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Messages - DrKillPatient

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 67
Life Advice / Structure of an Android application
« on: November 29, 2015, 04:21:25 pm »
I've recently been attempting to make an Android application to catch SMS when the phone receives it and send it to my computer via Bluetooth, and vice versa. I have some understanding of the SMS and Bluetooth components, however, linking everything together has proved completely infuriating, as there seems to be about six thousand ways to do the same thing in Java/Android and I can never be sure which one is right. I wonder if anyone here has an intuition for how I should structure my application.

The functionality is as follows.
As long as the phone is connected to a client (e.g. on a computer) via Bluetooth:
  1. If SMS is received on the phone, it is sent to the computer via BT.
  2. The client on the computer can "send SMS" via the phone, issuing a request over Bluetooth for the phone to send a given SMS message.
I want to have a GUI that can start and stop this service, but make the service otherwise independent of the GUI (i.e. you can close it freely after it's started).

I have code that sends/receives SMS and Bluetooth data, but I don't know how to tie it together — should one service encompass both, should they be started as separate services, how should they communicate between one another and the GUI, etc. Most tutorials I've found thus far have been less than helpful, as they just tell me how to write the code but not really how to use it.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Re: Funniest Names
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:03:50 am »
First quest in 40.14:

Cubra Warulade, Axeman: The army of Kemus Searattics is marching on Nutsballs!

Wow, three FBs in less than a full season. Do you know their specific arrival dates? You may have broken a record.

It seems that Roomcarnage gets this a lot — no forgotten beasts for a while and then several at once. Perhaps it has to do with crossing wealth or population thresholds against which FB attacks are queued?

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: The Hall of Legends
« on: August 29, 2014, 06:55:35 pm »
The site for Nist Akath appears to have disappeared. Is there a PDF or mirror available?

I too support Roomcarnage, by the way.

I suppose you were counting on caravans ebing guaranteed to spawn in a depot-accessible area? Does the liaison have the same properties? It seems his/her spawn is unrelated to that of the caravan.

DF General Discussion / Re: Clowns VS. Megabeasts
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:27:43 am »
What size are the "clowns", anyway? I can't find a sample of their uncompressed raws at the moment — don't clowns, FBs, and titans have the same size (maybe adjusted by its base animal's usual body sizes)?

EDIT: There's a talk page on the wiki that marks FBs as size 10 million; dragons are 25 million. Is that really the case? It seems rather small from what I'd imagined.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:15:24 am »
I recently realized that you can attack companions, ask them to yield, and then recruit them again. Naturally I chopped all the limbs off my two crossbowdwarf companions in an attempt to make them legendary biters... One seems fairly useless so far, but the other has at least five kills to his name, having bitten his way through a goblin dark pit tower — I held goblins down (including the goblin lord) while he chewed on them. His title is "Melbil Postmen the Impervious Strife of Stopping," and conveniently he worships the god of torture.

Also, somehow both of them are able to keep pace with me while I'm sprinting. What.

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Re: Not becoming a necromancer?
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:12:46 am »
EDIT: Whoops, wrong thread. Too many tabs. Sorry :P

For the record I agree with InsanityIncarnate!

Okay, this is weird. I just now came across what seems unintentionally to be Roomcarnage's theme song. It's chiptune (which I've always envisioned fitting DF, anyway), the lyrics fit — eerily well at times, and the switches between the human-/growly-sounding voices are definitely reminiscent of Roomcarnage's Momentous-Dye/Ice-of-Ghosts duality.

Gather all your thoughts
you're gonna need 'em getting through
the fortress of frost:
countless frozen cells
imprisoning the ones who fell
This might not end well

Awesome story so far, by the way. I eagerly await the next segment!

A slab labeled "Woe unto any that disturb the resting place of Par Ucidaseb / The War Leader is with Bolli Loli but watches still."

EDIT: Also, "Fataldeath the Grave of Bones", a night creature cave, and two adventurers whose last names are Spiraledspear and Humorhammer.

Okay, I'm back. I have the basic interface down, but I don't have a Windows computer, so I don't actually know what the MWDF settings application does yet such that I can replicate it in full.  I just found the source, and I'll take a look in the coming days... Related: is it possible that someone could produce screenshots of each screen of the settings program so that I can replicate the layout?

Don't bother going deep into one-tile-wide hallways; those lead to bedrooms much of the time. I've found that the wider passageways tend to lead to the main shaft of the fortress.

I would recommend getting a headstart on any raws you want to convert. As we use our original bodyplan, we don't have to worry about the neck problem vanilla-derived raws face (we already added necks!), but we do need to worry about vision arcs and sense of smell.
How much of our raws are we converting to the new game?

Do we know precisely what parts of the raws need to changed? If it's just additions of things like the tracking stuff, one could easily have a script insert those items (with sane defaults) into the current raws as a placeholder so that they at least function properly

I've heard that they're terrified upon seeing their own undead.

It seems harder to inflict serious head injuries now, with a heavy attack + stab being seemingly necessary for a likely kill using a bronze sword. I doubt skulls got thicker; the atck force calculations likely changed.

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