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Author Topic: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)  (Read 6942 times)


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Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:49:47 pm »

So this is my take at writing a story set in the world of Dwarf Fortress. My writing isn't the greatest because frankly I'm out of practice. I hope you enjoy it and it will be written in multiple parts.   
It wasn’t a particularly nice day. The sun was out but the clouds were rolling over the hills and the scent of ozone was strong in the air. There is a road going through the hills towards the mountains and on this road is a lone wagon being pulled by two mules. As the wagon rumbled along the cobbles underneath, the dwarf in the back woke.   
We’re getting close” said the driver without looking back. “The gravel turned to cobbles a few miles back. B’sides, you can see the smoke from the megaforges. Not much further now.”   
The driver gave the reigns a snap and the wagon lurched forward. The rider poked his head out and was awestruck. The mountains were in clear view now. The sun shone off the granite slopes as if they were made from silver. There were massive plumes of smoke rising from unseen chimneys along the slopes of the mountain. As he watched, the driver turned his head and chuckled.   
“Impressive innit?” he said through a toothy smile. “I’m proud to call ‘er home.”   
“Amazing.” said the rider.   
The dwarf looked around the back of the wagon, frantically searching the various bundles. He lifted up a canvas and a growl was heard from underneath.   “Sorry pooch.” said the dwarf. He began searching his own bundle, digging through the various articles of clothing and stopped. He turned back to the dog, who had a metal flask between his paws. The dog was a hound, bred for hunting and tracking , his ears hung down past his muzzle in a lazy, aloof fashion. “Give it” said the dwarf. The doge let out a grunt followed by a low growl. The dwarf held out his hand “Give it”. The dog shuffled his paws to bring the flask closer. “All right then” said the dwarf and he pounced on the dog.   
The driver turned his head and shouted, “Don’t break anything you two.” He let out a “Hyah!” and snapped the reigns twice. “I wanna get there by nightfall you lazy bastards! Hyah”!     
It was dusk when the wagon rolled up to the gates, the massive iron doors opened inwards and the sound of grating metal filled the air.   
“Welcome to Kadolkirar!” the driver said with a cheerful grin.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 08:44:55 pm by Labs »
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.

Heron TSG

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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 07:40:18 pm »

Awesome writing! I can't wait to see what a megaforge is used for.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 08:34:19 pm »

Glad you like it. Part two coming within the hour.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 09:45:20 pm »

Part two. Here we learn a few names and origins. I hope you like it.   

Light from the braziers that lined the huge passage flickered off the walls. As the wagon rumbled onwards the sound of stressed metal was heard behind them as the gates closed. As the wagon neared the end of the tunnel, the rider could hear the harking of traders and merchants as they sold their wares. The words; “What? These carp are fresh yesterday!” and “That’s not mold, it’s flavor!” could be heard echoing throughout the huge cavern that contained a multitude of shops and depots. As the wagon slowed, an empty depot was in sight. Troughs of water and fodder for the animals were prepared fresh, as if expecting their arrival.
As the wagon creaked to a halt, the rider jumped down, unable to contain his excitement. A moment later the hound jumped to his side and looked up at him expectantly. The dwarf turned to the driver and said; “So this is it. Kadolkirar. Hatchetright.”
“Well, she’s a beaut’. I’ll give ‘er that.” the driver said as he began unhitching the mules. “Git over here an’ help me boy!”
The dwarf circled around the wagon to the front and began helping the driver. “I really appreciate this uncle Rigoth.”
“Anythin’ fer my nephew’s boy!” Rigoth said. “Tomorrow I’ll show ya round the halls but tonight, why dontcha take a look round the cavern, see what ya kin find.”
The younger dwarf nodded and set off in the direction of the edge of the cavern, dog in tow. He passed a few stalls on the way, some closed, and some with merchants still eagerly hawking their wares. After a brief walk, the dwarf and the dog came upon a door with the word BARR carved over it. There were a few windows that had been chiseled through the living rock and candlelight and laughter filtered through them. As the dwarf took a few hesitant steps through the doorway, a cheerful voice rang out from behind the bar; “Welcome to The Rock!”
“I can see that” said the dwarf.
“What?” the bartender asked.
“The rock. I can see that it’s a rock.”
“It’s called THE Rock ya twit!” he said with a grin. “Now, what can I get ya?”
“Do you have beer?” asked the dwarf.
The bar broke out into laughter. “Ya hear that?! He wants t’ know if we have any beer!” “Come, have a seat.” The bardwarf said, still chuckling. “Yer a funny one. What’s yer name boy?”
“Lor Bomreklisat. I just arrived.”
“Well I kin see that.” The bardwarf said as another bout of laughter shook the bar.
A beer slid down the bar and stopped just short of Lor. He grabbed the mug and lifted it to his mouth allowing a hefty gulp to slide down his gullet. Lor took a seat, the dog laying by his feet. A few moments later, Rigoth came stomping into the bar. He saw Lor and made his way over to him.
“Rigoth ya old bag o’ felsite, ya didn’t tell me ya had a boy!” exclaimed the bardwarf.
“He’s m’ nephew’s son. Just got here today.”
There was the sound of multiple chairs grating across the floor and several dwarves padded over to Rigoth slapping his back and shaking hands with him. The words “Welcome back!” and “Still strong as a carp I see!” could be heard from the group. A few dwarves introduced themselves to Lor. Rounds were bought. Stories were shared. Axes were thrown, much to the dismay of the barman. All in all, a jolly good time.
After their stomachs were filled with beer and various dwarven bar snacks that tasted unusually of cat, the trio, Lor, Rigoth, and the hound, all stumbled back to the depot where the wagon was parked and they all hopped in the back and settled in for their first night in the fortress.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 10:04:41 pm by Labs »
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 08:50:31 am »

Well, I had testing in school today and on my way, my mom ran the car into a ditch(Don't get my lisence for another few months). So I guess I have time for writing. Next installment within the hour.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2010, 09:35:36 am »

In this installment, Lor gets a job, Dwarves are burned, and the megaforges are introduced.
Lor woke to the smell of smoke and the sounds of dwarves screaming. Several times the twang of a crossbow was heard followed by an otherworldly scream. A handful of dwarves rushed past the depot. Rigoth was in the group. Lor jumped from the wagon and ran up alongside him.
“What’s going on?” Lor asked.
“It’s the damn fire imps. One of ‘em got out.” Rigoth said. “I told Cog they were nothing but trouble but he insisted nobles would pay big dwarfbucks for one.”
The ran up to the depot where a few dwarves were putting out a burning wagon. Nearby was another group chasing a flaming camel around the cavern, trying to put it out.
“Where’s cog?” asked Lor.
“Ahh.” said Rigoth as he prodded an ash covered lump of bones with his foot. “Found ‘im.”
Lor looked at the lump in shock as Rigoth explained who exactly cog was. Rigoth explained that Cog had come from the desert. The fort was situated within a dormant volcano but there was still magma around. Cog had spent long nights trapping the imps to sell them around the world. Cog’s Frogs, they were called. He hadn’t sold a single one.
“C’mon boy, I’ll show ya around.”
Rigoth led Lor through a large archway that smelled of soot and dwarf sweat. As they walked along the corridor, up some stairs, through a statue garden, and by more than one storeroom, the heat became more and more intense. After walking for what seemed like forever, they came upon a thick, reinforced metal door that was warm to the touch. The door was opened and a jolly voice on the other side exclaimed; “
Rigoth! You’re back!”
“Aye. This’ my nephew’s son, Lor. I want you to give ‘im a job.” said Rigoth. “Lor, this’ the foreman fer the lower megaforges. His name’s Urist.”
“Oh,” said Lor. “I have a cousin named Urist.”
“Go figure.” Said the foreman. “Can ya work a forge boy? Melt the ore? Hammer the steel?”
“Of course,” said Lor with a grin.
Urist slapped him on the back followed by a hearty laugh. “We’ll take ya then. Rigoth, why dontcha show ‘im around.”
“Alright Lor, c’mon.”
Rigoth ld the dwarf through a door on the opposite side of the foreman’s office. As they stepped through, a blast of heat plowed into the pair causing beads of sweat to form on their brows.
“These, are the megaforges!”
Exclaimed Rigoth. Lor looked around with awe. They were standing on a metal walkway in a large, artificial cavern. There was a bright red glow about the room and the smell of soot and sweat was evermore potent. There were huge smelters made from various alloys that towered over the walkway. They were filled with a multitude of molten materials that emitted a glow as bright as the sun. Networks of metal bars were situated on the ceiling. Like upside down cart tracks. Lor looked on in wonder as cranes the size of houses were suspended upside down and rolled on along them hefting huge stones and loads of metal bars.
“These forges are th’ pride of th’ Empire. There’s crucibles the size of ten dwarves that are dipped in the blood of old Urist to melt the metal.” said Rigoth.
“Old Urist?” asked Lor.
“’S what the locals call the mountain. She cuts th’ sky like a dagger.” said Rigoth with a proud grin as he continued on with the tour. “Th’ smelters are huge. Th’ cranes are huge. Th’ furnaces are huge. Th’…”
“The anvils are huge?” interrupted Lor.
“No, that would be stupid.” said Rigoth. “I figure ya can work ‘ere and sleep in me wagon till I shove off inna few months. After that, ya can fend fer yerself.”
Lor nodded as sweat poured down his face. “Can we see some of the rest of the fortress?”
“Aye. Follow me, I want ta show ye Zafalduthnur. Airguard.”
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 09:39:05 am by Labs »
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.

Heron TSG

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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2010, 07:54:54 pm »

I'm getting strong magma cannon vibes from this.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 08:30:37 pm »

I'm getting strong magma cannon vibes from this.

We'll see. ::)  I have nothing going on tomorrow so expect a night full of updates.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2010, 10:47:28 am »

I'm loving this. It really depicts what a fortress would be like.
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2010, 12:14:34 pm »

Well, I procrastinated and got no writing done last night. Zero. Zip. On the plus side, I killed a human mace lord after eight attempts. Writing now.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2010, 04:13:28 pm »

Well, after much procrastination and many villages slaughtered in the background, I have finished part four of this epic. This is the longest part so far.
Rigoth led Lor back through the foreman’s office and into the hall once more. The pair made their way to the central staircase and went up several levels before dismounting the stairs and into a passage. This passage smelled strongly of bats and stale feces and had the word AVIARY written on the floor. As they walked, screeches and howls could be heard coming from the large metal doors that lined the passageway. A dwarf leading a got passed them and nodded to Rigoth who returned the nod. The dwarf slipped through one of the doors and there was a loud screech followed by a terrified bleat and then silence.
Rigoth let out a chuckle. “Feeding time fer the bastards.”
“Who?” asked Lor.
“Shh, I don’t want to spoil it.”
The dwarves walked side by side until they reached the end of the passage. At the end, there was a massive door encrusted with gold and engraved with pictures of dwarves riding massive flying beasts into battle. Lor examined the engravings closely as the torchlight flickered off the door. Rigoth went to one of the side doors and knocked. The door was made of solid platinum and the words AIR BOSS were engraved in it. There was the squeek of a chair on rock and a shuffling of papers. The door opened and an imposing military dwarf stood in the doorway.
“Rigoth? That you?”
“Aye, and me nephew’s son as well.”
“Come on in. I think I have that bottle around here somewhere.” said the dwarf.
The pair stepped through the door and into the room. It wasn’t a particularly large or a very clean room but it had an air of importance and authority. The room was dimly lit with a few scones mounted around the room, half of them lit. The ceiling was high enough for three dwarves standing on eachother’s shoulders to walk around comfortably, assuming they could pull off such a feat. About halfway up the wall, a ledge formed that began just above the door frame. The ledge was filled with boxes and bins that held various scrolls and trinkets. A ladder was propped up in the back of the room to acess the ledge. There were various medals and pieces of parchment bearing the royal seal on the walls. In the center of the room was a desk cluttered with books and charts with a lit candle resting on it’s corner. In the back corner of the room, the dwarf was rummaging around in a cabinet that smelled of the unmistakable scent of dwarven booze. The dwarf selected a bottle of dwarven rum and grabbed three clear glass goblets from a shelf as he made his way over to the desk.
“So Uvash,” Rigoth said as he and Lor took a seat. “I was wondering if the boy n’ I could have a look at the aviary.”
“Of course,” said Uvash as he poured rum into the goblets. “Anything for a friend.”
The goblets were passed around and the trio drank like dwarves, very, very fast. As they sat, Uvash explained to Lor that he was commander of the second division of the Air Guard. The air guard was a branch of the military that controlled the skies around the empire. The Air Guard was relatively new and since Lor came from another empire, he had no idea it existed. Uvash told Lor that he had met Rigoth when they were both young. Rigoth immigrated to Kadolkirar and had enlisted in the guard. The two of them were good friends but after a year and a half, Rigoth left the guard to become an independent merchant. Uvash had stayed with the guard and eventually earned the rank of captain. After many years in service, Uvash was selected to be a commander in the still developing Air Guard.
The trio of dwarves all stepped out of the office and walked over to the massive door.
Uvash casually stepped up to it and began to rap on it repeatedly. A small sliding door opened in the metal. “Yeah? What in Armok do you….. Commander! Excuse me. Please, come in.” said a raspy voice from out of the opening.
There was the sound of grating metal and the turning of mechanisms as the doors slowly opened inwards. The dwarves stepped through into yet another huge open cavern, this one however had one side open to the south. Sunlight was pouring through. Along the walls were large nooks carved into the rock and there were ladders and platforms leading to them. Dwarves were scurrying up the ladders carrying bundles and various weapons. As the dwarves were standing there, massive eagles were flying about the room. They would swoop and dip from ceiling to floor, occasionally flying out into the open air. Lor looked on in amazement as one flew low over the group and let out a loud, piercing screech.
“Ha! They’re active today!” exclaimed Uvash. “Come back later when the bats are out. That’s a sight to see.”
Lor learned that the Air Guard employs Giant Eagles and Giant Bats as mounts. Giant Eagles are used for taking out rival air force which consists of goblins on bats. The bats, which are more numerous, are used for eliminating ground troops and riders. Giant Cave swallows, which are smaller, are sometimes used by kobolds as scouts, but they don’t threaten the Air Guard. Uvash explained that elves cannot control the mounts because they are creatures of the mountains and caves, not the forest. During their discussion, a leather clad dwarf ran up to the group and addressed the Uvash.
 “Sir, a goblin war party has been sighted approaching from the west. The Sky Boss says to ready your men for battle.”
“Right, thank you. I’m sorry our meeting has been cut short but we must be getting ready.” Uvash said to Lor and Rigoth. “Feel free to observe the battle, from a safe distance of course.”
Uvash sped off in the direction of the opening as a massive, gold colored eagle swooped down near him. The eagle flew out and circled around coming dangerously close to the cliff. The eagle dipped below the opening and Uvash gave a quick wave and jumped. Lor and Rigoth sped over to the edge as Uvash and the eagle gained altitude. Uvash circled around the opening as two squads of riders flew out to join him. They took up formation around Uvash and as they flew off Lor heard him scream “To battle you sons of granite!”
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 04:22:17 pm by Labs »
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2010, 06:11:00 pm »

Again, amazing, keep it up.
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2010, 09:55:02 am »

Ok, lack of updates, yadda yadda yadda. Busy week with school, scans and such. I should update later today.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2010, 05:28:43 pm »

This story is great, dude, keep it up.  ;D
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Sorry, Bro.
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Re: Zafalduthnur (Airguard)
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2010, 07:21:00 pm »

awesome story dude, i'm loving it.  ;D
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