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Messages - Laterigrade

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 32
General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: February 18, 2024, 01:24:48 am »
I think I’m developing an anxious attachment to one of my friends.
I don’t know where it’s coming from but I have no idea how to nip it in the bud, and I really need to.

Partner and I have broken up amicably. She's going to keep my dog (i am not qualified to have a dog and will be in flux), I'm going to move out mid-March, she's going to move to a much, much smaller houselet so she doesn't get crushed by the rent I've been shouldering.
Hey, None, that’s great news! Glad it ended without difficulty.

General Discussion / Re: Dividing by zero...
« on: February 04, 2024, 06:14:05 pm »
And as usual we side tracked with tangential pedantry -
ah, but how well-worn and homely are the paths we tread here

definitely PTW, possibly interested but I still have to get over a decent portion of new learning curve for the Steam version

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: January 30, 2024, 03:55:30 am »
Hi everyone, I'm in an abusive relationship. This admission is a good thing. The situation is not, but it's not like things are presently getting worse. I've let close friends know and am putting together a plan to get out. No backsliding- I've made my decision. Should be right as rain in a couple months. Nenjin, you were right about this all along.
Good on you, None. Good luck in getting out, I wish you the best.
I’m sorry for what you’ve been dealing with.

Yeah, see, the bots can be kinda worked around.

The lack of anonymity can't be.

The bots are usually just kinda annoying.

The lack of anonymity actually puts millions of innocent people under danger.

Soon without a fundamental change there will be no way to tell if the person you are talking to on the internet is a real person.
There are a few ways to combat this that I can think of, the most obvious of which is getting rid of the anonymous internet as it exists entirely. This would have everyone have an Account linked to their real name as well as having pages and websites be tied to real people (or corps with real people) behind them. Companies wouldn't know *who* they are necessarily, but they would know they have a real person behind them and can't just make a thousand bot/AI accounts.
this is not an internet I would like to be a part of

These days when searching the only way I have to reliably tell what real people are thinking is is to look up reddit posts since those are still real people. As I thought at the time the API changes were 100% the right play, and they make reddit a place that still has value against the coming tide.
I hadn’t considered that that might have been why they made the API changes, which makes them make a bit more sense. But this really isn’t true, there are plenty of fake accounts on reddit — comment-stealers, mass-upvote accounts, product-advertising bots. Reddit is a prime example of a bot-infested shitshow, if only somewhat less than most designated social media.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: January 27, 2024, 07:26:43 am »
Always had in mind something from an Alan Moore story from the eighties :
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This is beautiful, Robsoie. Thank you for sharing this.

General Discussion / Re: ♪ The Great Music Thread ♫
« on: January 25, 2024, 07:53:01 am »
trying out Godspeed You! Black Emperor for the first time, starting with Lift Yr Skinny Fists
really really enjoying it
I don’t really have much more to say because I know so little about what makes instrumental music good or bad, but they just do a really good job evoking emotion with this noisy post-rock sound, it’s really cool

General Discussion / Re: ♪ The Great Music Thread ♫
« on: January 11, 2024, 02:09:15 am »
Been getting into Radiohead’s Hail to the Thief, I like it.
I wouldn’t say it’s one of their better albums as an album — the ordering is a little strange and so the pacing and transitions are sometimes a little weird and slow, and it has a few songs that put me off — but I also think it has some of their best songs out of their entire discography.

"Hello there, ladies and gents!"

*Sounds of agonised screaming as people start getting cooked alive at my mere presence*

"Awwww yeah, none can resist my godlike rizz!"
Are you magma because you literally light up the room
are you I’m you because you stand proud, or would you win?

We are all helpless against the abominations of English cuisine.
They shall overtake and defeat us, and we shall be as helpless against them.

I feel like we are a single comment away from having another pie/sandwich definition war
I think we’re always one comment away from that tbh

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