Bay 12 Games Forum

Other Projects => Other Games => Topic started by: Coalwalker on April 12, 2013, 01:19:56 pm

Title: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Coalwalker on April 12, 2013, 01:19:56 pm
Yea, just like the title says. My GF and I are looking for a free and simple MMORPG to waste time on. We played Maplestory quite a while ago, but the content security on it is so ridiculous now that neither of us are able to download it. I figured 'when in doubt, ask Bay12,' so here I am. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Trif on April 12, 2013, 01:33:19 pm
Realm of the Mad God ( maybe? I'm not sure if everyone would call it an RPG, but it's free, simple, 2D and an MMO.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: nenjin on April 12, 2013, 01:49:16 pm
There was that game some of us where playing, a game on the BYOND engine. Small community, 2d MMORPG....the name completely escapes me at the moment, sorry :(

Hazordhu II. A pretty simple 2d MMO on teh BYOND engine. Not a bad little game, mostly driven by the different races RPing with each other, making homes and forts, farming, raiding each other. The community is fairly small though, so I don't know if meets your criteria.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Nelia Hawk on April 12, 2013, 05:14:51 pm  <- personally i didnt like it that much, but i didnt like marplestory either :D... still it looks pretty <- well diablo "clone"  <- this isnt too bad actually for a "shooter", liked the zombie mode there and the tons of missions might be ok with a friend together (solo they were a bit boring)  <- total marplestory clone
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: freeformschooler on April 12, 2013, 05:17:11 pm  <- personally i didnt like it that much, but i didnt like marplestory either :D... still it looks pretty <- well diablo "clone"  <- this isnt too bad actually for a "shooter", liked the zombie mode there and the tons of missions might be ok with a friend together (solo they were a bit boring)  <- total marplestory clone

None of these are 2D except the last one. Path of Exile is great for co-op if you can run it, though.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: jboadas on June 14, 2013, 04:37:25 pm
A 2D retro stile fun mmorpg is Fantasy Online (

is flash based so you dont need to download a client

its a really adictive game
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Frumple on June 14, 2013, 04:46:25 pm
Huh. I see ads for that every once in a while. There anything in particular about it that makes it stand out, jb?
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Haschel on June 14, 2013, 04:49:04 pm
It has 3d maps, but for all intents and purposes Ragnarok Online ( is played in only 2 dimensions. It was the first MMO I ever played, and it's still the one I judge all other MMOs by. It's got plenty of content to enjoy and a very dedicated community, and it caters to both casual and power gamers in a lot of different ways, so there's really something for everybody.

Not to say it's the perfect MMO or anything; it's got it's share of issues which the community and devs are constantly struggling to resolve with eachother. It just has enough charm and interesting gameplay mechanics to suck people in and keep them there, though the style may not be for everyone.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Seriyu on June 14, 2013, 05:01:41 pm
I would reccomend DFO, but it's unfortunately gone under. I can back up ragnarok online, the enviroments are 3D but not in a terribly meaningful way, the grind is a bit heavy before you get to much that's terribly complicated but it's got a certain charm to it, wakfu if you don't mind paying for it is fine (it is graphically 2D, it's just a TBS and as such takes place on 3Dish grid), if you can't then wakfu isn't worth the time it'd take to download it. Dofus is a similar game in a similar position.

And as someone that played hazordhu II, I think RP is enforced although I could be wrong. If you want a little building MMO then it'd be great, as I recall the combat wasn't very good and it had very strict RP requirements placed on it.

There's also Haven and Hearth, which is another building game with the added wrinkle of open world PvP and permadeath. It's also not moderated (on purpose), so expect some genuine assholes. It's not as common as you'd think, depending on where you settle.

If you and your girlfriend wouldn't mind the occasional person hauling in and wrecking everything on occasion (very rarely honestly, as long as you don't settle near a river, being stolen from is a bit more common),  it's a great, unique game.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: jboadas on June 14, 2013, 05:05:15 pm
Well Im not associated with Fantasy Online in any way.

 I have a character in that game for about 4 months and immo the game is simple and fun, the worst thing about mmorpg lately is that they are "Pay to win", in this particular game you have 2 kinds of currency and in-game currency and a cash currency, you can buy the cash currency or not, because you can buy the cash currency in the game market with the game currency, its a notable but effective strategy to mantain the game and have a bulk of free players working for the game and also you as free player can get the premium items without pay with cash. (thats the most notable thing in this game). Also I enjoy the 2D retro style its just my taste.

just my 2 cents
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Aoi on June 14, 2013, 06:18:43 pm
Wakfu and Dofus are, largely, the same game. I rather enjoyed Dofus, up until you're done with the starting zone and find that you have to subscribe to do anything else. (If they just made it pay+cosmetic micropay I'd've picked it up in an instant...)

Elsword is another sidescroller MMORPG that may fit your requirements, though I haven't prodded it myself yet.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Grakelin on June 14, 2013, 07:20:48 pm
Puzzle Pirates is a good couples game.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: Akura on June 15, 2013, 05:54:53 pm
Maybe RPGWorld? It's old, and I haven't even thought about it recently. I know that server software for version 1.15 was released for free, though I never could get it to work myself.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: CognitiveDissonance on June 19, 2013, 02:14:23 pm
Ragnarok Online was going to be my suggestion as well. The game is quite huge, but I hear good things about it.

This may be useful: (

I tried Haven and Hearth recently. It's an interesting little MMO, reminescent of a very cruel Don't Starve. It seems to have quite the learning curve, but Seriyu's suggestion sounds good.

May I suggest something completely different? Me and my girlfriend have had a LOT of fun playing a very old school MUD game (text-based online RPG) called Materia Magicka. It has no real graphics, but the game is extremely well done and is a lot of fun to play and explore. It also rewards cooperation quite nicely.

As another alternative suggestion, there is Awesomenauts. It's a 2d MOBA that is easy to get into, but has enough depth. There's obviously no story to speak of, but the game is fun.

Yet another great option is Terraria. While not a true MMO, you could have a LOT of fun in that game with a play partner.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: majikero on June 19, 2013, 02:32:46 pm
Terraria is infinity more fun with someone else.

If you don't like old school grind of Ragnarok Online, ask around about good private servers with high XP rates.
Title: Re: Simple question: looking for simple 2D MMORPG
Post by: MadMalkavian on June 20, 2013, 02:58:55 am
I personally recommend LaTale if you can get past the fact that in said game no one will ever talk to you ever - the game is very quiet when it comes to the chatting bit and in fact I've had one conversation in that game ever. That may just be me though so your mileage may vary.

Outside of LaTale all I can recommend is Wonderland Online, which in and of itself is a 2D isometric MMORPG with a pet and companion system, CG, cutscenes, crafting items and furniture, housing, turn-based combat, automated grinding, automated farming, and the option to multiclient and run multiple accounts at the same time. It does have some foul language, disturbing scenes and nudity however so some might find it offensive, but it's still a good game that runs on most anything that runs a PIII or higher.