary carpenter koopa.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 10, 2018, 02:55:42 pm
I'm pretty sure that a few more fanciful creatures were added, so we could do more renaming if we decided to. In addition to that, I tried to implement the secrets of communism and capitalism, but they never really worked so I have no idea if they actually did anything.

I don't have Dfhack in this (gee I wish I did) and the game is of the most recent version. Unfortunately, I think part of the problem might be that the world was genned in something like 44.03 because I was basically ready to start and wanted to get the ball rolling. At this point I'm not sure if we could really get it to work short of a patch to fix it (effectivity of such a patch on this particular game is questionable), so unless I'm just doing it wrong we might have to live with just raids. And yes, Dionysus can be in the next migrant wave.

I'm not sure if this is what you're going for, but Google says YHWH is the biblical god of Hebrew Israel, unless you're referring to the fact that Jesus was allegedly a carpenter I'm not sure what you're going for, but yes, I'll do it.

Also, I'm going to be doing one more short update this weekend, posting the save for personal use and alternate reality Modded Hell's, and then I'm going to be off the forums for around 2 weeks for RL reasons. Feel free to keep the thread going with your own accounts in my temporary absence.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: ZM5 on April 10, 2018, 03:46:11 pm
I'm not sure if this is what you're going for, but Google says YHWH is the biblical god of Hebrew Israel, unless you're referring to the fact that Jesus was allegedly a carpenter I'm not sure what you're going for, but yes, I'll do it.
That is what I was going for, yes. Figured it'd make sense...atleast, thematically, to the idea of various gods coming in to look at our monster of a fortress.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 10, 2018, 06:58:24 pm
Oh it totally fits the theme, I was just caught off guard a little because I had never heard that particular god referred by that name before and I just wanted to make sure. It's going to be weird when people start dying though, the gods coming back makes sense, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for bringing back reoccurring characters, but those caves aren't going to invade themselves...
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 11, 2018, 02:57:17 am

     We could also have Ares, (Greek God of War), and Mars, (Roman God of War and Agriculture, so also a farmer?)
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: Enemy post on April 11, 2018, 10:12:48 am
Is it just the exploding vultures that burn down trees, or all of them?
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 11, 2018, 10:26:46 am
I thought we were supposed to only be having gods of insanity, and chaos?
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: ZM5 on April 11, 2018, 11:18:26 am
Must have missed that. Don't think it'd be unfitting for non-chaos gods to visit though - Modded Hell could be like a tourist attraction for various deities.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: bloop_bleep on April 11, 2018, 11:42:39 am
If the pools of venom are outside the fort, the dwarves won't clean it up, but a nice hardwood deck around the entrance will certainly make the place look more inviting and cover up all the toxic pools, but is that really a problem?

Actually, the recent update allowed dwarves to clean the surface as well.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: auzewasright on April 11, 2018, 12:12:11 pm
Alternatively, we could coat our weapons with the venom.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 11, 2018, 03:07:07 pm
I had no idea that the birdemic vultures set things on fire, so that's at least one of the hundreds of cases of random fires being started accounted for. Any idea what specifically is causing it? I sorta knew about the VULNERABILITY thing, but I had no idea what it would correct to, now I can fix it in the tomtenisse and Speecho the Trust Worm. Honestly, at this point random pools of venom and dream ale are kinda just a part of Modded Hell, it's only the expedition leader's problem because he is apparently the only one who forgot to bring shoes. I will, however, probably make a front porch or something to at least act as a fire break, last thing I want is for one of the many forest fires (that surprisingly hasn't shown up yet) to go right into the animals and then the fort. I'll make the changes if anyone has any idea if I'll fuck anything up that isn't already destroyed (We've already had one instance of the complete dissolution of the laws of time, how much worse can it get?).

As for the gods, all gods are welcome and at this point I'm just taking names because it's a lot easier to keep a personality attached to a character that has a unique name, and not just 'Nuku McUnskilledKoopa'. I believe that the original idea was that the gods of chaos wanted to get here first to get a front row seat to the chaos in addition to spreading it, but other gods could totally come to either try to stabilize the world at the source of the problem or to have some fun fucking around in the affairs of mortals with little consequence because they've taken on the form of a normal fleshy koopa.

I don't doubt that the recent updates added surface cleaning, but at this point I have my doubts if that code has made its way into Modded Hell despite being on the most recent version. At this point most of the surface around the fort's entrance is a caustic mix of spoiled alcohol, blood, and venom of all kinds. Most of the fort desperately tries to pick their way around the puddles that would likely eat a hole through their foot, but when they're forced to step through the mire they're immediately rushed to the hospital with feet swollen larger than their heads for all but five seconds. It's really fucking confusing, because currently at least some of every barrel in the fort, no matter if it's obviously incredibly undrinkable, has somehow been spilled everywhere and anywhere. At this point we might as well be borderline creating a new biome or terraforming the surface into something that no creature in their right mind should be living in. So in short, I don't think the cute little mops Toady just added are going to clean up our bio-hazard of a surface.

Knowing our luck, I'd actually manage to successfully coat a weapon in venom and have one of the guys tasked with cleaning the surface clean the venom off of it instead. Then they'd somehow cut themselves on the weapon while they were cleaning it and have their eyeballs explode or something. But yes, if someone devises a reasonable way for me to coat a weapon in one of our numerous barrels of mystery poison, I'll try to do it.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 11, 2018, 03:14:08 pm
Make ninji-sized shoes with 'D'etails, for the broker.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: stingpie on April 11, 2018, 03:44:46 pm
Deep within an alternate dimension, seven miners carve a hole
   Mr. T, the largest dwarf, decides it would be totally metal if the fortress would be surrounded by a lake of lava. Mr.T yelled to his compatriots, 'Digg a bigg hole from the surface to the stone so we can take a swigg while we watch lava flow by "the wigg of stirringg".' Mr.T was reffering to the resident tavern, which was about 5 z-levels underground. Mr.T was the expedition leader, famous for his ability to pity court jesters.
   Jeeves, the tavernkeeper, was absolutely mortified to hear that his mahogany walls would have to be torn down, and voiced these to Mr.T. His reply was, 'the walls won't have to be torn down, we will leave some rock walls to insulate the mahoggany'. With this, Jeeves was satisfied, so he went to brew some garlic ale.
   Jerry sienfeld, the excellent comedian miner, begins to mine the hole. The six other miners join in, and within five weeks the hole is finished. Urist McLeverpull starts to pump the lava into the manmade lake, and everyone else is assigned to a burrow inside the tavern.
   As the lava trickles in, the taverngoers start to celebrate. Dancing, drinks, and food stuffed the dwarf's minds and bodies. Eventually, one of the dwarfs noticed a hole in the wall. As they started to realize that lava was leaking in, they tried to escape. Unfortunately, the doors were forbidden.
   As Urist McLeverpull danced above the ground he laughed at the fact no one would make fun of his name again.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 11, 2018, 06:19:43 pm
Making little booties for the ninji is actually probably a pretty good idea, I can't have any foot amputations on my hands at least until the next generation of ninjis has matured.

Mr. T, the largest dwarf, decides it would be totally metal if the fortress would be surrounded by a lake of lava.
I'm sure there's something symbolic in this... somewhere.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 12, 2018, 02:35:40 am
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 13, 2018, 11:08:57 pm
So, probably update tomorrow, but before that there's two things I'd like to mention:
1. You can't size shoes to fit ninji because they are still technically an animal.
2. I'm thinking about doing an illustrated interactive modded hell story interlude at some point (Littlest Cheesemaker style), would anyone be interested in such a thing?  Or do you guys want me to focus strictly on the fort?
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: bloop_bleep on April 13, 2018, 11:23:07 pm
2. I'm thinking about doing an illustrated interactive modded hell story interlude at some point (Littlest Cheesemaker style), would anyone be interested in such a thing?  Or do you guys want me to focus strictly on the fort?

That might be interesting.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: Enemy post on April 13, 2018, 11:25:11 pm
An illustrated interlude sounds great. I'd like to see what all this madness looks like in visual form.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 03:56:51 pm
I had the intention of just starting said interlude off the cuff with no warning following the story of the military koopas as they go off to raid wherever I sent them to, but I think I might wait a bit on that, at least until stuff starts going down in Modded Hell. Also, does anyone have any ethical problems with me chaining up capnaps at strategic points to act as live bait? It's cave invasion time (And the invasion force has been out invading for months, so I have no idea when I'll actually start it).
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: Enemy post on April 14, 2018, 04:43:09 pm
Also, does anyone have any ethical problems...

Didn't have to read past that. No, nobody here has a functioning ethical compass unless such a compass can be made of mermaid genocide and lava.
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 04:59:01 pm
Oh I was totally joking, after all my time spent lurking on the forum I know that the dwarf fortress fanbase is incredibly blood thirsty and wouldn't bat an eye at the complete genocide of anything living in the immediate area of a fort.

Speaking of which... Anyone here a fan of poetry?

Also... Uhhh... There were apparently a LOT of forumechs at the site that was raided...
Title: Re: The Aggression of Modded Hell (Beginning of Off-site Raids)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 08:18:27 pm
Deep in a fledgling koopa fort, a koopa hands a set of blueprints to another koopa who is holding a pickaxe.
     "This is going to be the layout of the first cavern layer base. The long spindly hallway will be filled with cage and weapon traps to dissuade intruders, and the large area will function like a second home. I want you to get on this after you finish the mayor's room." Mottled Petrel said, as he handed ZM5 the blueprints. ZM5 looked it over for a minute "Will we be allowed in the caves once it's done?" he asked, with a grin on his face. Mottled Petrel nodded, "Then it's as good as done sir!" ZM5 said, before he practically bounced away.
     The mayor's quarters and Auze's quarters have been excavated, now all that remains is to smooth them over and add furniture to them. Nuku, supposedly gaining an incredible knowledge about how to fracture stone from making her artifact, busily smoothed over the rooms with the speed of a ten koopa team.

     After watching the stray hunting manectric whimper in the barracks for weeks waiting for the fighters to return he decided to adopt it, mostly out of pity but also because he wanted some protection so the first wild thing to walk by the fort didn't tear his throat out. He named it Nokoopi Purplevaults, not even Mottled Petrel understood why he chose that name.

     For about the third time that month, Auze mandated the construction of a singular figurine, 'If it wasn't such an easy mandate to fulfill I would tell him to make his own damn figurines. You know what, I should probably make a jail so that when he has a hissy fit he can chain up someone instead of beating them to death.' "Hey Nuku, could you make me a bunch of copper chains and cages please? We're going to need a lot of them for the new cavern base.".
     Spooky, organ based carnival music can be heard in the distance as a Grimm performance troupe crests a faraway hill and begins to saunter over to the entrance of Modded Hell. Instead trapeze artists, jugglers, clowns, or even bards, the troupe was comprised ENTIRELY of poets.
     Before the majority of them had even made it inside, they were already talking the ears off of anyone who was polite enough to allow them. A good majority of them were having a ball telling some of their latest works to Scourge, who was going through one of his phases where he didn't acknowledge the existence of anything other than himself, so he was unable to tell them to go away. The two tomtenisse living at the fort sensed that about half of the koopas present were about to strangle the visiting poets, so they quickly ushered them away to the relative safety of the tavern.
     At the end of the long line of poets was the returning Cunning Citadels, who were busy laughing rowdily with some of the poets. Having been gone for months again, it would appear that they had stopped at a tavern or similar site and managed to convince an entire performance troupe to come back with them to Modded Hell. Mottled Petrel was less than pleased, he was about to ask KoopaUnknown for an explanation, but was instead handed a piece of paper with the word 'REpoRt' hurriedly scrawled on the top.

After them came another slew of visitors, this time at least they were mercenaries.
     Lord_lemonpie stopped to give Mottled Petrel some more information "Each of the fighters killed one forumech drone, while the laser-ceratosaurs killed several forumites. This time we stole not only three backpacks, but also two waterskins. Those are being placed in the main stockpile. All these guys were at one of the towns we stopped at on the way back, after partying with them for a while someone asked where we were from, and after some explanation we've moved the party here. I-" one of the ninjas poked his head out of the tavern door, turning the dull thumping of music into a deafening roar of drunk partying "COME ON LORD_LEMONPIE, YOU'RE MISSING THE KEG STAND COMPETITION!" Lord_lemonpie managed to keep his composure, but definitely looked a little embarrassed that he was being called to party in front of his boss "Uh, excuse me sir, I'm needed for a... training exercise.".

     And with that, Mottled Petrel was left alone in the hallway with his report as half the fort decided to join the rave as well. One of the ninjis ran by, shirt off with his electric guitar slung over his moderately chiseled physique. Mottled Petrel stopped him "Keep an eye on that crowd, don't let them break or steal anything, and when this is all over and the hangovers have passed I want the Cunning Citadels sent straight to my office. Got it?" the ninji nodded and continued running for the tavern, tuning his electric guitar on the way. When the ninji opened the door to the tavern KoopaUnknown stuck his head out, Mottled Petrel hoped that he was going to give an explanation "Ah, Mottled Petrel, I want you to make two zerrated dizkz, on the double.".
     Mottled Petrel stood there for a few moments after KoopaUnknown shut the door again, watching the visitors still trickle into the fort, before he shook his head and put in a work order for 2 large serrated disks. One of the visitors stopped before they made it to the tavern, a tomtenisse "Hey man, your guys really talked this place up, mind if I live here?" "Why the hell is it only tomtenisse who want to live here, and poets at that? Why don't any of your kind want to fight here at least?" Mottled Petrel snapped back "...So is that a noooo?" the tomtenisse asked, totally dodging the question.
Mottled Petrel sighed, and buried his face in his hands "No, you can live here, just please try to make yourself useful.".
     Above the fort, a horrible explosion can be heard, followed by the hiss of steam and the thunder of heavy rain caused by the sudden drastic increase in humidity. "Oh for fucks sake, our first invasion and the fighting force is busy guzzling bear and hitting on forumite poets? I swear to-" Mottled Petrel stormed off to the tavern and began beating on the door. Wags answered it, visibly drunk out of his mind and in the process of lifting the tavern's chest over his head as a party stunt "Ayyyyyy, Molded *hiccup* Patral, it's good to see you buddy. Hey, could you bring us some more dip, we're already out.". Mottled Petrel looked back with obvious agitation as he looked into the tavern to see that the rest of the military was already in a similar state "Put that chest down, get your gear on, take a fucking piss if you have to, but I want all of you out on the surface NOW! There's a megabeast up there that seems intent on destroying everything we hold dear. Tell your 'guests' that your needed before I send them all home." Wags blinked groggily a few times "Alright man, I'll go get them.".

     Wags closed the door, and after an agonizingly long time some loud arguing was heard before the militia sullenly walked out to get their gear. Mottled Petrel tapped his foot in agitation, as the slow plodding of the monster outside slowly picked up its pace, followed by a really annoying sound akin to a steam whistle. By the time the militia was successfully armed and in position on the surface, the volcanion was still reasonably far away, but still incredibly intimidating and surrounded in steam. Rainbowdashfanboi84, in complete symmetry to all the other times her squad was called upon to kill something, decided that she was going to spend the next four hours picking the proper provisions for the fight, and was not present on the surface when the scuffle broke out. Before it did, KoopaUnknown cried out "Could it be? Is that Glowingcoaztal the lobzter of flamez? I'll have hiz head mounted over my bed!", and then charged the beast alone.

     Before he can get there, the volcanion spewed a torrent of boiling water, instantly killing some of the frogogs that were present nearby. Angered by the death of its friends, the laser-spino that Mottled Petrel totally forgot to move to another pasture had strategically placed in the pasture with the forgogs let loose an earsplitting cry of rage and charged the volcanion, far outpacing KoopaUnknown. The volcanion released a further protective aura of steam as the laser-spino began its attack, and quickly had most of its bones broken by the volcanion. Lord_lemonpie was the next on the scene, both trying to save the laser-spino and use it as a distraction to kill the volcanion. Unable to see because of the blinding superheated steam, no one besides the volcanion is able to land a hit. Most of the damage is done to the laser-spino, but Set receives a nasty kick to the first left lower arm, ripping the muscle through the armor. After that, the fight was lost in a burst of steam, but the alarmingly high amount of blood being sprayed from within the cloud was disconcerting.
     Eventually, the battle behind the cloud of steam goes silent, and eventually cleared away. three of the army koopas were crowded around something, and Wags stood atop the corpse of the mighty beast, chainsaw still embedded in the ragged, steam leaking flesh where the volcanion's head used to be. He stood there, weeping. The laser-spino moaned in pain and coughs up bits of bone from the puddle of its own blood that it was been left to die in, its body barely held together by sinew alone. If given immediate medical attention it might have survived, but it would be a vegetable for the rest of its life with the amount of motor nerves that had been severed. Surgery on animals was strictly prohibited by koopa law, so the chances of that bleak future occurring at all were minimal anyways.
     What was more pressing was the fact that the battered koopas were now picking up the corpses of the koopas who had been lost in the battle, Set and Nokopok to be exact.
     They would receive an honorable burial in due time, but the injuries of the surviving koopas were more pressing. KoopaUnknown had cuts all over his arms and head, and his right cheek had somehow been both torn to shreds and melted by the steam to form a horrid wound that would provide him with great 'how I got this scar' stories. Lord_lemonpie was unscathed, and so was rainbowdashfanboi 84 who did not partake in the battle, and TheRedWolf who was either incredibly good at dodging or had completely missed the fight in the steam cloud. Wags, who had began tearing at the beast's corpse in rage, had copious amounts of blood spraying from the wounds on her arms, denoting the fact that she had had some artery damage. They all quickly scurried off the hospital to receive their treatment from the all too willing Chief Medikoopa Urlance Woolsbane.

     As if to break the awkward silence that fell upon the fort (Other than the thumping of music still going on in the tavern) Auze and Eris decided to team up to mandate the construction of 3 figurines and the ban of the export of beds. Speaking of which, Eris didn't seem at all bothered by the death of her husband, Mottled Petrel inquired as to why this was so, "He'll be back" was all that Eris said, before she walked outside to survey the carnage (Eris didn't even receive the 'feels nothing after having a loved one die' message after hauling her fucking husband to the corpse pile, this woman's fucking metal as hell). Coming down the ramp was Pikalord, carrying something in his arms "Hope there's more room in there doc, we've got another medical emergency!" "What happened?!" Mottled Petrel yelled back, fearing the worst.
     Pikalord revealed that he was carrying an ornitholestes that had a small red welt on one of his arms "One of my babies has been stung by a savage wild bee! He needs medical attention, stat!". Mottled Petrel walked up to Pikalord, stared him in the eye for a moment, and then punched him square in the face, causing him to fall to the floor "WE'VE JUST LOST TWO GOOD KOOPAS, AND THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE WE MIGHT LOOSE TWO MORE, AND YOU'RE UPSET THAT A DINOSAUR WITH 30 SOMETHING RELATIVES JUST OUTSIDE OUR DOOR HAS BEEN STUNG!? GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I MAKE YOU SWALLOW THE REST OF THE HIVE!" Mottled Petrel roared. Pikalord looked genuinely offended and saddened that no one cared about the dinosaur, and that Mottled Petrel had raised his voice in such a way. But knowing when to pick his battles, he walked back outside to place the dinosaur back in its pasture.

     Mottled Petrel sighed, and looked around to see Enemy Post busily preparing the volcanion's head to be mounted on the wall of the barracks and ZM5 busily butchering the body. Butchering might not be the correct word for what was going on, ZM5 was more dissecting it and jotting down all manners of diagrams in his journal than carving up the beast for consumption. Not long after Mottled Petrel began watching, ZM5 pulled a small glowing blue machine out of the volcanion's shredded chest "The steam core" he whispered just a little bit too loudly to himself "With this, I'll be able to power-" in the process of raising it over his head to state the sheer value of his discovery, ZM5 noticed Mottled Petrel watching and cut himself off. He quickly tucked the small machine into his shell, and walked away with volcanion blood dripping out of the bottom of his shell and steam coming out of the top.

     Nuku approached Mottled Petrel with a piece of paper with a drawing on it "I'd like to use this engraving to memorialize our fighters".
"A fitting engraving for worthy heroes, I expect them to be mastercraft engravings" Mottled Petrel said, and dismissed Nuku.

A tomtenisse bard approached Mottled Petrel.
Mottled Petrel screamed, before curling up into a sobbing ball on the floor.
So, a number of things that came up during this:
1. The Cunning Citadels came back almost simultaneously to both the performance troupe and the giant wave of visitors, further cementing my theory that they just go out and party when I send them to raid.
2. At one point I noticed that one of the killed koopas had their neck kicked off and they still kept fighting, seeing as I slapped together this modpack before I had a decent idea how bodies and body detail plans worked I can only imagine how much I fucked up the raws.
3. Turns out when an animal continuously engulfs itself in a cloud of gas it becomes nigh impossible to actually land a hit on, but once you manage to incapacitate it somehow it's as weak as a little kitten.
4. That volcanion had an incredibly long (and oddly fitting) title, I'd like it if someone looked for it in legends mode to see what caused it to get such a long title.
5. The only fucking people who want to live in this fort are tomtenisse bards, we've got about five of them now.
6. Don't worry, I'm getting around to making the giant fucking traps I've been sent, but making the traps in the cave entrance are the current priority.
7. I'm not going to be able to play for a few weeks, so I'm going to upload the most recent save so that you all can entertain yourself while I'm gone. I would appreciate it if your share your findings here and report any of the major game breaking bugs that might just casually pop up.
Go Crazy.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: auzewasright on April 14, 2018, 09:19:08 pm
Have downloaded. Keep in mind that I have some other stuff to do, so if you don't hear from me I:
a.have been killed
b.taken longer than I thought
c. Worked on Steelhold
d. been to lazy to post
e. Got my RL priorities straight
The last one is least likely.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 14, 2018, 09:31:42 pm
Spoiler: More RAWs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: More RAWs translation (click to show/hide)

    Ahem.  So, I sent the militia off to steal an artefact, having added the current mayor to the squad as well and lo-and-behold, no more mandates, every koopa sighed in relief as they don't have to live in stressful anxiety trying to make the perfect figurine.  In fact, almost every koopa beat a hasty path to the tavern to celebrate, leaving every job to the trolls and ninji.  If the militia are not back when the next merchants arrive, every figurine is gonna leave the map with the merchants.  The plan will be to make sure they are sent out as soon as they complete a mission ... don't even give them time to write out a mission report.

     Kind regards from an alternate and parallel universe.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 09:41:58 pm
If there's one thing I think I've learned from this game, its that most of a squad can leave the map, but the actual traveling doesn't begin until every member of the squad is off the map. That means that the squad can wait for months for a single laser-ceratosaur to decide to wander off the map.

Also, Auze the head wizard (or whatever the noble profession is named) is the one who is mandating the figurines, Eris the mayor has only prohibited the exporting of beds so far. You can start a squad off of the chief wizard, if that makes it easier for you to send him off on treks to the ends of the world.

Glad to hear that people are into it so far.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 14, 2018, 10:43:57 pm
    Great!!!!!  Moments after unpausing for the first time.......

     Retribution party from the Forumites.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 10:51:58 pm
Wait, how far in the future is that? If its close I might be able to squeeze in an update tomorrow (of course we get seiged right after we lose some of our koopas).
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 14, 2018, 11:02:30 pm
     it is literally seconds after unpausing.

     I've spent most of my time so far just going through the error-log and decoding the foreign language it presents to me.

     Then I decide to let it run and bam! Siege!

     About twenty or so Forumites on war-trained rapidashes and horses.
Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 14, 2018, 11:08:50 pm
war-trained rapidashes
We're all going to fucking burn...

I think I might just send someone expendable to go get the rapidashes to go supernova and incinerate the invasion force. Either that, or they're going to turn our defending force into a smoking slag puddle. This is going to be interesting.

Also, I can only imagine how unhelpful a graphics pack is with all this foreign modded stuff.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: bloop_bleep on April 14, 2018, 11:13:22 pm
It's only in Modded Hell that even the fucking god of chaos and disorder gets torn to shreds by a horrible monstrosity.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 14, 2018, 11:18:22 pm
     The Forumites use the same tile as trolls, and the Rapidashes use the hand you can see in the middle there.
     It has been a few weeks and they seem to be content simply chilling up in the northwest corner of the embark.
     Actual count now they all seem to have arrived is 38 forumites, 16 war-trained Rapidashes, 22 horses.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 15, 2018, 03:13:59 pm
The new stress system will undoubtably kill modded hell with stress  :P
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 15, 2018, 03:22:57 pm
It's only in Modded Hell that even the fucking god of chaos and disorder gets torn to shreds by a horrible monstrosity.

This is going in the quotes section.

The new stress system will undoubtably kill modded hell with stress  :P
Considering the large amount of stress inducing syndromes added by ZM5's mods, there are going to be plenty of things for the koopas to 'dwell on'. Because of my limited time and the fact that right on the cover Toady comes out and says "The values might have to be adjusted" I'm going to wait a little to make sure that everyone doesn't just go insane the second I add it. Plus, I've got a siege bigger than the fort to deal with first...
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: stingpie on April 15, 2018, 03:42:30 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 15, 2018, 06:12:13 pm
That is not only a nice piece of artwork, but also incredibly fitting because KoopaUnknown just singlehandedly defended the fort from 110+ invaders... while on fire. I'm not sure I know what the diamond eye represents, but I like what you did with the increasingly complex shapes. Actually, I'm thinking that eye might represent the eye of Mottled Petrel (the god, not the koopa) as he orders the koopas to defend his base so he can finish his work. That one's going in the art section.
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 15, 2018, 07:48:43 pm
This fort didn't make sense before. Now it makes even less sense. *clap clap clap*
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 15, 2018, 08:17:28 pm
In the hallway of a fledgling koopa fort, a koopa stands next to another koopa who is curled up into a ball on the floor. The standing koopa nudges him.
     "Sir" Darkening Kaos said as he nudged Mottled Petrel with his foot "Sir, it would appear the horsemen of the apocalypse are on our lawn.".
     Mottled Petrel looked up, confused "The forumites have assembled a seiging force many times larger than our entire population in addition to a whole slew of warbeasts, including rapidashes. It seems that they are intent on wiping us off the map in a bloody smear.".

     Mottled Petrel's expression turned grim "No matter what we do, the entire countryside will be reduced to ash as soon as we engage. Alright, send out the fighters. Tell them to get the rapidashes to incinerate the forumite forces with friendly fire, and then to come right back. Any stragglers caught in between are fair game." Mottled Petrel said, but deep down he knew it was a suicide mission. The still wounded military soon rushed out of the gate, knowing full well that they might never come back. On the way to the main invasion force to the far north, they intercepted a war plump helmet man who was making a b-line for the fort. The koopas promptly eviscerated it. Another war plump helmet man showed up next, and wags punched its head clean off without so much as blinking. The next straggler was a forumite marksmite, who promptly entered a martial trance when the fighters got close. The fighters were actually completely unable to land a hit on the marksmite for several minutes, but eventually wags was able to saw his left arm off, causing him to drop his laptop. After that wags cut off his other arm, and then his left leg, and while still in a martial trance he was now unable to do anything other than weakly kick. KoopaUnknown impaled the marksmite and then turned to face the main group of forumites who were now riding closer.
     Next to the forts entrance screams can be heard, a single war plump helmet man had sneaked around and attacked Nokop the carpenter who was in the process of burying Set. Surprisingly, he already had an iron halberd on him, but refused to use it because he was busy carrying the corpse of his friend. From the battlements of the meat tower Mottled Petrel yelled down "You're in your own squad now! I want you to put down that corpse and kill that thing!". But it was too late, Nokop was too injured to defend himself, and there was nothing Mottled Petrel could do.

     At this point Wags decided that it was time to take a nap instead of time to defend his home, and promptly left the battlefield to do so. That left only KoopaUnknown and TheRedWolf, as Lord_lemonpie had been sleeping before the fight started and rainbowdashfanboi84 had come up with another excuse to not be present. Noticing this, KoopaUnknown turned and took TheRedWolf's hand in his own "I'll zee you in valhala, brother", and then ran into the incoming rain of bolts and fireballs.
(Every animal here has a forumite rider on top of it)
     Before he even reached the crowd of rapidash riding forumites, he was on fire, but that didn't stop him. Consumed by the rage caused by his hatred for all things capitalist, he continued to charge the line despite being completely engulfed in flames. This caused the horses the invading horse was riding to freak the fuck out, some ejecting their riders to run away in terror, but most took their riders with them as they ran.

     A small group of forumite fighter still remained determined to fight, and chose to try to kill the isolated TheRedWolf instead. She surprisingly held her own against the 10 forumites on rapidash-back, cutting off the head of one and then cleaving a hole through the heart of its rider. But that was as far as she got before she had to resort to blocking, which quickly caused the injuries to pile on. After a few minutes of desperate defense one of the rapidashes ended her life by caving in her skull with its hoof. At this point there was a small inferno surrounding KoopaUnknown, who seemed to be completely unharmed by the fire that was engulfing him.
     The marksmites made an attempt to fire at him from the edge of the fire, but KoopaUnknown didn't flinch as arrows filled his arms. And to the bewilderment of all present, as the fire ran out of fuel in the middle it expanded out but died in the middle, revealing that KoopaUnknown was still undamaged by the fire and had also had the fire that had engulfed him put out. For the first time ever since Mottled Petrel laid eyes on KoopaUnknown a look of calm fell over him, the rage that had once consumed him had been replaced by something that looked like... enlightenment.
     As the forumites tried to figure out what the hell was going on, rainbowdashfanboi84 sneak attacked the group from behind, sending yet more rapidashes running in fear. Even as KoopaUnknown's flask exploded from the heat at his side, he used the tip of one of his tridents to kick up a swirl of ash. Said ash began to shimmer and converge into patterns more complex than could be achieved than by a simple air current. He stretched his arms towards the sky just before a bolt founds its way directly into the back of his neck, tearing the nervous tissue. Almost as if the fire understood what had happened, it leaped forward and ignited the marksmite who had fired the shot.
     KoopaUnknown fell to one knee, the heat the steel bolt had picked up traveling through the fire had cauterized the wound, so he had time. Rainbowdashfanboi84 was also taking her sweet time getting to the scene to aid her superior, but by now most of the invasion force had fled. And as it turned out, Rainbowdashfanboi84 hadn't come out to saver her boss, but instead picked up one of the swords from TheRedWolf's corpse to bring back inside. However, being fired upon by the few remaining marksmites was enough to change her mind.

     One of the marksmites was stuck in a tree, soon to be engulfed by fire, while the other one was still next to the growing fire. Sensing this, KoopaUnknown spit a volley of lightning that almost tore the marksmite asunder before sending it flying backwards. Next, rainbowdashfanboi84 fired a volley of lightning at the marksmite stuck in the tree, and successfully snapped its neck. The marksmite fell face first onto the ground, and rainbowdashfanboi84 moved in to finish the job.

Above the fight can be heard a deafening chopping sound, followed by a strong downdraft that caused the fire to burn even hotter.
     A hellacopter thief had decided that now was the perfect time to take advantage of the chaos to loot the battlefield, as well as to spread more fire than was already present. As KoopaUnknown still kneeled on one knee and Rainbowdashfanboi84 began to put an end to the marksmites the hellacopter started its gun run.

     Unfortunately, the hellacopter arrived on the other side of the fort from the current battle, so there was a high chance that it would attack the animals before it attacked the fighters.
     It would appear that rainbowdashfanboi84 didn't notice that she had dislodged the marksmite from the tree, and had climbed up into it to get at him. Now she was stuck, as the fire continued to advance. Despite being within the tree, she was somehow able to use her trident to nail the marksmite below her to the ground by impaling one of his arms. She then reached down with another hand like a spider descending from its web to gut the marksmite with her steel claw. Having dealt the marksmite a death blow, she pinned his other three limbs to the ground with her other three tridents before hacking away at the helpless marksmite's body with he steel claws.
     Having killed or driven off all of the forumites (except for one that was stuck within the fire on a small outcrop of stone) rainbowdashfanboi84 walked to go back inside, and KoopaUnknown waited within the growing ashland within the ever expanding ring of fire. As the fire ring grew and left only ash behind, the remaining axemite stepped out into the ashland that KoopaUnknown was currently imprisoned in. KoopaUnknown slowly got up to his feet, picked up the tridents he had stuck into the ground, and rushed at his final opponent. For the first strike he swung one of his trident as if it were a war hammer and reduced the axemite's blocking hand to a lump of meat and jagged bones. Still recoiling from the attack, the axemite didn't even notice that his other arm had been completely cut off until he tried to use his bloody stump to counter attack with his sword. Finally, in revenge for his comrades who had been lost, KoopaUnknown stuck one of his tridents into the axemite's head so hard that it went completely through it and into the tree behind him. The points of the trident could be seen coming out of the back of the tree later.

     The only threat that now remained was the hellacopter, who was slowly flying his way around the right side of the fort, waiting for an opportunity. With one of his tridents, KoopaUnknown kicked up another cloud of ash. This time, however, with a few waves of his tridents he arranged the cloud of ash into a ring floating in front of him. Mottled Petrel couldn't see it clearly from his vantage point atop the tower, but there appeared to be ashen runes within it glowing brighter with each passing moment. KoopaUnknown waved his hand and the ash ring blew away, but in addition to this it put out a section of the fire in front of him, granting him access to the area outside of the fire's path. Still with a bolt lodged firmly in the back of his neck, KoopaUnknown began walking back to Modded Hell, the home he had just saved from certain doom.
     With the enemy dealt with, there was still the matter of the fire that was raging across the country side. Hastily, Mottled Petrel ordered the construction of a fire break, but many of the workers complained about 'dangerous terrain'. Luckily, the fire was unable to cross the wet, tilled soil, and the brook kept the fire started by the helacopter at bay.

     The fire break was made in time, saving the animals from the spread of the fire. The next order of business was for Mottled Petrel to visit KoopaUnknown in the intensive care unit. MoonyTheHuman and Urlance Woolsbane were working fervently to save the hero, but Mottled Petrel noticed something. KoopaUnknown's shell didn't connect with his gauntlets, leaving a stretch of exposed upper arm which had been mercilessly cut. "Nuku, I want you to make four chain mail shirts, preferably long enough to cover the upper arm." Mottled Petrel called back to Nuku, who he saw was carrying the corpse of Nokop to the crypt. Nuku shook his head "I'm sorry sir, but the koopa people don't know how to make that particular armor type." Mottled Petrel shook his head "Well what are we supposed to do about their upper arms?". Nuku shrugged "Training is all we can give them.". Mottled Petrel looked back into the hospital to see Moony and Urlance flip KoopaUnknown onto his stomach and then tentatively poke at the bolt coming out of the back of his neck.

     A visiting hammermite tapped Mottled Petrel's shoulder, Mottled Petrel turned around and recoiled thinking that a second invasion force had sneaked into the fort while he wasn't looking. "No, no, no, it's not like that. I just saw the fight and I'm impressed by the fighting spirit of the koopas. Also, I've noticed that you've got a hellacopter problem. So, I'd like to know if I could live here for the purpose of slaying monsters.".
     Mottled Petrel narrowed his eyes, the hammermite before him was wearing a full set of bismuth bronze armor with a steel war hammer and datamined wiki article, he would probably be able to hold his own. "Suuuuuuuure, just be aware that we're currently at war with your people, so if things get weird you're going to have to fight for us." the forumite gave a hearty laugh that shook his beard "Oh don't worry, I'm from the other forumite civilization around these parts. We're sworn enemies to the one you're currently fighting against. But I work best alone, so chances are you'll find me fighting things in the caves instead of training with your team. Speaking of which, I pay my respects to that one you've got in there" he pointed to KoopaUnknown "If anyone is going to keep this fort together, it's going to be him.".

     Mottled Petrel looked at the koopa who now had his neck fastened in the traction bench. His arms were covered in in old scars, new scars, and stitches that would soon give way to scars. His right cheek still hadn't healed, but it was quickly coming to resemble a large welt, and the doctors were busily debating as whether to leave the bolt in his neck or not. His armor was was discarded and thrown all over the floor. It was chipped, dented, and covered in soot but still incredibly sound. Finally, on his back was what appeared to be a tattoo, but upon closer inspection it appeared to be made entirely out of ash. Neither doctor had any idea what to make of it, but his neck was the more pressing matter. 'If anyone is going to keep this fort together, it's going to be you." Mottled Petrel thought, as he gave a quick prayer of thanks to Pekkoog, the koopa god of healing and fire for giving KoopaUnknown his blessing in his time of need.
KoopaUnknown was completely on fire, flashing in the units screen and everything, but walked away unscathed. We really need to up our defenses... The forumites REALLY don't take their fights sitting down, and chances are they'll bring an even bigger fighting force next time. Also, the fort just started and no one in the fort cares about seeing their friends die in front of them, when I burrowed everyone someone dropped the corpses of that random fighter who died right in the middle for them all to stare at, and no one cared. This is going to be a good fort, I can taste the confusion already.
This fort didn't make sense before. Now it makes even less sense. *clap clap clap*
Hope it make even less sense for you now  :P
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: scourge728 on April 15, 2018, 09:43:32 pm
Okay, is there ANY hardcoded function we HAVEN'T broken
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: stingpie on April 15, 2018, 10:07:06 pm
KoopaUnknown so far has: a mysterious tattoo made of ash, a scar left after the inside of his face melted, and magic.

guys, I think we found harry potter.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Enemy post on April 15, 2018, 10:08:31 pm
The Koopa Who Lived.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 15, 2018, 10:19:27 pm
Yer a wizzard, Koopa!
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: AzyWng on April 15, 2018, 10:51:56 pm
I'm going to try to keep up with this... this madness.

So help me God.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 16, 2018, 03:34:06 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

    Still up on the battlements, Darkening Kaos squints as the last of the forumites is dealt with, KoopaUnkown stumbles back to the fortress under his own power.  I know that he is really hurting, but, for the sake of the dumbstruck koopa's around us, he does not show it until he is safely ensconced in the hospital.
     By the time Mottled Petrel returns to the battlements, most of the fires have gone out although columns of smoke still drift up lazily from smouldering piles of red coals.  Darkening Kaos has not moved, but turns slightly at the approach of the overseer, "It is highly likely that the Forumites will use this path to assault our fortress next time", said slowly and thoughtully, "building a tunnel filled with cage and weapon traps to thin out their numbers before we send out our warriors might be ... profitable"
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: ZM5 on April 16, 2018, 04:32:56 am
You can just make statues in any shape now and design your own image - no reason to keep reloading a save.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 16, 2018, 05:30:41 am
Okay, is there ANY hardcoded function we HAVEN'T broken
You know its going good when you have to ask this question.

Can we get a new save?  I want to make dozens of statues until one of KoopaUnknown striking down forumites while on fire turns up.
Yeah, you could custom make it really easily, but I'll do it if people really want it.

Also, does anyone know if there will be any adverse effects if I make it so that shells cover the upper arm too? Because currently the koopa people have no armor that covers that area.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on April 16, 2018, 05:45:23 am
     Yeah ...  I've been away from DF for a few years and not quite back into play mode, there are a few things I have to discover and re-discover.  A new save will have the battle in the history log, and it is just more organic for me to queue up 50 statues and see what crops up randomly, rather than decide to create 50 identical statues and keep the best, sell the rest.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: auzewasright on April 16, 2018, 06:55:13 am
Okay, is there ANY hardcoded function we HAVEN'T broken
The ascii tileset seems to be okay for now.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 16, 2018, 04:03:31 pm
I know my character isn't a mechanic, but may I suggest a trap design?

A door, a levered bridge, a door, alternating sets of 3 cage traps and 4 weapon traps for as long as you like but preferably long(I myself usually out this in 3-wide corridor), and then a door, a levered bridge, and a final door.

You can lock the doors to both keep koopas and invaders out while you raise the bridge, and you can also reset traps in the middle of a siege by locking the front bridge and lowering the indoor bridge for a bit. I like to let in a few invaders, raise the front bridge, when they die lower bridge again, repeat.
Although you can just let the entire invading force through and have your army at the end of the hall/around a corner between the bridges and raise the inner bridge in case the army loses, if you prefer it that way.

Oh, also if you see a hellicopter gunner or helicopter King, do not engage. Believe me when I say that, I made 'em.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 16, 2018, 05:17:09 pm
I'll put it on my list, but right now I've got about six other suggestions as well as my own personal favorites, so at this point it's kinda just turning into one big super trap.

I've had some BAD experiences with hellacopter gunners, now I know who to blame for all the dead koopas of my earlier test forts  :P .
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: auzewasright on April 16, 2018, 06:59:45 pm
All I have for suggestions are some torture chambers. This is looking !!fun!!.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 17, 2018, 08:16:55 pm
In light of the recent giant invasion it has been made obvious that we probably won't be beating anyone in a fair fight anytime soon. To combat this I will now lay out the plan for the Master Trap, encompassing as many suggested tactics as I can remember plus my own.

To start it off, I will did channels leading down into four wide, long hallways that converge into a central point to form a +. In the center there will be a number of capnap chained up to draw in invaders. In the halls leading to the capnaps, there will be a 1 by 1 natural floor in the center covered in a mix of cage and weapons traps and the areas between this floor and the walls will be empty pit covered by bridges. When the invasion force comes in through the hall to get to the capnaps I will either have a pressure plate thing I was shown or use levers to pull the bridges out from under the preliminary force and cause them to fall into the pit. After that, the rest of the force will be funneled over the 1 by 1 bridge over the traps that will either cause them to dodge fall off into the pit or be captured. At the bottom of the pit (If they are to survive the fall) will be a secondary manner of traps as described by Darkening Kaos, and then anyone else who survives that level of traps will be flushed into a drowning chamber. Anyone who survives THAT will just be emptied out into the caves for the cavern creatures to deal with. I'm not too sure as to the actual amount of invaders that this will attract and what area will be best suited for it, but I'm going to put it right in the path of where the forumites came from last. Of course, I'm going to iron out the details after I actually start trying to make it, but anyone see any issues in my logic here?
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on April 18, 2018, 02:30:04 pm
Well, there is no magma.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 20, 2018, 06:16:41 pm
Not sure if you guys really care, but I just wanted you to know that in my quest to understand the raws better so that I can successfully mangle them while still keeping the game running improve the Modded Hell experience I made a mod that I decided to post. I can't add it to Modded Hell now that we've started, but if you want to contribute to a mod that will evidently be in the second installment of Modded Hell, or just want to see what I came up with, you can find it here:
Title: Re: The Panic at the Modded Hell Rave (First Real Attack and Uploaded Save)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on April 24, 2018, 10:34:18 am
This fort didn't make sense before. Now it makes even less sense. *clap clap clap*

If this fort ever starts making sense, we'll all have reason to be worried.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on April 26, 2018, 06:15:19 pm
I may have a suggestion for this !!fun!! "hell" make a "maze" but have so it really is just water with all the !!fun!! liquids/ Syndromes that you have, all dumped in to it  ;)
also posting to track
ps could I be koopaed
I would like to be a craftskoopa
and tell puns lots of puns puns to the point of PUNishment XD
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on April 26, 2018, 10:39:26 pm
ono it's an escaped lunatic run  :P
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on April 28, 2018, 07:59:36 am
ono it's an escaped lunatic run  :P
that was mean :(
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on April 29, 2018, 07:05:03 pm
So I'm back from the thing I had to go do, and updates will be back to their 'whenever the hell I feel like doing it' schedule. Maybe one this week if I can fit it in, but probably one over the weekend.

ono it's an escaped lunatic run  :P
that was mean :(
Don't worry, we were all one at some point. Glad to see I could attract you to the forums, I'll koopa you if I remember.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 01, 2018, 07:05:53 pm
Don't think I've forgotten about those crippling RAW modifications I promised, I spent a good part of my afternoon today trying to find all of the discussed RAW changes that I said I was going to do and just never did. I have documented them here as I did them, and will gladly accept callouts for things that I missed or did wrong (Yes, I made a copy of the save).

1. I looked through the pokemon plant files to see if the berries we have are edible raw, and HELIX FUCKING CHRIST THERE IS A FUCKING HUGE AMOUNT OF FOOD ITEMS IN THIS MOD! I also happen to simultaneously not know how the actual fuck to make any of them. According to the RAWS, I can somehow turn at least some of the berries into dyes, something relating to spice, somekind of powder, juice, a number of shakes, and probably a lot more (I lost interest when I realized just one of the four files was longer than Mount Everest is tall). It would appear that at least most of the berries are edible raw, but are also supposed to be ungrowable. Apparently they can only come from trees or something, and I somehow have their seeds that lets me plant them in a nonexistent crop form... I don't know, but I would assume that that might be what is making them unusable. Actually, after looking for a little longer it seems that there is the groundwork for a crop form, but it also somehow coincides with the tree berries. I don't know, and it honestly isn't that important of an issue, so I'm moving on unless someone wants me to properly rangle the issue.
2. Changed
   [PREFSTRING:terrifying features]
   [PREFSTRING:righteous equality]
3. Changed
Centaurs (I deleted the entry before I could put it here)
   [PREFSTRING:ability to increase one's economic standing]
      [CASTE_NAME:mixed economy capitalism:mixed economy capitalism:mixed economy capitalism]
      [CASTE_NAME:free market capitalism:free market capitalism:free market capitalism]
4. Changed
5. Changes as many instances of VULNERABILITY as I cold find to STRESS_VULNERABILITY.
6. Enemy Post never got back to me on exactly what might fix the birdemic birds, so I'm not going to touch them just yet.
7. I looked at the tomtenisse because someone said something was up with their castes, but I couldn't find anything that stuck out to me as wrong. More research is needed.
8. I'm not going to dive into the hell of deciphering if each entity is properly tagged to their custom speech file, besides the fact that there might be a lot of unintended consequences to actually fixing that mid-game.
9. There's nothing I can do about the hardcoded stuff, so I guess we're just going to have to live with basic universal laws taking sick days every once in a while.
10. Gave Koopas mail shirts, if it actually works has yet to be determined. If I REALLY have to, I know that you can give an entity new reactions mid-game despite what people might say, I've done it before with no perceivable problem.

That was actually all I could find that was mentioned in recent history, and I intend to keep mid-game changes minimal. Testing shows that the game seems to have agreed with most of the things I did, but I'm going to have to whip up a custom reaction to make chain mail shirts some other day.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: stingpie on May 01, 2018, 09:11:57 pm
I don't have anything witty to say, i'm just appreciating your devotion to this modpack.
Good job[ ]E3
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 02, 2018, 05:25:55 am
I've been working on this pack for at least a year and a half before I decided to make a story out of it, I don't plan on just casting it aside anytime soon. Fortunately, now that I actually have more knowledge of how RAWS work than just 'download and shove it in the RAWS folder' I can actually properly ensure that everything works and change things to what I might want them to be. And after spending (what was it, two months?) working together with the interested parts of the community that I have gathered here I finally have a chance to see the rewards of all that work with my play through. In addition to that, I get to create an interesting narrative that I wouldn't be able to do if I had just kept my modpack to myself. And having just recently passed 30,000 views and 1000 replies a little before that I can only assume that you guys want to see what the hell I put into this thing as much as I do.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 03, 2018, 06:07:52 pm
so is my trap a good idea or is it stupid? also how is my koopa
btw can koopas have ghosts cause if so would they be a gohos in a shell  ;)
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 03, 2018, 06:45:57 pm
Oh it's a fine idea, one of the components that was already sent to me was to have a long maze like hallway that leads the enemies who fall to another trap level. Unfortunately, because enemies automatically know exactly how to get to their target to simplify pathing making an actual maze would be redundant. I already had plans for building a reservoir that could be pumped onto the surface, mostly because A. My experience with this modpack is that everything is constantly on fire, and B. It's about time for useless megaprojects. Using some of this reservoir to flood the tunnels knee deep wouldn't be extremely hard, but getting a koopa to either accidentally or purposefully poison the water way is a much harder matter.

I have not koopa'd you yet, I've been waiting for a new migrant wave to give you one, but I could probably come up with a reasonable explanation for having an existing unnamed koopa become Lunardog15 (if that's the name you want). Either way, its probably going to have to wait until this weekend because finals week has turned more into finals month when all of my teachers got together this year to assign giant projects in addition to test finals. And this has really put a damper on my ability to churn out Modded Hell updates because I usually make one all at once as I play in 5-7 hour stints. Updates might have to be once or twice a weekend for a little while while I work on that, and I'm still waiting for anyone to either call me out on or confirm my changes to the raws.

Koopas can have ghosts, as far as I know any sentient creature can become a ghost if it isn't memorialized. Koopa ghosts technically wouldn't have a shell, because as many of the mario games have proven koopas don't function like conventional turtles. A real turtle has its shell directly fused to its spine, and its skin and muscle attach directly to the shell as if it was internal bone. This makes the turtle impossible to separate from the shell without killing it, but koopas in some mario games can be jumped on to have the koopa shoot out of the shell (Super Mario World), or can be just found occasionally with no shell and just their underwear in others (Paper Mario). This would technically make their shells not a living part of them and more of a clothing item (As is true in this mod, but IndigoFenix somehow made it so that koopas get a bad thought if they don't wear shells which compels koopas to almost instinctively wear them), so the koopa would not be able to retain their shell after death. However, most accounts people make of ghosts in dwarf fortress is not of them being completely naked, so this is a fact either tastefully left out, forgotten, or ghosts appear in the clothes that they die in. So, after all this, the best I can offer you is a maybe. And after further consideration, that was probably a reference that went way over my head and caused me to instead go on a tangent that could potentially be passed off as a thesis paper.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 04, 2018, 02:25:58 pm
Reference to an anime called Ghost In The Shell, as as I can tell.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 04, 2018, 04:05:25 pm
more of the movie and I have not seen either I was making a pun tho but yeha
the preferred name would be Lunar (first name) Dog (lastname) or Lunar "the dog" mcpunmaker would also work :)
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 04, 2018, 04:29:09 pm
Too bad DF no longer has dungeon masters.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 04, 2018, 05:27:01 pm
Too bad DF no longer has dungeon masters.
???????????? what? are you saying I would be the PUNgeon master?
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 06, 2018, 04:13:56 pm
So apparently there's a new update to the game, and it includes the much feared "Randomly explode with stress when you remember random horrific incidents". I'm going to wait until after today's incident to move to the version, because everyone's still kinda, uh, burning. Also, I didn't have any luck with creating a way to make chain mail through a reaction, could someone possibly slap one together for me to use?
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 06, 2018, 05:10:05 pm
please no this will make this thing give up and die
don't do this to the koopas
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: Enemy post on May 06, 2018, 05:22:46 pm
Do it. There's no way but the dinosaur way.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 06, 2018, 05:28:09 pm
Quick question, a few members of the fort have died due to a fire/hellacopter swarm combo, and a group of migrants has arrived on the wrong side of the giant flame wall, do you think they would mind if I koopa'd them for a second time? I think I'm just going to do it anyways because we don't have enough people wanting koopas for it to be a problem and I'm incredibly flustered at the moment, but in the future if you don't want another incarnation when available please tell me and I won't do it.

Okay, first of all, the update will have to wait until tomorrow because it ran extremely long. Second of all, hellacopters are borderline unkillable because they don't register as a valid target because of how hot they naturally are. I've got about 100 pages of koopas dodging from it as if it were an environmental hazard (Which it says. It says 'interrupted by dangerous terrain' not 'interrupted by the hellacopter trying to rip his face off'), and because of this the koopas will only take a shot once every 10,000 opportunities they get. This has caused basically anyone who isn't armored to be killed and even while missing some body parts and having the rest of it mangled the hellacopter is still deadly. I think I'm going to have to kill him with dfhack, because this is just getting absurd. And not in an entertaining kind of absurd, a boring and overly cheap kind of absurd because the koopas can't even try to defend themselves.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: stingpie on May 06, 2018, 09:45:54 pm
Armok himself is the only one who may smite this fearsome foe!

(by the way, if I got killed, I don't want to be re-koopa'd)
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 07, 2018, 05:09:09 am
Oh, um, yeah you died because you couldn't defend yourself. It got to the point where just being in the proximity of the hellecopter burned your clothes off of you. You sure you don't want to be rekoopa'd? You could always try a different character instead of just having a clone of your existing one. Also, I'll post the update tonight so you guys can see what we're up against, despite there being a massive cliff hanger.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 07, 2018, 02:00:07 pm
Don't fight the hellacopters. They are intended to be hid from, especially the gunners.
If it's too much though, I give you permission to remove their fixed temperature and give your koopas a fighting chance with the non-gunner hellacopters. Do not even bother trying to fight the gunners in any way other than cave-ins.
You know what, can the gunners melt wooden supports?
Then you could just place 2X2 flooring on top of a support, remove anything else holding up the floors, and voilŕ, hellacopter trap.

Too bad DF no longer has dungeon masters.
???????????? what? are you saying I would be the PUNgeon master?
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 07, 2018, 02:28:34 pm
Yeah, I'm usually okay with stacked odds, but I draw the line where an enemy can't even be defined as a valid target. I'll see if changing the fixed temperatures does us any good, but as far as I know it will only affect those hellacopters that are off map, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also going to post what I have of the update to far, because me trying to fix the hellacopter problem made this update pretty long and I want the exact details of my struggle to be known.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 07, 2018, 02:29:53 pm
Sorry, Petrel. Can ranged koopas do anything?

Also, I think fixed temperature changes immoderately affect everyone.
If we have any visitors whose kind we wouldn't mind killing, give them a boiling fixed temperature and see if the current ones melt, then remove their fixed temp again.
You are changing the save's raw, right, not the regular raw?
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 07, 2018, 02:34:14 pm
Ranged koopas will only fire if they're walking by, and its more of a spook reflex than anything else because they walk away more as if its an annoyance than as if it was an attack. Unfortunately, most attacks only dent the metal, and lacking any vital organs no one was able to really do more than break both of his rotors and both of his arms. Unfortunately, him pushing his body against anyone who walked by was still enough to kill.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 07, 2018, 02:42:03 pm
Sorry for not balancing properly.

If the above experiment on a random visitor's kind's fixed temp doesn't work out, maybe try making the material they are made of, which I think is copper, melt at any temperature, which I know works. Killed my Zombie elves invaders pretty well.
Title: Re: The Burning of Modded Hell (110+ Invasion and Horrible Forest Fires)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 07, 2018, 03:10:39 pm
In a decently smoothed room deep within a fledgling koopa fortress sleeps a single koopa. Down the hall from his is probably the wildest party ever to be seen by a koopa fort.
     Mottled Petrel was sleeping soundly in his room after a hard day of planting, but as he lay there a muffled sound began to pervade his ears. " the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the *ting, ting* FLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Mottled Petrel's bloodshot eyes almost exploded open, the music coming from the tavern was apparently loud enough to come through several rooms and even more layers of solid rock. Needless to say, as the sound tore through the thin veil of sleep that had been enshrouding Mottled Petrel's mind he promptly tried to sit up in his bed so fast that he fell off the side. After a minute or two of trying to flip himself off of his back, Mottled Petrel was up and heading towards the tavern. When he got there, there was a piece of paper taped to the door, on it was scrawled in big letters "NO GURLS OVURSEEERS ALLOWUD". Mottled Petrel rubbed his chin for a few seconds, and then shrugged 'This isn't exactly regulation standard, but I'll abide by it'. Mottled Petrel then walked off for his morning breakfast of helmet snake eggs.

     In front of one of the barrels was a small crab who appeared to be holding a small cow bell and the mallet for which to strike it. He was doing so vigorously, and was making a small clinking noise as he said in a small sailor like voice "GIVE IT UP FOR UPDATE 23! WOOHOO! UPDATE 23!-". Scourge's alolan persian then pounced on the small crab, eating it alive. Under the crunches of shell as the persian ate its chitinous meal the agonizing screams of the dying crab could be heard. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but having to deal with unexplainable events on almost a daily basis he was kind of used to it.

     He proceeded to pick out a barrel, when he noticed some of the metalworkers were collapsed on top of the shell workshop. The mostly burned candles and empty mugs of delfino coffee strewn about suggested they had stayed up all night working on something. As Mottled Petrel approached he looked over one of their shoulders to see a large blue print. Judging by the diagrams drawn all over the paper, it would appear that they had stayed up all night trying to devise some kind of chainmail shell to solve the problem of the military's unprotected upper arms. Unfortunately, the large amount of question marks and different models on the blueprint hinted towards the fact that they probably weren't successful. At the center of the workshop was a small cloth doll of a koopa wearing a miniature version of one of the more promising of the prototype mail shells. The small metal spear that was impaling it also denoted the fact that the trials were not yet successful. Mottled Petrel smiled and shook his head, then walked off to start his day for real.

     But before he could he was stopped by Darkening Kaos and bloop_bleep, they both approached him with blueprints of their own. "Mottled Petrel, due to the most recent attacks I have devised a trap that I believe will help protect us." Darkening Kaos said as she practically shoved her blueprint in Mottled Petrel's face. Mottled Petrel squinted and could make out very little from the overwhelming mess of measurements, calculations, diagrams, and hidden details. What he could make out was the general shape of the trap, it looked like a very long room with a bunch of stuff going on in it, but then he saw the Z level measure next to it and realized it was more like a 30-something deep pit with all manners of suspended catwalks covered in weapons that would have taken the mountainhome years to assemble. "Uhhh..." Mottled Petrel floundered as he simultaneously tried to politely say no and try to figure out what the hell he was actually looking at, but bloop_bleep cut him off "No sir, I have a much better trap that I want you to see!".

     Mottled Petrel flinched as he expected another paper to be shoved in his face, after a few moments he said "Well, aren't you going to show it to me?". Bloop_bleep held his paper defensively close to him "No, it's going to be a surprise!", Mottled Petrel looked confused "But didn't you just say you wanted to show-" "Will you let me make it or not?! If not, I've gotten like 5 other concerned citizen submissions for other traps that could work, I could make those too.". Darkening Kaos pulled a few scraps of paper out of her shell "I've got some too". They both looked expectantly at Mottled Petrel for an answer, and after a few moments he delivered one "Alright, if you two want to make some big trap outside to protect us, then go for it. But, we are making ONE, no more. I want you two to get along and turn whatever crazy ideas you're holding in your hands into one big crazy idea, and then show it to me before you make it. But before that, I want you both to line that hallway that leads to the cavern entrance with cage traps, and then chain up a capnap or something in that little room so we can know when something's trying to sneak in. After that, go crazy.".
     The two mechanics glared at each other, it would appear that they were both competing to be the head mechanic, just generally didn't like each other, or were about to start a dance battle to prove who's ideas were superior. They both walked back to their respective mechanic's workshop, bristling. As Mottled Petrel watched them go he noticed that each of them had a number of other blueprints strewn all over their respective workshops. 'Guess I should expect them to pitch me more ideas sometime soon' Mottled Petrel thought, as he took a big bite out of one of the helmet snake eggs he had on him.

     After his breakfast, Mottled Petrel walked outside to check on the fire, only to step into a giant white pool that was now covering the entrance.
     "WHAT THE FUCK! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM!?" Mottled Petrel asked as he tried to wipe off his feet in the grass. Mugamok was also on the surface, he just shrugged and said "I don't fucking know" as he handed his analysis papers to Mottled Petrel.
     "What the fuck is sleep sauce?" Mottled Petrel asked, knowing that the frogog venom was what was causing the swelling feet but not knowing what sleep sauce was. Mugamok shrugged again "I would assume it makes you sleep.". Mottled Petrel frowned, and then used the analysis papers to scrap the white goo off of his feet, before going back to his checking of the fire.

     The fire was still roaring on the other side of the brook, and was spreading through the trees just as rapidly. Any koopa knows that when a tree is on fire it is bound to fall in just the way you don't want it to, spreading the fire across a usually protective barrier. Because of this Mottled Petrel ordered some of the more precarious trees cut down, and mandated the construction of another fire break.
     Almost as if the fire was specifically trying to spite him, a tree collapsed over the brook. Luckily, it collapsed onto the already burned section, but it was enough to show that the brook was no protection from the fire. To further the predicimate, both Gwolfski and Scourge were conveniently nowhere to be found, and they were the only two Mottled Petrel could remember giving wood cutting duty to. If things really got out of hand, Mottled Petrel could always have the drawbridge raised, but as a koopa who took the basic 'Smokey the Lawnmower's Fire Safety Course' he knew that there was a good chance that the fire could squeeze under the door if there was grass growing under it.
     Too late, the fire was across the brook. 'God damn it, there's no way the fire break is going to be done in time. And why the hell is Darkening Kaos over there shaking his fist at the hellacopter thief?' The fire was indeed spreading fast, and Darkening Kaos was indeed trying to attack the thief despite the fact that he was flying at least 4 Z-Urists above him. And as if things were just going too well, a small family of kangaskhan had wandered into the area after being flushed out of their homes by the fire. It was quite obvious that they were not happy about that, and the honedge above them was anxiously slashing its blade around, seemingly thirsting for blood.
     It didn't take long for it to slake its thirst, within seconds of being in the area the honedge practically bisected two giant white storks that had been lazily drifting on the thermal updrafts. Now splattered in blood, the honedge only looked more crazed. 'I need a fucking vacation' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched the fire carelessly pass over the unfinished fire break. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE BACK INSIDE!" Mottled Petrel called as the animals began to cautiously back up from the advancing fire.

Asin was stuck in another tree, but at this point Mottled Petrel didn't care enough to fish him out.
     Turns out the animals weren't smart enough to get out of the way of the fire, because their dying cries could be heard from the surface as the koopas hid underground.
     Before the fire had even reached the fort's entrance another hellacopter could be heard arriving, probably to fist bump its buddy and join in on the attack.
     And just like that, the fire swept past the fort's entrance, leaving only ash. During the fire all of the snow leapords, 12 fuzzy, 5 thrash doves, 5 orintholestes, 2 helmet snakes, and one of the lazer-compies had been burned alive. The surface was now littered with their charred skeletons as the koopas emerged to clean up their front yard.

     It only took about five seconds of the koopas being on the surface for the hellacopter wrestler to punch Silverlock's skull in without so much as breaking a sweat. 'WHAT THE FUCK!' "KOOPAUNKNOWN, I HAVE A PEST PROBLEM I NEED YOU AND YOUR MEN TO TAKE CARE OF!" Mottled Petrel called. And at just the worst time, a group of migrants arrive, on the other side of the wall of fire that was still advancing towards the east.

     The hellacopter was now right in front of the fort entrance, using the broken tusk of a now mangled troll child as a toothpick. Derpy Dev was the first to attempt to save the troll child, but was caught in a cloud of boiling blood coming off of the hellacopter's incredibly hot body. After wringing out the troll child like a wet napkin, the hellacopter began attacking one of the ninjis. The ninji admittedly did an incredibly good job dodging, managing to go a while to only obtain skin bruises. But after a few minutes one solid punch to the head was enough to put him down. And by put him down I mean turn him into a gore glove that was now plastered onto the hellacopter's hand.

     Next the hellacopter grabbed one of the capnaps and began gouging its eyes out mercilessly. He then punted the small creature halfway across the plain, the end of its flight was accented with a sickening crunch that was probably caused by every bone and vital organ in the poor thing's body flattening to the thickness of a coin. Seemingly enjoying it, the hellacopter began mauling another capnap, and with the military nowhere to be found it seemed likely that it was going to keep doing so. From his viewing position on top of the tower Mottled Petrel cried down to the migrants who were now getting close enough to be in reasonable danger. "LIST YOUR NAMES AND KEEP IT QUICK, WE CAN DO INTRODUCTIONS LATER-" Mottled Petrel called, but then stopped in his tracks as he saw who was leading the migrant wave.
     One of the king's sons was here, and if anything happened to him at Modded Hell the king would likely have the head of whoever was responsible. Despite the fact that he would probably one day inherit the koopa empire, Nokomek was thankfully one of the more laid back demon koopas, and despite the fact that he was walking on hot ashes towards a family of kangiskhan and a genocidal hellacopter he had a smile on his face "Hey, uh..." even in a casual greeting, he had the booming voice of a warlord " dad said that this might be a pretty rad place to try to test out my leading skills before I take on serious governmental responsibility or whatever. So I'm here with these guys to live here. I'm Nokomek, I'm a great carpenter. That's TheRedWolfII, an adequate siege operator. That's Dionysus, a great siege engineer and quite the flatterer that one. That's SetII, a great furnace operator. That's SilverlockeII, a great glazer. That's Lunar, The Dog, a novice in a bunch of things. And we've still got more coming." "We're kinda in a pit of a pickle right now so I'm just going to assign you to what we need. Nokomek, carpenter as well as other wood related jobs. TheRedWolfII, you're taking the spot of a koopa who had a name that was almost yours. Dionysus, military. SetII, Furnace operating and mechanics. SilverlockII, military as well as my squire. Lunar, general craftskoopa. I'll deal with the rest of the group after we deal with the intruder at the front gates.".

     Mottled Petrel turned to see the hellacopter, who was still enjoying massacring the capnaps. At this point Lord_lemonpie and rainbowdashfanboi84 arrived on the surface and fire lightning at the hellacopter, managing to only dent it. Upon actually engaging in combat, the three begin a deadly dance of who can land the first successful shot. The hellacopter is the first to do so, punching Lord_lemonpie so hard that his steel shell was shattered along with his ribs. Despite this, Lord_lemonpie managed to counter attack, only to learn that his steel mini-chomps are nigh useless against his target. After another attack that breaks one of Lord_lemonpies arms, he thunder punched the hellacopter, messing up some of the internal gears. Then he striked the gears connected to one of the rotors allowing the hellacopter to fly, impairing it. Now laying impotent on the ground, the hellacopter was only able to push against Lord_lemonpie, but this is still enough to do damage through steel armor.

     Now on the ground, one of the nearby laser ceratosauruses fired a laser that hit the hellacopter square in the head, shattering the metal. Still in a dance of dodging, Lord_lemonpie was unable to deal damage or receive damage for quite some time. Mottled Petrel took advantage of the reprieve to check up on the rest of the migrants. Nokomek noticed this, and rattled off some more names "Mugam, novice ranger and animal caretaker. Nokok, great metal crafter. Nokomek, adequate wound dresser, bone doctor, and writer. Nokoopi, competent dyer. And I think we still have more coming along with the parashellcreeper, crayzee dayzee, and the alolan persian." "Mugam, miner and stone detailer. Nokok, all metalworking besides furnace operator. Nokomek, all doctoring skills. Nokoopi, swordkoopa.".

     Despite the groans from the koopas who were obviously hoping for different jobs, Mottled Petrel turned back towards the battle. There was still an extreme amount of dodging happening in the fight, and it didn't seem like the rest of the military was too hot about coming out to help Lord_lemonpie with the crippled hellacopter. A stream of lightning passes over Lord_lemonpie's shoulder and strikes the hellacopter, Lord_lemonpie looks over his shoulder to see which of his squadmates had come to help him, and was bewildered to see that stingpie of all people was rushing in to fight. The hellacopter turned to begin savagely pushing stingpie, and Lord_lemonpie takes the opportunity to fill his waterskin in the nearby brook. After filling his waterskin, Lord_lemonpie then left stingpie to die while he got his broken arm looked at. "FUCK YOU!" stingpie bellowed back to Lord_lemonpie as the vicious pile of broken metal before him continues to push at him. Now without backup, stingpie climbed a crumbling, burned tree to save himself. Not being able to fly anymore, the hellacopter lost interest and crawled back towards the fort entrance.

     Being incredibly slow with no foreseeable opposition in the way, the hellacopter takes its time. Mottled Petrel turns to call back Nokomek, and is spooked when he finds him towering over him on the catwalk. Nokomek smiles, and waves with his right hand. For whatever reason (And not because Mottled Petrel completely forgot to change the raws for the demon koopa caste) demon koopas had only two arms. "That's Nokooka, novice dyer. That's Nokoku, novice metal crafter and talented fish cleaner. Nokog, novice weaponsmith, talented bone carver, and talented fisherkoopa. Maknoko, talented glassmaker. Kogamok, novice woodcutter. Nokon, adequate spinner. Lonokom, administrator. And I think that's it." "Alright, Nokooka, all farming skills. Nokoku, all metalcrafting. Nokog, all metalcrafting. Maknoko, chainsawkoopa. Kogamok, swordkoopa. And Wags you're going to have to be the subordinate brute who takes the last two people into a squad, got it?". From deep in the fort echoed an "Oh fuck me... GOT IT SIR!".

     Mottled Petrel then turned back towards the still crawling hellacopter to see that it had made substantial progress. At this point the laser-ceratosaur that fired its laser a while ago charged the hellacopter and stomped on its hand so hard that it snaped completely off. Behind Mottled Petrel, as if to impress his new commander, Kogamok started fighting with one of the kangaskhan, kicking its ear clean off on the first strike. Back at the hellacopter, Mugam and Scarlet_Avenger jumped into the fray. They soon run away again as the hellacopter begins attacking stingpie who is still caught in the tree. Stingpie was horribly maimed before KoopaUnknown finally arrived. At this point, stingpie fell out of his tree and was even more horribly maimed by the hellacopter, and for whatever reason KoopaUnknonw kept his distance.

     Eventually, stingpie bled to death and the hellacopter turned to attack KoopaUnknown. Even though the hellacopter was seriously damaged, KoopaUnknown took a serious beating. Instead of attacking, KoopaUnknown adopted a campaign of poor dodging for a while. At one point after nearly days of dodging and blocking, KoopaUnknown opted to stand on top of the hellacopter while it wailed on him.

After a few more days of this, KoopaUnknown got off of him and continued dodging.

     After a few more days of dodging, KoopaUnknown out of nowhere kicked the hellacopters right lower arm clean off, before going back to dodging. Later the left rotor is kicked off, but the struggle still dragged on.

     After days more of dodging, KoopaUnknown climbed into a tree and waited for the hellacopter to leave. But as soon as he noticed Kogamok had come to help him, unarmed, he jumped down from the tree and continued his fight.

     Within seconds, the hellacopter pushed straight through Kogamok's body, mangling his insides. Taking his chance, KoopaUnknown leaves to get some rest as Nokoopi runs in to try his luck.

Most of his limbs are broken in a matter of minutes, and Mottled Petrel had to look away. While he did so, he noticed that the Kangiskhan that had been attacked had been successfully killed, and its mate had been caught in a cage trap. Having nowhere else to look, Mottled Petrel did a quick Slav Squat to regain his senses.
Any thoughts on courses of action?
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 07, 2018, 03:47:58 pm
get rid of the helicopters or at leas make it so they get one hit in the engine and they are now dead (also smite them first)
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 07, 2018, 04:07:20 pm
Well. Damn. I sure as Modded Hell didn't intend for regular hellacopters to be this powerful.
Look in the raws, and tell me what the hellacopters are made out of. If we can sacrifice everything made of that, we can set them to boil at 1 urists, and remove them all.
Have you tried removing their fixed temp, at least?

Oh, and warning, they cannot be caught by traps. Ever. Nor by webs. And they can't be stunned.
Oh, how about we change the raws to give them material weakness to everything. I forget how to do that, but that would probably help if we are not going to auto-boil them.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: scourge728 on May 07, 2018, 04:11:52 pm
NOO THE SNOW LEOPARDS :( we were gonna breed them, and it was gonna be cool.... as for the copter, build something above it, and then collapse it's supports
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: auzewasright on May 07, 2018, 06:49:59 pm
Hope my little sociopath is still alive (though I bet the rest of the world disagrees).
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: stingpie on May 07, 2018, 09:27:51 pm
If I ever come back as a ghost, you shouldn't put my body in a coffin, just let my ghost be part of the story.
(by the way, you can set a hellacopter's body to some unique material, and make that material boil is 1° Urist to kill all of them on the map)
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: auzewasright on May 08, 2018, 06:18:50 am
If I ever come back as a ghost, you shouldn't put my body in a coffin, just let my ghost be part of the story.
(by the way, you can set a hellacopter's body to some unique material, and make that material boil is 1° Urist to kill all of them on the map)
Unless it's murderous.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Imic on May 08, 2018, 03:18:18 pm
So... How exactly is the fort going? I have heard that everything is on fire, is this true?
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 09, 2018, 05:31:58 am
I think the correct course of action is to just auto-boil them, because it will prevent this from becoming a problem again. I have yet to test it out, but I will do so before I start working on the next update.

I was kinda bummed out that EVERY snow leopard died, but I'll be sure to buy/request some from the next caravan.

Auze is doing fine right now. He's busy noble-ing it up inside, refusing to do work and continuing to request that I make figurines. Its actually getting pretty annoying, but hey, once he starts teaching himself some koopa magic he's going to act as a support caster for the military  ;) .

How about this, I'll let stingpie come back as a ghost and then put him to rest a little after that. But story-wise he will continue to exist as a ghost. I just don't really think that we can afford the distraction of a ghost at the moment.

The fort was actually doing surprisingly well, but then the fire nation came. We're in reasonable shape, with a small but well trained and well armed military, a tavern, a library with a writer, a temple, and a number of other accommodations to keep people happy. It's also incredibly convenient that most of the koopas in the fort are completely okay with their people dying, as noted by Eris burying her husband Set without so much as a "She felt nothing after seeing a loved one die". But yes, the surface is on fire and most of the land has been reduced to ash. There is also a nigh unkillable, blood thirst attack hellacopter who has killed several koopas and even more capnaps that is now busy burning the clothes off of one of the migrants with just his body heat. So at the moment, things could be better, but we're doing much better than I thought  we were going to be doing at this point.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 09, 2018, 05:38:45 am
so in other words
everything is fine
everything is on fire
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 09, 2018, 02:48:05 pm
everything is fine
everything is on fire
I see no difference between these two phrases.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 09, 2018, 06:35:37 pm
it is an xkcd quote and also in this thread yes also sigged
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: bloop_bleep on May 09, 2018, 10:00:26 pm
it is an xkcd quote and also in this thread yes also sigged

If you're referring to the dog saying "this is fine" while sitting in a burning house, that's actually from Gunshow, not xkcd.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 10, 2018, 07:24:18 pm
no there was a time that he said that
tho it is sort of obscure (as in it is no longer there) I think it is the one where he "broke twitter"
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 10, 2018, 07:27:28 pm
If you're referring to the dog saying "this is fine" while sitting in a burning house, that's actually from Gunshow, not xkcd.
I was considering making a Modded Hell meme of this by pasting a koopa head over the dog and then filling the flaming background with forumites, rapidashes, and attack hellicopters, but chances are I'm never going to get around to it. But now you all get to imagine how great it would have been.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Aurum System on May 11, 2018, 12:00:10 am
This is insane, I love it!

May I suggest you build a non-meat tower for ranged Koopas to sit on top of and shoot all these birds and hellacopters down before the become a problem.
Actually scratch that, build several of them all over that map and connect them via a tunnel system, and maybe an enclosed bridge.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 11, 2018, 01:46:22 am
This is insane, I love it!

May I suggest you build a non-meat tower for ranged Koopas to sit on top of and shoot all these birds and hellacopters down before the become a problem.
Actually scratch that, build several of them all over that map and connect them via a tunnel system, and maybe an enclosed bridge.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 11, 2018, 05:23:52 am
I mean, there'd be literally no difference between a meat tower and a non-meat tower besides the fact that meat is a much more available resource and that it would be much cooler...
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on May 11, 2018, 06:06:56 am
Sure, if you only consider the mechanics, but imagine the impact!  You have a ring of black stone towers encircling a centre point.  As a scout draws near, they see a hideous thing that can only be described as a mockery of existence itself.  A tower made of large chunks of the still-wiggling, still-bleeding flesh of hundreds, nay, thousands of creatures, jutting from the ground like a tentacle made of nightmares.  Strange, nonsensical angles that put Daedric ruins to shame.

Lore is always good.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Imic on May 11, 2018, 06:16:09 am
Sure, if you only consider the mechanics, but imagine the impact!  You have a ring of black stone towers encircling a centre point.  As a scout draws near, they see a hideous thing that can only be described as a mockery of existence itself.  A tower made of large chunks of the still-wiggling, still-bleeding flesh of hundreds, nay, thousands of creatures, jutting from the ground like a tentacle made of nightmares.  Strange, nonsensical angles that put Daedric ruins to shame.

Lore is always good.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Aurum System on May 11, 2018, 10:30:28 am
It's a nice effect lorewise: You approach the rumored location of a koopa fortress, and as you arrive to the general area of the fortress you see an imposing set of black stone guard towers surrounding a massive spiked red tower. You swear you see parts of the central tower writhe and squirm, but you blink and tell yourself it's just a big tower before you continue onward scouting the place.

You are almost inside their territory, as you get closer the smell hits you, this places reeks of meat decomposing in the sun. You are now certain that the tower is in fact writhing, as if thousands of living things are trapped inside the very walls of the tower.

You can see clearly it now, the entire tower is made out of meat, thousands of still living creatures struggling in torrent and thrashing desperately to escape from the walls they are a part of while bleeding profusely all sealed in with mortar made out of meat. The horror of it all almost makes you vomit, but you hold it in until you see the top of the tower. You notice that, their sapient captives are integrated into the roof of the tower, you puke into one of the many puddles of unknown liquids that litter the place. You must stay strong and assess their military for weakness and report back.

You truly know why this place is called Modded Hell now.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 11, 2018, 11:49:23 am
I'm starting to realize the horrid reality that is the meat tower...

Yeah, we could do some black stone towers once we find some black stone. Of course, I've got a mod in that allows us to paint stone blocks to be different colors, but I feel like that would go against the theme everyone seems to be going for if the towers are just shoddily painted black. Of course, it also fits the fort's clerical name 'Modest Hell' pretty well seeing as the koopas would kinda have to fake the black obelisks with paint. I think jet is the closest stone we have to black, and it's kinda a dark grey...

You truly know why this place is called Modded Hell now.
This kinda explains why like 90% of the last invading force ran before the conflict even really began. Lore wise of course, I know exactly why they fled, most of the invading force was riding un-war trained horses that will naturally flee before any real conflict starts. But I can only imagine what our neighbors think of us...
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on May 11, 2018, 01:26:38 pm
I love what I have spawned here.  And yet, I am also terrified of it.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: ZM5 on May 11, 2018, 01:36:45 pm
Hee hee, gotta love the image of a giant tower of flesh and still-living bodies - wish we could get someone to illustrate it. Reminds me of Exdeath's castle ( from Final Fantasy 5.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: auzewasright on May 11, 2018, 03:59:32 pm
no there was a time that he said that
tho it is sort of obscure (as in it is no longer there) I think it is the one where he "broke twitter"
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on May 11, 2018, 06:10:37 pm
Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

     Silent guardians several Urists high, casting an unswerving gaze that penetrates the souls of all our enemies.  Magma raised from the depths themselves to fill the towers and they radiate a sullen glow, the air filled with brimstone and cascades of heat washing over enemy and visitor alike.
     Each tower both indifferent and aloof as it ignores your puny existence, but, they know your secrets, they watch you without eyes, count your sins and judge you.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 12, 2018, 09:29:54 am
So this brings up a good question, do we use jet (which we already have), or obsidian (which we have yet to see any of). I've made a poll for it.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Aurum System on May 12, 2018, 10:12:53 am
Both are dark grey/ black in reality (well is most cases), I'm going to say use what you already have, Jet, but if you somehow run out (which shouldn't happen) change them to be a jet base with an obsidian top.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: auzewasright on May 12, 2018, 11:16:47 am
Jet is lighter, so it will be hauled much quicker. I don't think we have the koopapower for an obsidian factory.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 12, 2018, 11:44:18 am
we should use helicopter to build it XD
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: stingpie on May 12, 2018, 03:12:07 pm
What is this "helicopter" you speak of? do you perhaps mean hellacopter?
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 12, 2018, 07:10:31 pm
I'm going to preface this with saying that I'm using an old version of Teh Lol Mod, so this might have already been fixed, but I'd like you all to look at this snip-bit of the hellacopter code and tell me what you think is wrong with it:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'd imagine anyone with at least novice observation can see why we have a bit of a problem with them...
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on May 12, 2018, 07:14:47 pm
They're made of bloody adamantine?!

Edit:  Also, [NOT_LIVING] set twice?  *Holds head*
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Aurum System on May 12, 2018, 07:21:56 pm
Let's see it's really hot and made of think layers of candy, also two NOT_LIVING tag entries.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on May 12, 2018, 07:42:39 pm
It's also not actually poison-able. The entry for that got misspelled as poisin
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Aurum System on May 12, 2018, 08:26:32 pm
It's also not actually poison-able. The entry for that got misspelled as poisin

That doesn't matter because there isn't brackets around it anyways, unless they removed them while testing things and didn't notice typo and never put them back.
Edit, I meant they seem to have intended to disable it's ability to be poisoned anyways.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 13, 2018, 10:45:24 am
Okay, I changed adamantine back to copper (which was professed in the past to be what these things are supposed to be made out of), but I have yet to make any more changes. I actually didn't even see that [NOT_LIVING] was double, but one of those should eventually go. I think having creature class DEMON makes them unpoison-able, but they already burn away all of the toxins with their ambient body temperature, so it wouldn't have made much of a difference. Also, I think I'm just going to dump the [IMMOLATE] and the [FIXED_TEMP:20000], and hope that fixes the problem where koopas can't target them. If that doesn't work I'm going to change their body material to something that just evaporates.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 13, 2018, 12:53:38 pm
or you could make them brain dead and have no AI
hey cat get off of the computer HAHAHAHAHAHAH i said stop get off no dont press the post button what the h
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 13, 2018, 01:30:22 pm
The restrictions of changing something mid game that is also currently on the map are a lot higher than normal, as far as I know I don't think I could pull off either of those in our current situation.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 15, 2018, 09:33:27 am
Huh. I made them with copper, or possibly iron. I am fairly sure I didn't give them adamantine flesh. Not 100% sure, though.
The DEMON creature class doesn't make it immune, unless other people made their stuff not work on DEMON classed creatures.
I doubt NOT_LIVING twice would matter, but yeah remove one just to be safe.
Could you perhaps show the entire creature, instead of just that part?
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 15, 2018, 02:29:45 pm
I'll post the entire creature file when I get a chance, but I took a look at the copy of the mod I have and it was in fact set to copper. The other issues mentioned were still there though, so I'd imagine I fucked with it at some point? I don't remember doing so or why I would, but something happened and it has been fixed, hopefully. Next time I get a chance to play I'm going to remove [IMMOLATE] and the set temperature to see if that fixes the attack problem, as well as I'm going to try to make it that shells cover the upper arm. I don't know if either of these will work midgame, but I'm going to try.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 16, 2018, 05:47:55 pm
For reference when I inevitably come back to find what I did to fuck up the game, I have gotten rid of immolate and fixed temp from the hellacopters and added UPSTEP:1 to shells.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm at least starting the next update tonight, but this might end up being a small one to wrap up the giant mess I left the fort in.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 16, 2018, 07:09:58 pm
On top of a tower composed of muscle still surrounded in scaffolding, a koopa is busy trying to collect his senses on the floor. Out on the field that the tower overlooks is a machine busy tearing another koopa apart.
     'Maybe if I just lay here for a while, the hellacopter will get bored and leave.' Mottled Petrel desperately thought as he lay on top of the meat tower. From out on the field before him a distinctively loud set of gears ground to a screeching halt. Mottled Petrel got to his knees and peered over the edge of the battlement. The hellacopter, who was still attacking the new migrant Nokoopi, no longer had the distinctive shimmer around it that told onlookers that it was blisteringly hot.

     Meekly, Mottled Petrel's eyes flicked down to the main gate as the fighters who had been waiting at the gate noticed it too. KoopaUnknown didn't notice it though, as he was still walking raggedly towards the hospital after days of one sided fighting.

     Surprisingly, the effort wasn't necessary because the hellacopter finally began breaking down from the damage it had sustained during its rampage. Nokoopi still cowered below its metallic form as the hellacopter slowly ground to a halt. Whatever internal engine that was once regulating the hellacopters temperature went thermonuclear, reducing the hellacopter to a cloud of steam and a melting pile of metal.

When Nokoopi finally opened his eyes from behind his torn eyelids, all that was left of his assailant was a lopsided copper bar.
     He picked it up with his last good arm to see that a twisted expression of rage was still poking out of the bar. Nokoopi threw it away in fear, before collapsing from pain to wait to be rescued. Unfortunately, the gaping hole in his right lung didn't bode well for his survival.

The hellacopter still in the air decided that he might try his luck elsewhere.

     Mottled Petrel let out a sigh of relief and slumped down against the wall. His breather was cut short by a liquidy growl that resounded from the very earth itself. Mottled Petrel groaned, and then slumped to lay face down on the floor.

     SQman walked up to the roof of the tower a few minutes later "I, uh, I drew the short straw sir. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?". Mottled Petrel looked up and rested his chin on the floor "You really need to work on your presentation, but I'll take the good news first." SQman held a small shell before him that he was previously holding behind his back "The armorsmiths think they have solved the upper arm problem". SQman pushed a button on the back of the shell, and 3 sets of pauldrons popped out of the shell, supposedly to protect the wearer's upper arms "We don't know if we can patch existing shells to have the same effect, but new shells should in theory be safe.".

     'Well that's one fortress ending concern out of the way... wait...' "What's the bad news?" SQman put the small shell down and began fishing around in his shell for something else "A forgotten beast has come. There's vomit soaking through the little peep hole we left in one of the wall, and that vomit is mixed with some kind of white saliva. We think it looks a little something like this." SQman said as he presented a piece of paper.
     Mottled Petrel let his face fall to the floor again "Don't worry sir, we have yet to take down the wall closing off the caverns, and the cavern traps are beginning to be installed.".
     Mottled Petrel waved off the furnace operator "Thank you for the report, but unless there are any immediate problems I need a fucking nap, *yawn* I haven't slept in days. Too busy watching the fight...". Mottled Petrel fell asleep before he could finish his sentence, and SQman took his leave to go back to whatever he was doing before he drew the short straw.
I'm not sure if it's related to the raw changes, but the hellacopter died all of a sudden a few minutes after unpausing with no new injuries.

Also, we've got a vomit blob... huh...
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Enemy post on May 16, 2018, 07:12:47 pm
A vomit blob shouldn't be too difficult. We should have a few of our bigger dinosaurs kill it, just for the entertainment value.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 16, 2018, 07:18:01 pm
Presumably the latent heat in the area around it melted it to death
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 16, 2018, 07:19:37 pm
Better yet, we've got about 50 bob-ombs now, I'm considering pasturing them in the caverns so that they can reduce the forgotten beast to a smoldering crater. But yes, dinosaurs are good.

Also, Nokoopi had both of his lungs mangled beyond recognition, and in the time it took someone to just pick him up he now only has a bruised right lung...

I hadn't considered that the latent heat might have done it, but two invalid koopas were in the area without burn damage, and I don't think that copper has a lower boiling point than skin.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 16, 2018, 07:40:00 pm
A. In this modpack, it very well might
B. It's not unheard of for armor to boil off while the wearer is distincly not (atleast, in DF it isn't)
C. It could be the latent heat in the creatures materials, from when it was superheated
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 16, 2018, 07:47:36 pm
Well as long you don't get whatever syndrome it's spit has you should be fine, it is made of vomit after all. You probably don't need much to kill it, 50 bob-ombs might be a little overkill for it, but there's no kill like overkill.
Title: Re: The Continued Burning of Modded Hell (It Just Keeps Getting Worse)
Post by: auzewasright on May 17, 2018, 07:32:33 pm
no there was a time that he said that
tho it is sort of obscure (as in it is no longer there) I think it is the one where he "broke twitter"
Found it, it was when the April fool's Garden comic's release was delayed (messages bolded):
The xkcd April 1st comic is currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Please stand by!

Early Saturday April 2nd the message was updated:

The xkcd April 1st comic is currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Status update: Please stand by.
Status update: This is fine. Everything is fine.
Status update: Everything is on fire.
Status update: Searching for calendar systems in which Saturday is April 1st.

Later on Saturday the message was again changed to:

The Friday xkcd comic is currently experiencing technical difficulties
[Editor's note: Everything is on fire] and has been delayed until Sunday night.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: auzewasright on May 17, 2018, 07:36:16 pm
I think "Status update: This is fine. Everything is fine.
Status update: Everything is on fire." should be the motto of this fortress, now that I think about it.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 17, 2018, 08:12:51 pm
I think "Status update: This is fine. Everything is fine.
Status update: Everything is on fire." should be the motto of this fortress, now that I think about it.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Imic on May 18, 2018, 03:47:13 am
I think "Status update: This is fine. Everything is fine.
Status update: Everything is on fire." should be the motto of this fortress, now that I think about it.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 05:29:30 am
Modded Hell Checklist
Six armed turtles: Check
Meat towers: Check
Fire: Check
A laundry list of broken features: Check
Followable story line:
Attack hellicopters: Check
Obscure references: CHECK

Guess I'll put that motto thing in the quotes list.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 18, 2018, 04:00:14 pm
Modded Hell Checklist
Six armed turtles: Check
Meat towers: Check
Fire: Check
A laundry list of broken features: Check
Followable story line:
Attack hellicopters: Check
Obscure references: CHECK
bad puns CHECK

Guess I'll put that motto thing in the quotes list.
fixed that for you
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 05:10:53 pm
I find it pretty ironic that Derpy Dev was the original bad pun maker, and now that he hasn't said anything in the thread for a while we've had someone else step up to fill the void. I didn't expect puns would become such an integral part of the narrative.

Update hopefully some time this weekend. I'm sorry that its been slow guys, but after finals I should be able to crank out a lot more content.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 18, 2018, 06:07:59 pm
well i guess that i cant be called hell no more
cuz there's not eternal PUNishment 
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: auzewasright on May 18, 2018, 07:01:10 pm
Will make a journal update tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 18, 2018, 07:13:16 pm
Can I be Koopaded as an architect with the next migrant wave, if the losses are replaced with some leftover?
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 18, 2018, 07:15:00 pm
If i die I wish to be reincarnated as a cat like creature or a cat
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 07:21:13 pm
Can I be Koopaded as an architect with the next migrant wave, if the losses are replaced with some leftover?
I could just koopa you as one of the most recent migrants if you want, I kinda completely skipped over them because of the fight and I could just say that the demon koopa got your name wrong.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: auzewasright on May 18, 2018, 07:23:44 pm
If i die I wish to be reincarnated as a cat like creature or a cat
IRL or in Modded Hell? /s
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 18, 2018, 07:38:27 pm
I just realized, you know how I made a dolphin civ for the mod.... well, dolphin men are all all legless, so that's gonna be.... interesting
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 07:40:54 pm
Better than the snakes with fire arms coming out of their eyes I'm sure it will be fine, we're living nowhere near their civ. Even if they do come, I'd imagine they'd just inchworm their way along. I can see it now, seemingly normal dolphins dressed up in diplomatic suits inchworming their way across a field of smoldering ash.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 18, 2018, 07:54:47 pm
Actually I'm pretty sure you would just end up with a bunch of dead dolphins with arms
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 18, 2018, 08:06:27 pm
Let me guess you forgot to make them able to breathe on land, scourge.

I'd be fine with being a skipped over Koopa from the last migrant wave.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 18, 2018, 08:29:23 pm
I... don't know actually
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 08:44:19 pm
Actually I'm pretty sure you would just end up with a bunch of dead dolphins with arms
I might put this in the quotes section for out of context humor, but for now, it's raw analyzing time.

I'm only five seconds into the raws, and what do I find?
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(Turns out that 'totally normal' human civ we were joking about at the beginning might actually be a pod of dolphin men)

So it turns out Bottlenosed Dolphin men are based almost completely off of Bottlenosed Dolphins, who do in fact have arms but no legs.
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Bottlenosed Dolphins are in fact immobile on land and are completely aquatic, which as far as I know means that they will suffocate on land.
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Maybe we should have thought this through a little bit more. Why did this even come up?
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: stingpie on May 18, 2018, 09:32:09 pm
just smack some horse legs on them, should be fiiiiiiiine.just don't question why Armok would put horse legs on dolphins...
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 18, 2018, 09:34:08 pm
The irony of this plan is that even with horse legs they would be immobile on land because of their tags...
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 18, 2018, 10:16:05 pm
Try adding this to Dolphin men right under [COPY_TAGS_FROM:DOLPHIN_BOTTLE_SCOR]
Code: [Select]
It should make them able to breathe as for legs you need a way to give them tail_stance in their body, or switch the template from animal person legless to normal animal person.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Enemy post on May 18, 2018, 10:45:29 pm
Legs are irrelevant, they just need AQUATIC traded for AMPHIBIOUS and IMMOBILE_LAND removed. It's not ideal, but this should get the job done without breaking anything.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: scourge728 on May 19, 2018, 07:22:11 am
Actually I'm pretty sure you would just end up with a bunch of dead dolphins with arms
I might put this in the quotes section for out of context humor, but for now, it's raw analyzing time.

I'm only five seconds into the raws, and what do I find?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
(Turns out that 'totally normal' human civ we were joking about at the beginning might actually be a pod of dolphin men)

So it turns out Bottlenosed Dolphin men are based almost completely off of Bottlenosed Dolphins, who do in fact have arms but no legs.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bottlenosed Dolphins are in fact immobile on land and are completely aquatic, which as far as I know means that they will suffocate on land.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Maybe we should have thought this through a little bit more. Why did this even come up?
A. It came up because I was changing some file stuff, saw the bottlenose dolphin had a weird glitch in it's raws, went to test it, saw it immedietly go for the water (confirming it can apparently still move on land somehow) and then was like "crap"
B. We should 100% have thought this through more
C.Do you know how hard it is to type with a cat shoving your hand
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 19, 2018, 11:39:13 am
Is it just me or have the pages been pruned, there used to be seventy-some pages here?
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: auzewasright on May 19, 2018, 11:48:53 am
Is it just me or have the pages been pruned, there used to be seventy-some pages here?
There is 79 pages.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 19, 2018, 11:53:15 am
Nevermind, I'm just displaying more stuff per page. I wasn't logged in the first time I read this.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 19, 2018, 04:06:32 pm
I'm sure more midgame creature modifications will be fine. I'm just going to swap in amphibious and remove immobile land from the normal dolphins, which will then translate do the dolphin men. I'm going to laugh moderately hard if we find normal dolphins on land because of this.
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 19, 2018, 04:14:32 pm
If i die I wish to be reincarnated as a cat like creature or a cat
IRL or in Modded Hell? /s
also how do you know i'm not a cat ;)
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Aurum System on May 19, 2018, 04:37:14 pm
If i die I wish to be reincarnated as a cat like creature or a cat
IRL or in Modded Hell? /s
also how do you know i'm not a cat ;)
The simple application of logic and madness. :V
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 19, 2018, 04:40:54 pm
but on the internet no one can tell if you're a cat (or not for that matter)
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on May 19, 2018, 05:39:09 pm
but on the internet no one can tell if you're a cat (or not for that matter)

Or a ghost!  I could be a ghost, and since I'm a *nix user, I'd be a ghost in the shell.
I'm not sorry
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 19, 2018, 05:44:40 pm
What is this, the third unrelated ghost in a shell reference that has been made?
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 20, 2018, 07:25:37 pm
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totally not......
(idk i don't keep track of this stuff)
Title: Re: The Relief of Modded Hell (Some Things are Kinda Better?)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 20, 2018, 07:43:24 pm
     A koopa layed in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his head, another koopa stood over him. Not standing over him to tend to him or ensure he is doing okay, but just creepily watching him sleep while heavily breathing. A particularly heavy breath was enough to awake the sleeping koopa.
     "Wha?! Where am I?... Who the hell are you?" Mottled Petrel asked as he sat up in his hospital bed. The koopa who had been standing over him backed away a little "Uh, I'm Madd, I just got here with the migrant wave. I don't think the demon koopa got my name right so I came here to clear that up for any records or whatever you might have.". Mottled Petrel squinted "Madd?" "Yup, I get that a lot. Usually I have my siblings Sadd and Gladd with me to help show what a nutbag my mother was, but I'm on my own now. Oh, I'm also an architect if you need any help on that giant tower or other towers or something. Well, I'm actually a woodcutter, but I feel like if I try really hard I can become a great architect! Just look at this blueprint I drew while I was watching you slee- Uh, while you were sleeping!". Madd handed Mottled Petrel a piece of paper, it was a rendition of a koopa on top of a tower giving a thumbs up made in green crayon. "Uhh, alright. I'll consider it, go talk to Imic, he seems to be the only other koopa here who wants to be an architect.". Madd nodded and walked out into the hallway, but before the door had even closed a troll walked in with one of the poor new injured recruits slung over his shoulder.

     Mottled Petrel turned to his left to see that the other injured warriors were already covered in bandages and splints. MoonyTheHuman noticed this and started giving Mottled Petrel the rundown "We've had no extra casualties so far and no injuries we think will be permanent. Except Kogamok, he has a fractured lung which might haunt him for the rest of hi-" "-wait, wait, wait. A fractured lung?".
     "I don't understand it myself, but his lung does indeed seem to be fractured. We will see if we can apply an internal splint to stabilize it, but it might just be best to leave it be. Oh, and you passed out from sleep deprivation on top of the tower, you should take better care of yourself Mottled Petrel-san." Moony then ran to grab the newly arrived recruit from the troll "Oh, and it would be nice if we had a well in here, or any well at all!". Mottled Petrel frowned, the koopa people had a tendency to go way above and beyond when it came to underground water works, which usually led to flooding or just having a useless underground reservoir because an important step had been skipped. 'I might as well, it'd be pretty cool if we had some kind of above ground fire extinguishing system too, or maybe a flood trap, or maybe- dammit, this is how we get a mess of water ducts that lead to nowhere like at the mountain home. Lets just keep it simple for now.' Mottled Petrel took out his order paper from his shell.
     'We'll make a channel here, and then a well. Simple, and-' Mottled Petrel had to make a concerted and jittery effort to pass of the order without adding some kind of water tower or cistern or some other giant waste of time to it. 'Welp, time to help move all of those bodies out of the way.' Mottled Petrel thought, as he got up to go about his day.

   Mottled Petrel stood with a few onlookers near the animal stockpile at the kangaskhan that had been caught. It was truly a formidable beast by any standards, but after seeing one of the hunters kill its only child right in front of it it had turned it into an even more cold blooded killer. Pikalord was one of the koopas in the crowd "Do you want me to try to train it sir?" Mottled Petrel looked at the scrawny koopa next to him, and then looked to the kangaskhan who was busy trying to pry open the bars of its cage, and then back at Pikalord. "Uh, sure, if you think you can." Pikalord looked back, indignantly "Of course I can!" he proclaimed before he marched up to the cage. Mottled Petrel looked away, fearing the wors- "Alright sir, he's completely tame!".
     Mottled Petrel looked back to see the kangaskhan wagging its tail like a dog as Pikalord scratched its chin. "What! What the hell did you do? That thing looked like it wanted to collapse the fort on our heads just a moment ago!" Pikalord grinned "A good magician never reveals his secrets, but lets just say that the koopa people have had kangaskhan domesticated for decades.". 'Oh, right... wait, do we?' Mottled Petrel pondered. Mottled Petrel eventually shrugged and walked away just before Pikalord began playing fetch with the skull of the beanlet that had given the kangaskhan its name. (I've been informed that Kangaskhan have an ability that lets them turn themselves berserk or something similar, so I have no idea what to do with him.)

     He was stopped by a shadowgnome hammerman "Heard there was some giant vomit ball abomination living in the caverns, mind if I stay here for a while to try to cleanse the area. It's what Conibo Coniboiyema, shadowgnome god of boundaries, would want me to do.".
     "Uhh, what does eradicating monsters have to do with boundaries?" the shadowgnome looked mildly offended "Well I have to ensure that the monsters understand that the topside is our part of the word. That's setting a boundary, and now I kill whatever tries to come up here from down here, that's enforcing the boundary.". 'Oh this guy sounds like he's going to be a piece of work, he's going to annex the fucking food stockpile and then set up a 'boundary' or something stupid. So I'll just deny him' "Sure, you can stay" the shadowgnome jumped up and clicked his heels together before running out of the room. 'Gods, why didn't I listen to myself'.

     While crossing the main room minding his own business TheRedWolfII suddenly stopped and looked down at his hands. His eyes widened and his hands started shaking "I've been here before, I am but one of many, These aren't my hands, This isn't my scale, But they know something, Oh, they know, they knoooow...". He then dropped all of his stuff and ran frantically.
     He claimed a craftskoopa's workshop, dashing any hope Mottled Petrel had of getting a useful artifact out of TheRedWolfII's episode. Now that he thought about it a little, it was kinda weird that a koopa had arrived at the fort not that long after another koopa with almost his exact name died. SetII had also arrived after his earlier name bearer died, and he had walked inside like he owned the place and had lived their his whole life. Mottled Petrel recalled that the first thing he had done upon arriving at the fort was that he ran up to the widow mayor Eris and said 'Hey baby, what'd I miss?', before being pulled into the mayoral office by the mayor herself. 'Eh, none of my business.' Mottled Petrel thought, as he crossed his fingers for an actually useful artifact.

     Mottled Petrel was in the crypt addressing the 'bomb-omb problem' when one of the migrants handed Mottled Petrel a piece of paper "Found it on Stingpie's corpse" was all he offered. The note simply read 'If I am to die, do not memorialize me. I want you to throw me in the traaaash'. "Uhh, alright?" Mottled Petrel turned to the troll who was busily carving a crude 'Stingpie' into the side of one of the coffins "Maybe we could, honor his final wish... Uh, I don't know. Sorry Stingpie, but we've already assigned you a coffin."
(Sorry man, I wasn't quick enough. I can still have you do purely lore based ghostly things. As of almost two months later you still remain unburried, so maybe it will be fine).
     Mottled Petrel thought that he might as well make a note to who ever might decide to go around pulling levers 'Top right is for the outmost cave airlock bridge, left of that is the inner airlock bridge.'.

     After nearly half a month of dragging a single log to his craftskoopa's workshop, TheRedWolfII finally began making his construction.
     Mottled Petrel didn't really care, so he went back to moving the rest of the newly born bob-ombs down to the cavern room. It was almost time for the caverns to be opened in earnest.

Another Tomtenisse bard petitioned to join the fort, Mottled Petrel paid him no heed and told him to go find the others.
     Mottled Petrel almost spit out the smiling turnip wine he was drinking when TheRedWolfII held a borderline fucking hand mortar over his head. "With this I shall make the world anew!" he proclaimed before holding it protectively towards him, denoting that he had no intention of sharing it. "Uhh, good job man, you can use that in battle if you want. What kind of ammo does it take so I can order some made?" Mottled Petrel asked "I haven't the faintest clue how to operate one of these things or what kind of ammo it takes, but I'm damn well going to bludgeon people to death with it." TheRedWolfII replied without so much as taking his eyes off of his work. Mottled Petrel was a little disappointing, but he shrugged "Fair enough, you covered that thing in bone spikes so it should work fine". Mottled Petrel had to admit, the thing looked damn cool with the skull of the baby kangaskhan worked perfectly to be the muzzle of the gun.

     After the fire had burned down all of the wooden next boxes on the surface, Mottled Petrel was reluctant to replace them with more wooden nest boxes. Instead, he placed the remaining store of wooden nest boxes in the dormitory for any aspiring koopa mothers.
The nest boxes were immediately overrun by helmet snakes.

     Mottled Petrel stood in the winding hallway that would lead to the cavern entrance. The preparations were almost done, most of the cage traps were loaded and the least important airlock bridge was almost done. Mottled Petrel shrugged 'Fuck it, I want to see some weird cave stuff' "Alright guys, open it up, tell the monster hunters their hunting ground is open.". The mechanics shared a worried look, but they eventually moved to mark the wall for destruction.
     As the wall crumbled before the pick of Derpy Dev the cacophony of sound that was familiar to the first cave layer filled the koopas' ears. They noticed more glistening mineral veins that could not be seen from the first opening, but no creatures could be found. The military waited in front of the entrance, making sure that nothing big bum-rushed the entrance before it had been tested.

     After a few hours the only thing to trouble them was the echo of the call of a distant blind cave ogre "What, are you doing, in my SWAMP!". "Hey, KoopaUnknown?" rainbowdashfanboi84 asked his superior as she looked nervously from side to side "Do you think he's talking about us?". Even in the near absolute darkness, KoopaUnknown had a determined look on his face "He'll anzwer to my trident if he iz".

     An unsettlingly loud sloshing was reverberating through the cave, putting the group on edge. The glow of the lanternfish in the underground lake and the twinkling of the glow worms above them was all the light group had to go off of, creating a beautiful but sinister ambiance lighting. A rustling came from behind them, and they almost instinctively threw themselves towards the sound. But before they could they found that the sound had come from a cowering cheese maker.
     "What the hell are you doing down here? There's forgotten beasts, and minor demons, and gods only know what around!" Wags exclaimed. The cheesemaker simply replied "I'm on web gathering duty, we need more joltik silk" before he sullenly slinked out into the cave via some natural ramps right next to the entrance. 'I should probably get rid of those' Thought Mottled Petrel, who was observing from the safety of the entrance hallway.

     A few minutes later the voice of the cheese maker echoed through the cave "Oh for fucks sake... Hey guys! There's a giant pit over here that leads down to the next layer!".
That put the fighters even more on edge, knowing that even more deadly second cavern layer creatures could be in the area.

     After a little while longer Mottled Petrel called out "Alright, just move out into the cave a little, if there's still nothing you guys can go back to the barracks.". With that, the koopas reluctantly moved deeper into the cave, hugging the lake's edge. Eventually Mottled Petrel called them back, knowing that they would likely have to rush down here again if something was to happen.

     Before he pulled everyone out, he ordered the lingering Darkening Kaos to have a hallway dug into the side of the cave, filled with cage traps, and ended with a chained capnap to catch any wandering creatures.
     SilverlockII tapped Mottled Petrel on the shoulder "Sir, Scourge dropped a tree on himself. He's dead.". Mottled Petrel frowned, he had liked Scourge "Well, I guess he gets that last coffin we had made.".
     Not long after the military had left do something else, the forgotten beast finally made its move. Right behind it were a pair of Lo, hoping to join the offensive on the fortress.
Unfortunately for the invaders, bloop_bleep wasn't having any of it.
He was a very conflicted fighter, but he was very adept at swatting forgotten beast extract out of the air.
Finally, bloop_bleep decided to remain curled and hope for back up. He was thrown around like a plaything but still continued to bat away the flying extract. After taking a serious bruising, bloop_bleep shot one final bolt of lightning, killing the forgotten beast with a lucky blow.
     Thankfully, neither he nor the ground had been covered in extract. But now another more serious problem was at hand. Many koopa civilians had been lost after battles over the years because they were just too stubborn to uncurl themselves. They stayed in their curled positions for days, even weeks, until they decided to either give it up or they died of thirst. Bloop_bleep was still curled long after he had killed the beast, and he showed not signs of uncurling.

     About ten seconds later one of the Lo's attacked Darkening Kaos, who was assembling a cage trap. With the element of surprise, the Lo managed to scratch the hell out of Darkening Kaos's arms and then punch a hole directly through his cheek, but after a few seconds the Lo began running scared as Darkening Kaos became overcome by rage. After chasing the Lo off, Darkening Kaos walked right back to the cage trap he was working on, right past the other dumbfounded Lo.
Bloop_bleep still refused to uncurl.

     Right after the Lo's came a reacher, who was either minding its own business or actively seeking prey. 'You know, maybe I should restrict access to the caves' Mottled Petrel thought as he watched the reacher claw its way along. Luckily, the military had finally made it to the caverns after the Lo call, so they met the reacher head on. At which point, the reacher began fleeing in terror. It was too late for it though, as Lord_lemonpie bashed both of its arms off in little time before he had one of his mini-chomps bite the thing's head clean off.
The koopa people learned a good deal about Lo anatomy from Lord_lemonpie's dissection of the slower of the two.

Upon its death, the Lo dropped a pretty damn good figuring of a bottlenosed dolphin man.
     He then went on something akin to a witch hunt as he chased the screaming ghost through the winding tunnels before eventually driving it down into the second cavern layer.

     In an attempt to persuade bloop_bleep to uncurl himself, Mottled Petrel ordered a few stairs built next to him for the sole purpose of dropping them, hoping he'd be knocked out and forget what he was doing.

Summer had arrived.
Turns out the caves suck, who would've known. But despite all this unnecessary bloodshed, we got a pretty rad bottlenose dolphin man figurine.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Enemy post on May 20, 2018, 07:47:16 pm
Looking forward to seeing more of the caverns, especially with the slight possibility there could be xenomorphs down there.

Am I still alive?
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Aurum System on May 20, 2018, 09:50:40 pm
It isn't Modded Hell if there isn't at least one thing that doesn't make sense.

Seems like you had some fun down there, the caverns probably will have all sorts of more fun.

Madd was excited, he had all kinds of ideas for things to design, but first he had to learn and talk to Imic. As he walks down the hall his mind raced with images of guard towers, of tunnel networks, of bridges of grandiose defenses with walls stretching tall, of great forges fueled by the fires of the earth, and of menacing spikes of meat.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on May 20, 2018, 10:34:07 pm
    I had an uncle, in another fort, and he was installing cage traps in the caverns shortly after they were breeched.  Still doing the first one he was attacked by an undead cave crocodile which ripped off one of his arms.  Uncle said he didn't remember much about the next few minutes, but others said he went berserk, ripped the cave crocodile apart and stomped on its head, then fell over faint.  A few minutes later he woke, shook off the dust and finished the cage trap before reporting to the hospital.
     Must be a family tradition........
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 21, 2018, 02:40:35 pm
Oh, I forgot to ask:
A. Scourge do you want a new koopa sometime
B. Anyone have any idea what kind of ammo a wagon gun takes?

Also, Enemy Post is still alive. He's become more of a fisher/doctor than hunter though, I'm thinking I might get him to give up fishing so he can focus on hunting, because there's about 11 giant magpies flying around that could be made integrated into the tower.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: TheRedwolf on May 21, 2018, 04:45:23 pm
Try looking through the weapon RAWs.   Also, I am so relieved that I made something useful.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Enemy post on May 21, 2018, 04:47:49 pm
I wouldn't mind giving up WEAK and UNIMPORTANT jobs to do more hunting.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 21, 2018, 04:56:00 pm
Should DFhack be used so that SetII is married to Eris once again?
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Aurum System on May 21, 2018, 05:22:21 pm
According to the raws in the save, it's grapeshot cartridges.

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: scourge728 on May 21, 2018, 06:19:22 pm
"Yes, Freedom from this Hell at LAST.... What do you mean I have to go BACK!? That whole --------- is near the point of collapse, yeah yeah spread the glory -- -------- so you can reclaim --- --- -----, but I'm getting really sick of being carted through ---------- and would like to return to ------.... FIIIINE

((Yes I would like a new koopa))
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 22, 2018, 07:38:03 pm
Now, to see if the koopa's can even make grapeshot...
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Aurum System on May 22, 2018, 08:42:59 pm
They should be able to from what I saw, but that doesn't mean it works and you can.

It should be in the forge list, but that's about a mile long probably. :V
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 24, 2018, 07:13:38 pm
I'm going to have to look back into the black powder armory mod, because my experience with that is that anything gunpowder based is reaaaally complicated to make. As far as I know now, to make a gunpowder based ammunition you have to get the three components of gunpowder (charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter) in whatever form they most closely exist in dwarf fortress, smelt that, refine the resulting product into a bag, make a casing of some kind, forge the actual bullet, and then slap those all together to get maybe a handful of shots. Of course, I'd never be able to make that enough grapeshot for active wagon gun training, but I could give TheRedWolf enough ammo to carry around that when he gets into an actual fight he can use it.

Also, there will most likely be an update this weekend, but I thought I might try something extra. I was thinking about making an artistic portrayal of one scene or more in the fort that I've particularly enjoyed, would any of you be interested in a shorter update to allow for such a picture to be made? If so, I'm open to suggestions on exactly what to make, but if not I'll focus on making a long update or two and then save the pictures for the eventual interactive illustrated koopa story I'm going to pull after the fort falls.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: stingpie on May 24, 2018, 10:03:43 pm
Sounds interesting, I'm all for whatever you want to draw.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 25, 2018, 07:15:51 pm
Thought I'd give a little bit of a sneak peak:
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 28, 2018, 06:54:05 pm
Update tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Lunardog15 on May 28, 2018, 08:32:53 pm
oh god plz let me be alive
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 30, 2018, 06:38:37 pm
Sorry guys, but RL is getting in the way. I'm going to try to dump the update here when I get a chance, but updates are probably going to be few to nonexistent for a few weeks. I'll hopefully be back to a better update schedule in a month at most, but until then I can't commit to anything. I'll still be around the forums sporadically though, so if any of you want to try something to keep the thread going during my temporary absence let me know and I'll help if I'm able to.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Enemy post on May 30, 2018, 08:28:29 pm
No problem. Is Lunardog alive?
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on May 31, 2018, 04:27:36 pm
Lunar is still alive, but only because I was fast enough to stop him from trying to pick up crundle skeletons in the second cavern layer.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: SQman on June 01, 2018, 04:50:37 am
Risking his life to retrieve priceless crundle bones, what a hero.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Screech9791 on June 03, 2018, 02:39:26 pm
If you want I made a M16 and 5.56 ammunition raws for it.
Code: (M16 assault rifle raw) [Select]
[NAME:M16 assault rifle:M16 assault rifles]
Code: (5.56 ammo raw) [Select]
[NAME:5.56 cartridge:.5.56 cartridges]

Also, can I be a hunter/markskoopa? If so, get me a pet wolf, and a rifle.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 03, 2018, 08:08:11 pm
I'm sorry to say that we can't patch in new things mid-game, but I'll be happy to set aside your M16 for the next Modded Hell fort. And yes, I can koopa you with the most wolf like creature I can find and give you the most rifle like object I can make.

Also, I get that reference in your picture SQman, I love games repainted  :P (Unless you're just using the picture and don't know what it's referencing or what group made it into a meme, then just disregard me).
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Aurum System on June 04, 2018, 10:06:55 am
When it comes time for modded hell 2.0 remind to drop off my mod, by then it'll probably have a a release.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Screech9791 on June 04, 2018, 01:17:42 pm
And yes, I can koopa you with the most wolf like creature I can find and give you the most rifle like object I can make.

Can you give me a sniper rifle if possible?
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: auzewasright on June 06, 2018, 06:35:06 am
Can you just make sure I'm safe in my room until any fighting is over?
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Caesar Josephus on June 06, 2018, 03:39:14 pm
 ??? Only in modded hell i guess
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 06, 2018, 05:08:01 pm
I'll try my best to lock Auze in his room with his figurine collection when trouble starts, but you never know what will happen.

Sorry again for the hiatus guys, I'm going to try to dump the update I've had on me this weekend.

??? Only in modded hell i guess

With the immeasurable volume of things I have fucked with in this fort, I'd be impressed if a competent team of software engineers could recreate this atrocity.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: Rethi-Eli on June 06, 2018, 06:47:37 pm
posting to watch, this is beautiful

and quite sinful
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: bloop_bleep on June 07, 2018, 12:46:54 am
I'd be impressed if a competent team of software engineers could recreate this atrocity.
You should meet with the guys who created Windows ME, I think you would like each other.
Title: Re: The Spelunking of Modded Hell (The Caves Aren't Going to Know What Hit Them)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 09, 2018, 11:07:38 am
Deep in a cavern far below the surface, a koopa nervously watches the fortification of a narrow entryway.
     Everything in the immediate area had been killed or driven away, but Mottled Petrel still couldn't help but feel that something terrible was going to come before the area was fortified for proper defending. Bloop_bleep was still curled up in his shell, Darkening Kaos was seeking medical attention, and one of the migrants had swept up the remains of the vomit blob into a comically oversized dust bin for disposal. Everything seemed fine, but Mottled Petrel wouldn't have it.

     On the other hand, Auze was estatic with the discovery of the dolphin man figurine. Not only because he had an unceasing love for figurines, but he claimed this particular one was overflowing with magic energy. "I mean, we ripped it from the insides of a ghost, so I'd imagine there's something special to it" was all Mottled Petrel had said. Auze replied by scoffing as if he was talking to an uneducated koopaling, and retreated to his quarters to fondle analyze the figurine.

     Almost as if to prove Mottled Petrel's suspicions correct, a pained cry emanated from farther within the cave. It would appear that one of the visiting kalkir had delved into the chasm leading down to the second cavern layer to put an end to the remaining Lo.
     He wasn't doing all that well. After getting most of his arms broken, the kalkir got a lucky shot in and killed the Lo. This one did not drop a figurine though. Instead of going back into the fort to seek medical attention, the kalkir instead continued down the chasm and into the second cavern layer. For whatever reason, he deemed it necessary to call back up the chasm all that he saw. It helped the koopas learn what they were dealing with, but it probably also attracted the attention of everything within the area.
     He reported mushroom trees that appeared to be made out of solid gold, trees that looked like they were made entirely out of some unknown creature's eggs, some kind of hive insect that had constructed their home into a tree like structure, and- "Oh hey, a goblin cap." he called up, with a chuckle. He didn't see anything big in the immediate area, but around the corner was a small skull. When the kalkir got closer to investigate it, a mess of severed tendons erupted from the bottom of it.
These tendons quickly got to work dragging the skull away from the kalkir.
     Further into the cave was a number of crundle skeletons, and even more repulsive maggots sucking the last bits of nutrients from the bones.

     The kalkir continued to explain the situation, but Mottled Petrel was distracted by Lunar, who was walking into the cave in the direction of the chasm. "What the hell are you doing?" Mottled Petrel asked, "I've always wanted to make a crundle bone piccolo, so I'm going to go get some crundle bone" Lunar replied, as if it was no big deal.
     "In the second layer!? We've hardly seen a snip-bit of it and you want to haul a carcass out of there? I forbid you from touching those skeletons!" Mottled Petrel cried out to Lunar, who was still heading towards the chasm "Awww. Fine, I'll just go down there to look at them" Lunar cried back. 'Fuck, how do I set movement restrictions without resigning the whole fortress to a burrow again?' Mottled Petrel desperately floundered around his mind, trying to think of a way to prevent any more people from going down into the second layer. After a few minutes, a troll walked by doing gods only know what "You troll, could you put a floor over the entrance to the second cavern layer?". "Uh, isn't the kalkir down there? I love that guy, he's the life of the party in the tavern. Shouldn't we not, you know, seal him down there forever?" The troll asked. Mottled Petrel sighed "That one's on a suicide mission. We'll be lucky if we ever see him again, but I'm not endangering more lives by leaving the second layer open.". Long before the floor was even placed, the kalkir wandered out of earshot and was gone forever, hopefully to find a better life for himself living among the fungus trees.
With a reluctant sigh, the troll sealed off his friend's only mean of escape.

     Eventually, the miners began complaining that they were bored of hauling, so Mottled Petrel handed them the blueprints for an unnecessarily large prison complex.
Derpy Dev looked at it, and scratched his head "You sure we really need this, sir? This could probably hold, like, one fourth of our population.", Mottled Petrel shrugged "The cage loaders used all of the prison grade metal cages in the traps, and we've probably only have one copper chain left, so most of it is probably going to be unused for a while. Just better to have the space now for when we need it.".

     "Sir," SilverlockII said "The weapons dealers are back.". Mottled Petrel squinted in confusion, obviously having no idea who SilverlockII was referring to "Those laidback snail people, the bubblainians.".
     Mottled Petrel's eyes bugged out a little as he remembered the obscenely powerful weaponry they had brought last year "Uh, have a bunch of wooden spiked balls made, now. I was unable to determine the actual value of those weapons, but I want them".
     "Oh, and there's also a human caravan behind them, in case that's important." SilverlockII added, before going to relay the production order.

     Back in the caves, Mottled Petrel watched as one of the trolls removes the staircase that would drop the staircase above it onto bloop_bleep. The troll finally removed it, but the upper stairs kinda just floated in the air as if they never needed to be supported.
     The troll looked towards Mottled Petrel for an explanation, but Mottled Petrel couldn't give one "I don't know, just build some floors leading out to it and then some more floors leading off of it. We'll deconstruct the stair and the floors will drop.". "Wow, I'm glad we've got someone as smart as you to be our leader!" the troll said as he ran off to find the materials to build the floors. Mottled Petrel couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, but decided not to think about it too much.
     To help Mottled Petrel not think about it, the convenient distraction of the koopa caravan came. Mottled Petrel was expecting either a stern talking to, or a pat on the back from the oracle for becoming involved in the war against the fomites.

     The bubblainians were taking incredibly long to get to the trade depot, again, so Mottled Petrel was waiting in his office for one of the other merchant groups to arrive. He twiddled his thumbs, looked at the normalium Z desk ornament he had bought last year and- "SIR! SIR!" Madd yelled as he burst through Mottled Petrel's office door. Mottled Petrel almost fell out of his chair from surprise "What! What is it, spit it out!" "Sir, there are these guns with legs and arms on our land! I was getting wood to make the spiked balls, and I saw them, and they got-"
     "-Oh, those must be the gun folk. Don't worry, they're a nice people once you get to kno-" at this point Madd looked like he was about to fall into an over-stressed fetal position "-No sir, it's not that. They've got animals made out of gunpowder, and they've got a fucking PONYTA stored right next to them!".
     Mottled Petrel now understood the concern, one especially bright spark and the whole caravan would be reduced to a smoldering crater. Mottled Petrel looked like he was about to shit his pants "Woah woah woah, don't let them into the fort. I'll, uh, I'll come up with some reason to tell them to drop their ponyta outside.". Madd made a motion that was more of a spastic jitter than a nod, and ran out of the room. And by ran out of the room I mean he ran face first into the wall next to the door. After collecting his senses and rubbing the bruise on his head, he pushed his way past Pikalord and ran out to try to stall the gunfolk.

     Pikalord looked a little bewildered, but walked in to see Mottled Petrel anyways "I have news sir. Which do you want, the good news, the bad news, or the weird news.". Mottled Petrel buried his beak in his hands "The bad news" he mumbled. "Well, for starters, it appears that none of the caravans brought any pikachu. I'm sure you don't really care, but internally I'm kinda freaking out. As for the actual bad news, it would appear that a small marill leather armor worn by one of the invaders has been burning for months now. By Mugamok's calculations, it should continue to burn for at least a few more months if not indefinitely. This means that we might potentially have an eternal forest fire starter if we don't do something about it.".

     Mottled Petrel waited a few moments, and then looked up from his hands "Is that it?". Pikalord face palmed "Sir, you're the only one I've ever known who could seriously respond to a potentially fortress ending problem with 'Is that it?'. But yes, that is it. Unless you want to count the troll who just tried to break in through the caves. He was caught, but is proving resistant to training." "And the good news?" "The koopa caravan has brought at least 5 wagons and even more horses, so the chances of us actually finding something useful this year are pretty high. And as for the weird news, we've managed to catch a kestrel in a trap meant for ground animals.".
     Mottled Petrel squinted in confusion "A kestrel? As in the small bird of prey?" "Yes" "The ones that almost never touch the ground?" "Don't ask me how it happened, it just did.". Mottled Petrel looked down at his hands for a few seconds "What the hell are we going to do with it?" "I don't fucking know, I was just sent here to tell you." Pikalord said, exasperatedly. Mottled Petrel slowly got up from his chair "Well I might as well go deal with the merchants while you figure out a use for a small bird of prey.".
Still on hiatus, but I've had this sitting in my files for long enough, thought I'd get it out to help tide you guys over so you don't lose interest while waiting.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: ZM5 on June 09, 2018, 11:26:54 am
Good to see another update. I still find it amusing and kind of incredible that amongst all the chaos and bizarre things in the dying reality that is Modded Hell, the regular old plain humans are still around.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: scourge728 on June 09, 2018, 11:35:33 am
Is it weird that the game breaking decay of normal hardcoded physics has just become mundane at this point
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 09, 2018, 06:41:48 pm
     Upon hearing that human traders have arrived, Darkening Kaos pauses in tending to his wounds and slowly makes his way to the trade depot, his intention is to look at the various weapons and buy a cheap, but serviceable, great axe and/or maul.
     There are many other things on the list to purchase, but this will be a good start.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 09, 2018, 07:45:40 pm
If anyone has any item requests, you might want to document them now. I managed to get the time to play a little bit more today, and even more traders showed up.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 09, 2018, 08:06:25 pm
Pikachus! Get pikachus!
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 09, 2018, 08:15:52 pm
The outpost liason has already left unhappy for no good reason, and there are no pikachus to speak of. Sorry.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Aurum System on June 09, 2018, 08:18:03 pm
Meat for the meat tower! :V
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Enemy post on June 10, 2018, 01:22:52 am
We should get gunpowder animals. Wouldn't want to miss out on any disasters.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 10, 2018, 01:31:08 am
     ^^ I approve this misguided and potentially lethal suggestion.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Screech9791 on June 10, 2018, 09:12:15 am
So, have I been koopaed yet?
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 10, 2018, 05:16:59 pm
So, have I been koopaed yet?
Uhhh, do you want to wait for the next migrant wave, or do you want to take a currently unnamed koopa?
Title: Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on June 11, 2018, 04:13:04 am
how did you get the mods to work? my friendship is magic and starwars mod keeps crashing

Did you try to combine them? There are probably conflicting raws in Jawa Fortress and Friendship is Magic. I made Jawa Fortress, if you tell me which pony mod you want I can probably merge them for you.

im thinking the latest mod i wanted to try to do a mlp star wars aar adventure mode maybe make it a succesion one im thinking players change after each year but i dont know how to do that.....still an aar  succession fortress mode story with mlp and star wars with both ocs and characters from the show would be fun to read if anyone felt like doing one or playing as a random pony alicorn jedi  with both mods enabled in an adventure mode succession aar would be a good aar if someone felt like doing them.....sorry a bout the late reply
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Enemy post on June 11, 2018, 08:47:59 am
That sounds fun to watch. A pony Jedi will require a bit of modding, but I can make that if you like.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on June 12, 2018, 10:45:28 am
sadly i wont be able to play since my winzip expired and i cant seem to get another one. but i think somebody else might want to play it though....unless someone can find me the current winzip program where i dont need to buy one
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Enemy post on June 12, 2018, 10:56:11 am
Why don't you just download 7-Zip instead?
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: bloop_bleep on June 13, 2018, 09:29:58 pm
There is literally not a single modicum of reason to use WinZip. There are a dozen other programs which are free and work much better as well; I would use 7-zip, like Enemy Post suggested.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on June 14, 2018, 04:22:15 am
7-zip is probably one of the best compression softwares out there. use it.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 14, 2018, 05:25:59 am
Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm almost in a position where I can start making updates again. They aren't going to be as frequent as they were for a while, but stuff's starting to go down in Modded Hell, so they should be even more entertaining.

Oh, and Moony, if there's anything specific you want to do when you meet your first humans, let me know  :P .
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: auzewasright on June 14, 2018, 05:54:52 am
Journal of Auze
Things have gotten... interesting. So far, my experiment to drive Mottled Petrel insane by demanding Figurines at extremely inconvenient times has been a success. I am interested in exploring the caverns, I wonder if I could settle a Penal Colony there.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 15, 2018, 08:24:03 pm
Update tomorrow, probably the most substantial one in a long time.

Also, Stingpie has become a ghost. Despite having a coffin with his name on the side he has come back through shear force of will to be a complete jerk. And because he has a coffin already assigned to him, and I think his body turned to ash in the fire after he got his coffin, as far as I can tell I am unable to de-ghost him. That, and a bunch of horses got murdered and a ball of literal fucking soul energy drowned in a lake. God, its good to be able to play this again.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: scourge728 on June 15, 2018, 08:43:24 pm
make a slab
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 15, 2018, 08:45:22 pm
But that's the thing, it won't let me for some reason, not that hardcoded things breaking really surprises me anymore.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 15, 2018, 08:56:59 pm
     If there's something strange, in your neighbourhood,
     Who ya gonna call?
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: SQman on June 16, 2018, 07:12:08 am
What if you deconstruct the coffin? At best you'll be able to make a slab and put him to rest forever, at worst you'll have a murderous vengeful spirit tormenting the koopas until someone gets a fell mood and supermurders him.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: auzewasright on June 16, 2018, 08:51:41 am
What if you deconstruct the coffin? At best you'll be able to make a slab and put him to rest forever, at worst you'll have a murderous vengeful spirit tormenting the koopas until someone gets a fell mood and supermurders him.
So it's a win-win.
Title: Re: The Delaying of Modded Hell (Finally got that update out)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 16, 2018, 05:54:29 pm
A koopa stands in front of a small cage holding a bird. Using a small stick, he pokes it a few times. The bird isn't amused, but otherwise doesn't react.
     'What the fuck are we going to do with this thing?' Mottled Petrel wondered as he watched the kestrel preen its feathers back into position where he had poked it. Behind him about five wagons ground their way down the narrow hallway at once, as a merchant or two tumbled down in front of them. A human stood at the bottom of the ramp and tried his best to guide down one of the wagons "You're good, you're good, you're good. Annnnnnd... STOP! Don't worry captain, we'll buff of those scratches.". The human said to the disgruntled captain whose wagon was now missing most of its side planks. Amid the mess of wagons and pack animals, a tall humanoid covered in tight black clothes approached Mottled Petrel. He bowed, probably as an honor thing, and then threw himself headlong back into the throng of merchants.
     Mottled Petrel scratched his head in confusion, and then shrugged and turned back around, only to have a rock thrown at the back of his head. Mottled Petrel picked up the rock to find a note tied to it 'I can't fucking stand this, next time get a bigger fucking entrance. -An unhappy diplomat'.
     'I'm sure this is going to come back to haunt us' Mottled Petrel thought, and was then approached by the most recent demon koopa migrant "Hello sir, here are my preferences, I thought you might like to know for my mandates.". Mottled Petrel was about to discard it, but then did a double take "Wait, mandates?".
     Nokomek made a triumphant pose "Yup! I just won the mayoral election! And my first act as mayor was to exile that koopa with the nice clothes who was pestering me!". Mottled Petrel thought for a moment, and then buried his face in his hands "Are you serious!? That was the fucking outpost liaison! What are we going to do when the king hears that you sent the outpost liaison into exile!?". Nokomek shrugged "It don't really care, I've got a mayoral bed chamber to go enjoy", he then left (My current theory on the liaison leaving unhappy is that the mayor switched right as he was about to do the meeting, and it fucked something up the game wasn't prepared to handle). 'I think I liked the god of discord and strife better' Mottled Petrel thought, as he looked down at the preference sheet in his hands.
'Might as well go see if any traders are ready' Mottled Petrel thought as he got up.

     At the trade depot chamber it looked like half of a city was trying to squeeze itself into a small three urist by three urist wooden box. The ninji broker stood uncomfortably next to the trade depot as even more merchants tried to squeeze their way in. "Lets make this quick, you, human, what do you-" a high pitched, girly scream came from behind Mottled Petrel "OHMIGOD! A REAL HUMAN!" squealed Moony, who I would like to specify is a full grown male koopa. He excitedly pushed his way past some of the merchants and practically tackled the human merchant that Mottled Petrel was trying to trade with. After a few minutes, Mottled Petrel and the ninji managed to pry Moony off of the bewildered human and shoo him away. The rest of the humans looked a lot more uncomfortable than they were already "Uh, sorry about that, he's a bit of a-" Mottled Petrel leaned in to whisper into the human's ear "-weeb for human culture". The human looked like he didn't recognize the term, but understood that it probably wasn't in his best interest to linger around Moony "Can we just trade so we can get out of here?" asked the human.

     "Sure, let's see what you have. Actually, lets see what we have first." Mottled Petrel said, as he pried off the lid to the trade goods bin next to him.
"Uhhh, where did we get this? You know what, let's just use gems this time. Alright, what do you have.".
     "Uhh, can we actually use this as oil?" the humans looked at each other, and then one replied "We don't know, we just ran one of them over on the way here and scooped it into a barrel". "Well, that's usually the answer. We'll take it anyways. Uhhh, the rest of this stuff is actually kinda lame, but we'll take this book too. That's it really. NEXT!". One of the gunfolk merchants fired a blank to catch Mottled Petrel's attention, and managed to scare the hell out of all of the other traders. "Fuck, please never do that again. Yes, we'll trade with you next. As much as I know that we're going to regret this, we'll take the gunpowder cat, goose, and goat. Uhh...".
     "Isn't this kinda like, you know, selling your kids?". The gunfolk blinked, clearly not picking up on how unethical a gun selling smaller guns was. To put it into context, it would be like a koopa selling a much smaller koopa, that you would squeeze to shoot lightning. "Whatever, none of us here actually know how to shoot, so we're going to pass on that.".
     "I don't think we can wear those. Actually, you know what, we'll just take the gunpowder animals and some paper. There's just too big of a cultural barrier for me to try to actually find a use for most of these gun parts. Next.". No one else was ready for trading, so they all tried to avoid direct eye contact. A troll walked into the room and saved the merchants from the awkward moment "Sir, we managed to actually drop a floor on bloop_bleep. But he's still refusing to move even after the floors knocked him out.".
     Mottled Petrel shook his head "Well there isn't much more we can do to save him then... YOU, NINJA! Don't think I don't see that you're ready to trade. Let me see what you have.".
     "Alright, I have no fucking idea what any of this stuff is. We'll just take all of your paper. Next.". The bubblainians never ceased to amaze with their unbelievably weird assortment of trade goods.
     "Uhhh... We'll take that wyrdlight pike and see how we like it. I still haven't the faintest clue how good any of these items are, so I'm not going to waste our money on them. And now for the koopa caravan, what's the hold up?.". There was one koopa who seemed to be counting the other merchant koopas in the depot, eventually he turned around and shrugged "I think one of our merchants is stuck in a tree.". Mottled Petrel blinked "But all of your trade goods are here, we can still trade.". The merchanct shook his head "It's the merchant way to not trade unless all of his fellow merchants are here. That being said, if who ever is missing doesn't turn up by the time we're ready to leave we have no moral troubles with leaving them in the tree.". Mottled Petrel wasn't really as surprised by this as he thought he was going to be, and this greatly concerned him "Well, I've got other stuff I have to do. Tell me if you're ready to trade. Broker, you stay here.". Mottled Petrel made it no farther than 2 feet before the demon koopa mayor made his first mandate.
Mottled Petrel scratched his head "I'm not even sure if the leather works are built yet".

     After more searching than was probably warranted, the leather works was located behind the gardener's workshop that had still seen no use. It was still to be seen if anyone in the fort even knew how to work leather.

     The missing merchant was never found, and the merchants eventually left as they had arrived: suddenly, and full of weird, useless garbage. Mottled Petrel was about to authorize an expensive and useless project because he was bored to commemorate the event, when the caves showed another monster that was previously unknown to the koopas.
     Another ghost like thing, this one called a witchlight by one of the troll children, and the name stuck. The military was called down to the caves in the hopes of getting there in time, but it looked like bloop_bleep was going to be put out of his state of limbo. Soon after, a second witchlight coalesced from the mist on the far side of the underground lake.
     Unlike the Lo's that had harassed the koopas the last time, the witchlights were incredibly slow. So slow, in fact, that Mottled Petrel had enough time to systematically blueprint an entire housing complex off of the empty room above the main hall.
     Derpy Dev gave Mottled Petrel a hardy pat on the back when he got the blueprints "It's about time we got these, my mind's been bed ridden just thinking about having my own room!". Mottled Petrel had forgotten that Derpy Dev was a pun guy, he'd been in the mines too often to really show it to people. One of the other new guys was also a pun guy, but Mottled Petrel couldn't really remember which one it was. Either way, he didn't really care to hear them. Across the room SQman suddenly threw himself at a craftskoopa workshop and began meticulously arranging the tools.
     'Was SQman the secondary pun guy? No, it wasn't him. Fuck, this is going to bother me all day.' Even with the most recent bone wagon gun that no one knew how to operate, Mottled Petrel knew that craftskoopa workshops usually yielded useless artifacts. In the midst of his brain racking, the military koopas walked back into the main hall from the main stairway. Mottled Petrel barely turned his head "Oh, hey guys. Did you kill that thing?" "Uhhh, we're not sure. It hovered over the water for a little, and then touched the water and died." responded Lord_Lemonpie (I have no idea what happened, but it literally touched the water and then instantly died, I think it might have been made out of fire or something).
     Mottled Petrel's face wrinkled in confusion "Well, I guess you guys can go back to doing what you were doing before. Oh, and be on your toes guys, I'm planning the next raid currently. I wanted to run it by the outpost liaison, but SOMEONE-" Mottled Petrel stared accusingly at the demon koopa who was busy trying on the backpacks that he had ordered made "-decided to exile the him. So it looks like we're on our own.". The army koopas looked at each other, they were gone for three months the last time they went out, and none of them looked like they wanted to sleep in the woods for that long again. Eventually, they went back to training and tried to forget about the implications of another raid.

     While he was waiting for the other witchlight to do something, Mottled Petrel wondered if he could find if the missing merchant was still in the trees. A solid thirty minutes of looking yielded no results, but while he was outside he decided to look at the entrance to the fort. The tower was still being built, and would likely have no function until a markskoopa squad had been trained. To help cover up the look of the unfinished tower, and to attract more future traders, Mottled Petrel decided to have a road into the fort built. But not just any paved road, a road paved entirely of copper.
     'If this gaudy waste of useful resources doesn't proclaim to the world that we're actually a functioning fortress, I don't know what will' Mottled Petrel thought, as he wondered how this show of riches would affect them. After a little more thought, he decided to find out just how much material wealth the fortress actually had. After a little digging around the bookkeeper's office, Mottled Petrel found the most recent document.
     "Fuck, really? How the hell are we worth this much?" Mottled Petrel exclaimed to himself. Outside two koopas walked across the the main hall, speaking unnecessarily loudly and matter-of-factly, almost as if they were deliberately trying to convey a message to anyone nearby "WOW! I CAN'T WAIT TO GO LOOK AT THOSE SUPER EXPENSIVE ARTIFACTS WE HAVE!" "YEAH, ME TOO! I JUST LOVE THOSE SHINY, SOLID PLATINUM PEDESTALS THEY'RE ON!". Two trolls going the opposite way had a similarly loud conversation "BOY I JUST LOVE READING OUR BOOKS, I ESPECIALLY LOVE READING THAT ONE THAT IS BOUND IN SOLID GOLD AND ENCRUSTED WITH CLEAR DIAMONDS! BUT BEFORE WE GET THERE, I'D LIKE TO CHECK OUT ONE OF THE 10 EXTRA SETS OF STEEL ARMOR WE HAVE LAYING AROUND!". Still in the bookkeeper's office, and well within earshot of the conversations outside, Mottled Petrel exclaimed to himself again "I just don't get it, how do we have so much wealth!? Oh well, it doesn't really matter.".

     Before he could leave, a ninja walked into the bookkeeper's office "Uh, are you the bookkeeper? I've been told by a few *nervous cough* uh, a few people that there's a lot of money in this fort. I was wondering if, uh, maybe I could look through it to see if there's any, uh, fakes?" "I'm the overseer, and no, we don't let guests look through our money." "Uh, well, how about if I petitioned to live here. Can I look through it then?".
     Mottled Petrel thought for a moment, the entire conversation the ninja had been shiftily looking around the room and he overall just reeked of sketchiness "Sure, welcome aboard. We keep all of our valuables in that pile over there." Mottled Petrel said, as he gestured to the growing main horde. As the ninja ran off, Mottled Petrel considered the very real possibility that the ninja he had just talked to had the intention to rob them. But then he shrugged 'good luck getting past all the fucking helmet snakes who live in that pile'. Almost as if he was being answered, a chorus of angry hisses erupted from the main stockpile, and the ninja jumped back from the pile of gems he was looking through.
     And as if the tavern was feeling empty now that a single guest had become a resident, about five more visitors showed up. On their way in they brought news that the gunfolk caravan had ran into a group of wild stegocerases.
Needless to say, the stegocerases didn't make it.
     Next in line to see Mottled Petrel was SQman, looking confused "I don't really remember doing so, but apparently I made this ring. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty good ring and I'd sell it to you for cheap if I thought you'd actually buy it, but I wanted my lifetime's artifact to be smelted, not chiseled. It at least has metal on it, but I don't think I can live with it as a reminder that I am now apparently a legendary stonecrafter. I'm going back to the smelter, please, just keep this out of my sight." SQman said in a tired and surprisingly polite manner that was very unlike him. Mottled Petrel looked down at the ring in his hands.
'Guess I'll get another platinum pedestal.'.
     "Sir, former mayor Eris just got jumped by a stegecarus, and is now being hunted down my a mismagius." SilverlockII said to Mottled Petrel, who was busy pushing a hardboiled egg breakfast into his mouth "*hmph* I hate those things. Send everyone out, but they probably won't be able to catch it.". Before the message could even be sent, it was learned that the mismagius had inadvertently found one of the members of the koopa caravan who had been lost. That being said, being hit with confuse ray and then a shadow ball that broke one of his legs didn't help the koopa find his way home. Even while incapacitated, the koopa wasn't stopped on his quest to eradicate evil. Even while under the influence of confuse ray, the koopa pulled out a heavy copper pistol of a caliber rated for use on large dinosaurs, and fired a silver bullet clean through the mismagius (I was going to make a Ghostbusters, Resident Evil, or some kind of other abomination hunter reference here, but then realized I didn't really know enough about any of them to do so).
     However, it wasn't enough. When the mismagius got within melee range it took twisted pleasure in driving the koopa's own ribs through his heart.
     The mismagius then flew up into the air, and began shooting down tame thrash doves with its shadow ball. As the military koopas arrived, the mismagius descended a little in hopes of more easy prey. KoopaUnknown swatted it clean out of the air with one lightning fast trident strike. After creating a crater where it landed almost 8 Urists away, KoopaUnknown grabbed one of his shields by the rim and crushed the mismagius with an overhead strike. KoopaUnknown then wiped off his shield in the grass, as if he had just squashed a particuarly large fly. It wasn't necessary though, because the dead mismagius promptly dissolved into smoke.

     After a little while, the more aggressive wildlife was replaced by a normal herd of horses. Mottled Petrel immediately sent the military out to kill them. "I don't trust them, they're too mundane and nonthreatening." Was all he offered the troops. Needless to say, the horses were annihilated.

The next group of animals was more kangaskhan and a flying ? block. Mottled Petrel decided to have them killed to-
"-BOOOO!". An apparition of Stingpie erupted from a wall adjacent to where Mottled Petrel was giving his orders, almost giving him a heart attack. "*gasp* *gasp* *heavy gasp* What the hell man! You were buried, why the fuck are you here!" Stingpie's ghost looked amused, "First of all, no you didn't, my coffin is empty, I checked myself. Second of all, I had a note telling you specifically not to bury or memorialize me, I WATCHED YOU READ IT!". Mottled Petrel's ears were still ringing "Fine, I'll tear down your coffin and let you be a ghost if that's what you want to do, but if you go around scaring people out of their mind like you just did me I'm going to personally engrave your tombstone in the middle of the dining hall!". Stingpie folded his arms in annoyance, but eventually floated down the hallway and through a wall.

     While he was doing this, Mottled Petrel collected enough of his senses to realize that Stingpie was completely naked, either by choice or that was the natural state of ghosts Mottled Petrel didn't know. The mountainhome was usually pretty good about keeping ghosts away, so Mottled Petrel never really learned anything about them, but he gathered enough in those few moments to make a note that Stingpie was not what the youngsters called a 'ghost in a shell'. 'Or was it hero in a half shell? Shelldon J. Plankton? Gods, for a society based entirely around shells, you'd think I'd be able to learn at least a few of the shell names we give things!' Mottled Petrel thought, enraged because he was still incredibly startled by ghostly Stingpie. That little bit of anger on top of his shaken state was too much for him, and with that, Mottled Petrel blacked out.
Looks like we're back to it, from here on updates should be more frequent and I'll be around more to plan for the future of the fort. Speaking of which, there's a certain dark tower not too far to the east of us... What do you guys think, if I post some pictures of the books located at the site could we have a vote on which one we think is most likely to be necromantic? I'd love to have a separate mini fort of necromancerkoopas that we can toss our unused corpses into  :P .
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Enemy post on June 16, 2018, 10:25:34 pm
Well, that's it. I'm insane now. I read your post, MottledPetrel, and now I'm insane. I hope it's at least the cool artist or supervillain kind of insane and not anything sad or violent. Either way, I'm crazy now and it's your fault. I hope you're happy.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: scourge728 on June 16, 2018, 10:34:27 pm
"Shelldon J. Plankton" Hah
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: SQman on June 17, 2018, 08:26:16 am
Necromancer exclave? Sounds like the worst idea ever, and I'm pretty sure it could easily end the fort in a matter of seconds. Do it or no balls.

Now for real. I hope an armorer gets moody and makes a koopa-sized suppressor. Puking lightning is loud, and wearing a gun accessory on your head could solve this problem.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MoonyTheHuman on June 17, 2018, 09:20:40 am
I'll finish Moony's dialog for you:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Aurum System on June 17, 2018, 03:36:28 pm
You where not insane already Enemy Post? Dang, I guess everyone should have tried harder.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: bloop_bleep on June 17, 2018, 04:51:16 pm
Well, that's it. I'm insane now. I read your post, MottledPetrel, and now I'm insane. I hope it's at least the cool artist or supervillain kind of insane and not anything sad or violent. Either way, I'm crazy now and it's your fault. I hope you're happy.

Well, IIRC, there's melancholy (wandering around trying to end your life via cliff/drowning/magma until you die of thirst), berserk (homicidal rage type), and catatonic (stare into space indefinitely while your body slowly rots into nothingness.)

Not a particularly promising set of options, and the last happens very rarely (to me, anyways).

EDIT: Seems I forgot about stark raving mad. For some inexplicable reason. You will strip off all your clothes and run around babbling aimlessly until you come by a random troll that wandered up from the caverns. Truly the way for a dwarf to go.

Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 18, 2018, 07:24:04 pm
Well, that's it. I'm insane now. I read your post, MottledPetrel, and now I'm insane. I hope it's at least the cool artist or supervillain kind of insane and not anything sad or violent. Either way, I'm crazy now and it's your fault. I hope you're happy.
At this point I'm honestly not sure what pushed you over the edge, there was a lot in that update that could have been the culprit.
Do it or no balls.
Expect screenshots of the books at the tower sometime between tomorrow and this weekend.
Bloop_bleep: Exists
Someone decided that they were going to start bucket feeding bloop_bleep water, so he's going to keep existing curled up on the floor for a lot longer than I thought he was, but he's starting to starve.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Lunardog15 on June 19, 2018, 01:20:15 pm
am I ok?
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 19, 2018, 01:37:11 pm
So, nobody has liasons that you can order pikachus from?
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 20, 2018, 10:48:43 am
Lunar fine, and all of the liaisons left before I could even talk to them.

Bottom left is us, top right is the target. At this point it might not even be a necromancer's tower because there are just so many secrets in this modpack.
Take your bets boys, I'll put a poll up for which book we should specifically raid for after I get a few of your suggestions as to which ones hold the secrets we desire.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Enemy post on June 20, 2018, 11:37:27 am
Spurvulture sounds like a slab.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: auzewasright on June 20, 2018, 12:15:29 pm
Let's get "A record of Genius" for my personal library.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 20, 2018, 12:45:13 pm
If any of those contain secrets, I think the ones with "The Obsession" seems suspicious.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: SQman on June 20, 2018, 01:20:56 pm
Unusual obsession sounds so ambiguous. It could be either about someone's obsession with mortality, but at the same time it could be about someone becoming a rock collector. Not a necromancy book though.

Spurtvulture seems likely to be a slab.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: scourge728 on June 20, 2018, 01:30:22 pm
Take them all
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 20, 2018, 01:35:27 pm
Unusual obsession sounds so ambiguous. It could be either about someone's obsession with mortality, but at the same time it could be about someone becoming a rock collector. Not a necromancy book though.

Spurtvulture seems likely to be a slab.
Yeah, but slabs can only be read by adventurers, not fort mode dwarves, at least not as far as I know.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 20, 2018, 04:27:35 pm
    There are several books written about The Tower, maybe that's the secret to necromantic power?
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 20, 2018, 04:31:36 pm
I would take them all if I could, but I only have access to the raid function, not the pillage or raze. I was thinking I could go on a mission for a specific book, but now the wiki is telling me they'll just steal whatever they feel like, but artifacts first. Also, for a little extra help, a necromantic book must contain at least one of these following words according to the wiki: Annihilation, Bereavement, Death, Demise, Departure, Doom, Dying, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extinction, Mortality, Immortality, Loss, Oblivion, Parting, Ruin, Ruination, Sleep, the Afterlife, the End, the Grave. Also, I had never considered that fortress mode creatures can't read slabs, that might become a problem because adventure mode doesn't work anymore.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Lunardog15 on June 21, 2018, 01:16:39 pm
btw do I have a cat yet? if not I NEED one
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 21, 2018, 01:20:00 pm
btw do I have a cat yet? if not I NEED one
... How about a gunpowder cat?
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: scourge728 on June 21, 2018, 01:22:17 pm
btw do I have a cat yet? if not I NEED one
... How about a gunpowder cat?
I feel like we should obtain such a thing either way, and then start a breeding program
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 21, 2018, 01:44:07 pm
We have one, but only one.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: Lunardog15 on June 21, 2018, 02:00:59 pm
btw do I have a cat yet? if not I NEED one
... How about a gunpowder cat?
ok a exploding cat sounds good what could go wrong...
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 21, 2018, 05:39:36 pm
I would take them all if I could, but I only have access to the raid function, not the pillage or raze. I was thinking I could go on a mission for a specific book, but now the wiki is telling me they'll just steal whatever they feel like, but artifacts first. Also, for a little extra help, a necromantic book must contain at least one of these following words according to the wiki: Annihilation, Bereavement, Death, Demise, Departure, Doom, Dying, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extinction, Mortality, Immortality, Loss, Oblivion, Parting, Ruin, Ruination, Sleep, the Afterlife, the End, the Grave. Also, I had never considered that fortress mode creatures can't read slabs, that might become a problem because adventure mode doesn't work anymore.
No adventure mode, and razing and pillaging don't work?
Just typical modded hell changing the unchangable.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: auzewasright on June 21, 2018, 06:09:57 pm
I would take them all if I could, but I only have access to the raid function, not the pillage or raze. I was thinking I could go on a mission for a specific book, but now the wiki is telling me they'll just steal whatever they feel like, but artifacts first. Also, for a little extra help, a necromantic book must contain at least one of these following words according to the wiki: Annihilation, Bereavement, Death, Demise, Departure, Doom, Dying, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extinction, Mortality, Immortality, Loss, Oblivion, Parting, Ruin, Ruination, Sleep, the Afterlife, the End, the Grave. Also, I had never considered that fortress mode creatures can't read slabs, that might become a problem because adventure mode doesn't work anymore.
No adventure mode, and razing and pillaging don't work?
Just typical modded hell changing the unchangable.
Ever since the calendar started to go backwards, it's all become just Thursday.
Title: Re: The Reinvigoration of Modded Hell (Ghosts, Guns, and Good Updates)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 21, 2018, 07:13:15 pm
I'm going to put that in the quotes section once I get a chance, but for now, there's this. I spent the past three hours sifting through the artifact screen for potential slab and secret book targets, and good lord, there are a lot of them. I hardly even scratched the surface, but here's what I found before I decided to give up. Please, decide which ones we should go after first and I'll put a poll for it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Keep in mind that there is the potential that fortress mode creatures can't read slabs, so if we want actual results we might have to stick to books and scrolls and such. Also, not all of these items are accessible from where we are, but most are. I was going to make an in character update for all of this, but at this point I'm too shot from taking and processing all of these images, so please, what magic circles do you want us to dabble in first?
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: auzewasright on June 21, 2018, 08:00:30 pm
Let's get Creatures Uncovered, it is splend and cheerful. Just what you'd expect from a tower of death!
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 22, 2018, 01:17:39 am
    I want .....
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
.......because I can't imagine it being a very big book.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 22, 2018, 10:51:36 am
Poll is up, later when I get a chance I'm going to hunt around the raws to see if I can get a general idea of what each secret does.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 22, 2018, 11:34:36 am
Did Toady fix the part where you can't get artifacts held by people?
Of course, even if he did not, the power of Modded Hell might just have done so.

Foundations of blizzards.
Misconceptions about the Dragonlords.
Creatures Uncovered.
Book of Coagulation.
All books containing secrets, that are not held by anyone, and thus I think we should get.

In general, we should focus on books containing secrets, that are not held by anyone.
Once we have gotten them, we can get whatever other books we want, if not held by anyone.
Are there non-book, non-scroll, non-slab artifacts?
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: SQman on June 22, 2018, 02:07:05 pm
    I want .....
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
.......because I can't imagine it being a very big book.
Considering how many kinds of cheese there are IRL, I'd say it should be way more than 43 pages, especially since in DF they also milk kangaroos and tapirs in addition to usual cows, goats and sheep.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: auzewasright on June 22, 2018, 03:33:00 pm
    I want .....
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
.......because I can't imagine it being a very big book.
Considering how many kinds of cheese there are IRL, I'd say it should be way more than 43 pages, especially since in DF they also milk kangaroos and tapirs in addition to usual cows, goats and sheep.
Don't forget pigs, horses, and yaks.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 22, 2018, 04:11:51 pm
I think it's more to teach you how to magically tap into the infinite wisdom of the ancient cheese making gods, not a literal manual on how to make great cheese.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 22, 2018, 04:14:41 pm
What I wonder is, what does the legendary cheese making secret do? Give you the ability to turn people into cheeses?
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 22, 2018, 04:19:59 pm
Last time I checked it allows you to shoot cheese projectiles through sheer force of will, as well as turn corpses into fondue monsters. But I'm going to recheck, because this very specific piece of information could have been from something completely unrelated.

Eh, I was close:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Here's dragon too, because that's currently winning:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Okay, now I really want to find bee secrets, its described as this:
melisso - bee (honey spit, bee gun, bee swarm, giant bee)

Alright, now I'm confused. Does learning a secret like this automatically make you NOT_LIVING? Because these summoned minions are opposed to life but the secret doesn't make the wizards specifically NOT_LIVING.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 22, 2018, 08:12:37 pm
     "Shoots out cheese webbing"????!?!?

     Yes, now I want it even more, it shall be mine.  My Precious......
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 23, 2018, 04:27:24 pm
I'm going to call a stop to the voting on Monday and try to steal whatever book is currently winning, but I might do an update before then. Any idea if the newest update is compatible with the current save that I started in like 44.02? I'd imagine it would break more stuff if I jumped versions, but the most important thing is that the game still runs at all.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: scourge728 on June 23, 2018, 04:28:25 pm
I mean, I assume it would be, since Toady said older saves should work and have new features as well, so I think it should
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: IndigoFenix on June 24, 2018, 12:06:56 pm
The secret of dragons will likely lead to even more things being set on fire.  Whether you see that as a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.

I say, go for cheese.  There is nothing that does not become better when cheese is added, including fortresses.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 24, 2018, 02:19:46 pm
I mean, more fire would be terrible for me, but I'm sure it would be very entertaining for you guys.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 24, 2018, 04:31:17 pm
     I think the more important questions are:
           1: Can you collect the cheese webbing, loom it into cloth and make clothing out of it? or,
           2: Can you still eat it, or put it into food, as if it were regular cheese?

     Both of these questions can assume different levels of ewww, depending on how the cheese webbing is emitted.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 24, 2018, 08:22:36 pm
You know, that is a very good question. Considering the raws have it as a web spray interaction with the web spray material being cheese, I would think that I could say yes to both of your questions. But of course, we need to actually test it, and even if its supposed to work that way it doesn't mean that it does in Modded Hell.

Also, I would imagine eating cheese webbing would be a lot like eating string cheese.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 24, 2018, 08:40:56 pm
     I imagine it to be more like grated mozzarella, before it is put on pizza.

   ...  and now visualising the chef waiting for combat and running around with discs of dough waiting for a profitable emission before it goes in the oven.......

     Also, I can see the practitioners of this outstanding secret ability sitting around a campfire discussing, in all seriousness, the relative merits of, say, camembert versus cheddar.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: IndigoFenix on June 24, 2018, 11:44:25 pm
Unless the cheese material is given the silk-related tags, you won't be able to collect it and turn it into cloth, and cheese webs won't register as edible.

However, if you give the material a BUTCHER_SPECIAL tag, you might be able to chop up undead cheese golems into edible chunks.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: auzewasright on June 25, 2018, 07:12:40 am
You know, that is a very good question. Considering the raws have it as a web spray interaction with the web spray material being cheese, I would think that I could say yes to both of your questions. But of course, we need to actually test it, and even if its supposed to work that way it doesn't mean that it does in Modded Hell.

Also, I would imagine eating cheese webbing would be a lot like eating string cheese.
Now we just need to put it in aerosol cans.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Aurum System on June 25, 2018, 08:45:21 am
Unless the cheese material is given the silk-related tags, you won't be able to collect it and turn it into cloth, and cheese webs won't register as edible.

However, if you give the material a BUTCHER_SPECIAL tag, you might be able to chop up undead cheese golems into edible chunks.
I've given copper has a web material and had it recovered and spun into cloth, I couldn't do anything with it besides melting it though.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 25, 2018, 07:35:05 pm
profitable emission
I never want to hear this phrase ever again, even in context.

It seems like a clear victory for The Book of Coagulation, so I'm just going to throw the new version into it and invade. It's time to put on the big boy shells and throw caution to the wind.

I'm just going to preface this with, WHOOO BOOOY there's a lot of broken features and key bindings in this version.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 26, 2018, 03:35:34 pm
Was there anyone else who wanted a koopa besides Scourge?

Uh, I'm going to have to reschedule the recovery of the Book of Coagulation, turns out having extreme wealth attracts unwanted attention...
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: scourge728 on June 26, 2018, 08:38:05 pm
What piece of essential, hardcoded reality broke this time?
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 26, 2018, 08:59:20 pm
What piece of essential, hardcoded reality broke this time?
The sad part is that I don't actually know if its a hardcoded function that broke this time or if it was already modded in. Do the constituents of vile forces of darkness usually have the ability to raise the dead?
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: scourge728 on June 26, 2018, 09:07:31 pm
I'm going to go with no for that one, mostly because normally necromancers get chased away into towers and have orgies with zombies
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Enemy post on June 26, 2018, 09:50:27 pm
They usually can't, but it's not all that hard to give them the ability through raw modding. It's the same sort of thing as giving them dragon breath.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 26, 2018, 11:21:50 pm
     Normally, no, however there is nothing stopping a necromancer from joining the party after band has arrived.
Title: Re: The Enchanting of Modded Hell (Beginning of the hunt for secret slabs and books)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 27, 2018, 01:35:19 pm
I was going to wait longer to put out this update because it wasn't quite done, but at this point I have so many questions that I might as well dump it here so you guys can have some kind of context.
In a nice office a koopa sits at a desk with his fingers steepled, deep in thought.
     '...What the hell was I doing again?' Mottled Petrel wondered, as he sat at his desk. Outside of his door Mottled Petrel could see the naked ghost of stingpie scaring the hell out of everyone in the hall 'Oh yeah, that was what I was doing. One slab, coming up. Now what else was I up to'.'. Outside the sounds of a family of kangaskhan being murdered could be heard 'That too, I forgot about that'.

     Next to him was a deceivingly small box full of scrolls, each containing information on the many books found throughout the world. After wasting much of his afternoon the day before, Mottled Petrel had stumbled across a book of particular interest. The Book of Coagulation was said to be filled with the secrets of legendary cheese making, and Mottled Petrel believed that creating the best cheese in the land would be a sure fire way to have Modded Hell elevated in the eyes of the koopa empire. Because of that, once the army was done killing the kangaskhan he would send them out to look for it.

He waited, but an unfamiliar face eventually peaked through his door "I was told that migrants were to report to you?".
     Mottled Petrel put down his paper weight that he had been fiddling with "Make it quick, I've learned that even with introductions I can't remember who's who". The koopa, who Mottled Petrel now recognized was a demon koopa, stepped into the room with his migrants "I'm Nokoopi, great clothier" "You'll be a miner/mechanic, because that's what we need". Nokoopi frowned, but continued anyways "Nuku, talented brewer" "All purpose farmer" "Nokopok, accomplished wood crafter, novice special weaponmaker, proficient building designer" "Militia" "Scourge II, novice fish cleaner, novice gem cutter" Mottled Petrel squinted "Mining/mechanics" "Nuku, uh, what did you do again? Oh, novice epic sax player" "military" "Lonokom, adequate glassmaker, novice metalsmith." "All metalsmithing" "Plonoko, novice gem cutter, novice bone doctor" "Military" "Maknoko, high master glassmaker" "military" "That's it".

     Mottled Petrel looked at the group in front of him trying to take their faces in, all the normal koopas and a demon koopa, the demon koopa would surely be political trouble later "Alright, get to it, I'm in the middle of military planning".
     After months of hiding in his shell, bloop_bleep had finally succumb to starvation. An inglorious death that could have been easily avoided if he had just gotten up to get some food.
     'Thank the gods he's finally out of my hair, maybe now I can finally sleep without him phasing through my bedroom.' (I actually got a second report that Stingpie had risen to haunt the fortress, and I'm really not sure if a second ghost was existing within him, or if he just made a second dramatic entrance).
     A ninja maceman petitioned to join the fort, this time for actual mercenary work, Mottled Petrel pondered what it would be like to see a ninja wearing a shell.

     'Alright, Autumns is here, I've waited long enough, its time to send out the raid' Mottled Petrel thought, as he put in a summon for the military. After all 16 warriors of Modded Hell arrived Mottled Petrel began his monologue, but then stopped because he thought it would be better to have the scroll with the information on the Book of Coagulation before he got into detail. It took him probably 30 minutes to find it (You guys would not believe how far down I had to scroll to find it) and explained that he wanted the full squad to retrieve it while the 6 koopa/ninja squad stayed behind to defend the fort. There was some arguing over risking the lives of good koopas over a 'cookbook', but Mottled Petrel assured them that there was more to it than just cooking.
     The dark tower of Hopwreaths was a five days travel to the north, even farther north than the koopa mountianhome. The local population was estimated to be about 20, but there was no telling how many undead would be present. With a few more grumbles, the military grabbed their war laser-ceratosauruses, and departed for the book. The squad had barely gotten out the door when they were jumped by a large herd of pentaceratops.

Being large creatures, the pentaceratops held their own, barring the koopas from their mission.
     Almost as if they were just a front, a vile force of darkness crested the a hill farther north. A pelagic raiding force with all manner of war animals had its eyes set on the fort while the pentaceratops were keeping the koopas busy. 'Oh fuck me, all I wanted was a nice book and now this' "FORGET THE BOOK, DEFEND THE FORT!" Mottled Petrel yelled from the top of the meat tower.
     But what was this? It would appear that an equally substantial haxxor invasion force had unknowingly crested the same hill as the pelagics, and a full out war was being fought between the two groups.
     It would also appear that a necromantic force had also decided to invade Modded Hell at exactly the same hill, and was now having their undead army annihilated by the two other armies.

     'What the fuck is going on up there, is there a brigand invading force too?' Mottled Petrel noticed some brigands being torn apart by the far superior pelagic army, but he had no idea what was happening any more.

Eventually, it appeared that the pelagic army had won, and were still advancing en mass.
     'Woah Woah Woah, we are not fucking ready for this.' "PULL BACK, PULL BACK TO THE ENTRANCE SO THE ANIMALS CAN HELP YOU!" Mottled Petrel cried desperately.

The pelagics just kept coming, even after filling three whole unit pages, they just kept coming. However, something in the crowd had reaminated the bodies of the other fallen forces, and the fight was renewed.
     It would appear that the pelagic oracles were reanimating the bodies their army was currently standing on, drastically undermining their war effort. As the pelagics who were riding horses were scattered because the horses could not handle the presence of undead, all the koopas could do was wait and hope the pelagics killed themselves.

     Ironically, the pelagics eventually scared themselves off with the constant reanimation of the enemies they had just killed, and ran off. Eventually, Mottled Petrel sent the koopas to kill the remaining pelagics who were being dragged around at the whim of their mounts. This doesn't go well, as one of the new recruits got one of their feet cut clean off in the beginning of the skirmish. The ninja recruit, however, has no trouble bashing a war dog's head in not too far away.

     A war horse is struck down with ease, while the recruit who lost his foot continued to be maimed by a pelagic oracle swordsmaster. Eventually, the ninja recruit saved the koopa recruit by snapping the oracle's neck, but it seemed unlikely that the recruit would get the medical attention he needed in time.

     A few more pelagic groupers were swiftly killed, a war chespin was mercy killed, and the remaining undead in the area were hunted down and the fortress was safe.

     Right after the last invader was killed and the all clear to the civilians was given, a large group of dancers arrived. This group of dancers arrived directly in the middle of the remaining pentaceratops herd and was promptly gored to death. Some of the dancers fled in all directions, but Mottled Petrel didn't care enough to send out troops to save them, he was more interested in the events that had transpired during the invasion.
A LOT of animals had been caught, including 3 alolan rattatas, 1 imp, and two pentaceratops.
     After seeing one of their fellow spawn be caught by a cage trap, the other three imps were waiting patiently for a koopa to wander by. On one hand, Mottled Petrel didn't really care to catch more imps because they couldn't be tamed, but on the other he didn't really want any more workers to be killed in the caves. He decided to wait for the warriors to rest and eat, then he'd send them down to finish the job.

     Before said conditions could be met, Asin decided he was going to have a nice stroll in the caverns. The imps sensed his life force, and eagerly ran over the cage traps. All were caught but one, who began attacking Asin relentlessly. The imp was unable to land a hit on the troubled koopa, and after a bone shattering punch to the arm and a muscle tearing kick to the hip the imp was left to writhe in pain as Asin continued his walk. After making it like 10 feet, he turned back around and fell asleep in the middle of the cavern.
     As if nothing was happening, Darkening Kaos whistled as he walked past Asin to reload the cage traps. As he did so, the injured imp crawled BETWEEN HIS LEGS and began dragging itself towards the sleeping Asin. And after loading the cage trap he walked right back over the imp on his way back inside.

     As if there wasn't enough going on, the ruxian and the mole person caravan decided to stop by for trading. Like the dancers before them, the ruxes walked head first into the pentaceratops herd and were attacked.
Here's a list of things killed in the fight:
Alright, this update has left me with a lot of questions:
First of all, WTF.
2. Are pelagic oracles supposed to be able to raise the dead?
3. If so, WHY?
4. What the heck is a pilgrim doing here? One died in the fight.
5. Pentaceroses man, damn.
6. That was an insanely large invasion, why the hell are they so interested in us on year 2?
7. Would anyone be opposed to me changing the raws so that imps are tameable? This is too good of an opportunity to miss.
8. Darkening Kaos literally walked over an imp who was trying to kill Asin, twice, what's going on?
9. Does anyone else see anything wrong with the fact that the pelagics brought a horse recruit with them?
10. We obviously can't beat these huge invading forces in gentlemanly combat, any ideas for ungentlemanly tactics?
11. I had more, but at this point I'm not even sure if understanding what just happened will make it any better.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: Enemy post on June 27, 2018, 01:51:35 pm
Sometimes, things just don't go the way you want. You step outside to go steal a book about cheese, and then you get swarmed by dinosaurs and hackers and fish people and undead. It's just a thing we all have to deal with at some point in our lives.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: scourge728 on June 27, 2018, 01:52:38 pm
4. If it was a normal game, I would say it was a spy or something, but here....
7.I say this is a great idea
9. I don't
10. Build a giant wall with a roof so no one can get in maybe?
11. It won't
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: ZM5 on June 27, 2018, 02:02:16 pm
The oracles are supposed to be able to reanimate the dead - lorewise they're responsible for creating drowned thralls, so it'd make sense in them being able to create zombies.

That said it does look like I made a mistake and forgot to give Ucas the not living token so they wouldn't get spooked by the dead bodies - not sure whats with the horse recruits, I've seen that sort of stuff before where you'd have a lot of normal war animals but then one would be a "recruit" instead.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: Aurum System on June 27, 2018, 02:04:42 pm
1: Insanity as normal.
2: IDK
3: ^
4: They obliviously came to pay homage to the gods of madness and chaos that reside here, and this place is a holy ground for anyone in the sphere of chaos. :V
5: Five horned dinosaurs for the win. :V
6: We're a swarm of chaos and madness at this point. :V
7: I wouldn't be apposed to it.
8: IDK Insanity.
9: Seems normal for modded hell.
10: Lock ourselves in and dump out some lava on them. Make a ton of crossbows and stick a bunch of crossbowkoopas at the top of the meat tower.
11: Just go with the insanity.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: pikachu17 on June 27, 2018, 02:12:34 pm
7:Trained imps for the win.
10:Cover the ground with weapon and cage traps, leaving space for caravans.
or Use whatever trap designs we gave you and just send the army to kill whoever survives.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: auzewasright on June 27, 2018, 03:49:04 pm
And this is why my koopa's strategy is "screw honor, I'm staying in my office whether you like it or not".
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on June 27, 2018, 04:36:38 pm
     More floor traps, both weapons and cages, with the highest density close to the fortress, this is just to thin out the numbers so that any military we have chilling at home can still have some fun.
     As for Kaos choosing to prioritise reloading cage traps over coup de grace-ing an imp or helping Asin........I got my priorities.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: voliol on June 27, 2018, 06:01:31 pm
7. Sounds like a great Idea. Really, most cage-able creatures should be tame-able, except maybe the most intelligent ones.

Considering how effective the pentaceratopses were for defense, maybe we should try to catch and tame some of them as well?
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: scourge728 on June 27, 2018, 07:53:09 pm
Considering how effective the pentaceratopses were for defense, maybe we should try to catch and tame some of them as well?
It does appear that we have captured at least two
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 28, 2018, 01:37:41 pm
Sometimes, things just don't go the way you want. You step outside to go steal a book about cheese, and then you get swarmed by dinosaurs and hackers and fish people and undead. It's just a thing we all have to deal with at some point in our lives.
That's going in the quotes section.

The oracles are supposed to be able to reanimate the dead - lorewise they're responsible for creating drowned thralls, so it'd make sense in them being able to create zombies.

That said it does look like I made a mistake and forgot to give Ucas the not living token so they wouldn't get spooked by the dead bodies - not sure whats with the horse recruits, I've seen that sort of stuff before where you'd have a lot of normal war animals but then one would be a "recruit" instead.
I would imagine that creating drowned thralls would be more of a time consuming incantation back in the layer kind of thing, not quick gesture on the battlefield kind of thing, but oh well. At the very least I think you might want to tone down the rate at which they can reanimate, because I've got about 5 pages of an oracle reanimating an arm and the immediately striking it down on repeat. Also, it was the whole army that was getting spooked and trying to fight the zombies, not just the Ucas. At the very least, this invasion got me back into playing darkest dungeon, so good job in those regards.

7:Trained imps for the win.
Trained imps are on my list

And this is why my koopa's strategy is "screw honor, I'm staying in my office whether you like it or not".
Oh don't worry, you're going to be rolling as a support magikoopa once you get finished charging that large gem for koopa magic  :P (After I remember how koopa magic works). Speaking of that, I need to look back into how spellcrafts magic works, becuase if I recall correctly we might be able to just mundanely study magic without pillaging the world for books.

     More floor traps, both weapons and cages, with the highest density close to the fortress, this is just to thin out the numbers so that any military we have chilling at home can still have some fun.
     As for Kaos choosing to prioritise reloading cage traps over coup de grace-ing an imp or helping Asin........I got my priorities.
At least you're consistent.

7. Sounds like a great Idea. Really, most cage-able creatures should be tame-able, except maybe the most intelligent ones.

Considering how effective the pentaceratopses were for defense, maybe we should try to catch and tame some of them as well?
We have infact caught a breeding pair of pentaceratops while they were trying to kill everyone. I'm not sure if their grazing nature will make then viable warbeasts or not, but I'm going to try to make it work.

Also, the new holdings features don't work, but the memory functions work great. EVERYONE is remembering the times they were freaked out by seeing dead invaders strewn about.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: Lunardog15 on July 01, 2018, 12:45:14 pm
*the littlest cheese maker visits moded hell*
seams legit
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: Lunardog15 on July 01, 2018, 12:50:03 pm
btw just make a gunpowder cat breading program and set a way to set a large amount on fire
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: voliol on July 01, 2018, 01:25:40 pm
Any update on how this is going? Can't wait to see cheese-mancing koopas.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 01, 2018, 08:00:55 pm
Updates are usually once a week, if that, but I try to make them once a week. The next update is currently in the works.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 05, 2018, 08:37:04 pm
Sorry guys, looks like the update is going to be around Tuesday.
Title: Re: The Violence of Modded Hell (2[?] army invasion, dinosaurs, and demons)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 10, 2018, 07:12:31 pm
A koopa stands over the corpse of another koopa.
'...Whaaaaat?' SetII was dead, and Mottled Petrel had no idea why. He looked back over his reports...
     To find nothing. Needless to say, the rux merchants were pretty freaked out by the koopa who spontaneously died right next to them. They were also pretty freaked out by the pentaceratops who was goring one of their fellow merchants to death.
     Their concerns were warranted, because after killing the merchant the pentaceratops went and toppled most of the rux's and the mole people's wagons.
     'They're going to have some strong words to share with me next year' thought Mottled Petrel, who then noticed that there was another caravan coming through.
     The ratooey caravan was thankfully coming down along another path, but based on past performance it seemed unlikely that they'd make it to the trade depot. To further cement this point, the haulers were already hauling the supplies left amid the ruined wagons of the last caravans.
     The silani caravan came next, equally perturbed by the other fleeing merchants. In the distance, the mole person ambassador could be seen running towards Mottled Petrel. After finally reaching him he skipped the formalities and said "We're leaving, this place is too dangerous, what do you want for next year?". Mottled Petrel still didn't have anything he wanted, especially with so many destroyed wagons to sift through for free stuff "Just bring us some coke bars, we'll try to make sure the place is a little bit safer next time. What do you mean you can't bring us coke bars? Whatever, just make it steel".

     The meeting was interrupted by a gnome dancer petitioning for citizenship. Mottled Petrel rejected him, they already had enough useless 'artists'. Now that he thought about it, he had been rejecting a lot of dancers recently. Immediately after the gnome was rejected, a forumite bard requested citizenship, and was denied.

     The merchants that made it inside were greeted by many puddles full of blood and toxins, a traditional Modded Hell greeting. The ratooey minister of trade was particularly mortified when he unknowingly stepped into a knee deep pool.
     Mottled Petrel requested some zinc flasks for next year, and then pointed him towards the cleaning well, which was on the other side of the field of pools he had just crossed. Off in the distance Mottled Petrel could see a troll fighting a wandering tyrunt, and was surprisingly winning against the therapod. Upon futher inspection it looked like the troll was just giving a very firm handshake.
The military was sent out to help with the hand shaking.

     Another gnome dancer was denied citizenship as Mottled Petrel watched the troll get his leg broken by the less than amused tyrunt. Once they got there the military had no problem snapping the beast in two. 'Speaking of animals, were there any in the caravans that were destroyed?' Mottled Petrel wondered, as he decided to look at the work-in-progress ledger of all of the items left by the caravans.
     'What the hell are we going to do with these things? The last thing we need here is more fire, much less a fire monkey.' Mottled Petrel wondered, as he looked accusingly at the chimchar. At that very moment Mottled Petrel had an idea, a wonderfully terrible idea, one that he would probably live to regret. Mottled Petrel caught Imic by the shoulder as he was passing by "I want you to build a square of fortifications covered by a roof up where the invaders keep coming from, and I want you to pasture this chimchar in it right before you close it off for good. And then, I want you to make any precautions necessary to prevent whatever forest fires this thing makes from getting out of control.".

     Imic was obviously perturbed by the notion of breaking the ancient koopa fire code by keeping a fire breathing creature around, but he also seemed glad to finally get a 'fortressier' related job "I'll do my best, sir". He immediately took out a piece of paper and started scribbling ideas, and asked "Is it okay if I make the thing out of lead? We have no use for it, and it would be super cool for the intimidation factor to have a cage of lead spitting fire." "Sure, whatever, just make it work".
     'More migrants!? We haven't even given all of the most recent migrants weapons yet. Whatever, I'll just blow through them.' Mottled Petrel thought, as he watched yet another demon koopa lead a group of normal koopas towards the fort. When the demon koopa finally reached the fort entrance, he looked like he had a well thought out backstory that he was going to regale Mottled Petrel with, but he was cut short before he even started "Name and proffession, we're in a bit of a crunch right now, we're still busy picking up all of the bodies of the most recent invaders, if you have something to tell me tell me later.". The demon koopa was taken aback, he clearly had expected to have had a red carpet rolled out for him like most forts would have "Ugh... Mugam, Great engraver" "You can stay as an engraver, but you're also on mining duty, NEXT! Come on people, make it quick." "Nokopoc, high master weaver, proficient animal caretaker, skilled papermaker" "Ha, good luck finding any use fore those skills here, furnace operator, go find yourself a coal shovel." "Nokom, novice brewer, proficient fisherkoopa, high master beekeeper" "General farming" "Nokooko, novice furnace operator" "Keep doing that, but also smithing" "Boogamo, novice miner, accomplished weaponsmith" "Keep doing that, and armorsmithing" "Nokoopi, competent lasher, talented gla-" "You don't need to finish, military" "Gamukep, talented spinner, adequate glazer" "Military... Hm? Is that it? Alright, I want to see anyone not doing anything important hauling bodies!".

'We're also going to need an expansion to the metalworking section, and I've got just the idea'.
     Mottled Petrel's 'great idea' mostly involved punching a hole through the floor of the main room, and then building a shoddy staircase down to the big magnetite vein he had mined out but never did anything with.

     For what seemed like weeks there was nothing but a constant stream of koopas leaving the fort, picking up a single clothing item off of a dead body, and then walking it back into the fort for storage. It was almost infuriating to watch.

     Somehow, someway, the stars managed to align perfectly to allow a fungal crow to sneak from the caverns, all the way up through the fort, past dozens of koopas and hundreds of trained animals, to walk right into the tavern and claw at the face of the mole person ambassador. How this happened, no one will ever know, but the mole person immediately gave chase.
     The fungal crow ran all the way down the hallway into Auze's room, and then began frantically fluttering around looking for a way out. The mole person ambassador grabbed the fungal crow by the leg, and then snapped it with his bare hands. After grabbing the fungal crow by one of its face tendrils he flung it against the ground and began mercilessly strangling it. The whole time this was happening, Auze was standing less than 10 feet away, bathrobe on, in his underwear, toothbrush still in his mouth, watching in bewilderment as the fungal crow struggled around the room as it was being strangled, spraying green blood all over his room.

     After the fungal crow finally stopped twitching, the mole person got up, dropped the corpse, and finished the mug of smiling turnip wine he had managed to hold onto during the whole exchange. Auze was left having no idea of what just happened. The situation was further compounded by a forumite macemite asking him to grant him residence. Auze agreed, and then went back to bed.

     Eventually, Mottled Petrel actually got around to trading with the merchants that had actually safely made it to the depot. He didn't really find anything of value, so he bought a few waterskins and backpacks. And as an apology for having their caravan destroyed the last year, Mottled Petrel offered one fine small cave spider silk glove, that the broker assured him was worth 782 Urists, to the silanifs.

     Another fungal crow attempted to sneak up into the fort, but was stopped in the mining layer by Asin, who promptly beat the fuck out of it with his laptop.

     After the birth of about 12 bob-ombs, Mottled Petrel had them pastured by the area where the invasions had been coming from. Unfortunately for him, everyone was too busy carrying bloodstained clothes.

     After much indecision, Mottled Petrel decided that he would send the squad that actually had training to finally retrieve the Book of Coagulation. While they were getting ready to leave, he also made the initial blueprints for its temporary holding chamber for if the book was actually found.
     'Let's hope they actually get out there this time without an invasion popping up, I want that book' Mottled Petrel thought, as he began thinking of a complex system of bridges to act as airlocks to the book.
     News of the book recovery was also apparently enough to inspire a number of visiting scientists who had been leaching off of the fort's library for some time.

     A corpse pit was also designated for excavation, in case another creature that could raise the dead happened to chance upon the current corpse pile. The last Mottled Petrel wanted was the 100+ body part in that pile getting up to invade.

     When the merchants finally left, they plowed right into a herd of ponyta that happened to be right across the brook. Instead of burning the caravan to a crisp, the ponyta instead fleed in all directions, and saved the fort from another mass fire. One even manages to to get caught in a cage trap, and is promptly designated for taming.
     'Spoke too soon I guess' Most of the silanifs got away, but the ponyta who was caught must have fired a revenge fire ball at the last wagon, because it was now on fire.

One of the other ponytas was strangled to death by a visiting poet, which sparked another fire.

Pikalord, not wanting to be shown up, decided he was going to attack the last remaining ponyta... right next to the entrance.
     After breaking the ponyta's leg, Pikalord was set aflame, likely to die soon after. The ponyta then shot a fire ball at the passing Dionysus, who was finally on his way to retrieve the book. The shot missed, and Dionysus wasted no time smashing the small horse's head in.

     Unfortunately, the ponyta that had been caught died from the heat of the forest fire it had set, leaving the koopas without their desired new war beast.

     Surprisingly Pikalord actually survived the fire because it started raining soon after he was ignited. It didn't rain long enough to put out the three fires that were now raging across the recently reseeded meadow, but Pikalord's life was at least saved by the precipitation.

     Next to attack is a large flock of giant buzzards, who attempted to pick up a wandering lawnmower and fly away with it. Dionysus, still taking his time leaving to retrieve the book, was able to kill one of them and scare the rest off. Soon after, one particularly brazen buzzard decided to fly straight into the entrance and down the entrance ramp to kill a wandering thrash dove.
     Before the remaining military could reach the scene, the giant buzzard bit a passing fembot's toe clean off. Maybe it was the scent of blood that got their attention, or maybe it was the fact that most of the animals in the fort were swarming the giant buzzard, but the scene caught the lazer-ceratosaur's attentions, and they set upon the giant buzzard like a swarm of locusts. In almost no time, they reduced the giant buzzard to a pile of ribbons, and then went back to whatever it was they were doing.

     All Mottled Petrel could do was twiddle his thumbs and wait for the last two wrestlers to make up their minds about which identical pair of socks they wanted to take for the road so they could actually retrieve the book. And wait he did, for Mottled Petrel really wanted that book, and the greater being withing him wanted to amuse itself with the pitifully impotent devices the mortals called 'magic'.
It's about time that the plans for 'The Cheesening' are finally laid out in full, as the first cog of the war machine is slowly being put into place...
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on July 10, 2018, 09:57:34 pm
Does anything ever go right in Modded Hell?
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 10, 2018, 10:30:41 pm
     lol......this «☼Post☼» by MottledPetrel was of the finest craftskoopaship, menacing with spikes of ☼Comedy Gold☼ and ringed with ☼Typical Koopa Bullshit☼.
    But, hey, several wagon-loads of free shit!  What's not to like about that?

     I imagine Kaos standing on top of the meat tower looking down at the approaching merchants and seeing them all getting trashed by a random dinosaur and then just shaking his head at the obvious keystone capers that progressed from there.
     All the while, him just muttering, "What the fuck is going with the world?"  Heh, like there is ever going to be a satisfactory answer for that question.........
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 11, 2018, 01:39:23 pm
When you said go find a coal shovel, I immediately thought of a shovel made of coal.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: bloop_bleep on July 11, 2018, 03:26:43 pm
When you said go find a coal shovel, I immediately thought of a shovel made of coal.

Long-term symptoms of chronic fortresser syndrome include: perpetual confusion of adjective meanings, permanent OCD, severe vitamin D deficiency, and clinical insanity.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 11, 2018, 05:14:17 pm
Does anything ever go right in Modded Hell?
I mean, we've got a pretty sweet copper road, but other than that I would have to say no. Thankfully, I haven't tried anything overly complicated or dangerous where there would be a serious problem if things went wrong. That is about to change with the creation of the secondary cheese fortress (For which a cool cheese related name would be nice), where if containment is breached and any of the SCP's koopas get out there will be fortress wide chaos. So I guess we've got that to look forward to.

     lol......this «☼Post☼» by MottledPetrel was of the finest craftskoopaship, menacing with spikes of ☼Comedy Gold☼ and ringed with ☼Typical Koopa Bullshit☼.
    But, hey, several wagon-loads of free shit!  What's not to like about that?

     I imagine Kaos standing on top of the meat tower looking down at the approaching merchants and seeing them all getting trashed by a random dinosaur and then just shaking his head at the obvious keystone capers that progressed from there.
     All the while, him just muttering, "What the fuck is going with the world?"  Heh, like there is ever going to be a satisfactory answer for that question.........
I'd put that first part in my personal signature if I had room, but I'm definitely putting it in the quotes section. As for the second part, It's a blessing to have a game this legendarily broken but still perfectly playable. Now that I mention that, I think fire might be broken, because I have yet to see a single koopa take fire damage, but all other things have no problem burning to death, sooo... add that to the list of broken features.

When you said go find a coal shovel, I immediately thought of a shovel made of coal.
You'd be surprised how many items in this fort are made out of coal for no good reason, in addition to items decorated with coal. A coal shovel made out of coal wouldn't be too far out of the question, but it would be super impractical to use and would probably give everyone black lung.

When you said go find a coal shovel, I immediately thought of a shovel made of coal.

Long-term symptoms of chronic fortresser syndrome include: perpetual confusion of adjective meanings, permanent OCD, severe vitamin D deficiency, and clinical insanity.
I'm definitely feeling that perpetual confusion, in an advanced form that doesn't just apply to adjectives, nothing makes sense.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 12, 2018, 05:36:02 pm
I thought koopas were made of metal, or something.
I am pretty sure you previously said they were intentionally fireproof.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on July 12, 2018, 05:41:49 pm
Does anything ever go right in Modded Hell?

What do you mean? We have constant access to rampaging dinosaurs, what more could you want?
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 12, 2018, 06:16:05 pm
I believe the story is is that I intentionally made them out of metal to begin with, but in translation to a new version that was lost and they somehow defaulted back to normal materials. They are currently normal fleshy koopas, who have somehow retained their fire resistance.

And yes, dinosaurs seem to be the main contender in this ecosystem. Whether that's good or not for the longevity of the fort remains to be seen.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: auzewasright on July 12, 2018, 07:01:06 pm
I see Auze has gotten used to the chaos.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: SQman on July 13, 2018, 06:24:01 am
And yes, dinosaurs seem to be the main contender in this ecosystem. Whether that's good or not for the longevity of the fort remains to be seen.
Dinosaurs are the ultimate animals, they can dominate an ecosystem they share with fire breathing horses, magical ghosts and omnicidal helicopters. No wonder it took a meteor to wipe them out, they were just too strong.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 13, 2018, 08:58:33 pm
I love how we can actually draw parallels to real life evolution from this mess, and that magical ghosts actually have a normal part in the ecosystem that we've created and no one sees any problems in that.Next update is on its way, I'm thinking it will be here around Tuesday or Wednesday, as much as I'd like to get it out earlier.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on July 13, 2018, 10:20:22 pm
magical ghosts actually have a normal part in the ecosystem that we've created
Just gonna sig this
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 13, 2018, 10:23:55 pm
     We should call the second fort Nazareth, and have only migrant families assigned to it.  At some point one of them might start up a business named, "Cheeses of Nazareth".

     I'm sorry, I'll go now.  ;)
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 13, 2018, 10:40:17 pm
"Cheeses of Nazareth".
One of these days I'm going to understand why all of your play-on-words jokes are about Jesus, but today is not that day.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 13, 2018, 10:49:24 pm
     It's actually a very old joke and I was just retreading it, after all, it does seem to fit in with the rest of the craziness perfectly fine and stable universe.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 14, 2018, 04:46:31 pm
At this point I'm seriously considering just renaming the fort 'Reference Hell'.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 17, 2018, 09:08:33 pm
Update tomorrow
I'm just going to leave this here.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on July 17, 2018, 10:12:42 pm
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 17, 2018, 10:39:19 pm
     It begins.......
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on July 17, 2018, 11:17:19 pm
Are you telling me we elected a lawnmower as mayor!?
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: SQman on July 18, 2018, 01:55:42 pm
Some people expected computers, robots, self-driving cars, but nobody expected that the machine uprising would be carried out by lawnmowers. I sure hope they will be merciful to koopakind.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 18, 2018, 02:05:06 pm
Some people expected computers, robots, self-driving cars, but nobody expected that the machine uprising would be carried out by lawnmowers. I sure hope they will be merciful to koopakind.
I've known that it would be carried out by lawn mowers since they were introduced.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 18, 2018, 07:04:34 pm
     "I, for one, welcome our new lawnmower overlords"

     Psst, I have always revered my lawnmower friends, and tend to their needs most humbly...…….do you believe me, hmmm?
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 18, 2018, 07:28:35 pm
Another day dawns upon a fledgling koopa fort, and said day starts with a human lady consort gutting a flying totem pole in the middle of a forest fire.
     'Nothing out of the ordinary here' thought Mottled Petrel, who was busy watching all of the workers run frantically around the fire that was moving at less than a snail's pace. Amidst the slightly above average amount of chaos, a certain metalsmith's eyes glaze over as he stares into the heart of the flame.
     Before he even turned to claim a workshop, he was set upon by another giant buzzard and joined the chorus of frantically screaming workers. Mottled Petrel face palmed and walked away.

     Eventually, the metalsmith claimed a metalsmith's forge and began gathering supplies. While this was happening, Darkening Kaos was busy getting most of his arms broken by another giant buzzard. One of the demon koopas decided that it would be a good idea to help Darkening Kaos by breathing flame, engulfing the whole animal pasture.
     He actually managed to hit the giant buzzard though, so it wasn't a total loss, but it wasn't anywhere near worth setting the one remaining patch of grass on fire and killing a lot of the animals. But instead of accepting that the giant buzzard was on fire and would probably die, the demon koopa began chasing it inside the fort, continuing to breath fire on it. And before Mottled Petrel could do anything to ameliorate the situation, ANOTHER giant buzzard flew down to start mauling the scattered koopas. It was also noticed at this point that the moody metalsmith only grabbed one iron bar with which to work with, telling Mottled Petrel that it was probably going to be something useless.

     This was getting to be too much for Mottled Petrel, it had been days since something had gone right, which wasn't very good even by Modded Hell standards. To make himself feel better, he allowed a forumite spearmite to stay and eradicate monsters. After doing so, he realized it didn't actually make him feel better, but it momentarily got his mind off of the demon koopa strangling the giant buzzard in the main hall.
     Not even a day after the fire had burned all of the previous poison puddles away, the entrance was already covered again in a new substance.
     Mottled Petrel gave the metalsmith a slow clap "You know, I'd be impressed, IF THE FORT WASN'T FUCKING BURNING DOWN AS WE SPEAK! Tell me your all knowing plan for how that floodgate will usher in a new era for koopa-kind or whatever after you go put out that fire with everyone else" Mottled Petrel said as he threw the metalsmith a bucket. The metalsmith responded by taking off his shorts before he ran to go haul something. 'I need a vacation' thought Mottled Petrel as he shook his head.
      Mottled Petrel's luke warm thoughts of vacation were interrupted by the call that a snatcher had been spotted. A haxxor thief had been seen running from a group of angry cockatiel men, probably after trying to steal one of their kids. Mottled Petrel sent the military out anyways, it wasn't like they were training as they were too busy sleeping and eating.

     The chase was long, and ultimately not worth it because the theif seemed like he never really had the intent to steal, but it was good conditioning for the remaining squad.
     'I've either officially gone crazy, or we have the least effective local government I have ever seen' Mottled Petrel thought, as he double then triple checked that there were actually no lawnmowers in office. 'This better not be some kind of insurgency', Mottled Petrel looked next to him to see a lawnmower wearing a fake mustache, seemingly trying to blend in. Mottled Petrel ripped the fake mustache off and told it to "Get out of here", the lawnmower drove away in dissapointment. If anyone in the fort could speak lawnmower, they probably would have heard something along the lines of 'Why won't they just accept me for who I am!".

     Word had gotten out and had spread across the known world that Modded Hell was probably the most confusing place in the land, and that it had a surprisingly good library for a military fort. A certain forumite historian claimed that he wanted to get to the bottom of it. "Please, allow me to stay in your fort so that I may study the calamities that occur here. I also intend to document all of the events that transpire here, so that might be useful for you in the long run." Ral Kibalis the forumite historian pleaded, hopefully. Mottled Petrel wasn't impressed "Sure, whatever, just don't get in the way of the people who are actually working".

     Winter fell upon the fort, the military was still out searching for the book, and the forest fire was still burning, all was well with the world.
     Not 10 seconds after that comment was made, an enemy laid siege to the fort. It was actually unknown who, or what, was sieging the fortress because it appeared that the assailants had decided to attack from the other side of the still raging forest fire. After the fire had passed, it was discovered that the forumites were again laying siege to the fort after burning themselves to death the previous year. As their ranks swelled over the hill, it looked like it was going to be another unnecesarily giant siege.

     The forumites had not learned to train their horses for war, but they did apparently decide that bringing rapidashes probably wasn't worth it. That being said, there were still around 120 invaders with even more arriving by the minute, so it would not be an easy fight.

     The signal to attack was eventually given, and about a third of the only remaining defense squad decided that it was a great time to refill their provisions.
The forumites just kept coming, at 230 invaders against the 5 koopas, forumite, and ninja who were defending.
     Before the koopas even got within striking range, an enemy war electrode self destructed, killing the forumechs around it. With that the battle was on, bringing the great CPU in the sky to its knees. Lazers flew, blood was spilled, mechanisms were broken, and the koopas were still just dealing with the stragglers ahead of the main group.

     The ninja was struck down, having never really been given any armor. The forumite macemite was struck down by his brethren, who seemingly disapproved of him having switched sides. Wags got his left foot cut off. There were just too many of them, and the recruits had too little training, but they continued to hold their own as the forumite horses started freaking out.

     Three koopas, including wags, had been killed, leaving only untrained stragglers to try to resist the assault. The main fighting force had been dispelled, mostly because the horses had had enough, but the call went out for the gate to be sealed until the stragglers had lost interest and wandered away. While this is happening, another wandering koopa recruit is killed.

     Despite the levers having been pulled, it was realized that there was some junk that was left on them from gods know when, preventing the gate from sealing and leaving the fortress completely vulnerable. The military had been reduced to 3 mostly untrained wrestlers, and only two forumechs had decided to stay behind to continue the siege, the wrestlers were sent out to prove themselves. And just as the wrestlers were about to make it outside the bridge finally closed, almost 3 days after its lever had been pulled. Of course, this prompted the wrestlers to take a nap while the lever was pulled again, this time with faster results.

     After much milling about, two koopas went out to face the remaining forumechs. One is immediately mowed down, but the other wrestler managed to kill one of the forumechs. This sends the remaining forumech running, effectively putting an end to the siege.

     Not more than ten seconds after the siege ended, a slamence started drifting in lazy circles over the koopas as they emerged to bury their dead. Not soon after, the salamence descended and started clawing the hell out of a weaponsmith trying to pick up the gear off of the dead invaders. After tearing open the weaponsmiths stomach and leaving him for the vultures, the salamence got bored and flied away.
     On the bright side, the lead fire cube (for lack of a better name) was almost done. Mottled Petrel went to assign the chimchar to be pastured there, only to realize that they had a cage incineroar right next to it. Mottled Petrel didn't even have to think it over, a literal fire tiger was way more powerful than a small fire monkey. "Incineroar it is! Please, don't make me regret this decision." Mottled Petrel said aloud, as if the pokemon could understand what he was saying.
     In light of the most recent military failure, Mottled Petrel decided that it might be best to make it so that each squad had its own training room. Whether it would actually help still remained to be determined.
     Again, the salamence decided to attack some busy koopa workers, and with only two fighters left there wasn't really anything that could be done other than to hope that no permanent damage would be dealt. Madd is singled out from the group, and he began frantically trying to get away.

     Surprisingly, after much dodging, Madd somehow managed to stretch his leg so far as to kick the salamence two feet above of him in the wing, chipping it. This rended the salamence flightless, and only then did Madd remember that he had been busy carrying at least three separate battle axes from the battlefield before he had been attacked. After flailing around the armful of weapons he had on him, Madd managed to cover the salamence with enough paper cuts to cause it to pass out from pain. After doing so, Madd ran away screaming. The last two wrestlers were sent out to put an end to the salamence, but with one still in intensive care and the other  asleep it was unlikely that they'd ever actually get there in time.
     They didn't, the salamence woke up to turn a passing rattata into a !!Rattata Roast!!. While distracted by the slag puddle he had just created, a passing miner killed the salamence. Even though there was almost nothing left to burn, the salamence still somehow managed to start a forest fire.
I know we predicted it at the beginning, but I'm just going to restate it: I much as I hate it, I can't really make as much of a personalized narrative for each character in this part of the story as I would have hoped because there's just too much crazy shit going on all the time. That being said, I hope the lawnmower uprising more than makes up for it.

I swear, this fort is taking years off of my life.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on July 18, 2018, 09:48:28 pm
I hope the lawnmower uprising more than makes up for it.
I'm just going to sig this
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: ZM5 on July 19, 2018, 01:05:09 am
I like how amidst all of the crazy shit in this update, the lawnmower ending a mandate is probably the most bizarre thing to come out of it. How does that happen?
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: voliol on July 19, 2018, 01:06:22 am
If we got any reliable water source, I vote for a giant water tap to be built, to properly flood the surface in case of any more forest fires.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 19, 2018, 11:38:53 am
I wish I had some kind of idea as to what actually caused that, but I don't, all i know is that it would have been a whole lot worse if he started creating mandates instead.

Giant flood the world engine is on my list of things to get to, but at this rate it's going to be years before the koopas are done hauling individual socks from all of these dead invaders.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: SQman on July 19, 2018, 12:40:04 pm
The obvious solution would be to start another great fire and incinerate all the socks.
Title: Re: The Embargo of Modded Hell (Merchant slaughter, fires, and the quest for cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on July 19, 2018, 01:14:55 pm
Incineroar it is! Please, don't make me regret this decision.

I don't know, it's just not quite as catchy as "I choose you, Pikachu!".
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 19, 2018, 09:41:20 pm
The obvious solution would be to start another great fire and incinerate all the socks.
I don't know what they're making their sock out of, but I just keep getting XXFire Resistant Titanium Allow SockXX's. That, and a lot of clothes are made out of materials that burn as long as lignite, there's currently at least 3 eternally clothes items on the map.

Incineroar it is! Please, don't make me regret this decision.

I don't know, it's just not quite as catchy as "I choose you, Pikachu!".
I laughed pretty hard after I got what you were going for, in the quotes section it goes. Dang, that thing's getting pretty big.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: auzewasright on July 20, 2018, 10:21:59 am
Let's see, wildfires? check. insanity? check. lawn mowers? check. complete collapse of all reason with people dancing around the game's corpse? Check.

Yep, this is Modded Hell.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 20, 2018, 03:20:29 pm
I knew I should have taken that suggestion to found the fort in a region without grass...
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 20, 2018, 06:03:09 pm
     Time to dig a moat and fill it with water...…...although, knowing that this is modded hell, water is probably flammable.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 20, 2018, 07:38:02 pm
I honestly wouldn't put it past this game for water to be ineffectual against fire. A moat wouldn't be that bad of an idea actually, but it would have to be pretty big to defend against fire balls.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 21, 2018, 07:51:11 pm
There is a fairly moderate chance of there being an update tomorrow, and an even greater one of it being the day after if not tomorrow. I'm starting to think the koopa invasion team either decided to go live somewhere else, or they got sucked into a dimensional time rift, again.
Title: Re: The Assimilation of Modded Hell (Rise of our lawnmower overlords)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 23, 2018, 07:44:11 pm
Out in a once beautiful meadow, a fledgling koopa fort is busy trying to get itself together. Unbeknownst to them, the fort is being stalked by one who would wish to do it harm.
     "Get off our fucking lawn, you damn hooligans!" yelled Pikalord, as he threw a rock at a haxxor who looked like he was trying to sneak into the fort. The haxxor cried out and ran before he even got close enough to see the fort. "I swear, why do they even come if a hardy shout is all it takes to scare them off." Pikalord said as he slowly shook his head, before getting back to dragging the rotting pentaceratops corpse he had with him to the overflowing corpse pile.

     One day, Auze began complaining that he had nothing to do. "As a noble" he whined to anyone who would listen "I am above hauling corpses, and I demand work more fitting to my rank". It was obvious to most of the koopas in the fort that Auze intended to weather the apocalypse in his quarters and not help the rest of them, so most didn't care to heed his complaining. To both shut him up and make him useful, Mottled Petrel told him to try to figure out the magician's studio that had been built. After several hours, Auze came to this consensus "So, according to these instructions, which is mostly pictures, I need to inscribe a slate and then pour some kind of magic dust on it? And then I need to look at it really hard for a long time, and if I'm lucky there will be a small chance of some kind of magic orb appearing. Once the magic orb is eaten, the consumer will gain its magic powers.". Mottled Petrel blinked "Is that really how magic works?" "How the hell should I know!? There isn't any words on this damn thing, this could be a koopaling's picture book for all I know!" Auze said with exasperation as he waved the instructions around. "Just try to figure it out, we'll deal with the 'magic orbs' when we get to them.".

     Mottled Petrel sat reclining at his desk, wondering what his next course of action should be. He was jolted out of his day dreaming by a large koopa slamming something on his desk.
     "Oh, KoopaUnknown, you're back. What took you so long?" Mottled Petrel asked as he saw who it was, and as he watched the Cunning Citadels file in. They all looked tired, worn out, and most of their armor was covered in yellow stains. Koopa Unknown looked mad, but that was normal. "What zhe hell!? You told uz that we were searching for cook book. Turnz out zhe only book on zhe whole continent with the name you gave uz waz ztored away in a dark tower. And after dayz of fighting through living cheese, all we find iz thiz!" KoopaUnknown exclaimed as he angrily pointed to the big leather bound tome he had slammed on the desk.

     The book almost looked as if it was pulsating, and the words 'The Book of Coagulation' were imprinted at the top in golden calligraphy. "I don't know what you're talking about, this looks like a cook book to m-" Mottled Petrel opened the book, and the sounds of a thousand damned souls whispering at once filled the ears of everyone in the room. The words on the pages looked like they had been written in blood, and smoky black tendrils emanated from the phrases that held the most power. There were diagrams of cheese, and corpses, and black incantations, and bending the will of the flesh to that of cheese, and- Mottled Petrel slammed the book shut "Alright, this wasn't exactly what I was expecting".

     Mottled Petrel thought for a minute "We've got an abandoned room that used to lead to the trash pit we just dug, I want you to dump that book in there until I find a way to deal with it. Send the other books to the library, I'm sure the scholars would love the insight on what goes on in a dark tower.". The Cunning Citadels nodded, and walked out. As they were doing this, Mottled Petrel noticed that a few of the laser-ceratosaurs had some crude medals pinned to their chest, which usually was a koopa tradition for commemorating exemplary work on the battlefield. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but prayed that the book actually made it to where he wanted it to go. Before they left, rainbowdashfanboi84 placed his stolen item on Mottled Petrel's desk.
"Auze is going to have a field day with this thing.". Under the artifact was a copy of the mission report.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
And just like the last time, a performance troop decided to tag along with the koopa invasion force.
But this time, something was a little off about the group.
     Mottled Petrel couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't normal for a poet to declare death on everyone around him, and then attack his fellow troupe-mates. The poets beat the crysanthrope to death with the books they were carrying, and then continued on their way as if nothing had happened. Except the pianta child, he was scarred for life and curled into a ball and wept.
     Among the confusion, another child protective services officer haxxor theif tried to sneak into the fort. The 2-man wrestler squad was sent out to deal with him. To further worsen the matter, a wild gallade wandered right into the visiting troupe, and began hacking off limbs like there was no tomorrow. While watching a ninja poet be reduced to confetti, Mottled Petrel noticed something glinting from a pile of blood.
'Where the hell did this thing come from?'.

     Somehow, instead of just driving the haxxor off, the wrestlers managed to scare the haxxor into the densely populated tavern. Once there, they cut off his arm right in front of all of the other guests, before giving chase again.
     After bleeding his way across the hall, the haxxor was impaled on top of one of the dinning room tables, right in front of three visiting baron consorts from the human empire. Without even so much as picking up the body, the two of them high-fived, and then went back to training. It was probably at that time that the visiting humans realized what the rumors of Modded Hell were talking about. They were also very perturbed by how nonchalantly the next koopa who came into the room picked up the dead haxxor's scattered teeth.

     It is spring now, and after a month of the military being home, the fighter who had stolen the Book of Coagulation was still carrying it around on him. Despite the fact that the book had been forbidden, he still carried it.
     Apparently the haxxors had decided that sending in individual thieves to their death wasn't a very effective strategy, because a complete ambush party was seen on the edge of the fort's territory. One ambush party soon turned into three, then five, and before you knew it it seemed like the entire haxxor nation was trying to invade. They were even led by a prophet who had brought some of his pilgrims with him, but unfortunately for them they decided to ambush on the side with the bob-omb's and incineroar. The lead cage hadn't been finished in time, but the incineroar was more than willing to throw himself into the fight anyways, breathing fire the entire time.
     Now at around 80 invaders, most of them actually ninjas, the incineroar had sparked another forest fire that was beginning to close in on the haxxor ranks. At this point the untrained horses the haxxors were riding on began to freak out and were fleeing in all directions, to reveal that there was actually an invasion of clowns directly behind them. After slightly regroupring, the haxxors turned around to try to fight off the clown invasion force as the fire slowly crept towards both groups.
     The haxxors themselves didn't stand a chance, none of them actually brought any weapons or armor, but the ninjas that were part of the haxxor invasion force stood their own reasonably well. Regardless, the clowns were by far the superior force. While this was happening, the incineroar was content to sit in his fire, watching the two sides fight.

     The clown force was much smaller than that of the haxxors, totaling in with only a ten clown squad and no war animals, but they still managed to make short work of most of the remaining haxxor forces. Soon enough, however, both sides were annihilated, leaving only a few panic stricken haxxor recruits running around screaming. It was at this point that the military, who had been ordered to stand by the tower until things cleared up, were finally sent out to put down who was left.
'Oh come on, we just finished cleaning the corpses from the last invasion from that area'.

The military only managed to catch one fleeing war stoutland, but they did make an approximate casualty list while they were out.
     On the way back inside from the field, Mottled Petrel pulled over the soldier who had been carrying the Book of Coagulation for over a month. "Don't worry man, I finally put it away" he said, Mottled Petrel squinted "Alright, where did you put it.". The soldier cupped his chin with his hand in a thoughtful expression "You know, I don't really remember. You forbade me from carrying it, so I kinda just dropped it somewhere.". Mottled Petrel looked like he was going to strangle the koopa in front of him who had just lost one of the most powerful books in the land. 
So, the Book of Coagulation has been dropped somewhere, and it isn't showing up on the stocks screen. Even if I can find it again, it wasn't letting me mark it for dumping, and no one in the fort is actually dumping. Any ideas on how I can get the book into the safety room without restricting all of the other books to there? Also, does anyone want to volunteer to become a cheese wizard?
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 23, 2018, 08:41:57 pm
     Can we add the ever-burning forest fire currently located in our back garden to the military?  Seems like it is one of the more effective combatants we have, and thoughtfully doesn't spread rivers of blood's one of our more hygienic warriors.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: scourge728 on July 24, 2018, 10:52:17 am
I would like to volunteer my koopa for cheese wizard power
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: voliol on July 25, 2018, 11:06:26 am
Maybe some visitor/invader stole the book? I don't think they respect forbidding, so one of them could have just picked it up and left.
As it is way too mighty and dangerous for either enemy or even allied nations to have their hands on, we should send a troop to retrieve it immediately.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 25, 2018, 12:21:27 pm
Go to 'L', the artifacts list, set the Book of Coagulation to F8, then press F8 in the main view.
Tada, there is the book.

There may be a simpler way, but I would forbid all books but the book of coagulation, and have the only active library in the fort be in the safe room.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 25, 2018, 02:28:29 pm
     Can we add the ever-burning forest fire currently located in our back garden to the military?  Seems like it is one of the more effective combatants we have, and thoughtfully doesn't spread rivers of blood's one of our more hygienic warriors.
Fire is definitely our most effective defense as of right now, even when most of it is entirely unintentional. We're going to be totally screwed if we ever have to fight a fire proof enemy.

I would like to volunteer my koopa for cheese wizard power
You can be the first cheese wizard if no one opposes.

Maybe some visitor/invader stole the book? I don't think they respect forbidding, so one of them could have just picked it up and left.
As it is way too mighty and dangerous for either enemy or even allied nations to have their hands on, we should send a troop to retrieve it immediately.
Maybe, but the soldier literally had it in his hands for almost a month, and not much time has passed since the last time I saw it there.

Go to 'L', the artifacts list, set the Book of Coagulation to F8, then press F8 in the main view.
Tada, there is the book.

There may be a simpler way, but I would forbid all books but the book of coagulation, and have the only active library in the fort be in the safe room.
That might be a good idea, but my current strategy is to place a pedestal in the holding chamber and then have the Book of Coagulation set to be on display there. And once the mini-fortress (a cool name for it would be nice) is ready I'll station Scourge in there, and then have him dismantle the pedestal once the entryway is sealed of. No idea if it will actually work, but it's worth a try.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 25, 2018, 02:30:48 pm
The Cheese Chantry
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: SQman on July 25, 2018, 03:28:55 pm
It's brie real estate.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 25, 2018, 11:30:33 pm
     'The Fromage Foundry'
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 28, 2018, 07:32:11 pm
Found the book, Operation: Brie Real Estate is a go.
Title: Re: The Cheesing of Modded Hell (Beginning of cheese magic warfare)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 30, 2018, 04:09:50 pm
After spending all day digging through a large pile of items, a koopa triumphantly holds a book over his head.
     'Thank gods we didn't actually lose it. Now, to get this somewhere safe'. Mottled Petrel assigned the last platinum pedestal to be constructed in the emergency room, and once it was ready the book was to be placed on it and sealed away until he had a proper use for it.

     The new barracks had not yet been dug out yet, but restructuring of the smaller squad was needed. A shadow gnome maceman requested residence so that he may soldier, but apparently to fit him into the squad a subordinate brute needed to be present. There were very few burly koopas in the fort, so Mottled Petrel pulled a particularly muscular miner for the position. The shadow gnome maceman looked very uncomfortable when he was told that he would need to wear a shell to be part of the squad.

"Sir?" Auze said, tentatively "I'm not sure what I did, but I think I made some magic".
     "Well, what are we supposed to do with it?" Mottled Petrel asked, "I don't know, I think someone has to eat it to gain its power, but there's no way I'm going to do it. How about we put it in the library, so the scholars can study it?" "Sounds fine to me, they could probably write a book about it that could spread the secret too." (According to the mod page, if someone eats the essence they'll gain the magic, and then they can write a book about it so others can read it and learn the power. No idea how I'm going to be able to tell who has what power, though.).
'This one's going to be a doozy'.
'I regret even noticing it'.
'This place is going to be even more of a mad house than it already is if it's this easy for us to learn magic.'.

     A breeding pair of sentrets and a ralts are caught out in the field, and not soon after a performance troop arrives because they have nothing better to do.
And just like the last one, its own members turn on it after they reach the fort's boundaries.
     But still, the koopas found it surprisingly entertaining to see a bunch of amateur poets beat each other to death with their own books. Eventually, it became clear that some of the poets would end up actually being a problem, so the military was sent out. Ironically, one of the blood thirsty poets stumbled into a cage trap as they were beating one of their fellow poets to death. To make the scuffle even worse, a bob-omb poet wandered into the fray, and immediately blew up.
     The explosion did little more than knock the innocent poets off balance long enough for the ones who were killing them to do debilitating damage. After maiming all of the poets who were too slow to run away, the military arriveed. Upon being killed, each of the crysanthropes dropped a mastercraft golden figurine. It was decided that the caged poet would be used as a gladiator for the eventual arena that would be dug out.

And while all this was happening, Madd decided he would take a lunch break.
After eating the essence, he just sat at the table for a few moments, shrugged, and walked away.

Next, one of the military koopas decided to take an essence of aether bolt with them as provisions for their training.
     "This is probably the best bed I have ever seen, but what do you want us to do with it?" Mottled Petrel asked, as he admired the bed. Eris shrugged "I don't know, why don't we have a fight to the death for it?" Mottled Petrel didn't even address that comment "Just put it in the stockpile, we'll find something to do with it.".

Next, ZM5 decided that he was going to try eating some magic.
Again, he ate the essence and was left with no discernible difference.

     After yet another fire was created by a perpetually burning article of clothing in the field, Mottled Petrel decided it was time to finally put some anti-fire systems in place. He slammed his poorly drawn blueprints onto his desk, as the miners watched "Alright, here's the plan. We're going to dig out an underground channel leading from the brook to a large underground reservoir. From that reservoir we will have a series of pumps that will be positioned so that they will pump water up to an above ground reservoir that we can use bridges to dump on any fires. This will take a long time to do, and I have not consulted any of the mechanics on how we will get the pumps to work, but it's on you guys to dig out the reservoir. Got it?". Nobody responded, but it was obvious from their expressions that they thought it was a huge waste of time. Nonetheless, they got to it.
(I just found it funny that this counted as a 'Lavish Meal').
     Another performance troupe consisting entirely of poets arrived, and like the last few, some of its members begins killing everything in sight. "Ha, we might need to make a special place to store all of these dead poets. We could call it... The Deceased Poet's Organization!" Mottled Petrel exclaimed "... Nah, that sounds stupid, just throw them with the rest of the other degenerates.".

     Seemingly fed up with the demon koopa oligarchy, it would appear that the koopas of Modded Hell decided to band together and vote in the LEAST qualified candidate into the mayoral office to spite them.
     Mottled Petrel, however, looked like he was going to have a heart attack. 'Pull yourself together man, you just have to fulfill his mandates and he won't drag down the fort too much. It'll be alrigh-' Mottled Petrel's feverish thoughts were interrupted by MoonyTheHuman getting onto his stage to give his victory speech... with a full size body pillow of a human girl under one of his arms "First of all, I'd like to thank my waifu for all of her support. Sempai, say hi to the crowd...". The crowd collectively looked like they regretted their decision, while Mottled Petrel ran out of the room screaming.
     During his frenzy, a group of migrants showed up. Those who weren't handed a pick were handed a sword and told to figure it out. One of the migrants was a demon koopa, and after a short discussion with MoonyTheHuman, he returned to Mottled Petrel with a very specific claim.
     Mottled Petrel spit his drink out across his desk, after wiping his mouth he exclaimed "Why the actual fuck would you want to be kind here of all places! Do you have any idea how low the life expectancy is of literally everything within a hundred Urists of here!? And it's not like we can actually accommodate you, we're basically hauling corpses and putting out fires on a daily basis!". But the new king would have none of it "Starting tomorrow this little hovel is going to be transformed into a proper koopa castle. With lava, fire, outstanding architecture, and most of all, a grand throne room in which I can defeat my enemies in glorious combat!". 'This guy isn't going to last two weeks here' Mottled Petrel thought "Alright, go, rally the workers, see if you can actually get them to do what you want them to. I've been trying for years, and all I've gotten is what you see around you.".

     With a swish of the cape that Mottled Petrel just noticed he had on, the king departed. Once in the hallway, he was practically swarmed by the helmet snakes and geo vipers that occupied every nook and cranny of the fort. The king smiled to himself 'This place just might be the one, there's definately plenty of minions here.'.
Just a few notes, magic has spread around the fort and once I begin dropping the animals we don't need into the death pit that leads to the secondary fort I will begin the cheesening. Here's the occupants of the fort:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
And here are the new noble positions that just opened up...
Anyone want to be a fortress? Or a castle?
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Enemy post on July 30, 2018, 04:17:28 pm
I want to be a DINOSAUR.

(Also, do we have any politician residents?)
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 30, 2018, 06:52:49 pm
I even posted a list of the current occupants of the fort I haven't even seen a politician in this world yet.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 30, 2018, 07:47:46 pm
     I'm still a gem setter, moar mechanisms.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: voliol on July 30, 2018, 11:38:05 pm
If we ever see a politician, we should enslave them somehow set up a trap to cage them and put them in the tavern to slowly become the mayor.

Also, what’s the explanation behind castle and fortress being noble/executive positions? Is it a normal koopa thing or something gone horribly wrong as all things should here in modded hell?
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: SQman on July 31, 2018, 06:45:34 am
What mod are the spell essences from? I might find a use for them in my modpack.

Does anything get done at all in this fort? From what you're saying it looks like everyone is hauling trash 24/7.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: pikachu17 on July 31, 2018, 12:25:39 pm
Spellcrafts mod I believe.

Also, I'd like to be a fortress.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 31, 2018, 02:09:43 pm
     I'm still a gem setter, moar mechanisms.
You're a VERY good gem setter. That, and MrLurkety is the only one who ever really heeds my orders to make mechanisms, you just go out and get mauled by animals every time you try to load a cage trap.

If we ever see a politician, we should enslave them somehow set up a trap to cage them and put them in the tavern to slowly become the mayor.

Also, what’s the explanation behind castle and fortress being noble/executive positions? Is it a normal koopa thing or something gone horribly wrong as all things should here in modded hell?
If we wanted a politician to be mayor, they would have to be a citizen. If they are a citizen, I don't think there is any way to get them in a cage other than if they are being imprisoned.

I'm 90% sure that the fortress and castle things are a broken feature, I think those are supposed to be the names of our surrounding areas, like having the surrounding lands being elevated to a barony. I don't know what could have possibly turned those names into noble positions, but I do know that because we now have a king we are technically very high up in the heirarchy.

What mod are the spell essences from? I might find a use for them in my modpack.

Does anything get done at all in this fort? From what you're saying it looks like everyone is hauling trash 24/7.
I'm pretty sure it's spellcrafts... Or at least, it used to be spellcrafts...

Most of the fortress has decided that it's more important to haul in the 15 something caravan's worth of burned, tattered cloth that's currently outside, and the rest of them are hauling corpses to the corpse stockpile and not dumping them in the dump site I designated. Not much gets done around here unless I mark it on a high priority, but unfortunately I can't mark all of the things I want done as that.

Spellcrafts mod I believe.

Also, I'd like to be a fortress.
Fortress it is. It might crash the game, but it will be worth it. (It's going to be a nightmare explaining it in the story though.)
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 31, 2018, 07:10:53 pm
     I'm still a gem setter, moar mechanisms.
You're a VERY good gem setter. That, and MrLurkety is the only one who ever really heeds my orders to make mechanisms, you just go out and get mauled by animals every time you try to load a cage trap.

     You need to assign a manager, then set the mechanics workshop to only be used by one person.  MrLurkety can get mauled for a change.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 31, 2018, 07:26:51 pm
In all of my years of playing dwarf fortress, I have not once used a manager. I mean, I could try to do that, but that takes all of the fun out of the horrible inefficiency of manually doing it all myself.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 31, 2018, 08:31:04 pm
     My apologies for the tardy response but I'm still trying to parse your statement …
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on July 31, 2018, 08:41:42 pm
verb (used with object), parsed, pars·ing.

1.    to analyze (a sentence) in terms of grammatical constituents, identifying the parts of speech, syntactic relations, etc.
2.    to describe (a word in a sentence) grammatically, identifying the part of speech, inflectional form, syntactic function, etc.
3.    to analyze (something, as a speech or behavior) to discover its implications or uncover a deeper meaning:

Either you're calling me on the grammar that I didn't care about in the first place, or I wasn't clear enough. I've always gotten along fine without a manager, so I never learned how to use one. That, and I don't really trust the idiots to get it right anyways.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on July 31, 2018, 08:50:27 pm
    My logic circuits completely failed while reading your sentence, (grammar/spelling/etc was fine), the illogic of it left me flabbergasted and astounded, it was not a jab at something you had written or how you had written it.

     Managers are there to relieve you of some of the micromanagement.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: IndigoFenix on August 01, 2018, 05:35:53 am
Pretty sure that when it says "a fortress" or "a castle" this is referring to the land ownership type of that particular noble, not the noble itself.  I'm not sure why the menu displays it this way but it does in vanilla as well (it says "a barony" not "baron").

Assuming you left the koopa nobles unchanged, a fortress is for a Miniboss, and a castle is for a Boss (there are 8 bosses maximum, so a koopa kingdom can create 8 "castles"...or was it 7?  I can't remember.).  Usually these are assigned in worldgen but I guess since the Demon King is now in the fort you get to assign them yourself.  This could wind up interesting.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: SQman on August 01, 2018, 07:52:52 am
In all of my years of playing dwarf fortress, I have not once used a manager. I mean, I could try to do that, but that takes all of the fun out of the horrible inefficiency of manually doing it all myself.

How do you deal with large migrant waves then? Every workshop can have 10 orders at one time, and a decent wave means 30 beds, 30 doors, 30 cabinets, 10 sets of armor  (7 pieces including mail shirts and shields) and prefered weapons. That's 170 orders, and I haven't taken into account chests or making actual rooms. Needlessly overcomplicating everything down to basic management is in the spirit of the game, so I salute you.

Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 02, 2018, 04:03:32 pm
I was onto the ownership title thing, but I have no idea if it is a dwarf fortress issue or a purely Modded Hell issue. And do we just have a demon king, or THE Demon King of the koopa empire? Also, I've forgotten how koopa magic works because I have not once gotten myself a fully charged gem, we're almost at out first one and I'm dying to make Auze a battle magikoopa.

How do you deal with large migrant waves then?
The same way I deal with all problems in dwarf fortress: brute force, spite, and way too much free time.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 02, 2018, 04:27:25 pm
Hi, I  made an account for this form specifically to say I am playing with this modpack and it's very fun,

I also know a dumb amount about Pokémon and the Mario rpgs so most of my enjoyment is going " i know what that is!!" And laughing at the 5th forest fire that year

Thank you so much for making this

EDIT: also I keep imagining your demon king as one of those turtles with the really long snouts. I don't know why
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: auzewasright on August 02, 2018, 08:18:28 pm
Quote from: MottledPetrel link=topic=167813.msg7822236#msg7822236 date=
I'm dying to make Auze a battle magikoopa.
IC: I would rather just weather out the apocalypse in my room.
OOC: I've decided to abort some character traits. Honestly, just make sure that I get rekoopa'd as a mechanic or scholar or something of the sort.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 02, 2018, 08:52:33 pm
Hi, I  made an account for this form specifically to say I am playing with this modpack and it's very fun,

I also know a dumb amount about Pokémon and the Mario rpgs so most of my enjoyment is going " i know what that is!!" And laughing at the 5th forest fire that year

Thank you so much for making this

EDIT: also I keep imagining your demon king as one of those turtles with the really long snouts. I don't know why
Glad to hear you're liking it, I don't know why, but I can agree that the forest fires get endearing after a while. And are you talking about soft shell turtles? Because I have not once thought the king would look like that, seems more like a bookkeeper thing. You know, so they can balance their tiny spectacles on their overly long snouts as they glare down at you disapprovingly for letting all of the trade goods burn outside.

Quote from: MottledPetrel link=topic=167813.msg7822236#msg7822236 date=
I'm dying to make Auze a battle magikoopa.
IC: I would rather just weather out the apocalypse in my room.
OOC: I've decided to abort some character traits. Honestly, just make sure that I get rekoopa'd as a mechanic or scholar or something of the sort.
I think the whole point of me doing this is because chief magikoopa is a pretty useless noble if you don't make him a badass support type. If anything, you might be the one that I have to eventually seal off to ensure the continuation of the fort after something manages to actually get past the fire. I don't think you're going to die anytime soon, even after you become a support wizard you're going to be safely behind the front line. (And I've been totally winging characters for a long time now, if you want to change it I'll work it in. Something about the pressure to survive impending doom changing him, or something.)
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 02, 2018, 08:56:54 pm
Oh! But imagine the dorky daimao demon lord with the worlds most ugly mug , people wheezing THIER heads off trying to take this overloard seriously

Also if you need help identifying any obscure names of things, I may be of help, I like to spend 5000% of my time reading on obscure video games, and I'd like to be helpful

Sorry if I'm annoying, I just love this... fire fort
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 02, 2018, 09:09:21 pm
I'm considering drawing a portrait of noodle snout, the demon king...

Basically anything that I encounter and go 'I have no idea what the hell this thing is' is fair game.

We can always do with some enthusiasm between updates, so don't worry about it.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 02, 2018, 09:43:48 pm
I'm considering drawing a portrait of noodle snout, the demon king...

Basically anything that I encounter and go 'I have no idea what the hell this thing is' is fair game.

We can always do with some enthusiasm between updates, so don't worry about it.

Good! I'll do my best

Also, so far ROTMK is being super good my guys don't leave their underground for much of anything, just dead vermin and to tend the farm and depot, which is all enclosed by fortifications

Oh and for the livestock

We don't even have to worry about water, id reccomend you get a Vim workshop and work for azoth
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 02, 2018, 09:58:14 pm
I completely ripped the vim extractor from the toads, it shouldn't even work because only the toads have vim containing blood. I know it can be used for warp pipes, but I have no idea what azoth is used for.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 02, 2018, 10:00:10 pm
I completely ripped the vim extractor from the toads, it shouldn't even work because only the toads have vim containing blood. I know it can be used for warp pipes, but I have no idea what azoth is used for.

Actually the Vim works for the koops, for some reason, at least I don't have to juice people, that's the worst

The warp pipes and also alchemy, and potions to make wizards and stuff, it's good stuff, and I think also to make coins and powerstars
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: IndigoFenix on August 03, 2018, 02:09:42 am
The "Demon King" is the ruler of the Koopa civilization.  So yeah, you've basically just got six-armed metal Bowser joining your fort and Modded Hell is now the capital of the realm.  How that happened is anyone's guess.

Have you uncovered magma yet?  You need magma to set up a proper gem charge point, and I don't think it will show up in the menu until you have it.

Both charged gems and Azoth are essential for most of Koopa alchemy.  Reactions include making potions, creating obsidian, making "fire stones" (which allow you to spawn lava pits anywhere) and making carmot (the Philosopher's Stone), which can in turn be used for changing metals into gold and gold into shining gold.  And also creating minions, assuming that still works.  Normally Koopas can only get Azoth by dissolving shining coins in alcohol, but if you gave them the vim reactions you have an easier (if riskier) method.

"Ignis et Azoth tibi sufficiunt"
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 03, 2018, 06:00:23 am
Again, I've been playing around with this mod pack, and it seems, probably due to an oversight, or just my file being weird, for some unexplainable reason, koopas can do the Vim reaction, and it still weirds
Me out

So the choice is yours what you'd do with alchemy
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Imic on August 03, 2018, 01:16:37 pm
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 03, 2018, 03:57:00 pm
So it turns out coupe with an 'e' is a type of small car, but at this point I don't feel like changing it.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Urist Mc Dwarf on August 03, 2018, 04:00:57 pm
I have been following this with great enjoyment. Can I be koopaed and made one of the tyromancers?
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 03, 2018, 06:50:20 pm
Can do, once I'm done with my overly complicated idea for an airlock. Any particular role you want to have in the offshoot fort of tyromancers?
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Urist Mc Dwarf on August 03, 2018, 07:20:37 pm
Smith, I think.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 04, 2018, 08:10:57 pm
The "Demon King" is the ruler of the Koopa civilization.  So yeah, you've basically just got six-armed metal Bowser joining your fort and Modded Hell is now the capital of the realm.  How that happened is anyone's guess.

Have you uncovered magma yet?  You need magma to set up a proper gem charge point, and I don't think it will show up in the menu until you have it.

Both charged gems and Azoth are essential for most of Koopa alchemy.  Reactions include making potions, creating obsidian, making "fire stones" (which allow you to spawn lava pits anywhere) and making carmot (the Philosopher's Stone), which can in turn be used for changing metals into gold and gold into shining gold.  And also creating minions, assuming that still works.  Normally Koopas can only get Azoth by dissolving shining coins in alcohol, but if you gave them the vim reactions you have an easier (if riskier) method.

"Ignis et Azoth tibi

Hey sorry if I'm annoying but how do you dissolve the coins, I've tried every workshop and can't figure it out
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Nahere on August 04, 2018, 09:42:57 pm
Dissolving coins in gold is the way koopa alchemy used to work. These days it's more complicated, and involves producing carmot from various alchemical ingredients. Looks like you need potash, pyrite, rock salt, and shining coins to make carmot as part of a multi step process, then dissolve that in quicksilver to make azoth, which can be brewed into various arcane potions. Having access to a toad extractor simplifies that drastically, even if it doesn't make much sense.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: bloop_bleep on August 05, 2018, 02:53:30 am
Having access to a toad extractor simplifies that drastically, even if it doesn't make much sense.


Toad extracting as in animal dissection, or toad extracting as in genocidal mushroom-headed humanoid life essence harvesting?
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Nahere on August 05, 2018, 04:03:02 am
This kind:
If only there were a way to require a reaction have caged prisoners nearby without using dfhack.
I guess you could transform toads into creatures that itemcorpse into 'vim barrels' or something...
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: IndigoFenix on August 05, 2018, 04:48:30 am
The imagery I was going for is basically that Toads hook themselves up to a sort of blood donation mechanism.  It isn't supposed to be fatal but it can be if they aren't careful.

(Vim is used for interstellar flight.  Vim is green.  Warp pipes are green, created by Toads, and have the ability to warp space. Therefore it stands to reason that vim is used in warp pipe construction.)
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Drakolyn on August 05, 2018, 08:39:16 am
Dissolving coins in gold is the way koopa alchemy used to work. These days it's more complicated, and involves producing carmot from various alchemical ingredients. Looks like you need potash, pyrite, rock salt, and shining coins to make carmot as part of a multi step process, then dissolve that in quicksilver to make azoth, which can be brewed into various arcane potions. Having access to a toad extractor simplifies that drastically, even if it doesn't make much sense.

I like to explain it as , toads are based off of poisonous amanita mushrooms, and that we've figured out that hey! Norma amanita work too!
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 06, 2018, 08:50:36 pm
Running into computer troubles, update might be a little late this time around.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: Moonstone_Flower on August 10, 2018, 03:44:02 pm
So it turns out coupe with an 'e' is a type of small car, but at this point I don't feel like changing it.

I was wondering why the fortress hellhole had a car, but chalked it up to mod weirdness.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 10, 2018, 08:53:48 pm
So it turns out coupe with an 'e' is a type of small car, but at this point I don't feel like changing it.

I was wondering why the fortress hellhole had a car, but chalked it up to mod weirdness.

I wouldn't put it past the koopas to purchase a stylish new four-seater, but it really didn't cross my mind that I should probably google how to spell 'coup' before I titled the thread.

The technical problem has been fixed, update should be up within the next few days. Current list of koopa tyromancers to be are:
Urist Mc Dwarf
The cheese magic should start in full this episode if everything goes well, which it probably won't.
Title: Re: The Coupe of Modded Hell (Things are about to get real around here)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 14, 2018, 05:19:41 pm
     Another day dawns upon a now reasonably well established koopa fortress. The sunlight is lost within the large cloud of miasma that is currently flooding this fortress's main entrance.
      After days of cluelessly removing corpses from the main ramp way, the koopas finally remove the particular one that was causing the miasma cloud. Only to have a different corpse start emitting miasma.
     'Well, that's a first' Mottled Petrel remarked to himself, as he saw one of the trolls who had been hauling dead bodies for the past year break out into tears. 'I guess I should have seen this coming, with all of the trolls complaining about being horrified every time they try to work'. Mottled Petrel tried to cheer the troll up by changing him from corpse hauling duty to hauling the unnecessarily large amount of personal items to the demon king's new room, but the troll wouldn't have any of it.
     For a long time, the capnaps and the helmet snakes had been breeding faster than they could be butchered, leaving the koopas with more meat than they knew what to do with. Now that it was finished, Mottled Petrel began marking unwanted animals to be dropped from a lethal height into the corpse pit (the one that still wasn't being used for dumping).

     A particularly mischievous ghost decided to waltz right OVER the cage traps set in the caves to maul the capnaps who had been chained there. After killing all but one horribly damaged and mentally scarred capnap, it wandered back into the darkness.
     "*sigh* Who's trying to invade us this time? Actually, you know what, let me look at the civilizations we are currently at war with, it can't be that many-"
     "...Huh. I could've sworn it was more than that. Oh well, not like we really have a chance of fighting any of them off anyway". It was the forumites again, bringing an army that could have sieged a real city with hundreds of inhabitants, which was complete overkill for the tiny fort that they were at. Either they were still mad about the 7 plump helmet men that the koopas had killed a few years ago, or they had realized that there was now a demon king in the fort. Or they were just bored, it happened to war lords a lot more than you would think. Either way, they would have to go through the incineroar who was encased in lead.
     Having hardly crested the hill, one of the forumite's electrodes self destructs right in the middle of their ranks. This only causes more nearby war electrodes to combust, setting a poor plump helmet man soldier on fire.
     They were hardly ten seconds into the invasion, and already they had sparked a forest fire, their animals were terrified, and they were losing soldiers, they hadn't even made it to the incineroar yet. The bob-ombs did surprisingly little to ward off the invaders, but at that point the forumites looked pretty desperate to get away from their own catastrophe behind them.
It didn't look like the forumites were going to make it very far.
     While that was happening up on the hill, a group of 5 forumites decided to flee the scene and chase down an also fleeing baby bob-omb. The military intervened once it became obvious that the bob-omb intended to run directly into the fort. The first forumite was killed with only a minor wound to one of the new recruits, but the forumite behind him entered a martial trance. The forumite killed one of the recruits after cutting off almost all of his arms, but lord_lemonpie broke his neck not soon after, paralyzing most of his body before he could do anymore damage. The next forumite similarly had his neck broken, but while this was happening the first paralyzed forumite bit lord_lemonpie's back and shook, tearing apart his lower spine's nervous tissue.

     The koopas moved in to finish the paralyzed forumites, while the shadow gnome got his shoulders destroyed by the remaining able bodied forumite. Still in a martial trance, one of the paralyzed forumites bit the hell out of one of the recruits. After a long scuffle, the recruit died, but lord_lemonpie managed to kill the remaining forumites. The koopas were told to return inside and hope that the fire would ward off the rest of the invasion.
     Before they could get inside, a forumite axemite descended upon lord_lemonpie. Unable to stand up because both of his ankles were broken, lord_lemonpie had to fend off both a plump helmet man soldier and a trained axemite from the ground. With a few lucky shots, lord_lemonpie managed to level the playing field by bringing both of his opponents to the ground as well. After another long scuffle, she managed to kill the axemite without further injury, but had more trouble with the plump helmet man.
     For her bravery on the field of combat, she was awarded the title 'Lord_lemonpie Helmssea the Future Magma'. As far as titles went, it wasn't that bad.
Not even ten feet away, a visiting togriq crossbowman showed similar merit on his way to the tavern.

     Still wallowing in his own blood and the viscera of the axemite he had just killed, lord_lemonpie was set upon by a forumite marksmite and two more plump helmet man soldiers. Expecting an easy kill, the forumite walked up to lord_lemonpie with the intent to finish him off with the butt of his crossbow.
     Instead, lord_lemonpie sucker punched him so hard that the forumite's cheek was reduced to pulp. While stunned, the forumite had his ankle rended to a horrible angle, before having his chest cavity caved in by a bash from one of lord_lemonpie's mini-chomps. The plump helmet men were next, and despite being unarmored they were pretty resistant to damage, as they had no real internal organs. After yet another long scuffle, both plump helmet men were killed, and the rest of the military arrived to lend future assistance. Not that it really mattered though, it looked like most of the forumites had decided to flee.

     Of course, that would have been too convenient though. A forumite axemite in a martial trance got the jump on KoopaUnknown and broke his knee, only to have his face filled with a steel trident. At that point the siege was mostly broken, except a for a squad of mixed forumite fighters who seemed content to sit up on the northern ridge. Deciding it wasn't worth the effort of trying to root them out of their hiding spot while not being able to walk, KoopaUnknown and Lord_lemonpie began to drag themselves inside. They didn't get very far before a madwoman was heard screeching from a nearby hill.
     Sprinting across the fields, she slipped by the two injured koopas and the frogogs by the meat tower in an attempt to run straight into the fort. After yelling at a few lazer-ceratosauruses by the entrance, she high-tailed it back the way she came, only to circle back around for another pass.
     A visiting ninja caravan had the pleasure of watching the whole thing from a distance. TheRedWolfII was able to knock the madwoman unconscious and finish her off before she could yell anymore stressful things. With that, the caravans of the various friendly empires started pouring into the fort, thankfully out of range of the 8 forumites still on their hill.
Sorry for the delay, my computer's getting low framerates with just the fort's everyday life, the seige brought me down to 3-4 frames and it took quite some time.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: scourge728 on August 14, 2018, 06:24:35 pm
This is just a mess (that's a good thing)
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Enemy post on August 14, 2018, 06:33:04 pm
Hey, you might want to delete the MEANDERER tag from the laser dinosaurs. I found out it can break war and hunting animals.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 14, 2018, 06:46:40 pm
You know, that would explain why the laser-ceratosaurs never follow anyone around...
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: SQman on August 15, 2018, 10:51:23 am
Trolls sure are sensitive for monsters that regularly go out of their way to kill and devour people. Maybe that's why goblins use them as expendable cannon fodder instead of decking them in full armor and giving them weapons?
The real question is: can you shear a depressed troll?
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 15, 2018, 11:34:13 am
The real question is: can you shear a depressed troll?
The real answer: Yes, the farmers will drag the troll they are shearing to a workshop whether they want to go or not.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: pikachu17 on August 15, 2018, 12:28:15 pm
What is it with lemonpie's characters and becoming paralyzed?
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 15, 2018, 01:47:49 pm
He's fine, koopas don't have nerves, I was just to lazy to remove the nervous tissue from their spines.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Zavvnao on August 17, 2018, 04:17:56 am
I just started reading this. It is awesome and full of Koopas.

Also, what mod adds the ak-47s made of wood? I think it would be fun to make an infinite bullet gun myself. For testing.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Enemy post on August 17, 2018, 07:05:02 am
This one. ( You can't actually make an infinite-ammo gun, however.  All ranged weapons are hardcoded to draw ammo from a quiver.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Zavvnao on August 17, 2018, 09:25:29 pm
This one. ( You can't actually make an infinite-ammo gun, however.  All ranged weapons are hardcoded to draw ammo from a quiver.

Thank you. I wonder if I could make an infinite quiver then.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Enemy post on August 17, 2018, 10:31:18 pm
You could probably make a reaction that gives a large stack of ammo for free at will.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Zavvnao on August 20, 2018, 11:40:12 pm
You could probably make a reaction that gives a large stack of ammo for free at will.

what is an idea. Thank you. I also like this fort here.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: Enemy post on August 21, 2018, 12:44:49 am
You're welcome.

*Didn't want to double post. I just noticed that this fort is mentioned at the bottom of this TVTropes page. (
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: pikachu17 on August 22, 2018, 02:32:39 pm
Yep. Been there for a while.
Since December 17th 2017.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 22, 2018, 07:30:20 pm
The thread itself was started October 14th, but yeah, I remember the fort being started around December. One year anniversery's almost here, who say's we do something special for it? It's a shame though, we've only made it like 3 years in the fort after almost a whole year, it's just too damn time consuming making sure everything doesn't unravel into its base error ridden code.

*Didn't want to double post. I just noticed that this fort is mentioned at the bottom of this TVTropes page. (
Oh fuck, we're famous now. I'm flattered, if whoever did that is reading the thread, which I doubt because that post probably would have been a lot longer with a lot more questions. Any idea if Modded Hell has spread anywhere else?

I totally forgot about that fruit salad quote, out of context that must make no sense. Having been the one who put this damn thing together it makes sense to me, but for everyone else I'm sure the 'makes just as much sense in context' is reasonable.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: pikachu17 on August 22, 2018, 07:53:58 pm
I was noting the date Modded Hel was added to the Tvtropes page.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: auzewasright on August 22, 2018, 07:55:49 pm
The mention on TV Tropes was what introduced me to this fortress.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 26, 2018, 05:04:41 pm
You know, I just thought of something. I've got this Modded Hell mural that I started and wasn't able to finish because I also needed to work on updates as well. Do you guys want to try one of those 'community drawing' things, I think they're called? Whether you aren't familiar with the concept, or I got the name all wrong, I post a scene and then people take turns adding one thing to the drawing. Of course, it would be preferable if they were related to Modded Hell events, but as long as they're sorta on topic it's good enough. It would be on a first come first serve basis, and the additions don't have to be masterworks as long as you just aren't scribbling across the drawing. Anyone interested?
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: SQman on August 27, 2018, 04:10:53 am
I downloaded the save file, retired the fort, settled a new one, and the first thing I see is a pack of paragoombas bumrushing an innocent naga. Koopa forts are just not meant to be peaceful, it seems. Also, I was really disappointed when I learned what Blow Hards really are.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: IndigoFenix on August 27, 2018, 07:37:13 am
You do realize that anyone can edit TV Tropes right? It could have been me. (it wasn't)

I should probably edit that though.  It says the fruit salad quote "makes just as much sense in context" when it clearly makes perfect sense in context.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 28, 2018, 05:11:59 am
Goombas of any kind have turned out to be a lot more unnecessarily violent than they probably should be, but then they can hardly even harm anything so it balances out. And aren't blow hards one of those stationary things from Yoshi's island?

I did not know that anyone could edit TV Tropes, but to be fair I hardly knew it existed until it was brought up. Now that I think about it, someone would have one hell of a time trying to identify all the tropes I didn't even know I was using in this. It would be nightmarishly long, but I'm sure it would be pretty funny.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: auzewasright on August 29, 2018, 05:19:33 pm
Goombas of any kind have turned out to be a lot more unnecessarily violent than they probably should be, but then they can hardly even harm anything so it balances out. And aren't blow hards one of those stationary things from Yoshi's island?

I did not know that anyone could edit TV Tropes, but to be fair I hardly knew it existed until it was brought up. Now that I think about it, someone would have one hell of a time trying to identify all the tropes I didn't even know I was using in this. It would be nightmarishly long, but I'm sure it would be pretty funny.
This isn't even the longest Bay12 let's play to be documented. It could be done.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on August 31, 2018, 04:38:35 pm
Uh, is there a way I can use DFhack to give koopas the skill of novice reader? I think the people I trapped in the cheese dungeon can't actually read, rendering the whole scheme to trap them with the Book of Coagulation useless.
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: auzewasright on September 01, 2018, 07:21:35 am
Uh, is there a way I can use DFhack to give koopas the skill of novice reader? I think the people I trapped in the cheese dungeon can't actually read, rendering the whole scheme to trap them with the Book of Coagulation useless.
Not sure if the reading skill is needed in fortress mode. I guess you could recruit some scholars who can in the hopes of having it taught...
Title: Re: The Continued Besiegement of Modded Hell (Everyone wants us dead)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 02, 2018, 05:55:05 pm
After days of having their north-westernmost hill occupied by forumite invaders, the koopas of a koopa fortress gather to drive them off.
Of course, with a fighting force made up almost entirely of unskilled recruits, that can only go so well.
     And of course, the first forumite encountered entered a martial trance and cuts off the foot of the first koopa to reach him. However, his martial trance wasn't enough to resist the steel chainsaw that was soon lodged in his abdomen. Despite being face-down in a literal moshpit, the koopa who got his foot cut off actually managed to kill a few forumites before being killed himself. Right after that happened, another koopa got his foot cut off as well.
And just like that, the fight was over with only one casualty and a lost foot.
     The trolls seemed less than happy that they had to clean up after yet another siege. Mottled Petrel was starting to become concerned for the mental health of the trolls in the fortress, they seemed to never feel any good emotions and never hardened themselves against the sight of a dead body. There wasn't much he could do about it though.
     Some migrants had arrived, and Mottled Petrel showed them about as much courtesy as the last ones. All 8 of the migrants were put into a new squad with SQman as a temporary subordinate brute because he was the only burly koopa in the whole fort besides Darkening Kaos. Mottled Petrel then went to immediately remove SQman from the position because he was only needed there as a figure head so that new recruits could be assigned to the squad, but the demon king instead informed Mottled Petrel that SQman would have to be replaced instead of just removed. "But that makes no sense, they're only going to be training until we can get a replacement anyways. We need SQman working the smelters." the demon king didn't budge "He will be replaced, we can't have an unsupervised unit, it just isn't right". SQman was less than pleased with this news, but he sucked it up and went to his barracks. This new squad was to be equipped with 4 AK-47's each, Mottled Petrel had the intention of redefining the word 'bullet hell'.
He claimed a clothier's shop, so it isn't even worth mentioning.
'Of course, beware its fire, because since when is there enough fire around here! Oh well, at least it's in the second layer.'.
Sensing this disturbance, a particularly clairvoyant bard shows some of his magical skill.

     A loud click resounded through the fortress, and after a few minutes of searching Mottled Petrel found that someone had decided to pull the lever to seal off the secondary fortress from the outside world. And in doing so, an unlucky koopa had been crushed to death in its hinges. Mottled Petrel knocked against the bridge "What the hell are you doing in there?" he yelled, unaware if his voice would even travel through. From the other side of the bridge a muffled voice was heard "My name is Urist Mc Dwarf, and as of today I am formally splitting off from Modded Hell. Me and ScourgeII are going to become the greatest tyromancers to ever live and create our own fort, and you aren't invited!". Mottled Petrel looked to his right to see ScourgeII staring at nothing in particular with his usual vacant look "What are you talking about, ScourgeII is right here?".

     There was a long pause, "He is?" the shuffling of feet was followed by a voice even further muffled by distance "What the hell man, you told me you were ScourgeII, the prophesized one" "What are you talking about, I'm a wood burner, I'm here on my break. I've never seen you before, much less spoke to you.". An even longer awkward silence ensued, before Urist Mc Dwarf could be heard returning to the gate "As of today me and this wood burner are splitting off from the fort. Our fortress shall be known as 'BetterHell', don't try to stop us.". Mottled Petrel wasn't really sure what he had been expecting, but he stood in mild bewilderment for a moment, "You know the lever to open up that gate is only like 10 feet away from me, right?". Urist Mc Dwarf didn't answer, but the sounds of boulders being hauled to block off the their side of the bridge could be heard. "Whatever man, I'll just give your room to someone else if you really don't want it.".

After walking away, another koopa showed Mottled Petrel the head scarf he made entirely out of troll eyebrows.
'You know, I don't think I really blame those guys for wanting to get out of here'. Needless to say, the troll wasn't very happy about having his eyebrows taken.
Day 1 of the overseer of Better Hell:
I fear that I have made a grave miscalculation, it would appear that neither me nor the wood burner actually know how to read. Rendering the Book of Coagulation, my plan, and this journal utterly useless. We have only enough food stocks for a week or so, if we do not achieve a cheesy immortality soon we may be forced to steal supplies from nearby Modded Hell and kidnap someone more fluent in the language arts.
I'm at a loss guys, we need to do something fast to spread the secrets of cheese or the second fortress is doomed.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: Enemy post on September 03, 2018, 03:45:07 pm
In most forts, I would be surprised that the author created a journal despite being illiterate. Presumably, he just learned how to write, but missed the reading part.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: pikachu17 on September 03, 2018, 04:25:09 pm
But then his proofreading would be terrible.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: Imic on September 03, 2018, 04:39:16 pm
But then his proofreading would be terrible.
Quote from the journal:
'Tdy i dsided t mayk a nothr frt undr th main wn'
This is what you get for writing a book, but without knowing how to actually read in the first place.

Is my dwarf still alive? I would like to request a rematch with life if not. I will happily assist with the continuation if BetterhellTM, albeit from far away, without actually letting the save file onto my computer. I'm afraid my PC might start vomiting lamons made of turtle hair if I so much as look at the download page...
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 04, 2018, 05:45:49 pm
I'd like to think he was cursed to be a great writer that can't even read his own works, but at this point I'm just going to make it funny.

Imic is still alive and happily married.

At this point if I can't get the guys I trapped to read the Book I'm just going to let it loose on the fortress and trap who ever reads it first. It should go splendidly in this glorious fortress that still has skeletons laying around from the sporewings that sneaked in.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: Imic on September 05, 2018, 05:13:38 am
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 18, 2018, 05:10:52 am
Sorry guys, I needed a little break from Dwarf Fortress so I didn't get completely burnt out on it. I should be able to get out another update in like a week, or whenever I can get to it.
Title: Re: The Pranking of Modded Hell (Mildly Easter/April Fool's day Special)
Post by: Enemy post on September 20, 2018, 05:41:37 pm
     A few days later he informs Mottled Petrel that he has finally finished his first book, "I've created an improved version of the current koopa anatomy. As any of our doctor's may or may not know, I understand that most everyone here has no formal training in their jobs, there are a number of gray areas currently in the koopa anatomy. We've covered the essential organs, but there are a number of smaller organs that are simply just referred to as 'guts'. This book labors to identify some of those smaller organs and describe what their function is in keeping us koopas running optimally". Mottled Petrel took the book he was being presented, and noticed that Mugamok had whitewashed the manga he had bought and written over it "Uh, you do know that we have plenty of quires at your disposal, right?" Mottled Petrel said, as he flipped through the pages. Mugamok shrugged "I couldn't stand to see such a waste of paper laying around, but I must return to my studies now. Show this book to our doctors so that they might gain a more accurate understanding of the koopa anatomy.".

I was rereading this bit to try and understand it for bugfixing. I think I get what happened now. I think it was probably working as intended. He didn't ruin an existing manga, he had a blank one and used it to create a manga version of a medical textbook. They're supposed to work like scrolls, since I haven't been able to find a reaction that provides them with actual page counts.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: bloop_bleep on September 20, 2018, 06:07:28 pm
Plot twist: the manga book and the book on anatomy are actually the exact same thing.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: Freshcannon on September 20, 2018, 08:30:50 pm
Cells at work anyone?
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: pikachu17 on September 21, 2018, 04:27:06 pm
No, I don't work at a prison, or a police station.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 25, 2018, 06:20:43 pm
Rejoice mortals, for the long forgotten knowledge of The Aged Ones has blessed Modded Hell with its presence.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: auzewasright on September 25, 2018, 09:04:35 pm
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: pikachu17 on September 25, 2018, 09:28:21 pm
Long forgotten? Didn't we steal it from a creature with memory?
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 26, 2018, 05:15:57 am
Long forgotten? Didn't we still it from a creature with memory?
Shut the hell your mouth
I more meant, long forgotten to the civilized world.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 27, 2018, 08:26:09 pm
Alright, I thought this was a few weeks off, but apparently Modded Hell is eligible for Hall of Legends votes, if anyone wants to do that.

Also, next update is almost done and shaping up for release this weekend, depending on how long I decide to make it. Finally, work on the anti-forest fire countermeasures have begun, I'd like a general consensus if I should also fill the water being used for it with some of the barrels of poison we have laying around and any ideas on how we could realistically do that.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on September 27, 2018, 08:37:47 pm
     Minecart shotgun...…… wait, did I just say that? … In modded hell, that might start another forest fire.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: auzewasright on September 28, 2018, 09:43:29 pm
     Minecart shotgun...…… wait, did I just say that? … In modded hell, that might start another forest fire.
I'm pretty sure at this point splashing in a puddle of water and then petting a piece of granite would cause a forest fire in Modded Hell.

I say go for it.
Title: Re: The Fragmenting of Modded Hell (Secondary Tyromancer Fortress)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 29, 2018, 07:10:08 pm
A fresh new day dawns on a pleasant koopa fortress. Smoke is wafting through the air, there are corpses littering the surrounding fields and the main soaking in puddles of unknown substance, and the moans of the mortally injured pervade the ears of anyone who passes by the hospital. Down below the fortress, the koopas experience what has to be the cutest murder to ever have been witnessed.

     "Today's going to be a good day, I can feel it" Mottled Petrel said, not completely untruthfully, to himself and the other, less optimistic onlookers. Not even three seconds later, Mottled Petrel felt a dreadful chill run down his spine and into the tip of his tail. Not only that, but he had a sudden craving for cheese.
'Hmmm...' thought Mottled Petrel '...I wonder if we have any snow leopard milk gouda left'.
Diary of the Overseer of Better Hell

     It has worked, after days, nay, WEEKS of beating around the bush I managed to get that stupid wood burner to read the sacred texts.
     Truth be told, I don't think he actually read it, but it seems that just looking at the pictures is good enough, which is good news for me. By all means he appears the same, but he has a weird look in his eye, and a new... dairy-like odor about him.
     I must get to that book myself before I run out of rations, and then I must put the powers of the book to the test on the corpse pit that is ever so conveniently nearby.
     In the tavern, a particularly unruly guest decided to pick a fight with one of the denizens of Modded Hell. What they didn't seem to understand was the fact that being a forumite, the troll they decided to sucker-punch without warning was at least three times bigger and at least twice as strong as they were.
     It only took one punch from the troll to send the forumite's head facing the other way, snapping his neck instantly. The 20 or so other visitors were mortified, but the hired performers who had been in Modded Hell for a while payed no mind to the foam dripping from the mouth of the still convulsing forumite corpse.
     A few of the less emotionally resilient visitors immediately dropped to the floor and began incoherently wailing. This was enough to get Mottled Petrel to look through the door to see what was going on. After seeing the mangled body, the blood covered troll, and the screaming bards he decided it wasn't a serious enough matter to get involved in.
     Today has yielded partial success, I have finally been able to decipher the great book but I have come across troubling results. It would appear that despite our best efforts, the corpses at our disposal are unsuitable for conversion into cheese minions. It may be because they are too badly damaged, or that the corpses of sentient creatures are required, but either way it won't work. Plan B, of course, is to dig a secret passageway up to the corpse stockpile above us once we have made usable picks. After that, we may be able to raise our cheese army and have enough manpower to legitimize our claim as a separate fortress. I will see to the preparations immediately!
     Mottled Petrel removed his ear from the drawbridge that separated him from 'Better Hell', "Why the hell is he speaking so slowly and deliberately to himself, is he writing all that down or something? Whatever, like hell I can just let him up onto the surface near that many corpses!". Without a moment's delay, Mottled Petrel set in place the plans for his master countermeasure.
     "Uh, sir, you know one of them is a parakoopa, right?" said one of the workers. Mottled Petrel frowned slightly "Put a roof over it once you're done then!".
     Almost as if the gods themselves wanted to tell Mottled Petrel that his idea probably wouldn't work, a hoard of half man half insect vampires stormed over the hills to the north.
     The bob-ombs put up a valiant fight, taking on average three hits before dying pitifully without exploding. In defense of the bob-ombs, the Crimson Court was a far more competent fighting force than the previous invaders, which scared the shit out of the koopas who had been getting their asses kicked by just about everyone, only to be saved by the ever present forest fires. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they possessed the common sense to not attack such an unpredictable place as Modded Hell with the exuberant number of soldiers as the previous armies. Even if one of their hulking barons could sweep aside the entire koopa army, just about everything in the known universe began working against them the second they stepped onto Modded Hell controlled lands.

     Still, the koopas stood next to their tower quaking in their boots as they prayed for some random cataclysm to befall the invading army. Unfortunately, the caged incineroar refused to do anything and there were no monsters in the area, so both sides stared each other down. The vampires began a slow advance, killing a wandering glameow and a few visiting bards on their way. The invaders had to cross through the frogog pen in order to get to the koopas, and while they were busy cutting down the innocent man sized frogs the koopas advanced.

     For once, the cesspool of venom that was the frogog pen actually helped the koopas, as the invaders were soon covered in extreme swelling wounds. In hindsight though, it may have not been a good idea to let an enemy that gets its power from drinking blood have uncontested access to a bunch of defenseless animals, as many of the invaders had turned into more powerful forms of themselves before long. Regardless, the collective lightning of about 30 koopas was a bit much for them to shrug off. Too busy sucking the blood out of the frogogs, a third of the invasion force was killed with minimal return fire. During this fighting, Mottled Petrel was surprised to learn that the AK 47's he had had made had been given bayonets, increasing their combat effectiveness.

The rest of the invasion force was more prepared however, as they didn't have the distraction of easy prey.

     It was a bloodbath, all 30 koopas practically crawled over each other to get to the enemy and swamp them under a wave of flesh and koopa steel. The vampires were unable to resist for long, and for the first time in Modded Hell history an entire invasion force was cut down by actual military competence instead of dirty moves, fire, and/or literally anything else that could have killed anything short of a god.
     Casualties were shockingly minimal, an untrained recruit had died and another untrained recruit had lost one of his arms, more than acceptable numbers considering that most of the enemy was at least three times the koopa's size with the capability of draining all of them into bloodless raisins. And to top it all off, a lot of the frogogs had been killed, which saved Mottled Petrel the effort of having them thrown into the pit because there was too many of them.

    As the koopas began to pick themselves up, the first of the trading caravans arrived to be greeted by a field awash with blood and insect parts. The traders were terrified, and many saw it fit to throw up right onto their mounts. The tomtenisses who had been hired into the koopa army felt a similar compulsion, and a good portion of them looked like they were about to snap from the stress. The koopas however, even the untrained ones, shrugged it off and went back to wondering what they were going to make themselves for lunch later that day.

     Once inside, many of the koopas were surprised to learn that the almost completely untrained SQman had killed the majority of the invasion force.
     SQman himself didn't know what to think of the matter, because he still verdantly wanted to go back to the smelters but had somehow accidentally proven himself to be a great fighter. Mottled Petrel decided to address the matter when he actually had a replacement for him. Furthermore, it was discovered that Lord_Lemonpie had lost the use of both of his legs and had somehow been able to hide that fact from everyone up until now. He refused to use crutches, and instead opted to crawl on the floor.

     By now Mottled Petrel had realized that the merchants would probably never have anything of actual value worth buying or importing, so he just waved them off and told them to bring what they want. One of the merchants, who was wearing some sick sunglasses, frowned and replied "That wasn't very cash money of you". It took most of Mottled Petrel's willpower to not have him executed on the spot. Nevertheless, it would take the koopas quite a bit of time to carry in all the rotting clothes still plastered to the bodies of the dead invaders to the traders, so Mottled Petrel decided it would be a perfect time for a nap. Unbeknownst to him, however, trouble was brewing in Better Hell...
Just for anyone who only looks at this thread when I change the title to tell everyone that I release an update, of which I'm pretty sure there are at least a few, I figured I'd put a final notice that Modded Hell is now Hall of Legends eligible for anyone interested.

Now, onto more important matters, does anyone know if the game can handle a single creature knowing more than one 'secret of life and death' secret? I'm thinking about stealing another book, probably one of the 'secrets of dragons' ones and giving it to the tyromancers as well. Also, I've come to learn that in all of my years of making unnecessary aqueducts and reservoirs I never actually learned how to use pumps, so the anti-fire system should be fun, and could also do with a cool acronym.

P.S: I ran out of cool names for the thread.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on September 29, 2018, 08:25:07 pm
I love how in Modded hell we have two koopas plotting against each other for control of the land but the koopas are also actually the same person
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on September 29, 2018, 10:23:36 pm
Cheese, Gromit.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on September 29, 2018, 11:26:07 pm

    lol, Faberre Holeheat the courtesan.  Appropriate name for the job.

    Also, volunteering to be the next tyromancer - if it actually proves to do anything useful.

Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: SQman on September 30, 2018, 01:35:20 am
Yes, an actual battle that didn't involve exploding war electrodes! I'm surprised that my koopa survived it with him being untrained at all, let alone killed so many. Do burly koopas have natural combat skills or was it just pure luck? And what weapon was my koopa using?
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: IndigoFenix on September 30, 2018, 04:09:19 am
Nothing hard-coded prevents a single creature from acquiring as many secrets as you want, and I'm pretty sure that the whatevermancers are not exclusive. However they will only have one "title" so it can be hard to tell if they actually learned the new secret until they go into battle and suddenly transform into a cheese-spewing dragon.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Imic on September 30, 2018, 05:22:13 am
I came up with a bunch of potential concept names in case the OP should run out.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: auzewasright on September 30, 2018, 12:45:59 pm
"Wait, actual military competence? Crud, I might not have too much time before they discover that I am a con artist with a death sentence. "

-Journal of Auze
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: voliol on September 30, 2018, 05:33:39 pm
Cutting up some big mosquito nobles after they’ve been weakened by bob-omb blasts, all while preparing for the cheesocalypse, this is the Modded Hell I know.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MrLurkety on October 17, 2018, 11:07:56 am
I wonder if I'm still alive.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on October 17, 2018, 02:13:38 pm
I'm pretty sure you are, or you're on your first reincarnation. No one has died more than twice yet, which is actually a little surprising. I've been distracted by another project I've been working on recently, and in that time I think we passed Modded Hell's one year birthday. Honestly I thought this was all going to blow up in my face a long time ago, but for now I'm going to keep at it until we finally get the cataclysm that will split the world in half just to destroy Modded Hell.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on October 19, 2018, 01:53:46 pm
How's the meat tower doing these days?
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Fleeting Frames on October 29, 2018, 11:03:13 am
*catches up* Howdy!

That last attempt wasn't on fire. Did you actually release incineroar from its cage?

I notice the lost caravan of gunmen made them declare war on you.

Mind, I don't blame you for confusion with trade goods. Who knows what is solid?

Though I'd have gotten the Holy Wood pike for its pricetag alone.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on November 11, 2018, 02:16:44 pm
yello its been awhile you still playing this or thought of doing another modded hell again? maybe with ponies instead of koopas….maybe add some star wars races I think it would be funny to see an alicorn jedi or sith
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: voliol on November 12, 2018, 05:58:10 am
I believe the current modded hell is on a short hiatus, it should be back sooner or later. After it is done another fort with more mods should be started. Considering there are three (?) pony mods having one of them be included seems plausible.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on November 13, 2018, 07:51:11 pm
Yeah, I got kinda burned out on dwarf fortress after playing it semi-consistently for more than a year. Modded Hell will be back eventually, and after this one there is a good chance of there being another fort with more mods if my next computer can handle it. Since I'm going to be out of commission for a little while, does someone want to try doing a year? Notes on the fort and what anything actually does will be optional.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: thefriendlyhacker on November 13, 2018, 11:02:31 pm
I believe the current modded hell is on a short hiatus, it should be back sooner or later. After it is done another fort with more mods should be started. Considering there are three (?) pony mods having one of them be included seems plausible.
I could totally prep a modified version of Fallout Equestria that can slot neatly into this if it is wanted.

I do have two questions though, if I end up doing this:

Should I copy the list of special stable pony entity reactions and stick them in a text file so they can be copied into to the player entity, allowing the player to assemble robots and anti-material rifles and stuff?

If yes to the previous, should I strip out the casting system's requirements for a magic source and appropriate magical heritage to do magic interactions, so all creatures can learn all magic spells given the right stuff to teach them with?

I am presuming that you aren't playing as stable ponies in your next fortress or anything like that, poster suggestions of "My Little Fortress: Modding is Hell" not withstanding.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: rainbowdashfanboi84 on November 20, 2018, 08:12:07 am
I heard of a mod called erm megamix? we could use that in the next modded hell if it still exists with the mods we currently have and the ones I suggested
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: ZM5 on November 20, 2018, 08:18:45 am
Could add my Diablo mod ( as well if we're gonna be doing a second one - should prove to be a nice addition to this chaos.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: IndigoFenix on November 20, 2018, 09:00:27 am
I'd like to see this one come to a conclusion first, but I've got a bunch of others to add to the next one, including Mortal Kombat, Undertale, and Rick and Morty if I ever get around to finishing it.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: scourge728 on November 20, 2018, 11:50:55 am
I also have mods unfinished, in fact none of my mods are finished
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Sanctume on November 20, 2018, 12:00:14 pm
You know what I'd like to see? 
Some app to let me checkbox civs, then I click to include those in a new world gen I am about to make. 

And might as well include a printable text log that is includes
[CivTagName] [CivName] [CivDescription]
WoW-Orcs - Orcs - World of Warcraft Orcs

So this text log is copied to the save folder and pretty much a summary of the mods for the civs included.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on November 20, 2018, 12:57:13 pm
I'm also working on a mod, hopefully it'll be done by the time the next fort is ready.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: voliol on January 31, 2019, 06:23:11 pm
What's the status on the next update? Will the Koopas make their rightful comeback any time soon, or is the DF-burnout still present?
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on January 31, 2019, 07:15:12 pm
I actually got a tricked out gaming rig a little while ago, but I haven't ported over my DF files to it yet. I've got a lot of stuff to do this weekend, but maybe next weekend...
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 10, 2019, 08:11:54 pm
Turns out porting a 10+ GB dwarf fortress folder via flash-drive takes a little longer than an afternoon, update some time this week once I've got it figured out.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: Enemy post on February 12, 2019, 03:52:42 pm
Congratulations on your new computer. I assume the old one went mad running this fort?
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 12, 2019, 07:00:37 pm
I was still getting a good 5 FPS, which was still sort of acceptable but was dragging on. The new one should hypothetically run the game at an insane speed for the size and complexity of the fort, that is, if I can get it over there with the 10 Kb/s my old computer's USB port goes at.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: auzewasright on February 12, 2019, 07:26:33 pm
I was still getting a good 5 FPS, which was still sort of acceptable but was dragging on. The new one should hypothetically run the game at an insane speed for the size and complexity of the fort, that is, if I can get it over there with the 10 Kb/s my old computer's USB port goes at.
Doing some basic unit conversion, assuming it is at 10 gigabytes exactly and at a constant speed, it should take you approx 27.777(...) hours to complete downloading it, or 1.15...(goes on infinitely) days.

I recommend you get comfy and try not to find out which breaks first: The port, the game, the computer, the tectonic plates, the protons, or your will to live.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 12, 2019, 07:48:48 pm
10 KB/s? Uh... do you mean 10 MB/s? In the latter case, it would only take ~20 minutes.

If the former... I’d recommend going through the Internet. Google Drive allows 15 GB of free storage for each account, and even if your Internet connection is abysmal it should still be faster than 10 KB/s.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: auzewasright on February 13, 2019, 09:46:21 pm
Anyway, in case anyone is reading this thread in the future and wonders what Auze's crime was that led to him fleeing and concocting a complex multi-layered hoax to make him seem like not a criminal; or one that was immortal, supernatural, and too dangerous to confront... and then led him to become the Law maker and a eventual fighter in the koopa militia of Modded Hell.

It was Jaywalking (well that and also killing a koopa and wearing the shell as a disguise, but it was the jaywalking that he go convicted for).
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 14, 2019, 03:50:23 pm
You know, it's gonna be kinda funny having all of these half-baked story lines resurface after forgetting them in the over a year's worth of playing time. Speaking of which, I've got a partially finished picture I post because I'll probably never finish it. It's a landscape of Modded Hell's front fire field corpse storage lawn that I was going to fill up with little renditions of events as they happened. I've only got a few things in it, but would anyone be interested in taking it and adding a scene before passing it off to another person like a community drawing?

Also, after like 36 hours step one of transferring Dwarf Fortress has been complete. Now to get it OFF the flash-drive.
Title: Re: The Bleeding of Modded Hell (Insect vampires and more cheese)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 17, 2019, 08:36:35 pm
Alright, after a long time off I'm going to try to go back to weekly/biweekly updates. I'm getting at least 20 FPS at any given time now, so things should be smoother. That being said, the fortress is even more of a poison filled mess than I remember.
(The thing that I thought was going to happen turned out to be nothing, so disregard that cliffhanger from the last update). In a pleasant field surrounding a koopa fortress, a group of immigrating koopas crest a hill to see a wasteland of ash, blood, and destruction. This would be their new home for years to come.
None of them had any valuable skills, and because there really weren't many jobs that needed to be filled Mottled Petrel sent them to the mines like the last wave.

(Here's the point at which I'm starting the play through again. I have no idea where anything is, I don't remember what I was doing, there's corpses everywhere, and about half the fort is busy throwing geo vipers and helmet snakes into a pit of a semi lethal fall distance. The plot's going to be a bit iffy while I try to remember everything that was happening.)

Sanitation was getting to become a major problem, even by Modded Hell standards.
     Many of the animals were more than ankle deep in a pool of their own blood, poison, invader blood, other poisons that somehow managed to get in there, as well as corpses of all kinds. Instead of going AROUND this literal bio-hazard or, gods forbid, actually CLEANING IT UP, just about every koopa in Modded Hell was making a concerted effort to walk directly through this viscera mire. As you could imagine, this was having less than healthful effects on the fort. Koopas were trailing the sludge behind them everywhere they went, sometimes passing out mid stride as the poison permeated their pores. To top it all off, just about every troll in the fort had slipped into depression after walking back and forth through a lifetime's worth of carnage and PTSD 30 times a day for the past month.
     While following one of the blood trails that was multiplying around the fort to see if he could yell at the perpetrators, Mottled Petrel also found that a soldier had somehow locked himself in the cage he was carrying. Professionalism had all but left the fort at this point.
     Furthermore, there was a mastercraft figurine of a dolphin man soaking in a pile of koopa blood in the middle of the central hall. This particular pool of blood seemed to be the only pile of blood around that wasn't surrounded by footprints, nor were there any nearby blood trails or signs that this pool had been walked through. If anything, it looked like this particular figurine was the source of the pool and that every hauler was avoiding it like the plague despite the fact that it was within spitting distance of the main hoard. Mottled Petrel was about to pick it up himself to move it, but was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of dread. He decided to leave it, and instead check up on the self proclaimed 'Better Hell'.
     'They've been smoothing that floor for almost a month, you'd think they'd have learned a thing or two by now.'. There was also still a giant vulture corpse blocking one of the main hallways, but at this point it looked like instead of moving it the koopas had decided instead to claw themselves a passageway directly through its abdomen. Next to it was yet another troll that had lost his marbles and was now rocking himself back and forth in a puddle of his own tears.
'But would you just look at the craftsmanship on the door they used to prop up this rotting corpse's abdominal cavity. Truly a work of art.'.
     Outside a visiting rux swated away a mosquito that was bothering him. Not long after that, Auze beat the shit out of a dinosaur and a sentient blob of poison known as a swallot body slamed a wandering fuzzy into a fine paste. 'Just another normal day'.
     'Well that's a new excuse to not be working.'. Turns out the beta male just watched that same swallot body slam the head off of a visiting tomtenisse. Mottled Petrel gave him a pass, for the time being, but that swallot was becoming a little too dangerous to keep around.

     The swallot then went on to kill Scourge II's alolan persian with another body slam to the head. Scourge II looked mildly conflicted, but otherwise didn't show much emotion to his pet and only friend being killed. However, the swallot didn't stand up very well to a trident to the face from KoopaUnknown.
     Of all these flying beasts can you guess which one started terrorizing the haulers next? That's right, the fucking butterflies. The things literally virtually incapable of doing any actual damage. It got so bad that a visiting POET flies into a rage and begins chasing the butterflies around the sky. He didn't manage to land any hits, and if anything he chased the butterflies closer to the fort, but it was a noble effort for someone who's only skill was being a novice at poetry.
Alright, who wants to try to patch the plot back together.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: bloop_bleep on February 17, 2019, 09:05:32 pm
how is anyone actually still alive

everybody should have died about 40 pages ago
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: scourge728 on February 17, 2019, 10:25:01 pm
I think I'm just destined to not have my cat army
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: voliol on February 18, 2019, 03:29:50 am
And so the legacy of modded hell continues... Maybe flood the surface to get rid of all the goos? Or build some kind of bath house?
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: ZM5 on February 18, 2019, 05:04:25 am
Of all things, giant monarch butterflies too. Don't let them near any of the doors.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: MottledPetrel on February 18, 2019, 06:39:05 am
You know, a bath channel that the koopas have to walk through to actually get into the fort wouldn't be that bad of an idea. I've already started working on some interior plumbing (That is, I was until everyone decided that they were going to pick up every severed body part on the surface one at a time), so making some kind of self actuated system to clean all the corrosion burned feet shouldn't be that big of a stretch. Though, that would mean I'd have to actually figure out mechanics first.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: SQman on February 18, 2019, 11:38:35 am
It's back and it's just as horrible as ever! So what horrible thing is going to happen next? My bet is on something shooting down a butterfly with a fireball, starting another great fire.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on February 18, 2019, 05:30:46 pm
    It won't be modded hell until it is surrounded by flame and ash, but an auto-bathing trench might be a good idea.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: pikachu17 on February 18, 2019, 06:40:30 pm
You know, the new title makes me think someone's back is broken.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: auzewasright on February 19, 2019, 05:22:09 pm
    It won't be modded hell until it is surrounded by flame and ash, but an auto-bathing trench might be a good idea.
Or just a dwarven shower, which even gives off happy thought producing mist.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Ichrochip on May 27, 2019, 01:17:55 pm
If any Invaders actually reach the Shower, you could fill it with Magma. Or Poison!
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: pikachu17 on May 27, 2019, 03:32:00 pm
As long as someone necro'ed, is there any chance you'll do this again?
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: MottledPetrel on June 01, 2019, 05:39:04 pm
Summer's almost here. I've got a job now, but I should have some time to do this after finals. Though at this point I am not committing to it.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: nezclaw on June 02, 2019, 03:27:26 pm
this makes dawnthunder look like an afternoon picnic. i'm gonna make popcorn and read the rest of this.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Craftsdwarf boi on June 10, 2019, 06:04:07 am
Are slade and adamantine forgotten beasts sufficiently hellish FUN?
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Craftsdwarf boi on June 10, 2019, 07:21:42 pm
This is a proposed solution.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Lunardog15 on August 21, 2019, 05:31:20 pm
1 how have we not all died yet
2 i'm back
3 how's the gunpowder cat doing
4 how am "I" doing
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Lunardog15 on September 14, 2019, 01:13:16 pm
is this thing dead? or just sleeping?
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Darkening Kaos on September 14, 2019, 05:44:14 pm
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: pikachu17 on September 14, 2019, 06:54:24 pm
The modpack he used is still available, isn't it? If you're sad about it being dead, you could make your own.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: MottledPetrel on September 14, 2019, 09:43:08 pm
I'm currently in a position where I cannot hope to have enough free time with which to make an update anytime soon, but that doesn't mean that there might not be more eventually.
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: voliol on September 15, 2019, 02:04:36 am
Patience is the key. Don't worry about it. (though I would of course see it continue as soon as possible)
Title: Re: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)
Post by: Lunardog15 on September 15, 2019, 06:06:40 pm
all right just let us now when/if it ever wakes up