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 on: Today at 03:33:47 pm 
Started by Roboson - Last post by Shadowclaw777
(Yeah kind of lost motivation for this game sorry, all this bidding stuff got too complicated and all the details got too complicated managing for me, I’d prefer to watch what the others are doing and not in the mood of being a hero manager, sorry. Peace and Out!)

 on: Today at 03:30:11 pm 
Started by NUKE9.13 - Last post by m1895
Support Agricultural Expansion

Spoiler: Leo Empiricus (click to show/hide)

 on: Today at 03:26:36 pm 
Started by Maloy - Last post by Salmeuk
It was a success. we trapped the 'Omba' menace in the sand spiral entrance, and it is now walled / bridged off. 

 Then, goblins attacked, a proper melee siege too. . it would have be fine except for the fact the two side doors were being replaced at that very moment.
 We lost 'Kesperan II' because he showed up practically naked, devoid of armor. . my fault probably but I find the new military menus counterintuitive. He was avenged by 'Otto_K II' and 'Neblime' , though after 'Neblime' took an arrow to the liver he also died after being dogpiled by a dozen goblins at the same time. Fuck me...

Regardless, only military dwarves died, so that is an improvement over my previous disasters.

  It took about a year but now we've finished the hauling backlog, mostly... and I went ahead and made this semi-functional trash compactor powered by water flow.
 I might play more or pass the save in a day from now.

here is some scattered journaling:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 on: Today at 03:19:15 pm 
Started by NUKE9.13 - Last post by Iris
ACTACTACT: Veto Sponsor Art, Philosophy, & Science (-So, +Me).

Support Encourage Commerce (+Me, -So) and Agricultural Expansion (+No, +Co).

Increase popularity with Nobilty.

Spoiler: Dexamene (click to show/hide)

 on: Today at 02:48:24 pm 
Started by NUKE9.13 - Last post by NUKE9.13
I've changed the name of the Military Class to the Soldiers Class.

 on: Today at 02:40:43 pm 
Started by NUKE9.13 - Last post by Kashyyk
Whaddup gang. It's your boy, Kasho the Elder.

ActActAct: Propose we Sponsor Art, Philosophy, & Science (+Mi, -Me)

I also Support a Military Campaign (±0), Encourage Commerce (+Me, -Mi), and Agricultural Expansion (+No, +Co).

Spoiler: Kasho the Elder (click to show/hide)

 on: Today at 02:37:42 pm 
Started by Robot Parade Leader - Last post by Djohaal
There is of course this tale but I'm not sure anyone has ever verified the veracity of it.

The metal mass in that thing sure seems a tad bigger and potentially enough to cause traction. I did share this freak story with a radiologist friend of mine and he said the injury and artifact patterns in the image are compatible with a potential CT done after the mishap. The image displays the dildo lost in the abdominal cavity and a small collection of free gas in the cavity, what is to be expected from a punctured bowel.

 on: Today at 02:27:15 pm 
Started by evictedSaint - Last post by NUKE9.13
Move 7 pops from New Pluto to Thpenos. Production happens. I'm not poor.

 on: Today at 02:17:15 pm 
Started by evictedSaint - Last post by TheFantasticMsFox
House Harrak will buy 37 food for ^30.

I can offer 33 Food

 on: Today at 02:16:57 pm 
Started by NUKE9.13 - Last post by NUKE9.13
Welcome to the Oligarchy!
I explained this on Discord, but I'll explain it here too.

Since no Class cares one way or another about War this turn, evictedSaint Supporting it and MMM Vetoing it has no affect on their Popularity.
However, since the Merchants currently Love Commerce, and the Military Soldiers Hate it, MMM gains 1 Merchant Popularity and loses 1 Military Soldiers Popularity, while eS gains 1 Military Soldiers Popularity and loses 1 Merchant Popularity.

Both campaigns have been proposed and vetoed, which means neither can happen this turn. However, you can still Support or Veto them. It won't make any difference to the Polis, but it will affect your personal Popularity.

I nominate Agricultural expansion.

It's an easy 3 popularity for any who support it.  Vetoing will cost you 3 pop with the classes.
2, actually, since the Priests also Hate Agriculture right now- which cancels out their Love for it.


I support Agricultural expansion.
Only the first supporter/vetoer needs to tag with ACTx3.

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