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Author Topic: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian  (Read 1526 times)


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Hi everyone! This is a write up of a recent game of adventure mode. I can write up more of Bagsnub's adventure's if there is interest.

Bagsnub peered through the bushes at the human settlement. He had heard of humans from the tribal elders, but had seen one himself. The settlement was not much to look at; a cluster of wooden huts around which radiated out fields of corn, wheat and other crops. Rough dirt roads snaked through the fields into and from the town centre; they snaked away out of his site, probably leading eventually to other communities like this one.

Bagsnup crawled through the bushes and rose to his full nine feet. Perhaps the humans could direct him to what he needed.

He was a young ork of only 16 sun-cycles; on the brink of adulthood. The powerful tusks of an adult male ork had grown in for the first time this year, and they still gleamed white as he neared the first house. All orks of his age were tasked with completing the Yahza-Maa, a great rite of passage where a young ork must venture out of his tribe and live in the wilds until sought out and bested three powerful foes in pitches combat. The ork must bring evidence of his final kill back with him to his tribe.(No ork would dare lie about the other two; they are superstitious by nature and fear the supposed omniscience of their shaman.)

This rite serves two purposes: it acts primarily as test, ensuring that only the strongest, fastest, and most powerful orks survive to join the tribe - weak orks either die in combat or fail to return home out of shame.Its secondary benefit in lies the return of orks, matured and wizened from their experiences, who serves as a valuable sources of knowledge for the tribe, informing it of the goings-on of the world.

Bagsnub thought of none of this as he entered the house. He knew only that it was his duty to do battle; and a lot of it, with the most powerful enemies as the ork could find. The door was ajar; he entered the house, stooping to avoid its low ceiling. A blacksmith and his farmer wife sat upon the dirt floor playing cards. Neither had heard Bagsnub's approach; despite his size, he was lithe and stealthy, and had managed to come up behind them unnoticed.

He bashed the end of his spear on the ground.

"Humans!" he barked.

"Yuuaaahhh!" The two yelled and jumped to their feet, scrambling over each other to reach the back of the house.

"No frightened, humans. Bagsnub only make words with you."

The two peasants gave each other confused looks, before the blacksmith managed to stutter out.

"W-w-what.. d-do y-y-y-ou w-w-want *gulp* ork?"

"Where Bagsnub find battle. Humans weak, Bagsnub need fight."

The couple barely understood what he was saying; even if they could understand Bagsnub, they had no such problems in their village - all of the bandits had been wiped out years ago by a local champion, and none had taken up residence since. The countryside was quiet, without dangerous beasts or monsters.

"I-I-I d-don't know w-w-w-what y-you want, Ork, but y-y-you sh-sh-shou-shou-should leave. You aren't welcome here in the Decisive Forests."

Bagsnub narrowed his large eyes. Humans afraid of Bagsnub. Bagsnub need human friend to tell him where fight is. Bagsnub stood deep in thought(or as deep in thought as orks get) for almost ten minutes. During this time, the peasants became progressively more terrified, as the sight of the ork's terrible, unmoving visage caused them to think they had gravely angered the creature. In reality, Bagsnub was only thinking of the best way to befriend the small, squishy apes.

Then, the proverbial lightbulb went off in Bagsnub's head. He would give the human in the apron with whom he had been conversing the traditional friendly greeting of his tribe.

"Tomgrub, Human!" Bagsnub beamed, stuck his hands out around the blacksmith's neck, and squeezed.

Now, if you are a 400 pound muscle-bound ork with a neck the size of a small tree, this might not have been an issue. On the other hand, if you are a 170 pound blacksmith, strong but getting on in years, then this particular greeting might pose somewhat of a problem.

It posed a problem to Onbir Tethagisla, human blacksmith. At once his eyes began bulging out his sockets, and he began a futile struggle against Bagsnub's grip. He gripped the ork's great hands from around his throat and attempted to pry them off, but to no avail. He then tried to hit Bagsnub, but by then he was hazy from lack of oxygen, and his weak blows failed to even land.

"No human. Hands go my neck!" Bagsnub said cheerfully, oblivious to the human's distress. It didn't take long before the blacksmith lost consciousness.

When Bagsnub released his grip, the unconsciousness body of the blacksmith slid to the floor and piled in a heap.

"What so interesting down there human? Find Bagsnub fight?" He chuckled heartily. Bagsnub then noticed the farmer across the room. She was looking over the scene in abject shock and horror.

"What wrong, human? Bagsnub friend!" He reached out his hands to give her the same welcome.

Emeg Tradeale wasn't about to take any chances - not after what happened to Onbir. Taking the small copper boning knife from her belt, she slashed out at her imposing foe.

"Get away from me, you freak!" Bagsnub deftly dogged the strike like it was the swat of a child.

He chuckled. "What you doing human? Now not time for spar."

"You killed my husband! I'll kill you ya damned monster!" Emeg slashed at Bagsnub again. Once again the blow was dogged, but it came dangerously close to cutting him.

The ork was no longer amused. He sensed this was no playful sparring. He was being attacked. The farmer came in for another blow.

"Puny human! None attack Bagsnub!"

The ork stabbed out with his copper spear, tearing apart the flesh of the farmer's chest.

"Ah!" Emeg shouted in pain.

"No human match for ork!"

He lunged with his spear, plunging his weapon straight into the peasant's abdomen. The spear went deep, tearing the farmer's pancreas apart and spilling Emeg's blood across the floor.

"Grrrr!" Bagsnub growled as he tried to retrieve his spear from the farmer's body. This only intensified Emeg's pain, and she screamed and writhed about in agony. Giving up on the spear momentarily, Bagsnub slashed at Emeg with the dagger he held in his free hand. Emeg's was spasming in paim, however, and the ork's blow sailed over her head.

"Die human!" Bagsnub reared back and delivered a fearsome kick to the farmer's head. Her spine snapped like a twig, and she slumped onto the ground, unconsciousness but still alive. Not for long, however, as Bagsnub proceeded to tear the spear free before jabbing the point down into Emeg's head, killing her instantly.

The ork's eyes fell upon the blacksmith. While Bagsnub had felt no animosity towards him before, he was now in the throes of  orkish bloodlust. He walked towards his body, still unconsciousness, and delivered a ferocious kick to his skull, tearing apart his flesh and spine. The second kick shattered the blacksmith's skull like an egg.

Bagsnub's lust for battle was not yet sated. He charged out the door, loosing a primeval roar, and charging towards the nearest house. Naked and now covered in spurts of blood, the ork was terrifying to behold as he burst down the door, spear and dagger in hand.

The potash farmer in the doorway had just enough time to turn around before Bagsnub was upon him.

"Die, human!" The spear sliced through his torso, tearing his right lung to shreds and spraying the room with blood. The force of the flow flung him backwards, and he tumbled across the floor before coming to the halt by the feet of a terrified brewer. The potash farmer began to cough torrents of blood down his shirt as he sputtered and hacked.

Bagsnub then lunged towards the brewer. He slashed right with his dagger, but the brewer had split second to react, and parried the strike with her own small blade. The jarring impact and the sound of clashing metal only enraged Bagsnub further. Pulling back his dagger hand, he threw a punch into the brewer's skull, smashing the flesh and tearing apart the spine. The brewer let out a gargled yelp of pain and she slumped to the floor, dropping the dagger.

Bagsnub stabbed down again at her. The brewer, however, had retained some control of her body, and she wormed away from blow at the last second. Bagsnub then struck out with the spear, and this blow didn't miss, tearing deep into her chest, ripping through flesh and bone into her left lung. Blood gushed forth from a severed artery, and wet the shaft of the spear now lay lodged deep in her body.

Bagsnub looked up to see three farmers advancing towards him, the wounded potash maker struggling behind. Not waiting to remove the spear, he slashed down at the first farmer with his copper dagger. The farmer managed to evade his strike, but was caught by the ork's arm and knocked over. The second farmer lunged at Bagsnub, slashing wildy, but missing the ork totally in his excitement. He had his arm was overextended after his strike and Bagnsup lunged forward, grabbed the second farmer's arm in his massive jaws, and, with one strain of his massive neck, ripped it from its socket and off his body.

Bagsnub let out a loud laugh through the flesh in his teeth.

He then noticed the mortally wounded brewer was to feebly attempting attack him. Removing the arm from his mouth, he hurled at the brewer with such forced that it shattered her right leg.

He turned to face the two uninjured farmers, who cautiously stood side by side, blades in hand. The second farmer was howling in agony, clutching the stump of his severed arm. The potash farmer was off to the side, panting and sputtering. Bagsnub darted forward and gave a short slash with his dagger, causing his foes to flinch. In the same instant, he leapt to the side and tore his spear out of the brewer's chest. The potash maker was now in front of him. He stabbed out with his spear once again, tearing another great gash in the man's chest, before bashing his skull in with the pommel of his dagger. Turning to the left, he stomped down upon the brewer's skull, extinguishing her life.

Bagsnub raised his arms to the ceiling. "Puny humans! You no match for Bagsnub!" He let out a great laugh that shook the walls of the dwelling.

The last farmer was smarter than his comrades. Instead of lunging into combat, he had hung back, silently wating for an opportunity to strike. Now that he had the chance, he darted forward from behind the ork and slashed his right arm with his carving knife. He scored a deep cut in the lower arm, and Bagsnub grunted with surprise.

He whirled around to face his attacked. "Bagsnub's turn!" He plunged his spear deep into the farmer's guts. The man staggered back for a few steps before torrents of vomit spewed from the his mouth, spattering the ground before him. Bagsnub then turned to the other farmer.  The ork's spear sliced through his guts, and his dagger scored a deep cut into his upper leg. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the Bagsnub darted his head down and tore both the man's arms off with his sharp teeth.

The other farmer managed to stop vomiting for a brief moment, raised his knife, and stumbled towards Bagsnub. The ork whirled around and rammed his fist into the farmer's face with all his might. The skull shattered, and the man fell to the ground, dead.

Bagsnub slowly turned around. The man in front of him was a bleeding, broke wreck, barely alive.

The ork began circling him, as the farmer made half-hearted swipes with his blade. Blood gushed forward from his wounds in torrents. As he continued to circle, Bagsnub pondering the most enjoyable way to finish the human off. Suddenly, using his last drop of strength, the farmer barged through the door and out into the fields. The attempt was in vain, however, as Bagsnub was right behind him, roaring in anger. The ork raised his leg and delivered a thunderous kick to the man's chest, shattering two of his ribs. He then leant down and tored off the rest of his right arm with his mouth. The shock and the heavy bleeding were finally too much for the farmer, who collapsed, dead.

"Bagsnub strong! Humans weak!" Then a sudden slam sounded behind him. He looked back at the house, searching for the sound.
The back door! It was slowly swinging back and forth. Bagsnub ran through the house towards , the floor now nearly an inch deep in blood and littered with body parts and corpses.

He burst through the back door, to see the final farmer crawling away. Must have slip out during fight, he thought.

"No run from Bagsnub!" He roared. He began to charge the man, who let out a terrified scream as the ork bore down upon him. Bagsnub leapt at the downed farmer, but was forced to jump out of the way to dodge a desperate knife strike.

"You die now!" Bagsnub shouted. The ork deftly darted in with his spear and skewered the farmer's head, popping it open like a ripe grape.

[To be continued?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 11:54:04 pm by utilitarian »


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 12:43:02 am »

[To be continued?

Yes. Please do. I'd like to see more of Bagsnub's adventures.
I'm patiently waiting for the ability to mine and construct palaces in adventure mode.
Barony. A 3D, multiplayer roguelike I am developing.


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 08:43:55 am »

Bagsnub stalked out of the house. His entire body was now soaked in blood, but his lust for death was not yet sated. He barged into two more homes, slaughtering their occupants in a whirlwind of slaughter and gore. He was terrifying figure to behold, spear, blade, teeth, tusk, and fist working in violent unison against his feeble adversaries. The peasants within fell easily to his blows and his spear tasted blood again and again before he was finally finished.

The town, while unimpressive, was fairly large. Bagsnub smiled when he realised that there was more prey in easy reach. The smal wound he had been given earlier had already healed. Easy prey, he thought to himself. The next dwelling the ork reached was a small wooden shack. Bagsnub stormed in, letting a mighty roar loose from his lips. Within the house, a peasant sheltered her small child.

"Please! Stop! We haven't done anything to you!" The peasant yelped.

Bagsnub laughed heartily. "Humans no match for Bagsnub!" He lunged towards the child, snapping his jaws. The peasant managed to dodge away with her child at the last moment.

"No run from Bagsnub human! No hide!" He readied his spear in his right arm.

"No!" The peasant screamed. Doing anything to protect her daughter, she managed to slip around the ork's arm and drive her knife deep into his should, chipping both his upper arm and shoulder bones. Bagsnub let loose a mighty roar of pain, so loud that the mother and her child were forced to cover their ears. Bagsnub skewered the farmer in the guts, spewing viscera and blood across the floor. Pulling her in with the spear, he reached down and crushed her head between his jaws like a ripe fruit.

"No human match for Bagsnub!" The child to his right began to scream. Bagsnub roared as he brought his arm down upon the child's skull, killing it instantly. Moving his arm caused him to cry out in pain.

"What has human done to Bagsnub!" The pain from his chipped bones radiated up and down his arm. He lost hold of his copper dagger, letting it slide to the floor. Bagsnub slouched against the back wall and slipped down into the dirt.

The ork did not know how long he spent drifting in and out of consciousness. When he finally regained focus for a moment, Bagsnub knew he needed to get out of the village. The humans would want vengeance, and Bagsnub was not yet ready to die in battle. A Human was not a worthy adversary for an ork, at least not these ones.

Bagsnub managed to raise himself to his feet.

He staggered to the doorway and tried to break into a run. The ork managed a few heavy steps before he collapsed again in a field. He awoke again some time later. Bagsnub noticed the bleeding had stopped. He was happy for this, at least.

Bagsnub raised himself back up and began running. It was incredibly painful at first, but he eventually became numb to his wounds. He sprinted through the fields and down the cliff, following a road. He would sleep outside town tonight, and return in the morning to exact revenge upon the humans.

He ran through the forests and along a beach that came up beside him on his right. Bagsnub continued running, up and down slopes and through the trees until he felt he was far enough from the settlement. He lay down to an uneasy sleep.

Bagsnub awoke that night in a daze. His arm, while still painful, felt much improved - his stout orkish physiology at work. He then realised that he was surrounded by cackling, emanating from the darkness around him.

"Who dares wake Bagsnub!" He grunted.

[To be continued! Bagsnub's kill count currently rests at 13.]
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 09:20:00 am by utilitarian »


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 10:01:19 am »

The first bogeyman lunged towards him. Bagsnub jab forward with his spear, but the blows were nimbly dodged by the night creature. The bogeyman then leapt at him cackling and snarling, but the ork managed to evade the strike.

Catching it off balance, Bagsnub landed a glancing blow to the creature's stomach, tearing through the soft flesh and spraying blood into the air. He brought his spear down upon the boogeyman's leg, but it rolled backwards to evade him.

A soft pattering of feet alerted the ork to something behind him. He turned around quickly enough to evade the creature's strike, and delivered a crushing bite to the bogeyman's arm, severing it. Bagsnub lunged forward with his spear, aiming to deliver a mortal wound, but only managed a glancing blow to the monster's chest before it leaped backwards, out of range.

The first, wounded, bogeyman slowly advanced towards Bagsnub now. He struck out with fist and spear, but the creature managed time and time again to evade him.

"Coward! Fight Bagnub fair!"

The cackling behind him seemed to grow louder. He turned behind him to see two new bogeyman had come to the aid of their brethren. Bagsnub loosed a growl before lunging forward. The ork's first great lunge with the spear caught nothing, but it left an opening for the night creatures to attack. One kicked him roughly in his leg, while the other sunk its teeth deep into his forearm, latching on to his flesh.

"Raaaaaah!" Bagnub shouted in pain and anger. He saw the armless bogeyman slump to the ground, dead from loss of blood.

"Haha! Know the wrath of Bagsnub!" He lifted his arm to get a better shot at the bogeyman before skewering him through the chest tearing through its flesh into the right lung. The creature flew backwards from the ork's blow, coughing and sputtering.

Another bogeyman was behind him. He swung around, tearing through its right arm with his spear. Blood sprayed from an opened artery. The creature squealed in pain and retreated backwards. It slowly shuffled to its colleagues, who began to advance on Bagsnub en masse.

One of the creatures was felled almost immediately. Already wounded, it soon perished of blood loss after Bagsnub scored a deep blow to its chest, breaking its ribs and tearing its heart. The ork quickly crippled another one of his foes with a flung rock, shattering the bone in its right thigh.

He darted forward to the crippled ork, delivering a powerful blow with his spear to its skull. It cracked from the blow, but the creature still clung to life. Its companion bit down hard on Bagsnub's arm, bruising the flesh. The ork whirled around and pierced the creature's gut with his spear, spilling its entrails across the ground. It only took one more blow to its midsection before it had to lost too much to continue, and sank to the floor, dead.

The final bogeyman lay on the ground, mortally wounded. Bagnub loomed over it.

"I teach you mess with Bagnub!" In a frenzy, the ork began tearing off the creature's limbs with his teeth. After the he tore the left arm from the bogeyman's body, it slouched to the ground, dead.

"NOW Bagsnub get some sleep."

[Kill count rests at 17.]


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 11:43:27 am »

I wonder if the town's milita will provide Bagsnub a worthy advesary

Flying Dice

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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 12:00:34 pm »

I'm enjoying this quite a bit, please continue!  :)

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2012, 02:59:35 pm »

Bagsnub continued his march towards the village after a few more hours of sleep. His journey was relatively uneventful, but Bagsnub still managed to put a dent in the local wildlife, killing several albatross women, a couple crabs, a crab man, and an osprey woman. He fed upon the crab, his first meal in several days.

Bagsnub's sense of direction was confused by his unfamiliar surroundings. The ork had just crossed a short bridge onto a dirt road when he was set upon by a large group of farm animals. A herd of yaks, llamas, and rams charged Bagsnub. It was a long fight, but he felled each of the beasts with his spear and fists. He gathered up some of the yak meat in his hand and traveled on.

He continued down down the dirt road, only to encounter two new foes. A cat and a cavy boar shrieked and ran towards him. The former was dispatched with a single kick, while the latter was tossed roughly off to the side, where it exploded in gore and viscera. 

Bagsnub continued to stroll along the dirt road. Once again he was set upon by hordes of domesticated animals of the hamlet.

"Puny animals! You no scare Bagsnub!"

Bagsnub spent what seemed like hours slaughtering hordes of dogs, cats, guineafowl, peafowl and pigs.

"When you learn. No fight Bagsnub. Bagsnub kill you!"

Shaking himself free of feathers and fur, he found the road and once again continued his travels. He would show the hamlet the meaning of vengeance.

The sun shone high in the blue, cloudless sky by the time Bagsnub found the settlement. The humans had been too lazy, or too fearful, to care for their dead, and the corpses from his last encounter still littered the ground. As he neared the line of houses, a few peasants spotted Bagsnub and charged. They were easy adversaries for the ork, and Bagsnub's spear felled them without effort.

He stalked towards a random house. "Anyone here challenge Bagsnub!" He roared, before ducking inside. The dwelling held five peasants. They immediately dashed towards the ork the second he entered the house in a desperate attempt to defend their home. The first was a farmer. Bagsnub threw him back with a great punch to the chest before perforating his guts with his spear. He jabbe again, ripping through the farmer's abdomen and liver to cries of agony. The next strike skewered the farmer's skull, killing him.

A fisherman charged Bagsnub next. The ork whirled and plunged the spear through his forehead and out the back of his skull. Pulling back briefly, he turned to face a charging farmer. Bagsnub dispatched a kick to his leg which caused the man to trip and fall to  the ground.

A child now stood in front of him. Bagsnub laughed cruelly as he bit the child's arm off, before dispatching the boy with a spear to the head.

Only a clothier remained standing now, over the prone body of the farmer. Bagsnub's speared ripped his chest open, then the ork gored him in the skull with his tusks, killing him. The farmer, the last surviving peasant, lay before him, whimpering pathetically. The ork hoisted the body of the dead farmer over his head before hurling it down on the man with enough force to crack his skull in two.

Bagsnub walked out of the house, looking around him. He must find more powerful opponents to challenge. These humans were almost too weak to bother with. If they had not offended him earlier, he would have left them to their pathetic lives. He strode up to the next nearest dwelling.

The ork slaughtered and fought for what seemed like days. Almost methodically, Bagsnub fought house to house, systematically butchering the peasants within. He soon found an axe on a woodcarver he killed and appropriate it as his second weapon. Bagsnub was not adept with the axe at first, but the ork was soon hewing his opponents in twain with ease, and splitting limbs and skulls with a single blow. By evening, however, Bagsnub had grown bored of the carnage. These enemies were simply too easy. Nearly the entire town lay dead at his feet, but he had barely a scratch on his body.

"Bored, bored, Bagsnub bored! Humans too weak!" Bagsnub exclaimed as he hurled his axe at a dieing brewer, severing his left leg. The peasant's screams echoed in the summer air. The ork was deep in thought as he retrieved his axe and loped the man's head off.

"Bagsnub leave now. Find better fight." He found the closest dirt road and began to follow it, stepping over the corpses in his path. Perhaps the ork would find a more worthy foe later in his travels. The town behind him was in a gruesome state. Blood was splattered across the ground and up the walls of the buildings. Organs and limbs were strewn about like refuse, and corpses clogged the streets. Peering into the window or door of a house gave a view into a miniature slaughterhouse, painted with gore and entrails. Scavengers were beginning to arrive, and a thick cloud of buzzing flies was already forming. There would be enough to occupy the animals for days. Bagsnub simply continued down the road, a cheerful grin upon his face.

The kill count now stands at 257!

« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 03:09:57 pm by utilitarian »


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2012, 03:21:07 pm »

The stats at teh end D: "He is large for a Ork" by the gods, how big is an average ork?


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2012, 06:09:35 pm »

"NOW Bagsnub get some sleep."

This is exactly what I'd expect of Bagsnub to say after vanquishing enemies who dare awake him or delay his sleep.
I'm patiently waiting for the ability to mine and construct palaces in adventure mode.
Barony. A 3D, multiplayer roguelike I am developing.


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2012, 11:05:55 pm »

The stats at teh end D: "He is large for a Ork" by the gods, how big is an average ork?

I'll be interested in seeing the results of the first Orkish siege in your mod :D


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Re: The Gore-Soaked Adventures of Bagsnub Honeyglutton, Orkish Barbarian
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2012, 02:33:55 am »

Now you should make him a necromancer! :o
Quote from: AustralianWinter
Rakust finished her design - a skirt called "Clambreaks". I am not touching the woman, ever. And I'm not talking to her either.