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Last Update: 12/1
Current Update: Part 26 - Melancholy
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Editor's Story...
So it all began with a question. What was the least supplied embark I could get away with? One pick challenge is well known, but do you really need that pick? Experienced Dwarf Fortress players would mention how a 0-pick start really isn't that different than 1-pick because you can just chop down some trees and survive that way. But what if there were no trees? And that's what's led me here today. A haunted biome with an aquifer was just a necessary addition to ensure fun.

Most people are aware of dwarven justice. The practice of hammering is well known. What most people don't know however is that it's not the only form of dwarven justice. For particular egregious crimes, or sometimes just at a noble's whim, a different type of justice is dispensed. Dwarves are forced out of their homes and off to settle in completely inhospitable conditions with completely inadequate equipment. This is one of those times...

The embark
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The loadout
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The story so far...
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:
Part 17:
Part 18:
Part 19:
Part 20:
Part 21:
Part 22:
Part 23:
Part 24:
Part 25:
Part 26:

The Prologue
I also wrote about my first attempt at this challenge which you can read here:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Seeding water pressure
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:28:46 am »
So I have a question about water pressure. If I have a vertical U bend with a river such that water on the left size is at Z-0 and the water on the right side is Z-1 (i.e one level lower because the river isn't dammed (see: Can I force water into the right side at Z-0 somehow? I was wondering if I put water on the left side with a pond designation if it would cause the pressure to equalize then keep the right hand side pressurized at Z-0?

Or to put it another way if I have a vertical U bend and one side is providing infinite water, but only naturally pressured to Z-1 will the other side continue to fill with water at Z-0 if it's already partially filled with water pressured to Z-0?

DF Suggestions / Low hanging UI Fruit (Main Menu)
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:49:45 am »
Ok I know I know the UI is not a priority, nor is the game "that hard to learn" or whatever. I actually agree with all of that. HOWEVER I still think part of DF's bad rap in people learning the game has a lot to do with really really simple UI stuff. Specifically I'm talking about the main menu. The problem with the main menu is not the wealth of options, or even having it expose the complexity of the game. I think a big part of the problem is just simple issues with layout and naming. Problems that should be very easy to remedy very quickly.

First what we are dealing with:

It's a mess! The most important menu options for new players (designations, stockpiles, zones) are spread all around the menu and most of the menu has no logical progression in how it reads. So new players see this and just give up on trying to parse it effectively. So anytime they forget a command they just get frustrated. I think we can do a lot better:

Here's a mock-up I've made. I've organized the menu in a top down fashion. At the top are all of your commands that interact with the world in some way (building, designations, stockpiles, etc.) that gives way into reports and listings which then gives into all of the view commands and finally the help/menu/movie commands.

NOTE: I forgot the Hot Keys menu option which should appear above TAB or to the right of View Units

I've also made a few changes:
Building should really be buildings (or build). It's the only singular noun in the whole list.
I did move the right column in a bit mostly because I could, though you wouldn't need to.
Some items have had their menu name shortened because they're unnecessary. Depot is the only menu option at all referring to Depot so having it say just Depot instead of Depot Access will confuse no one. Same with Move this menu/map which I changed to View Map.
I grouped line wide elements together as much as possible (as in lines that take the whole width). This way the UI reads cleaner and the columns are more distinct making the menu easier to parse visually.

I would probably also change Desginations text to something like Mining & Designations. ONe of the chief complaints about DF is "I couldn't even figure out how to mine". Having it easily identifiable will help to color player's first game perceptions.

Uh well that's it. I just wanted to show that there's some really really easy things that could be done that would probably help to improve the new player experience for Dwarf Fortress at a minimal amount of effort and no gameplay changes.

If I have a series of three tiles like this: +++ and I want to remove the middle tile (d-n) is there anyway I can control which side the dwarf removes it from? I tried a suspended wall but no luck. I don't want to build anything on the left tile and the removal of the middle tile breaks the only access to the left tile so any dwarf caught on the wrong side is stuck there to die.

I tried suspending a wall but that didn't work. My only theory now is to build a 3 tile bridge 1 tile to the north, deconstruct the tile, then raise the bridge and deconstruct it so that the dwarves can't path to the far side. Does anyone have a better/quicker way to do this though.

Code: [Select]
+++ - What I have now

+.+ - What I want to go to
  |_ Dwarf needs to end up here.

My current plan of action
|=| -Build this

+.+ - Remove the tile

..| -Raise and deconstruct the bridge

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Lower Magma Pipe
« on: July 28, 2009, 10:16:41 am »
I'm pretty sure the answer is 'no' but is there any way (no matter how elaborate) to lower the z-levels of a magma pipe. On my current fort the pipe is a little bit in the way of a big area I wanted to dig down across my entrance ( I wanted a multi-level chasm that you have to cross to enter the fort). I can have a single z-level drop into magma with my current situation but I wanted to see the splat and retrieve the trinkets.

DF Modding / Determining if a new skulking civ worked
« on: July 20, 2009, 05:56:56 pm »
I'm trying to mod in a new skulking civ to my world and I *think* it worked but I need a way to check it. Other than making a game and hoping they try to steal from me is there any easy way I can check the world to see if they exist?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / My dwarves are perverts
« on: July 17, 2009, 12:46:31 am »
The title really says it all

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So first the dwarves make a bed called the 'complex crowd'. Suspicious but ok.

Then they make a pretty kinky sounding loincloth with spikes and rings and a weapon rack. I'm assuming 'weapon rack' is some sort of euphemism for them. (It's actually another more innocent artifact).

Then they make ANOTHER loincloth agian with spikes and the weaponrack. This time they put the very suggestive images of a pike and an oyster on it.

THEN they make that engraving... Yeah I'm sure the dwarves are really 'labouring' with a title like that.

WTF I'm running a fortress full of pervents. This is more gloating than anything!

DF Suggestions / Job List Quick Suggestion
« on: July 16, 2009, 12:45:40 am »
I know there have been topics and suggestions for the job list screen but I just wanted to throw a quick one out there that I didn't quite see around reading the other threads.

On the job list screen you should be able to hit 'a' (or whatever) for a specific job and when that job is taken off the list (completed) it will raise an announcement and pause the game. This would allow you to do things like set a lever to be pulled then manage the rest of your fortress without having to keep checking the lever until it's pulled. Since it's tied to a specific job you wouldn't get more announcements then you care about.

DF Suggestions / Context Sensitive Engravings
« on: July 14, 2009, 10:18:11 am »
I know this is a rather 'low' priority suggestion but it'd be awesome if the location of a historical engraving had some influence over WHAT was engraved on it. Essentially the room type (and ideally assignment) of the tile being engraved should influence (but not 100%) what event gets engraved there. Examples would be engravings of a tomb tending towards events about that dwarf, engravings in a barracks tending towards battles and war, and so on. Mostly it would have no affect on gameplay but it'd make a lot more sense and I think it'd be more interesting for going through adventure mode.

Ideally the tomb idea would extend to proximity to coffins as well. I'd love it if I could engrave a headstone for each of my dead dwarves. Actually for this a new object might be a better solution. Allow for a headstone to be placed from a block (or rock) and assigned to a dwarf like a coffin. When the dwarf dies the headstone gets engraved with the death of the dwarf.

On my fort recently I had a fire imp spawn right inside my craftdwarf's shop while she was in it! I get how the spawning works so I'm fine with that. What surprised me is what happened next...

-When I got to the Imp (job cancellation message alerted me) there was smoke all over the workshop. The imp had a yellow wound and the craft dwarf was unharmed. I stationed some military in the shop but they were far away. All of the military was protecting some outdoor work.

-Suddenly a fire flashed over the entire workshop the faded. I assume this was a fireball or something, since nothing was combustible in the shop (other than the dwarf) nothing really 'caught' on fire and continued to burn.

-The craftdwarf then proceeded to wrestle the imp and kill it. A fully unarmed, unarmored craftdwarf with 0 wrestling skill as a civilian beat an imp. That was pretty impressive to me.

So anyways I'm curious about two things...

1. Why did the dwarf fight back instead of running? I'm glad she did but it certainly puzzled me.
2. Why didn't she catch on fire? She was most certainly standing in a tile that had "fire" (using k) on it. Not to mention the smoke didn't seem to affect her at all either.

Also temp. is on so that's not why.

DF Suggestions / Evil biome's and the dead
« on: July 09, 2009, 02:51:32 pm »
The evil biomes right now are pretty nice and also pretty challenging at times but that's not going to stop me from making my suggestion. I think that evil biomes should carry an additional issue of keeping the dead... dead.

Essentially I think that when a corpse is changed from XXXX Corpse -> XXXX Rotten Corpse it should have a chance to turn into a skeletal/zombie unit of the same type. For example a dead war dog might get back up as a zombie war dog. Using coffins and indoor burial areas could reduce this risk. Indoor burials would not be entirely safe from the dead rising back up but coffins would be.

It'd add a unique twist to the evil biome game play and place a bigger importance on the dead other than them just being free bones. Also changes the balance of weapons. Using kill methods that reduce your opponents to 'chunks' rather than corpses would result in a lot less angry zombies at your gates.

Since zombies and skeletal units only drop rotten corpses and bones there'd be no problem with a unit dieing + getting up repeatedly.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Revealing Waterfall/magmafall
« on: July 02, 2009, 04:15:42 pm »
I'm interested in trying a construction project that works like the following and I was wondering if anyone else has done something like this.

Essentially what I want is the entrance of the fortress to be controlled by a bridge (probably a few Z levels down). On each side of the bridge will be pressure plates set to work for dwarves. Above the bridge will be a channel of water (or magma) with a screw pump at the end over the bridge. When the pump is active it will pump water out of the channel on to the bridge. Below the bridge is a resivour/moat and a series of screw pumps that fill the upper channel again. The previously mentioned pressure plates, when stepped on by a dwarf, will stop the flow of the water/magma either by a floodgate, disabling the pump or some sort of other series of mechanics. But any goblins or other baddies trying to come in won't activate the plates and should get doused by magma/water when they try to cross the bridge.

Now there's some problems with my construction plan (other than siting and building the complex system). So I'm curious if anyone knows the asnwers to this...

-Will dwarves be willing to path across the bridge if magma is raining down on it (since they won't be smart enough to know that the flow will stop)?

-Will the magma clear off the bridge fast enough to allow them to pass?

-What would be the best way to ensure that the water/magma doesn't start flowing again too soon. I could use a floodgate but I'd be worried about multiple dwarves stepping on it and screwing up how it works. Otherwise I can just play around with how the screw pump works and the size of the bridge or something.

DF Suggestions / Instrument Playing
« on: July 02, 2009, 03:36:35 pm »
I'm sure this has been suggested but it didn't turn up in a search. Even if not suggested I'm sure it's on someone's radar.

It'd be really neat if dwarves would play instruments and relatively easy to do (I guess).

A dwarf with the musician skill enabled would carry an instrument in their inventory at all times (provided their hands are free). Then as a low priority task they would sit in any meeting place playing their music. All the music would do is give (some) dwarves in the same room a happy thought.

Later you could expand it if you wanted so dwarves can get an unhappy thought for bad music or like/dislike certain instruments.

DF Modding / Need Input for Tileset + Tweak Mod
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:18:43 pm »
I've decided to invest some time in making a mod that involves a new tileset and graphical tweak but with a slightly different aim than just a straight up tileset. Pretty much I have three goals:

  • Keep the ASCII feel of the game
  • Make it easier to distinguish important rocks and trees from the surrounding terrain
  • Improve the graphical quality of the ASCII

I'm looking for some input on what would work well for these types of changes. I'm also curious how many people are interested in a tileset like this. So far my plan is this...

Retooling Stone and Plants:
I have two plans for the stone in the game. The first is I want to organize the stone icons by a set few types rather than the wide variety of icons we have now. Currently my planned groups are this:
Sedimentary Rock Layers
Igneous Rock Layers (both types)
Metamorphosis Rock Layers)
Rock that appears in veins or clusters
Metal Ores
Flux Stone
Coal + Lignite
Bauxite + Obsidian

I think that will give users a good quick way to look at stone. Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphosis rocks will have a similar graphic/character while more important ores like metal, flux, etc will have something that makes them stand out. Part two of this is that I'll also be tweaking the colors. Stone like gypsum will probably be desaturated a bit to make them less uh offensive to the eyes. I've already done the reclassification and am working on the new characters so this part is coming along nicely.

Likewise I intend to meld the trees and shrub icons a bit. Some tree icons like the club and spade symbols work well but others blend in a bit too much for my liking. I'll probably squash the tree icons down to 2-3 types. Likewise with the shrubs, they'll have something that pops out a little bit more than the " do.

Improving the tileset
So I don't want to make a real graphical tileset like some of the great ones we already have. Mostly I want to avoid situations where gear assemblies look like ore, and other such collisions. My plan right now is to do away with accented characters and add in just a few altered or changed characters. I'll probably come up with something new for doors and something a little nicer looking for smoothed walls. I'm also going to soften the characters (including the text) like a lot of other tilesets do to make it a little smoother. I've already started on this a bit and it's coming along kinda nicely. Most certainly I will not change the look of icons that have multiple uses like the male/female signs.

So is there anything else people recommend I should do? There are a few things I want to stay away from, mostly changing game logic and creating a graphic set for characters. I know there's nothing to really get people interested yet but does this also sound like anyone's cup of tea?

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