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Finally... => General Discussion => Topic started by: kaijyuu on June 03, 2012, 09:32:37 pm

Title: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 03, 2012, 09:32:37 pm
In light of the success of the anime thread, and the constant deaths and moratoriums of the threads made for specific cartoons, I thought we might be able to have an all-in-one cartoon thread.

Rules: Same rules as the rest of the forum, mostly. But some specific stuff:

- What counts as western animation? Basically anything that isn't anime. If it was made in the Americas or Europe, it likely goes here. This includes animesque stuff like Avatar.
- Western print media with an emphasis on drawn visuals (ie, comic books, newspaper comics, etc) are now allowed and encouraged as well.
- Respect. Respect other people's opinions, no matter how popular or unpopular said opinions may be. Please refrain from unfairly lambasting shows you don't like, or thinking shows you do like are sacred cows that can't be criticized. Debating and analyzing things is fine, just nothing drama-inducing.
- Currently not allowing MLP discussion. If you don't know why, don't ask. (Zero tolerance on bringing up old drama. Period) Feel free, however, to join the off site forum ( and talk about it with us there! But since MLP is probably one of the most influential cartoons in the last decade or so, it's impossible to ignore. As such...
- Concerning the tone of the thread: I'm easygoing. If you wanna do a Goku vs Superman fight, go for it. And if you want to discuss something on the exact opposite of the seriousness scale, like portrayal of female characters in children's media, then go for it as well. The thread's pretty spastic so you should be able to guide it wherever you want if you're itching to discuss something.
- If you're still reading this, you're awesome. Also, YOUR HEART'S ON FIRE AND THE FIRE IS IN YOUR HEART! (

Now, some of you might be thinking, isn't western animation for kids? Shouldn't you have moved on to more "mature" media, you silly manchildren? All I can say to that is, that's not funny. (
Others might be asking, haven't cartoons gone down the drain in recent years? Sure they were great when *I* was a kid, but not now! To that I respond, you people need some recommendations! Ever heard of Avatar, the Last Airbender? Adventure Time? My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated? ( Hell, even Looney Tunes ( is occasionally awesome. Lots of great stuff has come out in recent years, just ask.

So yeah, post about cartoons or cartoon related news here.

Anywho, enough introductions. Currently I'm finishing up the DCAU and watching Superman the Animated Series. I've already seen Batman/Batman Beyond/Justice League, and this is the last one I'm interested in watching in that continuity (not planning to see Static Shock or the Zeta Project). So far it's pretty much how I expected... Boring. Superman being Superman, there's not much dramatic tension since you know he's going to win (even more so than normal). So they tried to make up for it by making Superman flashy. Note that the fight scenes tend to be the most boring for me in superhero cartoons, so those scenes being so focused means I'm yawning a lot. That's not to say the show's bad; some episodes are great! It just seems inversely proportional to how much screen time Superman gets. The more he gets, the worse the episode. The best episodes are about the villains having troubles and conflict, while Superman just flies in and resolves the conflict at the very end.

Also it's kinda weird; I guess I watched this show as a kid more than I thought. I recognize quite a few of the episodes, however vaguely. I figured I was more into Batman back then, but I guess not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Jervill on June 03, 2012, 09:37:15 pm
From what I remember, the villains were the best part of the Superman cartoon.  Of course, I grew up watching practically nothing but Kids WB.  There are some Animaniacs shorts on Youtube that are definitely worth watching just to see how much stuff they sneaked past the censors.  I haven't checked to see if there are any Pinky & the Brain.

And Static Shock, from what I remember, was okay; not great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Trapezohedron on June 03, 2012, 09:40:36 pm
This thread is now about Ninja Turtles.

Actually, no... But I'm kinda sick from watching too much anime and finding out that it has at least 5% sexual fanservice.

Aside from Avatar and Adventure Time, what cartoons are worth watching to kill time?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 03, 2012, 09:49:24 pm
This thread is now about Ninja Turtles.
You know, I actually don't like the 80s cartoon. With the original comic books, I hated whenever they went into space and fought weird monsters, but loved the down-to-earth ones. Guess which storylines they focused on in the cartoon.

The live action 1990 film is the best adaptation I've seen. I do need to try out the early 00s cartoon though; I hear it's pretty good.

Aside from Avatar and Adventure Time, what cartoons are worth watching to kill time?
Well, besides the ones I posted in the OP, maybe Dan Vs ( (can't find it on youtube since they seem to be nuking clips of that show)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Trapezohedron on June 03, 2012, 09:51:45 pm
I'll check that later.

And I just remembered about Invader Zim, so I might also watch that later too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Svarte Troner on June 03, 2012, 09:57:50 pm
I greatly prefer western animation to *shudder* anime. Don't ask why, because someone's feelings will probably be hurt. In fact, I was just the other day watching some old Soviet cartoons (still counts as western right? I mean technically it's eastern-western animation). I'd highly recommend this piece of art. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 03, 2012, 10:00:30 pm
Being asinine about what counts as "western animation" would be counter productive :P So yeah, that sort of thing is just fine.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: darkrider2 on June 03, 2012, 10:07:23 pm
kaijyuu nice signature for this thread hehe. :D

Anyway yeah I do prefer western animations (cartoons), but there are some worthwhile japanese animations hanging around. Not that I want to discuss them here.

Anyway, edd, ed, and eddy. Common, probably my favorite cartoon when I was little. That and samurai jack, what a badass. Actually, I'm pretty sure him and Dr. McNinja must be related somehow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: G-Flex on June 03, 2012, 10:13:58 pm
Has anyone here seen Aeon Flux? The original animated show, not the abysmal live-action movie some guys made for some reason. One of the most interesting and bizarre animated works I've ever seen, and the DVD box set was very much worth it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Aqizzar on June 03, 2012, 10:16:00 pm
Anyway, edd, ed, and eddy. Common, probably my favorite cartoon when I was little.

This was actually a really interesting show when you got down to it, especially for it's intended audience, when you realize that the protagonists were also kinda sorta the villains.  I say kinda sorta, because the other side to it was that every characters was thoroughly dislikable in their own special way, so it's hard to say they were much of villains.

And they had better adventures than me and my dumb friends.

Has anyone here seen Aeon Flux? The original animated show, not the abysmal live-action movie some guys made for some reason. One of the most interesting and bizarre animated works I've ever seen, and the DVD box set was very much worth it.

I actually did see the show a handful of times, back when it was actually on-air.  I remember virtually nothing about it.  Hey, you remember those other MTV shows?  Like that one with the guy with the giant head and something about aliens?  I don't know what that was.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: G-Flex on June 03, 2012, 10:19:14 pm
I actually did see the show a handful of times, back when it was actually on-air.  I remember virtually nothing about it.  Hey, you remember those other MTV shows?  Like that one with the guy with the giant head and something about aliens?  I don't know what that was.

The first time I saw Aeon Flux, it was something like 4:30AM and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. It was definitely a trip.

And yeah, I remember "The Head", from "MTV's Oddities". I think that's what they were called, anyway. The guy had a little purple alien dude living in his skull.

It's amazing to think that there was once a time when MTV was actually responsible for pushing the creative envelope rather than holding it back or shoving it through the shredder.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Cthulhu on June 03, 2012, 10:28:33 pm
Challenge of the Super Friends, best cartoon bar none. 

The humorous but sinister, Riddler!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: darkrider2 on June 03, 2012, 10:43:37 pm
This is one of those threads that makes me scared to go to sleep at night cause I know I'll have 6 pages to read in the morning.

See you in 8 hours. :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Aqizzar on June 03, 2012, 10:47:46 pm
Challenge of the Super Friends, best cartoon bar none. 


In slightly more serious stories, I'm honestly amazed how well Rocko's Modern Life prepared me for being 20-ish.  I shouldn't feel profound watching that show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: The Fool on June 04, 2012, 12:07:39 am
I think superhero cartoons are about the only animation I watch now that isn't anime. Batman in particular. I wouldn't mind seeing Justice League either just because Batman's there.

Personally I enjoy comic series like Human Target, Gotham Central, Sleeper, Soloman Kane, etc. The problem is that there isn't animation for any of them to my knowledge. It seems like comic cartoons have vanished with the exception of cartoon movies.

Has there been any good animation within the last 5 years? I wouldn't mind seeing something new.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaenneth on June 04, 2012, 12:13:28 am
I can't get over that one instance on Superfriends where they were all "Superman is Missing! what will we do! we have to find Superman!"

And Superman was sitting at the conference table with them right there.

I loathe Hanna Barbera soooo much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Flying Dice on June 04, 2012, 12:14:24 am
I can't get over that one instance on Superfriends where they were all "Superman is Missing! what will we do! we have to find Superman!"

And Superman was sitting at the conference table with them right there.

I loathe Hanna Barbera soooo much.

What, you're saying their comedy sucks?  :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 12:16:11 am
Right now in terms of western animation I am trying to find a way to complete  my watching of Captain Planet

It is honestly a epically stupid and hillarious show that sometimes actually enters the domain of genuinly good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Flying Dice on June 04, 2012, 12:19:34 am
I will forever adore Captain Planet, if only because it gave me an excuse to play him in a skit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 12:25:51 am
I will forever adore Captain Planet, if only because it gave me an excuse to play him in a skit.

I even have EXACTLY how his powers work entirely thought through.

You would think that the ability of "Power over five elements" and weakness of "polution" would be easy to understand... but no it is more complex then even that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 12:33:38 am
I think the type of animation where the "west" excels is stop-motion stuff.

There is a LOT of good stop motion stuff. Pretty much anything made by Aardman Animations (the Wallace and Grommit guys) is quality, robot chicken too.

CG has a couple nice things, Starship Troopers for example was really fun.

IF we're going to talk about kids shows, I love the art style for Martha speaks. Mostly been exposed to it via various kids I've had to watch, but it's not bad. I love it when you can take any frame from a show and it would fit perfectly into a storybook without anyone ever realize it was from an animated series.

Could never get into any of the superhero stuff. Except Space Ghost (and all the various subshows and spinoffs thereof).

As far as classic western animation style (which I like to call 'cheapo crap style') - Sealab, all the way. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 12:40:40 am
Well if you want a great show that had a great storyline and characterisation... Reboot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 12:44:04 am
Seriously? I thought Reboot was... tolerable, but that's about it.

I suppose it didn't help that I felt like it was assaulting every ounce of my aesthetic sense every time I looked at it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 12:44:38 am
Seriously? I thought Reboot was... tolerable, but that's about it.

I suppose it didn't help that I felt like it was assaulting every ounce of my aesthetic sense every time I looked at it.

Yeah that would kill it for you alright.

I cannot imagine it being bearable if you didn't like the aestetics.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaenneth on June 04, 2012, 12:47:00 am
I will forever adore Captain Planet, if only because it gave me an excuse to play him in a skit.

I even have EXACTLY how his powers work entirely thought through.

You would think that the ability of "Power over five elements" and weakness of "polution" would be easy to understand... but no it is more complex then even that.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 12:48:07 am
And other than that, I dunno, it just felt sort of... cliche. I caught maybe a dozen episodes before deciding it wasn't worth watching no matter how bored I was.

Note to self: talk about Ferngully, Serendipity: The Pink Dinosaur, and The Little Blue Penguin for real blasts to the past later. Wait... are we doing animated moves too, or is this just for TV shows?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 01:05:54 am
Movies are fine!

And I loved Ferngully. The bad guy made of smoke is pretty damn awesome. Haven't seen that movie in ages.

Has there been any good animation within the last 5 years? I wouldn't mind seeing something new.
Superhero specifically? I'm not sure. The latest Batman cartoon (Brave and the Bold) I haven't seen, but supposedly it's an outright comedy. A new Batman series is coming out next year that's going to be more "serious." (

As for other superheroes, honestly I have no idea. I do know that DC has been making a lot of animated movies, and of the couple I've seen of those they're pretty decent. The plot kinda sucked in this one but it had awesome choreography. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Remalle on June 04, 2012, 01:22:13 am
My current project is Legend of Korra.   So far I've only seen the first episode, but it looks good.

Hmm... Avatar TLA, Batman TAS, best ever.  I haven't really watched that much animated stuff, eastern or western, mostly just stick with checking out shows TVTropes says are good :P
I remember and Samurai Jack and Justice League were great.  Static Shock and Codename KND were fun too, but I never really watched enough to remember whether they were actually good.
I'm staying away from FIM, for now, I don't want to get sucked into it.
I'm sure there's other stuff I've forgotten, too.  My, I used quite a few abbreviations up there, didn't I?

Oh yeah, and Pixar.  I love Pixar, can't go without mentioning them.   Their stuff is incredible.

Edit: how could we all forget the Simpsons?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: The Fool on June 04, 2012, 01:24:37 am
I actually meant in general. Although I like superhero comics I just like a good story. It's the reason I haven't dropped anime yet. There are a lot of good stories there.

A new Batman series is coming out next year that's going to be more "serious." (

I hope that they are really planning on Batman looking like that. It looks pretty bad. Even if the story is good I'm not sure if I could stomach the character design. Wide heads is a very odd design choice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 01:28:45 am
I will forever adore Captain Planet, if only because it gave me an excuse to play him in a skit.

I even have EXACTLY how his powers work entirely thought through.

You would think that the ability of "Power over five elements" and weakness of "polution" would be easy to understand... but no it is more complex then even that.


Well think of it this way. Why doesn't he lose his powers when he flies over a volcano?

Why does he lose power when he is hit with ultraviolet radiation... yet he is powered by the sun?

Heck why does radiation effect him at all since the earth itself is composed of radiation?

The answer: He isn't affected by polution he is affected by Man MADE polution and elements removed from nature. So he could handle oil just fine if he walked up to a natural deposit. But if you put that oil in a bucket and flung it at him...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Euld on June 04, 2012, 01:30:49 am
No one has mentioned Daria yet? :(  If you were ever a sarcastic teenager who felt alienated from the rest of the human race, this show was for you.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 01:31:27 am
@The Fool
Well all the stuff I mentioned in the OP (MLP:FiM, Avatar, Adventure Time, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated) came out in the last 5 years and I thought them all somewhere between good and awesome. (except Adventure Time, which I've only seen 2 episodes of so I can't give a truthful opinion of it yet, beyond good first impressions).

And yeah the designs look weird. I'll need to see a bigger picture than that before passing judgment, though.

The Batman's ( designs kinda weirded me out too; the big eyes almost look like bug eyes, and is it just me or are they always a tad too high up on the face? Some perspectives make it look like their eyes are plastered on their forehead; might just be Batman's cowl, I dunno.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: MrWiggles on June 04, 2012, 01:33:46 am
I think superhero cartoons are about the only animation I watch now that isn't anime. Batman in particular. I wouldn't mind seeing Justice League either just because Batman's there.

Personally I enjoy comic series like Human Target, Gotham Central, Sleeper, Soloman Kane, etc. The problem is that there isn't animation for any of them to my knowledge. It seems like comic cartoons have vanished with the exception of cartoon movies.

Has there been any good animation within the last 5 years? I wouldn't mind seeing something new.
There has been ton of great stuff. Off the top of my head: Young Justice. Legend of Korra. Archer.

There been a lot of praise for Adventure Time. Chowder is great whimsical fun.
On the new batman series:

I dont think Batman would work with anyone long term that uses firearms.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 01:38:36 am
I noticed that too. Alfred with a gun doesn't sound too unreasonable... except when around Batman. I'm not too versed on the original comic book Alfred, but isn't he a secret agent dude? Makes sense that he'd know how to use a gun, I just don't think Bruce would ever let him.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 01:39:49 am
No one has mentioned Daria yet? :(  If you were ever a sarcastic teenager who felt alienated from the rest of the human race, this show was for you.

Yeah but that is all but impossible to find episodes for.

Also call me crazy... but I actually... don't like adventure time. I don't know why but other then a few episodes I just can't make myself like it.

Then again I really liked Chowder and I didn't like Flapjack.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaenneth on June 04, 2012, 01:44:47 am
No one has mentioned Daria yet? :(  If you were ever a sarcastic teenager who felt alienated from the rest of the human race, this show was for you.

TomTom sells a Daria voice for their GPS units.

I have never regretted not owning a proper GPS unit more.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: MrWiggles on June 04, 2012, 01:51:46 am
I noticed that too. Alfred with a gun doesn't sound too unreasonable... except when around Batman. I'm not too versed on the original comic book Alfred, but isn't he a secret agent dude? Makes sense that he'd know how to use a gun, I just don't think Bruce would ever let him.
Alfred exact backrground varies. But he always been in a service of some sorta. Hes generally a veteran, with very good first aid skills.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Pnx on June 04, 2012, 02:21:35 am
Also call me crazy... but I actually... don't like adventure time. I don't know why but other then a few episodes I just can't make myself like it.
To be perfectly honest, I don't actually like a lot of adventure time a lot of the stuff in the episodes kinda wears on me (especially the earlier episodes where it tends to be more complete randomness rather than the more structured randomness of later episodes) but I've always felt the times when it's brilliant make up for it. But you don't have to like adventure time, I'm not going to think worse of you for not liking something I like (and I doubt anyone else will).

No one has mentioned Daria yet? :(  If you were ever a sarcastic teenager who felt alienated from the rest of the human race, this show was for you.
I've got to be direct.
If I'm wrong, please correct.
You're standing on my neck.
You're standing on my neck.

Yeah, I was one of those teenagers who felt alienated (although I didn't actually discover Daria until I was technically no longer a teenager), and it really reminded me of the kind of attitudes you saw in the clique I circulated in later in high school. Also Daria sounds a hell of a lot like an old friend of mine.

It's honestly amazing that the creators of Beavis and Butthead cam up with it, I mean, I really hate Beavis and Butthead, but Daria is just so brilliant and so different...

Anyway, err, nobody seems to have mentioned Invader Zim yet. It's a really brilliant show with a quirky art style I've always enjoyed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 04, 2012, 09:35:57 am
I can't say that animated series of western progeniture are my slice of bread, although I do watch animated feature films from time to time. Here's a few interesting ones I know:
(links to trailers on youtube)

The Secret of Kells ( - myths and history of the British isles are blended to tell a coming of age tale, with visual and aural grandeur. The unique animation style mimics the simple, yet intricate illuminations of the titular artifact. It's one of my favourite films, animated or not.

The Triplets of Belleville ( - a really trippy and technically impressive film, with the big drawback of being rather boring. Some really memorable scenes are worth sitting through its overly long run.

Metropia ( - An Orwellian world and story, reminescent of Terry Gilliam's Brazil. The visual style is very unsettling, with actors' faces kind of "grafted" onto CGI animated puppets. The story doesn't have much of an impact, though. Or maybe it's just me being too jaded.

Persepolis ( - Another coming of age story, this time with an Iranian girl at its centre. Mostly kept in black and white, this comic book adaptation is at times observant, darkly humorous and poignant.

Immortal: Ad vitam ( - (note: the trailer doesn't do it justice) An adaptation of one of Enki Bilal's comic books (which you should check by the way) merging live-acting with CGI animation. Looks jarringly odd at times, but if you can get over this, the film gets quite interesting.
The story concerns... nah, it's too weird and complicated to describe.

Waltz with Bashir ( - A sort of documentary, concerning the Lebanon War of 1982. It's got a dreamy feel to it, almost nightmarish but not quite, despite being a very realistic depiction of war. Worth seeing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: The Fool on June 04, 2012, 10:16:13 am
I can't say that animated series of western progeniture are my slice of bread, although I do watch animated feature films from time to time. Here's a few interesting ones I know:
(links to trailers on youtube)

The Secret of Kells ( - myths and history of the British isles are blended to tell a coming of age tale, with visual and aural grandeur. The unique animation style mimics the simple, yet intricate illuminations of the titular artifact. It's one of my favourite films, animated or not.

The Triplets of Belleville ( - a really trippy and technically impressive film, with the big drawback of being rather boring. Some really memorable scenes are worth sitting through its overly long run.

Metropia ( - An Orwellian world and story, reminescent of Terry Gilliam's Brazil. The visual style is very unsettling, with actors' faces kind of "grafted" onto CGI animated puppets. The story doesn't have much of an impact, though. Or maybe it's just me being too jaded.

Persepolis ( - Another coming of age story, this time with an Iranian girl at its centre. Mostly kept in black and white, this comic book adaptation is at times observant, darkly humorous and poignant.

Immortal: Ad vitam ( - (note: the trailer doesn't do it justice) An adaptation of one of Enki Bilal's comic books (which you should check by the way) merging live-acting with CGI animation. Looks jarringly odd at times, but if you can get over this, the film gets quite interesting.
The story concerns... nah, it's too weird and complicated to describe.

Waltz with Bashir ( - A sort of documentary, concerning the Lebanon War of 1982. It's got a dreamy feel to it, almost nightmarish but not quite, despite being a very realistic depiction of war. Worth seeing.

The two that I've already seen from there were fantastic, so I'll be sure to watch the rest of them.

Daria was a good show, but I grew up on it, so I've seen most if not all the episodes. If I ever buy a GPS I'll be sure to get one with her voice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Supercharazad on June 04, 2012, 10:25:51 am
I recently learned something. You know Adventure Time?

Yeah, the creators confirmed that it took place on a post-apocalyptic Earth after a nuclear war. The title sequence shows remains of nuclear weapons, which are also shown pretty much everywhere. The only human is Finn, all human-looking-people are "humanoids".
It was also confirmed that the Ice King was a Middle-Eastern man, and the crown kept him alive. Marceline was mutated into a vampire. Everyone else is just mutants.

Ooo is the remains of a continent that has broken apart, and you can actually see in a few episodes a giant gaping crater where Russia would have been. One that takes up about a quarter of the planet's surface.

Also, wasn't Xiaolin Showdown a western animation? Because it was pretty good, if I recall.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Levi on June 04, 2012, 10:28:19 am
I just wanted to say that I've been watching Avatar:  The Last Airbender recently, and its really very good.  I really thought it was just going to be another dumb kids show but I was completely wrong.  If there is any show right now that really demonstrates Western Animation at its best, its got to be this show.

Of others I've liked are mostly superhero related:

- Batman (not the newest ones, but the long running one from 1992)
- Young Justice
- Justice League
- TMNT 2005
- Static Shock
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: ggamer on June 04, 2012, 11:26:36 am
This thread is now about Ninja Turtles.

Actually, no... But I'm kinda sick from watching too much anime and finding out that it has at least 5% sexual fanservice.

Aside from Avatar and Adventure Time, what cartoons are worth watching to kill time?

The regular show is good, I haven't watched in a while though.

Man, these cartoons nowadays are pretty fucked up. Regular show and Adventure time get a TON of sexual jokes past the radar. It's like when I used to watch invader zim as a kid, but better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 11:39:42 am
I just wanted to say that I've been watching Avatar:  The Last Airbender recently, and its really very good.  [...]  If there is any show right now that really demonstrates Western Animation at its best, its got to be this show.
Considering it's pretty much an anime in every way except the nationality/location of the people who made it, I'm not sure how much of a complement that is :P

Though to be fair it's got a lot of western charm in it too. The animation isn't as stiff as most anime, plenty of western culture references snuck past the asian theme, it doesn't have the mountain of filler that most shonen animes do. A good chunk of the humor is distinctly Western too. Hell, my favorite episode's probably "Zuko Alone," which is essentially a Western (as in, cowboys. Specifically the novel 'Shane.") with swords and magic! But if you had to pick the cartoon for "most anime influenced," it'd definitely be Avatar.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 11:42:20 am
But aren't most Westerns Korean or Italian?

I suppose the Italian type is still "western", but the was the episode more "Korean Western" or "Italian Western"?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 11:46:55 am
This is all getting very confusing. How about Western Western?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 11:48:21 am
What do you mean Western Western? Talk about confusing!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Levi on June 04, 2012, 11:49:09 am
I just wanted to say that I've been watching Avatar:  The Last Airbender recently, and its really very good.  [...]  If there is any show right now that really demonstrates Western Animation at its best, its got to be this show.
Considering it's pretty much an anime in every way except the nationality/location of the people who made it, I'm not sure how much of a complement that is :P

Though to be fair it's got a lot of western charm in it too. The animation isn't as stiff as most anime, plenty of western culture references snuck past the asian theme, it doesn't have the mountain of filler that most shonen animes do. A good chunk of the humor is distinctly Western too. Hell, my favorite episode's probably "Zuko Alone," which is essentially a Western (as in, cowboys. Specifically the novel 'Shane.") with swords and magic! But if you had to pick the cartoon for "most anime influenced," it'd definitely be Avatar.

It doesn't feel like an anime to me.  :)  The characters have actual facial expressions, and the show doesn't feel as "tropey", if tropey is a word.   :P  In anime, it always feels like they reuse character personalities and scenes.  I swear I've seen the same "Awkward guy trips and falls on girl and accidentally grabs boobs" scene in like 20 different animes.  In this, they all felt pretty unique and sort of felt like real people in a way. 

Although it DOES have a continuous storyline, which most western animation seems to fail hard at.  I guess in that way it feels a little anime like.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaenneth on June 04, 2012, 11:50:21 am
I recently learned something. You know Adventure Time?

Yeah, the creators confirmed that it took place on a post-apocalyptic Earth after a nuclear war. The title sequence shows remains of nuclear weapons, which are also shown pretty much everywhere. The only human is Finn, all human-looking-people are "humanoids".
It was also confirmed that the Ice King was a Middle-Eastern man, and the crown kept him alive. Marceline was mutated into a vampire. Everyone else is just mutants.

Ooo is the remains of a continent that has broken apart, and you can actually see in a few episodes a giant gaping crater where Russia would have been. One that takes up about a quarter of the planet's surface.

Also, wasn't Xiaolin Showdown a western animation? Because it was pretty good, if I recall.

Referred to earlir on as "The Mushroom War". Also, Rainicorns speak/write Korean.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 11:58:46 am
Okay, here goes.

The episode I was referring to had essentially the same plot as the novel Shane, which is a western (cowboys). There was a film made that I haven't seen, but I dunno if it's a proper spaghetti western or if it was filmed in the USA; I do know the plot isn't a basic cowboys and indians one, but was pretty much the defining work for "loner guy walks in, befriends local people, saves them from oppressive bad guy, rides off into the sunset." If you think that a cliche plot, that book is why, since it was mercilessly copied.

Back to Avatar, they did copy the plot, but did it really damn well. Made me wonder why the universe hates Zuko so much, which isn't explained until the end of that season, specifically
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 04, 2012, 02:23:08 pm
But aren't most Westerns Korean or Italian?
And German/Yugoslavian. Don't forget Winnetou.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 02:33:58 pm
That's OLD though. I was mostly talk about the modern day western. America used to do a lot of westerns too, but hasn't in who knows how long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 04, 2012, 02:57:05 pm
the list

The two that I've already seen from there were fantastic, so I'll be sure to watch the rest of them.
Which two, if I may ask?

Also, I'm so hyped for this one:
despite it being merely half an hour long. But I can't find it anywhere.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: MrWiggles on June 04, 2012, 03:47:56 pm
Although it DOES have a continuous storyline, which most western animation seems to fail hard at.  I guess in that way it feels a little anime like.
I think it really unfair to say that Western Animation fails hard at not being a serial show. THey just happen to be episodic.

There have been many western cartoons which have had continious plots.

Most recently: Avatar: Legend of Korra, and Young Justice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: nenjin on June 04, 2012, 03:50:16 pm
Speaking of Aeon Flux, Liquid Television anyone? So many cartoon series got their starts there, and while it wasn't always cartoons, the ones they did have were just amazing. Short story amazing, ya know? I was never the kind to religiously watch any television series, but Liquid Television was one I made time for. Too bad it was so short lived and on a network like MTV.

Also since movies are on the docket, Light Years ( This movie really messed with my head as a kid. It defines for me the look of 80s western animation (even though it's French), and how, I dunno, realistic they felt in comparison to much of what's come after. In terms of that weird place you get watching animation intended for adults, anime doesn't even come close to the sensation I get watching 80s cartoons like Light Years.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 03:51:41 pm
Although it DOES have a continuous storyline, which most western animation seems to fail hard at.  I guess in that way it feels a little anime like.
I think it really unfair to say that Western Animation fails hard at not being a serial show. THey just happen to be episodic.

There have been many western cartoons which have had continious plots.

Most recently: Avatar: Legend of Korra, and Young Justice.

Well it isn't so much that Western animation fails at continuous storylines.

It is that Anime is almost always a continuous storyline to the point where episodic animes are the exception rather then the rule.

While western animation is almost always episodic, sorta, to the point where continuous storybased western shows are the exception rather then the rule.

But you can find plenty of exceptions in both.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Supercharazad on June 04, 2012, 05:36:10 pm
Has anyone noticed how in Legend of Korra, the story seems rushed as fuck?

It's episode six, and the three main characters (Mako, Korra and Bolin) all have mutual love interests.
The big bad has been revealed, Korra has mastered three elements and is pretty much done with air, etc.

Really, the only two things that are keeping me watching is because Korra is quite the badass, and I really want to see if Amon is related to any characters from Legend of Aang, and if not then his full backstory.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 05:37:47 pm
It is because I think they originally planned the Legend of Korra to be a longer show but it is now only 12 episodes long (but got longer)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 05:43:41 pm
I'm going to wait until it's finished before checking it out. It seems like something best seen all in one go.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: MrWiggles on June 04, 2012, 05:57:52 pm
Has anyone noticed how in Legend of Korra, the story seems rushed as fuck?

It's episode six, and the three main characters (Mako, Korra and Bolin) all have mutual love interests.
The big bad has been revealed, Korra has mastered three elements and is pretty much done with air, etc.

Really, the only two things that are keeping me watching is because Korra is quite the badass, and I really want to see if Amon is related to any characters from Legend of Aang, and if not then his full backstory.
Korra isnt done with Air Bending. As stated in episode 8, she hasnt manage to bend any air at all. Nor has she been able to contact her past lives, or enter the Avatar State.
But yea, I've been noting that its a very fast paced show, but still very good. In the Anime thread, it was noted that maybe those elements were skipped to stop it from being repetitive from Avatar: TLA.

It is because I think they originally planned the Legend of Korra to be a longer show but it is now only 12 episodes long (but got longer)
This has been said a lot, but I cant find any sources to confirm this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Leafsnail on June 04, 2012, 06:02:14 pm
There is a LOT of good stop motion stuff. Pretty much anything made by Aardman Animations (the Wallace and Grommit guys) is quality, robot chicken too.
I'm the wrong age and nationality for most of these things but I'll say that I always loved Aardman's stuff.  Then there's Pixar, Simpsons, Tom & Jerry and Scooby Doo (still my favourite message from a cartoon ever) that I remember fondly.  Everything else... eh.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Telgin on June 04, 2012, 06:22:27 pm
In general I don't care for modern cartoons at all, but there are a few awesome exceptions.  Adventure Time, Regular Show, and of course MLP are things I enjoy thoroughly.

Less recently, I used to really like Spongebob and The Fairly Oddparents, but both of them have become laughable parodies of their original selves.  It's depressing to think that I've lived through their decline to the point that I can actually reminisce on how they didn't really suck once.  :(

Older cartoons I used to love are numerous, such as Rocko's Modern Life (I'd kill to get some more of this), ReBoot (ditto), Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory (not the last season though), and probably a few others I'm forgetting.  I loved this stuff.  Older yet are things like Ducktales, Goof Troop, Chip and Dale, Tailspin and Darkwing Duck I don't recall many of the episode details of, but I remember spending countless hours watching them as a kid so they must have been great, right?

One particular old cartoon that has a special place in my heart is the old Sonic the Hedgehog.  I still think it's a bit of a tragedy that it only had two seasons.  So, so much better than stupid stuff like Sonic X.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 06:23:24 pm
Rocko is odd to me in that... I loved it

But I can't stand to rewatch it. It is soo insanely somber. In fact it is the most Somber cartoon I ever seen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. HUGGBEES!!!!
Post by: Itnetlolor on June 04, 2012, 06:23:52 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: NobodyPro on June 04, 2012, 06:44:40 pm
Rocko's Modern Life
Dear Armok...

I remember now!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 06:47:25 pm
Older yet are things like Ducktales, Goof Troop, Chip and Dale, Tailspin and Darkwing Duck I don't recall many of the episode details of, but I remember spending countless hours watching them as a kid so they must have been great, right?
Your memory serves you well. All those were great (well except Rescue Rangers; that was just okay, most the time). Ducktales, Darkwing, and Tailspin all hold up pretty well today, and Goof Troop's a nice look into the late 80s/early 90s teenage culture (in fact the first movie is one of my favorite animated films).

I get flak from everyone for this, but I really liked Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. You know, the one with the infamous molestation "sonic sez." Sure it didn't have anything resembling a coherent plot, but Scratch and Grounder were awesome. Also whoever made the backgrounds deserves a medal for their surreal architecture. It was a nice light kids show, if without much depth.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Euld on June 04, 2012, 06:49:36 pm
No one has mentioned Daria yet? :(  If you were ever a sarcastic teenager who felt alienated from the rest of the human race, this show was for you.

Yeah but that is all but impossible to find episodes for.
They actually started selling the entire collection of Daria on DVD, it's out there somewhere.  It can be found on youtube... but I'm not sure if the forum rules allow me to post where to find them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Aqizzar on June 04, 2012, 06:54:08 pm
One particular old cartoon that has a special place in my heart is the old Sonic the Hedgehog.  I still think it's a bit of a tragedy that it only had two seasons.  So, so much better than stupid stuff like Sonic X.

The other tragedy is that you can't really be a fan of that show without having to encounter it's other fans.  I mean, I get it, it was a good little show (about 2/3s of the time).  But it's been almost twenty years now, and it still has creepy fans.

You don't want to know the shit I've seen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: NobodyPro on June 04, 2012, 06:57:00 pm
I started to watch this because I enjoyed Impossible Creatures. ( Actually pretty good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 06:57:37 pm
Oh, here's one that deserves mention:

Garfield and Friends. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 07:00:27 pm
I started to watch this because I enjoyed Impossible Creatures. ( Actually pretty good.

I am ashamed... but I actually really do like Spliced.

I can't put my finger on why.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Itnetlolor on June 04, 2012, 07:03:04 pm
Oh, here's one that deserves mention:

Garfield and Friends. (
How would this be Minus Garfield?

Has anyone ever gone through the trouble of editing that many frames?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 04, 2012, 07:08:53 pm
The thing is, the cartoon is actually competent. Garfield Minus Garfield works because no matter what you do to the strip, it makes it better.

The cartoon adapted the... mythology, for lack of a better word... very well. The jokes that were transcribed tended to work better, and the early storylines (like visiting Jon's family for christmas) are actually heartwarming. All this further proves no matter what you do to Garfield, it's better than the original.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 07:29:59 pm
The thing is, the cartoon is actually competent. Garfield Minus Garfield works because no matter what you do to the strip, it makes it better.

The cartoon adapted the... mythology, for lack of a better word... very well. The jokes that were transcribed tended to work better, and the early storylines (like visiting Jon's family for christmas) are actually heartwarming. All this further proves no matter what you do to Garfield, it's better than the original.

Watch the 3d Garfield... and watch the unfunny.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Psyco Jelly on June 04, 2012, 09:46:27 pm
Swat Kats

There are two kinds of people that read that, the kind that go "huh?" and the kind that are awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Frumple on June 04, 2012, 09:51:57 pm
Didn't that get a kinda' subpar video game port? *goes and checks* Aha, it did! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: MrWiggles on June 04, 2012, 09:59:27 pm
Swat Kats

There are two kinds of people that read that, the kind that go "huh?" and the kind that are awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Aqizzar on June 04, 2012, 10:02:34 pm
There are two kinds of people that read that, the kind that go "huh?" and the kind that are awesome.

I'm very glad to be in the later category.  It had its issues, sure, but it was damn cool to look at.

Now, Road Rovers?  You'd be forgiven.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 10:03:52 pm
If this is going to get into childhood shows does that mean we are going to end up in Biker Mice from Mars and Street sharks?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Aqizzar on June 04, 2012, 10:05:46 pm
If this is going to get into childhood shows does that mean we are going to end up in Biker Mice from Mars and Street sharks?

Yes, yes it does.  And you brought us there.  So hey, who else has the faintest memory of Danger Mouse?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Frumple on June 04, 2012, 10:06:17 pm
I actually remembered road rovers after seeing the intro in the related videos thing.

Anyway, Exosquad? ( Exosquad. I seriously need to actually go and watch through that at some point. Saw a good chunk when I was younger, but remember basically none of it. Still have a toy suit laying around somewhere in mostly one piece.
If this is going to get into childhood shows does that mean we are going to end up in Biker Mice from Mars and Street sharks?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Luke_Prowler on June 04, 2012, 10:15:24 pm
Oh God, Swat Kats. I wished I was old enough to appreciate that kind of workmanship when it was still on air.

I know I might catch some flak for this, but I thought the Godzilla animated series ( was pretty good, it was certainly the only redeemable thing that came out of the movie
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 10:26:41 pm
Biker Mice from mars is probably the most 90s show there ever was with a TERRIBLE remake.

Street Sharks I will fight that it was sorta good. It didn't outright ignore the fact that the heros were transformed into monsters (even if in the end only the Orca seemed to care)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 04, 2012, 10:29:58 pm
Swat Katz for the win. I still have surprisingly vivid memories of that show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 10:45:48 pm
Swat Katz for the win. I still have surprisingly vivid memories of that show.

Truthfully it wasn't around when I was growing up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: nenjin on June 04, 2012, 11:53:09 pm
If this is going to get into childhood shows does that mean we are going to end up in Biker Mice from Mars and Street sharks?

Yes, yes it does.  And you brought us there.  So hey, who else has the faintest memory of Danger Mouse?

Fuckin' Danger Mouse. Man I used to spend so much time watching Nickelodeon just for shows like it. And then Nick at Nite would come on and you'd know your fun was over.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Neonivek on June 04, 2012, 11:55:03 pm
If this is going to get into childhood shows does that mean we are going to end up in Biker Mice from Mars and Street sharks?

Yes, yes it does.  And you brought us there.  So hey, who else has the faintest memory of Danger Mouse?

Fuckin' Danger Mouse. Man I used to spend so much time watching Nickelodeon just for shows like it. And then Nick at Nite would come on and you'd know your fun was over.

Didn't get that either.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 08:03:10 am
Two seasons into superman now! One to go.

It's gotten a lot better. It's still no Batman, but the villains are getting a bit more depth, more heroes than Superman are showing up (so someone less boring gets screen time), and a lot more comedy. I'm also appreciating some of Justice League more now that I know some backstory.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: RedKing on June 05, 2012, 09:12:22 am
Now this is a thread I can sink my teeth into.

I grew up watching the classics: Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Bob Clampett. We had a local independent TV station that would run like 3 hours of Tom and Jerry, Droopy, Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies every afternoon. It was glorious. I'm extending that on to my kids with the umpteen gigs of cartoons on the HD. My daugher is already a Tex Avery fan.

While perusing Netflix, she also got into a Fat Albert binge, which is just bizarre. I mean, I saw it when it was still relatively new, and even then I could sort of tell that I wasn't the intended audience.

Other cartoons I remember from early childhood:
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Filmation) -- I distinctly remember being pissed because this got interrupted by the news because some guy named Reagan had been shot.  :P

Heckle & Jeckle -- Funny as a kid, kind of wince-inducing as an adult.

The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show -- I was never a huge fan of the main show, but the assorted cartoons that came with it were awesomesauce: Peabody's Improbable History, Fractured Fairy Tales, Aesop & Son and The World of Commander McBragg. Dudley Do-Right was meh. But I think the whole "playing with history" thing about Peabody & Sherman and Commander McBragg...that really appealed to me. And the bad puns. Oh dear god, the bad puns....

Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales -- actually a subsidiary toon of the Underdog show,  but I preferred this to Underdog. In many ways a precursor to Pinky and the Brain: a bright, scheming (but often nonsensical) talking animal comes up with convoluted plans (which invariably fail) with the assistance of his dim-witted sidekick.

Then during the 80's, there was Saturday mornings (and afternoon TV). Too many to list, so I'll just rattle off some favorites:
Dungeons & Dragons
Mighty Orbots
The Adventures of the Gummi Bears
The Real Ghostbusters!
Silverhawks (which was basically Thundercats IN SPAAAAACE!)
TigerSharks (which was both of the above...IN WATER!)
Dragon's Lair/Space Ace
G.I. Joe (kind of mandatory)
Transformers (ditto)
Voltron (ditto)
US Acres (the side-run with Garfield and Friends...actually better than Garfield for the most part)
Chip'n'Dale's Rescue Rangers
Muppet Babies (say what you will, it had better-than-average writing, especially the pop culture parody stuff)
Robotix (mostly existed as a animated pitch for the toysets...which I had)
Super Friends (the Wonder Twins--making the fistbump cool decades before their time)

We didn't have cable, so I only rarely caught gems like Dangermouse and Count Duckula.

Then came the 90's. Things got more ironic, hipper, edgier. I spent many, many hours in college watching:
Tiny Toons
Rocko's Modern World
The Maxx
Aeon Flux
2 Stupid Dogs
Cow and Chicken (and its spinoff, I.M. Weasel)
The Critic
Dexter's Laboratory
The Tick
Pirates of Darkwater
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Histeria! (an oft-overlooked gem from the same team that did Tiny Toons and Animaniacs...had the same "fucked-up history" vibe as Peabody and Sherman or Commander McBragg)

Seriously...I remember two snippets of Histeria that absolutely sold me on this show. The first was a segment on Leonardo DaVinci, called "Renaissance Man" where he was basically the medieval version of Batman, using contraptions that he designed and built. The second was a segment on Sherman's march to the sea ('s_March_to_the_Sea). On a fucking kid's cartoon. And it was done as cross between a Ken Burns documentary...and Pee-Wee's Playhouse. With your host, Pee-Wee Sherman. ("The secret word of the day is...TOTAL WAR!")  :o  :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 09:43:57 am
Ooh, Gummi Bears! Now there's a wacky idea turned incredibly, inexplicably good. I'm not sure how or why they came up with a deep, detailed medieval fantasy setting out of candy. Seriously, they had continuity, a detailed history, and good characterization. It's like the 80s version of Friendship is Magic.

And as long as we're listing off 80s cartoons, no discussion is complete without Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. ( Cheese in its most distilled form.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: RedKing on June 05, 2012, 10:04:13 am
I can't say that animated series of western progeniture are my slice of bread, although I do watch animated feature films from time to time. Here's a few interesting ones I know:
(links to trailers on youtube)

The Secret of Kells ( - myths and history of the British isles are blended to tell a coming of age tale, with visual and aural grandeur. The unique animation style mimics the simple, yet intricate illuminations of the titular artifact. It's one of my favourite films, animated or not.

The Triplets of Belleville ( - a really trippy and technically impressive film, with the big drawback of being rather boring. Some really memorable scenes are worth sitting through its overly long run.

Metropia ( - An Orwellian world and story, reminescent of Terry Gilliam's Brazil. The visual style is very unsettling, with actors' faces kind of "grafted" onto CGI animated puppets. The story doesn't have much of an impact, though. Or maybe it's just me being too jaded.

Persepolis ( - Another coming of age story, this time with an Iranian girl at its centre. Mostly kept in black and white, this comic book adaptation is at times observant, darkly humorous and poignant.

Immortal: Ad vitam ( - (note: the trailer doesn't do it justice) An adaptation of one of Enki Bilal's comic books (which you should check by the way) merging live-acting with CGI animation. Looks jarringly odd at times, but if you can get over this, the film gets quite interesting.
The story concerns... nah, it's too weird and complicated to describe.

Waltz with Bashir ( - A sort of documentary, concerning the Lebanon War of 1982. It's got a dreamy feel to it, almost nightmarish but not quite, despite being a very realistic depiction of war. Worth seeing.

I've seen the first two, and enjoyed both. Even got my daughter to sit through Secret of Kells...thought she might take off when the Vikings or Crom Cruach showed up, but she stuck it out. It's a gorgeous film.

Iknorite? Not only that, but the animation/artwork quality was just that...quality. For all their other failings when it comes to storytelling sometimes, one thing you cannot accuse Disney of is having poorly-trained artists and animators. Compared to the 6- and 8-frame a second crap that a lot of companies were pumping out on Saturday mornings, Gummi Bears was done in much higher caliber animation (I can't find the exact specs, but I'm guessing at least 16 frames per second, possibly 24).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 10:41:02 am
So there are rumors floating around the Internets that Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated started airing its second season in the UK. Supposedly the first episode aired last saturday, and a new one will be airing this saturday. Won't know for certain unless someone records it, since all the tv listings I can find don't list which episode is actually airing.

I certainly hope it's true! This poor show has a terrible track record of actually airing new episodes; 7 month wait between the first and second halves of season 1, and season 2 got delayed. I wonder if they're having production problems or if Cartoon Network just sucks. Maybe both.

The first episode of season 2 was leaked a while back, and you can find it on youtube if you're not yet up to date. ( (Don't watch that unless you've seen the entire first season, else you'll get spoiled on some good plot twists (yes scooby doo has plot twists beyond the unmaskings))

EDIT: The more I look into it, the more likely it seems! Guess I'll be trying to find a good youtube upload this saturday.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Leafsnail on June 05, 2012, 01:22:38 pm
Wait, huh?  Isn't it produced by an American company for an American network?  Why would it be out here first?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: DarkWolfXV on June 05, 2012, 01:42:14 pm
Old Scooby Doo makes my brain bleed, its so stupid to me, very repetive, predictable, animations like they were made for 5 bucks (i know there were other standards long ago, but seriously, why the fuck do they air 80's(or something) show on Cartoon Network?), plus name Scooby Doo makes my eyes bleed, the dog is plain idiot, so is Shaggy, and that isnt totally funny for me because i deal with such retards daily in REAL LIFE. The main heroes come to fascinating conclusions at end of every episode, that ghosts actually DONT exist, yet still shit pants when see one even after dealing with such cases daily, do they have amnesia or what?  Some times when scooby or shaggy is accidentaly dressed as ghost, they decide to beat him up, why dont they do it when its ACTUALLY the guy who they are looking for? Seriously, Scooby Doo gives me heavy cerebral hemorrhage and when i see it i head to nearest toilet. The only worse thing than it is Metallica album "Lulu". And this is end of my rant.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Leafsnail on June 05, 2012, 01:50:46 pm
It is a light-hearted children's cartoon for children!  It is not meant to be taken seriously and critically analysed by an adult!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: DarkWolfXV on June 05, 2012, 01:51:40 pm
Im not adult either.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: RedKing on June 05, 2012, 01:58:39 pm
Somebody needs a couple of Scooby Snacks.

The first trick to enjoying Scooby Doo is to realize that Scooby and Shaggy are almost perpetually baked. Hence the paranoia, the constant obsession with finding some food, the giggling, the gullability of thinking they a g-g-g-g-GHOST, and so forth.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Pnx on June 05, 2012, 02:11:33 pm
Somebody needs a couple of Scooby Snacks.

The first trick to enjoying Scooby Doo is to realize that Scooby and Shaggy are almost perpetually baked. Hence the paranoia, the constant obsession with finding some food, the giggling, the gullability of thinking they a g-g-g-g-GHOST, and so forth.
I always assumed the snacks were like "special" brownies of some form or another. Also, I don't think that originally anyone but Shaggy could understand Scooby when he spoke.

The Venture Brothers did a great parody of Scooby Doo. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: MrWiggles on June 05, 2012, 02:44:31 pm
Old Scooby Doo makes my brain bleed, its so stupid to me, very repetive, predictable, animations like they were made for 5 bucks (i know there were other standards long ago, but seriously, why the fuck do they air 80's(or something) show on Cartoon Network?), plus name Scooby Doo makes my eyes bleed, the dog is plain idiot, so is Shaggy, and that isnt totally funny for me because i deal with such retards daily in REAL LIFE. The main heroes come to fascinating conclusions at end of every episode, that ghosts actually DONT exist, yet still shit pants when see one even after dealing with such cases daily, do they have amnesia or what?  Some times when scooby or shaggy is accidentaly dressed as ghost, they decide to beat him up, why dont they do it when its ACTUALLY the guy who they are looking for? Seriously, Scooby Doo gives me heavy cerebral hemorrhage and when i see it i head to nearest toilet. The only worse thing than it is Metallica album "Lulu". And this is end of my rant.

Old Scooby is fantastic, and superior to the current one. The old Scob show was about critical thinking, investigation and using evidence to come to a conclusion. It was never a supernatural bullshit thing, there was always human agency.
Just like in real life.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: RedKing on June 05, 2012, 02:54:53 pm
Somebody needs a couple of Scooby Snacks.

The first trick to enjoying Scooby Doo is to realize that Scooby and Shaggy are almost perpetually baked. Hence the paranoia, the constant obsession with finding some food, the giggling, the gullability of thinking they a g-g-g-g-GHOST, and so forth.
I always assumed the snacks were like "special" brownies of some form or another. Also, I don't think that originally anyone but Shaggy could understand Scooby when he spoke.

The Venture Brothers did a great parody of Scooby Doo. (
One of the first episodes of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law I ever saw involved him defending Shaggy and Scooby on possession charges (  :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 03:05:00 pm
Wait, huh?  Isn't it produced by an American company for an American network?  Why would it be out here first?
Beats me! Digging further I am starting to come across inconsistent information; everywhere except the dedicated scooby doo wiki claims episode 27 aired june 2nd. The scooby doo wiki claims 4 episodes have aired. However, I can't find any videos of them.

Episode 28 info (

@everyone else

1) The old cartoon has its merits, but yeah it's extremely campy. I liked it as a kid since it hit the threshold of "scariness" that I could handle (I was very, very easily scared by movies and TV as a kid. X-Files was too much for me). It's still pretty entertaining if you imagine Shaggy to be constantly baked. IMO its strength is turning "horror" tropes into comedic ones and simplifying it for kids, though of course it was made in a time where adding stuff older people might like wasn't common.
2) Mystery Incorporated has 0 supernatural elements except talking animals. Oh, and the costumes give acrobatic and super strength through the power of plot. It's more "realistic" than say, Batman, and doesn't have any of the silliness from the movies (so no real monsters, unless you count the monstrous human beings).
3) I liked Robot Chicken's parody :P "Man, I am one messed up dog food eating hippie."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: ToonyMan on June 05, 2012, 03:11:55 pm
Old Scooby Doo makes my brain bleed, its so stupid to me, very repetive, predictable, animations like they were made for 5 bucks (i know there were other standards long ago, but seriously, why the fuck do they air 80's(or something) show on Cartoon Network?), plus name Scooby Doo makes my eyes bleed, the dog is plain idiot, so is Shaggy, and that isnt totally funny for me because i deal with such retards daily in REAL LIFE. The main heroes come to fascinating conclusions at end of every episode, that ghosts actually DONT exist, yet still shit pants when see one even after dealing with such cases daily, do they have amnesia or what?  Some times when scooby or shaggy is accidentaly dressed as ghost, they decide to beat him up, why dont they do it when its ACTUALLY the guy who they are looking for? Seriously, Scooby Doo gives me heavy cerebral hemorrhage and when i see it i head to nearest toilet. The only worse thing than it is Metallica album "Lulu". And this is end of my rant.
Old Scooby is fantastic, and superior to the current one. The old Scob show was about critical thinking, investigation and using evidence to come to a conclusion. It was never a supernatural bullshit thing, there was always human agency.
Just like in real life.
Bullshit!  Mystery Incorporated has better writing than the older series and I have seen almost all the older stuff which I own on VHS.

And if I remember the first movie (does that count as old enough?) there were REAL ZOMBIES.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 03:15:11 pm
I remember how people would complain that Mystery INC would run away from ghosts instead of confronting them and I sort of agreed until exactly one episode.

The Ghost was a really buff man with a white sheet over his head... the worst ghost in the entire run of the show... but at the same time I would NEVER EVER not run away from him if he was chasing me.

It sort of made me realise that one of the reasons they run anyway is because... lets face it... they could kill you.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 03:20:07 pm
They do fight back in the new series, just not hand-to-hand. Ex: Same video I linked in the OP. (

Also the villains do try to kill them now. Earnestly. With knives and stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: MrWiggles on June 05, 2012, 03:22:17 pm
Old Scooby Doo makes my brain bleed, its so stupid to me, very repetive, predictable, animations like they were made for 5 bucks (i know there were other standards long ago, but seriously, why the fuck do they air 80's(or something) show on Cartoon Network?), plus name Scooby Doo makes my eyes bleed, the dog is plain idiot, so is Shaggy, and that isnt totally funny for me because i deal with such retards daily in REAL LIFE. The main heroes come to fascinating conclusions at end of every episode, that ghosts actually DONT exist, yet still shit pants when see one even after dealing with such cases daily, do they have amnesia or what?  Some times when scooby or shaggy is accidentaly dressed as ghost, they decide to beat him up, why dont they do it when its ACTUALLY the guy who they are looking for? Seriously, Scooby Doo gives me heavy cerebral hemorrhage and when i see it i head to nearest toilet. The only worse thing than it is Metallica album "Lulu". And this is end of my rant.
Old Scooby is fantastic, and superior to the current one. The old Scob show was about critical thinking, investigation and using evidence to come to a conclusion. It was never a supernatural bullshit thing, there was always human agency.
Just like in real life.
Bullshit!  Mystery Incorporated has better writing than the older series and I have seen almost all the older stuff which I own on VHS.

And if I remember the first movie (does that count as old enough?) there were REAL ZOMBIES.
Old Scooby never had any movies, to my knowledge. Whats the release date for the movie?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: ToonyMan on June 05, 2012, 03:25:25 pm
Jesus christ there are so many movies.  I was wrong the 'first movie' I was thinking about was 1998 but there are movies going back to the 80s.  Not surprising really.  The series kept switching between people and getting 'new' stuff.

Either way the culprits in Mystery INC are still human and their abilities are still explained even if it's sometimes far-fetched but come on the point here is anti-fantasy right?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Sergius on June 05, 2012, 03:25:46 pm
I actually did see the show a handful of times, back when it was actually on-air.  I remember virtually nothing about it.  Hey, you remember those other MTV shows?  Like that one with the guy with the giant head and something about aliens?  I don't know what that was.

The first time I saw Aeon Flux, it was something like 4:30AM and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. It was definitely a trip.

And yeah, I remember "The Head", from "MTV's Oddities". I think that's what they were called, anyway. The guy had a little purple alien dude living in his skull.

It's amazing to think that there was once a time when MTV was actually responsible for pushing the creative envelope rather than holding it back or shoving it through the shredder.

The Maxx was an impressive show, and made me immediately seek out the comic book and read it from start to finish. It was even better.

From the most current shows, I don't know. I think Adventure Time and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack are awesome.

From discontinued shows, Gargoyles (pre-Chronicles) was nearly as good as it got. I don't remember a single show ever that was better than that one (the original Batman TAS came close). And I've watched a lot of shows. If you haven't seen it, GET IT NOW.

A question aside, was Batman TAS officially part of the DCAU universe? it felt really out of place with the art style of Superman and the JL, and REALLY different from The New Batman Adventures, which actually felt a better fit with the other shows. To me both shows always stood apart.

A bit of an oldie, ReBoot was really good. Probably one of the first fully CG TV shows.

Ahh... the D&D cartoon... a great example of awesome potential ruined by the moral guardians. Remember, The Complainer Is Always Wrong ( (not a link to TVTropes, btw).

If you liked Superfriends, you'll LOVE this:
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: CJ1145 on June 05, 2012, 03:26:38 pm

I'd just like to forward this as the best part of my, or anyone else's childhood.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 05, 2012, 03:29:03 pm
A question aside, was Batman TAS officially part of the DCAU universe? it felt really out of place with the art style of Superman and the JL, and REALLY different from The New Batman Adventures, which actually felt a better fit with the other shows. To me both shows always stood apart.
Officially they're all in the same continuity. Except a few tiny things (like Penguin's hands), there's no inconsistencies, so the difference is largely in art style.

And New Batman Adventures sucked. Except when it didn't. Mad Love was great. Anything with Firefly or whatever that stupid pyromaniac villain's name was was terrible.

@pup named scooby doo

I've heard that one was decent, but never saw it myself.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: DarkWolfXV on June 05, 2012, 03:52:31 pm
In old scooby i hated that they ran away from unarmed guy, and i hated that shaggy and scooby were scared of everything and they were like 24/7 high. You know, they could beat the shit, 4 people and a dog could eaisly take down unarmed guy. At least in Mystery Inc sometimes they do have reason to run away, like knives.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 03:57:53 pm
In old scooby i hated that they ran away from unarmed guy, and i hated that shaggy and scooby were scared of everything and they were like 24/7 high. You know, they could beat the shit, 4 people and a dog could eaisly take down unarmed guy. At least in Mystery Inc sometimes they do have reason to run away, like knives.

Its a Psychopath... I'd think the normal reaction is to be scared and run away.

Also Scooby has yet to really show that he has any of the real dog traits that would be helpful. Even when he has bitten someone it had just been a bit painful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Leafsnail on June 05, 2012, 06:36:52 pm
Old Scooby never had any movies, to my knowledge. Whats the release date for the movie?
The Hex Girls movie had real magic.  I'm not sure how old or new it is but it's old enough that I remember watching it back when I had cartoon network.  So... who knows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 06:41:10 pm
Old Scooby never had any movies, to my knowledge. Whats the release date for the movie?
The Hex Girls movie had real magic.  I'm not sure how old or new it is but it's old enough that I remember watching it back when I had cartoon network.  So... who knows.

The rule of thumb is that the show it is always fake monsters (excluding 13 ghosts) but the movies are generally real or include a real monster.

There was only one scooby doo movie that actually had no monster, creature, or ghost.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Sergius on June 05, 2012, 07:37:48 pm
I remember reading somewhere that Scooby Doo shows exist in completely separate continuities (so, old shows, new shows, and TV movies aren't sequels, prequels of each other). Not sure where this fits, but I think I once saw either a movie or an episode where there was some sort of weird dimension loop thingy where two Scooby Gangs from different cartoons met each other (complete with "modern" Fred making fun of "vintage" Fred's scarf).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 07:58:31 pm
I remember reading somewhere that Scooby Doo shows exist in completely separate continuities (so, old shows, new shows, and TV movies aren't sequels, prequels of each other). Not sure where this fits, but I think I once saw either a movie or an episode where there was some sort of weird dimension loop thingy where two Scooby Gangs from different cartoons met each other (complete with "modern" Fred making fun of "vintage" Fred's scarf).

No what you are thinking of is the Scooby Doo movie where they are sent into the digital world where there are "Classical" versions of the characters.

However they arn't the original gang, they are a version created by rumors of the characters involved. Hense why Digital Scooby Doo is very brave.

The Live Action Scooby Doo movie was an actual movie in Whats New Scooby Doo and oddly enough is almost canonical.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Sergius on June 05, 2012, 08:01:35 pm
Well, OK, but the continuity part is a separate argument from that glimpse of an episode/show I saw. Can't really argue more about that scene since I probably only say a fraction of a minute when I was zapping around.

Did the "real" characters turn into cartoons also? 'cause in the scene I saw both were cartoons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 08:07:16 pm
Well, OK, but the continuity part is a separate argument from that glimpse of an episode/show I saw. Can't really argue more about that scene since I probably only say a fraction of a minute when I was zapping around.

Did the "real" characters turn into cartoons also? 'cause in the scene I saw both were cartoons.

No I was talking about a cartoon movie.

The Live Action movie was Canonical to the "Whats new Scooby Doo" show sorta. It was a actual movie in the "Whats new Scooby Doo movie" that depicted some of the true events (Daphne learning martial arts is canonical. Velma getting a boyfriend is not)

The Cartoon movie where the crew gets thrown in the digital world is canonical to the original "Scooby Doo where are you?" show and takes place long after the series.

Though even though the Cartoons (most of them) and movies take place in different continuities I should state that it is only half-true. They often imply that the same mysteries happened in all of them. (For example even in Mystery Incorperated they delt with the same fake ghosts)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Flying Dice on June 05, 2012, 08:22:52 pm

I'd just like to forward this as the best part of my, or anyone else's childhood.

Darn you, Red Herring!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: G-Flex on June 05, 2012, 08:43:04 pm
Also since movies are on the docket, Light Years ( This movie really messed with my head as a kid. It defines for me the look of 80s western animation (even though it's French), and how, I dunno, realistic they felt in comparison to much of what's come after. In terms of that weird place you get watching animation intended for adults, anime doesn't even come close to the sensation I get watching 80s cartoons like Light Years.

I believe this is the same guy who did Fantastic Planet (aka La Planete Sauvage), which is trippy as hell and worth a watch (Eureka's Masters of Cinema line has it out on DVD and blu-ray now).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Pnx on June 05, 2012, 10:22:39 pm
Oh that reminds me, everyone who hasn't should watch The Thief and the Cobbler ( It's a Disney-esque animated film with really great animation and art, but had a very, very, troubled production. The version that went to theatres had a lot of unfinished scenes cut from it, the youtube version I linked to has partially finished scenes and mockups and such put in.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 05, 2012, 10:36:57 pm
Oh that reminds me, everyone who hasn't should watch The Thief and the Cobbler ( It's a Disney-esque animated film with really great animation and art, but had a very, very, troubled production. The version that went to theatres had a lot of unfinished scenes cut from it, the youtube version I linked to has partially finished scenes and mockups and such put in.

Are we getting into movies now?

Watch Land Before Time
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: nenjin on June 05, 2012, 10:47:15 pm
Old Scooby never had any movies, to my knowledge. Whats the release date for the movie?

Not true!

From 1986 to 1988, Hanna-Barbera Productions produced Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10, a series of syndicated telefilms featuring their most popular characters, including Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, The Flintstones, and The Jetsons. Scooby-Doo, Scrappy-Doo, and Shaggy starred in three of these movies: Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers (1987), Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988), and Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf (1989), . These three films took their tone from the early-1980s Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo entries, and featured the characters encountering actual monsters and ghosts rather than masqueraded people. Scooby-Doo and Shaggy later appeared as the narrators of the made-for-TV movie Arabian Nights, originally broadcast by TBS in 1994, Don Messick's final outing as the original voice of Scooby-Doo.

I think I only watched Scooby Doo meets the Boo Brothers. I think it was basically Shaggy and Scooby go Down South and encounter some mildly racist stereotypes, or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Mech#4 on June 06, 2012, 12:06:08 am
While I never saw the show when I was younger, I was watching a few episodes of "Might Max" about a month ago. Despite it being a show mostly to tie in with a toy line I did find the cartoon to be quite well made. The plots were interesting and there was a nice amount of mythology worked into them. Also Norman kicks righteous ass.

One cartoon I did enjoy watching was "Duckula". My childhood was saturated with ducks, so many ducks!
"Ooo, me ducky-poo!" "No nanny! Open the door. OPEN THE" -Crash- :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: RedKing on June 06, 2012, 07:21:53 am
Alright, if we're doing somewhat obscure animated movies:


Rock & Rule (a somewhat more kid-friendly Heavy Metal, with a great soundtrack and Iggy Pop as the main villain)

Animalympics (pretty much what it says on the's the Olympics, done with animals. Sounds gimmicky but it's quite inventive.) -- also interesting in that one of the animators, Brad Bird, went on to write and direct Iron Giant, The Incredibles and Ratatouille.

The Plague Dogs (good film, however it's like the kid's version of The Road, done with talking dogs. BLEAK AS HELL.)

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 06, 2012, 07:25:20 am
Rock and Rule reminds me -

Anyone else here watch Metalocolypse?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 06, 2012, 08:07:12 am
Light Years (
This reminds me of some older animated films:

Heavy Metal ( - basically an anthology of short SF stories with another framing tale tacked on. Each of the six "episodes" is almost completely different in tone and animation style. This being a sort of tribute/adaptation of once popular comic book magazine of the same name, it stays true to the themes the magazine was famous for. That is, lots of eroticism, gore and irreverent humour, all catering to the adolescent-like fantasies of adult males.
The soundtrack, as its title suggests, is chosen from well-known 80s metal bands' music, which makes for a fun ride.
Worth seeing for every fan of old-school SF and SF in general, if only to get a better notion of where do later SF films come from. E.g.the taxi driver in Luc Besson's "Fifth Element" as played by Bruce Willis is practically a carbon copy of Harry Canyon, the hero of one of HM's stories.
It had a sequel released in 2000-ish, but I don't know much about it, apart from the fact that it failed to achieve its predecessor's cult status.

Fire and Ice ( - now I don't really remember this one, apart from flashes of certain scenes etched in my memories of early childhood. My parents must have watched it on VHS(how else?) when I was little. Anyway, Frank Frazetta was involved in this one, meaning it's high fantasy in the vein of the Conan the Barbarian, with bulging muscles and buxom women(even more so than it was in Heavy Metal). Like the previous one, it's aimed at adults definitely.

Wizards ( - I've just stumbled upon this one. Can't wait to see it. I mean, Nazi wizards.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: RedKing on June 06, 2012, 08:23:52 am
Ralph Bakshi is one of those guys (like John Kricfalusi, one of his proteges) who has a crapton of talent....and no discipline in its use. And an ego that frequently gets in the way.

Heavy Metal is visually interesting but it gets boring pretty quick.

@GlyphGryph: Hells to the yes. I was a big fan of Home Movies (Brendon Small's earlier series on Cartoon Network), so I was all over Metalocalypse. Took me a couple of episodes to fully warm up to it, but I'm a bona fide fan.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: GlyphGryph on June 06, 2012, 08:24:44 am
I could never get into Home Movies. It wasn't bad, just didn't resonate with me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 06, 2012, 08:37:13 am
I could never get into Home Movies. It wasn't bad, just didn't resonate with me.

It depends also on what episode you get in on. There were some pretty terrible episodes, but there were others that were almost genius.

Try watching the episode "Its time to pay the price" (probably not its name... but I liked it)

Or the episode where the kid has to make a history report.

The secret of Home Movies is that the movies always dirrectly reflect what is happening in the plot. (often in hillarious ways)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: RedKing on June 06, 2012, 08:45:01 am
I could never get into Home Movies. It wasn't bad, just didn't resonate with me.
It's got a very...acquired sense of humor. Extremely dry. I was also a fan of Dr. Katz, which had much of the same kind of very dry, dialogue-based humor. Both shows had Tom Snyder involved with them, and if you ever watched the Late, Late Show when he was still hosting it...Snyder is an incredibly funny man but much of his humor is the kind of stuff that elicits droll chuckles rather than fits of laughter. He also didn't have a buttmonkey like Paul Shaffer to act as a cue for when people were supposed to laugh.

It's also where H. Jon Benjamin ( really got his break as a voice actor, and he's got the driest comedic voice I can think of.

Oh, and the episode where they made a public service announcement ( to remind kids not to stick marbles in their nose was priceless (and an early look at Brendon Small's love of metal).

I think for me personally, it resonated because when I was in high school I spent about half my day in the film/TV department working on short films and such, so I totally understood the whole "have big idea, don't have the resources, will make something half-assed instead" vibe.  :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 06, 2012, 09:02:42 am
Idly browsing TvTropes sometimes brings up interesting stuff.

Who knew the 1940s superman cartoons were actually kinda good? ( Ridiculously cliche and silly by today's standards, but pretty awesome for its time. Especially with the animation quality; I see where the 90s Batman and Superman cartoons got a lot of their influence.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Jervill on June 06, 2012, 09:07:55 am
Speaking of old cartoons, the old pre-1933 Max Fleischer ones are certainly interesting. (Betty Boop, Popeye)  I'm pretty sure they were made on drugs.

Such as this one:

Bimbo's Initiation (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: nenjin on June 06, 2012, 09:26:45 am
Lensman, Robot Carnival.....I have Sci-Fi's anime festivals to blame for really getting me into them.

Ralph Bakshi is probably responsible for several parents losing their shit when they find out the cartoon their kids rented wasn't ever intended for adults. I like Bakshi for his craft, but he was always way too concerned with sexualizing things. Still, he's like one of the godfathers of animation on both sides of the pond.

I never liked Heavy Metal other than for the supernatural elements. The Orb was a cool story piece. But everything else was mostly a showcase for T&A.

That's the other thing that defines 80s western and non-western animation for me, how it was still trying to figure how and where to separate itself from softcore hentai. Shows today may often seem infantile....but many 80s western cartoons and eastern animes had all the tact and restraint of a 15-year-old boy. But hey, without that era, how would we have ever gotten gems like Fist of the North Star, ect...

I'm both kind of saddened and relieved that local anime cons aren't so frequent anymore. Being a teenager hanging out with 40 year olds watching cartoons 40 year olds find entertaining educational experience.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 06, 2012, 09:27:44 am
I guess I'll put this out there next

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Sergius on June 06, 2012, 11:06:20 pm


Isn't that... anime? I'm pretty sure there isn't a Western animated version of Lensman. Robot Carnival would probably be disqualified from this thread, I think?

Light Years (
This reminds me of some older animated films:

Heavy Metal ( - basically an anthology of short SF stories with another framing tale tacked on. Each of the six "episodes" is almost completely different in tone and animation style. This being a sort of tribute/adaptation of once popular comic book magazine of the same name, it stays true to the themes the magazine was famous for. That is, lots of eroticism, gore and irreverent humour, all catering to the adolescent-like fantasies of adult males.
The soundtrack, as its title suggests, is chosen from well-known 80s metal bands' music, which makes for a fun ride.
Worth seeing for every fan of old-school SF and SF in general, if only to get a better notion of where do later SF films come from. E.g.the taxi driver in Luc Besson's "Fifth Element" as played by Bruce Willis is practically a carbon copy of Harry Canyon, the hero of one of HM's stories.
It had a sequel released in 2000-ish, but I don't know much about it, apart from the fact that it failed to achieve its predecessor's cult status.

Fire and Ice ( - now I don't really remember this one, apart from flashes of certain scenes etched in my memories of early childhood. My parents must have watched it on VHS(how else?) when I was little. Anyway, Frank Frazetta was involved in this one, meaning it's high fantasy in the vein of the Conan the Barbarian, with bulging muscles and buxom women(even more so than it was in Heavy Metal). Like the previous one, it's aimed at adults definitely.

Wizards ( - I've just stumbled upon this one. Can't wait to see it. I mean, Nazi wizards.

Ok, Fire and Ice looks just awesome, and now I must watch it. Rotoscoped boobs FTW.

Anyone remembers... Pirates of Darkwater (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Frumple on June 06, 2012, 11:12:54 pm
It's been mentioned. Also melons of a particular name I've forgotten. Want to say it sounded something like manga, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Sergius on June 06, 2012, 11:45:33 pm
I know a lot of people didn't like Titan A.E. I actually enjoyed it.

For some reason YouTube recommended this video ( while searching for Blackwater. Which reminded me of The Last Unicorn ( (probably mentioned too, I guess :P)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 07, 2012, 12:50:57 am
I know a lot of people didn't like Titan A.E. I actually enjoyed it.

For some reason YouTube recommended this video ( while searching for Blackwater. Which reminded me of The Last Unicorn ( (probably mentioned too, I guess :P)

I don't think it is that people outright disliked Titan A.E. I think it was more that... it was an Ok movie that should have been great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: G-Flex on June 07, 2012, 02:14:09 am
I guess I'll put this out there next


A protagonist and a villain played by Jason Alexander and Tim Curry respectively: Imagine the logical consequences of that, and you understand Duckman.

Some of the humor feels a bit dated now, but it was a fun show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Heliman on June 07, 2012, 02:53:30 am
A protagonist and a villain played by Jason Alexander and Tim Curry respectively: Imagine the logical consequences of that, and you understand Duckman.
that doesn't-


Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 07, 2012, 05:57:16 am
Well, I'm done with the DCAU finally. Superman the Animated Series is now completed. Not bad, not bad at all.

Ended on a high note, though apparently a random rock is stronger than Superman. ( Leave it to Darkseid to use only the best cobblestones for his palace!

EDIT: Got a reply from Toady concerning MLP. Not what I'd hoped, but workable considering the thread's intended purpose. Read the updated rules in the OP concerning what is and isn't allowed, and if someone breaks those rules and goes off on a pony derail, please just point them to the other forum rather than ridiculing them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 07, 2012, 04:00:00 pm
So it's taken me this thread's entire lifetime to remember that Adventure Time belongs here.

Gunter is a perfect creature. I feel like anyone could have predicted I would think this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 07, 2012, 04:29:03 pm
I've found something about some show.

Sometimes a show seems better when watched on your computer over the TV. I mean for some reason when I watched Mystery Incorperated with headphones on my computer I was engaged and genuinly interesting in what happened next.

Then when I watched it on TV I was soo bored.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 07, 2012, 04:56:18 pm
Maybe you hit a boring episode. The "romance" centric ones kinda suck.

Or maybe your monitor's just better at displaying colors or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Frumple on June 07, 2012, 05:06:38 pm
Might have been the lack of commercials breaking the show into pieces. Maybe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 07, 2012, 05:11:24 pm
Might have been the lack of commercials breaking the show into pieces. Maybe.

It really could be. The lack of interupting commercials is something I am starting to seriously become spoiled to.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Furtuka on June 07, 2012, 09:35:14 pm
Decided to catch up on Young Justice. I left off about halfway through the first season and stopped when I missed an episode and was to lazy to go watch it online.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 09, 2012, 08:16:01 am
Quality sucks but here ya go. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Remalle on June 09, 2012, 12:04:19 pm
Woo, Legend of Korra is on TV!  Good thing I decided to wake up early today.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 09, 2012, 02:24:20 pm
I'll watch that once they finish with the first season. Shows with story arcs are much better when watched all at once, imo.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 09, 2012, 03:15:34 pm
Decided to catch up on Young Justice. I left off about halfway through the first season and stopped when I missed an episode and was to lazy to go watch it online.

It has to get better later or something because right now it is boring.

Though the first thing I noticed that made me worried is that they changed the gender of one of the super heros probably because they were too sexual or something (Or, maybe something good... like that hero at that time in the comics was male).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Furtuka on June 09, 2012, 03:16:59 pm
??? Who are you talking about?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 13, 2012, 07:34:04 am
So. I'm trying out Gargoyles. I've been told I should skip the third season, since the creator left at that point and it went downhill.

Anyone here seen it and have an opinion on that?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Sergius on June 13, 2012, 09:07:45 am
So. I'm trying out Gargoyles. I've been told I should skip the third season, since the creator left at that point and it went downhill.

Anyone here seen it and have an opinion on that?

Season 3 really went downhill. Haven't watched ALL of them, but they are seriously lacking quality. The animation looks like something from the 80s, the themes are rather childish. I think one episode focused entirely on the gargoyle dog getting lost having silly Lassie-style adventures.

There might be one or two gems hidden in all that crap but I wouldn't count on it. The series is best followed by the comic books sequel.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 13, 2012, 10:42:23 am
??? Who are you talking about?

I was trying to avoid saying the name because I would spell it incorrectly... but here it goes

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Levi on June 13, 2012, 10:56:36 am
Zatanna is in their and she is female.  You probably saw an episode with her father, Zattara or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 13, 2012, 11:07:45 am
Zatanna is in their and she is female.  You probably saw an episode with her father, Zattara or something.

Well male Zatanna is in the first episode and I havn't seen female Zatanna juuuust yet.

But then again I am behind in the episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Furtuka on June 13, 2012, 01:36:20 pm
Zatanna is in their and she is female.  You probably saw an episode with her father, Zattara or something.

Well male Zatanna is in the first episode and I havn't seen female Zatanna juuuust yet.

But then again I am behind in the episodes.

Er, yeah that's her father Zatarra.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Telgin on June 13, 2012, 07:46:52 pm
So. I'm trying out Gargoyles. I've been told I should skip the third season, since the creator left at that point and it went downhill.

Anyone here seen it and have an opinion on that?

I can't comment on season 3 in particular, but as a whole I enjoyed Gargoyles immensely.  I'd highly recommend it.

Of course, as things typically go, I'd watch season 3 anyway, just so I knew what happened and could appreciate how much better the earlier seasons were, if so.  I'm kind of reminded of season 4 of Reboot, which was all kinds of strange compared to 1-3.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 16, 2012, 12:35:52 am
You know I realised two things about Captain Planet

1) The villains would be a lot more effective if they stuck to legal ways of destroying the planet
2) The heros would be a lot more effective if they shared their high-efficiency ecofriendly technology with the world. They never EVER explain why they don't just teach the world how to make Ecofliers or Ecosubs inspite of the fact that they would solve the entire reason why we don't use ecofriendly energy.

Dear goodness the sheer amount of episodes that are sustained on stupid amazes me. I just heard "Note to self: call the police" in captain planet... in which my response was "You didn't call the police!?!"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 16, 2012, 12:38:26 am
Are you saying their building refrigerators just to break them open and leak out chemicals destroy the ozone is unrealistic?

Come now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 16, 2012, 12:40:17 am
Are you saying their building refrigerators just to break them open and leak out chemicals destroy the ozone is unrealistic?

Come now.

What about the polution monster made of smog?

Also unrealistic parts is fine. I don't mean sustained on stupid as in "This is stupid" I mean as in the characters are acting stupid.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 16, 2012, 12:44:56 am
Well yeah if you want to look at the series in a serious manner, the villains doing utterly stupid things is a weakness of the premise. They do it solely to try to send a green message to viewers and the writers did nothing to cover up that fact.

But this sort of thing tends to be one of those nitpicks most people look over; even in a (slightly) more "serious" setting like Superman, Lex Luthor would make a hell of a lot more money if he stuck to legal methods. Maybe the villains are actually truly nuts, or maybe they're just bad because they want to be bad. Or maybe it's just bad writing.

Makes me wonder if a captain planet revival that took a deconstructive view at the universe would fly. It'd be interesting, to say the least.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 16, 2012, 12:55:57 am
Lex now adays does actually run a perfectly legitimate buisness. He just does a lot of illegal stuff on the side.

Maybe the villains are actually truly nuts, or maybe they're just bad because they want to be bad.

Hmmm of the Captain Planet villains:
-Dr. Blight: Possibly insane. She has a backstory that is never actually touched upon but it hints that she may have once been a good person. She started off as a pretty big threat (one of the only villains who could legitimately give Captain Planet trouble)
-Hoggish Greedly: Wants to be bad and is pathologically greedy (so insane too)
-Scuum: Insane, possibly from his mutations. He started off legitimately threatening.
-Lutin and Plunder: Just Greedy.
-The Garbage man (forgot name): Greedy. He likes to slash costs by pouring garbage everywhere.
-Duke Nukem: Power hungry. He is legitimately empowered by radiation, he just doesn't care who he hurts doing so.
--These arn't all the villains

Of the most effective villains... they are Dr. Blight, Scuum, and Lutin.

Makes me wonder if a captain planet revival that took a deconstructive view at the universe would fly

I don't know... Captain Planet is already so absolutely absurdly awsome as it is.

Though to admit... I could easily see Captain Planet being legitimately good. I mean five teens who are given elemental rings fighting super villains with the ability to summon up an even greater hero? Plus with greek gods thrown in (Captain Planet is technically a greek god, same with Captain polution)


Ok here is a scene

Wheeler is lying on the grass drenched head to toe in his swimming trunks. Ma-Ti standing over him. Gaia calls and goes "I don't want to know"

What do you think?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 16, 2012, 01:06:07 am
Wheeler is lying on the grass drenched head to toe in his swimming trunks. Ma-Ti standing over him. Gaia calls and goes "I don't want to know"

What do you think?
Some slash fanfiction?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 16, 2012, 01:06:55 am
Wheeler is lying on the grass drenched head to toe in his swimming trunks. Ma-Ti standing over him. Gaia calls and goes "I don't want to know"

What do you think?
Some slash fanfiction?

Oddly enough... this happened in an episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: kaijyuu on June 16, 2012, 01:07:45 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 16, 2012, 01:12:34 am
Okay, finally finished the last bit of Eva Rebuild 1. This just keeps getting better as it goes on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Remalle on June 16, 2012, 02:05:41 am
So this thread has inspired me to pick up DVDs of the first seasons of Samurai Jack and Futurama from the library.  Looking forward to EPIC
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Neonivek on June 16, 2012, 02:22:57 am
So this thread has inspired me to pick up DVDs of the first seasons of Samurai Jack and Futurama from the library.  Looking forward to EPIC

personally I wonder why it never crossed Jack's mind to just destroy Aku in the future and not erase everyone.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: IronyOwl on June 16, 2012, 02:31:16 am
I've heard the reason Captain Planet villains were so utterly anti-environment was because they didn't want to alienate or offend anyone who's harming the planet for a more understandable or realistic reason. Certainly makes sense.

here's how the show ends
Might want to spoiler that, perhaps?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Il Palazzo on June 16, 2012, 07:05:25 am
I don't know... Captain Planet is already so absolutely absurdly awsome as it is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Scooby Dooby Doo!
Post by: Aqizzar on June 16, 2012, 07:30:54 am
here's how the show ends
Might want to spoiler that, perhaps?

He actually has nothing to spoil there.  Don't worry, you'll be mad for a completely different reason.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 17, 2012, 12:04:21 am
General Public Question:

Should I expand the thread to include comic books? A very large number of cartoons are based off them, plus they have a lot of similarities anyway. Not sure how many people here are actually into them, though. (I myself have only read Watchmen and The Killing Joke)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Neonivek on June 17, 2012, 12:13:42 am
General Public Question:

Should I expand the thread to include comic books? A very large number of cartoons are based off them, plus they have a lot of similarities anyway. Not sure how many people here are actually into them, though. (I myself have only read Watchmen and The Killing Joke)

My rule of thumb is don't care about it.

There arn't enough comic book lovers here to derail this thread and having a comic book based thread would just cause it to drop without discussion.

It was why before this I'd post about Western animation on the Anime thread and why people spoke about Manga, Visual novels, and even videogames on there (admittingly very visual novel-esk videogames but still an ordinary videogame)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: ToonyMan on June 17, 2012, 12:18:44 am
It was why before this I'd post about Western animation on the Anime thread and why people spoke about Manga, Visual novels, and even videogames on there (admittingly very visual novel-esk videogames but still an ordinary videogame)

Yeah comic books sound perfectly fine.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Remalle on June 17, 2012, 12:48:37 am
So I'm currently reading The Sandman (literally.  It's in my lap.  I'm reading it as I type these words).  Don't spoil it for me please.
I found a simply amazing moment in the second collection, where a character starts dreaming and the art turns so you're reading it sideways for a few pages, and then the voice that wakes her up is right-side-up again.  Very cool and effective way of inducing a sense of surrealism and dream.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 17, 2012, 01:01:15 am
Meh, added a line that comic books are allowed and encouraged here as well. Newspaper comics too, since there's a surprising number of cartoons based on those (garfield, peanuts, dilbert...) At this point the only western drawn media I'm excluding would probably be webcomics, heh.

Can worry about lack of focus problems if they arise. Doubt that'll be an issue~

EDIT: Oh, I did find a Batman: The Dark Knight Returns collection recently and thumbed through it. The art was nice but the whole thing reeked of cheese; The batmobile is a goddamn tank, Batman hops out of it to fight a mutant dude mano-mano in the mud... This is a highly respected series? Maybe it's just weird and silly when taken out of context; I didn't read it properly, after all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: MrWiggles on June 17, 2012, 06:03:08 am
Man, damn. That last episode of Korra was powerful. I got tense, and worried, and then teary.

And then it took a shit down my throat with Zuku exact voice on a different body. Super fucking jarring. (However, I'm pretty sure that, that person looks exactly what Zuku would look without the scar.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Scelly9 on June 17, 2012, 10:47:54 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on June 17, 2012, 01:28:08 pm
Oh, I did find a Batman: The Dark Knight Returns collection recently and thumbed through it. The art was nice but the whole thing reeked of cheese; The batmobile is a goddamn tank, Batman hops out of it to fight a mutant dude mano-mano in the mud... This is a highly respected series? Maybe it's just weird and silly when taken out of context; I didn't read it properly, after all.
Frank Miller right?
His stuff tends to be fairly uh... let's go with questionable. He seems to alternate whether his stuff is taken seriously or as a parody.
But that was one of his better ones, so yeah, it makes a bit more sense in context not too much more though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 17, 2012, 11:54:27 pm
Yeppers, Frank Miller. When I'm feeling open minded I might give it a real go through.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Tabbyman on June 18, 2012, 12:01:04 am
Earthworm Jim. I know it's old and not on the air anymore and most people probably don't remember but yeah... It was my favourite.

Absolutely hilarious even as an adult, at least in my opinion, and if you've got kids they'll laugh at it too without necessarily knowing why YOU are laughing at it.

Gotta love that aspect of cartoons. The really good ones sneak in humour only the adults are gonna get so they'll bother watching cartoons with their kids.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Sergius on June 18, 2012, 12:48:56 am
Earthworm Jim. I know it's old and not on the air anymore and most people probably don't remember but yeah... It was my favourite.

Absolutely hilarious even as an adult, at least in my opinion, and if you've got kids they'll laugh at it too without necessarily knowing why YOU are laughing at it.

Gotta love that aspect of cartoons. The really good ones sneak in humour only the adults are gonna get so they'll bother watching cartoons with their kids.

Earthworm Jim was quite good, especially for a toon based on a video game.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 18, 2012, 12:58:59 am
Western animation has a weird relationship with licensing. It seems things you'd never expect to make good cartoons (things based on toys, greeting cards, video games, newspaper comics, etc) turn out good at a surprising rate.

Maybe it's because people don't really care about what happens in the cartoon based on their product so long as it exists in the first place, and as such producers are pretty much given permission to go wild.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Tabbyman on June 18, 2012, 01:09:36 am
Western animation has a weird relationship with licensing. It seems things you'd never expect to make good cartoons (things based on toys, greeting cards, video games, newspaper comics, etc) turn out good at a surprising rate.

Maybe it's because people don't really care about what happens in the cartoon based on their product so long as it exists in the first place, and as such producers are pretty much given permission to go wild.

That's how it was with me and the Mario Bros cartoon. I was just so thrilled to watch a show about my videogame. I used to get up reflexively at something like 4am to watch that show in the morning as a kid.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Mech#4 on June 18, 2012, 02:15:51 am
For a number of IP's, cartoons are really only created to tie into toy lines. It's nice when you get skilled producers who can create a much better cartoon then was originally anticipated.

Like with the Mario Bros cartoon. Accurate in character designs it wasn't really, but I do remember it being entertaining to watch. Other shows like "Captain N: The Game Master"... well... (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 18, 2012, 02:21:59 am
I'd totally watch Thy Dungeonman.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Tabbyman on June 18, 2012, 02:44:56 am
If there were a dwarf fortress cartoon...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 19, 2012, 12:21:10 am
Okay, just finished episode 4 of Avatar. This stuff is pretty good. Just, what, 56 episodes to go?

edit: Oh, 52. The next two seasons aren't as long as the first one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 19, 2012, 12:38:05 am
First half of the first season is the low point of the series, imo. So yeah, if you think it good now :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 19, 2012, 12:51:39 am
It feels really fillery to me and kind of immature, but I kind of expect it to mature a bit as it goes on so I don't really care about that for now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Remalle on June 19, 2012, 12:57:16 am
I think "The Storm" and "The Blue Spirit" are where the series really picks up, and doesn't let go until the end of Book Two.  The rest of the series is awesome... but that season-and-a-half span is probably the best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Josephus on June 19, 2012, 01:12:29 am
This is a highly respected series? Maybe it's just weird and silly when taken out of context; I didn't read it properly, after all.

Along with Watchmen, TDKR is considered one of the seminal works of comic books and (along with Watchmen) considered responsible for starting the Dark Age.

You know, the age of comics starring dudes like this:

Spoiler: WARCHILD HOO-AH (click to show/hide)

Although considering Frank Miller's track record, I sometimes wonder if TDKR is respected mostly because it was the work that finished Batman's Bronze age transition from campy to dark.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 19, 2012, 02:01:40 am
Oh, I know of the Dark Age. Mere mention of it requires me to link this: Rob Liefeld's 40 worst drawings. (

Even people who don't care in the slightest about comic books should follow that link and be amazed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Josephus on June 19, 2012, 02:15:19 am
Rob Liefeld is probably one of my favorite comic book artists today. Have you seen his recent work on Hawk and Dove, or Deathstroke? He literally has not improved since he started drawing comics.

Since this thread is about Cartoons/Western animation, anyone ever remember ExoSquad? I didn't watch it during its original run, but I managed to watch the series in its entirety recently.

It's.. pretty good. Considering it was a show about mecha in a pretty merchandise obsessed era, the series' plots tend to tackle heavy themes, like wartime death and loss, the ethics of bioengineering, etcetera. Certainly interesting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 19, 2012, 04:14:48 am
Done with episode 13 of Avatar. Over half the first season in one night. I need some sleep.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. Batman > You
Post by: Frumple on June 19, 2012, 04:43:50 am
Since this thread is about Cartoons/Western animation, anyone ever remember ExoSquad? I didn't watch it during its original run, but I managed to watch the series in its entirety recently.

It's.. pretty good. Considering it was a show about mecha in a pretty merchandise obsessed era, the series' plots tend to tackle heavy themes, like wartime death and loss, the ethics of bioengineering, etcetera. Certainly interesting.
Anyway, Exosquad? ( Exosquad. I seriously need to actually go and watch through that at some point. Saw a good chunk when I was younger, but remember basically none of it. Still have a toy suit laying around somewhere in mostly one piece.
I remember, heh. One day, I'll watch through it, yesyesyes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 03:41:01 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on June 21, 2012, 05:28:13 am
Watching some Freakazoid...
I sincerely believe this is the best thing Spielburg made, I mean it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Trapezohedron on June 21, 2012, 05:32:57 am
Yeah, especially Candlejack. Most definitely Candleja
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Scelly9 on June 21, 2012, 06:07:26 am
Oh, god is this thing starting agai
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Furtuka on June 21, 2012, 07:01:52 am
Oh, god is this thing starting agai

-_-  You're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Scelly9 on June 21, 2012, 07:05:15 am
Of course I am. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Neonivek on June 21, 2012, 10:00:50 am
I wonder...

If Captain Planet was in Avatar... could you bend him?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Frumple on June 21, 2012, 10:03:16 am
Only if you asked nicely, first ;)

But yeah, the avatar probably could. AangxCaptain Planet slashfic, oh gods, why?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: RedKing on June 21, 2012, 10:32:22 am
Anybody remember Pirates of Darkwater? That was probably one of my first experiences with network execs killing something and me left going, "But...but...WHYYYY???"  :'(

You had a genuinely bizarre world, strong mystic female character without her necessarily being an Action Babe, rough-and-tumble good guys with questionable loyalties, a talking buttmonkey greedy sidekick who was actually useful as opposed to being a Snarf, ships made out of living creatures called Leviathans, and...

...holy crap. It was like proto-Farscape.  :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Telgin on June 21, 2012, 04:56:19 pm
Watching some Freakazoid...
I sincerely believe this is the best thing Spielburg made, I mean it.

I miss Freakazoid.  :(  I loved that cartoon.  Why does everything that is awesome only gets one or two seasons, but stupid drivel goes on for ten?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 05:02:05 pm
Why does everything that is awesome only gets one or two seasons, but stupid drivel goes on for ten?
Inertia. Most the "stupid drivel" was actually good at one point, but keeps going because people delusionally think it's still as good or just on a downswing. The downswing will never end, though (see: spongebob, simpsons).

On a much happier note, I finally got around to starting Gargoyles. 2 episodes in. Color me impressed! Already sprung one plot twist on me that actually worked, and I find it incredibly ironic that Xanatos is asking to be trusted. His infamy on TvTropes leads me to believe that's a bad idea.

One thing though...

Xanatos is commander Riker?

I could probably play a game of "guess the voice actor" with this show since I recognize so many of them. The viking leader is Lex Luthor, and the female gargoyle is Dianna Troi (iirc; haven't seen star trek TNG in a while. Been meaning to but that's another topic).

When I was a kid, I remember distinctly not liking this show. Dunno what was up with my childhood self but he was an idiot anyway.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Levi on June 21, 2012, 05:04:46 pm
I'm a fan of Gargoyles too.  I think it would be a good show to give a reboot.  :)  Xanatos was such a fun character in general.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Josephus on June 21, 2012, 05:07:15 pm
His infamy on TvTropes leads me to believe that's a bad idea.

Even if tvtropes hadn't already spoiled you, the ponytail/goatee combo should be a pretty potent warning.

That hair combination signifies evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 05:26:42 pm
*looks in mirror*

Uh oh :)

(well it's more stubble than a proper goatee but hey)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Pnx on June 21, 2012, 05:35:42 pm
Why does everything that is awesome only gets one or two seasons, but stupid drivel goes on for ten?
Inertia. Most the "stupid drivel" was actually good at one point, but keeps going because people delusionally think it's still as good or just on a downswing. The downswing will never end, though (see: spongebob, simpsons).
I call it the law of sequels, a new sequel or season of something is usually markedly worse than the previous one, but this doesn't stop networks or studios trying to milk a popular show or move or some such for more cash.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Josephus on June 21, 2012, 05:38:30 pm
Why does everything that is awesome only gets one or two seasons, but stupid drivel goes on for ten?
Inertia. Most the "stupid drivel" was actually good at one point, but keeps going because people delusionally think it's still as good or just on a downswing. The downswing will never end, though (see: spongebob, simpsons).
I call it the law of sequels, a new sequel or season of something is usually markedly worse than the previous one, but this doesn't stop networks or studios trying to milk a popular show or move or some such for more cash.

It works, too. You can't blame the studios for putting out 'drivel': their primary motive is always profit, and people pay for 'drivel' whether you like it or not.

Kaijyuu's got a really good point re: inertia, as well. That's one major reason people continue to pay for 'drivel'.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Jervill on June 21, 2012, 06:00:10 pm
Why does everything that is awesome only gets one or two seasons, but stupid drivel goes on for ten?
Inertia. Most the "stupid drivel" was actually good at one point, but keeps going because people delusionally think it's still as good or just on a downswing. The downswing will never end, though (see: spongebob, simpsons).
I call it the law of sequels, a new sequel or season of something is usually markedly worse than the previous one, but this doesn't stop networks or studios trying to milk a popular show or move or some such for more cash.

Be careful when generalizing, some shows only reach their stride a couple of seasons in.  The Simpsons best seasons were 3rd->6th; and even 7,8, and 9 had their share of good episodes.

Not that I disagree, of course, many sequels are worse; I'm simply getting hung up on the word "usually", and feel I need to provide exceptions.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Pnx on June 21, 2012, 06:03:55 pm
Yeah, there are exceptions, sometimes the a sequel is actually better, but it's something that seems rarer and rarer these days.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 06:05:39 pm
I feel Simpsons peaked somewhere in the 4th season; 3rd is my favorite, and 1 and 2 both had lots of good episodes. It started a slow and steady decent into mediocrity somewhere in the 4th or 5th season though; that's the point I feel they said to themselves "it's just a stupid cartoon" and decided to not care about anything but milking jokes.

My favorite episodes are ones like Bart Sells his Soul, the one where Bart shoplifts the violent video game, the one where Homer meets his mother for the first time, Curse of the Flying Hellfish... The ones with heart to them, not just comedy. Don't think the producers agreed with me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 06:06:39 pm
Avatar just keeps getting better. I don't know how.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Leafsnail on June 21, 2012, 06:13:36 pm
It definitely went downhill but 3rd season seems like a staggeringly early "peak" (the earliest I've ever seen, and I've read a huge thread on this subject).  I have season 4 on box set and it's pretty great, and I'd say it remained pretty good until... season 10?  9?  Something like that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Levi on June 21, 2012, 06:15:17 pm
Avatar just keeps getting better. I don't know how.

It doesn't really stop getting better either.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 06:17:56 pm
I own seasons 1-10, and 10 is the last I felt like buying. There were still good episodes sprinkled here or there, but no where near the density. And seasons 5-8 or so were all mostly good (definitely worth watching), it's just that they were going slowly downhill.

IE I don't think there was one definitive shark jumping moment, but rather it was dying slowly and steadily.

If it gets worse after 10, well, I guess I made a very good decision to not get more. What I've seen on TV doesn't tell me that, though (I've never felt the later stuff truly bad, just meh).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Josephus on June 21, 2012, 06:19:24 pm
Avatar just keeps getting better. I don't know how.

It doesn't really stop getting better either.  :)

I don't know, there are certainly some episodes I'd consider weak (that one episode where Aang goes to school, the other one with the scroll), but the really good ones (Zuko Alone, the finale episodes) obliterate their memory.

Batman the Animated Series was kind of the same way. People only remember the good episodes because they were that good, while mentally blocking out the bad/mediocre episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: IronyOwl on June 21, 2012, 06:21:27 pm
Anybody remember Pirates of Darkwater? That was probably one of my first experiences with network execs killing something and me left going, "But...but...WHYYYY???"  :'(
Not very much of it, but yeah. Not enough to really judge how well they did with it, but the basic premise was pretty neat.

Avatar just keeps getting better. I don't know how.
Well, Toph helps, if you're there yet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Levi on June 21, 2012, 06:47:07 pm
Avatar just keeps getting better. I don't know how.

It doesn't really stop getting better either.  :)

I don't know, there are certainly some episodes I'd consider weak (that one episode where Aang goes to school, the other one with the scroll), but the really good ones (Zuko Alone, the finale episodes) obliterate their memory.

Yeah okay, you have a point.  There were a few episodes that were pretty meh in the last season.  Overall though I think it was still great though.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 07:00:51 pm
I just finished season 3, episode 4. Toph is my favorite. Also Itoh.

Yeah, some episodes are weak (mostly ones that are clear filler with no important character development), but as a whole it just keeps getting better. I think they probably should have done the inevitable "sokka has no powers and has a crisis over it" a bit earlier, but it was done very well anyways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 07:15:22 pm
So I really think I'm going to like this show. ( 3 episodes in now; I'm surprised they actually said "hell." On to episode 4!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 07:32:45 pm
Spoiler: Avatar S3E5 Reaction (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 07:41:37 pm
Ah yes, the Beach Episode. Only it's the villains at the beach. And they torch a guy's house for fun. And we're supposed to sympathize with them. And it still works, somehow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: IronyOwl on June 21, 2012, 07:51:13 pm
I just finished season 3, episode 4. Toph is my favorite. Also Itoh.
That reminds me. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Pnx on June 21, 2012, 07:54:06 pm
Ah yes, the Beach Episode. Only it's the villains at the beach. And they torch a guy's house for fun. And we're supposed to sympathize with them. And it still works, somehow.
Well the villains have three people who look good in bikinis, the good guys don't.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Karlito on June 21, 2012, 08:05:54 pm
Well some of them do end up being less villainous than others.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: ToonyMan on June 21, 2012, 08:06:49 pm
I just finished season 3, episode 4. Toph is my favorite. Also Itoh.
That reminds me. (
Haha, this is great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Remalle on June 21, 2012, 08:10:29 pm
I just finished season 3, episode 4. Toph is my favorite. Also Itoh.
Yeah, Iroh is the best character in any media ever (not hyperbole).  His moment in Tales of Ba Sing Se and that one "Do you know why they called me the Dragon of the West?" moment were both amazing.
It's just too bad he never had GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS.  Just imagine...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 08:13:34 pm
Iroh would be my hero if he actually existed. He is THE awesome old guy.

It's even better because, at the start of the series, you think he's going to be one of those generic mentor guys that dies or turns evil. Nope. He just becomes progressively more badass and laid back.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 08:23:51 pm
Okay, season 3 is just getting sort of tedious at this point. It's become "let's aimlessly wander around in the fire kingdom with some filler episodes". I just finished episode 7 and it looks like it's going to take until episode 10 for the plot to get going for real again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Josephus on June 21, 2012, 08:26:37 pm
Ah yes, the Beach Episode. Only it's the villains at the beach. And they torch a guy's house for fun. And we're supposed to sympathize with them. And it still works, somehow.
Well the villains have three people who look good in bikinis, the good guys don't.

Azula is fourteen, sir.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Karlito on June 21, 2012, 08:30:46 pm
Okay, season 3 is just getting sort of tedious at this point. It's become "let's aimlessly wander around in the fire kingdom with some filler episodes". I just finished episode 7 and it looks like it's going to take until episode 10 for the plot to get going for real again.

Episode 8 had some interesting world building, but nine is kind of tedious, yeah.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: IronyOwl on June 21, 2012, 08:31:27 pm
Azula is fourteen, sir.

What, seriously? Goddamn, sequel series should have been about her fucking shit up when she got a bit older.

And yes I know that would have just been terrible because sequel, but still. :I
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Josephus on June 21, 2012, 08:36:22 pm
Azula is fourteen, sir.

What, seriously? Goddamn, sequel series should have been about her fucking shit up when she got a bit older.

Yeah, that's why one of my favorite parts of the show is the dynamic between her and Zuko. He's older, but she's every bit the big sister until he does his epiphany thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 10:34:48 pm
Note to self as to why I should not browse TvTropes on a series before actually seeing it.

1) You may read that someone will get shot in the show.
2) You may come across an obvious Very Special Episode about guns.
3) You may see a gargoyle playing with a gun in an irresponsible manner around a character you like.
4) You may pause the video at this point.
5) You may not be able to continue.

This sounds specific but I assure you it has happened before. In recent memory, too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 10:49:19 pm
To be entirely honest, that sounds hilarious. Gargoyles with guns. What'll they think of next?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Stone by day, warriors by night...
Post by: Pnx on June 21, 2012, 11:07:13 pm
Azula is fourteen, sir.

You'd prefer I remarked that 12 year old Aang looked good in a bikini?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 11:11:39 pm
Ages are arbitrary anyway. They act like young adults for the most part.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 11:15:54 pm
Well, waterbending just got a bit more sinister.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: IronyOwl on June 21, 2012, 11:25:52 pm
Well, waterbending just got a bit more sinister.
Took me a moment to figure out what you were talking about.

Spoiler: Then I remembered (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 21, 2012, 11:26:13 pm

And that's part of the reason Waterbending is the most overpowered. If you can rip the water out of a tree, I'm pretty sure you can rip the water out of... you know. Anything. Blood bending isn't half of it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 21, 2012, 11:39:17 pm
Yeah, bloodbending makes me think "forced brain aneurysm".

edit: well fuck, episode 10 is a two parter. serious business incoming.

edit 2: zuko is the high king of getting manipulated

Spoiler: edit 3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: edit 4 (click to show/hide)


edit 7: please don't tell me this is just going to be an hour of aangst
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: IronyOwl on June 22, 2012, 04:59:51 am
Spoiler: edit 3 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 22, 2012, 05:56:53 am
Aaaaand we're done. Now I can board the Korra train and discuss stupid shipping stuff with everyone else in the fandom.

Ah, it'll be just like Homestuck.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- By your powers combined...
Post by: Zangi on June 22, 2012, 10:13:17 am
Anybody remember Pirates of Darkwater? That was probably one of my first experiences with network execs killing something and me left going, "But...but...WHYYYY???"  :'(

You had a genuinely bizarre world, strong mystic female character without her necessarily being an Action Babe, rough-and-tumble good guys with questionable loyalties, a talking buttmonkey greedy sidekick who was actually useful as opposed to being a Snarf, ships made out of living creatures called Leviathans, and...

...holy crap. It was like proto-Farscape.  :D
I think I remember this show... it was pretty cool and one day... it just poofed.  Too young to really remember much else about it.

Ah yes, avatar... pretty refreshing show of western origin...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 22, 2012, 11:38:48 am
Aaaaand we're done. Now I can board the Korra train and discuss stupid shipping stuff with everyone else in the fandom.
Ah, it'll be just like Homestuck.
Welcome, brother!

(Zutara ftw)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 01:41:51 pm
Pfft. He's too good for Katara. He should totally be paired with... um... Sokka? I got nutin'.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Zangi on June 22, 2012, 02:38:38 pm
AvatarAny shipping... yea... not a fan of that...

And yes, Toph is best bender.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Scelly9 on June 22, 2012, 02:40:02 pm
Just finished re-watching Invader Zim. Too bad they never made a second season. :/
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 02:50:04 pm
AvatarAny shipping... yea... not a fan of that...
Pfft. You mean you don't like characters getting all smoochie smoochie in the most contrived of ways?

To be fair, I felt the canon ship of Aang/Katara was pretty damn forced. Even ignoring their ages, I just don't get any romantic vibes from the pairing. It's good that it wasn't a huge deal within the show proper, else it certainly would've developed into a romance plot tumor.

EDIT: Thinking about it, if I were to follow any ship, it'd probably be Zuko/Azula. Yes, really. Their relationship is already all sorts of fucked up, making it romantic would add even more delicious layers of dysfunction. They already act like a couple half the time anyway, sheesh.

I dunno why I like messed up abusive relationships, since I sure as hell despise them in real life. But I just couldn't get enough of Joker/Harley in BTAS. This would be even worse.

I may secretly be evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 22, 2012, 03:01:23 pm
To be fair, I felt the canon ship of Aang/Katara was pretty damn forced.

Really? I thought it was inevitable. Not that it seemed natural in any way (granted I haven't been 14 for almost a decade now) but rather that narrative causality required Aang and Katara to get together.

The formula was simple, especially in Avatar which had very clearly defined narrative roles in some parts.

Aang = Hero
Katara = The Girl
Narrative Causality = Hero and The Girl hook up, simply by virtue of the narrative roles they occupy
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 03:07:58 pm
Yeah that's probably why it felt forced to me. "Because the regular method of telling this sort of story says so" is never a good reason to do something.

It would've been fine I think as a precocious crush (aang is several years younger, after all), but real romance doesn't seem to fit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 03:11:00 pm
Yeah that's probably why it felt forced to me. "Because the regular method of telling this sort of story says so" is never a good reason to do something.

It would've been fine I think as a precocious crush (aang is several years younger, after all), but real romance doesn't seem to fit.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Thank goodness he found the cosmic get out of jail free card.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 22, 2012, 03:16:05 pm
I don't think he was giving up his love, he just had to realize it was less important than the rest of the world.

My biggest beef with the show is definitely that Aang manages to get out of every big sacrifice he doesn't want to make. Considering huge parts of his motivation were "I didn't want to be the avatar so I ran away instead of making the sacrifices I need to and that was immature" it was a little disappointing that he just found his way around everything he didn't want to do.

I mean I guess solving problems is better than running away from them, but I liked the whole "You're the avatar. You're going to have to do things you don't want for the good of the world." thing that they had going.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Putnam on June 22, 2012, 03:19:57 pm
This is interesting. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 03:21:23 pm
I don't think he was giving up his love, he just had to realize it was less important than the rest of the world.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Scelly9 on June 22, 2012, 03:23:19 pm
This is interesting. (
This may be the most awesome thing ever. On the other hand, it might just bomb too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 22, 2012, 03:25:01 pm
I don't think he was giving up his love, he just had to realize it was less important than the rest of the world.
No it was specifically that. If you understand the process he was going through he had to give up all attachments and love is one of them.

Surrendering attachments =/= surrendering love. Avatar's mysticism is mostly based on a kind of pseudo-Dharmic blend of various traditions, and in at least one of those traditions "attachment" simply refers to one's ties to the world - your possessions, etcetera. In being told to give up Katara, Aang would have become free to love her.

Either that or Bryke don't understand the material that inspired them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 03:28:03 pm
In being told to give up Katara, Aang would have become free to love her.

Sure but they would never get together because that in it of itself would be a desire.

He doesn't have to drop the emotion of love but he has to give up the act of love. Essentially giving up his love. Or else it wouldn't be a sacrifice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 22, 2012, 03:29:30 pm
He doesn't have to drop the emotion of love but he has to give up the act of love.

What? No, celibacy is a totally different principle from attachmentlessness.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 03:30:05 pm
He doesn't have to drop the emotion of love but he has to give up the act of love.

What? No, celibacy is a totally different principle from attachmentlessness.

I never said anything about sex.

Mind you it is one of the reasons why the Avatars tended (and by that I mean we never hear otherwise) never to actually have children. Lucky for us Aang suffered Karmic destroying injuries. (DANG did I hate the ending...)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 03:31:31 pm
Spoiler: avatar ending (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 22, 2012, 03:32:43 pm
I never said anything about sex.

You said 'the act of love'. It really depends on whether you consider love an emotion or state(as in the Dharmic tradition), or a process (as in the Catholic tradition).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Zangi on June 22, 2012, 03:33:35 pm
AvatarAny shipping... yea... not a fan of that...
Pfft. You mean you don't like characters getting all smoochie smoochie in the most contrived of ways?
Yea, I'm also not big on the smoochie smoochie. >.>

To be fair, I felt the canon ship of Aang/Katara was pretty damn forced.

Really? I thought it was inevitable. Not that it seemed natural in any way (granted I haven't been 14 for almost a decade now) but rather that narrative causality required Aang and Katara to get together.

The formula was simple, especially in Avatar which had very clearly defined narrative roles in some parts.

Aang = Hero
Katara = The Girl
Narrative Causality = Hero and The Girl hook up, simply by virtue of the narrative roles they occupy
Considering it, I had the vibe that Katara was more of a mother figure then girl, the way she acted with Aang....  maybe that was me.  Aang of course ended up pining for her...

Fake Edit: Damn you all for posting so much.  *shakes fist*
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 03:34:46 pm
I never said anything about sex.

You said 'the act of love'. It really depends on whether you consider love an emotion or state(as in the Dharmic tradition), or a process (as in the Catholic tradition).

I am seperating the emotion from the act of enacting the emotion.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 22, 2012, 03:47:16 pm
Korra episode 1 is done. Creepy mask guy is creepy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 22, 2012, 04:04:48 pm
Korra episode 1 is done. Creepy mask guy is creepy.
Awesome metalbenders are awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 04:42:03 pm
When's season 1 of Korra set to end, anyway? Because that's the point I'll watch it; I've bad experiences with following ongoing stuff...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Furtuka on June 22, 2012, 04:44:17 pm
Finale is tomorrow actually
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 04:55:13 pm
Seriously? Awesome!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 22, 2012, 05:03:42 pm
Huh.  So apparently two seasons of Korra have been ordered, the first of which is about to end.  Following the Water-Earth-Fire-Air naming scheme of the seasons so far, Book Five will either be Water or Heart.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Furtuka on June 22, 2012, 05:08:26 pm
I see what you did there
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 22, 2012, 05:10:20 pm
I see what you did there

Yep... he forgot they already named the 5th element in Avatar...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 22, 2012, 05:10:26 pm
What? Tomorrow? I've got a lot of catching up to do!

edit: What. No. if this angsty douchebag is Korra's main love interest I will be very disappointed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 06:11:46 pm
I see what you did there

Yep... he forgot they already named the 5th element in Avatar...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Close enough. Which brings the ultimate question:

The Avatar vs Captain Planet. Who'd win?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 22, 2012, 06:13:34 pm
Normally I'd say "depends on the avatar", but even Korra would trash Cap utterly.

The guy has an allergic reaction to the very thing he's supposed to be fighting. The moment a plume of smoke hits him he's gonna fall to the ground and start twitching like a bugsprayed fly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 22, 2012, 06:16:49 pm
The Cap gets a bad rap, but that's due to the writing of the show he was in. It's like Aquaman; quite badass with useful powers, but in the wrong hands the character just feels contrived and stupid.

Gimme a deconstruction of Captain Planet and his powers, and he'd probably be able to take on any Avatar. Depends who has greater control of the elements.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Backlog on June 22, 2012, 10:10:23 pm
So Korra seems a bit rushed, with the many conflicted love interests and all the ships are a mess, the first season is ending soon and it seems as if Mako and Korra are more or less a forced (canon?) couple.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 01:21:23 am
The Cap gets a bad rap, but that's due to the writing of the show he was in. It's like Aquaman; quite badass with useful powers, but in the wrong hands the character just feels contrived and stupid.

Gimme a deconstruction of Captain Planet and his powers, and he'd probably be able to take on any Avatar. Depends who has greater control of the elements.

Well let me see...

Captain Planet has domain over the five elements of: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, and Heart that have been combined together and multiplied.

Along with this Captain Planet has super strength capable of lifting hundreds of tons, infallible aim, super endurance, and super durability (he once broke a drilling machine with his body). He can also fly at subsonic speeds (or super sonic if he transforms into electricity) though an arguement can easily be made that he can move at super sonic speeds and ultrasonic speeds when he turns into electricity.

Captain Planet is empowered by the elements including can be empowered by the sun.

Along with this Captain Planet can control every element, creating and moving it about along with being able to commune with animals. He can transform into fire, lava, electricity, trees, and wind to create tornados. He cannot use his element control on manmade substances or substances that have been poluted.

His weakness is to manmade polution but the major materials that harm him is oil and industrial waste, and the polution that harms him the least is raw garbage, for the most part the more toxic the substance is for humans and animals the more toxic it is for him (for example the industrial waste I refered to would instantly mutate or kill a person). He has been shown surviving in mildly poluted environments (smog) and radioactivity. He is completely unaffected by heat as he is more then capable of surviving in the earth's mantle.

You are also right Captain planet as the show went on was terribly weak to standing perfectly still and letting the enemies get polution on him... but in early episodes he was often shown capable of defeating a monster completely made of SUPER polution (admittingly he couldn't touch it normally but neither could we) and surviving in a smog filled environment without serious weakness... where the villains had to try hard to surprise Captain planet. The WORST stupid excuse for Captain Planet to lose was when he turned into a tree to stop a super threshing machine, even as a child I thought that was weird.

Either way I know Captain planet would beat Korra... Where is this mound of toxic waste Korra can burn?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 23, 2012, 01:48:45 am
Hrm, another question: If Captain Planet is made of the elements... can he be bent? An avatar could literally rip him apart if so.

(Cartoon thread is officially about "who would win" scenarios. And complaining about shipping, on the side.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 01:58:36 am
Hrm, another question: If Captain Planet is made of the elements... can he be bent? An avatar could literally rip him apart if so.

(Cartoon thread is officially about "who would win" scenarios. And complaining about shipping, on the side.)

I asked that earlier but truthfully I don't know. Though if I remember correctly materials that arn't pure of element have trouble being bent and since Captain Planet is all the elements he probably could "out bend them".

Though I guess since I have to take this seriously... Captain Planet's body is probably composed of special crystal unless he choses to transform it. In fact he sleeps in crystals whenever he dies or goes back to the rings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 23, 2012, 02:23:58 am
... Cartoon thread is officially about "who would win" scenarios ...
Hmm.  Samurai Jack vs. Batman!  Team Avatar vs. the Justice League!  Korra vs. Captain Planet!  The KND vs. Mystery Inc.!  Jimmy Neutron vs. Pinky and the Brain!  Planet Express crew vs. the Simpsons!

Yeah, I kind of ran out of ideas at the end there.  PLACE YOUR BETS!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 23, 2012, 02:45:52 am
Samurai Jack vs. Batman!
Does Jack have a compunction against killing? Because Batman always loses the first fight, so Jack would win if he killed Batman there, but Batman would win round 2.

Team Avatar vs. the Justice League!
Justice League, no contest. Aang might be a good match for Superman in the Avatar state, but the others would get wtfpwned by the rest of the Justice League.

Korra vs. Captain Planet!
Captain Planet, barring stupid actions on the Captain's part.

The KND vs. Mystery Inc.!
Hrm... Probably Kids Next Door. Haven't seen their cartoon but I imagine they're more competent.

Jimmy Neutron vs. Pinky and the Brain!
Jimmy Neutron. Pinky would screw up Brain's plan somehow.

Planet Express crew vs. the Simpsons!
Neither. They'd both fail, somehow.

Wait shouldn't I be discouraging ridiculous tangents? Meh.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Frumple on June 23, 2012, 05:11:15 am
I'm not entirely sure Jack wouldn't repeatedly kick batman's ass, actually, even without killing. Jack's got a fucking spirit-powered ion cannon in his sword or some such, iirc, plus ridiculous amount of experience kicking around gadget-based bounty hunters. Jack's also pretty plainly superhuman to a degree a couple of steps beyond bman ("Jump good", for starters). In most scenarios I could think of, Jack would have an absolutely major advantage without many notable weaknesses. Dude's kinda' a beast.

Bman might be able to poison Jack's tea, though! Except I'm pretty sure Aku's goons tried that :-\

Re: Aang versus superman... technically, Supes could just go kinetic kill vehicle on the glowy midget from out near mars or somethin'. Not sure what the avatar state could do against a swarm of hunks of metal traveling a significant fraction of c being launched from a couple of AU away. Mind you, the planet itself probably wouldn't come out too well in that exchange either, but meh. Barring that, Supes has that whole "nearly as fast as flash" thing, which would probably be enough in itself.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 23, 2012, 05:18:20 am
Superman's got a semi-well known weakness against magic. When they're not ignoring it, Supes is supposed to be hurt by magic just as much as any human would be. I'd count bending as magic, so some well timed rocks and fireballs to the face would do some decent damage. Hell, bloodbend him, then you'd have to get Wonder Woman or someone to slow him down.

This is, of course, the STAS and Justice League Superman, not the comic book one which is much more powerful.

If anyone wants to talk about something more serious, feel free to pipe up. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Furtuka on June 23, 2012, 10:13:37 am
Watching Korra finale.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: jaxy15 on June 23, 2012, 11:10:43 am
I just finished watching the LoK finale. It was wonderful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Mistercheif on June 23, 2012, 11:17:24 am
I just finished watching the LoK finale. It was wonderful.
Seconded!  Honestly, that has had the most reveals that surprised me.  I did not see so much of that coming.

I'll have to watch it again later today as well!  Yay for DVR (provided my sister doesn't delete it to make room for another few dozen hours of cooking shows and soap operas she'll never watch. >.<)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Yoink on June 23, 2012, 11:22:07 am
I only found this thread just now. It is 2:25AM and I am busy with a 70s music binge, so I'll keep it brief:
The show Ed, Edd and Eddy shaped who I am today. :P Whether that's good or bad I've no idea, but Eddy's the only role model I've ever needed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 23, 2012, 12:57:56 pm
Superman's got a semi-well known weakness against magic. When they're not ignoring it, Supes is supposed to be hurt by magic just as much as any human would be. I'd count bending as magic, so some well timed rocks and fireballs to the face would do some decent damage.

They won't, though. The problem with Supes' "semi-well known weakness against magic" is that a lot of people don't know how it actually works (Kurt Busiek explained it once).

Superman has no special protection against magic. This means that enchantments and spells meant to produce a certain effect can harm him. Take the example of Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, and Wonder Woman's sword. Both weapons have been used on Superman, but only one actually managed to make him bleed. Both are magic. The difference is in the specific enchantment.

Wonder Woman's sword is enchanted to be able to cut anything in existence. It's not this way because it's super sharp, it's that way because its particular magic says so. Thor's Mjolnir, on the other hand, is much more magical - he can use it to channel radiation, call lightning, or just whack things. But it doesn't have any particular enchantment on it that would allow it to hurt Superman - and thus it doesn't hurt him in any particular way. The reason Supes gets hurt when he gets hit by Mjolnir isn't due to Mjolnir being magical, it's due to Thor being Thor.

If you've ever played DnD, Superman essentially has a tremendous amount of AC (armor) and HP (hit points), but no innate SR (spell resistance).

Things that are bent don't become magical just by being bent. A rock thrown at Superman by an Earthbender would just be a rock - no particular magic in it. Of the Avatars we've been shown, I think that Kyoshi would stand a chance against STAS Superman (or any of the Avatars in the Avatar state), but not because of magic rocks - rather, because she's really strong. Island-splitting strong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 23, 2012, 03:24:36 pm
I suppose Supes would be vulnerable to energybending, but he might have enough willpower to resist it (the whole your spirit has to be unbendable thing).  On the other hand, of the other potential Team Avatar vs. JLA matchups, Zuko vs. Martian Manhunter is an easy win for Zuko, Toph might be able to counter Flash, and Katara vs. Green Lantern would quickly turn into "who can get more creative with their power?", with GL eventually coming out on top.  Then Sokka and Suki would take on Batman and Wonder Woman and lose, and Appa would take on Hawkgirl, just because, and I have no idea how that would go.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 23, 2012, 03:30:38 pm
Dude, the Martian Manhunter and the Flash are the two members of the Justice League that can beat Superman in a fight - not to mention the fact that the MM's fire weakness is psychological (unlike Supes' kryptonite weakness), so Zuko beating the Martian Manhunter is kind of a stretch. Toph can't counter something that moves faster than sound, and Korra is varying degrees of screwed in a fight against a Green Lantern, depending on which GL it is - considering that even in the Justice League cartoon, John Stewart manages to accidentally destroy a planet. The franchises have entirely different power levels, and that's perfectly fine - comparing them is silly. The only time a character in Avatar goes up to Justice League level (not counting Batman, who is a baseline human) is when they enter the Avatar state.

EDIT: Also good lord this proposed match up is teenagers against adults who've had years using their powers, with at least one who doesn't have the same inhibitions against killing as the others (Wonder Woman, possibly Hawkgirl). Even if they were on the same power tier, this isn't remotely a fair fight - though the kids in Avatar have trumped adults in their own series.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Sergius on June 23, 2012, 04:08:38 pm
Superman's got a semi-well known weakness against magic. When they're not ignoring it, Supes is supposed to be hurt by magic just as much as any human would be. I'd count bending as magic, so some well timed rocks and fireballs to the face would do some decent damage. Hell, bloodbend him, then you'd have to get Wonder Woman or someone to slow him down.

Not defending Superman's already overpowerdness (blech) but he's probably hurt by direct magic application (magic "lightning" bolts, curses, etc), not magic that launches non magical things at him. Fireballs are probably ok, rocks are iffy. I guess it depends if the thing was conjured out of nothing, or merely moved, like the flame of a bonfire or lighter a la Pyro.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2012, 04:26:39 pm
korra spoilers all over the internet

i need to catch up fast
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 23, 2012, 04:34:40 pm
Not defending Superman's already overpowerdness (blech)

This is tangential, but sure, Superman is overpowered... if you compare him to someone like Daredevil. Aside from comparing him to people who don't even interact on the same level as him and his buddies, he's not even the most powerful hero on the Justice League (that honor would go to the Barry Allen Flash or the Martian Manhunter). When it comes to non-earth based heroes, he can be overshadowed by the likes of the Sodam Yat Ion or the New Gods. And then you've got the score or so of villains that are the Ivan Drago to his Rocky Balboa.

And on the Marvel side you've got people that put Supes' 'overpoweredness' to shame - the Scarlet Witch, Franklin Richards, the Hulk, and Magneto are all roughly on the same level as the Flash in terms of exactly how easily they can make reality their bitch.

tl;dr, superhero universes are just overpowered in general.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 23, 2012, 06:03:56 pm
Yeah, power levels got a bit absurd in comicbooks and superhero stories, but same goes for most power fantasy media. How many planets could Goku blow up at once? :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 07:38:58 pm
Yeah, power levels got a bit absurd in comicbooks and superhero stories, but same goes for most power fantasy media. How many planets could Goku blow up at once? :P

I don't know... The Avatar is so unstoppable that any "enlightened" avatar is basically unbeatable.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2012, 07:54:26 pm
Spoiler: Korra S1E9 Reaction (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Korra S1E10 Reaction (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 23, 2012, 09:18:19 pm
I don't know... The Avatar is so unstoppable that any "enlightened" avatar is basically unbeatable.

In the context of the Avatar series, yes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 09:39:30 pm
I don't know... The Avatar is so unstoppable that any "enlightened" avatar is basically unbeatable.

In the context of the Avatar series, yes.

Well.. of course.

It was one of the things that disapointed me really. I expected someone to find some way to stand up to the Avatar... but they are basically onto a god.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 23, 2012, 09:50:08 pm
I don't know... The Avatar is so unstoppable that any "enlightened" avatar is basically unbeatable.

In the context of the Avatar series, yes.

Well.. of course.

It was one of the things that disapointed me really. I expected someone to find some way to stand up to the Avatar... but they are basically onto a god.
Well yeah, that's exactly what the Avatar is.  Hence the name.  If I recall correctly, they're the avatar of the spirit of the planet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 09:55:01 pm
The Avatar as I remember correctly is supposed to be the Envoy between people and spirits and as such he has the ability to envoke all four elements.

In fact though I am probably wrong... I think the Avatar state doesn't give him any extra powers at all... it just allows him to access the collective skills from all the previous avatars.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2012, 09:55:32 pm
Just finished Korra.

How is there supposed to even be a second season? They just tied up all the loose plot points really well. Any gripes I had with it so far were pretty much resolved.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 09:57:12 pm
Just finished Korra.

How is there supposed to even be a second season? They just tied up all the loose plot points really well. Any gripes I had with it so far were pretty much resolved.

Well what about the fact that there are no air benders anymore? or did they resolve that?

(Note that the show isn't EXACTLY sure if Bending is a skill or Talent... It seems to be both. In theory there could be more air benders)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2012, 09:59:58 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: IronyOwl on June 23, 2012, 10:02:05 pm
It was one of the things that disapointed me really. I expected someone to find some way to stand up to the Avatar... but they are basically onto a god.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2012, 10:20:40 pm
Well they better restore airbending because if they don't the world will end.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Karlito on June 23, 2012, 10:57:30 pm
How is there supposed to even be a second season? They just tied up all the loose plot points really well. Any gripes I had with it so far were pretty much resolved.

Well, they originally only planned for one season, so it makes sense that it could stand on it's own. I imagine they'll have to introduce a new nemesis for season two.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2012, 11:09:33 pm
Just one 12-episode season? I thought it was originally a longer season and they just ended up having to split it in two.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Furtuka on June 23, 2012, 11:10:27 pm
Just one 12-episode season? I thought it was originally a longer season and they just ended up having to split it in two.

Nope. It was originally suppose to be a miniseries
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 23, 2012, 11:44:34 pm
Okay, so I started Korra. 3 episodes in.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 24, 2012, 12:27:18 am
Pretty sure you're supposed to sympathize with Amon, yeah. Dude's written to make a lot of sense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Karlito on June 24, 2012, 12:32:31 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I believe there is a nonbending member on the City Council for what it's worth, but yeah at episode three I was right there with you. When you see more of Amon's methods, you might start to feel differently.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 24, 2012, 01:05:21 am
Oh dear. Halfway through episode 5. I see what ya'll meant when you said the relationshipping was messed up.

Why is Avatar so terrible with canon ships? I mean, I don't mind Zuko-clone-with-a-scarf, but the fun nice guy is so much better. Big Strong Girl has to be paired with Big Strong Man, I guess...

(If it's not apparent yet I'm terrible at remembering names. I only know Korra's name since it is in the title. It wasn't until well after I'd finished the first series that I could connect character names with character faces with any regularity. Pretty much the same for me with people in real life, too. So, apologies in advance that I'm referring to people by visual and personality cues.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 24, 2012, 01:44:44 am
What? No, you're not supposed to agree with Amon at all.

You don't go up to a violinist and say "You have a talent few others have and this isn't fair," and then cut his hands off, do you? Yeah, the benders are douchebags sometimes, and maybe his ideals are good in theory, but not a single one of his methods is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 24, 2012, 01:52:41 am
If he's beating your face in with the violin, yes, you take the violin away.

It's not skill, talent, what have you, but power. If you have power or privilege, you use it responsibly or it gets taken away. There is no force keeping benders in check save other benders (and the Avatar), which leads to a Who Watches the Watchers scenario. And given the setting (rampant gangs, economic inequality, corrupt politicians, all with a significant bent in favor of benders), I think there's a good case for power being used irresponsibly. So excuse me if I sympathize with the proletariat-stand-in revolutionary. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 24, 2012, 02:04:04 am
A revolutionary whose ideals would result in the crippling of countless innocent people? Who manipulated the benders at every turn to make them look worse? His ideals were only violence and anarchy instead of compromise and reform. He was a shining example of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", at best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Pnx on June 24, 2012, 02:41:47 am
It's a very interesting vehicle to explore the issues of privilege and class struggles. The benders are like the aristocracy, the plutocrats, the bourgeoisie, whatever you want to call those that have power based on what was given to them from birth. The muggles are then the proletariat, which makes Amon's revolutionaries communists (I don't mean this as an insult, I mean this is essentially the issues that surrounded the communist movement dressed up in a different skin).

There's a question that's been bugging me since before I learnt about the legend of Korra. We know that the world of Avatar has reincarnation, there's only ever one Avatar because the Avatar's powers are connected to their soul, and that soul has to leave the world before it can re-enter it, but does this apply for everyone else too? If you're born a muggle, are you forever doomed to reincarnate as a muggle? It's kind of grim prospect you have to admit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 24, 2012, 07:07:57 am
A revolutionary whose ideals would result in the crippling of countless innocent people?
Crippling? Crippling? Did you seriously just call 3/4 of Avatar's universe crippled? (actually I'm guessing on the percentage of benders to non-benders but you get the idea)

No, the dude's sin was a little thing called the Associative Fallacy. He lashed out against not only the bad guys (like the gang leaders/etc), but innocent ones as well. He lumped everyone in an arbitrary group (benders) as Evil (tm). It's the same as any form of prejudice, be it racism, classism, agism, sexism, or what-have-you. Some people he hit deserved it (gang leaders), some didn't at all, others could've use a friggin' time out. He didn't differentiate and instead treated everyone as if they deserved it. Spoilers henceforth:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

There's a question that's been bugging me since before I learnt about the legend of Korra. We know that the world of Avatar has reincarnation, there's only ever one Avatar because the Avatar's powers are connected to their soul, and that soul has to leave the world before it can re-enter it, but does this apply for everyone else too? If you're born a muggle, are you forever doomed to reincarnate as a muggle? It's kind of grim prospect you have to admit.
My theory is that they all get reincarnated much the same as the Avatar does (new lives with completely different personalities, may as well be entirely different people, but are connected somehow). I dunno if bending follows the reincarnation cycle but is probably affected somehow. It's not like all the airbenders of the world are stuck in limbo until that tribe gets repopulated... I hope :X
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Exerosp on June 24, 2012, 09:53:30 am
Might've been posted already... But i'm so sad that Mako died of cancer. I salute him, best uncle ever T_T

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Zangi on June 24, 2012, 12:48:41 pm
The ending for LoK... is lackluster...

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Josephus on June 24, 2012, 02:09:37 pm
Probably just chakra blocking. If a martial artist can block bending by hitting pressure points, then a bloodbender would be able to permanently (or not, depending on how the series pans out) damage those same points.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 24, 2012, 03:43:12 pm
I'll be the first to admit I buy into a pretty idealized version of the Avatar universe. I don't worry that there are no checks on the Avatar because the show seems to imply that having the wisdom of hundreds of past lives is going to ensure you're a pretty good person. I'm willing to accept stuff like that.

A revolutionary whose ideals would result in the crippling of countless innocent people?
Crippling? Crippling? Did you seriously just call 3/4 of Avatar's universe crippled? (actually I'm guessing on the percentage of benders to non-benders but you get the idea)

If someone's got a talent that you don't have, taking away that talent... well, it might not be crippling since there's no real analogue to it in the real world, but it feels the same. If Superman gets exposed to some kryptonite nobody goes "Yeah, Superman, now you have to fight Lex Luthor like the rest of us would!" It's tragic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Hawkfrost on June 25, 2012, 01:04:28 am
Just right now finished Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Now, the question is if I should start watching Korra or just wait for it to finish first.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 25, 2012, 01:25:34 am
Well the current season is finished, so it's a good time to catch up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: jaxy15 on June 25, 2012, 01:29:18 am
Well the current season is finished, so it's a good time to catch up.
I watched 9 episodes 2 days before the tenth one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 25, 2012, 01:43:36 am
Yeah, I watched 5 episodes the day before the finale and the remaining 5 episodes the day of it.

But hey, if you want a more relaxed schedule than that then it's a great time for it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Remalle on June 25, 2012, 01:49:27 am
Alright, watching Korra starting... tomorrow!  Hopefully I'll be able to keep myself from spoiling myself, AGAIN.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 25, 2012, 01:53:43 am
Korra dies in episode 1. The entire series is actually about them finding the next avatar.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: kaijyuu on June 25, 2012, 02:16:04 am
And the next Avatar they do find? He's a robot! Isn't that wacky?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: jaxy15 on June 25, 2012, 02:57:37 am
And the next Avatar they do find? He's a robot! Isn't that wacky?
It explodes after it tries to waterbend, and there's ANOTHER Avatar. The new Avatar is a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Putnam on June 25, 2012, 02:58:46 am
It undulates rhythmically. Beware its webs!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: Microcline on June 25, 2012, 09:07:48 am
Spoiler: On Korra (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Toph can't read your post.
Post by: IronyOwl on June 25, 2012, 05:13:49 pm
And the next Avatar they do find? He's a robot! Isn't that wacky?
It explodes after it tries to waterbend, and there's ANOTHER Avatar. The new Avatar is a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings.
Needless to say he then becomes the God-King of the world. It's not exactly pleasant, but everyone's new overlord is a 400 ft purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings, so it's still a really happy ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 12:59:20 am
So I learned what "dedicated to Mako" meant in this episode. ( Well that makes the most heartwrenching scene in the entire series even worse... better... whatever.  :'(

Didn't even notice the new voice actor for season 3, so kudos to the new guy who voiced Iroh, I guess.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Remalle on June 26, 2012, 02:31:05 am
So I learned what "dedicated to Mako" meant in this episode. ( Well that makes the most heartwrenching scene in the entire series even worse... better... whatever.  :'(
Strangely enough I was thinking about that exact same scene earlier this morning.  'Tis indeed a massive tearjerker in and out of universe.
Didn't even notice the new voice actor for season 3, so kudos to the new guy who voiced Iroh, I guess.
Yeah, the new guy was really good too.  But it's probably not a coincidence that Iroh only got like half-a-dozen lines in the entire third season, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 03:25:41 am
So I got back to Gargoyles and finished that Very Special Episode I mentioned before. I'm a total pansy and didn't finish it before.

Holy shit do I regret that decision. 8 episodes in and it is by far, the best. Very, very good portrayal of someone making a huge mistake and getting very, very upset about it. Almost feel sorry for the arms dealer bad guys, heh.

On to more! It's not the most awesome cartoon ever, but definitely Good. Let's see if it graduates to Great or maybe Awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 02:53:45 pm
Yes it was actually a very well done special episode in that it was actually good (special episodes actually being good? what is this the 90s?)

Captain Planet also has special episodes and they are so bad they loop into awsome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Remalle on June 26, 2012, 05:22:40 pm
Was unable to watch Korra so continued with Samurai Jack.  FREE
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Zangi on June 26, 2012, 08:42:47 pm
Was unable to watch Korra so continued with Samurai Jack.  FREE

What?  There are places you can watch Korra, for free.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 08:44:53 pm ( (

'Tis where I saw them. Nick has the best quality but they don't have the finale up yet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 08:46:00 pm
Honestly I thought I'd throw out some more Captain Planet while I was at it. Character analysis Wheeler! This won't be deep but It should give a bit of insight.

Wheeler is the brash and hot headed member of Captain Planet. The fact that he is American and has the fire ring are no small coincidence. Fire is a powerful ability but has the most ability to harm another and backlash as well, a symbol of the US's ability and how they should handle their great power.

As well Wheeler is supposed to be the character meant to be the everyman and to ask all the questions we may have. In a bad episode wheeler seems stupid and often abusive to the other members of his team, he can be quite a bully. In a good episode Wheeler is quick thinking and is great with dealing with problems involving people, for example he was the only member to know how to trick people into fastening ropes too lightly and if the team needs to pick a lock he is the one to do so.

Though the thing to remember is that each member of Gaia's team is there for a reason. Wheeler's ability that no other member has is that he has the ability to connect with people. While one could argue that Ma-Ti being heart also has the ability, his is more accurately that he has the ability to melt any heart with his kindness. Wheeler however is the only member with the empathy and blunt honesty, he rarely holds back his oppinion, to connect with those around him, as well he is the closest member to being a real person as all the members are too dutyful or too good-hearted to really understand. As well the other members of the team automatically know what is right but wheeler is the only one who has to learn the significance, he would be the only one who would be able to explain why something is significant to people who don't already know.

In essence Wheeler is the second heart of the team. In a episode where wheeler never joined the team the other members simply didn't have the heart to join together.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Remalle on June 26, 2012, 08:54:39 pm
Was unable to watch Korra so continued with Samurai Jack.  FREE

What?  There are places you can watch Korra, for free.
Sorry, quoting the show.  I watched the episode with the volcano, and the Norse guy who got turned into a rock monster.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Backlog on June 26, 2012, 10:31:06 pm
Is it just me or is korra looking like a complete idiot by running back to the guy who trampled on her heart and never actually broke up with his girlfriend?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 10:36:31 pm
Is it just me or is korra looking like a complete idiot by running back to the guy who trampled on her heart and never actually broke up with his girlfriend?

Let me get out my stupid-o-meter.... I am not picking anything up. It is probably because she is so charmed by how much of a jerk he is.

Don't feel bad... In order to get on the stupid-o-meter you have to do something like... Find out someone has taken over your environmental protection buisness and is using it to strip mine and decide to confront him dirrectly and not call the police and even mention how you should call the police.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 10:37:03 pm
No, it's not just you. The whole relationship subplot thing is pretty dumb. Even Penny Arcade mocked how shallow and stupid it is. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Zangi on June 26, 2012, 10:38:28 pm
Is it just me or is korra looking like a complete idiot by running back to the guy who trampled on her heart and never actually broke up with his girlfriend?
I'm just going to say that the whole romance thing was horribly done, from beginning to end, but that is my opinion of the manner.  It was also never 'resolved' at the finale... considering things... but that may be what you are referring to.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 10:38:49 pm
No, it's not just you. The whole relationship subplot thing is pretty dumb. Even Penny Arcade mocked how shallow and stupid it is. (

Yes but you see it is smarter then it looks because it is going back to the first Avatar and how dumb that romantic subplot was. Now all they need to do is add in a romantic subplot that makes MORE sense and ruin it with a cheap plot twist that makes little sense in order to restore the first one.

How come Sokka gets the best romantic subplots in ALL avatar?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Backlog on June 26, 2012, 11:00:10 pm
The whole romantic plot doesn't make any logical sense. at first Mako wasn't intrested, breaks korra's heart then kisses Korra at the end of that episode BREAKING his brother's heart and has no remorse for hurting his brother's feelings when he well knew Bolin liked korra from the beginning, then Asami notices things and when she tries to confront Mako he completely denies everything and at the end Mako "finally notices his feelings for korra" without breaking up with asami. it's like Mako is the show's version of the "Scumbag steve" internet meme and Bolin is "Good guy greg" internet meme and further advancing the point that all the good guys complain about on sites such as memebase, 9gag and so on that all girls go for the jerk

How come Sokka gets the best romantic subplots in ALL avatar?
Because Sokka is a badass who had a girlfriend that turned into the moon?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 11:06:59 pm
Sokka's 5 minute fling with the moon lady was probably the most believable canon ship, actually. The one with... fan lady kinda came out of nowhere to me, as there was no romantic tension in her introductory episode yet she's all lovey dovey in her next appearance. Probably some ascended fanon.

And Bolin definitely was the superior choice. But nooooo, the fun guy has to be shoved aside for the Tall Dark and Mysterious guy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Frumple on June 26, 2012, 11:11:59 pm
... bolin? Brolin? Brostalin?

Someone photoshop a stalinstach on that guy, stat. It is a thing that needs doing.

Anyway, re: romance subplot, my advice would be to completely ignore all canon relationships and come up with some sort of freakish... thing. With the thing. Korra's obvs just using the two wazzits as temporary meat popsicles while she seduces every female in the elemental countries. After finding out about her sordid plot, said popsicles will turn to the arms of each other to find solice and, dare I say? Love.

This is now canon, and better for it. Can't see the subtext in the show? Delude Look harder!

Also TophxmoonchickxAppa. OT3.

Though... thinking on it, maybe not continue this line of thought. I'unno.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Backlog on June 26, 2012, 11:14:57 pm
I've seen all the shipping wars on tumblr and such. I think after all the episodes that more people want bolin to be with korra because he would be her "rock" and steady. I agree with you that bolin is a much more suitable person for korra than the "tall dark mysterious bad boy with a past who already has a girlfriend and fame" From my experience, Bad boys are the ones who will trample all over you and throw you out in the trash as soon as a "better" girl comes along.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Bauglir on June 26, 2012, 11:24:11 pm
Optimal ship is AsamixKorra, mostly because it leaves Mako forever alone and I actually like those two characters. Though, to be fair, I oppose KorraxMako so extremely that I'd ship KorraxAmon before that. So perhaps I'm biased.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Zangi on June 26, 2012, 11:28:57 pm
I just saw a PowerPuff Girls Z clip with them transforming....  like Sailor Moon. 
So being the curious bastard I am, rolled up to watch the first episode and yea....  Only the Japanese could do this. (  My mind is WTF right now.

Crime above all else though... the PPG has lost the...  *zing* sound... 

LoK:  Seriously, they could have cut out all romance and it would have been better for it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 11:30:35 pm
I saw a parody of the first episode of Power puff girl Z... I liked how absolutely complete it was... it actually hit every point I'd point attention to.

Here is something you will find interesting... Powerpuff girls Z takes place in the Powerpuff girls universe.

Still sad Mojo Jojo's speaking tone couldn't be translated (I heard while it is possible to do it, it just isn't funny like it is in english)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 11:35:17 pm
I'd ship KorraxAmon before that.
Haha, that would never...

Wait.. hrm...

HRM.... :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Frumple on June 26, 2012, 11:38:01 pm
I'd ship KorraxAmon before that.
Haha, that would never...

Wait.. hrm...

HRM.... :D
Even better: Korra x Amon-ra, the Everliving.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 11:38:59 pm
Korra X Aang
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Pnx on June 26, 2012, 11:42:39 pm
I just saw a PowerPuff Girls Z clip with them transforming....  like Sailor Moon. 
So being the curious bastard I am, rolled up to watch the first episode and yea....  Only the Japanese could do this. (  My mind is WTF right now.
They... apparently wear swimsuits under their clothes? I think this is making me uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Frumple on June 26, 2012, 11:43:02 pm
Korra X Aang
Aang... Aang... hrm. Aangband. Aang is now Morgoth. Discuss?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 11:44:15 pm
Inter-continuity ships never work. They're long distance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 11:44:44 pm
I just saw a PowerPuff Girls Z clip with them transforming....  like Sailor Moon. 
So being the curious bastard I am, rolled up to watch the first episode and yea....  Only the Japanese could do this. (  My mind is WTF right now.
They... apparently wear swimsuits under their clothes? I think this is making me uncomfortable.

They look like swimsuits but people who wear them call them leotards.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Frumple on June 26, 2012, 11:46:40 pm
Actually, if you pay attention, the red one's midriff is bare in the start. The one-piece comes out of nowhere. Attention to detail *ahahahaha*

E: That thing is incredibly <Japanese animation>. I'm amused it came from something as western as PPG was, heh.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 26, 2012, 11:48:06 pm
That anime looks hilarious for people who watched PPG.

I'm assuming "powered buttercup" sounds more badass in japanese.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 26, 2012, 11:49:28 pm
That anime looks hilarious for people who watched PPG.

I'm assuming "powered buttercup" sounds more badass in japanese.

I don't know... the Power Puff Girls were pretty awsome in general.

This one seems to use all the one time ideas the power puff girls had and just keeps using it (Like the Dynamo and Super Utonium)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Sirus on June 26, 2012, 11:50:37 pm
Did Teen Titans count as Western Animation? In my brief once-over of the thread, I already saw Samurai Jack and Avatar, some of my other favorite shows, mentioned. Slade was actually a pretty epic villain.

I still fondly remember some of the old Kid's WB shows like Superman. I think that was the first time I've seen a major character die on-screen.

Also, thanks for starting this thread kaijyuu, I don't know enough anime to post in the other thread :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 26, 2012, 11:50:44 pm
I don't know... the Power Puff Girls were pretty awsome in general.

I know, I watched it. And I could not stop grinning at this ridiculous take on my childhood memories. I assumed others would have a similar reaction.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: kaijyuu on June 26, 2012, 11:54:50 pm
Did Teen Titans count as Western Animation?
Of course.

Also, thanks for starting this thread kaijyuu, I don't know enough anime to post in the other thread :D
Np :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Zangi on June 27, 2012, 12:01:41 am
I'd ship KorraxAmon before that.
Haha, that would never...

Wait.. hrm...

HRM.... :D
....  >.>

I don't know... the Power Puff Girls were pretty awsome in general.

I know, I watched it. And I could not stop grinning at this ridiculous take on my childhood memories. I assumed others would have a similar reaction.
PPGZ gave my nostalgia a sucker punch and it is huddled in the corner now... 
Yea, at episode 2, it seems like its going to be a cute-fest type anime...  At least Miss Bellum is the same as always...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 27, 2012, 12:02:50 am
I'm not sure if I'd be able to take it seriously.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Backlog on June 27, 2012, 12:09:59 am
PPGz is a weird anime. I've seen it a while back and couldn't get into it. it's a "cute-fest" type thing.

KorraxNagaxpabu anyone?

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Brave soldier boy... Come marching home...
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 12:10:07 am
I'm not sure if I'd be able to take it seriously.

Your not supposed to... They stop for a icecream break during a fight.

I think they lost all credit for being serious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Backlog on June 27, 2012, 01:16:36 am
I think He-man isn't a bad show, good morals and trying to help out others even if they aren't that great of people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on June 27, 2012, 01:17:36 am
You know, I never saw much of He-Man. It's one of those things I only know exists due to its memeticness (by the power of Greyskull!).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Backlog on June 27, 2012, 01:24:05 am
Well, I just started watching not long ago He-man because I kept seeing this
And I was born about 10 years late for the show itself.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 01:26:52 am
You know, I never saw much of He-Man. It's one of those things I only know exists due to its memeticness (by the power of Greyskull!).

If you watch the new He-Man honestly one of the most awsome fights EVER happens at the first season finale. In fact it is SO awsome it makes the second terrible by comparison.

Honestly... I mean

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you could only watch ONE episode... I'd make you watch that. MIND you it is cooler when you knew what happened before... but still.

Honestly if there is ONE thing Western animation does 100 times better then anime it is not using power ups or will beam battles to solve problems. Honestly when Western animation shells out the money to actually do a fight they tend to make Anime weep that they could be so creative. Sure it isn't as flashy but by goodness I am annoyed by every anime fight solved by "RANDOM POWER UP NO JUTSU!" or "I am angry therefor I win". Sure western animation may pull a "Now I am angry" but they tend to give you a bit more bang for it (like the character visually doing better).

The best comparison I guess would be the Justice League Unlimited battle between one super powered bruiser vs. All the Non-super powered heros (even if it ended badly) where they have to try their hardest just to combat that thing and actually do something. That would NEVER happen in anime period (I DENY IT!), even with the few exceptions floating in the air (dang it Hitman reborn your second season was my favorite).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Reelya on June 27, 2012, 01:58:14 am
Anyone watched Frisky Dingo? What did you think of that, one of my favorite Western animations I picked up this year.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 02:02:39 am
Anyone watched Frisky Dingo? What did you think of that, one of my favorite Western animations I picked up this year.

Honestly I am actually not a fan of that style of comedy. It did get me to watch but never out of a lot of entertainment or because I thought it was particularly funny.

I guess because "Ohh my goodness they are having normal conversations even thought they are clearly super heros and villains" was never funny to me. which inappropriate conversations and sociopathy is about 90% of their jokes so as you can tell I was watching the show at 10% the funny.

Worse yet whenever I actually started to like the show and it got funny... It never went with it. The people who wrote the show loved all the parts I hated.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Sirus on June 27, 2012, 02:05:51 am
Neonivek, I think you're overgeneralizing both anime and WA. There are animes out there where the hero wins out (or doesn't) purely on already-established abilities, and I can think of more than a few examples of ass-pulls in WA.

For instance, anyone remember the end of the Samurai Jack episode with the assassin-robots? The ones that looked kinda like wicker baskets when they weren't in "murder everything" mode? Now, Samurai Jack was an awesome series, but that was honestly a pretty terrible way to end the battle.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 02:16:39 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I am shelfing the spoiled stuff since I am mostly refering to climaxes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on June 27, 2012, 02:52:02 am
My beef with shonen anime is the utter overuse of the Determinator ( I've seen more fights than I can count where the hero takes hundreds of blows yet wins in the end with a single strike.

One of my complements to Justice League was how the heroes wore down during fights. Superman was flying about willy nilly at the start of every fight, but slowed down as he got beaten up. Fights ended in a variety of ways, not just "exchange blows until a revelation hits and the hero wins." The only fight I can remember where the heroes won due to sheer determination and willpower would be Flash vs Braniac (and that fight was awesome for reasons other than his willpower boost. He didn't say a word the entire time he was circling the globe, yet you knew exactly what he was thinking).

Man, I had forgotten how great a character Flash was in that series. Hidden depths indeed. EDIT: Oh hey, his best episode ( is on youtube. In decent quality! Go watch it. Now. Even if it's just to see Batman get shown up at interrogation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 03:27:11 am
I've seen more fights than I can count where the hero takes hundreds of blows yet wins in the end with a single strike

That is due to the inverse law of injuries in anime. The most injured a character becomes the more powerful they are. (actually it was the inverse law of injuries in bleach)

Though once again I should state that I am NOT refering in anyway to characters gaining new abilities.

I am refering to basically... what Kaijyuu is refering to and "I am more powerful now"

Though yeah it is more that it is overused then it is all pervasive.

Just like continuity. both western and japanese shows have continuity. Just that one uses it way more then the other.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Aqizzar on June 27, 2012, 08:10:21 am
Man, I had forgotten how great a character Flash was in that series. Hidden depths indeed. EDIT: Oh hey, his best episode ( is on youtube. In decent quality! Go watch it. Now. Even if it's just to see Batman get shown up at interrogation.

I don't have nearly enough time to be watching this right now, but I miss this show's moments.

Orion: You'll never see me at one of these museum openings.
Batman: staaare
Orion: It's not black tie is it?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on June 27, 2012, 03:44:57 pm
Flash: "I swear, when I get out of this, I'm going to get you and hurl all over you."

Yeah the writing was awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Nadaka on June 27, 2012, 03:52:45 pm
Exo-Squad. An American Mecha space combat show with WW2 themes.

Somehow they got the genocide of half the human race, showing the deaths of hundreds/thousands of pilots/ships crew, a suicidal admiral, and splattering a neosapien brain across a bulkhead from a bullet to the back of his head past the censors. And I think I am missing a few things.

The animation... has not aged well. Neither has the voice acting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 27, 2012, 04:00:23 pm
Neither has the voice acting

Having never heard the voice acting you heard of I am guessing it is the same voice acting as in macross... I actually consider a different style of voice acting altogether which has certain advantages.

It actually is somewhat missed given that it is serious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Sergius on June 27, 2012, 04:57:38 pm
How about Wing Commander Academy? I had never actually watched it until a couple years ago. Funny thing, any character that isn't a named character in the games has a 99% likelihood of dying in the first episode he/she shows up.

It's not THAT good, but feels strangely retro.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on June 29, 2012, 10:05:41 am
Continuing on with Gargoyles~

At the start I didn't really like Demona. None of her actions really made sense to me; yeah she's in denial and all that, but her actions didn't always seem to line up with her stated goals.

Then came the City of Stone 4 parter. Okay, it makes sense now. I already knew she was blaming all her faults on other people, but now she's so far past the moral event horizon that if she stopped denying everything she's probably curl up into a ball of self loathing for a few centuries. Damn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Remalle on June 29, 2012, 08:09:25 pm
FINALLY watching Korra episode 2.  HOLY CRAP PRO BENDING.  BEST EVER.  How have I missed out on this?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Hawkfrost on June 29, 2012, 08:56:08 pm
Alright to heck with it, I am going to watch Korra.
All this talking about it from everyone is making my curiosity burn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 29, 2012, 10:23:52 pm
I've watched Chaotic and Battleforce 5 and both of them at one time presented us with a invading force.

However in both cases the invaders in question were pathetic and I do not believe for a second that they would have taken the earth down.

In Chaotic there is the entire world of Chaotic and in Battleforce 5 there is the Vandals and the Robots (forgot their name).

Except there is a difference

In Chaotic they outright admitted that our technology and simple size, Chaotic is a much smaller and less populated world then ours, would have won out. In Battleforce 5 they still treat the Vandals as if they were in anyway a threat (with exception to ONE time stop device that I am sure would have ran out of energy).

What are the Vandals? Well they are Animalmen who drive open cockpit roadsters without any projectile weaponry. They lack super strength or speed. I wonder how our TANKS would deal with them. The Sarks are quite a bit more threatening but they are just cannon fodder robots. (There is a later enemy who is legitimately threatening however)

So here is the game!

Present the most pathetic invading force that a series actually expects you to take seriously inspite of the fact that we easily would have won.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: IronyOwl on June 29, 2012, 10:42:48 pm
So here is the game!

Present the most pathetic invading force that a series actually expects you to take seriously inspite of the fact that we easily would have won.
Is there a point to your obsession with overanalyzing bad things? Sometimes it seems like you're more interested in talking about how terrible things are than anything else.

Plus, bizarrely overspecific. How many terrible series featuring alien invasion do you think we've watched?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 29, 2012, 10:52:03 pm
I spoke of things I liked much earlier, this time I spoke of something that came to mind.

Heck sometimes it just spins out of something I say I DO like (For example when I complimented the Season 1 finale fight in the new He-Man... which is still amazing by the way)

Though mostly it is because if I like something there is no point in saying I like it because you only care if you seen it too (as well my tastes tend to be so odd that only I share my likes). If it is something I dislike the common elements are shared with everyone around me.

If my last post was "I saw the second season of Avengers and I have to say they really deal with every single complaint I've had about the first season, they actually put the character back into the show and it is just grand. It just makes every episode a blast to see" NO ONE WOULD CARE!

If I spoke about how the weak characterisation of the show in the first season detracted from the overall experience and that it didn't understand that action doesn't replace character. Everyone would have their own example of a show that really should have at one point dialed back the action and put a bit more human effort into it.

How many terrible series featuring alien invasion do you think we've watched?

Well not all great series do no mistakes. As well let me see... How many terrible series featuring alien invasion do I think someone who seen 80s shows and seen 90s shows? A lot actually.

I mean... Lets just get into shows with alien invasion
-Lilo and Stitch (ignoring that I liked it)
-Biker Mice from Mars (both of them)
-The Mighty Ducks
-Darkwing Duck
-Timon and Pumba
-Space Chimp
-Super Monkey Force Five
-Battle Force five
-Winx Club
-The Simpsons
-Family Guy
-He-man (One version)
-Ben-Ten (Old and New)
-Fineas and Ferb (Yes I cannot spell one of the names)
-Justice League
-The New Adventures of Superman
-Spiderman (two of them)
-Teen Titans

Though it depends if we have to stay in animation. Afterall "Are you afraid of the dark" and "Goosebumps" both featured aliens. I could probably turn to my cartoon station and add to this out of the really bad show pile.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Frumple on June 29, 2012, 11:11:12 pm
Nah, that's actually kind of an interesting question. I just... I can't remember the specifics of many alien invasions in media (currently, the only one I can dredge up the memory for is EarthScorpion's Eva/Cthulhutech crossovers... which is sorta' western media via the lovecraft influence, but not animated. Also not a terrible invasion, heh.), much less any animated ones.

In a more general sense, most alien invasions are handled pretty shittily... X-Com (and some fiction for it... offhand, I'd cite Chryssalid's Road to Cydonia.) is one of the better ones. Mostly what I'm vaguely meandering toward is that a full out invasion is almost always basically the worst and most moronic choice a species could decide to enact (Sun Tzu laughs 'is bloody arse off at a lot of writers :P). Infiltration, long-term social engineering, stuff like that... all much more effective with less effort. Even with emergency colonization scenarios, it'd be a lot better to bribe us with some shitty knockoff tech for rights to the poles or something, and then work from there. I can't really respect/fear a spacefaring race who's first major action is to show up over the white house or whatever and say surrender earthlings.

More or less, most alien species seem to be ridiculously inept. It's like... you put a human in command and next Tuesday these chuckleheads would have control of all seven continents, but these xeno idiots do stupid stupid things and end up taking two whole seasons or whatever just to get kicked off the planet. I mean... damn. Some day, someone's going to start a show in which the aliens are smart, and just kinetic kill vehicle everything worth mentioning. The show will last one or two episodes  :P

E:Woah, buggery. List thing. What blazes, I've seen most of those and don't really recall the invasions as being particularly notable... maybe something that happened during them (Mighty Ducks, ferex), but the invasion itself was almost a... set piece, I guess? Weird.

E2: There's also pretty different sorts of invasions going on in that list... a lot you might not even be fair in calling an invasion at all. Interaction, definitely, but no conquer world/large chunk of geography going on, which is what I think when I think alien invasion. Damn, I wish I remembered that stuff well enough to comment more meaningfully on this subject.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 29, 2012, 11:18:43 pm
Invasions tend never to be a constant thing they are usually a "Once" sorta deal.

For example in Aladin their alien invasion by the Etherials was a one episode thing about teaching you that it is the "People" that makes a civilisation great, not its accomplishments.

In some of the other shows it was just played for fun and the aliens didn't really do much.

a lot you might not even be fair in calling an invasion at all

Not even going to pretend that I didn't stretched the definition to its dishonest most accurate form for some of these (uhhh... some... looking at my list there were some you may not remember)

Interaction, definitely, but no conquer world/large chunk of geography going on, which is what I think when I think alien invasion

Ohh that is what you meant. Ehhh I'd think if aliens came down, demolished a city, and then left it would be a alien "Invasion" as in they "Invade".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: RedWarrior0 on June 29, 2012, 11:40:07 pm
So, Korra. Anybody think any original series characters other than Katara and (sort of) Aang are going to show up in the present? After all, it's 70 years. Bumi was 110+ in TLA, the guru was apparently 150, and Kyoshi supposedly lived well past that. And yet everyone is gone already.

One thing I dislike is how un-special stuff like bloodbending and metalbending became. Oh, and the whole pure platinum can't be metalbent thing is just going to escalate when we get 'platinum benders' who can bend platinum and then 'uberplatinum' that can't be bent by them, and so on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on June 29, 2012, 11:42:02 pm
Well you do technically have all the spirits being alive still. Maybe the face stealer will make an appearance again.

Though I doubt spirits, even though they could EASILY present themselves as villains, will even be seen in this show anymore.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on June 29, 2012, 11:46:23 pm
Random epiphany concerning Korra (or more specifically, Mako):

Mako is your typical Chick Action Girl. Only he's a guy. Reasons:

1) Largely irrelevant except as a love interest.
2) Token action scenes here and there to try to prove him as physically capable, but doesn't really accomplish anything.
3) Flat, one note characterization.
4) Serves as the main character's reward at the end of the series.

His main sin is he's never really developed much as a character. His backstory is just offhandedly mentioned (his parents are deeeead! (, violating "show, don't tell." From the beginning to the end, he never changes at all. All his big badass moments don't actually accomplish anything. He's just there. And that's it.

Re: Next season of Korra.

I'm hoping for more insight into the spirits. The steampunk setting doesn't really do it for me, so some added mysticism would be cool. Plus it's never really been expanded upon much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 29, 2012, 11:56:45 pm
Random epiphany concerning Korra (or more specifically, Mako):

Mako is your typical Chick Action Girl. Only he's a guy. Reasons:

1) Largely irrelevant except as a love interest.
2) Token action scenes here and there to try to prove him as physically capable, but doesn't really accomplish anything.
3) Flat, one note characterization.
4) Serves as the main character's reward at the end of the series.

His main sin is he's never really developed much as a character. His backstory is just offhandedly mentioned (his parents are deeeead! (, violating "show, don't tell." From the beginning to the end, he never changes at all. All his big badass moments don't actually accomplish anything. He's just there. And that's it.

This makes too much sense. And it's more entertaining at how really angry people are over Mako being like this. "Yeah, of course you realize how bad it is once it happens to you!"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on July 01, 2012, 06:54:11 am
Ah man I hit a really bad string of Gargoyles episodes. I won't go into it much but due to some rather contrived story reasons 2 of the main cast are traveling around the world and having Wacky Adventures. Boring wacky adventures. This leaves many of my favorite characters (Hudson, Xanatos) out of the picture. Also there's a newly introduced and really dull tag-a-long gargoyle that's getting dull character development along the way. Also also I liked Goliath and Elise's relationship better when they were just friends instead of all this romantic subtext.

Some fun fridge logic: They did find some more female gargoyles, so the species isn't going to be extinct... but well, they'd be inbreeding. Bow chicka wow wow :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Frumple on July 01, 2012, 08:45:39 am
Wait, wait. Wait. I thought there had been goliathxelisa subtext like... forever. I mean, I was under that impression when I was much younger and actually watching the show when it first came on. Way before they started boating through the mists or whatev'.

I vaguely remember the wacky adventures pulling off some sorta' interesting world building, at least.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on July 01, 2012, 02:45:51 pm
Ah man I hit a really bad string of Gargoyles episodes. I won't go into it much but due to some rather contrived story reasons 2 of the main cast are traveling around the world and having Wacky Adventures. Boring wacky adventures. This leaves many of my favorite characters (Hudson, Xanatos) out of the picture. Also there's a newly introduced and really dull tag-a-long gargoyle that's getting dull character development along the way. Also also I liked Goliath and Elise's relationship better when they were just friends instead of all this romantic subtext.

Some fun fridge logic: They did find some more female gargoyles, so the species isn't going to be extinct... but well, they'd be inbreeding. Bow chicka wow wow :P

Well there are a few good episodes of the Boring adventures of the magic Canoe

Also don't worry those boring tag along gargoyles get better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on July 01, 2012, 05:28:14 pm
Yeah it's the magic Mist Canoe. That's been destroyed twice now yet reappears at the end of each episode.

The point seems to be proving "all myths are true" in this universe. One episode in particular seemed dedicated to mocking a poor skepticist who happens to be in the wrong story; you can almost see his brain melting as he shot magic lightning bolts with a spear.

I sort of liked the one with Demona and Macbeth (puked in my mouth a bit when they kissed, heh), but the rest have been dull. I outright skipped the one with the loch ness monster.

And yeah I suppose the romantic subtext has always been there to some degree, but not this much. I suppose that's a credit to the writers for making it gradual, though. Still, were I a hardcore fan of this show I'd probably friendship them rather than romantic ship them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on July 01, 2012, 05:53:09 pm
The point seems to be proving "all myths are true" in this universe.

Naw to me the point of the Magic Canoe is just to add a bunch of filler episodes that can happen anywhere in the world. The "good" episode I was refering to uses this fact quite well... unfortunately it isn't the last magic canoe episode.

I mean the show had filler before, but this is rather uninteresting filler for the most part... and the most interesting filler will never appear again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Bauglir on July 01, 2012, 07:31:27 pm
Gonna spend this post talking about Korra again, because I've been pointlessly dwelling on the ending some more. I do not know when to let something go, that much is certain. Anyway, I've been thinking about how I would have done it if I'd wanted a similar plot and ending.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Remalle on July 01, 2012, 10:37:24 pm
Dear god the Equalists embody so many Badass tropes it's amazing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Sirus on July 01, 2012, 10:40:03 pm
Dear god the everybody in the Avatar-verse embody so many Badass tropes it's amazing.
Fixed that for ya.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Remalle on July 01, 2012, 10:41:46 pm
Dear god the everybody in the Avatar-verse embody so many Badass tropes it's amazing.
Fixed that for ya.
Well, this too, yeah.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: quinnr on July 02, 2012, 01:04:22 am
Watching Samurai Jack lately, it's a pretty awesome show, and I have the first two seasons (all of them?) on DVD. I love the animation style it has, as well as the awesome fight scenes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Sirus on July 02, 2012, 01:13:52 am
What's the last episode in on your DVDs? I think there were closer to 3 seasons, but I don't remember.

And yeah, Samurai Jack was awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: quinnr on July 02, 2012, 01:16:17 am
What's the last episode in on your DVDs? I think there were closer to 3 seasons, but I don't remember.

And yeah, Samurai Jack was awesome.

Quick Google search says 4 seasons. Dang!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: kaijyuu on July 02, 2012, 04:29:56 am
So on a whim I re-watched the latter half of Justice League's 4th season. The Cadmus arc, ie a "who watches the watchmen" power struggle.

Man I didn't give this show enough credit when I first saw it like, 5 months ago. Plain friggin' awesome. It's amazing how much better it is than the first two seasons (pre-Unlimited), which save for a few dual episodes was quite dull.

Also now that I've read Watchmen I noticed a couple nods. I know Rorschach is an expy of Question, but I think there's some mutual borrowing of characterization going on here. It's just too bad Rorschach wasn't a fan of boy bands; something Question will always have over him, hehe (at least in this continuity).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: MrWiggles on July 02, 2012, 05:39:50 am
Aglets are the plastic ends to show laces; they look being but their real purpose is sinister.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Hawkfrost on July 03, 2012, 09:35:53 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Mako x Scarf is my OTP
Post by: Neonivek on July 03, 2012, 09:41:13 pm
Aglets are the plastic ends to show laces; they look being but their real purpose is sinister.

I don't know why their use is so mysterious to people to the extent that these ramblings are entertaining.

Has anyone had lace that lost its aglet? Notice how fast it falls appart?

Sorry just a small rant.

Anyhow let me think of another show people could watch.

The 1990s Xmen was pretty awsome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Zangi on July 04, 2012, 05:59:50 pm
Constant Payne, never aired? (
I think I would have watched that...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Backlog on July 04, 2012, 09:41:52 pm
I just watched an episode of Adventure time. My brain is still going what the fuck just happened as I was watching it and when it ended. some cool themes but then it went right into "acid" type thing which screwed my brain over
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 04, 2012, 09:54:19 pm
I just watched an episode of Adventure time. My brain is still going what the fuck just happened as I was watching it and when it ended. some cool themes but then it went right into "acid" type thing which screwed my brain over

The thing with me is that I am so dense to the weirdness of adventure time that the show can be outright boring at times.

Not normal boring... I mean REALLY BORING! Mostly because the show, while creative in dressing, is uncreative in actual plot development.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 05, 2012, 07:35:47 am
Gargoyles pretty much goes like this:

Boring boring boring boring AWESOME boring good boring AWESOME boring boring AWESOME

The Magic Canoe kinda burned me out, but I sat down to watch a couple more this morning. Came across a particularly good one about Brooklyn having second thoughts about leadership. Character development! About someone I actually care about! Finally!

I really, really wish there was more animation made for adults besides comedies. I can't enjoy some of these series as much as I "should" since I'm not mesmerized by funny looking monsters and flashy fight scenes like I would be if I were 8 years old. Western animation has a bad habit of filling up time with flashy scenes without substance, precisely because they can get away with it and their target audience won't care. They can show 15 minutes of strange looking people exchanging punches and the scenery being broken to bits, and kids will love it. And here I am, asking for depth. Maybe I'm asking too much.

But then again, there are shows like Avatar and MLP that have lots of depth and don't fill up time with fluff scenes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Nadaka on July 05, 2012, 09:32:33 am
Gargoyles pretty much goes like this:

Boring boring boring boring AWESOME boring good boring AWESOME boring boring AWESOME

The Magic Canoe kinda burned me out, but I sat down to watch a couple more this morning. Came across a particularly good one about Brooklyn having second thoughts about leadership. Character development! About someone I actually care about! Finally!

I really, really wish there was more animation made for adults besides comedies. I can't enjoy some of these series as much as I "should" since I'm not mesmerized by funny looking monsters and flashy fight scenes like I would be if I were 8 years old. Western animation has a bad habit of filling up time with flashy scenes without substance, precisely because they can get away with it and their target audience won't care. They can show 15 minutes of strange looking people exchanging punches and the scenery being broken to bits, and kids will love it. And here I am, asking for depth. Maybe I'm asking too much.

But then again, there are shows like Avatar and MLP that have lots of depth and don't fill up time with fluff scenes.

Have you watched Archer? It is fast paced, hard hitting and made of awesome. It IS a comedy. It is filled with awesome fight scenes. But that does not subtract from the characters.

2 seasons available on DVD and netflix, I believe a 3rd season is coming out soon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: RedKing on July 05, 2012, 09:49:25 am
I really should sit down and watch some Archer, since it features one of my favorite voice actors, H. Jon Benjamin.
And, I see at least a few episodes with Jeffrey Tambor. Yeah, my interest is piqued.

Pseudo-edit: HAH. I found  myself looking at a few stills of Archer and thinking "Why does this remind me of Awesome X from Frisky Dingo?" And voila....same series creator. Apparently I've gotten good at recognizing animation lineages.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 05, 2012, 02:30:06 pm
Archer's action scenes are really there for comedy purposes and are few and far between. You DEFINATELY shouldn't watch Archer for the action.

Though I can't say I havn't watched a show for a single sequence that may last a single minute every episode.

I watched Spygroove ONLY for the inane conversations they can have (especially at the end). My favorite was when they discussed which one of the two main characters was peanut butter and which one was jelly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: RedKing on July 05, 2012, 02:43:48 pm
That makes sense. A lot of Frisky Dingo was the inane conversations Killface would have with his minions, etc. And many of those guys also worked on SeaLab 2021, which was virtually nothing but in(s)ane conversations.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 05, 2012, 02:48:18 pm
That makes sense. A lot of Frisky Dingo was the inane conversations Killface would have with his minions, etc. And many of those guys also worked on SeaLab 2021, which was virtually nothing but in(s)ane conversations.

My favorite of which was "What if we could be a robot" for Sealab... and uhhh... Hmm I just don't like Frisky Dingo.

But otherwise I prefer Spygroove's inane conversations over Frisky Dingos and Sealab. Probably because theirs isn't sociopathic and it isn't a black comedy.

Which is something I noticed... They are always black comedies or at least dark ones.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 06, 2012, 07:55:16 am
I dunno why, but I have an uncanny ability to find shows with exactly the aesops I need. Waaay back in November, I was all angsty about not getting what I wanted and being constantly disappointed; cue a MLP episode about just that. Hit me pretty hard.

Come today, feeling worthless without goals in life, and along comes a Gargoyles episode. One shot character who said exactly what I've been saying: "I'm out of school, with no trade, no job, and no hope." It was a rather mediocre episode (though great for a Magic Canoe one), but just what I needed to hear... well except I doubt I'll be pulling any magic spears out of my ass anytime soon. Opinion of this show up seven fold.

There are a lot of valid criticisms for western animation, but their tendency to push morals on the audience isn't one I'll accept. It can be done bad, true (sonic says: don't get molested! (, but when done right, they can be just as valid of social and life commentary as any humongous novel or big shot film. Just smaller and more personal in scale.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Sirus on July 06, 2012, 10:01:33 am
There are a lot of valid criticisms for western animation, but their tendency to push morals on the audience isn't one I'll accept. It can be done bad, true (sonic says: don't get molested!), but when done right, they can be just as valid of social and life commentary as any humongous novel or big shot film. Just smaller and more personal in scale.
kaijyuu speaks truth. I remember an episode of Static Shock that climaxed with one of the main characters being injured in a school shooting brought on by excessive bullying. I seem to recall that they avoided dropping an overly-large anvil (, and it was a nice break from the superpowered mutant villains of the week.

Come to think of it, I think SS did a lot of episodes like that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Jervill on July 06, 2012, 10:05:18 am
It did?  I forgot most of the Static Shock episodes I watched.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 06, 2012, 10:07:21 am
I never watched much of it, myself. Though I might be a bit prejudiced since the Justice League episode where what's-his-face was featured was one of the absolute worst.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Sirus on July 06, 2012, 10:10:00 am
It did?  I forgot most of the Static Shock episodes I watched.
It's just a few that stand out to me. I know it wasn't the greatest show that ever aired, and I won't waste the bandwidth finding and downloading any of the episodes, but every once in a while they hit something good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 06, 2012, 11:59:56 am
their tendency to push morals on the audience isn't one I'll accept

I have to agree too. Even if I don't agree with the moral I sort of like the set up of "Moral lesson" episodes. They are always about a character learning and growing as a person or about an issue that cannot be solved in an ordinary way. I never take it as an imposition upon myself. Some of them even give you a little advice in stange situations.

Heck the worst "Moral" episode I ever seen wasn't even in western animation it was actually in an anime where the moral was that when you are in a new country you should completely conform because that is what is best. Mind you I am sure the moral they WANTED to tell you was that you have to give a little but you had to extrapolate that.

My favorite "Moral" episode I can think of would have to be an episode of Jem that dealt with being too generous. Mind you the episode was terrible, but it did deal with the issue.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: freeformschooler on July 06, 2012, 05:56:18 pm
I told myself I wouldn't do it...

...But I buckled down and watched some of the actual series of Adventure Time. It really is as funny as I thought it would be! I'm impressed so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 06, 2012, 10:40:00 pm
I told myself I wouldn't do it...

...But I buckled down and watched some of the actual series of Adventure Time. It really is as funny as I thought it would be! I'm impressed so far.


I still don't get why I don't like it. I liked Chowder, a lot, and this is by the same people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: freeformschooler on July 06, 2012, 11:51:35 pm
It's not the kind of humor that's going to be for everyone. Part of the fun is how ridiculous/surreal everything is. I enjoy how it never takes itself seriously. Both of those things are turn-offs to some.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 06, 2012, 11:53:35 pm
I'm pretty anti absurdity for absurdity's sake, and the two episodes I saw were pretty okay.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 07, 2012, 09:39:29 am
I'm pretty anti absurdity for absurdity's sake, and the two episodes I saw were pretty okay.


For me it is more that I am rather blunt to absurdity and can see logic in everything.

Talking mountains? Been there done that.

Essentially Adventure Time to me isn't a world of random occurances and weirdness. It is actually a rather interesting magical setting inside some sort of children's storybook.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 07, 2012, 09:46:34 am
I don't mind that kind of wackiness. What bugs me are shows that break their own rules. If a strong guy is shown single-handedly dragging an entire house in one episode, he shouldn't have trouble lifting a cake in another (actual example). Either would be fine alone, but together it's contradictory.

The general excuse for that kinda stuff is "it's a joke; don't think about it," but I'm not sure I can get behind anything I'm supposed to ignore after seeing it. That's the kind of absurdity I can't stand. Didn't see it in Adventure Time, but then again I might not have seen enough of the show to catch anything.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 07, 2012, 10:01:17 am
What bugs me are shows that break their own rules

You must absolutely hate Sponge Bob Square Pants.

His exact athleticism and durability changes almost every episode.

Though the same goes for Fairly Odd Parents... Timmy Turner is either a total loser or underappreciated (It was REALLY weird when he ran a race and was the slowest one there... Given that he runs away from must faster opponents every episode)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 07, 2012, 10:10:56 am
Never seen either. Maybe that's a good thing :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Pnx on July 07, 2012, 12:16:29 pm
Fairly Odd parents is actually in the habit of breaking the crazy specifically inhibiting rules established in other episodes on a frequent basis. Adventure Time usually is pretty good at keeping with its own internal logic, but it does break internal logic in little ways sometimes... also I still want to know what wild berry princess makes the crusts of her pies out of.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Aqizzar on July 07, 2012, 12:58:42 pm
Dammit, I've been watching all those Justice League episodes some hero uploaded to YouTube.  Like this one (, which has nothing to do with Green Lantern and he still gets one of the best moments in the show.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: kaijyuu on July 07, 2012, 01:10:03 pm
Green Lantern? ( ;)

Oh yeah, I love Green Arrow. It's too bad more episodes didn't focus on him because he's goddamn awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 07, 2012, 11:29:11 pm
Fairly Odd parents is actually in the habit of breaking the crazy specifically inhibiting rules established in other episodes on a frequent basis.

For example Fairly Odd Parents often doesn't seperate whether Fairies ability to transform is an inherant ability or a product of their magic assisted by a inherant ability. The rule where the Fairies cannot maim people is broken all the time. Whether or not the rules are enforced by the rule book or by Jorgan changes. How magic even works changes all the time (It seems to be electricty but the Anti-fairies shouldn't have a source of magical power).

Characterisation is everywhere.

However there is one HUGE HUGE plothole in Fairly Odd Parents that was never resolved that was brought up from a movie. In fact it is so huge and mind boggling that it makes no sense and actually kinda kills the movie for me all on its own.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The one episode I hated the most in Fairly Odd Parents was when Crocker was cured of his fairy hunting ways for good. It ended with

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As for my favorite episode... I have to admit I am a sucker for every episode that involves Momma Cosmo. They tend to be both funny, I love her brand of evil, and sweet at the same time. I really dislike it when Cosmo shows disinterest in being married to Wanda when these episodes are always there to show how much Cosmo truely loves her to the point where he doesn't even notice other women. I like the show when it has a lot of heart and is funny at the same time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Sergius on July 08, 2012, 02:42:02 am
Dammit, I've been watching all those Justice League episodes some hero uploaded to YouTube.  Like this one (, which has nothing to do with Green Lantern and he still gets one of the best moments in the show.



Did that Manta ray or whatever is his name just cop a feel of Wonder Woman's?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 08, 2012, 06:11:48 pm
Honestly some of these shows are so good it makes me wonder why the Animation Age Getto ever existed from time to time.

Especially since a lot of these are more interesting then some of the more adult oriented live action shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Remalle on July 08, 2012, 07:13:19 pm
Especially since a lot of these are more interesting then some of the more adult oriented live action shows.
My sentiments exactly.  In animation you get ELEMENT BENDING and SAMURAI IN THE FUTURE and SUPERHEROES, and then in live action you get police procedural after police procedural after police procedural masquerading as a medical drama.  Western animation seems to be far more free to be imaginative, maybe even because of the age ghetto.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: Neonivek on July 08, 2012, 10:10:43 pm
You don't even have to get into the plots.

Just the way they are set up. Animation tends to be brisk but Live Action tends to meander about. Less dead air.

Plus there is less stiff dull acting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 09:05:55 am
Been thinking about something.

What's ya'll's opinion on CG animation vs "traditional" 2d animation?

I find I'm kinda biased against CG. I'm not quite sure why; I love most of Pixar's movies. Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorite movie series ever (why does 3 have to be so far away!?). But I see something like Wreck it Ralph ( and am immediately skeptical. Also, I didn't actually see Tangled but I did watch Princess and the Frog. The only reason I can think of for this is the CG animation.

I guess I get a sort of "puppetry" vibe from CG. The models almost always have rigid bone structures. It's much less common to see things going off model for added expression, and there's none of the fun tricks ( of 2D. In a word, everything feels "stiff" in comparison.

So, do you like one over the other? Indifferent?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Levi on July 10, 2012, 11:20:36 am
In general I prefer traditional, simply because you have a bit more flexibility than in 3d.  Also 3d you tend to notice a lot more when something looks bad.

What annoys me more than either of those though, is when they mix them together so part of a show is 3d and the other part is 2d.  That drives me right up the wall.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Jervill on July 10, 2012, 11:32:52 am
Even when it is relatively subtle like Futurama?  I personally don't really care either way, and sometimes when mixed well they can look good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Levi on July 10, 2012, 11:35:20 am
Even when it is relatively subtle like Futurama?  I personally don't really care either way, and sometimes when mixed well they can look good.

If I don't notice it then its fine.  Futurama actually does a pretty good job of it. 
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Nadaka on July 10, 2012, 11:44:52 am
Even when it is relatively subtle like Futurama?  I personally don't really care either way, and sometimes when mixed well they can look good.

If I don't notice it then its fine.  Futurama actually does a pretty good job of it.

So does southpark
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 11:48:03 am
Hmm CG versus animation.

Personally I notice a lot of lazyness when it comes to CG that you can just see when you watch a CG show back to back with an animated show. Watch the CG Spiderman versus The Amazing Spiderman and you notice it.

At the same time some of my favorite shows have been CG (Reboot or Beastwars and HECK I even liked Shadow Raiders).

Plus even today CG just isn't all that good.

Assuming I am thinking of the right CG and we arn't talking about shows like Chaotic versus the last season of Chaotic where the show went from using Flash to using traditional animation (and personally... I actually prefered the Flash... Yes the animation was a lot less sophisticated but it was sort of the show's style).

Anyhow to say my oppinion more formally: CG is a great way to animate a series, unfortunately it has rarely been done well for reasons I cannot fathom.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 11:50:41 am
I guess it would be more accurate to say "3D vs 2D." Stuff made with Flash/etc doesn't seem to be too different from "regular" 2d animation except when they're being exceptionally lazy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: ToonyMan on July 10, 2012, 12:34:44 pm
Plus even today CG just isn't all that good.
Good looking CGI cost money!  That's why TV adaptions of CG films look really poor, they're done at a much lower cost.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: quinnr on July 10, 2012, 02:49:22 pm
Archer is hilarious. Whoever mentioned it is an awesome person and I love them.

Been thinking about something.

What's ya'll's opinion on CG animation vs "traditional" 2d animation?

I find I'm kinda biased against CG. I'm not quite sure why; I love most of Pixar's movies. Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorite movie series ever (why does 3 have to be so far away!?). But I see something like Wreck it Ralph ( and am immediately skeptical. Also, I didn't actually see Tangled but I did watch Princess and the Frog. The only reason I can think of for this is the CG animation.

I guess I get a sort of "puppetry" vibe from CG. The models almost always have rigid bone structures. It's much less common to see things going off model for added expression, and there's none of the fun tricks ( of 2D. In a word, everything feels "stiff" in comparison.

So, do you like one over the other? Indifferent?

I typically don't really like CG. Toy Story 3 was just...too perfect or something. It seemed off to me. There are exceptions though, I LOVED the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie, and Code Lyoko is fun too.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Nadaka on July 10, 2012, 02:51:00 pm
Glad I could help. Archer is hilarious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 02:54:30 pm
I LOVED the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie
wait what

Well I guess everything has at least 1 fan :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: quinnr on July 10, 2012, 03:05:33 pm
I LOVED the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie
wait what

Well I guess everything has at least 1 fan :D

..But it was so pretty. And the plot wasn't bad either. I wasn't even aware people didn't like it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 03:08:44 pm
Yeah, it wasn't a very well received movie. ( Completely killed off Square's movie department!

But don't let that taint your view on it. If you like it, other people's opinions mean squat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Il Palazzo on July 10, 2012, 03:29:40 pm
The film has its problems. Lots of them, in fact, and in important areas: the story seems banal and superificial to the visuals; the "actors" are sufficiently removed from the uncanny valley to actually think of them in terms of acting skill - which is invariably wooden and failing to convey much emotions. While Dr.Ross has obviously been given much nerdy love by the creators, other characters feel way too two-dimensional(pun!).
On the other hand, the imagery can inspire childlike wonder, while the technical aspects(esp. considering the time of release) are stunning.

In other words, there is lots to love about that film, but all those things don't make it a good one. IMO, of course.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 04:08:48 pm
The problem is simple

The action scenes arn't very actiony, the characters arn't that memorable or well developed (hey did you know that the old guy is a widow?), the drama is almost completely unimportant, and even the dynamics between both science factions seem crazy.

In otherwords as a drama and as a action movie it fails.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 05:47:47 pm
Eh, it wasn't the worst movie, or even the worst animated or video game-based movie ever. It definitely looked nice.

As far as CG vs Traditional animation, I'm open to both, even mixes of the two. Some of my favorite films have been Disney-Pixar works like WALL-E and Up. Then again, traditional animation really has it's moments.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 06:52:27 pm
Honestly I seen WALL-E and I really don't get what is the big deal but whatever.

UP though is good, albiet too silly at times.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Aqizzar on July 10, 2012, 06:56:52 pm
As one of the nine people who saw Spirits Within in the theater at release, yeah it was a rote science action-fantasy with wooden acting skill and some okay visuals and a few good scenes.  It was definitely forgettable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 07:00:56 pm
I really didn't think The Spirits within was all that bad and I actually rather like it. I just know why it is so bad.

It just goes to show that you can like something AND know what is wrong with it. (which for the internet is a unfathomable concept)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 07:04:29 pm
Honestly I seen WALL-E and I really don't get what is the big deal but whatever.

UP though is good, albiet too silly at times.
I liked WALL-E, though it's not the best Pixar film. It's implausible at some parts (humans without responsibilities aren't going to turn into unproductive sloths), and I wasn't too into the romance between Eve and WALL-E, but otherwise it was great.

UP was better. The dogs were kinda annoying (all of them), and the house going from some American suburb to South America in like 1 day was really suspension of disbelief shattering for me, but otherwise great as well. I loved the old guy's character development.

Dunno what my favorite Pixar one would be though. Maybe UP. Maybe the Incredibles, just because I always love a villain who has the right ideas but comes to the wrong conclusions (makes for a great mix of sympathetic and loathsome).

It just goes to show that you can like something AND know what is wrong with it. (which for the internet is a unfathomable concept)
I know! I don't know how many times I've written some rather scathing reviews of things I like, and people reply with shit like "don't watch it if you don't like it." You can like things that aren't perfect, people. That should be rather self evident since nothing is perfect in the first place but I guess not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...
Post by: CJ1145 on July 10, 2012, 07:07:52 pm
Dammit, I've been watching all those Justice League episodes some hero uploaded to YouTube.  Like this one (, which has nothing to do with Green Lantern and he still gets one of the best moments in the show.


I just want to mention I am about to re-watch the entire show. Thank you so much for linking this.

As for WALL-E, I thought it was sweet. Not meant to test your capabilities as a viewer in any way; mostly I just thought it was that sort of innocent romance (both in the interaction and worldview senses) that gave it a sort of charm. Particularly how curious the Captain was, and the almost childlike wonder and happiness he had when he started learning about Earth.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 07:32:16 pm
innocent romance

Their friends.

"It's implausible at some parts (humans without responsibilities aren't going to turn into unproductive sloths)"

Actually the hardest part for me to stomach is the ending. Which I won't spoil but is totally unbelievable. To the extent that I cannot supply ANY single shred of suspension of disbelief and I'd rate the ending "Garbage"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Furtuka on July 10, 2012, 07:42:08 pm
Apparently suspension of disbelief doesn't seem to work for me the same as other people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 07:43:13 pm's a DISNEY movie.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 07:48:39 pm
Apparently suspension of disbelief doesn't seem to work for me the same as other people.
Do elaborate! Different people have different things that jerk them back to reality.

Might as well complain about Belle bringing the Beast back to life.
To be fair, that didn't have the best ending either. He really should've died or stayed as the beast. This is coming from someone who fucking loves that movie.

PS: Spoilering a movie that's like two decades old? There's a statute of limitations on this stuff man :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 07:50:25 pm
You know whats funny? I am not even refering to that.

No I am refering to the much DUMBER part of the ending that none of you caught.

I am not refering to the Power of Love/Friendship... I eat power of friendship/love for lunch and I never get tired of it. In Anime "Power of friendship" is actually something I really love that I wish Western animation did more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 07:51:43 pm
The part during the credits? Hyperdrive?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
C'mon dude, just stick it in some spoiler tags.

PS: Spoilering a movie that's like two decades old? There's a statute of limitations on this stuff man
The spoiler tags were primarily for WALL-E's ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 07:54:48 pm
The part during the credits? Hyperdrive?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
C'mon dude, just stick it in some spoiler tags.

PS: Spoilering a movie that's like two decades old? There's a statute of limitations on this stuff man
The spoiler tags were primarily for WALL-E's ending.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

humans without responsibilities aren't going to turn into unproductive sloths

Actually that wasn't the issue. The issue was that you couldn't be productive. The entire ship was not only automated but there were little facility to actually do anything productive. Want to study new fields of technology? No facilities on the ship. Want to grow something? No facilities on the ship. Buisness? Automated. Essentially people COULDN'T be productive even if they wanted to.

Mind you... Even I have known people who genuinly enjoy exercise... but I allow suspension of disbelief for thematic reasons as well sometimes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Furtuka on July 10, 2012, 07:59:14 pm
? I'm pretty sure the end credits took place over the course of multiple generations. Hence the tree.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 07:59:59 pm
? I'm pretty sure the end credits took place over the course of multiple generations. Hence the tree.

Let me tell you the accurate ending

They all died.

I know too much about what they were actually trying to do for it to be believable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:02:22 pm
Says who? They've got that awesome starship with plenty of food and water to shelter in until crops begin to grow and the world is cleaned up a little more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:03:14 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:04:32 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:06:02 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Maybe that confused me, Though I'd pay more attention. Though I still think that is how it went.

The only explanation for that ending is MAGIC!

You can't even justify it if you try without magic.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I honestly was expecting something at the end to sort of explain how the ending was possible... but nope, I am supposed to shut off my incredibly small knowledge on agriculture to swallow this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:11:34 pm
Making an awful lot of assumptions there. True, the ending was left pretty open, but there's no real reason it couldn't have a hopeful outlook for humanity's future.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:12:42 pm
Making an awful lot of assumptions there. True, the ending was left pretty open, but there's no real reason it couldn't have a hopeful outlook for humanity's future.

Because of the laws of thermodynamics as well as the study of biology.

What is worse Sirus is it was soo easy to actually fix this ending. It would have taken 5-10 seconds and boom! the ending makes sense!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: kaijyuu on July 10, 2012, 08:13:57 pm
How about the fact an extremely polluted planet became livable again in like, 700 years as opposed to millennia?

There were a few things about that movie that didn't make sense. It doesn't work on any social commentary level. Still quite entertaining though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:16:53 pm
Making an awful lot of assumptions there. True, the ending was left pretty open, but there's no real reason it couldn't have a hopeful outlook for humanity's future.

Because of the laws of thermodynamics as well as the study of biology.

What is worse Sirus is it was soo easy to actually fix this ending. It would have taken 5-10 seconds and boom! the ending makes sense!
By killing everyone? That's just a downer ending, and a bit of a cop-out.

"Oh hey! You know all those characters we introduced you to? They all died four weeks later! Sucks to be them."

A bit more realistic? Perhaps, but I loathe those kinds of endings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:18:47 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Lets move on... it is a dumb thing that is dumb and only I would hate an entire ending because of something completely implausable.

By killing everyone?

NO!!! They could have simply have had... I don't know... SOMETHING on the ship actually meant to do what they did at the ending.

But they didn't have that thing, they never shown that thing, they never mentioned that thing.

So lets move on from that dumb part.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:21:04 pm
All right, fine. Moving on :P

So who saw Brave? I watched it in theaters last weekend and I'd like to hear what other B12'ers have to say about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:21:37 pm
All right, fine. Moving on :P

So who saw Brave? I watched it in theaters last weekend and I'd like to hear what other B12'ers have to say about it.

I want to SOOOO much! Unless I hear it was terrible...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:25:00 pm
I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it was different from what previews led me to believe. Take that as you will.

Oh, and I heartily recommend watching it in 3D if your theater can do that. It's not annoying 3D, just makes things look better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: darkrider2 on July 10, 2012, 08:26:48 pm
Everyone looks at me weird when I say I want to see that movie. But I do.

There's some innate part of me that enjoys movies which aren't designed to be serious out the butt.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Frumple on July 10, 2012, 08:37:09 pm
Kind if a belated chime in, but I'd throw out that 2d vs 3d in animation falls almost precisely where it does in video games. Remember well the PSX era and the insistence continuing to this day on making 3d games when 2d would be massively more aesthetically pleasing (handhelds, cough, cough) when dealing with the form's limitations. Not exactly surprisng, there, considering the connections between media forms,

If I had to wager a guess, I'd say that the techniques and the tools for working with 2d are currently simply more refined -- and more importantly, more prevalent -- than 3d, both in game and non-game media. In time, as 3d rendering and creation tools and methodologies advance, we're likely to see excellently done 3d animation become more ubiquitous. Well, moreso, as things have indeed kinda' been upswinging from what little I've paid attention.

Eventually, it likely won't be so much a better or worse than a different tool for difference desire thing. We'll likely see more mixed d media, I'd wager, as our content creators become more familiar and fluid with the more recent format.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 08:51:59 pm
I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it was different from what previews led me to believe. Take that as you will.

Oh, and I heartily recommend watching it in 3D if your theater can do that. It's not annoying 3D, just makes things look better.


I thought Brave was about a woman breaking out of her traditional roles to be the hero she is inside without it being handed to her.

Like a movie version of Jane and the Dragon (A show that I cannot explain why I love it...)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 08:59:35 pm
I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it was different from what previews led me to believe. Take that as you will.

Oh, and I heartily recommend watching it in 3D if your theater can do that. It's not annoying 3D, just makes things look better.


I thought Brave was about a woman breaking out of her traditional roles to be the hero she is inside without it being handed to her.

Like a movie version of Jane and the Dragon (A show that I cannot explain why I love it...)
Well, there is some of that.
Basically, my impression was that the heroine fought in a tournament to save herself from being forced into an arranged marriage. While there are elements of that, it mostly revolves around a conflict with her mother.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 09:12:54 pm

You are right the Previews really don't show that. Sad that things are still handed to her.

Ohh well I guess I could always watch reruns of Jane and the Dragon... once again I cannot really explain why I love that show so much. I wish it wasn't cancelled after one season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 10, 2012, 09:30:33 pm
I wouldn't say that things are "handed to her". She has to fight hard to show her mother that the life the mother chose isn't for herself.

Also keep in mind that I'm trying to avoid spoiling anything major, so I can't describe the movie's plot as well as I could otherwise :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 10, 2012, 09:32:14 pm
I will say that Jane and the Dragon AND Brave are very similar in plot.

Admittingly Jane had to face a dragon to do it.

Bonus points is that they look similar and were both women in waiting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: quinnr on July 11, 2012, 02:08:24 am
All right, fine. Moving on :P

So who saw Brave? I watched it in theaters last weekend and I'd like to hear what other B12'ers have to say about it.

The only real thing I have to say about it is this:

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- CG vs Traditional?
Post by: Sergius on July 11, 2012, 12:29:46 pm
The part during the credits? Hyperdrive?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
C'mon dude, just stick it in some spoiler tags.

PS: Spoilering a movie that's like two decades old? There's a statute of limitations on this stuff man
The spoiler tags were primarily for WALL-E's ending.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

humans without responsibilities aren't going to turn into unproductive sloths

Actually that wasn't the issue. The issue was that you couldn't be productive. The entire ship was not only automated but there were little facility to actually do anything productive. Want to study new fields of technology? No facilities on the ship. Want to grow something? No facilities on the ship. Buisness? Automated. Essentially people COULDN'T be productive even if they wanted to.

Mind you... Even I have known people who genuinly enjoy exercise... but I allow suspension of disbelief for thematic reasons as well sometimes.

The official explanation was atrophy in space because the lack of gravity, which makes some sense. Except the part where they had gravity.

There are many problems with WALL-E, a lot of them in the plot. I read an article once and it destroyed it for me. The only way I can enjoy WALL-E is to shut down my brain entirely... it's still a cute film with nice effects and CGI, I suppose.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: RedKing on July 11, 2012, 02:04:58 pm
I rather enjoyed Brave. Plot wasn't anything spectacular, but it was visually lush and I enjoyed the voice acting.

I'm *really* intrigued by the trailer ( I saw for Wreck-It Ralph. The "video game bad guy support group" bit was outstanding.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Good cast, tons of shout-outs to gaming history, and perhaps a bit of a social commentary on how grimdark modern gaming is compared to its 8-bit days.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 02:09:03 pm
Yeah, I kinda wanna see Wreck-It Ralph. Sadly, no one else I know does.

I don't have the slightest idea how they managed to get so many licensed characters in the same room, but it's damned impressive.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Pnx on July 11, 2012, 02:13:13 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Good cast, tons of shout-outs to gaming history, and perhaps a bit of a social commentary on how grimdark modern gaming is compared to its 8-bit days.
Let's see, I can recognise most of the guys on the right half, except the demon dude, but the left half is a mystery, with the exception of the house of the dead zombie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 02:16:57 pm
The Demon Dude is probably meant to be Horny. I vaguely recognise the guys to the left and know I've seen many of them before (the Rhino and Robot) and some seem to be generic.

Though WHY the heck is Human Smoke and Zangief here? Neither of them are evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 02:19:24 pm
I actually think I recognize the blue-haired woman (?) on the left next to the rhino; I was replaying Dragon Quest IX the other day and fought a boss named Morag, who looks a lot like that.

The Demon Dude is probably meant to be Horny. I vaguely recognise the guys to the left and know I've seen many of them before (the Rhino and Robot) and some seem to be generic.

Though WHY the heck is Human Smoke and Zangief here? Neither of them are evil.
Reformed/recovering villains? Bowser isn't exactly evil either.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 02:21:40 pm
Haha, now that I think about it, Zangief being a "bad guy" has some unfortunate implications. Just because he's Russian he's evil?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 02:24:14 pm
Of course! Russians in video games are always evil :P
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 02:26:25 pm
Reformed/recovering villains? Bowser isn't exactly evil either.

Which I'd give if it wasn't for the fact that Zangief was never a villain... and Smoke was only a secret villain as a robot but never as a human.

They probably picked Smoke because he was a Ninja and Zangief because he "sort of looks like a villain".

Mind you I am half convinced it isn't Zangief but a more obscure character...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 02:29:16 pm
Hmm...interesting. I think I got Zangief confused with Sagat (who IIRC became a villain for a while), and I don't know anything about MK lore.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Pnx on July 11, 2012, 02:30:25 pm
I actually think I recognize the blue-haired woman (?) on the left next to the rhino; I was replaying Dragon Quest IX the other day and fought a boss named Morag, who looks a lot like that.

The Demon Dude is probably meant to be Horny. I vaguely recognise the guys to the left and know I've seen many of them before (the Rhino and Robot) and some seem to be generic.

Though WHY the heck is Human Smoke and Zangief here? Neither of them are evil.
Reformed/recovering villains? Bowser isn't exactly evil either.
Dragon Quest, and Dungeon Keeper don't seem very likely, all the other ones I recognise are from arcade games, so I expect the rest of them to be from arcade games too. Also, "horny" seems to have an... axe? when he traditionally has a scythe, and he just... looks wrong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 02:32:35 pm
Yes I know Horny is all wrong... But I really don't know many traditional devil characters in videogames.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Zangi on July 11, 2012, 02:34:55 pm
They say Zangief though.... at least that is what I hear... Didn't he work for Bison or some other badguy in some of the Street Fighter movies or shows?  Didn't seem like a bad guy in the game though...
Horny?  That is not the Dungeon Keeper's Horny... he is too gaudy...
Either way, I want to watch this now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 02:36:38 pm
Of course! Russians in video games are always evil :P
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Honestly, if Zangief turns into a minor commentary about how Russians are designated villains in video games like Modern Warfare, then my respect for it will shoot through the roof.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 02:38:52 pm
Of course! Russians in video games are always evil :P
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Honestly, if Zangief turns into a minor commentary about how Russians are designated villains in video games like Modern Warfare, then my respect for it will shoot through the roof.
...Brilliant. That'd be a day-1 watch in theaters for me.
Okay, probably not, but that would be pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 02:39:40 pm
They say Zangief though.... at least that is what I hear... Didn't he work for Bison or some other badguy in some of the Street Fighter movies or shows?  Didn't seem like a bad guy in the game though...
Horny?  That is not the Dungeon Keeper's Horny... he is too gaudy...
Either way, I want to watch this now.

Only in the AMERICAN MADE Cartoon did they make Zangief a villain.

Mind you it was also an American Cartoon Pilot that made Morrigan a Villain too (You know... the protagonist of Vampire Savior / Dark Stalkers)

Honestly, if Zangief turns into a minor commentary about how Russians are designated villains in video games like Modern Warfare, then my respect for it will shoot through the roof

I agree... Bonus points if Sodapopinski pops into the room.

Also I recognise the guy beside the Zombie to the left... It is Kano from Mortal Kombat


Also nope apperantly Zangief is a villain now... FOR NO REASON!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: ToonyMan on July 11, 2012, 02:47:01 pm
Mind you it was also an American Cartoon Pilot that made Morrigan a Villain too (You know... the protagonist of Vampire Savior / Dark Stalkers)
You mean this right? (  Kekeke
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 02:48:47 pm
Mind you it was also an American Cartoon Pilot that made Morrigan a Villain too (You know... the protagonist of Vampire Savior / Dark Stalkers)
You mean this right? (  Kekeke

Yes that is also the video I saw it from.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sergius on July 11, 2012, 03:23:50 pm
Also, "horny" seems to have an... axe? when he traditionally has a scythe, and he just... looks wrong.

That can't be Horny. Even the horns are wrong. Looks like he's holding a trident of sorts. Generic "The Devil" IMO, could be anyone.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 03:35:24 pm
Also, "horny" seems to have an... axe? when he traditionally has a scythe, and he just... looks wrong.

That can't be Horny. Even the horns are wrong. Looks like he's holding a trident of sorts. Generic "The Devil" IMO, could be anyone.

Zangief is a villain, anything is possible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sergius on July 11, 2012, 03:48:46 pm
Also, "horny" seems to have an... axe? when he traditionally has a scythe, and he just... looks wrong.

That can't be Horny. Even the horns are wrong. Looks like he's holding a trident of sorts. Generic "The Devil" IMO, could be anyone.

Zangief is a villain, anything is possible.

The Devil could be trying sell matches in the street during Christmas for all I care. There are probably more games with a Devil in them than Dungeon Keeper, and this one doesn't look like the one in DK at all, except for the fact that they're Devil-looking.

At least Zangief looks Zangief-like.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: quinnr on July 11, 2012, 04:06:53 pm
I want to see Wreck-it Ralph too, looks like it could be pretty good. Then again, it could be terribad too.

That Beholder (lots of eyes floaty thing) looks familiar, not sure if it's just the race or a specific game though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: RedKing on July 11, 2012, 04:15:16 pm
They sold me with Zangief's line, 'Just because you are bad-guy, does not make you bad guy!'"  :P

That scene reminded me of the Pixar short Small Fry, where Buzz Lightyear winds up stuck in a support group for discarded Happy Meal tie-in toys. Which was freakin' hilarious.

I want to see Wreck-it Ralph too, looks like it could be pretty good. Then again, it could be terribad too.

That Beholder (lots of eyes floaty thing) looks familiar, not sure if it's just the race or a specific game though.
Eye of the Beholder, maybe? If we're sticking to arcade games, I'm pretty sure there was a Capcom Dungeons & Dragons arcade game that had a Beholder as one of the major bosses.

EDIT: Saw an interesting comparison re: all the licensed character cameos...some are saying it could be to video games what Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was to classic animation. If it can live up to that comparison, I'd be plenty happy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 04:19:30 pm
I want to see Wreck-it Ralph too, looks like it could be pretty good. Then again, it could be terribad too.

That Beholder (lots of eyes floaty thing) looks familiar, not sure if it's just the race or a specific game though.

The problem I immediately got when watching the intro is it looks less like a movie made by videogame lovers.

And more like some parent who only watches his/her kids play videogames made a movie about videogames.

To quote: "When did videogames become so violent and scary"

Hmm... let me see... Wreck Em Wralph is obviously a weird combination of Donkey Kong, Mario World, Rampage, AND Bob the builder... So you were around when videogames were very violent and scary.

Plus a few of the videogames he ends up in... once again... seem more like a version of the videogame made by someone who doesn't play.


Also I should state that we arn't sticking to Arcade games... Since Eggman is there... and the Kano the game is using is the movie version / MKs after 3. (assuming it wasn't Kane from CnC)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sergius on July 11, 2012, 04:19:32 pm
Just from memory, D&D: Tower of Doom and D&D: Shadow Over Mystara. Play them on my emulator all the time.

Not bad Golden Axe clones, with some RPG elements. Kinda short though.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 04:23:06 pm
So for the people who will only look at this page to restate what I said:

An issue I can see with the movie is that it looks like a movie made by people who don't play videogames.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 04:29:54 pm
One thing to consider is this is Disney. They want mass market appeal. So of course the character's going to be straight out of an 80s arcade machine, complete with beeps and boops, because that's what mainstream audiences think when they think "video games."

I'm withholding judgement until I see it, but the big pitfall I see it falling into is having a cliche plot with a video game gimmick. If the plot progression is as follows:

1) He strikes out on his own and has misadventures,
2) He eventually loses his motivation and goes back,
3) He needs to regain his drive for the climactic ending,

then I'm gonna puke.

Of course there's lots of potential to actually be good. I'd love them to play up the mid-life crisis angle.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 04:39:27 pm
I saw a video that claimed that the little girl in the candy world (the mimicking one) is actually Ralph's love interest, of all things. That seem potentially wrong to anyone else?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 04:41:10 pm
Haha, I've heard that theory too. Since video game characters don't age, she could be like 30 but just look 8. Disney would have to have way more guts than I give them credit for to do that, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 05:00:25 pm
One thing to consider is this is Disney. They want mass market appeal. So of course the character's going to be straight out of an 80s arcade machine, complete with beeps and boops, because that's what mainstream audiences think when they think "video games."

No I am not talking about that... Why do people always make my comments into the dumbest possible interpretation?

To quote: "When did videogames become so violent and scary"

Anyhow... No that game was a combination of Donkey Kong, Mario, Rampage, and Bob the Builder.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 11, 2012, 05:17:37 pm
No I am not talking about that... Why do people always make my comments into the dumbest possible interpretation?

To quote: "When did videogames become so violent and scary"

Anyhow... No that game was a combination of Donkey Kong, Mario, Rampage, and Bob the Builder.

You're forgetting that's from Ralph's perspective. He's from an old arcade machine, pretty much a glorified Game and Watch game. Games back then were typically happy-go-lucky things like a plumber running through a magical world and stomping on mushrooms with eyes.

It's not a commentary on how horrible violent video games are, it's just showing that the times have changed and he's out of his element.

I saw a video that claimed that the little girl in the candy world (the mimicking one) is actually Ralph's love interest, of all things. That seem potentially wrong to anyone else?

I'm going to restate that I'd find this really creepy. I don't care if you're doing some clever crap like making her mentally older, you're still just jumping through hoops to excuse pseudo-pedophilia.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Scelly9 on July 11, 2012, 05:18:55 pm
This has a lot of potential. Both good and bad. Hopefully, they do it right.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Karlito on July 11, 2012, 05:30:31 pm
So apparently Legend of Korra is now planned to be 52 episodes total ( I liked the first 12 episodes just fine, though I have to wonder where they'll find the plot for another 40.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: RedKing on July 11, 2012, 05:35:43 pm
No I am not talking about that... Why do people always make my comments into the dumbest possible interpretation?

To quote: "When did videogames become so violent and scary"

Anyhow... No that game was a combination of Donkey Kong, Mario, Rampage, and Bob the Builder.

You're forgetting that's from Ralph's perspective. He's from an old arcade machine, pretty much a glorified Game and Watch game. Games back then were typically happy-go-lucky things like a plumber running through a magical world and stomping on mushrooms with eyes.

It's not a commentary on how horrible violent video games are, it's just showing that the times have changed and he's out of his element.
I think it's somewhere in between. Yes, 8-bit games had violence, but it was cartoony violence. The mushrooms didn't have ragdoll physics and gibs. When you got hit by Donkey Kong's barrel, it didn't leave an anatomically correct pulped corpse. When you shot a bad guy in games like Bionic Commando or Contra, they either blinked out of existence or had a little 3-4 frame "death" animation that was hardly worthy of the name. I remember how incredibly hardcore N.A.R.C. seemed when it came out because OMG YOU CAN BLOW PEOPLE UP WITH A ROCKET AND IT RAINS BODY PARTS AND FLAMING EYEBALLS.
Contrast that with almost any FPS nowadays. From the perspective of a somebody who grew up on 80s coin-op.....yeah, today's stuff is pretty grimdark by comparison (excluding those gems like Katamari Damacy).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 05:41:09 pm
Yes but lets stick within the Arcades. Since violent and Scary games existed in the time period Ralph is from.

It just sounds like the dialog was written by someone who really doesn't play videogames.

"When did videogames get to violent and scary"

Well hmmm let me think... Honestly probably since the NES or if you don't accept that within the SNES (As early as the Atari truthfully)

Also how are you defining "Scary?" Because the original Clocktower which was a 2-bit game was a lot more scary then your weird Metroid/Gears-of-war mix on the best day. What you were playing wasn't scary...

It is just a weird peice of dialog I'd expect a parent to say... Not a videogame character who exists in a world where all videogames exist.

I can only guess it is in there SPECIFICALLY to say what all the non-videogame playing parents are thinking.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 05:49:05 pm
I saw a video that claimed that the little girl in the candy world (the mimicking one) is actually Ralph's love interest, of all things. That seem potentially wrong to anyone else?

I'm going to restate that I'd find this really creepy. I don't care if you're doing some clever crap like making her mentally older, you're still just jumping through hoops to excuse pseudo-pedophilia.
Look at it from the perspective of someone who doesn't age. Would you avoid relationships because some third party, who has nothing to do with your or any potential partner, was grossed out by it?

It's a moot point for this in particular since there's no way in hell Disney would ever do it, but it's an interesting thought.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Remalle on July 11, 2012, 05:49:44 pm
So apparently Legend of Korra is now planned to be 52 episodes total ( I liked the first 12 episodes just fine, though I have to wonder where they'll find the plot for another 40.
Ohboyohboyohboy I am so excited best ever.

...though I still haven't finished the first season >__>
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 05:51:52 pm
I saw a video that claimed that the little girl in the candy world (the mimicking one) is actually Ralph's love interest, of all things. That seem potentially wrong to anyone else?

I'm going to restate that I'd find this really creepy. I don't care if you're doing some clever crap like making her mentally older, you're still just jumping through hoops to excuse pseudo-pedophilia.
Look at it from the perspective of someone who doesn't age. Would you avoid relationships because some third party, who has nothing to do with your or any potential partner, was grossed out by it?

It's a moot point for this in particular since there's no way in hell Disney would ever do it, but it's an interesting thought.
If she didn't act like a toddler as well as look like one, that argument might make sense. From what we've seen however, even if she doesn't age she's in no way mature enough to have a relationship.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 11, 2012, 05:52:36 pm
@korra getting 52 episodes
Wait seriously? That's kinda awesome. Here's hoping the fix their relationship writing bungle and make Mako more than a cardboard box with "love interest" pasted on it. They've got plenty of time to do it now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 05:53:52 pm
The original series got 61 episodes. I really need to start watching Korra, I feel like I'm missing out :(
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: quinnr on July 11, 2012, 06:13:44 pm
I saw a video that claimed that the little girl in the candy world (the mimicking one) is actually Ralph's love interest, of all things. That seem potentially wrong to anyone else?

Wasn't that girl like...4? And Ralph is...not 4? -shudder-
Unless it's love-interest as in Despicable Me, where the main character adopts the little girls.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 06:18:37 pm
I don't think anyone uses the term "love interest" in that way. Or maybe they do, I dunno.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: RedKing on July 11, 2012, 08:43:34 pm
Yes but lets stick within the Arcades. Since violent and Scary games existed in the time period Ralph is from.

It just sounds like the dialog was written by someone who really doesn't play videogames.

"When did videogames get to violent and scary"

Well hmmm let me think... Honestly probably since the NES or if you don't accept that within the SNES (As early as the Atari truthfully)

Also how are you defining "Scary?" Because the original Clocktower which was a 2-bit game was a lot more scary then your weird Metroid/Gears-of-war mix on the best day. What you were playing wasn't scary...

It is just a weird peice of dialog I'd expect a parent to say... Not a videogame character who exists in a world where all videogames exist.

I can only guess it is in there SPECIFICALLY to say what all the non-videogame playing parents are thinking.
I don't mean to turn this into a thing, but you're contradicting yourself. You say "lets stick within the arcades" and then immediately cite NES games for your evidence. I spent a metric shitload of time in the arcades in the 80's. I don't remember anything that was even remotely disturbing or traumatizing. (Okay, maybe the "Game Over" screen from Ninja Gaiden, where you were about to sawed in half by a blade if the timer ran out. But even that was stylized, with the screen just turning red and a little digitized groan to indicate what happened). N.A.R.C. was an exception and it was notable precisely because it was such an aberration of violence in the arcade (and that was in 1988).

The light gun shooters like Operation Wolf were violent but it was a very conventional, non-gory form of violence. Many of your enemies were vehicles rather than individual people, and even when it was actual soldiers, a killing hit just made them crumple into a heap or disappear into an explosion cloud, not burst into gibs. Contrast that with a "modern" arcade shooter like House of the Dead or Area 51.

I'm not saying that the movie SHOULD be preachy about videogame violence (and i'll be pissed if that's a central theme), but I think it's a valid line of dialogue, especially coming from a character who's only known his 8-bit world where nobody actually dies on-screen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Zangi on July 11, 2012, 09:01:51 pm
So apparently Legend of Korra is now planned to be 52 episodes total ( I liked the first 12 episodes just fine, though I have to wonder where they'll find the plot for another 40.
Its hard to imagine what Avatar-worthy conflicts will come up... but I suppose there is still a big world...  and things have been brewing for at least... 15-20 years?

@Disney Movie: Games today may seem more violent and scary...  cause more things can happen on screen at the same time, at least in reference to that space marine game he was in... it is also much faster paced. 
Put it in perspective of a video game character coming from a much more easy pace game with not a lot of random stuff happening on screen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Hawkfrost on July 11, 2012, 09:36:43 pm
So apparently Legend of Korra is now planned to be 52 episodes total ( I liked the first 12 episodes just fine, though I have to wonder where they'll find the plot for another 40.

I wonder what they will come up with. Off the top of my head;
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Pnx on July 11, 2012, 09:40:18 pm
So apparently Legend of Korra is now planned to be 52 episodes total ( I liked the first 12 episodes just fine, though I have to wonder where they'll find the plot for another 40.

I wonder what they will come up with. Off the top of my head;
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2012, 09:45:53 pm
I don't mean to turn this into a thing, but you're contradicting yourself

Yeah I don't know what happened there.

Though lets hope he doesn't look across the arcade to the "House of the Dead" or the "Mortal Kombat" games.

I mean... he may be a arcade game character but he lives in the videogame world and can explore it regularly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 11, 2012, 10:21:39 pm
I dunno if he can. I mean, from the trailers it's apparent in real-life time that Ralph left his game, and other characters seem slightly shocked that he would do such a thing. There may be a sort of nexus area where franchises can meet (the train station looking place), but perhaps visiting other games doesn't happen very often.

All speculation of course.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: RedWarrior0 on July 12, 2012, 06:36:25 pm
Re: Korra

Hoping they don't have a zillion filler episodes, but the filler in Series The First was pretty good at having a point, usually characterization-wise.

And I'm hoping for a return of at least a semi-major first series character other than the few we have now. Like, in a major role (good or bad)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: MrWiggles on July 12, 2012, 09:44:19 pm
Gravity Falls is a great series. Its like a comedy focus Eerie Indian.
Has anyone caught any episodes?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 12, 2012, 10:03:10 pm
I've heard about it. Gonna try it out soon.

Big reason I want to see it is Rob Renzetti is working on it. He made My Life as a Teenage Robot (quite good show) and MLP:FiM (need I say more?).

EDIT: Why everyone should check it out in one image:
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: MrWiggles on July 12, 2012, 10:36:42 pm
It also has the creator of Marvelous Misadventure of Flapjack too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 12, 2012, 10:49:51 pm
This reminded me of a superior pig gif.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 13, 2012, 02:40:30 am
I have a question for you all:

Have you ever rooted for the villains simply because the main hero(s) is such a mary sue?

I am thinking back to Jem where honestly I was sort of on the Misfits side most of the time. They actually had to use every trick, skill, and talent they had just to match her and Jem basically do anything and succeed. It would be easy to spin the show in such a way that the Misfits are just a struggling band against an inhumanly perfect band.

But in that case I think it was intentional. I like the fact that you really could be on both the heros and villains side (to the point where the Misfits almost feel like the second group of protagonists... anti-heros sure, but still)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 02:42:32 am
I'm too much of a romantic idealist to root for the villain most of the time. I might be able to understand why the villain feels the way he/she/it feels, and feel that the villain is an awesome character, but in most cases I root for the good guys.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 07:15:47 am
Hrm, can't think of one in recent memory where I did. Well except maybe a couple MLP episodes where the moral was backwards and I rooted for the person who was "wrong."

There are some villains I root for because I love to hate them, though. No one songs awesome villain songs like Gaston!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Pnx on July 13, 2012, 12:04:00 pm
I remember when Vector livestreamed the Hunchback of Notre Dame, we all started rooting for Frollo when he tries to kill Quasimodo at the end.

That was hilarious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 12:05:05 pm
What? Why?! D:
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 12:06:08 pm
What? Why?! D:
Just check his song! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 12:13:09 pm
If we judged villains by how good their song was, then Gaston would have been an awesome villain. In reality he was a self-absorbed, misogynistic illiterate who abused old men.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Pnx on July 13, 2012, 12:19:33 pm
What? Why?! D:
Just check his song! (
There's a bit more to it really, you kinda had to be there to be honest, Vector was basically showing off the movie to show off some of the things the subtle things they did there, and to talk about how they Disney'd the original work.

Frollo loses a lot of his character development, Quasimodo is no longer deaf, Esmerelda was rather ditzy (I kind of hated her as a character until I realized that she was basically just an immature teenage girl), and Phoebus... well he's basically the worst of them all. In the movie he's an Aryan (which is why we called him Aryan Phoebus), and basically The Hero! In the book he's not an Aryan, he's not really much of a Hero (though Esmerelda views him as one), he's a total jerk and he's actually engaged to be married, not that that stops him from trying sex up Esmerelda.

EDIT: Oh yes, and then there's the fact that that song was basically the best part of the entire movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 12:51:15 pm
If we judged villains by how good their song was, then Gaston would have been an awesome villain. In reality he was a self-absorbed, misogynistic illiterate who abused old men.
All of that supports his awesome villain status.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 12:54:05 pm
You and I have different definitions of "awesome villain", it seems. I couldn't wait for Gaston to get killed off because I disliked him so much :P

You want an awesome villain, look at Jaffar. Or Azula from Avatar.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 01:10:14 pm
There are two ways to reach Awesome Villain status for me:

1) Be utterly despicable but logical. No "evil for evil's sake," but just be a humungous asshole in a way that pushes all my rage buttons. These are the ones I "love to hate." Gaston fits in that category.
2) Have the right ideas but wrong execution. A noble, logical goal and/or philosophy but the methods they take don't justify the means. These are ones I sympathize with yet realize they have to be stopped. Syndrome from Incredibles fits this category.

And of course both need well developed motivation. Amon from Korra could've fit #2 but I didn't sympathize with his backstory nearly enough.

Jaffar was manipulative and fun but I didn't really care too much about what he wanted. And Azula just fills me with loathing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 01:15:42 pm
Eh. I thought Syndrome was mostly a whiny brat with a vendetta.
"You didn't let me be your sidekick? I'll ruin your entire life!"

With his technological prowess, he could have been an amazing hero. Instead he got petty.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 01:45:07 pm
For him it was more his philosophy that I sympathized with. He had a lot of poignant lines and was right about just about everything. His problem was he was a murderous psychopath.

Note how Mr Incredible didn't apologize until after he had been beaten up. Was that character development, or because Syndrome literally wasn't worth worrying about until he had power? Syndrome says the latter ("See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works.") and frankly I agree with him. I don't think his rampage was through petty vengeance but a simple desire to equalize, so people wouldn't have to have power to be given respect. That he himself gave no respect to anyone just proves why his methods were wrong; it's hypocritical and perpetrating the very thing he's supposedly fighting against.

So yeah, awesome villain :)

Very grey morality movie. Here I am demonizing the villain for being murderous when the heroes themselves killed hapless mooks (which the movie went to lengths to humanize!) without a second thought.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 13, 2012, 01:53:39 pm
Well my favorite villain in Disney is Malefacent anyhow with just how awsome her design is and the fact that she isn't stupid while being deliciously evil. If Malefacent had one flaw it is that her defeat is almost an anti-climax. (I once heard a rumor of a movie about Malefacent and I was like WHAAAAA).

A great part about the Misfits as well is that they were the ones who actually got the more indepth and emotional backstories AND character development (not to mention they got the best songs). So they were also the more interesting group of the series.

Mind you it is why I at the same time dread a revival of Jem in any form... They could never do the Misfits well today. They would have to make the Misfits less talented, more evil, and with less character so that the kids wouldn't get confused. It actually kinda annoys me since they are actually one of the better developed villains (If they are even villains) in Cartoon history... No joke.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 02:05:27 pm
Did Syndrome ever seek an apology in the intervening years? Remember that his actions in the opening scene of the movie led to a crashed train, the criminal possibly escaping, and making Mr. Incredible late for his own wedding. Mr. Incredible was understandably upset at the time, and for all we know there was never any contact between them again until Syndrome attempted to kill him.

The mooks I'd argue against being hapless, they seemed like garden-variety henchmen to me. Remember, the only ones we see die on screen have been attempting to kill the Incredibles at the time, so their deaths could conceivably be excused as self-defense. The only real humanization we get from them is when they're laughing at the Omni-Droid wreaking havoc on the city near the end. These were not the nicest guys.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 13, 2012, 02:09:42 pm
for all we know there was never any contact between them again until Syndrome attempted to kill him

There never was. It was one of those obsession things.

For example Dr. Doom never spoke to Reed Richards until he tried to kill him (Not even the first comic into the series... so it was years before)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2012, 02:17:56 pm
Well it's not like he could've until after he'd built his empire and started searching for heroes. He still didn't know where Elastigirl was until she showed up on his island. And besides, an apology's not what he really wanted; he wanted to prove why he was right in the first place and what it'd take to change Mr Incredible's opinion (which is what he did).

As for the mooks, yeah they weren't the nicest people but no one in this movie is. The assistant lady is certainly guilty of far more than they are and she gets sympathy from the characters. The humanization came from when they took off their masks (remember a big part of dehumanizing mooks is obscuring their faces, ala stormtroopers and such), when they popped the champagne near the end, etc. They were people, and the movie pointed that out. And you certainly could make a case for self defense for all the on-screen deaths (that I remember anyway), the heroes weren't too broken up over it. Wasn't Dash laughing when he was running from some (and blowing them up) when they first landed on the island?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Sirus on July 13, 2012, 02:33:02 pm
I disagree, I think he could have gotten a more positive response from Mr. Incredible if he had written a letter after a week or so, you know, when Mr. Incredible had calmed down and wasn't in the middle of multiple crises.

I do agree about the assistant lady (Mirage). She was guilty of quite a few things and should not have gotten away with it. I assume that she either struck some sort of plea bargain for immunity or simply disappeared.

The mooks popped champagne in celebration of death and destruction. Sorry, but they still deserved to have their asses kicked by Mr. I.

Mr. and Mrs. I have been superheroes for quite some time, and I have probably come to terms with death (both of their enemies and friends). The only time I remember Dash laughing was when he started running over water, because he probably assumed that he wouldn't be able to do so. Most of the rest of the time he looked scared half out of his mind. Any other giddiness could be explained by an adrenaline high from escaping certain death and using his powers to their full extent for the first time. That said, I think he'd be the best candidate for becoming an Anti-Hero or even outright villain later in life, as he's highly competitive and may come to relish the idea of surviving while his opponents die.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 13, 2012, 02:59:51 pm
Mirage had a change of heart (Odd she didn't have it during all the murdering of heros). It was more then possible she was arrested or simply got away but I am fine with that... If she got away she wasn't going to be doing anything (or heck she could have been the villain of the second movie if they ever made it). She just wasn't all that important and frankly I don't think she was all that well developed. Her change of heart felt more driven by the fact that Mr. Incredible wasn't abusive more then any sort of moral epiphany.

Also yes I do agree that at heart Syndrome was right. The world would have been better had everyone had access to super powers, it is at heart what our drive for new technology is for (The improvement and betterment of all)

His problem is less that he is a psycho and more that he is a hypocrit. Remember that he was always planning on keeping the best stuff for himself, essentially making himself the only super hero on earth. He essentially in his villainy betrayed his whole purpose, bending his vision to suit his own purposes.

Also yes the entire point of Syndrome was the fact that in reality had he simply spoken to Mr. Incredible and asked for an appology he probably would have got it. Irrational need for revenge isn't uncommon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Backlog on July 14, 2012, 05:43:00 pm
So, there has been a leakage of what the characters will look like next chapter in the Legend of Korra book two: Spirits at the San Diego Comic Con. Along with the character designs, there were little bits of information let out; Mako becoming a cop, Bolin finding his own path and possibly leading the fire ferrets (and another possibility of him having a potential love interest) and Korra visiting the spirit world.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Remalle on July 14, 2012, 05:55:35 pm
So, there has been a leakage of what the characters will look like next chapter in the Legend of Korra book two: Spirits at the San Diego Comic Con. Along with the character designs, there were little bits of information let out; Mako becoming a cop, Bolin finding his own path and possibly leading the fire ferrets (and another possibility of him having a potential love interest) and Korra visiting the spirit world.
This is good news.  There wasn't enough spiritual stuff in the first season, I thought, though I STILL haven't finished it (hopefully I'll finish it tonight).  If Koh doesn't return I'll be pissed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 14, 2012, 06:00:02 pm
So, there has been a leakage of what the characters will look like next chapter in the Legend of Korra book two: Spirits at the San Diego Comic Con. Along with the character designs, there were little bits of information let out; Mako becoming a cop, Bolin finding his own path and possibly leading the fire ferrets (and another possibility of him having a potential love interest) and Korra visiting the spirit world.
This is good news.  There wasn't enough spiritual stuff in the first season, I thought, though I STILL haven't finished it (hopefully I'll finish it tonight).  If Koh doesn't return I'll be pissed.

That is mostly because as they mentioned the spirits made an exodus... mind you it does feel like the Avatar REALLY doesn't do the job it was created for... in fact almost at all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 14, 2012, 08:13:57 pm
Hey, so the spirit theorists were right about season 2. Neat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Mageziya on July 14, 2012, 10:28:09 pm
And now on another subject, another good cartoon has entered the world not too long ago; but seems largely ignored due to it's host: The Disney Channel. I know half of you are probably going to think, "A good cartoon on The Disney channel!? IMPOSSIBLE!" Well, I kid you not, there's actually a good show on Disney Channel for once.

The show: Gravity Falls

The show in a nutshell is about Dipper and Mable Pine, twins who for the summer were sent to Gravity Falls, Oregon, to get some fresh air and stay with their Grunkle (Great Uncle) Stan; who has converted his house into a tourist trap for the gullible believe-everything-they-see type of people. Everything is not as it seems, as the twins find out, as the town has many dark secrets.

Here's the intro sequence to give you all an idea of what the animation and style is like:
Oh look, no embeding.

Currently only 5 episodes are out (With episodes 6 and, I think, 7 leaked.) New episodes every Friday; episodes are shown regularly on their horrific host, so if you can bear the commercials of crap you can catch up on stuff so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 14, 2012, 10:31:50 pm
I know half of you are probably going to think, "A good cartoon on The Disney channel!? IMPOSSIBLE!"

Uhhh... Who ever said that? Even if you disliked their latest stuff, they are also the people who did Gargoyles and Aladin. It is their live action shows that are total garbage (Corey in the house is SOOOO terrible)

Also yeah I seen Gravity Falls, I havn't seen it a lot yet but I actually have nothing against it and find it funny. Which given that I only seen the equivilant of a single episode is saying something... I kinda want to watch more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Remalle on July 14, 2012, 11:05:45 pm
'k so I finally finished Legend of Korra.  Here are my hopelessly late impressions.

First thoughts:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Second thoughts:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit: third thoughts!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So the schedule for Korra confused me at first, but now I get it.  The two twenty-six episode seasons ordered are actually split into two books each, meaning we'll get four half-season books instead of three full-season books.  Interesting!  I liked the pacing of the first book, hopefully the shorter story arcs will lead to less filler and more awesome.
Though I have to wonder what the remaining books will be called.  After the four elements and Spirits, what's left?  Planet, Heart, Moon, Ocean, Avatar, Energy, Ki?  Bending?  I don't know, but I have the utmost faith in the writers.   :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Putnam on July 15, 2012, 01:40:07 am
"A good cartoon on The Disney channel!? IMPOSSIBLE!"

...Isn't Phineas and Ferb on Disney Channel?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: MrWiggles on July 15, 2012, 01:42:23 am
Episode five for Gravity Falls, I thought was actually really kind of scarry. Really good episode. The monster inside the ice machine actually made me jump.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 15, 2012, 09:41:10 am
Kim Possible was also on the Disney channel. So, it's not like they produce 100% crap... they seem to produce just as much crap as anyone else, really.

Anywho, due to my distaste for following things that are ongoing, I'll probably once again wait until it's finished airing its first season before checking it out. I've still got a lot of other things to catch up on in the meantime, anyway.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2012, 12:08:59 pm
What you need to do to get terrible disney shows is to get their live action shows.

Corey In the House...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Mageziya on July 15, 2012, 01:40:34 pm
Okay, so Disney hasn't been shoveling out solid crap, but still a large amount of crap.

This series is planned for three seasons, spanning the entire summer the Pine twins are in Gravity falls; essentially a myth arc.

Also the first season is supposed to end on a cliff hanger.

And the series also has a lot of secrets hidden in it:
Spoiler: Secrets (click to show/hide)

There are far more secrets than those I listed in this show.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 15, 2012, 01:44:42 pm
Okay, so Disney hasn't been shoveling out solid crap, but still a large amount of crap.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: MrWiggles on July 15, 2012, 01:54:58 pm
Most things are average or below average. Very few things are above average.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Reelya on July 15, 2012, 02:03:43 pm
Depending how you define average, that's a tautology.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: MrWiggles on July 15, 2012, 02:07:53 pm
How can that be a tautology?

Over simplification maybe. Three broad categories of quality. Above Average, Average and Below Average. Most things are average, but only the noteworthy is whats really considered so 2/3 is ignored.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 15, 2012, 02:13:41 pm
The disturbing part is it's mostly comparative. If everyone in the world suddenly got a whole lot better at writing fiction, 90% of everything would still be considered crap, and the justification would be that the "lesser" stuff isn't as good as <insert whatever is considered best here>.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 15, 2012, 02:26:10 pm
I partially disagree. That'd definitely be true to some extent, but I think there's more reasons to dislike bad fiction than it being overshadowed or bad in comparison. If everything was better then there'd be more stuff like cult followings as people realized that the less popular stuff was still good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: kaijyuu on July 16, 2012, 10:18:32 am
I partially disagree. That'd definitely be true to some extent, but I think there's more reasons to dislike bad fiction than it being overshadowed or bad in comparison. If everything was better then there'd be more stuff like cult followings as people realized that the less popular stuff was still good.
Mmm, I'm probably just agreeing with you, here but...

The technical side would improve. There'd be less problems like plot holes/etc. But I still think the majority of what makes people say something is "good" vs "bad" is how it compares to other things. The mere existence of the term "good for its time" more or less proves that, since whatever is "good for its time" is such because it was novel and unique, and the term implies it doesn't stand up to newer things (yet still gets respect).

Compare: The 1940s Superman Cartoons vs Superman the Animated Series (made in the 1990s). I've seen both and I can say that the latter is objectively better. However, which ranks higher on "best cartoons of all time" lists? The 1940s one. If I had watched the Superman cartoons in the 40s, my jaw would've hit the goddamn floor, 'cause they're frickin' amazing compared to the rest of the cartoons of the day, not to mention taking into consideration technical limitations.

Another point to bring up, I suppose, is you can judge something's "quality" by how influential it is. You may or may not like Who Framed Roger Rabbit (most fans of early cartoons don't, so I hear), but it was hugely influential on how cartoons were viewed. It single-handedly put a humungous dent in the animation age ghetto. For that alone, one might call it "good."


Okay so I caved and watched the first episode of Gravity Falls.


Link to first episode with some commercials (only linking this one since it has a commercial for Gravity Falls for whatever reason, which may be of interest as it explains the premise): (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Mageziya on July 16, 2012, 12:32:37 pm
Huzzah, welcome to the....

welcome to the.....


I dunno, let's settle on fandom, for now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 16, 2012, 12:56:35 pm
Okay episodes 2 and 3 weren't quite as good as 1, but still quite enjoyable.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I really really really hope they continue to play up the "real or fake" mysteries with the monsters. Scooby Doo has the problem where you know the monster's always fake... if they keep you guessing here, then there's loads of potential for making it actually feel like a mystery.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Mageziya on July 16, 2012, 01:16:02 pm
It's interesting how well Dipper and Mable are capable of dodging and maneuvering. You wouldn't think they would be able to do that so well.

Back rolls, front rolls, side steps, ect.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Neonivek on July 16, 2012, 05:28:06 pm
It's interesting how well Dipper and Mable are capable of dodging and maneuvering. You wouldn't think they would be able to do that so well.

Back rolls, front rolls, side steps, ect.

They are Kid heros in a series about the supernatural.

They are kinda obligated to be masters of running and dodging.

This however will not stop a future episode where Dipper or Mable will be considered unfit and uncoordinated.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Pixar 'n stuff
Post by: Reelya on July 16, 2012, 05:33:03 pm
How can that be a tautology?

Over simplification maybe. Three broad categories of quality. Above Average, Average and Below Average. Most things are average, but only the noteworthy is whats really considered so 2/3 is ignored.

You said: "Most things are average or below average. Very few things are above average."

It's a Tautology because if everything was "awesome" that would be new "average".

It's logically impossible for "everything to be above average" because median quality is what defines "average".

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Neonivek on July 16, 2012, 05:38:25 pm
It's logically impossible for "everything to be above average" because median quality is what defines "average".

Average can be great.

Eat that logic! Non-mutually exclusive qualifiers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 16, 2012, 06:07:37 pm
If the average is great then it's probably not best to be judging things by how they compare to the average.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 16, 2012, 07:15:40 pm
Finished episode 6 of Gravity Falls.

This is what I feared. I WANT MORE.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Neonivek on July 16, 2012, 07:16:11 pm
If the average is great then it's probably not best to be judging things by how they compare to the average.

Unless you are attempting to find how beyond exceptional something is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Mageziya on July 16, 2012, 09:02:42 pm
Finished episode 6 of Gravity Falls.

This is what I feared. I WANT MORE.

Well, new episodes every Friday.

Though technically episode 6 was a leak, soooooooo...

In the mean time you can start analyzing the show for secrets.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Hawkfrost on July 16, 2012, 09:52:03 pm
Just watched the first episode of it too.
That was surprisingly good actually, especially for something on modern Disney Channel.

Spoiler: First episode thing. (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Glowcat on July 16, 2012, 10:00:23 pm
Just watched the first episode of it too.
That was surprisingly good actually, especially for something on modern Disney Channel.

imo, it gets better too. Some of its content is very adult in a family friendly shell.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sirus on July 16, 2012, 10:08:33 pm
It's called a "parental bonus", and it's one of my qualifiers for a good cartoon :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Pnx on July 16, 2012, 10:32:50 pm
Just watched episodes 1-5, there seems to be at least a few culture references in it, like how the convenience store is named "Dusk 2 Dawn" (which might be a reference to the cult vampire movie, or it could be a coincidence).

My friend said one of the episodes has a reference to code 2319 from Monster's Inc (child contamination).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 16, 2012, 11:49:10 pm
Am I the only one who doesn't give a damn about pop culture references and "adult" jokes? :P

I don't care what they "sneak past the radar." If there's anything that could be called a "adult bonus" that I like to see, it'd plain, regular old depth. Kids aren't stupid, but they have short attention spans, so simple plots and easy to understand motivations are necessary for most cartoons. What I like is seeing subtle details that emphasize and flesh out these nominally weak plots and characterizations. Stuff a kid might not notice at all. If I can analyze a scene from a cartoon, pointing out all the little things that emphasize the story but aren't necessary and can be missed, and it comes out to be a long list of things, then I've likely got a goddamn awesome cartoon on my hands. Conversely, if all the scenes are extremely straightforward and shove all the details in your face, I've likely got a boring cartoon.

To put it a bit more simply, if the cartoon I saw as a kid and the one I see as an adult are exactly the same, then it's shallow and dull. But if I see different things as an adult, focusing on different details to put a whole new spin on the same story, then it's deep and interesting. The latter stands up to the test of time, the former doesn't.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Frumple on July 16, 2012, 11:53:44 pm
I read that and go: "If it makes a good base for fan fiction, it's an excellent cartoon."

Gummi Bears, your civil war and so on stands tall once again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 12:01:25 am
New quality metric for everything ever: "Is there good fanfiction written for it?"

I can get behind that. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 12:06:45 am
Well, then you should watch Gravity Falls anyhow. Its a very well constructed show with tightly written stories.

And I'm sure there gruncle slash fiction to read by now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 12:11:53 am
I've seen the 6 episodes available, and am waiting with baited breath for more. No need to recommend that to me :P

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass on the slash fiction, though. I'm quite depraved, but not that depraved.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 12:14:22 am
Yea, who really wants to hear terrible jokes during their gay porn.

Like, whats a knob you use to go in and out of the back door?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 17, 2012, 12:36:29 am
Sounds like my Seinfeld slash.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Reelya on July 17, 2012, 01:25:13 am
Any American cartoons which are not kiddy-ish, comedy or superhero-related?

Someone was asking and I could only think of Aeon Flux
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sirus on July 17, 2012, 01:40:01 am
"Superhero" is a broad term. Are you referring specifically to guys in spandex multi-colored suits?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Reelya on July 17, 2012, 01:43:43 am
Generally thinking of your DC & Marvel types, or any "thing" with superpowers like Hulk etc. Or that rock dude in Fantastic 4
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sirus on July 17, 2012, 01:44:27 am
Have you tried Samurai Jack? It's not overly kiddy.

The art style can be pretty amazing as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Remalle on July 17, 2012, 01:45:22 am
Samurai Ja- damnit!

Ok then... Legend of Korra is far less kiddy than the original.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sirus on July 17, 2012, 01:48:04 am
The original had it's non-kiddy moments as well. Second season finale, anyone?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 01:57:01 am
Any American cartoons which are not kiddy-ish, comedy or superhero-related?

Someone was asking and I could only think of Aeon Flux
Well Aeon Flux is one.

There also the Heavy Metal movies.
Thundercats was a straight drama, as was Transformers.
Here a list kinda:
Swamp Thing
James Bond Jr.
The Pirates of Dark Water <3 <3
Highlander: The Animated Series
The Critic "It stinks!"
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
Men in Black: The Series
King of the Hill
South Park
Todd McFarlane's Spawn
Celebrity Deathmatch
Mission Hill
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles <3 <3 <3
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sirus on July 17, 2012, 01:59:20 am
A lot of those are (supposed to be) comedies, dude.

Kudos for remembering the Men in Black cartoon, though. I loved that thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Reelya on July 17, 2012, 02:02:55 am
A few of those ain't American too ;) unless you count Canada

The Pirates of Dark Water sounds promising, maybe, but i was more wondering whether the USA made any serious drama ones, or whether they're all just like Japanese Shonen series, but the more "adult" ones have blood, guts, sex and/or swearing as the only aspects making them "non-kiddyish"

I'm veering to the conclusion the more adult US cartoons are like "boy's own adventures" but with gore, sex and drugs.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 02:05:12 am
They're from the top of my head. And yea, its really hard to escape the comedies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Neonivek on July 17, 2012, 02:17:21 am
Any American cartoons which are not kiddy-ish, comedy or superhero-related?

Hmmm... Not really depending on what you call Kiddy.

yea, its really hard to escape the comedies

It is because Cartoons arn't popular in adults unless they are also comedies. Mind you I mean Cartoons marketed towards adults. I am more then aware some cartoons have actually more adult then child popularity inspite it not being marketed towards them.

and while There have been Non-comedy Cartoons aimed at children who weren't SUPER young, it didn't really survive. Jem is from the 80s and it is the ONLY drama that isn't a comedy that isn't super kiddy I have ever seen (And it was made for kids) and it had continuity AND a plot. Honestly I have nothing but respect for Jem. I wouldn't suggest it to you because it is a musical show (it is why I watched it only to be surprised that... it was actually surprisingly good... I thought it would be trash) and is rather silly and stylistic.


Any example I can give just kinda puts me on a "Well does this count?" sort of edge. For example Samurai Jack isn't what I call Childish...

But I grown up with games such as Kings Quest and things such as intelligent dogs don't really phase me and I don't consider it childish.

What is kiddy? What is super hero?  For example does "Avatar the Last Airbender" count as a Kiddy Super Hero show? It is about what is essentially a child super hero saving the world.

The ONLY show I can think of is... DANG I forgot the name... But it is forgettable. It is a show based off a newspaper comic. They made so few episodes though. It is a "Slice of Life" show (similar shows would be Full House and Family Values)

Basically what is the range of kiddy?

I'm veering to the conclusion the more adult US cartoons are like "boy's own adventures" but with gore, sex and drugs

Actually interestingly enough... No.

They are just in the dirrect to DVD market but they sometimes end up on TV.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 09:20:44 am
I would love some adult targeted cartoons that aren't comedies. I imagine it'd fail horribly though; getting everyone, from the producers to the marketers to the writers on board with a completely serious cartoon is a long shot. Not to mention they'd all have to be competent in the first place. Avatar has gotten closest in recent memory, but of course it's on a kid's station and is marketed to kids.

Batman the Animated Series is notable for having a prime-time slot at one point. You could definitely call the earlier seasons directed at adults as well as kids, and it's not a comedy. And Batman being Batman, it's one of the more realistic superhero shows (though the laws of physics are regularly broken and all that).


So, Gravity Falls.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Sergius on July 17, 2012, 10:03:02 am
Any American cartoons which are not kiddy-ish, comedy or superhero-related?

Someone was asking and I could only think of Aeon Flux
Well Aeon Flux is one.

Especially that episode where Aeon dies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Karlito on July 17, 2012, 10:06:55 am
Really digging that Gravity Falls soundtrack so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Nadaka on July 17, 2012, 10:08:00 am
Any American cartoons which are not kiddy-ish, comedy or superhero-related?

Someone was asking and I could only think of Aeon Flux
Well Aeon Flux is one.

Especially that episode where Aeon dies.

Were there not several episodes where she dies?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: RedKing on July 17, 2012, 11:03:34 am
I think that's the joke. As I recall, she died at the end of *every* episode, at least the early short ones on Liquid Television.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Hawkfrost on July 17, 2012, 12:16:20 pm
So, Gravity Falls.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: Mageziya on July 17, 2012, 12:56:31 pm
So, Gravity Falls.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 02:14:31 pm
More mystery stuff from Gravity Falls! Because I wanna.

Here's a picture from the opening: (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Mageziya on July 17, 2012, 02:21:10 pm
More mystery stuff from Gravity Falls! Because I wanna.

Here's a picture from the opening: (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Please be a vampire!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 05:30:49 pm
I would love some adult targeted cartoons that aren't comedies. I imagine it'd fail horribly though; getting everyone, from the producers to the marketers to the writers on board with a completely serious cartoon is a long shot. Not to mention they'd all have to be competent in the first place. Avatar has gotten closest in recent memory, but of course it's on a kid's station and is marketed to kids.
I dont think that's true at all. There been several drama cartons, though they so far have been action oriented.
The major issue is that in the US, animation is consider a genre (what the fuck?) and for kids.
 Brad Bird had a small rant on the Incredibles commentary about this. It was pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 05:43:21 pm
More mystery stuff from Gravity Falls! Because I wanna.

Here's a picture from the opening: (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yea, I concur that the ice bag refers to Episode 5. The hand refers to the Manuals, I think. I also think the question mark refers to the Mystery Shack.

Lets see...
The series of symbols under the konami code, and to the right of the tree. I'm super sure that they're alcehmical symbols. The Circle with the Dot is for gold.

There some binary in the top lefthand corner.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 05:55:29 pm
The binary might translate to something, but it's only a byte and a half long. That's less that one letter in any recent convention (which are two bytes unless you want less than 256 total glyphs). So if it is anything, it's not a word.

Reading it top-down (which organizes it into nybbles): 626 decimal, 272 hex.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Karlito on July 17, 2012, 06:03:23 pm
This seems to be the net consensus on that page ( I've seen a few that basically say the same things anyway. I hope there's some meaning to the unlabeled bits, since they seem mysterious and interesting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 17, 2012, 06:11:06 pm
Stan can't have two symbols on the wheel. The Claw may represent the lodge that Gruncle is part of.

I concur that the shooting star and the tree are the main characters.

I dont think the heart means emo teen. Its a stiched heart. So it was a broken heart at one point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Karlito on July 17, 2012, 06:18:20 pm
The heart is the symbol on Robbie's hoodie.
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But yeah, that one didn't do too good of a job on the symbols surrounding the pyramid, I mostly linked it for the stuff outside.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 17, 2012, 07:09:35 pm
Has Stan's tattoo been fully revealed yet? (

Seems like a Thing of Relevance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: quinnr on July 17, 2012, 07:11:12 pm
Well, if I wasn't already going to watch Gravity Falls, I definitely am going to now. Love awesome mysterious stuff like I see going on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Karlito on July 17, 2012, 07:17:38 pm
Has Stan's tattoo been fully revealed yet? (

Seems like a Thing of Relevance.

One of the cryptograms was something like "HAVE YOU SEEN STAN'S TATTOO?" so it's certainly relevant, but as far as I know, we've only seen that bit (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 18, 2012, 10:21:53 am
So, this is the "first" version of GF's intro. Originally made for some MTV show, supposedly. I think I like it better: (

(GF's finalized theme for reference ( (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Mageziya on July 18, 2012, 01:06:32 pm
So, this is the "first" version of GF's intro. Originally made for some MTV show, supposedly. I think I like it better: (

(GF's finalized theme for reference ( (
There's actually ANOTHER known proto-intro theme:

In reality there were likely dozens of proto-intro themes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 18, 2012, 01:48:53 pm
The one issue with the whole mystery aspect of Gravity Falls is that they... kinda already discovered something that is kinda tough to beat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 18, 2012, 01:59:15 pm
Yeah I'm wondering if the supernatural stuff is going to become too commonplace. I adored the first episode because I was guessing what's going on; if from now on they're just up front about everything then.. eh... (episode 6 seems to be the worst so far with this, but it had good Dipper character development so I'm forgiving)

Theory time!
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Also is it just me or are there a large number of chubby characters? Seems like about 1/3 of the cast are a bit overweight, and there have been 0 fat jokes so far. I'm impressed if that's intentional; obesity is bad yes, but overweight folk really get more harassment than they deserve (real life and media).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 18, 2012, 02:07:08 pm
A lot of it has to do with the animation too.

Though yes I am glad about the lack of fat jokes because it isn't really funny. Heck the ONE time I really laughed at a fat joke wasn't because the joke was funny it was because the person who was telling it sounded so vindictive against fat people that it became hillarious in an entirely different way.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Glowcat on July 18, 2012, 02:33:54 pm
Theory time!
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Mageziya on July 18, 2012, 02:47:02 pm

Theory time!
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 18, 2012, 05:51:24 pm
My theory is that Stan is secretly Santa Clause

Called it now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Furtuka on July 18, 2012, 07:49:43 pm
Hey look Code Lyoko Evolution Cast teaser thingy (!)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 18, 2012, 08:22:41 pm
So its live action?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Furtuka on July 18, 2012, 08:25:51 pm
The parts that take place in the real world are. The Lyoko stuff is still CGI
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 18, 2012, 08:27:37 pm
Well, at least the GIANT forehead will only be on the show for about half the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: CJ1145 on July 18, 2012, 11:52:02 pm
God, I hope they keep the old theme song. I loved that so much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 19, 2012, 01:57:42 am
So, something that I've notice with Gravity Falls, is why did the parents let their two kids hang out with their Gruncle Stan?

Gruncle Stan doesn't hide away the fact that that he is a con artist. And while visits, letting them stay an unsupervised summer seems a little silly. Unless Dipper and Marble parents aren't straight shooters themselves.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Sirus on July 19, 2012, 02:11:10 am
Aren't oblivious parents a staple of animation aimed at young people everywhere? Fairly Oddparents, anyone?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: quinnr on July 19, 2012, 04:46:19 am
So, at your (wonderful) suggestion I went and watched Gravity Falls.
Firstly, how the heck is this Y7?

But past that, this show is simply amazing. I don't know exactly how to describe it's amazingness, but you simply must go and watch it. I particularly like the mysteries and puzzles that are already popping up all over the place.

Like the Fight Club style subliminal images during the opening. Well, maybe just one. During the second stylistic showing of the trees though, there is definitely a one or two frame figure. I managed to pause it directly on there, and it's just a black shadow standing in the trees. Probably insignificant, but I'll probably start seeing shady things now.

There are also the cryptographic codes in the opening and closing, solved by
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And also that whole paper at the end of the opening that, due to it's whole shortness of appearance, I am also led to believe is another puzzle for watchers.

And the mystery guy in every episode.

Oh, and the show itself is quite enjoyable. But now I have to know what all of this stuff is! Just go watch the opening! ( I haven't actually watched a show on television for...forever, but now I have to know what's going to happen next.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 19, 2012, 04:47:56 am
I have to say I'm enjoying Gravity Falls more then I have enjoyed Legend of Korra. I am a pretty major Avatar fan.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: quinnr on July 19, 2012, 06:28:30 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And this is why we don't do drugs. And why you should watch Gravity Falls.

Edit: Well, here's an interesting article. Apparently the shower is filled with occult symbols and corrupting children. Darn.

I mean really, can there be one movie or TV show not attacked for religious reasons?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Karlito on July 19, 2012, 09:18:38 am
Honestly, the best part for me isn't even the mystery stuff , but the genuine sibling interaction that Mabel and Dipper have. I was laughing hysterically when Mabel licked Dipper's hand after he covered her mouth to make her shut up, since a similar scene has played out between my brother and I more than once.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Sergius on July 19, 2012, 09:19:37 am
Edit: Well, here's an interesting article. Apparently the shower is filled with occult symbols and corrupting children. Darn.

I mean really, can there be one movie or TV show not attacked for religious reasons?

Doesn't flooding everything with propaganda, you know, defeat the whole purpose of being a super secret organization/club that is supposed to not exist?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 19, 2012, 09:20:20 am
I glance through the article, I didnt find it acting the show really.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Heliman on July 19, 2012, 10:23:13 am
Edit: Well, here's an interesting article. Apparently the shower is filled with occult symbols and corrupting children. Darn.

I mean really, can there be one movie or TV show not attacked for religious reasons?

Doesn't flooding everything with propaganda, you know, defeat the whole purpose of being a super secret organization/club that is supposed to not exist?
Look on the back of a dollar bill, it will blow your mind.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 19, 2012, 10:25:43 am
Well you can look at Stan's hat if you want to link the show to the illuminati
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Backlog on July 19, 2012, 12:31:34 pm
This probably has already been posted but what the heck.

Opening of gravity falls played backwards "Three letters back"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

so this might give some insight on what he really is, as well as the Fez he wears and when he went into the secret compartment at the end of ...Episode 1?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 19, 2012, 12:32:31 pm
This probably has already been posted but what the heck.
Check the thread title.

Also spoilers :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Sergius on July 19, 2012, 01:41:47 pm
Edit: Well, here's an interesting article. Apparently the shower is filled with occult symbols and corrupting children. Darn.

I mean really, can there be one movie or TV show not attacked for religious reasons?

Doesn't flooding everything with propaganda, you know, defeat the whole purpose of being a super secret organization/club that is supposed to not exist?
Look on the back of a dollar bill, it will blow your mind.

That's the Freemasons. Also, it's not exactly a secret that the US founding fathers were members. (and the symbol was in the bill way before the freemasons started using it)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Backlog on July 19, 2012, 04:31:02 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

About the cryptogram(s) in Gravity Falls
Each use the "three letters back" so you can solve them
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Putnam on July 19, 2012, 06:48:06 pm
Each use the "three letters back" so you can solve them

see topic title >_>
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 22, 2012, 02:44:58 pm
So I remembered that Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated aired some new episodes. I'd completely forgotten. Man, this show just gets better and better. Shouldn't of forgotten to keep up with this one; it's incredible.

Some decent quality links if anyone's interested:
Season 2 episode 1 (
Season 2 episode 2 (
Season 2 episode 3 (
Season 2 episode 4 (
Season 2 episode 5 (

Spoilers ahoy if you haven't seen all of season 1 yet, of course.

Also I'm beginning to think that costumes give superpowers in this universe. They're not even bothering to explain how the villains can fly, now.
Also also don't think all that's possible to do with a plane, Fred, but holy shit that was badass.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 22, 2012, 06:37:57 pm
I just started to think in another thread about Rozen Maiden, Pokemon, and even Case Closed about themes they would play when a difficult trial actually reached a turning point and sort of realised... Does Western animation have the same equivilant? a sort of "Onward to victory" or "Now its serious" or "Turning point" theme that is played?

Since I absolutely cannot remember any, can you?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 22, 2012, 09:08:36 pm
A recurring musical theme for it? Hrm... can't really think of one. I'm certain some shows did have a background theme for it. Darkwing Duck had the obvious "Let's Get Dangerous" line, though I don't recall of there was a recurring musical accompaniment for it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Frumple on July 22, 2012, 09:22:48 pm
It's entirely possible we've forgotten them simply due to western media's habit of being about as subtle as a brick in a sock when it comes to musical accompaniment. Mind you, non-western media isn't exactly much better, but a lot of music scores are just not exactly... sophisticated. Unless you count a bat to the face as sophisticated. S'personal complaint, I guess, but when the music makes me unable to do anything but groan in pain, I can't exactly connect to the scene, regardless as to how good the scene is :-\

E: What I'm saying is we're so used to it being so stock it's painful we just filter out the music entirely, in most situations.

Though I guess I'm not too sure how heavily that Hollywood habit translates to more generalized entertainment, particularly E:animated media. Theme songs seem to be fairly memorable, but that's all I can really recall. Which is pretty different from a number of non-western animations, who seem to have some pretty memorable -- and consistently used -- riffs.

Does make me suddenly wonder, though. Anyone know of any major western animation that just doesn't include music? Barring, maybe, stuff like an actual band on screen or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 22, 2012, 09:49:09 pm
Spawn I think
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Heliman on July 22, 2012, 10:06:00 pm
Does make me suddenly wonder, though. Anyone know of any major western animation that just doesn't include music? Barring, maybe, stuff like an actual band on screen or something.
Metalocalypse, if you want to play with your limitation like a cat plays with a ball of yarn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 23, 2012, 04:06:23 am
Is it normal to watch a scene like, 8 times over and over? I just can't get enough of Fred punching out a giant baby clown. Plus the music, the music~

Fuck you Cartoon Network for giving this show the most ridiculous release schedule ever. At least I know I'll get new Gravity Falls every week; you'll probably just delay Mystery Incorporated by a few months again, just for kicks.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: RedKing on July 23, 2012, 09:01:43 am
Watched two more episodes of MLP with my daughter. Dammit, this show is better than it has a right to be.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 23, 2012, 09:11:04 am
Watched two more episodes of MLP with my daughter. Dammit, this show is better than it has a right to be.
I've watched the entire first season of My Little Pony as my brother is a Brony. And the show is well, pretty good. It has good production value, it stories are well written, its well voice acted and the animation is fairly decent.

It far exceeds what you would expect from My Little Pony cartoon show, but is it an exceptional cartoon on its own? No.

And Luaren Fuast did make it so parents could sit down and watch the show with their little girls, and not want to kill themselves.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: RedKing on July 23, 2012, 09:33:38 am
I think one of the things that I'm enjoying is that it's not "villain-based". I.e. the narrative tension is typically around some awkward situation that needs to be resolved rather than "stopping the bad guy" (other than the first two-parter). My daughter is a scaredy-cat, so it's refreshing to find a 'toon that doesn't send her hiding behind the couch at least once per episode. Also, when I realized they were doing a stylized Benny Hill routine in one episode (complete with reworked version of the music)...that's pretty endearing to my inner nerd.

On a related note, we've recently become fans of Shaun the Sheep and its preschool-oriented spinoff, Timmy Time. (from Aardman Studios, the folks behind Wallace & Gromit). Has a lot of the same appeal as Pingu in that it's not tied to any given language and it has all sorts of cultural tidbits that are good for our kids to learn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 23, 2012, 11:11:32 am
Yeah, all my favorite episodes center around character tension. Take the sleepover episode; boring as hell in any other cartoon ever, made hilarious and awesome in this one due to two central characters almost at each other's throats the entire time, and in a very believable fashion.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 23, 2012, 01:50:03 pm
Watched two more episodes of MLP with my daughter. Dammit, this show is better than it has a right to be.

It is odd when a show for children shows genuin quality.

I know when I watched Jem expecting terribleness and maybe it was at first... but it ended up actually being a bit deep.

THEN again I never seen MLP: Friendship is Magic. So for all I know it is terrible and people are playing a global conspiracy level plot on me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Sirus on July 23, 2012, 02:57:13 pm
Relevant to the MLP comments, and hilarious to boot. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 23, 2012, 04:03:04 pm
Relevant to the MLP comments, and hilarious to boot. (

The explanation for Bronies is that a lot of the attributes we attribute to male and adults (and male adults) are mostly fictional.

It is why Snow White while unquestionably for children now adays was in fact a lot more universal when it came out.

Mind you I still have not seen a single episode of MLP:FIS so I don't know. I know Sponge Bob Square Pants was apperantly very popular with adults.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 23, 2012, 09:11:28 pm
Arrg! Next episode of Gravity Falls got delayed until August 10th, according to the wiki.

Why can't anything I like stick to consistent schedules D:
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Mageziya on July 23, 2012, 10:36:41 pm

Anyway one thing I really like about Gravity Falls is the climax music in each episode, though episodes 4 and 5 were a bit quiet. (If at all.)

Personally my favorite climax music is episode 3.

Spoiler: More specifically (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 24, 2012, 02:42:25 pm
why did I start watching Gravity Falls

and why is it so great
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Mageziya on July 24, 2012, 02:50:35 pm
Because of Great animations, lovable caracters, and generally great plots.

Sorta the male counterpart to MLP.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Putnam on July 24, 2012, 02:51:16 pm
except not male
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 24, 2012, 02:55:24 pm
It definitely seems like more of a gender neutral show. I'd say Adventure Time is the male counterpart to MLP.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2012, 06:04:39 pm
It definitely seems like more of a gender neutral show. I'd say Adventure Time is the male counterpart to MLP.

Well there is a way to tell. Who is the only sane and competent character in the show? Male. The female lead is super girly and insane? Yep. How about the down to earth bewilderment common of gender neutral shows like Franklin and Arthur? No it is Zany guy humor.

It definately does not seem like a gender neutral show. At least not at heart.

Mind you it is definately more gender neutral then Adventure time and My Little Pony and my method is hardly infallable. I'd have no idea how to rate "Chowder" for example.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 24, 2012, 06:06:59 pm
Fuckin love Chowder.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 24, 2012, 06:09:40 pm
Insane? Mable is just silly. She's just less mature than Dipper, but that's shown to be mostly because because he tries too hard.

I'll admit he gets more of the spotlight than her, but that's it. I don't think his character is really any stronger.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2012, 06:21:46 pm

She dreams of being a mad stalker inside of bubble. She is a few cards less then a full house.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 24, 2012, 06:24:51 pm
Honestly I never assigned a "gender" to Gravity Falls. It seems pretty cross demographic to me. You don't need sparkles and ponies to appeal to girls, just like you don't need power fantasy to appeal to boys.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2012, 06:38:21 pm
Honestly I never assigned a "gender" to Gravity Falls. It seems pretty cross demographic to me. You don't need sparkles and ponies to appeal to girls, just like you don't need power fantasy to appeal to boys.

Well I am speaking more natural gender inclination then "It is going for a male" or "It is going for a female" audiance thing. It just seems like a show that would attract more males then females because of the way it is set up.

Hmm... kinda makes me wonder about a Johny Test and Gravity Falls Crossover... how terrible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: quinnr on July 24, 2012, 11:45:03 pm
Fuckin love Chowder.
Well, that makes one of us. I can't stand either Flapjack or Chowder. I never watched more than one episode of each, but then again, I don't think my feelings on either would change if I did.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2012, 11:48:00 pm
Fuckin love Chowder.
Well, that makes one of us. I can't stand either Flapjack or Chowder. I never watched more than one episode of each, but then again, I don't think my feelings on either would change if I did.

I dislike Flapjack but love Chowder.

In Flapjack's case it is because it was a show with a goal... but where I never feel like they earnestly persue it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Putnam on July 24, 2012, 11:54:21 pm
That was intentional, I think--K'Nuckles tantalizes Flapjack with promises of an island made of candy so that he can have a young boy to keep him company...

that didn't sound that bad when I was writing it
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: MrWiggles on July 24, 2012, 11:56:18 pm
Chowder used to annoy the shit out of me, but then a friend of mine encourage me to rewatch the series, and it surprised me. At first, I thought it was aimless rambling with little thought. And, it is to a certain extent but for some reason, not entirely aimless. Each show tends to set up the rules for itself, and stick to them mostly. And after a bit, I grew to appreciate the art style of the series. It really had to grow on me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2012, 11:58:06 pm
That was intentional, I think--K'Nuckles tantalizes Flapjack with promises of an island made of candy so that he can have a young boy to keep him company...

that didn't sound that bad when I was writing it

It is supposed to sound bad. It didn't help me like the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on July 25, 2012, 02:19:20 am
You bastards, getting me interested in awesome shows & then leaving me waiting two weeks for a new episode...

Anyways, there has been a distressing lack of comic discussion.
So I have to recommend that you guys check out Irredeemable ( & Incorruptible (, if you want seriously some great but seriously depressing comics.
Not much I can really say about them that the Wikipedia pages won't say better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: kaijyuu on July 25, 2012, 02:20:24 am
You bastards, getting me interested in awesome shows & then leaving me waiting two weeks for a new episode...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2012, 02:52:22 am
You bastards, getting me interested in awesome shows & then leaving me waiting two weeks for a new episode...

Without strong continuity I can wait.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 26, 2012, 05:26:49 pm
I watched How to Train Your Dragon a while ago and I was expecting a grand movie given the reviews and how much people said it was amazing.

But it wasn't... amazing that is (I liked it, but I have no temptation to watch it again). I couldn't really put my finger on it. Was it how throw away the female lead was? Was it the pacing?

I think, I am really not sure, it was the main character and how the way he acts and speaks is entirely against the setting. It isn't that he is a misfit or that he doesn't fit in with his society (or that he has a technological prowress far above his kin), that isn't related, afterall Happyfeet was a misfit who acted differently but in a way that fit. It is that he acts like he was a person from an entirely different society that has been transplanted into this one. Even then it wasn't entirely out there.

Then it made me ask: How many movies and shows involve characters who seem contrary to the setting?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 26, 2012, 05:39:54 pm
I wouldn't say that the main character How to Train Your Dragon had an unfounded technical prowess. He gets a pretty decent leg at the end.

There a How to Train Your Dragon TV show coming up, called Riders of Burke. Whats noteworthy is that its suppose to share cannon with the first movie and the eventual sequel. And its suppose to keep the same voice cast and its suppose to keep the same quality of cg as from the movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 26, 2012, 05:49:24 pm
Sorry I communicated badly at that point. As I always said "Genius isn't a plothole, geniuses exist. It is whether or not they earn their genius that calls to question". He is a learned genius so what I meant was that the fact that he has so much more technological know how then everyone else makes sense so that isn't a problem.

Or short is: I meant his technological prowress made sense. Opps.

In anime (sorta since one is China animation) it would be a lot like the difference between Yakkate Japan! and Master Cooking Boy. They are both obviously geniuses and prodigy... but one has genuin practice while the other just had skill without practice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on July 26, 2012, 06:44:26 pm
Then it made me ask: How many movies and shows involve characters who seem contrary to the setting?
Depends how nitpicky you want to be. Characters that act contrary to everyone else, or characters that act contrary to what the setting should be (but all the characters act that way)?

I can't really think of any of the former, but the latter is all over the place (any show in a past or present time period is going to have characters that act like people during the time period it was made). Road to El Dorado had both Spaniards and native americans who act like modern day Americans.

But yeah, shows with just one (or a few) characters that act culturally distinct without reason (so Gargoyles wouldn't fit, since the culture shock is justified) don't seem that common in animation, though I could name a live action show or two with it (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner).

Haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon, nor read the books, so can't really comment.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 26, 2012, 06:54:35 pm
characters that act culturally distinct without reason (so Gargoyles wouldn't fit, since the culture shock is justified) don't seem that common in animation

It happens when you jump into comedic characters quite easily. Since being realistic to the setting becomes secondary.

I'll ignore Genie from Aladin. They explained it quite a few times why he has all these modern day references (he can time travel). Timon and Pumba however don't have such an excuse (Before you mention their solo show... I should state that it has fallen into discontinuity thanks to Lionking 1.5).

Though I need a good example outside of Disney...

Also character's acting outside the era the setting is based in is fine so long as everyone else is acting that way. If everyone is speaking in "Ye Olde English" and the main character isn't, then there is a problem. Though yes this is a common problem in live action and an uncommon one in animation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Sergius on July 26, 2012, 08:05:09 pm
Speaking of dragons, I think this show is pretty fun (it's french)

Just a sample, I don't think there are many complete episodes there, for instance can't find part 1/3 of the first episode :P

Apparently it spawned a CGI movie, or the other way around, I don't know.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on July 26, 2012, 08:19:39 pm
Speaking of dragons, I think this show is pretty fun (it's french)

Just a sample, I don't think there are many complete episodes there, for instance can't find part 1/3 of the first episode :P

Apparently it spawned a CGI movie, or the other way around, I don't know.

Oh that. Its on Netflix, or it was on Netflix, as is the actual movie.

The tv show itself, is uh, meh kinda. I dont find its plots to be that compelling, even though its world is quite amazing.

The movie is pretty good actually. I suggest the movie over the tv show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 26, 2012, 09:39:46 pm
I've been looking for some non-English western shows to watch. I feel like nobody watches those, it's either anime or English cartoons. There have to be some good unappreciated gems.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 26, 2012, 09:43:12 pm
I've been looking for some non-English western shows to watch. I feel like nobody watches those, it's either anime or English cartoons. There have to be some good unappreciated gems.

Like Code Lyoko and Cybersix?

There have been others that SEEMED like they arn't english but I don't know them officially.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Mageziya on July 29, 2012, 11:01:17 pm
Gravity Falls, episode 7, Double Dipper.

Anyway it airs on the 10th of august, quiet a bit away from now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 29, 2012, 11:05:22 pm
I've seen it done well before.

It REALLY depends on what they are trying to do with it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Mageziya on July 29, 2012, 11:19:31 pm
The promo for it:
This show seems like it is going to fluctuate between episodes orientated around paranormal stuff and episodes involved with normal life stuff that has paranormal butting in at points.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on July 29, 2012, 11:28:55 pm
The promo for it:
This show seems like it is going to fluctuate between episodes orientated around paranormal stuff and episodes involved with normal life stuff that has paranormal butting in at points.

Ohh my goodnesss... this show better have a proper Finale

I am tired of unresolved or non-endings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Mageziya on July 30, 2012, 12:27:32 pm
The plan is for this series to have 3 seasons, in total spanning over the summer (Presumably a season for a month of the summer.), similar to a myth arc. Apparently the 1st season is to end on a cliff hanger. Currently there is no reason to cancel the show, so it will likely make it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Mageziya on August 01, 2012, 10:35:31 pm
Boop! Sorry for double post, But...

Spoiler: Gravity Falls SDCC (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 02, 2012, 12:16:23 am
Totally called it. If that's what he turns out to be, anyway.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on August 03, 2012, 12:04:40 am
I found it odd...

But I was looking at Wikipedia and oddly enough I got to Phineas and Ferb and I found out that someone named Candice Flynn as one of the top 10 worst rolemodels and actually attributes her to the collaspe of women's roles.

and I was sort of like "Really? So no woman can be a self-determined and boycrazy?.. I think you sort of also missed the entire point of her character. There are whole episodes that deal with the fact that these are actually character flaws and that she doesn't have to try so hard to make Jeremy like her... and even then EVEN if that wasn't true the problem with women's roles isn't the fact that there are very girly steriotypical ones, it is that there isn't a variety... and frankly at this point there arn't a lot of female characters who do her role anymore"

I probably shouldn't it so badly but frankly... Candice is probably my favorite character on the show. She actually has character depth.

I mean it is a show either of bafoons who will never learn, or mary sues who don't need to learn (or who can solve any problem rather quickly). Candice is the only character who has to actually try and learns from her experience. It is why I got tired of the boys and really started to enjoy her because there was somewhere to go.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 03, 2012, 01:52:56 am
Re: Female characters.

You know, maybe it's because I limit myself to shows with some sort of acknowledgement, but I really haven't seen much of a problem relating to this in recent western animation (as in, the last 20 years). The worst of it is female characters in action shows (mainly superhero ones) being unable to be hit by male characters, so it always becomes a cat fight.

I was rather impressed with the handling of female characters in Justice League, and well... pretty much every series I've seen in the past year. Most if not all had some decent depth to them, and didn't have "female" as their defining character trait. None of those positive discrimination mary sues you mentioned, either.


I'm certain someone could point out some horribly sexist cartoons made recently, but as a whole the scene seems rather progressive to me. What problems still exist (aforementioned problem with action shows, very few good "girl's shows" existing) aren't really related to characterization anymore, but more audience attitudes. So long as we keep having stuff like Power Puff Girls and MLP:FiM, I'm pretty hopeful those attitudes will fade as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on August 03, 2012, 04:39:31 pm
Well My Little Pony Friendship is magic REALLY isn't a beacon of change for how we view the sexes... Given that ANY male that watches that show is given a derogitory term (Bronie) that is also neutral.

Powerpuffgirls... Yeah. Heck it even had two episodes on gender. Where one I hated (They tried to join their version of the justice league with major glory but they find out no girls are allowed... Then I remembered that they actually have had multiple female heros on the show before.).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Putnam on August 03, 2012, 05:09:02 pm
Isn't that the episode where they turn into a giant pussy cat and rub up against some villain's extremely large robot that was too hard for all of the League's men to beat?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Jervill on August 03, 2012, 05:27:40 pm
Well My Little Pony Friendship is magic REALLY isn't a beacon of change for how we view the sexes... Given that ANY male that watches that show is given a derogitory term (Bronie) that is also neutral.

How does this have any bearing on the show itself?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 03, 2012, 05:30:11 pm
So... audience attitudes (or attitudes toward audiences, I suppose). Like I said :P

Isn't that the episode where they turn into a giant pussy cat and rub up against some villain's extremely large robot that was too hard for all of the League's men to beat?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on August 03, 2012, 05:32:03 pm
Isn't that the episode where they turn into a giant pussy cat and rub up against some villain's extremely large robot that was too hard for all of the League's men to beat?

Well that DID happen... but that guy's power was specifically that he couldn't be defeated by Manliness and in fact absorbed power from it.

In otherwords they had to create a villain that none of the male heros could ever defeat because they are men.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Putnam on August 03, 2012, 08:48:35 pm
That doesn't excuse the cat >_>
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on August 03, 2012, 08:58:13 pm
From my viewing of MLP:FIM has very negative views on Males in general. All the males shown as far as Season 1 is concern are bullies, or idiots or monsters. Spike himself isn't especially a strong male character, since he girl crazy and treated more like a pet at times or sectary.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Putnam on August 03, 2012, 09:01:10 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Jervill on August 03, 2012, 09:24:21 pm
From my viewing of MLP:FIM has very negative views on Males in general. All the males shown as far as Season 1 is concern are bullies, or idiots or monsters. Spike himself isn't especially a strong male character, since he girl crazy and treated more like a pet at times or sectary.

Early season episodes mostly.  Big Macintosh, Braeburn, and Shining Armor are three male examples I can think of who are not bullies, idiots, or monsters.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 03, 2012, 09:26:46 pm
The small number of male characters is due to meddling, actually. There's quite a few more in season 2, all over the scale of "likeable" to "dislikable." Fancy Pants is awesome.

Honestly the only gender related hiccup I noticed was Shining Armor; he's Twilight's big brother, and has some horrible "your big brother is your protector" undertones. I felt his general attitude toward his younger sister absolutely grating. That can be justified by assuming the creators were just having fun with the "Knight in Shining Armor" trope, as his name suggests, though. Hopefully he never shows up again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on August 03, 2012, 09:30:54 pm
From my viewing of MLP:FIM has very negative views on Males in general. All the males shown as far as Season 1 is concern are bullies, or idiots or monsters. Spike himself isn't especially a strong male character, since he girl crazy and treated more like a pet at times or sectary.

Early season episodes mostly.  Big Macintosh, Braeburn, and Shining Armor are three male examples I can think of who are not bullies, idiots, or monsters.
Big Macintosh is an empty character. Not familiar with Braeburn or Shining Armor though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 04, 2012, 02:10:56 am
Taking bets whether the new Mystery Incorporated (!_Mystery_Incorporated_episodes#Season_2:_2012) episodes will be delayed or not.

I really am curious as to the development history of this show. The release schedule has been absolutely bonkers since it started. The premiere was over 2 goddamn years ago, and they're only 5 episodes into season 2 now.

Cartoon Network's fault? Internal struggles? Creative differences? What the fuck screws over a series this badly, without outright killing it?

Normally I'd just blame Cartoon Network because they're Cartoon Network, but looking at the show's continuity makes me think internal issues might be to blame too. The Night the Clown Cried parts 1 and 2 seem very disjointed, with the villain having entirely different motivations for each one despite being the same guy. Both are great episodes (some of the best in the series, even), but I really wonder if the writers were collaborating on it or just wrote two different episodes and haphazardly stuck them together later.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on August 04, 2012, 02:22:33 am
The small number of male characters is due to meddling, actually. There's quite a few more in season 2, all over the scale of "likeable" to "dislikable." Fancy Pants is awesome.

Honestly the only gender related hiccup I noticed was Shining Armor; he's Twilight's big brother, and has some horrible "your big brother is your protector" undertones. I felt his general attitude toward his younger sister absolutely grating. That can be justified by assuming the creators were just having fun with the "Knight in Shining Armor" trope, as his name suggests, though. Hopefully he never shows up again.

Honestly I REALLY REALLY have to watch this show. If only because of this accusation.

I mean it is one thing just for a character to have a condensending older brother who believes it is his job to protect his younger sister and POSSIBLY that she feels that way too. but for that scenario to play out like "That is how things should be" is another.

and this isn't just some dumb TVshow critic who finds any little character flaw to mean that the show wants children to copy that character. This is a Bay12games viewer meaning there is actually some clout (I can't believe I am not being sarcastic).

The Night the Clown Cried parts 1 and 2 seem very disjointed, with the villain having entirely different motivations for each one despite being the same guy

Sometimes this happens if the writers back out of a twist or of an event that happened.

It is very possible that they written a much better second part but either thought it was too risky or that it did too much too soon. It can also happen if they written the first part and then tried to shoehorn a certain ending and noticed that the motivations don't match so they change it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 04, 2012, 02:39:06 am
The small number of male characters is due to meddling, actually. There's quite a few more in season 2, all over the scale of "likeable" to "dislikable." Fancy Pants is awesome.

Honestly the only gender related hiccup I noticed was Shining Armor; he's Twilight's big brother, and has some horrible "your big brother is your protector" undertones. I felt his general attitude toward his younger sister absolutely grating. That can be justified by assuming the creators were just having fun with the "Knight in Shining Armor" trope, as his name suggests, though. Hopefully he never shows up again.

Honestly I REALLY REALLY have to watch this show. If only because of this accusation.

I mean it is one thing just for a character to have a condensending older brother who believes it is his job to protect his younger sister and POSSIBLY that she feels that way too. but for that scenario to play out like "That is how things should be" is another.

and this isn't just some dumb TVshow critic who finds any little character flaw to mean that the show wants children to copy that character. This is a Bay12games viewer meaning there is actually some clout (I can't believe I am not being sarcastic).
Well it's not very big of an implication, but I really think it's there. You have an extremely self sufficient female character, who for the entire series up to this point been able to take care of herself, and then during the season finale her big brother shows up and there's a song about how he was "always there for her" and such. Always there for her, despite never doing a damn thing for her on-screen, and in fact never even being mentioned at all. And he thinks he can use condescending and "cute" pet names while noogieing her, as a stereotypical big brother protector would.


If you're looking for horrible unfortunate implications, no, it's not that bad. But enough to get on my nerves a bit.

The Night the Clown Cried parts 1 and 2 seem very disjointed, with the villain having entirely different motivations for each one despite being the same guy

Sometimes this happens if the writers back out of a twist or of an event that happened.

It is very possible that they written a much better second part but either thought it was too risky or that it did too much too soon. It can also happen if they written the first part and then tried to shoehorn a certain ending and noticed that the motivations don't match so they change it.
They did have to back out on one of the twists:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's hard to imagine a better part 2, since I fucking LOVED that episode, but yeah it didn't really fit with his previous established motivations. It could be they had a really awesome idea and just decided to go for it without changing part 1.

There are lots of "good ideas" in season 2 so far now that I think about it, but... Disjointed really is a good word. I love the return of Hot Dog Water and her... ahem, "friendship" with Velma. But she seemed a bit shoehorned in to the plots so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Sirus on August 04, 2012, 02:47:28 am
Re: Older brother

I haven't seen the episode in question (or any of them for that matter), but it sounds like the sort of thing in which the younger sister would demonstrate that she no longer/never needed her brother's protection, and he would lay off the Knight in Shining Armor thing. To me, that's a fine aesop, since yes, older brothers do tend to be protective and no, they don't always need to be. Is that how it turned out?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 04, 2012, 02:53:52 am
Nope. He and his girlfriend (another out-of-nowhere character) end up saving everyone with a deus ex machina.

This show's a bit better than what you might be thinking, though. He didn't ride up and show how one needs a MAN to solve problems. He had to get his own butt saved first. It's just that the sibling dynamic is obvious, and it really grates with how Twilight was previously established (independent). None of that changes by the end of the episodes, either.

It's about as weird as it would be if Lisa Simpson started idolizing (a slightly more mature) Bart.

There are no horrible sexist undertones here, just a minor one that popped out and annoyed me :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Sirus on August 04, 2012, 02:57:40 am
Okay, having seen the Simpsons, that would strike me as quite odd. Thanks for explaining :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: RedKing on August 07, 2012, 03:26:37 pm
Series that nobody has mentioned yet (and that honestly, even I had forgotten until just a bit ago):
The Oblongs! (

Awesome warped humor, great voice acting cast, shame that it's been on indefinite hiatus for about eight years now...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Putnam on August 07, 2012, 04:31:19 pm
Wasn't Bob Will Ferrell in that?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Kilroy the Grand on August 07, 2012, 06:23:46 pm
50 pages and my waifu wasn't mentioned at least once? For shame.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Sirus on August 07, 2012, 07:24:33 pm
Whatever floats your boat, Kilroy :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Ultimuh on August 07, 2012, 07:34:21 pm
50 pages and my waifu wasn't mentioned at least once? For shame.

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Oh dear, you just unlocked open my brain's Rule 34 gates..
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 07, 2012, 07:34:37 pm
Series that nobody has mentioned yet (and that honestly, even I had forgotten until just a bit ago):
The Oblongs! (
I remember hearing about that one. It's supposedly one of the most depressing and nihilistic cartoons ever.

50 pages and my waifu wasn't mentioned at least once? For shame.

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Many a furry would agree with you :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on August 07, 2012, 08:20:27 pm
The Ooblongs, is a good show, but hard to describe. Nihilist is a good descriptor though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Kilroy the Grand on August 07, 2012, 08:47:48 pm
50 pages and my waifu wasn't mentioned at least once? For shame.

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Oh dear, you just unlocked open my brain's Rule 34 gates..
Callie Briggs is also my waifu.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: RedKing on August 08, 2012, 09:21:33 am
Wasn't Bob Will Ferrell in that?
Yes indeed! And does a great job with it, without going overboard.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on August 08, 2012, 05:16:39 pm
Will Ferrel is an actor I want to like, but often times he just over acts and thinks 'yelling is acting'.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Putnam on August 08, 2012, 10:34:11 pm
Will Ferrel is an actor I want to like, but often times he just over acts and thinks 'yelling is acting'.

That's what I like about his role as Bob--he doesn't yell.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Neonivek on August 08, 2012, 10:47:21 pm
Okay, having seen the Simpsons, that would strike me as quite odd. Thanks for explaining :)

I seen an old episode of the Simpsons lately.

It really feels odd watching the new simpsons with the old stuff... Given that the Old episodes actually had heart and often didn't back out of tough troubling issues or even back out of handling it earnestly and not in a comical fashion (Mind you they did do jokes along the way).

It is kind of the thing with me and comedy. I think the best comedy is a show where if you took out every single joke... it would still be good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 08, 2012, 10:56:10 pm
]It is kind of the thing with me and comedy. I think the best comedy is a show where if you took out every single joke... it would still be good.
Someone who agrees with me on this!

To me, comedy is like icing. Icing needs to be put on a cake to work best. Sure you can snack on it straight out of the can too, but it's not very satisfying alone. And on the flip side, if you have too much cake, it gets bland. Such is the same with comedy; it needs a base to stand on, be it drama, or slice of life, or whatever, and the stronger the base the better. The base is not something unimportant that can be tossed aside.

And yeah, simpsons started really sucking when they embraced the "stop taking it so seriously, it's just a comedy" philosophy. It doesn't have a definitive shark jumping moment since its downfall was very slow and gradual, but I can point out where the mindset on the part of the producers came to light: Comic Book Guy's "worst episode ever" line. Mocking the fans that were taking the show "too seriously" and would dare criticize one of their newer episodes (it was directly pulled from a usenet user during the third or fourth season, iirc). Made for a pretty funny and memetic joke, but yeah. That's where I think they went wrong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 11, 2012, 02:17:26 am
Gravity Falls episode 7 aired. 8 got leaked I think, but I haven't watched it myself yet.

Spoiler:  episode 7 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Karlito on August 11, 2012, 09:30:09 pm
Episode 7 thoughts:
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Credits Cipher:
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Oh, and now I guess I have to watch the whole thing over again to look for that guy in the background.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: Pnx on August 11, 2012, 09:34:08 pm
Spoiler: On episode 7 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: MrWiggles on August 11, 2012, 09:34:19 pm
Piratebay doesnt have it yet. Grrrr...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Welcome aboard Air Shaggy and Scooby!
Post by: kaijyuu on August 13, 2012, 08:27:07 am
Gravity Falls' 8th episode got leaked. Watched it, mucho impressed! Probably my favorite, after episode 1.

Spoiler: Irrational Treasure (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Karlito on August 13, 2012, 11:34:12 am
That episode was good, but now I won't have anything new to watch next week. :(

Spoiler:  Credits Cipher (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Remalle on August 13, 2012, 12:43:03 pm
K guys, something I've been pondering.  So you know how Legend of Korra is getting a small time skip between Air and Spirit?  Since together they still only make up the first season, what if between Season One and Season Two (or Books Two and Three), there was an even larger time skip, possibly even up to decades?  Since it's been seventy years since the end of the last series, most of our protagonists will still be alive to see Sozin's Comer return.  I kind of want to see that happen in some form!  Also, since grown-up!Aang was such an incredible badass, can you all imagine how much of a badass grown-up!Korra will be?
Of course, I doubt Nickelodeon would let them age up the heroes too much.  It's still ostensibly a kid's show, so they'll probably insist on the protagonists staying young.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Mageziya on August 13, 2012, 04:50:47 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 13, 2012, 05:02:56 pm

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 13, 2012, 05:06:15 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Karlito on August 13, 2012, 06:16:49 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 13, 2012, 07:01:50 pm
So I barge into the thread, see something about Gravity Falls, it sounds familiar so I check it out on YT.

Trailer seems interesting, so I get what I can find on that one site that's bad for you.

After watching the first 7 episodes in one sitting (well kinda, I did go to grab some food), I gotta say, might fine show, I really like the wacky humor, the voice acting can be a bit annoying at times (Mable comes to mind, but I'm getting used to her).

What I like best though is the art style and the general atmosphere, really hits the sweet spot of a small mid US town (not that I know how that should feel, just a guess from the popular culture).

Also, intro, one of the best damn things, really love the whole thing :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Mageziya on August 13, 2012, 07:07:16 pm
Welcome to the fandom!

Okay, we need to come up with a unique phrase to say welcome to the fandom for gravity falls.

Spell check doesn't recognize the word fandom. Weird.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: MrWiggles on August 13, 2012, 08:08:00 pm
Fallite? Gravite?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Furtuka on August 13, 2012, 08:24:12 pm
The introductory phrase should treat the fanfom as either a conspiracy or a secretive order. :3
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Zangi on August 13, 2012, 08:36:13 pm
Seriously now... ya'll want to label yourselves for this new fandom?  ... I suppose it won't get derided as something negative like some others...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Pnx on August 13, 2012, 08:42:15 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 14, 2012, 03:13:59 am
I believe the tumblr folk call themselves "fallers" (according to tvtropes anyway), so that's the closest thing to an official fandom name that I know of.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 14, 2012, 07:34:15 am
Is a name really neccessary?

It's rather annoying that everything you do these days needs a name that can easily file you into one of the countless groups. That's just silly, calling yourself something just because you watch a cartoon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Leafsnail on August 14, 2012, 08:29:07 am
"Person who watches and enjoys Gravity Falls".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Frumple on August 14, 2012, 08:34:39 am
Pwwaegf. Puh way giff? I've seen worse.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 14, 2012, 09:08:49 am
Some people like fandom names since they can wear it around as a badge of pride. I don't have a problem with that, myself.

Necessary? No. But they can be fun depending on who you ask.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Zangi on August 14, 2012, 10:09:37 am
Personally, I prefer to not refer myself by fandom names...  its more fun being subtle and having someone else recognize it.  +1 whether they are a fan themselves or not, as long as they recognize it for what it is.

Though... it can be used for a vehicle of trolling lately...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 14, 2012, 10:49:45 am
Pretty much, it's completely unneccessary to have one, as they are usually either used as derrogatory terms or used as snobby 'I'm better than you' thing, which is why I'm somewhat adverse to using them and wearing them myself (that and a few things from the past cocerning groups of people and their music tastes).

But wearing small hints like that is quite fine, heck I do it myself and it's great fun having conversations about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Mageziya on August 14, 2012, 07:28:53 pm
I was mainly looking for a welcome to the fandom phrase, not a group name. Sort of like how the MLP:FIM fandom has the "Welcome to the Herd" phrase.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: MrWiggles on August 14, 2012, 07:31:53 pm
Less MLP the better. >.>
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jervill on August 14, 2012, 07:39:59 pm
Oh no someone mentioned MLP in passing!  I should bitch about it! ::)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: MrWiggles on August 14, 2012, 07:45:32 pm
Most fandoms don't have a series of special catch phrases.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jervill on August 14, 2012, 07:51:22 pm
Point.  I'm one of those who doesn't like naming of fandoms into groups.  I watch Star Trek, yet I dislike the terms Trekkie or Trekker.  Which, oddly, Firefox recognizes as legitimate terms.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 14, 2012, 08:04:34 pm
Point.  I'm one of those who doesn't like naming of fandoms into groups.  I watch Star Trek, yet I dislike the terms Trekkie or Trekker.  Which, oddly, Firefox recognizes as legitimate terms.

To me being part of a "Fandom" should take a bit more then liking something, buying its stuff, and even attending events.

To the extent where if someone says they arn't a Trekkie, they simply arn't. It doesn't matter how much they fall in that group, it to me is something that has to be identifyable in the person.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 14, 2012, 09:14:11 pm
Most fandoms don't have a series of special catch phrases.
Well maybe they should.

To me being part of a "Fandom" should take a bit more then liking something, buying its stuff, and even attending events.

To the extent where if someone says they arn't a Trekkie, they simply arn't. It doesn't matter how much they fall in that group, it to me is something that has to be identifyable in the person.
To me it's a 100% opt in thing. If you identify as a member of the fandom, you are. If you don't, you aren't. No further questions asked. Any further criteria only breeds snobbishness; "true fans" and the like claiming other people aren't "true fans" just because they don't meet some arbitrary standard.

I don't care how "serious" or not someone is about what they're a fan of. If they call themselves a fan, they're a fan. Period.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 14, 2012, 11:23:31 pm
Japanese history check

Is it true that at one time murder for revenge was allowed and not only that but was was later outlawed SPECIFICALLY?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: MrWiggles on August 14, 2012, 11:32:26 pm
Most fandoms don't have a series of special catch phrases.
Well maybe they should.
Well, I'm convinced.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Reelya on August 14, 2012, 11:54:25 pm
Japanese history check

Is it true that at one time murder for revenge was allowed and not only that but was was later outlawed SPECIFICALLY?
In Japan's feudal past, the Samurai class upheld the honour of their family, clan, or lord through the practice of revenge killings (敵討ち katakiuchi). These killings could also involve the relatives of an offender. Today, katakiuchi is most often pursued by peaceful means, but revenge remains an important part of Japanese culture.

Feudal system, pre-dating the European-style state of modern era Japan.

Googling katakiuchi, gives a book link:

It was banned in 1873
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 15, 2012, 12:00:28 am
It was banned in 1873

Oddly accurate for an anime >_<

Reminds me of the anime that took place in a fictional China.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 15, 2012, 05:44:17 am
Point.  I'm one of those who doesn't like naming of fandoms into groups.  I watch Star Trek, yet I dislike the terms Trekkie or Trekker.  Which, oddly, Firefox recognizes as legitimate terms.
Trekkie shows up in the Mac Lion built-in dictionary as "a fan of the US science-fiction television program Star Trek", and Trekker is a redirect to Trekkie in the same dictionary.

I like the idea of fandom and other group names simply as a matter of convenience. I don't know about you, but in the event I ever find myself talking about a fandom I find it much easier to say something like "Trekkie" then "fans of Star Trek". So while I'm not particularly for the idea, I do give it a small amount of support.

Most fandoms don't have a series of special catch phrases.
Well maybe they should.
A surprising amount of fandoms actually do have catch phrases, some of which have even gone beyond the popularity point of being a catch phrase and have moved into common usage. It's just that the smaller a fandom is the less solid and less well-known those catchphrases are. I mean Star Trek has "Beam me up Scotty" and "Capt'n I canna hold her much longer", Star Wars has "Luke, I am your father", Gurren Laggen has the whole "my drill is the drill" thing, we all know about the MLP stuff with how widespread it is these days, Pokemon has "Gotta catch em all", Lord of the Rings has "one ring to rule them all" (though that one isn't as widespread as the others, but when the fandom starts from a book you tend to get less present catchphrases), Doctor Who has "Exterminate, Exterminate", The Simpsons has "D'Oh!" (which is one that has spread to common usage), and I could keep going but you get my point. All fandoms have catch phrases, it's just that until a fandom becomes large enough we tend to call them "references" instead of catch phrases.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 15, 2012, 06:27:45 am
Most of those I'd put under the umbrella term of "meme." And yeah, everything with a bit of popularity spawns its own memes. I got no problem with those at all, unless it's specifically intended to take something novel and unique and make it commonplace. That's mostly a problem with jokes; who doesn't groan at Monty Python references these days?

On a less meta topic, I'm needing to catch up on the last two weeks of Scooby Doo. Something ridiculous like 10 new episodes, as they're airing 5 new ones a week.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 15, 2012, 06:32:55 am
Is that that new Mystery Incorporated thing? I saw a couple episodes of that and while I find that they do lack a bit of some of the old carefree-ness (that's an awkward word :P) of the older series, I like some of the fun they poke at the old things with the character development being cool most of the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 15, 2012, 06:36:16 am
New? Mystery Incorporated is now 2 years old. But yeah, that's the one. It's frickin' awesome; the highlight of the series for me so far is Fred punching out a giant baby.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 15, 2012, 06:42:26 am
It's new when you consider that the last new Scooby-Doo TV episode (not movie) was the last episode of "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo" and aired on August 17, 1991; making that 21 years as of Friday.

But yeah, I was a little out of the loop on that particular cartoon recently.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Leafsnail on August 15, 2012, 06:47:16 am
And yeah, everything with a bit of popularity spawns its own memes. I got no problem with those at all, unless it's specifically intended to take something novel and unique and make it commonplace.
Surely every meme matches that description, unless it was already a cliché in the first place.  I don't think that would be an improvement.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: MrWiggles on August 15, 2012, 06:52:55 am
Most of those I'd put under the umbrella term of "meme." And yeah, everything with a bit of popularity spawns its own memes. I got no problem with those at all, unless it's specifically intended to take something novel and unique and make it commonplace. That's mostly a problem with jokes; who doesn't groan at Monty Python references these days?

On a less meta topic, I'm needing to catch up on the last two weeks of Scooby Doo. Something ridiculous like 10 new episodes, as they're airing 5 new ones a week.
Meme is a good descriptor for them. I was gonna label them as in-jokes. But being a second generation fan, (My mom was into Sci Fi and Fantasy and thats how I got into it.), most if not all other fandoms dont have the amount of one to one exchanges that MIL fandom has creepily decided to incorporate into their speech. Such as replacing 'pony' as a suffix for lots of words, like 'Everypony', 'Anypony', and while it cute and make sense for the show to use, its just fuckin outlandish to adopt the diction into real world. You're not a fuckin pony. (Excusing the sub culture of furries who think they are animals, and the further sub culture of furries who think they're fictional races and animals and the sub culture who think they're from fictional works and there few others out there.) Its not cute or funny to have a 20 something year old adopt such phraseology. Its creepy. You're relating to a show targeted at young girls. You're forcing a change in your speech which appeals to little girls. Its creepy.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Frumple on August 15, 2012, 06:57:00 am
Why does age and gender mean a bloody thing when it comes to enjoyment? What's fun and pleasing is fun and pleasing. Society's age expectations for R&R can go bugger themselves with a rusty spork. If there were adult sized jungle gyms in the park, I'd be crawling around the damn things. Muttermuttermumblemumble.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 15, 2012, 07:05:46 am
And yeah, everything with a bit of popularity spawns its own memes. I got no problem with those at all, unless it's specifically intended to take something novel and unique and make it commonplace.
Surely every meme matches that description, unless it was already a cliché in the first place.  I don't think that would be an improvement.
Well, take "gotta catch 'em all" from Pokemon. Not really novel or unique, but still memetic. It captured an idea (the point of the show/game) in a concise phrase, and people merely started applying it to other things (or spouting it as a catch phrase).

You'd have a solid case for most internet memes being novel things repeated ad nauseam, though. Anything amusing ceases to be so when it becomes commonplace, but not every meme is intended to be amusing.

Kinda splitting hairs here, though. It's altogether Not A Big Deal. Fandoms have memes, there's pretty much no avoiding that, and it's not inherently bad.


Please check the rules of my thread. There's one in particular that applies to you. No, not the one about no MLP discussion, though that's certainly also applicable. Read the one about respect. And if you can't follow it from this point on, get the fuck out of my thread. Thank you.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 15, 2012, 07:13:16 am
I guess that is one of the things that the internet has managed to do, take catch phrases out of our vocabulary (though it has made watching all of my cartoons easier). :P By allowing something that used to be part of a small group of people become immensely popular in a short amount of time it lets catch phrases jump right up the scale from phrase to meme to common vocabulary to annoying in the matter of days where it used to take months or even years, thus no longer allowing people to use it as a catch phrase because it has already moved to the "annoying" stage.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Leafsnail on August 15, 2012, 07:22:45 am
"Gotta catch 'em all" surely isn't annoying because it hasn't really got much saturation.  I've heard it only a few times in my entire life and those times tended to be timed as jokes rather than catchphrases.  If it took on meme level of exposure it would get old very fast.

Although I refuse to believe horse puns had anything other than an "annoying" stage :P.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jimmy on August 15, 2012, 08:01:18 am

Does anyone here watch or enjoy this series? Certainly can't claim it's targeted at the kids here, but frankly what little I've watched I've found too low brow and offensive to really enjoy. On the other hand I have friends who own the full series on box set and love it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 15, 2012, 08:09:25 am
Although I refuse to believe horse puns had anything other than an "annoying" stage :P.
You're just a neigh-sayer :P

@Family Guy

I've seen like, 2 episodes total. Was not impressed. Great for those who like low brow humor and political commentary, I suppose.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 15, 2012, 08:10:05 am
Family Guy is quite okay, but it's incredibly annoying because half the humour is references or mentions of American pop culture, so you rarely laugh if you aren't from the US or aren't knee-deep in what happens and what was happening there. Too much homework for jokes that aren't that good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Sergius on August 15, 2012, 10:14:36 am
Most of the humour in Family Guy can be summed as this:

"Oh, that reminds me the time that <celebrity name> did <action> in <event the character attended> (flashback to said scene)".


"Oh, that reminds me the time Paula Abdul crashed her car into our house during Meg's birthday." (flashback to Meg's birthday).

The rest of the humour that isn't in that format is ok, tho. It wasn't like that in the first season or so, but it became pretty much the show signature.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Remalle on August 15, 2012, 01:27:18 pm
Early Family Guy is a fair bit better then, say, recent The Simpsons, I think.  It's gone downhill rapidly since being uncancelled, though.  And the other two shows by what's-his-name are just carbon copies that were never any good in the first place.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: darkrider2 on August 15, 2012, 01:34:41 pm
Family guy is good, though I suppose if I weren't an American I would have no idea what the hell this show is on about. But I guess it fits its own role pretty well.

My personal favorite is American Dad though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: RedKing on August 15, 2012, 01:40:11 pm
First couple of seasons of Family Guy were great. But yeah, the formulaic non-sequitur humor got to be so constant that South Park worked it into a fantastic spoof/anti-censorship episode (

I tried to like American Dad. I really did. I failed.
And I managed to watch an entire episode of Bob's Burgers before breaking down and grieving for poor H. Jon Benjamin. He deserves a lot better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 15, 2012, 02:01:07 pm
In the case of family guy I find that it walks the line a little too close to the stupid humor for my tastes. I mean it has it's good moments with the random humor where they do something that actually takes knowledge to get, and I find that funny, but 5 minute long random punching matches with a chicken isn't something that I find that entertaining.

I tried to like American Dad. I really did. I failed.
This right here.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 16, 2012, 01:25:50 pm
Just watched Mystery Incorporated season 2, episode 7. Probably the most ridiculous one yet.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

7 more episodes to go. This is a lot harder to find than MLP or Gravity Falls. Guess there's not a fandom spreading around free illegal episodes for this one, so I have to dig into the deeper recesses of the internets. Alas.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 18, 2012, 12:07:41 pm
Where do you get your stuff guys?

I'm usually using 'that site which is not to be named' because I don't really know any reliable sites that have a bunch of this stuff and that are updated regularly (like say Animetake is when it comes to anime).

(Because I REALLY want to see that damned episode 8 but can't really find it there :C )
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Karlito on August 18, 2012, 12:09:40 pm
Google will usually lead me to some shady looking video streaming site.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 18, 2012, 12:15:22 pm
Yup! Gotta love those shady video streaming sites.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 18, 2012, 05:48:36 pm
I tend to use ( (which has lots of anime as well as cartoons) and ( (select your episode then go to "all results" instead of the default "paid results") for most of my tv shows. You do need to do a little work on the links for the second site before you get one that works sometimes, with putlocker, sockshare, veehd, nowvideo and sometimes vidxden being the most reliable links.

Also if you are looking for season two episode 8 I believe a working link is avaliable here (, assuming you have the free DivX codec installed (which you should install direct from ( rather then from any other shady links floating around).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jimmy on August 18, 2012, 10:05:40 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Another cartoon series definitely not aimed at children. Filled with cute pastel animals who end up brutally butchered by the end of every episode. Not my all time favorite series but it's got a cult following and certainly proves that cartoons aren't just for the kids.

Anyone else have thoughts about this series? Like it? Hate it? Discuss please.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 18, 2012, 10:07:52 pm
Anyone else have thoughts about this series? Like it? Hate it? Discuss please

I actually am not a fan of this kind of show.

I mean it could be worse, it could be like "Perfect Hair Forever" where people believe it is anime related (it REALLY isn't... it is just drawn in a somewhat similar style but not really even that).

But I never was into the "Take something childlike and pervert it" like Puppets that Kill for example.

It isn't that it cannot be good... but it doesn't earn any bonus points from me for having that. So why would I want to watch a show where people end up brutally butchered by the end of every episode if the fact that they are cute cuddly animals means nothing to me?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Glowcat on August 18, 2012, 10:08:03 pm
Happy Tree Friends is horrible and not particularly funny. It seemed more like gore-porn than anything else.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Scelly9 on August 18, 2012, 10:08:17 pm
Oh, god. That.

It's probably the most fucked up cartoon I have ever seen. Interestingly, my eight year old brother loves it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: i2amroy on August 19, 2012, 12:07:45 am
Happy Tree Friends is horrible and not particularly funny. It seemed more like gore-porn than anything else.
This right here. I just don't find anything particularly funny about somebody being strangled with their entrails while they bleed to death. It just doesn't appeal to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 19, 2012, 12:10:45 am
Oh, god. That.

It's probably the most fucked up cartoon I have ever seen. Interestingly, my eight year old brother loves it.

Yes, it would make perfect sense that your Eight year old brother would love it.

Not because "he is too stupid to know better" but because he is right in the age bracket the show would appeal to.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: zombie urist on August 19, 2012, 12:11:04 am
But... but Dwarf Fortress
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 19, 2012, 12:13:06 am
DF doesn't have gore for gore's sake. The gore serves an additional purpose.

Though the fandom memes like "magma" and "blood for the blood god" might be comparable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 19, 2012, 12:13:39 am
But... but Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress has a disconnect as well characters never act in a way condusive to pain and torture.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: zombie urist on August 19, 2012, 12:16:23 am
I kinda agree and I never liked Happy Tree Friends and also never really played Dwarf Fortress for the gore.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 20, 2012, 11:21:35 am
Gravity Falls, Episode 9 (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Jopax on August 20, 2012, 05:58:23 pm

Thank you very much :D

Anyways, watched both, episode 8 was okay, nice theme I guess, but nothing exceptionally special about I think, except that the whole denying it might be a conspiracy or something, srs buisness and all that.

Episode 9 on the other hand was quite fun, I like how they played with stuff here.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, a minor nitpick, couldn't he have just told her to turn around?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Aqizzar on August 20, 2012, 07:29:48 pm
So, as long as we have a thread about Western Animation, anyone else watch Adventure Time tonight?  And feel like talking about it?

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 20, 2012, 08:17:04 pm
You know... I realise that The Simpsons halloween episodes take place in another dimension

But... oddly enough the Simpsons seem to have memory of it... Has anyone ever explained that other then "Yeah the show is weird"?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Sirus on August 20, 2012, 08:19:57 pm
Easy. The Halloween episodes (and a good portion of the regular episodes, come to think of it) are non-canon. They have no impact on the show or any of it's "plot" and are basically in an alternate dimension. Sorta like how shows such as Dexter's Lab or Fairly Oddparents rarely reference things that happen in other episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Mageziya on August 20, 2012, 09:32:04 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 20, 2012, 10:09:29 pm
Easy. The Halloween episodes (and a good portion of the regular episodes, come to think of it) are non-canon. They have no impact on the show or any of it's "plot" and are basically in an alternate dimension. Sorta like how shows such as Dexter's Lab or Fairly Oddparents rarely reference things that happen in other episodes.

I am aware of how the Halloween episodes work exactly. (Also some shows like for example "The Adventures of Billy and Mandy" imply that ALL the episodes are canon but that they got out of it and everything went back to normal. Which is actually kinda hillarious given the number of them that killed off all the main cast or simply destroyed all reality).

The question is how do the Simpson's remember them (Since they didn't happen). Since they will recall the Halloween Episodes. Mind you I think ONCE they explained that a halloween episode was a shared dream the Simpsons had.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Sirus on August 20, 2012, 10:19:39 pm
Rule of Funny.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: kaijyuu on August 21, 2012, 02:42:22 am
The simpsons has continuity when it wants continuity, but ignores it in all other scenarios.

Take the writer's advice, which they nailed into their fan's heads over and over: It's just a stupid cartoon comedy. Don't take it seriously.

So, as long as we have a thread about Western Animation, anyone else watch Adventure Time tonight?  And feel like talking about it?

I've seen 3 or 4 episodes and found it okay. Not much to say from my little corner... I find most the characters slightly annoying but not enough to majorly detract from the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- The De-pants-imation Proclamation
Post by: Neonivek on August 21, 2012, 11:10:25 am
The simpsons has continuity when it wants continuity, but ignores it in all other scenarios

You mean like the fact that Bart Simpson graduated but never left the same class (though given his exact grade wasn't known before then...)? They actually explain away continuity all the time.

Take the writer's advice, which they nailed into their fan's heads over and over: It's just a stupid cartoon comedy. Don't take it seriously

You are such a kill joy writers. Don't you know that part of the enjoyment of ANY show is taking it seriously?

If you want watchers who just watch then torture animals with Simpsons footage and leave humans out of it.


" I find most the characters slightly annoying "

It is honestly almost like Adult Swim chosen to do a Kids show... with good animation.

I know it won't happen... but I do want a final story arc. I mean if Chowder has an ending why can't Adventure time?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- YOU SHALL BE JUDGED
Post by: kaijyuu on August 23, 2012, 08:38:26 am
Mystery Incorporated episode 35:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh hey, I accidentally skipped episode 34. I guess I should go back and watch it and



Well then. They were hinting at that before, but now it's explicit. Awesome.

PS: Velma and Marcy's relationship is pretty explicit now, too. Waaaaay better than the Shaggy/Velma pairing in season 1.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- YOU SHALL BE JUDGED
Post by: Neonivek on August 23, 2012, 11:21:30 am
Waaaaay better than the Shaggy/Velma pairing in season 1.

I agree it felt rather arbitrary

Even now I don't know if them breaking up was because the creators realised it was unpopular or if it was always set up to happen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Nibiru...
Post by: kaijyuu on August 24, 2012, 12:31:50 pm
Scooby Doo progress:

Serious episode followed by serious episode followed by serious episode, and then...

BATMAN EXPY with talking robotic dog. I seriously think they traced several scenes from BTAS for this Blue Hawk superhero guy.

Oh, and a third talking animal (but this one's robotic so maybe it doesn't count?). Still waiting for them to explain how talking animals fit in this universe, since Scooby and Pericles go without comment despite the vast majority of the animals shown being normal.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1 episode to go! Then 7-8 months of nothing, knowing this show's release schedule.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Nibiru...
Post by: Neonivek on August 24, 2012, 12:36:10 pm
My guess is that any animal has a chance of being a super intelligent talking animal (In fact in Scooby Doo Canon... there is a whole town of Talking dogs)

It reminds me of a show where there were these mutant animals yet it is supposed to take place in our world. My theory is that the entire town is a experiement (Detentionair)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Nibiru...
Post by: Sergius on August 24, 2012, 01:47:15 pm
Scooby Doo progress:

Serious episode followed by serious episode followed by serious episode, and then...

BATMAN EXPY with talking robotic dog. I seriously think they traced several scenes from BTAS for this Blue Hawk superhero guy.

Oh, and a third talking animal (but this one's robotic so maybe it doesn't count?). Still waiting for them to explain how talking animals fit in this universe, since Scooby and Pericles go without comment despite the vast majority of the animals shown being normal.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1 episode to go! Then 7-8 months of nothing, knowing this show's release schedule.

Would that be Blue Falcon and Dynomutt? These are actual classic Hannah-Barbera characters from the 70s (Batman expy-ness nonwithstanding), in fact it wouldn't be the first time they appeared in a Scooby Doo show - in fact, the first 2 Dynomutt episodes featured the Scooby gang. Sounds pretty awesome that they appear here.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Nibiru...
Post by: kaijyuu on August 24, 2012, 01:55:06 pm
Yeah, Blue Falcon, not Hawk. He and Dynomutt have an entire episode devoted to them. And Quest Labs is named for the first time that episode too (though some characters from Johnny Quest showed up in backgrounds before).

I feel I'm missing half the references due to not really being a Hanna Barbara fan. There's definitely a lot of nods to old cartoons.

EDIT: Watched the last aired episode of Scooby Doo.

I officially don't know what's a joke and what's serious. They just referenced something from episode 2 (like, of season 1) that I thought was a throwaway joke. But nope!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDITEDIT: Okay, wild mass guessing time. There are two ways I see this series ending:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: kaijyuu on September 02, 2012, 05:05:28 pm
Bump since I remembered an awesome show that like, no one knows. That should change.

Making Fiends. (

Started as a web series, turned into an actual cartoon, got dumped by the network, and the original creator lost the IP and is unable to continue even though she wants to. Sad story, but not nearly as sad as the show itself. Just wait until you see the one about Charlotte's parents.

All in all a great show if you like sardonic humor that's (debatably) suitable for children.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: Neonivek on September 02, 2012, 05:17:36 pm
Charlotte seems like a character from an entirely different series then the one she is from.

Which sort of gives me a problem in that... Charlotte is an annoying character.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: kaijyuu on September 02, 2012, 05:19:01 pm
Annoying? She's downright evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: Neonivek on September 02, 2012, 05:20:24 pm
Annoying? She's downright evil.

I will admit they did tell a really great joke in that episode you linked.

It is one of those episode saving ones because so far I was slightly unimpressed.

The origin story of the pet rock


Looking at more episodes that seems to be the thing

I will be kinda bored for a bit but they always find some point where they start to get good.


Just wait until you see the one about Charlotte's parents

Well... I kinda have an alternate interpretation of that episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: kaijyuu on September 02, 2012, 07:41:05 pm
I think the "alternate" interpretation is the correct one.

Astronauts they are not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: Neonivek on September 02, 2012, 08:30:05 pm
I think the "alternate" interpretation is the correct one.

Astronauts they are not.

No, by alternate I mean I fully believe they are astronauts.

If only because Grandmother Charleen said so... and she is basically Charlotte Sr.

I don't many people who wouldn't interpret it the way I did.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: Furtuka on September 04, 2012, 07:25:46 pm
Soooo apparently they're reviving Xiaolin Showdown. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: MrWiggles on September 04, 2012, 08:11:36 pm
Soooo apparently they're reviving Xiaolin Showdown. (
Thats the rumor. I have mix feeling on it. Its suppose to get a lot of the original talent back.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: Neonivek on September 04, 2012, 11:54:20 pm
Soooo apparently they're reviving Xiaolin Showdown. (
Thats the rumor. I have mix feeling on it. Its suppose to get a lot of the original talent back.

Even I sort of am not that excited if it does get revived.

It had an issue with the fact that nothing was ever really achieved after a while and rather then feeling like a long journey it felt more like the same things were happening.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Vendetta's always making fiends...
Post by: kaijyuu on September 08, 2012, 11:35:52 pm

I'm 2/3 the way through it now and holy crap this is one of the best episodes yet. It's goddamn hilarious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Jervill on September 09, 2012, 04:42:22 pm
So...many...fighting/beat-em-up references... :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 09, 2012, 04:59:56 pm
I couldn't stop laughing at the car bonus game.

"I love being rich!"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2012, 10:49:35 pm
I am reading the Periphery Demographic setting on TVtropes and I never been so insulted by this site.

They keep listing shows that I loved and love even as an adult because they are good... but more then half of these are things like "This show is popular among adults because the characters are super sexy".

Why can't people ESPECIALLY TVtropes understand that one of the reasons why people can like shows aimed at kids is not because they include a lot of sex jokes kids won't understand, though it is more then possible, but because there are a lot of things that both adults and kids can enjoy... OR because of shifts of interest (for example a serious show for a kid can be a parody for an adult).

Good writing and imagination is universal. I absolutely cannot imagine people would pick up a bad kids show because "Wow that person is sexy" (They said this is why Adult males liked Danny Phantom... PS. TVtropes most adults were teenagers once and can actually put themselves in the shoes of someone who went through it)



Rage over... While I do hate that article as a whole... I am kinda glad to hear there is an Adult "Jane and the Dragon" fandom. I actually love that show and I am surprised I wasn't anywhere close to the only one.

Shame it ended so fast... It actually had a story and involved characters being characters and having abilities and talents with depth and all that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Leafsnail on September 09, 2012, 10:57:53 pm
I am reading the Periphery Demographic setting on TVtropes and I never been so insulted by this site.
The words of a man who has not read much of TVtropes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 09, 2012, 10:59:22 pm
Oh yeah, I agree with you there. Apparently it's impossible to like a show as an adult for reasons other than Parental Bonuses, which is BS. Pop culture references are nice and I'd be lying if said I didn't like some eye candy here and there, but that's never, ever the reason I like a show aimed at kids.

TvTropes just kinda sucks as a whole when it comes to subjective things. Their articles on stuff like "ruined forever" makes me rage. The site is absolutely in love with popularity fallacies, with the general implication being if one's opinion is in the minority that it's "wrong."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Sirus on September 09, 2012, 11:00:51 pm
I thought most of the entries on the "Ruined Forevar" pages were either sarcastic or simply referring to popular sentiment of the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 09, 2012, 11:05:56 pm
Is this an appropriate time to mention This Troper?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 09, 2012, 11:08:46 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2012, 11:09:02 pm
the general implication being if one's opinion is in the minority that it's "wrong."

Fanon Discontinuity for games is pretty bad too and so disorganised you might as well just say "Every game is subject to fanon discontinuity" because the article itself doesn't seem to strongly understand how it works.

For example the reason people like to apply Fanon Discontinuity to Other M for example... has nothing to do with the gameplay, it was pretty bad, but because it seems to ruin Samus' character.

But this is about Cartoons... not games...

. Pop culture references are nice and I'd be lying if said I didn't like some eye candy here and there, but that's never, ever the reason I like a show aimed at kids.

I totally agree. They are a bonus but I never liked, for example, Totally Spies (in fact I have no idea why I exactly like it... odd) because of fetish play, heck it never even occured to me.

Well ok not the Eye Candy part, but I am unusual in my total lockout of eye candy... but I cannot imagine ANYONE watching a show they hated just because someone was hot. Even Baywatch which is outright accused of doing it... actually had a show behind it (To my knowledge Baywatch actually started losing viewers when they turned it into a fanservice only show... What a coincidence even perverts had something better to do)

Ohh wait nevermind... After reading ENOUGH of this... I have come to the conclusion that the person writing the article is just a pervert. *reads more* sorry... A Perverted Genderless Robot who doesn't understand human emotions or motivations who read the idiots guide to Freudian psychology.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 09, 2012, 11:23:57 pm


fetish play
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2012, 11:25:15 pm
Just no Penguin.

Unless there is a Cartoon about TVtropes (and no matter what TVtropes says there isn't) no.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 09, 2012, 11:26:00 pm
I Executive Veto any mention of This Troper. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: MrWiggles on September 10, 2012, 05:04:22 am
You can't underestimate my punches!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on September 10, 2012, 05:23:04 am
I Executive Veto any mention of This Troper. :P
Eh, oh well.
Anyways the new episode of Gravity Falls is pretty damn good. I hadn't actually been keeping up with the show past episode 5, so I watched them all yesterday...
It was glorious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Leafsnail on September 10, 2012, 08:36:55 am
TvTropes just kinda sucks as a whole
You got so close to the truth.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 10, 2012, 12:44:41 pm
Sometimes I feel like I miss a lot in shows when reading everyone's comments

It is mostly because no show is actually all that weird to me. Since what is weird in a show is something that goes against what has been shown so far. A weird show isn't weird because it is established to be weird.

Yet this frame of mind is what makes shows like Adventure time so much more boring to me then others (I like some episodes but a lot of the jokes involve you finding what they are doing weird... "Ohh my... he turned his hand into a sword... that actually makes perfect sense"). I mean I like the show but so barely I just wonder if the key to enjoying it vastly is peeing your pants everytime something silly happens.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Furtuka on September 11, 2012, 03:55:19 pm
Not sure if this goes here or in the anime thread, but I was reading transcripts of comments on a Japanese sub of MLP and was pretty amused by how familiar some of the comments were, and then I got to thinking about how Avatar wasn't that well received there due to the fire nation culture being based off imperial Japan, and now I'm kinda curious about how do people in other cultures think of various western shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Levi on September 11, 2012, 04:25:59 pm
and now I'm kinda curious about how do people in other cultures think of various western shows.

I don't think Wolverine drinks enough beer for a Canadian.  I'm a little offended by that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Sirus on September 11, 2012, 04:27:03 pm
Wolverine can't be Canadian, he isn't mellow enough. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Xantalos on September 13, 2012, 03:23:23 am
I've been watching Power Puff Girls when I can, and the two episodes that most stand out are the Dick Hardley one and Speed Demon. If you watched it you know what I'm talking about. I couldn't sleep for a while after that one in particular; it sort of gave an extra menacingness to HIM.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 13, 2012, 03:29:01 am
PPG is one series I haven't seen as much as I'd like to of.

I did watch the banned episode recently, and it left me wondering why the hell it was banned. Neat musical episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Xantalos on September 13, 2012, 03:30:40 am
Banned? Please inform me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 13, 2012, 03:32:59 am,_Feel_Me,_Gnomey (,_Feel_Me,_Gnomey)

This was the only episode that was banned in USA due to scenes with quick bright flashing backgrounds, executives may say it will cause seizures, it only aired in the UK and other different regions
Ah, that makes more sense. I had previously heard it was banned for its capitalist vs communist themes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Leafsnail on September 13, 2012, 06:22:32 am
Surely you could easily fix that and have it released in the US.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Sirus on September 13, 2012, 11:46:02 am
Reminds me of that one Pokemon episode, which was banned everywhere due to similar reasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Xantalos on September 13, 2012, 07:17:29 pm
The one pokemon banned episode sticks out in particular... it was never even translated into English.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Furtuka on September 13, 2012, 07:20:57 pm
and porygon twas never seen again in the anime
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Putnam on September 13, 2012, 09:30:27 pm
Even though pikachu caused the flashing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 13, 2012, 11:26:17 pm
I love gnome episodes! PPG time, I guess.

Also, on Gravity Falls, I'm just amazed at how good of a video game episode Fight Fighters is. It's just so well written.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 14, 2012, 03:42:36 am
I think it's a little too reference heavy (seriously, very few kids are going to get all those fighting and brawler game references), but it still works very well in spite of that, so yeah, great episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: MrWiggles on September 14, 2012, 04:19:44 am
I think it's a little too reference heavy (seriously, very few kids are going to get all those fighting and brawler game references), but it still works very well in spite of that, so yeah, great episode.

I think they recognize that Gravity Falls is reaching a more broad and older audience then its directly targeted demographic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 14, 2012, 01:27:23 pm
I think it's a little too reference heavy (seriously, very few kids are going to get all those fighting and brawler game references), but it still works very well in spite of that, so yeah, great episode.

I think they recognize that Gravity Falls is reaching a more broad and older audience then its directly targeted demographic.

As well even as a child I have enjoyed VERY reference laden things without knowing a single one... Heck even today.

Plus it isn't like the steriotypes and themes arn't all around kids.

Finally... most episodes are very reference heavy in that show. It is just that most of the time you would never get them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 14, 2012, 07:42:05 pm
Excuse me for a moment while I try to be objective: The issue with references is, of course, you have to get them for them to have any value. If you don't get them, and the scene requires getting it to actually work, then you've got Bad Writing. Now, this can obviously be avoided by making the scene work regardless, which I'd argue 90% of the scenes in Fight Fighters succeeded in doing (though not all; the taco thing in particular made me raise an eyebrow until I finally got it).

Thus, as far as writing techniques go, I'd argue that references are among the least valuable. Any form of wit is best when self contained, I'd argue, unless you're intentionally limiting your target audience to those who will "get it."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 14, 2012, 10:25:23 pm
I've seen a lot of "references" that were funny in their own right.

I guess what you mean Kaijyuu is whether or not the Reference is required to get the joke, or a bonus for getting the reference.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 14, 2012, 10:33:37 pm
I guess what you mean Kaijyuu is whether or not the Reference is required to get the joke, or a bonus for getting the reference.
Yeah, that works.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Leafsnail on September 14, 2012, 11:00:57 pm
See also: parody.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Neonivek on September 16, 2012, 01:22:04 am
Wow, there is a huge difference between watching this on TV versus on my computer.

I actually think I prefer watching it on my computer... Better sound quality
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: kaijyuu on September 16, 2012, 01:23:22 am
No commercials either!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Xantalos on September 16, 2012, 01:24:34 am
No commercials either!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 16, 2012, 01:43:57 am
Also I have to ask

Does anyone have a pet peeve of when they show a character's level of athletics and they exagerate how weak and unathletic they are even though in every other episode, and sometimes the same one, they demonstrated genuin and impressive athletics?

Honestly I've seen exactly very few shows where the fact that the main character has to run away from people all the time actually became a plot point later where he became a track and field star... In another show (Kim Possible) Ron Stoppable became a runner because of his impressive dodging ability.

TWO examples... only two.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 16, 2012, 01:49:19 am
Gravity Falls has a bit of that and it bugs me slightly, yeah. Apparently Dipper can take on a giant multi headed bear, but not a teenage bully.

Maybe that spear he was carrying around was magic or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 16, 2012, 01:53:35 am
Gravity Falls has a bit of that and it bugs me slightly, yeah. Apparently Dipper can take on a giant multi headed bear, but not a teenage bully.

Maybe that spear he was carrying around was magic or something.

Truthfully I figured the entire ritual was magic and if he completed it he would have transformed into a Manutaur (afterall, they are all male... they have to come from somewhere... and unlike the Gnomes there was no hint of a queen).

But... it was actually within that same episode that it was a big... "Really?" when he tried to lift a stick.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Glowcat on September 16, 2012, 01:56:43 am
Gravity Falls has a bit of that and it bugs me slightly, yeah. Apparently Dipper can take on a giant multi headed bear, but not a teenage bully.

Maybe that spear he was carrying around was magic or something.

It could just be a state of mind. Back when he took on the bear he was full of machoistic manisms.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 16, 2012, 11:35:46 pm
So what is your favorite joke from Gravity falls?

Mind is definately

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 16, 2012, 11:40:37 pm
Honestly, I dunno. I might've laughed hardest at the car minigame in fight fighters, or maybe the training mix from the manataur episode. Lots of good ones.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 21, 2012, 02:27:38 am
Randomly browsing the Gravity Falls wiki, I discovered this little tidbit about Rumble McSkirmish:
The character on his back is 屁, the Chinese character for fart and butt.

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh. Woo for potty humor.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Hyper Combo Finish
Post by: Zangi on September 21, 2012, 07:05:08 am
No commercials either!
Main reason to never watch stuff on tv, ever again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: MrWiggles on September 21, 2012, 07:59:35 am
I never really understood the hate for commercials.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Zangi on September 21, 2012, 08:55:33 am
I never really understood the hate for commercials.
+10 minutes of your life watching more episodes?  Instead of two 30 minute episodes, you can watch three!  Well, you get the idea?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: MrWiggles on September 21, 2012, 08:58:39 am
I never really understood the hate for commercials.
+10 minutes of your life watching more episodes?  Instead of two 30 minute episodes, you can watch three!  Well, you get the idea?
I like the show, and its content creators, and since its unlikely I'll buy merchandise, the only way possible to support him watching some commercials.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 21, 2012, 11:39:29 am
Creators get paid either way. I still dunno how exactly networks measure ratings, but assuming they're spying on what you're watching, at most the only help you're giving is boosting those, which could help give them future work.

If you wanna support creators, send them a check in the mail.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Zangi on September 21, 2012, 11:42:59 am
They won't say they are spying on what you are watching...   but... they can check ratings by how many people are tuned in on the program as it is airing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 21, 2012, 11:54:45 am
The taco thing in Fight Fighters was a reference? I just thought it was a dumb power up joke. Still funny.

I think the All You Can Eat/Shoryuken joke would be the hardest to get if you didn't know the reference. Or the Soviet Union thing, considering the target audience.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 21, 2012, 11:59:08 am
The taco thing in Fight Fighters was a reference? I just thought it was a dumb power up joke. Still funny.

I think the All You Can Eat/Shoryuken joke would be the hardest to get if you didn't know the reference. Or the Soviet Union thing, considering the target audience.

Yeah but what helps is that you didn't have to know almost any of the references to find the episode funny or good.

Though Dipper certainly has a lot of "Being a man" episodes. I am starting to think the show actually has one protagonist instead of two (that being Dipper... instead of Mable).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 21, 2012, 12:00:41 pm
The "being a man" episodes for Dipper are just character development. I like 'em. Dipper upgraded to badass in my mind after Fight Fighters. Him hitting the floating start button before getting pummeled was friggin' awesome.

As for Mabel, I noticed a lack of her too. Going by the titles of upcoming episodes I don't think that will change either.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 21, 2012, 12:05:47 pm
I think they wanted Mable to be a sort of second character onto herself but they just can't think of much to go with because she doesn't really have a character so to speak she only has crazyness (Any character development attempted on her is reversed)

She did get two episodes to herself but one of them was probably one of the worst "Just be yourself" episodes I ever seen... heck it felt like the ENTIRE purpose of that episode was just for Dipper (actually both ended up seemingly used just to aid Dipper's story)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 21, 2012, 05:53:31 pm
Yeah, I'm starting to get annoyed at Mabel being forced into a secondary role. I don't think her crazy really prevents her from getting character development, as that's just more of her antics rather than her whole personality.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 21, 2012, 11:31:37 pm
Yeah, I'm starting to get annoyed at Mabel being forced into a secondary role. I don't think her crazy really prevents her from getting character development, as that's just more of her antics rather than her whole personality.

Which is weird because she has a personality. She is fun loving, kind, unattentive, imaginative, and she handles stress by escaping.

Which is why she handles stress that requires her to be focused and attentive badly.

I think the reason then she is forced into the secondary role is because the most obvious character development for Mabel (maturity) would actually destroy what they want to do with her (random crazyness)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Glowcat on September 22, 2012, 01:01:46 am
Yeah... Dipper provides direction to the plot in the form of conspiracy fanatic but too much of that is a bad thing, we don't need more of him. *Disintegrates the Copy Machine just to be sure*

Although Mabel could still develop while retaining her silliness. It's just a bit harder to pull off with comedy focused characters because it removes them from their strength. On the other hand, it also helps avoid flanderization and might be necessary for long-term appeal.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 22, 2012, 04:21:36 am
might be necessary for long-term appeal

Watching the show gives me the impression that it isn't actually meant to be a very long show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Xantalos on September 22, 2012, 04:25:10 am
Anybody remember that one show Xaolin Showdown? I remember it actually being not bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 22, 2012, 04:31:18 am
Anybody remember that one show Xaolin Showdown? I remember it actually being not bad.

It was good but in my oppinion it actually got worse as it went on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Xantalos on September 22, 2012, 04:38:57 am
I remember nothing except it only lasted two seasons, there's a reboot coming in 2013, and there was a bald kid.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Glowcat on September 22, 2012, 04:45:38 am
I remember changing wardrobes with a (the?) female character and... that's pretty much the only thing that stuck out. I never really got into it as I wasn't impressed by its quality.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Furtuka on September 22, 2012, 09:16:58 am
I liked it, except by the time I got into it it had already ended so the channel it was on was just completely airing it out of order.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Putnam on September 22, 2012, 10:01:41 pm
It's coming back.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 23, 2012, 01:27:48 pm
I liked it, except by the time I got into it it had already ended so the channel it was on was just completely airing it out of order.

My goodness that must suck... I realise that the show can be pretty episodic and sometimes they BARELY come up with excuses to use their new artifacts (sometimes they don't even have an excuse)... but it had continuity.

Anything to get out of purely episodic shows...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Neonivek on September 25, 2012, 08:43:15 pm
Wow there are a lot of episodes of Adventure time... I just discovered that my channel isn't even past the first season and is doing reruns of the first season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 28, 2012, 02:54:14 pm
Truean linked this Simpsons episode in the happy thread, and I quite liked it.,p0,s23,d0

A new (ish) Simpsons that isn't stuck in mediocrity? Color me impressed.

Spoiler: Boring analysis (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Ultimuh on September 28, 2012, 02:59:46 pm,p0,s23,d0

"We're sorry, currently our video library can only be
streamed within the United States."

How many times have this message not been the bane of my enjoyment?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 28, 2012, 03:21:52 pm
Try a US based proxy?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Ultimuh on September 28, 2012, 03:27:42 pm
And how am I supposed to get that while I live in Sweden?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Xantalos on September 28, 2012, 05:19:49 pm,p0,s23,d0

"We're sorry, currently our video library can only be
streamed within the United States."

How many times have this message not been the bane of my enjoyment?
They will burn in my ice pit for that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: Sergius on September 28, 2012, 05:25:56 pm
And how am I supposed to get that while I live in Sweden?

Um, the proxy is in the US so that you don't have to be... that's the whole point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Winners Don't Lose!
Post by: kaijyuu on September 29, 2012, 03:46:20 am

Mysterious hinting! I love that!

$10 says there's an actual invisible wizard at some point in the future.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Leafsnail on September 29, 2012, 04:47:01 am
I can't trust a website that lies in its own URL.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on September 29, 2012, 04:48:09 am
Haha, I noticed that too. Oh well. They get the new episodes relatively quickly, and in decent quality, which is better than the vast majority of shady video sites.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on September 29, 2012, 01:45:09 pm
I liked the last episode of Gravity Falls, but I didnt like that finding the crystals of shape changing was barely handled.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Ultimuh on September 29, 2012, 01:49:40 pm
Anime.. dubbed? Count me out, I much preffer subbing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on September 29, 2012, 01:51:23 pm
Anime.. dubbed? Count me out, I much preffer subbing.

You know there are animes dubbed much better in english then in Japanese.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on September 29, 2012, 02:03:01 pm
Everything I try to watch gives me a "file temporarily disabled" result  :-\
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on September 29, 2012, 03:56:40 pm
Anime.. dubbed? Count me out, I much preffer subbing.

You know there are animes dubbed much better in english then in Japanese.
Indeed. Though that's more a discussion for the anime thread.

The site I linked hosts a bunch of animated stuff, not just anime. I watched Mystery Incorporated on it too.

I liked the last episode of Gravity Falls, but I didnt like that finding the crystals of shape changing was barely handled.
Ah yeah that bugged me too that he found it with no effort. IMO would've been better if he just went for a walk and found it randomly, same as in Dipper vs Manliness. But oh well, not a huge problem.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on September 29, 2012, 06:03:56 pm
Basically... Gravity Falls is starting to become a lot like Sunny Dale in the sense that the place is CLEARLY supernatural... Openly... easy to find

Yet it is somehow secret.

Why is the supernatural not world known?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on September 29, 2012, 07:41:07 pm
Basically... Gravity Falls is starting to become a lot like Sunny Dale in the sense that the place is CLEARLY supernatural... Openly... easy to find

Yet it is somehow secret.

Why is the supernatural not world known?

This is my biggest gripe with any urban contemporary fantasy. Generally it pisses me and I find it insulting.

But with Gravity Fall, we havent seen them actually deny that the world is super natural around them. Only Gruncle Stan has denied it, but we know that Stan is not what he seems.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:00:26 pm
I watched a LOT of Starwars Clone wars and its problem is still present in that it is a Prequil

I WISH the creators would just wave their hands and go "Ok, things can go differently here then it did in the movies". There are soo many points where I go "Well this is pointless because we know what is going to happen" or I go "Well they are going to lose because they are against someone who was alive in the show" (It gets ESPECIALLY painful when someone gets a painful victory only for it to be reversed because "Well the movies couldn't happen otherwise")

Usually a Prequil works if it is about something else or if it is about the details that went into it before the main continuity.

However neither of those works because we know exactly what happens and the series is too long for it to be a short interspective.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 01, 2012, 08:15:51 pm
I haven't seen much of that, but it had good fight scenes and animation from what I've watched. Animated by the same guys who made Samurai Jack, iirc.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 01, 2012, 08:21:05 pm
Assuming you're talking about the older cartoon instead of the (imho) rubbish CGI series, I believe you're right.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:22:26 pm
Assuming you're talking about the older cartoon instead of the (imho) rubbish CGI series, I believe you're right.

Sorry I am refering to the CGI rubbish.

The Older Cartoon was perfectly fine. If anything it was better then the 3rd movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 01, 2012, 08:24:08 pm
Ah, I haven't seen any of the CGI rubbish. :P

And I believe most star wars fans agree the old cartoon was better than all of the prequels.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:25:20 pm
I will say that the older cartoon did manage to make the 3rd movie worse by giving us expectations.

Ohh how painful it was to watch how easily some of the series greatest villains killed in such pathetic ways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 01, 2012, 08:27:05 pm
That's the problem. There were like, three different Clone Wars animated series. The first one was animated in a very similar style to Samurai Jack, the second was CGI and more of a mini-series, and then there was the last one, also CGI, which featured that Jedi kid.

/me is one of the few Star Wars fans who found the prequel movie series at least tolerable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:29:22 pm
The first two were fine if you took them as their own... with the first being a set up, the second thickening the plot, and the third being a steaming pile of disapointment.

It was like the third was made out of disapointment.

Even if you ENTIRELY ignored the movies that weren't the prequils the third kills the prequil series simply by being incompetent storywise.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 01, 2012, 08:34:39 pm
/me actually liked the third best.

#1 was stupid entertainment. #2 is plain boring. #3 was badly written but you could at least get the gist of what they were trying to do.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:36:16 pm
/me actually liked the third best.

#1 was stupid entertainment. #2 is plain boring. #3 was badly written but you could at least get the gist of what they were trying to do.

I guess what hurt the third for me was that I had expectations (or rather investment)... and I am not being sarcastic

If I had no disapointments, if I absolutely did not care about the story or weight of the story... it would have worked.

It wouldn't be disapointing death after disapointing death.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 01, 2012, 08:38:21 pm
Honestly, I don't watch the prequels for the plot. I watch them for the glorious battle scenes!

Especially the space battles. Realism be damned, I still nerd out when watching the Battle of Endor and can quote many of the lines verbatim :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: RedWarrior0 on October 01, 2012, 08:46:38 pm

I believe this was brought up in some thread over here. Basically, if you actually acknowledge the prequels as a thing, watch in IV, V, II, III, VI order. And do something entertaining with Phantom Menace.

Anyways, isn't this drifting a little off topic? Although, come to think about it, talking about the prequels is pretty much talking about Western animation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:48:59 pm
The original topic was the CGI Clonewars show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 01, 2012, 08:49:33 pm
Although, come to think about it, talking about the prequels is pretty much talking about Western animation.
D'oh ho ho :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 01, 2012, 08:49:40 pm
Star Wars discussions tend to die off quickly, so I jump on them if I get the chance :P
/me is an unabashed SW nerd

Problem is I can't think of any Western Animation I've seen lately, unless web animation counts.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 01, 2012, 08:50:46 pm
I don't really care what people talk about, unless there's a better thread for it. :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 08:56:13 pm
Problem is that I am REALLY behind on what everyone else talks about

Sure my channels get all the same shows except WAAAAY slower... It shown the first 5 episodes of Adventure time for months now (actually 3) or are at insane timeslots.

Add in that I don't like a lot of the shows you guys do (Hate almost ALL Adult Swim shows, don't like Flapjack, find Adventure time boring most of the time)

Then add in that I like some shows you don't like: Johny Test, Fineas and Ferb

Then add in all the shows I am sure you would like but that I am luke warm about: League of Super Evil,

Or shows that are simply long since over

It doesn't help me striking up conversation.

I've seen the first episode of the new Ninja Turtles and my feelings on the show is... VERY mixed. Mind you it probably is because Donatelo is my favorite character and this show REALLY doesn't have Donatelo anymore at least in character (His character was perfected in the 2000 cartoon) turning him into, I don't know what. They were also surprisingly competent and incompetent often chosing to fight enemies they didn't need to fight. It could be a decent show but it could also be terrible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 01, 2012, 09:18:38 pm
I was under the impression Phineas and Ferb are rather beloved?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 01, 2012, 09:47:19 pm
I was under the impression Phineas and Ferb are rather beloved?

And what can you really say about the show?

I always feel like I am the only one who is even interested in looking at something closer, taking it appart, and finding new things about any show. So I just keep it to myself.

I really take what I watch seriously.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Old Bones on October 01, 2012, 09:53:45 pm
My fave cartoons are Futurama, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Family Guy, and American Dad. Can't stand anime.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: RedKing on October 02, 2012, 02:44:58 pm
Saw ParaNorman the other day. Better than expected. Little bit intense for younger kids.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 02, 2012, 02:50:21 pm
Saw ParaNorman the other day. Better than expected. Little bit intense for younger kids.

Kids are not stupid man :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: RedKing on October 02, 2012, 03:06:56 pm
Saw ParaNorman the other day. Better than expected. Little bit intense for younger kids.

Kids are not stupid man :P
Didn't say that they were. Just a bit heavy on some of the scary moments. I know MY kids wouldn't be able to handle it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 02, 2012, 03:08:17 pm
I watched Are you Afraid of the Dark as a child... so how much worse then that could it be?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 02, 2012, 04:36:17 pm
*blinks*   just found out Young Justice hiatus ended last weekend. Imma gonna go watch ze new episode
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 07:20:39 am
*blinks*   just found out Young Justice hiatus ended last weekend. Imma gonna go watch ze new episode

My channels don't even get Young Justice... but even if it did I bet it would only show the first five episodes... Like Adventure time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Levi on October 03, 2012, 10:24:44 am
*blinks*   just found out Young Justice hiatus ended last weekend. Imma gonna go watch ze new episode

It was a good one too.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 03, 2012, 10:27:33 am
*looks that up on tvtropes*

Huh, looks interesting! I haven't seen a superhero show in a while so I might give it a whirl later.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on October 03, 2012, 10:30:09 am
I just watched the new Young Justice episode. I really liked it. I liked the subtle difference between Red Arrow and Speedy voice acting. I also really enjoyed how they're playing with Roy Harper storyline, and that they didnt kill his daughter, or make him suffer from impotence.

The other thing I liked was the reference to the first Superman Movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 03:35:49 pm
or make him suffer from impotence

In that comics defense, the one you are refering to, stress can make you temporarily impotent.

If they were trying to express his stress and how he can't get rid of his stress... good

However likely they were just trying to drag his character through the mud to get to the already predetermined ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on October 03, 2012, 03:41:34 pm
It was used terribly, but overall that comic storyline was crappy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 03:44:40 pm
It was used terribly, but overall that comic storyline was crappy.

Which is what I meant... and yeah it was REALLY terrible.

Also why and how Green Arrow got arrested is beyond me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 03, 2012, 05:01:03 pm
I loved the new episode, characters were awesome. And also that they confirmed Jason had existed, my cousin and I were really happy about that though apparently they said there are no plans for Red Hood this season, which is understandable since it would be overly similar to Arsenal's story. Also...

Holy crap it's Slade/Deathstroke and Static! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on October 03, 2012, 05:05:20 pm
Oh wow. I really liked the Static Shock, at least how Bruce Timm had a hand in him.

I never read the teen titan comics, so I am only familiar with Slade form the Teen Titan tv series. And Slade was fucking awesome there.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 05:09:21 pm

Slade and Deathstrike are sorta different. Slade is DEFINATELY based off of Deathstroke but their motivations and methods are largely different.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 03, 2012, 05:13:04 pm
Slade really was pretty awesome in the Teen Titans series. Seems like most of the best fight scenes involved him in some way. And who can forget the episode Haunted?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 03, 2012, 05:16:44 pm
I don't actually know Deathstroke, I just put the / since I wasn't sure which name he'll go by :3

I do know Slade from Teen Titans though, and he was awesome!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Levi on October 03, 2012, 05:34:47 pm
Oh sweet, static shock is in the next one?  I liked that cartoon too(barring the occasional preachy episode).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 03, 2012, 05:41:06 pm
Well not sure if its the next episode. The preview was actually for the whole rest of the season
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Levi on October 03, 2012, 05:44:52 pm
Well not sure if its the next episode. The preview was actually for the whole rest of the season

Either way, still cool.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 03, 2012, 05:49:03 pm
Looking at the trailer, I'm gonna say it's Deathstroke. Mostly because of the sword, but I don't really have a clue :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 09:36:49 pm
Looking at the trailer, I'm gonna say it's Deathstroke. Mostly because of the sword, but I don't really have a clue :P

To my knowledge the comics never adopted Slade... so it is going to be Deathstroke.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: MrWiggles on October 03, 2012, 09:56:09 pm
Looking at the trailer, I'm gonna say it's Deathstroke. Mostly because of the sword, but I don't really have a clue :P

To my knowledge the comics never adopted Slade... so it is going to be Deathstroke.

Deathstroke is Slade persona name.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 09:58:23 pm
Looking at the trailer, I'm gonna say it's Deathstroke. Mostly because of the sword, but I don't really have a clue :P

To my knowledge the comics never adopted Slade... so it is going to be Deathstroke.

Deathstroke is Slade persona name.

Slade was created as a stand in for Deathstroke because Deathstroke was too violent for what they were trying to do.

However if you watch the show you can easily see the major differences between Slade and Deathstroke. In the end they are dramatically different in personality.

Hense the Comics never adopted Slade.

As well Slade lacks much of the Backstory of Deathstroke. Including some gaping and huge differences.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 03, 2012, 10:02:33 pm
Did Slade even have a backstory?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 03, 2012, 10:05:24 pm
Did Slade even have a backstory?

Nope. You never even really got his motivations.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 03, 2012, 11:52:39 pm
That never bothered me, to be honest. Not every villain needs to have his or her backstory told through a lengthy sequence of flashbacks. Slade had a very mysterious air about him, and even when the Titans foiled his plot of the week you always got the impression that it didn't affect his long-term plans much.

I really think they should introduce Slade in the comic book world. He'd make a great arch-nemesis.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 04, 2012, 07:39:00 pm
I watched a show today where a Rabit tried to prove that another rabits bad luck was just a coincidence and not bad luck.

So she created a test which happened to fail because a cloud spontaneously formed and struck the other rabit with lightning

Then she went "Well now that science doesn't mean anything"

And I couldn't help saying "What? That is nonsense... you PROVEN with science that bad luck exists. Why is it that people forget that science itself is method?"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 04, 2012, 07:47:44 pm
I haven't seen anything like that myself. However, it doesn't seem like they proved anything in any way. If they repeated the test and various spontaneous misfortunes kept happening, then yes: it could be hypothesized that bad luck exists. If they only performed the test once, however, and that cloud formed out of nowhere, then it is nothing but an anomaly in the data.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 04, 2012, 08:01:53 pm
I haven't seen anything like that myself. However, it doesn't seem like they proved anything in any way. If they repeated the test and various spontaneous misfortunes kept happening, then yes: it could be hypothesized that bad luck exists. If they only performed the test once, however, and that cloud formed out of nowhere, then it is nothing but an anomaly in the data.

Does it disprove science though if they did repeat it 100 times and got the same result of spontanious bad things happening or would it simply mean science proved the existance of bad luck?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 04, 2012, 08:05:53 pm
If it were the same bad thing happening each time (lighting strike in this case), neither. It would be a strong argument that doing whatever caused the lightning strike made lightning occur.
If it were a different bad thing each time, then I'm not really sure :P

In other (and kinda old) news, I started watching Legend of Korra today. I wasn't sure how well the whole 20s/30s-era vibe would work, but it seems to be holding up pretty well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on October 04, 2012, 10:40:11 pm
So, if I mentioned that I haven't seen a single episode of Avatar, would you guys disown me?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 04, 2012, 10:41:28 pm
So, if I mentioned that I haven't seen a single episode of Avatar, would you guys disown me?
...maybe a little :P

Was it just never on TV, or did you not like the look of it, or what?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on October 04, 2012, 10:49:03 pm
Honestly? I meant to a while back but never got around to it. Im completely on the fence as far as this goes.
Plus, like you said, I didn't ever see it on TV but that's what shady streaming sites are for, right?
You know what? I'm going to decide whether or not to watch it depending on how many people disown me over it...
This should be fun.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 04, 2012, 10:52:29 pm
Well in that case, consider yourself disowned :P
Seriously though, it's got actual story progression, good animation and voice-acting, and I could go on but I start to feel like some snooty fan boy.

I can link you to the site I'm watching the sequel series on. It's not to shady.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 04, 2012, 10:57:39 pm
Well in that case, consider yourself disowned :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 04, 2012, 10:57:47 pm
Well in that case, consider yourself disowned :P
Seriously though, it's got actual story progression, good animation and voice-acting, and I could go on but I start to feel like some snooty fan boy.

I can link you to the site I'm watching the sequel series on. It's not to shady.

Where my interest in the new Avatar wanes is mostly in just the overall feel of it. There is something very lifeless about the setting and I have a feeling they were going for exactly that. A sort of industrial blight so to speak. It creates a sort of what I call Disquiet or somberness to the whole affair.

I definately need to watch more, but I am mostly saying that as a possible reason someone might be on the fense. It certainly doesn't feel like the first Avatar (even if Korra seems to be "What if Kitara was the Avatar?" some of the time)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 04, 2012, 10:58:01 pm
Well in that case, consider yourself disowned :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on October 04, 2012, 11:13:19 pm
Alrighty then, I'll start tomorrow.
I can link you to the site I'm watching the sequel series on. It's not to shady.
That'd be appreciated, my good sir.
Before I'm excommunicated from the thread, lemme throw another comic recommendation at you folks.
The New-ish Aquaman series... What? Don't give me that look. It's good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 06, 2012, 01:19:53 am
Been watching Legend of Korra past couple days...and the HSQ just keeps getting higher :o
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 06, 2012, 02:48:01 am

I just saw the Young Justice version of the joker...

While the worst joker was the one from a Batman movie where they tried to immitate the "Dark Knight" Joker and pretty much proven why the live action joker is good in live action and not in the cartoon.

I am not a fan of this one so far. He sort of lacks... Joker.

Then again given that I either had Batman Animated Series Joker, who was the perfected animated Joker, or "The Batman" Joker who became a great joker over time (but started off as... Blanka if he was a clown).

My guess? This Joker is based off of Dark Knight Joker... Why is it that everytime a show tries to make a Joker like that movie they end up bad? (Ok finished the episode... Yeah... a really bad joker)

On the bright side Young Justice actually started getting good with the characters starting to finally fall into their niches and know what they have to do.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: RedWarrior0 on October 06, 2012, 07:06:40 pm
Been watching Legend of Korra past couple days...and the HSQ just keeps getting higher :o
First series was better, IMO. Also, the advancements made in the time between Last Airbender and Korra makes one wonder: What the hell has that society been doing for the past several hundred reincarnation cycles? If it had remained in pseudo-almost medieval stasis for that long, I'd be more lenient, but seriously.

That was longer than I expected.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 06, 2012, 07:08:55 pm
Not having the industrial revolution.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 06, 2012, 07:11:52 pm
Not having the industrial revolution.

Plus with bending there is even LESS of a need for technological advancement (Making the Fire Nation the most technologically advanced nation even makes sense... As it is the least useful of the four)

Your soil no good? Earth bend it

Need Irrigation? No need, Water bend that!

Heck Livestock is fantastic super livestock and plants are super resiliant and sometimes magical.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Furtuka on October 07, 2012, 04:36:58 pm
This weeks Young Justice Episode was good, though not great. Mostly set up things for later
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 07, 2012, 08:44:27 pm
This weeks Young Justice Episode was good, though not great. Mostly set up things for later

Young Justice is honestly starting to become "Justice League minus Justice League" which I am not sure if that is amazing or not as good as I would have liked it.

When I watched Teen Titans I know I was sometimes bugged by the lack of Batman sometimes.

But when I watch this it is as close as you can get to Justice League without it actually being Justice League.

Which gives me mixed feelings of love and uncertainty. I'd love another Justice League.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 07, 2012, 08:47:19 pm
Been watching Legend of Korra past couple days...and the HSQ just keeps getting higher :o
First series was better, IMO. Also, the advancements made in the time between Last Airbender and Korra makes one wonder: What the hell has that society been doing for the past several hundred reincarnation cycles? If it had remained in pseudo-almost medieval stasis for that long, I'd be more lenient, but seriously.

That was longer than I expected.
Oh, I liked the first one better as well. It's not like the new one is bad, though.

My impression regarding the technological advancement is that the Fire Nation just kept advancing. They already had the best tech in the first series, and there was no real reason to stop improving. Besides, we in the real-life world were stuck in a similar technological state for hundreds of years - the Avatar world was just stuck there longer.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I think mine was longer :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: RedWarrior0 on October 07, 2012, 11:13:09 pm
Been watching Legend of Korra past couple days...and the HSQ just keeps getting higher :o
First series was better, IMO. Also, the advancements made in the time between Last Airbender and Korra makes one wonder: What the hell has that society been doing for the past several hundred reincarnation cycles? If it had remained in pseudo-almost medieval stasis for that long, I'd be more lenient, but seriously.

That was longer than I expected.
Oh, I liked the first one better as well. It's not like the new one is bad, though.

My impression regarding the technological advancement is that the Fire Nation just kept advancing. They already had the best tech in the first series, and there was no real reason to stop improving. Besides, we in the real-life world were stuck in a similar technological state for hundreds of years - the Avatar world was just stuck there longer.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I think mine was longer :P
First: from Last Airbender, Book 1, Episode 3: a heckton of Avatars.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also, I wonder what is planned for thirty years after the time of Korra, for the return of Sozin's Comet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Sirus on October 07, 2012, 11:27:26 pm
Okay, they've been stuck a LOT longer. Still, once technology starts to advance it has a habit of doing so at a very rapid rate.

Re: Sozin's Comet, I'd like to see a sort of resurgence of nationalism, Fire Nation in particular. Descendants of the various nations would be demanding compensation for the various atrocities they committed, firebenders would long for the days in which they held nearly uncontested dominion over the world. And if Republic City looks a lot like early-twentieth century New York City...imagine what a pre/early World War II Avatar world would be like?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: Neonivek on October 08, 2012, 01:33:50 am
If there was one Western Cartoon that taught me not to judge a new show so quickly it would probably be

The Batman

When I first saw this show I didn't hate it, it was certainly entertaining, but I disliked how it took Batman and removed all context except super exciting action sequences (It basically suffered from what Spetacular Spiderman did near the end of its run).

However as the series went on the writing improved and while it was still action packed they did focus on the characters, plot, and just the mysteries Batman would have to solve.

If I had to pick my two favorite villains from "The Batman" I would have to go with Hugo Strange and Dracula. Hugo for his inner psychology themed capers and Dracula for just being a flat out great villain in both his style, presence, and strength without being rediculously strong (For reference sake... My two favorite villains from Batman the Animated series would be The Joker and Dr. Freeze.

The series that had the exact opposite of this would be Spetacular Spiderman which started out strong but ended up devolving into constant group battles (Spiderman Versus ALL the villains was a very common theme near the end). It isn't surprising to me that it was cancelled. Mind you I wasn't glad to see it gone, I honestly believe that if it was renewed that it would have went back to its routes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Insert Short Joke Here
Post by: kaijyuu on October 11, 2012, 12:15:57 am

Halloween Special! And frankly, I can't complement it enough.

PS: Soos is friggin' badass.

Also the way Stan actually scared the kids is probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 11, 2012, 01:29:48 am
I always assumed his name was Zues.

I am just glad no one is complaining that episode had too many "references kids wouldn't know" :P

Given it was HEAVILY laden with them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 13, 2012, 10:12:06 pm
Here is something

What DND allignment is the Iceking?

My best guess is Chaotic Neutral.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Putnam on October 13, 2012, 11:59:54 pm
I know that Finn's canonical (I.E stated within the show) alignment is Lawful Good and that Jake's is probably neutral-chaotic good, and that Flame Princess and Flame King both are evil, and that Hudson Aberdeer is Chaotic Evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: MrWiggles on October 14, 2012, 12:04:57 am
I really like the name Hudson Aberdeer.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 14, 2012, 01:50:39 am
I know that Finn's canonical (I.E stated within the show) alignment is Lawful Good and that Jake's is probably neutral-chaotic good, and that Flame Princess and Flame King both are evil, and that Hudson Aberdeer is Chaotic Evil.

The show really simplifies good versus evil though mind you.

A lot of the most evil creatures in the show are actually outright beneign.

And one of the most chaotic creatures are actually extremely lawful. (That episode seemed like a Satire on Chaotic kingdoms)

Also though I am one of the few people who do this... I like to say "Neutral Leaning Evil" and "Neutral Leaning Good" a lot of the time to explain characters who's motivations are not good or evil, but would chose good or evil if they had to. Ice King for example is Chaotic Neutral leaning evil. While Vampira is Chaotic Neutral leaning good.

Mind you the Ice King outright doesn't want to do any evil. He doesn't want to really hurt anyone and often seems oblivious to how he is hurting them. So "Leaning Evil" is probably not a good way to describe his leaning.


Watching Ultimate Spiderman

Hating it and Liking it at the same time. The problem I am having is that Spiderman is so terrible most of the time.

He doesn't act like a person who was a super hero for over a year, he is acting like a kid who is being asked to clean his room. It sometimes takes a while for him to feel like Spiderman.

Ben 10 the original series for example had Ben be a very egotistical, prideful, and childish character... but when Gwen got super powers he didn't get jealous or start complaining because he been through experiences where he needed back up that just didn't exist. This is great characterisation. He isn't any less childish but he feels like an organic character. It is why a lot of people prefer the kid Ben to the Teen Ben.

Along with this there are just so few concequences in Ultimate Spiderman. He will do the most horrific and outlandish things sometimes and no one will ever speak of it again.

I don't want to go into a rant because I havn't given up on the series. I feel like it is building up to something but I just don't know to what. If this is just an episodic action series with no real story... or if it is just sleeping and waiting to hit you with story bombs.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Putnam on October 14, 2012, 12:13:49 pm
I know that Finn's canonical (I.E stated within the show) alignment is Lawful Good and that Jake's is probably neutral-chaotic good, and that Flame Princess and Flame King both are evil, and that Hudson Aberdeer is Chaotic Evil.

The show really simplifies good versus evil though mind you.

A lot of the most evil creatures in the show are actually outright beneign.

And one of the most chaotic creatures are actually extremely lawful. (That episode seemed like a Satire on Chaotic kingdoms)

Haha, yeah, I noticed that. I was thinking "the amulet fills you with Chaotic Evil? How the hell does a chaotic evil person rule anything?"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on October 14, 2012, 02:41:50 pm
What the heck CN! You air two episodes of Young Justice and then put it on another hiatus until January? WHAT THE HECK
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on October 14, 2012, 02:43:36 pm
Two episodes? Man, I thought Mystery Incorporated was bad, with it's ~12 episodes followed by 8 month hiatuses.

Telling that both these shows are on CN. Dammit Cartoon Network, why do you suck so much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 14, 2012, 02:45:22 pm
Do you know why they put it on hiatus?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: MrWiggles on October 14, 2012, 03:18:12 pm
Fuck. Its really on hiatus again?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on October 14, 2012, 03:31:14 pm
Yep, though the weirdest part is that Wikipedia says that the episodes are still being released on iTunes at a normal schedule
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Remalle on October 14, 2012, 05:45:34 pm
'tis the season for Treehouse of Horror reruns.

"Dad!  You killed zombie Flanders!"
"He was a zombie?"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on October 14, 2012, 09:35:45 pm
Haha, yeah, that's one of the better ones.

Best Treehouse is still the Shinning/time traveling toaster/cannibal cafeteria one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 15, 2012, 12:14:30 am
Admittingly I never get tired of some of the better Simpson reruns.

Heck The Simpson Christmas Episode where he gets Santa's little helper is practically a classic in my eyes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on October 15, 2012, 12:16:57 am
It's also the first episode they aired, isn't it? It's pretty good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 15, 2012, 12:19:04 am
It's also the first episode they aired, isn't it? It's pretty good.

It was back when The Simpsons actually had heart.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on October 15, 2012, 12:20:37 am
Some of the later stuff is good. Emphasis on "some." :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 15, 2012, 12:23:01 am
Some of the later stuff is good. Emphasis on "some." :P

For sure, some of the newer episodes seem to be struggling to remember what the Simpson heart was and sort of get it halfright too. It is like the Simpsons is actually starting to come full circle and is just starting to recover the sort of magic it once had, with characters who had heart and obviously loved eachother.

It is just that the frequency of good new episodes is kinda low.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: MrWiggles on October 15, 2012, 12:50:52 am
Just watched the last new episode of Young Justice for the year.

And it was a good episode. With Kaldar getting brain bleached, which was unexpected but really cool. Defiantly a way to bring in the TK abuse.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 15, 2012, 12:52:19 am
Just watched the last new episode of Young Justice for the year.

And it was a good episode. With Kaldar getting brain bleached, which was unexpected but really cool. Defiantly a way to bring in the TK abuse.

The second season is certainly darker and I feel it is just waiting for something.

Hopefully they will have a "Family" episode sometime. The lack of that sort of something in the first season was just kind of a weakness.

I just kinda want to see people sitting down for an extended scene and being a family.


I will say I am looking forward to ONE fight that may or may not happen.

Red Archer Vs. Arsenal.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Aqizzar on October 22, 2012, 06:21:10 pm
Just found this thread way back on Page 3.

Anyone want to talk about how great Adventure Time is?  Season finale in ten minutes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on October 22, 2012, 06:22:37 pm
Still haven't seen more than 3 episodes. It seems alright.

/me leaves room for actual adventure time fans to talk about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on October 22, 2012, 06:54:35 pm
Just found this thread way back on Page 3.

Anyone want to talk about how great Adventure Time is?  Season finale in ten minutes.

Aw man. I just caught up to the most recent episodes. "I Remember You" was incredibly sad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Aqizzar on October 22, 2012, 07:01:43 pm
So I've heard.  It was pretty cute, but I still felt like I was watching it for the jokes alone really.

Likewise the end of the season.  I hate "plots" like this, keep your developer-fanfic to yourself developers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on October 22, 2012, 07:05:24 pm
Does anyone have a link to it? Everything I'm looking up is just giving me spoilers for the episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on October 24, 2012, 12:33:31 am
I've come to the conclusion that people who write for Cartoons

Are completely unaware of what Science is.

The SHEER number of times I heard a "scientist" say that something "defied science" after they done a scientific test to prove said fact is staggering.

Tip: Science is not the opposite of superstition and magic. Science is a method in which one can test validity. Believe it or not Science not only can easily prove the existance of bad luck, afterall bad luck can be defined as random negative circumstances and thus it is easy to set up someone for bad luck, but if you use a scientific test to prove something like "Magic" exists then you SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THE EXISTANCE OF MAGIC! Science has many a time found folk tales and superstition true, many of the medicines we have today, and I don't mean alternative medicine, are folk remedies.


I don't know why it is. This past two weeks I have seen three shows where something "Goes against science" even when it actually is being proven scientifically to exist. One proved that bad luck as a cosmic phenominon exists but came to the conclusion that it means that science is bogus and nonsense rules the universe, another proven that magical wishing fountains exist and thrown out science entirely afterwords, and another said that "Magic is science we don't know yet" and then said "No wait this IS magic because I can't explain it and I was wrong" because stupid.

I've only seen ONE show where the adamant scientist said something that wasn't incredibly stupid about science and that was an anime and it was basically that the events he was seeing was so outside his ability to understand, at the moment, that he can only conclude it is a miracle or the will of a higher power. He didn't toss away science as useless nor did he toss away the idea that what he saw couldn't be scientifically explained in the future.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on October 30, 2012, 01:09:48 am
So now I've watched the entirety of season 4 of Adventure Time.

So I've heard.  It was pretty cute, but I still felt like I was watching it for the jokes alone really.

Likewise the end of the season.  I hate "plots" like this, keep your developer-fanfic to yourself developers.

"I Remember You" felt really forced, but I like the season finale. They're trying something new but I feel like it's being executed really well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 02:18:03 am
Well I am going to take the plunge and actually watch MLP:FIM to finally know what the heck people are talking about.

Is there anything I should know before I get started?

I am actually worried this will be incredibly stupid like most fads. With characters who are "Quirky" so people are like "Ohh boy, so quirky! a million thumbs up!" (you can tell why I don't watch popular things).

I can just picture it right now. "Hey Applejack, lets pick apples for the apple pie we are making for Sweetiepie's birthday!" and they go "Sure! but ohh no, I ate all the apples!" and then "Ohh Applejack you sure like apples. HA HA HA HA HA" and then "CATCH PHRASE!" and ohh goodness... It is the CG Strawberry shortcake cartoon all over again that I seen.

Sometimes I wonder how short some plotlines would be if the characters used common sense for a second... or how much of a non-issue some issues would be if characters actually had the ability to solve problems outside of their specialties. (Sorry I watched a cartoon recently where a problem was presented to them... I thought of several solutions and it took them most of the episode to simply do anything less then a terrible idea)

I've watched children shows where the solutions to the problem were either difficult or not immediately obvious. Heck I watched one show for children (wasn't a cartoon) which I love because the main character always sets one difficult goal at the start of every episode and actually goes out and achieves it (I have a feeling only I love it though).

I can't be the only one who has watched a storyline and went "Just do the obvious" immediately and sat through a half hour of unfunny attempts at NOT solving the problem until they found out "The obvious" was the solution. Scoobydoo actually did nice twists on this concept too where anytime they did the obvious (Not splitting up, skipping the mystery, or skipping the obviously obviously false lead) it simply didn't work... mind you I was never really critical of them, the reason they never faced the ghosts knowing it was fake was because IT IS A CRAZY PSYCHOPERSON IN A GHOST COSTUME RUN DANG IT!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: MrWiggles on November 02, 2012, 02:28:06 am
MLI:FM doesnt have any of those short sighted writing issues you've listed. Its pretty well written average show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 02:30:15 am
Watch it before judging :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 02:32:45 am
Watch it before judging :P

You have to understand

I have a condition called "Investment" If I watch MLP:FIM I'll have to finish it.

If it is secretly terrible then I am stuck. Only INCREDIBLY offensive shows escape this. I do NOT want to be watching a "Quirky show" for a long time. Unless it is Chowder... >_> which oddly enough had the perfect ending for the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 02:35:21 am
Well it's not incredibly offensive, I can guarantee that. The first season is among my Favorite Things Ever. The second season is a well written average cartoon, as Wiggles said.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 02, 2012, 07:41:02 am
Well it's not incredibly offensive, I can guarantee that. The first season is among my Favorite Things Ever. The second season is a well written average cartoon, as Wiggles said.


To be sure, not every episode was a hit for me (it was originally aimed at younger girls, maybe less so now), but as a whole I enjoyed both seasons very much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Jervill on November 02, 2012, 09:23:18 am
Oh, and Neonivek, beware of Season 1 episode 15.  It has the problem you were going on about earlier with other cartoons:
I've come to the conclusion that people who write for Cartoons

Are completely unaware of what Science is.

The SHEER number of times I heard a "scientist" say that something "defied science" after they done a scientific test to prove said fact is staggering.

Tip: Science is not the opposite of superstition and magic. Science is a method in which one can test validity. Believe it or not Science not only can easily prove the existance of bad luck, afterall bad luck can be defined as random negative circumstances and thus it is easy to set up someone for bad luck, but if you use a scientific test to prove something like "Magic" exists then you SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THE EXISTANCE OF MAGIC! Science has many a time found folk tales and superstition true, many of the medicines we have today, and I don't mean alternative medicine, are folk remedies.
<snipped for length>
I absolutely hate that episode, myself.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 02, 2012, 11:59:39 am
Yeah, it wasn't my favorite either.  As I said not every episode was a hit for me.  There was a number of writers, as I'm sure is the case with any substantial cartoon series, and some episodes weren't that great.  Or I thought X should have been done slightly differently to get a better overall effect.  That sort of thing.

As a whole though, I do recommend at least giving the series a chance.  I liked the cartoon itself plenty, but I find the fan created content to be even better.  A lot of the time, anyway.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 02, 2012, 06:48:48 pm
PTW. I have a cold or something so I don't feel up to participating in any discussions at the moment.

I love me some MLP:FIM or Scooby-Doo though, and I'm somewhat interested in the actual process of animation and examples of it, so the future contents of this thread seem promising.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 08:14:25 pm
I don't consider us officially outside the "Dark days of cartoons" until we have a good kids cartoon that isn't a comedy or Super Hero show or for really young children that reaches some level of popularity.

Also nevermind that is entirely unfair... since I cannot think of many that did that.

Hmm... but either way I don't consider us out of the dark ages just yet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 02, 2012, 08:16:06 pm
Most people consider the "dark days" of children's cartoons to be anything made after they got too old for children's cartoons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 08:19:23 pm
I'm not sure there ever was a "dark ages." There have been good cartoons since the late 80s. Prior to that there was a whole lot of trash produced by Hanna Barbara and such, with their limited animation shenanigans, but afterwards, in the late 80s and early 90s, we started getting more mature and sophisticated cartoons and haven't really looked back.

People say "cartoons suck nowadays" but really, they sucked just as bad when they were kids. We just remember the good stuff, like Batman the Animated Series, and Gummi Bears, and Tail Spin, and Animaniacs, etc etc etc. In 20 years people will be looking back and wondering why cartoons aren't as good as Gravity Falls, MLP:FiM, Adventure Time, etc.

I don't consider us officially outside the "Dark days of cartoons" until we have a good kids cartoon that isn't a comedy or Super Hero show or for really young children that reaches some level of popularity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 08:26:25 pm
The Dark Ages is really just a product of transition, as well as being a product of comming after the 90s which I consider the Golden age of animation.

Basically a lot of great shows ended their run at around the 2000s, a lot at once, without a lot of great content to replace it. Nuking entire genres of cartoons for years. Add in immitations of those shows without the heart that ran them and you pretty much see why things got so bad there.

As well there started to be an increased demand of life action over animation. So many of the companies who made cartoons got into making live action. (Not to mention an EXTREME oversaturation of comedy)

There is probably some other things involved but simply speaking it was basically a "Animation depression"

Most people consider the "dark days" of children's cartoons to be anything made after they got too old for children's cartoons

I consider it to be sort of post 2000s where the general quality of cartoons dropped like a rock. a 10 year period of almost nothing.

We are starting the outswing now, but I am not banking on us being "out" just yet.

In 20 years people will be looking back and wondering why cartoons aren't as good as Gravity Falls, MLP:FiM, Adventure Time, etc

Good thing I am fair and only attribute the Dark Ages as the period after 2000 until 2010 and don't consider the 80s inferior in anyway shape or form.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on November 02, 2012, 08:27:46 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 08:31:19 pm
Mid 00s stuff:

Powerpuff girls
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Ed Edd and Eddy
Dexter's Lab
Invader Zim (yes I know it was canceled)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

(could be fuzzy on some of the exact dates for those)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 08:32:11 pm

Let me check wikipedia.

Too late in the Dark Ages. It was definately one of the pushes out, but it has to be a cartoon from 2011-2012.

Mid 00s stuff:

Powerpuff girls
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Ed Edd and Eddy
Dexter's Lab
Invader Zim (yes I know it was canceled)

Ahh yes, All Comedies.

Also don't forget Johnny Bravo, Spongebob Squarepants, and I think there are a few more.

Also Invader Zim is a good example since it was Cancelled because its demographic wasn't children it was adults.

Plus as non-comedies there was Justice League and Justice League of America.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 08:34:03 pm
My my my, aren't we picky :P

You're asking for a dramatic kid's cartoon that isn't a superhero show? You'll be hard pressed to find one of those in any time period. And most of the borderline cases are comedies (Duck Tales, etc).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 02, 2012, 08:34:09 pm
Most people consider the "dark days" of children's cartoons to be anything made after they got too old for children's cartoons.

Quoted for truth.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 08:35:11 pm
My my my, aren't we picky :P

You're asking for a dramatic kid's cartoon that isn't a superhero show? You'll be hard pressed to find one of those in any time period. And most of the borderline cases are comedies (Duck Tales, etc).

Dear goodness... Aladin.

Done... and that wasn't even all that amazing of a show.

Hmm one for the 80s? Hmmm... Transformers.

*Wipes off hands*

Well that was easy :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 08:36:28 pm
Reboot too.

Great, we've found two. Three if I can throw in Tail Spin. Four with Avatar.

Not many over a 20 year period. Not just the period you're talking about.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 08:37:10 pm
Reboot too.

Great, we've found two. Three if I can throw in Tail Spin. Four with Avatar.

Not many over a 20 year period. Not just the period you're talking about.

I should probably limit the dark ages as 2000-2005

"Great, we've found two. Three if I can throw in Tail Spin. Four with Avatar"

It is easy to come up with many more. The "Every show MUST be a comedy" is relatively recent and very old. Sort of a parabola where 80s is the minimum (I mean goodness... I think of every really popular 80s cartoon and almost NONE of them are Comedies. I mean there were and many of them are REALLY corny to the point of being comedies today, but still)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 02, 2012, 10:59:31 pm
gravity falls fan music ( because why not (

these are the things I find in long-ass gaps between episodes
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 11:03:03 pm
Fan music? I love fan music! Half my playlist is pony fan music.

If you've got a place where people are showing off gravity falls fan music, I'd love to hear about it :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 02, 2012, 11:05:14 pm
Uhhh I guess here is one for Adventure time I'd BET you all heard (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 02, 2012, 11:18:21 pm
well uh I've got a tumblr right over here ( and I'm going to start putting GF music on it if that counts
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 02, 2012, 11:23:10 pm
I've been wanting an Equestria Daily esque place ever since watching Gravity Falls, so :X

I shall keep an eye on that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 03, 2012, 11:16:17 pm
Has anyone else seen Wreck-It Ralph? It reminded me of an extended version of Fight Fighters. Just as well-written, just as good of a mix of original humor and references, but several times as long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 03, 2012, 11:18:53 pm
Has anyone else seen Wreck-It Ralph? It reminded me of an extended version of Fight Fighters. Just as well-written, just as good of a mix of original humor and references, but several times as long.

I am scared to watch it because the people who wrote it both know and do not know what videogames are.

Given that one of my biggest hobbies is videogames you can understand my frieght.

especially in light that the vast majority of "movies about videogames" are either terrible or SO anti-videogame that they just don't know what a videogame is.


Ohh my... I have only watched like two minutes of MLP... and WOW is it offensively girly.

and oddly enough 2 minutes 20 seconds... and the girly factor drops like a rock. It seems more like those elements were leftover.

Ohh come on! I know I was worried about there being too many quirky characters... but so far there are none!

6 minutes in and already unfortunate concequences of somewhat slavey situations and someone who should know better not knowing better.

First continuity error 9 minutes in.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 03, 2012, 11:54:41 pm
I don't know if you watch Gravity Falls, but even if you don't I recommend Fight Fighters. It treats video games really well, and I think Wreck-It Ralph gives them at least as good of a treatment. There are a lot of references that maybe aren't super obscure, but your average CoD/Sims player wouldn't get them.

Despite people's fears from the "When did video games become so violent?" line in the trailer, that's just a throwaway joke. There's no anti-gaming whatsoever. It treats video games the same way Toy Story treats toys. Which is a small strike against its originality, but a tiny gripe overall.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 12:01:04 am
I've seen all of Gravity falls. I like it but not obsessively so.

Also I find it interesting that MLP:FIM world would be a absolute nightmare for me to live in.

I've noticed that about some settings.

Mind you I am speaking about the "In your face" Social Butterfly nature of the world. As someone who actually prefers to be alone most of the time and actually finds too much extended personal time to be stressful... a world where people go out of their way to spend time with you sounds nightmarish. Add that it seems to imply that being intrapersonal is a bad thing and well...

It reminds me a bit of Fairytale in that regard. I love that anime but even I admit that I would be absolutely miserable there.

"that's just a throwaway joke"

I am glad.


Ohh goodness I am so on Purple Pony's side that I am dreading the point of the cartoon where she will have to conform and transform into a social zombie so badly... because at this point I feel her pain soo bad.

I know what side the cartoon is going to go with. It sure as heck isn't going to be the person who just wants to be left alone who is otherwise very polite and has an important goal and is otherwise driven. No it is going to be with the very rude in your face ponies who constantly impose upon her and the lesson will be about "appreciating your friends" or something.

Please MLP prove me wrong... prove to me that you actually have the dimension to know when people are, through good intentions, actually being quite terrible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 12:10:56 am
The show actually touches on some of the "in your face friendliness" you're complaining about (much later though, in season 2). That episode ends with the moral of "some people want to be left alone, so don't pressure them."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 12:13:03 am
The show actually touches on some of the "in your face friendliness" you're complaining about (much later though, in season 2). That episode ends with the moral of "some people want to be left alone, so don't pressure them."

also is Princess Celestia an actual princess or is this one of those "Queen Princess" situations?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 12:14:15 am
Queen Princess. Blame Disney for making Queens always evil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 12:19:37 am
This is going to be a very painful show to watch

But I cant say I don't smile everytime I groan. There is a lot of charm in just how terrible it can be sometimes.

I know I probably shouldn't be saying that given that people here like it for all the intentional reasons... but this show is like looking into a nightmare realm for me.

"Hey House Warming Party the day you just flew in! ROCKEN VERSION!"

ARE YOU NUTS!?! You are a terrible person Pinkie Pie!

"Welcome to Equestria!"

So... the land is litterally called Horse land huh?

"Welcome to Pony Ville"

I see. So offensively girly this is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 12:23:47 am
Haha, dude, no militant bronies here. Feel free to rip it to shreds if you don't like it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 12:29:05 am
Haha, dude, no militant bronies here. Feel free to rip it to shreds if you don't like it.


Oddly enough the show has already devolved into "You should know better" territory of the extreme type.

Look this was exactly what I didn't want to happen. Kaijyuu, why did the show devolve into extreme "You should know better" territory in two episodes? You said this was beyond it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 12:33:26 am
"You should know better"? Dude, the show is absolutely filled to the brim with morals. Of course characters are going to learn lessons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 12:36:35 am
"You should know better"? Dude, the show is absolutely filled to the brim with morals. Of course characters are going to learn lessons.

Not talking about morals I am talking about flagrant stupidity. Characters needing to learn something they didn't know and characters not knowing something they should know are two different things.

"Ohh where did you get that book?"

"It was under the letter E"

really... this is going to be the show isn't it?

"Ohh no monster! I'll stop it by jumping infront of its most deadly attack! good thing this was a children's cartoon or else this idea, that I should know better about, would have got me killed"

You all deserve to be DEAD!

"I am the Antagonist!... ohh who cares anymore"

Why!?! Why does this exist?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Glowcat on November 04, 2012, 12:58:45 am
Has anyone else seen Wreck-It Ralph? It reminded me of an extended version of Fight Fighters. Just as well-written, just as good of a mix of original humor and references, but several times as long.

Yes and it was an enjoyable film, although I did get nerd-annoyed by how it treated game code. But it seems silly to argue about that given the presence of AIs who travel in power cords and live inside arcade machines.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 04, 2012, 07:24:20 am
"You should know better"? Dude, the show is absolutely filled to the brim with morals. Of course characters are going to learn lessons.

Not talking about morals I am talking about flagrant stupidity. Characters needing to learn something they didn't know and characters not knowing something they should know are two different things.

"Ohh where did you get that book?"

"It was under the letter E"

really... this is going to be the show isn't it?

I don't have much to say to defend this, really. I don't remember exactly where this scene is (first episode? second episode?) but yeah, I can agree that at times there's moments that make me want to smack my forehead. Take it with a grain of salt, though, since the first season was originally made and intended for the "young girl" demographic. The team didn't know the show would become such a hit. To be fair though, I think that some people may find moments like these to be a part of the show's charm.

Season 2 gets better about these "cringing moments", in my opinion.

"Ohh no monster! I'll stop it by jumping infront of its most deadly attack! good thing this was a children's cartoon or else this idea, that I should know better about, would have got me killed"

You all deserve to be DEAD!

Action movies and scenes like that always have bits like this that seem beyond logical reasoning.

"I am the Antagonist!... ohh who cares anymore"

Why!?! Why does this exist?

I don't recall anything like this from the show. Assuming this is referencing to Nightmare Moon?

Generally, it helps to remember the MST3K Mantra. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 08:57:13 am
"You should know better"? Dude, the show is absolutely filled to the brim with morals. Of course characters are going to learn lessons.

Not talking about morals I am talking about flagrant stupidity. Characters needing to learn something they didn't know and characters not knowing something they should know are two different things.

"Ohh where did you get that book?"

"It was under the letter E"

really... this is going to be the show isn't it?

I don't have much to say to defend this, really. I don't remember exactly where this scene is (first episode? second episode?) but yeah, I can agree that at times there's moments that make me want to smack my forehead. Take it with a grain of salt, though, since the first season was originally made and intended for the "young girl" demographic. The team didn't know the show would become such a hit. To be fair though, I think that some people may find moments like these to be a part of the show's charm.

Season 2 gets better about these "cringing moments", in my opinion.
Honestly I find these moments rather realistic. A stressed out person is rather likely to make such a silly mistake, and of course our local happy go lucky person will find the obvious solution.

Not many shows capture people being organically illogical.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Theoboldi on November 04, 2012, 09:32:38 am
"You should know better"? Dude, the show is absolutely filled to the brim with morals. Of course characters are going to learn lessons.

Not talking about morals I am talking about flagrant stupidity. Characters needing to learn something they didn't know and characters not knowing something they should know are two different things.

"Ohh where did you get that book?"

"It was under the letter E"

really... this is going to be the show isn't it?

I don't have much to say to defend this, really. I don't remember exactly where this scene is (first episode? second episode?) but yeah, I can agree that at times there's moments that make me want to smack my forehead. Take it with a grain of salt, though, since the first season was originally made and intended for the "young girl" demographic. The team didn't know the show would become such a hit. To be fair though, I think that some people may find moments like these to be a part of the show's charm.

Add me to those people. It's really one of those shows where it's partly genuine enjoyment and partly laughing at its corniness. It wouldn't be the same without those moments. Anyway, why are we allowed to talk about that show again?

Anyway, the reason I came here is because I spent the last few days watching the entirety of justice league unlimited for the first time. Plotholes aside, I loved it. The fights were fun to watch, the stories were as cheesy as usual for comics, and now I have about 24 different favorite super heroes.
Too bad the final ended on such an anticlimatic Deus Ex Machina and that so many plots weren't really resolved.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on November 04, 2012, 09:36:18 am
Dude, all I'm gonna say is, chill.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 04, 2012, 09:44:15 am
Anyway, why are we allowed to talk about that show again?
Oh, right >.>

Keep the MLP discussion technical. I'm fine with Neo's analysis but if we wanna really debate stuff, take it to the offsite pony forum.

/me points at signature.

Anyway, the reason I came here is because I spent the last few days watching the entirety of justice league unlimited for the first time. Plotholes aside, I loved it. The fights were fun to watch, the stories were as cheesy as usual for comics, and now I have about 24 different favorite super heroes.
Too bad the final ended on such an anticlimatic Deus Ex Machina and that so many plots weren't really resolved.
Fuck yes, awesome series. Season 4 (or 2, if just counting unlimited) is incredible. Season 3's okay (and contains probably my favorite episode -- the one with Flash, Batman, and Orion) but not quite as good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 04, 2012, 10:19:39 am
Assuming this is referencing to Nightmare Moon?

Yeah I found it very odd that she was the antagonist at all if all she needed was a smack and a "Look, just stop being evil will ya?"

Admittingly I think there was more going on then the show shown (unless... this is just one of those "Look, lets just end this plotline" situations)

Also WOW did Princess Celestia's plan require A LOT to actually work. The sheer bulk of coincidence required was practically psychic.


The fights were fun to watch

At the time when I was watching JLA I was watching a lot of anime and was sick and tired of "Will battles". It was actually very refreshing to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Sirus on November 04, 2012, 05:30:09 pm
Saw Wreck-It Ralph today. SO MANY REFERENCES. Even the Konami Code!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 04, 2012, 06:59:36 pm
Wait... Wreck-it Ralph, as in that computer animated movie I saw a short 30-second trailer for on TV? The trailer that completely failed to garner my interest since all it was was some quotes from critics and no real description on what the heck the movie even is about?

*googles Wreck-It Ralph*

*sees this trailer (*

Holy cow man. Dat animation...those references!...powered armor and sci-fi alien shooters and laser effects?! HNNNNNNNNNG---they had me at Bowser, Clyde, and Eggman at the BAD-ANON meeting. The rest of the trailer just further sucked me in.

EDIT:derped the link. curse this cold!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on November 04, 2012, 07:00:45 pm
Your link is missing a few bits of itself :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Sirus on November 04, 2012, 08:23:19 pm
Without wishing to spoil too much, they even had Sonic the Hedgehog doing a PSA like he did in his old cartoon. So much freaking nostalgia. The animated short they had before the movie itself was pretty good as well, almost 2.5-D.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 04, 2012, 08:24:07 pm
Your link is missing a few bits of itself :P

I was blinded by the mass of nerdy awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 05, 2012, 03:06:35 am
Haha, dude, no militant bronies here. Feel free to rip it to shreds if you don't like it.

Telgin cancels incite riot: can't find pitchfork.

Just kidding.  :)

Yeah, as I noted not every episode was a hit for me, and it didn't really catch on for me with the first two episodes.  The intro made me cringe, as I'm sure it did for most viewers.  I managed to get reasonably interested by the third or fourth episode, but the fandom is what really drew me into the series and let me look past the initial wave of girliness.  One of the pony threads on this board is what really did it for me.  The cute/sad pictures really sucked me in for some reason.

I also agree with the earlier sentiment that part of the charm is the corniness that seeps up from time to time.  I've remarked before that I'd love to see a much darker MLP, but as has been pointed out to me a lot of the charm is the fact that it's not dark like that.

Anyway, getting off the pony train before it ends up drawing us along on a ride that ends up with passenger casualties and Toady getting involved, I'm reasonably interested in Wreck-It Ralph.  I fear my inner nerd would nitpick it apart though, especially if it got things obviously wrong in a game I'm a fan of.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Glowcat on November 05, 2012, 03:32:51 am
Anyway, getting off the pony train before it ends up drawing us along on a ride that ends up with passenger casualties and Toady getting involved, I'm reasonably interested in Wreck-It Ralph.  I fear my inner nerd would nitpick it apart though, especially if it got things obviously wrong in a game I'm a fan of.

The games most of the action takes place in and main characters are all original (with some obvious influences). There are plenty of references, especially to older games, and humor that plays off them but there's still a plotline/story that takes most of the focus and was itself rather good in my opinion. If you're going to catch a movie at all this season I'd recommend this one.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2012, 08:46:21 pm
Watched Riders of Berk.

It was rather painful and I understand why.

They basically reverse a LOT of what happened in the movie including
-1) Hiccup is no longer considered an adult (Even though that whole ritual IS a ritual meant to signify that you are an adult)
-2) Hiccup is untrusting of his father, again...
-3) Everyone basically forgot everything about what happened in that movie.
-4) Dragons were let to run around but weren't actually adopted by the populous... essentially making them more like vermin.
-5) SEVERAL IQ drops... In fact Dragons drop from being Semi-intelligent (if not fully intelligent) back to animal intelligence.

The problem I have is it sort of reverses a lot of what happens in that movie.. and even what happened before.

Honestly what is with TV show continuations of movies and basically ignoring the movie they are based on in order to create conflict?

The second episode is weird too... It is an entire episode of GREAT ideas that don't work because the characters involved arn't the same characters from the movie so to speak (With HUGE IQ drops). It even had a great premise too.

I don't know how to describe it as it is the ONLY time I ever seen this happen in a show. Where there is a great premise for an episode and the characters suggest nothing but GREAT ideas that should work but don't because they show keeps inventing flaws the character never had before.

Instead of being vague I'll just say what happens.

The Blacksmith from the movie basically has no job now that there are no more dragons to kill and the premise of the episode is that Hiccup is trying to find him something to do. It actually makes a lot of sense and is a good set up. Afterall we are dealing with someone whos livelyhood and what they love to do is taken away from them (even though they forget he can make more then weapons and thus could find work doing non-weapons... but yeah they stupified him). The first idea is that he could be an aid for the Chief, which is a great idea, but he was turned into a baffoon so it didn't work. Their second idea was to use his knowledge of dragons for the academy, a great idea afterall other then Hiccup no one knows more about dragons then he does, but again he is stupid now so it doesn't work. Then they come up with the plan of actually using his skills and having him make saddles something he MORE then should be able to do and he still fails.

It is like the episode is INVENTING reasons why he cannot possibly succeed.


Now as far as the show itself is concerned with respect to its OWN merits... to the point where I'll just pretend the movie never happened (and you might as well given all the changes they made)

It is an alright thing to watch if it is on TV. It sort of lacks anything really special to make you want to go out and watch it.

It doesn't really explore dragons too much, it doesn't explore characters too much (Episode 2 is essentially retconned immediately), It doesn't explore or flesh out the setting too much, the action is weak, and most of the characters are just incredibly stupid and confound every single issue, and the drama is artificial and forced.

In otherwords it is just your standard everyday mediocre cartoon that somehow features dragons. It isn't that I am surprised it is that... well... this show done right could have been kinda cool. Maybe I kinda wanted a cool dragon training cartoon. >_>
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 08, 2012, 11:05:35 pm
I'm not that surprised really. I gave up hope on the How to Train Your Dragon movie at first since I disliked massive plot change that is making Toothless a much larger dragon than the little green cat-sized dragon he originally was in the book series. I still dislike it, since I feel the atmosphere is much different from the books as well, and overall I just dislike the Hollywood interpretation.

The book's universe to me seemed much glummer and grimmer, but also fairly ridiculous. Many of the characters stink of fish or are ugly, or stupid, or obnoxiously incompetently corrupt. Almost everyone seemed to be scumbags, and Hiccup is just that one guy who suffered the blunt of it. The movie was just too jarringly cheerful and hopeful that I just don't like it.

Add that to the fact that shows based off movies never seem to work well. Now add this to the fact it's basically a tv series based off a movie that's based off a book series. I think there's just too much travel between the author to the movie producers to the show producers and as a result much of the concept's material is lost in translation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaenneth on November 08, 2012, 11:08:59 pm
My opinion of the movie should be obvious. But I haven't read the book.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2012, 11:12:28 pm
Don't get me wrong I didn't like the movie all that much either (It was alright, but not the super fantastical amazing people said it was). Mostly because so many characters are thrown aside for Hiccup... Ohh boy does the Female Love Interest get the short end of the stick in that movie ("Yeah you know all that character we gave you? Well we are going to throw it ALL away because you, as a character who isn't Hiccup, are completely unimportant. Feel free to not care that your entire life was a lie and that you are now basically worthless in the eyes of your people. Instead feel free to be perfectly alright with this, perfectly inept, ohh and make sure that you mess up plenty so Hiccup can save you")

Also oddly enough I had completely forgotten it was based off a book even when I watched the movie.

Though it certainly explains why all the dragons seem A LOT like cats... I always thought that was just a cheap tactic to make the dragons more adorable... apperantly that was in the original book too.

Add that to the fact that shows based off movies never seem to work well. Now add this to the fact it's basically a tv series based off a movie that's based off a book series. I think there's just too much travel between the author to the movie producers to the show producers and as a result much of the concept's material is lost in translation

Look it ONLY had to do one thing right and that was Dragons.

It didn't do that.

It isn't like the Kung Fu Panda cartoon where they had to string along a stupid comic relief character (Dang it Po! You are SOOO annoying!) and require everyone else to be worse to balance it out and thus it was doomed at the start. (Mind you... that show sucks because it just isn't a good show period. It really does NOTHING right)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 08, 2012, 11:22:28 pm
I fucking love Kung Fu Panda :(

Haven't seen the TV series though. First two movies are awesome, and I can't wait for the third.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2012, 11:24:07 pm
I fucking love Kung Fu Panda :(

Haven't seen the TV series though. First two movies are awesome, and I can't wait for the third.

I can say with absolute certainty... that the TV show actually has the ability to retroactively make you hate the movies just by seeing it.

It is that dull and boring and annoying. I suggest it to no one. Unless you like watching EVERYONE be dumber then Po.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on November 11, 2012, 01:10:06 am
Just came back from Wreck it Ralph. It was very cute, pretty fun, but I felt unsatisfied a bit by how it didn't seem to take advantage of the premise as much as they could have, also it had a pretty small main cast

Edit: Er... Meant to post in another topic. Ah well close enough
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 11, 2012, 03:07:46 am
What other topic? The happy thread? xD

I'd definitely consider a 3d animated movie to be "western animation." So yes, close enough :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 11, 2012, 04:07:08 am
What other topic? The happy thread? xD

I'd definitely consider a 3d animated movie to be "western animation." So yes, close enough :)

Maybe it was supposed to go in "Nitpicks that ruined movies"

Not sure how.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Furtuka on November 11, 2012, 11:24:51 am
Yeah I meant to post in the happies. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 11, 2012, 02:44:17 pm
So I watched the season 3 premiere of MLP:FIM last night. It was pretty cool.

I didn't really enjoy all the songs that just came out of nowhere during the episode. One moment they're talking, the next it's suddenly a musical. The design of the Crystal Empire was pretty neat, from a aesthetic point of view, but there wasn't much explanation for the new villain, and the ending just seemed sudden and without closure.

The Crystal Fair song was cool though. The Empire's design really reminds me of Saruman's tower of Isengard, heh.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Theoboldi on November 11, 2012, 02:57:37 pm
So I watched the season 3 premiere of MLP:FIM last night. It was pretty cool.

I didn't really enjoy all the songs that just came out of nowhere during the episode. One moment they're talking, the next it's suddenly a musical. The design of the Crystal Empire was pretty neat, from a aesthetic point of view, but there wasn't much explanation for the new villain, and the ending just seemed sudden and without closure.

The Crystal Fair song was cool though. The Empire's design really reminds me of Saruman's tower of Isengard, heh.

Do not talk of the show which must not be named, lest you awaken the wrath of the great Toady One. Seriously, talking about it here was banned for reasons unknown to me. We already had some discussion about it on the last few pages, and that was pretty risky. I think there was an unofficial bay12 pony forum though. Someone else should have a link.

Edit: It was a pretty good premiere though, yeah. I wonder if we're actually gonna get a longer arc over the course of this season as some people have speculated.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 11, 2012, 03:00:40 pm
Se signature for link! We've talked about the premiere a bit already, though no one pointed out that Isengard tower thing yet hehe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 11, 2012, 03:13:02 pm
But we had a MLP discussion earlier.

I think the issue was more that MLP discussion tended to uttarly dominate the sections it was in, then it being banned.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Theoboldi on November 11, 2012, 03:16:15 pm
Actually, there was something about the discussions going to places they really shouldn't have gone to, and then toady banned it. I don't know much more about it, since I wasn't there, but that's what I've gathered has happened.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 11, 2012, 03:17:15 pm
Theo is correct. And that is all we shall say on the matter (feel free to ask on the pony forum if you're REALLY curious).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 11, 2012, 08:35:14 pm
More specifically the threads that were about it drifted into territory Toady didn't like, so he shut them down for good.

MLP discussion as a whole isn't banned, as there have been at least two community forts based around the pony mod as well as passing mention and conversation in other threads.  I think he just doesn't want another dedicated thread that will inevitably devolve into NSFW image spam.

Anyway, I haven't yet seen the start of season 3, and am trying to avoid spoilers.  It's good to know that people as a whole approve of it though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 11, 2012, 10:07:55 pm
Do not talk of the show which must not be named, lest you awaken the wrath of the great Toady One. Seriously, talking about it here was banned for reasons unknown to me. We already had some discussion about it on the last few pages, and that was pretty risky. I think there was an unofficial bay12 pony forum though. Someone else should have a link.

Huh. I figured since it was western animation it fit the thread topic. I'm an innocent bystander, I tells ye! *shrugs*
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 11, 2012, 10:15:07 pm
I got specifically told no from Toady whether I should allow it. See rules in the opening post.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Zangi on November 12, 2012, 11:26:23 am
More specifically the threads that were about it drifted into territory Toady didn't like, so he shut them down for good.

MLP discussion as a whole isn't banned, as there have been at least two community forts based around the pony mod as well as passing mention and conversation in other threads.  I think he just doesn't want another dedicated thread that will inevitably devolve into NSFW image spam.

Anyway, I haven't yet seen the start of season 3, and am trying to avoid spoilers.  It's good to know that people as a whole approve of it though.
The Mods and the Community Forts are fine, since they are not degenerating into random discussions of everything poni.  Each of those threads are specific to its own existence within Dwarf Fortress.  While yea... random discussions of everything poni are pretty much banned. 
kaijyuu can lead you the way to our slice of haven and hellspoilers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 15, 2012, 01:57:35 am
After watching enough Adventure time... The show is just getting maybe too dark. I am not talking about the Backstory it is just getting dark in general and it is such a STARK contrast to how it started out.

I just watched an entire episode where they show the outright torture of a child. Then another where Finn is tortured again but the nicest character has gone insane and turned maliciously evil.

I know the show always had dark undertones but it was rarely outright dark at the start.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Telgin on November 15, 2012, 04:57:59 pm
Adventure Time certainly has changed, but I still like it.  I'm not sure if I like it more or less now, it's just sort of different.

It's kind of odd, really.  I tend to love dark stuff, but in a way I think Adventure Time would be best off if it didn't get any darker or even dialled it back a bit.  Originally I watched it mostly for the fantasy world and RPG humor, but I did enjoy them going into the back story a bit in the latest season.  And I enjoyed the whole lich story.

I don't know, I'm torn on it.  I imagine if I was much more of a fan of it I'd probably find something or other to nerd rage about.  I take my fandoms seriously.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Neonivek on November 17, 2012, 08:52:51 pm
The thing is that I have no idea if that is intentional.

If the start was sort of the creation of a hero and our heros delving into darkness to attempt to cross to dawn.

I've certainly seen extremely bright and cheery shows turn into extremely dark shows.

Though it is just how unfocused the show is that tells me that, no it just became that dark.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Zangi on November 17, 2012, 10:13:58 pm
Gravity Falls, just went through the first season of it... its nice.  Is the season 2 out yet?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 17, 2012, 10:20:44 pm
December 2nd is when the next episode airs, iirc.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Happy Summerween!
Post by: Glowcat on November 17, 2012, 10:34:42 pm
After watching enough Adventure time... The show is just getting maybe too dark. I am not talking about the Backstory it is just getting dark in general and it is such a STARK contrast to how it started out.

I just watched an entire episode where they show the outright torture of a child. Then another where Finn is tortured again but the nicest character has gone insane and turned maliciously evil.

I know the show always had dark undertones but it was rarely outright dark at the start.

Eh, maybe I'm not getting what you mean by dark but I just (finally!) watched the whole series recently and it's not much more horrifying in comparison to some of the early episodes with grisly deaths (or fake deaths). I would say however that it began to drift from whimsical adventures to plot building episodes and has started to include a few more mature elements in its stories. I have to admit, the Ice King's background made me cry a bit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Levi on November 18, 2012, 10:51:15 am
Anyone else been watching the new Ninja Turtles?  I first thought it was going to be stupid because the ugly 3d animation style, but the dialog and some of the gags have really been winning me over.  Michelangelo and the smoke bombs were hilarious in the last episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: kaijyuu on November 18, 2012, 11:46:07 am
Huh. I didn't even know they were making a new TMNT series. Might check it out. Still need to check out the 2003 series :X
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Neonivek on November 18, 2012, 11:49:30 am
Anyone else been watching the new Ninja Turtles?  I first thought it was going to be stupid because the ugly 3d animation style, but the dialog and some of the gags have really been winning me over.  Michelangelo and the smoke bombs were hilarious in the last episode.

Also it is one of those interesting situations where an enemy's first appearance they are a big deal... yet every other time (in this case the very same episode) they are basically puddies.

Unfortunately I have mixed feelings. They did remove the stupidity of Splinter being a rat turned into a ratman that 2003 had (ohh goodness that was silly). Yet Don being my favorite Turtle in both series being turned into... that... has very mixed results.

Mind you it has nothing to do with the quality of the show, I just REALLY hate their Donatello and the fact that he was my favorite is really hurting how unbiased I can attempt to be with the show. Raph though somehow ended up with more characterisation then he tends to have and retains his "Older brother" status with Michael which I always loved.

Also DANG can April not catch a break with these cartoons. She started off as a star reporter, then as what amounts as a secretary, and now an unimportant child. It is like the universe just keeps demoting her in every cartoon she ends up in. Calling it now, next cartoon April will be an animal.


Also I watched the Thundercats remake and it was surprisingly good... Astonishing really with extremely high quality animation for a cartoon. Often knowing exactly what elements from the show to keep or replace. (I personally like Lion-O's redesign... if only because even as a kid did I find him to look pretty dang bad)

I just hope Thundera gets his whip back. The show reminded me how awsome it was only to take it away. I mean it is a whip that lets you turn invisable... It is awsome!

If they keep it up the whole season it may actually give me hope for the future and that Avatar wasn't a fluke. (And after watching nothing but TERRIBLE shows or shows that are unintentionally good for months... I needed it)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Sonlirain on November 18, 2012, 12:29:29 pm
Since i'm not willing to plow through the entire thread to check if the opionion i want to voice was already covered by someone else i feel no responsibility what-so-ever in the likely event i'm doubling someone else.

My Little Pony vs Littlest Pet Shop

MLP are most know became a smash hit way beyopn the wildest expectations of its authors and owners.
Now that S3 is starting and seems to barely loose any steam (if not gaining it).
Hasbro of coursse is cashing in on the succes with figurines and adds on HUB and seems to try repeating the succes.
First the reboot of carebears that was mostly a flop (tho some say it did gain it's own fans).
And now LPS was taken for a spin but this time it seems to be almost completely tailored to make people already watching MLP watch LPS as well.

1 - LPS episodes start right after MLP.
2 - Some characters seem to be expies of the "Mane 6" with extra credit for Zoe Trent for sharing an identical color sheme (down to the stripe) with Twilight Sparkle AND being voiced by Tara Strong (again like Twilight Sparkle) (Correstion Zoe is voiced by Nicole Oliver... who did the voice for Cheerilee and Celestia) AND being given the similar role of being a prominent character (again like Twilight Sparkle) along with several other characters also voiced by VAs who work on MLP:FiM.
3 - Hired some of the same writers.
4 - Some adds for LPS are full of pony.
5 - It will most likely retain the same character driven one episode long storylines (Not unlike MLP)

Am i the only person thinking Hasbro just desperately tries to make thunder strike the same spot 2 times?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: kaijyuu on November 18, 2012, 12:36:02 pm
Am i the only person thinking Hasbro just desperately tries to make thunder strike the same spot 2 times?
Maybe. But also remember that imitators can improve upon original formulas.

I'm still happy they're trying to shoot for additional demographics in a little girl's show. That means people are starting to take the genre seriously, instead of spewing substanceless crap like they have for like 30 years.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Neonivek on November 19, 2012, 12:25:46 am
30 years! But... ohh wait... that would mean substance for girls shows existed in the 80s.

Ok then nevermind.

Mind you whether or not Jem really fits in that category is up to someone who has watched it. Its worst aspects was when it was being too childish but its best features is when it chose to be deep.


Also I know it was limiting but I kinda liked the fact that the Sword of Omens actually couldn't be used superfluously (for example Lion-O in the original series tried to hunt Deer with it and the sword rejected it).

The new series has him use it all over the place for any reason. Ohh well it isn't a bad thing... The plotholes in the new Thundercats as well as the very odd blending of two genres is an issue. (ohh goodness can I pick out plotholes. From characters learning skills they never had to just how the Sword of Omens works changing episode to episode)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Neonivek on November 19, 2012, 08:53:17 pm
I am so disapointed

The new Thundercats started off so well but it is like each episode is slightly worse then the last.

It wouldn't be so bad but honestly I sort of like how they present the world, it is one of the few wonderous worlds outside comedies and Avatar.

I think my problem is that I cannot turn my brain off.

It is like... I WANT to like it because it actually tries, by goodness it is trying... but I cannot get by a single episode without having something HUGE to point out.

For example

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: MrWiggles on November 21, 2012, 07:49:53 am
So, according to Word of God, Gravity Falls is on a year plus pause. ;.;
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Reelya on November 21, 2012, 09:29:06 am
Look at it this way, if they put something on pause rather than make 1 years worth of filler, they care about quality.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Sirus on November 21, 2012, 11:44:04 am
Or they ran out of money.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: kaijyuu on November 21, 2012, 02:56:04 pm
So, according to Word of God, Gravity Falls is on a year plus pause. ;.;
Holy shit, I thought that was just a typo.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Glowcat on November 21, 2012, 03:34:46 pm
So, according to Word of God, Gravity Falls is on a year plus pause. ;.;

W-what? ...Somebody hold me.  :'(
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 21, 2012, 04:12:39 pm
Was it getting bad numbers or something? I feel like I would have known if this sort of stuff was going to happen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Neonivek on November 21, 2012, 04:21:19 pm
Was it getting bad numbers or something? I feel like I would have known if this sort of stuff was going to happen.

Well it could be "Invader Zim" numbers.

As in yes it got a lot of viewers, but none of them may have been in the age group the show desired.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bouncing here and there and everywhere
Post by: Reelya on November 21, 2012, 04:54:23 pm
Harmony Gold had the age problem with Robotech (which was a foreign adaptation, but heavily modified), they totally thought 8 year olds were going to get into it ("cartoons" u know ;D) so they rolled out all this 8-year-old style "bling". Which, since the main viewers were 15+ didn't sell at all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Fell
Post by: Neonivek on November 21, 2012, 05:29:10 pm
There are sort of two ways a "popular" kids show can have problems outside of production.

1) The audiance is not the age of the advertisers or products being marketed towards the user
2) The Toy sales involved with that show sold badly.

Invader Zim suffered from #1. (Cancelled because the show was popular but not to children)

Jem suffered from #2. (Cancelled because the show was popular but the toys were unpopular)

Robotech as Reelya said suffered from both. (Popular to adults who wouldn't buy their toys and not to children who would)


I forgot a few more
3) The show competes with other shows by the same channel or company (Battlestar Galactica or Babylon 5, I forget, had this problem... it wasn't a cartoon or for kids)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Fell
Post by: Mageziya on November 21, 2012, 05:46:35 pm
Look on the bright side, the show isn't canceled for sure, just on hiatus.

Shame when this happens though. What too good for Disney? Or did the hysteria over Illuminati/Freemason references cause this?

Or maybe that too many people were watching it online to avoid the terribad commercials.

In a bit of irony, I still have yet to actually watch the most recent episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Fell
Post by: Neonivek on November 21, 2012, 05:47:54 pm
In the disney channel where I am there are no commercials during it.

The problem is with this that they don't put it in a good timeslot.

Adventure time actually started to get good timeslots (different channel) once its popularity risen.

The problem with "Indefinite" pauses... is it could just be cancelled without actually declairing it cancelled.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 23, 2012, 06:28:57 pm
I'm late to the party, but just saw Wreck it Ralph.

Thoroughly impressed!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Zangi on November 23, 2012, 06:59:08 pm
I'm late to the party, but just saw Wreck it Ralph.
Only in theaters right now?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Jimmy on November 24, 2012, 02:06:38 am
Only in theaters right now?
Unless you're into low quality cam pirates, yes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Scelly9 on November 24, 2012, 02:08:32 am
Only in theaters right now?
Unless you're into low quality cam pirates, yes.
Low quality? Cam pirates? Oh, how the technology has advanced.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 24, 2012, 02:11:10 am
Only in theaters right now?
Unless you're into low quality cam pirates, yes.
Low quality? Cam pirates? Oh, how the technology has advanced.
Sad but true. I saw the Avengers on my friend's home computer long before it was released, and it looked and sounded really good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Scelly9 on November 24, 2012, 02:12:55 am
Copies get leaked from the hundreds of people working on it. Or, they have a virus on their computer. Wow, that would be a really good target for hackers. Huh.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 24, 2012, 02:14:25 am
I meant released on DVD, actually.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Scelly9 on November 24, 2012, 02:17:21 am
One of my friends had it about three hours after theatre release. It was DVD quality, so pretty much either a copied theater disk, a leaked copy, or a hacker.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 25, 2012, 10:25:17 pm
Just watched Brave.

Verdict: Not bad. Not great, not horrible, but not bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: MrWiggles on November 26, 2012, 01:10:24 am
Brave is weirdly titled. And I think the most striking feat of animation with brave, is the mom turning from being human to a bear.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 26, 2012, 01:14:29 am
That was basically my impression.

Actually, it was just plain amazing-looking in general.
The initial plotline was actually interesting.

Most everything after the cabin in the woods, personally.

@ MrWiggles: Dude! Spoiler alert!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 26, 2012, 01:24:33 am
Oh yeah, the animation was pretty damn awesome all around.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: MrWiggles on November 26, 2012, 01:58:02 am
Spoilers dont exist.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Scelly9 on November 26, 2012, 01:58:42 am
Yes. They do. Spoiler the damn thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: MrWiggles on November 26, 2012, 04:51:48 pm
Yes. They do. Spoiler the damn thing.
No they don't. The media consumption experience isnt that fragile.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Levi on November 26, 2012, 04:58:10 pm
Yes. They do. Spoiler the damn thing.
No they don't. The media consumption experience isnt that fragile.

Yeah, thats why everybody makes a big deal about it.  Oh wait!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on November 26, 2012, 04:59:30 pm
Yes. They do. Spoiler the damn thing.
No they don't. The media consumption experience isnt that fragile.
Dude, just spoiler it. It takes all of two seconds of your time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 26, 2012, 05:00:58 pm
It really depends how much the media in question depends on the Twist. In this case, you should be able to see Wiggle's "spoiler" a mile off.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Leafsnail on November 26, 2012, 05:02:01 pm
Well yeah it's quite easy to see something coming a mile off if someone's told you it's there
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on November 26, 2012, 06:00:22 pm
I wouldn't consider that a spoiler. I haven't seen the movie,
Spoiler: soooo... (click to show/hide)
It'd need more context to make sense.

Therefor, I'd have to go see the movie for the "spoiler" to actually make sense. Either that, or go look up the movie plot online and just spoil the whole thing myself. Now if Wiggles was to go to the exact movie theater I was in and yell out "She turns into a bear" at some key point in the plot, then that could be a spoiler.

Personally, I seem to pick up on plots so quickly I usually already predicted the plot twist even before finishing the movie. Considering this is a Pixar/Disney film we're talkin' 'bout, I'd probably have figured it out anyway, even if I were to actually go see it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Leafsnail on November 26, 2012, 06:04:21 pm
Why are you
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
the thing you
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
as a spoiler
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 26, 2012, 06:06:10 pm
It's simple freaking courtesy to spoil recent stuff. Especially for someone like me, who actively avoids trying to spot upcoming plot events and let the story unfold. I didn't spot (spoiler here)mom turning into a bear(/spoiler) because I anticipated the girl participating in the whole tournament thing more. Then the above spoiler happened, and I was a little surprised and more than a little disappointed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Jimmy on November 26, 2012, 06:26:36 pm
Obvious troll is obvious.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Furtuka on November 26, 2012, 06:26:59 pm
Obvious troll is obvious.

...not really
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 26, 2012, 06:27:47 pm
Play nice, people. Discussing spoilers is a fine topic and I'd like to encourage it; just keep level heads.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 26, 2012, 06:28:00 pm
Obvious troll is obvious.
...who's trolling?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 26, 2012, 06:30:32 pm
Spoiler ( (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 26, 2012, 06:31:39 pm
Spoiler ( (click to show/hide)
Clever girl...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Jimmy on November 26, 2012, 06:34:31 pm
...who's trolling?
Pretty much everyone feeding this spoiler debate at this point.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 26, 2012, 06:36:04 pm
I fell for my own trick.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Sirus on November 26, 2012, 06:36:51 pm
...who's trolling?
Pretty much everyone feeding this spoiler debate at this point.

Spoiler ( (click to show/hide)
Debating a topic isn't "trolling" :|
If someone were deliberately posting spoilers for shits-n-giggles, then that could be defined as trolling.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Jimmy on November 26, 2012, 06:39:30 pm
I fell for my own trick.
Nah, you did it first and therefore still win.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on November 26, 2012, 06:42:06 pm
Yeah no one here has been "trolling." There's been some passive aggression but that's different (and I already told people to play nice in my thread, so yeah... Let me/Toady moderate, not you).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on November 26, 2012, 06:44:22 pm
I wonder if I should report fake spoilers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Furtuka on November 26, 2012, 06:54:27 pm
Eh, I think it's pretty harmless.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on November 26, 2012, 10:14:52 pm
Eh, I think it's pretty harmless.

On my laptop it wouldn't be.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Furtuka on November 26, 2012, 11:10:23 pm
Eh, I think it's pretty harmless.

On my laptop it wouldn't be.

Oh...   You mean in case of something like that time a human spammer appeared and began trolling people and someone tried to stop them by posting a link to some code they claimed would cause whoever opened the link to set their computer on fire?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Reelya on November 27, 2012, 01:19:05 am
Your fake spoilers look a little different:

Spoiler ( (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Let me fix that. Improved Fake:

Spoiler ( (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on November 27, 2012, 01:47:13 am
Yeah don't use fake spoilers because they arn't fun to click on with my laptop.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Reelya on November 27, 2012, 01:59:36 am
The trick is to hover the cursor before clicking and look at the address. Should be "javascript:void(0)" for a real spoiler.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on November 27, 2012, 11:25:02 am
I've decided I am going to dislike the new 3d Babar show.

If only because it seems to step on the animated cartoon that may or may not be accurate to the source material.

Largest differences? All Rhinos are terrible people in the 3d version and the Dutches (or Countess I forget) is gone.

Mind you I am WAAAY out of its demographic now... Though the original 2d cartoon was a lot more sophisticated and deep and thus I'd probably still would enjoy it now.

I remember back when a show didn't need to be a comedy or about Super Heros to actually go for something, and it didn't need to be a fluke like Avatar.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Furtuka on November 27, 2012, 04:04:22 pm
I...  oh never mind.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Leafsnail on November 27, 2012, 04:28:30 pm
Neonivek does tend to have that effect on people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: RedKing on November 27, 2012, 04:30:58 pm
I'm late to the party, but just saw Wreck it Ralph.

Thoroughly impressed!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yeah, I really enjoyed it. My old-school gamer inner child was happies. Especially the initial sequence where you see the arcade fast-forwarding through time. My wife got pissed because I was busy going "Oh, that's...And that one! OOH! I remember that!"

I will be buying it on DVD if for no other reason than to go frame-by-frame through that scene and identifying every arcade console in the shot. :D

Plus, Alan Tudyk. I mean, WTF??? When I saw that in the credits, I plotzed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Remalle on November 27, 2012, 05:40:43 pm
Plus, Alan Tudyk.
...time to go see this movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on November 27, 2012, 06:08:39 pm
I...  oh never mind.

Well let me see in 2000 shows that arn't super hero shows or comedies.

You will get quite a bit... but honestly I kinda miss the old "Adventure" aspect of the 90s. Adventure time gets really close some of the time but is kinda too much of a comedy at times to really explore the concept.

I swear there must be a "Adventure" type show somewhere.

Examples of the Adventure format: Aladin, Rupert, Babar, and I think Pippi Longstocking counts too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on December 03, 2012, 01:06:14 am
I feel like I should share this with you guys. The Backwater Gospel. ( This is just one of those indy-sorta animations that's just great, top-notch quality stuff.

I love the art style, I love the creative setting of this "Wild West" sorta town with an almost grim reaper character who makes regular visits and is a recognized power in their universe, I love all the deeper meanings to it, and I really, really love the climax. Its style is like eye candy for me.

All in all, it's just a great grim little short film and I had to come back and watch it again recently, and wanted to post it here as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on December 03, 2012, 04:59:50 am
Hrm, I almost want to call it pretentious xD It got its point across (and well)... it's just a point I've seen a million times before. Kudos for high indie production value, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: ggamer on December 03, 2012, 07:52:06 pm
Adventure time is new tonight.

Unfortunately, I can't watch it. but it hath been dvr'd, and i'll watch it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Mr Space Cat on December 03, 2012, 11:51:55 pm
Hrm, I almost want to call it pretentious xD It got its point across (and well)... it's just a point I've seen a million times before. Kudos for high indie production value, though.
It depends on the point you interpret, really.  some can interpret that it was specifically religion that drove all the villagers crazy, while others instead interpret it as a display of human nature and how it was ultimately the fear the Undertaker created that did everyone in. Both are common themes, I guess, but fear is one of our most primal emotions, so it'd naturally be a common recurring theme.

I do so love the graphics style though. Beautifully grim eye candy.  :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Glowcat on December 04, 2012, 12:17:17 am
While I saw a more anti-religious version of the video out there, iirc the original was more about superstition/fear driving people insane than religion.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Jimmy on December 04, 2012, 05:43:47 am
Here's a few more indie shorts from animation students etc. Since we're including 3D animation in this topic I've included ones I enjoyed.

Alarm ( - My every morning.
Best Idea Ever! ( - The true story of Sir Isaac Newton
Electroshock ( - Gain superpowers from electric cables? Seems legit.
Hambuster ( - Fast food and zombies.
Sintel ( - Dragons and feels.
The Lady and the Reaper ( - Or why you should have a Do Not Resuscitate if you're over 80.
A Gentleman's Duel ( - Britain vs. France.
The Chase ( - Real badasses wear suits.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on December 04, 2012, 06:12:33 pm
I think I am finally getting in the grove of Adventure time.

I watched an episode where one section was an awsome episode and the other was a terrible episode.

The one I liked was the one where Finn created a pranking pie bot

The One I disliked was the one where Finn discovered he was afraid of the ocean. (Oddly the voice acting was pretty bad... I don't know what was wrong with Jake's voice actor)

It kinda helped me understand what I did and did not like about the show. I loved the show when it was inventive and explored the very concepts they bring up (AKA ADVENTURE!!!). I dislike the show when they become lazy and simply invent solutions or just ignore the issues.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: ggamer on December 04, 2012, 06:50:07 pm
It probably was produced around the first two seasons, when jeremy shada's voice was still high.

You'd probably like BMO noir or Rainy Day Daydream. Both are less about the over-arching plotline and more about antics. They're also both made later in the shows career, where Finn's voice is less odd.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on December 04, 2012, 06:51:42 pm
Truth be known my favorite part of an episode was when Finn became the goblin king.

Also the problem with Jake's voice was more that... he lost his inflection and usually Jake is very good at projecting emotions even subtle ones.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 04, 2012, 07:17:37 pm
"All the Little People" was interesting. I'd say it was definitely better than when most people go "hey let's talk to our fandom about fanfiction" and was pretty funny.

It just sort of seemed like nothing happened. Finn played with dolls and screwed them up, then Jake was like "Shake them and you can solve everything!" and it solved everything.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Neonivek on December 04, 2012, 07:22:12 pm
Yeah... it kinda supports my theory that Adventure time is at its worst when it just sort of gets lazy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Glowcat on December 11, 2012, 02:02:41 pm
I don't think anybody has posted the update yet so... Gravity Falls is back baby! (

Happiness restored.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: Scelly9 on December 11, 2012, 02:27:48 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: kaijyuu on December 11, 2012, 03:04:24 pm
Fuck yes!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I'm gonna wreck it!
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 11, 2012, 03:30:32 pm
Did we ever get a reason for why it stopped?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: kaijyuu on December 11, 2012, 03:32:47 pm
Don't believe so. Popular theory, as far as I know, is that they weren't getting the right audience (kids). So it was going to go the way of Invader Zim.

Fortunately, I guess that's not the case.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Telgin on December 11, 2012, 03:47:40 pm
I've only seen two episodes of Gravity Falls and I'm already in love with it.  Very happy to see that it's going to continue.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Mageziya on December 11, 2012, 05:00:55 pm
I still need to watch the most recent episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: kaijyuu on December 15, 2012, 02:56:53 pm
Came across an interesting short that I quite like. (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: ToonyMan on December 20, 2012, 08:52:22 pm
I watched the Halloween special of The Venture Bros because it's the only episode/special I haven't seen yet.  It made me really miss new Venture Bros stuff and was quite good.

Season 5 starts in February and although it'll only add up to being like, seven episodes, it's still nice to see new content.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: RedWarrior0 on December 21, 2012, 09:21:07 pm
So how long until more Korra?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Neonivek on December 21, 2012, 09:25:13 pm
I've only seen two episodes of Gravity Falls and I'm already in love with it.  Very happy to see that it's going to continue.

To me it gets a bit worse as it goes along and then gets better.

Their largest issue right now is they arn't sure what to do with Mable. The worst episode IMO, even if it had the funniest joke for me, was the episode centered entirely around Mable that ended with an anti-lesson.

It makes Dipper come across as the real main character and Mable as the distraction. Even if Dipper needs to learn the same lesson several times (Dipper learns to be a man is a common theme).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Sirus on December 21, 2012, 09:31:21 pm
So how long until more Korra?
Yeah, screw Gravity Falls or Adventure Time. I want more bending!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Remalle on December 22, 2012, 04:43:59 am
The second half of season one (Book Two or Book Five) is scheduled for 2013, not sure of the exact date.  So of course, expect it around mid-2014.

Edit: <3 the Charlie Brown Christmas Special
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2012, 02:09:27 pm
I kinda miss the Charlie Brown and Snoopy show.

Also I am surprised that people like Thundercats more then me >_<. I thought my issues with the series would be more universal but apperantly the show was "Totally awsome" and I didn't know.

I think it is an alright show with FREEKISHLY good animation for a western show and that actually attempts personal storylines.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: kaijyuu on December 22, 2012, 06:10:26 pm
Thinking of diving into Darkwing Duck. I watched the first two-parter and it was quite good, if a bit low in production quality (but this was the early 90s, so I can't be too hard on it there).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: SomeStupidGuy on December 23, 2012, 10:15:26 am
Found a movie that emphasizes why Superman is awesome. Plus, it's got some pretty cool villains. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2012, 10:22:10 am
Honestly I really liked that movie, it was Supermantastic!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls Uncanceled!
Post by: Jimmy on December 24, 2012, 03:56:40 am
Came across an interesting short that I quite like. (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you like animated shorts you might like some of the list I posted earlier in the thread. If you like bittersweet I especially recommend Sintel (

The full list:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 24, 2012, 04:40:55 pm
Goodness something surprising happened

Now the #1 pet peave I have with Christmas movies is whenever Santa is kidnapped or stopped and people uttar "Ohh no they stopped Christmas!" or "Now Christmas is ruined!"

Which only prompts me to look into the tv with a look of intense disdain and anger on the sheer amount of stupidty I just heard. Since obviously Santa not only is not required for Christmas he is the least important part.

This brings me to this

So I was watching the Ice Age Christmas movie and they ruined the North Pole and claimed that there would be no Christmas because Santa couldn't make his deliveries.

I was starting to say "There would still be Christmas" but then I remembered that, "Wait a minute, this is over ten thousand years in the past This really WOULD end Christmas"

and then I changed the channel because it was still a bad movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Zangi on December 24, 2012, 06:36:55 pm
Christmas is all about getting gifts.  Nothing other then the fellow that provides all these gifts matter.  amirite?

Yea... christmas time isn't really the best for toons and stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 24, 2012, 06:38:35 pm
Christmas is all about getting gifts.  Nothing other then the fellow that provides all these gifts matter.  amirite?

Yea... christmas time isn't really the best for toons and stuff.

Oddly enough I have seen Santa specials where Santa did supply ALL the presents, however that isn't always the case.

Somehow that ONE present makes or breaks Christmas.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: MrWiggles on December 24, 2012, 10:53:34 pm
You know whats an underapperciated X-Mas movie is?

Bill and Opus Chirstmas: A Wish for Wings that Work

Its great because its x-mas centric, but avoids the terribly over used x-mas stories, even though Santa is in it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 25, 2012, 01:27:18 am
I remember a X-MAS-centered movie that went in a totally different direction than the average Santa-staring film. Santa was actually an abandoned human child, cared for by various magical creatures (elves, dwarves, and the like). When he grew up, he visited the nearest human town (which, of course, was basically a mud pit). He began making toys and clothes for the children of the town, eventually being granted immortality by the gods themselves for his good deeds (just before he died of old age, too!).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: RedWarrior0 on December 25, 2012, 01:54:35 am
"I've lived a long, satisfying life... I should retire."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 25, 2012, 01:57:53 am
It wasn't portrayed that way of course, but thanks for the laugh :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 25, 2012, 08:03:20 am
I remember a X-MAS-centered movie that went in a totally different direction than the average Santa-staring film. Santa was actually an abandoned human child, cared for by various magical creatures (elves, dwarves, and the like). When he grew up, he visited the nearest human town (which, of course, was basically a mud pit). He began making toys and clothes for the children of the town, eventually being granted immortality by the gods themselves for his good deeds (just before he died of old age, too!).

I really liked that movie, it actually was a stop motion movie first, but the differences between the animation and the stop motion are few. (though the stop motion somehow is more epic.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 25, 2012, 01:59:02 pm
I didn't know there was a stop-motion version. I just saw the animated one.

Do you happen to remember the name, by any chance? :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sergius on December 25, 2012, 04:51:26 pm
Turns out they are adaptations of a book.

I saw the stopmotion version too. IIRC Claus' "mom" was a fairy or somesuch, and the one who kept begging for the Cloak of Immortality.

I also remember thinking even back then, sheesh, what dicks, you'd think they wouldn't have waited for him to become as decrepit as humanly possible before making him live forever...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 25, 2012, 04:58:11 pm
It seems Adventure Time is on a break. Any word on then it'll be back?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 25, 2012, 08:50:00 pm
Turns out they are adaptations of a book.

I saw the stopmotion version too. IIRC Claus' "mom" was a fairy or somesuch, and the one who kept begging for the Cloak of Immortality.

I also remember thinking even back then, sheesh, what dicks, you'd think they wouldn't have waited for him to become as decrepit as humanly possible before making him live forever...
That was it! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen that.

ETA: And it's not like he stayed decrepit forever. I distinctly remember him claiming that he felt strong enough to wrestle something (a bear?) after becoming immortal.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 25, 2012, 08:51:07 pm
It was actually a really depressing movie for me. Even the ending didn't feel like a glorious finish but sorrowful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 28, 2012, 04:18:54 pm
So I think I found the worst episode of Mystery Incorperated

The Episode with Andy Warsaw the modern artist.

The jokes are there, but not that funny, but there are plenty of episodes with flat jokes... I think what hurts the episode is the investigation itself.

It just isn't there. The episode is such filler that they actually barely go out of their way to even investigate only bringing in any level of deduction right at the very end.

People are statues? What are they made of? We don't know. Why don't they check the junk for electronics? I don't know.

I really cannot think of a worse episode given how good most of them are. I've seen episodes where investigation barely happened but they were always a parody of the very formula (like the Graveyard Ghoul where they investigated a sweet lady and her children because she was the least likely person to be the Graveyard ghoul).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on December 28, 2012, 04:24:53 pm
Ah yeah, I didn't much like that one either. I felt the monster was a bit TOO ridiculous for one thing, and they skewered modern art a bit more than they probably should've.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sergius on December 28, 2012, 09:50:10 pm
Turns out they are adaptations of a book.

I saw the stopmotion version too. IIRC Claus' "mom" was a fairy or somesuch, and the one who kept begging for the Cloak of Immortality.

I also remember thinking even back then, sheesh, what dicks, you'd think they wouldn't have waited for him to become as decrepit as humanly possible before making him live forever...
That was it! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen that.

ETA: And it's not like he stayed decrepit forever. I distinctly remember him claiming that he felt strong enough to wrestle something (a bear?) after becoming immortal.

Nah, he doesn't say any such thing. Granted, they don't show him AGAIN limping around the tree, but he pretty much just stands there saying "thanks for the mantle dude".

You can watch the whole thing here

Shitty 80's commercials and all ;)

(I'd point you to the edited version in YouTube, but you'd miss all the glorious crappy commercials)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 28, 2012, 09:52:37 pm
Ah yeah, I didn't much like that one either. I felt the monster was a bit TOO ridiculous for one thing, and they skewered modern art a bit more than they probably should've.

In my oppinion I think the issue wasn't that they kept jabbing at modern art, though they certainly wasted a lot of time, it was that... They didn't really do anything funny with it.

"Ohh my a foot... clearly this is the height of hillarity and my sides are splitting from all the laughter I am... doing"

It really felt like Filler. Like they just weren't trying on that episode they were just trying everything they could to get to the next one.

I will say though that Warsaw's hair was amazing!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 29, 2012, 05:55:08 pm
Turns out they are adaptations of a book.

I saw the stopmotion version too. IIRC Claus' "mom" was a fairy or somesuch, and the one who kept begging for the Cloak of Immortality.

I also remember thinking even back then, sheesh, what dicks, you'd think they wouldn't have waited for him to become as decrepit as humanly possible before making him live forever...
That was it! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen that.

ETA: And it's not like he stayed decrepit forever. I distinctly remember him claiming that he felt strong enough to wrestle something (a bear?) after becoming immortal.

Nah, he doesn't say any such thing. Granted, they don't show him AGAIN limping around the tree, but he pretty much just stands there saying "thanks for the mantle dude".

You can watch the whole thing here

Shitty 80's commercials and all ;)

(I'd point you to the edited version in YouTube, but you'd miss all the glorious crappy commercials)
I was talking about the animated version. Never seen the claymation version :P

Here it is, but I can't find an English version. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sergius on December 30, 2012, 12:49:15 am
Turns out they are adaptations of a book.

I saw the stopmotion version too. IIRC Claus' "mom" was a fairy or somesuch, and the one who kept begging for the Cloak of Immortality.

I also remember thinking even back then, sheesh, what dicks, you'd think they wouldn't have waited for him to become as decrepit as humanly possible before making him live forever...
That was it! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen that.

ETA: And it's not like he stayed decrepit forever. I distinctly remember him claiming that he felt strong enough to wrestle something (a bear?) after becoming immortal.

Nah, he doesn't say any such thing. Granted, they don't show him AGAIN limping around the tree, but he pretty much just stands there saying "thanks for the mantle dude".

You can watch the whole thing here

Shitty 80's commercials and all ;)

(I'd point you to the edited version in YouTube, but you'd miss all the glorious crappy commercials)
I was talking about the animated version. Never seen the claymation version :P

Here it is, but I can't find an English version. (

Binding of Issac + Soundtrack, nice :)

It's also not claymation, there's no clay involved :D it's just stop-motion with puppets or sumthin'
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 30, 2012, 05:14:16 am
I think I finally understand Adventure time

It is a story about Finn growing up and becoming an adult.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jimmy on December 30, 2012, 05:55:49 am
I doubt I'll ever understand Adventure Time. I watched the first two episodes, found it extremely annoying and swore never to watch more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Lich180 on December 30, 2012, 08:41:26 am
Adventure Time is best described as a bunch of comic book legends (Stan Lee, etc), 20  something year old gamers and 12 year old kids on acid got together to make a show. Its about a boy and his magic dog in a post-nuclear apocalypse earth having adventures and meeting weird things. After the apocalypse, magic comes back to earth and causes other weird things to happen.

Its a show with very little continuity, and what episodes have continuity usually are backstory for the characters. Like the Ice King is a guy from pre-apocalypse earth who bought a crown from   a dock worker in Norway, because he was an antiquarian and was fascinated by the supernatural. The crown has the ability to give its wearer control of ice and snow, while also driving them insane and forgetting who they were (an Alzheimers expy)

It takes a while to get into it, but its really a good show. Lots of adult humor, and references to dark/black comedy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 30, 2012, 03:03:15 pm
Yes but I mean what it is deep down, So many episodes seem to be dirrectly or indirrectly refering to Finn's development in simply growing up.

With episodes getting darker it fits this image, even if he is the same age.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Putnam on December 31, 2012, 03:13:19 am
He's getting older. He was 12 when the show started and he's 14 now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 31, 2012, 05:12:33 am
He's getting older. He was 12 when the show started and he's 14 now.

It sounds silly but you never know (in this case we do know but I mean you cannot take aging for granted... As Pokemon has told me...)

For those who don't know the reference the ENTIRE Pokemon anime takes place within a year.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on December 31, 2012, 05:19:53 am

I specifically remember the episode where the gang returns to Viridian City to get an Earth Badge. Misty states that it has been a year since they were there last. Presumably each season takes a year or so, but I stopped watching shortly into the Johto league.

Yeah, I know...this is Western Animation thread, not Anime thread...

Here's an unrelated WTF: Firefox does not recognize the word viridian (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 31, 2012, 05:21:33 am
Just get to Black and White and in the first episode of that season they state Ash's current age. He started 10, and I don't remember what age they listed.

So basically just the ability to age is surprising in a cartoon. Heck even when characters DO get older they often look the same, just see Young Justice and the characters who don't look any older inspite the several year time leap.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jimmy on December 31, 2012, 07:06:47 am
Case in point: Bart Simpson would be in his 30s now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on December 31, 2012, 06:44:19 pm
Case in point: Bart Simpson would be in his 30s now.

Well shows with semi-continuity are one thing.

Shows it full out continuity however...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 02, 2013, 02:18:23 am
I need this shirt ( so badly.
Spoiler: picture (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 02, 2013, 03:15:21 am
I need this shirt ( so badly.
Spoiler: picture (click to show/hide) that referencing Wreck-It Ralph?  :o

ETA: I mean, in addition to Pulp Fiction.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 02, 2013, 03:21:20 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 08, 2013, 03:22:46 am
I am starting to feel pain from one sort of character archtype that is being used in a few shows lately.

You probably seen it from terrible shows but basically it is where the main character is nice to the shows critters.

I've seen it twice but the shows never EVER explain in any capacity why no one has ever done it before. It is always unjustified and just comes off as a way the show is trying to make their protagonist special without really changing the plot.

What is interesting is I've seen this done right. In an anime the main character treats ordinary objects with great respect, something that WOULD be unusual, and that is why another character likes him.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 08, 2013, 03:24:37 am
...I'm sorry, what? Try again, but with less rambling.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 08, 2013, 03:32:47 am
...I'm sorry, what? Try again, but with less rambling.

Ok how may I put it.

You ever watched a show where people take care of monsters that fight eachother like Pokemon?

You know how in Pokemon it is expected that people take care of their monsters with love and respect?

Now lets pretend that you are now in a setting where no one gives these critters any love and respect... No one except the main character and possibly his friends.

Yet the show never explains why everyone treats these monsters so badly. It is such an accepted fact that it feels shallow and silly only there to make the main character seem special without doing anything.

I hate that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 08, 2013, 03:36:19 am
...Because some people have and still do treat animals poorly?
Because abusing animals is seen as a heartless act by many people?
Because contrasting the animal-beating villain and the kind-hearted hero is one of the easiest ways to help the audience identify with the hero?

Not sure what your problem is here, to be honest.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 08, 2013, 03:38:32 am
Villain, who said anything about a villain?

EVERYONE treats their monsters badly. To the extent that to everyone even treating a monster with any kindness is unheard of.

There is no point in the history of animal caretaking this concept would have been unusual. So historical context is out of the question.

It bugs me because... well lets put it this way.

An Idiot ball is when another character acts uncharacteristically stupid usually to further the plot. An Idiotplot is a plot that only works because everyone is an idiot. It is dumb because it relies on everyone being dumb.

In this case in order to make the main character feel special, by giving monsters respect, they make everyone else uncharacteristically unkind, thus making the setting dumber because there is no context for everyone being unkind.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 08, 2013, 03:44:00 am
Might help if you named one of these settings, because in the ones I can think of it's only the villains (or other "bad people") who treat their animals badly. Hell, in a number of series even the "bad guys" take care of the animals.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sergius on January 08, 2013, 09:51:03 am
You mean kinda like How to Train Your Dragon?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 08, 2013, 10:26:03 am
Anyone see the new Adventure Time? It was average, definitely below average as a Jake episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jopax on January 08, 2013, 10:47:57 am
You mean kinda like How to Train Your Dragon?

Well that one had a reason for treating the dragons badly, what with them terrorizing the tribe, pillaging and looting (they were forced but still, the humans couldn't have known that).


Watching Adventure Time, that episode with the door bandit thingy, they're just jamming to get the door to open.
Holy crap, never knew I'd like music numbers in my toons this much :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Lich180 on January 08, 2013, 12:55:42 pm
Anyone see the new Adventure Time? It was average, definitely below average as a Jake episode.

But no weirder than any other episode. Wasn't really that bad though, just... trippy.

Plus, Status Quo is God.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on January 08, 2013, 01:41:33 pm
Any good sources of Gravity Falls information out there? I'd like to know when the series is off hiatus (as in, I'd like a place to keep checking so I can hear the news when it first comes out). The wiki still says Dec 2nd 2013, which is like 11 months away, and there was that tweet that it'd be airing sometime this spring by one of the creator dudes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 08, 2013, 08:50:16 pm
You mean kinda like How to Train Your Dragon?

no as people mentioned there is a good excuse as to why everyone hated dragons in that

Unfortunately the two series I am thinking of in particular... One I don't remember the name of and another I am mixing up the name with every other one. Something like Kaijuto or something (and no it isn't anime... even if it is obviously modeling itself off of one)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sergius on January 08, 2013, 10:44:51 pm
Well I said "kinda like" How To Train Your Dragon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Putnam on January 10, 2013, 01:19:04 am
You mean kinda like How to Train Your Dragon?

no as people mentioned there is a good excuse as to why everyone hated dragons in that

Unfortunately the two series I am thinking of in particular... One I don't remember the name of and another I am mixing up the name with every other one. Something like Kaijuto or something (and no it isn't anime... even if it is obviously modeling itself off of one)

Is it one of those canadian merchandise-based shows?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 10, 2013, 02:29:22 am
Yep both of the ones I am thinking of are Canadian Merchandise-Based Shows.

And yeah Kaijudo is terrible in general... and the other one I don't know the name of but they put animals in guns to give the gun power... and they use other animals as grenades.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Reelya on January 13, 2013, 11:05:15 am
Anything remotely comparable to pokemon and I'm already pre-biased against it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Furtuka on January 13, 2013, 12:26:40 pm
Young Justice started back up. New episode was okay. The Reach were brilliantly savy and I'm just waiting for the abductee kids to start using their powers, but the main villain of the episode was pretty dull.

Edit: Huh I just learned with the exception of Static, the abductee kids are based off the ethnic characters that were added to Superfriends. That's kind of neat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 13, 2013, 01:49:21 pm
Kaijudo is a card game show. Those are always awful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 13, 2013, 05:05:28 pm
Kaijudo is a card game show. Those are always awful.

I don't know... Chaotic was actually pretty good.

Then it got a face lift that actually managed to make it more ugly proving that aestetics are always more important then graphics.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on January 13, 2013, 10:08:35 pm
The fiance is quite liking Avatar~

I must say they did a good deal of foreshadowing, now that I'm going through it a second time. Also Momo is horribly useless.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Furtuka on January 13, 2013, 10:23:30 pm
There were some plans for him to be Gyatso's reincarnation that were cut from the show if I remember correctly
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 14, 2013, 05:53:48 am
There were some plans for him to be Gyatso's reincarnation that were cut from the show if I remember correctly

I am glad they didn't go there... Momo didn't need to be useful he was just a pet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 14, 2013, 09:22:55 pm
Avatar is the best cartoon. This is simple fact.

Facts are actually opinions and may or may not have any basis in reality. Failure to treat the above statement as the semi-joke that it is will get you mocked without mercy. All rights reserved. Additional pseudo-legal text here. All ponies are best pony.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 14, 2013, 09:27:23 pm
Avatar is the best cartoon. This is simple fact.

Facts are actually opinions and may or may not have any basis in reality. Failure to treat the above statement as the semi-joke that it is will get you mocked without mercy. All rights reserved. Additional pseudo-legal text here. All ponies are best pony.

Of one variety.

What would be the best Drama Cartoon?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 14, 2013, 09:31:38 pm
Avatar is the best cartoon. This is simple fact.

Facts are actually opinions and may or may not have any basis in reality. Failure to treat the above statement as the semi-joke that it is will get you mocked without mercy. All rights reserved. Additional pseudo-legal text here. All ponies are best pony.

Of one variety.

What would be the best Drama Cartoon?
...Define "drama" first. Are we talking classic Shakespearean drama, or "OMG my bff unfriended me!!1!" drama?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 14, 2013, 09:34:19 pm
or "OMG my bff unfriended me!!1!" drama?

That would count. Good luck finding ones that arn't comedies though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 14, 2013, 09:38:03 pm
For the first type of drama, I would nominate Samurai Jack, if you ignore the more comedic episodes. Avatar, especially the Korra series, also had it's moments.

I can't stand the second type of "drama", so I have no suggestions for that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 14, 2013, 09:48:10 pm
For the first type of drama, I would nominate Samurai Jack, if you ignore the more comedic episodes. Avatar, especially the Korra series, also had it's moments.

I can't stand the second type of "drama", so I have no suggestions for that.

No I agree Samurai Jack certainly counts.

Now lets eliminate action from it. A show with little-no action and little-no comedic elements.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 14, 2013, 09:59:05 pm
For the first type of drama, I would nominate Samurai Jack, if you ignore the more comedic episodes. Avatar, especially the Korra series, also had it's moments.

I can't stand the second type of "drama", so I have no suggestions for that.

No I agree Samurai Jack certainly counts.

Now lets eliminate action from it. A show with little-no action and little-no comedic elements.
I can't think of anything off-hand. Just about all creative works contain either comedy or action to supplement the drama.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 14, 2013, 10:22:28 pm
Well Samurai Jack has comedy elements but it has it in low enough doses that I don't count it as a comedy. Though it is an action series.

I can think of a few series that fall within drama without heavy comedy or heavy action.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jimmy on January 15, 2013, 04:24:32 am
Well, let's look at what typical genres occur in film media. (

Now eliminate those not relevant to our discussion:


From this list we can reasonably further remove Film-Noir, War and Western too, since I doubt there's many that also cross over into western animation projects.

Now in defining "cartoon" we should also stipulate if this includes 3D computer animation or not. For this argument let's say not. Let's also say it can't be a feature length movie, only a TV series. (

I scanned through the 2010s from American and Canadian companies but didn't see much I'd consider Drama. Honestly I don't know if there's such a market within western animation. Still, there's plenty of series there I don't know, so someone else might spot one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 15, 2013, 04:45:00 am
I'll just drop it. I made a post that I'll put in spoilers but it isn't very interesting or well thought out. You can respond to it but remember that everything in there I have divorsed as my official oppinion.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Leafsnail on January 15, 2013, 07:13:13 am
I submit that the classic Disney films (eg The Lion King) would probably count as "drama".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jimmy on January 15, 2013, 02:15:57 pm
The Lion King = Hamlet. Classic Shakespeare. Specifically why I thought we could only use series, not feature length films.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Leafsnail on January 15, 2013, 02:24:08 pm
I must've forgotten about the bit at the end of the Lion King where everyone died.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Zangi on January 15, 2013, 03:01:04 pm
I must've forgotten about the bit at the end of the Lion King where everyone died.
Its the circle of life, everyone dies eventually.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Vattic on January 15, 2013, 03:35:40 pm
or "OMG my bff unfriended me!!1!" drama?

That would count. Good luck finding ones that arn't comedies though.

Both Daria and King of the Hill are comedies but I would say the drama comes first.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 15, 2013, 08:39:58 pm
The Lion King = Hamlet. Classic Shakespeare. Specifically why I thought we could only use series, not feature length films.
I'm pretty sure Hamlet didn't include anything about Hakuna Matata. Then again, it's been a few years since I read it...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: MrWiggles on January 15, 2013, 10:11:17 pm

You need comedy in every genre to regulate tension. Look at Deep Space Nine, it used light hearted episodes, to fight viewing fatigue of the audience and to rebuild tension after dramatic episodes.

The weaker elements of the Dark Knight Returns is that it doesnt have enough comedy to help break up its tension and regulate the drama.

Demanding a Drama without comedy or reclassifying a Drama as comedy because it has comedy in it, is just dumb.

Nine, that was a movie that didnt know how to use comedy to regulate tension.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 15, 2013, 10:43:03 pm
or "OMG my bff unfriended me!!1!" drama?

That would count. Good luck finding ones that arn't comedies though.

Both Daria and King of the Hill are comedies but I would say the drama comes first.

The rule of thumb that I like to employ is that it is a comedy if there is ever a comedic ending to an episode that goes against the drama, characterisation, or what have you. If the ending works only works within the confines of a comedy and isn't the exception.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Vattic on January 16, 2013, 04:01:47 am
Both Daria and King of the Hill are comedies but I would say the drama comes first.

The rule of thumb that I like to employ is that it is a comedy if there is ever a comedic ending to an episode that goes against the drama, characterisation, or what have you. If the ending works only works within the confines of a comedy and isn't the exception.
I can't think of an ending like that specifically, both series seem to have realism at heart, but there is a lot of both so my memory may be failing me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 04:16:10 am
Trust me when I say there were some really weird episodes as well as episodes where the ending was pretty much a punch line.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 16, 2013, 04:18:19 am
It's a weird divide in Western media. There are so many live action drama shows - it's pretty clear we have a huge audience for drama. Why aren't any ever animated?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Hawkfrost on January 16, 2013, 04:22:13 am

You need comedy in every genre to regulate tension. Look at Deep Space Nine, it used light hearted episodes, to fight viewing fatigue of the audience and to rebuild tension after dramatic episodes.

The weaker elements of the Dark Knight Returns is that it doesnt have enough comedy to help break up its tension and regulate the drama.

Demanding a Drama without comedy or reclassifying a Drama as comedy because it has comedy in it, is just dumb.

Nine, that was a movie that didnt know how to use comedy to regulate tension.

I don't know, sometimes I find that frustrating when they add comedic elements to a story that should not have them. Take Darker Than Black for instance. The worst part about the show and the only thing about it that is not great is the two comic relief characters randomly thrown in that break the serious tone.

It's a weird divide in Western media. There are so many live action drama shows - it's pretty clear we have a huge audience for drama. Why aren't any ever animated?

Because most North Americans consider cartoons for children and would mark it off without ever actually watching it on that basis.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 04:28:18 am
Because most North Americans consider cartoons for children and would mark it off without ever actually watching it on that basis

Ohh it is far worse. Anything with a "G" or "E" or whatever rating you use, is generally hated.

Mind you they TRIED to make adult cartoons but the only things that have ever succeeded were comedies (The Simpsons and Family guy).

Children are generally treated as both money machines and Garbage dumps. Everyone I hear "its for kids" and it isn't for REALLY young children I want to smack them. All my favorite movies and shows as a kid were generally stuff that is still considered good and great now with quite a few exceptions.

Believe it or not one of the major deciding factors for whether a cartoon gets made, well a cartoon movie, is if you can make toys out of it.

Mind you I find cartoons usually have much better pacing then adult shows. Adult shows tend to meander a lot often to build atmosphere, but that atmosphere is usually "office setting".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 16, 2013, 04:36:57 am
There are a lot of good comedies that are clearly targeted at adults. Archer and stuff. Would it really be a huge stretch to go for something similar in a different genre?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 04:38:15 am
There are a lot of good comedies that are clearly targeted at adults. Archer and stuff. Would it really be a huge stretch to go for something similar in a different genre?

ALL cartoons that are successfully marketed towards adults are Comedies... it is ONLY comedies. Period.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 16, 2013, 04:49:22 am
I know. And I was asking if it was really that hard to make a cartoon in a similar genre. I guess my wording was vague.

I'm just surprised nobody big has really seemed to want to.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 04:57:37 am
I know. And I was asking if it was really that hard to make a cartoon in a similar genre. I guess my wording was vague.

I'm just surprised nobody big has really seemed to want to.

They have, it failed badly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Leafsnail on January 16, 2013, 07:52:32 am
Because most North Americans consider cartoons for children and would mark it off without ever actually watching it on that basis.
The thing is though that there are drama series for children.  So this wouldn't fully explain it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 07:04:19 pm
Because most North Americans consider cartoons for children and would mark it off without ever actually watching it on that basis.
The thing is though that there are drama series for children.  So this wouldn't fully explain it.

I think what it is, is that Comedy is just easier to get a success when produced for children.

In all my life I have only seen one child cartoon that was almost entirely a Drama and it still had plenty of comedy, which was almost exclusively contained in the comic relief characters who would show up at least once per episode. The rest were Sitcoms (Like 6Teen) or where the comedy saturation was THICK (MLP for example even if it is a drama... it is at least sub-comedy).

Now it also lacked Action as well. In fact one character "Knew martial arts" but did not use it once through the entire series (and unfortunately yes... she was "The Asian"... and even the fans groan at it)

and better yet it WAS popular. In fact the only reason it was eventually cancelled was because the toyline failed and not the show.

But that was the 80s, the 80s had everything that we desperately don't have now. Including female oriented action shows and Adventure shows (Goodness was the original MLP crazy! Even more so then the one we got now. I'd LOVE to see them even TRY to have the Skeleton horses of death now adays). It also had some really really bad shows too (I will be the first to admit... Biker Mice from Mars was pretty cheesy and bad).

I hate that I keep mentioning Jem and the Holograms (The non-comedy drama childrens cartoon that did have comedy but not a saturation), but ever since it astounded me by not being a terrible show, like I expected it to, I've been enthralled by how it can even exist. Actually the most hillarious parts of the show IMO were not even intentional and made to get a laugh, ohh the death traps in that show.

MIND you it had plenty of other things that were steriotypical and dreadful. You know those children shows that try to teach you a lesson? Yeah... Jem did that with all the tact of a sledge hammer. Lets just say they sing TWO SONGS about reading (the same one), Three songs about charity works and being helpful, and of all these the only good "learn a lesson" song was on comming onto strong.

The thing is though that there are drama series for children

Of the ones that exist NOW and arn't action or Comedy the only ones are for REALLY young children age 1-6.


Also anyone remember the Magic Schoolbus? Honestly that was an amazing show and I think it should be institutionalised as a pernament part of television.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jervill on January 16, 2013, 07:22:49 pm
Ah yes, the Magic School Bus.  Ms. Frizzle was the best teacher ever.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Sirus on January 16, 2013, 07:23:33 pm
I prefer Bill Nye the Science Guy...but this is the animation thread :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 16, 2013, 07:27:40 pm
Ah yes, the Magic School Bus.  Ms. Frizzle was the best teacher ever.

She was a bit too manipulative for my taste.

In fact one episode I remember best of all was the episode where she brings the children's parents on one of her fieldtrips in order to discredit the children's stories or explain it in someway.

That was... kinda iffy even for Ms. Frizzle.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Leafsnail on January 16, 2013, 07:28:00 pm
Of the ones that exist NOW and arn't action or Comedy the only ones are for REALLY young children age 1-6.
I've watched a few BBC ones.  I guess they're in decline though really.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Vattic on January 17, 2013, 03:14:34 am
Trust me when I say there were some really weird episodes as well as episodes where the ending was pretty much a punch line.
Fair enough when you say weird for Daria, the musical one for a start, but having an episode end on a punch line can be fine given your criteria. I also can't see a King of the Hill episode ending with a out of character punch line. I'd like an example if you can?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 17, 2013, 05:00:03 am
Trust me when I say there were some really weird episodes as well as episodes where the ending was pretty much a punch line.
Fair enough when you say weird for Daria, the musical one for a start, but having an episode end on a punch line can be fine given your criteria. I also can't see a King of the Hill episode ending with a out of character punch line. I'd like an example if you can?

It is really hard to say given that pretty much anything can happen in King of the Hill. Hank breaking his stingy persona to do something really stupid in public? Yep that certainly happened.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Vattic on January 17, 2013, 05:11:26 am
Trust me when I say there were some really weird episodes as well as episodes where the ending was pretty much a punch line.
Fair enough when you say weird for Daria, the musical one for a start, but having an episode end on a punch line can be fine given your criteria. I also can't see a King of the Hill episode ending with a out of character punch line. I'd like an example if you can?

It is really hard to say given that pretty much anything can happen in King of the Hill. Hank breaking his stingy persona to do something really stupid in public? Yep that certainly happened.

Not really sure what you mean by stingy, must be you have a different definition. Hank does frequently feel pressured by his family to do things that are out of character but I'm not so sure that is what you mean?

Edit: You are correct when you say KotH is comedy but it is one of the closest western cartoon series I know of to drama. They dealt with mature topics and situations and, against the studios wishes, had decent character progression across episodes. I would say it was not comedy in the same vein as the Simpsons. Much drama has comedy after all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 17, 2013, 05:15:07 am
Sorry stingy isn't the best term... Overly reserved and conservative.

Anyhow there is no ending I can think of that are out of character for anyone just for a joke. I mean they have made characters dumber, smarter, more competent, and less competent depending on the episode but that is because King of the Hill is semiepisodic
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Vattic on January 17, 2013, 05:27:40 am
There really is a lack of straight up drama cartoons but I can remember a few. They do arguably stretch the definition a bit and all include action to varying extents but: Farthing Wood, Wind in the Willows, and Watership Down were all on when I was little.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: MrWiggles on January 17, 2013, 04:19:05 pm
What about American Gothic?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 17, 2013, 05:29:46 pm
There really is a lack of straight up drama cartoons but I can remember a few. They do arguably stretch the definition a bit and all include action to varying extents but: Farthing Wood, Wind in the Willows, and Watership Down were all on when I was little.

Ahh yes that was on for a bit. Watership down was soo boring! but that is to be expected out of a cartoon made to extent a plotline much further then could be withstood.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Karlito on January 17, 2013, 09:00:46 pm
This Gravity Falls flash game is surprisingly good (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on January 17, 2013, 10:41:12 pm
Indeed it is.

Ow my x button finger.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 17, 2013, 10:58:51 pm
I am still trying to find a way to the secret level if there is one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Jimmy on January 18, 2013, 03:14:32 am
This Gravity Falls flash game is surprisingly good (
They hate Australians it seems. Link redirects to the .au domain, which doesn't have that one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 18, 2013, 03:15:51 am
So I found out the animation age ghetto is alive and well in Netflix

Where any cartoon is in the childrens section UNLESS it is anime.

I wonder if the Justice League though is on the normal section. So I may have to retract this... even if I am still mad I had to go to the kids section to watch the awsome 90s xmen cartoon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on January 19, 2013, 02:43:18 pm
Grr, got all the trophies on Rumble's Revenge and got squat.

EDIT: I DID successfully glitch the game and fight two Rumbles, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: MrWiggles on January 19, 2013, 03:11:42 pm

Archer did a Bob's Burger cross over.

It made me smile and laugh greatly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Scelly9 on January 19, 2013, 04:42:50 pm

Archer did a Bob's Burger cross over.

It made me smile and laugh greatly.
Yeah, that was rather awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: kaijyuu on January 19, 2013, 08:03:49 pm
I'm just popping in to say that the old Zelda cartoon is fucking amazing. I just watched it with my fiance and her brother, and it is so paradoxically good and bad at the same time that we were laughing pretty much the entire time. Link and Zelda are both hilarious sociopaths and Ganon is so pathetic he's sympathetic.

Excuuuuse me, princess!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Furtuka on January 20, 2013, 04:25:36 pm
the end of the new Young Justice episode made me go "Oh Crap!" Also Green Beetle is awesome. That is all
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 21, 2013, 04:36:49 am
It is always weird when British Glenn Beck actually makes a few good points here and there.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Levi on January 21, 2013, 12:29:59 pm
the end of the new Young Justice episode made me go "Oh Crap!" Also Green Beetle is awesome. That is all

Agreed!  I loved the bit where impulse says "All martians love television" and the Green Beetle simply responses "Indeed!" like its an absolute truth.  :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Neonivek on January 21, 2013, 12:32:20 pm
the end of the new Young Justice episode made me go "Oh Crap!" Also Green Beetle is awesome. That is all

Agreed!  I loved the bit where impulse says "All martians love television" and the Green Beetle simply responses "Indeed!" like its an absolute truth.  :D

Too bad I know Green Beetle is evil

No I didn't read any comics... it is just obvious

Though given the sheer amount of things I can deduce it may end up in spoiler territory.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Furtuka on January 21, 2013, 12:45:42 pm
the end of the new Young Justice episode made me go "Oh Crap!" Also Green Beetle is awesome. That is all

Agreed!  I loved the bit where impulse says "All martians love television" and the Green Beetle simply responses "Indeed!" like its an absolute truth.  :D

Too bad I know Green Beetle is evil

No I didn't read any comics... it is just obvious

Though given the sheer amount of things I can deduce it may end up in spoiler territory.

He actually does not exist in the comics so it's up in the air right now. Right now I'm inclined to think he's probably good, but likely to turn out really racist once he meets M'gann
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 21, 2013, 02:11:23 pm
why does the gravity falls theme go with rap so well (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Let's Get Dangerous
Post by: Karlito on January 21, 2013, 03:25:11 pm
I wonder if someone's done it with Space Jam yet?

(Of course they have (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Scoops Novel on January 21, 2013, 03:44:00 pm
Does this fall under the purview of web-comics? If not, i vote that it's included.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 21, 2013, 03:54:51 pm
Does this fall under the purview of web-comics? If not, i vote that it's included.

Seeing how the Anime thread can be uttarly swamped with Manga and that Webcomics are not the natural extension of Cartoons like Manga and Visual novels are.

I say no.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Karlito on January 21, 2013, 03:55:45 pm
We have threads for a couple specific webcomics and there's a few general webcomic threads, they just don't tend to stay on the first page for very long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 21, 2013, 03:56:37 pm
We have threads for a couple specific webcomics and there's a few general webcomic threads, they just don't tend to stay on the first page for very long.

It is probably because Webcomics are less shared.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 21, 2013, 04:20:56 pm
Does this fall under the purview of web-comics? If not, i vote that it's included.
Naw, not really. There are a few webcomic threads already. Plus, I'm already including a lot of "western media" that's not just animation, like comic books.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 22, 2013, 01:15:36 am
Honestly I'd put down all my theories on Young Justice but I have such a strong feeling I am right... it would just hurt the experience for everyone.


On Ultimate Spiderman... I don't know why but everytime I see one of his "cool gadgets" I just groan.

Ok I NEED to know. Is ultimate Spiderman good? because frankly the conclusion I keep hitting is no. (I am serious... I want to know if I am just not getting how "hip" it is. It is one of those shows that I cannot see why it is popular, but I can see that it could be popular. Just like how 'Life with Bonnie" is the complete opposite which is that it was a show I loved but that I knew was supremely unpopular)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 26, 2013, 11:05:34 am
So thoughts on today's Young Justice Episode; First off it looks like we might be finding out how Tula died sometime soon, second Deathstroke is pretty cool, third oh noez Green messed with khaji da.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: RedWarrior0 on January 26, 2013, 12:03:25 pm
I'm just popping in to say that the old Zelda cartoon is fucking amazing. I just watched it with my fiance and her brother, and it is so paradoxically good and bad at the same time that we were laughing pretty much the entire time. Link and Zelda are both hilarious sociopaths and Ganon is so pathetic he's sympathetic.

Excuuuuse me, princess!
Might I ask where this is to be found?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 26, 2013, 01:26:43 pm
We found a DVD at Best Buy. I suppose you could find it somewhere on the internets.

I guess I should note that it's one of those shows that's a million times better when you have some friends to watch it with. Our snarky commentary was 90% of the fun.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Scelly9 on January 28, 2013, 02:00:02 am
American Dad had Patrick Stewart in it this week, and the entire episode was set in a play. Heh, it's pretty good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 28, 2013, 02:52:31 am
American Dad had Patrick Stewart in it this week, and the entire episode was set in a play. Heh, it's pretty good.

Odd given that Patric Stewart is one of its voice actors.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Jimmy on January 28, 2013, 04:43:00 am
Sir Patrick Stewart voices the regularly appearing character Avery Bullock in American Dad.

It's also hardly surprising he'd perform well in a theatre type episode, considering he performed in the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1966 to 1982.

Seriously, the man is legendary.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 28, 2013, 04:44:29 am
Sir Patrick Stewart voices the regularly appearing character Avery Bullock in American Dad.

It's also hardly surprising he'd perform well in a theatre type episode, considering he performed in the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1966 to 1982.

Seriously, the man is legendary.

I am curious though if he ended up feeling it was a good experience. Given that I hear he only did Star Trek because he thought it wouldn't last very long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 28, 2013, 09:30:54 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Sergius on January 28, 2013, 09:44:53 pm

Well, they had to make room for this:

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 28, 2013, 09:48:31 pm
Batman's head is making me want some pizza.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Tellemurius on January 28, 2013, 09:56:53 pm
In return though we get Teen Titans back!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 28, 2013, 09:58:08 pm
As a comedy show. Where everyone is chibi.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 28, 2013, 10:02:20 pm
In return though we get Teen Titans back!

Which version? A new one or a continuation?

Also yeah... that new Batman has me worried.

-Batman the animated series is just legendary and frankly amazing.
-The Batman was terrible but actually became good. It is actually the only Cartoon I ever seen that manages to make a 180 from terrible into good. (I won't lie. It did have cool action sequences). Ending with Batman Versus Dracula which manages to actually capture the sort of level of quality the animated series could muster. (Or rather... It would have been a great animated series episode too).
-The Brave and the Bold: It was campy but in many ways it managed to know exactly what made us love Batman. As well it didn't just non-stop praise him all the time as other characters would have their time in the spotlight. It was pretty good. Not as good as the animated series, but better then The Batman.

Yet this? It screams a bit too heavily of what made "The Batman" so terrible at first. An over focus on action.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Tellemurius on January 28, 2013, 10:04:31 pm
a horrible rendition of the titans as little chibi animes with focus on only comedy, take your pick.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 28, 2013, 10:05:07 pm
Aw, I really liked Young Justice.  :(  And since when was Alfred a gunslinger sidekick?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 28, 2013, 10:05:16 pm
In return though we get Teen Titans back!

Which version? A new one or a continuation?

It's the same verse and characters as the old Teen Titans show, but it's a comedy show where everyone is chibi that was created in response to the good reception of the New Teen Titans comedy shorts that aired on DC Nation
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 28, 2013, 10:07:22 pm
Just watched two episodes of Samurai Pizza Cats. I'm posting here because although it was originally an anime, it was redubbed, cut and paste, and pretty much entirely remade by a western team.

It's... horrible. A bad pun every 5 seconds. Unabashed fourth wall breaking. Literally incomprehensible audio because the voice actors are speaking too fast. And... that's pretty much it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 28, 2013, 10:08:23 pm
Soli will be somewhat cross with you if he hears that :P

Though personally I kinda liked it from what I saw on his livestream of it. He also aired the original show subbed as a comparison and it was just dull because of how generic it was. I think I read somewhere that even the producers of the original liked the dub more, but I can't seem to find the source now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 28, 2013, 10:10:43 pm
Just watched two episodes of Samurai Pizza Cats. I'm posting here because although it was originally an anime, it was redubbed, cut and paste, and pretty much entirely remade by a western team.

It's... horrible. A bad pun every 5 seconds. Unabashed fourth wall breaking. Literally incomprehensible audio because the voice actors are speaking too fast. And... that's pretty much it.

That is exactly why it is so great.

Also remember the original is bad
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: MrWiggles on January 29, 2013, 12:23:10 am

YJ is cancelled.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: NobodyPro on January 29, 2013, 12:34:40 am

YJ is cancelled.

Anyway, Adventure Time has surprised the hell out of me. I'm always surprised to see that the episodes only go for ten minutes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: MrWiggles on January 29, 2013, 12:58:29 am
Young Justice
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 29, 2013, 01:19:56 am
Young Justice is cancelled AGAIN!?!

What the heck? It was just getting good!

And yet ultimate Spiderman which is terrible... Is still around.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Powder Miner on January 29, 2013, 01:25:54 am
One of the best written cartoons I've ever seen. What are they replacing it with? More crap?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Jopax on January 29, 2013, 05:23:14 am

Seriously, did they give any reason for the cancellation? Since the show was pretty awesome and was one of the rare things that made the DC universe not seem shit, as put in the episode with the RT the older heroes are all stiff and boring while the youngsters are much more interesting to watch.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 29, 2013, 05:46:34 am
Well I havn't seen Young Justice on my Canadian Television.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 29, 2013, 07:27:24 am
They're showing it to the end of the season at least.

I think it might be because the toyline petered out a few months ago
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 30, 2013, 04:10:51 am
Just showed the fiance Legend of Korra. We finished the first series a day or two ago.

Her reaction: Much disappointment. We got a lot of snarky comments out of it, though!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Tellemurius on January 30, 2013, 10:07:57 am
its a meh but i still enjoy watching it
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Sirus on January 30, 2013, 03:51:12 pm
I kinda stopped watching superhero cartoons after the Batman and Superman animated series (that's plural series, btw, not a single series featuring both) along with Batman Beyond. They were already the best damn superhero cartoons ever, so why try the new ones?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 04:00:23 pm
I kinda stopped watching superhero cartoons after the Batman and Superman animated series (that's plural series, btw, not a single series featuring both) along with Batman Beyond. They were already the best damn superhero cartoons ever, so why try the new ones?

Different experiences, concepts, and ideas.

I mean... Neither Superman, Batman, or the Justice league ever touched the same feelings that the 90s Xmen cartoon did.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Naryar on January 30, 2013, 04:29:40 pm
Gargoyles was incredibly awesome. Very nice cast of characters, no heavy-handed moralism, full of mythology references,  probably the best western animation i've seen.

I did liked Dexter's Laboratory when I was young.

The old Golden age cartoons, mostly Hanna-Barbera stuff, are possibly the funniest cartoons I have ever seen. If I want a good laugh, I'll go watch some Tom & Jerry or Road Runner & Coyote. Never fails.

Watched a bit of Teen Titans, and it's pretty nice.

I didn't watch much of avatar : the last airbender, but just for Toph and Iroh it's worth watching. The plot isn't incredibly original, but it's nice.

The legend of Korra : very good in overall. Interesting characters, although I am a bit disappointed by the main character. Lin Beifong, however, is made of awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 04:35:08 pm
The legend of Korra : very good in overall. Interesting characters, although I am a bit disappointed by the main character. Lin Beifong, however, is made of awesome

Honestly I get the impression that the creators had a very good idea of what they wanted to do with this show... but some executives came over and went "Hey, this is too serious for kids. Make sure you soften it, maybe throw in a fart joke or two" and they had to comply.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 30, 2013, 04:40:52 pm
Legend of Korra didn't have the same charm for me.  I was kinda meh about most of it.  And the ending I hated, it reminded me of one of those dumb sitcom endings where everything is back to normal at the end of each episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 04:41:46 pm
Legend of Korra didn't have the same charm for me.  I was kinda meh about most of it.  And the ending I hated, it reminded me of one of those dumb sitcom endings where everything is back to normal at the end of each episode.

Ohh I just needed one episode to tell me it wasn't the same show as The Last Airbender.

But... I kinda think it should have went all the way. Rather then try to halfheartedly hold onto the standard.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 30, 2013, 05:00:27 pm
For those who liked Korra, could you explain why? My fiance is confused at the notion.

I found it had a few merits myself (mostly that a couple characters were alright here and there), but overall I found the writing to be terrible and the vast majority of the cast to be flat and boring. I could probably write an entire essay on how Mako's the male version of a trophy girl the hero gets at the end.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 30, 2013, 05:27:52 pm
The one thing I DID like about Korra was Korra herself.  I thought she was an interesting character, and one that had an actual personality.  It was mostly the world and plot around her I didn't care for.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 05:32:21 pm
The one thing I DID like about Korra was Korra herself.  I thought she was an interesting character, and one that had an actual personality.  It was mostly the world and plot around her I didn't care for.

What I didn't like about Korra was that... some of the other characters actually would have made the better main character.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 30, 2013, 05:46:16 pm
Really?  I can't see the Rich girl, Handsome guy, or the goofy guy as the main characters.  The goofy guy was entertaining, but I don't think he had any real depth.

At least Korra actually showed some emotion and personality.  There were bits where she was frozen with fear, frustrated, cocky, awkward and dismissive.  That kind of range generally doesn't show up in cartoons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 05:47:28 pm
What makes you think I am siding with any of the teens?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 30, 2013, 05:53:02 pm
What makes you think I am siding with any of the teens?

They got the most screentime and were most involved in the story.  I think its a natural assumption unless you are completely re-writing the show.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Zangi on January 30, 2013, 07:00:15 pm
What makes you think I am siding with any of the teens?

They got the most screentime and were most involved in the story.  I think its a natural assumption unless you are completely re-writing the show.  :)
I'd totally do that. 

*Insert more Korra bashing here.* 
Yea, it didn't catch the... magic, quite like Avatar:TLAB did.  Or maybe I'm just simply unfavorable toward American toon's 'teen' stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 30, 2013, 09:22:49 pm
The issue is that the Adults... were frankly the much better written main characters.

They DID things, they planned ahead, and they showed far more range of emotion.

I get the impression that the "Teen and Kid" aspects of the show were phoned in because they had to. It is the only way to explain the huge difference of quality.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Glowcat on January 31, 2013, 12:26:08 am
What makes you think I am siding with any of the teens?

They got the most screentime and were most involved in the story.  I think its a natural assumption unless you are completely re-writing the show.  :)
I'd totally do that. 

*Insert more Korra bashing here.* 
Yea, it didn't catch the... magic, quite like Avatar:TLAB did.  Or maybe I'm just simply unfavorable toward American toon's 'teen' stuff.

Korra wasn't terrible but I did feel it lacked some character that was found in its predecessor. It's not just the rushed ending either, but something about the character dynamics that I can't quite put my finger on. Possibly less focus on relationship drama? Better done character development? Or the awesomeness that is Toph and Iroh? I'm still not quite sure what pushed TLAB into great while Korra remains merely good in my mind.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Sirus on January 31, 2013, 12:31:31 am
Pretty sure I've said this before (seems to be a common topic here!), but I enjoyed Korra. Not as much as TLAB, but it tried some different things and I thought the characters were pretty interesting. And let's not forget
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on January 31, 2013, 04:36:16 am
but something about the character dynamics that I can't quite put my finger on. Possibly less focus on relationship drama? Better done character development? Or the awesomeness that is Toph and Iroh?

It is because all the elements are there but they never come together as a cohesive whole. They always felt like seperate elements.

It is just weak.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on January 31, 2013, 07:47:13 am
I felt like it could have been a lot better if they hadn't wasted so much time pandering to the shippers
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: RedWarrior0 on January 31, 2013, 12:15:16 pm
You know what I want? The Toph and Iroh Show. The (self-proclaimed) greatest earthbender in the world and the Dragon of the West (I think it's the west, anyways) team up for Crowning Moments both funny and awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on January 31, 2013, 02:57:00 pm
The Fiance weighs in on Korra!

Quote from: Doctus
Legend of Korra review!

I'm not going to mark spoilers since, even if you haven't seen it already and care for some reason, it's really not hard to foresee the plot twists. Like this guy ( "secretly" being evil; rather than this being a surprise, the viewer is left wondering from the moment he appears how he even got a seat on the Council in the first place. Do they have a designated Chair of Evil or something? And the leader of the evil anti-Bending group turns out to be a Bender himself, and... trust me, if you think "what is the most stupid and obvious thing to do" you'll predict 90% of the plot while watching.

The remaining 10% that's hard to foresee are the contrived coincidences. It's fine to premise a story on something unlikely happening to begin the plot, like "two young people from the Water Tribe stumble across the frozen Avatar," but using them during the story is another matter entirely. Like resolving Mako's financial problems by having a new wealthy heiress character smash into him on her motorcycle and instantly fall in love with him. (If you haven't seen the show, yes, that's a completely fair account of what actually happens.) Special mention goes to Tenzin and his family getting captured with no adequate explanation. "We saw them get away!" shouts Korra, and viewers too, but to no avail. There was apparently an off-screen contrived coincidence, which deserves some kind of medal.

Anyway, one major problem is that the characters are a lot weaker than TLAB's characters, even though both series are structured to rely on strong characters. This is partly because Legend of Korra's characters are individually less complex and interesting, but what's more important is that their relationships are simplistic or nonexistent. The entire dynamic among Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami is driven by them being romantically entangled, and two of them being brothers, and... nothing else. What does Asami think of Bolin? "He's the brother of that guy I'm in love with" is the best I can come up with; two members of the protagonist's main group don't even have a defined relationship! Contrast with the way TLAB could throw any pair of characters together and get an interesting episode, like the field trips with Zuko. The bad relationships are so bad that they even manage to mess up other things; Asami has a lot of potential as a character after she realizes her father is evil (plus the electricity glove and being able to drive a car were pretty cool), but she gets almost no further development due to all her scenes being eaten up by the unresolved romance subplots.

Strangely, there are still a few decent characters, except they get relatively little screen time and aren't used to much effect. Tenzin is kind of cool for exemplifying Air Nomad philosophy despite having a totally different personality from the ones we'd seen previously, and Lin has more character depth than most of the cast (which is admittedly not hard). Tenzin, Lin, and Pema having a (mostly) resolved love triangle is a lot more interesting than the main party's situation, too; it was something that could be brought up a few times without consuming entire episodes.

Then there's a laundry list of miscellaneous complaints that show they didn't put nearly as much effort into the setting as in TLAB.
  • Is there really no explanation for the super-bloodbending ability except "random mutation"? I thought this was Avatar, not X-Men.
  • In a world with place names like Omashu and Ba Sing Se, why the heck is the capital called Republic City? That sounds like something from a particularly stupid part of Star Wars.
  • Why is the giant Aang statue of liberty of young Aang instead of his adult form? "We have like three entire continents to rebuild from a hundred-year war, so your first task is to erect an enormous statue of me"?
  • And just how the crap do the scoring rules of pro-bending even work?
And finally, the ending. It somehow managed to exceed the rest of the already bad plot in a kind of monument to sheer badness. I had hoped, based on the actually interesting plots in TLAB, that Korra wouldn't get her other bending back, but would have grown enough as a person to appreciate how valuable her Airbending was (especially with so few Airbenders left in the world). When she contacted Aang I thought "oh, so maybe she can use his energy-bending thing in reverse to give the people who lost their bending Airbending, restoring the balance of the elements!" And then we'd get an awesome scene of the Wolfbat guy and Lin trying to learn their new Airbending. But no, instead we just undo all the consequences of the plot for poorly-explained reasons. And Tarrlok blowing up himself and his brother was not totally out-of-character, but it looked suspiciously like a way to dispose of them without making the main cast guilty of their deaths, which was completely contrary to the emphasis in the first series about how all life is valuable. Having some suggestion that they were planning to reform, like plotting a course to go on an actual hunting trip in the North together as brothers, would have been more appropriate.

I feel like I've only scratched the surface of the problems with this series, but I think that covers most of the major issues. Other than the exorbitant amount of time spent on the pro-bending arc. And the main party being uniformly stupid. And the police somehow failing to find the explosives in the most visible part of the arena. And a large standing army/navy existing despite the world allegedly being united and at peace. And...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on January 31, 2013, 03:02:44 pm
Seems about right.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 31, 2013, 03:25:26 pm
I liked the pro-bending arc. It felt like the best part of the show's more modern feel.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Glowcat on January 31, 2013, 03:33:41 pm
That was honestly a great review of the problems in the series and now that they're pointed out, yeah, I remember those things also bugging me when they happened. Especially the useless sacrifice by Lin that could've been poignant but the writers didn't want any of that.

... Now that I'm remembering this stuff I'm getting annoyed at what they did. Most of my enjoyment came from the art style, the bending part of the setting, and some decent combat scenes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Sirus on January 31, 2013, 05:23:01 pm
I'm fairly certain the statue is of a young Aang because he was young when he ended the war. It's not like they didn't have hundreds of references to work with when they started building the statue (remember the wanted posters from the first series?).

(just my minor nitpick)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Karlito on January 31, 2013, 05:29:53 pm
Mostly fair criticisms there, but despite that, Korra is at least a B-grade show. It's by no means flawless, but there's still plenty of enjoyment to be had by watching it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Sirus on January 31, 2013, 05:33:35 pm
Mostly fair criticisms there, but despite that, Korra is at least a B-grade show. It's by no means flawless, but there's still plenty of enjoyment to be had by watching it.
This is my view, basically.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 31, 2013, 05:35:31 pm
Yeah, I've had to learn to not let in-depth criticism of a show ruin my experience of it.

I've got a friend that's spent enough time on the /co/ anti-Korra circlejerk that he thinks the show is shit and the writers should all be fired. I don't like when internet discussion turns people into that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on February 01, 2013, 06:29:21 pm
Well, the way I see it is if you enjoyed something, you enjoyed it. No one can ever dispute that. If something has a horrible flaw but you didn't notice it, that's okay, for the same reasons suspension of disbelief itself is okay.

Just because you enjoyed it doesn't mean it's not flawed though. Remember though that everything is flawed (the question is just how much), and also that there's no shame in saying "yeah it had a problem, but I don't care."

The first time I watched Korra I got some enjoyment out of it, despite sort of disliking it overall. It has a few merits. It doesn't stand up to analysis though which in the end is what I personally care most about. Thus I file it into the "I was entertained" folder, which is for things that passed the time well enough but doesn't have much value past that.

The second time through I got a lot of good snark from it with the fiance :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on February 02, 2013, 10:39:16 am
Sooooo does anyone have any idea what the japanese girl was saying in todays young justice?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kerlc on February 02, 2013, 01:41:52 pm
I rather like Korra. It shows an interesting twist on the Avatar world.

Although I personally much preffer the original Avatar world. Mostly because it's not so gritty and showered with the eternal de-characterifier that is the Industrial Revolution.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 02, 2013, 07:27:41 pm
Sooooo does anyone have any idea what the japanese girl was saying in todays young justice?

Does it matter? It is cancelled! we might not even get the conclusion  :'(
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on February 02, 2013, 08:02:55 pm
Neo, they said that they will air it out until the end of the season, which they have probably prepared in advance to serve as a end to the show given that there was no confirmed 3rd season back when it started airing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 02, 2013, 10:30:29 pm
Neo, they said that they will air it out until the end of the season, which they have probably prepared in advance to serve as a end to the show given that there was no confirmed 3rd season back when it started airing.

What is weird about Young Justice is if you know the comics they are based off of... It is like they are fixing those storylines.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 03, 2013, 05:22:28 am
So Marhall Lee isn't going to be voiced by Dante Basco in the upcoming Fiona & Cake episode. I'm disappointed. I want everyone to be voiced by Dante Basco.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 03, 2013, 03:49:40 pm
Static Shock what have they done to you?

Why is it that everytime I see Static Shock outside of... Static Shock (and that JLA episode)... he is suddenly criminalistic?


No wait my mistake... he is Black Falcon, not Static Shock.

No wait my mistake again... it IS static Shock.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 03, 2013, 05:21:55 pm
All black superheroes look the same, eh?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 03, 2013, 05:35:45 pm
All black superheroes look the same, eh?

No, Black Falcon and Static Shock are very similar to eachother with the same color schemes and similar powers.

In fact if you look at the composition of the kids you will see that they were the other characters who were part of the Justice Friends where Static Shock is stepping in for Black Falcon.

Oddly enough Samurai is now a woman.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on February 03, 2013, 05:48:47 pm
You mean Black Vulcan and the Super Friends.  :P

But er, eh I don't really think of Static taking the juice can as an indicator of him being portrayed with a criminal personality given their situation prevented them from having any form of money and they were in that "what it takes to survive" state that series with teenagers on the run always seem to have.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 03, 2013, 05:52:44 pm
It is just a huge step away from his personality in Static Shock where he would have easily understood the point of Star and would have left more to get his life back then because "ohh man these guys are such meanies!".

In fact that is probably what kinda hurts it. They keep talking about how "mean" star is but they never really demonstrate it. In fact by all means their tests are rather simple and lax. The only indication is that their breaks are only 15 minutes long and they have to wake up at 5am.

Something they probably more then could have negotiated, especially since... they can't force them to take the tests and they are only being held there for protection. Protection that they can actually refuse because there is no parent or guardian forcing them there.

Actually that is something... Why didn't they just ban together to refuse the testing? Ohh yes that is right... because forced antagonism.

Honestly British Glenn Beck was right!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Furtuka on February 03, 2013, 06:01:43 pm
 The fact that except for Static all of them were runaways means that they probably don't consider the idea that authority can be reasoned with and are inclined to dislike it in the first place. Also they're teenagers, so I have doubts about their decision making abilities.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 03, 2013, 06:04:15 pm
The fact that except for Static all of them were runaways means that they probably don't consider the idea that authority can be reasoned with and are inclined to dislike it in the first place. Also they're teenagers, so I have doubts about their decision making abilities.

They are teens not mental patients.

As well the Runaways mostly did so because their families were abusive (actually... only one of them had an abusive parent, the other just wanted to meet his father who was far away from home, Static was just taking a train/bus, and the Japanese girl has absolutely no backstory or personality whatsoever).

Come to think of it... you are finding more plotholes then I am. Admittingly not on purpose but still.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on February 04, 2013, 12:09:40 pm
I thought static shock seemed about right to me.  He just wanted to get back to his family after being abducted and tortured by aliens. 
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Neonivek on February 04, 2013, 12:45:37 pm
I thought static shock seemed about right to me.  He just wanted to get back to his family after being abducted and tortured by aliens.

Which frankly brings up the excellent question of: Why couldn't he?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Levi on February 04, 2013, 01:31:05 pm
I thought static shock seemed about right to me.  He just wanted to get back to his family after being abducted and tortured by aliens.

Which frankly brings up the excellent question of: Why couldn't he?

Star Labs are jerks, thats why!  :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 04, 2013, 08:19:21 pm
Robbie's voice actor apparently does the raps. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: Jervill on February 10, 2013, 02:41:21 pm
Just as a reminder, new Gravity Falls airs this Friday. :D

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
Post by: kaijyuu on February 10, 2013, 02:42:41 pm
Just as a reminder, new Gravity Falls airs this Friday. :D

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Neonivek on February 11, 2013, 02:30:23 am
Saw the latest episode of Young Justice

It was pretty good but I can't help feeling that they are rushing events to get to where they need to at the end.

I don't know, I guess I was expecting something more grand or subtle.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Jacob/Lee on February 21, 2013, 01:41:23 am
Anyone else watched Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra? I've seen every episode of the Last Airbender, and all but the last few episodes of the Legend of Korra. Amon has some pretty sweet yet creepy phrases when said in his voice, like

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Neonivek on February 21, 2013, 01:44:13 am
Honestly Avatar has always been fuzzy on what exactly allows people to bend.

The only thing I know about this topic is that people weren't born with the ability to bend. It actually had to be learned.

It begs the question as to why people without bending cannot be initiated into bending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 21, 2013, 01:53:10 am
The newest Gravity Falls was hilarious, for anyone watching that.

Adventure Time too. It turns out Marhsall Lee's voice actor was still sweet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Remalle on February 21, 2013, 02:48:04 am
Honestly Avatar has always been fuzzy on what exactly allows people to bend.
The only thing I know about this topic is that people weren't born with the ability to bend. It actually had to be learned.
It begs the question as to why people without bending cannot be initiated into bending.
From what I understand it's a combination of spirituality and genetics.  You're either born with the capacity to bend, or you're not, but your parents are the deciding factor (for example the Air Nomads, a culture of high spirituality, had a 100% bender birth rate, and being airbenders the children were airbenders too).  When you have mixed-race pairings the children are born able to bend only one of the elements of their parents, if any (Aang and Katara had one airbending child, one waterbending child, and one non-bending child).  There's even cases in otherwise identical twins where one is a bender and one is not.
Also I've heard that there's word of god confirming Sokka had the "waterbending gene" but due to his lack of spirituality never discovered that particular talent of his.
This'll probably all be addressed in greater detail once book two of Korra ("Spirits") is out.  Sometime this year, officially, so probably in three years or so real time.

Wow, if I'd posted this anywhere else I'd look like a huge geek- well, actually, I guess I still do :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Neonivek on February 21, 2013, 03:11:54 am
My personal oppinion is that it isn't a gene at all.

It was something created by the first benders that "alligns" people at birth to certain elements.

Yet that... isn't supported

Honestly I thought that Aang's children would have ended up being able to use one of any of the four elements.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on February 21, 2013, 04:40:14 am
Doctus and I watched Boss Mabel tonight and were quite amused. A good episode that highlights Mabel and Stan's characters, along with humiliating Dipper in funny ways.

Dipper's a fine character but gets a bit too much screen time usually. It was good to see him screw up with his captured monster. My only complaint for this episode is that he defeated the monster and not Mabel at the end.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Glowcat on February 21, 2013, 04:55:19 am
Dipper's a fine character but gets a bit too much screen time usually. It was good to see him screw up with his captured monster. My only complaint for this episode is that he defeated the monster and not Mabel at the end.

That's because fighting Mabel is a losing prospect.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 21, 2013, 06:02:49 am
I think he meant Mabel should have defeated the monster.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Glowcat on February 21, 2013, 06:41:14 am
I think he meant Mabel should have defeated the monster.

Right... I uh... I knew that.  :-[
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on February 21, 2013, 11:56:48 am
I decided to watch two Animaniacs episodes this morning.
"Draculee, Dracula" was a Warners short and was hilarious watching them torment the poor guy, and they certainly got mileage out of the Pennsylvania/Transylvania gag. :D (14 minutes)
"Phranken Runt" was a Rita & Runt episode; not a bad one either.  Nothing spectacular though. (7 minutes)

"Hot, Bothered, and Bedeviled" was about the Warners visiting hell and dealing with Satan; kind of hit and miss. (7 minutes)
"Moon Over Minerva" A Minerva Mink short...just, wow.  I can't believe this episode passed the censors. (7 minutes)
"Skullhead Boneyhands"-There was one joke they could have made, and that was it.  Pretty dull. (7 minutes)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: MrWiggles on February 21, 2013, 09:00:25 pm
Honestly Avatar has always been fuzzy on what exactly allows people to bend.
The only thing I know about this topic is that people weren't born with the ability to bend. It actually had to be learned.
It begs the question as to why people without bending cannot be initiated into bending.
From what I understand it's a combination of spirituality and genetics.  You're either born with the capacity to bend, or you're not, but your parents are the deciding factor (for example the Air Nomads, a culture of high spirituality, had a 100% bender birth rate, and being airbenders the children were airbenders too).  When you have mixed-race pairings the children are born able to bend only one of the elements of their parents, if any (Aang and Katara had one airbending child, one waterbending child, and one non-bending child).  There's even cases in otherwise identical twins where one is a bender and one is not.
Also I've heard that there's word of god confirming Sokka had the "waterbending gene" but due to his lack of spirituality never discovered that particular talent of his.
This'll probably all be addressed in greater detail once book two of Korra ("Spirits") is out.  Sometime this year, officially, so probably in three years or so real time.

Wow, if I'd posted this anywhere else I'd look like a huge geek- well, actually, I guess I still do :P

That genetic thing, I think was something invented by fans through fan wank. Its a martial art with magic kabooms. There are many public schools with /open/ registration, which greatly implies that anyone and everyone can learn, though some may take longer then others. 

All of the origin of the bending, required learning it form nature, not from selective fucking.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Gravity Falls returns this week!
Post by: Glowcat on February 21, 2013, 10:52:12 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That genetic thing, I think was something invented by fans through fan wank. Its a martial art with magic kabooms. There are many public schools with /open/ registration, which greatly implies that anyone and everyone can learn, though some may take longer then others. 

All of the origin of the bending, required learning it form nature, not from selective fucking.

But that doesn't make sense, because we know that only the Avatar is able to learn all 4 elements and if it was possible to just pick up bending (without spirit intervention) we'd have seen at least some other benders practicing. Pema was also specifically hoping for a child that wouldn't be an airbender which strongly implies it's inherited. The schools would be for those with bending to improve on their natural ability.

Heck, The Legend of Korra (Season 1) focuses all around the fact that some people can bend while others cannot, so if it was some kind of skill I'd be very surprised.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on February 21, 2013, 11:10:21 pm
It is likely that once you learn bending you allign yourself to that element. That allignment which is passed onto your children.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Pnx on February 21, 2013, 11:19:45 pm
Well when Aang meets the magic turtle he learns all about spirit bending, and how "Before we bent elements, we bent spirits" and then does something to Aang which may only have been some kind of demonstration that unlocked something he could already do, but didn't know about, or may actually have bent his spirit to give him the ability to bend spirits... Which sort of implied something different to me.

So we know that the avatar is reincarnated right? It's the same spirit every time and the spirit has to pass on from the world before it can go back into it and be born into another tribe. What I was thinking is that maybe this was true for pretty much everyone... Here's my hypothetical scenario:

What if way back when in the beginning of time everyone could bend all four elements thanks to the great gods/spirits/whatever... however this proved to be a bit too much power for them, so the spirits in their great wisdom decided to limit everyone's powers to one of the four elements. But then seperating all the people into four groups drives everyone to conflict, so they create the avatar, who is supposed to be a kind of mediator between all the different benders. Time passes on and the four tribes begin to develop into unique cultures, bending passes on through reincarnation of the first people, but since there's a limited pool of bending souls, not everyone is born a bender, this might also lend some explanation to the geneology thing.
I was thinking that maybe the reason why you seem to get these strong bending families that inherit bending despite it seemingly being very random is because bending souls are all snooty and prefer ones that are genelogically more related to them, so more "pureblood" families are more likely to draw a bending soul. Whereas the peasants who seem to have less benders per capita are like that because they've intermixed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: penguinofhonor on February 22, 2013, 12:34:23 am
I think it's possible to learn bending if you're one with nature enough to bond with the animals that can bend. Humanity is too far from it now, though, so only those with a natural aptitude towards it can learn it from humans.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on February 25, 2013, 01:35:58 am
In terms of Young Justice I think my absolute favorite side character is Gordon Godfrey.

I think I am inlove with him.

I honestly thought he was supposed to be a Glenn Beck Parody at first but he makes constantly good points.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Levi on February 25, 2013, 11:12:54 am
I was happy about Godfrey ripping into the reach too.  :)  Earlier I wasn't sure if he was just a puppet of the reach, but now its confirmed that he isn't.  :)

Although he COULD still be a puppet of Lex Luthor's...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on February 25, 2013, 10:30:45 pm
I really hope that isn't the case because he just sneaks up to you as a likable character over time.

I'd hate for him to be a lacky.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on March 04, 2013, 09:23:45 pm
I finally figured out what some cartoon I loved when I was 9 or 10 was called when it was cancelled.  All I remember was loving it and it involved anthropomorphic dogs being superheroes and aired on Kids' WB.  It was apparently called Road Rovers ( and only ran for 13 episodes.  I'm probably not going to bother watching the episodes now, but still, that had been bugging me for awhile as to just what the show was called.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Aqizzar on March 04, 2013, 10:27:50 pm
I finally figured out what some cartoon I loved when I was 9 or 10 was called when it was cancelled.  All I remember was loving it and it involved anthropomorphic dogs being superheroes and aired on Kids' WB.  It was apparently called Road Rovers ( and only ran for 13 episodes.  I'm probably not going to bother watching the episodes now, but still, that had been bugging me for awhile as to just what the show was called.

Oh God, that show.  It was actually crap, but Cartoon Network fucking loved it for a good few years.

I could never figure out if the Zordon-type dude was supposed to be dead or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: MrWiggles on March 04, 2013, 10:57:50 pm
Road Rovers...

I think I've watched every episode of that show... my childhood reflection said it wasnt that bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Euld on March 05, 2013, 12:12:14 am
In terms of Young Justice I think my absolute favorite side character is Gordon Godfrey.

I think I am inlove with him.

I honestly thought he was supposed to be a Glenn Beck Parody at first but he makes constantly good points.
Godfrey is still around?  They had him for one episode in the Justice League, and he was definitely a Glenn Beck parody there.  Think the episode involved some dark crystal that took control of people who held it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on March 05, 2013, 02:23:06 am
Oddly enough even though Road Rovers is completely unrelated... it similarities to "Dog City" has often made me think that it influenced that show.

Ignoring that I didn't grow up with Road Rovers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on March 05, 2013, 03:03:32 pm
Godfrey is still around?  They had him for one episode in the Justice League, and he was definitely a Glenn Beck parody there.  Think the episode involved some dark crystal that took control of people who held it.
Ah yes, I remember that episode. It was awesome until they explained where the crystal came from (weird snake people from millions of years ago); some things are best left unexplained and mysterious, people.

Anyway yeah, he was a hilarious Glenn Beck parody there.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Shook on March 05, 2013, 03:18:14 pm
This thread reminds me... I finally managed to see an episode of Samurai Jack again, after a long time of not seeing it. It is an awesome series, a lovely blend of quirky humour and preeeeeetty intense action sometimes. There's just something about it that's really different from many other cartoons, though that possibly only includes the ones i've seen. Also it has an angry scotsman teamed up with a samurai. Can't ever go wrong with that. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Mr Space Cat on March 07, 2013, 12:05:28 am
I saw some of Phineas and Ferb the other day, it looks pretty cool. It was a/the meatloaf episode. I can understand the appeal of the show now, it reminds me of Fairly Odd Parents.

Though I must say, the rest of Disney Channel's shows are horrendous. Those "sitcoms" directed at "modern youth" are mind-numbing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2013, 12:06:44 am
I saw some of Phineas and Ferb the other day, it looks pretty cool. It was a/the meatloaf episode. I can understand the appeal of the show now, it reminds me of Fairly Odd Parents.

Though I must say, the rest of Disney Channel's shows are horrendous. Those "sitcoms" directed at "modern youth" are mind-numbing.

As someone who was once a child I have been in that situation where someone asks "What have you done this summer" and wished I could just add so much.

It is a show that really channels childhood quite well.

Note: Adventure-time doesn't channel childhood.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on March 23, 2013, 08:46:54 pm
Whelp that was the last episode of Young Justice ever and the Finale is... underwhelming and doesn't feel like it concludes much of anything and actually leaves us with more questions then answers (if you have been paying attention). It actually felt more like the lead in to "the real finale"

Don't get me wrong it was a fine ending IF there was going to be another season. yet as something meant to conclude the entire series it kinda leaves me empty.

If I am wrong and there are still 4 episodes left or something, Opps!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on March 23, 2013, 08:49:53 pm
I predict a direct-to-video movie in the works. Just because.

Teen Titans did the same thing, IIRC.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: MrWiggles on March 23, 2013, 09:50:09 pm
I predict a direct-to-video movie in the works. Just because.

Teen Titans did the same thing, IIRC.
Teen Titans in Japan wasnt meant to tie up the series as some sorta of finale, though it did provide more assurance to Robin and Starfire realtionship.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on March 24, 2013, 03:06:01 am
I predict a direct-to-video movie in the works. Just because.

Teen Titans did the same thing, IIRC.
Teen Titans in Japan wasnt meant to tie up the series as some sorta of finale, though it did provide more assurance to Robin and Starfire realtionship.
Doesn't mean they still can't have a grande finale movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on March 26, 2013, 04:12:33 pm
I recently started watching Dan Vs. ( and although I find it hilarious, I do wonder why it airs on a family oriented channel in an afternoon slot (4:30 EST).  It's currently in the Hub's superhero block between Kaijudo and Superman: TAS; and it's certainly not a superhero cartoon. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on March 26, 2013, 05:00:50 pm
Ah yes, I've seen one episode of that and it seems a very good sadistic comedy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: NobodyPro on March 26, 2013, 06:35:51 pm
It's currently in the Hub's superhero block between Kaijudo and Superman: TAS; and it's certainly not a superhero cartoon. :P
It's a supervillian cartoon. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on March 26, 2013, 09:52:51 pm
Ah yes, I've seen one episode of that and it seems a very good sadistic comedy.

Unfortunately I am reeling at the thought of this becoming popular after... hmm let me see how long it took me to dislike this: 25 seconds.

Ohh PLEASE get better show. I mean, it can't ALL be constant non-stop slapstick. (Ohh good that stops after the first minute)

Ok it gets better... My enjoyment of this show is a line with a possitive slope that intersects the X axis at 1 minute.

The line ends at around, the show is ok.

It's currently in the Hub's superhero block between Kaijudo and Superman: TAS; and it's certainly not a superhero cartoon. :P
It's a supervillian cartoon. :P

Admittingly the only other thing that approaches being a super villain cartoon I watched is "Making Fiends". There are a LOT of cartoons with characters who are villain-esk but who arn't actually outright villains.

Usually this is done by making the people they harass be bigger villains then they are.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 29, 2013, 09:22:46 pm
So the new episode of Gravity Falls got leaked (carpet diem, not the merman one), and it's pretty much perfect in every way. Favorite episode so far, definitely.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on April 08, 2013, 08:43:12 pm
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated finished airing not too long ago, and now I've seen the entire thing.

Still boggling at the ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on April 08, 2013, 08:43:43 pm
In a good way, or...?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on April 08, 2013, 08:44:44 pm
Haven't fully decided yet. Lot to love about it, but there's also a lot that makes me sit back and go: "what?"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on April 08, 2013, 09:35:50 pm
Haven't fully decided yet. Lot to love about it, but there's also a lot that makes me sit back and go: "what?"

What REALLY surprised me is that Freddy is voiced the way he is on purpose. In another episode they voice him similar to his old cartoon version.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Xantalos on April 08, 2013, 09:42:53 pm
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated finished airing not too long ago, and now I've seen the entire thing.

Still boggling at the ending.
I can agree.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on April 08, 2013, 09:50:26 pm
Started watching clips from the best Superman and Batman series. Now I really want to watch those again :/
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on April 08, 2013, 10:08:41 pm
Started watching clips from the best Superman and Batman series. Now I really want to watch those again :/

Honestly I really wish I could get super hero shows up at the same quality.

Avengers was good but it just couldn't hit those same heights.

Don't get me wrong the COOLEST western fight scene will always be the first season finale of the new Heman... DANG! (Honestly it is almost worth watching it for just that) So it isn't like nothing new can come along.

It is just, I don't know... Whenever it gets close (The Batman for example) it ends. Heck the last season of Avengers was twice as good as the last.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Ultimuh on April 15, 2013, 08:31:21 am
So I braved myself to watch first episode of MLP on some site I found.
Well.. It was ok.. I guess..
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Putnam on April 15, 2013, 08:57:21 am
Any brony would tell you that the first couple episodes are of lower quality than the rest.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on April 15, 2013, 10:17:01 am
Episodes 7 or 9 are usually where people say they really like it, and if you don't, that's fine.

Anyways, I found an episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on an old DVD...I really need to figure out what drugs the creators were on when they made it, it might actually begin to make sense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on April 15, 2013, 12:33:48 pm
Anyways, I found an episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on an old DVD...I really need to figure out what drugs the creators were on when they made it, it might actually begin to make sense.
I love that series! Especially the bizarre architecture. Sure, the series as a whole is batshit crazy, but that's part of the charm.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: i2amroy on April 16, 2013, 02:05:22 pm
Episodes 7 or 9 are usually where people say they really like it, and if you don't, that's fine.
Indeed. As with most slice-of-life type shows, the more you watch it the better it gets because you understand the characters more and can laugh at how their personalities interact.

And I finally got around to watching a few episodes of Gravity Falls, and it is awesome. :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on April 16, 2013, 03:50:54 pm
Any brony would tell you that the first couple episodes are of lower quality than the rest.

Insane is more like it...

No not for any of the ordinary reasons (Their nation is called Horse Land?) but because the immediate instinct pony's seem to have when a introverted member flies over with terrible jet lag and does a lot of work and seems to want to be left alone and rest... is to throw a roaring party.

Let me just say... Ponys are TERRIBLE people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on April 16, 2013, 04:09:29 pm
I caught a newer episode of Dan Vs. today, and it looks much better in season 2 than it did in season 1.  Well, mostly just the driving scenes were done in CGI, which didn't stick out too badly instead of poorly done flash as in S1.  Also, the movements were smoother for the characters in general.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Zangi on April 16, 2013, 05:58:18 pm
Any brony would tell you that the first couple episodes are of lower quality than the rest.

Insane is more like it...

No not for any of the ordinary reasons (Their nation is called Horse Land?) but because the immediate instinct pony's seem to have when a introverted member flies over with terrible jet lag and does a lot of work and seems to want to be left alone and rest... is to throw a roaring party.

Let me just say... Ponys are TERRIBLE people.
Well... they are Ponies after-all... not people.  As a race, on the personality charts, they have a higher average in stuff like Friendliness and Cheerfulness...  Though, the Pink one in particular is quite... immoderate among their race.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on April 16, 2013, 10:23:44 pm
not people

People doesn't mean human. Being entirely inconsiderate towards someone's feelings because of your own ego in big and elaborate ways is something they did CONSTANTLY in the first episode.

They are very malicious with their kindness.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sergius on April 17, 2013, 03:16:27 pm
The problem with FiM is that, despite the nice art style and wackiness, in the end it still suffers from the same broken aesops of old children shows: always bow to peer pressure, complainer is wrong, turn that frown upside down, if you pretend to have fun you may have some eventually, blah blah blah.

They're *slightly* updated with more modern moral standards, I guess, and it at least seems to focus more on the comical side instead of being so heavy handed. Still, any enjoyment I derived from (some episodes of) the show was despite the whole What I Learned Today shtick, not because of it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Jervill on April 17, 2013, 04:30:58 pm
I watched an episode of Sonic SatAM, and while it was certainly enjoyable, Sonic was just irritating and made me want to choke him.  It's also quite amusing thinking about the night and day difference between the dark SatAM and the insane Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, even though both aired at the same time.

Dr. Robotnik is awesome in both cartoons, despite being completely different in each iteration.  Of course, he's a lovable rrrrrapscallion no matter what he's in.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on April 19, 2013, 09:25:04 pm
Saw Kung Fu Panda 2 and to me it was a improvement over the first movie in every single way (ok, the first movie did do some things better)

Heck I like this movie didn't make Po's special power that "He is fat GET IT! FAT!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! Now he will automatically win the battle because blubber".

I also like how the prediction (A Warrior of Black and White will stand in his way) has a double meaning if you understand Yin and Yan. Heck I expected that to be explained but I guess since it is for children it would be too far above their heads to understand the idea of inner and outer mastery, of the fist and palm.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Euld on April 19, 2013, 11:30:12 pm
I watched an episode of Sonic SatAM, and while it was certainly enjoyable, Sonic was just irritating and made me want to choke him.  It's also quite amusing thinking about the night and day difference between the dark SatAM and the insane Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, even though both aired at the same time.

Dr. Robotnik is awesome in both cartoons, despite being completely different in each iteration.  Of course, he's a lovable rrrrrapscallion no matter what he's in.
Duuuude thanks for mentioning Sonic SatAM, that was the best nostalgic trip ever.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: ggamer on July 26, 2013, 03:11:05 pm
So I just finished the first season of LoK, and I am rather impressed. However, the fact that the show was originally a 12 episode miniseries is reaaaally obvious. I'm confused by where the show is going to go in the next season, but I guess i'll just have to watch to find out.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on July 26, 2013, 03:18:03 pm
LoK = Legend of Korra? Just want to make sure we're on the same page here :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: ggamer on July 26, 2013, 04:00:17 pm
yeah, i'm about to start season 2 after I get done with a few things around the house.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Levi on July 26, 2013, 04:01:19 pm
yeah, i'm about to start season 2 after I get done with a few things around the house.

Season 2 has started?!?   :o  I gotta pay better attention to these things.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 26, 2013, 04:02:00 pm
But... season two doesn't start till next month?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: ggamer on July 26, 2013, 04:07:32 pm
fuck me, so it is, I feel very silly now.

I guess I'll catch it on tv when it starts airing again. When does it start airing again anyway?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Putnam on July 26, 2013, 07:04:24 pm
next month
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on July 26, 2013, 07:07:25 pm
I'm still holding out for
But I doubt it. It's been consistently shown to be nothing but A Bad Thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: ggamer on July 26, 2013, 08:04:27 pm
What I'm worried for is that the show will not be able to come up with another suitable villain after Amon. He was much worse than Fire Lord Ozai, but i'm not sure if it'll be able to go even worse.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 26, 2013, 08:08:57 pm
From what I know about Season 2's plot, I think they'll be able to manage.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on July 26, 2013, 08:33:14 pm
From what I know about Season 2's plot, I think they'll be able to manage.

To admit there are a lot of villains who can work.

Heck I know it won't happen... but I kind of... want to see... a spirit as a villain.

Spirits REALLY are far removed from the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 26, 2013, 08:36:44 pm
...well actually... :3'


^ The thing picutred here has not been confirmed to be the villain. But the villain is known to be called the Dark Spirit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on July 26, 2013, 08:38:25 pm
Maybe. Considering how Amon turned out, I wouldn't be super surprised if the villain of Season 2 isn't whatever it appears to be at first glance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Mr Space Cat on July 26, 2013, 11:20:37 pm
That's a pretty cool flamin' chinchilla-rat they got there.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 31, 2013, 03:46:32 pm
How did it take me this long before learning a trailer  ( Book 2 came out a couple weeks ago. Wow that looks beautiful.

Also yay the knowledge owl is back.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on July 31, 2013, 04:48:58 pm
How did it take me this long before learning a trailer  ( Book 2 came out a couple weeks ago. Wow that looks beautiful.

Also yay the knowledge owl is back.

This might sound silly... but why?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 31, 2013, 04:49:59 pm
What the owl? I liked him.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sirus on July 31, 2013, 04:51:46 pm
Wan Shi Tong was awesome (and slightly terrifying). I'd like for him to make a reappearance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on July 31, 2013, 04:52:43 pm
What the owl? I liked him.

No no no no no. This isn't about like or hate. I liked the Owl...

But why is he back? Why?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Furtuka on July 31, 2013, 04:54:13 pm
The season's about the Spirits. So as shown in the trailer, Korra and Jinora go on an excursion to the Spirit World to find out what's up with the Dark Spirit. Or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2013, 02:43:21 am
I am looking into all the HORRIBLE 80s cartoons.

While there were a lot of great ones... Just like the Golden Age of Hollywood, there were a lot of duds along the great shows.

It is the only time period where children cartoons can have totally awesome villains no matter who it was aimed for.

A Show about Ponies targeted towards little girls? Arch-Wizard with undead horse army.

Though I still say the 90s was the "best" with 80s being the second best... where 2000-2010 being a slow point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: RedKing on August 01, 2013, 07:49:43 am
What?? 2000-2010 had a ton of good stuff. Dexter's Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls, etc.
Hell, that was the period of the rise of Cartoon Network from being a bunch of Hanna-Barbera reruns to producing their own shows.

I think if there's a doldrums for Western animation, it was the 1970's. WB had stopped doing Looney Tunes, Disney wasn't putting out a lot of animated material, opting instead for cornball live-action stuff like Herbie the Love Bug (although some of their films were still quite good, like The Aristocats and Winnie the Pooh). MGM was no longer doing Tom and Jerry, who showed up in the latter 70's on Hanna-Barbera as pals who went on adventures together.  ???

In unrelated news, recently plowed through the first season of Adventure Time on Netflix. The experience was not unlike being on an extended acid trip.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Dutchling on August 01, 2013, 08:22:31 am
Adventure Time is indeed awesome. Need to watch some more of that too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2013, 02:02:10 pm
Dexter's Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls

I keep forgetting about that. But when did those cartoons end?

Because if they lasted the 10 years then I'd call the 2000 period the "Growing days of Comedic Cartoons"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Sergius on August 01, 2013, 02:52:34 pm
Do the new-ish cartoons from WB, like Animaniacs, Freakazoid, DC comic stuffs, plus others like Gargoyles, etc count for the 2000's? Wait... I think Gargs were 90s... maybe the others too. I keep forgetting exactly.

ADD: I thought Megas-XLR was pretty kickass, and I also like the Fairly Oddparents, tho I think I've watched every episode already.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2013, 03:43:12 pm
like Animaniacs, Freakazoid, DC comic stuffs, plus others like Gargoyles, etc count for the 2000's?

All 90s. The only great DC show to go through to the 2000s was the JLA which was great. (There is a reason why the 90s is refered to as the Golden Age of Cartoons. You will never get a denser ball of great shows)

But frankly I could pull any great show from any age (well almost)

Megas is 2000 era
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Mr Space Cat on August 01, 2013, 07:56:53 pm
New episode of RWBY on Roosterteeth's site ( for anyone who cares. It looks like they'll be releasing a new episode every Thursday.

RWBY's got that whole anime-esque art style but technically I'd consider western animation, seeing how Roosterteeth's main building and a majority of the gang are located in Austin Texas, afaik.

Now back to the discussion on classic cartoons and stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: quinnr on August 01, 2013, 09:56:34 pm
New episode of RWBY on Roosterteeth's site ( for anyone who cares. It looks like they'll be releasing a new episode every Thursday.

RWBY's got that whole anime-esque art style but technically I'd consider western animation, seeing how Roosterteeth's main building and a majority of the gang are located in Austin Texas, afaik.

Now back to the discussion on classic cartoons and stuff.
Yay! I was wondering what day of the week this thing was going to update on, I didn't notice before. Thanks!
EDIT: Duuude, I get that you miss your friends, but things will be better for all of us if you go back to being an awesome scythe-ninja.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Putnam on August 01, 2013, 09:58:33 pm
like Animaniacs, Freakazoid, DC comic stuffs, plus others like Gargoyles, etc count for the 2000's?

All 90s. The only great DC show to go through to the 2000s was the JLA which was great. (There is a reason why the 90s is refered to as the Golden Age of Cartoons. You will never get a denser ball of great shows)

But frankly I could pull any great show from any age (well almost)

Megas is 2000 era

The '90s was the Renaissance, I'm pretty sure; golden was way back when.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on August 02, 2013, 12:25:30 pm
Every era was the best era to someone.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Shook on August 02, 2013, 02:17:14 pm
oggy and the cockroaches

Somewhat in the vein of Tom & Jerry, except the slapstick is turned up to a glorious extreme. It is, conveniently enough, also a 90's show, but supposedly it still runs to this day. I know i've praised Samurai Jack as being one of the best cartoons i've ever watched (which it still is), but Oggy and the Cockroaches is definitely up there as well. Plus, it contains a multitude of silly faces, which is always nice.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2013, 03:22:56 pm
Every era was the best era to someone.

I am fully aware of that... but there are ways to objectively look at it.

For example while there was a Golden Age of Hollywood where many of the greatest movies of all time existed. It doesn't mean that there weren't other times with great movies. As well while the Golden Age of Hollywood had many of the greatest movies it also had the single largest convalescence of terrible movies (and a LOT of them really don't hold up).

It is why I groan every time someone says that.

Since yeah sure, but no. My favorite time period for movies isn't the Golden Age of Hollywood, but even I can see why it is such.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Bouchart on August 02, 2013, 07:31:38 pm
I like the old Wile E. Coyote shorts.

That is all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2013, 07:47:21 pm
I like the old Wile E. Coyote shorts.

That is all.

Unfortunately for me I am very unresponsive to slap stick... I have no idea why but I guess it is because I grew up with bugs bunny so much that it just seems ordinary to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Why you ackin' so cray cray?
Post by: kaijyuu on August 09, 2013, 04:22:24 pm
Really really late, but just finished the first season of Gravity Falls.

The fiancee and I were very amused at
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also Stan is best character.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on August 12, 2013, 09:16:02 am
Huh... I should remember to finish watching Gravity Falls...  How far along is it anyways?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 12, 2013, 02:22:20 pm
Huh... I should remember to finish watching Gravity Falls...  How far along is it anyways?

All the floating arcs had a second run.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on August 12, 2013, 07:46:06 pm
First season ended August 2nd. 20 episodes total. For the last half or so, they were releasing a new episode like, once every three weeks so it got kinda cray cray. Episode quality went up if anything, though, so watch it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 12, 2013, 07:53:05 pm
I'm three episodes behind on Gravity Falls and seven episodes behind on Adventure Time. Which do I watch first?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on August 12, 2013, 07:55:03 pm
/me throws a vote for Gravity Falls
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Scelly9 on August 12, 2013, 07:56:21 pm
/me also throws a vote for Gravity Falls
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 12, 2013, 07:57:27 pm
Or maybe I could alternate. AT, GF, AT, AT, GF, AT, AT, GF, AT, AT seems like as good a sequence as any.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 12, 2013, 09:55:35 pm
edit: oops, didn't mean to post this
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on September 13, 2013, 06:03:57 pm
Korra book 2 is starting right now

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Remalle on September 13, 2013, 06:56:55 pm
Korra book 2 is starting right now
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on September 13, 2013, 06:59:19 pm
Oh man. Avatar is one of the few TV shows I actually get excited for these days. Hell I have the complete first series on my computer and fire up an episode or two when I feel like it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on September 13, 2013, 07:03:02 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on September 15, 2013, 08:58:26 pm
Spoiler: Korra (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on September 18, 2013, 12:40:19 pm
Ah, definitely need to watch the Korra stuff.    And... I guess Gravity Falls is coming out some time next year.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on October 13, 2013, 01:35:47 am
The last two Korra episodes have redeemed the entire season thus far in my eyes, and at least one of my complaints about season 1. Everything I wanted to happen, happened. It's amazing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on October 13, 2013, 01:40:43 am
The wife and I plan to watch the new Korra season when it's done. Our expectations are... low. But hey, it seems to be getting decent reviews so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on October 13, 2013, 01:48:23 am
In my case, I really liked most of season 1, but the end just kind of fell apart and left my expectations low. If you've got similar feelings on that, then my opinions on this season may be of relevance. The early episodes seemed to be mostly mediocre with a few one-liner gems. However, if recent developments persist instead of being obstacles to overcome... I can see this season's quality trend being the reverse of season 1. The only dark spot right now is the last 30 seconds of the last episode, which involved a fairly cliche plot twist - however, I can't quite call it contrived. I'll need to see how it plays out, what the explanation is, etc.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on October 13, 2013, 11:59:38 am
It's been a long time since I've seen this thread. A looooooong time.

I've started watching Gravity Falls again. Ironic, since I think I was the one who brought it to this thread. I don't know why, but I stopped watching at the Halloween episode, and never picked up again, until now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on October 13, 2013, 02:14:31 pm
You probably stopped watching there due to a huge hiatus between the halloween episode and the next one. After the halloween one, the release schedule was sporadic at best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on October 13, 2013, 02:21:04 pm
I saw the new Batman show and I will admit I am not exactly crazy about it.

The action is pretty bad, the investigation is bad, I HATE how everyone looks (Dear goodness Batman, why is your suit made of latex? And why are your lips so pouty?), and the very first villain they introduce is one of those lame villains that should be one offs.

Heck one scene had the worst "Enhance"... err second word... Scene I ever seen.

I am not ruling it out though. The Batman started off as a straight up action show where even the Joker was more concerned with beating batman up. Yet when it finally got going (A LOT later) it managed to be pretty good and has a excellent movie where he faces off against Dracula.

It COULD get better but I am not holding out.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on October 13, 2013, 03:33:11 pm
I really wish they went and made a Batman of Shanghai series, the short cartoon was awesome on style alone, much like Brave and the bold, since it goes with the cheesy it makes it bearable (Bman is bland otherwise most of the time, much like Superman) and actually fun for the most part.

Still can't get over Young Justice having only two seasons tho, easily the best of DC.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on October 13, 2013, 04:35:47 pm
Imma do some analysis re: recent Korra. These spoilers are, well, full of spoilers.

Spoiler: Analysis (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Shipping (Analysis) (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on November 18, 2013, 02:34:12 am
Anywa, the season finale of Korra has been released now, so. Some impressions.

Spoiler: Impressions(Spoilers) (click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 18, 2013, 02:37:21 am
I saw a few episodes of Annoying Orange (never seen it as a web series) and... I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not... but I actually like it quite a bit.

Sure, it isn't amazing, but so far I have been solidly entertained.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NobodyPro on November 18, 2013, 04:44:21 am
I saw a few episodes of Annoying Orange (never seen it as a web series) and... I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not... but I actually like it quite a bit.

Sure, it isn't amazing, but so far I have been solidly entertained.
It is, irritatingly, okay. There's worse shows on in the afternoon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 18, 2013, 10:19:23 am
Ooh, Korra is over? I guess I need to actually watch it now. I've only seen the first episode of the second season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on November 18, 2013, 10:28:54 am
The wife and I might watch the second season, just to snark at it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 18, 2013, 12:21:03 pm
I saw a few episodes of Annoying Orange (never seen it as a web series) and... I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not... but I actually like it quite a bit.

Sure, it isn't amazing, but so far I have been solidly entertained.
It is, irritatingly, okay. There's worse shows on in the afternoon.

Oddly enough, I have yet to dislike an episode.

I am honestly hoping it is legitimately good... since unlike "Life with Bonnie" where I loved it but I knew it was terrible... I can't tell if this is bad.

This might end up being one of those unironic shows I like that no one else does.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on November 18, 2013, 12:41:08 pm
Spoiler: Korra (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 19, 2013, 02:44:02 am
I am confused...

Isn't Jake's title the "Forest Prince"?

Things get confusing with titles... I think Marceline is the Vampire Queen as well.


Also read LSP's book... It is actually pretty funny (and terrible)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on November 19, 2013, 09:36:29 pm
So Princess Bubblegum true age is 827.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 19, 2013, 09:52:56 pm
So Princess Bubblegum true age is 827.

That REALLY constrains the timeline. To the extent where the Candy people only existed in 3 generations (Princess Cotton Candy, Princess Bubblegum, and The Candy People)

Or possibly 4 assuming Cotton candy princess is her grandmother... but that would only mess up the timeline more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 30, 2013, 05:45:46 am
Spoiler: Korra (click to show/hide)
This is not to be taken either way, but I just want to say that's the polar opposite opinion to every other review I've seen so far for this season. Just kind of funny, is all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, OhGodIvePostedAndNowItsInMyWatchlist
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on November 30, 2013, 11:21:17 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on November 30, 2013, 03:13:18 pm
Spoiler: Korra (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 30, 2013, 11:49:40 pm
I felt the season was pretty strong after beginnings, though it could have been so much better without the meandering first half.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on December 01, 2013, 12:33:43 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 01, 2013, 02:31:42 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Remalle on December 01, 2013, 02:46:58 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 17, 2014, 04:02:00 am
Sorry I have to comment on the ending of Mystery incorporated

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on January 17, 2014, 08:15:51 am
Yeah that's an ending that stabs your eyes out with crazy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on January 24, 2014, 07:15:18 pm
So Rick and Morty is fucking awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on March 25, 2014, 11:18:38 am
(restores the thread's Qi)

Well, last week I had a sort of Marathon viewing of Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, all 2 and half seasons, and overall I liked it. There are obvious things that make it not as cool as the movies (animation has to be cheaper and faster, so they reuse a lot of sets, overuse the boring bamboo forests and generally just place a building in the middle of a giant flat blurry dirt floor, heh. Also bye bye fur. At least some sets are nice and detailed like the village).

What irks me the most tho, is how each character has been reduced to one or two traits (Tigress grunts and is mean, Po is a slacker, annoying and cause of much property damage, basically Pauly Shore) and in fact waay off from their personality in the movies. Understandable that they need a bigger source of silly slapstick for children, considering it's a kid show where status quo is king and all that. But still... they could have focused on how they actually were instead of reducing them to TV comedy archetypes.

I still think it's pretty cool but I'm seriously thinking about most of it as Discontinuity...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: kaijyuu on March 25, 2014, 11:58:09 am
I've specifically avoided watching the TV series because I've heard nothing but bad things about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on March 25, 2014, 12:08:46 pm
The problem is that it's not bad as a TV series (probably better than a lot of TV series), it would be good in a vacuum but as part of the franchise it dumbs it down a lot. I wouldn't advise you to see it unless you can doublethink it away as some unrelated kids show... it can be a bit heartbreaking.

I had a blast overall with all the funny new villains and their hamminess, but now I think I'm going to go rewatch the movies to cleanse myself from the stupid.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 11, 2014, 11:20:08 am

The Korra Book 3 trailer is here (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: RedKing on June 11, 2014, 12:02:17 pm
Recently finished up watching the first season of the Clone Wars cartoon with my kids.

Why couldn't the writers of this have written the damn prequel movies? Soooooo much better.

Then, this past weekend my daughter and I watched Episode III. Two things I noticed:

1. Watching The Clone Wars actually made the movie better, because it filled in a lot of backstory that made certain characters' reactions seem far less arbitrary. Hayden Christensen still can't act his way out of a wet paper bag though.

2. This was like something out of Game of Thrones, because suddenly all those various throwaway Jedi characters getting massacred had names and voices and personalities and backstories.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Remalle on June 11, 2014, 01:56:46 pm
Is this the old Clone Wars or the more recent one?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: RedKing on June 11, 2014, 02:05:57 pm
The 3D one (the newer one).

It actually dealt with the politics of the Republic and showed WHY reasonable people would actually want to replace the Republic with something more effective. Also dealt with the grey morality of breeding millions of clones to be essentially property of the Republic and cannon fodder.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 11, 2014, 02:47:01 pm
My only issue with the Clone Wars cartoon is it hit "Prequel" syndrome where you already kind of know where it is going.

Part of me wanted them to change things up or even to declare the show an alternate timeline.

Prequels work in my opinion when they are about something that the original doesn't touch upon or when it is supposed to be an in depth character analysis.

That and it REALLY REALLY needed to focus on other villains after a while. It gets really tiring seeing "Count Duku Capture #28" and knowing he isn't going to stay captured or that he must win a fight because otherwise he would die.

But honestly... episode to episode the show is fine and often great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: RedKing on June 11, 2014, 03:26:42 pm
Yeah, there is that. And some of the taunting between Anakin and Grievous in the movie seemed out of place considering they'd met and fought half a dozen times or more in the series.

But overall I've been quite impressed. And I like that the focus isn't always on Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 11, 2014, 03:36:24 pm
Yeah but to admit Starwars episode 3 could just be called the "anticlimax" anyhow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2014, 01:30:44 pm
New Korra to air this Friday.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Remalle on June 23, 2014, 02:11:46 pm
New Korra to air this Friday.
Sweet, that gives me plenty of time to prepare for the disappointment.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2014, 02:27:54 pm
I have high hopes for it. They said they dropped the whole love triangle thing, there are rumors it's structured more like A:TLA, and the trailer features 1 second of old!Zuko. Also, lavabending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on June 23, 2014, 05:06:05 pm
New Korra to air this Friday.
Watching that so hard.   If I remember to.  Despite disappointment of last season.  Ready for more of it, will be pleasantly surprised if not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Azinesmul Geshud on June 23, 2014, 09:05:54 pm
I know it's been said, but I loved the WB cartoons... Earthworm Jim, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Batman. It all just oozes nostalgia from every orifice.

I remember my mother used to watch Beavis and Butthead with me occasionally. I was too young to get most of it :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2014, 09:09:56 pm
I swear if lava bending is earth bending I am going to groan.

I mean I know that mud bending was water and earth... but still
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on June 23, 2014, 10:36:13 pm
Wasn't it said somewhere by a creator during A:TLA that lava bending was Earth + Fire bending?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on June 23, 2014, 10:43:01 pm
I look forward to genuinely enjoying Korra.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2014, 10:45:31 pm
Wasn't it said somewhere by a creator during A:TLA that lava bending was Earth + Fire bending?

I swear if a Fire Bender discovers that he essentially has air bending (because... he does) I am going to start to seriously question the logic of the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2014, 10:55:29 pm
All I know is, the trailer shows lava being bent, but it doesn't show by who. Could be the Avatar, could be a firebender and and earthbender working in tandem. It does show Korra metalbending, what looks like Dai Li agents, a lady with an eye tattoo on her forehead doing the combustion man thing to cars chasing behind her, 1 second of Zuko, some spirits, the Earth Queen, and what looks like a Fire Nation city designed like the Sydney Opera House. Among other interesting things.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2014, 10:58:05 pm
Maybe they will get back into the origin of bending and why people seem to only be able to do one to possibly give way to benders who can do two.

Since frankly the series' implication was that bending wasn't an innate force but rather something that was learned and passed on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2014, 11:12:38 pm
Well, maybe the sudden influx of spirits into the world has made some things possible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 23, 2014, 11:17:47 pm
either that or the creator meant that both Earth AND Firebending works on lava.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on June 23, 2014, 11:51:00 pm
All I know is, the trailer shows lava being bent, but it doesn't show by who. Could be the Avatar, could be a firebender and and earthbender working in tandem. It does show Korra metalbending, what looks like Dai Li agents, a lady with an eye tattoo on her forehead doing the combustion man thing to cars chasing behind her, 1 second of Zuko, some spirits, the Earth Queen, and what looks like a Fire Nation city designed like the Sydney Opera House. Among other interesting things.
I really must catch up on Korra so I can watch this happening o_o

I mean, I go back and re-watch The Beach, The Runaway, and The Western Air Temple just to see Combustion Man do his thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Remalle on June 25, 2014, 01:59:48 am
I just finished rewatching the old Star Wars Clone Wars series.  There are a pair of videos on YouTube that compile both seasons into an hour-long mini-movie each, they're really good.  Remind me a lot of Samurai Jack, in fact.  Only problem: if Clone Wars covers the entire span of time from Episode II to Episode III, where the hell does the new series fit in?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on June 25, 2014, 06:36:14 pm
I just finished rewatching the old Star Wars Clone Wars series.  There are a pair of videos on YouTube that compile both seasons into an hour-long mini-movie each, they're really good.  Remind me a lot of Samurai Jack, in fact.  Only problem: if Clone Wars covers the entire span of time from Episode II to Episode III, where the hell does the new series fit in?

That series is non-canon, like literally everything else that isn't the movies and the new series.

Friggin lucasfilm ruining everyone's fun. Canon doesn't exist for nothin but religion >_<
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2014, 02:38:35 am
So watching legend of Korra

and I must say... WOW do I not understand people's dislike of the extra woman of the love triangle.

Unless she gets REALLY bland later on (or loses her personality)... so far she seems more relatable and compatible to the love interest then Korra is. If anything it feels like the relationship between him and Korra is forced.

Whelp... Now time to watch more and see exactly how bad it gets... because I assume that people who watch Legend of Korra are rational human beings and aren't just picking on this woman because "she sits between Korra and her One True Love". Also no that isn't sarcasm... I've never heard anyone say "Well it isn't like Korra really is all that likable for him". (Sadly I already know who I'd want Korra to get with... but I know it isn't going to happen because he is the Sokka replacement)

Also I love the Police Constable. I know it is silly but I always loved characters who never give into the hype, especially when it is so irrational. Like Professor Snape... I know the movies REALLY REALLY tones down Harry Potter's celebritism and thus Snape comes off as being an arse for no reason, but the books hammer it in every other scene. I just like that she isn't all "Ohhh your the Avatar WOW! Well now I am going to take your opinion over all others out of no merit of your own!" instead she is all "Well sorry, I am going to treat you like everyone else and so far you have done nothing but cause trouble and be a snot... so that is how I am going to treat you"

Also sorry it will take me a while to memorize names.

Edit: Ok I see it now... Not Isumi being "so bland why the heck does he go out with her" but in terms of DEAR GOODNESS do they concentrate on this trite love triangle. Cause... I REALLY don't care who gets together with who. There is no weight in their relationships so why is this such a big plot point?

Edit 2: Ohh now I understand the parody I've seen years earlier. It wasn't because "Korra is so great and Isumi is so nothing" it is because dear goodness does the guy NEVER EVER compliment Isumi or talk about how he likes her. Korra has somehow become a Mary Sue like character >_<
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 15, 2014, 02:55:46 am
Believe me, there are people who hate Asami for being in the way of their "One True Pair." And again, it's exactly as bad as in Harry Potter fandom. The whole triangle is somewhat poorly executed later on, though.

Speaking of Korra, third season is still going strong, and we're 5 episodes in. Already surpassed the second, which started to falter by that point plus...
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2014, 03:09:18 am
Right now my real complaint about the Love Triangle is they are trying to establish romantic relationships before we really established character or emotional stakes. Which the show focuses too much on. What, I feel, it should have focused on was trying to establish their relationships more subtly over a longer period of time.

I think the reason for this was because they honestly thought season 1 could have been their last season. So they probably hammered in, what was supposed to be over 4 seasons, into 1.

So the whole "we hate Asami" thing is pretty much isolated to the "one true pair" thing?


Also time is VERY difficult to get a grasp of in this show. In some scenes it is winter, in others it is fall, and in others still it is spring or summer... and yet the implication is all of these events have been occurring relatively close to each other.

Is Capital City have daily changing seasons or something?

My only explanation is that the show is taking place in early fall. Not enough for leaves to fall off trees, but enough that it snows at night and is warm during the day.


Ohhh my gawd... I'd TOTALLY would watch a whole episode of Nuktuk the hero of the south. I just love the camp factor.


Finished Season 2 and... I liked it.

It took a while to get going... but honestly I thought it was pretty good.

To admit I thought the complexity could have been handled better... a lot better (honestly part of me feels like this season was a third of the depth it could have had... The Spirits were handled, to admit badly to some extent.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Duuvian on July 17, 2014, 04:48:15 am
Is King Star King any good?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 17, 2014, 12:34:25 pm
Believe me, there are people who hate Asami for being in the way of their "One True Pair." And again, it's exactly as bad as in Harry Potter fandom. The whole triangle is somewhat poorly executed later on, though.

Speaking of Korra, third season is still going strong, and we're 5 episodes in. Already surpassed the second, which started to falter by that point plus...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Actually the one part I liked about it is

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


As for Star King... dunno I'll check
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Duuvian on July 18, 2014, 05:55:53 am
It's actually King Star King. Star King is apparently a Korean TV production according to Google.

I have King Star King to autorecord but other people turn the TV receiver off at night so I can't seem to capture it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on July 25, 2014, 12:45:33 am
^you guys probably want to know this if you don't
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2014, 01:00:02 am
^you guys probably want to know this if you don't

That is REALLY confusing.

Why are they putting it online... and then making a season 4? Is this essentially a TV haitus and they will put it back once season 4 is ready?

Especially since Season 3 is pretty strong... well so far... I can't say I've never seen a season of a TV show turn to garbage last second.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on July 25, 2014, 01:22:53 am
Their ratings tanked to the lowest so far and Nickelodeon seems to think it's not worth the air time anymore. And Season 4 is already done supposedly, so it's a matter of releasing existing content.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2014, 01:24:13 am
Their ratings tanked to the lowest so far and Nickelodeon seems to think it's not worth the air time anymore. And Season 4 is already done supposedly, so it's a matter of releasing existing content.

Shame, though honestly I shouldn't be surprised.

It isn't that Legend of Korra was a bad show, far from it, it is that it seemed to do everything that would make a show really unpopular as well as sort of messing with the overall adventure feeling of the show for a very modern feel. For example it has a super strong focus on continuity, it deals with older individuals and adults, and it deals with a LOT of romance subplots.

I am still REALLY glad I get season 3 and 4.

If only Young Justice got its proper ending... or Spectacular Spiderman... or a bunch of other shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 25, 2014, 01:28:36 am
Maybe the ratings have something to do with the fact that they keep changing the timeslot, didn't announce which timeslot it would be in until a week before the season aired, and keep sandwiching it between reruns of Full House? It's like they're trying to kill it...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2014, 01:29:39 am
Maybe the ratings have something to do with the fact that they keep changing the timeslot, didn't announce which timeslot it would be in until a week before the season aired, and keep sandwiching it between reruns of Full House? It's like they're trying to kill it...

They took it off the air on both my local stations pretty much IMMEDIATELY after season 1 ended. As well they don't even show Korra on Netflicks, not even the earlier seasons.

Even Adventure time lasted longer (but BOY does my station hate getting the latest episodes...) and is in fact still going.

So... no I will say that isn't the only issue.

Mind you the two stations I watch for cartoons... are kind of in the pits right now. I miss the old anime segments... they actually aired Deathnote.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on July 25, 2014, 01:38:59 am
Maybe the ratings have something to do with the fact that they keep changing the timeslot, didn't announce which timeslot it would be in until a week before the season aired, and keep sandwiching it between reruns of Full House? It's like they're trying to kill it...
So...basically they're giving it the Firefly treatment?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2014, 02:02:01 am
But it is between Full house! who doesn't like Full House the corniest show... ever

In all fairness though Korra might have been failing before that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Karlito on July 25, 2014, 09:08:05 am
That's kind of odd, considering up until now they were showing season 3 exclusively offline.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 25, 2014, 11:24:40 am
The entire thing has been a fiasco offscreen. Basically, their Spanish-language branch accidentally leaked episodes 4-6 while in the process of dubbing them, so they pushed the air date up. There was basically just a week between the official trailer and the show airing. They really should have held out and given time for the hype to build, and their further mishandling is only making things worse.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on July 25, 2014, 11:33:16 am
Maybe the ratings have something to do with the fact that they keep changing the timeslot, didn't announce which timeslot it would be in until a week before the season aired, and keep sandwiching it between reruns of Full House? It's like they're trying to kill it...
So...basically they're giving it the Firefly treatment?
Nah, Fox cut Firefly because it wasn't making enough money/ decent enough ratings.

Here they seem to insist on paying for the series, but do everything they can to make it fail.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 25, 2014, 11:36:44 am
From the very beginning, they've shot Korra in the foot. Coming off the massive success, both critically and financially of A:TLA, they only reluctantly greenlit Korra, and only as a miniseries. Then they asked for another season. Then they finally gave them 2 more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 25, 2014, 05:33:21 pm
From the very beginning, they've shot Korra in the foot. Coming off the massive success, both critically and financially of A:TLA, they only reluctantly greenlit Korra, and only as a miniseries. Then they asked for another season. Then they finally gave them 2 more.

Which of course created a problem because Season 1 was meant to stand on its own... so the series has had a problem having an overarching plot (in fact... it has none. If anything it is about "finding balance", but it has yet to complete one of these plotlines)

Making Season 1 feels almost like an introduction in the grand scheme of things.


What Adventure time is getting ANOTHER Season?

I like adventure time and everything, I like it a lot, but I honestly am starting to feel like the series really should start wrapping up the plotlines... and I do think 7 seasons is enough... MAYBE 8...

I just am worried this will become an endless series. Which I guess it can, but I'd still find it odd if they didn't finish all those loose ends by season 8... but I am hoping it will be done in season 7.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 31, 2014, 08:33:43 am
I feel like they're starting to wrap up the plotlines. Just starting.

I'm still very much enjoying the show though, and would be happy with a few more seasons before it ends.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 31, 2014, 09:45:20 am
They were, but then they started to create more drama.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mech#4 on July 31, 2014, 10:33:28 am
From what I've read on web comics, drama begets drama. You start with one character falling in love with another, than a third party appears, a forth sidles in and suddenly you have something of soap opera proportions perpetuating itself into infinity.

Or the show will continue as long as people are watching it. Either one, possibly a few other reasons as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: uber pye on July 31, 2014, 02:22:28 pm
I thought cartoon network had a 7 season cap for how long a show could go on for
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 31, 2014, 04:10:56 pm
I thought cartoon network had a 7 season cap for how long a show could go on for

That would be very arbitrary. I can't see any network doing that - why would they not renew a show for an eighth season if they're going to make money off it?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on July 31, 2014, 05:18:50 pm
I thought cartoon network had a 7 season cap for how long a show could go on for
How many seasons is DBZ? Over 10? 
Or does that cap only apply to stuff out of toonami?  Or did they cut DBZ off after the 7th?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 31, 2014, 08:10:06 pm
Disney had a 2 season cap yet some of their shows have went WAY over that. Such as Kim Possible.

Cartoon network probably has 7 season caps as a "at 7 seasons if the reception is lukewarm we should end it"

For something like Adventure time where it might still be going strong... they might extent it further.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Duuvian on August 02, 2014, 12:14:27 am
I watched King Star King, the one with Alfonso Molestro.

I liked it. It was funny. I could watch a season of it. It reminds me of Superjail except instead of excessive violence it's excessive sexual gestures and space drug use.

The waffle guy was my favorite. He doesn't even want to be there so he can run his restaurant like a normal guy, and he ends up catching an STD from Alfonso Molestro.


Ahahaha there was another one on just now. It was even better than the last one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2014, 09:14:19 am
Space Drugs? We are talking about Space Drugs in space?

Dang it! Now I wish they made another season of Dave the Barbarian.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Duuvian on August 03, 2014, 11:50:11 pm

Spoiler: Another (click to show/hide)

I don't see any .gifs on that site of one of the scenes where he smokes the space drugs and drinks space booze and then strikes a heroic pose but the pose is pretty great.

I think you can watch full episodes here

but I can't get it to work through my browser add-ons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 03, 2014, 11:55:13 pm
I found out that the Adventures of Gumball, apparently, was originally going to be an Adult Swim show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 03, 2014, 11:56:44 pm
Damn Nickelodeon and their stupid site with no search function... damn their single repeated ad and having to use slow-ass chromecast to watch their show on the widescreen...

I found out that the Adventures of Gumball, apparently, was originally going to be an Adult Swim show.
Somehow I can picture this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mesa on August 04, 2014, 06:19:07 am
Thought might as well chip in this video ( that kinda-sorta ruined by childhood because I did not realize how downright creepy that show was back in the day (and this seemed like the best thread for it).
(and surprisingly little was lost in the Polish translation...)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 04, 2014, 06:30:52 am
I am astonished Courage the Cowardly Dog didn't make you see at any point how disturbing it was. Heck Eustace dies in a few episodes and stays dead for the rest of the episode.

Though truthfully that show became harder and harder to watch because Muriel was such a kind hearted and lovable character and Eustace was just so mean to even her... that is just kind of broke my heart little by little. The sadder thing is that Muriel really loves him...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mesa on August 04, 2014, 06:43:11 am
It was creepy-ish but I didn't grasp the full image at the time. Looking back it really makes me wonder why I didn't have nightmares about this...Not even after watching the King Ramses' Curse episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 04, 2014, 07:42:37 am
If there is one thing I do like about one episode that has Muriel becoming a child again.

It is that her child self doesn't act like Muriel does.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 04, 2014, 09:51:03 am
I found out that the Adventures of Gumball, apparently, was originally going to be an Adult Swim show.
A LOT of shows on Cartoon Network, past and present, were meant to be on adult swim but ended up as kids' shows.

Unfortunately, I can't quite remember which shows were. I know Regular Show was going to be one.

Historically, the Powerpuff girls was originally going to be an adult show called the Whoopass Girls.

And that's all I can remember off the top of my head.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 06, 2014, 09:56:29 am
Hate to double post, but Gravity Falls season 2 is here.

And it's still good.

Okay, it's been here for a few days, but I only just noticed yesterday.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 06, 2014, 05:23:44 pm
I know Regular Show was going to be one

Regular show is somewhat obvious... Since right now it feels like an adult show for kids.

Hate to double post, but Gravity Falls season 2 is here.

And it's still good

I love its season opener. I mean, it is good enough to be a season finale.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mesa on August 07, 2014, 10:00:27 pm
SO I'm looking through the wikia for the Ben 10 universe and holy damn this thing is huge. Granted I've watched the first three shows when I was younger (grew old of cartoons by the time Omniverse came around, and it looks kinda disgusting, especially when it comes to some of the redesigns) and it really feels like something really big. (great way to put it, I know)

It could use an actually decent video game adaption though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 08, 2014, 12:41:25 am
All the other Ben10 series were trying trying to ride off the success of the first one. The wave eventually became nothing more than a ripple with a grand predecessor.

Hate to double post, but Gravity Falls season 2 is here.

And it's still good

I love its season opener. I mean, it is good enough to be a season finale.

Have you seen the second episode? It's also really good. Good development with the characters and the overall story. Also, once again, I question how this is considered a show for kids.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 08, 2014, 12:52:11 am
Stan gives a HUGE hint for that if you pay attention.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Karlito on August 08, 2014, 08:54:31 am
Dang, I still have to finish watching season 1.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 08, 2014, 09:35:47 am
Stan gives a HUGE hint for that if you pay attention.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 08, 2014, 09:44:07 am
Stan gives a HUGE hint for that if you pay attention.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on August 08, 2014, 07:59:45 pm
I thought cartoon network had a 7 season cap for how long a show could go on for

That would be very arbitrary. I can't see any network doing that - why would they not renew a show for an eighth season if they're going to make money off it?

I read something a while back about how TV contracts work, apparently the terms are very favorable to the networks in the short term, usually the first 4-5 years of the show, with the carrot being that the studios are promised a much bigger share of the profits if shows go longer. After that, the studios start to make real money. The networks really control the whole deal so they push these contracts that favor themselves in the short term, since they have the power to cancel the show at any time. Often it makes more financial sense (for the network, not the viewers or studios) to cancel a show near the end of this initial contract period even if it's still getting good ratings, because they can renegotiate a new contract with the same or another studio to pick up a new show for cheap.

So, it's a gamble between the networks and studios, you want your show to be so popular that they can't cancel it. "Just a little" popular doesn't cut it because they've got other studios desperate for the work with slightly shittier new shows they can replace your one with and cut costs.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 08, 2014, 08:01:38 pm
That ... that explains every terrible decision ever made in regards to TV show cancellation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 08, 2014, 08:34:12 pm
That makes me angry
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 10, 2014, 12:56:51 am
That murder-suicide at the end of season 1 is no longer the darkest thing they've shown on-screen. Holy crap, I'm scared of airbending now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 10, 2014, 12:57:43 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on August 10, 2014, 01:01:22 am

It was pretty dark. And no you don't get to find out unless you watch :I

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 10, 2014, 01:03:04 am
...I guessed that already!

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 10, 2014, 01:05:21 am

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 10, 2014, 01:12:46 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 10, 2014, 01:21:39 am
While I like the current villains of Korra... I just groan at their motivations.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 10, 2014, 01:26:26 am
Some interesting trivia about why The Last Airbender turned out so terribly. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 10, 2014, 01:27:12 am
While I like the current villains of Korra... I just groan at their motivations.
Clearly, he was avenging Bosco.

Seriously that was some cold-blooded horiffic shit and they showed it on screen in a Y7 show how awesome is that.

Some interesting trivia about why The Last Airbender turned out so terribly. (
I wholly believe executive meddling played a large role, but I'd still blame Shyamalan for a lot of other things about it, given his track record (before and since).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on August 10, 2014, 01:35:28 am
While I like the current villains of Korra... I just groan at their motivations.
Clearly, he was avenging Bosco.

Seriously that was some cold-blooded horiffic shit and they showed it on screen in a Y7 show how awesome is that.
Probably part of the reason why it is going on the internets only?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 10, 2014, 01:58:00 am
The problem with singling out one thing wrong with that movie is that... everything was wrong.

The acting was wrong, the actors was wrong, the script was wrong, the CGI was wrong, the Choreography was wrong, the direction was wrong...

Don't get me wrong I am not one of those people who was like "Kitara is white NOO!!!", I was fully willing to accept it as it is hard to find good child actors especially when you are limited to one race (or look alikes). Heck I was willing to forgive a lot with the movie because I know that the show couldn't possibly be condensed into a movie format without losing something, it had to focus. Yet UGH!

Oddly enough I thought the movie was going to take its own path separate from the show, since that was what the trailer depicted... but instead it followed the show both too much and too little.

Networks couldn't have messed over the movie on their own.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on August 12, 2014, 01:49:18 pm
Networks couldn't have messed over the movie on their own.
Its a team effort.  The first makes a move, resulting in the second following up on limited number of possible moves for a combo bonus.  Sometimes, they work together so well, that they get a high combo bonus, before one or the other drops the ball, messing up the bonus.  This gets repeated enough times to get the result we have today.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Evilsx on August 12, 2014, 11:34:52 pm
Just finish my watching of 'One piece' and right now I want to find out why so many people love 'Adventure Time' so much so could anyone tell me where I could start from because I have try starting from season one and I have no clue what is happening.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 12, 2014, 11:37:50 pm
Just finish my watching of 'One piece' and right now I want to find out why so many people love 'Adventure Time' so much so could anyone tell me where I could start from because I have try starting from season one and I have no clue what is happening.

The show is almost entirely show and not tell. You are meant to sort of piece things together without it being outright expressed (with exception) so being lost is entirely normal.

I will tell you that I didn't like Adventure time until about the end of the 3rd season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 12, 2014, 11:43:48 pm
Trust me, just keep watching and look in the background.

Recently finished watching Archer. Some really good running jokes in there, hope they do a 6th season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 13, 2014, 12:01:29 am
Trust me, just keep watching and look in the background.

Recently finished watching Archer. Some really good running jokes in there, hope they do a 6th season.

Honestly I felt like the 5th season, though I never finished it, was meant to be a sort of march to the ending.

A 6th would outright HAVE to be the last one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Evilsx on August 13, 2014, 12:10:49 am
Just finish my watching of 'One piece' and right now I want to find out why so many people love 'Adventure Time' so much so could anyone tell me where I could start from because I have try starting from season one and I have no clue what is happening.

The show is almost entirely show and not tell. You are meant to sort of piece things together without it being outright expressed (with exception) so being lost is entirely normal.

I will tell you that I didn't like Adventure time until about the end of the 3rd season.
Ok, I will try this once more, might do an log once I done an season and to see if anything changed

Edit: Planning on do an log on the pilot episode right now
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 14, 2014, 10:37:46 am
After the third new episode of Gravity Falls, I've realized that the entire season so far has been about resolving character conflicts from the first season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 15, 2014, 08:24:23 am
Honestly I am astonished with how far cartoons have gone since the 80s.

Well far in some respects and not others.


Also while I liked the 2nd episode of Gravity Falls it just felt weird as someone who went through the first season.

Its like having that one character who manages to avoid everything supernatural... and next season they are like "Sure I'll go ghost hunting with you". The last episode she was in where she was dealing with the supernatural and was aware of it, she was completely befuddled and helpless.

Third episode also had a "Its strange for anyone who watched the first season" but that is probably because it felt like a quick resolution...

I am starting to think they are just hastily running through plot points.

Mind you... Both Dekota and Dipper's Not Girlfriend were pretty stale storylines at this point but still..

Though maybe with Dekota out of the way maybe Mable will actually become a true co-star instead of it pretty much being Dipper as the main character and Mable getting the side stories and pretty much being the sidekick.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mageziya on August 15, 2014, 10:48:20 am
It all just seems to be setting the series up for some things.

That, or they just don't like dragging out character problems through multiple seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 15, 2014, 12:00:09 pm
I think it is mostly the second... Lets face it Dakota was stale pretty much the first episode she appeared in.


Also dang it Legend of Korra season 3... Your episodes so far have been consistently really good.

Also, Boomi aren't you supposed to be a legendary war general? You REALLY don't show it, even when you get the opportunity to.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 15, 2014, 01:50:08 pm
There probably haven't been that many wars.

Also, good general =/= good fighter. Maybe he's a logistical genius?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 15, 2014, 01:57:02 pm
I think Boomi is more of a unorthodox general... sort of a wild card.

Though WOW does he not show it outside exactly 1 episode.



I just realized something about the Amazing World of Gumball!

3 of the 4 movies referenced in the show... ARE REAL!!! the only fake one is Pony Tail.

Yes Alligators on a Train and the weird Panda versus rat ones are real.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on August 22, 2014, 06:52:53 pm
Still not sure what to make of the Season 3 Legend of Korra ending. The fight scenes were great, but the aftermath and the last screen was just depressing.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 22, 2014, 09:02:49 pm

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 23, 2014, 12:42:30 am
F.... Can't watch it till tomorrow. My anticipation is killing me. Haven't looked at spoilers, better not check thread 'til I see it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 23, 2014, 01:47:16 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: tuypo1 on August 23, 2014, 05:09:19 am
you know when there not forcing aesops down your throat the winx writers are darn good storytellers
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 24, 2014, 03:06:08 am
Saw the finale at last. It was really good but I'm not sure of some things.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 24, 2014, 03:30:50 am
Saw the finale at last. It was really good but I'm not sure of some things.

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Well (more Avatar spoilers)

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 24, 2014, 09:50:38 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: tuypo1 on August 24, 2014, 09:57:32 am
you know when there not forcing aesops down your throat the winx writers are darn good storytellers
i noticed they could make them anymore underdressed but instead of slowly going in the other direction they went all the way to fully clothed in 1 season
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 24, 2014, 10:08:32 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 24, 2014, 11:03:29 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 24, 2014, 11:08:27 am
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My personal opinion since they don't state it...

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 24, 2014, 01:16:52 pm
White Lotus isn't (or at least, wasn't always) solely dedicated to protecting the Avatar. As (jeong-jong?) said in A:TLA, they're a secret society dedicated to beauty, truth, order, etc.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on August 24, 2014, 01:38:09 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Karlito on August 26, 2014, 11:06:15 am
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Production on books three and four (collectively, Season 2) began at the same time, so we might see a bit more continuity between them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 15, 2014, 01:29:30 pm
Holy crap, they're pushing this franchise to a close fast. Book four premiers online in just 18 days (October 3rd).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on September 15, 2014, 03:20:38 pm
Did they stop airing Gravity Falls or something?  Cause last I checked... there ain't any new episodes....

As for Korra, the pacing has been crap and the baddies just plain dumb.  Especially the last season's group.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 15, 2014, 03:36:52 pm
Gravity falls is on a haitus for a TINY bit, but they are releasing episodes albeit slowly. Last one was Sock Opera which was rather funny.

Also yeah Season 3 started off with such promise but it just became stupid near the end and onward. Genuine threatening villain with interesting traits and gimmicks...

But ultimately they became cartoon villains.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on September 15, 2014, 03:50:12 pm
Spoiler: korra (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 15, 2014, 05:14:07 pm
A bit disappointed with the finale as well, but I still really liked this season. I think it ended with a lot of good potential for the final book. And I would disagree on the pacing (unless you're talking about the airing schedule.)

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 15, 2014, 05:34:39 pm
A bit disappointed with the finale as well, but I still really liked this season. I think it ended with a lot of good potential for the final book. And I would disagree on the pacing (unless you're talking about the airing schedule.)

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Except you know...

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 15, 2014, 05:42:29 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 15, 2014, 07:17:34 pm
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Except we are talking about places with

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 15, 2014, 07:30:24 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is definitely still watching.
Post by: Mageziya on September 20, 2014, 07:39:17 pm
And now for something completely different.

Watched the fourth episode of Gravity Falls season 2.

I'll just say this: I wasn't expecting him to return so soon.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 25, 2014, 12:58:32 am
Oddly enough the only new episode of Gravity falls I didn't like was Golf War, which is pretty much everything that could go wrong in the season in one episode.

With Sock Opera and Scary-Oke being my favorites both being hilarious AND actually advancing the story a little. If "Into my Bunker" didn't have weird sudden character development from outer space it would be one of my favorites too (to admit Scary-Oke also had weird sudden character development... but it ended too perfectly to bring me down)

Steven Universe is progressing well, sure I didn't like "Steven and the Stevens"... but the show is pretty good.

Honestly check Steven Universe out, it is surprisingly not terrible... Which I thought it would be first going through. It sort of has the adventure time-esk "If you pay close enough attention, you will know a lot more then they tell you". Though quite a bit more obvious. I won't lie there are early episodes you will dislike (I really disliked Frybo)

I am unfortunately a fan of "The Amazing World of Gumball" which I am embarrassed to admit... I also miss the character's original voice actors, even going through puberty they still had a lot of style and personality that I feel the new ones just don't match exactly (Not enough Sar in your Sarcasm!).

Adventure Time continues its odd trend of practically running through its plot points at light speed...


I actually am starting to like the 11 minute episode format if ONLY because it almost consistently doesn't waste time like a lot of shows do with the full 23 minutes.

Mind you I guess I would prefer each episode actually be two 11 minute episodes... so that there could be more consistent 2 parters.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 25, 2014, 01:03:07 am
Gumball... yeah it might be dumb, but you can't fault it for creative animation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 25, 2014, 01:04:55 am
Gumball... yeah it might be dumb, but you can't fault it for creative animation.

Favorite episodes are probably: "The Helmet" and especially "The Plan" (assuming The Plan is the one with Daniel Lenard)

Episodes I dislike the most probably: "The Allergy" (It is probably the biggest "Been there done that" episode... it feels like other episodes cobbled together... but not in a fun way) and "The Date" (Which is just joyless)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 26, 2014, 07:18:56 pm
Book Four Trailer is out. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 01, 2014, 11:10:56 am
Adult Swim, man. their trailers always make new shows look bad, but Rick and Morty was really good.

Also, that Family Guy/Simpsons thing was better than I expected.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Parsely on October 01, 2014, 11:27:20 am
Rick and Morty is pretty sweet, also I love Adventure Time.

Consider that my PTW.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 01, 2014, 11:42:19 am
It's like the crack baby of Adventure Time, Back to the Future, and Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Parsely on October 01, 2014, 11:47:22 am
Dunno about Doctor Who, but yeah it's like a sick version of Adventure Time with lots of reality shenanigans.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on October 31, 2014, 10:10:02 am
May as well bump this thread. Legend of Korra has released 5 episodes already. This season is pretty awesome.

And Kuvira is literally Darth Vader.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TamerVirus on October 31, 2014, 12:04:57 pm
Something more deep: I saw Don Hertzfeldt's Beautiful Day trilogy and found it to be one of the more profound things I have seen in recent memory

Part 1 can be seen here (

The other two parts can be found via application of Google
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 31, 2014, 12:27:43 pm
...That was... something else. Will probably require rewatching for more insight.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TamerVirus on October 31, 2014, 01:16:00 pm
...That was... something else. Will probably require rewatching for more insight.

Did you see part 2: I am so proud of you
And part 3: It's such a beautiful day?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 31, 2014, 02:54:24 pm
Not yet

And holy shit, that Korra episode. I thought shit was real before...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 31, 2014, 04:01:06 pm
I found a link to the whole thing in one youtube video. (  Beautiful. But sad.

EDIT: NVM, it was kiboshed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 07, 2014, 04:58:40 pm
Triple post. Geez, is it really this dead?

S4 is really shaping up. Varrick, you magnificent bastard.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on November 07, 2014, 05:06:45 pm
Quite nice. Also nice to have a non-card carrying villian again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on November 07, 2014, 05:10:33 pm
Triple post. Geez, is it really this dead?

S4 is really shaping up. Varrick, you magnificent bastard.

Agreed.  This season has been fantastic so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 07, 2014, 05:21:31 pm
I haven't gotten to the new Korra yet, but in the past 24 hours I've watched some other stuff.

Over the Garden Wall ( is a new Cartoon Network mini series. The main character is voiced by Elijah Wood, and it's very well made. It's airing every weekday this week and next week, but it's all available on the internet already for some reason. I recommend it!

Also Bee and Puppycat premiered yesterday with the first two non-pilot episodes. There was a bit of an art style change, but it's still great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 21, 2014, 01:43:53 pm
Did... did Varrick just make an Abridged Series of the show?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on November 21, 2014, 01:46:14 pm
Did... did Varrick just make an Abridged Series of the show?
Words cannot describe how much you've got me looking forward to seeing this now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 21, 2014, 02:02:00 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 21, 2014, 04:39:27 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on November 21, 2014, 05:14:23 pm
Was watching the episode and thinking it was kinda boring.

Then Varrick started telling the story.

And then this was a good episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on November 21, 2014, 05:31:52 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on November 21, 2014, 08:17:13 pm
This is probably the second-greatest clip episode in history, after Kill la Kill's. Between Mako getting explicitly called out for the whole two-timing thing, the first example of something I could call legitimate foreshadowing for potential Korrasami shipping (I'm not getting my hopes TOO up, but still), and Varrick being amazing, I actually enjoyed almost all of this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 21, 2014, 08:49:21 pm
Honestly I am glad Clip shows are usually so torturously boring.

Yet I liked this one.

I love how he insults one of the villains of the series for being boring. Though to admit I LOVE his Nuktuk version of himself.


*watches how to train your dragon 2*

OF COURSE the TV show of How to train your dragon which is STATED by the creators to be in canon...

Is completely contradicted by the movie.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 25, 2014, 09:48:36 pm
Wait, there was a show? Is it any good?

Also, they've moved Korra back to TV for the last half of the season vOv
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 26, 2014, 02:25:31 am
Wait, there was a show? Is it any good?

Also, they've moved Korra back to TV for the last half of the season vOv

The TV show has its moments. It has a few episodes that can kind of make you see what could have been a better show. Yet otherwise the show is often kind of boring.

Also Dang it Nick... decide... Are you going to give Legend of Korra a fair chance or are you going to screw it over?

To be fair... It didn't do very well on my local networks and frankly... that made sense to me. I remembered being bored the first few episodes as the show kind of lacked the "magic" element. So part of me always kind of wondered if Nick really screwed it over, or they are dealing with a sizable adult fanbase but low child fanbase.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on November 26, 2014, 02:42:04 pm
Also, they've moved Korra back to TV for the last half of the season vOv
Wait, what. No. No! I don't have cable television!

Unless you mean "in parallel to online", in which case carry on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on November 26, 2014, 02:54:10 pm
Wait, there was a show? Is it any good?

Also, they've moved Korra back to TV for the last half of the season vOv

The TV show has its moments. It has a few episodes that can kind of make you see what could have been a better show. Yet otherwise the show is often kind of boring.

Also Dang it Nick... decide... Are you going to give Legend of Korra a fair chance or are you going to screw it over?

To be fair... It didn't do very well on my local networks and frankly... that made sense to me. I remembered being bored the first few episodes as the show kind of lacked the "magic" element. So part of me always kind of wondered if Nick really screwed it over, or they are dealing with a sizable adult fanbase but low child fanbase.

It's either that or the other prevalent theory that the move was caused by the onscreen brutal murders in season 3 methinks. If that really was the case then it might explain why the show is being moved again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 26, 2014, 03:07:29 pm
Also, they've moved Korra back to TV for the last half of the season vOv
Wait, what. No. No! I don't have cable television!

Unless you mean "in parallel to online", in which case carry on.
It is in parallel. They're airing the first 3 eps of the season as episode 9 airs online.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 01, 2014, 02:05:53 am
Recently started watching the Boondocks, it's pretty good. As usual, Netflix only seems to have about half the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 05, 2014, 01:39:24 pm
Triple post, jeez, but...

Holy. Freaking. SHIT. Every episode is just better and better, and raises the stakes more and more. I am now very goddamn hyped for the grand finale of Korra. This shall be a conflict of epic proportions. And questions about Toph finally answered, though they're clearly saving some things for the comics.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Naryar on December 12, 2014, 06:18:05 pm
Last episode of Korra was pretty impressive.

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Also I am of very ambivalent thoughts about Kuvira. Is it me or her moral complexity seems to vary with each episode ?

let's sum it up:

-Pretty badass, also metalbending is awesome (which is a positive)
-An entirely self-made woman, which is rare in media (another positive)
-Far too much Nazi shenanigans (negative)
-More evil than pragmatic (negative)
-Conquering shit (positive. What ? Peace is boring)
-Apparently more power-hungry than pragmative (negative)
-Was put up as ambiguous at the start, then became more dog-kicking and less morally interesting as time went (negative)
-Spirit vine magitek laser railway Karl Gustavs (positive)

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So yeah, there's more positive but yet I am unconvinced. As the season went I liked her, then disliked her, then went back to neutral. I mean, I have nothing but admiration for an antagonist like Xanatos, but Kuvira...

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this must happen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 12, 2014, 06:23:24 pm
Also I am of very ambivalent thoughts about Kuvira. Is it me or her moral complexity seems to vary with each episode ?

It's kinda a running problem with the series where they have the villains sound reasonable but uncontrollably kick puppies so we know they're a bad person who needs their butt kicked.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 12, 2014, 06:31:14 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 12, 2014, 06:31:41 pm
Kuvira can be interpreted in two ways
1) Is she is a monster that needs to be stopped and everything she has done until now was just a front
2) Kuvira is meant to be a villain who progressively needs to go to further and further extremes to meet her goals. Starting off as a anti-hero and slowly progressing from anti-villain to villain to monster.

I like to think she is the second... That at one point if she stopped and went "you know what? we had enough, now lets work on fixing the earth kingdom" she would be a very effective leader.

But Given the 3rd season's villains and how they ended up... we will see.

I still don't buy the Prince as an effective leader though. I am somewhat hoping he isn't part of a "path to true kinghood" because frankly a few minor actions do not a king make.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 12, 2014, 06:36:36 pm
Well, going by the whole "learn from your enemies" thing, I think the monarchy of the Earth Kingdom will be restored, but only as a symbolic position, and they'll get a democratic government.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on December 19, 2014, 01:29:19 pm
So, Korra was good. By a wide margin, the best season of the lot - it managed not to fall in on itself toward the end like the past 3, and that makes all the difference.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Naryar on December 19, 2014, 03:23:56 pm
episode 11 thoughts:

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Pretty good overall. Kuvira actually seems more interesting when she emotes... even if she's pissed off. Especially than she is pissed off, actually.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 19, 2014, 04:02:40 pm
So, Korra was good. By a wide margin, the best season of the lot - it managed not to fall in on itself toward the end like the past 3, and that makes all the difference.

It helps that Kuvera can actually back up her goals unlike the season 3 villains and is nuanced unlike the season 2 villain... and doesn't become a weenie like the season 1 villain.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 19, 2014, 04:21:50 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Naryar on December 19, 2014, 05:02:08 pm
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that other ship tho

What, you mean
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? I felt the tingling of the ship, but nah. Not really.

Also finale was good. Both sides were tactically pretty good, Kuvira outdones herself by each moment for never being helpless and always finding a solution to the situation
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Also, now convinced by Kuvira in the finale. +1, you go girl.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 20, 2014, 04:23:21 am
Finally saw the finale, after marathonning the whole season with my friend who had been waiting to see it until it was all out. We had to skip episode 11 due to time constraints, but holy shit, that finale.

Wish I could type a long, elaborate post of spoiler discussion but in a few hours I leave for a long road trip.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 20, 2014, 04:53:59 am
No I am with you Hugo... that Finale.


The saddest thing is... that is the end of Avatar... I almost want to cry just from that...

I am not even going to put that Finale into a spoiler, it just NEEDS to be seen.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Naryar on December 20, 2014, 05:52:58 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 20, 2014, 06:19:37 am
You know the ending is good when Neonivek is speechless.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Naryar on December 20, 2014, 07:45:05 am
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I'm not fully convinced, personally. Yes, there is something deeper than with Mako and Bolin, clearly. But full-on romance ? Eh.

But I like Asami. She's the most interesting of the Korra team, I think.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 20, 2014, 10:33:15 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 20, 2014, 10:44:09 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on December 20, 2014, 11:21:15 am
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This. It was my major complaint, that they retained deniability. Still a major step up.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 20, 2014, 11:26:41 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 21, 2014, 11:15:25 pm
Season 4 was almost the perfect ending. It just needed this.

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Thank you, Internet. - Korrasami fans everywhere
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 21, 2014, 11:35:27 pm
Honestly it may surprise you to hear this but I actually prefer

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 21, 2014, 11:54:07 pm
So since it keeps coming up...

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2014, 02:13:38 am
Sorry if I can see nuance in relationships.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on December 22, 2014, 02:18:01 am
O_o That response seems uncharacteristically salty for you Neo. Is everything alright?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2014, 02:35:20 am
O_o That response seems uncharacteristically salty for you Neo. Is everything alright?

I meant that more sarcastically then it came off. Whoops
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 03:05:36 am
Well, let's throw it over another direction. Technology sure developed strangely. It's more than 3 years after the anti-bending revolution introduced dramatic technology advancements, but while the mecha tanks advanced dramatically, it appears that heavier than air flight has completely disappeared. We only ever see a few bandits using it this season, which implies that the technology has spread.

Nevertheless, from a military perspective, it's clear that the technology would be very useful. Neither side in combat has developed any effective anti-air weaponry, and I doubt that the bombs would be ineffective against the mini-mecha tanks.

While I'm willing to believe that any commercial enterprises were eliminated due to competition with airbenders willing to work for free, it's unclear why they disappeared from military purposes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2014, 03:07:42 am
Well remember that materials are different in the show then in real life.

Platinum is apparently extremely common, for example.

It is quite possible that technology advanced quickly but only in certain ways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 03:15:16 am
The point is, we were shown that the airplanes could effectively destroy an enemy fleet. Three years later, that very same fleet still exists, but the planes disappeared. The tech is known, it is used by bandits. So why did they disappear?

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on December 22, 2014, 06:23:23 am
Well remember that materials are different in the show then in real life.

Platinum is apparently extremely common, for example.

It is quite possible that technology advanced quickly but only in certain ways.
They also have better mining potential with the whole Earth Bending and BadgerMole thing...  don't really need to develop elaborate/expensive mining technology when they got those.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2014, 07:54:58 am
My other guess as to why flying ships disappeared and why bandits use them is that they became outdated probably because weapon's technology has made them near useless.

And to an extent that is true... any metal bender can take down a blimp and it is nearly impossible to stop them
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 08:22:02 am
Remember, not talking about the airships (which visibly remain in frequent use, being deployed by pretty much everyone). Talking about planes.

These are clearly not outdated.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 22, 2014, 08:24:15 am
It is possible that they are just not maneuverable enough...

Though the major reason can also be that the Avatar universe somewhat lacks the kind of weaponry a airplane would require.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 08:37:21 am
Unfortunately, they've been shown to be sufficiently maneuverable, and equipped with effective weaponry in the first and second season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 22, 2014, 08:55:04 am
Personally I wouldn't want to be in a small aircraft when going up against avatar-state airbending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on December 22, 2014, 09:04:15 am
Wouldn't want to be in one... versus any airbenders.  It may just be too easy to be blown way off course... toward a solid object. 

Though, any air force is fine as long as the enemy does not have airbenders.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 10:04:33 am
The airbenders are, by their own volition, a nation of pacifists. Obviously less so than they used to be in the past, but still.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 22, 2014, 10:35:49 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on December 22, 2014, 10:37:48 am
In this particular conflict, the airbenders are against the main antagonists.

But yea, it would stand to reason that any future conflicts without any of the airbenders taking part would do well to have an air force.  At the least, they'll develop some sort of turreted flak cannons to deal with airbenders if they do take part in a future conflict.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on December 22, 2014, 10:53:45 am
On a side note, I'm not so certain that the planes would be an inferior choice against air benders. You can put benders inside the plane, which can make those planes very versatile.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 22, 2014, 12:03:41 pm
Yeah, Mako and Bolin did some serious damage in the S2 finale while riding on the wings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on December 23, 2014, 12:40:53 am

shipping confirmed by Mike
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 05:40:07 am

shipping confirmed by Mike

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on December 23, 2014, 05:40:53 am
are you really suggesting that romantic relationships can't involve mutual respect, admiration, and family?

like, just because it's romantic don't mean it has to be all lusty
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 05:42:00 am
are you really suggesting that romantic relationships can't involve mutual respect, admiration, and family?

Depends if you watched the show or not or absorbed a few of its themes.

It isn't a show that sort of believes in whirlwind romances.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 23, 2014, 05:43:31 am
I guess Mako's mutual respect and admiration with Korra doesn't count either. Or the message about finding healthy relationships that work for all parties.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 05:44:53 am
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Not going to break my no complaining rule.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on December 23, 2014, 09:20:41 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 09:24:44 am
Spoiler: Korra (click to show/hide)

Cause otherwise it is just a switch... you just got to jiggle the handle

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Though here is another way I could interpret it.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on December 23, 2014, 10:12:16 am
There was also the longer version of how their romance developed behind the scenes from the developer perspective. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 04:05:28 pm
There was also the longer version of how their romance developed behind the scenes from the developer perspective. (

Ehh tokenism.

Go big or go home.

Making it very ambiguous, to the point where it is just friendship, because the networks won't allow it and then filling in that info after the fact hardly counts within the context of the show.

There is only one guy I like who fills in a lot of important info after the fact. The guy who writes One Piece. Mostly because he always makes up the craziest stuff for it.

Though I've long since Forgiven Kim Possible for doing it MOSTLY because while yes the "of course they are in love" aspect was forced, they actually didn't start them out as best lovers. They actually had to build up their new relationship.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on December 23, 2014, 04:16:22 pm
There was also the longer version of how their romance developed behind the scenes from the developer perspective. (

Ehh tokenism.


Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 04:18:12 pm
It is mostly towards the first link, not the one I quoted.

Unfortunately complaining rule kicks in.

So I can only state facts.

Though I do like the idea that MAYBE this will push the envelope enough (well not really because you have to read the Word of God to even know this for a fact... and accept Post show word of god canon as well) that they might change the rating system.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on December 23, 2014, 10:24:59 pm
I get the criticism about it feeling like a token addition - I, too, wish they'd actually put something definitive on-screen. But this isn't like the Dumbledore situation. We actually did have some hints in the series to suggest it was going to happen. Yeah, there's nothing that conclusively proves it, but insisting that there has to be is just drawing a little box around what you think is the Right Way to do things. Literally the only thing we were missing from a typical love story arc was the 'I love you' moment, which they could easily have slipped in at the end (that they didn't is my biggest complaint, but they definitely had enough buildup that it would've been plausible had it happened). No, there's nothing about their behavior that rules out friendship, but there's nothing that rules out romance either - there's a lot overlap there, which should be unsurprising.

Complaining that it should've ended without a romance seems equally misguided. Don't get me wrong, I'd love more stories to do that, but you can't expect every kind of progress from a single work. Getting us out of the "Which boy will Korra end up with" box is good no matter how they do it, and I'm not about about to demand every television show aimed at teenagers forgo the absolute most reliable narrative device in a coming-of-age story. Somehow, this particular objection seems to escape notice in most other shows (and I sure as hell didn't see it happen when Korra started dating Mako).

Don't get me wrong, I think it could be better, but I haven't heard any criticism so far that boils down to anything other than "I can't handle subtlety in my progressive narratives", which is absurd since the lack of it is something people have been complaining about for ages, or else "It wasn't good in the way I wanted it to be good", which is hardly a damning piece of criticism. Sure, I have absolutely no doubt that they avoided making it an explicit pairing because of a directive from on high, or else an expectation that it would be forbidden if they tried it, but I think that the work they produced was actually fine in spite of all that, at least on these terms.

Now, on a purely emotional level, I really do wish they'd have kissed on screen, but that's because it would've been more satisfying to me as a shipper (god, homestuck's influence on me will never end). But that's a different thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 10:50:43 pm
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Here is the thing about Dumbledore... It didn't matter. It didn't change the story or the narrative in any meaningful sense. Most of the backlash was because it was a piece of information that should have been included narratively.

People rightfully complained because that is bad storytelling.

As well there is a difference between ambiguous and subtle. Just watch the scene with Korra and Mako during the heat wave.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on December 23, 2014, 11:11:35 pm
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with the Dumbledore thing. It's just simply not the case here, because it clearly did affect the narrative (and it's one of the most common comparisons I see, especially by people who think they didn't go too far enough). As I've said, though, I don't buy the argument that they didn't get together at the end. Word of God changes nothing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 23, 2014, 11:14:32 pm
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with the Dumbledore thing. It's just simply not the case here, because it clearly did affect the narrative (and it's one of the most common comparisons I see, especially by people who think they didn't go too far enough). As I've said, though, I don't buy the argument that they didn't get together at the end. Word of God changes nothing.

Ultimately though it ALL hinges on ONE line.

The shipping is held together by exactly one line in the whole 4th season.

Because most of their relationship is built up, off screen with the exact nature of it never being revealed. They had about 3 personal scenes together, of which none of them were romantic in nature without any of them really trying to explore the other... In fact they specifically try to avoid talking about each other to each other.

I feel that without that one line, it would be ambiguous to you as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:17:56 pm
So I'm watching Legend of Korra now. As far as I can tell, it's about a spoiled kid joining a magician death squad to go and arrest muggles daring to oppose the current magistico-fascist regime, killing those that resist. I seriously like the guy that's supposed to be the villain a lot better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on January 02, 2015, 04:22:59 pm
They don't actually kill people.

But yeah, that's pretty much season one from an equalist perspective.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:25:46 pm
I'm fairly certain sticking someone in a block of ice for extended period of time leaves you with a corpse.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 02, 2015, 04:27:14 pm
You'd think so, but do keep in mind that this is a world that more or less operates like a fantasy RPG. People are a lot more durable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:31:24 pm
If anything, my knowledge of fantasy RPG tells me that nondescript civilians are super squashy things that need to be protected. Plus, it's much cooler if I think of them as remorselessly murdering muggles. Probably because they don't think they're people.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 02, 2015, 04:35:56 pm
So I'm watching Legend of Korra now. As far as I can tell, it's about a spoiled kid joining a magician death squad to go and arrest muggles daring to oppose the current magistico-fascist regime, killing those that resist. I seriously like the guy that's supposed to be the villain a lot better.

But the president and two out of four of his counselors (except Tenzin and what's-his-name, the braided one) are non-benders, and how exactly are muggles are mistreated by benders? Benders naturally have more possibilities, but I think rather than result in discrimination, it would result in advanced division of labor, where benders occupy profession where being a bender is vital (since there are still fewer benders that muggles), while muggles can have any of a wide variety of other professions.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on January 02, 2015, 04:39:07 pm

Season goddamn one.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:42:18 pm
Sorry, I though that my vision of things was warped enough to be left out of spoiler.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on January 02, 2015, 04:43:28 pm
The council are all benders, yes. No non-benders in leadership positions.

I was talking to Comrade P. with the spoiler thing. I don't think there's anyone else but you watching at the moment that could be spoiled in any way.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 02, 2015, 04:48:45 pm
Speaking of which, I was wondering if anyone wanted to provide input on this. ( Heavy spoilers. Yeah, I know, shameless promotion.

Sheb: How far are you? There's a really good line about that at some point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 02, 2015, 04:49:19 pm

Season goddamn one.

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Sorry, I though that my vision of things was warped enough to be left out of spoiler.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:52:33 pm
Keep in mind I'm only at Episode 8 of Season 1, so as far as possible, don't spoil me please.

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Edit: And from the look of bender when their power are taken away it's easy to see that they don't consider non-benders to be fully people.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 02, 2015, 04:55:02 pm
Keep in mind I'm only at Episode 8 of Season 1, so as far as possible, don't spoil me please.

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Well yes it is crushed, but it is pretty radical and deprives government out of potential workers in core industries.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: cerapa on January 02, 2015, 04:56:26 pm

Season goddamn one.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 02, 2015, 04:56:35 pm
Ok, I just watched
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 02, 2015, 04:58:15 pm
Not so sure the benders think of non-benders as sub-human (since non-benders have been the majority of the population for all of history, and before this show people seemed more wrapped up in ethnic/national identity) but you'd probably feel pretty crushed if someone took away an ability you'd had for your entire life (and was a sort of status symbol / part of your identity).

Ok, I just watched
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It's totally oppression. Hoo boy, Episode 8 is great, though. Just wait for that one awesome line...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 02, 2015, 05:01:21 pm
Ok, I just watched
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Okay, looks like I forget things from season one. All-seasons re-watch here I gooooo.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on January 02, 2015, 05:13:07 pm
Ok, I just watched
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on January 02, 2015, 05:15:58 pm
Yeah, it's totally oppression. While maybe not 1938 Moscow, it's certainly close to depression era United States. I like it when the villains have a point.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 02, 2015, 05:21:11 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 08:09:27 am
Ok, I just finished the whole series. (Man I should have been studying).

What's the deal with the show progressivism? I mean, apart from having a female lead character/decent female characters?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 08:13:15 am
Ok, I just finished the whole series. (Man I should have been studying).

What's the deal with the show progressivism? I mean, apart from having a female lead character/decent female characters?

They intentionally wrote it to be progressive. At least that is what the creators say, how much of that is true is beyond me, is that they honestly went out and went "ok how can we do something progressive today". Either that or they were just giving themselves congratulatory pats on the back.

Which in a rare instance it actually worked out... ignoring ratings.

Ok not that rare... but rare for a serious story.


OR do you mean with Korra being a female because believe it or not... they didn't just do that.

They actually had to do a lot of tests to make sure that a female avatar wouldn't make the show unpopular.

AS WELL it isn't unprecedented in Avatar because Kitara was one of the fan favorites and Korra actually acts a lot like her.


AS WELL the creators are actually great writing progressive plotlines and characters and are skilled in doing so.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 08:15:15 am
Well, what else did they do?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 08:17:55 am
Well, what else did they do?

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 08:21:02 am
What? Korra and

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 08:21:52 am
What? Korra and

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Yeah you got it.

It is because of one line.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 08:22:39 am
Dang, I didn't know making a progressive show was that easy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 08:24:36 am
Dang, I didn't know making a progressive show was that easy.

Well to admit I am not being fair there are exactly two lines that hint at this being the case (outside word of god)

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Don't mind me I am only bugged by word of god. (no really that is it... I thought it was actually handled very well in the actual ending, more then I make it sound)

There are some instances where I think Word of God should be quiet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on January 05, 2015, 11:14:52 am
Mind you, they are probably more afraid of the network choosing to sideline the whole thing cause the homosexuality(protect the childrens!). 
They may also already be tiptoeing the line before that?  Season 4 started airing by internets, before it was on tv if I remember right...

Personally, I'm totally fine if they had left the ending alone.  People can either assume: Best Friends Forever or will turn into romance... something left to the imagination of its fans.  Or spin-off comics(or something similar) of the adventures of Korra and Asumi in the spirit world.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 11:17:46 am
I want them to leave the ending alone, it is the superior ending that way.

Though you are right they actually couldn't have shown a kiss or clearer signs because it would make the show rating higher then their block.

Also they completed Season 4 before it was moved to the internets.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on January 05, 2015, 12:58:56 pm
Kinda weird when they can show hetero relational smooching in a kids block, but would get higher ratings for other type of relational smooching.

...  Where do I even look up this rating stuff?  My google-fu with this particular stuff is weak, so I found something on TV Tropes, 'The Hays Code' (  It seems relevant at a cursory glance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 01:03:48 pm
Looking back, the two had a fair bit of chemistry, though said chemistry wasn't necessarily romantic. Like most problems with the show, it can be fairly blamed on the network (the only problem I can think of atm that's certainly the creator's fault was insisting on the teen love triangle subplots.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 03:12:29 pm
Looking back, the two had a fair bit of chemistry, though said chemistry wasn't necessarily romantic.
Precisely this. It wasn't until we were over halfway through season 4 that I thought the shippers had any ground to stand on, and even that was due to narrative structure of a scene more than any particular quality of interaction between the two. Still, it's hardly the "out of nowhere" some critics make it out to be.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 03:28:13 pm
True, although one could discuss the interest of adding a new romance 75 seconds before the end, except maybe as a nod to the shippers. It would have been nice to actually tell something about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 05, 2015, 03:33:19 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 05, 2015, 03:44:16 pm
I don't know, I had kind of heard there was supposed to be some gay stuff, and I still manage to miss all of it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 05, 2015, 03:51:35 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 05:02:30 pm
I mean, I agree that the scenes implied romantic interest, but only retrospectively in light of the ending. But that's a legitimate way of storytelling, so it's not like that's a criticism. Surprises that shed new light on past information are kind of a staple thing in fiction. At the time they aired, though, I was pretty sure they were just signs of a close friendship (which isn't exactly contradictory since close friendship and romance have pretty significant overlaps).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:09:32 pm
iirc the author confirmed they were lesbians. I have not seen the show though. Because it's anime. This is about 'murican cartoons, wtf is this?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 05:10:42 pm
It's an American show, you see. Although it is animated in Korea, IIRC.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:11:28 pm
It's an American show, you see. Although it is animated in Korea, IIRC.

all american shows are animated in korea, even the simpsons. But it is still anime. It's that style and such. It is anathema to american cartoons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 05, 2015, 05:12:55 pm
It's an American show, you see. Although it is animated in Korea, IIRC.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 05:14:59 pm
A lot of American cartoons are animated in Korea.

It's an American show, you see. Although it is animated in Korea, IIRC.

all american shows are animated in korea, even the simpsons. But it is still anime. It's that style and such. It is anathema to american cartoons.
Anime fans for some reason seem to get pissed when people say Avatar is anime. I guess there's some strict definition that it has to be produced in Japan.

And, since the people that produce the show operate in America, and so do the people that came up with the ideas/scripts/etc, it counts as American.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:16:28 pm
well as an anti-anime american cartoon fan I consider avatar anime, and a half-breed at best.

Although Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, and I guess a few other animes were okay. But most of them are rape-y and awful.

Or maybe I just saw too much urotsuki doji and dragon pink.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 05:24:52 pm
Can confirm that Avatar is neither rapey nor awful. And it's style has the more complete talking animation of western stuff, rather than the 2-frame mouth-flapping (which is one of the things that bugs me in Anime).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 05:26:37 pm
But most of them are rape-y and awful.
Wow. That's... uh... not really accurate at all, provided you stay out of the intentionally-perverted genres.

... And your two examples are apparently porn, so okay there's your first problem. Japanese porn is no more progressive than Western porn, although its dehumanizing quirks are different ones.

Avatar is significantly better at this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 05, 2015, 05:31:11 pm
Is that some weird cartoon racism I see?

I used to have prejudice about anime, but now I don't really care if cartoon I'm watching is anime or not. All that matters is whether I like what I'm watching or I don't. Both Last Airbender and Legend of Korra were good shows.

Also I read somewhere that the whole animator crew were forced to watch whole anime titles of Cowboy Bebop-tier while working on Last Airbender exactly to make it look like anime. But that's probably not true.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:34:21 pm
Is that some weird cartoon racism I see?

I used to have prejudice about anime, but now I don't really care if cartoon I'm watching is anime or not. Both Last Airbender and Legend of Korra were good shows.

Also I read somewhere that the whole animator crew were forced to watch whole anime titles of Cowboy Bebop-tier while working on Last Airbender exactly to make it look like anime. But that's probably not true.

no it's not racism. Not liking a style of animation does not equate to racism. I do not not like anime because it is made by the Japanese, I do not like anime because it sucks and has terrible depictions of women. But mostly because the artstyle is dull as all hell.

Also the urotsuki doji and dragon pink comment was a joke, of course they are porn. The creator of urotsuki doji says he used tentacles (and apparently other than traditional japanese art, this was one of the first uses) because he was forbidden from drawing penises.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 05, 2015, 05:37:16 pm
Okay, I see your point now. You should probably watch more Ghibli creations.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on January 05, 2015, 05:46:21 pm
Still hating on a subset of animation.  Its discrimination I tell ya.

*Throws in more words about this being a Western toon, mainly highlighting the fact that creators/team behind this is Western, despite the fact that the animation is more on par with what is considered anime.*
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 05, 2015, 05:52:09 pm
no it's not racism. Not liking a style of animation does not equate to racism. I do not not like anime because it is made by the Japanese, I do not like anime because it sucks and has terrible depictions of women. But mostly because the artstyle is dull as all hell.

i don't like webcomics because they suck and have terrible depictions of women. but mostly because the artstyle is dull as all hell.

it's just as valid a statement because both mediums are varied
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 05:54:50 pm
Plus, again, Avatar isn't anime. And its depictions of women are pretty good, too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:55:33 pm
discriminatory? yes. Racist? no.

I do not perceive much variation from one anime to the next, and the artstyle feels like a different take on things by the same artist ad nauseum.

And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 05, 2015, 05:58:13 pm
And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.

are you serious

you don't even watch anime, you cannot make statements like that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 05:59:32 pm
And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.

are you serious

you don't even watch anime, you cannot make statements like that.

I used to devour anime, actually. I still have LaBlue Girl on video around here somewhere.

Actually, I probably have quite a few (not just porn) on vhs in storage
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 06:01:09 pm
On subject of actual Anime, that sounds about true for media in general (and having not seen much but done a research paper that involved Anime, it seems to be prevalent there). But I'd highly recommend Ghibli if you're looking for positive depictions of women.

On the subject of Avatar, several arse-kicking non-sexualized female characters who get a ton of development, as well as perhaps one of the best female villains of all time. And the style is more different than you'd think at first glance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on January 05, 2015, 06:02:44 pm
And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.

are you serious

you don't even watch anime, you cannot make statements like that.

I used to devour anime, actually. I still have LaBlue Girl on video around here somewhere.

Actually, I probably have quite a few (not just porn) on vhs in storage

Could you please give non porn examples, it's not really helping your credibility here.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 05, 2015, 06:03:24 pm
Plus, that statement is patently false. The way it's worded means even one counterexample means it's wrong, and Ghibli has multiple.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 05, 2015, 06:05:27 pm
And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.

Go watch Ghibli creations , as of now. It was Ghibli studio who brought you Grave of the Fireflies. They make movies that good on regular basis.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 06:06:24 pm
this was a really long time ago, and most of them had a japanese names. Umm have you heard of Team Clamp? I liked a lot of their stuff. I actually still rather think Death Note was good and would have enjoyed the live action movies if I hadn't had to sit through the first one with preteen girls screaming every time light came on screen. There was also... god this was so long ago I can't even remember any of it. None of it really stuck in my brain because it was ultimately more of the same, except the very first ones I watched, Akira and Grave of the Fireflies. I think that's the problem, there is nothing that stands out about any one particular anime.

edit: I said "a lot of" more than one example is required for it to be false.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 05, 2015, 06:13:03 pm
Okay now, back to western animation. What is Gravity Falls like? If it is similiar to any show, please name it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 06:15:28 pm
I've heard it's pretty good. Only seen the first 5 or so episodes but after the Doug Walker vlogs on them this month I feel like tracking down more of it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 05, 2015, 06:18:05 pm
One of the Homestar Runner brothers (Matt Chapman) was involved with it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on January 05, 2015, 06:26:22 pm
What about the blushing? Wasn't there some obvious blushing somewhere?

I might just be underestimating my shipping tendencies.

There were plenty of signs that don't fit what people in... let's say mainstream relationships aren't prepared to detect.

But it started being a thing that looked like more than just teasing between Seasons 3 and 4 (with a few scenes building it up in 3).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 06:28:58 pm
So did someone say Nickelodeon pulled those episodes or what?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 06:30:19 pm
Nah, Nick pulled the entire show off the air and moved it to online hosting due to their bungling with Season 3.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 08:57:56 pm
discriminatory? yes. Racist? no.

I do not perceive much variation from one anime to the next, and the artstyle feels like a different take on things by the same artist ad nauseum.

And I think it is safe to say that a lot of anime depicts women horribly. They definitely fall into an always passive/submissive role.

What!?! Wait WHAT!?! *Checks the thread topic* DANG I can't retort this is the western animation thread.

Also western animation also depicts women horribly anyhow :P

Assuming this is the same "West" that created Sky from Carl Squared... Who is the typical "Unpleasable Girlfriend" archtype.


What about the blushing? Wasn't there some obvious blushing somewhere?

I might just be underestimating my shipping tendencies.

There were plenty of signs that don't fit what people in... let's say mainstream relationships aren't prepared to detect.

But it started being a thing that looked like more than just teasing between Seasons 3 and 4 (with a few scenes building it up in 3).

No, I watched the entire thing carefully. They couldn't do any real signs because that would have affected the ratings. All the "Hints" were things that she would have done without any romance involved.

And this is also Legend of Korra... They don't do "Subtle" Romance.

Though given that it was the best handled Romance on the entire show ANYHOW because the series does nothing but romance tumors.

Baolin's second romance being the WORST romance type that PLAGUES western animation... the "Unpleasable Girlfriend you have to change yourself to please her and do everything in your power to do things for" Girlfriend and I honestly don't dislike her character but I dislike her so immensely whenever they are coupled together.

Seriously Baolin's FIRST romance was better handled because at least in that they later reveal that Baolin actually liked the way he was treated, he just was too scared to admit he was in love even to himself.

Ohh look Baolin didn't have to prove himself to his first romance either, he never had to do tests of loyalty, and they were actually shown to enjoy spending time together.

And no I didn't want him to end up with either of them... But when the joke romance that made Baolin so unhappy ends up being the superior romance go back to the writing board.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:07:07 pm
I've always been confused by the anger of otakus over people not liking anime and criticizing it.

If someone tells me the Simpsons sucks, I don't freak out, I go "okay". If someone says american cartoons suck it doesn't bother me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 09:09:10 pm
Yeah, but people can attach value to different things arbitrarily and your own experiences don't define anybody else's. You know this. You also know that there's a marked social difference between asking a question like that in a vacuum, and asking it right after you've done the thing which upsets people for reasons you don't understand.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:10:52 pm
Yeah, but people can attach value to different things arbitrarily and your own experiences don't define anybody else's. You know this. You also know that there's a marked social difference between asking a question like that in a vacuum, and asking it right after you've done the thing which upsets people for reasons you don't understand.

I think criticizing something or saying you are not a fan, especially when it is cartoons, shouldn't create a hostile response.

I mean I don't like WoW either, but no one flips about that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 09:13:36 pm
Yeah, but people can attach value to different things arbitrarily and your own experiences don't define anybody else's. You know this. You also know that there's a marked social difference between asking a question like that in a vacuum, and asking it right after you've done the thing which upsets people for reasons you don't understand.

I think criticizing something or saying you are not a fan, especially when it is cartoons, shouldn't create a hostile response.

I mean I don't like WoW either, but no one flips about that.

Ok, I'll meet you halfway here.

"I don't like videogames, they are too violent and lets face it... Most of them are murder simulators. In fact there is very little difference between the gameplay of videogames"

To someone who has a very passing knowledge of videogames... Yeah this might fly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:15:09 pm
Yeah, but people can attach value to different things arbitrarily and your own experiences don't define anybody else's. You know this. You also know that there's a marked social difference between asking a question like that in a vacuum, and asking it right after you've done the thing which upsets people for reasons you don't understand.

I think criticizing something or saying you are not a fan, especially when it is cartoons, shouldn't create a hostile response.

I mean I don't like WoW either, but no one flips about that.

Ok, I'll meet you halfway here.

"I don't like videogames, they are too violent and lets face it... Most of them are murder simulators. In fact there is very little difference between the gameplay of videogames"

this statement does not bother me, though why are you on a video game forum (for a game that is rife with murder)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 09:15:21 pm
I've always been confused by the anger of otakus over people not liking anime and criticizing it.

If someone tells me the Simpsons sucks, I don't freak out, I go "okay". If someone says american cartoons suck it doesn't bother me.
(Ninja'd 3 times)
That's just what fans are like. Fans, to some extent, make the fandom part of their identity. Though, to be honest, the disrespecting women thing is kinda true of media in general. For more specific gripes about the genre, I'm with you on the stylistic problems.

But, again, there's a separate thread for anime. Korra/Avatar doesn't go there, because while at first glance it may seem like an anime, it's really not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 09:19:30 pm
this statement does not bother me, though why are you on a video game forum (for a game that is rife with murder)

Ok then.

Blanket statements about a medium that is rather untrue of the whole or indistinct from other mediums that the person is indirectly referring to makes me mad.


But since we are on the topic of how much better Western Animation is...

I am trying to think of a single Romance in the Avatar Series that ever felt... well handled.

Aang and Kitara definitely wasn't handled well and was rather jarring. Mako and Korra became a TORTURE! Mako and Asumi would have been great but the dialog always felt like "Hey, can we make Korra seem more desirable?".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:20:23 pm
this statement does not bother me, though why are you on a video game forum (for a game that is rife with murder)

Ok then.

Blanket statements about a medium that is rather untrue of the whole or indistinct from other mediums that the person is indirectly referring to makes me mad.

I think perhaps you get too riled up about stuff if that is the case, and I am personally a pretty rage-y person
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 09:25:39 pm
Do I really need to explain to you, of all people, why the value people place on the stories and narratives they prefer is valid and important? You clearly think video game narratives (for instance) including a measure of diversity and representation of people who are typically dehumanized is something worth fighting for. Video game narratives are, apparently, important to you. What's different about anime to somebody who cares about it?

Given that people are allowed to care about it, what's wrong with a hostile response when somebody attacks it apropos of absolutely nothing?

I mean, I absolutely agree that problems exist (my belief is that anime is no worse than Western mainstream media, which isn't exactly a high bar), but that's entirely beside the point that you're derailing a thread for no other reason than to pick a fight. This isn't asking uncomfortable questions, isn't unsettling the status quo, isn't protecting the oppressed. It's just being a bad member of the community.

It doesn't matter how much I agree with your view of the world. It doesn't matter what differences of opinion I might have as to the particulars. It doesn't matter that problems really do exist and need solving. This isn't an LGBT-oriented forum. Not every conversation is going to be seen through that lens, and trying to force it to be is not going to help.

Please, do respond to me. I don't want you to feel like I'm shutting down your opinions or dismissing the validity of your perspective on irrelevant technical grounds. I don't want to be "mansplaining" the way the world works. But please respond by PM so that we don't derail this thread any further.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:28:52 pm
Do I really need to explain to you, of all people, why the value people place on the stories and narratives they prefer is valid and important? You clearly think video game narratives (for instance) including a measure of diversity and representation of people who are typically dehumanized is something worth fighting for. Video game narratives are, apparently, important to you. What's different about anime to somebody who cares about it?

Given that people are allowed to care about it, what's wrong with a hostile response when somebody attacks it apropos of absolutely nothing?

I mean, I absolutely agree that problems exist (my belief is that anime is no worse than Western mainstream media, which isn't exactly a high bar), but that's entirely beside the point that you're derailing a thread for no other reason than to pick a fight. This isn't asking uncomfortable questions, isn't unsettling the status quo, isn't protecting the oppressed. It's just being a bad member of the community.

It doesn't matter how much I agree with your view of the world. It doesn't matter what differences of opinion I might have as to the particulars. It doesn't matter that problems really do exist and need solving. This isn't an LGBT-oriented forum. Not every conversation is going to be seen through that lens, and trying to force it to be is not going to help.

Please, do respond to me. I don't want you to feel like I'm shutting down your opinions or dismissing the validity of your perspective on irrelevant technical grounds. I don't want to be "mansplaining" the way the world works. But please respond by PM so that we don't derail this thread any further.

dude, it'a anime, not a rights struggle, and I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. If you want to talk about better women representation in anime, I am with you in that fight.

Also, don't make an argument publicly and then tell me to respond via pm.

Actually looking at this you are also dredging up the female in games arguments we had in a passive aggressive fashion. That thread is locked, don't cross-contaminate.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bauglir on January 05, 2015, 09:42:16 pm
Ah, you're right about the PM thing. Should've just done it myself. Sorry about that - it is done. Also sorry the cross-contamination thing felt hypocritical - since I was talking directly to you and didn't expect the reference to be controversial, seeing as the actual issues involved are utterly irrelevant to what I was saying, it didn't occur to me that it would be a problem. What I expected isn't actually a good excuse for what you experienced, though. So, again, sorry about that - what I just said is an explanation for your information, not an excuse for my benefit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:48:01 pm
back on topic, ed, edd and eddy, best show or best show ever?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 09:49:25 pm
Nope. Though I've never been too big a fun of the old shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 09:52:55 pm
there was this renaissance period for Hannah Barbara. Before that they only pumped out absolute garbage. Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Power Puff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory.

Actually, just looked it up and ed, edd, and eddy was not hannah barbara, I should know, they required a very specific style of art. The creator did start as an animator for hannah barbara.

I've never thought of it as an "old" cartoon, though. Was it that long ago?

That time period had a lot of great cartoons in general, and some that got pilot episodes that should have gotten much more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 09:59:26 pm
More than 20 years ago, now.

I remember liking Dexter's Laboratory and PPG, but thought Ed Edd and Eddy was just kinda dumb. I've always been more of one for the action-adventure than the slapstick/goofball comedy, though. Samurai Jack, Batman (lots of Batman shows it seems). For the longest time my family didn't have cable, though so it was mostly KidsWB and PBS I was watching. Any of the CN/Nicktoons stuff I watched before then are things I remember from before gradeschool.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 05, 2015, 10:00:48 pm
More than 20 years ago, now.

I remember liking Dexter's Laboratory and PPG, but thought Ed Edd and Eddy was just kinda dumb. I've always been more of one for the action-adventure than the slapstick/goofball comedy, though. Samurai Jack, Batman (lots of Batman shows it seems). For the longest time my family didn't have cable, though so it was mostly KidsWB and PBS I was watching. Any of the CN/Nicktoons stuff I watched before then are things I remember from before gradeschool.

no that';s not right, because I wasn't 14 when those things were running.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy was more about kids' imaginations and being con artists than anything else.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 10:01:44 pm
back on topic, ed, edd and eddy, best show or best show ever?

Never liked it... Unlikable jerks who live in a town of unlikable jerks who do unlikable jerk things.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2015, 10:04:31 pm
I'm thinking of the wrong shows. Yeah, those shows are just 15 or 16 years old now. Still, pretty old.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Leafsnail on January 05, 2015, 10:24:35 pm
Specifically watching anime rape porn and then complaining that anime as a whole is "too rapey" seems pretty odd to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 05, 2015, 10:28:09 pm
Specifically watching anime rape porn and then complaining that anime as a whole is "too rapey" seems pretty odd to me.

Well that is why I watch Biker Mice from Mars, Street Sharks, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles exclusively.

Ohh and Boybots, Creepy Crawlers, and Mummies Alive.

Ok not really, but I chose those for a reason.

Boybots though I can never remember the name of.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on January 06, 2015, 03:05:24 am
back on topic, ed, edd and eddy, best show or best show ever?

Never liked it... Unlikable jerks who live in a town of unlikable jerks who do unlikable jerk things.

And isn't it just the greatest thing ever?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 03:12:15 am
back on topic, ed, edd and eddy, best show or best show ever?

Never liked it... Unlikable jerks who live in a town of unlikable jerks who do unlikable jerk things.

And isn't it just the greatest thing ever?

Well, I watched the show for Edd (or Double D as they call him), but he rarely got to shine.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mech#4 on January 06, 2015, 03:19:11 am
Hmm, cartoons I watched:

"Aaaah! Real Monsters!"
"Darkwing Duck"
"Inspector Gadget"

Probably lots more but I can't remember them right now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 03:21:53 am
Never seen Duckula

But are we forgetting "My Pet Monster" (Or My Pal Monster... I forget...)?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 03:28:07 am
On subject of actual Anime, that sounds about true for media in general (and having not seen much but done a research paper that involved Anime, it seems to be prevalent there). But I'd highly recommend Ghibli if you're looking for positive depictions of women.

On the subject of Avatar, several arse-kicking non-sexualized female characters who get a ton of development, as well as perhaps one of the best female villains of all time. And the style is more different than you'd think at first glance.

Kuvira is awesome. I just wish they hadn't saved her character development for one of the very last scenes she's in though. Before that she's pretty much cardboard dictator who is really good at dancing. She was designed to be the 'anti-Korra' iirc.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 03:28:51 am
I do not like anime because it sucks and has terrible depictions of women.

Watch better anime.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mech#4 on January 06, 2015, 03:40:57 am
Never seen Duckula

But are we forgetting "My Pet Monster" (Or My Pal Monster... I forget...)?

Looking it up, that blue monster looks familiar but I can't say I remember watching it.

"Duckula"; green, vegetarian vampire duck goes on time travelling adventures in his warping castle along with gloomy vulture butler and overbearing, door crushing nurse hen.

Which reminds me, from that series sprang another one that I used to watch; "Victor and Hugo". Two french thieves, who may or may not have been based on John Cleese and Bluebottle from "The Goons", generally manage to mess up even the most straight forward jobs.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 03:43:54 am
I dunno but I guess Western Animation does have: Rainbow Bright, Equestria Girls, Strawberry Shortcake, Bratz, Monster High, Winx Club, Trolls, Sofia the First, and Jem and the Holograms.

Though I shouldn't put in Jem and the Holograms because it was pretty amazing... As well I'd defend Sofia the First to the death.

And they should have continued Jane and the Dragon.

Sometimes it pays to actually know a LOT of TV shows.

I think the lesson everyone should take from this is: Put Jane and the Dragon back on the air! Goodness!

It is actually TO DATE the only Western Show that has a "Kind hearted Male Character who wouldn't hurt a fly" AS his character... and I LOVE him. I love his introduction where Jane couldn't even track him because he walks so softly that he doesn't leave tracks. Why does he walk so softly? Because he doesn't want to hurt any plants. (Which I mention because that is the one male character I want to appear in TV more often... Goodness Alexander from FF6 and the Gardener from Jane and The Dragon and that is it)

And Most characters in Jane and the Dragon actually has depth. So you have the spoiled Rotten young and fat prince right? But he is also a rather large animal lover and dislikes the hunt, giving hints that perhaps there is a kind heart under everything.

As well Jane is just an awesome character, I honestly wanted to see more episodes centered just around her exploring. But what is most admirable about her is that she sticks to her code of ethics and doesn't break them even when it might hurt her. She is also witty, quick, quick thinking, kind most of the time, brash, brave, headstrong, prideful, stubborn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on January 06, 2015, 03:53:08 am
If I like X, then person A saying "I don't like X because the artstyle isn't my thing" or "I can't connect to the stories" is perfectly valid and ok.

However, if A says "I don't like X because it degenerates women" then that implies I enjoy things that degenerate women. And since I like to think that's not the case, there's a clear difference with the previous. Couple that with the fact that person A then displays a very lacking knowledge of the subject, I do see why that would really tick people of.

For comparison: If I like reading, and you don't because you can't get into a story that way, that's ok. But if you don't like reading, and then go on to proclaim that's because "books are just filthy smut and power fantasies" (implying that I, as a known reading fan, am into that stuff), and then couple that with saying "Oh yeah, I've only ever read fifty shades of grey, and none of the thousands of other books out there" then I think you can see where the problem lies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 03:56:56 am
If I like X, then person A saying "I don't like X because the artstyle isn't my thing" or "I can't connect to the stories" is perfectly valid and ok.

However, if A says "I don't like X because it degenerates women" then that implies I enjoy things that degenerate women. And since I like to think that's not the case, there's a clear difference with the previous. Couple that with the fact that person A then displays a very lacking knowledge of the subject, I do see why that would really tick people of.

For comparison: If I like reading, and you don't because you can't get into a story that way, that's ok. But if you don't like reading, and then go on to proclaim that's because "books are just filthy smut and power fantasies" (implying that I, as a known reading fan, am into that stuff), and then couple that with saying "Oh yeah, I've only ever read fifty shades of grey, and none of the thousands of other books out there" then I think you can see where the problem lies.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 03:59:31 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also I saw the Rainbow Bright Reboot

It is somehow worse and actually insulting to everyone...

I mean sure the old Rainbow Bright has a lot of REALLY unfortunate implications, but it was actually awesome for that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 04:01:16 am
Also I saw the Rainbow Bright Reboot

It is somehow worse and actually insulting to everyone...

I mean sure the old Rainbow Bright has a lot of REALLY unfortunate implications, but it was actually awesome for that.

There was a Scooby Doo remake lately and the animation was one of the most hideous I'd ever seen. They also shoehorned in a romance between Shaggy and Velma. It was ick.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 06, 2015, 04:02:09 am
That show was fucking incredible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: UXLZ on January 06, 2015, 04:08:04 am
The old Scooby Doo was, please don't tell me they've ruined my childhood favorite show?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 04:10:33 am
Yeah while the Shaggy and Velma romance was terrible...

The Fred and Daphne Romance was probably one of the BEST romances I've seen in western animation. Neither of them demanded anything from the other that they weren't honestly owed and their journey was about learning about the other and celebrating their differences. They actually shown how a atypical relationship would work. Fred didn't have to suddenly learn how to express himself in ways that he honestly couldn't, and Daphne didn't have to do anything really (Daphne was pretty much the driver in that relationship).

As opposed to Carl Squared where Sky had full control of the relationship and the entire thing was mostly Sky usually being overly critical and demanding and Carl needing to do whatever the heck she wanted and Sky usually only helping Carl when it suits her interests. Or Carl just doing whatever the heck he wanted and just being an uncomfortable jerk to Sky (it gets better after they compromise...)... But on the PLUS side... Sky eventually learns that all their relationship seems to be is Carl doing stuff for her.

Carl and Sky's relationship is pretty much my exemplar of how not to do a relationship in fiction (unless you do it intentionally).

The old Scooby Doo was, please don't tell me they've ruined my childhood favorite show?

IF... and this is a bit If... you can get past the horrible Velma and Shaggy romance tumor... You will enjoy it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Mech#4 on January 06, 2015, 04:10:48 am
I never really liked the animation in the Hanna Barbara cartoons, they were too stiff compared to the Disney cartoons and ended up looking rather... well... cheap.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 06, 2015, 04:18:26 am
The old Scooby Doo was, please don't tell me they've ruined my childhood favorite show?

The old Scooby Doo was shit. This one has... a plot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: UXLZ on January 06, 2015, 04:21:05 am
Scooby Doo was a MotW style format... Why would it need a plot?

Hey, the animation was fine and the show entertaining for 7 year old me. >_>
I always found most of the Disney stuff not that interesting, anyway.

Still, if the new one's good, that's awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 06, 2015, 04:25:24 am
Hey, the animation was fine

wait okay I've been exaggerating my hate of the old scooby doo for mostly comedic effect (I actually enjoy watching it) but there's no way you can make that statement in particular with a straight face
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: UXLZ on January 06, 2015, 04:29:02 am
It was definitely pretty stiff and worse than the Disney animation, but it wasn't noticeably bad to my 7 year old brain. Nowadays I'd probably laugh at it, but it's, subjectively, 'fine'. >_>
Nothing to write home about, though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 04:31:24 am
Poor animation can be saved with good characterization and plot.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 06, 2015, 04:32:55 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 04:44:19 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.

In all fairness your a 2000s kid... outside a few select good shows there was nothing good on. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 06, 2015, 04:47:25 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.

In all fairness your a 2000s kid... outside a few select good shows there was nothing good on. :P

Mid-90's. In Russia those shows were aired later.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 04:59:25 am
Mind you I am not entirely serious... While the early 2000s saw a rather major slow down, this was mostly because the 90s shows were ending and there wasn't too much to take its place.

The 2000s still had Justice League and Justice League Unlimited for example.

And 2010s is actually picking up!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 06, 2015, 05:02:26 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.

In all fairness your a 2000s kid... outside a few select good shows there was nothing good on. :P

Mid-90's. In Russia those shows were aired later.

Wait, what was mid-90's? 2000s kid refers to when you grew up, not were born. I was very much one o' them, spending basically my entire remembered childhood there despite being born in 1995.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: UXLZ on January 06, 2015, 05:11:53 am
2000 is like, exactly when I first gained conscious memory.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 06, 2015, 05:18:46 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.

In all fairness your a 2000s kid... outside a few select good shows there was nothing good on. :P

Mid-90's. In Russia those shows were aired later.

Wait, what was mid-90's? 2000s kid refers to when you grew up, not were born. I was very much one o' them, spending basically my entire remembered childhood there despite being born in 1995.

Okay then, 2000's.

2000 is like, exactly when I first gained conscious memory.

Also true for me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on January 06, 2015, 09:20:46 am
If I like X, then person A saying "I don't like X because the artstyle isn't my thing" or "I can't connect to the stories" is perfectly valid and ok.

However, if A says "I don't like X because it degenerates women" then that implies I enjoy things that degenerate women. And since I like to think that's not the case, there's a clear difference with the previous. Couple that with the fact that person A then displays a very lacking knowledge of the subject, I do see why that would really tick people of.

For comparison: If I like reading, and you don't because you can't get into a story that way, that's ok. But if you don't like reading, and then go on to proclaim that's because "books are just filthy smut and power fantasies" (implying that I, as a known reading fan, am into that stuff), and then couple that with saying "Oh yeah, I've only ever read fifty shades of grey, and none of the thousands of other books out there" then I think you can see where the problem lies.

Not that Smee's point wasn't incredibly screwy, with using hentai for her example versus non-adult cartoons, instead of comparing shows with even comparable target demographic age ranges, but anime does have some hella problematic aspects. Some which are categorically different from those present in western animation. I don't like anime when it does degenerate women, but I like anime *points to current avatar*. Usually I can tolerate the problematic parts of anime, though some nonsense, like the heaving boob or panty shot, tends to make me find something less insipid or at least throw me out of the story with a groan.

I tend to agree with Katherine Cross ( that anime has potential despite of its problems.

And Revolutionary Girl Utena is required watching, by like, Feminist Law or something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 09:24:36 am
Not that Smee's point wasn't incredibly screwy, with using hentai for her example versus non-adult cartoons, instead of comparing shows with even comparable target demographic age ranges, but anime does have some hella problematic aspects. Some which are categorically different from those present in western animation. I don't like anime when it does degenerate women, but I like anime *points to current avatar*. Usually I can tolerate the problematic parts of anime, though some nonsense, like the heaving boob or panty shot, tends to make me find something less insipid or at least throw me out of the story with a groan.

I tend to agree with Katherine Cross ( that anime has potential despite of its problems.

And Revolutionary Girl Utena is required watching, by like, Feminist Law or something.

Yeah, originating from an extremely socially conservative country re: women's rights doesn't help. There are definitely some good animes that break this mould though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on January 06, 2015, 09:52:54 am
Not that Smee's point wasn't incredibly screwy, with using hentai for her example versus non-adult cartoons, instead of comparing shows with even comparable target demographic age ranges, but anime does have some hella problematic aspects.

Oh, it probably does. Really, the point was that one can't in honesty debate the topic when one doesn't know enough about the subject to make fair judgements. But I agree that anime sometimes has annoying aspects ("oh sure, when I'm watching a cool action adventure, then random fanservice without any connection to the plot or character development is just what we need to tell a compelling story").
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: UXLZ on January 06, 2015, 10:03:11 am
So... 'Bout that new Loony Toons...?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 10:08:58 am
Guys we have a perfectly good Anime thread for a talk about anime.

There is a reason why even when REALLY ticked off, I didn't just defend anime except in PMs to Smeeprocket.

So... 'Bout that new Loony Toons...?

At first I HATED the new Lola bunny, like immensely but that is because at first she just REALLY REALLY wasn't funny to me and so it felt like they took a character who finally found her niche, being the serious character among unserious ones, and made her bland and unfunny.

But then came the Drivers Test episode

And ohh boy... If you disliked Lola prior to the episode you will become a fully convert because she was hilarious! Honestly it was the first time the show just made me on the edge of my seat in hilarity.

Seriously if you never watched the new Loony Toons Show... Just watch that one episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 06, 2015, 10:15:31 am
I'm just gonna apologize about my anime comments outright. My intent wasn't (at least consciously) to get people upset. I was inconsiderate and dismissive, and I'm sorry.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Erkki on January 06, 2015, 10:21:30 am
I haven't followed "Western" animations much(anime even less) and I dont know many really good ones besides South Park, but I've read cartoons. My favorites are  Moebius (Jean Giraud) and Jean-Claude Mézičres - for Blueberry and Valerian.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 10:35:19 am
Yeah "Western" because a vague term once you get shows like...

Cybersix which is French...

And Winx Club which is Italian

Cybersix is better then her appearance might suggest (well, to others... I think she looks fine and her High Heels actually work for her) and honestly the plotlines are often incredibly sad and touching. The Comic I cannot comment too much on as I barely seen it, but it sure is different... I prefer the overly short cartoon (

While Winx club is INCREDIBLY mixed... Just don't get attached to any of the male characters, they just sort of become... a detriment to the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 06, 2015, 10:44:07 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smjjames on January 06, 2015, 10:54:58 am
I have but one question, who's Bill?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 10:59:35 am
Quote from: Cybersix Wikipedia article
The evil and cruel Dr. Von Reichter, a member of the SS and the Nazi party, is an expert in genetic engineering. He initially began his work in concentration camps during World War II, implanting cybernetic organs in the bodies of dead prisoners in an attempt to bring them back to life to serve in the Führer's army. However, the Allied forces intervened to defeat the Nazis, so he fled to South America, where he once again continued his sinister experiments.

It's good to know Argentina plays up the Nazi thing in their fiction.

Also she's a female superhero with a male secret identity. That's pretty cool.

When I was a kid, I thought she was a man (well male child) put into a female body as part of Reichter's experiment.

It actually makes a lot of sense considering a lot of the other elements.

But to my knowledge no, she is a woman who can oddly switch between a male or female persona with very little effort. I say to my knowledge because it wouldn't surprise me with this series.

Though given she is a vampire (sort of) in the comic, the Cartoon retains some semblance of this element but tones it down, I guess it would make less sense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 06, 2015, 11:19:14 am
From my childhood I remember wacthing only Samurai Jack and Last Airbender. All the other stuff aired just filled the time between those two for me. All the other cartoons I saw I watched during past two years.

In all fairness your a 2000s kid... outside a few select good shows there was nothing good on. :P
They had a few good ones on PBS: namely Arthur, Word Girl (though that came a bit later) and Cyberchase.
On KidsWB (which was the other one I watched because we didn't have cable), there was the Jackie Chan Adventures, "The Batman", Xiolin Showdown, and Yugi-Oh (which looking back on wasn't that great, but I ate that shit up in gradeschool).
On Nickelodeon (did get cable back when we moved) there's Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Avatar, and a few Marvel shows that were fairly decent but didn't last long.

On subject of actual Anime, that sounds about true for media in general (and having not seen much but done a research paper that involved Anime, it seems to be prevalent there). But I'd highly recommend Ghibli if you're looking for positive depictions of women.

On the subject of Avatar, several arse-kicking non-sexualized female characters who get a ton of development, as well as perhaps one of the best female villains of all time. And the style is more different than you'd think at first glance.

Kuvira is awesome. I just wish they hadn't saved her character development for one of the very last scenes she's in though. Before that she's pretty much cardboard dictator who is really good at dancing. She was designed to be the 'anti-Korra' iirc.
I was more referring to Azula, but Kuvira is indeed awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 11:39:38 am
No I understand Kuvira wasn't important to its conclusion. Her response to the ending wasn't to reflect her feelings but rather to show the spiritual and emotional growth of Korra.

I actually found her involvement with the ending to be really weird and out of place, especially since... if she wasn't evil... She easily could have been the powerful benevolent despot that could have protected the Earth Kingdom's best interest from the world's influence that constantly tries to subvert them because they are weaker... Her co-operation and freedom would have been absolutely vital to the resolution of the war.

But I guess... Shattering them all into independent city states and thus eliminating the larger power struggle is far superior... Hey how many city states in the Earth Kingdom are poor and are suffering from Famine who won't get food now because you dissolved their larger connection to eachother? But naw Large countries are EVIL!!!

Mind you I didn't mind that aspect. I KNEW they were making a mistake as far as how it would work in real life... But this is Avatar land, I am sure everyone is more then happy to share their food, work together against bandits, and help eachother in their time of need. Rather then in real life where the war would make each city care only for themselves. I WISH things would go as smoothly in real life as they do in Avatar Land. Even the Kuvira and the Queen weren't as bad as their real life counterparts.

As for Azula's development at the end... I felt it was well foreshadowed (mind you she was defeated pretty easily... I honestly think she should have put up more of a fight)

Mostly because Azula to me didn't change near the end she was just like she always was. The issue? She defeated all her enemies, she subjugated everyone who would betray her or put her down, and she was surrounded by no one but loyal followers. Her paranoia and constant planning which was a virtue and absolutely essential during the war was detrimental during "peace".

Which is actually quite common of militaristic regimes. It is why Pirates are often ex-military officers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sheb on January 06, 2015, 11:41:41 am
I haven't followed "Western" animations much(anime even less) and I dont know many really good ones besides South Park, but I've read cartoons. My favorites are  Moebius (Jean Giraud) and Jean-Claude Mézičres - for Blueberry and Valerian.

Going to act all pedantic here, but Moebius is his name for his more... fantsy stuff, like the hermetic garage, or the Incal. We call him Giraud for Blueberry.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 11:44:42 am
I was more referring to Azula, but Kuvira is indeed awesome.

Oh damn, my mind just went straight to the second avatar series I guess.

Azula was awesome. Her arc in the comics was pretty good as well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 11:47:49 am
I actually found her involvement with the ending to be really weird and out of place, especially since... if she wasn't evil... She easily could have been the powerful benevolent despot that could have protected the Earth Kingdom's best interest from the world's influence that constantly tries to subvert them because they are weaker... Her co-operation and freedom would have been absolutely vital to the resolution of the war.

I think she went totally power-mad after uniting most of the Earth Kingdom. 3 years of conquest could change anyone pretty severely. I also think she wanted to stick it to Suyin for refusing to help unite the Earth Kingdom in the first place, so there was a definitely a grudge there. Then there was the thing where Korra+Kuvira agreed to fight for Zaofu and then the Beifong side screwed up the agreement, causing her to invade.

Also being able to drive a 25-story super mech with a disintegrating cannon would make anyone into a psychotic murderer, imo. Power corrupts. Really easy to start shooting people when they're just little specks at your feet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 11:51:45 am
Let me see... a good western animation movie... Outside Disney.

"Superman Versus the Elite" happens to be not only a good movie that explains the American "GRITTY!!!" mindset but happens to probably be the best argument for why people like Superman.

Seriously, if your idea of Superman is some overpowered character who solves everything instantly... You might want to watch this. Sure you might not like Superman, but you will understand the crux of what he is about.

I actually found her involvement with the ending to be really weird and out of place, especially since... if she wasn't evil... She easily could have been the powerful benevolent despot that could have protected the Earth Kingdom's best interest from the world's influence that constantly tries to subvert them because they are weaker... Her co-operation and freedom would have been absolutely vital to the resolution of the war.

I think she went totally power-mad after uniting most of the Earth Kingdom. 3 years of conquest could change anyone pretty severely. I also think she wanted to stick it to Suyin for refusing to help unite the Earth Kingdom in the first place, so there was a definitely a grudge there. Then there was the thing where Korra+Kuvira agreed to fight for Zaofu and then the Beifong side screwed up the agreement, causing her to invade.

Also being able to drive a 25-story super mech with a disintegrating cannon would make anyone into a psychotic murderer, imo. Power corrupts. Really easy to start shooting people when they're just little specks at your feet.

I understand that is EXACTLY what happened. I mean if she never got corrupted her "invasion" would have been for the better. Kouvira though to me wasn't corrupted by power but corrupted by the compromises she had to make with herself to achieve her goals. It was her drive to achieve what needed to be done at all costs is what got her in the end.

That is why she is the counterpart to Korra. She is her drive without any of the grounding.

I actually would have liked a bit more Kouvira at the end... a sort of sequence about Kouvira.. but I understand the ending isn't about Kouvira she is completely unimportant.

"Kouvira tried to kill me, I can't believe she did that"

That was HONESTLY where I disliked the character... Because REALLY MAN? In your mind she isn't taking over because of some petty revenge scheme.

This fight is bigger then you.

I think the Framing was sort of weak for it anyway. I mean really? A hostage was expected to work on Kouvira? and this was meant to show her character becoming irredeemable? Sorry but no...

The willingness to sacrifice those you care about for the greater good isn't a evil trait. If anything she should have always been willing to sacrifice him. Yeah it SUCKS for you, but it doesn't mean she betrayed your trust or your love. If anything you should have been offering your life to her through that radio "They captured me, but do whatever it takes for the earth kingdom". If anything he betrayed Kouvira.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on January 06, 2015, 12:00:21 pm
It would be interesting if they ever did a follow-up to this (say, the next avatar) and they show how (parts of) the earth kingdom have dissolved into chaos as independent city-states constantly struggle with each other.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on January 06, 2015, 12:01:23 pm
I understand that is EXACTLY what happened. I mean if she never got corrupted her "invasion" would have been for the better. Kouvira though to me wasn't corrupted by power but corrupted by the compromises she had to make with herself to achieve her goals. It was her drive to achieve what needed to be done at all costs is what got her in the end.

That is why she is the counterpart to Korra. She is her drive without any of the grounding.

I actually would have liked a bit more Kouvira at the end... a sort of sequence about Kouvira.. but I understand the ending isn't about Kouvira she is completely unimportant.

"Kouvira tried to kill me, I can't believe she did that"

That was HONESTLY where I disliked the character... Because REALLY MAN? In your mind she isn't taking over because of some petty revenge scheme.

This fight is bigger then you.

I think the Framing was sort of weak for it anyway. I mean really? A hostage was expected to work on Kouvira? and this was meant to show her character becoming irredeemable? Sorry but no...

The willingness to sacrifice those you care about for the greater good isn't a evil trait. If anything she should have always been willing to sacrifice him. Yeah it SUCKS for you, but it doesn't mean she betrayed your trust or your love. If anything you should have been offering your life to her through that radio "They captured me, but do whatever it takes for the earth kingdom".

I agree with that, and don't think that Kuvira firing on Baatar was anything like the 'moral event horizon' that most people thought it was. They were at war. She probably made orders that lead to deaths every single day, and she had a chance to win it immediately by destroying the building that contained the Avatar. Why should she back down just because the soldier in the building is also her fiance? She would expect any of her officers to put their feelings to the side for their cause, so what was so different about her? She was single-minded in uniting the Earth Empire and really believed that it would be for the betterment of the world. After the chaos left by Zaheer, it's not hard to believe.

Edit: though in my head-canon she missed the shot because she couldn't bear to look while firing, so :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Erkki on January 06, 2015, 12:06:05 pm
I haven't followed "Western" animations much(anime even less) and I dont know many really good ones besides South Park, but I've read cartoons. My favorites are  Moebius (Jean Giraud) and Jean-Claude Mézičres - for Blueberry and Valerian.

Going to act all pedantic here, but Moebius is his name for his more... fantsy stuff, like the hermetic garage, or the Incal. We call him Giraud for Blueberry.

Ahh yeah, I just read his Arzak albums yesterday and didn't realize that hes indeed just "Jean Giraud" in Blueberries.  :) His work is absolutely superb.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: wobbly on January 06, 2015, 12:45:19 pm
Oh, if we're talking comics as well as animation, anyone like Jhonen Vasquez's work? Johnny the Homicidal Maniac ( is particularly good if you like dark comedy. Quite gruesome & dark but very funny if your into that stuff. Also did Invader Zim for anyone who watched the series.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 06, 2015, 01:12:33 pm
How could I have forgotten about Invader Zim? That was on in the 2000s, though I only found out about it after it was cancelled.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 01:22:37 pm
Invader Zim kind of made me realize how limited adult cartoons kind of are.

Because Invader Zim was incredibly popular with adults, Adventure Time is incredibly popular with adults.

But cartoons marketed towards adults are all just obscene comedies or obscene shows.

Ok I should clarify that I mean Cartoon TV shows... There are plenty of good movies that are clearly marketed more to adults then children.

Mind you, I don't like Invader Zim. It is a great show, it just isn't for me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: wobbly on January 06, 2015, 01:27:36 pm
Not exactly true. I mean it may be true of invader zim where it's funny but the jokes get repetitive (I watched the series as a marathon which exasperated it a bit) but something like the Max if you've seen or read it has a fair amount of depth & psychology to it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 06, 2015, 01:32:08 pm
South Park is pretty good (though it is obscene comedy, like most adult cartoons). I can think of no cartoons aimed at adults that play out like live-action drama shows, though. Korra might be the closest there is, though it's not marketed as such (nor does it entirely play out like one).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 01:35:45 pm
South Park is pretty good (though it is obscene comedy, like most adult cartoons). I can think of no cartoons aimed at adults that play out like live-action drama shows, though. Korra might be the closest there is, though it's not marketed as such (nor does it entirely play out like one).

Spawn is the only one that was ever made... and WOOSH was it dark.

Though yeah I'd love a non-comedy cartoon show targeted towards adults, but one that doesn't go anywhere close to as far as Spawn does.

But I meant more...

and while Invader Zim was dark... It wasn't obscene. It didn't need someone to explode in a lump of gore only for their gore to fall into someone's mouth and them to eat it...

for the joke to go across.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: smeeprocket on January 06, 2015, 01:38:11 pm
Not exactly true. I mean it may be true of invader zim where it's funny but the jokes get repetitive (I watched the series as a marathon which exasperated it a bit) but something like the Max if you've seen or read it has a fair amount of depth & psychology to it.

Invader Zim was made by the guy that did Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, which is an awesome comic, though I am not sure if he still does that one in particular, I stopped being able to afford comics ages ago.

The guy who made the Max has done a number of comics, including one about like 5 women going to a party whose car dies and then they get attacked by masked men, and ultimately one of them gets tossed to the dudes to be gang raped so the others can get away. Why did I keep buying those (except the last one)? I don't know. But everything he makes has at least one female character that has been raped and then found inner strength. It seems more weird to me than pervy, like why?

I'm not trying to bring up rape or feminism really, I just enjoy comics and wanted to mention related comics.

We should have a comic book thread.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 06, 2015, 01:42:37 pm
Because there are no topics that are unacceptable to bring up nor any sort of character that is flawed to the point of being unusable...

It is all about Framing

It is why Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Tara Way from the Fanfiction is some unlikable bully with a total lack of self-awareness who is treated by the fanfiction as some incredibly desirable person in spite being abhorant. While The Web Series uses the exact same character down to almost every detail, but changes the framing and makes her more pathetic but sympathetically so her grating qualities are not played off as a positive and she can grow as a character because of it.

Both the exact same character in almost everyway (outside a few superficial details).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on February 19, 2015, 08:33:22 pm
So adventure time is basically the progression of Finn's life

The first couples seasons are disjointed adventures with very, very slight hints at an overarching plot. The bad guys are evil, and the good guys are good, but the ones inbetween are confusing and a bit scary.

The next couple are like a pre-teen learning about the world. Finn starts to become low-key curious about his origins, good guys seem a little more grey (or stupid), bad guys seem a bit more innocent (or stupid), and there's an actual evil introduced that is not at all played for laughs- very jarring, and makes Finn wise up real quick.

The last couple seasons are Finn becoming an adult: he sees his friends and his enemies for what they are, he faces the overwhelming evil of the Lich, and he discovers more about himself and the world around him. He experiences very real emotional and physical trauma, and spends the entire past season dealing with it in his own way. Finn's an adult now; he isn't quite as exuberant as he was as a child, but he's a good person at heart, and him and Jake do whatever they can to help whoever they can.

Basically adventure time went zero to a hundred real fuckin' quick, considering the past couple episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 26, 2015, 01:03:59 pm
So I watched episode 29 of season 6.

That looks like a one big Bioshock reference. With original bioshock atmosphere. In Adventure Time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 26, 2015, 03:35:15 pm
So in the Lemonhope episode

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit: I quoted instead of spoiled... Even though the episode is OLD!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on February 26, 2015, 03:53:56 pm
oh what

oh my god I literally just noticed that
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 26, 2015, 04:47:43 pm
Well not only did he have a tell

But F can also been spelled ph
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on February 26, 2015, 07:46:16 pm
So in the Lemonhope episode

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit: I quoted instead of spoiled... Even though the episode is OLD!

I did notice it, apparently is a somewhat known fan theory, and there are many other similarities.

It's either her, or maybe just "symbolically" represents her.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 26, 2015, 08:36:30 pm
Or her father


Teen Titans Go SERIOUSLY likes to troll me.

Quite a few of its jokes are switching to other BETTER shows.

It did a small clip in BAS style, it had a section in Teen Titan style, and now the characters from Young Justice are just inserted right into the universe with BARELY an art style change and their original voice actors.

It is like the show KNOWS that I would prefer a really great super hero show right now... and just constantly taunts me with this fact.

But all I get right now is the bad Avengers show and the even worse Hulk and the agents of smash show...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on February 27, 2015, 03:43:35 am
I think it might be more the writers preferring to have a really great super hero show right now and complaining that they can't make one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on March 05, 2015, 03:25:08 am

/me rolls around frothing at mouth due to fresh Korrasami injection

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 05, 2015, 03:29:43 am
More Korra stuff = good. Also, those boats are d'awww
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 13, 2015, 04:02:54 pm
And there we go in your face Legend of Korra :P

An actual homosexual relationship in a cartoon that is still going on that doesn't need a last second "ohh yeah they are totally gay" after it was over ruining several of the themes set up (such as the expectations of romance being detrimental to a relationship)... and with a character with strong homosexual themes where it is used to inform her character.

Shame it had to be in a show no one here watches...

Ohh Steven Universe...


If you are interesting in the show... the quality of the episodes are VERY scatter shot. Some of the episodes are actually really good (Both season finales are amazing) but some are REALLY bad... and the show's average episode is very weird.

Also Lars is probably the one person who gets a lot of screen time compared that they do nothing but make him seem like a bad guy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: darkflagrance on March 14, 2015, 03:47:40 am
I'm the other guy here who watches Steven Universe, but as far as I can tell the only web community for it is on Reddit, Tumblr, or another mass aggregate.

If anybody wants to get into this series, I would not recommend going chronologically as the earlier episodes emphasize Steven's annoying immaturity and are light on lore. I read a list of episode summaries and picked out the most interesting summaries to watch first. I could tentatively say that Steven and the Stevens is one of the better balanced non-season finale episodes.

To be honest, I'm surprised that no one here posted about either the Steven Universe finale OR the latest Gravity Falls episode from this week. Both sent massive tremors through their fanbases.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on March 14, 2015, 08:14:42 am
I didn't follow Steven Universe so the only experience I had was the kitten-finger episode and my twitter being flooded with squeeing about the recent development.

And I was hella busy so couldn't comment on the major developments in Gravity Falls. That was pretty wow though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 14, 2015, 08:24:02 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 14, 2015, 01:14:39 pm
I've been meaning to watch Gravity Falls. Only seen about the first dozen from season 1.

Anyone else seen those streaming service original shows? My brother recently sat me down and had me watch The Awesomes and Bojack Horseman.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on March 15, 2015, 12:21:51 pm
I watch Stephen Universe occasionally, mostly via zapping, I think it's a pretty cool cartoon, but don't follow it and in fact wasn't even aware there was any kind of continuity or overarching plot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 15, 2015, 01:21:31 pm
Adventure Time, The Misadventures of Flapjack, avatar/korra, family guy. What I like in western animation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 16, 2015, 07:28:10 pm
I get the impression that Steven Universe is popular in other countries.

Since from what I see it has mild success relative to many of its other shows... yet right now it is getting the Ok for MANY seasons (I think we are up to 9 seasons... three times as many episodes as we have now).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 16, 2015, 07:31:00 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 16, 2015, 07:45:47 pm
It is because they cut back the English episodes. For example on Cartoon Network they eliminated the rerun episodes.

Even if it was cancelled now they would still make those 6 extra seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on March 23, 2015, 12:52:51 am
Well this is a thing I did not see coming. (

Click on the nose (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on March 23, 2015, 07:32:20 am
Oh dear...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 23, 2015, 08:18:04 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on March 23, 2015, 10:25:15 am
List of all the inputs and outputs. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: 10ebbor10 on March 23, 2015, 11:50:26 am
I typed in "Galactic" and it gave me a countdown. The numbers are in symbols I don't care to decipher, but I guess this is a sure thing if they're counting down to it already.
Apparently, the countdown is set to end on April first. (2015)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: tryrar on March 29, 2015, 12:21:41 am
I typed in "Galactic" and it gave me a countdown. The numbers are in symbols I don't care to decipher, but I guess this is a sure thing if they're counting down to it already.
Apparently, the countdown is set to end on April first. (2015)

Which has some people suspicious and others convinced it's a double-fakeout. I'm in the latter camp myself; if this is an April Fools prank, is sure as hell is an elaborate one and I'll tip my hat to them if it is, but I'm convinced it's happening.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 29, 2015, 12:36:08 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Glowcat on March 29, 2015, 01:38:57 am
I've watched up to episode 33 of Steven Universe. I am thoroughly invested in this show now.

Yaaaaas. It's great :3

And far less problematic than most shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: HeroPizza42 on March 29, 2015, 12:30:45 pm
the new teen titans and gumball cheers me up on a bad day I don't really have to think when I watch them
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on April 01, 2015, 05:34:05 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 01, 2015, 06:03:21 pm
It took a while but we finally have a great episode of Steven Universe I can now show people as the example of why this show is great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2015, 11:54:11 am
Woah, Venture Brothers is pretty good. One of those comedies that gets pretty good drama later on, and character development.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on May 09, 2015, 03:41:33 pm
It took a while but we finally have a great episode of Steven Universe I can now show people as the example of why this show is great.

Steven the Sword Fighter, Rose's Scabbard, Ocean Gem, Giant Woman, Lion 2 and 3, Rose's Room...

I fucking love that show
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on May 09, 2015, 06:17:40 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 09, 2015, 06:18:48 pm
I think a full 25% of Steven Universe OCs are named Moonstone. I didn't know that was such a popular rock.

And one is Crystal Meth.

Which actually has a pretty funny comic :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on May 15, 2015, 12:11:52 am
I feel like there are waaaay to many redemption fics out there for Jasper and Peridot (And even Lapis, really)

I have a feeling that Lapis is very apathetic towards Earth, that Jasper is such a blood knight as to be literally crazy, and that Peridot has been snubbed so many times that she takes joy in other people's suffering.

Basically, the types that wouldn't play nice with Steven (especially Peridot, who's actively tried to kill him)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 15, 2015, 12:30:10 am
More Rick and Morty in just one month! And new Venture Bros coming along soon!

Though at this point I may just be the only person on this thread who cares about any cartoon other than Steven Universe :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on May 15, 2015, 12:38:37 am
More Rick and Morty in just one month! And new Venture Bros coming along soon!

Though at this point I may just be the only person on this thread who cares about any cartoon other than Steven Universe :P

Rick and Morty is my fucking joint, so is Adventure Time. I lost interest in Korra a while ago, and I can't really think of anything else. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on May 15, 2015, 12:40:23 am
Wonderful world of gumball is hilarious, I'd say.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 15, 2015, 12:42:44 am
Venture Brothers. Watch that show. Don't judge by the first episode, in fact you can skip that one. Warning: season 1 has an annoyingly long intro, but they drop it after that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 15, 2015, 07:53:17 am
I feel like there are waaaay to many redemption fics out there for Jasper and Peridot (And even Lapis, really)

I have a feeling that Lapis is very apathetic towards Earth, that Jasper is such a blood knight as to be literally crazy, and that Peridot has been snubbed so many times that she takes joy in other people's suffering.

Basically, the types that wouldn't play nice with Steven (especially Peridot, who's actively tried to kill him)

Jasper I can sort of see in that there are strong hints that Jasper was a earth Gem (She shares a lot of similarities with Amethyst)

Peridot though comes off as someone who doesn't see the value of Earth life. I can definitely see where her redemption could be justified. Especially since she doesn't seem to be well valued in gem society.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on May 15, 2015, 08:03:05 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Karlito on May 15, 2015, 03:15:30 pm
I fully expect there to be a Rose's room episode to match the plot of every TNG holodeck episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on June 09, 2015, 09:23:08 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on June 09, 2015, 09:52:30 am
I was half expecting that to be the animu PPG introduced to the west.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on June 09, 2015, 09:54:43 am
Oh hey, they're making a new Reboot show. I remember the old one, it was pretty cool, I hope that the new one-

Transcending age groups with appeal to kids, tweens and teens, ReBoot: the Guardian Code is an adventure-comedy series about four teens (Austin, Parker, Grey and Tamra) who discover that they’re next-gen Guardians with a mission to save the world, by defending it in cyberspace. The Internet revolutionized the world, but it also left it vulnerable to attack. With the help of VERA, the last surviving cyberbeing from the original Guardian Program, our heroes stream into cyberspace where they use their awesome code-based powers to battle viruses that have been unleashed by a ruthless hacker. Known only as the Sourcerer, he seeks to rule the world by controlling cyberspace.  Original fans of the show will be happy to hear that Megabyte will be back and he’s getting a major upgrade. ReBoot will showcase leading edge technologies and bring coding into the mainstream for kids.

When Austin, Parker, Grey and Tamra are not trying to stop viruses from overloading a nuclear power station, or remotely opening a dam to flood a city, or playing Criss Cross Crash Hour with a city’s transportation grid, our heroes are being typical teens: arguing with their parents over curfews; dealing with crushes; or trying to avoid getting suspended for skipping class when they’re really on a cyber-mission to save the world!


Crossposting from the WTF thread.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on June 24, 2015, 10:43:51 pm
Who here thinks that Aqua Teen Hunger Force is really going to go off the air this time?

The Adult Swim network announced that this was going to be the last season of the show, but they've done that at least once before (several years ago) and have done several fake series finales. (Plus the last four seasons or so have been packaged as fake spinoffs that were really exactly the same show just with a different title sequence.)

Taking all bets.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on June 24, 2015, 10:45:14 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 24, 2015, 11:00:21 pm
So adventure time is becoming too dang depressing for me to enjoy... I am still watching it out of obligation... but I don't think I genuinely enjoyed an episode of it in a while.

Luckly Steven Universe scratches that itch Adventure time left behind.

I find it odd how used to the 10 minute format I am. It isn't that the 23 minute format is flawed... but that the 10 minute format pretty much leaves episodes with being nothing but the highlights... as opposed to 23 minutes with 13 minutes of wasted time.


So I am watching a show called "Axe Cop" which is basically a show made "Like a child made it" and though I only seen two episodes and it isn't all super funny...

I just kind of love the novelty

The first episode they are against "The King of all bad guys"

Ooook... the show was made by a 5 year old O_O
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on June 28, 2015, 12:12:58 am
Steven Universe continues the trend of having innocent-sounding plots with horrifying implications with Chille Tide, which starts as a cute slumber party, continues with allusions to all the title cards that get posted on tumblr, then gets fucking horrifying very quickly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on June 28, 2015, 01:15:15 am

So I am watching a show called "Axe Cop" which is basically a show made "Like a child made it" and though I only seen two episodes and it isn't all super funny...

I just kind of love the novelty

The first episode they are against "The King of all bad guys"

Ooook... the show was made by a 5 year old O_O

The webcomic is funnier I think
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on June 28, 2015, 02:08:47 am

So I am watching a show called "Axe Cop" which is basically a show made "Like a child made it" and though I only seen two episodes and it isn't all super funny...

I just kind of love the novelty

The first episode they are against "The King of all bad guys"

Ooook... the show was made by a 5 year old O_O

The webcomic is funnier I think
Yes, the webcomic if funnier. But I still laughed at the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Worldmaster27 on July 02, 2015, 05:53:04 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on July 06, 2015, 04:44:37 pm
sorry I just remembered that the episode "Lion 3: Straight to Video" of Steven Universe made me cry

what the hell

It's not like I'm insecure about crying at shows or like I'm macho and don't cry or anything stupid like that, it's just that in living memory I have never cried at fiction. This is the first time it's happened.

...i think that's some good praise right there

Like, holy crap, just trying to think about why it made me cry is making me cry again
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 06, 2015, 04:50:55 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 06, 2015, 07:29:37 pm
Steven Universe makes me cry a lot.

And it does it without being constantly dour and depressing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on July 10, 2015, 06:43:25 pm
Apparently Gravity Falls is starting up again or something.  I just saw 1 new episode and the rest are behind paywalls and stuff.

EDIT: There were only 2 new episodes since last year. Season 2, episode 10 and 11.   There is an episode 12 coming out later this month.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on July 15, 2015, 01:20:04 am
Steven Universe makes me cry a lot.

Yeah, Steven Universe has been giving me so many emotions lately. Especially in the latest episode...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The schedule is weird though...but I guess the whole Stevenbomb thing kinda fits the uniqueness of the show, anyways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2015, 04:03:39 pm
Ok I flat out LOVE Sardonix in Steven Universe

I weep that fusions tend to be one episode things. (we have yet to see a fusion have more then a voiceless cameo in an episode)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 15, 2015, 04:05:12 pm
She's awesome. Also, this week has been dubbed The Week of Sardonyx. Hopefully that means she'll come back at least once.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2015, 04:16:48 pm
She's awesome. Also, this week has been dubbed The Week of Sardonyx. Hopefully that means she'll come back at least once.

You know... I kind of liked Sugalite, she had a lot of attitude.

But sorry there is no contest Sardonyx is flat out my favorite Fusion in terms of just being a joy to be around.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on July 15, 2015, 04:53:53 pm
Sardonyx is such a dork she's adorable

Sugilite is fucking badass I really want them to bring Nicki Minaj back for more but instead all we're probably gonna get is more voiceless cameos

I also like that there's a lot of unique drama that comes from fusion, mainly that

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2015, 05:15:54 pm
Well remember Fusion is more then just a sort of fusion so to speak. It is kind of like an expression of a relationship.

It could be equated to sex...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on July 15, 2015, 06:25:41 pm
It is not

it is "a relationship", any kind, or at least says one of the writers
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Cthulufaic on July 15, 2015, 07:06:40 pm
I think the whole dancing/making out or whatever they need to do to fuse was just to create drama.  I mean NOBODY would be so excited about it if all they needed to fuse was to do a hand-shake or a fist-bump.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 15, 2015, 11:01:51 pm
I think the whole dancing/making out or whatever they need to do to fuse was just to create drama.  I mean NOBODY would be so excited about it if all they needed to fuse was to do a hand-shake or a fist-bump.

Well the dancing is done to put them into synch.

It is not

it is "a relationship", any kind, or at least says one of the writers

I mean in terms of the reason why it is a big deal. :P the metaphor is there, albeit unintentional.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Cthulufaic on July 16, 2015, 01:06:20 pm
I think the whole dancing/making out or whatever they need to do to fuse was just to create drama.  I mean NOBODY would be so excited about it if all they needed to fuse was to do a hand-shake or a fist-bump.

Well the dancing is done to put them into synch.

That'd make more sense if the actual dancing wasn't just each of them doing their own thing, and then they do one move together then BOOM, fusion.  I mean, if they did a 2 person routine I'd believe it more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 16, 2015, 01:43:05 pm
I think the whole dancing/making out or whatever they need to do to fuse was just to create drama.  I mean NOBODY would be so excited about it if all they needed to fuse was to do a hand-shake or a fist-bump.

Well the dancing is done to put them into synch.

That'd make more sense if the actual dancing wasn't just each of them doing their own thing, and then they do one move together then BOOM, fusion.  I mean, if they did a 2 person routine I'd believe it more.

It isn't so much them doing their own thing as they are trying to mix two vastly different forms of dancing. Though you will notice that the fusion dances are the same each time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on July 26, 2015, 08:40:36 pm
Does anyone have a link to that leaked episode of ATHF Forever where they make fun of the 2007 bomb scare

Nevermind, I found it (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on July 27, 2015, 10:28:21 am
I admit, I watch Steven Universe. Alot. It's a good show and it gets deep enough for me to take it seriously; but I go into fridge logic every once and awhile while watching it.

For instance, where the hell's the government? We know there's a nation outside of Beach City and we know the videos about the Gem Homeworld ship have gone viral, it stands to reason there would be a investigation. Perhaps Mayor Dewey tried to cover it up and hence no major investigations, but I would think something would happen in response to a known extraterrestrial sighting.

This is where I go into "What I'd like to see" mode and start coming up with a story I know will never happen. Minor fanfic incoming:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If this is against the rules of this thread I will cut this story here. Needless to say, I love the series so far. Estelle as Garnet was really just genius to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 27, 2015, 02:01:01 pm
The major aspect of the show is that no one actually cares about Gem stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 27, 2015, 03:01:05 pm

They have states with alternate names (Keystone) and dollars with different cryptic symbols. There's some sort of federal government behind that; I'm assuming an alternate USA with another name.

Gem stuff is definitely known outside Beach City. There are gem buildings and constructs all over the planet, abandoned gem technology (the kindergarten(s?) and the old gem ships). Not to mention how thousands of years ago gems invaded the planet, started to suck the life out of it, and humans joined up with some rebel gems to fight them off. There's no way that's all been forgotten, but it might be mundane historical stuff by now.

It's definitely notable that US currency has a gem on it. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Rose Quartz were around when the US was founded, so there's a chance they were involved in the early government. I doubt they cared too much about human affairs back then - my theory is they just interfered enough to ensure the humans stayed away from them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 27, 2015, 03:13:34 pm
I like to think that they believe they don't care, but they can't help but get involved when they see people in danger.

You actually kind of see it in the historical play where they just constantly tell him to leave and turn back, but consistently help him whenever he is in danger and eventually bow to his bravery and promise to help out.

Though I will admit... sometimes it is hard to like the Gems when they go full on ass mode towards humans.

Like when Pearl pretty much caused a power outage that could have lasted forever and wouldn't help.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on July 27, 2015, 03:43:56 pm
They definitely care about protecting humans. That was central to the rebellion. My theory is gems mainly thought of humans kind of like we think of animals: carefree and needing protection. This is shown in "What Can I Do for You" when Rose sings "I like the way / Human beings play / I like playing along".

After "We Need to Talk" Rose started thinking of humans more as equals, and that attitude spread to the other three gems. Pearl resisted the idea, probably because she resented Greg, and is only starting to embrace it now because of Steven. I do agree this plays out annoyingly at times.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on July 27, 2015, 03:50:04 pm
Those theories explain the lack of interest in the Gems themselves, but still, a (apparently) popular tourist beach city that both recently had it's coast drained (probably from around oceans around the world as well) and a defeated (but still, come on) alien invasion would generate some excitement and concern from the government at large. While the denizens of Beach City (and maybe the nation too) know about the Gems and their activities/history enough to accept and be indifferent to them (some think they're normal girls, like the grandma from the pizza shop, but the Mayor does call them "Those magic ladies" at one point), there's gotta be a point where someone outside 'the know' eventually picks up that the human race is in danger from sentient gemstones that want to harvest our planet.

They definitely care about protecting humans. That was central to the rebellion. My theory is gems mainly thought of humans kind of like we think of animals: carefree and needing protection. This is shown in "What Can I Do for You" when Rose sings "I like the way / Human beings play / I like playing along".

After "We Need to Talk" Rose started thinking of humans more as equals, and that attitude spread to the other three gems. Pearl resisted the idea, probably because she resented Greg, and is only starting to embrace it now because of Steven. I do agree this plays out annoyingly at times.

Yeah they do care. Pearl still shows some....condescension towards us humans, but she's coming along.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 27, 2015, 04:31:27 pm
From what I understand a large part of the Gem disdain for humans is mostly two areas
1) Gems don't really get human beings... Humans place a lot of importance on things that Gems probably wouldn't or are a lot less self-sufficient then they are.
2) Humans live such short lives compared to them that basically getting involved with a human is pretty much a tragedy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on July 27, 2015, 08:08:43 pm
It's not like gem activity is new, either. They've been doing these kinds of things for thousands of years, so you probably shouldn't expect some gigantic reaction.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 28, 2015, 12:34:46 am
It's not like gem activity is new, either. They've been doing these kinds of things for thousands of years, so you probably shouldn't expect some gigantic reaction.

Yeah, technically gems have been around since the beginning of history. Gems are thoroughly mundane.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on July 31, 2015, 03:15:56 pm
Apparently this is a thing (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 31, 2015, 03:57:10 pm
So apparently the internet has fallen into hipsterism over the new shows or would elitism be more accurate?

Basically they go that "adventure time, Steven universe, and regular show are good... and everything that came before it wasn't as good". I'd like to state that while Steven Universe is an excellent show... something like Jem and the Holograms and Batman the Animated Series are completely different shows. Better doesn't mean better in everyway. If there is one thing that is currently desperately missing in the current line up of cartoons it is high quality serious cartoons. Steven Universe doesn't replace a good serious show, it doesn't replace a comedy show, nor does it replace a full length or hour length show.

I keep hearing this complaint that "Old shows existed to sell toys, therefore they suck" when frankly... a lot of the time they were pretty good. Jem and the Holograms for example was made to sell toys and was mildly popular... and when it went off the air it was because the toys didn't sell (because they were PURE garbage... no really) and not because the show was unpopular. As well as much as you want to say it was low standards that sold "buy our toys" shows. It is more because these shows managed to tap into certain ideas and themes that even shows today do not do. The original transformers actually got across a war and managed to make the storylines seem huge (something completely lost on modern transformers). All in all is what I am saying is that. In the future people next time there is a line up of great shows. Don't suddenly besmirch the old ones. Even "I" think the 90s was the golden age of children's cartoons and that the 80s wasn't AS good, but even I won't DARE take credit away from the shows that came out at the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2015, 11:51:30 pm
What? Who's dissing Batman: TAS?

TBH, I don't like the messy style of animation that was the big thing in the 90s for the non-serious shows. But that wasn't the only thing going on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 01, 2015, 12:05:58 am
Why does everyone love "Stephen Universe" so much? It's an ok show, but it's hardly great or groundbreaking.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 12:11:18 am
Why does everyone love "Stephen Universe" so much? It's an ok show, but it's hardly great or groundbreaking.

A funny, somewhat entertaining show, with feminine overtones with a bunch of strong characters, good music, retro design, great songs (for a TV show), and a great story.

Certainly enough there to like.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 01, 2015, 12:14:35 am
What Neo said.

On the other hand, it's got that kind of infuriating Secret Depth thing that's become really popular lately that basically requires you to watch about half of a series before you can really get to like it.

Like, SU really doesn't pick up too much until about the end of season 1 and a lot of the great episodes are in season 2. Seasons 1 is 52 episodes long (~10-minute episodes, but still).

It is the only work of fiction that I am willing to recommend to literally everyone, though, so I'd say it's pretty good.

Like, uh, I've got a couple two-hour (11 episode) watch regiments that try to avoid "filler" (which the show has none of, but you actually have to be somewhat invested to appreciate the fluff), keep early in the series (all but Lion 3 are in the first 26 episodes; Lion 3 is exceptional enough that I think it's worth it. It's been nominated for an emmy) and focus on some of the better stuff, one for people who like more personal things and one for people who like action more.

Course, I didn't put too much effort into that. Not just that, but ending the second one with the half-season two-parter might not be the best. The first one is what I would probably watch through again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 12:17:12 am
Oddly enough when Steven Universe finally dropped that secret depth, or at least most of it, it actually improved.

Unlike say Adventure time where the exact opposite happened.

Mind you this is because Steven Universe's secret depth felt to me as a way to sort of slowly reveal things and develop them at a reasonable pace.

While Adventure time's secret depths were there as a backdrop but were otherwise completely unimportant.


I guess why it works in Steven Universe and not Adventure time is more simple then that.

In Steven Universe you want to know more and that information is important to the characters and setting. So in the end revealing it was to the benefit of the show.

While Adventure Time's Hidden Depth started off as more of a Bonus, that if you wanted to look further and really analyze each episode you really could. So revealing it just means they are pissing time away.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 01, 2015, 12:28:54 am
Why does everyone love "Stephen Universe" so much? It's an ok show, but it's hardly great or groundbreaking.

A funny, somewhat entertaining show, with feminine overtones with a bunch of strong characters, good music, retro design, great songs (for a TV show), and a great story.

Certainly enough there to like.

It's not bad. It's not even not good. But it certainly isn't great. It's nowhere near the level of Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, My Little Pony, or (on a different note) Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 12:34:31 am
Well Adventure Time has REALLY started to fall from grace. Though no surprise many of the most beloved early episodes were Rebecca Sugar episodes.

As for great... to each their own. I think the characters are pretty deep and they properly explore the relationships and concepts.

I mean Legend of Korra was "not as good as Avatar the Last Airbender" and it still was considered great. Heck it had one entire botched season that was just flat out bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 01, 2015, 02:29:42 am
Why does everyone love "Stephen Universe" so much? It's an ok show, but it's hardly great or groundbreaking.

A funny, somewhat entertaining show, with feminine overtones with a bunch of strong characters, good music, retro design, great songs (for a TV show), and a great story.

Certainly enough there to like.

It's not bad. It's not even not good. But it certainly isn't great. It's nowhere near the level of Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, My Little Pony, or (on a different note) Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever

okay can you actually elaborate instead of just saying what you think its quality is

i can't even begin to debate with an argument that is essentially "i don't think it's as good as these other things for reasons not given"

and that's not me yelling at anyone, that's me saying that I can't reasonably be expected to yell at anyone who hasn't really said anything that I can yell at in any coherent manner
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 02:33:28 am
Ehhhh I don't think you will get much out of that.

It is one thing to say why a show is great, why it is mediocre, or why it is terrible.

It is another to try to explain why a show is good, but not that good without just saying "it is overrated"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 01, 2015, 09:39:59 am
He paranormal stuff just doesn't seem as compelling as the paranormal stuff in Gravity Falls and the fate of the world stuff doesn't seem as compelling as the fate of the world stuff in Adventure Time
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 09:41:58 am
He paranormal stuff just doesn't seem as compelling as the paranormal stuff in Gravity Falls and the fate of the world stuff doesn't seem as compelling as the fate of the world stuff in Adventure Time

Steven Universe had basically one actual paranormal episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 01, 2015, 09:53:32 am
He paranormal stuff just doesn't seem as compelling as the paranormal stuff in Gravity Falls and the fate of the world stuff doesn't seem as compelling as the fate of the world stuff in Adventure Time

Steven Universe had basically one actual paranormal episode.

It has all paranormal episodes. The main characters are space aliens with a bizarre unearthly physiology.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2015, 09:56:21 am
He paranormal stuff just doesn't seem as compelling as the paranormal stuff in Gravity Falls and the fate of the world stuff doesn't seem as compelling as the fate of the world stuff in Adventure Time

Steven Universe had basically one actual paranormal episode.

It has all paranormal episodes. The main characters are space aliens with a bizarre unearthly physiology.

I guess, in the same way that every episode of Superman is a paranormal episode.

And every episode of Pokémon is a paranormal episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 01, 2015, 10:18:46 am
He paranormal stuff just doesn't seem as compelling as the paranormal stuff in Gravity Falls and the fate of the world stuff doesn't seem as compelling as the fate of the world stuff in Adventure Time

Steven Universe had basically one actual paranormal episode.

It has all paranormal episodes. The main characters are space aliens with a bizarre unearthly physiology.

I guess, in the same way that every episode of Superman is a paranormal episode.

Well, the way they would be if they explored the fiddly details of his superpowers, and Kryptonian culture, and the weird stuff he has stashed away in the Fortress of Solitude.

Or better yet, more like the way every episode of Doctor Who is a paranormal episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on August 01, 2015, 06:43:42 pm
I don't think paranormal means what you think it means.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 02, 2015, 02:27:48 am
Also, that sort of ignores the best part IMO, the slice-of-life stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2015, 02:57:36 am
Also, that sort of ignores the best part IMO, the slice-of-life stuff.

Yeah but!... err wait... yeah Steven Universe does have the best slice of life.

I mean (and I am being sarcastic here) Gravity Falls doesn't have great slice of life at all. I mean it does feature people living their lives, so it is clearly slice of life.

Also Gems don't really have "Alien physiology" they are gemstones that are able to project a hologram, with mass, that apes a living being.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 02, 2015, 11:38:59 am
apparently there's a Ben 10 reboot in the works (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 02, 2015, 01:42:43 pm
Also, that sort of ignores the best part IMO, the slice-of-life stuff.

Yeah but!... err wait... yeah Steven Universe does have the best slice of life.

I mean (and I am being sarcastic here) Gravity Falls doesn't have great slice of life at all. I mean it does feature people living their lives, so it is clearly slice of life.

...I can't parse this at all
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 02, 2015, 01:52:42 pm
Also, that sort of ignores the best part IMO, the slice-of-life stuff.

Yeah but!... err wait... yeah Steven Universe does have the best slice of life.

I mean (and I am being sarcastic here) Gravity Falls doesn't have great slice of life at all. I mean it does feature people living their lives, so it is clearly slice of life.

Also Gems don't really have "Alien physiology" they are gemstones that are able to project a hologram, with mass, that apes a living being.

Well that's way the hell more bizarre and alien than Superman
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 02, 2015, 02:01:32 pm
Favorite animated shows on the air right now, in no particular order:
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
Gumball (somewhat of a guilty pleasure)
Phineas and Ferb

Not sure if Bojack Horseman counts as on the air but that one's surprisingly good too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2015, 02:54:11 pm
apparently there's a Ben 10 reboot in the works (

With each iteration they go further and further from what I actually liked about the first one. Either diving too far into seriousness, too far into comedy, or they forget to actually give the alien forms a point other then "strong!"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 02, 2015, 10:49:01 pm
Favorite animated shows on the air right now, in no particular order:
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
Gumball (somewhat of a guilty pleasure)
Phineas and Ferb

Not sure if Bojack Horseman counts as on the air but that one's surprisingly good too.

What about Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Forever)?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 02, 2015, 11:32:40 pm
Haven't seen it yet.

Has anyone else seen Bojack Horseman?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 06, 2015, 05:19:31 pm
This just in!

According to Gravity Falls

If you enjoy LARPing it is because you are a pathetic wannabe loser and should stop.


That honestly killed the entire episode for me
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 06, 2015, 05:29:26 pm
So here's a thing that just struck me about Inside Out:

Riley's emotions are 3 females and 2 males. While everyone else's emotions have the same sex, same as subject. Wat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 06, 2015, 05:46:57 pm
It is probably a puberty thing.

Since Riley doesn't yet have a strong gender identity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 06, 2015, 05:51:15 pm
It is probably a puberty thing.
Since Riley doesn't yet have a strong gender identity.

Huh. In the context of the movie, this makes a lot of sense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on August 06, 2015, 06:54:13 pm
IIRC The movies producers said it wasn't intended to mean anything. But on the other hand Death of the Author and all that. It's a neat interpretation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 08, 2015, 12:45:50 am
You know... I think I finally found a show that proves just how important animation and aesthetics are to a show.

So they remade Alvin and the Chipmonks in 3d and on the one hand I am vastly impressed because the voices, character, and plot are fully in tact. It feels like it could have been an episode of the show.

Yet SOMEHOW it just wasn't so entertaining as even a bad episode of the cartoon. I mean MAYBE it is the pacing, perhaps the plot advances a bit slowly, but to me I think it is the animation. The 3d is too slow, less expressive, and the characters look extremely stiff and often lifeless. I don't get across any of the character's personalities in their faces.

I honestly want to watch every episode of the 3d one because honestly name ONE remake of a show that felt like it was the exact same show?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 09, 2015, 11:51:36 pm
IIRC The movies producers said it wasn't intended to mean anything. But on the other hand Death of the Author and all that. It's a neat interpretation.
Yeah. I hope I get an excuse to do essays on Pixar films one day.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: BigD145 on August 10, 2015, 10:18:18 am
Has anyone else seen Bojack Horseman?

Just getting into Season 2 after watching 1 and liking it a lot. It's a great look at depression.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 10, 2015, 10:44:24 pm
IIRC The movies producers said it wasn't intended to mean anything. But on the other hand Death of the Author and all that. It's a neat interpretation.

Isn't "death of the author" a fancy way of saying "unsupported bullshit" or "literary analytical wankerism"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: i2amroy on August 11, 2015, 06:11:08 am
Isn't "death of the author" a fancy way of saying "unsupported bullshit" or "literary analytical wankerism"
Not really, it's actually an interesting point of discussion. For example take the poem "The Road Not Taken" ( by Robert Frost. Ask just about anyone to interpret it nowadays, and you get all sorts of interpretations about how it's all about how you should take the road not traveled and see sights and whatnot. Unknown to them, when Frost wrote the poem he stated that he was actually writing it in a fairly ironic sense, and his whole point of the poem was that really in the long run it made absolutely no difference whether he took the road less or more traveled, so deciding based on the fact that one is less traveled is a very silly idea.

Now death of the author asks if it really matters if he wrote it in an ironic sense at all, and therefore everyone who thinks differently is "wrong", or if the really important thing is what we interpret the poem as now, regardless of what he wrote it with the intention of conveying. It's quite an interesting idea, and both sides have some pretty good points IMO. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 27, 2015, 01:33:34 am
Steven Universe
So the Crystal Gems aren't fighting to protect earth because human life is special or precious. They're defending the Earth on a more general ethical grounds. That the Gems don't have the right to kill sapient life to further their own kind. Though it is kinda curious that the Gems take almost no interest in the life they're protecting. They're very ignorant about Humans.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 27, 2015, 02:34:04 am
Steven Universe
So the Crystal Gems aren't fighting to protect earth because human life is special or precious. They're defending the Earth on a more general ethical grounds. That the Gems don't have the right to kill sapient life to further their own kind. Though it is kinda curious that the Gems take almost no interest in the life they're protecting. They're very ignorant about Humans.

Eh. Rose Quartz seemed to have some idea. The extended intro: "We were amazed to find/your beauty and your worth/We will protect your kind/and we will protect your Earth". Rose especially seemed to realize just how much worth human life had during her relationship with Greg.

Actually, this is sort of the theme of my pet theory. I think your point about the Gems is exactly why Rose decided to have Steven. She knew that a human boy with her gem abilities raised by someone like Greg could make a connection with humans that she never could by virtue of being an immortal gem alien. Steven, having actual human friends, would have a better reason to fight for Earth than any of the other Gems.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 27, 2015, 03:13:32 am
I'll conceit that Rose did/does. Though the others do not. Pearl has been on the planet for at least 4k years. Garnet constitute gems may have been there just as long as well. And we see in when Steve takes Garnet to the arcade, she wrecking all the machines, clearly showing she absolutely lost. And Pearl outright says she doesn't understand human relationship, and was quite the fan of the fence.

They had a fence. They had a barrier between themselves and what they were protecting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 27, 2015, 03:25:11 am
Steven Universe
So the Crystal Gems aren't fighting to protect earth because human life is special or precious. They're defending the Earth on a more general ethical grounds. That the Gems don't have the right to kill sapient life to further their own kind. Though it is kinda curious that the Gems take almost no interest in the life they're protecting. They're very ignorant about Humans.

The Gems are protecting all of earth which includes human beings, which they do consider special.

They just think of them as backwards and SUPER short lived and so they don't like to associate with them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on August 27, 2015, 09:14:22 am
They'll still be here when their human friends are 6ft under.  It is a pretty good idea to not get too attached... 
Though, I guess they could think of humans as pets that can take care of their own needs and can do their own things...  Instead of as equals.  It might be easier in the end if you plan on associating with them over the many centuries.
(I don't watch this show.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 27, 2015, 04:20:31 pm
The show is pretty good. Seems to have a pretty well thought out world building, and it has a steadily progressing story arch. Not sure what'll do in its forth season if its keeping this pace.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on August 27, 2015, 10:16:39 pm

Spoiler: -boop- (click to show/hide)

Text wall RE: Steven Universe. Not really sorry. You can read or just scroll your mousewheel past. Take your destiny into your own hands!

I'm a bit late to the discussion on Steven Universe's merits, but some stuff to add. Note, for what it's worth, it's probably one of my favorite shows on TV right now, animation or not. It represents a huge experiment, and a major departure from most everything being produced right now. The episodes are Adventure Time short, and being written on a monthly basis. Each of the core team-members are basically creative polymaths; they write songs, storyboard, write, design characters, etc., and all share the load of creating the show. It's not being rushed through to produce regular seasons either; they recently decided to skip a month since they're all on vacation, and didn't want to rush things and cost the show in quality. Where else do you see that decision being made, rather than churning out third-rate filler episodes to "maintain production"?

Story-wise, since when do you see a Male Lead, in what is essentially a Magical Girl Anime? And when do you see a hero, male or no, whose bravery isn't aimed at fighting and killing Big Evil Things, but at helping to heal damage both physical and emotional, and end cycles of violence or self-destruction? The sheer volume of genuinely sympathetic characters (antagonists or protagonists), is staggering. The schlubby burnout/absentee Dad is a hero too, but just has some practical things he's not very good at. The kind of slimy politician really does have the town's well-being at heart, even if he's self-aggrandizing and in love with his position of power. And so on. The spirit is very close to Hayao Miyazaki in that sense; the same tone from early works like Shuna no Tabi, Nausicaa, or Princess Mononoke, but somehow with even more sympathetic characters and empathy-as-heroism.

And yeah, Steven's most heroic trait is definitely his Empathy; his ability to see the perspective and worth of others (even monsters both literal and metaphorical), help them work together toward a goal they couldn't achieve individually, and to protect them all however he can. Unlike everyone else, his signature "weapon" is a shield, which is some pretty obvious symbolism. Also, in another rare move, the show recognizes that he's still literally a child, with all the physical strength and worldly experience that implies. He's got some supernatural powers to help, but he gets tuckered out pretty quickly when using them, compared with most of the people he's standing alongside or against. Also, though he's got a lot to learn, he's shown a lot of growth from episode to episode, another type of character development that's pretty uncommon in western cartoons.

He and the show recognize his limits as a child, and a (mostly) human being in a fantasy world dealing with #FantasyWorldProblems, yet he is a hero who does everything within his power to make things better. While his trio of superpowered Space-Moms are off fighting to defend against what might be another alien invasion, he organizes an evacuation of the town to keep people safe. When infighting and pettiness is breaking the group apart, he kicks off the tough discussions that start them on the process of finding a resolution, and healing. When someone is stealing the ocean to make a space elevator, he does his best to talk her down, and finds a solution that works for her (restores her the ability to fly to space) and for the people of Earth (get their ocean back). And the same goes for most all of the other characters and challenges he encounters.

As books, films, and a lot of non-western animation have been demonstrating for decades, it's entirely possible for media to be entertaining, while also giving the audience something of value to take away from it. Ignoring all the great music, animation, storytelling, and other reasons I love the show for a second; with the exception of some protective Gem powers Steven is pretty much an average kid, with only his compassion, voice, and courage as his weapons. I'm really glad that the audience is getting such an empowering and relatable icon when it comes to being an everyday hero, and making a positive difference in the world, whether they're a child or not.

TL;DR: I really appreciate how Steven Universe gives us a bit of a lens into our own world and lives, and empowers regular people to fight the good fight, see both sides in a conflict, stand for what's really important, find the courage to tackle big problems head-on, and if we feel powerless against them individually to help find the people who will stand with us and fight it together. As much as I love dadaist or "adult" humor in cartoons, it's about damned time animation in the US started taking on some of the other kinds of mature themes that are out there. Funny that it's alleged Kid's Shows like Steven Universe being the first pioneers to do that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on August 31, 2015, 06:38:22 pm
Is Aqua Teen Hunger Force really canceled this time?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 31, 2015, 07:42:55 pm

i really doubt it

the VERY LAST EPISODE showed last week, then yesterday they showed another one that ended with a non-joke about how the series isn't ending with a joke, and

it's probably going to take a break for a few months then start again
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on August 31, 2015, 09:36:58 pm
I miss Dave the Barbarian.

Specially Twinkle the Marvel Horse rantings.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bohandas on September 01, 2015, 10:22:06 am
I miss Dave the Barbarian.

Specially Twinkle the Marvel Horse rantings.

Yeah, that was a great show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 02, 2015, 11:29:28 pm
Getting used to the 10 minute show format. Though after watching some other shows I can say that it really depends on the cartoon.

Some shows just work as 10 minute episodes and some are great as 30 minute. Though I never have the patience for 1 hour episode cartoons unfortunately.

I am kind of happy actually. It tells me that 10 minute shows aren't inherently better just because the current breed of them are particularly good (Steven universe has more stuff going on in 10 minutes that often happens in 10 episodes of other shows).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 15, 2015, 01:55:32 pm
I'm WAY late for Steven Universe discussion, but I just caught up on that show. And that's probably the best thing that I saw in years, really.
So, yeah. I just had to state that this show is good publicly somewhere, but yelling it out in the middle of the street in Moscow seemed like a really bad idea. I feel better, carry on now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on December 02, 2015, 12:18:43 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on December 02, 2015, 12:20:20 pm

Also, link please.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on December 02, 2015, 12:26:28 pm
They announced it on their official tumblr! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on December 02, 2015, 12:57:41 pm
They announced it on their official tumblr! (

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 04, 2016, 06:17:44 am
12 more hours until new Steven Universe episode is on.

/me twitches nervously and flips the 5 minutes sandglass over

Just 140 more turns...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on January 06, 2016, 10:35:46 pm
Yeah, Steven Universe has been...getting really intense lately. Tonight's episode was great, we'll see what they have in store. I'm really liking their "Steven Bomb" format, five episode arcs that air in a week are rad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 06, 2016, 11:37:21 pm
This arc's been going on for, what, 3 episodes before the bomb?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on January 06, 2016, 11:42:05 pm
Yeah, this one is a bit different. The previous Stevenbomb (Sardonyx) was basically entirely self-contained, though. And I'm feeling that we'll have some kind of closure by the end of the week. (Though maybe not the cluster, but rather some kind of development with Peridot. There's some kind of sub-arc happening there.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 02:19:04 am
They got Peridot to sing a song. That made my day yesterday.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 07:36:50 pm
@Steven Universe

s02e28: OOOOOH SNAP! Go Peridot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 07, 2016, 07:38:28 pm
Ok... A+ Steven Universe... A+

This episode even gets better after rewatching it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 07:42:43 pm
Now I kinda want to see Peridot fuse...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 07, 2016, 07:51:18 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on January 07, 2016, 07:52:43 pm
@Steven Universe

s02e28: OOOOOH SNAP! Go Peridot.
Spoiler: Steven Episode 76 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 07, 2016, 08:01:27 pm
Spoiler: Steven (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 07, 2016, 08:02:08 pm
Spoiler: Steven (click to show/hide)

You're a saint.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 08:04:16 pm
Spoiler: Re: quinnr/ep.76 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 08:47:21 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 07, 2016, 08:48:39 pm
Spoiler: Steven (click to show/hide)

You're a saint.

for finding the screenshot on reddit or wherever i got it or for waiting a week instead of spoiling everyone immediately
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 07, 2016, 08:52:18 pm
Spoiler: Steven (click to show/hide)

You're a saint.

for finding the screenshot on reddit or wherever i got it or for waiting a week instead of spoiling everyone immediately

The second one :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on January 07, 2016, 08:59:44 pm
Spoiler: Re: quinnr/ep.76 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 07, 2016, 09:11:45 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Criptfeind on January 07, 2016, 09:12:25 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sonlirain on January 07, 2016, 09:29:11 pm

Apparently someone is making an animated show about starfox of all things. Frame by frame animation 70's stylized.
Make of it what you want. (Might have been mentioned earlier but i'm not digging through the entire thread)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 07, 2016, 09:33:25 pm
that's a good mike west
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ShinQuickMan on January 07, 2016, 10:39:24 pm
Spoiler: Steven (click to show/hide)

I know I've seen something like that before... Ah, here we go:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: SU (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 08, 2016, 03:45:26 am
I stumbled on a comment on the internet that gave me an idea.

Earlier, I asked how on Earth (hehe, Gem War pun) could Rose resist an army of Gem invaders.
Well, she had a power to control and (to some extent) create biological life.
Cue sod soldiers. Like watermelon Stevens, but more military-fit, I guess.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on January 08, 2016, 08:47:50 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on January 08, 2016, 08:31:18 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 09, 2016, 01:10:20 am
I always got the impression that Peridot was a product of her upbringing and that Homeworld was pretty harsh on her.

Which is why I was easily able to forgive her. Unlike say Jasper
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 09, 2016, 03:55:39 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 09, 2016, 03:57:27 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sex Metaphor Sex Metaphor :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 09, 2016, 04:06:09 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 09, 2016, 04:10:44 am
All you want to do, is see her turn into, a giant woman (A giant woman)

All you wanna be is the guy who gets to see a giant woman

wouldn't it be great, you just can't wait, to see the person they are together.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 09, 2016, 04:37:11 am
All you want to do, is see her turn into, a giant woman (A giant woman)

All you wanna be is the guy who gets to see a giant woman

wouldn't it be great, you just can't wait, to see the person they are together.

Exactly, all that jazz.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on January 09, 2016, 10:33:09 am
New SU episodes are great. Very funny.

One thing I recently wondered about though: at the beginning of the series, they often had to chase and capture gem shards, right? Where have they all gone? Like, did they all just decide to not bother our protagonists while they are doing other stuff? Or did I just forget why this is (very probable, it's been a while since I saw the older episodes)?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 09, 2016, 10:40:42 am
I always thought they were doing that stuff in background, off-screen. And that glimpse in the beginning was there to get viewer the idea of what are Crystal Gems actually doing beyond chilling with Steven.
They added to the problem when a whole lot of prototype gem shard fusions were released. They're pretty much still roaming the wild with humans occasionally bumping into them (see Nightmare Hospital where one of those got run over by a car in a random encounter).
This conflict is set and ready to fire any moment, actually.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 09, 2016, 08:54:54 pm
The highlight of this Stevenbomb with an accurate representation of reactions of audiences worldwide. Huge spoiler for Message Received. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 03, 2016, 04:57:51 pm
It's-a me, Comradio, posting third time in a row.

So I found this footage of upcoming SU episode. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on March 03, 2016, 05:02:11 pm
So I found this footage of upcoming SU episode. (


WHEN!!!!   :P

I'm looking forward to the day AI gets good enough to write & produce TV episodes itself, so that I never have to wait.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 03, 2016, 05:26:44 pm
It's-a me, Comradio, posting third time in a row.

So I found this footage of upcoming SU episode. (
The hype O_O
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on March 03, 2016, 05:29:20 pm
It's-a me, Comradio, posting third time in a row.

So I found this footage of upcoming SU episode. (

Thanks fellow radio!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 03, 2016, 05:38:55 pm
wow you know most places are calling that "advanced spoilers" and telling you to avoid the internet entirely to avoid them since it's incredibly huge spoilers that spoils the climax of an entire arc but OKAY JUST SORTA SAY IT'S "FOOTAGE OF AN UPCOMING EPISODE"

(not personally mad, since I'd already sought it out and watched it on my own accord, but holy shit make it more clear that those are extremely intense spoilers)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 03, 2016, 11:51:35 pm
Well, I guess you're right, but it's been months since the release of Jailbreak, so I figured the majority of people who watch this show are done with at least Season 1.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 04, 2016, 12:58:05 am
...It spoils the climax of an entire arc that hasn't begun airing yet, is what I mean. You also just spoiled the actual topic of the arc there.

It's like saying "hey here's a preview for the star wars sequel" a few weeks before Empire Strikes Back comes out and it being much of the battle between Luke and Vader, including the "I am your father" line. And then when someone complains, you're just like "no vader was shown in the first movie remember"

Actually, using Jailbreak as an example, it's like if the preview was Ruby and Sapphire fusing into Garnet and then half of Stronger Than You. It's fucking huge spoilers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on March 04, 2016, 05:26:50 am
Thanks for the warning.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 04, 2016, 05:23:01 pm
Even more footage from upcoming episodes. Especially for our spoiler-sensitive thread mates: SPOILERS. Others, watch and get hype. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on March 10, 2016, 11:14:43 am
Apparently a new ducktales series has been announced? And it's not CGI?! :O
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 14, 2016, 07:59:40 pm
By the way More Steven universe episodes in June

But I've been watching Life with Louie and though I only seen a few episodes... I am astonished how watchable it is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 15, 2016, 12:32:28 am
By the way More Steven universe episodes in June

Well at least that "Summer of Steven" sounds promising quantity-wise - I expect there will be much more than just five episodes, like in the last Stevenbomb

And then there is seventh season of Archer that premiered while I wasn't looking - the first two episodes are all right and very... Archer-y.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on April 15, 2016, 04:45:59 pm
New Archer? :o
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 15, 2016, 05:21:13 pm
New Archer? :o

Same ol' Sterling Mallory Archer, in his seventh installation
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Andres on April 17, 2016, 06:14:15 pm
Just finished watching Star Wars Rebels. I have to say, the end of season episodes are just fantastic. They also do Darth Vader really well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 12, 2016, 05:15:39 pm
Now arriving at Super Watermelon Island. Mind the gap.

(new Steven Universe episode in two hours)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 28, 2016, 03:46:13 pm
Ok I was kind of underwhelmed by the whole Super Watermelon Island two part special and here is why

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The other issue that I'll bring up is that the show COMPLETELY dropped the tension with homeworld... and somehow is treating them like they are no longer a big deal (kind of). They could have put it into the background without making it seem gone... Show Pearl making more cannons or something in an episode as a second thing. Done!

Otherwise it is still a good show. Minor gripes in what is otherwise excellent.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on June 13, 2016, 02:08:22 am
Well, I dont think that Homewold threat being forgotten is necessarily a misstep. If it wasnt for the thing they stopped, it seems like Earth has entirely forgotten about Earth and has moved on. It would seem that the civil war was far more important to the few rebels then to the Gem Empire as a whole. I think that would be a pretty interesting thing to explore.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on June 15, 2016, 08:12:30 am
You people watching that new Voltron series Netflix apparently launched some five days ago? I just stumbled into it and I'm lovin' it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on June 15, 2016, 10:08:36 am
You people watching that new Voltron series Netflix apparently launched some five days ago? I just stumbled into it and I'm lovin' it!

I am trying to watch the second episode.

I wasn't a fan of the first episode (though really good animation) mostly because non-sense, demotions, and hilariously bad hero speeches.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on June 15, 2016, 10:43:02 am
I just finished 11th episode.

It's not thoroughly good, but it certainly has its moments, and I love those.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 19, 2016, 07:09:06 pm

Steven Nuke...

In Mr. Greg... Pearl actually sings a song that might be the best song in the entire series.

Yes... She might have actually beat "Stronger then You"

The episode might have been a BIT weak overall... But dang that song!

I get the impression the reason the writers give Pearl the most songs is because as a singer she is by FAR the most flexible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 22, 2016, 01:19:44 pm
Season 3 of Bojack Horseman just dropped on Netflix!

I just finished the first episode. It was awesome. Going to be a great season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2016, 12:13:09 pm
And Steven Universe just... had an episode of Initial D.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on July 24, 2016, 01:19:19 pm
With Voltron going strong with a reboot, that reminds me that there's a Robotech live action movie being made. The similarity is that both series originated as "mash ups" of multiple anime franchises. The big difference is that the company with the rights to Robotech are mega douchebags. They've basically blocked anything related to the original source material being released in USA (which includes 30 years worth of sequels), to protect their precious "brand", while making the most Shit-Tastic "sequels" on their own. But the big joke is that they don't actually have the rights to most of the stuff people liked about Robotech, so their sequels have almost no "Robotechy" stuff going on. thus they fail hard.

For the last 10 years they've been trying to work out how you make a movie of a TV show when you don't actually have the rights to most of anything that was in the show ... Shoji Kawamori (the original mecha designer and director of the franchise) has actually said he wants to help out with the Robotech Movie, but I'm guessing this is contingent on them stopping from fucking him over on Macross distribution rights, so they've basically given him the middle finger by ignoring his overtures. Harmony Gold treat this as a zero-sum game - more macross = less Robotech, whereas Kawamori sees collaboration as an opportunity to grow both brands.

Anyway, the main news is that Warner Bros gave up on making this movie after almost 10 years in development hell, and sold the rights to Sony, who've announced a new director (in a long line of proposed directors). Will Sony still screw over the original content creators, or will they resolve the idiotic dispute and actually make a Robotech movie people want to see - one that contains Robotech Stuff, unlike the previous Robotech: Shadow Chronicles cartoon from 2006?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on July 27, 2016, 01:21:39 pm

Steven Nuke...

In Mr. Greg... Pearl actually sings a song that might be the best song in the entire series.

Yes... She might have actually beat "Stronger then You"

The episode might have been a BIT weak overall... But dang that song!

I get the impression the reason the writers give Pearl the most songs is because as a singer she is by FAR the most flexible.

Deedee Magno-Hall, Pearl's VA, is a former broadway singer and it shows. Only in 'Mr.Greg' she actually gets to show her A-game specialty and holy shit it was good. Estelle deserves another chance to lay out her singing credentials, her real life songs are pretty good and I'm not sure about Michaela Dietz, Amethyst's VA, being a professional singer but she has potential, so we'll see and it will probably be good.

Edit* About the episode itself, it seems like Pearl's ready to move on and find a new romance. She'll keep Rose in her heart but I definitely see them pushing her character development more in the next Steven Bomb. So, who do we want to ship her with? Not Greg, they're in a friendly relationship and I don't see it moving past that. Same with Garnet. Amethyst's more like a annoying younger sibling to her. Maybe they'll introduce a new human and we'll see how she reacts to being in the same situation as Rose?

And Steven Universe just... had an episode of Initial D.

You don't know the power of the Supremo?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on July 27, 2016, 06:41:14 pm
In Mr. Greg... Pearl actually sings a song that might be the best song in the entire series.

Yes... She might have actually beat "Stronger then You"

The episode might have been a BIT weak overall... But dang that song!

I didn't think "Mr. Greg" stood out as one of the weaker episodes; the simple and jokey background characters helped ease the tension a few times, without taking focus away from the emotional complications between Greg, Pearl, and Rose and/or Steven. Despite what he represents as the physical evidence of Rose and Greg's relationship, Pearl took on the duty of raising Steven out of love for him and his Mother. I bet there's a lot of Step-Parents out there who can relate to Pearl's position, too. Judging by her song, and the way we see her busy doing domestic parenting stuff around the house, she's probably the closest thing to a Mom Steven has in the show; Garnet is more like a cool aunt who gives good advice but is kind of emotionally distant, and Amethyst is very much a Big Sister to Steven. "It's Over, Isn't It?" was probably the highlight of the episode, but the fallout of the trip itself moved the plot between Pearl and Greg forward significantly. Maybe we'll see him and the Gems hanging around more often now?

P.S. I kind of love how sharply Pearl enunciated "Don't Cost Nothin'," like the huge nerd she is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 27, 2016, 06:53:25 pm
Also I have to give the game a LOT OF CREDIT!

Greg didn't become poor at the end of Mr. Greg

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 27, 2016, 07:46:51 pm
Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service reminded me of Ar Tonelico.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 28, 2016, 12:04:45 am
Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service reminded me of Ar Tonelico.

Also is it wrong that I would have actually found the episode cooler if it was just them doing a race to deliver a huge ton of pizzas against the clock?

Then again I never QUITE like dream media that doesn't REALLY take advantage of the fact that it is a dream... Though this is no where NEAR as bad as Inception... AKA: "What if you were inside the dream of the most boring people imaginable"

Then again... Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service... is flat out a idiot plot... like the very definition of it.

It would have ended pretty much immediately if either Steven or Kiki had an intelligent thought, and neither of them are that dumb normally. DOUBLE BONUS that the dream doesn't even reveal the correct issue psychologically (That she is overworked) meaning that the dream itself had to hand hold them through a solution as well.

What is odd is I honestly thought Steven knew what was wrong the entire time and just had the reasonable assumption that Kiki would eventually catch a break... But nope :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on July 28, 2016, 12:21:05 am
People in dreams tend to lack critical thought. That's normal. Random shit happens and you just go with it, you rarely question it. Basically every dream would end almost instantly if you were critically aware: you'd realize it's a dream straight away.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 28, 2016, 12:23:26 am
... but people do do irrational things in their dreams. Nonsensical things happen in dreams and you just go with it. If they were perfectly rational inside a dream, that would be the unrealistic part.

Ok... well let me put together the clues here

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Clearly no connection! We would need a detective to solve this mystery!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on July 28, 2016, 12:25:54 am
idk, i haven't watched it, i'm just guessing based on what you write. From what you said before it sounded like the whole episode was a dream.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 28, 2016, 12:26:48 am
idk, i haven't watched it, i'm just guessing based on what you write.

You probably didn't :P

It is flat out an idiot plot.

Kiki has the excuse of being willfully ignorant. Steven on the other hand... is 15...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on July 28, 2016, 12:27:54 am
There's no "probably". I haven't seen it since I haven't seen any of that show whatsoever.

IDK how being 15 years is "on the other hand" from being willfully ignorant however.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 28, 2016, 12:29:00 am
There's no "probably". I haven't seen it since I haven't seen any of that show whatsoever.

You should its a good show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 29, 2016, 11:31:50 am
All caught up on SU now, these new ones have been really really great. Also, I think Peridot might be becoming my favorite character.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on July 29, 2016, 01:51:02 pm
Peridot is great, but Bob is winning after the baseball episode, though I am totally a Ruby.

'Are you ok, did they hurt you?' "No, did they hurt you?" 'WHO CARES?'
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 01, 2016, 10:41:18 pm
Ok an odd bit of stupidity in todays episode.

I mean... they go out on their first mission to battle a gem beast with Pearl.

Pearl is there, obviously, to step in if things get out of hand but to otherwise let Steven and Cony deal with things.

Things immediately prove themselves to be much more dangerous then Pearl anticipated forcing her to step in immediately...

Then... They split up. Even though these creatures are too dangerous for Pearl to take alone without backup... and are ESPECIALLY too dangerous for Connie and Steven to take alone without backup.


Then Steven uses more intelligence then he uses normally (Seriously show... is Steven a moron or is he intelligent... choose!)... and there is a reason for that but it is a spoiler...

I dunno it is a weird episode. Because it is KIND OF an Idiot plot but it isn't...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 02, 2016, 09:28:56 pm
Then... They split up. Even though these creatures are too dangerous for Pearl to take alone without backup... and are ESPECIALLY too dangerous for Connie and Steven to take alone without backup.

I don't recall it being stated or implied that the corrupted gems were too dangerous for Pearl solo, or for Connie and Steven together. These gems are big and strong, but otherwise lacking any sort of impressive abilities; compared to the corrupted gems the gang is used to fighting, these should be relatively easy to deal with.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 02, 2016, 09:50:26 pm
It isn't that Pearl can't handle them solo. It is that she can't safely handle them solo and there is no reason why she shouldn't just regroup with the other gems. You don't want to take the chance on a lucky hit.


Luckily todays episode was amazing!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 05, 2016, 09:08:54 pm
Bubbling Bismuth kind of bothers me. It's one thing to hold corrupted gems until you can find a cure, or hold an enemy who is intent on killing the CG's, but Bismuth is basically being imprisoned for having a different opinion on how the war for survival should be fought. I hope Steven finds a way to reason with her.

Also, now I totally want to make a real Bismuth gem.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 06, 2016, 04:49:37 pm
Also, now I totally want to make a real Bismuth gem.

Looks like it's rather easy. (

Warning: bismuth is slightly radioactive. Do not hold it close to your person for more than ~1,000,000,000,000,000,000 years at a time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 08, 2016, 09:24:19 pm
Holy shit I actually feel bad for Jasper
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 09, 2016, 12:19:49 am
Holy shit I actually feel bad for Jasper

What scares me... is I have a feeling we weren't.

Though what I am glad about is they didn't cheat in Amethyst's favor... like most shows would do.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 09, 2016, 06:24:02 pm
Weren't supposed to? No, it's pretty clear that sympathy is the intended feeling there, or at least empathy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 09, 2016, 09:09:28 pm
I noticed that when Steven/Amethyst de-fused, Steven's body was whole while only Amethyst turned to light. Whereas with Stevonnie, both Steven and Connie turn to light. Not sure what to make of this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 09, 2016, 09:13:34 pm
I've noticed that I've pretty much put Steven Universe in my "Highest possible criticism" box only because it is one of the few pieces of fiction that is honestly good enough.

It is one of the few shows where I dread the typical ways out of a dilemma presented... Yet Steven Universe more often then not avoids it and goes down the better option.

Weren't supposed to? No, it's pretty clear that sympathy is the intended feeling there, or at least empathy.

I think I am scarred from all those bad shows I watched.

That and it requires a disconnect between what the characters think and what is going on. Such as Jasper's inability to find someone to fuse with.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on August 09, 2016, 09:49:04 pm
Spoiler: SU (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 09, 2016, 09:59:54 pm
Spoiler: SU (click to show/hide)

I mean more the Sea Buddies episode.

It was the WEIRDEST bit of role reversal I ever seen...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So they have an odd... case of being unsympathetic to Jasper even in the oddest situations. I think due to some perception that she deserves mistreatment o-o.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TheBiggerFish on August 10, 2016, 06:14:53 pm
So this thread exists.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 10, 2016, 09:22:20 pm
So this thread exists.

Is that a discreet way of saying 'Bump!'?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 10, 2016, 09:23:07 pm
So this thread exists.

Is that a discreet way of saying 'Bump!'?

I think it is his discreet way of saying PTW :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 11, 2016, 07:38:21 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
...I honestly would never have expected Steven Universe to go there. was kinda hot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 11, 2016, 12:27:00 pm

The Kindergarten Kid gave me Road Runner vibes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 11, 2016, 06:02:11 pm
It was 100 percent a willie coyote cartoon. And they also did an initial d episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 17, 2016, 11:35:00 am
Star vs Forces of Evil recent episode Starstruck reminded my of the current political situation in the US.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 17, 2016, 04:26:09 pm
WOW! that was a REALLY uncomfortable episode on... racism so to speak.

The Amazing World of Gumball, let me break down the Metaphor

Darwin is in the part of the black adopted son whom the family believes wants to reconnect with his roots.

So they suddenly cook him stereotypical black dishes, not knowing the context or even cultures they are from, they adopt black personas... and they speak to him in "Ebonics" to comfort him. All the while mixing up cultures because "All black people are alike right?"

All the while Darwin has absolutely no real connection to that culture and at most showed a mild curiosity in his browser history.


Mind you, I don't see this being an issue for children but as an adult where I could see through their references... OWWWW!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on August 17, 2016, 09:28:39 pm
The bit where the family realized she was looking at  browser history and destroy their computers was definitely aimed more at the older viewers.

I'm not one, I can't watch the show, the randomly spaced screamers make my teeth ache.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TheBiggerFish on August 18, 2016, 09:46:58 am
So this thread exists.

Is that a discreet way of saying 'Bump!'?

I think it is his discreet way of saying PTW :P
You are quite correct.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 18, 2016, 05:06:20 pm
The bit where the family realized she was looking at  browser history and destroy their computers was definitely aimed more at the older viewers.

I'm not one, I can't watch the show, the randomly spaced screamers make my teeth ache.

I don't think the implication was that the entire family was watching porn.

I think even younger audiences wouldn't like the idea of their parents invading their privacy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on August 18, 2016, 08:29:09 pm
Nobody says "please... delete... my browser history..." because they're worried people will see they were on ebay looking for MLP paraphernalia, they're concerned about the rule 34 stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 19, 2016, 10:49:53 am
Nobody says "please... delete... my browser history..." because they're worried people will see they were on ebay looking for MLP paraphernalia, they're concerned about the rule 34 stuff.

It always strikes me how people seem to be unaware of incognito browsing option available in most modern browsers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on August 19, 2016, 12:06:19 pm
Nobody says "please... delete... my browser history..." because they're worried people will see they were on ebay looking for MLP paraphernalia, they're concerned about the rule 34 stuff.

It always strikes me how people seem to be unaware of incognito browsing option available in most modern browsers.
But, it is easier to bookmark the website(s) / go back to it cause auto-fill.  Especially when it is frequently visited on a private computer.

On another note... is there anything of interest other then Steven Universe on the cartoon/western animation front?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 19, 2016, 12:16:27 pm
On another note... is there anything of interest other then Steven Universe on the cartoon/western animation front?

Well Netflix did make that one reboot of Voltron. Apparently it was done by the studio behind Legend of Aang and, subsequently, Legend of Korra (the way I heard it). One season is out, and it gives off the vibes you would expect from a creation of that studio (I watched it prior to learning its origins). Poster promptly displays Dreamworks logo, so these guys must've got something to do with it as well.
Generally, it's worth a watch, I think.

For googling purposes: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 19, 2016, 12:24:41 pm
How To Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge, which is also on Netflix, is alright. There's 4 seasons out so far, I think season 4 is currently airing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on August 19, 2016, 12:45:44 pm
On another note... is there anything of interest other then Steven Universe on the cartoon/western animation front?

A few of my favorites:

1) Young Justice:  Its great, but it was cancelled before its time.  Although I heard rumors of it returning at some point.

2) Venture Bros:  Sort of a spoof on a lot of 80's cartoons like Jonny Quest, but really fun to watch.

3) Voltron: Legendary Defender:  Somehow good even though its about robot lions that turn into a giant robot.

Grr, I'm forgetting something obvious, I know it.  I'll edit when I remember.

Edit:   4)  Rick and Morty.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 19, 2016, 12:51:27 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on August 19, 2016, 12:53:38 pm

No, I didn't really care for that one.  It was probably another adult-comedy though. 

Ack, it was Rick and Morty.  That was it. 
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on August 19, 2016, 12:53:58 pm
Venture Brothers is amazing, if you haven't seen it you should be watching it, if you aren't watching it, what the fuck are you doing here?

Archer is even raunchier and also fantastic, makes me miss Frisky Dingo too.

Oh, and I know the production quality isn't quite the same, and it may have just been due to living in Kentucky for a while, but Squidbillies is amazeballs.
Nobody says "please... delete... my browser history..." because they're worried people will see they were on ebay looking for MLP paraphernalia, they're concerned about the rule 34 stuff.

It always strikes me how people seem to be unaware of incognito browsing option available in most modern browsers.
Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with my pr0n, but I still don't want random people digging through it after I'm dead. Right now someone wants to check my browser history I laugh and tell them to fuck off, can't do that when I'm dead, so if you would, clear it for me? Thanks brah.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2016, 05:48:31 pm
On another note... is there anything of interest other then Steven Universe on the cartoon/western animation front?

Rick and Morty has been met with generally positive acclaim. The animation and humor in the first few episodes are generally weak, but it definitely picks up after that and just keeps getting better. Particularly in the second season they touch on some very serious social dysfunctions, but mostly under the cover of some crazy and hilarious scenarios.

Bojack Horseman recently released it's third season, and has been renewed for a fourth. It's a show with a sort of slice-of-life vibe; which is to say, the story arcs don't really have conclusions. The characters develop problems, try to resolve them, realize there are no easy or complete solutions, so instead learn to live with their problems one day at a time. Also there are anthropomorphs. It's not for everyone, but I have really enjoyed the show so far and look forward to more.

Star vs the Forces of Evil is a show more appropriate for minors, but with some jokes that youthful adults can enjoy as well. There are a few original story arcs which keep things interesting.

We Bare Bears is from the same creator as Steven Universe. It's generally light-hearted and episodic, but there are several episodes which evoke real feels.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: penguinofhonor on August 19, 2016, 07:25:50 pm
I also recommend Bojack Horseman. Just finished the first season and enjoyed it a lot.

Also, I can find no connection between Steven Universe and the creator of We Bare Bears.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2016, 07:52:24 pm
Also, I can find no connection between Steven Universe and the creator of We Bare Bears.

Ah, you are correct, that's my bad. Both shows do share several voice actors and I got confused, but the creation teams are totally different.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on August 19, 2016, 08:16:02 pm
WBB is so damn cute it's disgusting, and I totally forgot Rick and Morty because much like Venture Bros you should already be watching it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 02, 2016, 09:20:39 pm
Well with Steven Universe going on Hiatus again

I have to say the show's writing is starting to take a serious quality hit... and not overall... just for one specific reason

No One Cares

I honestly feel like if this season happened in the first it would be handled entirely differently. Jasper was treated so casually, Steven's new powers were completely ignored, and the overall threat is just treated as nothing special.

As well the disconnect between Beach City and the Gems has grown so wide lately that as a friend said. "At this point they could be two entirely different shows"... I mean I understand that they were always meant to be separate... but Beach City is sort of supposed to be the "Why the Crystal Gems are so important" where Steven gets his inspiration to try so hard... but no.

The last time Beach City was even important to a Gem plot... took place on the beach FAR away from anyone... Didn't even as much as leave a crater in the beach.


As well the latest episode really had no reason to exist... which is a shame because I'd love to have the new character actually join the cast... but nope... This episode was completely pointless and had nonsense twists and turns (in fact... It being so out of character and nonsense was the joke... Garnet was completely out of character was the joke)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 02, 2016, 09:26:18 pm
Well with Steven Universe going on Hiatus again

What? Next episode is airing in 6 days.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 05, 2016, 09:04:01 pm
I also recommend Bojack Horseman. Just finished the first season and enjoyed it a lot.

Just finished season 3 of Bojack Horseman. Holy shit, this show just keeps building.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 06, 2016, 03:09:54 am
I liked Future Boy Zoltron quite a lot, I loved Mindful Education, and Buddy's Book was good too.

Know Your Fusion and Kindergarten Kid were both very silly and felt as though they were a bit of a take five for the end of the release block.
I certainly feel more could have been made of Jasper's corruption.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on September 06, 2016, 10:43:13 am
I certainly feel more could have been made of Jasper's corruption.

It might be made into something more in the future. They got like two more seasons secured with CN.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TempAcc on September 06, 2016, 12:55:20 pm
Spoiler: Hergé pls (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 06, 2016, 02:35:53 pm
Well with Steven Universe going on Hiatus again
I have to say the show's writing is starting to take a serious quality hit... and not overall... just for one specific reason
No One Cares
I honestly feel like if this season happened in the first it would be handled entirely differently. Jasper was treated so casually, Steven's new powers were completely ignored, and the overall threat is just treated as nothing special.

SU was a very casual show from the beginning. It wasn't until about 25 episodes in that we got more than vague hints about the greater story arcs. And even at the height of drama, every second or third episode took a break from the action for a casual look at everyday life of the gems.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 06, 2016, 04:41:35 pm
Well with Steven Universe going on Hiatus again
I have to say the show's writing is starting to take a serious quality hit... and not overall... just for one specific reason
No One Cares
I honestly feel like if this season happened in the first it would be handled entirely differently. Jasper was treated so casually, Steven's new powers were completely ignored, and the overall threat is just treated as nothing special.

SU was a very casual show from the beginning. It wasn't until about 25 episodes in that we got more than vague hints about the greater story arcs. And even at the height of drama, every second or third episode took a break from the action for a casual look at everyday life of the gems.

When Steven showed ANY power all the characters dropped everything and dealt with it.

Now Steven basically is the overmind, which has SERIOUS implications, and "Meh, so what?"

As well whenever there was a threat and they didn't deal with it immediately in the first season it was usually because Garnet could foresee its movements... They were going insane when they thought homeworld was coming AND when Malecite was around they went on expeditions constantly (usually offscreen) to try to find her.

Jasper? PFT who cares about her?

So, I am going to correct you on those points. It was casual but it never reached the levels of "Unmotivated protagonist syndrome".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 06, 2016, 10:42:28 pm
Well with Steven Universe going on Hiatus again
I have to say the show's writing is starting to take a serious quality hit... and not overall... just for one specific reason
No One Cares
I honestly feel like if this season happened in the first it would be handled entirely differently. Jasper was treated so casually, Steven's new powers were completely ignored, and the overall threat is just treated as nothing special.

SU was a very casual show from the beginning. It wasn't until about 25 episodes in that we got more than vague hints about the greater story arcs. And even at the height of drama, every second or third episode took a break from the action for a casual look at everyday life of the gems.

Jasper? PFT who cares about her?

Are you seriously saying this when Bismuth was the only episode interrupting an arc that lasted almost a dozen episodes focused on Jasper?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 06, 2016, 11:53:13 pm
Are you seriously saying this when Bismuth was the only episode interrupting an arc that lasted almost a dozen episodes focused on Jasper?

How many of those involved even mildly even remotely looking for Jasper even if it was a throw away line?: 0
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 07, 2016, 02:14:19 am
Are you seriously saying this when Bismuth was the only episode interrupting an arc that lasted almost a dozen episodes focused on Jasper?

How many of those involved even mildly even remotely looking for Jasper even if it was a throw away line?: 0

This is true, if you completely ignore Alone at Sea, Gem Hunt, Crack the Whip, Steven Vs. Amethyst, Beta and Earthlings.

You may notice that I skipped two episodes there: Greg the Babysitter and Bismuth. Of the episodes I listed, only Steven Vs. Amethyst doesn't literally feature Jasper (though the plot is entirely driven by Amethyst's wanting to beat her). Greg the Babysitter is basically a flashback episode. Bismuth is the only episode that takes place after Jasper reappears in Alone at Sea that fits your complaint. The only one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 02:21:05 am
This is true, if you completely ignore Alone at Sea, Gem Hunt, Crack the Whip, Steven Vs. Amethyst, Beta and Earthlings.

Did... I watch a completely different version of these episodes from you? None of those episodes feature looking for Jasper in any sense.

Though if there really was a throw away line "We looked for Jasper, we didn't find her" I'd really like to know.

Since the shows slide towards "Meh, who cares?" is starting to drive me crazy. I swear there is going to be an episode where a Diamond shows up, followed by an episode where the Gems don't even acknowledge she is even here.

And I understand why from a writing standpoint this is happening. Because they want to lighten on the drama since we already had a long stretch of episodes involving extreme paranoia and worry out of the Gems and they don't want to thrust us back into that because of Jasper...

I have no issue with them not wetting their pants because Jasper is on earth. Yet they didn't just drop the tension, they dropped ALL tension and didn't even give the slightest nod to someone who, up to this point, is the greatest enemy the Gems ever fought on the show.

This is Mermaid Melody Season 2 all over again! Except... ok... not AS bad (as Jasper is no where close as threatening as the villain in that and at least Amethyst is training to beat her, partially at least)


Anyhow I'll explain the concept of Unmotivated Protagonists later... Mermaid Melody Season 2 will always be my primary example of this... but I'll give a basic rundown of what happens.

In Mermaid Melody Season 2 a new villain appears who not only can withstand our main character's full attacks but can also defeat them quite easily. In fact the only reason he doesn't kill them is because his crippling health problems forces him to retreat.

Mermaid Melody Season 1 also featured a powerful opponent who was more then a match for the mermaids, in fact I believe he didn't have crippling health problems.

The difference is in Season 1 the entire plot revolved around the villain and the entire reason the mermaids live on land is a way to not only escape from the villain but also so the villain won't destroy their homes trying to get to them.

In Season 2 while they will acknowledge the villain exists... They do not try to find out who the villain is, where he is, or how to defeat him in anyway... All the stupid plots that mean much less then him are put into the limelight... The mermaids don't even do the bare minimum and team up.


And no having Jasper appear a lot doesn't count.

In Season 2 of Mermaid Melody every single episode dealt with the main villain (though to admit, I am not aware if they knew the connection between all the villains)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 07, 2016, 04:12:24 pm
Heyo Neonivek and Putnam. Not to wade headfirst into a poopstorm, but here's two cents. (Note: This post is Steven Universe Spoilers of the worst kind.)

That all aside, I'm glad the show doesn't let a "Big Bad Evil Guy" plot completely take over the heart and soul of the series. SU is at it's best when it's doing character development, and exploring the joys, difficulties, and growth of it's various characters, and the relationships between them. This includes antagonists like Jasper, and explores her character and history even when she's not in the frame.

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot "Alone at Sea". Added it to the list.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 04:21:43 pm
I guess it is difficult to understand my position but I'll put it as plainly as possible:

I think Steven Universe should have hinted or implied that the Crystal Gems were looking for Jasper, even if it is as something as small as a throw away line or a visual easter egg.

That is it...


It doesn't matter how many episodes focus on Jasper or hint at Jasper. It is essential.

It is why Mermaid Melody Season 2 doesn't get a pass just because the Main Villain is in every episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 07, 2016, 04:48:10 pm
Well, Garnet and Amethyst did do exactly that, immediately after they discovered Jasper was still alive in "Alone at Sea", while Pearl, Connie, and Steven went north to hunt Gem Monsters (and inadvertently ran into Jasper). And at that point all the characters continued to look for her until this latest Jasper arc was resolved in "Earthlings", didn't they? I don't need to defend the show, and I know that everyone's got preferences when it comes to storytelling, and maybe I don't understand precisely what you mean... but doesn't that fit the bill?

If you're mad they took so long to bring Jasper back after she fell out of the plot, and into a magma-filled chasm split down to the core of the Earth, I get you. Consider this, though. From the characters perspective Jasper was destroyed, trapped underground, or otherwise gone. From the writers perspective, they want to keep the plot fresh, and not linger on one conflict (Malachite/Jasper) or Jasper's story overlong, and neglect all the other plots going on. Peridot still needed to wrap up her redemption arc, Lapis needed to deal with the emotional aftermath of their fusion, Steven needed to figure out why Jasper (and Homeworld) hated his Mom, etc.

Anyway, I was looking forward to a Jasper redemption arc too. The Crystal Gem team needs a gigantic orange emotionally-inept butch space rock who secretly just wants friends, IMO. But we may not see that for a while, when/if Steven figures out how to cure Corrupted Gems or something... and I have a feeling that's a long-term plot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 04:50:46 pm
Running into Jasper doesn't count.

And at that point all the characters continued to look for her

That is the thing... they absolutely didn't do that. Your assuming they did based on how it makes sense that they would.

If you're mad they took so long to bring Jasper back after she fell out of the plot, and into a magma-filled chasm split down to the core of the Earth, I get you. Consider this, though. From the characters perspective Jasper was destroyed, trapped underground, or otherwise gone.

A) No I am not
B) No they did NOT think she was dead...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 07, 2016, 04:59:32 pm
Okay, this is gettin' silly friendo.

In addition to the episode-by-episode rundown I did 4 posts ago, I guess could cite the episodes, minutes, and seconds that all those things happened, but I kinda gotta do other stuff. :I
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 05:00:45 pm
Okay, this is gettin' silly friendo.

In addition to the episode-by-episode rundown I did 4 posts ago, I guess could cite the episodes, minutes, and seconds that all those things happened, but I kinda gotta do other stuff. :I

I mean I COULD use your own episode by episode rundown... >_<
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 07, 2016, 05:01:04 pm
That is the thing... they absolutely didn't do that. Your assuming they did based on how it makes sense that they would.

Crack the Whip starts with Garnet explicitly telling Connie that her and Pearl are leaving to track down Jasper, as was mentioned earlier.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 05:01:50 pm
That is the thing... they absolutely didn't do that. Your assuming they did based on how it makes sense that they would.

Crack the Whip starts with Garnet explicitly telling Connie that her and Pearl are leaving to track down Jasper, as was mentioned earlier.

THANK GOODNESS! Sure took waaaaaaaaaay too long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 07, 2016, 05:02:19 pm
here's the exact mention (

You may even notice that Pearl explicitly says that they should be tracking her down and gives reasoning for it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 05:03:33 pm
here's the exact mention (

Thank goodness.

Though goodness that is the only time. Still bad but isn't abhorrent.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 07, 2016, 05:04:29 pm
You seriously expect the main-character-in-training to be actively seeking out an incredibly strong villain who is as strong as a fusion by herself?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 05:07:09 pm
You seriously expect the main-character-in-training to be actively seeking out an incredibly strong villain who is as strong as a fusion by herself?

I REALLY REALLY don't think you guys understand me. xD

It is when someone argue something that only tangentially relates to what I said...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on September 07, 2016, 05:09:30 pm
so from the some of the leaked images of "First one out of Beach City," it looks like we're getting a 'bad pearl' episode, at least as far as character design goes

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 07, 2016, 05:10:17 pm
You seriously expect the main-character-in-training to be actively seeking out an incredibly strong villain who is as strong as a fusion by herself?

I REALLY REALLY don't think you guys understand me. xD

It is when someone argue something that only tangentially relates to what I said...
Then you seriously expect the topic to be brought up explicitly in every single one of the 11-minute episodes during the arc? I have no idea what you're trying to say...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 07, 2016, 05:14:35 pm
Methinks it's time for us to step away from the personal head-butting sessions, find our inner Chill Composure, and get back to talkin' about cartoons.

Cartoons are neat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 07, 2016, 06:58:03 pm
I speculated briefly about how if you add impurities to carbon you can get different colored diamonds, pink being an option, but I don't think silicon and oxygen impurities produce pink specifically, though steven does have a good chunk of magnanese, titanium, and iron due rose quartz, with the carbon impurities from greg, adding more carbon from connie made me wonder what it took to make the diamonds, though I hadn't seen Earthlings at that point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 07, 2016, 07:08:34 pm
It is possible the Diamonds were the first created by coincidence

They were created by other Gems

Or... they were created by some other species.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 07, 2016, 07:39:31 pm
The Gems remind me a lot of Von Neumann Probes ( in principal, or like a slower and more complex Grey Goo scenario based around self-replicating gay rocks.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 07, 2016, 07:52:31 pm
"Self replicating gay rocks" is the best description of SU I've ever heard, that shouldn't be so funny.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 08, 2016, 08:58:30 pm
I bet there's going to be a number of concerned messages to cartoon network over the latest episode of Steven Universe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2016, 03:38:37 am
Also seriously I just assumed the Gems were American citizens the entire time...

I mean... they are technically natives and have been living in Beach City the entire time.

Ohh wait I forgot... The Gems live in another dimension from Beach City xD
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 09, 2016, 03:39:41 am
They probably never bothered to get the paperwork
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2016, 03:42:01 am
They probably never bothered to get the paperwork

I get the impression that they mistakenly believe they couldn't get the paperwork.

Though given how public the Crystal Gems are (sort of), you would think it would be unavoidable.

It is one of the reasons why one of my theories is that the Crystal Gems froze themselves until Steven came about :P
-Actually I just assume the Gems often fought for weeks, months, or years on end without a Rose or Steven to break up their fights.


My personal theory is that the government is FULLY aware of the crystal gems and their existence.

They just don't act on it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on September 09, 2016, 04:40:54 am
...they put gems on their money
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on September 09, 2016, 12:15:07 pm
That was a really fun episode.  The ending bits totally cracked me up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on September 09, 2016, 01:58:26 pm
They probably never bothered to get the paperwork

I get the impression that they mistakenly believe they couldn't get the paperwork.

Though given how public the Crystal Gems are (sort of), you would think it would be unavoidable.

It is one of the reasons why one of my theories is that the Crystal Gems froze themselves until Steven came about :P
-Actually I just assume the Gems often fought for weeks, months, or years on end without a Rose or Steven to break up their fights.


My personal theory is that the government is FULLY aware of the crystal gems and their existence.

They just don't act on it.

I agree with the government part; it does seem like Mayor Dewey knows and tries to cover up as much of the weird gem stuff as possible judging by the way he got defensive in Ronaldo's interview. And, until the somewhat recent fingering of Beach City, they've never been a threat nor have they been high profile, having at one point fenced themselves off and seemingly not bothered.

I kinda wanna see what the government would do now that all this stuff's going on. Perhaps a men-in-black style situation is going on behind the scenes and the MIB already know about the Kindergarden (codename Site 48 or something) and for all we know they could try actual surveillance on the gems.

Edit* Just caught up on the last episode and...
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 09, 2016, 06:49:14 pm
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Though, Pearl is the one who had the idolized hero figure who pushed her to become more and then died, leaving her to grow and work to find her own way in the... well... universe.

I typed "Perl" three times, I don't even use the language, what the hell?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on September 09, 2016, 07:09:32 pm
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Though, Pearl is the one who had the idolized hero figure who pushed her to become more and then died, leaving her to grow and work to find her own way in the... well... universe.

I typed "Perl" three times, I don't even use the language, what the hell?

It's fine, it's firday and im a lil tipsy sitting at my corner desk while me and my roommates watch Riki-Oh (with Backstroke of the West next) or however you speel it and I'm typing words wrong every few lines and laughing my ass off, so speeling isn't important.

But you do have a point about the whole hero figure inspiration thing, but Steven keeps drawing natural parallels to me about being the chosen one who can unite the races and free the gems from the oppressive government so he's kinda the focus of my thought. I can see him growing into it, but he's got a rude awakening coming when the Diamonds just don't care or listen to him when we get to that point. I guess I'm hoping for some drama, let us introduce such a paragon of manliness, a man of indomitable spirit who awakens the fighting spirit of the Gems and Steven once more and becomes a beloved side character of the group ......only to die in the first real encounter with the Diamonds, his last moments inspirational to the end. Damn it gurren lagann.

*edit again, also gotta praise the music choice for the last episode, perfect garage band sound for the episode theme, i actually hunted down the music on youtube and have it on repeat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 09, 2016, 08:10:09 pm
Eh, I would totally be ok with them doing a super gurren inspired flashback with Rose and Pearl, but as a big brother myself, I think Garnet fills the role too well for it to not feel cheap for someone else to come along and try to Kamina it up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2016, 08:15:39 pm
Honestly my theory is the new character won't really be seen again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 09, 2016, 10:43:02 pm
There was an element of that sibling competitiveness with Amethyst and Steven toward the end of last season. Trying to keep up with your siblings is explored quite well there, I think.

re: new character, There's a lot of narrative options for them to explore there with Pearl, if they want. I hope we see her again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 09, 2016, 10:44:56 pm
There was an element of that sibling competitiveness with Amethyst and Steven toward the end of last season. Trying to keep up with your siblings is explored quite well there, I think.

re: new character, There's a lot of narrative options for them to explore there with Pearl, if they want. I hope we see her again.

I dunno... In a few ways it is kind of "wrong" to find a replacement for someone who died...

and I don't think the show is willing to go dark enough to go there... and I'd prefer them not to ignore it either.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 09, 2016, 11:19:07 pm
There was an element of that sibling competitiveness with Amethyst and Steven toward the end of last season. Trying to keep up with your siblings is explored quite well there, I think.

re: new character, There's a lot of narrative options for them to explore there with Pearl, if they want. I hope we see her again.

I dunno... In a few ways it is kind of "wrong" to find a replacement for someone who died...

and I don't think the show is willing to go dark enough to go there... and I'd prefer them not to ignore it either.

The thought never occurred to me that she would be a form of replacement. That could be pretty intense.
I was more thinking a 'trying to be someone you're not' arc with Pearl.
I don't like speculating on shows too much though, it sets me up for disappointment when it turns out that something was just a one off. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 10, 2016, 02:31:14 pm
I was more thinking a 'trying to be someone you're not' arc with Pearl.

It's sorta been explored before, right? She lied to Garnet and everyone else to make Sardonyx happen, stretches the truth to prop up her ego when challenged, and seems to reject the reality of some of the situations she finds herself in as a way to cope in the short-term. Putting on the jacket and being a badass rebel for an evening was another way to do that, even if it didn't do any harm this time.

That's one of the ways I relate to Pearl as a character, actually. She's got issues with putting on airs and false presentations, glossing over the ugly deals in her personal history, and when recounting the history of the Gems and the Rebellion (understandable when talking to a kid, but she's easily the least direct of the bunch), and all sorts of other things related to pretending to be being someone you're not, or pretending the world or the situation is different than it is. It's absolutely been one of the focal points for her growth as a character, and I'd be curious to see if they tie this into it.

As of "Mr. Greg," Pearl seems to have processed some stuff about Rose she'd been holding on to, so dating new people could be a way to build on that? It'd be interesting to see how they'd handle Steven's perspective there too; having a parental figure who's dating people can be tricky, which is something a lot of kids with divorced parents go through. Definitely some good material to work with there!

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 10, 2016, 09:55:03 pm
That made me laugh. hehehe

I think that it would differ from previous instances, in that she'd be more aware of what she's doing, and for someone else's benefit rather than her own. But really I'd just be excited if they do anything with mystery girl at all. :P
The whole 'stepmum' dynamic would be pretty cool, true. Though I imagine that would be some delicate writing territory.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Shook on September 11, 2016, 07:13:20 am

Oh man, so i've been watching some Samurai Jack, and i happened upon the episode "Jack and the Haunted House" (S3E9). If you've seen it, you may agree when i say that it can best be described as "awesomely terrifying". Aku will of course always be my favourite villain, but this demon was quite something as well. I'm not sure why, but i really liked that episode despite normally not liking horror. :v

also that episode where Jack gets a giant stone mecha and fights a giant robot


Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 11, 2016, 07:36:54 am
Hype level:
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on September 11, 2016, 03:17:41 pm
Hype level:

The new season will have more mature elements, and form a cohesive story. The story picks up 50 years[11] after the end of the original series and follows Jack on a journey that will conclude the story of the series.

Tartakovsky buildin' up that HYPE (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Shook on September 11, 2016, 04:58:01 pm

But oh man does he have a lot of hype to live up to, i hope it doesn't end in a flop. But, since it's the same guy producing it, i am decently confident. The biggest question is this: WILL MAKO'S SUCCESSOR DO AKU JUSTICE? Also speaking of AKU, there was this one episode (Jack vs Aku) that showed what his voice would look like as text ( I kind of wish that was a font i could use. :U
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 11, 2016, 06:47:03 pm
They got the guy who studied under Mako for the role, and I always forget that Vince shot Samurai Jack in the face.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 12, 2016, 04:29:34 am
On the subject of reboots, Danny Phantom ( might happen.
I'd watch it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 12, 2016, 01:22:13 pm
On the subject of reboots, Danny Phantom ( might happen.
I'd watch it.

I would too... Yet I'd probably want them to make a new show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on September 12, 2016, 10:09:40 pm
I missed the boat on that show, and never got a chance to understand it's appeal.

Samurai Jack was always really gorgeous and cool, though... I never watched it as a series, but I enjoyed it whenever I caught it. I'm... actually kind of excited about this!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 15, 2016, 03:37:40 am
Samurai Jack was always really gorgeous and cool, though... I never watched it as a series, but I enjoyed it whenever I caught it. I'm... actually kind of excited about this!

The extremely episodic nature of Samurai Jack was actually a big part of it's appeal to me, and the main thing that has me skeptical of it's renewal. Apparently the new season is just going to be one big story arc, as opposed to the many short stories we're used to.

A couple of new shows premiered recently.

Son of Zorn, a show that mixes animation and real life. It's about a spoof of He-Man, who somehow ends up leaving his fantasy island to live in the suburbs and be near his bastard son. Most of the jokes seem to center around Zorn bringing his barbaric mindset to otherwise mundane situations with absurd results. The interaction between animation and reality didn't seem to mesh very well in the first half of the episode, but smoothed out a bit in the second half; I'm optimistic for the rest of the season. The jokes always got a chuckle out of me, and the father/son premise caught my interest enough that I'm now looking forward to seeing more. Of course since it's on Fox, it's not likely to see a second season, but we can hope.

Legends of Chamberlain Heights. Wow. I didn't think it was possible, but someone actually managed to make a show with worse visual quality, less humor, and more disgusting racial insensitivity than Bordertown. Hopefully this will be cancelled just as quickly, if not moreso.

Also, new season of South Park premiered. Following the trend of their recent seasons, it seems that this one will follow one large story arc with less emphasis on the inter-episode story arcs. This first episode in particular didn't really seem to accomplish anything more than setting up for things to come. I'm not saying this is necessarily bad...but it is very much contrary to the format which originally gave this show it's popularity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Tiruin on September 15, 2016, 04:34:52 am
I missed the boat on that show, and never got a chance to understand it's appeal.

Samurai Jack was always really gorgeous and cool, though... I never watched it as a series, but I enjoyed it whenever I caught it. I'm... actually kind of excited about this!
Danny Phantom is pretty nice :3 And I DO love the episodic nature of Samurai Jack! It was at an annoying timeslot though, so at least I could know when I missed episodes everytime it showed (and be all grumpy :I because it was so cool).

Loved the artstyle, and how the producer made out the story and how fleshed out the characters are especially given how little most of them speak.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 15, 2016, 07:57:57 pm
I think the latest episode is probably the dumbest they have made Steven...

To the extent where I honestly thought he was just playing along... O_O (doesn't help that the acting was kind of poor... well ok more accurately the direction... I'd explain more but spoilers)

In my personal opinion... Probably the worst episode of all of Steven Universe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on September 16, 2016, 03:08:54 am
Well it wasn't in any way exiting, but it hardly was the worst. It was about as good as most episodes not featuring gems (except Steven himself), that is to say, not very good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 16, 2016, 03:40:40 am
Well it wasn't in any way exiting, but it hardly was the worst. It was about as good as most episodes not featuring gems (except Steven himself), that is to say, not very good.

I dunno what episode I'd put as worse...

I mean there are episodes I enjoyed less (like the episode about Larse being a big fat cheater DANG IT SADDIE DUMP HIS BUTT!!!) but I appreciate their uncomfortable nature.
-On a side note: I don't dislike Larse as a character but BOY do I think Saddie should dump him altogether... He aint good for you Saddie!

Though maybe the Petey episode... with Petey having a REALLY concerning level of clinical depression?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 17, 2016, 02:47:45 pm
Gumball seems to have a lot of clip-episodes lately. Not that I mind, they are usually pretty entertaining.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on September 18, 2016, 09:37:34 am
So I binge watched 3 seasons of BoJack Horseman. It's good, but pretty depressing. I like the humor, tho I can tell it's there mostly to keep it from being so damn dark. Heavy-dark, not grimdarky-dark.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 18, 2016, 01:35:16 pm
So I binge watched 3 seasons of BoJack Horseman. It's good, but pretty depressing. I like the humor, tho I can tell it's there mostly to keep it from being so damn dark. Heavy-dark, not grimdarky-dark.

The Plotline I am concerned about the most though is Princess'

If only because this is the kind of show that would say the solution is for her to stop working entirely...

When for a person like her... her self-worth and esteem comes from her job and often they like working especially hard...

(As well the only thing I don't like about the show is that its depiction of everyone... is that everyone is depressed... But to admit I think they dropped that aspect)

Note: I love the show. I just don't want to get into too much about why I like it. Just watch the show people!

Also to correct the show

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Dang it Season 4 already...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on September 19, 2016, 02:55:36 am
I just watched the first few episodes of Bojack Horseman and found it too draining to watch.
You nailed it with the depression thing; I feel bad for all of them all the time!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 19, 2016, 05:06:33 am
The show also has an odd idea of sexuality.

Basically everyone wants sex all the time UNLESS there is something wrong with them.

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Though given that the show depicts sex as a ultimately destructive and demeaning act
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on September 19, 2016, 10:47:26 am
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I googled it right during the episode (actually paused while I was doing), and found that while they are different in theory, in practice they're pretty much the same, except that the former is more closely regulated than the latter.
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 19, 2016, 11:31:10 am
To admit though the BEST thing about how the whole Princess thing panned out though

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Tiruin on September 19, 2016, 10:39:03 pm
Oh my wow! I've just seen Steven Universe online and it's nice :D Although I kinda lost links to versions that are uncensored--can anyone link me here online sites to watch the uncensored versions please?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on September 19, 2016, 10:50:04 pm
Ohh yeah NOW Steven Universe is on Haitus.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on September 19, 2016, 11:10:55 pm
I just watched the first few episodes of Bojack Horseman and found it too draining to watch.
You nailed it with the depression thing; I feel bad for all of them all the time!

Lol, I ALSO just got in Bojack Horseman, I think it's amazing and I love it to much!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on September 23, 2016, 05:12:31 am
I'm finishing season 3 of BJ Horseman as I type this, and I gotta say, it's a good thing they tossed all the animals as people thing in the mix because otherwise it's just so fucked up, what the characters do.
Got me invested enough to watch it all, somehow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on September 25, 2016, 03:22:31 am
Its also damn funny, just not with the characters themselves generally. Like in season 3, there was this great nearly stealth dr. seus joke when Bojack is underwater. And the sign place that Mr PeanutButter, how they always get it wrong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on October 03, 2016, 02:11:04 pm
@ Steven Universe discussion,
I'm laughing out loud. Seriously, I'm not just telling you that like I do everyone does most of the times on the internet. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 07, 2016, 05:30:18 am
I just watched the premiere of Milo Murphy's Law. I was quite alarmed by just how blatantly they portrayed the teacher's wood-fetish. I honestly thought she was about to start grinding on the corner of her desk right there in front of the whole class...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on October 07, 2016, 05:31:48 am
I just watched the premiere of Milo Murphy's Law. I was quite alarmed by just how blatantly they portrayed the teacher's wood-fetish. I honestly thought she was about to start grinding on the corner of her desk right there in front of the whole class...

I think she really was about to... straight up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 14, 2016, 10:26:41 am
There was an interesting scene in the most recent episode of South Park...

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I feel like this is so totally relevant to the current political climate. You're free to say and do what you want. But when you lower the bar, don't be surprised when the other party responds in kind.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on October 14, 2016, 11:10:18 am
Oh my wow! I've just seen Steven Universe online and it's nice :D Although I kinda lost links to versions that are uncensored--can anyone link me here online sites to watch the uncensored versions please?
Wait, censored how? Also, uh, I forget the full address for it, but has a cartoon side with them.

Just caught the "what... NO, YOUR DIAMOND, MY DIAMOND!" bit, and the bits with Peridot/Lapis and their crap art was great.

How many fucks does Lapis give? We tried asking but she never got back to us with a reply.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 14, 2016, 11:15:51 am
I usually get my cartoons from . To my knowledge they don't use censored versions...though admittedly I haven't specifically checked.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on October 14, 2016, 11:30:06 am
There was an interesting scene in the most recent episode of South Park...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I feel like this is so totally relevant to the current political climate. You're free to say and do what you want. But when you lower the bar, don't be surprised when the other party responds in kind.

Seems like a false equivalence to me. "What, you don't want to sit at the back of the bus? Ok, then I get to drop a giant turd on your head. Guess we're even!". But that's pretty much South Park S.O.P.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on October 14, 2016, 12:10:23 pm
I gave it some thought and I'm just a few straws away from petitioning for this piece ( to appear in next season of BoJack Horseman
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on October 14, 2016, 04:17:14 pm
There was an interesting scene in the most recent episode of South Park...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I feel like this is so totally relevant to the current political climate. You're free to say and do what you want. But when you lower the bar, don't be surprised when the other party responds in kind.

Seems like a false equivalence to me. "What, you don't want to sit at the back of the bus? Ok, then I get to drop a giant turd on your head. Guess we're even!". But that's pretty much South Park S.O.P.

Not really a false equivalence if you understand the actual issue and not the surface issue.

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THAT and I think the protests are a reference to actual female rallies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 14, 2016, 05:26:34 pm
In a previous episode, 'The Hobbit', Wendy went on a feminist crusade but was ultimately forced to accept that her position was not necessarily the righteous one. So it would not be entirely unprecedented for the girls to end up on the losing side of this battle.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on October 14, 2016, 05:31:28 pm
In a previous episode, 'The Hobbit', Wendy went on a feminist crusade but was ultimately forced to accept that her position was not necessarily the righteous one. So it would not be entirely unprecedented for the girls to end up on the losing side of this battle.

Well it was girl against girl.

But I don't exactly think, given how it ended, that the ending was about her being wrong...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on November 07, 2016, 07:29:28 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 07, 2016, 07:31:15 pm

YES! It always bugged me that it ended like... mid plotline.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on November 07, 2016, 07:40:01 pm
-accidental post-
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 07, 2016, 09:21:08 pm

Holy Hell! First Samurai Jack, and now this! Sweet sweet justice for Young Justice!

Now if only they would cancel Teen Titans Go, then life would be perfect. At least in regards to youth-based superhero animations.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on November 07, 2016, 09:28:12 pm

Holy Hell! First Samurai Jack, and now this! Sweet sweet justice for Young Justice!

Now if only they would cancel Teen Titans Go, then life would be perfect. At least in regards to youth-based superhero animations.
I heard somewhere recently that TT:Go is Cartoon Network's most profitable show, which is a bummer. 
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 07, 2016, 09:34:00 pm
i know, some show existing sure does make existing shows worse

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on November 08, 2016, 12:40:28 am
It's a bummer because the audience is showing they want more of the same stuff, the obvious solution is to blind all children!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 08, 2016, 01:28:04 am
In theory I'm certainly in favor of this blind-all-children initiative. They have clearly demonstrated that they lack the sense of good judgement to utilize optical sensory organs responsibly. Unfortunately, I can't think of an effective and reasonable delivery system that would accomplish this noble goal. We may need outside help on this one....
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on November 08, 2016, 01:44:08 am
Hmmm... nanomachines, son?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2016, 06:25:41 am
Well the problem with Teen Titans Go isn't so much that it is bad (though... that can certainly be argued) it is that, to the fans, it is the equivalent of someone tying strings to the corpse of Teen Titans and making it do silly chicken dances as we stare on in horror.

And... The show is FUNNY aware of that and constantly takes time to troll the fans of the original Teen Titans AND detractors of the show (several episodes devoted to haters with broken logic). It is a show that revels in being completely disrespectful to the source material.

All the while people no longer have the real teen titans which kind of ended on a low note after it kind of became a Teen Titans version of the Justice League (as well as a few other twists)... Something I am sure most fans wanted to desperately see.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 08, 2016, 08:16:18 am
Well summarized, Neon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on November 08, 2016, 12:19:35 pm
Well at least y'all have that DC Super Hero Girls Superhero High or something.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on November 08, 2016, 12:24:51 pm
Was recently recommended a pilot for what might become a new CN show: The Infinity Train (

It's definitely a Pilot, but it's actually pretty cool!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on November 08, 2016, 01:11:09 pm
Well at least y'all have that DC Super Hero Girls Superhero High or something.

You're welcome.
Which is a cute show and I would much rather have than TT:Go, especially if the options were a proper continuation of Teen Titans+Super Hero Girls.

TT:Go has the Gumball problem for me, I don't know what ass thinks screamers are funny, but it's why I don't even give Gumball a chance, every time I leave it on there it seems, I'm startled by "quiet quiet quiet BLARRRGH SCREAMING AND HORNS FOR NO FUCKING REASONS quiet quiet quiet" though nothing is as bad as that fucking episode of TT:Go where they were chewing on teeth... wanna push the fucker who made that shit off a cliff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 08, 2016, 04:34:16 pm
Well summarized, Neon.

I mean, except that it's wrong.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 08, 2016, 05:01:45 pm
Was recently recommended a pilot for what might become a new CN show: The Infinity Train (

It's definitely a Pilot, but it's actually pretty cool!
I'd be interested to see more of that!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 08, 2016, 05:06:19 pm
Well summarized, Neon.

I mean, except that it's wrong.

Your opinion is exactly as wrong.

The show isn't just 'stupid entertainment' which would be bad, but tolerable.  It is 'insulting stupidity' which would rank awfully high on most peoples list of things they hate.  In fact, it's very much like the now probably long forgotten time that South Park trolled its audience with the "Who is Cartman's Dad" cliffhanger, you know, when Matt and Trey had to issue a public apology because Comedy Central wasn't willing to tolerate the bad press.

Being stupid is just stupid, but trolling your audience is asking for hate.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 08, 2016, 05:14:22 pm
I'm saying that it's not directly insulting and never has been. I've actually seen all the stuff people complain about and they're taking it in the absolute worst possible way, and even then it's usually a stretch to say it's an insult. Every single time the old show comes up it's basically said outright to be superior in a variety of ways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 08, 2016, 05:17:09 pm
And I am saying that that is a matter of opinion, you don't find it insulting, others do.  Maybe you should respect their opinions, as while they are wrong, they are the feelings they have and you have no say in it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 08, 2016, 05:20:59 pm
...No, saying that it "revels in being completely disrespectful to the source material" is not an opinion, it's an (incorrect) statement used to base an opinion off of.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2016, 05:27:55 pm
Every single time the old show comes up it's basically said outright to be superior in a variety of ways.

No your thinking more about how the characters constantly refer to how the Teen Titans aren't serious and often how they "used" to be serious or something along those lines. The rhetoric behind it is how everyone keeps trying to turn Teen Titans Go into Teen Titans... But Teen Titans Go is ultimately how it should be.

Whenever they directly have a episode ABOUT the old show their usual conclusion is "New show better, you guys should be ashamed" which they surprisingly do more often then I personally thought.

And I think people are oversensitive about Teen Titans Go... But to act like they don't directly troll their audience is to FLAT OUT not understand their humor. Heck they have an entire episode dedicated to having absolutely no comedy (and not in the "so unhumorous that it is funny" sort of way).

They play against the typical cartoon format. It is why the majority of episodes go against the grain. It is why their "Girl Power" episode is a sarcastic take that at the genre, it is why their episode about Mother Nature ends with a pro modern life, it is why their Cow episode ends with an actual moral being the joke.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 08, 2016, 05:29:28 pm
Putnam, I'm really not sure where your head is here, but you seem to be acting argumentative simply for the purpose of being argumentative.

You find no problem with TT go, other people do.  Instead of framing your argument in a constructive fashion you are just saying "no, you're wrong", which may just be the actual worst possible way to inform someone.

You could, alternately, point out places where you feel that the program has praised or framed the source material in a positive light (and not just saying that it has happened, which I certainly haven't seen any sign of).  But you aren't doing that, and are just coming across as arrogant and belligerent.

I mean, seriously, I wouldn't even blame you for getting upset at me for this interchange.  But that is because I recognize that what I am saying could be quantified as an attack.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 08, 2016, 05:33:52 pm
Whenever they directly have a episode ABOUT the old show their usual conclusion is "New show better, you guys should be ashamed" which they surprisingly do more often then I personally thought.
You could, alternately, point out places where you feel that the program has praised or framed the source material in a positive light (and not just saying that it has happened, which I certainly haven't seen any sign of).  But you aren't doing that, and are just coming across as arrogant and belligerent.

And the whole episode with Control Freak where they try to get themselves canceled to bring the old show back...

Every episode I've seen that references previous stuff requires a squint and a backflip to say that they're outright saying the new one is better.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2016, 05:34:47 pm
The Clown episode? The Too Serious episode? The Return of Slade?

I should state though... I love the Too Serious episode! One of my favorites (and frankly... It could be argued that it is right.)

I loathe the Clown Episode mostly on the basis that "The things of our childhood should not grow up with us."... Which it did by not understanding what it means to "grow up with us"... and for once it didn't set up the contrivance as part of the joke.

Which is kind of where Teen Titans kind of excels... It is why the "Too Serious" episode is one of my favorites. The Teen Titans get too serious and end up becoming so serious that it becomes stupidly silly melodrama.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 08, 2016, 05:36:22 pm
Good example, thank you for providing some context.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 08, 2016, 05:48:06 pm
Meh not worth dragging out the argument. :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on November 09, 2016, 01:44:39 am
Well now that we can all agree that Teen Titans Go is literal Hitler, let's move on to promising new animation.

The topic was spurred by The Infinity Train... Despite missing the mark juuuuuuuuuuust a little bit (I mean, it's just slightly off. It doesn't quite come to together perfectly), it looks to be a promising show.

Any other interesting pilots of new series out that you guys are digging???
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 09, 2016, 01:45:35 am
Really? I didn't think Teen Titans Go was bad at all... I tried as hard as I could to explain why people didn't like it without resorting to just calling it bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 09, 2016, 03:04:07 am
Well now that we can all agree that Teen Titans Go is literal Hitler, let's move on to promising new animation.
The topic was spurred by The Infinity Train... Despite missing the mark juuuuuuuuuuust a little bit (I mean, it's just slightly off. It doesn't quite come to together perfectly), it looks to be a promising show.
Any other interesting pilots of new series out that you guys are digging???

The topic was spurred by the announcement of Young Justice being renewed...and while not a new series, it was a bit obscure, and I certainly recommend checking it out if you're not familiar with it already.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 09, 2016, 03:05:01 am
Well now that we can all agree that Teen Titans Go is literal Hitler, let's move on to promising new animation.
The topic was spurred by The Infinity Train... Despite missing the mark juuuuuuuuuuust a little bit (I mean, it's just slightly off. It doesn't quite come to together perfectly), it looks to be a promising show.
Any other interesting pilots of new series out that you guys are digging???

The topic was spurred by the announcement of Young Justice being renewed...and while not a new series, it was a bit obscure, and I certainly recommend checking it out if you're not familiar with it already.

Also DEFINATELY watch the Young Justice Teen Titans Go crossover! it is HILLARIOUS... even if you don't normally like the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on November 09, 2016, 11:28:13 am
I actually don't mind any spinoff silly shows, like all the Lego stuff or even that one with the tiny Marvel guys that I forgot the name of.

I like silly humor, I just don't have time to watch TTGo. But my brother watches it in the other room so I hear all the jokes. They're pretty good. Like that episode where Robin tries to make the others think instead of following orders (and they start just doing whatever they read in a fortune cookie), the moral of the episode was that Robin was wrong in thinking that they could think by themselves. I thought that was hilarious.

But since so many people hate this stuff or feel personally insulted by the animators or whatever, I can just watch in the sidelines with a healthy serving of popcorn, neither defending nor attacking the show.


Also DEFINATELY watch the Young Justice Teen Titans Go crossover! it is HILLARIOUS... even if you don't normally like the show.

Heh, pretty fun.

Also someone mentioned something how a supervillain caused the reboot:

Seems to me like the creators of this show are actually trying a "take that!" at the Network, but somehow every old fan feels this is them mocking them? Um.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 09, 2016, 12:02:12 pm
I'll... Avoid the argument for now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on November 10, 2016, 10:10:58 pm
Hey so I finally got around to watching Gravity Falls. 'twas pretty good!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 11, 2016, 10:04:36 am
Hey so I finally got around to watching Gravity Falls. 'twas pretty good!

Yeah, enjoyable show. The best part for me was following the reddit with each newly released episode, where people deciphered all the hidden codes and pointed out secrets that I had missed. It's nice to see writers who care enough to do stuff like this.

I do feel like it ended far too abruptly however. They never gave a very satisfying explanation for what Lee went through on the other side of the portal. And then the finale just felt like a lot of half-developed ideas slapped together in a barely coherent story. But at least it got a proper ending, which is more than can be said for many shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on November 11, 2016, 05:07:32 pm
I appreciate that Hirsch just stopped when he ran out of ideas rather than dragging it out. Artistic integrity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 18, 2016, 02:27:29 am
Wow! a two parter in Steven Universe!

And it was a complete throw away episode that wasn't even all that good on its own... but worse because it introduces two interesting things that it discards by the end of the episode!

Which... also kind of had the gems acting really unnaturally (though in all fairness... they might have been TRYING to act extra civil)

And featured the juiciest pumpkin in existence.

I guess I am kind of disappointed... Though I am noticing how much the Gems know about human/Earth culture SEEMS to be based on whatever the writer thinks it the funniest.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 18, 2016, 03:04:02 am

Really, many weeks of waiting for this? Sort of underwhelming.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 18, 2016, 04:45:27 am
Schedules are at the whim of Cartoon Network and have very little to do with production.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 18, 2016, 04:50:52 am
Fair point. I guess I got my hopes up, previous double episode being Bismuth and Ashly Burch ( announcing that she will voice a part in the show during the hiatus.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on November 19, 2016, 06:25:55 am
You guys set my expectations so low again that I quite enjoyed it. :D
I think the episode suffered for having to juggle so many characters though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 19, 2016, 06:27:11 am
You guys set my expectations so low again that I quite enjoyed it. :D
I think the episode suffered for having to juggle so many characters though.

Glad to be of service! now if you will excuse me I need to ruin Adventure time for everyone! *woosh*
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on November 20, 2016, 01:08:03 am
I actually didn't mind it at all. It nudged a few plots forward, introduced a character, lightly celebrated a holiday (harvest festival / thanksgiving), and had a nice Aesop about trying to love and be inclusive of people (family) despite their differences. I loved the scene around the table, where Andy was just completely left out of the loop on all their in-jokes and stories, being a newcomer to the group; that's an experience I think a lot of people can relate to.

For plot reveals, we saw that Steven's plant minions aren't absolutely loyal to him (even if it was just a gag). Interesting to see how Greg skipped out on his family, changed his name, etc. I sense a future backstory? Also, judging by how the camera lingered on Andy's hair at the end of part 1, is Marty a relative of Greg's too? And does that make Steven related to Onion, Sour Cream, and Vidalia?

Just a few things to like about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: JimboM12 on November 20, 2016, 08:25:43 am
The pumpkin dog. All my cuteness sensors bleeped at the same time. I want a pumpkin dog now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 20, 2016, 09:28:04 am
Adventure Time S7 Finale, Preboot/Reboot.

After a season plagued by filler(albeit intellectually stimulating filler), the finale has left us with a cliffhanger that promises the next season will see some significant progression to the greater story, with Finn finally meeting other humans and learning about his past.

I'm still sad that it has to end in 2018, but at least it looks like it's going to be a fun ride until then.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on November 20, 2016, 12:05:05 pm
I loved the scene around the table

I couldn't have hated that scene more... but that is because I loathe sacrine fakeness. The kind I got a lot as a child.

But I figured it was supposed to be fake. So don't take it as criticism for the scene so much that I saw it as annoying and fake (The Crystal Gems don't typically act that way and Pearl tends to act that way out of condensation, something that puts her at odds with the other Gems)


I watched the Adventure Time Finale... and... Frankly...

If it is a sign of what is to come... It would be better if Adventure Time ends next season... or just right now.

I LOVE Adventure time but the problem wasn't that it was "Ridden with filler" the problem was that the writing fell into a horrible vortex of despair... and it still hasn't climbed its way out of it... which is sad because before the Finale I actually thought it had.

Why do I say this? Well for two reasons

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on December 03, 2016, 02:29:01 pm
I just read that Rick and Mortey season 3 is expected to have only 3 episodes when it premieres this March. My disappointment knows no bounds.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on December 03, 2016, 06:30:06 pm
I just read that Rick and Mortey season 3 is expected to have only 3 episodes when it premieres this March. My disappointment knows no bounds.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jimmy on December 03, 2016, 06:33:04 pm
Not according to what I read: (

Rick and Morty Season 3 confirmed at Magic City Comic Con to be 14 episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 03, 2016, 06:35:24 pm
What is odd is that I'd have no problem with only 3 episodes.

It would mean we would actually get an ending to a show :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jimmy on December 03, 2016, 06:38:57 pm
Current estimates put release date at March 2017. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on December 03, 2016, 08:48:55 pm
I find it weird that Garnet believes that Steven will need a shave in the future.

And before you go "Future vision!" I should state that future vision is a calculation machine based around known variables.

I actually would have preferred if instead of it being a "Future Vision" joke, that Garnet actually did think Babies need to shave :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on December 04, 2016, 02:12:24 am
Might've predicted a need to shave based on how Greg grew a beard over time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on December 04, 2016, 03:51:01 pm
I find it weird that Garnet believes that Steven will need a shave in the future.
And before you go "Future vision!" I should state that future vision is a calculation machine based around known variables.

The faults of the calculation machine may be the reason why Garnet mistakenly believes that Steven will need to shave soon. She has very limited experience with humans, presumably only having spent time around adult males, she would have observed their facial hair growing and assumed that human males of all ages grow facial hair and therefore Steven would need to shave soon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on December 05, 2016, 10:26:39 pm
Final Space looks pretty lit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on December 05, 2016, 11:27:56 pm
While we're on subject of pilots, I like this one (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on December 05, 2016, 11:31:57 pm
Yea lol. The first 40 seconds to that is possibly my fav opening to a cartoon show ever.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on December 12, 2016, 06:45:16 pm
I just finished binge-watching all seven seasons of Futurama.

I have never been so sad and happy at the same time--what a show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on December 12, 2016, 07:01:37 pm
I love how when they play it on tv it goes from "Wanna go around again?" to "Space: it goes on and on forever..." seamlessly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Zangi on December 12, 2016, 07:03:24 pm
While we're on subject of pilots, I like this one (
That pettiness, it burns.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on December 22, 2016, 05:58:55 pm
Ducktales,  oo-oo! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 03, 2017, 05:56:13 pm
CN released an entire Steven Bomb on their mobile app weeks ahead of scheduled airing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on January 03, 2017, 06:27:33 pm
It was a good one too.

Loved Pearl's sassy monologue at the end, complete with piano backup. Very cathartic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 03, 2017, 07:20:52 pm
Some people were disappointed but I will say the 5 episodes aren't a ender like Jail Break

It is more like the start of the next chapter then the end of the current one.

Though Cartoon Network's advertisement was pretty much LIES LIES!!! STOP LYING!!! :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 04, 2017, 07:02:37 am
I really like how animators prettyfied Yellow Diamond. Like:

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on January 04, 2017, 09:37:51 am
The only thing they really did is proportion her neck a little.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on January 04, 2017, 04:42:01 pm
Her face isn't always constipated, that's just one expression from that previous episode.

She was doing her angry face meme thingamajig, like this I, I think

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This is what she looked like before getting all worked up:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So there's some prettifying but not to the extent that is being claimed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 06, 2017, 01:02:30 pm
I find it suspicious that Peridot and Rose
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 06, 2017, 01:11:36 pm
I find it suspicious that Peridot and Rose
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: eerr on January 06, 2017, 06:07:57 pm
Final Space looks pretty lit.

Man a little Sci Fi makes me nostalgic for the glory days of Star Trek.
But, that voice isn't the cool and calm Picard, Data, or Riker, which makes me sad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 07, 2017, 01:28:20 am
Archer - Dreamland (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Oneir on January 07, 2017, 06:27:37 pm
Spoiler: Steven Bomb (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on January 07, 2017, 06:36:03 pm
it's a comic by an SU crew and a homestuck art team person afaik
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Oneir on January 07, 2017, 08:05:39 pm
it's a comic by an SU crew and a homestuck art team person afaik

Spoiler for...consistency, I guess.

Spoiler: Steven Bomb (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 10, 2017, 12:20:55 pm
Binge watched two seasons of Star vs Forces of Evil

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on January 10, 2017, 01:24:55 pm
Final Space looks pretty lit.

Man a little Sci Fi makes me nostalgic for the glory days of Star Trek.
But, that voice isn't the cool and calm Picard, Data, or Riker, which makes me sad.

Okay--dude had to pay for all the animation himself and had no money for voice actors. That wasn't a CN produced thing--that was his pitch presentation. It's going straight to series, where Ill assume he'll be getting some actual voice actors and equipment.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 23, 2017, 03:50:04 am
Another season of Netflix and Dreamworks animated Voltron reboot came out yesterday. It is definitely worth checking out if you found yourself interested in first season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on January 23, 2017, 05:09:08 am
I really enjoyed the first season and thought it ended on a great cliff hangar.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on January 23, 2017, 05:33:44 am
Yeah, and they get right onto resolving it in season 2.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 12, 2017, 12:17:51 am
I assume people have seen this, but just in case you haven't...

Jack's back.

EDIT: I have watched this trailer at least 25 times already. No joke. It's amazing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on February 12, 2017, 12:26:58 am
Cleaned link without whatever that site is: and yeah Jack is a Mack and the Scotsman is Back.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 12, 2017, 12:33:48 am

Steven Universe forgot the Rubies... AGAIN!

I wouldn't care so much except well... leaving immortal beings adrift endlessly in space is an extremely cruel punishment. At least in their gem form their sense of time is limited (how far they are aware of it is inconsistent)

To admit they could have bubbled-teleported them (I would have assumed a sort of... distance limitation), so hopefully they show their gemstones next episode... But goodness!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 20, 2017, 06:07:39 pm
My favorite line from a recent episode of Star vs Evil.

"The point of Earth-magic is to allow yourself to be entertained, by pretending that it's real. Just like love."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 21, 2017, 05:17:47 pm
Ok I miiiight be mistaken... buuut...

I don't think the "Karate" they use on the show is "Karate"

Then again apparently that is one of their more subtle jokes and makes perfect sense given the source of his specific style.

It is one of the few times I've seen a show open itself up to "Hey! That isn't real!" and it just going "Yeah, get it?" :P

Though sure will be embarrassing if it turns out it is completely accurate and I am speaking completely out of my butt. Though I swear it is just a mish mash of martial arts most of the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 22, 2017, 12:01:48 am
They explained that in the episode 'Red Belt'...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Of course, after 'Running with Scissors'...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Regarding Marco's ability to fight before that, the currently prevailing theory is that he is simply a 'child of destiny', imbued by the powers that be with super-human focus and determination so that he can grow as strong as he needs to in preparation for an eventual battle of good vs evil against Star.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 22, 2017, 06:55:31 am
Ehhh the basics are very important in martial arts so I have no issue with Marco being good at martial arts.

Since while... yeah... The Karate he learns is clearly fake. It is at least something.

Plus the monsters kind of suck at everything.

Or rather... Marco knows martial arts... Though it certainly isn't Karate.

(THEN AGAIN!!!! Him being good at martial arts is a debatable thing too. Given that he has never defeated a 8 year old child in martial arts. So it is very viable that everyone else just sucks more than him)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 23, 2017, 05:34:06 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on February 23, 2017, 06:00:56 am

I guess wandering aimlessly in the cyberpocalypse for a decade will do that to you.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 23, 2017, 07:03:17 am
I guess wandering aimlessly in the cyberpocalypse for a decade will do that to you.

Half a century, actually, minus biological aging (dissociation of mind and body conditions, can't possibly be good for mental health) [see trailer released earlier]

The only thing that bothers me about this new season is that they apparently left the sound effects as they were ten years ago - very, for the lack of better word, cartoonish. All these swooshes and audible twists and all that, it was kind of annoying back then, and it didn't change a bit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 23, 2017, 03:39:56 pm
Ditto about the audio--the first trailer had me believing it would be a little more... up to date. But I'm still excited af!!!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 25, 2017, 09:37:32 am
Well I just saw the oddliest sexy thing I ever seen in a cartoon.

I am surprised it can get past the censors to have some muscle dude slather his chest in oil in a suggestive pose.


On a side note...

Man I like Renaldo as a character (the conspiracy guy in Steven Universe) I really do... But man are the episodes about him or strongly featuring him almost always so unpleasant to sit through.

The only one I think I like still (since the haunted house one is worse in retrospect) like is definitely the documentary.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Oneir on February 25, 2017, 11:29:15 am
On a side note...

Man I like Renaldo as a character (the conspiracy guy in Steven Universe) I really do... But man are the episodes about him or strongly featuring him almost always so unpleasant to sit through.

The only one I think I like still (since the haunted house one is worse in retrospect) like is definitely the documentary.

I'm not even sure I like him as a character? The haunted house episode I still like (not sure what you mean about it being worse in retrospect), since I like seeing nerdy characters get to share interests that don't turn into them ranting and raving at each other. But pretty much every other episode he's just this aggressively awkward weirdo.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 25, 2017, 11:34:31 am
The problem with Renaldo is that the big joke is that his episodes TYPICALLY end with a anti-lesson for him... and he is usually just plain insufferable and self-absorbed.

The current episode just didn't sit right with me because I've been in that exact situation...

"Ohh lets give him a chance, except we won't REALLY give him a chance... Ohh look people who are advancing and doing stuff and your stuck behind"

So you know... of course Renaldo had to be a total jerk. :P

And then he learned his lesson at the end except not really.

Or rather... I think the writers think he is funnier then he comes off for me. He isn't a lovable self-absorbed jerk.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 25, 2017, 10:33:45 pm
Well I just saw the oddliest sexy thing I ever seen in a cartoon.
I am surprised it can get past the censors to have some muscle dude slather his chest in oil in a suggestive pose.

I'm not sure what you're referring to...but there's aren't really any hard rules regarding animated nudity on basic cable. I've seen uncensored breasts and genitalia on comedy central lots of times. It's basically just whatever the network wants to allow.


The Amazing World of Gumball s5 e18, The Console

This is easily my new favorite episode of this show. I could not stop laughing the entire time I was watching it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 26, 2017, 05:01:56 pm
Gumball made it to 5 seasons????

Well... It's hard not to love Gaspatcho I guess.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on February 26, 2017, 05:08:04 pm
I think Gumball was my favourite of all the last generation of random shows which kinda exploded in number for whatever reason. I think it's mostly because the batshit insanity that made up most of it had some sort of twisted logic to it which made it funnier than it had any right to be.

Compared to say that other random based show of the time Regular Show which while pretty decent at times just felt forced and contrived for the most part. The insanity moments were much more jarring for some reason and it rarely felt like they were a natural part of the world.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 26, 2017, 05:12:54 pm
When I actually watched Gumball I wasn't a big fan of just how fucking trippy it was--its like the animators were on LSD, lol. I thinking of fucking Chowder. Lol, I'm an idiot!

I mean there's a fair number of LOL SO RANDOM XD shows--we're kind of at an end of an era here, as Adventure Time is going down the shitter/ending,  but idk... Adventure Time is probs my fav or The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on February 26, 2017, 05:17:43 pm
Chowder was even better imho, shame it didn't last too long. Again, the same type of perfectly logical insanity but I'd say with even better jokes than Gumball or Flapjack (which was nice mostly for the style and the horror I guess). AT is it's own category since it has something approaching an overarching plot that actually advances.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on February 26, 2017, 05:19:59 pm
Chowder was even better imho, shame it didn't last too long. Again, the same type of perfectly logical insanity but I'd say with even better jokes than Gumball or Flapjack (which was nice mostly for the style and the horror I guess). AT is it's own category since it has something approaching an overarching plot that actually advances.

Chowder had humor that was rather hit or miss with a lot of people

And frankly... I'd say 80% of the episodes were rather forgettable or even not all that good.

However! MAN were the remaining 20% really good. Heck it even had the PERFECT ending to the series! (and frankly I am tired of shows that just end without a resolution).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on February 26, 2017, 11:16:09 pm
I'm glad Jack has the kaching/whapish/boosh stuff in it still, and I'm glad he's all bearded and gruff and sick of this shit now. Though I don't recall anything which would explain why he isn't using his sword, but I guess that will be explained in-show?
Well I just saw the oddliest sexy thing I ever seen in a cartoon.
I am surprised it can get past the censors to have some muscle dude slather his chest in oil in a suggestive pose.

I'm not sure what you're referring to...but there's aren't really any hard rules regarding animated nudity on basic cable. I've seen uncensored breasts and genitalia on comedy central lots of times. It's basically just whatever the network wants to allow.
Lest we all forget, Squidbillies had the Sheriff forced to walk out on a stage at a school presentation in what was basically a giant foam goatse. Dan Halen even said "you get your giant foam cock-n-balls out there!" and he kinda shuffles out with this "god I am so sorry kids" look on his... face.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on February 27, 2017, 03:54:52 am
Following the awards, I wanna take some time to look back on the animated films of last year.

Anyone seen Kubo and the Two Strings?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 27, 2017, 06:47:10 am
Following the awards, I wanna take some time to look back on the animated films of last year.

Anyone seen Kubo and the Two Strings?

Yeah, it's pretty good.

I'm glad Jack has the kaching/whapish/boosh stuff in it still, and I'm glad he's all bearded and gruff and sick of this shit now. Though I don't recall anything which would explain why he isn't using his sword, but I guess that will be explained in-show?
This bit was the promise of a sequel I waited ten years for. Hope they don't forget it. Also, Jack is parted with his sword in that very scene, I believe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on February 27, 2017, 08:39:55 am
That was like, mid-season 3 though, Jack definitely had his sword near the end of season 4 with the whole one-on-one match against Aku and I think the episode with X9? The Guardian showing back up will be a nice callback but it shouldn't be where the sword was unless he went back between season 3 and 5 and lost it again?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on February 27, 2017, 11:58:13 am
Well that would be awkward. "Damnit Jack, you ain't ready yet!" And then he hands him his ass again, sword gets lost among the dead giant robots, and Jack begins his depression quest.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 27, 2017, 01:48:21 pm
Weren't the original episodes out of chronological order? I remember wondering about that, and I think that this was the answer I found after some digging on the net.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on February 27, 2017, 03:58:02 pm
Well, it's more that Genndy just kinda plunks down a bit of story where he feels it needs to be, but having S3E6 as chronologically the last before the new season seems a bit too far, yanno?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 27, 2017, 04:21:33 pm
Well, it's more that Genndy just kinda plunks down a bit of story where he feels it needs to be, but having S3E6 as chronologically the last before the new season seems a bit too far, yanno?

Yeah, I kind of agree with you there. But hey, that's why Genndy brought Jack back [in black 8)] - to give the story a proper ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 28, 2017, 12:19:29 pm
Double post, sorry about that, but have y'all seen last two episodes of Star vs The Force of Evil? I though they were going to drag out the romance plotlines before they got to proper action, but apparently they are bringing it back mashing it all in one for the finale [I wasn't sure how many episodes there is in a season, but I looked it up and season finale it was]! And it doesn't seem forced in any way! Loving these series more than anything lately.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 28, 2017, 12:57:13 pm
According to Genndy himself he would have much rather had a coherent story, but [adult swim] forced him to make it more episodic so episodes could be shown out of order on reruns.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on February 28, 2017, 01:10:15 pm
According to Genndy himself he would have much rather had a coherent story, but [adult swim] forced him to make it more episodic so episodes could be shown out of order on reruns.

Hold on, are you talking about upcoming season 5 that will be broadcasted on [adult swim], or the first four that were out of chronological order on its big brother CN?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 04, 2017, 01:19:11 am
Archer Season 8 theorycrafting

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 04, 2017, 01:23:44 am
Steven Universe has hit the brakes again.

Honestly the show is like some sort of sadistic roller coaster where you slowly inch towards a great climb, finally do down that hill and then ERRRRRRR the cart hits the breaks and goes slowly up another hill once more.

It is really tiring... Don't get me wrong filler can be great, you just need great filler... But Steven Universe's filler feels like filler.

I am dreaming of the days of Naruto with its endless chaff of filler... See what you are doing to me Steven Universe? I want Naruto Filler!


Also I really got to catch up to Archer...

I actually like that the show caught its groove eventually... Its worst moments were REALLY bad (at least to me... maybe you liked the humiliation parade involving Syrille which only existed as a way to destroy his relationship in order to thrust Archer into the love seat... As you do)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on March 04, 2017, 01:52:26 am
I feel like filler is most painful when you're being drip-fed episodes. It doesn't matter nearly so much when you're binging. I really prefer the releases in blocks.

Edit: That episode didn't feel like filler to me, it was pretty dang good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 04, 2017, 04:10:24 am
According to Genndy himself he would have much rather had a coherent story, but [adult swim] forced him to make it more episodic so episodes could be shown out of order on reruns.

Hold on, are you talking about upcoming season 5 that will be broadcasted on [adult swim], or the first four that were out of chronological order on its big brother CN?

The original--he's specifically waited so long to make season 5 so he could do something more akin to Stranger Things in terms of extreme character development.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Oneir on March 04, 2017, 10:25:35 am
I feel like filler is most painful when you're being drip-fed episodes. It doesn't matter nearly so much when you're binging. I really prefer the releases in blocks.
Maybe, but I think the random releases of the Steven Bombs hurts more than it helps for me. Especially since that makes the leaks way more frustrating. (or, worse, the inexplicable non-leaks like this last January where Cartoon Network just tossed them out to the streaming sites for some reason.) Some of them have been great, obviously, but I don't remember how many of those had notable low-stakes episodes in the middle.

I liked Tiger Philanthropist, though! Not every episode has to feed the myth arc, it's nice to just see them explore characters and show them growing in little ways. Your average sitcom show would do something like this, but there wouldn't be the same markers of character growth.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 04, 2017, 12:45:53 pm
So lets go into Naruto filler and sort of locate where my feelings lie.

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Ultimately my issue isn't that the show has Filler or even a lot of filler. (Mind you Naruto had WAAAAY too much...)

It is that it is filler designed to be filler. They aren't trying to cram value in the filler, it is just a tasting tray of ideas.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 04, 2017, 12:52:44 pm
Just finished binge of Star Vs The Forces of Evil. Does Ludo remind anyone else of Garlic Jr.?

I need to catch up on Steven Universe, hope to do so later today.

AFAIK, Archer season 8 is going to be a coma dream?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 04, 2017, 12:58:31 pm
Don't bother catching up to Steven Universe yet... We are in another slump where they dropped ALL the tension.

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It had more great episodes but the average quality went down.

Note: I put things in spoilers because man... Steven Universe rubs me the wrong way. I feel like I could complain for hours and I like the show.

I need to be thankful this wasn't Adventure Time.... THAT show self-destructed. Steven Universe is still good, it just has pacing issues, filler issues, and its plot dissonance is too great for a show with strong continuity... Basically it is a Bad anime.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 04, 2017, 03:59:11 pm
I've always taken SU as a slice-of-life show, whose purpose is not to excite us with action or intrigue us with unexpected developments, but rather to portray the normalcy of boring everyday life, except with a unique setting and occasional points of interest along the way. Life has exciting things happen on occasion, but it's not realistic to expect them all the time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 05, 2017, 01:45:38 pm
I don't mind SU non-plot episodes as long as they're not Ronaldo episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 05, 2017, 01:51:23 pm
I don't mind SU non-plot episodes as long as they're not Ronaldo episodes.

Or Lars episodes... Which I guess I would be fine with but DANG IT SADDY! Dump his butt!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 05, 2017, 01:55:52 pm
On a side note I kind of wonder what Stephonnie represents as far as a relationship is concerned

Because Steven and Connie are in a relationship clearly. Yet their combined form eventually eats at them and lacks the emotional solidarity of their separate forms.

Assuming it IS symbolic... Could it be a relationship that they went into fully absorbed into one another but in doing so they lost what made their relationship so special, or their individuality?

I dunno >_<
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 05, 2017, 03:39:47 pm
I've always taken SU as a slice-of-life show, whose purpose is... to portray the normalcy of boring everyday life...

This is why I don't like SU. I'm not really sure why people want to see that kind of thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 05, 2017, 04:03:16 pm
I've always taken SU as a slice-of-life show, whose purpose is... to portray the normalcy of boring everyday life...

This is why I don't like SU. I'm not really sure why people want to see that kind of thing.

Ehh it sounds like the definition of a flat out bad Slice of Life show.

While the point of a Slice of Life show varies... Its main purpose is to be grounded and more true to life as opposed to a more dramatic stance.

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Anyhow Steven Universe isn't Slice of Life anyhow. The show doesn't really focus on the mundane lazy boring things either... It dips into Melodrama constantly.

It is best thought that the Beach City is "The reason". Beach City is the life Steven wants to protect. Mind you this is becoming less and less true as the show goes on and it feels more and more like the show is actually two completely separate shows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 07, 2017, 12:23:32 pm
I've always taken SU as a slice-of-life show, whose purpose is... to portray the normalcy of boring everyday life...

This is why I don't like SU. I'm not really sure why people want to see that kind of thing.

i find it completely fair that you don't like slice of life, but i can't imagine how you can seriously say "i don't see why people would like it".
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 12:53:37 pm
I've always taken SU as a slice-of-life show, whose purpose is... to portray the normalcy of boring everyday life...

This is why I don't like SU. I'm not really sure why people want to see that kind of thing.

i find it completely fair that you don't like slice of life, but i can't imagine how you can seriously say "i don't see why people would like it".

Because someone JUST described slice of life as "Intentionally boring" to someone who probably doesn't know what slice of life is.

And frankly "Intentionally boring" is a really bad description and is why slice of lifes are often really bad (What a coincidence that the good ones aren't long boring slogs)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 01:23:11 pm
Lol, I do know what Slice of Life is--I've seen waaaay too much of it when I was completing my Creative Writing minor. Slice of Life is literally the opposite of what makes good a story. No plot development or conflict, obstacles that seem petty or arbitrary, and sometimes lacking a strong central thread or message.

Steven Universe's world and sci-fi elements are top-notch, extremely original, and dazzling at times. A lack of a strong plot is something that I personally hate. Adventure Time is similar in that regard, but shows pretty intense character and even world development throughout its series... and predictability, it's worst episodes are the ones that are the most random and/or idyllic. Of which there are a fair amount.

In short, I hate slice of life. I have seen very few good ones, because frankly, life is boring.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 01:29:27 pm
The thing is Urist...

Most slice of life shows are VERY alien to human experience.

Things stick to people in real life and become lingering thoughts as the day or days pass. OR they allow it to fester inside them as it takes its quiet toll.

In Slice of Life... typically (because Slice of Life is like Romantic Comedies... the bulk are terrible) nothing sticks. Nothing can penetrate the skull of these characters. If something sticks it is typically backstory or continuous from the past.

Hey remember in Bojack Horsemen where he starts on Self-help tapes and tries to change himself little by little that way? In a Slice of Life if they somehow listened to those tapes they probably wouldn't do anything and that is that.

Which is why I challenge the whole "Real life" aspect of Slice of Life... because nothing is further from the truth... in fact it is an insulting statement to anyone who is a living being. (which is why I think the main audience for Slice of Life are aliens and robots. They would be the only ones who could misunderstand human experiences enough to buy into it)


But that is why I don't like most Slice of Lifes anyway and hope Steven Universe avoids them like the plague.

Slice of Life typically devolve into anti-plot and anti-characterization.

Why? Well that is a good question. Because mostly the good slice of lifes tended to have an overall message of "Life is good". So it would present a drama that would upset what was otherwise an ordinary life, and thus the final act returns everything to normal, maybe a bit better than before.

So other shows imitate that arc, but don't really understand it.

As well the reason why it is "Intentionally boring" is because... it wasn't supposed to be intentionally boring at first. It is supposed to be an appreciation of the little things and the little moments that make up your life and how they add up together. Well that or sort of thematic scene setting (There is a reason why some shonen shows start off with people eating breakfast)

Suffice it to say... The issue with Slice of Lifes is that there is a LOT of imitation, but very little understanding of how those elements are meant to be used.

They are Battlefield Earth Dutch Angles.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 01:37:43 pm
Bojack Horseman could be so much better than it is. And I LOVE Bojack Horseman, I respect what it has to say about success and life in general, but it could say all that and more with a more central plot. More and more we're seeing TV shows that arent afraid to do that, that arent afraid to end after fewer seasons because they've said their bit.

Also, you're pretty wrong. The most famous slice of life cartoons are, in fact, extremely relatable. I.E. King of The Hill, Hey Arnold, etc.

Those tend to be shows I like, but don't love. The only reason "Slice of life"s persist is because they're clever enough to create an alternate reality by which to create new rules for characters that are funny. Distinctly separate from our own reality.

In the end, even the most frozen shows, in which things change as little as possible between episodes, some development is required. Bojack Horseman is actually particularly bad about it, because they'll develop Bojack and just have him regress. Ugh.

EDIT: Also, being episodic doesnt necessarily mean the show is slice-y.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 01:43:44 pm
The most famous slice of life cartoons are, in fact, extremely relatable. I.E. King of The Hill, Hey Arnold, etc.

Those aren't Slice of Lifes :P those are Sitcoms.

Even transported into anime genres they aren't slice of lifes.

Yes that includes Hey Arnold... which is the most grounded of examples... But wouldn't qualify.

EDIT: Also, being episodic doesnt necessarily mean the show is slice-y.

Silly you didn't catch on did you? Most Slice of Lifes might have continuity, strong continuity. But they often treat their shows like they were episodic.

I'll put it this way. In the Slice of Life I am watching the ONE thing our main character wanted was someone who could relate to his experiences. He finds it... and ignores it... on and on.

Why? Because that happened last episode :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 02:34:07 pm
... Alright, so go ahead and name some slice of life shows for me then.

Slice of life isn't a genre... it's a way story is told.

EDIT: It IS considered a genre for manga/anime, but I have never seen it referred to as such outside of that context.

EDIT2: Furthermore... Something that is a slice of life is exactly that: showing a person's day. Bojack Horseman is a great example. Both of it's positive and negative aspects. Adventure Time as well--it's worst episodes anyways.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 02:40:18 pm
That is because some genres in anime do not apply to Western ones so to speak, even when they qualify.

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But Hey Arnold's tendency to use exaggerated characters and constant zaniness is somewhat what loses its Slice of Life status. It has episodes that sort of slow down and tries to be real... but then again a lot of shows dive into other genres for an episode.

Then again is that Animal Crossing movie part of the Slice of Life genre? Hmmm I'd have to check...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 02:50:47 pm
Someone being murdered in a story does not make that story a murder mystery.

Likewise, a show whose humor is based upon situational comedy does not disqualify it from being a slice of life.

See... the thing with "slice of life" is that it's almost always used a pejorative. That's because most TV show episodes take place in a day--so if that were the only qualifier, then every television show would be slice of life. Take 24 for example. The whole SEASON happened in a single day, yet that is not at all a slice of life. Every story is showing you a slice of a character's life--yet slice of life generally refers to something so boring and mundane as to be pointless to actually show someone.

Also, I'd argue that the use of Melodrama is a clear indicator of something being slice of life.

EDIT: Generally speaking, slice of life is only ever used to describe something bad. Good shows are genre defining and are rarely thought about as slice of life, even if that's technically what they're doing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 03:04:43 pm
Someone being murdered in a story does not make that story a murder mystery

Yes... it is almost like "How it is told" creates a genre :P

Slice of Life is DEFINATELY not a pejorative no more then Romantic Comedy is... but yes it is often said in negative tones... due to the general quality level of the genre.

Horror escapes this. Even though... It probably is the worst off in terms of being terrible in general with a few stand outs...

Then again that is why you don't judge an entire genre based on the bad examples... though be wary if you see that genre pop up :P

a show whose humor is based upon situational comedy does not disqualify it from being a slice of life.

Yes but there is sort of a difference between how a Slice of Life holds itself and how a Situational Comedy holds itself.

The Yokai series I was talking about is frequently comedic. The difference is that when it is serious (and it is every single episode) it is serious.

Hey Arnold tries to defuse the more serious moments with zaniness. Helga cannot just admit she loves Arnold any ordinary way... she must wax poetic with long grandstanding speeches about her love and how great he is.

A show definitely can be both a situational comedy AND a slice of life... But it doesn't achieve it just by being a situational comedy alone. Otherwise Slice of Life is just a setting "Takes place in real life".


I'll put it this way... Why isn't Sailormoon a Slice of Life even though it takes place in reality in an ordinary world with a school? Is it because it deals with supernatural qualities?

Why isn't School Days a slice of life? It has no supernatural aspects and its plots are ones you would see in real life. In fact its plot is very similar to Hey Arnold.

But then again I think I know what definition you are using:

A Slice of life is a show that takes place in a mostly real life setting where the main source of plot/drama is from real life situations.

So... Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a Slice of Life :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 07, 2017, 05:36:14 pm
I think this is the same problem I had, where the meaning implied by the words led me to describe Grimgar as "trapped in a fantasy slice of life" but it doesn't actually fit the shape of the SoL category at all apparently. Seems like a show about people doing day to day stuff and going about their normal lives without a focus on zany situations (friends?) or dystopian horror (seinfeld) would come across as little episodic slices from a life or lives.

Steven Universe has plot arcs, learning about being a gem/battling gem monsters > learning where the gem monsters came from > uncovering the background of the world and where the characters fit in > uncovering the relations to the war and why the rebellion happened, with the sorta cross-arc links like peridot across the first two, trying to find jasper in the second and third, and the links from revelations due to both coming across into the war framing.

Compare that to something like the old school Warner Bros Cartoons, here's bugs screwing with people, here's the roadrunner/coyote, here's sylvester and tweety, every time they come up they're just dropped into whatever situation they're in and they do whatever they're doing, but it doesn't really carry on outside of running gags like the coyote having ever sillier purchases from acme. There isn't even a consistent time period for the setting, the same bugs shows up in caveman type stories, war era stories, victorian stuff, far future buck rogers stuff, and so forth.

Have one where the episodes all kinda stand on their own but have a generally consistent time period and setting and we can see if it would fit slice of life.

King of the Hill has the whole progression over the series from "the boy ain't right" to the resolution with them grilling together.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 06:34:08 pm

... Honestly, my man. Everything you just said is so incredibly backwards. How a story is told does not a television genre make. There isn't a flashback genre or a narration genre. Genre describes the content of the show (as well as "form" and "style" though slice of life implies only that you are being shown a person's average day.) AND since everything is in fact, a slice of somebody's life, it is not a suitable reference by which to categorize a show.

Is it a pejorative? Maybe. I use it as one for sure. As a pejorative it comes to mean, as previously stated, something incredibly mundane and generally without conflict, with no direction, etc. and I have heard it used as such many a time.

Horror is a genre. When someone says something is horror you can expect to be scared, with slice of life you get no further information about the subject.

And also... What? A situtational comedy achieves everything because it is just that. Can you imagine The Office, but instead we just follow Jim around all day, he works, he gets groceries, he goes home, he kisses Pam, he falls asleep. That's slice of life. I mean... the only way to really depict it is as akin to soap operas.

Also, Hey Arnold could be very serious. Exploring the serious through comedy does not at all lessen the impact of a message.

Listen. At this point, I've become too lost to really hold any shows up as an example, but I'm an entirely confused as to your definition of slice of life, and it's context within the literary world.

Here's the definition, or one of many very similar ones: "A narrative technique in which a seemingly arbitrary sequences of events in a character's life are presented, often lacking plot development, conflict and exposition, and often having an open ending." -- Wikipedia

Nothing in that definition is good storytelling. Nothing in there makes me care or imparts any meaningful knowledge to me, and is thus, fucking worthless in the most literary sense.

AND, let's take it a step further--because Wikipedia provides not one, but two really good definitions. The other one is, "A very realistic depiction of everyday experiences in art and entertainment." Which is whatever. That part, I don't like either--as you can't really achieve that (and you shouldn't want to frankly.) The point is, I don't know what the fuck we're talking about any more. Literally, no idea. My assertion here is that "Slice of Life" is an experimental form of literature in which, nothing is said and no story is told in an attempt to impart some meaning from chance or lethargic non-action. Therefore, any show conforming to that is inherently worse off and has to work a lot harder to keep me interested. You can argue that is indeed what makes for bad writing.

To further address your last point, what you're describing is essentially the pseudo-genre of Literary Fiction. Another extremely bullshit idea that's stemmed from academia's poor handling of creative writing subjects. There is nothing more boring, dull, and downright bad than where our mundane reality reigns supreme and average people follow its inherent rules while attempting to solve ordinary problems.

I no longer have really much to say about any one cartoon in particular at this point. Steven Universe is a good show. Mostly because of it's world building. BUT, slice of life in television, and cartoons in particular are--to me--what makes television a vast wasteland.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 06:38:06 pm
... Honestly, my man. Everything you just said is so incredibly backwards. How a story is told does not a television genre make.

I think there is a different in how we are defining our terms here.

Since what I said seems rather straight forward to "me". Then again I am me, so that is easy.

You instead took it, fairly might I add, as me saying that the medium through which a story is told is what makes genre.

When what I mean is more the framing and pacing can define a genre. A horror shot like a comedy, typically won't be a horror.

So I don't think we are so much disagreeing MOSTLY... but that we aren't on the same page.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 06:49:50 pm
Okay well firstly, I just gave you THE definition(s) of "Slice of Life." I mean... thems the breaks.

Second, genre is actually fairly nebulous insomuch as different genres actually combine often. Unfortunately for your example, Horror and Comedy cross over quite well. Look at Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, even Krampus. Funny and scary. Genre is defined chiefly by content.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 06:52:52 pm
Unfortunately for your example, Horror and Comedy cross over quite well. Look at Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, even Krampus. Funny and scary. Genre is defined chiefly by content.

Counter Example: Addams Family

Cross over can apply to any genre... you can mix and match anything.

You can even have a Action Comedy.

Yet even Shaun of the dead doesn't frame everything as a comedy.

Mind you there is one movie that intentionally misframed the movie (I forgot what it is called... American Psycho? I forget), where inspite the movie being framed as if our hero was right... you will slowly realize what a monster he is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 06:55:40 pm
No, not at all a counter example. You're just confirming my point.

EDIT: Not at all relevant to genre and that doesn't sound much like American Psycho at all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 07, 2017, 06:56:38 pm
No, not at all a counter example. You're just confirming my point.

Addams family isn't a horror.

Yet has all the horror elements and content. Even the sequel has a thriller-esk killer involved.

So what are you confirming?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 07, 2017, 07:00:26 pm
No, not at all a counter example. You're just confirming my point.

Addams family isn't a horror.

Yet has all the horror elements and content.

It's a dark comedy with a macabre setting. Like I said, genres are fairly nebulous in how they cross over. My only point about genres was that "Slice of Life" wasn't one really.

EDIT: Also that genres cross over fluidly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 11, 2017, 03:25:28 am
You know... I'd be pissed at this episode for proving that once again Steven relegates the villains to one of the worst fates imaginable... (I have no mouth and I must scream!)

But AT LEAST it finally... FINALLY deals with the Rubies.

Goodness Steven... I know you are extremely manipulative, but I didn't think you had such an evil streak.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 12, 2017, 03:23:24 am
Jack is officially back...

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 12, 2017, 03:51:39 am
I love the new Jack, it has already fulfilled everything necessary to make me happy.

I'm not sure about the design of those assassin girls tho', that muzzle-like mouth doesn't sit well with me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 12, 2017, 03:22:22 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 12, 2017, 09:38:58 pm
I am kind of between the latest episode of Gumball

On the one hand it is glorifying disabilities... (Also... yeah "I WEIRD!!!" is not an excuse for intentionally ignoring a few social graces)

On the other hand I really love the art direction near the end... and even the song somewhat.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Tiruin on March 13, 2017, 12:20:04 am
I love the new Jack, it has already fulfilled everything necessary to make me happy.

I'm not sure about the design of those assassin girls tho', that muzzle-like mouth doesn't sit well with me.
How do y'all watch thiiiiis. I want to get back to my childhood and that Saturday 10pm time showing every week that I miss because of sleeping time Samurai Jack! D: (If at least to watch the previous seasons that I couldn't even see >_>)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 13, 2017, 12:34:11 am
Well, kisscartoon dot se looks good to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 13, 2017, 02:50:25 am
I believe they also streamed it non-stop all sunday on adultswim dot com
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 13, 2017, 02:53:17 am
Also I think the assassin was meant to calm worries that this was going to be a "Too serious" Samurai Jack.

Which isn't an unfounded worry. Upgrading to a higher censorship rating has been known to cause shows to self-destruct.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Tiruin on March 13, 2017, 06:26:29 am
I believe they also streamed it non-stop all sunday on adultswim dot com
We posted about it on the WTF thread :P me and itsnotlogical were all :'( because it was a time most of the world is busy. But yeah :P I am grateful for this once more.

Well, kisscartoon dot se looks good to me.
Thank you! :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 14, 2017, 01:12:16 am
Star vs tFoE S2E21, Face the Music
Damn, Star. You really Star'd this one up.

Star vs tFoE S2E22, Starcrushed
You'd think Star would have learned her lesson in the last episode. *sigh*
Also, loved seeing Moon in action.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 19, 2017, 03:25:52 am
Man... Samurai Jack is using its new rating.. and I thought last episode was particularly dark.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 19, 2017, 11:02:33 am
Man... Samurai Jack is using its new rating.. and I thought last episode was particularly dark.

Yeah. I mean, holy shit, man.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 20, 2017, 09:39:44 am
The look on Jack's face in that moment, not horror, or even disgust, just dejected acceptance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 20, 2017, 02:50:13 pm
I was stoked at the quality of this season's opener, but episode two blew me out of the water, I mean... depending on how the rest of the season goes, this is a masterpiece on par, or even exceeding Avatar TLA.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 20, 2017, 03:43:23 pm
I was stoked at the quality of this season's opener, but episode two blew me out of the water, I mean... depending on how the rest of the season goes, this is a masterpiece on par, or even exceeding Avatar TLA.

We should see it to the end and let the initial excitement die down before we make any claims like that. And I have a nagging feeling you're comparing the incomparable here. Can't put entire series on the scale with a single (rather short) season of another series.

But the creators really turned up all the right dials for this season - the animation quality, character design, the story... Everything's just so much better now. Not without flaws, still, but better than ever before in the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 20, 2017, 03:44:12 pm
I'm fairly impressed so far!

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 20, 2017, 04:19:01 pm
-snippis maximum-

Agreed. Although, length doesn't necessarily matter. Look at Stranger Things, 8 episodes, but one of the greatest television shows ever. One amazing season is all you need. Anyways, yes, it's a little early--and im concerned about reconciling the light-heartedness of some parts with the dark intensity of others--but if they keep the pressure on... I dunno, it'll be great.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 20, 2017, 04:35:55 pm
Agreed. Although, length doesn't necessarily matter. Look at Stranger Things, 8 episodes, but one of the greatest television shows ever. One amazing season is all you need. Anyways, yes, it's a little early--and im concerned about reconciling the light-heartedness of some parts with the dark intensity of others--but if they keep the pressure on... I dunno, it'll be great.

Re: emotional contrast in Samurai Jack s05e02
Spoiler: I guess (click to show/hide)

Re: short might be great
Definitely not saying show has to be long-running to be good. Case in point: Gravity Falls. Bloody masterpiece told in 2 seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 20, 2017, 05:53:58 pm
The look on Jack's face in that moment, not horror, or even disgust, just dejected acceptance.

Well it isn't like he hasn't killed people before.

Nor is there anything specific about this situation that calls for extra issues.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 20, 2017, 06:00:26 pm
In short: get hype for akubowl.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 21, 2017, 02:10:24 am
Neo, Jack has never before killed a human in the entire run of the series, even Genndy himself made a point of revealing that Jack would be dealing with this for the first time.  On top of all his other problems right now, this is likely to seriously damage Jack.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 02:13:12 am
Neo, Jack has never before killed a human in the entire run of the series

What about that episode where he fights a huge ton of assassins? He killed a whole bunch there and only spared the woman.

To my knowledge he has killed people before.

Actually it was one of the strengths of the series that both the innocent and guilty alike fell by his blade.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 21, 2017, 02:15:48 am
WORD OF GOD NEO.  Genndy says Jack has never killed before, that is all, end of statement.  The assassins are never confirmed dead by Jack's hand or blade.  He only killed robots and eldritch things.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 02:16:50 am
WORD OF GOD NEO.  Genndy says Jack has never killed before, that is all, end of statement.  The assassins are never confirmed dead by Jack's hand or blade.  He only killed robots and eldritch things.

So... it wasn't an indiscretion shot...

He slashed them into unconsciousness?

Word of God just handed out a retcon!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 21, 2017, 02:23:32 am
Go watch it again, I just did in order to be sure.  Lots of bodies on the ground, no blood, no oil, no verification of death.

Jack not killing humans or other 'normal' beings has been a base principle of the series since it began (probably because it aired as a cartoon-cartoon originally.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 02:24:27 am
Go watch it again, I just did in order to be sure.  Lots of bodies on the ground, no blood, no oil, no verification of death.

Well yes. Yet I always assumed they were dead and it was just an indiscretion shot.

Even the scene itself suggests they are dead.

This feels a LOT like the whole... "Off a cliff" thing. Where as long as you don't find their corpse not only did the fall not kill them... But it also inexplicably healed whatever damage they took before they fell.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 21, 2017, 02:27:29 am
I don't know why you would think that when the series as a whole went out of its way to show what Jack was killing, machines and magical abominations.  He spared every thinking creature he fought, unless it was a demon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 02:31:26 am
I don't know why you would think that when the series as a whole went out of its way to show what Jack was killing, machines and magical abominations.  He spared every thinking creature he fought, unless it was a demon.

Well... his first move against the Scottsman was to lop off his head.

Then attempted to disembowel him... and then when his defenses were too strong... tried to break his sword.

It isn't that Jack was out for blood. It is that he understood what he had to do in the heat of battle and didn't hold back... and only as much as needed (he ONLY killed one non-combatant to my knowledge... and not willfully)

He wasn't a pacifist.


I wonder what the chances that these people are Jack's children are.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 21, 2017, 08:09:11 am
Technically speaking, originally it was a censorship limitation that Jack actually could not kill another human. This was mostly down to the fact that they weren't allowed to show blood and gore. Obvo, I'm sure that Genndy would have liked a lot of what Jack did destroy/kill/blow up to have been biological, but it seems like they'd rather keep continuity with the show as it was. Which is rad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 21, 2017, 08:20:28 am
You're misremembering things, Neo.

He killed Jack's hat, Jack killed his bagpipe, parried and dodged numerous strikes from what was clearly a very strong opponent and forced them to defend by aiming a neckshot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on March 21, 2017, 08:45:50 am
He did kill one guy by turning him into leaves, to be fair (Episode 49: The Four Seasons of Death). But other than that, all the times you see him slashing at organics you can assume them to be disabling/crippling blows, not killing. Even if it seems unlikely they'd survive that or if there's an explosion short after that should have done them in, Jack didn't kill them. That's what word of god states (and has always stated, this isn't a retcon).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Tiruin on March 21, 2017, 08:55:42 am
I was stoked at the quality of this season's opener, but episode two blew me out of the water, I mean... depending on how the rest of the season goes, this is a masterpiece on par, or even exceeding Avatar TLA.
How do you all watch this! D:
I've only seen the trailer and my inner child just hopped into the front and wanted to see it firsthand (just like...most things I miss thanks to time >_> and timezones)

I don't know why you would think that when the series as a whole went out of its way to show what Jack was killing, machines and magical abominations.  He spared every thinking creature he fought, unless it was a demon.

Well... his first move against the Scottsman was to lop off his head.

Then attempted to disembowel him... and then when his defenses were too strong... tried to break his sword.

It isn't that Jack was out for blood. It is that he understood what he had to do in the heat of battle and didn't hold back... and only as much as needed (he ONLY killed one non-combatant to my knowledge... and not willfully)

He wasn't a pacifist.


I wonder what the chances that these people are Jack's children are.
There's a tad bit of a difference between being a pacifist and having a code to follow in what you do :P
Like when I saw Jack and the Scotsman out first, I figured they were testing each other out even if the blows seemed aimed at each other's bodies and all. One can actually wield a sword in a way to not kill.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jimmy on March 21, 2017, 09:45:14 am
I'm pretty sure Jack just takes a -4 penalty to his attack roll to deal nonlethal damage.

He must have flubbed his Knowledge (Arcana) check against constructs to think dem curves was robobootay though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 21, 2017, 10:34:01 am
Might have been expecting something like the Sirens (who were also, fully equipped... at least some of the time, and killed brutally) or worse, Ikra V2.0.

Though, can we all appreciate how gorgeous that art is?
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The grain effect wasn't something I noticed on tv, gotta be way up close.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 21, 2017, 11:08:04 am
I was stoked at the quality of this season's opener, but episode two blew me out of the water, I mean... depending on how the rest of the season goes, this is a masterpiece on par, or even exceeding Avatar TLA.
How do you all watch this! D:
I've only seen the trailer and my inner child just hopped into the front and wanted to see it firsthand (just like...most things I miss thanks to time >_> and timezones)

I've been bingewatching a lot of television lately as I move from film writer to tv writer in my film major--specifically towards cartoons. I watched some Samurai Jack cause I hadn't seen it when I was small and then BOOM, I watched the trailer for the new season--literally, without exaggeration, maybe 50 times--and it was so good... I knew I would be hopelessly on edge for the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 21, 2017, 04:32:44 pm
Guys. Saumrai Jack Season 4 episode 11 (Story of X9). See it and tell me you did not think "John Wick" at least once. Resemblance is uncanny at times.

... I'm rewatching some of the old seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 21, 2017, 04:33:33 pm
Guys. Saumrai Jack Season 4 episode 11 (Story of X9). See it and tell me you did not think "John Wick" at least once.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 21, 2017, 04:34:54 pm
Nope. Doesn't make me think of that at all.  Because I have no idea who or what the hell John Wick is, nor do I care.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 21, 2017, 04:36:28 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 21, 2017, 04:37:24 pm
Nope. Doesn't make me think of that at all.  Because I have no idea who or what the hell John Wick is, nor do I care.

For others that may be wondering, it's an action movie. Also, I'm caught up on Steven Universe again.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 04:40:56 pm
He did kill one guy by turning him into leaves, to be fair (Episode 49: The Four Seasons of Death). But other than that, all the times you see him slashing at organics you can assume them to be disabling/crippling blows, not killing. Even if it seems unlikely they'd survive that or if there's an explosion short after that should have done them in, Jack didn't kill them. That's what word of god states (and has always stated, this isn't a retcon).

A Retcon is "Retroactive continuity" if the word of god is supplying information that supplies information or changes information to the past... that is what it is :P

Unless I guess it is a clarification on something that was very unclear.

Which frankly... Person gets slashed, falls down, isn't moving, isn't breathing, never shows up again, and Samurai Jack SPECIFICALLY spares someone else... Is kind of... not unclear. It is just this weird assumption of "Well you didn't actually SEE their internal organs on the outside, that means they are alive".

I mean it is a LOT more clear then Jet's kind of... honestly official death (mostly because... He was dying and how the heck could he have survived that?)

and forced them to defend by aiming a neckshot.

I dunno he seemed pretty surprised he blocked that.



Samurai Jack is the Akuma of the freeken cartoon universe!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 21, 2017, 05:18:40 pm
Hrrm, the link to the big beautiful picture of Jack's first victim didn't work right, so here's one I put on imgur:
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Click for the full size where you can see the canvas texture!

Also, it looked more like the Scotsman noticed this was a dangerous attack ( and as another superwarrior hasn't had that sort of thing happen in a while.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 05:21:00 pm
In all fairness do we know she is dead? I mean she only has a cut on her neck.

No one said she was dead.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on March 21, 2017, 05:23:23 pm
That's a pretty decent-sized puddle of blood to be coming out of a neck.

I mean, this is a universe with magic and cyborgs and magical cyborgs, so she might return, but she looks kinda dead in that still.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 21, 2017, 05:27:55 pm
Yes but she had rocks fall ontop of her.

In cartoon logic it means it might have healed her. (actually that is a very good point me... TYPICALLY these types of deaths kind of leave themselves open to reversals)

OR! she might have been wearing a parachute.

Actually I think the higher rating means they might be less prone to the whole... "Well if you don't have a body, it means they are still alive" tendency a LOT of shows do... But I still can't put it past them.

Plus there being six of them means these are disposable female characters who are entirely interchangeable (IN YOUR FACE COBRA!). So there is no need to keep them alive.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 21, 2017, 06:00:00 pm
In all fairness do we know she is dead? I mean she only has a cut on her neck.

No one said she was dead.
Since her head didn't fall off but there was a big spurt of blood, that was probably a carotid artery being slashed open, possibly windpipe too, I can't blame them for not showing bubbles coming out if it was, and opening the carotid is the "off-switch" counterpart to the "sleep button" of applying pressure to it and the vagus nerve.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 21, 2017, 07:15:55 pm
Dude, she ded. Jack nearly de-fucking-capitated her. At least some of the others survive though as evidenced by the trailer.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on March 22, 2017, 07:31:34 pm
This is a bit old, but I just watched it and liked it.

Infinity Train. ( It's a short done by the folks at Cartoon Network. I find myself hoping that an actual TV show of this is made some day...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 22, 2017, 07:36:48 pm
Dude, she ded. Jack nearly de-fucking-capitated her. At least some of the others survive though as evidenced by the trailer.

While personally I know she is LIKELY dead.

This wouldn't be anywhere freeken close to the most "Yep dead!" I've seen characters bounce back from simply because they fell off a cliff, were in an explosion, or had a building collapse on them.

For example there was a character who was shot through the chest and fell into a pile of super caustic miasma. That person came back perfectly unscathed (And no clones or fake outs involved)

And yet it STILL wouldn't be the most "Yep dead!"... The #1 is probably the hardest to topple from its position.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 22, 2017, 08:54:46 pm
You do know what arterial spray means right?

When the blood pressure in your brain drops quickly it triggers a little bundle of nerves in your neck which fires a signal straight down into the heart muscles saying "OH FUCK PUMP FASTER GODDAMMIT WE GON' DIE FOOL!" which usually helps turn a blackout into a bit of dizziness or recoverable greyout... but when your carotid is slashed open with a sword?

You're blacking out within a couple of seconds, and dead within thirty. She was out cold when her knees hit the ground, and by the time he turned look down the hall to see how far away the others were she was dead.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 22, 2017, 09:18:07 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyhow here is the LAW of fiction

If a character dies, but you do not have the body (or if said body gets obscured)... They not only might be alive, but whatever injury they might have had will be healed.

It doesn't matter how impossible to survive it might have been. In fact don't even expect an explanation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 22, 2017, 09:32:50 pm

Anyhoo, @Sirus, ya Infinity Train is... interesting. A lot of support has been shown by fans for a short season to be made, but I doubt it will get a season for a few reasons, 1.) Though it's somewhat darker than most CN shows, it's not quite up [adult swim]'s alley it seems to me. 2.) Obviously, while having established a cult following, it's appeal is fairly limited methinks. 3.) It's not quite up to standards. I don't want to be overly harsh, but there's a lot missing in terms of art direction, voice acting, and plot-hooks. This could be for a number of reasons, but none of them good for the show.

PERSONALLY, I would like to see it get like a 10-13 episode season just to see what they can do with an actual budget, cast, and writing staff. Obviously, Owen Dennis (the show's creator, writer, and storyboard artist) is wickedly talented, and some parts of his writing are reeeaaallly good, but other parts are little stiff. IDK, It's up in the air for me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 22, 2017, 09:36:36 pm
She's kind of important dead, would cheapen the impact of the whole scene for her to just pop up "yeah, I'm ok, had well over 30 seconds of arterial bleeding before you walked off, my brain was deprived of oxygen for that whole time, and all those rocks fell on me... but no biggie really" later.

That's only a law in whichever fiction you're thinking of, and as it doesn't apply to any number of stories/characters in that same condition I'd say it can be safely ignored.

Tartakovsky wants to finish this story well, he's not going to just have her pop up "oh yeah, Jack, you never actually killed any humans, I'm fine, now I think your dad wants you to get in the giant robot unless you wake up or something" out of nowhere.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 22, 2017, 09:40:10 pm
What so Samurai Jack is dead then? :P

Lethally wounded, traumatic shockwave, and drowning. (Of course, I am going to bet... Someone is inexplicably around to save him.. Either that or the fall into the water healed his wounds)


Actually I remember there was a joke I made while watching Samurai Champloo (I think that was its name)... Where I said that the main characters could not die so long as they were in water.

OHHH BOY was this hilariously true!

And lo and behold! Samurai Jack is critically injured, dying, and fell into water.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 22, 2017, 09:45:45 pm
Brah, she not coming back. Trust. She a side hoe at best, not even the MAIN hoe.

Also, guys, Victor & Valentino is a good af pilot, and I hope it gets made for realsies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 22, 2017, 09:46:57 pm
Brah, she not coming back. Trust

I am not saying she will.

Just... don't be surprised. To admit next episode might feature them burying her body.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 22, 2017, 10:09:03 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 22, 2017, 11:10:06 pm
I will be super damn surprised and change my cull:square to neonivek:rightness:100!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 23, 2017, 03:34:34 pm
So I watched Sym-Bionic Titan - there are only 20 episodes. I saw Genndy's name in the opening credits and got right in. It was a pretty good show, shame CN ditched it (apparently).

The fights are superb. Among the best animated fights I've seen, really. Delightfully detailed without the usual cartoon-ish blur of hands and clouds of dust. They also blended CG and 2D pretty well.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 23, 2017, 04:38:34 pm
It was fantastic and gave us hope it would get more AND that we'd get more Jack.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on March 26, 2017, 07:29:43 am
Just gonna copy this here 'cause I'm lazy:

Any of you keeping up with the new samurai jack episodes?
Ya enjoying this most recent one?
Cause I am.

Yeah, following along as it airs. It's pretty damn good, though for people who plan to binge watch it later I'd seriously advise to avoid any spoilers whatsoever (the comments above might already be a little risqué). The stakes are higher this season and it's no holds barred, so don't expect things to just revert to status quo at the end of each episode like in the original show.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 26, 2017, 03:05:15 pm
Yeah, I literally blurted out "oh shit" reflexively several times last night watching that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 26, 2017, 03:14:31 pm
Spoiler: Samurai Jack season 5 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 26, 2017, 03:41:08 pm
Part of jump good is fall good (, really good (, even very big fall (!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 26, 2017, 04:30:38 pm
Jump good is clearly OP.

Also, while we're remembering the oldies, Jack apparently got along with footwear different from his wooden sandals - he wore those heavy armored boots, after all, despite previous ineptitude with them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 26, 2017, 05:05:53 pm
50 years is a long time.

Also, man, those were brutal deaths, like "ultrastrong df adventurer against civilians" brutal.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on March 28, 2017, 08:58:18 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 28, 2017, 09:17:37 am

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 28, 2017, 10:17:30 am
Teenage years can be difficult, haven't we all gone through that sort of phase at some point in our lives?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Furtuka on March 28, 2017, 10:21:38 am

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It was a joke dude.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 28, 2017, 03:51:20 pm
It was a joke dude.

Goddamit why do I fail to register those.
My bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 30, 2017, 02:55:00 pm

I audibly chuckled at some of those.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 30, 2017, 03:15:25 pm

I audibly chuckled at some of those.
>Samurai "talk shit, get cliffed" Jack was the best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 30, 2017, 04:21:17 pm
And thus Samurai Jack became a true anime character.

He doesn't need his blood, in fact it only holds him back.


Also I find it hilarious that I was SOMEHOW half-right about Samurai Jack's episode 2.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2017, 04:19:37 pm

If by half-right you mean right about an argument whose point you changed 99% through the conversation, then yes. You were half-right. Cheers, lad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2017, 04:21:10 pm

If by half-right you mean right about an argument whose point you changed 99% through the conversation, then yes. You were half-right. Cheers, lad.

In that the cave in did manage to heal her wounds.

It just didn't revive her :P

Also there was no point I changed at all. My ENTIRE argument was "You never know" which come to think of it... means I am still right :P
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2017, 04:30:16 pm
Dude. You clearly argued that we shouldn't be surprised if she came back to life. Why you gotta be this way? It was only AFTER multiple people laid out their logic for why assassin girl #7 was dead that you changed your tune and said, well, don't be surprised if we see her BODY again. Like, bro. Do you want me to go back and collate the whole thing? I really don't feel like, please don't make me do it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2017, 04:32:00 pm
Dude. You clearly argued that we shouldn't be surprised if she came back to life. Why you gotta be this way?

There is no contradiction between this and what I just said. O-o

In fact they seem to be the exact same thing O_o

-Edit: I think the difference is you thought I was passive aggressively telling you that she was alive without confirming.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 31, 2017, 04:44:19 pm
Now accepting bets on how many assassins survived episode 3 ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2017, 04:46:53 pm
Now accepting bets on how many assassins survived episode 3 ending.

It is definitely 1-3

I know 1 definitely survived and will be surprised if she is dead....
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 31, 2017, 04:47:44 pm
Now accepting bets on how many assassins survived episode 3 ending.

I will say, I am unsure of whether or not the lead one is actually dead. She seems like a semi-important character, but also her death monologue was henchman level at best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2017, 04:50:17 pm
Now accepting bets on how many assassins survived episode 3 ending.

I will say, I am unsure of whether or not the lead one is actually dead. She seems like a semi-important character, but also her death monologue was henchman level at best.

The problem with her just dying is how little Samurai Jack's speech actually applies to her. She never had a choice or choices. (Not to mention she isn't evil... just deluded and ignorant)

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 31, 2017, 05:08:11 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 31, 2017, 05:48:28 pm
@HugoLuman, I'm thinking the same, the chucked and dropped ones I expect to see again.

Ok, sure, maybe the cave-in did heal her, let's consider that fairly.
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A slash across her neck in clothing which seems to exhibit hemophobic properties, given the blood which had landed on her shoulder already ran off onto the ground, which makes sense for stealthy fighters actually, if you're already bleeding then having it stick to your clothes and possibly ruin the whole "shadow blending" effect you're relying on would be awkward.

Of course, dried blood is damn near black, so hey, maybe the cave-in did heal her...
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Though I can't find a frame where you get a better look at her neck to see if it's just her hair obscuring it, or if the blood already slid off, or even if it dried, and there's always the possibility that one of her sisters might have checked her neck and wiped the blood away, since even though the structure collapsed, they didn't seem to spend much time digging her out of rubble so it's probably the case that her body was in a fairly open pocket, if that section of the hallway didn't outright maintain most of it's integrity of course.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on March 31, 2017, 11:25:47 pm
I'd say that if fist-to-the-face girl didn't break her neck, she and leader girl are most likely to have survived, But I'm not counting spear girl out quite yet.  Likelihood of lead girl being dead after Genddy's blatant foreshadowing is about nil.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on March 31, 2017, 11:42:13 pm
I'd say that if fist-to-the-face girl didn't break her neck, she and leader girl are most likely to have survived, But I'm not counting spear girl out quite yet.  Likelihood of lead girl being dead after Genddy's blatant foreshadowing is about nil.

It would be kind of disappointing. We already have had "victim dies at the hands of Jack" storylines.

I mean I know Jack became an anime character and no longer needs his blood...

But I HOPE that the plot didn't become anime and hates female storylines too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2017, 09:07:11 pm
If you guys didn't know, Season 3 of Rick and Morty has dropped (for real.) You can stream it on Adult Swim. It's schwiftiest episode yet!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on April 01, 2017, 10:14:16 pm
If you guys didn't know, Season 3 of Rick and Morty has dropped (for real.) You can stream it on Adult Swim. It's schwiftiest episode yet!

the fuck it's not a lie
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 01, 2017, 10:16:11 pm
The cakeRick isisn't a lie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 01, 2017, 10:17:45 pm
Ya, it's actually pretty lit--it took my friend some time to convince me, especially after he got me with the rick roll one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: RedWarrior0 on April 01, 2017, 10:36:07 pm
This is such a good episode, I'm super hyped for the rest of season three. At the same time, this episode is hard to describe

Now watch as the rest of season three doesn't air until June. That'd be the real April Fool's day joke.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on April 02, 2017, 12:21:29 am
It's impressive how much they fit into the one episode. It's bloody fantastic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 02, 2017, 04:21:20 am
I mean, FINALLY some new Rick and Morty, hell yeah and all that; but where my Samurai Jack episode 4 at? It's usually out there by now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on April 02, 2017, 04:29:22 am
They showed Rick and Morty instead. S5E4 of Samurai Jack next week.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 02, 2017, 04:44:05 am
They showed Rick and Morty instead. S5E4 of Samurai Jack next week.

Next week?! Well I suppose I can handle that, but I feel a little cheated on regardless.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 02, 2017, 10:28:33 am
R&M s3e1

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 02, 2017, 10:58:17 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 06, 2017, 02:14:38 pm
New Archer today.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on April 06, 2017, 03:02:20 pm
Wow jeez, that exposition dump. Just like a real Noir!

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 06, 2017, 03:26:28 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on April 06, 2017, 09:05:56 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 09, 2017, 12:50:42 pm
What'd you guys think of Jack Ep. 4?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 09, 2017, 01:20:33 pm
Spoiler: Samurai Jack S05E04 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 09, 2017, 05:48:59 pm
Matches expectations so far, the foreshadowing in ep. 3 was really, really blatant, and I'm not sure why I haven't seen indicators of people picking up on it yet.  Just going to say one thing on the subject, "Deer."
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 10, 2017, 01:03:24 am
I was amused with Jack giving that "...I'm regretting not cliffing you more thoroughly" look several times.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 10, 2017, 12:42:38 pm
I was amused with Jack giving that "...I'm regretting not cliffing you more thoroughly" look several times.

I can't wait to marathon this season when it's complete, it'll be the greatest 8 hour animated movie ever made.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 10, 2017, 12:49:37 pm
Definitely, and hopefully this'll get more money thrown at Genndy, I'd like to see Symbionic get an ending too dammit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 10, 2017, 03:24:43 pm
Matches expectations so far, the foreshadowing in ep. 3 was really, really blatant, and I'm not sure why I haven't seen indicators of people picking up on it yet.  Just going to say one thing on the subject, "Deer."

People IN GENERAL have a very "Do not think" attitude towards the media they absorb.

In fact it isn't unusual for people to give you the advice not to think period regardless of what you are watching (Not to not overanalyze... but not to think).

So the fact that people both don't see clear foreshadowing... and the fact that the slightest twist or trick explodes people's pants... Is endemic of that.

Or... Just listen in to any class on Shakespeare.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 10, 2017, 03:59:40 pm
It's insane how much Samurai Jack porn has been released after...

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Unrelated to the porn, here are a couple pictures I liked.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 10, 2017, 04:01:13 pm
I feel like those pictures were found while searching for the porn.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 10, 2017, 08:42:49 pm
I feel like that is absolutely the case, and I can understand, though the only sort of bondage anything I have came from an early exposure to the Gor series and thus gaining an appreciation for chokers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 11, 2017, 12:53:56 am
Porn is for art what war is for scientific progress.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 11, 2017, 12:08:30 pm
Porn is for art what war is for scientific progress.

T-thats shockingly true.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 11, 2017, 02:38:34 pm
I mean, look at the improvements in anime thanks to all these talented hentai artists out there!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on April 12, 2017, 12:26:09 am
You know, I've never thought about this until now... but there's definitely something to this.

Thanks, porn, for being a crucible for making art and character designs more visually appealing! :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 16, 2017, 02:28:34 am
Hey guys, is new SJ episode out? Can't find it on my usual go-to's.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.
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We are now halfway through the season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on April 16, 2017, 08:45:17 am
Hey guys, is new SJ episode out? Can't find it on my usual go-to's.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.
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We are now halfway through the season.

The beginning this episode was really great.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 16, 2017, 11:11:11 pm
I got a chuckle out of him getting blasted... didn't expect the result though.

Spoiler: Samurai Mack (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 17, 2017, 12:08:38 am
Ok I am going to need a spoiler here...

Is there a particular reason they could never make another sword that would work against Aku or a copy of the same sword?

I forgot why... (Actually I think I missed that episode... I missed all the flashbacks except the African tribe one)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 01:33:15 am
For neo:
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 17, 2017, 08:23:06 am
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Spoiler: Hold on (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 12:59:10 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 17, 2017, 01:11:34 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 01:17:53 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 17, 2017, 01:28:50 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 01:38:00 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 17, 2017, 02:06:40 pm
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Probably not. We're not talking about the new season anymore, so no point in spoilering stuff indeed.
So what you're saying is that the Guardian could actually fend off Aku, the Shogun of Sorrow? That's a serious player in the universe, right there. I mean, we knew he was when he kicked Jack's butt in every form of combat, but is he this powerful? And then there is the portal that apparently had the mind of its own, and therefore some sort of agenda in all this.
Finally, I will point out that after rewatching the Jack vs Guardian fight, Jack appears to lose his sword there, as it's stricken out of his hands. Might it be the same scene we saw tinted in green in the new series?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 02:20:28 pm
No, I'm pretty certain the battle he loses his sword in was inside a structure or underground location, there appears to be a roof of some kind in one of the (very sort) shots, but there is the caveat that we don't know the actual chronological order of events in the first run of the show (excepting the first episode).

And the Guardian is a monster, seriously, up to the point we encounter the Guardian, Jack has handily crushed all opponents (excepting the Imakandi, and barring certain instances where Jack requires some assistance), up to and including Aku, and the Guardian just flat-out wrecks him.  There is an outside possibility that for narrative purposes Genndy will remove that avenue, but it seems unlikely.

It does seem likely that the Jack who is destined to use the portal is older still than the Jack we are currently following, as that Jack has grey in his hair and beard, and his face is lined.  Current hypothesis regarding that is this: Jack defeats Aku in the future and then works to restore the world as its king (see: golden crown upon his brow in portal vision), then returns to the portal when he is ready in order to save the past.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 17, 2017, 02:42:20 pm
It does seem likely that the Jack who is destined to use the portal is older still than the Jack we are currently following, as that Jack has grey in his hair and beard, and his face is lined.  Current hypothesis regarding that is this: Jack defeats Aku in the future and then works to restore the world as its king (see: golden crown upon his brow in portal vision), then returns to the portal when he is ready in order to save the past.

A viable theory, that Jack has years to live up to his prophesied image, but:

Pardon the vulgarity, but if Jack has successfully un-fucked the future while being there, why would he go back to the past that is still fucked? The evil that is Aku has been undone, that was the key part of the original pitch -- going back to the past wasn't a goal in its own right, it was a way to achieve the goal.
But there are those who perished in Aku's conquest and under his rule, I suppose - to save those, maybe it's a reason enough to go back in centuries and fight Aku all over again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on April 17, 2017, 03:05:44 pm
More to save his own people I think, I've got a long-standing theory that Aku cannot be permanently defeated, only contained or banished.  The point of going to the past then would be to try to mitigate Aku's evil, after saving the future, Jack can travel to the past and undo what Aku wrought there.  I'm actually expecting that during the final encounter between the two that Aku will reveal that this is exactly what happened, in an attempt to destroy Jack's will to fight, but that Jack will fight regardless of the futility because it is the right thing to do.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on April 17, 2017, 09:55:10 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 17, 2017, 10:03:56 pm
More to save his own people I think, I've got a long-standing theory that Aku cannot be permanently defeated, only contained or banished.  The point of going to the past then would be to try to mitigate Aku's evil, after saving the future, Jack can travel to the past and undo what Aku wrought there.  I'm actually expecting that during the final encounter between the two that Aku will reveal that this is exactly what happened, in an attempt to destroy Jack's will to fight, but that Jack will fight regardless of the futility because it is the right thing to do.

I kind of expect the series to end on this Moral Dilemma for jack. Does he go back in time to free the past and save his people at the risk of everything he's done in the future to be rendered pointless, all the people he's saved never born, etc., or does he accept all the evil Aku has done and try to fix the world as it is?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 18, 2017, 07:15:11 am
Ok I have a theory on the Wailing Stone episode of Steven Universe...

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: i2amroy on April 19, 2017, 06:53:36 pm
More to save his own people I think, I've got a long-standing theory that Aku cannot be permanently defeated, only contained or banished.
I mean, the gods did a pretty good job of wiping out 99% of the proto-aku in the birth of evil episode in the first series. (Though maybe it was just letting itself be destroyed to sneak that one piece out, in which case the idea that they could destroy it would be moot). Aku certainly wasn't destroyed when the sword beat him the first time in part 2 of the Birth of Evil though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 19, 2017, 09:42:56 pm
New episode of Adventure Time is out. It's another excessively artsy one, fully of symbolism that I don't have time to analyze. But 'Orb' serves as a bridge to the 'Elements' miniseries that is supposed to air all next week, so that might be interesting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 19, 2017, 11:07:41 pm
New episode of Adventure Time is out. It's another excessively artsy one, fully of symbolism that I don't have time to analyze. But 'Orb' serves as a bridge to the 'Elements' miniseries that is supposed to air all next week, so that might be interesting.

If it was as bad as last season's finale, yikes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 19, 2017, 11:08:34 pm
New episode of Adventure Time is out. It's another excessively artsy one, fully of symbolism that I don't have time to analyze. But 'Orb' serves as a bridge to the 'Elements' miniseries that is supposed to air all next week, so that might be interesting.

If it was as bad as last season's finale, yikes.

Adventure Time is probably one of the only times I've experienced the state... where a show finally starts answering some questions... But where I don't care anymore.

Which is odd because I've definitely watched through LONGER series and still cared...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 19, 2017, 11:49:45 pm
JK, I am apparently not at all caught up on this latest season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 21, 2017, 05:10:30 pm
Supermansion season 2 seems to be finished. It was only 10 episodes where the first season got 13, and I'm having difficulty finding any confirmation that it's done, but the most recent episode certainly felt like a season finale.

I liked it. Lots of jokes, most only worth a chuckle, but a few that were really creative and some genuinely hilarious. And all with story arcs full of twists and drama that could compete with DC or Marvel.

Renewal for season 3 already happened, and I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 23, 2017, 03:14:17 am
Spoiler: SJ (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 24, 2017, 07:03:27 am
I am so used to watching Anime that while I was watching the Latest episode of Samurai Jack I actually checked halfway through to see if the episode was almost over.

Why? Because anime typically goes at a snail's pace. A single goal usually takes two episodes..

I am not used to TV shows actually going places.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 24, 2017, 10:52:05 am
I am not used to TV shows actually going places.

Well they do have to cram the entire season in 10 episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 12:37:42 am
So I watched an episode of Bob's Burgers where they did a LARP of the 1901s and oddly enough their image of how the Servants were treated by the Super Rich makes me question a few things... (and yes, I know the show LIKELY meant a lot of it as a joke... don't worry)

What stood out is apparently the servant's clothes smelled like mold (Which typically means they weren't dried or properly cleaned)... which I would think would be unacceptable. I can't imagine you would want someone hovering around you smelling rancid.

The other is that for dinner they had gruel (typical "EVIL GRUEL!" not... you know... actual Gruel) that tasted so salty as to be inedible...

And while they TYPICALLY didn't get anything special (Porridge, vegetable soup, bread and butter)... It wasn't terrible food after terrible food usually. There are exceptions on both ends of the spectrum mind you (There are a few famous cooks who were basically kitchen maids who served excellent foods to the other staff using simple ingredients)

Don't get me wrong... It still typically sucked for servants back then... But sometimes I feel like people are compensating for something and feel the need to suck things up even more.

A lot like how shows and movies aren't allowed to show a slave who isn't in perpetual agony and eternal despair.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 25, 2017, 09:59:01 am
It's the school of American Writing. Conflicts aren't interesting unless they're really, really brutal. As the old adage goes, torture your characters. Also, I'm inclined to agree--would it really be as interesting an EPISODE if everyone were treated fairly well? No, it'd probably be pretty boring.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on April 25, 2017, 09:17:39 pm
By god Samuria Jack is fucking awesome. It doesnt feel like there been years between seasons. They reframed it, they made it more mature without making it more gritty. I love how they're protraying Samuria Jack PTSD and night terrors.  And the knight spectre following him, and what that was, was great. I love Aku now being used as this levity tool, trying to combat his enuii. And even while doing that, they still showed that he is this incredible force that can't be easily disregarded.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 09:22:51 pm
By god Samuria Jack is fucking awesome. It doesnt feel like there been years between seasons. They reframed it, they made it more mature without making it more gritty. I love how they're protraying Samuria Jack PTSD and night terrors.  And the knight spectre following him, and what that was, was great. I love Aku now being used as this levity tool, trying to combat his enuii. And even while doing that, they still showed that he is this incredible force that can't be easily disregarded.

Honestly... I was... a bit.. surprised the spectre was real... I honestly thought it was a metaphor (I still wish it was)

A sort of Metaphorical Thanatos so to speak.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on April 25, 2017, 09:31:49 pm
There magic in this universe. A literal figure of of Honor doesnt seem so outlandish. Though I am not quite sure what it is. It seems more driven by Jacks guilt, then his actual honor.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 09:41:39 pm
There magic in this universe. A literal figure of of Honor doesnt seem so outlandish. Though I am not quite sure what it is. It seems more driven by Jacks guilt, then his actual honor.

My issue isn't that he was unbelievable or cheap.... (heck he could even be Hachiman... or a figment created by Aku).

It is more that... It would mean so much more if he wasn't real, if this is everything inside Jack's own mind.

When the spirit spoke it would seem like she is conversing with it, maybe even fighting with it, only to change angles and she is speaking with Jack..... Something along those lines.

It gives it a bit more meaning then having the spirit speak for Jack in Proxy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 25, 2017, 10:23:40 pm
I think you should remember what kind of show Samurai Jack is. It's an action cartoon first and foremost. Comedy and Drama exist pretty much in equilibrium within the writing. Besides. It's still highly symbolic. The meaning is changed, but we've had quite a bit of Jack in his own head thus far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 10:24:46 pm
I think you should remember what kind of show Samurai Jack is. It's an action cartoon first and foremost. Comedy and Drama exist pretty much in equilibrium within the writing. Besides. It's still highly symbolic. The meaning is changed, but we've had quite a bit of Jack in his own head thus far.

I think arguing that Samurai Jack is a stupid show... isn't a reasonable argument.

Yes I know you are arguing more in favor that "Having it be a figment of his broken mind would mean there couldn't be a fight" but that is an even more... unreasonable argument.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 25, 2017, 10:47:23 pm
I think you should remember what kind of show Samurai Jack is. It's an action cartoon first and foremost. Comedy and Drama exist pretty much in equilibrium within the writing. Besides. It's still highly symbolic. The meaning is changed, but we've had quite a bit of Jack in his own head thus far.

I think arguing that Samurai Jack is a stupid show... isn't a reasonable argument.

"It is a cartoon, and an action show. It cannot possibly show psychology!"

Maybe you should dissect what I wrote a little more in depth before claiming that I, someone who LOVES the new season, is arguing that Samurai Jack is a stupid show. I said it's an ACTION cartoon first and foremost. That is 100% true. If you asked Genndy he'd say the same. The point is that there's a physical fight in every episode. Additionally, fuck you for talking out of your ass. We're on episode 6, which means we're basically somewhere between the Midpoint and the Act 2 break of the story arc, which is the point where the protagonist's emotional problems comes to a head. So it makes perfect sense for Jack's increasingly potent and debilitating guilt/shame/dishonor to manifest physically--Old SJ had similar fights spread throughout too.

In fact, it is ultimately much more symbolic than what you have suggested. While television is all about dialogue, short series like this, and animation especially--not to mention all media (for obvious reasons)--is a visual medium. We're literally watching Jack's consciousness battle it out with the dialogue between Ashi and the Spirit Samurai representing the conflicting forces in his head. Samurai Jack is film literature man, and it is SUCH a beautiful show. What more can you ask for than to watch Jack's emotional struggle unfold visually? What you suggest is A.) boring, and B.) way outside of Samurai Jack's style, which has always valued visual storytelling over dialogue... Which is what makes SJ so great to begin with, and indeed, one of the most innovative cartoons ever.

In short, shame on you for not appreciating--for not even recognizing--the fully realized and beautifully choreographed dance of Jack's (emotional) pivotal moment. Man, this episode was art--From Ep. 1-6, Jack's emotional journey has been one of the most compelling I have ever had the pleasure to watch, the whole series is art on a level not commonly aired on tv... and it's just over your head, dude. Way over.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 10:54:32 pm
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Wait a minute

I think you should remember what kind of show Samurai Jack is. It's an action cartoon first and foremost. Comedy and Drama exist pretty much in equilibrium within the writing. Besides. It's still highly symbolic. The meaning is changed, but we've had quite a bit of Jack in his own head thus far.

I think arguing that Samurai Jack is a stupid show... isn't a reasonable argument.

"It is a cartoon, and an action show. It cannot possibly show psychology!"
In short, shame on you for not appreciating--for not even recognizing--the fully realized and beautifully choreographed dance of Jack's (emotional) pivotal moment. Man, this episode was art--From Ep. 1-6, Jack's emotional journey has been one of the most compelling I have ever had the pleasure to watch, the whole series is art on a level not commonly aired on tv... and it's just over your head, dude. Way over.

So are you saying that my words aren't necessarily how you feel? How odd isn't it? :P

Diana Troy do you have anything to say about this?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 25, 2017, 11:05:07 pm
Neonivek, you annoy the shit out of me like no other Bay12er.

You miss all the nuances of Season 5 of Samurai Jack and you harshly criticize some of the smallest and least relevant aspects of the show, in detail. Not to mention your extremely shallow comparisons to both anime and these boring, stereotypical tropes that really do miss the mark on understanding the character's human struggles. Symbolism is the gateway into the mind of the characters, it is anything but disconnect--and again, you're wrong. The symbolism is pretty upfront about Jack's knowing involvement in his acceptance of the fact he has lost his way and his willful return to his quest-proper to defeat Aku. Bitch, YOU ARE SEEING THE CHARACTER GO THROUGH SOMETHING, HOW EFFING DENSE CAN YOU BE!?

I have to ask, I really do--do you really believe all the stuff you've said about Samurai Jack, or are you just trolling to rile me up?

EDIT: Neon, wtf are you even saying with that edit? You're so intentionally unclear and nebulous, it is incredibly frustrating.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 25, 2017, 11:13:45 pm
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EDIT: Neon, wtf are you even saying with that edit? You're so intentionally unclear and nebulous, it is incredibly frustrating

I dunno. I don't even know why we are fighting... Nothing makes sense here.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 25, 2017, 11:35:24 pm
This is what I'm talking about though. You make all these offhand remarks about things without bothering to defend them. You automatically assume that what ever YOU think is correct, despite being obviously contrarian--a point which I would be fine with if you just did the first thing I mentioned and pried deeper into what you say. Something, anything, to support your thesis statements. So many of these points here, you just SAY something, without arguing at all for WHY it is that way.

Here's an example. Though frankly, you haven't defended ANY of these points. Affirmation is superior to inference? Filmography 101? I think Wes Anderson might have something to say about that. And again, so vague. Give me an example. What would you change? WHY? As Andrew Stanton puts it, "Storytelling is the organized absence of information." To that end, WOULD the scene be stronger by having the Spirit Samurai purely a figment of Jack's imagination. Where is the tension then? Ashi just walks up and says "Yo, don't do it?" and Jack doesn't? How would Jack come to understand that his depression for lack of a better word is hurting the people he's sworn to protect and that suicide is the true dishonor? It's not like this scene is giving it away up front, SJ is a show that lets us put 2+2 together even though we know it's going to be 4.

I have to make up stuff you believe because you never ever explain yourself. Understand, that you ARE going to encounter resistance by just saying "Oh, this is part is bad." without explaining yourself at all. Which, by the way, is much different than merely saying "It's not my speed." If you make a point, be prepared to defend it, dude. I may not always be right, but my arguments are hella stronger than yours because you just don't say a thing at all.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 26, 2017, 12:31:24 am
Where is the tension then?

I don't know what you mean.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 26, 2017, 01:14:01 am
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I think this puts the argument sufficiently to rest. Feel free to get your last word in (as my rule is the person to end an argument loses last word).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 26, 2017, 05:38:30 am
Then I'll end the argument: I come across as a contrarian a lot because I try to be nicer than my natural asshole level would have me behave. I do usually assume the other part(y/ies) is engaging in good faith, and unless it's deliberately meant to be vague for the sake of humor I dislike saying things which I am not prepared to support.

Neo, you may have noticed I don't get involved in back and forths with you, but maybe you haven't, either way, there's a reason for this: you act like people know your position and argument, even when you didn't write down key portions of it yet, but you almost seem to enjoy continuing onward without confirming or even trying to explain to others that they aren't actually responding in a fashion which is relevant to what you mean because that bit was left out.

The scoop bearded one is frustrated, understandably it appears from reading up thread a little bit. Now, I'm looking in from the outside here, but it seemed like you were making non sequiturs until that very last post where you went back to a much earlier post and gave something that might be an explanation of sorts, but an explanation for what is not clear, even if all the information was present.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 26, 2017, 06:36:40 am
NVM, not a good idea to make long posts right now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 26, 2017, 07:14:43 am
As you may have noticed, I'm not taking any part in the argument. Because of this, I feel entitled to point out that Neonivek's manner of excessive use of ellipsis is rather irritating.
Quote from:
[Ellipsis] usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning
And you just replace commas, colons, semicolons and periods with it on a whim. I used to make that mistake, too, until the same was pointed out to me in a similar fashion.

This is not a personal attack. No offence meant.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on April 26, 2017, 07:35:22 am
I have... issues with grammar. Lets just say that my use of periods and commas is not altogether... voluntary. So unfortunately there isn't much I can do in that respect.

I tend to use ellipsis to represent where I take natural pauses, as if I was actually speaking.

Though I've noticed that often times those are where commas would often be.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jimmy on April 26, 2017, 09:58:14 am
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on April 26, 2017, 10:17:28 am
Grammatik macht frei
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 28, 2017, 05:01:22 am
I just finished binging the Islands and Elements arcs of Adventure Time. Wow. So many answers, and all of them quite satisfying imo.
Now I'm really sad that there's only one more season to go.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on April 28, 2017, 01:22:57 pm
Ditto. They're really tying up a lot of loose threads, and bringing story arcs toward a conclusion.

I liked how Betty was struggling with accepting Simon's senility Ice Crown madness, in light of her own situation. I liked the way the Elements thing played into unbalanced emotions, and raised the stakes by mucking around with so much of the main cast, so the supporting cast got time to shine. And... god, I never thought I'd say it, but Lumpy Space Princess was actually kind of endearing and heroic/cool for a bit there? I really got a kick out of her sassiness in the Elements arc.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 05, 2017, 10:35:32 am
Steven Universe S04E25

Now THAT was a plot advancement.
Unfortunately for us, the show is approved for season 5, so they're gonna drag it out a while longer.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 05, 2017, 12:43:58 pm
Ok, I think I'm finally done mourning Jack's beard.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 05, 2017, 08:51:53 pm
Whoa Steven Universe as FINALLY done Lars well.

The sort of complicated emotions and how social anxiety can make you act in a way you don't want to.

Lets hope we keep that Lars.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 07, 2017, 12:12:10 am
Now I'm not over Jack's beard anymore...
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 07, 2017, 05:29:35 am
Spoiler: SJ S05E08 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 07, 2017, 01:25:28 pm
After his beard died, I'm ready for anything, honestly.

R.I.P. Samurai Beard
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on May 07, 2017, 01:29:41 pm
Spoiler: SJ S05E08 (click to show/hide)
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 07, 2017, 02:02:14 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: hops on May 07, 2017, 02:03:35 pm
Spoiler: SJ S05E08 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 07, 2017, 02:24:36 pm
Then you get the problem with Aragorn and whatshername, he's old as balls but looks half his age, she's old as dragonballs but looks half his age.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Radio Controlled on May 07, 2017, 02:31:57 pm
Spoiler: SJ S05E08 (click to show/hide)
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 08, 2017, 10:28:19 pm
Just finished Elements

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 08, 2017, 11:15:20 pm
1.) RIP Jack's beard.

Spoiler: "SamJ" (click to show/hide)

3.) Watched one episode of Adventure Time and thought, "wtf?"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2017, 10:31:01 am
Wait were those in response to me?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 09, 2017, 11:00:38 am
3.) Watched one episode of Adventure Time and thought, "wtf?"

Binging at least three seasons of AT is equivalent to a dose of LSD. Binging five and more - to an LSD overdose.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2017, 11:14:59 am
LSP overdose.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 09, 2017, 11:58:47 am
DANG IT JACK you don't suck out poison EVER!

Thankfully it seemed to be a... exterior poison?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 10, 2017, 06:19:39 am
I think it was a love potion?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 10, 2017, 07:34:44 am
Adventure Time
I'm surprised it took me until this most recent episode to realize, Jake's origins totally explain his ability to link dreams with people, and why he's always so obsessed with going out and exploring the universe and other planes of reality.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 14, 2017, 04:11:07 am
Spoiler: SJ (click to show/hide)

Called it.

Also, way to set up a finale, Genndy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 14, 2017, 08:09:29 am
...well fuck.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 14, 2017, 08:16:00 am
Well they really pulled it off since it seemed like they were doing everything in their power to make the audience hate Ashi... like intensely...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 14, 2017, 06:39:43 pm
Thought they were trying to make us care about her as a character to make what they just did more poignant?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 14, 2017, 07:57:51 pm
Thought they were trying to make us care about her as a character to make what they just did more poignant?

Yeah, that is definitely what they were attempting. They just did it in about the worst way possible, poorly executed romance will come off as forced importance to many audiences.

In my opinion the romance aspect itself wasn't that bad for a budding relationship. The whole "Charmingly Befuddled / Gradeschool romance" phase went on waaay too long and got far too much screen time, but I watch anime so I am used to it (Though seriously, I don't need to spend a few minutes on them discussing clothes.). The biggest issue miiight be that they force the level of the relationship.

The relationship shown is like a 1/5, maybe 2/5... It is being treated like a 4/5 maybe 5/5.

I think they wanted a lot more time on this season then they got. It honestly feels like there was supposed to be 1 or 2 more episodes intended.

Edit: DO NOT get me wrong. You can do a quick romance. What they were doing was not a quick romance, at least to me, and needed more time to develop.


And this isn't even getting into the fact that this season is... So far... About Ashi.

At least she feels like the main character, she is the one who had to grow and had to actually go down a road of recovery. Jack did too but it took a single bit of meditation.

Mind you these aren't criticisms these are just observations that makes Ashi a particularly good target for a hatedom. New annoying character swings down, hogs all the screen time, and then becomes the One True Love of our protagonist in spite of their tepid relationship and long line of pairings?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 14, 2017, 11:15:35 pm
Things to be raw about:

Things that seem like nitpicking to be raw over:

Her ending up like this is an interesting twist since the last time Jack had a warrior woman companion she turned out to be Aku, so the whole thing was just a big troll for Aku. Here we have a very similar situation except Aku looks like even more of a dick since Ashi wasn't in on the joke.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 20, 2017, 10:54:19 pm
A somewhat underwhelming finale upon first viewing. :/
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergarr on May 21, 2017, 01:30:21 am
Ashi had a surprisingly quick grasp on using Aku's most ultimate power for someone who's just realized that they can do that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 21, 2017, 02:53:43 pm
Samurai Jack Finale

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 22, 2017, 01:51:17 pm
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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on May 23, 2017, 02:55:15 am
[Samurai Jack Season 5]

Okay. So context: I watched every episode live until the FUCKING Rick and Morty prank at which point I just streamed the episodes when I felt convenient. I am not happy about that, if you can't tell. I started watching broadcast television for the first time in who knows how long and then they pull that, but whatever I forgive them now.

But yeah, I finally got to the last episode. And what the genuine F****.

I won't admit it to anyone, but I only watched a sparse selection of the original Samurai Jack. But they put a ton of posters around my university for the reboot and I decided to follow it devoutly. So I watched all of Season 5.

Spoiler: Samurai Jack <3 (click to show/hide)

You know what? This should most definitely be in the Drunk Thread. I'll go there now. Please ignore everything here, I'll be back with an actual analysis of the Samurai Jack S05 later.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 23, 2017, 03:09:17 am
Yes Ashi was the self-insert character who for some reason took over the show :P there is a reason I said people would HATE her and that the show seemed to be doing everything in its power to make the audience hate her too.

In fact hilariously she is written like a self-insert mary sue parody... almost note for note.

It is my belief though that they were originally intending to have 2-4 more episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 23, 2017, 09:55:41 am
Def would have been better as a 13 episode season. Im a little surprised that they didn't go for a 3-part finale (like how they did the premiere way back when.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on May 23, 2017, 10:02:42 pm
I was watching the latest Aquaman animated Justice League movie, what I think was the best scene bit ever.

Aquaman is just this dude living in a lighthouse. Someone knocks at the door, and it is some marine biologist that knows about him. He gets promptly murdered, and Aquaman (or whatshisrealname... Arthur I think?) sees like a dozen assassin people in black shark armor and tridents and harpoons and shit jumping out of the ocean and sprinting towards him.

But Arthur is too quick for them, with lightning reflexes, he pushes the door closed and locks it with the tiny chain thingy. And he backs up like 2 feet, sighing in relief.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 30, 2017, 05:35:28 am
Spoiler: "Wanted" Steven-bomb (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 30, 2017, 05:42:41 am
I actually find what happened to Lars to be hilarious!

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 30, 2017, 02:11:22 pm
Padparadscha is hilarious. I literally laugh out loud every time she says anything.

I'm glad we're finally getting some explanation for the mysterious pink lion.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 30, 2017, 03:55:38 pm
Watching Jack season 5 as a whole in the marathon, there should have been a followup for sure.

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Oh, and yeah, the Guardian was bullshit, dude said "only one man is prophesied to defeat me, and you my man, ain't that man" before adding after he beat Jack up "you can't use it yet, not yet" and looks at a future Jack through the portal.

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 30, 2017, 04:12:00 pm

I was also kinda pumped for the Guardian thing and felt massively underwhelmed tha he got reduced to a background detail, but, you know, wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, "future is not set in stone". Maybe something somewhere went drastically different from what Portal envisioned.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 30, 2017, 07:30:46 pm
The Guardian I HONESTLY feel is a part that is a symptom of the fact that it was rushed. Especially if!

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Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 30, 2017, 08:48:45 pm
What? No, he was on top of a mountain with little goatbros that Aku turned into huge goatmonsters and when killed reverted back into sad little dead goatbros.

There were no giant robots, wrecked tanks, anything around where he lost his sword.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 30, 2017, 08:49:57 pm
What? No, he was on top of a mountain with little goatbros that Aku turned into huge goatmonsters and when killed reverted back into sad little dead goatbros.

There were no giant robots, wrecked tanks, anything around where he lost his sword.

That flashback came later. The earliest shown nothing like that, in fact it suggested he was in a cave and that he lost his sword off a cliff rather than a hole.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 30, 2017, 09:32:06 pm
Are we talking things seen in Original Seasons Jack?

Sadly, there ARE some incongruencies with how S4 ended and S5 began. To speak to it being rushed, I agree--partially. The first several episodes are like genius-level awesome, and it kind of trails off after that, almost feeling like they just went back to what they knew as a crutch. Genndy definitely got pressured though. It's a sad thing, and I hate to say it, but SamJ REALLY needed those extra 2-3 episodes, not to mentioned hella more development time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 30, 2017, 09:34:30 pm
Are we talking things seen in Original Seasons Jack?

No I mean the earliest flashbacks in Season 5 of the sword being lost... and the inconsistencies between that and the later flashbacks and eventual reveal.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 30, 2017, 10:40:57 pm
Remembering as Scaramouch asks him:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Note the green background color is often used in the scenes with his anger talking to him, his guilt flashbacks, and such.

Telling Ashi about it:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Note that the coloring and such is accurate as it is other times Jack tells someone about something he did, like telling her earlier about his childhood.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on May 30, 2017, 10:44:28 pm
If you also remember the Guardian green was a motif used there.

And if you pay attention... that it isn't just the color that is different but the entire design between both pics with only the most basic details remaining the same.

Or rather... I fully believe they originally intended Samurai Jack to have lost his sword where the Guardian was (with the guardian likely being dead from Aku... VERY possibly after Jack won Aku swooped in, killed the guardian, and destroyed the gate)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on May 31, 2017, 04:17:25 am
According to Genndy himself he would have much rather had a coherent story, but [adult swim] forced him to make it more episodic so episodes could be shown out of order on reruns.

Urist really said it all a few months back. Technically old series was on CN, but boy, did they have an obscene amounts of reruns of SJ back then. Same logic applied, I believe.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 31, 2017, 01:54:09 pm
Whoops, I did indeed mean CN.

and Max sums it up pretty well (with evidence to boot!)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 05, 2017, 08:35:45 pm
Some Rick and Morty Promos (

Season 3 Trailer (

July 30th can't come soon enough!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on July 06, 2017, 02:30:11 am
I have a little list of animated series I'm looking forward to seeing this summer. Here goes:

Rick and Morty (season 3, July 30th)
BoJack Horseman (season 4, August 22nd)
Star vs The Forces of Evil (season 3, July 15th)

There is also SU that'll probably drop a few more eps this summer, but I couldn't find the dates.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 11, 2017, 09:55:33 am
The new Castlevania series is oddly anti-church.

The game series tended to have a very neutral stance with them being both the villain and in some ways the solution with religious characters running the gambit. One of the characters in the show, for example, is actually a member of the church in the games and was sheltered by them against witch hunters... In the games... In the show the character is not religious (which means she is good. Religious people are evil, non-religious people are good... Which is odd given Belmont)

Bonus points that Lisa, a woman who was described as "Like the Virgin Mary", is also not religious. In fact she was the most not religious meaning she was also the most good person of them all.

Likewise the little changes are very interesting. Alucard SO FAR seems to have had a bit of his personality removed and most of his backstory excised (likely because this is an ensemble piece)

The two major changes to Alucard are

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I should note I am not bugged by the Anti-Church Sentiment (except maybe that it is an overused trope)... it is just WEEEEIIIRD given the source where they weaponized Christianity.

The Alucard stuff bugs me slightly, but I recognize the nessisity to diminish his role, make him more sympathetic and less complicated, as well as make his personality stick out more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: hops on July 14, 2017, 06:56:49 am
Wait, what? Alucard has never worked for Dracula, I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 14, 2017, 07:51:02 am
Wait, what? Alucard has never worked for Dracula, I'm pretty sure.

The way it worked in the games is that Alucard was originally loyal to Dracula but that weight of his mother's death weighed heavily on his mind (He experienced her death) until he decided to stop Dracula himself.

Mind you this is all backstory since by the time the proper game starts he is already on your side.

The show makes him a lot more sympathetic towards humanity and his mother's teachings. While in the games he didn't care for humanity and it was only his mother's final wishes that actually pushed him over the edge.

I suspect this was done because it would take too much attention away from everyone else, and it would really kill his sympathy.


At least that is how I read it. I might need to reread it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on July 14, 2017, 09:58:26 am
I can't wait for more Castlevania.  I enjoyed the hell out of it, but why just four episodes!?!

Edit:  I don't really think it was anti-church.  I mean holy water blessed by a priest was effective against the monsters, so its not really a "religion is evil" kind of thing.  Its just that one asshole priest(bishop?) who lost his marbles fucked everything up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 14, 2017, 10:43:57 am
Its just that one asshole priest(bishop?) who lost his marbles fucked everything up.

Well... Only one non-name minister was "good" who wasn't part of the church but was simply ordained.

Outside of that we have one Archbishop who is evil and is hinted to be a rapist. A Bishop, soon to be Pope, who advocated genocide. All the priests actually shown. Twats in a bar.

One of the characters who explicitly worked for the church has been rewritten to not and is now part of a non-religious group of science and reason against religion who are persecuted by the church. The Church's active participation in the story has been written out for a narrative where they are trying to purge the sinners (Which isn't ENTIRELY inaccurate, but in a weird twist the games had more nuance)

They also rewritten another character who had SOME religious affiliation to have none and have no religious attitudes, in fact anti-religious attitudes.

It is more that anyone who is religious in this show so far is evil... and anyone who out specifically non-religious (or anti-religious) is good. Even to the extent of rewriting characters to accommodate this shift.

It is a WEEEIRD juxtaposition for Castlevania.

It would be like if they made an Adaption of Harry Potter where anyone who likes magic is evil... and only people who want to stop magic are good... And they rewritten Harry Potter to be the most anti-magic person around. It isn't a bad idea for a book it is just weird for a Harry Potter adaptation.

Maybe I am wrong and Belmont is actually religious and a future episode will demonstrate this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on July 14, 2017, 10:52:28 am
I'd bet that he was religious, but at least partially lost faith after he was excommunicated.  He'll probably regain his faith as the show goes on, culminating in getting the holy cross weapon. :P :D

I never actually played Castlevania 3(mostly just played the ones from SOTN and on), so I'm not super familiar with the lore in that one.  In fact, most of the lore I know comes from this highly educational video (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 14, 2017, 11:09:07 am
I mean if they are setting up a True Faith theme... They are doing an excellent job. Showing a bastardization of faith early on and bombarding the audience with every inclination to despise religion, or at least the religion being presented.

As I said it isn't bad, it is just... weird.

Also you should look at a picture of Dracula before he was Dracula... WOW! did he have an intense face.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 23, 2017, 01:18:08 am
Seen the newest season of Star Versus the Forces of Evil.

Satisfying season and no anticlimax.

Though GOODNESS do I seriously wonder if Glosseric has emotions or not. I mean he said he has no feelings...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on July 23, 2017, 04:14:14 am
Though GOODNESS do I seriously wonder if Glosseric has emotions or not. I mean he said he has no feelings...

Guy's probably jaded. He's seen a lot. His students did very different things.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 23, 2017, 04:43:35 am
I really hope eventually the address the fact that the Royalty are basically taking advantage of their people... and offering them empty pageantry in return.

Then again the show also kind of understands the flip side that the Empty Pageantry isn't exactly a product of power but also because the people want it that way and thus it has become mutually problematic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 24, 2017, 04:45:09 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on July 24, 2017, 05:04:54 pm

Must... resist... singing... get out... of head...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 24, 2017, 06:51:15 pm
I was afraid that might happen.
But did you see the SU thing from comic con though?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on July 24, 2017, 06:55:31 pm
I was afraid that might happen.
But did you see the SU thing from comic con though?

Yeah but I know better than to be sucked into a SU trailer at this point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on July 25, 2017, 01:34:56 am
I was afraid that might happen.
But did you see the SU thing from comic con though?

Yeah but I know better than to be sucked into a SU trailer at this point.

Ditto. I've decided I'm avoiding recent comic-con reveals and waiting for actual release of episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 05, 2017, 07:08:20 am
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Season 3 is out!

I <3 blue elf girls~
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on August 05, 2017, 10:48:39 am
I always thought Voltron was anime. Guess it isn't?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 05, 2017, 02:39:00 pm
I always thought Voltron was anime. Guess it isn't?

Original Voltron was anime. They've done two or three remakes since then...the one currently airing is not native to Japan.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on August 06, 2017, 01:32:47 am
Watched the second episode of R&M season 3. The scene where
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
probably hit me a lot more than it should've. I think the only two scenes that have hit me this hard are the Utena hologram scene from SU and the scene where Iroh accepts Zuko in avatar.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Derpy Dev on August 06, 2017, 04:45:48 pm
While this isn't about a show that's currently out... I'm really excited for Ducktales 2017. We only have to wait six more days before the television movie, so yay!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 07, 2017, 07:56:05 am
R&M S3 E3
Those poor rats never had a chance...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on August 07, 2017, 12:53:46 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on August 07, 2017, 02:34:23 pm
In the next episode we will see Rick getting especially drunk.

Justin Roiland method-acted this. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 12, 2017, 11:19:56 pm
DuckTales 2017
I still kinda hate the artistic style of this reboot...loving everything else though. The music, the jokes, the cameos...good stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Derpy Dev on August 13, 2017, 10:20:04 am
DuckTales 2017
I still kinda hate the artistic style of this reboot...loving everything else though. The music, the jokes, the cameos...good stuff.

Honestly I kinda like the animation. It's nothing special, but it's certainly not terrible in my opinion.

Also I really like Glomgold for some reason. He's probably my favorite part of the show so far.

Spoiler: Glomgold quotes (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Neonivek on August 18, 2017, 05:23:52 pm
What the heck is Ms. Beakley's position?

She can talk back to him so she isn't a low end servant... So she is likely an aide, assistant, Butler, or "Person who gets things done"

But she seems so angry with just taking notes... All those jobs would include assisting however needed.

So is she just a house keeper? I mean that was her position in the original but she did do her job, while she had the ability to tell her boss what to do that came out of mutual respect and trust in her judgement (though its Scrouge, he don't trust anyone's judgement).

Actually she is really bad at her job from what I've seen and seems to criticize and boss around her boss (and threaten him physically... and damage the house) far more then she does ANYTHING right, and she does the BARE minimum...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 23, 2017, 10:02:44 pm
I just finished Season 4 of Bojack Horseman. There were a couple of weaker episodes...but overall, it's my favorite season yet. Episode 9 in particular, that ending caught me completely off guard. And both of the episodes focusing on Bojack's mother were so creative and insightful.

I almost wish this was the end, because we finally got a season with a happy ending. Alas, Netflix has renewed for Season 5. If they actually manage to outdo Season 4, I don't know if my heart will be able to take it... (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on September 24, 2017, 10:30:19 pm
AH HA! I finally found this thread!

 Does anyone have any idea what the run schedule for OK K.O is? I was unfortunate enough to miss the latest episode.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Solifuge on October 10, 2017, 12:00:22 am
I usually use this:

Speaking of, it's an excellent show. I'm blown away by some of the stuff they do with these bite sized stories, and the art and characters are absolutely delightful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 20, 2017, 08:21:19 pm
Milo Murphy's Law e18 Fungus Among Us

Wow, that ending caught be completely by surprise! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 23, 2017, 07:59:05 am
Does anyone actually know about the chain of events leading to the Voltron reboot that I keep hearing about?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Paxiecrunchle on October 23, 2017, 08:45:10 am
Milo Murphy's Law e18 Fungus Among Us

Wow, that ending caught be completely by surprise! I can't wait to see what happens next!

What happens next is that I become a new fan of this show, and the status quo is somehow returned.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: RedKing on October 23, 2017, 11:05:30 am
Does anyone actually know about the chain of events leading to the Voltron reboot that I keep hearing about?
Netflix and Dreamworks got together and said, "Hey, let's make some shit"?

More specifically, I don't know why they decided on a Voltron reboot, but I dig it. I've only seen the first season so far. My daughter has watched all of them.

I think it was especially illustrative when I dug up an episode of the original Voltron, and we watched it together, and I felt ashamed for my childhood. The old series was.....not good. Especially the voice acting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on October 23, 2017, 01:10:02 pm
Does anyone actually know about the chain of events leading to the Voltron reboot that I keep hearing about?
Netflix and Dreamworks got together and said, "Hey, let's make some shit"?

I think they also got some people who worked on Avatar: Legend of Korra on the job for that reboot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on October 26, 2017, 10:59:31 am
So I binged Over The Garden Wall recently. Damn that was hella good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 07, 2017, 10:31:40 pm
I was iffy on the Star vs Evil season 2 ED song the first time I heard it...but after hearing it a few more times, I'm now in love. It's something I look forward to at the end of each episode~
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 11, 2017, 03:19:07 am
The latest Stevenbomb is here. I found it a bit disappointing. 6 new episodes, and all that really happened is Lapis ragequit Earth again, and Stevonnie had a minor fight.

Edit: The more I think about it, the more I appreciate the Lapis episode. For some reason it never really clicked with me before, but Lapis was actually happy serving under the Diamonds. She had a satisfying job, a safe place to live, a generally happy life, and then the Crystal Gems came along and started a war that she wanted no part of. She did her best to avoid the violence, but somehow got caught in the crossfire anyway and was nearly shattered. Later, it was a Cystal Gem who brought her back. They completely destroyed her entire life for no reason, and now Steven was here expecting her to be grateful, and maybe even join the team. Now all of her reactions make sense. This is why she lives apart from the other gems in a barn, and is always moody around them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 16, 2017, 01:03:38 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 16, 2017, 08:43:14 pm (

There have been several Butterfly's with non-card-suit cheek marks. Also the floating unicorn heads have similar marks on their necks and eyes. I think it's just a thematic thing for the SvE metaverse without any specific significance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 17, 2017, 10:39:23 am (

There have been several Butterfly's with non-card-suit cheek marks. Also the floating unicorn heads have similar marks on their necks and eyes. I think it's just a thematic thing for the SvE metaverse without any specific significance.

Ok, so there's more to that than I thought and my theory doesn't hold up. But I will still argue that these marks bear significance that will come up eventually.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on November 19, 2017, 10:43:57 pm
Just finished first two seasons of Steven Universe... damn. Such a good show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 20, 2017, 12:26:37 pm
Just finished first two seasons of Steven Universe... damn. Such a good show.

It kinda goes downhill from there, IMO. But it has its moments, for sure.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on November 20, 2017, 05:02:36 pm
Patented guide to enjoying Steven Universe: Avoid any and all fan speculation.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on November 22, 2017, 09:28:26 pm
Also sing along!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on November 22, 2017, 11:59:46 pm
Patented guide to enjoying Steven Universe: Avoid any and all fan speculation.

Ya I've just been binging is straight, no input from the fandom (which I hear is even crazier than Rick & Morty's)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on November 23, 2017, 01:38:10 pm
Patented guide to enjoying Steven Universe: Avoid any and all fan speculation.
Ya I've just been binging is straight, no input from the fandom (which I hear is even crazier than Rick & Morty's)

Solid strategy.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 24, 2017, 08:48:22 pm
Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie (!:_The_Jungle_Movie)

More than a decade after the show ended, it's back.
This gives me hope for every show I enjoyed that ended too soon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on November 25, 2017, 08:05:50 pm
Alright, so just finished my SU binge and am all the way caught up. Hella lit. Season 3 is not great (comparatively), but it's definitely trending upwards in terms of quality again. Basically everything since the final few episodes of Season 4 has been spectacular.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on November 26, 2017, 01:12:08 am
I wasn't a fan of season 3 either.
Agreed that S4 onwards picks up the quality. The pace too, it's just hard to tell because of the massive hiatuses.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on November 30, 2017, 05:22:47 am
Anyone watching the new South Park season? Thing this is the prefect middle ground between their older seasons and the more structured thing they tried last year. Each episode is funny in it's own way while still having ties into other ones.

While I think ep2 of this season is still the best, I can't really say any of them are bad tbh, each had a pretty nice mix of scathing commentary and hillarious insanity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Doomblade187 on November 30, 2017, 03:11:38 pm
Anyone watching the new South Park season? Thing this is the prefect middle ground between their older seasons and the more structured thing they tried last year. Each episode is funny in it's own way while still having ties into other ones.

While I think ep2 of this season is still the best, I can't really say any of them are bad tbh, each had a pretty nice mix of scathing commentary and hillarious insanity.
I feel like they're doing a lot more mapping of issues than they normally do, but that could just be me not remembering the old episodes. I haven't seen them all.

EDIT: Just saw the latest episode. :O
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 05, 2018, 04:18:12 pm
Anyhoo, Final Space is out and it is awesome.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on March 06, 2018, 04:29:12 am
Anyhoo, Final Space is out and it is awesome.

Just watched the first three episodes (all the ones out now) and I love it! It's what I wished Rick and Morty was when I tried to watch it, it's a hilarious sci-fi space drama and that's about all I can think of to describe it. Definitely would recommend. Really appreciate how it's not as episodic as a lot of other cartoon series are and has a continuous plot going so far. It's basically Futurama but all plot.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 06, 2018, 06:27:22 am
I recently watched the first season of Wacky Races 2017. It's not as good as the original...but it's watchable. Hopefully they will get more racers for the second season, and spend more time actually racing.

Also watched the first season of Hot Streets. The overall animation quality and character design really irk me. Also it frequently walks the line between creative-stupid and lazy-stupid. For the most part though it offers something humorous and novel, and I'm optimistic for the show's future.

I just started watching Our Cartoon President. It's a decent timekiller. Predictable, but amusing political humor.

I noticed that apparently Disney's Stitch outsourced to Japan for a spinoff that was edgier and more dramatic, so now that's on my to-watch list.

Mike Tyson Mysteries, American Dad, and Star vs Evil all recently returned with new seasons, and so far they've all met my expectations.

Voltron just dropped season 5, and I completely missed season I've got some catching up to do!

Also I found out that the creator of Adventure Time has another series already in it's fourth season, Bravest Warriors, so that's also on my list.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 06, 2018, 12:04:29 pm
Oooh, new Voltron. Gotta watch that! I've been following the series so far. Same goes for Bravest Warriors. I think last time I watched that series they wrapped up season 2.

Where do you stream Bravest Warriors, btw?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 06, 2018, 12:51:08 pm
It may be on Youtube?

Also, pretty sure it's not Pendleton Ward approved, but because Adventure Time is ending a bunch of the staff are creating a new show, Summer Camp Island. So that's kind of exciting (even though the animation looks more Chicago, Il than Adventure Time.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: deathpunch578 on March 06, 2018, 12:58:43 pm
I watched a few episodes of metalocalypse today, I ended up watching all three episodes with king diamond as a voice actor. I find it interesting that they got king diamond for three episodes and didn't do too much with him.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 06, 2018, 02:46:24 pm
Where do you stream Bravest Warriors, btw? is my current go-to for cartoon streaming, and their older streamer links for Bravest Warriors seem to be intact.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Comrade P. on March 06, 2018, 03:58:41 pm
Thanks, man! Youtube only had s03e01 of Bravest Warriors.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 06, 2018, 10:49:57 pm
I watched a few episodes of metalocalypse today, I ended up watching all three episodes with king diamond as a voice actor. I find it interesting that they got king diamond for three episodes and didn't do too much with him.

They had Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield in bit roles in the pilot
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: deathpunch578 on March 06, 2018, 11:06:33 pm
I watched a few episodes of metalocalypse today, I ended up watching all three episodes with king diamond as a voice actor. I find it interesting that they got king diamond for three episodes and didn't do too much with him.

They had Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield in bit roles in the pilot
I think that's the strangest thing about metalocalypse, they get well known people in metal then do very little with them
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on March 07, 2018, 06:45:22 am
The first time I saw Mike Tyson's Mysteries was the premiere and I was unable to laugh by the end of it, ran out of laughs entirely between the "coppachoppamoon" and "cormac mcconaughay" shit.

Every episode since has been fantastic and packed with the same sort of absurdity as shit like perfect hair forever, lots of dumb low hanging fruit jokes, and a surprising amount of stuff that you don't catch or get until an hour later when you break down giggling with no way to explain what happened to anyone around you.

Love that damn show so much.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 07, 2018, 07:08:42 am
It's interesting how good Mike Tyson actually is in a comedy role, too, like, that's... not what i expected
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on March 08, 2018, 02:43:26 pm
Infinity train short (

New show coming to CN sometime in the future. Looks really damn cool. Zany and absurd but without being stupid about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 08, 2018, 03:27:41 pm
Infinity train short (

New show coming to CN sometime in the future. Looks really damn cool. Zany and absurd but without being stupid about it.

Coming to CN? Has there been some movement on it, because it's just been in limbo forever?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on March 08, 2018, 03:32:28 pm
Shit, wrong link there, here's the article with the news (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sirus on March 08, 2018, 06:59:37 pm
Oh snap. I was hoping that someone would decide to try for a full show of Infinity Train.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 08, 2018, 07:26:10 pm
I am excited! Seems reminiscent of a lot of older cartoons, which is always something to be excited about.

Also, whats up with Steven Universe? Does it have a S6 premiere date? Google results have returned inconclusive.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on March 09, 2018, 06:47:29 pm
More eps the 9th of april, I think. S5 is only midway through, but knowing CN S6 won't air til 2020.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 09, 2018, 11:31:57 pm
New Adventure Time drop is here!
Jake's origin story finally has resolution.
And it seems that the Candy Wars, Martian Arc, and Ice King Arc are all going to follow.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 26, 2018, 11:12:38 am
Our Cartoon President has been steadily improving since it started, and I'm now eagerly awaiting new episodes each Sunday.

Mike Tyson Mysteries s4 e4, best clip-episode ever!

New Steven Bomb is here. It's entirely filler.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 26, 2018, 12:21:03 pm
Our Cartoon President has been steadily improving since it started, and I'm now eagerly awaiting new episodes each Sunday.

Mike Tyson Mysteries s4 e4, best clip-episode ever!

New Steven Bomb is here. It's entirely filler.

Hey gotta give those new storyboard artists some air time y'know?

I jest, I shall still voraciously consume these new episodes. And now I depart for more Steven-y grounds.

EDIT: Oh wow, it was just all filler... and uh... whats up with the timeline thing?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 28, 2018, 02:10:11 pm
Just yesterday I was thinking that the world needs a new movie in the vein of Fantastic Mr Fox, and now I'm seeing commercials for Isle of Dogs.

Every time I witness a crazy coincidence, I become a little more certain that there is something deeply wrong with the universe...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 28, 2018, 02:19:27 pm
Isle of Dogs actually looks really good (and also tested really well) so color me excited.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 02, 2018, 03:00:49 pm
Rick and Morty got a special April Fools episode, Rick and Morty Bushworld Adventures. It's an extra special kind of terrible.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 02, 2018, 03:30:40 pm
Rick and Morty got a special April Fools episode, Rick and Morty Bushworld Adventures. It's an extra special kind of terrible.

The HELL did I just watch?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Edmus on April 03, 2018, 05:43:11 am
it is high brow Australian culture thank you very much.
These comments (, hahaha
They should leave poor wobblygong out of this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 05, 2018, 09:16:35 pm
Final Space went on my to-watch list when you guys talked about it a few pages back. I finally got around to starting it today, and binged all 6 episodes, loving every minute.
Upon doing some cursory research, I was somewhat dismayed to learn that there are only 10 episodes total this season. Then heartened to learn that the creator has material for 5 seasons, and reception has been fairly overwhelmingly positive, so odds are good that we'll see more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 05, 2018, 10:30:54 pm
Rick and Morty got a special April Fools episode, Rick and Morty Bushworld Adventures. It's an extra special kind of terrible.
"OH NOOOO, I GOTTA SUCK YA DICK MORTY!" was fantastic, the fuck is wrong with you?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 15, 2018, 11:42:35 pm
I finished catching up on Bravest Warriors.
It feels like the first season was just about jamming completely random words and ideas together into barely coherent events. And then the following seasons were all about trying to actually expand those random ideas into real stories and settings. I'm enjoying the show, but it's definitely not for everyone. Fans of Adventure Time should like it though. Mostly I'm just really impressed that they were able to do so much with such short time slots.

Next up I'm intending to re-watch Super Mansion in advance of the new season next month. Though there's also a show called 'Vermin' that recently started and I may take a peek at that first...

It's always been Wankershim!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 30, 2018, 10:21:08 am
Final Space Season One is over and HOT DAMN, it's SO good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: quinnr on April 30, 2018, 10:39:21 am
Final Space Season One is over and HOT DAMN, it's SO good.

I haven't watched the final episode but I've been keeping up with it and absolutely love it so far. I've been describing it to friends as "What if Futurama...had actual plot?"

I just feel like there has not been a ton of great serial sci-fi cartoons in Western animation and this really takes the cake.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 07, 2018, 10:16:31 pm
Two new Steven Universe episodes. It's not just filler this time...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on May 08, 2018, 10:28:51 am
Two new Steven Universe episodes. It's not just filler this time...

Both had me saying "oh, fuck!" for different reasons; the first for the really interesting animation and character interactions (I will NEVER get tired of Steven and Lapis talking), the second for all the bombs dropped and because we get to see more of Pearl!

Spoiler:  Speaking of (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 08, 2018, 03:23:50 pm
A few notes about the SU revelations...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on May 08, 2018, 05:54:07 pm
Spoiler: So uh, who is the (click to show/hide)

I mean, when the ratio of carbon to silicon in quartz changes far enough, it isn't quartz any longer really, is it?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 14, 2018, 06:29:21 pm
Holy Necro-renews Batman!

Invader Zim, 17 years after the show was canceled, is returning with a movie!
Rocko's Modern Life is also getting a movie. Both of these are following in the wake of the Hey Arnold movie. It seems Nickelodeon feels like giving it's old hits one last hurrah.

Harvey Birdman is returning for a single episode, Harvey Birdman Attorney General! I think they're trying to make a political statement, with Harvey trying to get his idiot President Sebin out of office by any means necessary, but I'm still going to enjoy it anyway.

Young Justice is also slated to return soonish with a full season. This is definitely one that I'm going to have to re-watch the old episodes prior to watching the new ones.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on May 14, 2018, 11:33:05 pm
Hopefully this helps keep 2D alive in the West. The big shift to CGI is one of the reasons I started watching more Japanese stuff and less American in the 2010's specifically. CGI was a nice novelty back when there was a Pixar movie ever year or two, but it's just lowest-common-denominator cancer now.

Things are sort of flipped on the head now for the animation age ghetto too: a new franchise aimed at toddlers is almost certainly going to be done in CGI, whereas 2D is going to be reserved for stuff for older audiences, e.g. nostalgia or artistic reasons. So, making a thoughtful 2D animation film can now be used as a means to set yourself stylistically apart from the glut of CGI "kiddie stuff" that's pouring out there, and that's a really good thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 23, 2018, 10:00:34 pm
I gave Star vs The Forces of Evil a go... actually a really good show! If you love western cartoons, give it a shot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 24, 2018, 05:24:55 pm
Young Justice is also slated to return soonish with a full season.


I gave Star vs The Forces of Evil a go... actually a really good show! If you love western cartoons, give it a shot.

It really is good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on July 08, 2018, 11:01:13 pm
Stevie U S5 Season Finale has finally dropped (3 days ago). It be good, though it's certainly leaving the kid gloves ON.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 25, 2018, 10:57:58 pm
Gary and his Demons
Saw this in my feed of cartoons with new episodes; ended up binging all 11 episodes currently out, and wanting more.
This is a show about Gary, who was identified as a child to be the chosen one, destined to fight demons, both literal and metaphorical. At some point he obtained a magic sword that makes him a better version of himself. Then he watched his girlfriend get brutally murdered by demons. After that he took a cynical world-view and kinda started half-assing the demon hunting thing while counting the days until his retirement.

Sadly there is not a lot of information about this series, so I'm not sure how many episodes will be in the first season, or what the chances of renewal are. But I really do want to see more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 30, 2018, 10:36:38 pm
Venture Brothers Season 7 Episode 1-2 have been leaked!

This show takes entirely too long between seasons...but sometimes it's totally worth the wait. This season looks like it will be one of those.

I recommend re-watching Season 1 Episode 2 before or after these new episodes, as there are a ton of tie-ins.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on July 31, 2018, 03:55:26 am
Gary and His Demons is great! Fucking love that show. I dont think he found the sword. He is the Chosen One, and they get a magic sword. A bit more on the show. Gary has been fighting even for like 30+ years. He hates it. Hes never had a life outside of fighting demons. He wants to retire, but cant. Not until they find a new Chosen One. Which are they even looking for one? Hes kinda of a jerk ass, but I feel a pretty well justified one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 11, 2018, 09:44:18 pm
Voltron season 7 is here, and it's great!

Sad news though, it seems that Season 8 will be the finale.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on August 13, 2018, 11:39:04 pm
Speaking of Finales, Adventure Time is officially over on Sept 3...

Just listened to Rebecca Sugar's final song for the series... midnight express to tear central.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 14, 2018, 12:52:32 am
I'm gonna gush a bit more on Gary and His Demons. I dont know how much the show is doing on purpose but it feels like it is.

So in the last episode, Gary goes to a conference to meet up with the other 6 demon hunters. Gary is looking forward to it, as its nice to be with that get it. But they've all retired and there a batch of teenagers.

Which pisses off Gary as he wants to retire and told he cant. But all the other agencies manage to find saps for the job.
They havent killed any demons yet, but they all seem aware of Gary. And they beg him for war stories. Gary being his pissy self, tells them about his dead wife. Or the time, he had to make choice between saving an orphanage or pet shop filled with puppies. And spoiler alert, he was trapped under a beam they all died. And Gary now has moments where hes unsure if that is child or puppy screaming to death.
And it struck me. Right, so the series show Gary being compotent at his job. He good at killing demons. He tired, worn to the bone about his job and sometime that gets the better of himself but mostly he kills demons. He saves poeple. Gary deep down, is actually a pretty good person, highly empathic and despite all this time on the job, the losses, the time he loses still hurt him. He only has nightmares, he doesnt get to revel in his successes.

The other demon hunters have. They're aware of his legacy. The girl they concentrate on, had heroworships Gary. That wouldnt happen if Gary wasnt an actual hero. Someone that good at saving people, or saves way more then he loses.

I really liked that. Again, I dont know if the show meant to do that on purpose, but I feel like that did. There is a lot of world building in this show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on August 14, 2018, 07:37:20 am
Final Space Season One is over and HOT DAMN, it's SO good.

I haven't watched the final episode but I've been keeping up with it and absolutely love it so far. I've been describing it to friends as "What if Futurama...had actual plot?"

I just feel like there has not been a ton of great serial sci-fi cartoons in Western animation and this really takes the cake.

It was surprisingly good, I watched it on a whim once it came out on Netflix and ended up loving it, thought it was just gonna be another blah western animation (netflix seems full of them these days. they're kinda meh other than bojack ofc)

And Mooncake is the cutest thing ever of course.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 14, 2018, 08:21:39 pm
The most recent episode of Ducktales finally reveals the fate of the triplet's mother, and other interesting answers. This season has had a lot of good episodes, full of cameos and subtle references and hidden secrets; but I think this episode is my favorite so far.

Milo Murphy's Law season 2 premiere is finally here, wrapping up the cliffhanger from the first season. I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the postulation that Milo and Phineas/Ferb are opposites, but otherwise is was a reasonably satisfying crossover and conclusion to the story arc. Sadly, I'm hearing that the rest of Season 2 will not come until next year.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2018, 12:54:20 am
Disenchantment is here. The latest series from creator of Simpsons and Futurama, Disenchantment is a medieval fantasy romp starring Princess Tiabeanie, her friend Elfo and a demon named Luci.

I just finished watching the first season, and it's mostly weak jokes and uninteresting filler stories, but with good music and a charming art style. A solid finale offers some redemption however, and barely makes the series recommendable.
Bean is basically a mashup of Leela and Amy, who sometimes acts as the responsible and competent one, and sometimes is just a reckless party girl. Elfo is Fry, the cheerful idiot with a hopeless crush on Bean. And Luci is Bender, the soulless anarchist who gives the plot an extra poke when things start to get boring. So fans of Futurama should feel right at home.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 19, 2018, 01:04:04 am
I dun know. I found it enjoyable. They play with Elfo attraction to Beanie nicely. With the News Guy or Scribe doing a job, 'And so commences, the 'will they or wont they'. I do think a lot of the one off jokes to be hit or miss. I think its not as strong, as Futurama was, is that it doesnt have the same relationship with the genre. This isnt having as nearly as much fun with Fantasy genre, as Futurama had with the Sci Fi genre.
This feels a lot more like Matt Grienging, but its Fantasy instead of a contemporary setting. I do see some David Cohen in there still. My favorite joke, was near the end of the season, and they are at the hidden elf village. And a party was trying to capture elves for their magic blood. They couldnt make the village vanish because their front gate was broken. And they remarked that they couldnt make the village disappear with the gate down, as that break the laws of physics. That was a good gag.
Overall, I had a good time with it. It ended strong. I wish they had given more for the dad to do, especially in relation to the end.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2018, 07:29:49 am
Did you catch the Futurama cameo in the last episode? It was roughly 21 minutes in, and only lasted for an instant.  :)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 20, 2018, 02:04:43 am
Did you catch the Futurama cameo in the last episode? It was roughly 21 minutes in, and only lasted for an instant.  :)
I did not.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 21, 2018, 11:29:35 pm
I just finished the first season of Animals (
It's a series of mostly unrelated short stories about talking animals. The stories range from light humor to deeply moving, and go everywhere in between. Some stories are much better than others, but most are at least somewhat interesting. The style is dank, and the animation is basically slideshow quality, but really it's all about the dialogue. This show won't be for everyone, but I'm certainly enjoying it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on August 23, 2018, 02:35:06 am
Oh, Yea, I watched a bit ago. I didnt know it had more seasons. In the first season, it tells a continious story involving the mayor. A sorta passive story introduction. Like in the second? pigeon episode where Phil thinks hes a mom. The white man white ball, was shot by the Mayor. Yea. I was enjoyable, and sometime grating. Not grating, kinda intense. The flies stories really stuck with me. I loved how they used the wrist watch to show how time was progressing in reality relative to the flies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Caz on August 23, 2018, 10:52:15 am
Did you catch the Futurama cameo in the last episode? It was roughly 21 minutes in, and only lasted for an instant.  :)

On the crystal ball thing?

Disenchantment was kinda disappointing though I guess I was expecting too much considering it's from Simpsons/Futurama creators. Good enough to put on in the background I guess, though it seemed like nothing interesting happened until the last few episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 02, 2018, 06:07:01 pm
Paradise PD came out on Netflix recently.

This is an unabashed clone of Brickleberry. The characters look slightly different, and are in a different setting, but have the exact same personalities and voice actors. The general mood of the show is also exactly the same.

The show has received more than a little bit of criticism for it's often excessively crude humor, and lack of originality. I'm only a couple of episodes in, but from what I've seen so far, these criticisms are entirely fair.  However, I was able to accept these elements and enjoy Brickleberry for what it was, and I expect this will be no different.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on September 03, 2018, 06:05:11 pm
RIP Adventure Time, 2010--Right Now.

Pretty good, interesting, sad, happy, bittersweet end to the show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 03, 2018, 08:45:40 pm
I've been shipping Marceline and Bonnibel since 'Sky Witch'. So glad they finally got together at The End. Sweet vindication~
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Xantalos on September 04, 2018, 11:34:26 pm
Man, that ending. I kinda knew it was going to be that kind of open-ended conclusion where the world just kinda goes on, but damn if it doesn’t get me right in the weird yearning every time a thing like it is successfully pulled off.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Enemy post on September 10, 2018, 08:19:54 pm
Took me a couple days to get an opportunity to watch the ending. The final two and a half minutes were exactly what I was hoping for.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on September 10, 2018, 09:56:27 pm
Come along with me... *not sobbing*

*totally not, swear*

*dammit fuck you, you're crying I'm not crying*
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 10, 2018, 11:08:24 pm
Still haven't seen the end of AT, since I've been trying to watch through the last season with family.

I liked Disenchantment. I wouldn't compare Bean with a futurama character though: the comparison that sprang foremost to my mind was Katia from Prequel. Not as good as Futurama but there was at least one moment each episode that made me laugh pretty hard.

So, new season of Bojack Horseman dropping any day now! Any predictions?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on September 11, 2018, 02:04:46 am
Bojack sets fire to the set of his new tv show. He nearly drives away his baby sister. And there is a media storm that he was present for Sara Lynn death, and was part of her drug and sex orgy for a month.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Enemy post on September 11, 2018, 10:10:00 am
I mentioned that the Adventure Time ending was exactly what I was hoping for. I checked through my old Reddit comments and I found the proof! (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 12, 2018, 01:22:12 am
Oh god, I have not cried this much over TV in a while. Both songs in that AT finale got me so hard. And my mom, too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Ziusudra on September 12, 2018, 02:29:42 am
Oh god, I have not cried this much over TV in a while. Both songs in that AT finale got me so hard. And my mom, too.
The phrases "got me so hard" and "got me, so hard" have quite different meanings - especially when your mother is involved.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 12, 2018, 03:32:17 am
...damnit. Walked right into that one. But ach, it did tug on the old heart strings.

So, anyone have thoughts on Villainous?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 17, 2018, 08:30:36 pm
I'm making my way through Season 5 of Bojack, just finished the halfway mark with episode 6.
There have been a few underwhelming episodes about Dianne and Carolyn and their girly feeling troubles. But episode 6 was creative and original and poignant, and then it ended on a great joke. This is what Bojack is all about.
Still, I feel like overall it's going to end up being one of the less impressive seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 18, 2018, 08:45:03 pm
Anyone checked out Dragon Prince yet?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 19, 2018, 01:39:21 pm
Finished Bojack Season 5. As predicted, it was a below-average season. Of course Bojack sets the bar pretty high, so that's not a bad thing at all. And they've certainly left a lot of doors open for things to pick up next season.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 20, 2018, 08:25:48 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So, finished book one of Dragon Prince. It certainly had a lot of Avatar-ish beats to it (and Sokka's voice was fairly distracting). Didn't really feel like enough happened for it to be a whole season though. And to be honest it was pretty hokey, though hopefully it will pick up as it goes on. I feel like they might've shot themselves in the foot by inviting Avatar comparisons, though then again I probably wouldn't have watched it without that "someone from Avatar worked on this" buzz.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 20, 2018, 10:28:26 pm
Speaking of Avatar, though slightly off-subject here, Netflix has greenlit a live action reboot of Avatar:TLAB.

I'm disappointed that they're going with a reboot. For one thing, the original Avatar aired not that long ago, and it was done pretty well. In another 10 years, if they wanted to re-tell the story for a new generation, then sure. But right now a reboot just isn't needed. Also, they created a big universe with lots of characters; they could just as easily have told the story of Avatar Roku, or adult Aang, or stories about the non-avatar characters. Re-telling the same story just seems kinda lazy.

But apparently this is supposed to be a non-whitewashed version, so maybe it will be full of people having sex on the back of flying bisons and benders freezing and frying each other. I guess that might make it worth sitting through the same story again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 21, 2018, 12:04:56 am
Bear in mind it doesn't start production until next year, so at earliest it still wouldn't begin until 2020.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 02, 2018, 02:47:30 pm
I started watching Human Kind Of. It's a series of shorts published by Facebook about a teenage girl discovering that she is half alien.

The first episode is titled 'Attack of the Period'. It's exactly what you're thinking. And worse.

The core cast consists of a ditzy mother and enthusiastic best friend, both of whom are very high-energy and imo they are all that keeps the show interesting. I'll certainly be watching more, but I do hope it gets extended to longer episodes at some point.

Edit: Things really pick up from episode 6 onward. And the episodes do gradually get longer. This show is now firmly in my 'Would Recommend' category, with a disclaimer about the early episodes being pretty raw.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 05, 2018, 09:30:24 pm
The second half of Supermansion season 3 just released on Crackle!

I'm only a couple episodes in, but so far it's some of this show's best stuff to date!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on October 07, 2018, 03:54:34 am
Oh. Thank you, I am looking forward for it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Powder Miner on October 07, 2018, 11:45:59 pm
I started watching Dragon Prince but dropped it halfway through the first season. Maybe I was jumping the gun, but Viren was being reduced to a stock character and tbh his interactions with Harrow were the thing I found most interesting about the show early on
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 08, 2018, 03:36:59 pm
I started watching Dragon Prince but dropped it halfway through the first season. Maybe I was jumping the gun, but Viren was being reduced to a stock character and tbh his interactions with Harrow were the thing I found most interesting about the show early on

Truly, he Unalaq'd

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 08, 2018, 08:55:37 pm
I just finished Dragon Prince.

First off, I totally agree with everyone who said that frame rate is an issue. I'm usually not a stickler for fps, but it showed itself in a bad way here.

I also understand where HugoLuman was coming from, saying not enough happened. Anyone expecting a full story arc going into this will be disappointed. Much like Avatar, this season was only one chapter in a much longer story. I for one am eagerly awaiting the rest.

I'm not sure I fully agree with Powder Miner about Viren being reduced to a stock character. Yes, he's clearly an antagonist, but his motivations are not yet clear. Is he acting on behalf of his kingdom, or his family, or just for himself? Or does he have something even bigger in mind? He certainly seems like the big-picture type.
And it's not like he's the only antagonist here. Racial tensions, historical feuds, cultural imperatives, magical monsters, and teen angst are all in play. I think this show has plenty of variety and drama to keep things interesting.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Powder Miner on October 09, 2018, 05:29:13 pm
It’s entirely possible that Viren is far more complex than he appears, but if so none of that is currently on display (or, at least, when I dropped off it wasn’t), and considering how much I enjoyed the dynamic and the more complex moral question that was at play earlier on, what the show presented around Viren became far less interesting in comparison, which I found disappointing. It’s not an issue of being the only antagonist or not — Viren and Harrow had simply been my favorite part of the show, and the other characters hadn’t grabbed my interest as much. Perhaps it does tie into the minimal nature of the ground covered in this season, so if I hear about interesting things happening with the plot whenever the next season comes out I’ll probably complete the first and go on to the second, but until then I don’t think so.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 11, 2018, 11:58:39 pm
I just finished the two current seasons of Big Mouth. And wow. I was not expecting that going in...

The first season is basically nothing but crude limit-pushing jokes about puberty. It got a few good chuckles out of me, and a lot of groans. Overall not something I'd easily recommend.
Then the second season turned things around with tons of character development and storyline progression. I was genuinely interested at the end of each episode to see what would happen next. The show very much redeemed itself, and I'm definitely hoping that it gets renewed.

Fair warning though, there is some nudity. One episode actually has more nudity than some hentai's I've seen.  :o
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 15, 2018, 03:25:36 pm
Judge Morty: State of Georgia Vs. Rick Allen (

This is crude and terrible...but it made me laugh a lot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on October 18, 2018, 01:26:28 am
If I skip the first season entirely, will I get what's going on in the 2nd? I dismissed Big Mouth out of hand from looking at the trailer, but I keep hearing things about it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 18, 2018, 02:54:33 am
The first season of Big Mouth is mostly character introductions. It's a fairly large cast of characters with diverse personalities, so diving straight into season 2 might be a bit overwhelming, but should be doable. Also there's a minor cliffhanger in the last episode of the first season that sets up the first episode of the second season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 19, 2018, 07:22:29 am
I've now finished the two current seasons of 'F is for Family'.

This one reminded me strongly of Married with Children, because it's set in the 70's, stars a perpetually angry father, his unsatisfied wife, and their inept children, as they struggle with money, sexism, and bullies. And this is yet another show with a very weak first season, but a strong second season. The show is nothing particularly new or special, but it's a respectable family sitcom. I'm looking forward to season 3 coming next month!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 13, 2018, 07:50:08 pm
Okay.  Just saw the She-Ra Princesses of power launch episode.  What. The. Fuck.

The writing is atrocious, just agonizingly bad, I can't even describe how utterly repulsed I was by the attempts at humor and drama.  I'm not going to claim that the original was in any way well written but it was less cringey than this crap, and to me, that itself is a huge problem, they couldn't even reach that low of a bar.  But even worse than the writing is the godsdamned animation.  Oh dear hells, what the fuck were these people thinking?  It looks like it was animated in Flash, everything is choppy like a poorly optimized game running at some stupidly low frame rate, there are no transitions to any movement, it just causes me pain to watch.

The art style is poor, but not the worst thing ever, I'm getting pretty fed up at the 'no attempt at shading whatsoever' mentality going around right now.  I'm not commenting on the character models, those have been discussed to death elsewhere and I have nothing to add.

If this is where animation is going someone just put an end to it.  For fucks' sake if you're going to try to use the medium as a vehicle for your bullshit please at least do a good fucking job of animating your shit, not this kind of miserable hack job.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 24, 2018, 02:30:47 pm
I just finished Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, Season 1.
It's marginally better than Legends of Awesomeness, featuring a new Big-Bad, a squad of panda-rangers, and a persistent story arc across the whole season. All very cliche, but worth a watch if you're a fan of the movies.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: darkflagrance on November 24, 2018, 04:20:54 pm
Just binged the 2018 reboot of She-ra.

As someone who has only vague memories of the original from decades ago, animation seems hit or miss. I would watch the show for Catra only, as her reimagining and arc is the main highlight of the new series.

Also, the reboot does not hide its LGBT agenda. This show seems designed to either appeal to people who support it or fiercely turn off people with nostalgic feelings towards the original. It's easier to watch if you don't bring anything from the original show with you, and especially if you enjoy lesbian angst.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: TD1 on November 24, 2018, 04:34:23 pm
Guess I'll PTW.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 24, 2018, 05:32:22 pm
This show seems designed to either appeal to people who support it or fiercely turn off people with nostalgic feelings towards the original.

this juxtaposition seems to imply that these two things have the same cause and i don't know why that might be the case
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 24, 2018, 05:47:03 pm
The original was completely built to sell a line of toys designed by women with the intent to appeal to elementary-age girls.  It obeyed the eighties ideology of being marginally educational or moralizing while having an episodic structure.  I really fail to see why there needed to be any active antagonism of the people who actually liked the old show*.

*I am not one of these people, I didn't really have any interest in either He-man or She-ra.  I still maintain that the reboot is insultingly written and incredibly badly made.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 24, 2018, 07:01:39 pm
i... still fail to see how those things are related
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 24, 2018, 07:11:37 pm
I assumed your comment was sarcasm.  If it was not I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 24, 2018, 07:14:54 pm
It wasn't sarcasm at all, I'm legitimately asking
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on November 24, 2018, 07:23:55 pm
The reboot goes out of its way to radically re-frame every element of the original, including total re-writes of every single character.  It aggressively seeks to eliminate any association with the old series and is quite willing to alienate everyone that might have had any attachment to it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on November 24, 2018, 07:43:37 pm
okay, that was not implied by any statement made previous so i was confused
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 30, 2018, 01:02:24 am
I've finished catching up on current episodes of Craig of the Creek.
This is just a really good show, about kids playing in creative and fun ways. It's kinda like Clarence, but without annoyingly stupid protagonists. Also just a bit of KND flavor mixed in.
Episodes are short, and there is hardly any connected story arc, but every second is thoroughly enjoyable to watch. Definitely recommend.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on December 16, 2018, 02:43:40 pm
Voltron Season 8 is here, and serves as the finale to this iteration of the giant robot story.
I'm sad to see it end, but also glad that Voltron was finally done justice. After all of the previous attempts got canceled in the middle and left us with more questions than answers, 'Voltron: Legendary Defender' gives us a well rounded cast of characters each with fully told backstories, and then lets them play out to their final conclusion.

I also attempted to watch a few episodes of 'The Shivering Truth'. This show is a whole lot of weird, and a whole lot of gross. The former can be stimulating at times...but the latter proved too grating for my delicate sensibilities. I shan't be returning to this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Yoink on December 16, 2018, 02:58:40 pm
Good grief, so many of the shows in here have awful anime art-styles.

I did quite like what I saw of F is For Family, though. It was perhaps a little weak but I could see it being more enjoyable as you get attached to the characters, even without it making any big changes between seasons... I'll have to watch s2 sometime!
I might check out Big Mouth sometime, too. Although I don't much like cheap crude humour or preachiness, and I'm not sure I'm that big a fan of shows in school settings either... whatever, I'll be sure to keep expectations low.

Since I'm posting in here, I want to recommend Final Space again.
At first glance it's just super-fun, over-the-top SPESS ADVENTURE, like the stream-of-consciousness ideas for action-packed space comics I'd come up with as a kid, but over time you realise it's actually very quite clever, with a lot of depth beneath its seemingly simple (or sometimes more on the surreal side) jokes.
Some guy named Olan Rogers voices the rambunctious, happy-go-lucky spaz of a main character. At first it seems like this guy could easily become irritating in the extreme, but in my experience at least he grew on me as the series possessed. The setting and graphics are all pretty sweet as well, again with the outwards cutesy-ness masking a surprising depth.   
Also there's the occasional cat-person, for those of you who are into that kinda thing, and also a fair few jokes about assigning cute cat attributes to dangerous aliens for those of you who aren't.

Not sure what else I should say. It's on Netflix! Oh and it also stars David Tennant and Conan O'Brien in supporting roles.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 04, 2019, 10:39:18 pm
I recently stumbled on a new show called 3 Below. A little cursory research revealed it to be a spinoff of another show called Trollhunters. So I just finished binging that.

For a predictable 'chosen one' story aimed at young teens, Trollhunters is surprisingly watchable. There are a few minor plot holes and some pacing issues, and a few arcs that don't really go anywhere; but these shortcomings are largely countered by solid animation and music and likeable characters.

Also worth noting that the spinoff that just came out is only the second part of an intended trilogy, so there should end up being a lot of material to digest here.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 06, 2019, 11:23:44 pm
I just finished the first season of 3Below.

I liked it a bit better than Trollhunters, though I think that's largely due to the studio having more experience at this point and thus being able to create a more stable and structured experience for the audience.
Some critics are upset that they mixed aliens into a fantasy setting, and I suppose that's fair. For my part, I thought the blending was done well and they managed to maintain the same general feel of the precursor.
I also very much appreciated the mixture of new content and old. This season was about 70% new stuff and 30% cameos, which worked out perfectly for my tastes.
My only real complaint is that the big-bad is once again just some random guy who wants to take over the world and kill anyone who gets in his way. That aspect could certainly have been handled in a more interesting way.

In other news, Young Justice Season 3 just started airing.
This one snuck up on me. I'm going to try to quickly re-watch the first two seasons before I start on the new stuff, as I recall this series being fairly heavily story-driven.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on January 08, 2019, 02:13:44 am
Hilda is wonderful. Its delightful urban fantasy. I wish there was more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Andres on January 09, 2019, 11:10:02 pm
Have there been any recent DC animated movies lately?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 10, 2019, 07:49:13 am
Have there been any recent DC animated movies lately? (

Gotham by Gaslight, Suicide Squad, and Death of Superman were all from 2018.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 20, 2019, 11:07:30 am
I finished re-watching Young Justice Seasons 1 and 2. They were a bit better than I remembered.

Then I got caught up on the current episodes of Season 3. It's even better imo, and most critics seem to agree.
The focus this season seems to be on the militarization of metahumans, and the inability of organized heroes to operate effectively under government oversight. And of course the looming threat of Apokalypse.
Each episode ends with rather somber music. I'm not sure if this is meant to be in memory of heroes lost along the way, or foreshadowing of things to come. Either way, it's quite powerful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 21, 2019, 11:19:20 am
I'll have to check it out. It's been so long...

3 Below was alright. Not as good as Trollhunters though.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- I coBill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on January 21, 2019, 05:16:51 pm
I couldnt even get through the pilot of Trollhunter.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 21, 2019, 09:05:37 pm
Ok it starts off pretty cheesy but it gets really good. It follows a number of conventions for this kind of show at first and breaks them later on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on January 22, 2019, 10:07:10 am
So, Tigtone struck me as a dumb throwaway weirdass show like adult swim plays all the time.

Then I noticed him stab the wings from a dead winged unicorn into the arms of Helpie who protests "it doesn't work that way"

*cheeeennnnn and sparkle healing effects*

"Oh... apparently it does?"
"I HAVEN'T!" that point I was sold.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on January 22, 2019, 10:46:31 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: NullForceOmega on January 23, 2019, 12:38:35 am
That Steven Bomb was pretty intense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on January 23, 2019, 02:08:34 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 23, 2019, 03:30:25 pm
Steven Universe Season 6 finale brought radical costume changes, new fusions, answers to many questions, and conclusions to some of the oldest story arcs of this series.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on January 24, 2019, 04:22:44 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on January 24, 2019, 10:05:48 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed SU's supposed ending. I thought that there was kind of like... a season's worth of content that was just cut out before this finale. So many things left undone and unsaid... I mean... it was a bad case of plot acceleration.

Not that it was bad, it just went by so fast!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 09, 2019, 10:20:01 pm
I just got caught up on the few current episodes of Gen:Lock

Really enjoying it so far. It feels like a cross between Ghost in the Shell and Gundam, with lots of fancy tech toys setting the stage for all out warfare between factions of giant robots.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 10, 2019, 10:21:17 pm
Big Mouth released a double-length special Valentines Day episode!

Valentines Day Sucks Song (

Looking forward to season 3~
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 15, 2019, 10:12:37 pm
The Dragon Prince season 2 is here!

Just finished watching it. Season 2 was a lot like season 1, too short. There were some interesting parts, to be sure. But this is definitely a series that would be easier to digest in one binge after it's completed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 22, 2019, 03:49:25 pm
Hilda is wonderful. Its delightful urban fantasy. I wish there was more.

I just finished Season 1 of Hilda.

This show definitely has Gravity Falls vibes, with kids discovering supernatural creatures in the everyday world all around them. But in GF the kids sort of treated the creatures as annoyances that had to be overcome or tolerated; Hilda treats creatures as wonderful adventures to be explored and enjoyed.

Season 2 has been confirmed, but is not expected until 2020.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on February 22, 2019, 04:10:41 pm
I've been rewatching Venture Bros from season 1, its pretty great.  I forgot how great the dialog is sometimes.   :P

A fun WTF moment was part way through I notice Dr. Orpheus's spirit guide/mentor is voiced by the same guy who voices Archer, and pretty much talks the same way too.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 23, 2019, 04:17:12 pm
Ep. 6 of Gen:Lock just aired, and wow. Only 6 episodes in and this show has already had more gripping twists and turns than most shows would achieve in two full seasons! I am seriously in love with this show, and it is easily my favorite thing right now.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Putnam on March 10, 2019, 02:18:49 am
Huh, I should probably watch the new Ducktales (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 11, 2019, 01:06:40 am
I just caught the new Della episode of Duck Tales. Totally worth the hype.
Loved the lullabye. Apparently it is a remix of the moon theme song from the DuckTales NES video game. Several other elements of the episode were also taken from that game.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 12, 2019, 09:19:10 pm
The fourth and final season of Star Butterfly is here.

It's off to a strong start, but I'm still sad this show is ending. They started way too many new story arcs in the last season, and there's just no way they will all get a satisfactory conclusion.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on March 15, 2019, 08:39:21 am
Love Death + Robots is out on Netflix. A rather adult oriented series of short stories made by Blur studios.

Watched only the first one so far, pretty intense stuff, playing around with cyberpunk ideas in a pretty dark way. We'll see how the other episodes pan out but so far I'm on board.

Another thing to note, aside from looking absolutely gorgeous they actually bothered to have it in a non-shit framerate. It's amazing how much more enjoyable 3d animation is when it doesn't strain your eyes because they couldn't be bothered to make the animation smoother.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 25, 2019, 10:40:57 pm
Just finished LD+R. Definitely a hit-or-miss compilation.
'Suits' and 'Three Robots' totally deserve to be made into full series.  The rest ranged from 'amusing but forgettable' to 'ugh, why did I just watch that?'.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Levi on March 26, 2019, 12:05:34 pm
I really liked Zima Blue, Three Robots and Helping Hand.  Most of them were at least entertaining though.  Blindspot was probably the most boring.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 26, 2019, 06:45:17 pm
Zima Blue got a lot of positive feedback...I guess I'm just not artsy enough to appreciate that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on March 26, 2019, 09:20:30 pm
I haven't seen all of them yet (I'm not so good w that much nudity) but 3 Robots was pretty outstanding. Sonny's Edge was ok.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Jopax on March 27, 2019, 04:32:25 am
Pretty much everyone who's seen it loves the 3 robots, would love a mini-series or something of those three just going around the place and talking shit about humanity.

As for the rest, there's some hits and there's some misses. Some, like blindspot were a cool concept that could probably work as a feature film if worked on but kinda fell flat aside from the reveal (it really feels like a full film that someone had to condense to 10 minutes). Others like Lucky 13 are cool snippets of larger worlds and they're done pretty well as such. Then there's shit like the yoghurt episode which is probably on par with the 3 robots in my eyes.

Still, even with the meh ones, you're wasting 15 minutes at most so it doesn't feel that bad in the end, and as a whole the idea is cool and I'd love to see a second iteration with even more cool stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 17, 2019, 08:38:22 am
The latest DuckTales bomb has focused on Della's return and Darkwing's revival. Both are wonderful.
Though I kinda wish Darkwing would just get a spinoff at this point; he's completely derailed the other story arcs.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 19, 2019, 03:00:02 pm
Star vs the Forces of Evil just ended.

The final season felt both forced and rushed. Relationships ended or were rekindled just to push the plot along, and conflicts were resolved by flipping the game board off the table. There were some good moments too, but ultimately I was left feeling disappointed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on May 28, 2019, 10:23:42 pm
I recently started watching RWBY, and am currently 1.5 seasons in. Episodes are short.
The animation quality and storyboarding are both at the level of a Playstation1 RPG. I hear both get better a bit further along though.
Music is great, and the epic fight scenes could give stickman some competition on a good day.
I'm optimistic for this one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on June 05, 2019, 01:20:27 pm
The late Monty Oum who did RWBY started out as an amateur doing machinima, i.e. fan animation using video game assets. That's his pedigree. I have a feeling pulling models from video games would shape his animation techniques quite a bit vs however Pixar does it, which would be quite different. Note that the guy had no formal training in any of that, he didn't even graduate high school.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on June 11, 2019, 08:52:45 am
Two somewhat popular cartoons seem to be ending, The Amazing World of Gumball and OK K.O.

Gumball's ending was noteworthy in that it ended with the literal beginning of the end of the world in which it takes place. Some fans have speculated that the writers are hoping to get approved for a movie to give the series closure, but this seems to be pure wishfulness at this point.

OK K.O. has not actually been canceled or renewed for season 3, but there are two main rumors floating around about why it's unlikely to return.
The first rumor is that OKKO is directly competing with Steven Universe for renewal status, and SU just has the better ratings.
The second rumor is that OKKO hired a known loli artist for their staff, and when challenged on it multiple staff members publicly defended both the artist and his art, thus creating irreconcilable differences with the network.
Either way, OKKO second season ended with several unresolved story arcs and big mysteries unanswered, which has left fans somewhat disgruntled. Though at the same time, a major chunk of season 2 was spent on pure filler episodes, full of nothing but memes, references, and weak jokes. We really can't blame the network for not allowing the show to wrap things up when they squandered so much of their resources.

In other news, Final Space Season 2 is set to begin on the 24th of this month, so I will likely be re-watching the first season soon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on June 11, 2019, 10:33:49 am
First Woot! for Final Space Season 2.

Second, I thought SU was over??? They're considering bringing it back for more seasons? (not a terrible idea, until they find a cartoon as popular as itself, Adventure Time, or Regular Show)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on June 22, 2019, 07:46:45 am
I finished Season 4 of RWBY.
The story absolutely picked up in Season 3. Now all the fighting has actual stakes, and the battles are beginning to take a real toll. Things actually got so intense that the characters spent most of Season 4 just recovering from the shock of it all, which was a bit of an adrenal step backwards, but it did allow for some more storytelling to expand upon the lore of the world.

Overall, definitely glad I gave this series a chance. 2 more seasons to go, with more on the horizon!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Reelya on June 23, 2019, 03:10:46 am
I finished Season 4 of RWBY.
The story absolutely picked up in Season 3. Now all the fighting has actual stakes, and the battles are beginning to take a real toll. Things actually got so intense that the characters spent most of Season 4 just recovering from the shock of it all, which was a bit of an adrenal step backwards, but it did allow for some more storytelling to expand upon the lore of the world.

Overall, definitely glad I gave this series a chance. 2 more seasons to go, with more on the horizon!
Season 4 was made after Monty Oum died, so it's no surprise it was different. That wasn't an intentional switch down in intensity. Series creator Monty didn't have any background as a *writer*, he started doing fan-battle machinima shorts and then got a job doing battle animation briefly for games. So, no surprise that story got more of a focus instead of grandiose battle scenes after that.

Monty died 2 months after season 2 ended, so they did most of the work for season 3 without him. Unfortunately the "the story really started to pick up in season 3" thing was probably because the original creator died, and he was a highschool drop-out who's only story telling experience was from video game fight animation. No offense to the dead, but if he didn't die then the later seasons would probably be just churning the same stuff he'd done for the rest of his career.

I'm not really sure I can be bothered to start it. I dropped it because I didn't like Monty's stuff, and the point that it got heaps better when things went off the rails due to the death of the original creator isn't really a strong selling point.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on June 24, 2019, 11:11:57 pm
Final Space S2 E1 is here.
Ugh, that was sooo bad. Was this made by a completely different studio or something? I just don't see how the quality can drop so far from season 1 to season 2. Really, hugely disappointing.
My biggest gripe is that this is in how they resolved the massive cliffhanger from season 1. A minor background character who had less than a single minute of screen time in season 1 inexplicably had a massive vocation change which by purely random chance happened to put him in the right place at the right time to save our hero. So lame. Also, now they're sending Gary on a fetch quest? Totally chiche. The new characters are bad. The changes to the old characters are bad. Everything about this is bad.
*sigh* Why?  :-[
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 01, 2019, 07:25:21 am
Finished season 6 of RWBY. The last 2 seasons continued to be an even mix of action, drama, and storytelling. Looking forward to more. I'd also love to see more gen:LOCK, though without an official Season 2 announcement it's probably too much to hope for that any time soon.

I also started watching Amphibia, Disney's recent isekai cartoon from one of the directors of Gravity Falls.
The animation and music both strongly draw from what made Gravity Falls charming, and there also seems to be an underlying mystery that will be very slowly revealed amidst lots and lots of filler. However the humor much more closely resembles Futurama, with lots of bad puns and gags made bearable largely due to a cheerful and enthusiastic cast of characters. I consider this one quite watchable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 13, 2019, 08:46:49 pm
New seasons just appeared for Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, and also 3Below!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on July 16, 2019, 06:20:37 pm
Season 2 of 3Below was an improvement. Towards the end it approaches Trollhunters in writing quality, and has some timely themes, though I felt a bit disappointed in the end.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 16, 2019, 08:04:53 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yes, it's over.
It hasn't been stated directly, but the general assumption is that 3Below was meant to be 3 seasons like Trollhunters, but had to be cut short due to lack of time since Wizards was promised to come this year.

Regarding Final Space, the first 3 episodes were all pretty terrible and it was beginning to look like the show was a lost cause. But episode 4 aired last night and went a long way towards redeeming the season. Easily one of the best episodes yet, from both seasons. Very dramatic, emotional, and with a surprising twist. Hopefully we will see more like this!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on July 18, 2019, 02:19:23 pm
Amphibia Season 1 has ended.

Although most of the season was filler, it was amusing filler. The finale had lots of character development and plot advancement, but it also left a lot yet to be seen in future seasons. Looking forward to more, though I fear it will be a while.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 11, 2019, 03:25:37 pm
I finished watching Paws of Destiny Season 2.
This season had a lot more character development than I've come to expect from Kung Fu Panda, with an evil villain with a tragic backstory and a pampered princess who has to learn how to fight for her throne. It all kind of fell apart at the end though, when everyone basically decided to forgive all that had happened and start playing nice with eachother.

Human Discoveries is a new show in the middle of it's first season, all about cavemen discovering both inventions and social conventions for the first time. Not exactly must-watch television, but I'm finding it consistently amusing and will continue to watch.

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart is a show that's about 60% cute and 40% awesome, with a ninja cat having epic fights with giant monsters to protect a village of cuties. Very light humor that is easy to watch, but also with just a bit of meta sprinkled in here and there.

Big Mouth recently announced that it has been approved for 3 more seasons, after the third season which will air soon! Someone at Netflix must really appreciate this show.

Young Justice has also been renewed for a Season 4, as it is currently nearing the end of Season 3. This show continues to be imo by far the best animated superhero drama on TV atm. So glad they brought it back.

Infinity Train season 1 recently aired. This miniseries definitely felt rushed. The twist was a bit predictable, and the resolution not wholly satisfying. But still enjoyable overall. This has also been renewed for another season; it will be interesting to see where the show goes, considering how neatly the first season was concluded.

I just watched Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling. It's a very fitting tribute to the original show. The messaging was more than a little bit heavy-handed though. A return of an old show, in which the plot is about bringing back an old show and enjoying what was while also embracing what has changed.

Archer Season 10 concluded, and Archer is finally back in the real world. This season was easily the best of the dream sequences, but I'm glad for a return to relative normalcy. The finale did conclude with an alarming twist however, and it will be interesting to see where that goes next season...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 17, 2019, 03:31:33 pm
The FLORPUS has arrived! And it is glorious!

Spoiler Alert: Zim is not a toilet.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Teneb on August 19, 2019, 04:01:43 pm
Got around to watching the Invader Zim special. It was amazing.

Was it actually real though, or merely a crazy dream caused by getting hit in the head?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on August 19, 2019, 07:37:18 pm
Sadly I think this was supposed to be the last season of Archer? Which is a shame, I would like to see more of it
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2019, 11:00:45 pm
This was the last season of the Archer side-stories. The series has definitely been renewed, and will be returning to the main continuity in Season 11.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 03, 2019, 05:06:11 am
Steven Universe Movie is here.

It's a musical. And, big surprise, it culminates in Steven singing a sappy song to convince the bad guy to become a good guy. Also most of the screen time is spent on recapping previous character development.

Production values were fine, and the new character and new fusion were both neat, but otherwise the story was stale. At least it served as a bridge into the post-timeskip era where I assume the next season will take place.

By far my favorite part of this movie was the Adventure Time reference. I actually memorized that song when I first heard it, and find myself singing it sometimes~
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: WillowLuman on September 03, 2019, 05:02:21 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 10, 2019, 09:19:54 pm
New episodes of Supermansion just appeared!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: MrWiggles on September 18, 2019, 03:18:37 pm
New episodes of Supermansion just appeared!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 19, 2019, 09:33:38 am
I just finished watching Amazon's Undone.

At least, I finished the first and currently only season. There's no info on renewal at this time, but the first season had a good full story arc without too bad of a cliffhanger ending, so the creators may not intend to do any more. I guess time will tell.

Undone is basically The Butterfly Effect, in rotoscope-animated show form. A girl suffers head trauma and starts to believe that she can travel through time, but the reality of her situation is left for the audience to decide. The creator of Bojack Horseman was involved, though aside from themes of social instability, I did not see much influence.

Overall I enjoyed Undone. My only real criticism is that I've definitely seen these exact themes before, several times, and that made everything fairly predictable. Still, this was well done and I'd recommend it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 21, 2019, 06:01:59 pm
Season 2 of Disenchantment is here!

edit: apparently this was just the second half of Season 1. Still, a chunk of new episodes are here!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: pikachu17 on September 24, 2019, 03:46:52 pm
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on September 24, 2019, 03:56:32 pm
PTW from the same place pikachu came from.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: pikachu17 on September 24, 2019, 04:29:08 pm
We come from the east!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on September 29, 2019, 08:41:08 am
I just finished getting caught up on Deep Space 69.

It's a show about a space captain and his koala sidekick who spend their days getting laid, shooting badguys in the face, accidentally airlocking passengers, and then getting laid some more.

The first 30 episodes are very short, running about 3 minutes each and having about as much story as a comic strip. The last 10 episodes extend their duration to around 11 minutes each, add some new supporting characters, and actually have a continuous major story arc. And it's pretty decent.

Obviously this one is not for everybody. But if unabashedly lewd humor and simple quippy jokes are things you're interested in, then I say give it a shot.
Also, while the first 30 episodes are relatively clean, 31-40 do have gratuitous animated nudity.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on October 02, 2019, 11:12:19 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
She was a really good tragic villain I thought. "Why do I want to hurt you so bad? I just want to be your friend."

Enjoyed the weird trippy "wait why are you my friend you just erased my friends what the fuck" thing too.

Also Steg: Oh no, he's hot! I wasn't ready for this!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 04, 2019, 10:23:20 pm
Season 3 of Big Mouth is here! Yay!

Edit: Finished watching. This season felt like a small step backwards from previous seasons...but it was still entertaining, and set a good pace for the show to go forward for many more seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 07, 2019, 12:24:38 pm (

Just 2 episodes into their 23rd season, South Park got itself banned from China!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on October 08, 2019, 02:48:36 am
>be me a few minutes ago
>struggle when trying to talk about how brutal and harsh Primal is
>consider pointing out it's so metal it's stone
>stand there with a stoic yet haggard look on my face
>turn silently to leave
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on October 26, 2019, 08:00:41 pm
Bojack season 6 is here!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on October 27, 2019, 08:01:10 am
I want to watch Primal but I don't have the right kind of Hulu ;-;
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Bumber on October 27, 2019, 05:14:06 pm
I want to watch Primal but I don't have the right kind of Hulu ;-;

You'll have to wait for the other episodes to become available if you don't have a cable provider.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on October 28, 2019, 12:23:12 pm
I want to watch Primal but I don't have the right kind of Hulu ;-;

You'll have to wait for the other episodes to become available if you don't have a cable provider.

Yeah I saw the first episode but I can't watch the rest of Caveman Jack and his Hyperviolent Dinosaur Adventures. No Cable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on October 29, 2019, 08:32:50 am
I also saw the first episode. As usual, Genndy is pretty much an animation genius. I mean, I recommend it to anyone who likes Sam J or just action animation in general. It so... technically perfect that I actually don't have much to say on it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Sergius on October 29, 2019, 10:31:03 am
Bojack season 6 is here!

Most of it, at least (finale's not out yet).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 03, 2019, 10:22:41 pm
RWBY season 7 has begun!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on November 24, 2019, 01:42:54 pm
Dragon Prince Season 3 is here!

I just finished binging it. Like the previous seasons, it was a bit of a mix between rushed story and tedious filler. Still, overall it was the best season yet.
The producers revealed that they expect this show to have 3 major story arcs, each consisting of 3 seasons, so this was the end of the first major arc. And it had all the elements of a great finale, including a massive battle, dragons, romance, magic, and creepy villains going too far.
This show has definitely moved up in my esteem from 'mildly interesting' to 'much hype', and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on November 26, 2019, 04:14:11 am
So far Rick and Morty has been pretty fun, even though the missus actually Buzz Killington'D me, the Killingtoniest Buzz Massacring Buzz Killington of All when I noted someone asking why our universe doesn't have Musklas and she said "uh, because the company is named Tesla?" to my utter fucking shock and admiration.

To date though I haven't seen anyone comment on the shape of the bomb Rick left for Tony, it kinda looked like a weird pumpkin to me, and she pointed out that's because it's a blumpkin.

She's a hoot.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: itisnotlogical on December 20, 2019, 10:33:31 pm
I finally finished Adventure Time! It's one of the best damn cartoons I've ever watched; I don't think there was a single episode that I didn't like. It reminded me of being a kid and making up my own story for my action figures and LEGO people. It portrays the heaviness and tragedy of growing up in perhaps the most tasteful, least heavy-handed way I've ever seen.

The finale was awesome, but unfortunately I'm left with a lot of mixed feelings. I feel like a few characters didn't really get their day in the sun, and the entire last season is basically an aside to the rest of the show. I loved the finale, but everything leading up to it was kinda "meh."

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on December 21, 2019, 12:11:18 am
If you're itching for more in the vein of Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors is made by the same guy and has similar themes, albeit with a sci-fi setting instead of whatever genre you would call Adventure Time.
Personally I enjoyed BW, though it has gotten mixed reviews from the community, so it's hard to recommend.
Sadly the fourth season ended a year ago with a minor cliffhanger, and there's been no word about renewal, but it looks bleak. However a spinoff was just announced a few weeks ago, so that's something.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on December 29, 2019, 11:02:01 pm
I recently binged Dick Figures.
It's a series of shorts and one movie, about stick figures, one of whom is a figurative dick.
Humor is unapologetically crass, which I found amusing, but obviously won't suit everyone. There were a couple of decent musical episodes, and the movie was entertaining enough. The final episode however was one of the most disappointing conclusions I have ever experienced. I am utterly dumbfounded as to why they would choose to go out like that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 10, 2020, 09:52:45 pm
Infinity Train Season 2 just ended.
I liked it better than the first season, and that was pretty good too. I'm a bit disappointed that Alan Dracula never really developed into anything though. Just a random god-tier character who tagged along and occasionally saved the day but was largely apathetic.

Also been watching Harley Quinn.
Really enjoying this one. It has a Saturday morning cartoon vibe. Lots of creativity, but doesn't take itself too seriously. Just a very chill plot with simple but amusing characters doing their supervillain thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: ggamer on January 12, 2020, 02:41:38 pm
"what are you, a moron?? NO PLANTS AROUND POISON IVY! No wonder your dad doesn't remember your birthday!"
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on January 12, 2020, 09:52:27 pm
Watched Disenchantment on that there Netflix and enjoyed it, love all the background gags and convoluted layers of jokes like the Little Orphan Annex, but most of all I love how it goes "next episode?" and "skip intro?" because this is actually my first real experience with modern netflix, last I used it was on the Wii back when AC: City Folk was still a thing.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on January 31, 2020, 11:44:34 pm
The final half-season of Bojack Horseman is here!
Binging now~

In true Bojack fashion, there are no happy endings, because the show must go on. Until it doesn't.
My only real regret is that we never got any closure with Holleyhock. Otherwise though, it was a poignant final season, and I'm glad that I got to experience it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: itisnotlogical on February 03, 2020, 12:36:54 am
Despite a valiant effort, I can't get into Star Wars: Rebels. Although Clone Wars was kid-friendly, it had some shades of darkness and ambiguity that I don't think will be in later parts of Rebels.

The biggest thing I dislike in Rebels is what I call "cartoon speak." A typical episode setup goes like this:

Villain appears "I am here to stop you from completing your goals this episode."
Cut to tough guy "Oh man, I hate (villain)."
Cut to smart character "We need to find a way to stop (villain.)"
Later, during and after a fight scene "Haha, I love (beating/smashing/blasting/stomping) (villain!)"

It's more soulless and by-the-numbers than a toy commercial, which Rebels often feels like due to its softer designs and ridiculously play-worthy contraptions. Even Clone Wars' earliest episodes, before it found its niche, weren't this childish and predictable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: delphonso on February 03, 2020, 12:52:40 am
Totally agree. I struggled through it on a friend's recommendation, despite not liking basically any of the characters. I think the most bothersome part of Rebels is that there are actual emotional moments, but they all fell flat for me because of my lack of empathy for any of the 2d characters.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on February 03, 2020, 01:08:49 pm
I also just finished Rebels. To frame this, I did use a watch guide which dissuaded me from a number of poorly written or executed episodes (I tried to watch one of the not-recommended ones and it was... p bad to say the least).

Rebels has a lot more fan service and too-obvious tropes, but it also has some surprisingly deep moments and the inclusion of seen-before villains and allies is actually a mostly welcome occurrence. I would say on an episode-for-episode average you can expect an average to above-average level of writing and execution, but individually the highs are high and the lows are low.

The main cast is mixed imo, Kanan is my personal fav because he's limited by his admittedly incomplete training and exile BUT without being a hopeless incompetent. Also he maintains his jedi-ness without succumbing to and in the end overcoming the shortfallings of the order. As for the others,

Ezra is a hit or miss for me, in the beginning his struggles are compelling as a makeshift padawan who doesnt really have a hope in defeating the empire, as his powers and plot-armor grow he becomes steadily less interesting until he's capable of effecting the universe more than he ought to be. Maul (who is interesting by himself) and good ole Palpatine seem to think he's really important for some reason (even though he really isnt) and its a bit jarring.

Zeb, Sabine, and Hera all have their moments, but like @itsnotlogical pointed out they more often resort to their NPC energy and fill their little archetypes (which can be visibly apparent at times, especially with Zeb). Chop is chop... who knew giving R2D2 arms would be so successful lol.

Callus is fun, but he becomes a spy a little too easily for my liking lol.

Thrawn got butchered, a big waste as many before me have pointed out.

The rest of the (mostly Imperial) rogue's gallery don't really get enough screen time to warrant attention (even Vader is p meh after his initial hunt for Kana and Ezra).

Special treats like Rex and Kenobi are great!

In short, while they the design and writing teams were (thankfully and with appreciation) doing a great job paying homage to the universe as collectively imagined, they also fell prey to Disney's, "just make it different, not better" syndrome. I am unsure why (other than being controlled by a creatively-incompetent corporation like Disney) artists, writers, and creatives in general struggle to write compelling stories in the SW universe, before Mandalorian (which I thought mostly nailed it), a good New Star Wars story looked like Star Wars, but was dreadfully boring, and a bad New Star Wars story looked like generic sci-fi rip offs of Star Wars with stories that LITERALLY didn't make any sense or had so many plot holes you were at risk of breaking you neck navigating them.

Compared to those, Rebels rates fairly high. (but like Clone Wars, is too painfully close to greatness to enjoy it again without wondering what could have been)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 08, 2020, 11:11:28 pm
RWBY Season 7 just concluded!

The drama this season felt entirely too contrived. A slew of new characters were introduced as obvious counterparts to our existing protagonists, which made their betrayal utterly predictable. Still, it allowed for some excellent fight scenes. Music in this show also continues to be top-notch.
I eagerly await whatever comes next!

I also just finished catching up on all the current episodes of Unikitty.

This show seems to be equal parts weak filler, movie/show parodies, and original genuinely creative content. Quite hit-or-miss, but definitely watchable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on February 20, 2020, 09:31:06 am
I just finished the first season of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts.

Firstly, I absolutely adore the style dripping from this show. Music and art are both inspired and creative. Every episode is exciting and fun.

Story is solid. Post-apocalypse setting where mutated animals have taken over, and most surviving humans have retreated to underground bunkers. It feels a lot like Fallout, with our protagonist coming outside for the first time and having a big world full of twisted abominations to meet and either befriend or run away from.

This season ends on a minor cliffhanger with no renewal announced at this time, but it's clearly a popular show and Netflix has an excellent record of renewing popular shows, so I'm highly optimistic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 06, 2020, 10:36:50 pm
A new season of Brickleberry Paradise PD has arrived on Netflix!

Edit: Finished watching season 2. We got a Brickleberry crossover episode! Squeeeee!
Also I learned that Brickleberry got a comic book to resolve the cliffhanger it was canceled on. So now I have to read that.

And now Paradise PD got a cliffhanger ending at the end of season 2. Looking forward to finding out what happens next in season 3!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on March 23, 2020, 08:45:42 pm
Allo peeperonis!

I just finished season 3 of Castlevania

It's still got it, and doing a surprisingly good job of mixing in lore/inspirations from the games while developing a few characters from last season further than I thought theyd go. Uhhhh, sex--with heavy BDSM overtones for some reason lol, but it works and its fun so whatever! A little bit slower in terms of action, and yet I can still comfortably say this season was too damn short. Will probably keep watching forever, and honestly if they keep making seasons in this format they can probably keep making it forever too.

ALSO, just watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot.

Wow, I fookin' loved this. Went in fairly blind too and just agh, "tortuously long wait for the second episode" is right. Cheeky, profane, and technically gorgeous--it's very good all around. I don't want to say too much about it otherwise, but I'll definitely continue to watch and give everyone a FIRM recommendation to check out the pilot (on youtube).
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: itisnotlogical on March 24, 2020, 02:27:50 am
I also just finished Rebels. To frame this, I did use a watch guide which dissuaded me from a number of poorly written or executed episodes (I tried to watch one of the not-recommended ones and it was... p bad to say the least).

Rebels has a lot more fan service and too-obvious tropes, but it also has some surprisingly deep moments and the inclusion of seen-before villains and allies is actually a mostly welcome occurrence. I would say on an episode-for-episode average you can expect an average to above-average level of writing and execution, but individually the highs are high and the lows are low.

The main cast is mixed imo, Kanan is my personal fav because he's limited by his admittedly incomplete training and exile BUT without being a hopeless incompetent. Also he maintains his jedi-ness without succumbing to and in the end overcoming the shortfallings of the order. As for the others,

Ezra is a hit or miss for me, in the beginning his struggles are compelling as a makeshift padawan who doesnt really have a hope in defeating the empire, as his powers and plot-armor grow he becomes steadily less interesting until he's capable of effecting the universe more than he ought to be. Maul (who is interesting by himself) and good ole Palpatine seem to think he's really important for some reason (even though he really isnt) and its a bit jarring.

Zeb, Sabine, and Hera all have their moments, but like @itsnotlogical pointed out they more often resort to their NPC energy and fill their little archetypes (which can be visibly apparent at times, especially with Zeb). Chop is chop... who knew giving R2D2 arms would be so successful lol.

Callus is fun, but he becomes a spy a little too easily for my liking lol.

Thrawn got butchered, a big waste as many before me have pointed out.

The rest of the (mostly Imperial) rogue's gallery don't really get enough screen time to warrant attention (even Vader is p meh after his initial hunt for Kana and Ezra).

Special treats like Rex and Kenobi are great!

In short, while they the design and writing teams were (thankfully and with appreciation) doing a great job paying homage to the universe as collectively imagined, they also fell prey to Disney's, "just make it different, not better" syndrome. I am unsure why (other than being controlled by a creatively-incompetent corporation like Disney) artists, writers, and creatives in general struggle to write compelling stories in the SW universe, before Mandalorian (which I thought mostly nailed it), a good New Star Wars story looked like Star Wars, but was dreadfully boring, and a bad New Star Wars story looked like generic sci-fi rip offs of Star Wars with stories that LITERALLY didn't make any sense or had so many plot holes you were at risk of breaking you neck navigating them.

Compared to those, Rebels rates fairly high. (but like Clone Wars, is too painfully close to greatness to enjoy it again without wondering what could have been)

I just finished season 3 of Rebels, so I'm getting close to the end.

Kanan is... alright, I guess. I see a lot of wasted potential in his relationship with Hera and the ways he could possibly deviate from his incomplete training, since their relationship clearly has romantic subtext. Hera doesn't get enough of her own moments for me to think about but is mostly inoffensive. I like Sabine, but mostly because I have a soft spot for that sort of punk girl archetype. Zeb is starting to redeem himself but is still the weakest of the cast IMO.

I really, really dislike Ezra, and a lot of my friction with the show comes from Ezra just being Luke Skywalker from the first act of A New Hope... for four seasons. He's still naive, whiny, impatient, petulant, eager, all the stuff that made Luke's arc so compelling in Empire and Return, but Ezra hasn't had his act 3 yet. Maybe that's coming in season 4 but I doubt it.

I'm kinda glad Vader (seemingly) vanished from the show after S2. Having him appear after the resolution of Ahsoka's storyline wouldn't just be jumping the shark, it'd be burying the shark in the center of the Earth so that everybody, everywhere spends their entire lives above it.

As for Disney Wars, it's a mixed bag like the franchise always has been. It's only had five years, whereas the original EU had been around for thirty-eight. For all the old EU books, games and stories people like, I'm dead certain there are just as many Holiday Special-level stinkers that have been forgotten about. In about 20 years when this decade enters the nostalgia cycle we'll be hating on the new thing and remembering all the good parts of Disney Wars, while selectively forgetting or forgiving the bad stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Iduno on March 24, 2020, 01:14:34 pm
Little Gamers started updating again, for those of you who are also Internet Old.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 27, 2020, 11:18:50 pm
Steven Universe has ended.

I was really hoping we would see some other types of aliens. I was also hoping for more info about Steven's creation, and more about the pink lions.
The final season saw the Homeworld Diamonds learning to reverse their powers, and use them in a positive way. We also saw Steven reverse his power to create life, and flirt with destroying it a bit. I feel like they should have gone further with it though. Give Steven a reason to really unleash and see just how much destruction he can cause; and eventually let him accept that this is also a part of who and what he is.

The end was not all I hoped for...but it had to end eventually, and this was a better ending than many cartoons get.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: itisnotlogical on March 28, 2020, 11:08:46 pm
I finished Rebels and I am totally ambivalent on the experience. It was okay. Not good, not bad, didn't make me feel a thing at any point. It got kinda dumb near the end, but not any dumber than I expected. A dumb frivolous little time-waster. The only reason I finished it was because it was short, only 4 seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on March 29, 2020, 04:41:28 pm
Rick and Morty: Samurai and Shogun (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Folly on April 03, 2020, 02:29:53 pm

Far sooner than anyone expected, a second season of Harley Quinn has appeared!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Max™ on April 05, 2020, 11:34:26 pm
So the missus and I were playing new horizons and she was lamenting how ugly the first toilet we found was, got talking about how Rick is a shy pooper.

She asks me why he didn't just go in VR or something and I'm like 'because you'd still be crapping where ever you are' so she busts out this:

"Sir, there's not a lot of things you can't do at Hardee's, but this is one of them."
I add 'Did you not see the sign which says "PLEASE Stop Shitting In Our Booths" right there?'
"So wait, what are the other things you can't do?"
'Human trafficking... that's about it.'
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: kaijyuu on April 06, 2020, 12:14:09 am
Oh hey, I forgot this thread existed. Might as well remove the title's reference to an 8 year old cartoon at this point.

Man does time fly.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: scriver on April 06, 2020, 12:16:07 am
It's a kaijyuu! Praise Godzilla!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 16, 2020, 02:35:09 am
I just finished devouring the first season of Beastars, a high-school drama featuring anthropomorphic characters.

I generally try to stay away from high-school dramas, but heard some good things about this one so decided to give it a chance. The animation is a bit messy at first, but gets much better after a few episodes. Music is delightful. (
Story revolves around the usual high-school drama of kids struggling with a society telling them to be civilized contributing little tools, while their hormones are simultaneously demanding that they either fuck or fight anything that moves. On top of this is added a third layer of their animal instincts which tell all the kids to either eat or flee from the herbivores and carnivores around them.
There is a diverse cast of characters, each with distinct backstories and motivations, and honestly I absolutely love every single one of them. There is also a fair amount of worldbuilding, painting a picture of a detailed world in which a variety of creatures live and interact with eachother.

Without spoiling too much of the drama, I will simply say that this show was a rollercoaster of joy to watch. Fortunately it did not end on too bad of a cliffhanger, because the second season is not expected until 2021. I'll be eagerly waiting until then!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: itisnotlogical on April 16, 2020, 02:37:03 am
Damn, that's a long time to wait.

I liked Beastars a lot. The masculinity and gender politic metaphors are crazy, and I can't wait until somebody smarter and more willing to post a YouTube video than me starts reading into them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 16, 2020, 10:40:38 am
The Midnight Gospel

Check out the trailer, the series premiers on Netflix on 4/20 (lol, got 'em--but for real, it does.) A new very strange, very weird, and relatively dark adult cartoon from my boy Pendleton Ward (YES. YEEEES). It seems to be a very irreverent and surreal existentialist bit so... I'm excited for the 8 episode season 1.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on April 17, 2020, 08:06:10 am
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 26, 2020, 02:00:36 pm
I recently binged all current episodes of Hanazuki: Full of Treasures.

The first episode feels like the creator was just trying to be as completely random and nonsensical as possible. The first half of Season 1 feels like they were then trying to build some structure around that nonsense and actually shape it into a rational world in which they could create stories. Then the second half of Season 1 has them starting some fairly interesting story arcs. Then Season 2 feels like they fired all those creative writers who came before and hired some hacks to write pure filler, but realized halfway through that this was garbage and just abandoned the project.

There's definitely some interesting and original content here...but overall, it's difficult to recommend.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Yoink on April 26, 2020, 07:30:43 pm
The Midnight Gospel

Check out the trailer, the series premiers on Netflix on 4/20 (lol, got 'em--but for real, it does.) A new very strange, very weird, and relatively dark adult cartoon from my boy Pendleton Ward (YES. YEEEES). It seems to be a very irreverent and surreal existentialist bit so... I'm excited for the 8 episode season 1.
I'm skeptical, but after watching part of the trailer I'm nonetheless very keen to drop acid and give it a shot.   
Now, if only this lockdown would end so I could acquire such things... I suppose a cough syrup cocktail might do the trick. :P   
Just wish I had access to friends to watch with.   
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on April 26, 2020, 10:01:31 pm
Finished The Midnight Gospel, I personally loved it, but I imagine it's not for everyone. Basically trippy podcasts meets episodic animation. The plot starts to build towards the end, and I am looking forward to Season 2.

EDIT: Also I should mention, quality-wise each episode is better than the last.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: MrWiggles on May 04, 2020, 08:26:39 am
Midnight Gospel is Dr. Katz meets Super Prison.
Its done by a particular podcaster. And if you can stand a lot of metaphysical conversation, then go for it. There is some semblance of a plot on top of the interviews but not a lot.
It left me somber afterward.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Yoink on May 04, 2020, 11:14:50 am
Midnight Gospel is Dr. Katz meets Super Prison.
You mean Superjail, right? Because if so that sounds amazing.
Gods, I miss Superjail. Screw you, Mister Pickles. Bad dog.   
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: George_Chickens on May 04, 2020, 11:23:48 am
Midnight Gospel is Dr. Katz meets Super Prison.
You mean Superjail, right? Because if so that sounds amazing.
Gods, I miss Superjail. Screw you, Mister Pickles. Bad dog.   
I can't believe they cancelled Superjail and Metalocalypse for this. It's not even funny.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Yoink on May 04, 2020, 01:02:55 pm
I wouldn't go that far, the first season is funny in a "grating kid's show on bath salts" kinda way.   
Maybe you have to be sufficiently disturbed to appreciate it, I don't know - I hated it at first but for some reason was compelled to keep watching and before long it had wormed its way into my consciousness and then I coerced others into watching it and it spread like the clap. From what I remember most of the 2nd season was pretty bad, though? I dunno it's been a long time since I watched it.   

Superjail, though, was a bloody brilliant show by any metric. Great art, fascinating settings and scenery, more zany antics than you can shake a severed limb at and, amazingly enough, madcap characters one actually comes to care about over the course of the show. I'm pretty sure there was even character development, but it's been a while.   
Oh and plenty of really off-the-wall humour, sometimes rather shocking but not just in-your-face like Mr. Pickles. Ugh.   
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: MrWiggles on May 04, 2020, 11:50:41 pm
Yea, I meant Superjail.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: WillowLuman on May 05, 2020, 03:49:55 am
Midnight Gospel was a trip and a half alright, though it had some pretty deep subject matter in the discussions. It feels kinda like they started out with podcasts and then set animation to those.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 05, 2020, 11:44:01 am
Yea, it's a little rough at the start, but becomes a little better integrated as it goes on. Also def some superjail-lite vibes
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 05, 2020, 04:26:15 pm
I guess I can see the similarities to Superjail, as both series focus on excessively chaotic scenarios. Midnight Gospel however is made by Pendleton Ward, creator of Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors, and I see that inspiration come through much more strongly. MG feels like Ward has taken the universe from those shows and turned the bizarre levels up to 11.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 05, 2020, 05:52:20 pm
Totally @Folly, and honestly I hope they go a few more seasons because the universe outside the spacecasting seems super interesting lol and I want to explore it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 08, 2020, 09:22:54 pm
First season of Solar Opposites just dropped on Hulu.

It appears to be set in the same multiverse as Rick and Morty...though that may just be a cosmetic connection due to it being made by the same people.

I'm only a few episodes in, but enjoying it so far. It's like R&M with less fart jokes, and less meta-arcs. Just more traditional episodic sitcom type stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread. -- Bill is watching.
Post by: Doomblade187 on May 08, 2020, 11:40:37 pm

Far sooner than anyone expected, a second season of Harley Quinn has appeared!
And it was good, and the people rejoiced.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Yoink on May 09, 2020, 01:29:25 am
First season of Solar Opposites just dropped on Hulu.

It appears to be set in the same multiverse as Rick and Morty...though that may just be a cosmetic connection due to it being made by the same people.

I'm only a few episodes in, but enjoying it so far. It's like R&M with less fart jokes, and less meta-arcs. Just more traditional episodic sitcom type stuff.
Huh, interesting - apparently there are still several more Rick and Morty episodes scheduled to come out over the next month or so, too, but perhaps that's just a last hurrah for the show before its creators move on to other stuff, like this Polar Opposites thingy?   
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 09, 2020, 08:04:10 am
First season of Solar Opposites just dropped on Hulu.

It appears to be set in the same multiverse as Rick and Morty...though that may just be a cosmetic connection due to it being made by the same people.

I'm only a few episodes in, but enjoying it so far. It's like R&M with less fart jokes, and less meta-arcs. Just more traditional episodic sitcom type stuff.
Huh, interesting - apparently there are still several more Rick and Morty episodes scheduled to come out over the next month or so, too, but perhaps that's just a last hurrah for the show before its creators move on to other stuff, like this Polar Opposites thingy?   

I doubt it,

Dan Harmon is just a perfectionist (probably to RnM detriment) and Roiland is... more of a sketch artist so to speak, he's always been doing independent projects throughout RnM's development, I think this is just the natural conclusion to that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 09, 2020, 08:22:11 pm
I finished the first season of Solar Opposites.
That wall-world arc got pretty intense.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I was disappointed with the resolution of the finale. That shit made no sense at all. But I am eager to see what purple means...

I also finished Midnight Gospel.
Honestly, I feel like the first few episodes would have been better watched on mute. The podcast stuff had no relation at all to the action, and the latter was far more interesting than the former.
But gradually the podcasts became more relevant and interesting, and the finale had a lot of feels. I wouldn't mind watching more, if it gets a second season. So far the creators have been keeping quiet on that subject, which isn't a 'no'.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 16, 2020, 08:41:10 pm
Just binged both seasons of The Hollow. It's a show about some kids who wake up with no memories, in a setting full of mysteries.

Dialogue is terrible. Plot twists are very predictable. Animation isn't great. Second season was only slightly better than the first, on all counts.

Overall, I'm calling this one barely watchable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 20, 2020, 05:15:03 am
I recently got caught up on the current episodes of Glitch Techs, a show about video game monsters who come to life and the kids who are given sci-fi gadgets to battle them.

Now yes, this sounds like the worst premise for a story ever, and it really is. But I read some positive reviews and decided to give it a shot, and I was pleasantly surprised.

First of all, the video games references are absolutely spot-on. I've played a lots of different video games over the years, and this show does an excellent job of showcasing what makes different genres unique and fun. Beyond that, the jokes are amusing, the characters are distinct and likeable, music is awesome, and the animation looks great. There are even hints that the ridiculous premise might be salvaged through an eventual reveal of mysterious and nefarious forces working behind the scenes to make these unlikely scenarios somehow plausible.

Definitely recommend giving this one a chance.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on May 22, 2020, 11:26:12 am
So I also just finished Solar Opposites. First of all, it was much better than I expected it to be--on the other hand, it's way too similar to Rick and Morty. That said, it's best episodes definitely stand out and put it apart as a legit collab between Roiland and McMahan. It's worst are very filler-y.

Overall I'm looking forward to S2, I suspect Roiland and McMahan will continue to evolve it in a positive direction.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Doomblade187 on May 22, 2020, 06:37:52 pm
I am actually a fan of The Hollow. Need to finish season 2 still, but they got more budget than the absolute shoestring they were using for S1, and it really paid off. Better sets, and enjoyable world/monster design.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 04, 2020, 12:31:42 am
I finished watching Dr Havoc's Diary.

Animation quality is very basic, with stopmotion dolls whose mouths and fingers don't move, and episodes are 5-10 minutes each. So, measured expectations.
For what it is, the show is fairly amusing. A bit of drama and intrigue amongst a lot of filler, and both are pretty funny. I'd recommend it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 13, 2020, 12:19:00 am
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Season 2 and F is for Family Season 4 have appeared! Our cup runneth over!

Also a first season of some show called Crossing Swords just dropped on Hulu. Gonna add it to my backlog and check it out later.

Apple recently began airing a show called Central Park, from the creators of Bob's Burgers. It's a musical.
4 episodes in, I'm enjoying it only slightly less than Bob's Burgers, but that's still pretty good. It's entertaining, but nothing about it really wows me.

Finished watching new seasons of Kipo and F. Both had interesting new story developments and maintained the quality from previous seasons. Looking forward to more!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Porpoisepower on June 14, 2020, 09:55:29 pm
Season 5 of She-Ra has a plump helmet man.

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: scriver on June 15, 2020, 12:25:21 am
Just a purple mushroom man, or is it actually called a plump helmet man?

It's important for the level of glee from me it deserved :D
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on June 30, 2020, 09:22:42 pm
Just finished She-Ra... so good I'm in a funk lol, I just need to process how awesome the show is.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 04, 2020, 09:56:24 pm
I finished watching the first season of Crossing Swords on Hulu.

It's very funny! And with a decent story too.
Animation is a bit simple, with the characters having no arms or legs; but otherwise the visuals are very well done, and music sounds good as well.
Definitely would recommend this one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Sergius on July 13, 2020, 03:51:49 pm

Star Trek cartoon show. (

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: kaijyuu on July 13, 2020, 03:54:08 pm
Looks awful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on July 13, 2020, 07:37:27 pm
When I heard about Lower Decks, I assumed it would be a live action series.  This... is not what I expected.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on July 13, 2020, 08:21:36 pm
If there's one thing I think everyone in America can agree upon, it's that Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie.

This might be good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on July 13, 2020, 10:07:10 pm
When I heard about Lower Decks, I assumed it would be a live action series.  This... is not what I expected.

Same, I had no idea they were animating it. I LIKE Mike McMahon, I don't think he is as irreverent as Harmon or Roiland, but then I don't know of anything he's done outside of their shows. So I'll watch it, but from the trailer it doesn't seem very... well Trekky.

Cautiously Neutral.

EDIT: Ah, I see Alex Kurtzmann is one of the producers. Not that that is surprising, but that almost guarantees its ineptitude. RIP
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on July 14, 2020, 02:30:12 am
It doesn't look that good to me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Sergius on July 15, 2020, 10:56:17 am
Follow-up question:

If you think it looks bad, is it because you think the animation/art (style) looks bad in quality? Including other shows where it is used? Is it because it is Star Trek?

Is it the kind of humor?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: kaijyuu on July 15, 2020, 11:12:14 am
Star trek + kind of humor.

Star Trek Farce Comedy could work... just not in that style. Too much irreverence, not enough wit.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: IronyOwl on July 15, 2020, 03:19:35 pm
Follow-up question:

If you think it looks bad, is it because you think the animation/art (style) looks bad in quality? Including other shows where it is used? Is it because it is Star Trek?

Is it the kind of humor?
Artstyle indeed looks bad, or at least not conducive to Star Trek. I like that style in Rick & Morty, but it's trying to be goofy and stupid there.

The more important part is that the humor feels entirely hollow and vapid. It's a good style for that, but I don't want to watch entirely stupid humor, and it's a bizarre waste on Star Trek.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on July 15, 2020, 03:29:55 pm
Is it out yet? I'll check it out when it comes out, at least.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on July 16, 2020, 03:29:36 am
The art is what got me, it just doesn't look that good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on July 16, 2020, 05:16:54 am
I'll second the notion that the humor and overall style just feel out of place for Star Trek.  The art style I could live with, but the whole presentation feels like it really should have been done with a parody cartoon that made fun of Star Trek instead of being Star Trek.

I don't know, it's hard to guess how well it'll work in full episodes until I see one.  But I'm not extremely hopeful.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 31, 2020, 05:44:14 pm
Transformers: War for Cybertron recently appeared on Netflix, produced by Rooster Teeth. This is the first of three planned seasons.

It's only 6 short 20-minute episodes, so I binged it fairly quickly. I found it disappointing.
Stylistically it felt very low energy, and low quality. Certainly far below the standard I've come to expect from Rooster Teeth. Story-wise, I felt a bit confused about the motives of the characters and generally uninterested in their plight. Apparently there's been a war on Cybertron with devastating effect; but I never really found out exactly what they were fighting about, nor did I feel like we got a good view of the scope of the damage and the current state of Cybertron. The only bots we ever saw were those directly involved in the story, so for the first few episodes it feels like there's maybe a dozen bots alive on this entire planet. Then in the last episode they pull out a small army of drones that have apparently been hiding away somewhere, only to have our protagonists kill most of them in battle while whining about how their race is going extinct.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 07, 2020, 07:35:13 pm
The third part of the Tales of Arcadia trilogy has appeared! Wizards is here!

Edit: Finished binging it.
It felt a bit rushed at times. There were several points where characters just did instant 180° personality changes with no transition time, and that was a bit jarring. I feel like they could have stretched this into two seasons easily.
Still, it was exciting throughout. They did a time-travel thing that explained a lot of the backstory from the first arc, while also moving things forward in meaningful ways.
I'm very disappointed that Jim Lake is no longer a half-troll. He was way too cute in that form. Also disappointed we didn't see a bit more of the aliens. Their inclusion this season felt like a token at best.

There's supposed to be a movie at some point to wrap things up. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 08, 2020, 11:28:10 pm
Owl House had an interesting episode tonight. Spoilers ahead for any who have not seen it yet.

For a while now we've seen suggestive blushes from Amity when she's near Luz, but tonight we finally got some hard evidence of romantic interest in the form of an unread letter asking Luz to be Amity's date for the school dance.
So far there's not been much evidence to suggest that Luz reciprocates these feelings. She's certainly friendly, but that's all.
Of course everyone is now shipping these girls eventually getting together, but personally I think it would be much more interesting if they went a different route. Luz could develop a relationship with another character before Amity confesses her feelings, creating an awkward love triangle, which might drive Amity to become something of a villain as she fights for Luz's affection. Or maybe Luz is just asexual, and when Amity gets rejected she becomes depressed and starts lashing out until she gets lured over to the dark side. Almost anything would be more interesting than our heroines simply living happily ever after.

Also, what was up with those letters? The obvious answer would be that Eda has been sending the letters to cover for Luz and keep her around, though it seems a bit unnecessary, and strange that a character with such an open and carefree personality would be scheming in secret. But offhand I can't think of any other characters who know Luz and her situation well enough to do something like this.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Bumber on August 09, 2020, 07:21:34 am
Also, what was up with those letters? The obvious answer would be that Eda has been sending the letters to cover for Luz and keep her around, though it seems a bit unnecessary, and strange that a character with such an open and carefree personality would be scheming in secret. But offhand I can't think of any other characters who know Luz and her situation well enough to do something like this.

Could be someone who arranged for Luz to come to the Boiling Isles as part of some convoluted plot. Potentially whoever cursed Eda, if we're going with somebody who's been established to exist. (Thinking that could be the Emperor, but it seems too cliche.)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 09, 2020, 11:17:39 pm
I caught the first episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Humor, story, and art all exceeded my expectations. It may not be the absolute best cartoon I see this year, but it's certainly in the running. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 14, 2020, 08:53:46 am
First half of the third season of Infinity Train has arrived!

Like the second season, the third is focusing on some disreputable characters from the previous season, giving them some backstory and maybe a chance to redeem themselves, while simultaneously allowing us to learn a bit more about the mysteries of the train. So far it's pretty good!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on August 15, 2020, 08:26:16 pm
I caught the first episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Humor, story, and art all exceeded my expectations. It may not be the absolute best cartoon I see this year, but it's certainly in the running. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Just saw the pilot. Hm. I don't know how to feel, honestly it is not nearly as bad as it COULD have been so... there's that. That said, the Rick n Morty humor really REALLY does not fit at all. BUT. If you can look past that? There is a solid 6-7/10 show waiting to be watched, with the potential to be considerably better if it drops some of the unnecessary humor.

EDIT: I watched the second episode, and can confirm that the less Mike McMahon tries to be funny or make others be funny, the better they can actually write. That said, the humor is... tough to get through. Also some of the characters are just......... not Starfleet material lol
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 17, 2020, 07:07:36 am
The entire second season of Glitch Techs just appeared!

Finished the season. Plenty more wonderful video game references. Somewhat less progression than I would have liked on the bigger mysteries behind this show. Still, quite enjoyable.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 28, 2020, 09:29:37 pm
I finished watching the first season of Hoops, a recent Netflix cartoon about a perpetually angry man who rants about whatever minor or major obstacle is currently bugging him.

It's very much a one-note show. There was a little bit of story progression in the last couple of episodes, and a few side-stories about the kids on the basketball team, but for the most part the entire show rides on these amusingly level-headed rants. I found it fairly enjoyable for a casual watch, but don't go into this one expecting much more than a simple comedic narrative in a mundane setting and style.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 22, 2020, 04:24:33 pm
Dragon's Dogma recently released, and I already finished binging the short 7 episode season.

Animation is fairly bad, particularly in the first few episodes. Lots of awkward movements, weird looking models, and low fps. On the other hands, lots of boobies. Also they got one of those slick opening sequences like Game of Thrones and Westwood had.

Story stuck fairly close to the game, which is impressive considering that the game was not particularly story-driven. I'm a bit disappointed that we never got to see the politics of the capital city, and didn't learn anything at all about the Pawns. Maybe we'll see these things if we get a second season.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: scriver on September 23, 2020, 07:58:56 am
That doesn't look like anytree to me
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Zangi on September 23, 2020, 08:00:44 am
Watched dragon’s dogma also, was disappointed that they did not include more of the pawn exposition / alternative verse thing / other failed arisen thing.
I think they just focused too much on the 7 sins moral of the story thing.  It wasn’t really that prevalent in the game if memory serves.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: scriver on September 23, 2020, 08:27:23 am
I didn't get very far in the game, I think, but I don't remember a seven sins narrative at all, so I think you're served.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Yoink on September 23, 2020, 12:41:53 pm
I finished watching the first season of Hoops, a recent Netflix cartoon about a perpetually angry man who rants about whatever minor or major obstacle is currently bugging him.

It's very much a one-note show. There was a little bit of story progression in the last couple of episodes, and a few side-stories about the kids on the basketball team, but for the most part the entire show rides on these amusingly level-headed rants. I found it fairly enjoyable for a casual watch, but don't go into this one expecting much more than a simple comedic narrative in a mundane setting and style.
Well, I mean... do you really need more?   
I actually quite liked it. Bit like some somewhat generic crude comedy film (I'm sure you know the type, it probably stars Will Ferrell or David Spade or some such) but spread out over a whole show. And animated. Kind of a refreshing change from animated series that just throw in a whole bunch of weird shit simply because they don't have the constraints of live-action. Don't get me wrong, I freaking adore Superjail. But there the zaniness is the point of the show, not just something tacked on.   
It is almost 4am currently so this post probably makes less sense than it might have made have I made it when I first saw your verdict of Hoops, haha.   

I was kinda bummed to see the Dragon's Dogma series is in fact anime. I had only seen a vague splash screen without a trailer and I guess I didn't scrutinise the image closely enough so I didn't realise, haha. Oops.   
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: delphonso on September 23, 2020, 06:15:38 pm
Dragon's Dogma, since it looks pretty computer generated, really should have had a Character Creator option. It really feels weird that the main character isn't a 7 foot tall wall of a man with the face of an infant and the pawn isn't a 3 foot tall 100 year old woman with giant breasts... Totally different from the game.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on October 08, 2020, 03:09:06 pm
Lower Decks Season 1 has concluded. Lots of good episodes, but the last 2 were particularly great!

Season 2 has already been approved, and went into production immediately after Season 1, so hopefully the wait won't be too long.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on October 08, 2020, 08:42:28 pm
Lower Decks Season 1 has concluded. Lots of good episodes, but the last 2 were particularly great!

Season 2 has already been approved, and went into production immediately after Season 1, so hopefully the wait won't be too long.

Did it improve from the first few episodes???
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on October 17, 2020, 10:37:14 pm
The third and final season of Kipo: Wonderbeasts is here.

The first season had great energy and style, but left a lot of unanswered questions in the storytelling. Second season fleshed out the story much more, but felt a bit lacking in energy. Third season finally managed to find a good balance between the two.

There were definitely some plot holes, and the 'let's all be friends' theme was overplayed, and the final length after just three seasons felt too short. But overall, very enjoyable show, with a happy ending.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Urist McScoopbeard on October 30, 2020, 12:31:35 am
Anyone mentioned Blood of Zeus yet? I just finished the first 8-episode season. It's an netflix anime in the style of Castlevania. Similar in terms of tone, but it has a much wider breadth of inspiration when it comes to the material it's drawing from--I could pick it full of holes tbh, but it's just a fun, very pulpy show! I recommend it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Jimmy on October 30, 2020, 12:40:58 am
I've recently caught up with Bee and Puppycat Season 1 and 2.

I really enjoyed Season 1 with the whimsy and understated normality of the characters within a decidedly abnormal setting. I loved that they recorded their voice actors and simply kept the first take, mistakes and all, then animated the show around their vocal stumbles. It gives the series a great lack of polish that sets it apart from other shows. Also, a bunch of easter eggs make for enjoyable rewatching, especially with knowledge from the later episodes to guide the viewer.

Season 2 brought some closure to some open plotlines, but lacked the magic of the first season. It was still good, but more by-the-numbers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 08, 2020, 09:07:10 am
RWBY Season 8 is here!

And wow...that may be the most depressing season premiere I've ever seen. Dark times ahead.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 20, 2020, 09:37:34 pm
After 22 years, the Animaniacs have once again escaped from their water tower!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on November 20, 2020, 09:50:58 pm
After 22 years, the Animaniacs have once again escaped from their water tower!

First Pinky and the Brain was fantastico.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 02, 2020, 07:28:51 pm
Ducktales has been canceled after three seasons.

Much as I've enjoyed the show, I feel like they never made it beyond cameos and references to the old show to contribute anything new, despite having more than enough time to do so.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on December 05, 2020, 08:25:15 pm
I'm worried animaniacs is gonna go that way :[]
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 05, 2020, 10:16:55 pm
Big Mouth Season 4 is here!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 17, 2020, 08:45:02 pm
Season 2 of Hilda has arrived!

The Life of Hilda (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 03, 2021, 10:13:18 am
I just finished the first season of Onyx Equinox, a show set in Mesopotamian culture, about mortals and the gods who toy with them.

Animation can be a bit rough at points, particularly in the first few episodes. But I absolutely love the way the gods are depicted, both stylistically and their role in the story. The mortals on the other hand, can be more annoying than interesting.

It's hard to say exactly what audience this is suited minute there's nudity, gore, and horrific trauma. Then the rest of the episode is about a whiny boy with a ponytail who plays with pokemans. Pick a lane.

Overall though, a decent watch. I enjoyed some of the big reveals and plot twists towards the end. Hope it gets another season, but if not, at least the first season ended at a calm place.

Nelli's Song (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: MrRoboto75 on January 04, 2021, 12:59:00 pm
Some guys are making remastered versions of the old Battletech cartoon (

It's widely considered to be Not Very Good, but for what it's worth it is a corny satAM 90's cartoon, and there's dank early CGI sequences.  There was no real home release of the cartoon either so it's a big deal in terms of preservation.  The project is ongoing and apparently there should be 13 episodes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 07, 2021, 01:30:19 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Second season of Transformers: War for Cybertron is here.

I was very critical of the first season. Second season immediately felt better. Better music, better drama, better action. Nothing amazing, but just an all-around decent show compared to what came before.
Unfortunately the season suffered from pacing issues, with new characters and locations being injected multiple times each episode, only to then be deleted in later episodes, without giving adequate time for me to care about or indeed understand what was going on.

Second season is a step in the right direction, but this is still a difficult show to recommend.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 10, 2021, 09:03:33 am
Following last year's Central Park, the creator of Bob's Burgers has made yet another show, The Great North.

The show focuses on a family living in Alaska, doing Alaska things. Like with mooses and snowmobiles and plaid shirts. You know, Alaska stuff.
I don't know, I can't really put my finger on anything particularly creative or interesting going on here...yet I really enjoyed the first episode. Looking forward to more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 15, 2021, 10:59:35 pm
Disenchantment part 3 has arrived!

Finished watching season 3.
This season had a lot of character growth for our protagonist, Princess Teabeani. Most of it felt forced...but within the light comedic atmosphere, that's okay sometimes.
I really disliked the 'Green Smoke' mystery that took up several episodes. Absolutely no satisfaction when that question was finally answered.
Annoyingly, much of this season was also spent setting up new arcs which were left completely open when the season ended. Kinda wish I'd waited until season 4 came out and just binged them both at once.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 08, 2021, 12:45:35 pm
I finished watching all 3 seasons of Pinky Malinky, a Netflix cartoon about an inexplicably animated Sausage in a world with absolutely no other unusually animated objects.

General vibe of the show resembles Amazing World of Gumball, with animation that looks more like Clarence, and just a bit of Home Movies mixed in. The titular Pinky is a high-energy character who does his best to spread joy to everyone around him, even though his efforts often turn out to be misguided.
The show is fairly entertaining. Good for a casual watch in short intervals.

These are people that you might know. (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 15, 2021, 10:09:48 pm
Ducktales has ended. Again.

The third season felt rushed, with new characters and magical artifacts being introduced almost every episode and not having time to be developed properly. But this was a result of the show being canceled early. All things considered, they did a pretty good job of wrapping up their story despite the rush. The finale was great. Loved the Gargoyles reference. Hope the Darkwing spinoff is just as good. And hope we get other spinoffs, especially Rescue Rangers.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 19, 2021, 09:15:43 pm
Paradise PD season 3 recently arrived on Netflix, and I just finished watching it.

A lot more toilet humor than I like to see in the first few episodes, but the season did get better as it went along. The jokes are hit-or-miss, often using obscure references or mistaking excessive edginess for humor. But there's also some creative ideas in this show that I love.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 22, 2021, 06:54:42 pm
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law ended in 2007. Then it came back for one last special in 2019. Now, a spin-off is on it's way!
Birdgirl premieres April 5, 2021.

Birdgirl Trailer (

Also, Final Space Season 3 has begun!
Season 2 was a bit of a disaster. From the first episode, Season 3 shows the potential to possibly redeem this once-great cartoon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on March 23, 2021, 06:35:04 pm
I am absolutely going to watch Birdgirl when it drops, because the very concept of Birdgirl Antics excites me, and then I am absolutely going to be unsurprised when it's just strings of cringe-inducing condescending woke memes regurgitated onto a canvas of nostalgia.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on March 24, 2021, 04:02:16 am
I am absolutely going to watch Birdgirl when it drops, because the very concept of Birdgirl Antics excites me, and then I am absolutely going to be unsurprised when it's just strings of cringe-inducing condescending woke memes regurgitated onto a canvas of nostalgia.
I'm hoping it isn't but with how things are now days I don't have high hopes.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Bumber on March 24, 2021, 07:27:24 pm
If it's by the same creators, hopefully it should be fine. Edit: It contains one of the original creators, and one new one.

It also seems like they might not be able to use Hanna-Barbera characters for HBO Max reasons?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on March 24, 2021, 07:30:25 pm
I hope it has COURTROOM DRAMA because honestly that tied the whole OG series together.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on March 25, 2021, 03:17:43 am
It also seems like they might not be able to use Hanna-Barbera characters for HBO Max reasons?
Hope that's not true because that means almost the entire cast will be gone.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on March 26, 2021, 01:38:56 pm
It also seems like they might not be able to use Hanna-Barbera characters for HBO Max reasons?
Hope that's not true because that means almost the entire cast will be gone.

Yeah that was... the entire charm of the OG series, actually. Otherwise it's just like... I dunno, another one of those rando Adult Swim IP's that lasts half a season.

I intend to hold out hope for good, funny Birdgirl stuff tho.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 26, 2021, 09:43:56 pm
I finished watching Close Enough, seasons 1 and 2.

This plot is exactly like Regular Show, except with a bit more mature humor. So regular folks just trying to do regular things but inevitably getting caught up in supernatural forces or cosmic entities from which they narrowly escape with their lives.
If you liked Regular Show, definitely check this one out.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 27, 2021, 12:11:25 pm
DOTA: Dragon's Blood recently appeared.

It's all about humans and elves and various beastmen who all hate each other and when they're not busy trying to survive in a world full of monsters they're breaking out into wars over whose god is the least shitty. It's all rather cliché, but well executed imo. At least from what I've seen so far. I'm only halfway through the season and very much enjoying it.

At the same time, season 2 of Solar Opposites and the first 3 episodes of Invincible just appeared, along with the first episode of Elliot from Earth. It's too much all at once! I look forward to enjoying each of these shows as time allows.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 05, 2021, 09:10:32 pm
First episode of Birdgirl is out, and oof...
I really wanted to like this show, but it's gonna be pretty hard to redeem after that start.

It seems like they've tried to trade the wacky/funny style of Birdman in favor of more dramatic interpersonal relationships and more exciting superhero antics. But without the humor, both the drama and action are just too stupid to be interesting.

Season 2 of Solar Opposites was more of the same, in a good way. Ridiculous antics from the aliens parallel to more serious drama from the people in the wall. Both are very well done in their own way, but at the same time I can understand how some people might find it difficult to enjoy two very different styles juxtaposed.

Invincible is a fairly blatant ripoff of DC's superhero universe, but they pull it off well.
It's basically a Superboy coming-of-age story, combined with evil Superman, and a fairly gory setting where heroes and civilians alike get brutally deleted on a daily basis.
Love the 40-minute format. Lots of content to soak up in every new episode!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Sirus on April 06, 2021, 11:04:06 am
They made an animated series for Invincible? That's surprising. It's a fairly bloody series if the one battle I've read is any indication.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Vector on April 06, 2021, 11:11:25 am
Season 2 of Solar Opposites was more of the same, in a good way. Ridiculous antics from the aliens parallel to more serious drama from the people in the wall. Both are very well done in their own way, but at the same time I can understand how some people might find it difficult to enjoy two very different styles juxtaposed.

Cheers for this, I gave it a watch last night and really enjoyed it. Given how much I hated the trailer, I wouldn't have tried an episode without your prompting!

It's definitely Rick-and-Mortyish but it's so much less depressing. Also goes back to the good old semi-improvised Roiland dialogue I sorely missed. Looking forward to seeing more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 15, 2021, 01:19:11 pm
16 episodes into Elliot from Earth, and it's got a whole lot of filler. I feel like I could have skipped episodes 5-15 without missing a beat.

Apparently it's created by the same team behind Amazing World of Gumball. I'm not feeling the similarity. It reminds me more of Hilda, with a cast of diverse and charming if somewhat boring characters and generally chill atmosphere.

Too much filler and too low-energy for my taste...but other people may enjoy this one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on April 16, 2021, 04:34:58 pm
I laughed a bunch at the first episode of birdgirl, tho. Is not bad.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on April 17, 2021, 12:20:05 am
I laughed a bunch at the first episode of birdgirl, tho. Is not bad.
Is the humor similar to Harvey Birdman, or have they gone off in a new direction?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on April 17, 2021, 10:04:40 am
Mmmmmm it's got that deadpan delivery on occasion, but it is different.

There were no hanna-barbara characters, which was weird. Not sure if I'll stick with it, but I did not hate it, and I laughed. Also, it was not comprised of woke memes. 7/10.

Pilot is on youtube.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 17, 2021, 03:58:08 pm
Second episode was a move in the right direction imo...still a long way from Birdman:AAL, but maybe Birdgirl just needs some time to warm up.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on April 18, 2021, 04:18:42 am
The no Hanna Barbara characters is gonna be a weird thing to see, but at least it isn't a woke filled mess like some crap they put on air now days.

I really should watch the pilot soon.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 30, 2021, 09:22:24 pm
Invincible Season 1 has concluded, and it was excellent.

From the comments of those who have read the comics, it sounds like it's going to get even better. Season 2 and 3 were announced just before the finale, so it may be awhile before they arrive. I'm very much looking forward to that time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Jimmy on May 05, 2021, 04:40:50 am
My current obsession: Helluva Boss

Warning: R18+ rating

Pilot Episode (
Episode 1: Murder Family (
Episode 2: Loo Loo Land (
Episode 3: Spring Broken (
Episode 4: C.H.E.R.U.B (
Episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival (

Rude, crude and funny, with plenty of black humor. But the opening song of Episode 2 got me good, it just went full Bowie and gave me all the feels. If you study the Ars Goetia from the Lesser Key of Solomon grimoire of demonology, Stolas is depicted in the ancient text as a long-legged owl whose domains are astronomy, herbs, plants, and precious stones. The easter eggs for his character in the animation version are littered through the series, and I just adore finding them hidden within the background. The creators gave him a lot of love.

Plus the animatronic murder-clown in Episode 2 is actually voice-acted by a broadway veteran, Alex Brightman, of Beetlejuice fame. It's God-tier animation, voice acting, and story and I'm quite certain this series is eventually gonna be snatched up and paywalled before long. Until then, I'm enjoying the episodes as they come out on the animator's channel.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on May 05, 2021, 12:33:29 pm
Ep.5 has Norman Reedus in it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on May 08, 2021, 01:09:28 am
Second episode was a move in the right direction imo...still a long way from Birdman:AAL, but maybe Birdgirl just needs some time to warm up.

I loved it, great show I think. No HB characters? That is unfortunate. I will miss Peter Potamus, Reducto and Mentok. I hope they hired the smiling bear back at least. *wrnnn* <- bear noise

I'd watch the rest but Comcast took away my cartoons, the villains.

Ha Ha! Monopolies.

EDIT: Finding a picture of Phil Ken Sebben to insert image here was surprisingly difficult. Maybe the various fanwikis have disabled hotlinking images to forums or whatever it's called? I didn't spend much time looking. I found one with him neck deep in a pool of money surrounded by bikini babes, and when that didn't work I quit looking, spirit broken.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Jimmy on May 09, 2021, 05:23:15 am
This one?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 10, 2021, 03:24:48 pm
Birdgirl season 1 concluded after an odd 6 episodes.
This show did improve a little towards the middle of the season, but came crashing back down towards the end.

Birdgirl is either too clever for me to understand, or it's a series of utterly nonsensical plot devices strung together with semi-comedic rhythm and lots of nostalgia. If it's the former, then I apologize, I guess I'm just not qualified to evaluate this show. If it's the latter, then this embarrassment of a spin-off needs to be denied renewal so it can go to wherever all the other failed spin-offs went to die.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 12, 2021, 02:46:02 pm
Cartoon Network's Adult Swim has announced 3 new movies in the works, for Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Metalocalypse, and Venture Brothers!

I'm a bit 'meh' about ATHF. I found it to be a mildly amusing series early on, but far too cringe towards the end. And I honestly cannot imagine what value a movie could add to this entirely episodic series.

Metalocalypse and Venture Brother each had interesting stories which got cut short when the series were cancelled, and I'm very eager to see what they do with this opportunity to provide fans some closure!

Release date details expected soon!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on May 13, 2021, 01:34:07 am
I'm hyped for all of those, hopefully Venture Brothers and Metalocalypse will get an ending.

Also ATHF has already had a movie.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on May 13, 2021, 02:13:46 am
Aww darn, they cancelled the Venture Brothers? That was one of my favorites. Metalocololypse was too but that's been done for a while.

It's cool they are getting movies though to wrap them up, I'll watch them probably
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 22, 2021, 09:48:55 pm
I finished watching the first season of M.O.D.O.K.

It's made by the same team that did Supermansion, and has much the same feel. For reasons I don't quite understand, some people just don't appreciate this style of humor and storytelling. Personally I found both to be quite entertaining.

With two distinct antagonists, the season had lots of twists and turns, got really intense towards the end, and finished with a cliffhanger that left me eager for more. A second season has not yet been renewed, but with fairly positive reviews I am optimistic that we will someday learn where Modok goes next.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Vector on June 23, 2021, 01:46:20 am
New Rick and Morty dropped. I didn't enjoy the new one as much as I had hoped, but they finally did something with Jessica!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Mech#4 on June 23, 2021, 01:55:37 am
I think I've watched most of ATHF through clips on Youtube. It was stupid and enjoyable I thought. Actually I think I watched most of ATHF, Venture Bros and Metalocalypse all through clips on Youtube.
I should watch more of Venture Bros, though it seemed to have plots that didn't go anywhere or were dropped later. Metalocalypse I think I enjoyed the same as ATHF, just random stuff happening that was occationally funny.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 23, 2021, 06:48:31 am
A lot of Venture Bros plot points are concluded in very subtle ways that you miss unless you either pay very close attention, or find some sort of webforum to read about it from people more attentive than yourself.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 23, 2021, 09:57:10 pm
The movie finale for the Tales of Arcadia trilogy is here.
Though I'm a big fan of the series thus far, this conclusion left me decisively underwhelmed.

The whole thing was predominantly driven by random prophecies which seemingly sprang into existence purely for the purpose of sending our protagonists on collection quests just to eat up time and set up some giant monster battles. Then the whole thing was concluded with a time-travel twist which simultaneously negated all of the great adventures I've enjoyed up until now, and also set up for a whole new story which in all likelihood will never be told because this is reported to be the end of this series.
Also, Jim was a whiny bitch for pretty much the whole thing. I wish he had stayed a half-troll.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 07, 2021, 08:22:20 am
Now that all episodes of Adventure Time: Distant Lands have been released, I binged them fairly quickly. There wasn't a single moment I didn't love.

The BMO and Peppermint Butler episodes gave some nice insight into the past and future of the Adventure Time world, as well as expounding upon their characters. The Princess Bubblegum and Marceline episode finally addressed their relationship in a way which was direct, but not too abrasive, and it was beautiful. But the Finn and Jake episode easily stole the spotlight for this mini-series.

I've long since realized that it is extremely rare for long running shows to actually have a finale that is fully satisfying, so I accepted what they gave us at the end of Adventure Time and was reasonably happy with it. But Distant Lands gave us a finale that was so much better. This is truly the sendoff that the Adventure Time brothers deserved.

Fiona and Cake is still in the pipeline, so we will see more from the Adventure Time world eventually. But as far as I'm concerned, Adventure Time has now delivered everything I could have wanted.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 19, 2021, 09:09:34 am
I finished watching Tuca and Bertie, seasons 1 and 2.

I was surprised to learn that this one started out on Netflix and then after cancellation was revived by Adult Swim. We usually see shows going in the other direction.

From the commercials, somehow I expected this to be a light-hearted show that just happened to be set in a world parallel to Bojack Horseman. My naiveté was quickly dispelled, as I came to realize that the titular characters' playful facade mask some deep-rooted damage, and the show is all about finding creative ways to express their strife.

Much like Bojack, there are some episodes that are simply breathtaking in their aesthetic style and storytelling mechanisms. But these episodes are few, with the bulk of the show being made up of relatively casual adventures that merely hint at deeper turmoils gradually boiling up.

This show may be too intense for some, hit-or-miss for others. Personally I was able to take it all in stride and enjoy the overall experience immensely.
Season 3 has already been greenlit, and I'm certainly looking forward to more!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 27, 2021, 09:49:19 pm
I finished watching Star Wars: Visions.

The Ninth Jedi and Lop and Ocho each felt like they could be pilots to some very good shows. Definitely left me wanting more.
T0B1 was a blatant Astro Boy ripoff, but otherwise solid.

Everything else felt a bit sloppy and mediocre. Pretty much what I'd expected from an animated anthology.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on October 07, 2021, 09:05:34 pm
I finished watching Bee and Puppycat, seasons 1 and 2.

This show takes place in a bizarre and complicated universe, and starts in the middle of the story without bothering to explain how they got there, then couches everything in the relatively easily digestible slice-of-life format. So lots of crazy shit happening and none of the characters seeming to be particularly alarmed by any of it.

I really enjoyed the creativity, and the cute characters, and eventually beginning to unravel just some of the many mysteries going on here. I'm hopeful for a third season, but not expecting it any time soon.

Also Toast is best waifu.

I also just finished watching Over the Garden Wall.

This is another show with lots of bizarre things happening, but I didn't particularly appreciate it in this format. The weird things happening did not seem to be part of any larger cohesive world structure. Rather, they exist purely for the purpose of forming obtuse metaphors and/or serving up some of the weakest musical numbers I've ever heard.

I'm a bit disappointed after all the hype. This one just didn't do it for me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Dunamisdeos on October 15, 2021, 08:29:15 pm
A Tale Dark & Grimm on Netflix is pretty ok. Has a pretty catchy credits theme too.

Somehow manages to be both unsanitized Brothers-Grimm fairy tales, and also lighthearted.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on October 21, 2021, 03:45:15 pm
Finished watching Ten Year old Tom, spiritual prequel to The Life and Times of Tim.

I never watched the original show.
This one is about Tom, who is ten. And the theme of pretty much every episodes is that Tom lets the people around him pressure him into making very unwise choices, always with disastrous results.
Animation is crude, but the writing is humorous enough. Easy to pick up or drop at just 10 minutes per episodes. Not a must-see, but I'd still recommend it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on October 29, 2021, 11:14:54 pm
Netflix recently released the first 10 episodes of Inside Job; half of the 20-episode first season, with the other 10 episodes expected next year.

From the creator of Gravity Falls, Inside Job focuses on the staff of a shadow government who secretly run the world. There are lizard peoples, robot presidents, flat earths, and all the other fun conspiracies you would expect a shadow government to be involved in. The show has a comedic and generally episodic tone, though it does build up to a fairly dramatic mid-season finale.

I'd call this one pretty good.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 05, 2021, 08:58:26 pm
After a 3 year absence, Gen:Lock has been saved by HBO:Max, and just premiered it's second season!

For any who missed or don't remember the first season, Gen:Lock is basically Gundam from a western studio; a futuristic setting with political drama being settled on the battlefield by giant robots piloted mostly by angsty teens.

Second season has come out strong, with the first episode shedding some light on the motives of the two factions, which were left somewhat mysterious throughout the first season. Also lots of ethical quandaries being considered by desperate parties who have been backed into a corner. I can't wait to see where this goes!

And we recently got a fourth season of Young Justice, which we are halfway through already.

The first half of this season was heavily focused on Martian civilization. Lots of interesting stuff for the lore buffs, but I've also heard a fair amount of negative feedback from fans who just wanted to focus on Earth.
This was also the first season without a major time gap from the previous season. I hope this is a trend that continues moving forward.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Jopax on November 16, 2021, 12:50:49 pm
Could've sworn I've seen Arcane being talked about around here somewhere. Guess my mind is going loopy lately :V

Anyways, Arcane, the League of Legends based animated series on Netflix. First off, no need to be familiar with LoL in any way, shape or form. The story is fairly self contained and can easily be an introduction to the lore of the games. You'll get a kick out of recognizing some things when they're introduced but it's in no way mandatory (also fuck the fact that english subs only offer closed captions which will spoil certain introductions a bit)

What the show is essentially is an origin story of multiple champions from the game, shows who they are, where they come from and how they relate to other champions. All of that is packed in a rather compelling story of multiple characters and factions, all with their own motivations and goals even if they aren't terribly new or complex, they mesh together very well to create an interesting story that moves along at a nice pace.

Now, the biggest thing, for me at least, is the visuals, I'm not sure what their exact approach is, but I'm suspecting a mash up of 2d and 3d, but it's done so seamlessly that it's hard to tell most of the time that it isn't hand painted. The style they've went for as well is brilliant, just the right amount of stylized and realistic proportions. Seriously, if for no other reason than to enjoy well made animation, it's well worth a watch.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 18, 2021, 05:23:45 pm
Big Mouth Season 5 is here.

This one introduced new hormone monsters, Love Bugs and Hate Worms. And there's a surprising twist about how they're related!
We also got to see the Shame Wizard return, and he performed one of my favorite songs from this series so far. "Ever lonely but never alone, you've always got shame~"
Big Mouth has one more season coming before it either ends or gets renewed.

Animaniacs Season 2 is also here.

This season greatly toned down the tertiary skits, focusing almost exclusively on the Warners and Pinky & The Brain. Par for the course, they had a few good sketches and a lot of mediocre ones. As much as I disliked the new characters last season, I feel like the show really needs them to keep things varied.
Season 3 for Animaniacs has already been approved.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on November 18, 2021, 08:41:13 pm
Sounds about right for Animaniacs.  The bits with the Warners were always hit or miss with me, so it's disappointing that they're not bringing back more of the background character skits.  This show really needs Slappy.

Season one was just okay in my opinion.  Sounds like season two is about the same.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Jopax on November 21, 2021, 06:58:03 am
Surprising no one, Arcane has been confirmed for another season, barely a day after the first one ended.

The last 3 episodes were brilliant by the way, the last one being such a fucking gut punch too, even though you know it's coming, it's done so damn well that you can't help but feel for these folks.

Some of the stuff was left hanging, so they probably knew there'd be a season 2 eventually, still, would've loved to see the conclusions to these characters, but that would've probably needed an extra episode or two, since this stuff was jam packed already and certain things felt a touch rushed, or like they were happening a tad too fast to be believable, but all in all, pretty great stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 23, 2021, 07:37:20 pm
Fairfax Season 1 recently appeared on Amazon.

It's a show about a group of kids striving to achieve popularity in a city where nothing else matters. After getting past the initial cringe, it's actually a pretty solid show with some good music and interesting characters.
Season 2 has been confirmed!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 19, 2021, 11:48:18 pm
I finished watching Maya and the Three.

It's the story of a Mayan child-of-prophecy and her journey to defeat the God of War.
The first two-thirds has way too many weak jokes and giant noses. It takes away a lot of the impact of the more serious side of the story.
The climax is really impressive though, and the ending bittersweet. Worth hanging in through the rough parts to get to that conclusion.

F is for Family season 5 has come, and serves as a finale for this show.
An elegant bookend suggests that Frank might finally break the cycle.

Crossing Swords season 2 finally arrived.
Patrick's journey to become a Knight continues, despite a colorful cast of friends, family, and co-workers who do everything they can to make his task unbearably eventful.
Major cliffhanger at the end of the season and I don't even mind, because it's just so hilarious!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: WillowLuman on December 20, 2021, 07:00:44 pm
Centaurworld was... an interesting experience. Even having seen the whole thing now, I'm not sure I can quite nail down the town. It's got a surprising amount of effort and polish behind it, more than I was expecting from just seeing it in passing while browsing before. If you like weird animations that can be high energy, sorta fucked up, and musicals, definitely worth a watch I think. The soundtrack is certainly lodged firmly in my brain
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 24, 2021, 02:10:55 pm
Gen:Lock season 2 has concluded.

Wow. Soooooo much hate in the feedback from this season. Most of it seems to focus on popular characters being killed and the gray morals of political factions. But the show is basically a Gundam clone; I don't know why anyone would go in not expecting these things. Honestly, I think most of the hate really stemmed from the non-binary sex scene, which some people just aren't ready for.

Personally I enjoyed the season. My only complaint is that it felt rushed at times. In particular, one character turned suicidal seemingly in a single episode with no buildup, and then came out the other side with no apparent residual effects; that arc definitely needed more time.

Still, overall this remains one of my favorite shows, despite all the hate. I hope it gets renewed, though there is no news on that front at this time.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 31, 2021, 10:33:41 pm
I finished watching the first season of Marvel's Hit-Monkey on Hulu.

The story of a Japanese snow-monkey who becomes a hitman, with the aid of a human assassin who has some serious Archer energy.
The premise sounds silly, but the story actually finds a way to make it work. Overall a fairly amusing show and worth watching.

The first season ends without any major cliffhangers, but somewhat open-ended on several fronts so there's room for more. No second season confirmed yet, but the show has been generally well received so I am optimistic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 25, 2022, 12:39:06 pm
I just finished watching DOTA: Dragon's Blood Season 2.

Lots of big, dramatic events, imo without sufficient buildup. I had trouble feeling connected with the characters or events when I could barely follow what was going on between half a dozen different groups of characters jammed into a half-hour time slot.
Even so, I did feel saddened when a popular character was killed off. And then another. And another...too many really. I feel like the better half of the cast got offed this season, leaving me little to look forward to if this show gets renewed.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 29, 2022, 05:18:44 pm
First three episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina have appeared on Amazon Prime.
Three additional half-hour episodes are scheduled to release each week over the next three weeks, for 12 episodes total.

This series is based on a D&D campaign from the popular Critical Role ( web series.
Lots of mature humor. Expect nudity, gore, cursing, and general mature themes. It's not overplayed though; they get in a quick sex joke or violent action sequence, and then right back to the story. Healthy balance.

I rather enjoyed the episodes so far, and look forward to more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on March 09, 2022, 10:32:45 am
I got around to watching the Cuphead Show this week, which I thought was decent.  I wasn't really sure what to expect, since I knew it would have to be different from the game in a lot of ways, but I think they did a good job converting the premise into an animated series.

I've read that a lot of people complained that the animation wasn't as good as the games, which is true, but I still thought the animation was great and nothing to complain about at all.

Where I wasn't really wowed was the writing.  It was all okay, but not as amazing as I was hoping for.  It got a few laughs out of me, particularly with the episode about Elder Kettle thinking they were going to murder him, but it just wasn't quite what I expected overall.  This is just the first season though, so who knows how season 2 will be?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 23, 2022, 08:31:12 am
Amphibia recently concluded.

After an epic battle between the forces of good and evil, Anne Boonchuy finally said goodbye to all her friends and life moved on. It's not the way I wanted to see it end...but it was executed very well, and I'm glad this show got proper closure.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 19, 2022, 02:22:26 pm
Just finished Season 2 of Fairfax. This block is hot!

The second season gave us some backstory, explaining more about the origins of Fairfax. While at the same time moving things forward, giving each member of the Gang Gang some personal character growth, all in the midst of an epic clout war between new and old fashion moguls.

Third Season not yet confirmed, but the last episode set up the next big arc, so I'll be eagerly awaiting that next drop!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on June 27, 2022, 10:44:25 pm
The second season of Amazon's Undone is out.

Where the first season focused on Alma's exploration of her past with her father, the second season brought Alma and her sister together to explore their mother's and grandmother's history. They learned about the events that shaped their family, did some meddling, and eventually saw it all come undone.

Much like the first season, I saw the ending coming from very early in the season. That didn't take away much of the impact though as it was all very elegantly executed.
For any fans of time travel and psychodrama, I wholeheartedly recommend this one.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 16, 2022, 06:49:13 pm
I finished watching both seasons of Centaurworld.

The shows starts with a fairly serious story set in the middle of a terrible war. Our protagonist is then isekai'd into a magical world where the serious story gets hijacked by a herd of Spongebob-calibur wacky characters, and this bizarre dichotomy gets polished with some Disney-style musical numbers.

By the end, we get a nice complete arc for all of the major heroes and villains. I enjoyed it. But it's hard to say who exactly the target audience is for this odd mix of themes, and it would be difficult for me to recommend.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Radio Controlled on August 16, 2022, 08:35:54 pm
Primal season 2 episode 4 hits harder than it has any right to.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: delphonso on August 19, 2022, 07:13:20 am
I'm getting started with Primal and just watched insane monkey violence in episode 5. Loving the experience so far.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Vector on August 19, 2022, 01:22:56 pm
Infinity Train was just pulled from HBO Max and also Youtube; they aren't selling DVDs anymore either, I guess.

It's too bad, I just found out it was on HBO and had been planning to see it. I saw S1 on DVD some time ago when I wasn't paying for TV or anything like that.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: BigD145 on August 19, 2022, 02:37:06 pm
Infinity Train was just pulled from HBO Max and also Youtube; they aren't selling DVDs anymore either, I guess.

It's too bad, I just found out it was on HBO and had been planning to see it. I saw S1 on DVD some time ago when I wasn't paying for TV or anything like that.

It's on the Microsoft Store (individual downloads and a season pass but if it's being yanked....) as far as I can tell but why bother? Just gank it. Find a download and support Owen Dennis's next project.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: EuchreJack on August 19, 2022, 02:39:13 pm
I'm getting started with Primal and just watched insane monkey violence in episode 5. Loving the experience so far.

Hey, I just saw Primal for the first time early this morning on Adult Swim!
Was pretty awesome!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: delphonso on August 19, 2022, 08:15:20 pm
Something the show does well and my friends who recommended it mentioned first, is that the dinos show an animal intelligence instead of like...a human in animal shape. There's a few times early on that both Spear and Fang take the same action (cautiously back away), but aren't copying each other, they're both just putting it together that 'that wall of snakes is going to be a bad time for me.'
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 19, 2022, 10:19:26 pm
Something the show does well and my friends who recommended it mentioned first, is that the dinos show an animal intelligence instead of like...a human in animal shape.

I take it you haven't seen the episode where Fang builds a boat?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: delphonso on August 20, 2022, 12:19:52 am
Not yet. I'll admit that Fang is getting more Scooby-Doo as it goes on. I think most of what makes that impression is just the animation and art style where dinos don't have big puppy eyes or anything.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on August 20, 2022, 05:16:13 am
Not getting to see the new Primal episodes are one of the few reasons it sucks that we got rid of satellite TV.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on August 21, 2022, 11:06:27 pm
I finished the third, and likely final, season of DOTA: Dragon's Blood.

After the second season I complained that too many popular characters had been killed off. Well, the third season invoked some timey-wimey shenanigans to bring them all back, at least for a while, before concluding with that annoying time-travel trope of everything needing to be set back how it started in order for the universe to be at peace or whatever.

Despite having to say goodbye to my favorite characters all over again, I still appreciate this season for answering a lot of questions, and just tying together many of the disjointed circumstances of the previous seasons. It was all part of a greater plan, and that plan finally came to fruition in an amazing finale.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Superdorf on August 22, 2022, 09:14:44 pm
I'm getting started with Primal and just watched insane monkey violence in episode 5. Loving the experience so far.

I started watching it 'cos y'all seem to like it, and holy cow this show is so good you guys

Tartakovsky is a wizard with animated cinematography
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Max™ on September 16, 2022, 03:18:45 am
Well... dang.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on September 17, 2022, 12:01:38 am
I watched season 2 of Cuphead over the last couple of days, and I think the writing is a bit of an improvement over season 1.  It got a few more laughs out of me, though I think the episode of season 1 where Elder Kettle thought they were going to kill him is still my favorite overall so far.

Also, Cuphead himself was kind of insufferable in the wood cutting episode in season 2.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Frumple on October 15, 2022, 10:24:07 pm
tv has been inflicting itself on me later and cartoons are both better for the grandparent and my sanity, so.


anyway, I've noticed the macguffin rocks in amphibia are totally just chaos emeralds, right down to the fancy super saiyan nonsense. Frog bots also 100% have near swat-bot aesthetics, there's borderline roboticization stuff going on...

point being that show totally could just be in some corner of mobius and it'd fit right in

i'm not willing to look for it, but if there's not sonic crossover fanfics written with that thing I will be deeply disappointed
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 24, 2022, 11:24:49 pm
Avatar's third series has been announced!
Can't wait to meet Korra's earthbender successor!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on December 25, 2022, 06:56:59 am
Just saw I missed out talking about Primal. I enjoyed it up until the cable company dropped Cartoon Network (and thus adult swim, the only reason that matters to me) from the basic cable package.

Switching to streaming in the New Year hahahahahahahaha

No more late nights with absolutely nothing to watch, I abandoned cable tv at nights. On late night weekends the news channels don't even do news anymore wtf, the best thing on is South Park reruns before the sex toy ads start on comedy central, and while I'm all for that I could watch that during the day if I wanted (double entendre)

Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on December 26, 2022, 04:09:14 am
Sounds like your leaving cable for the same reasons we did, the price was the other reason because it sure was a lot of money to pend just to see the same few shows over and over because nothing else was on.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on December 27, 2022, 09:01:23 am
Sounds like your leaving cable for the same reasons we did, the price was the other reason because it sure was a lot of money to pend just to see the same few shows over and over because nothing else was on.

Yes, the bill is outrageous for a steadily worsening lineup. I thought it was bad during the recession when it was all reality shows and sasquatch chases, but it's somehow gotten worse since then even after rectifying the over abundance of those types of shows.

I laughed in my above post because this was actually difficult to accomplish, there was much boomer wrangling involved and pointing out lack of common sense in paying such a hefty fee for basic cable TV only because it's familiar, and whatnot. The holdout reason evolved after much effort from "Idonwanna" and "I get my way and get mad at persistent suggestions" to a more rational center around a regional sports channel that now finally offers a streaming service, so it's time as per the agreement (if it isn't walked back now that it's due). Hopefully no more explaining "it's free but you have to watch ads if you don't pay for it" to someone who watches dozens or hundreds of mandatory commercials per day on 5x as expensive basic cable for the TV portion alone, with nothing but (not) 24/7 news and said regional sports to watch in the lineup. About the only thing going for it was the record and storage bit to save movies that have made it to TV, but that's basically a streaming service you have to set recordings for...

Sorry, it was a lot of frustrating argument for a relatively simple thing that benefits them (financially mostly) far more than I, who barely watches television anymore.

Also, as a sidenot to represent what basic cable has degenerated to, I lament what History channel became in the 2000s. They've put actual history shows on another channel not in basic cable with an exception for actual history shows on certain holidays. I did like Pawn Stars, pickers and such but finding a historical documentary there isn't done anymore except patriotic holidays, and the shows on the other channel not on basic cable are usually decades old re-runs I watched in the Bush or Obama era, judging from the menu's production dates. At least they gave up looking for sasquatch everywhere but on Oak Island...

Irrelevant tangent over, resuming discussion of 'toons

The first season of Primal, the witch coven one, was my least favorite. I think I liked the one with the plague the most; that sauropod was awesome when it tried to jump on the main characters.

I saw the promo episode of Birdgirl, it looked pretty good. Harvey Birdman was one of my favorites. How did Birdgirl turn out? Still running episodes?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 30, 2022, 10:06:15 pm
I saw the promo episode of Birdgirl, it looked pretty good. Harvey Birdman was one of my favorites. How did Birdgirl turn out? Still running episodes?

I give them credit for effectively imitating the stylish timing of the classic Birdman. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the beginning and end of where Birdgirl lives up to her predecessor.
Where Birdman was edgy by casting beloved children's cartoon characters in mature courtroom trials, Birdgirl tries to be edgy with woke memes which usually come across as cringy. And where Birdman's plotlines leaned heavily zany, Birdgirl's plotlines are plagued by nonsensical writing which just doesn't make any sense no matter how you view it. It's not funny, it's not's just cringy and stupid.

Birdgirl did get a second season, which aired about 6 months ago. No word on canceled or renewed.

I just finished the first season of Sonic Prime. It's pretty good!

The premise is that a classic Sonic gets into some Chaos-Crystal shenanigans which shatter the universe into multiple dimensions, each with it's own distinct theme and variants of his friends. Sonic's quest is to travel the multiverse, righting what's gone wrong as he figures out a way to return home.
Some of the variants are pretty interesting. Nine the Ninetailed Fox is a little cutie~

The first season comprises eight episodes of the twenty four ordered by Netflix, so we're in for either two more seasons or a second season twice the length of the first. Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on January 17, 2023, 04:04:55 pm
I finished the first season of Koala Man on Hulu.

It's a show about a Australian masked vigilante, from the creator of Smiling Friends and YOLO:CF. Personally, I wasn't crazy about those other shows, so I went into this one with fairly low expectations. I was pleasantly surprised. Koala Man seems much more refined compared to those shows, with compelling story arcs and some great humor. Definitely a recommend from me.

I also caught the two current episodes of Velma on HBO Max, a re-imagined origin story for Scooby Doo's mystery team.

This one is getting a lot of harsh criticism, and I can see why. The entire core cast, along with most of the supporting cast, are now racially diverse and LGBTQ+. I don't mean to pose this as problematic by itself, but the first two episodes seem to lean heavily upon shoving these attributes in the audience's face in ways that are just not particularly entertaining.

The first episode also devotes a lot of time to gratuitous nudity(and calls itself out for doing so), yet covers all the naughty bits with convenient censoring. Either go there or don't; teasing us is just frustrating.

Mostly though, I don't like the fact that they are trying to be edgy with real murders and trauma, then they juxtapose that stuff with wacky gags reminiscent of the chase scenes from classic Scooby Doo. The serious and silly just aren't mixed effectively, and makes it hard to imagine what audience they are aiming for with this show.

I don't hate this one enough to stop watching...yet. But it's going to be an uphill sell for me.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on January 19, 2023, 03:58:42 am
I saw a commercial for Velma and I wondered, whatever happened to Scrappy Doo?

EDIT: <spirals into event horizon after clicking blue text on TVTropes> N-n-nooo!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on February 08, 2023, 10:16:37 pm
Gary and his Demons is back!
Season 2 just arrived on Amazon!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 08, 2023, 09:31:11 pm
I recently finished watching the two current seasons of Masameer County on Netflix. A show made and set in Saudi Arabia, with some crude character designs displayed on the cover, I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Masameer County feels like Family Guy crossed with Fargo. Some episodes are humorous, others violent and dramatic, and most have creative storytelling devices that really stand out; also there's a talking dog.
Though there are reoccurring characters, each episode has its own story arc that can be enjoyed independently of the others.

No third season announced yet, but critical reviews have been positive so I'm optimistic.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 20, 2023, 12:24:43 am
I finished the second season of Ten Year Old Tom.

Every episode this season left me literally laughing out loud. The writers have really mastered the art of ending on a high note.
No word yet, but I very much hope to see more seasons.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 24, 2023, 01:14:47 am
I watched the only current season of Wingfeather Saga.

A show about a people oppressed by evil lizard-men, and the children destined to rise up against them.
The setting and characters are charming, and the story seems to have a lot of mysterious elements that I look forward to seeing unfold over time.
My one major criticism is that Wingfeather Saga seems to be trying to aim at an audience of younger children, despite the story containing relatively mature concepts. As a result you get fight scenes where the bad guys get killed just slightly offscreen with no blood, and the good guys walk away without a scratch. It's a jarring juxtaposition.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Loud Whispers on July 24, 2023, 02:35:49 am
I watched the only current season of Wingfeather Saga.

A show about a people oppressed by evil lizard-men, and the children destined to rise up against them.
The setting and characters are charming, and the story seems to have a lot of mysterious elements that I look forward to seeing unfold over time.
My one major criticism is that Wingfeather Saga seems to be trying to aim at an audience of younger children, despite the story containing relatively mature concepts. As a result you get fight scenes where the bad guys get killed just slightly offscreen with no blood, and the good guys walk away without a scratch. It's a jarring juxtaposition.
"crazy how the good guys won every war ever" - some guy
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 25, 2023, 01:43:19 am
After spending a decade in the Cryo-Tube, Futurama has defrosted and resumed airing new episodes on Hulu!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on July 27, 2023, 03:25:48 am
After a lengthy 2 year wait, Invincible Season 2 is...not coming until November. And even then it will only be the first half of the season, with the second half to follow in early 2024.

But we did just get a movie! Invincible: Atom Eve tells the origin story of the titular character.
It's a bit less bloody and dramatic than I expected from this IP...but only a bit, and still pretty good anyway. Definitely helped renew my hype for the return of the main show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Loud Whispers on July 27, 2023, 04:57:24 am
The invincible fanbase made me lose all respect for humanity

Ppl talking about how omni-man was such a shocking twist when it turned out he wasn't "a good guy" at the end of the season. Dude brained his colleagues first ep how did this catch you off guard ;d
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Sirus on August 12, 2023, 01:07:51 pm
That was a post-credits scene IIRC, so it's possible loads of people just, ended the episode as soon as the credits came up. If no one told them "oh hey make sure to watch to the very end", how would they know to stick around? TV shows don't normally go for post-credits stuff.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Loud Whispers on August 14, 2023, 10:03:19 am
That was a post-credits scene IIRC, so it's possible loads of people just, ended the episode as soon as the credits came up. If no one told them "oh hey make sure to watch to the very end", how would they know to stick around? TV shows don't normally go for post-credits stuff.
Main viewership was streaming though. Plus all the following episodes dealt with the murder investigation... Did they really not question why the secondary protagonist is fine one ep and in a coma the next?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Sirus on August 15, 2023, 08:14:24 pm
Couldn't say, I was spoiled on the scene in question almost day one. Also, I had read some of the comic before the show premiered so I knew that very bloody violence was a feature, and that Omni-Man had done Something to get on everyone's bad side.

I agree that it wasn't really much of a "twist" by the end of the season, for whatever it's worth. Even if someone had missed the very end of Episode 1, there were plenty of signs throughout the season that Nolan wasn't exactly as heroic as he acted.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 02, 2023, 04:24:47 am
Adult Swim released two new movies recently, and they're both excellent.

Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart finally answers two major questions which Venture Brothers fans have been asking since the start; who is the mother of the Venture Brothers, and what is the relationship between Rusty Venture and The Monarch? Both of these questions had answers strongly hinted in recent seasons, and those hints turned out to be misleads! But now the whole truth is finally revealed.

Notably there are still a few loose ends. The last season touched on some time-travel shenanigans which never got to play out. Also 'Movie Night' seems to still have a few secrets. The creators of Venture Brothers have expressed an interest in continuing the story, so there's still hope that we may see more one day. But if not, this served as a very satisfying conclusion to the long-running show.

Army of the Doomstar brings some closure to Metalocalypse fans. This one is essentially a training montage followed by a moral lesson about selflessness, neither of which are particularly appropriate for this show in my opinion. But I'm being nitpicky. We finally learn the nature and intentions of The Half Man who dogged the band throughout the show, and we get to watch the boys slay a God and save the world, while listening to several solid songs along the way. Another great ending to a popular show.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on September 02, 2023, 05:44:15 am
Glad to hear those have both come out, been waiting for them quite a while now. Gonna need to pirate them find somewhere to watch them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: scriver on September 02, 2023, 07:22:13 am
After spending a decade in the Cryo-Tube, Futurama has defrosted and resumed airing new episodes on Hulu!

Was it good? I'm so leery of restarts/long-since-sequels
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 02, 2023, 04:19:24 pm
We are 6 episodes into the 20 episode eighth season of Futurama. So far reception is generally positive. We've gotten a healthy mix of old story arcs being continued and completely new content being added, all with quality comparable to the previous seasons.

On a related note, Disenchantment just dropped it's entire fifth season! I have way too many shows in my backlog atm, but this is getting pushed close to the top of the list...
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 13, 2023, 12:26:04 am
Disenchantment has ended with it's fifth season.

Yet another rushed finale, with lots of different story arcs all being pushed to conclude all at once, and several of them coming out far short of their potential.
The Trogs and Scientists on the Moon stuff made absolutely no sense. And the gay orgy cult felt extremely underdeveloped. But mostly I disliked how Bean started the season choosing to forego love in favor of her duty to her kingdom, then ended the season by abandoning her kingdom to the whims of an utterly unqualified minor so that she could retire with her fish girlfriend whom she had known for approximately 2 days. Also, the battle between Bean and her mother amounted to a series of them knocking each other down with blows that appeared deadly but turned out to be completely harmless, until one of the attacks inexplicably decided to stick so that their conflict could be resolved.

So yeah, lots of shortcomings. But at least it's one more show that I can count as being concluded, so I don't have to wait for new seasons any more.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on September 15, 2023, 01:16:12 am
I just finished catching up on Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. We are currently 6 episodes into the 10 episode season which should conclude this month.

Seeing Fionna and Cake as one of the weaker non-canonical subplots from the original show, I was very skeptical that it could be spun into an enjoyable show on it's own. Also, Distant Lands provided a very satisfying conclusion, so I didn't particularly want more. But Adam Muto has really gone all out to bring Fionna and Cake into Adventure Time continuity, and allowed them to revive old unfinished plot lines while also creating whole new elements to breathe fresh life into this world. The music is great, the animation is great, the stories are great, and I'm happy to be engrossed in Ooo all over again.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on October 11, 2023, 10:43:39 am
I randomly started watching the SWAT Kats series last week, and boy there's so much I forgot about it.  The casual nature of magic and supernatural things in the setting really caught me by surprise.  In the first episode, some people dig up a wizard, who immediately summons some reanimated skeletons.  A gunship shows up afterward and the crew are just like, "Oh, skeletons.  Hey you, get back in the ground.  Not going to do that?  Okay."  An they just blast them with ambiguous laser-bullets.

The series is a bit better overall than I remembered, but is also a bit sillier and crazier than I remember.  Also kind of stupid at points.  One episode is literally about a guy with eyes in the back of his head who gets turned into a sludge monster.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on October 12, 2023, 04:22:35 am
Been a long time since I last thought about that show, kind of want to see it again now but I'll have to find out where I can watch it first.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Telgin on October 12, 2023, 09:25:02 am
I have it on DVD so I can't really help there.  There's probably a streaming service that hosts it, but I kind of refuse to buy into 10 streaming services so I can't keep track of what's on what.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on October 13, 2023, 03:54:48 am
DVDs sound like the way to go, just gotta get a hold of them.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 09, 2023, 09:48:07 am
I just finished watching Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix.

A mashup of various Ubisoft IP's, half of which I've never played and the other half I haven't touched in decades, with a title and cover that seem like they're trying way too hard to be cool, I nearly passed on this one. But after hearing some positive feedback I decided to give it a chance.

Captain Laserhawk is honestly a masterwork in subverting viewer expectations. Every time that I thought I had this show figured out, they completely flip the script and turn everything upside down. Those 6 short episodes were a nonstop thrill ride of twists and turns, and I absolutely loved every minute!

No word yet on a second season, but the epic finale left the door wide open and I very much hope to see more one day.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on November 11, 2023, 01:38:16 pm
Scavengers Reign has concluded it's first season.

I was really hoping for more 'initial impressions'. Like, show the scavengers when they first arrive, and their reactions when they discover various flora and fauna which act in unexpected ways. Instead we just jump straight to the point where they are already bored of the world and just looking to get off of it.

Still an interesting and entertaining show. Just not everything I hoped for.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Maximum™ on December 04, 2023, 04:48:54 pm
So I've been watching the new season of Rick and Morty and honestly compared to the last couple of seasons it's great.

Packed full of tons of interesting links to backstory, dumb callback gags, and dare I say a much less toxic vibe than it had been giving off.

Apparently the most recent one is getting panned on imdb or some shit because they took a throwaway gag from early in the show and built an episode around it, but honestly the stupid jokes were great.

Like, not clever or thought provoking, but great in the worst groan inducing pun+dadjoke combo ever sense.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 04, 2023, 08:46:30 pm
I can appreciate a bad premise when writers choose to run with it and turn it into something awesome. But 'Rise of the Numbericons' did not feel that way at all to me. Every bad pun and every plot point, they all felt extremely low-effort, like the writers just took whatever first bad idea popped into their heads and went with it.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Maximum™ on December 05, 2023, 12:57:12 am
Normally I'd agree, but for the periodic commentary through the episode about "well, that was easier than I expected" or "so we should just go do this thing to move the plot now?" tickled me.

Plus... the ceiling was poisoned?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 11, 2023, 10:45:46 pm
I have concluded observing the initial season of Strange Planet, an animated feature about Beings who exist on an orb orbiting a star, where they wear foot-tubes while sipping jitter-juice and mild poisons while perched precariously over an infinite void.

Gratitude for this entertainment.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on December 13, 2023, 10:29:51 pm
I just finished the third season of Hilda.

This is said to be the final season. Of course, they said the same thing about the second season, and then about the Mountain King movie, and now here we are. But if this really is the end, it was a beautiful finale.

This time around we met Hilda's Great Aunt, her Father, and finally learned why she has green hair! We also saw several new magical monsters, and the return of some old ones. Hilda truly is a magnificent adventurer.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: King Zultan on December 14, 2023, 02:50:08 am
Didn't realize that had finally come out, hopefully I'll remember to tell people that it's finally out.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: StrawBarrel on February 22, 2024, 05:58:12 am
I watched the first episode of My Adventures with Superman. It looks like a promising tv series.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on March 06, 2024, 09:40:11 pm
The end of Rooster Teeth has just been announced. This leaves the fate of RWBY and Gen:LOCK uncertain, but dubious at best.
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 13, 2024, 12:08:31 am
I've been watching X-Men '97, a revival of the X-Men animated series which ran from 1992-1997.

It's generally everything I could have hoped for. Animation style and storytelling that feels like it picks up right where the old show left off. Maybe a bit rushed at times, with some episodes feeling like they could have been entire seasons, but I guess they do have a lot of catching up to do.

The 5th and latest episode however really took this show to the next level! The music is good, the dialogue is great, but the action and drama absolutely blew me away! I can't wait to see where this goes next!

For diehard fans or those with merely passing interest in the X-Men franchise, '97 definitely gets my recommendation!
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Duuvian on April 13, 2024, 04:02:32 am
I think that's one I used to watch. Did it have a sweet rock song for an intro and have Jubilee in it?
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on April 13, 2024, 12:51:16 pm
Original Intro (

New Intro (
Title: Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
Post by: Folly on May 04, 2024, 09:19:38 pm
I just finished Velma Season 2.

I actually like this one a fair bit more than the first Season. Some of the jokes were really funny, the wokeness was less aggressive, and there were great references to the original show.

I'm actually hoping for a third season now, though that seems unlikely due to critical reception from the first Season.