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Topics - Will_Tuna

Pages: [1]
Devlogs are part of the myth around this game. And while so much is happening, we haven't gotten the deep dive devlogs that tried to explain funny bugs.

It would be great to finally have a second developer try and explain his musings and debug stories.

I look at this page every day tbh!

- Have friends and families of fortress residents come and visit taverns.
- Visitors should come in bigger groups (1-5).

Some different visitors type would be nice to create more stories when playing the fort. Who does not like a great aunt visiting, or coming over for a baby shower? (When a new dwarven baby is born).
Also a family of chinchilla men would be a cool visit!

Besides different kinds of dangers, this is another thing that can spice up a fortress life.

DF Suggestions / [QOL] Different designation brush size and shapes
« on: May 04, 2023, 09:01:33 am »
Different brushes for mining/designations then single square.

How I would see this is a square and a circle option, and you select the width/radius.

Drawing with a circle shaped cursor that paints 5r circles would drastically increase the natural look of forts, vs the "squares everywhere" look.

DF Suggestions / New guard/station and patrol systems.
« on: November 07, 2019, 03:48:13 am »
A different look at the patrol system:

- assign single tiles as guard location
- assign routes as patrol routes
- assign guards to locations (tavern/temple/...)

- assign dwarfs to the guard profession or a special type of military squad.
- ...

Guards will bring food and drinks at the start of there station so they can hold a location longer (if they have proper equipment: water and food bag).

I'm not sure how much of a problem people have with the current patrol system, but this could be part of the military rewrite where it is more closely integrated with the current systems.

DF Gameplay Questions / Freeing / Pitting captured enemys
« on: January 08, 2014, 05:49:58 am »
I have captured allot ( 100+ ) enemys and pitted them in a 7x1 room that has Fortifications on 1 side.
behind this Fortification is a  bridge that can be opened/closed with a lever to remove LOS on the enemys.

Are there any known bugs/behaviours that happens when you release all the enemys in a small room? most of them are modded in enemys like beak wolves and war elephant warriors (fotress defence mod). When a War elephant warrior gives birth to a calf, they start to fight. but otherwise they let eachother go.

Now i have related problem with my markdwarves.

Now i position my markdwarves in the room with the bridge, so they can shoot the enemys, but the wont. Well to be excact sometimes a marksdwarve entering the room will shoot until he emptys his clip but then stop shooting when his quiver is empty and doenst refill Quiver. Most of the times(95%) nobody shoots the enemys.

and they all have a quiver with bolts and a crosbow and have ammo set in there equipment screen,(the default 100 bolts).

I have set them on different commands/ schedules but the behaviour stays the same, kinda strange.

What is the best way to train archers on living targets?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / The strongest Dwarf?
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:28:30 pm »
Meet Fikod Solonkikrost 'the New Alchemis of Panting'. He is 1 of the founders of my current Fort Trance Mountain. A Fortress Defence mod fort located on a volcano.

I decided to embark with a speardwarf with a few skills in dodging and swimming. He became the eternal protector of my fort.
Hes skill were most tested in the 3rd year of my fort when a slate monster lead a goblin ambush, the fight lasted more than a week, with the monster killing a third of my military.

Fikod currently has 117 kills in 7 years with a military of 20+ to share kills with. (600 deathcount including dwarfs) He has never had an injury, except 1 lost tooth, probably in a barfight.

Look at his stats. Have you seen this before?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mostly War Elephants,
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Share your heroes

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / How To fight Necromancers?
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:20:28 pm »
I just can't find them and i"m on a 2x2 embark, i have walked with my millitary around the campsite and the just will not show themselves!

Should I prepare??

I have no knowledge of any Forgotten beasts or Cave Fish population...
Wish this was in a story fort, like a true vision :p

Caverns have not been explored throuhly, altough with a bit of luck have mined almost straight onto an admantine vein.

edit : Solon -  Forgotten Beast is no longer enraged
After a few more Cloud of flame messages i get this 1, and then some more Fire messages of Cave fish in Fire clouds.

I wonder how the place is going to look when i get there.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Chicken genetics
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:18:54 am »
Im currently involved in a chicken breeding program.

Started with a "Gigantic and quite fat" hen and a "Gigantic with incredible muscles" Rooster.

Then i got this generation:
(already eliminated the weak)
-2x Gigantic
-2x Fat and enormous overall

- 4x Gigantic
- Fat and enormous overall
- Gigantic and Quite Fat

Now I only really need 1 rooster, witch one would you guys prefer?

I'm deciding between the Gigantic and quite Fat/muscular
Would muscular create more meat and Fat create more tallow?

DF Gameplay Questions / Burrow and refreshing stand
« on: June 19, 2011, 12:05:34 pm »
So i made a burrow for billy & bob my 2 siege operators.

made a 2x1 drink area that only had drinks(plant) enabled.

Now the other dwarves only bring empty barrels to this location  :'(. Are they drinking it while they bring it over?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Badger Badger Badger Badger badger badger
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:51:27 am »
Not believing the storys manny dorfs have told me, i recruited some peasent ant attacked the Giant Badgers.



Last 3 embarks, my original miner, and sometimes a few more, have died dew to cave ins, why do these happen?

im digging upward ramps, or channeling, but i can't grasp these sudden cave ins, because there is soil under the tile...

ill do my first basic !!sience!! over this....

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Dog Waterfall
« on: March 22, 2011, 05:54:04 pm »
So I made a Tower with a Pasture on top and only 1 tile to fall off. Then put some 30 dogs on the pasture, maybe even more, got myself a dogsplosion.


Dogs raining next to my stairwell for my Dwarves to enjoy.

DF Gameplay Questions / Dead animals
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:40:11 am »
What to do with all the dead animals laying around the map that my hunter left there to rot :(

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