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DF Suggestions / More Names
« on: December 24, 2022, 06:05:09 pm »
The pool of names is a bit shallow so to speak in a way that makes a lot of stuff run together. Particularly first names. I'd like to see a bit more variety thrown out there. Maybe even some unique generated first names at some point. Would just make things a bit more special from time to time.

Other Games / SS13 + Die2Nite + FTL = Mush, the new game by Twinoid!
« on: November 06, 2013, 02:48:54 am »
I remember playing Die2Nite with a bunch of people from Bay12 and I saw today that the creators of that game just released a new project along the same lines. This one however trades the Zombie Apocalypse for a Spaceship. You inhabit one of 16 characters and several are traitors for the evil Mush race who have conquered Earth and are trying to destroy your ship of survivors. I haven't gotten that far into it yet of course (these things take time) but it seems to have a bit less glacial a pace, with turns regenerating every 3 hours and having generous movement and action bars. Worth giving a try at least I'd wager! There's also some sense of progression as a character, at least within one round - I don't think anything carries on between completed rounds.

Other Games / Barkley 2 TMROTNNEFN7ROCTOGOTMC2OTHBS on Kickstarter
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:58:41 pm »
Tales of Games have happily launched the Kickstarter for their sequel to the beloved indie RPG Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden. This time around it's a really sharp looking action-RPG with mouse aiming action controls and a bit of a Cyberpunk flare. There are words.

Barkley 2 is an open world action roleplaying game with heavy emphasis on exploration, choice, character development and discovery. It combines the focus on strong characters and narrative of Eastern RPGs with the non-linearity and openness of Western RPGs, drawing on the best ideas from titles like Realms of Arkania, Fallout, Dark Souls, Romancing SaGa, Dark Sun, Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. It is a game that combines core roleplaying ideas like character creation and development, quests and choices and consequences with fast-paced, action oriented combat (think Soldat meets Zelda) and Tales of Game's unique and erotic sense of humor. In short: this ain't your grandpa's rollenspiel.

Some of the things Barkley 2 features:

Things Change Over Time - People, places and quests change over time; the things you experience might be completely different from what your friends experience because you did them at different times. The official Big Idea behind Barkley 2 is that everyone will have a different game - things changing over time is the backbone of this idea.

Large, Open World - The Necron 7 is a large, open environment with dozens of areas to explore. There are things to find in every corner and secrets everywhere - this is a game all about exploration.


Fast-paced Action RPG Combat - Barkley 2 has mouse-aimed shooting gameplay that takes inspiration from action games like Crimsonland and Soldat, but also RPGs like Dark Souls and Gothic. Stats, classes and an incredibly deep character creation system give you complete control over your character; we want to make Barkley 2 a game that is not only funny, but fun to play.

Randomized Gun's System - Gun's are randomized through a complex system similar to Diablo's or Borderland's, offering millions of possibilities. Shotgun's that shoot ooze, machine gun rocket launchers and gravity rifles are just the tip of the iceberg of our gun's system. Even more than this, you can fuse gun's together in a system similar to demon fusing from the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series. The weapon combinations are nearly unlimited.

DwarfNET - Connect with fellow dwarfs and dwarf enthusiasts on the in-game DwarfNET message board. Jack your cranial USB into the data matrix and search for clues or chat with tech-savvy dwarfs about vidcons, layups and the latest jock news through the amazing power of bio-cybernetic technology.

...and more?

It actually looks genuinely fun to play and I love ToG's sense of humor so I'm already on board for the $10. There's some pretty cool rewards in higher tiers including the already sold $1000 where the studio lets you do their professional game press interviews while impersonating a developer. And now, pictures!

There are more screens on Something Awful it looks like, if you can view it.

Other Games / Townseed
« on: June 02, 2012, 04:08:00 pm »
Today I am not word good. Man word good. Game good:

Quote from: Ger
Townseed is a strategy/simulation RPG where you take the role of a survivor of a shipwreck on a terrifying unexplored land. Your goal is to gather resources, build, attract other survivors, and turn this inhospitable place into a home, where people can be safe and happy.

Townseed was born out of my enjoyment of sandbox games like Minecraft and Terraria. I've always loved the "Play around, do what you want" approach to games, but at the same time, I felt like that play style left a gap, a sense of purpose. Build a house, or a castle, sure, but what about when you move on to your next project? Or what about when you've already attracted all of the predetermined NPCs to sell you things?

In Townseed, building has a purpose. Every space you create can become someone's home, someone's livelihood, and the happier and better accomodated your people are, the more they contribute to your growing town. Although you control a single survivor, in many ways, your Town is the true hero of the story.

Townseed has been in development since August 2011.

I've been playing with the development build presently released and it is rather interesting, although some of the controls are a bit odd. The art style is pretty gorgeous as well (the guy is a traditional animator by trade whose worked on many tv shows, ads, etc).
Ultimately it sounds like the goal is to build a nation or town worthy of taking on others in the world from the ground up - kind of what I'd hope Unreal World's eventual path might take it down, but with a less intense simualtionism. You can grab the latest version for free from the guy's blog: There are also youtubey things here and there like (actual gameplay doesn't start for 8 or 9 minutes) and a preorder page at

I'd definitely describe it as a less simmy realtime Unreal World, but with the city/nation building becomes much more akin to DF, Towns, etc


So this thing seems really cool. It includes a number of things that make many roguelikes more accessible to casual players. I'll let it describe itself:

Necklace of the Eye (NotEye in short) is an frontend to modify the output of console and libtcod roguelikes. (That is, roguelikes which use one of two most popular methods to draw the stuff: system console (aka terminal or curses) or libtcod. Does not work with those which create their own ASCII displays.) It currently has, among others, the following features:
  • Tested under MS Windows and Linux
  • Show the game using ASCII, tile, isometric perspective, mini-tile, or First Person Perspective (FPP) display; fullscreen or windowed; and with a choice of font
  • Display the roguelike just like it would be displayed in DOS, using the correct font, colors, and full screen (note: if you need only this feature, you might also use the simpler utility cons2tcod)
  • Move your character using mouse
  • A menu from which you can choose one of several games to play
  • Take screenshots in several formats: BMP (image), HTML (for webpages), and phpBB (used by many kinds of online forums)
  • Streaming: you can make a recording of your game and then play it (recordings can be annotated with messages and you can control speed), you can also host a server where clients can connect to and watch your game, share comments about it (with you and other clients) and even control your character if you wish
    Sound effects based on messages from the game
  • Change the control scheme, for example you can make it easier to play a 8-directional roguelike on a laptop by using Shift/Ctrl+Left/Right arrows for diagonal movements, allow VI keys, or allow arrow movement for roguelikes which support only VI keys by default
  • Lua scripting, allowing lots of flexibility in adapting NotEye to new roguelikes (see this for a short and yet incomplete guide about NotEye scripting), giving additional features to the game (e.g., automatic creation of characters), or even creating new roguelikes in NotEye

Some samples:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Other Games / NEO Scavenger - Post-Apocalyptic turn-based survival
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:45:28 pm »
Stumbled upon this on the Indie Games blog I think and got to playing the demo, it's pretty interesting. The tone is very dire - think The Road!

How long can you survive the post-apocalyptic wastelands of NEO Scavenger? In the near-future, supernatural activity and human warfare have fragmented mankind into pockets of civilization struggling to survive in wild and dangerous lands. You awaken alone in an abandoned facility with no food nor water, and only a hospital gown and some mysterious items as clues to your identity.

NEO Scavenger is a flash-based browser game, where you must survive in the wasteland long enough to figure out who you are. Each turn you must decide where to go, how to scavenge for supplies, and how to deal with anything and anyone you encounter. And with each passing minute, the pit in your stomach grows, your dehydration worsens, your muscles tire, and your body temperature drops in the cold autumn air. Choose your starting abilities carefully, because they and your wit are the only tools you have in the apocalypse!

You can get some decent mileage out of the demo alone but there's also a supporter beta presently which includes votes on game features that I am sorely considering buying.

Also, have some screenshots (in spoilers for size):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit: you know what's useful? Links:

Other Games / First Earth - Ultima Online inspired goodness?
« on: March 08, 2012, 03:24:06 pm »
Just had this brought to my attention today and damn does it sound tasty.
What would you do if you were starting over on a new planet? How would you build your shelter? What would you hunt? What crops would you cultivate? Would you be victorious over torrential storms or let forces of nature sweep over you? Would you domesticate wild animals or let them roam through your land? Would you look for others to build your civilization with?

In First Earth you create your own civilization. Starting on Earth without any humans in sight, you make the critical decisions that will dictate how you live and whether your survival is a perilous struggle or a victory over nature. You control your advancement and where you take your civilization. Should you wish to advance with others, you can seek them out. You start as a caveman in rags, but can advance through the ages to create what only you can imagine. The choices are yours. Your path is unknown; how will you walk it?

There's a lot going on in this MMO and I won't spam the forums with all of the details on their About page, but it's definitely something that piques my interests.

It seems a little too ambitious but I won't hold that against them. It seems like Wurm to the Nth degree. So far the only real media I can find is a recent dev trailer showing progress towards developing the huge world they intend to use.


There's barely anything more to be said lately. This is pretty exciting just to see it's going to happen and I imagine they'll easily hit their lofty $400,000 goal based off the reputation of the people involved alone. Sharing so y'all who would be interested can chip in and get access to the beta and goodies while it's up.

Update: $1.85 million later:

Quote from: Tim Schafer
Proud to announce we're going to be developing for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android!  In addition to Steam codes, we will also be offering DRM free versions.  And for all our lovely friends overseas, we'll be localizing the text in French, Italian, German, and Spanish.  Thanks for the support!

Update again:

Well, it's all over now but the game itself! Over $3.3 million through Kickstarter and some extra offthebooks donors who went above and beyond that! Amazingly successful.

Other Games / Craftstudio: Minecraft vs GameMaker Online
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:16:54 pm »

I'm building a game/tool named CraftStudio. It features block-based 3D modelling, a voxel map editor and (optionally visual) scripting. And it's all real-time: you can make a game (or movie) just like you would play Minecraft, with a bunch of buddies. Setup a project, invite your friends and start building awesome stuff!

This thing looks hella cool. It's currently pre-alpha but you can grab it right now and play at


Hey there!

Just thought I'd let you guys know I've started a crowd-funding campaign in order to complete CraftStudio and have Thomas Frick, an artist friend, join me in making the first full game with it. Would you guys consider contributing a few bucks? Thanks!

If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them!

Also I'm very excited, someone has started a game project with CraftStudio and posted some pretty cool screenshots!

Other Games / Glitch
« on: July 17, 2011, 10:25:49 pm »
I thought I'd share this project that's been getting a little bit of press lately, and that I was lucky enough to get in on the current beta for. Recently it caught my eye as it was announced that Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy creator Keita Takahashi was moving to Canada to join the project.

Glitch is an MMO that is entirely unlike anything I've ever seen before. Elements are familiar sure - the skill system trains over time like EVE for instance - but the goal is very much different. This is a game about building a fantastical sprawling world with others. I find it hard to describe exactly.

The gameplay is 2D platform style as you travel around the world and is focused mostly around various forms of crafting, collecting, and so on. It is a sandbox environment but there are goals - primarily in the previously mentioned building with the Street Projects skill - huge amounts of items contributing to the generation of a new 'street' section. Creator Stewart Butterfield (Co-founder of Flickr) described the genesis of the project as wanting to play as a citizen of a Sim City type building game.

I'll stop babbling on and simply say if you like this sort of thing - in-depth and interdependent crafting in a quirky world, you should probably sign up for the Beta at There is more information here: and an insanely quirky trailer here:

Other Games / Whiskey Planet
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:39:28 pm »
Not much to say about this one yet but the project caught my eye (via Indie Games blog).
They're currently trying to get funding for their servers, artists, etc.
Current dev video:

Whiskey Planet is a brutally realistic, gritty and heavily-stylized post-apocolyptic survival sim game. The world is based on 5 factions vying for position in a turf war over small towns in Northern England. Players assume the role of a single survivor and must struggle against both the world itself and the other players to survive. This is a realistic simulation though, we dare you to make it more than 2 weeks without getting chewed up and spat out! Honestly, this game is 1/2 fun, 1/2 true simulation, so while it is VERY accessible to everyone, it is NOT an easy game to win... in fact it might be impossible.

Players create their own story by hunting for food/shelter and either fighting or befriending (and strategizing with) other players. The world is a harsh place after it has ended, so you will need to be smart in order to keep your health high enough to stay alive.

So you've played a survival sim, you are a master of collecting supplies to stay fed? Then join in on the larger strategy game. Whiskey Planet is made up of a number of towns that 5 different factions are fighting for rule over. Your actions gain you 'clout' and you can excercise that clout in order to claim parts of the map in the name of your faction. What are the different factions? Read on...

Sounds cool to me

Other Games / The Artist Formerly Known as JADE: ADOM II Alpha
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:29:08 am »

This thing has been on the backburner for several years but within the next two days, the successor to ADOM is having it's first techdemo/alpha release! The first time JADE is referenced on the official website is 1998! More details about Doctor Biskup's plans are on his website, but a quick feature synopsis:

JADE will basically have everything ADOM has and a lot more. Plans include:

A complete world with continents, weather patterns, settlements, dungeons and strange places, either randomly generated at the start of each game or chosen from a number of preselected worlds.
A quest generator for random quests. No two games ever will be the same.
Dungeon and world size only limited by the boundaries of Java-technology and your hardware.
No classes, but a detailed skill system, together with a guild system providing special benefits for guild membership.
All the races from ADOM and a few more (mist elves, ratlings, hill dwarves).
Complete freedom in what you want to do (e.g. explore dungeons, work as a caravan guardian, build your own castle, conquer cities, lead a life as a simple farmer, become a shopkeeper or whatever).
Hidden plots. (Has Chaos been truly defeated in ADOM or is something lurking behind the scenes and waiting?)
Monster inventories.
The ability to transform into another being.
A detailed system for morale values (on an Order...Balance...Chaos scale) and ethics (on a Good...Uncaring...Evil scale).
Platform independence due to Java-based technology.
Compressed save files.

I am so freaking stoked!

(Edited to add the obligatory reference:

Winter is coming)

I'll just leave this right here:

Quote from: TIGSource
Inspired by both the open-source Infiniminer and the wildly popular Minecraft, Blockade Runner aims to have players constructing spacecraft – complete with electronics systems, engines, crew stations, weapons batteries, and more – in a zero-g environment, then using them to explore the universe, either peacefully or struggling against fellow players. The game will also include a fluid algorithm for liquids as well as gasses, so if an enemy weapon happens to breach your ship’s hull, you’d better seal the hole quickly before all your air escapes into the vacuum of space.

Time will tell if Blockade Runner will soar to its full potential, but I’ll certainly be following the development closely. is their page, where you can play around with the current early build :D

This looks pretty radical to me. is the new site for the game itself. Current alpha purchase is $10

Other Games / Saints Row 3
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:37:49 pm »
I am hugely in the bank for Saints Row as a franchise -  I definitely believe SR2 is a far more enjoyable game than GTA4, shoddy PC ports aside.

With the third announced for this fall/winter, they've finally released a debut trailer (sadly only available on GameInformer's site)

Yah. That's about all I need to see to lose my shit and laugh maniacally.

Don't have time right now to look up details and make a good post here but for now there's a list of some interesting new gameplay stuff and details of the plot and setting up on wikipedia of all places:

I quite like this entry:

Nearly all actions in the game can be sped up by holding down a second controller button, dubbed by Volition as the "awesome button"; for example, when carjacking, holding down this button will cause the player-character to missile-kick the driver out of the seat in short order

Other Games / A handful of new MMOs of possible interest
« on: March 10, 2011, 11:27:31 pm »
I saw a few cool looking things over on Massively today and thought I'd share some of them with you guys. But I am not going to make three threads, if there's enough interest we can alway split off into other threads of their own.  Anyway, I ramble:

UFO. You know what names meant to evoke. X-COM-like. It looks like it's inspired at least by those games, with the turn-based tactical gameplay and basebuilding and all that listed. There's not much other detail yet besides upgradeable weapons (duh). There's a prerendered trailer and three measly screens so far but it's something to watch and see how it turns out. At worst I'll probably be giving this a go since it's launching as free.

From the same publisher:

This one is even more compelling, at least in concept. Post-apocalyptic, and the feature set lists 'comprehensive crafting' and 'flexible skill system' which are big perks for me. This has even less in the way of actual screens than the UFO one, and another promo trailer.

The last game has a lot more data going for it including videos and a bunch of art and screens, interactive skill examination table, etctera. On the downside, it's Korean. That already evokes some pretty negative ideas in my mind as far as MMOs go, but they have a damn pretty game with a few compelling features: for me, the housing system looks awesome and it promises to have some distinctive modes of transportation, as well as sea battles and all that. Just hope it isn't too grindy. Below, an awesome example of doing cool things with player-built housing :D

Some further details after reading a bit:
It's built in the CryEngine 2 and the lead developer is Jake Song (of Lineage)

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