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Messages - HighEndNoob

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Well, scrap metal wouldn't be too hard to find. But where would I find an explosion spell? Perhaps the school curriculum includes a class on artillery or explosives. I mean, it seems applicable to many different professions, like mining. If not then I could look for a nearby military base or something. The entire city is open to us I assume, and every city needs a military close by.

Head back to the school grounds to get spare scrap metal for a sabot. Pick up a spare crystal for the staff as well. While doing so ask around if there is a class on mining, demolitions, artillery (standard university classes) going on during the exam. If yes then head over to those classes to copy their spells. If not, try to find out where the nearest military or strip mining camp is.

Marble isn't exactly a good material for cannon construction, but it should be able to hold for one or two shots. I could use the quartz to reinforce the barrel, that should help a bit.

The crystal does need some protection though. Perhaps a sabot? I could use quartz and vines to shield the crystal during flight.Maybe I should make a full-on shell for the crystal, add quartz shell with a pointed front and vine cushioning.

Reinforce the barrel with quartz to increase it's resilience. Create a quartz shell with vine filling to cushion the crystal during launch.

"Sounds troublesome. I should ask my parents about it next opportunity I get. Well, thank you for the help. Do these stores have reviews? If they do, I'll give this one a good one."

So now I can move the block. The quartz platform it is on could be used to make a cannon as well.

Head back over to the block and use the new wave gear to move the block off the quartz pedestal. Then get to work artificial the pedestal into a breech-loaded cannon,

"War on the lost continent? First I've heard of a recent one. Are they sacking cargo ships as well, or just sticking to land?"

Seems it already it pre-programmed with levitation. That should make moving the block much faster.

"Of sorts. My family, the Osbornes, are high-ranking board members in the Masallei Heavy Cargo company, as well as former mercenaries. Not the most prestigious, but famous in the general area. I suppose you've been to the region then, since you recognize our crest? I can't imagine our reputation goes further north than Mantle."

Vallernius walked closer to the staff, noting how it indeed resembles the Osborne family crest, shaped after the three-headed hydras native to the city's outskirts. He wondered what a staff like this was doing so far north of Masallei. The Osbornes were certainly well-known in the city proper, and it's influence generally covers the region south fo Mantle, but they generally don't go this far north, at least on the Orient.

"Is the staff already programmed, by the way?"

Yeah, I'm not going to make a 200 meter long tube out of logs. The cannon idea still has merit though. I could make a wavecraft firing mechanism, encase the crystal in a marble sabot. There's also the quartz pedestal, that could make the cannon itself...

...wait, how do I get the block off the pedestal in the first place?

Well, off the the main campus to find a way to move the block.

Head back to the marble block, then head off to the main campus and search the shops for a wave gear that could help in moving the block.

Interesting, though short of making a 200 meter long ramp I don't think this info will be very useful. I could try the catapult idea though.

Turn some more vines into a yard-long plank of wood, and do a bend test to test the durability. If sufficient, make some more of them.

So the objects eventually do sink. I wonder if the field fills in any holes it makes quickly?

Create a hollow wooden pipe out of vine, the a wooden ball that could fit in the pipe. Circle the front in sharp tile wide enough to allow the ball to go through, then jam the pipe through the field and drop the ball into the pipe.

So objects can go through it, even something as simple as a sling can get things through one side. IWhat if something gets stuck into the field?

Craft a meter long wooden spike out of vines and stab it through the field. If it goes through, let go of the spike and leave it embedded.

The wall complicates things. Maybe it's elasticity could be useful? Or it could have a limit to how high it goes up. I could check just by throwing something at it, but what?

He looked down at the rope in his hands, and an idea sprung into his mind.

Artifice the rope into a sling, then artifice another length of vine into a ball. Then head back to the barrier and throw that ball as high as I can into the barrier, backing away from the barrier as I watch it fly.

...yeah, I think keeping it simple would be best for my health. No need to risk moving an entire block of marble.

While marble could make a good frame for a catapult, other materials would probably help. He noted the vines covering the hall.

Well those could certainly help. Maybe I could craft those into rope, or even mold it into wood.

Continue out to investigate the track for any obstructions, then head over to the vines on the walls and grab about 2 meters worth. Try to Artifice it into a length of rope.

Vallernius gazed over the track, thinking about how to move the crystal sans marble block. The crystal is all that matters in this, so trying to moving the rest of the block would take too much energy and time, so a vehicle would not suffice.

What of a catapult or cannon then? The former would be simple to create with Artifice, the latter more complex but still reasonable. If there are no obstructions, he could just launch the crystal over the track to the finish point, assuming the crystal doesn't need to survive the race whole.

Check the track any obstructions or other difficulties that would preclude launching the crystal.

I think I finally understand how this works. Looks like it'll be fun anyway.

Roll To Dodge / Re: River of Lost Souls: IC Thread
« on: July 04, 2018, 11:00:57 pm »
"That could work, though I've seen this Hydra before, and it specifically targeted me. It could make the other foe retreat though, which would still help. I say we rush our attempted ambusher."

Summon my flaming Pila and throw it behind us around 3-4 paces, then summon my armor and gladius and charge in the same direction.

Roll To Dodge / Re: River of Lost Souls: IC Thread
« on: July 04, 2018, 06:03:35 pm »
Blazes, it's that blasted beast again! It's oddly not attacking though. Perhaps it's watching me for any movements... wait, Youka was cooking on the campfire when we left, so I could always escape there. But then I'd be leaving my partner behind... not an option yet.

Keep staring at the beast while slowly backing away from it in a direction away from Ryo.

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