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Messages - EternalCaveDragon

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Mod Releases / Re: Dwarf Fortress: Endless Shores 1.72
« on: January 11, 2022, 08:55:10 pm »
Just started the latest version of this mod, can't wait to see how it goes. But I did notice what may have been oddities during worldgen. The game gave me two errors, one for generating deserts and one for generating grasslands. Are these supposed to happen or have I found something odd after the settings have been tweaked? I used the 'Shore Medium' advanced parameters for worldgen if that helps explain what happened. Also, it rejected over 1,550 worlds in the process. Is this, too, normal?

DF Modding / Re: Necromancers sitting in their towers doing nothing
« on: August 09, 2021, 09:33:14 pm »
Absolute stab in the dark here, but maybe they're not being used because the game somehow doesn't count them as regular undead? I remember reading about a similar issue that someone else brought up and their custom necros had minions but never built towers because they didn't count as regular undead. I don't know why this would be the case when it seems yours are building their towers correctly, but not using their huge armies of minions to actually attack anyone. Maybe it's the multiple undead types screwing with the game logic somehow?

Like I said, stab in the dark, haven't messed with this stuff yet so I have no first-hand experience.

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: July 04, 2021, 12:37:58 am »
Starting with zero goblin civs (set in max starting civs) works. A new gobbo civ will be formed when someone opens up the circus.

Duly noted. Thank you.  :D

DF General Discussion / Re: Future of the Fortress
« on: July 03, 2021, 08:52:35 pm »

1. Will the medical update implement simple prosthetics like peg legs or something like Götz von Berlichingen's iron hand?
2. What are the variables needed to implement demons taking over a civ besides MINING_UNDERWORLD_DISASTERS? That is, if one wanted to make a custom civilization be taken over by custom demons and their custom minions, what tags would be required for all of that stuff to work?

If I may expand on the second question:

Is the ability for the underworld disaster civs to spawn tied at all to MAX_STARTING_CIV_NUMBER? For example, if one wanted to prevent the initial placement of goblin/custom evil civs but allow them to spawn after civ placement.

There probably is an obvious answer lurking around here somewhere, but I already looked and searched a bit and might have missed it.  :-[

« on: February 19, 2021, 06:14:10 pm »
And now that I remember, one more question:

How does the feature_beast token work in gameplay? The description on the wiki was a bit vague and couldn't find answers by searching.

For instance, if I make a creature that lives aboveground and has that token, will it initiate an attack on the fort once it's trigger is reached? And if so, will it somehow end up attacking from the caverns or will it do it from the surface where it's supposed to live? Or will it do nothing else than make the aboveground creature "the only of its kind" that wanders around?

I remember asking this a little while ago, and the answer I got is it maybe causes Forgotten Beast behavior, which is to attack from the caverns. Don't know how it would interact with a creature that is defined to live on the surface though. I meant to test this underground attack behavior but never got around to it. Sorry I'm not much more help than that.  :)

Does adding [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] and [SITE_VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] to a custom entity do anything if the entity has specific pre-defined custom positions? Is there any reason not to add these tags?

From what I remember of the wiki page, if there are any position responsibilities on the civ and site levels that aren't taken by pre-defined positions, they will have custom positions created for them without any issues.

Not entirely sure if this belongs in this thread or the creature/entity thread, but, how does armor layering work exactly? My current goal is to create a multi-layered set of armor (leather->chain->plate) for a custom race that works alongside the vanilla armors with as few custom pieces as possible and can work in both Fortress and Adventure modes. I'm also wondering how the [SHAPED] tag plays into it as well. the idea is to be semi-based on medieval full plate and use as many of the in-game armor layers as practical.

Right now I have a suit of full plate that covers both torso halves, the upper arms, and the upper legs that sits on armor level 3; plate gauntlets and plate boots that are also on armor level 3 and cover the lower arm/lower leg respectively; and a plate helm that is armor level 3. All of these are defined but not tested. And the reason I'm asking rather than testing is because I want to make absolutely sure first.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: No mercenaries in any fort since 0.47.04
« on: November 25, 2020, 11:47:47 am »
This is just a thought, and I'm not sure how likely this is, but maybe it has something to do with the changes to mercenaries in worldgen? They gather into mercenary companies now so maybe these companies are gobbling up all the candidates before they can reach your fort? I'm not sure on the behavior's exact effects myself but I figured I'd bring up the possibility and see what everyone else thinks.

« on: November 21, 2020, 02:13:23 pm »
How do I make a civilization conquer or destroy sites in wars instead of just impaling some corpses and leaving?

In regards to that, what I last read said that as long as a civ has the LIKES_SITE and/or the TOLERATES_SITE tags for a site type they will conquer it in worldgen. If they do not have these tags they will destroy that site type when they take it over. I don't know what not having them for their DEFAULT_SITE_TYPE does though and I don't know if this is still the way those tags behave. If anyone has more up to date or otherwise factual information please correct me on this.

« on: November 15, 2020, 02:55:20 pm »
@eternalcavedragon; No that wont work, but you could instead select only skin, and use [TLCM_NOUN:skin and scales:PLURAL] and it will print in their description eg "his skin and scales are jade." The color descriptions wont have any other effects anyway.

Ah, okay. I was wondering if this was a limitation I'd just have to work around. Thanks for the help man.  :D
You can select both skin and scales for the same descriptor, the selection code would look like this:
Code: [Select]
          [TL_COLOR_MODIFIER:colors here]
[TLCM_NOUN:skin and scales:PLURAL]

Ohh, okay, I must have missed that tag. xD Thanks for the info.

« on: November 15, 2020, 02:54:27 am »
@eternalcavedragon; No that wont work, but you could instead select only skin, and use [TLCM_NOUN:skin and scales:PLURAL] and it will print in their description eg "his skin and scales are jade." The color descriptions wont have any other effects anyway.

Ah, okay. I was wondering if this was a limitation I'd just have to work around. Thanks for the help man.  :D

« on: November 15, 2020, 12:07:57 am »
I've got a formatting question this time, and I've got an untested example. I'd rather ask the community in case someone tried this before. Will this work to color both the scales and the skin tissues of the creature? This is a creature that will have scales over skin on certain body parts and the rest has only a skin covering, and the two being wildly different colors would look a little odd in my head.

The code in question:
Code: [Select]
Colors and noun are also not final.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: November 12, 2020, 10:47:19 pm »
Ohh, my bad, thought you had more dug out than that. My mistake. I don't really have any suggestions other than what I already posted. I'm still learning myself.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: November 12, 2020, 10:11:34 pm »
Any suggestions?

My personal suggestion, based off of experience, is if you're going to make frequent/consistent use of the caverns, use doors and wall off areas you don't want your dwarves using. Not only does it make the area a little nicer, it prevents nasty cave creatures such as giant cave spiders and giant cave toads from just wandering into your fortress and causing havoc. Cage traps will help this too. And I would also suggest digging out the walls around your exit point to get rid of the tiny passages. Makes fortress defense easier and makes things tidier all at once. Stone flooring will go further in this regard.

...I may or may not have lost a fortress because an FB that breathes fire lit up entire lines of cave foliage and incinerated many of my dwarves because of it. >.>

« on: November 10, 2020, 09:02:49 pm »
May have already been asked before, but I noticed the wiki says the FEATURE_BEAST tag has been unlocked for modded raws. Does anyone know what it does now that we can use it ourselves? If not, I'll go ahead and experiment myself.  :D

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