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Creative Projects / Re: Random Things you drew/shopped/made/etc.
« on: February 07, 2024, 04:51:49 pm »

Me and some friends made a gay little VN together :)

Other Games / Re: Pocket games thread
« on: February 05, 2024, 12:05:05 am »
Some of the best games I play on Android are posted in this thread, it's a gold mine

Play Card Survival: Tropical Island. It's really surprisingly deep, yet satisfying even when you lose

Creative Projects / Re: Random Things you drew/shopped/made/etc.
« on: March 19, 2022, 01:59:52 am »


How hard-coded is sexuality? Is it entirely biological, or is there an environmental factor to it? If it's at least partially environmental, at what point does it lock in? To avoid sounding like an ass, I know that attempting to remove the gay from someone is futile at best, and a hate crime at worst, so the answer to that last question is likely to be either "there is no environmental factor; not applicable" or "really early".
My sexual attraction to people has changed a lot throughout my life, there are some body parts I found sexually repulsive when I was younger that I find very attractive now, but other things are more consistent. There's definitely another timeline where I live my whole life thinking of myself as straight, I don't think I could have figured a lot of these things out without other people to talk to about it.

Sexuality and gender aren't real per se, they're a social construct, so to search for environmental factors that cause these things is futile. The concept of sexuality is a really recent invention, this is why it's impossible to actually say whether ancient people were gay or straight or pansexual or asexual or so on, because these particular ideas hadn't even been conceived of yet. The concept of sexuality is so entrenched now that it seems like it's existed forever, but it hasn't, only sexual attraction is a constant. I know that's a very small distinction, but it's an important one, because if you try reading about the sexual norms of any ancient society while trying to box them into homosexuality or heterosexuality you'll miss out on how nuanced sexual attraction can be.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 05, 2020, 06:08:33 pm »
So one person doesn't have their life ruined, and the prison system doesn't bloat. Meanwhile, they continue being drug addicts on the street where no one is going to arrest them or even attempt to deal with them, while they befoul the community with their behavior. I'd call it a wash, at best. What exactly is the right thing to do with a serial drug abuser who has no plans to reform, and no respect for the society in which they live? Just deal with it? Deal with them sleeping on your door step, shitting on the streets and committing crime to fuel their addiction? There are plenty of stories from the West Coast of regular citizens being sick of the "we can't do anything about it" attitude when it comes to drug addiction and non-prosecution. Fully decriminalizing everything and taking no responsibility for the fallout isn't the answer. Especially when we have the poverty situation in this country to the extent we do.
Obviously you don't just make the decision to decriminalize drugs and ALSO do absolutely nothing to support people when they get out of prison. There are already organizations of volunteers that exist to support people who get out of prison, so any plan to decriminalize drugs nationwide should involve expanding these efforts

Who said anything about addicts? Even if people hit with drug charges are addicts, they're the least in need of being jailed. Even if no addict ever wanted to change, a cage would never be a solution.

Putting someone in jail, taking their freedom and privacy, possibly torturing them with solitary confinement, forcing them to go through the humiliation and oppression of the parole process, and permanently ruining their chances at getting a job if they're a felon, is a massively disproportionate and cruel response to someone who shit on the sidewalk, slept on your doorstep, kicked your dog, and deleted your savegame.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 05, 2020, 05:14:48 pm »
Oregon / California / Washington have this weird idea where they believe people passed out in broad daylight, on people's door steps and businesses, high on drugs, is peak, quality freedom.

I'm all for not criminalizing some drugs but I've never understood how anyone can look at the results of total decriminalization and think it's a good thing.
Decriminalizing drugs prevents the immense harm that happens when you send people to jail. Yes, the results of total decriminalization is a very good thing.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 04, 2020, 11:28:02 am »
And totally overshadowed by Oregon decriminalizing all drugs! That's huge, I never would have expected something like this in America and it honestly leaves me feeling hopeful

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:08:21 pm »
Could it be that men are pigs and that they are more likely to support unjust or unfair systems if it gives them a slight advantage?

As a white male I sure do enjoy the privilege of constantly being the villain of society due to original sin I never done.  Love how I'm a pedophile bigot out to pillage and rape every woman I encounter.
Don't worry you're one of the good ones

Other Games / Re: How did you last *own*?
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:02:33 pm »
Getting better at speedrunning SW: Battlefront II (classic). Managed to finish the game in 59 minutes late yesterday.
Wow, that's really good! That puts you at around 25th in the world according to

Edit: Oh wait there's your spot at 23rd! Congrats!

General Discussion / Re: What are you reading?
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:00:14 pm »
Have reread "Big Lin and Little Lin", this time fully appreciating grotesque communard satire on stuck-up corrupt richies instead of just WTFing as a child. Was disturbing, is disturbing.
Huh, any way I can read this online?


Tohono O'odham water protectors gassed on Indigenous Peoples Day while protesting at the border
This seems like a historically accurate way to celebrate what is still Federally Columbus Day.
Settlers jumping off the Mayflower wearing riot gear and firing tear gas grenades is actually a pretty potent image

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: October 15, 2020, 05:51:46 pm »
+1 on the RedKing appreciation, thanks for the effort.

Agreed - just read through this at work. Well put together.
Ditto. Is this really all for us? It's not even our birthday!


Tohono O'odham water protectors gassed on Indigenous Peoples Day while protesting at the border

General Discussion / Re: if self.isCoder(): post() #Programming Thread
« on: October 15, 2020, 05:26:28 pm »
I have avoided C++ for 7 years. I didn't want to touch it. I still hate its build systems, the build ecosystem surrounding it.

But I have literally never had as much fun programming as I do when I'm working in C++, doing optimizations. Nothing has ever come close. I feel like I haven't been programming until recently. What the heck is happening. I could infodump about C++17 and C++20 features for hours. I'm getting an actual desire to optimize Dwarf Fortress, like some sort of rando programmer who stumbles into the forums and gets rebuked. It's unbelievable, just how much I'm enjoying C++ work and optimization. Thinking about cache locality is fun, considering where multithreading might get a use and when the overhead of an atomic variable might not be worth it is stimulating. Good lord.
What the hell is wrong with you and also what steps do I take to actually feel this way about C++

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