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Messages - Uristocrat

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DF General Discussion / Steam Achievements Ideas
« on: February 23, 2022, 09:50:13 pm »
Let's make up our own ideas for Steam achievements for DF:

Boatmurdered - A dwarf died to a water creature.
!!Science!! - A dwarf died from magma.
Higher Priorities - A dwarf died while doing a hauling job for something worthless.
Having Fun - Lose your first fortress
Urist the Red - Embark on a Haunted Glacier

I think Iceland plays DF -

Of course, I'm not sure what qualifies as "normal" any more....

Armok requires anvils to make anvils.

The first anvil was Armok's own beard.  Armok glared at the iron to melt it and then pounded it into shape with his fists, gifting it to the First Dwarves.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Favorite DF quotes?
« on: October 31, 2015, 03:15:48 am »
What are your favorite DF quotes?  Right now, I'm laughing over this one:

Honestly at the time, I didn't see what could go wrong with crowding 80 military Dwarves into a small room with a necromancer for the purpose of making bacon.

DF Suggestions / Re: Nutrient-Lacking Soils
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:11:04 pm »
A long time ago, there was another, very detailed suggestion of this sort.  I think it was NW_Kohaku who had researched the various soil nutrients and had ideas about systems surrounding that, but it's been so long ago I don't know where the thread was.

To mince water, you grind some bones into bonemeal (off camera), turn the water into a gelatin, then mince it.

Is setting an elf on fire with flaming booze good entertainment or a waste of precious booze?

The first anvil was given to the Dwarves by Armok himself, of course.  It was a bone anvil made during a strange mood.

If an elf is burned to death in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

DF Suggestions / Re: View description field of mineral & tree & plant
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:41:40 am »
There are some comments in the raws that could help with some of this, but I'm not sure some of that data exists yet unless you have the game compare to max/min density, or tell you about materials that are magically hot or cold.

Speaking of dense woods, ironwood should be added someday.  I don't think any wood in game is denser than water, though I haven't researched raws recently either.  Most of the trees are in a pretty narrow range of densities, actually, something like 300-600 kg/m^3 with a few outliers that are out of that range (like balsa and ironwood).

DF Suggestions / Re: Move ballistas over minecart tracks
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:34:37 am »
Personally, I'd like to see them mobile and mounted on minecarts.  As in, you don't take it out of the cart to fire.

My metalcrafter just made a figurine about my bookkeeper being killed by a desert titan in the year 152. However, it is now year 201 and the bookkeeper is healthy and has happily working ever since migrating into my fortress.

I immediately suspected him of being a vampire, but he has enjoyed food and slept in a bedroom, which at least previously vampires didn't do. No one has gone missing either, so is this a bug or did someone just steal his identity for other reasons?

Stake him, just to make sure? :)

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: Change to Mining?
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:57:15 pm »
No smoothed-ingraved-highValue Gold Ore Floor for one. That's been a mainstay of my Noble's rooms for a while.
I'm going to miss having dining halls with magnetite floors, now.

Magnetite floors?  Those could be fun.  Just put in some iron furniture in there and it wouldn't move around during earthquakes.

And it might be something you could weaponize if your armor was made of candy and the gobbos had iron... just need Toady to add magnetism to the game now.  Shouldn't cost too many FPS, I hope, right? :)

"You! Urist McNamer, what shall we call our fortress?"
"And what shall our group be known as?"
"The Incinerated Tour!"


Instead I rerolled and founded Wetmetal by the ocean with the group "The Rampart of Sharks." Nothing can go wrong!  :D

You should have had that last group embark on a volcano.  If your dwarves were unforunate enough to get a tour of the obsidian generator while it was in operation, the name could have been literally true.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / There's only one answer....
« on: June 08, 2012, 03:59:28 pm »
Pull the lever.

That lever.

Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress a paper tome of knowledge.

This is a paper tome of knowledge. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality.

On the item is a masterfully designed image of a dwarf and letters. The dwarf is surrounded by letters. The artwork relates to the release of Dwarf Fortress by Tarn Adams in 2006.

This object menaces with pages of paper.

Lucky!  Mine is still in the mail.

No, I don't like that because then, if there are enough resources, only solid cages would ever be used. I suppose you could make metal cages barred only, and then have wooden crates and cages as two separate objects. . .
Many would argue that making ONLY solid cages, if said cages cost extra, would be a waste of logs and metal that could be better used making weapons. Your fort would have to be at a very significant stage of development for there to be "enough resources". The way that I play, I need those logs for charcoal, beds, and spiked wooden balls.

For me, though, that would be only beds (use spiked green glass balls & get your glass via magma).  I have to admit that I like the idea that you can't just do everything with everything, but have to make tradeoffs when you design your cage trap setup.

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