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Messages - Gabeux

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Saw a video on this and really love it. It actually reminds me of the intent of the Subversion game (the dead/abandoned project from Introversion), but making it in First Person makes it much more fun IMO.
I've also really wanted to see a more open-world game with the Teardown vibe, so this is great.

I was contracted for the past months (a week or two after opening this thread) to help out the game (primarily with bugtracking and QA when time allows). The dev seems intent on seeing this through to the end, although it's hard to say necessarily what his priorities and their order are. He has his own way to push it forward, but IMO it has been healthily moving forward.
He's a very chill and wholesome dude. He clearly felt the pressure from being a relatively tiny/small community of Beta Testers from the first game, to blowing up and getting the same or more views on Youtube than videos from things like Starfield or Star Citizen, which I seriously doubt he ever wanted to "challenge". He just wanted to make a sequel that had sandbox/open-world gameplay and more procedural generation than the first one, and boom.

There's definitely a lot to do and fix for it to become a complete whole, not to say a polished one that is really worth playing for more hardcore and seasoned space-people. I still see a lot of potential on it, especially if he goes after extending Construction features into being able to build on planets, and including ground battles with different units, as well as making planets more unique. Overall, he can go anywhere he wants with this. So much so people requested some features (which wasn't the right moment to add IMHO) like Capital Ships and big ships like a Carrier and he went on to add it. I've also had a chance to propose an addition and alternatives (limb damage and dismemberment, similar to Kenshi) and the dude went silent for a few hours and only came back when that stuff was working.

Ignoring any current poor implementations - as those can simply have their code edited, a new build released, and everything gets changed/improved - my only worry design-wise is the contrast between the more complex and hardcore allure of Faction/Empire-building, with the Arcade-style FPS and Ship combat. I believe the game could do better if it took the direction of Mount and Blade in Space and decided between an Arcade or Hardcore audience. The game's design seems to beg for that.
Right now, Arcade people enjoy the fast-paced progression and gameplay, but hit a brick wall with later features (e.g. Faction warfare).
Meanwhile, Hardcore people would rather remove all the RPG elements and make combat more intricate and involved (no levels, damage models for spaceships and ground units, add more "weight" to everything, etc).

Although I really love hybrid games in both design and concept, all my favorite games have probably bumped into this and all pretty much decided which kind of people they'd cater to. Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Kenshi, Space Rangers 2.. I'm sure they knew they weren't going to be casual material.
It's interesting to see an indie game try to tackle the issue and sit in-between groups of people, but usually it's a struggle that costs way more time and money than its worth for an indie title, which takes away from the finished product potential.
Last time I remember a project force its hand (and its design) to keep its made-for-casuals label was X Rebirth..

Of course..this is just a theory. A game theory.

Not sure what's up with games from China, but they seem to often overcomplexify would-be "simple concepts" (or existing concepts, like colony-sims) in crazy ways that actually reminds me of how some good old games were made or ended up being made ("just one more feature..come on...").
See also: Amazing Cultivation Simulator, Sands of Salzaar, Havendock (this one being much more chill than the previous examples, but the delicious feature creep still being felt even on early stages)

Will keep an eye on this although the graphical stuff looks rather stale to me - the tiny characters look so weird on the images. Can never have enough colony sims though!

My own blurb: I was a mod on Shores of Hazeron for awhile (to those that vaguely remember that), among other things, and that may have influenced some of the things I helped make here.

You just sold 2 copies. I don't even care yo :P
I'm a ways off, but I intend to make a Youtube channel with my wife and this looks like a great one for co-op play.
It seems like you guys got a lot of work in your hands. HMU if you are ever expanding the team.
Keep it up, and great luck with the development!

Other Games / Re: Spacebourne 2: The [adjective] child of many space games
« on: February 21, 2023, 04:52:52 am »
Well, I'd say I came into this one too hot. I really always wanted to see something like this, where you can quickly go from Space to Ground combat and back. As Ygdrad mentioned, there are some pretty cool scenes to be had due to that.

However, having played most (if not all) features/content that is available right now (that is, unless there's more story missions after a certain part where people get stuck due to a likely bug about conquering Star Systems), I've come to notice that there are a lot of cool things that are just stubs or placeholder. The whole Faction building/conquest thing is ultra janky, and the Factions themselves are all pretty much placeholders that hold territory.
I didn't start playing expecting much, but as I got more and more surprised, my expectations weirdly got higher and higher for the "Empire building" part of it. Although you can fight battles and conquer/plunder/destroy enemy stations, it's all clearly just a early iteration of it.

So I'd say it's still worth trying out, but with very well adjusted expectations about jankyness, bugs and incomplete content.
It seems nowadays people have much more high expectations of Early Access games, and I'm also unsure why the dev didn't take another week to iron out obvious issues and all the typos.

Still, it was totally worth my time checking it out and reporting bugs. Nearly all bugs I know either were worked on or are being worked on atm, so the next few updates should make the game way more playable if the dude delivers.
It's likely this one will take a long time to mature out in terms of jankyness and content completion (unsure if too long), but things going should be a great entry into the space sim genre.
Would really like to see more games doing crazy mix of genres like this.

Other Games / Spacebourne 2: The [adjective] child of many space games
« on: February 19, 2023, 07:35:01 pm »
Janky, early access space game that reeks of potential. Mixes some Freelancer, Elite, Star Citizen and many others into a light, but very fun package.
There are also hints of other games here, like Mount and Blade, but some of those are not developed, fleshed out, or roadmapped clearly yet.
Currently rather buggy and janky but solidly performant, made by mostly by a one-man team as a sequel to his first space game.

Extremely surprising of a mix featuring Space Combat, Ground Combat, Freelancing/Mercenary/Bounty Hunting/Mining/Exploring features and missions, Faction Building and Management (taxing your people and pilots, choosing for more aggressive approach or more peaceful, etc.), Wingman/Squad control, story quests, using Star Gates or warping directly to systems slowly (to avoid the cops and enemies camping gates), using drones to rip people out of Escape Pods and delivering them to justice, silly dialogue, angry aliens, a hoverbike (for some reason) and more.

SplatterCatGaming video on it

Full Stupid Intro:
Are you into space games, and ready to try something new?
But the new things are often shallow, not janky enough, and not filled with weird complexity, and they are no longer in Early Access so you can no longer rage at a new bug or laugh at a new completely unbalanced mix of parameters, perks, gear, skills and combos?
Or even worse...are they actual scams, claiming to be single-player games but running on servers with options to trade things for cryptocurrency? And/or the last update was 3 years ago but they keep posting new screenshots of new models and concept art?

Do you want to fly a space ship, jump out from it, and hit someone in the head with an Energy Shotgun?
Is this intro obnoxious enough yet?

Then look no further. Check out Spacebourne 2: the return of Jason Dragonbourne today.

Stupidity aside, I've played the first game from this dev and thought it was a very decent one-man-team space indie game.
I didn't enjoy the storytelling enough to get to the end, but I remember reading the dev saying he wanted to do something more sandboxy, but it was too ambitious for him at the time (or something along those lines). Now, it seems like the time has come for him to develop unhealthy habits and develop his own ambitious indie sandbox space sim!

This game is in the vein of Freelancer, where you fly a ship and do Freelancer (literal name of the guild) and Mercenary missions to your hearts content.
But you can also join the mining guild and mine. Or land on planets and do dungeons. Or harass factions. Hunt a bounty on your way to being an explorer and using probes and to find secret locations. Or play through the story, rebel against alien overlords, protect humanity, build a faction, configure your factions' "constitution", lead pilots in space fights and soldiers in ground fights, research, level up, unlock, get legendary gear that fires so fast it breaks the game's sound get the picture.

Granted, the only thing preventing me from saying this is the "roughest of the rough" is due to the game looking and performing pretty awesomely.
There are plenty of corners to be rough at - the release version (a couple days ago) had as many typos than correct words. Dialogues can be silly and weird and clunky, with AI/synthesized voices until VA become a thing.
But as the Starfarer I am, I have to say I feel the force on this one.

Despite having a bunch of activities to do, like exploration minigames or more involved mining activities, things don't feel like they are there just to check some feature-list boxes.
It feels the game, given time, can become extremely solid and fun, with enough complexity to satisfy more Sandbox Sim players, but not enough to bog down on the dogfighting, space-marine fun.

Some areas feel more well developed than others at the moment, where others feel like Alpha level of development, but in my case..I had a bunch of fun despite all the shortcomings, and I am always looking forward to the next mission, finding and new feature or system unlock. Faction-building, for example, requires some campaign missions to be finished before opening up.

Overall, surprising amount of content for an Early Access release, clearly multiple influences from all favorite Space Sims, and a dev that seems determined on pushing through with it.

For those interested, definitely check it out now if you can deal with potentially bad bugs.
Otherwise, it's worth following and wishlisting it, since this thing mixes some Freelancer with Elite and Star Citizen (and others) in a light, janky package of fun and good times.

Granted, for seasoned veterans, the combat AI is kinda silly. But you can always make up for it by going into harder missions or territories.
The developer is very active on Discord, and suggestions and bug reports get added or fixed rather quickly. My own couple of reports and suggestions got added in a day.

There's some stuff that is still poorly explained or undocumented, so if you don't feel like going over to the games Discord, post here so the hivemind can help.

See you, Space Bournes.

Other Games / Re: Antimatter, my citybuilder and 4X game with physics.
« on: September 11, 2022, 08:19:56 am »
Awesome work! Glad to see this is moving along well.

I'd also mention Space Rangers as a simulated game with cool AI. Later games let you toggle some stuff so the AI wouldn't magically upgrade their equipment and would have to find and buy it (like the player) instead, and this gave a very living universe vibe to it. Been waiting to see more games that explicitly state they want to go on such direction.

Other Games / Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« on: August 16, 2022, 04:43:34 pm »
Got a surprisingly small raid of 10 middle level raiders, decided that i'm not gonna bother and will just call cataphracts on them. Two cataphracts wore tuques instead of helmets, getting instantly shot down in the open. Third was a goon with full plate armor, axe and both shields.  Fourth was a proper one with full cataphract armor and a minigun, but didn't bring any ammo for it, probably because of excessive weight. EMPIRE'S FINEST.

The Empire can be so derpy with too many mods (or at least, with Combat Extended). Just a random note on mods regarding raid difficulty/loadouts:
I've experimented a bit with mods like Compressed Raids, NPC Bonus and Enhanced Raiders (Continued) to try and improve a bit folks overall loadouts. Adding Careful Raids on top of it all so things look more dynamic.
It made new Naked Brutality games very silly (first raid usually being 3 full-geared people, and with mods even Tribals are tough and Medievals often instakill nakeds/tribals), so I'm just going with Compressed Raid on somewhat minimal settings and I'd recommend it - some raids come in lesser numbers of raiders but with extra and improved gear, bionics and drug effects. It's all super customizable so I just disable any magical enhancements (by default, the mod literally magically makes people superhuman, which I dislike although I get the point). Since you can also config the chance those enhancements/'compression' happens, it's like adding a new type of raid with smarter, better deathsquads.

I know some combo and settings of mods can solve such derpy loadout and weight issues, but I was too lazy to configure them and balance to my modlist.

Also, that's a shiny explosion.

Other Games / Re: Starsector [TopDown Sandbox RPG on Space]
« on: August 07, 2022, 09:45:08 pm »
I think they're just doing it because they want to. It's up on a public site.

Once doing modding for a game, I met one modder that did stuff like this before GDPR. He also would compile his mods into DLLs and keep the code private. He didn't feel the need to tell anyone about his analytics until GDPR came along, adding to the weirdness.
He told me it just tracked users (like this one claims to do), so when he went into job interviews he could show both the amount of downloads and active users. GDPR came along and then you nearly had to sign a contract to download the thing.. other modders made a point to make replacement mods and his thing fell in obscurity. I may or may not have influenced this outcome.
Sometimes folks can be very weird. I never understood why stuff things like that in a mod.

Other Games / Re: Empyrion: Galactic Survival
« on: July 25, 2022, 06:02:56 pm »
Yeah, the best time I've had with Empyrion was using the Reforged Eden mod, which makes a lot of things a lot more bearable, combat better balanced (and it feels like AI becomes more aggressive), and throws away/bypasses some of silly Empyrion stuff (like allowing you to use Capital Vessel weapons in places where vanilla, for some god-forsaken reason, does not allow you to).

Overall though, Empyrion turned out way jankier than I thought it would be. There's nothing out there quite like it, but I thought it was going to take a much more grounded and simulated direction.. it went for its arcadey and janky feel, with missions bugging out and the characters feeling like they slide rather than walk on floors. I have a hard time sustaining interest after building the first CV. Space combat also turned out to just be a slug-fest with little in terms of..anything. And even on its latest version, enemy ships are still buggy as hell.
As much as I hate to say it, the game's pretty cheap, which fits what it offers.

In any case, I really recommend trying out the mod (it's actually a scenario on the workshop) - it still Empyrion and still janky, but it actually grabbed me for a much longer time than vanilla, and the modders try hard to bypass or outright fix game issues with the limited methods and resources they have.

Good luck on development!
I've had the game pop up a couple times before in different places. It looks like it can be pretty fun.

Feedback-wise.. Every time I play Rimworld nowadays, I mod it so it becomes more of an exploration game, but it fights me as much as it can about it.
My suggestion is: if the game focus will be on exploring and moving forward - to streamline any looting/hauling/inventory management aspects, as this is what becomes extremely tiring when trying to turn Rimworld into that.

Looking forward to the future reveals.

Other Games / Re: Shores of Hazeron (new thread with the last updates)
« on: April 04, 2022, 10:58:18 pm »
There's plenty of quirks and small issues, that's for sure. If the developer doesn't refresh the servers for too long, eventually the game lags or tries to implode.
I've had the same issue with creating character. Often, just restarting the game and creating the character with a different name helps. Make sure to save your character template (DNA) so if the worse happens you don't lose all your customization.

Other Games / Re: Shores of Hazeron (new thread with the last updates)
« on: April 01, 2022, 06:19:01 pm »
Fixed the links. Take that as April Fools, sure, and not me multitasking way more than I should and messing up the links.  :P :'(

Other Games / Re: Shores of Hazeron (new thread with the last updates)
« on: April 01, 2022, 01:53:20 pm »
How get game?

For accounts, here
For download, here

Wait, this game is still kicking around? Thought it died went pay to play then died again. How is it these days?
More or less the same? Probably more stable than you'd think in some areas, with some new issues - as it always were, stuff gets fixed but even weirder stuff may come out of it.
All in all, I always had the worse lag from everyone I knew yet I'm playing fine for the most part.

The only current big issue for me is "quantum yeeting", where your ship gets thrown to the middle of nowhere, for no reason, and the only solution is to self-destruct it and lose everyhing on it.
You can still respawn it (without cargo or crew), but it really ruins plans or fun some times.
Some people never get it. Some, like me, get it a lot. I'm still trying to find ways to reproduce it or at least a hint of what could cause it - currently I suspect its due to certain Space Station designs, but no clue if true.

Other than quantum yeeting and occasional weirdness - prime component of the Hazeron experience - I'm having a good time.

E: Oh also, I've killed the Asteroid manually for the first time - previous times it either disappeared on its own or got killed by my defenses - and I discovered that giving a ship the Follow Order to follow it may just make the ship decide to suicide itself in the name of the Empire. Destroys the Asteroid, destroyrs your ship, and ejects you into space along with the body of your crewmates to watch the asteroid breaking up up close. Fun times.

E2: Fixed my derp with the links. Sorry!

Other Games / Re: Shores of Hazeron (new thread with the last updates)
« on: April 01, 2022, 03:45:00 am »
I'm on a remote location currently doing a bit of a search for a Ringworld, while farming for Officers and looking out for high quality materials.
Feel free to post questions here and I will aid if I can!

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