Bay 12 Games Forum

Finally... => General Discussion => Topic started by: MaximumZero on December 08, 2014, 01:04:43 pm

Title: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 08, 2014, 01:04:43 pm
Once upon a time, there was a Bay12 group on HabitRPG. I put together an exercise challenge for the group, then quickly lost interest in HabitRPG in general because their website is held together with scotch tape and chewing gum. Some people have expressed interest in taking up the Dwarven Gauntlet, so I'm posting it here if you can't get to HabitRPG, don't want to make an account, or just want to stay on Bay12. Post exercise stories, support, advice, or whatever in here.

Anyway, this is the challenge I issued.

Let's face it, B12, most of us are pasty, chair bound nerds for one reason or another. Well, it's time to change that and dorf up. If you want to get healthy, you have to get moving, and you will move in this challenge. We aren't expecting to become super-athletes or bodybuilders here, it's all about getting a little better than we were a little bit at a time. Incremental steps are the key to getting better at anything, and health is no exception.

Don't overestimate yourself at first, and know your limits. If anything hurts, stop and take a breather. If it still hurts after resting, you may need to see a doctor or find an alternate exercise. Easy mode is more than what much of the internet is doing, so there's no shame in starting there. Take your time, use controlled movements, and don't injure yourself. Start every workout with a brief warmup. 20 jumping jacks or 30 seconds of jogging in place (get your knees up to your chest if you can!) is plenty. Stretch a little bit, but save the real stretching for after the workout. We aren't training for the Dorf Olympics, and we don't want to see anyone hurt. Let's use proper technique.

Below are the Circuits. Give yourself 30-60 seconds of rest time between each exercise, then get right back to it, even if you're tired. If you get too tired, stop for a second, then keep on pushing. Whatever you do, do not let your form slip. Bad form creates bad habits and injuries. Drink plenty of water. After you're finished exercising, gently stretch anything that is sore or burns, and take a shower (it helps your recovery time.) Then, eat something good for you. If you're into milk, drink an 8oz glass of chocolate milk. Seriously, it's the best thing you can drink. Soy milk works for this, too, if you can't do regular milk.

**Easy Circuit**: 10 incline pushups, 10 crunches, 5 oblique crunches (each side,) 10 squats, 10 lunges (each side), and 30 seconds straight of planking.

**Medium Circuit**: 20 pushups, 25 crunches, 10 obliques (each side,) 10 squat leaps, 15 lunges (each side), and 1 minute straight of planking.

**Hard Circuit** (Are you dorf enough?): 50 pushups OR 30 decline pushups, 50 crunches, 20 obliques (each side), 20 burpees, 20 lunges (each side), and 2 minutes straight of planking.

If you have no idea what any of those things are, fear not! Here are some videos to help you get started:

Pushup (
This is pretty much a perfect military pushup.

Incline/Decline Pushup (
Guy's butt is too high, but you get the idea.

Crunch (
Perfect crunch form. Nice and controlled.

Oblique Crunch (
I don't go quite so far apart with my legs (I actually tuck my top leg so that my knee is on the ground,) and the weird noises are optional.

Squat (
I prefer a straighter back, especially when working with weights, but you get the gist.

Lunge (
This is why I have absurdly large calves and thighs. Get low, people!

Plank (
This is perfect form. That's really all there is to it. Looks easy, will start to burn after about 20 seconds. To make it easier to track your time, put a stopwatch in your field of vision. To make it harder, get a yoga ball and plank with your arms on that. Planking is really, **really** hard, especially at first. If you can't stay up for the full time, go 10, 20 or 30 seconds at a time, just remember not to count the time you're on the floor.

Jump Squat (
I like to see more explosiveness in the jump, though. Aim higher!

Burpee (
More explosiveness on the jump! Aim high!

Alright, folks, let's get to it! Get that fat burning like it's made of magmaaaaa!
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 08, 2014, 01:23:23 pm
I need to start doing this stuff. Thanks for putting this together, MZ.

Out of curiosity, why is chocolate milk the best thing to drink? Aside from the obvious this-stuff-is-delicious reason, I mean.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 08, 2014, 01:38:47 pm
Challenge Accepted. I could set a future start date and then forget, but hell, it's Monday, great day for new beginnings. Once I've got the kids down I'll do this then chew on some veggies or something. To keep me motivated I will log my first week here, after that I should be good to go momentum wise. I'll start with the easy track because I'm asthmatic and out of shape (but round is a shape, hurhurhur).

@Sirus. Quick google search says it's better do to higher carbohydrate content, something something glucose recovery something something.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: ~Neri on December 08, 2014, 02:39:49 pm
I need to get enough sleep and eat enough.

I sorta need to eat 8000 calories a day due to my annoying as crap metabolism so sooorta underweight.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Jervill on December 08, 2014, 07:55:15 pm
This twig man is in on this because I've got nothing better to do, so I may as well do so.

[Selects MEDIUM mode]
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 08, 2014, 08:04:04 pm
I've got the Easy regimen set up on HabitRPG. As it becomes...well, easier, I'll upgrade.

I didn't have time this morning to do the entire set, so I'm continuing in my truck. Is that a bad idea, to split the routine up?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 08, 2014, 08:24:09 pm
"easy" circuit the first complete. Review!

 10 incline pushups: I did 10 normal pushups due to lack of good surface to incline on. Holy crap I remember pushups being easier, mind you I was lifiting about 60 less pounds last time I tried them. Overall not terrible.

10 crunches: HAHAHAHAHAHAH oh god I must've looked pathetic. again, long time since done crunches, made sure I was doing them properly, barely moved.... but hey, I felt it so after time should get better.

5 oblique crunches (each side,):Not only is this the weirdest exercise I've done, but it made me look even more pathetic than the normal crunches, I was like a flopping fish. Terrible.

 10 squats:I've always had slightly stronger legs, so nothing terrible here, a nice break.

10 lunges (each side):Same as above, struggled a bit but nothing too bad, more just getting the technique down.

30 seconds straight of planking: Holy crap you were not kidding, after like 5 seconds I was shaking. Made it to the full 30 and it took all my energy to not collapse and let myself down gently.

Review overall: Got my heart going, I'm sweating a bit, hydrtaing. did my after strecthces (forgot fore stretches doh). My lower back is protesting a bit so I think I need to work on my crunch and oblique crunch techniques, may be putting my back in to it a bit too much. Also, need a mat.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 08, 2014, 08:45:06 pm
I've discovered that mattresses are not an ideal platform to exercise on. Trying to plank resulted in my feet and arms sinking down and rendered the entire thing moot :P
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 08, 2014, 09:06:00 pm
Ummmmm hard mode is what we did in my schools summer school gym and why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
Any how this is going to be a daily thing that I want to start doing
I'm rather fat and well would rather not be fat
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Tack on December 08, 2014, 09:30:15 pm
Dayum, 50 pushups and 20 burpees?

Hardmode is gonna be an interesting (read; devestating) challenge at my level of fitness, so I might try that.

(Also slight typo below Burpee.)
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 08, 2014, 09:38:09 pm
I heartily encourage exercise!  Especially body-weight ones!

Dont forget regular stretching.  Passive exercise, good for quick touch ups and for when you really dont want to do anything else.  If you stretch and then do shock your body (hot water - then cold for a brief period, then hot again) itll be fine to loosen you up.  *15 minutes of whole-body stretching a day, plus 10 for the shower.*

Also ptw.  Im afraid those exercises arent for me, though.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Il Palazzo on December 08, 2014, 09:54:04 pm
why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
As long as you follow the instructions of doing the exercises one after another with only short (30-60s) pauses in-between, you'll get your heart rate up significantly.

If you feel you need some more cardio after all, go ahead and change the routine. It's not like list is cast in stone or something.

Here's a nice overview of exercises that are easy to implement into MZ's base list:
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Rose on December 08, 2014, 11:23:12 pm
Posting so this thread will keep showing up in my new replies list and maybe shame me into getting fit. 
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Gentlefish on December 08, 2014, 11:34:45 pm
Monday is best day for exercise.

These circuits, are we to repeat them 3-5 times per exercise?

why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
As long as you follow the instructions of doing the exercises one after another with only short (30-60s) pauses in-between, you'll get your heart rate up significantly.

If you feel you need some more cardio after all, go ahead and change the routine. It's not like list is cast in stone or something.

Here's a nice overview of exercises that are easy to implement into MZ's base list:

Can always take a quick jog as a warmup, too.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Baffler on December 09, 2014, 12:18:36 am
Posting so this thread will keep showing up in my new replies list and maybe shame me into getting fit.

Seconded. I don't have to lose weight though, I've got the opposite problem if anything, but fit I am not.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 09, 2014, 02:05:46 am
I definitely need to lose weight. Getting more fit would be nice too. So yeah. This thing might work.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Spehss _ on December 09, 2014, 02:22:33 am
Posting so this thread will keep showing up in my new replies list and maybe shame me into getting fit.

Seconded. I don't have to lose weight though, I've got the opposite problem if anything, but fit I am not.

Thirding the verbose posting to watch posts and adding to the inevitable quote pyramid. Also fitness. Eventually. Maybe.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 09, 2014, 06:08:08 am
I'm thinking of subsituting something else for the crunches, since my back doth protest a bit, at least until I'm in good enough shape that I can actually do crunches. Looks like there are a lot of exercises to choose from that work the same muscle groups. I do understand that crunches are perfectly safe if you do them right, but my back is a tad delicate as is right now, and I don't wanna risk doing actual damage to it. Maybe I'll some day actually drag myself out to a gym and get someone to show me how to do them right.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Execute/Dumbo.exe on December 09, 2014, 06:56:07 am
PTWing, I think I might join in on this, though not tonight, but I'll probably go on the Hard course.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 09, 2014, 08:10:37 am
Monday is best day for exercise.

These circuits, are we to repeat them 3-5 times per exercise?

why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
As long as you follow the instructions of doing the exercises one after another with only short (30-60s) pauses in-between, you'll get your heart rate up significantly.

If you feel you need some more cardio after all, go ahead and change the routine. It's not like list is cast in stone or something.

Here's a nice overview of exercises that are easy to implement into MZ's base list:

Can always take a quick jog as a warmup, too.

Ya I got plenty of back roads at my house for it (though I'll probably be wanting to carry a knife 'cause some neighbors are a bit sketchy)
Might also add lifting weights and holding weights during sit-ups and other exercises that I can add weight to
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 09, 2014, 08:15:33 am
I'm lucky, as I've grown a built in weight to lift *pats belly*
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 09, 2014, 08:42:13 am
Out of curiosity, why is chocolate milk the best thing to drink? Aside from the obvious this-stuff-is-delicious reason, I mean.
Something I learned in college Weightlifting. You need to rehydrate after a workout anyway, and you get protein, calcium, a little bit of electrolytes (it's what plants crave!) and some carbohydrates, which you need to refuel your muscles short-term. If you're not going full bore, though, you probably won't need the carbs.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Rose on December 09, 2014, 08:58:56 am
I managed 30s of planking, 10-ish pushups with rests every couple, and 8 or so crunches, before giving up.

My mattress is pretty firm, so I'm doing it on the bed. It's either that, or a tile floor, or a straw mat (good for watermarking my elbows when planking)
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 09, 2014, 09:16:31 am
why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
The whole list is cardio. Go faster.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: hops on December 09, 2014, 11:13:25 am
I don't go on HabitRPG anymore, so PTW.

why is cardio almost non existant on the list?
The whole list is cardio. Go faster.
gotta go fats
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: aenri on December 09, 2014, 12:21:17 pm
Oh well, I also want to get on this. So, P T W.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 09, 2014, 12:24:44 pm
So, how often do you do those?  Do you alternate exercises each day?  We should make charts.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 09, 2014, 12:25:19 pm
I thought the idea was to do your chosen routine once per day.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: scrdest on December 09, 2014, 12:50:05 pm
I thought the idea was to do your chosen routine once per day.
That is very likely to be rather inefficient, at least as far as muscularosity is concerned. Optimum for that seems to be a day's rest after srs exertion, with both more and less achieving not much more.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 09, 2014, 12:51:24 pm
Well, I did the easy circuit yesterday (we do just do once through, right?) and I'm feeling fine today, wasn't a massive exercise.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 09, 2014, 02:05:28 pm
It's actually supposed to be 3x/week, but apparently that got lost in the copypaste from habit RPG.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 09, 2014, 02:11:32 pm
It's actually supposed to be 3x/week, but apparently that got lost in the copypaste from habit RPG.
Oh cool, so like a mon/wed/fri type thing? And is it just one run through the circuit? Or however much you feel like? Does it really matter? How many more questions can I ask?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 09, 2014, 02:19:03 pm
I think im going to try to do the easy or medium everyday for a week and see how that goes
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: ragnar119 on December 09, 2014, 04:46:45 pm
I have big problems in this time of year. As a amateur marathon/half marathon runner, every year, near winter when it becomes cold and white crap start to fall,  I stop training until weather becomes better. So in those two or more months I always lose my how to say (dont know english word for it) fitness, and need to start up slowly next year to come to my normal fitness.

The problem is I hate doing pushups or anything in closed room, or gyms, as it is very boring to me to be in one place and repeat something  over and over. I know two dudes that force them self to run during winter in snow (but not rain), but how slippery it is, I will probably break my leg if I tried (and its cold also.. duhh)... I can not even walk normal without falling on ice/snow.. cant even think how it will be when running.

So winter comes, i get a small belly, and every fucking year, its same fucking thing.... I hate winter, and white shit....
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 09, 2014, 04:53:58 pm
Could try long distanced walks in snow shoes and winter clothes
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 09, 2014, 04:57:19 pm
Or a gym.  A gymnasium or some such.  Even treadmills.  Running in the snow itself is a mixed bag though.  Sometimes the snow is rock hard, sometimes you fall through its hard crust and then have to rip through it, and sometimes is slushy.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: ragnar119 on December 09, 2014, 05:07:54 pm
I hate fucking winter...
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Mr. Strange on December 09, 2014, 05:54:56 pm
I have big problems in this time of year. As a amateur marathon/half marathon runner, every year, near winter when it becomes cold and white crap start to fall,  I stop training until weather becomes better. So in those two or more months I always lose my how to say (dont know english word for it) fitness, and need to start up slowly next year to come to my normal fitness.

The problem is I hate doing pushups or anything in closed room, or gyms, as it is very boring to me to be in one place and repeat something  over and over. I know two dudes that force them self to run during winter in snow (but not rain), but how slippery it is, I will probably break my leg if I tried (and its cold also.. duhh)... I can not even walk normal without falling on ice/snow.. cant even think how it will be when running.

So winter comes, i get a small belly, and every fucking year, its same fucking thing.... I hate winter, and white shit....
Try skiing? More sadistic torture method has not been invented, I'm pretty sure of that.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: anzki4 on December 09, 2014, 06:51:13 pm
Haven't been really excersising since starting uni two years ago (except during the half year mandatory military service I did in between...). Medium level challenge accepted.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: werty892 on December 09, 2014, 07:13:14 pm
Haven't been really excersising since starting uni two years ago (except during the half year mandatory military service I did in between...). Medium level challenge accepted.
Just out of curiosity, where do you live that has mandatory military service?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 09, 2014, 07:17:10 pm
Haven't been really excersising since starting uni two years ago (except during the half year mandatory military service I did in between...). Medium level challenge accepted.
Just out of curiosity, where do you live that has mandatory military service?
Quite a few nations have it (just throwing out a random thing not trying to be a smart ass or anything)
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Mr. Strange on December 09, 2014, 07:29:01 pm
Haven't been really excersising since starting uni two years ago (except during the half year mandatory military service I did in between...). Medium level challenge accepted.
Just out of curiosity, where do you live that has mandatory military service?
Quite a few nations have it (just throwing out a random thing not trying to be a smart ass or anything)
Finland has minimum of six months (, so could be from here.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 09, 2014, 07:31:49 pm
Meh, requiring service is a mixed bag of fruit.  A lot of kids dont want to be in the military, it turns out.  And they bring their nasty habits with them too.
But you do get bodies in, and the minds controlling those bodies get some discipline and brainwashing.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 09, 2014, 07:40:38 pm
I've debated joining the military just out of family tradition (ok not tradition but tendency)
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on December 09, 2014, 07:42:27 pm
My little bro is in the military and I'm sure he could kick my ass any day. This may not catch me up to him, but I'm hoping I at least won't be the chubby sibling anymore...
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: anzki4 on December 09, 2014, 08:16:27 pm
Aye, it was/is Finland.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Mr. Strange on December 09, 2014, 08:24:08 pm
Aye, it was/is Finland.
Might I ask where you served? It was in artillery, wasn't it?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: anzki4 on December 10, 2014, 08:41:03 am
Aye, it was/is Finland.
Might I ask where you served? It was in artillery, wasn't it?
Nope, I was a jaeger. A term for basic infantry in Finland.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 10, 2014, 11:08:39 am
Did you get a sweet hat? You should have gotten one in the jaeger kit.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 10, 2014, 11:33:10 am
What about your cool name? All jaegers get cool names.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sappho on December 10, 2014, 12:18:18 pm
Hm... I know HabitRPG turned out to be a big ol' pile of gunk in the end, but since there are so many of us interested in getting a bit more in shape, what about Fitocracy? It's free, we could make a group to work together and challenge each other, and they even have level-ups and achievements and whatnot. I don't know much about it as I haven't actually used it, but I've heard really good things, and I know all those bells and whistles will definitely motivate me. Also, very easy to look at each other's progress without having to sift through the thread. And unlike Habit, it's not held together with chewing gum and rubber bands.

As for me, I suppose I should start getting some exercise again. These past couple months have been absolute hell and my stress levels are through the roof. I've also had to accept recently that due to past injuries and weak connective tissues, there is a long list of exercises I just can't do without injuring myself further. No push-ups or anything to do with the wrists (even "wrist strengthening" exercises like lemon squeezing caused terrible shooting pains that lasted for days), very little exercise involving knees (things like squats and lunges must be severely limited - even when I use proper form, the soreness in my knees lasts for days afterward), and very sadly, no running (I have vocal chord dysfunction, similar to asthma except it can't be treated with medication). So that leaves me with crunches/sit-ups (which I can do pretty well), planking (which I can do surprisingly well - I lasted over a minute my very first time), and... Oh. That appears to be it.

Any suggestions for other things I can do? I'm definitely not looking to get "fit," but I have gained a visible amount of weight over the past year, and it would be nice to not gain any more.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 10, 2014, 12:21:18 pm
Cardio. Do you have access to an exercise bike or swimming pool?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sappho on December 10, 2014, 12:26:32 pm
I do not. Anyway, the vocal chord dysfunction prevents me from doing much cardio. Anything I have to breathe hard to do, I can't do very much of. My vocal chords clamp shut when I breathe hard, or if I'm stressed or exposed to allergens. Feels very similar to an asthma attack, except in my throat instead of my lungs.

I used to ride a bike a lot, but it's not safe to do so where I live now. Might be possible in the future, but certainly not during this winter.

Maybe I could do jumping jacks or something, maybe jump rope, and just stop when my throat gets tight. And I'll definitely do the planking. Any other strength training that isn't hard on the wrists or knees?

In case anyone else wants to try Fitocracy, my username there is Airova, by the way. I've decided to try it out. Feel free to friend me, and if we get a few people on, we'll make a group.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 10, 2014, 12:48:17 pm
Most cardio uses one of those :/

Go into a plank, resting on you forearms.
Put one hand into push-up position.  Then the other.  Now take the first hand and put it back to plank.  Now the other.  Do that as fast as comfortable.  Good for strength, especially if you dont do regular push ups.

Doing enough of the OP exercises in quick rotation will bring your heart up.  Also try bicycle kicks or other leg movements.  Other than that, any strength exercise done in groups of 2 (i.e. do 1 set push ups then 1 set pull ups, repeat) will raise your heart rate.

These may be hard on the knees for you (idk), but mountain climbers are sure hard in general, and good for cardio.
Do three sets of 20 to start, and curse my name later.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sappho on December 10, 2014, 01:40:35 pm
I'm afraid I can't do either of those. Anything that puts pressure on my wrists (which means anything where I'm supporting my weight on my hands) is completely out of the question, as they're already deteriorating over time. Anything in the push-up position causes great big ouchies. I do the planking on my forearms, though, and that works pretty well. I guess that's probably the best exercise I can do, in addition to crunches. I do miss push-ups, though. I used to actually enjoy them. : /
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Gentlefish on December 10, 2014, 05:42:17 pm
I bet it was Lutefisk Lager.

That's a good Finnish Jaeger name.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Mr. Strange on December 10, 2014, 06:05:53 pm
What about your cool name? All jaegers get cool names.
I bet it was Lutefisk Lager.

That's a good Finnish Jaeger name.
What is this I don't even (
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 11, 2014, 12:12:30 am
Did some exercises tonight
Jumping jacks, squats, push ups, sit ups repeat
More specifically 25 jumping jacks, 20 squats, 5 push ups (no upper arm strength at all), and 10 sit ups
Went through that twice and then the third and final 'set' I did
35 jumping jacks, 30 squats, 10 push ups, and 17 sit ups (I couldn't do anymore, I was aiming for 20 though)

I feel accomplished  :D
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 11, 2014, 12:34:28 am
You will probably feel a little sore, too. Good on ya, now do it again in two days' time.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 11, 2014, 12:36:02 am
You will probably feel a little sore, too. Good on ya, now do it again in two days' time.

I'm doing it tomorrow night

I'm going to try to do something along those lines (or running if I can) everyday
I know I can handle it, it's less than what we did in summer school gym
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 11, 2014, 12:38:30 am
Do you have a pull-up/chin-up bar? If so, I'd get on those, too. You say yourself that you have no arm strength, and that's an excellent bodyweight exercise.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 11, 2014, 12:51:16 am
I do not own one of those but I have weights (like 1-20 lb dumb bells) that I use when doing upper arm strength
I would usualy do like (less for more weight, more for less weight) 5-15 reps of lifting my arms up straight over my head like I'm raising my hands 
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 11, 2014, 01:25:06 am
>be me
>be flabby weak thing
>do entire Dwarven Gauntlet in one sitting for first time
>just blow through the exercises
>make delicious brunch and chocolate milk
>surf Bay 12 while eating
>tastes like victory
>get up to go to work
>legs nearly give out
>go through rest of day with jelly legs

So yeah. Apparently I'm far weaker and more out of shape than I thought. I'll just be sticking to the every-other-day thing so I can actually function :P
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Jervill on December 15, 2014, 07:16:51 pm
Bumped in case anyone forgot.  I do it daily myself, it's not as if I do much physical activity at work.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 15, 2014, 07:54:02 pm
I've also started daily exercises based on this
Though slightly modified to make use of weights and muscles I need to work on
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 15, 2014, 11:48:09 pm
Cryxis, if you want to build your arm strength faster, do something that feels really stupid for about a minute, then you realize the severity of the situation.

Take your lightest dumbbell. Like, 1lb or less. Hold it in both hands. Put your arms straight out in front of you, collarbone high, and hold them there as long as you can without letting them droop at all. Be prepared for that 1lb to feel like a ton after a short while.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 16, 2014, 12:22:16 am
That's not all that different from what I've been doing
I've been using 3lb dumbells in each hand during jumping jacks and I hold them out like that when I do squats, also hold my arms out to the side with them and flap my arms like an idiot but makes my arms burn so it ought to be working
As well as the holding them out infront of me
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Arx on December 16, 2014, 01:34:20 am

I need to print this. I think I have enough space in my room to do these before I shower, I could just never remember the cycles when it was on HabitRPG.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: NAV on December 16, 2014, 10:07:35 am
I've been working out for a while now. I decided to try this yesterday. I did medium, and it seemed fairly decent. Gonna try to work my way up to hard mode.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 16, 2014, 11:16:26 am
I did these ( today.  Recommend.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Parsely on December 16, 2014, 11:26:00 am
Hah! Fools! I already do this every other day in the evening:
25 Bicep Curls
25 Bent-Over Bicep Curls
50 Forearm Curls
Pushups to failure

And on the off days I do my abdominal workout.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 16, 2014, 11:57:42 am
Good for you. No, seriously, good for you. This isn't about people who already exercise, though, it's about working out the ones who don't.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: pisskop on December 16, 2014, 11:59:40 am
Hah! Fools! I already do this every other day in the evening:
25 Bicep Curls
25 Bent-Over Bicep Curls
50 Forearm Curls
Pushups to failure

And on the off days I do my abdominal workout.
Maybe you would take the Mountain-Climber challenge then? :P  3 sets of 20, with feeling.
Remember that you have to do both legs for it to count as 1.

those things huuurrt
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Parsely on December 16, 2014, 12:04:00 pm
You dorf now. :3

Good for you. No, seriously, good for you. This isn't about people who already exercise, though, it's about working out the ones who don't.
/me makes a face.

I'm not trying to piss on anyone MZ, this is awesome and I'm glad everyone is getting into this!

Maybe you would take the Mountain-Climber challenge then? :P  3 sets of 20, with feeling.
Remember that you have to do both legs for it to count as 1.

those things huuurrt
That's part of the ab workout! They hurt yummy good.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 16, 2014, 12:09:26 pm
That's part of the ab workout! They hurt yummy good.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL, I'm in public and almost burst out laughing! Thanks, I don't know why that was so funny though.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Parsely on December 16, 2014, 12:21:38 pm
That's part of the ab workout! They hurt yummy good.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL, I'm in public and almost burst out laughing! Thanks, I don't know why that was so funny though.
Delicious pain.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: lorb on December 16, 2014, 02:31:41 pm
Posting so this thread will keep showing up in my new replies list and maybe shame me into getting fit.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 16, 2014, 02:36:07 pm
Just finished 100 pushup challenge in JROTC
my arms feel like jello
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on December 18, 2014, 03:09:22 am
Cryxis, if you want to build your arm strength faster, do something that feels really stupid for about a minute, then you realize the severity of the situation.

Take your lightest dumbbell. Like, 1lb or less. Hold it in both hands. Put your arms straight out in front of you, collarbone high, and hold them there as long as you can without letting them droop at all. Be prepared for that 1lb to feel like a ton after a short while.
Wow. That almost sounds like a hack, but I've got a 6lb dumbbell and that got difficult really fast.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Xantalos on December 18, 2014, 03:24:32 am
Huh, this seems interesting. I'll read through this when I have a free day and do everything I can off of here.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 18, 2014, 08:16:20 am
Cryxis, if you want to build your arm strength faster, do something that feels really stupid for about a minute, then you realize the severity of the situation.

Take your lightest dumbbell. Like, 1lb or less. Hold it in both hands. Put your arms straight out in front of you, collarbone high, and hold them there as long as you can without letting them droop at all. Be prepared for that 1lb to feel like a ton after a short while.
Wow. That almost sounds like a hack, but I've got a 6lb dumbbell and that got difficult really fast.
We used to punish people in the Muay Thai gym by making them do it with a single square of toilet paper. It's worse than running laps, I'll tell ya.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: scrdest on December 18, 2014, 09:06:31 am
Cryxis, if you want to build your arm strength faster, do something that feels really stupid for about a minute, then you realize the severity of the situation.

Take your lightest dumbbell. Like, 1lb or less. Hold it in both hands. Put your arms straight out in front of you, collarbone high, and hold them there as long as you can without letting them droop at all. Be prepared for that 1lb to feel like a ton after a short while.
Wow. That almost sounds like a hack, but I've got a 6lb dumbbell and that got difficult really fast.
We used to punish people in the Muay Thai gym by making them do it with a single square of toilet paper. It's worse than running laps, I'll tell ya.

Eh, I'unno, I may be doing this wrong, but 1 lb doesn't feel like effort anymore. And if I'm doing this right, it's probably because I've been exercising the muscle ever since I started going to the gym in September. But Muay Thai-ers probably do too, so... eh?

6 WOULD be a pain, though, the muscle strength has lesser increments. I'm doing 8.8 lb (4 kgs, to be precise, metric system whoooo!) 3x12 every other day for a month now and it still feels like my arms will fall off by the last series of repetitions.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: lorb on December 18, 2014, 04:17:45 pm
Cryxis, if you want to build your arm strength faster, do something that feels really stupid for about a minute, then you realize the severity of the situation.

Take your lightest dumbbell. Like, 1lb or less. Hold it in both hands. Put your arms straight out in front of you, collarbone high, and hold them there as long as you can without letting them droop at all. Be prepared for that 1lb to feel like a ton after a short while.
Wow. That almost sounds like a hack, but I've got a 6lb dumbbell and that got difficult really fast.
We used to punish people in the Muay Thai gym by making them do it with a single square of toilet paper. It's worse than running laps, I'll tell ya.

Eh, I'unno, I may be doing this wrong, but 1 lb doesn't feel like effort anymore. And if I'm doing this right, it's probably because I've been exercising the muscle ever since I started going to the gym in September. But Muay Thai-ers probably do too, so... eh?

The difficulty of that exercise scales at least as much with the time doing it as it does with the weight. If 1lb feels like no effort after one minute try 3 minutes, or 5 or more ...
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on December 18, 2014, 04:23:28 pm
Yeah, it's not "hold it for a minute," it's "hold it until your arms fall off."
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Urist Mc Dwarf on December 18, 2014, 04:28:41 pm
I work out at home
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on December 18, 2014, 04:47:46 pm
I work out at home

Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Parsely on December 18, 2014, 08:26:37 pm
Hasn't anyone seen the Punisher?
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Phantom of The Library on February 12, 2015, 11:58:55 am
Are people still doing this?

I figure its about time I started doing some actual exercise again. Signing up for the **Easy Circuit** for now and also signed up on the Fitocracy site somebody mentioned earlier in the thread.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: timferius on February 12, 2015, 12:00:55 pm
I failed... life got busy and I got blegh and I just didn't do it. Shame on me :(
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Sirus on February 12, 2015, 12:02:21 pm
I stopped after a couple of injuries forced me to take a break, and the break stretched on and on and on...

I should probably get back into it :(
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: hector13 on February 12, 2015, 12:16:25 pm

I am sad that it appears to have lasted not quite two weeks though. I think something like this kind of support network-esque thing would be beneficial for me, in that I might actually work out.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on February 12, 2015, 06:52:33 pm

Oh, wait, you mean me, too.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: hector13 on February 12, 2015, 06:53:49 pm

Oh, wait, you mean me, too.

I'd like to point you in the direction of your OP at this point.

Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on February 12, 2015, 09:48:33 pm
I am also a pasty, chair bound nerd. No hurt will be necessary.

You nerd.

Also, I'm MaximumZero on Fitocracy.
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on February 12, 2015, 10:49:59 pm
I've been keeping a good regiment
I can acctualy do push-ups now and my girlfriend tells me I look like I've lost weight
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: MaximumZero on February 12, 2015, 11:36:33 pm
Woo success story! Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: Cryxis, Prince of Doom on February 12, 2015, 11:48:10 pm
Woo success story! Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Dwarven Gauntlet
Post by: scrdest on February 13, 2015, 04:54:11 am
I've been keeping a good regiment
I can acctualy do push-ups now and my girlfriend tells me I look like I've lost weight

I've gotten to be able to push-ups a couple months ago (this is to say, a proper 3x12), but I hope I didn't atrophy much in this department - I'm having a two-month break (originally supposed to be just while I was away for holidays, but the second day I wanted to get back into that, I twisted my ankle pretty badly).

On the other hand, thanks to an exercise bar my parents got me, I can now do a couple pull-ups with a grip both ways, and I'm going to go exercising in two hours.