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Messages - iEpinephrine

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DF General Discussion / The source of all the trouble...
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:18:43 am »
From the dev logs...
12/23/2004Toady One: Removed adamantite skills from startup, removed woodcutting from unit type determining skills, made farms restrict based on knowledge and seasons, changed counters, added demand counter, changed how box permissions work, made them care about clothes more...

On 23rd of the 12th 2004 socks became important enough for entire settlements to die for.

How long will this take d'you think?

With the power of hindsight, probably about 7 or 8 months...

DF General Discussion / Re: DF's Tone
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:15:54 pm »
Saying "I don't like the tone of D&D" doesn't make D&D bad, it makes D&D suitable for a different audience. 
I hate pretty much all high fantasy and D&D is close to top of my list, but I see my friends have fun with it all the time, so it obviously isn't bad.

Conan The Barbarian crossed with The Silmarillion with a little bit of Watership Down thrown in.

Hahaha, so true.

Though personally I feel the tone is ... call me crazy for this...Tetris, with context. 
Colours and abstract shapes floating about.  Entire goal of the game is maximum utilisation of efficiency, with inevitable death as your final reward.  It's Tetris with less reflex and more narrative.

DF General Discussion / Re: Huge Sieges
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:50:46 pm »
Architecting big traps with lots of moving parts, fluids (preferably the burny kind) and narrow ledges is the best way to hold off large groups of enemies.

It seemed strange that hands could become independant beings, but then I thought of this: and it sort of slotted into an acceptable place in my mind.

I vaguely recall people saying they could never duplicate the falling down stairs phenomenon.

Why are you all so excited?  You could always designate downwards stairs with LMouse + > ...
It takes like, 10 seconds, to designate your central staircase all the way to the magma sea... ignoring issues with caverns... but this doesn't help that either...

I tried to get two people into it:

The first quit at the site selection screen because he didn't know what he was looking for.

The second quit at the farming system.

Threepanelsoul put up a link.  I saw ADOM, as a strategy game.  I was hooked before I'd even tried it.

Then I got bored of the early version I was playing... left for a few months or a year or so and came back and
it was all in 3D in a dynamic world like JADE was going to be... I guess you met your match, Thomas Biskup!

Edit: Holy carp!  A tech demo of JADE was released!  It feels like my entire youth waiting for a game finally culminated into... a really empty tech demo...

Are there any trees?  Sounds like a challenge mode if you don't plan to dig down and don't have trees on a grassland, you're going to need to get wood, stone blocks and rocks from traders or you're in trouble.
dig dike's/moats to protect yourself early on if you're permitting yourself to do that.
It's really easy to produce massive amounts of farming products above land, so that'll be your easiest main export.  cloth, cloth items, and prepared meals (as if prepared meals aren't anyway). You can also produce glass if you trade
to get coal/coke but it'd be more of a luxury.  Um, basically otherwise get your dorfs all holed up in a small fort and gradually expand it as you get resources to do so..

Good luck! :)

DF General Discussion / Re: Markets-Next release
« on: June 26, 2011, 07:50:02 am »
Hmm.. markets..
Well I'd like items to get stored in an appropriate manner, from the screenshots it looks like there are pig tail fiber stocks just piled up all over the floor.  Obviously this might just be cause they're not blinking... we'll see, i'd love cabinets and armour stands to store items properly...
Aside from that, having people at markets with goods, to sell, is all I want for the moment. 
Way further down the track I would love to have snatches of conversation overheard as you pass by or messages telling you that you notice an urchin stealing a loaf of bread, or a patrolling guard getting bribed by a noble, and for the small possibility to see something truly rare and exciting.  e.g In a small human town you find a tame beakdog, or the steel sword of a dwarven king, for sale by a wandering trader and you know it got there in some logical but fascinating manner, and can trace its history from the swamp or mountain it came from, because it was all recorded by the game.

DF General Discussion / Re: I have to say...
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:10:55 am »
Yeah I've read that all before... I'm not actually complaining, I just found it amusing that in this fantasy world where ettins and hydras roam free, a wolf eating some geese went down in history.

DF General Discussion / I have to say...
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:46:32 am »
...that I find myself underwhelmed with the reading provided by Legends mode.

I've never really bothered to take a proper look at it before now, and don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that all this stuff is tracked, but when I started reading the legends of the world that I had generated I expected epic exploits of dragons and kings, the slaying of terrible beasts and the founding of great citadels.

So when I opened up the legends of one of the mountain halls, I was not expecting:

"Tradedlashes was a mountain halls.

In 26, The Dipped Lancer of The New Clasps founded Tradedlashes.

In the late winter of 35, the wolf Istbar Stylesflooded devoured a turkey hen of The Dipped Lancer in Tradedlashes.

In the late winter of 35, the wolf Istbar Stylesflooded devoured a gander of The Dipped Lancer in Tradedlashes.

In the late winter of 35, the wolf Istbar Stylesflooded devoured a rooster of The Dipped Lancer in Tradedlashes."

And so on...

The stuff of legend just isn't what it used to be!

DF Adventure Mode Discussion / Dungeons
« on: June 17, 2011, 10:37:36 pm »
Have prisoners right?
Do you think they're going to be postively disposed towards you if you free them, at the cost of making the captor civilisation negatively disposed towards you?
Can you then lead your army of escaped prisoners throughout all of Italy, I mean... The Hills of Kicking, fighting the Roman army, I mean... The Lead Pipes?

DF General Discussion / Re: There was a cabochon rewrite?
« on: June 16, 2011, 07:33:06 am »
Ostriches eat rocks to help disgest their food right?

Maybe they eat big gem-filled rocks, which get ground down in their stomach to become cabochoned jewels? 

Or did someone say this already?

DF General Discussion / Re: Cities v. Night Creatures
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:32:48 pm »
I am far more interested in the world gen side of things than the adventuring things.  I read things about necromancers and mummies and think "that's pretty cool" but when I read about stocks being tracked and placed according to origin, material and function I wish he'd just stop with all the undead stuff and work on functioning market systems so the world actually has some sort of dynamism.  Just chuck some bandits in the sewers for this release, the mummies etc aren't that much more interesting....

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