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Messages - Radio Controlled

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 561
Ah yes, the 'Hobo with a lasgun' approach.

The cooks of Khorne always RIP AND TEAR the pasta before boiling. This is but one of their heresies.

I vote for Vileplume, nickname “flwr pwr”.

Why not just continue with attempt #1 then? Or did you delete the save already?

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: October 12, 2023, 09:42:01 am »
Yes, I think I understand. Well enough to roll for it, anyway.
At least that makes one of us~

Time to get to work!

We have that meeting with sales in the afternoon to prep for, but first, let's check our email.

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: October 08, 2023, 10:03:13 am »
Well, when all you have is a missile, every problem looks like Abdul Khaliq another opportunity to avoid collateral.

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Torterra of course!

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: October 06, 2023, 03:33:45 am »
Good, gooooood, very efficient.

Float over to my workspace (it's an open floor plan after all so I'm sure there will be space) and check my email. 

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: September 29, 2023, 01:00:11 pm »
Aw geez. What a mess! How will I ever file this away properly?

You know what, just put it under 'pending' for now, we have an office to get to!

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: September 28, 2023, 01:05:32 pm »
Head out, towards ever more efficiency!

If I spot any ragamuffins, scallywags or other ne’er-do-wells, try to resist the urge of drone striking them. Or at most just a teensy bit of droning. Just a little. Just the tip of the missile.

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: September 24, 2023, 10:59:44 am »

Say goodbye to Cuddles the cat, make sure the windows are open before departure (the landlord gets awfully prissy when we forget), then takeoff!

Spoiler: Droney McDroneface (click to show/hide)

Roll To Dodge / Re: Office Workers' day off
« on: September 22, 2023, 05:23:24 am »
Who dis?: Droney McDroneface
After the global war on terror wound down, the little Reaper drone that could found itself obsolete and summarily discharged. However, with the same vigor he would hunt for high value targets in the desert of Afghanistan, he soon found himself chasing down and eliminating office inefficiencies! 
Who you work for?: BlackstoneRock. BlackRock. Yes.
Where dat?: The heart of corporate scum and villainy. Downtown.
Why you no here? Oh no, faulty connectors led to a delayed recharging cycle! Damn you Tesla charge station!

Quick, initiate pre-flight check!

Aren't there services online that offer to ship stuff to you from stores like that? Not sure if it'd still come out much cheaper and how much you trust these, but that could be an option. Or just ask an online friend who lives there to help you out, if that's possible.

Or get a 3D printer but that would have a high upfront cost, not to mention HIGHLY ILLEGAL CITIZEN, TO THE SERVITOR PITS WITH YOU.

That someone could be you!  :o

Other Games / Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
« on: August 28, 2023, 01:23:26 pm »
Lal, Miriam & Morgan probably left behind their family when they joined the U.N. mission. Pretty sad if you think about it :[

Not entirely sure this is correct for Lal actually, based on one of his quotes:

I loved my chosen. How then to face the day when she left me? So I took from her body a single cell, perhaps to love her again.
-Commissioner Pravin Lal, "Time of Bereavement"-
(Quote for when you discover "Technology: Biomachinery", which then leads to the cloning vats)

I think she died and he was trying to clone her? Either she died on Planet or during the transit, or on Earth and he took some cells with him (or a full corpse, but that seems unlikely seeing the limited space on the ship). I'm guessing it was on Planet.

It fits with the good commissioner being stuck in the past, looking backwards rather than forwards. It's sad and tragic, but also a bit... unsettling? He -really- can't let go of the past.

Fakedit: I looked it up and found this:
The division of the colonists into factions thwarted the U.N.'s original plans, but many U.N. loyalists chose to follow Lal in the starship's final crisis. Unfortunately, Lal's wife, Pria, was mortally injured in a firefight moments before the final exodus to the escape pods. On Planet, Lal continued to claim legitimate authority over the colony, although he refrained from claiming the title of Governor. He worked tirelessly to make the Alpha Centauri colony a humane venture, and to unify the quarreling factions.
If he has a tragic flaw, it is his devotion to his own loved ones, which is one of the few things that could cause him to violate his ideals. For example, he used political "pull" to have his wife admitted to the Unity crew, despite her mediocre talents as a physician.
(but no sauce was given so not sure of canonicity)

Personal note: I liked playing as Lal and unifying Planet by making sure all the hostile factions who wouldn't sign peace treaties, had a little enclave for themselves, but making it so they couldn't exterminate other factions. That way the full set was still there when it was time for convergence.

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