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Messages - Ultimuh

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 672
Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: September 28, 2022, 04:22:03 pm »
Let's head up stairs and use the pole to poke around while searching for shiny stuff.

We didn't find a pole.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: September 24, 2022, 02:10:04 pm »
Doesn't fire make people bleed more in DF O_o
Regardless, Noi cheese nibbles are precious

give cheese to Edi, he needs it. give cheese to cleric too, he earned it. have pleasant cheese snack with friends before pressing on.

If possible, acquire ten-foot pole from the surrounding brush. Once we re-enter the tomb, use the pole to poke about liberally for traps.

+1 We shall poke our way to Victory!

+1 Best plan.

If no pole is about, throw pebbles.

And poke some unsightly creatures that we might inevitably stumble upon.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Give me your strangest spells.
« on: April 27, 2022, 05:11:28 pm »
Sudden Pineapple

A pineapple suddenly drops on any one living or undead target of your choice within 20ft of your line of sight.
Your chosen target must roll a DC 11 DEX save or suffer 1d4 non-lethal bludgeoning damage.
This spell requires a pineapple as material component.

Useless Incantation

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: April 15, 2022, 04:20:24 pm »
The problem is that we need the tallow, remember? We have a task that must be done.
So unless we can figure out a way to get the tallow from them without harming them, I feel that I must vote against befriending the poof goats.


Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 26, 2022, 07:23:54 am »
The obvious one is that he now has "cute powers".

See also, how his eyes have changed.

If true, they would definitively come in handy in social situations.

We should congratulate him, then definitely ask him what his new superpowers are.


We should also see if we can catch up to the rest of our group.
And seek shelter from the rain if possible.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Give me your strangest spells.
« on: March 21, 2022, 05:46:12 pm »
The clothes of the target of this spell will temporarily be turned into an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.
The duration of this spell is determined by the caster's spellcasting level times two hours.
This spell requires a silver needle and a full roll of thread as spell component.
The save DC is 17
This spell does not distinguish between male or female targets.

Nomadic Whisper

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 19, 2022, 04:29:57 am »
I say we let him. Let's see what happens.
Just stand ready in case a medical emergency emerges.
Oh and uh, send someone out to scout the immediate area for more goats (or potential danger, so that we might be prepared for it).

Majora's Moon

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 18, 2022, 09:25:07 am »
Looks like we killed it to much and it exploded, but we can still make biscuits out of it.

Not to mention the bones and horns can be quite useful to make small trinkets which can be sold later.
And that skin can be tanned and sold if not made into something as well.

Grab what we can and continue the travel, we can start making biscuits after we set up camp somewhere.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Give me your strangest spells.
« on: March 13, 2022, 08:18:05 am »
Eye of Wombat V/S
Makes you see through the eyes of any wombats, as long as you are within a 100 ft radius of them.
You however cannot see from your own eyes in the duration of this spell.
This spell lasts for 1d4 hours or until the wombat leaves the 100 ft range.

Turnip Sense

(Am I doing this right?)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 12, 2022, 09:01:52 am »
Dogpiling is indeed a good choice! Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan! ... Nothing could possibly go wrong.. right?

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Losing Is Fun - Part II
« on: March 11, 2022, 03:44:19 pm »
Been a while since I last were on Bay12, and i really missed this thing.
Just posting to follow the continuation of this story.

Other Games / Re: Stardew Valley - Harvest Moon type game for PC
« on: October 23, 2021, 08:01:04 pm »
Yeah, reminds me of Recettear a little. Capitalism, Ho!

I just hope the game won't have too many customers who try sell me worthless items.
Or kids who ask for huge discounts.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Corrupt a wish!
« on: May 22, 2021, 11:27:19 am »
Granted. But the can containing exactly 4815162342 beans is in another castle.

I wish to get this feeling of mild sadness and nostalgia to go away.


I want a whole spin-off with 'Matthias the florist'.
Imagine that being His day-job, and the Losing Is Fun thing is just him and his buddies's LARPing sessions.
Work all day, LARP all evening. Which explains why he always wears his costume to work.

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