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Messages - kerlc

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Other Games / Shovel Knight: a love letter to 8-bits
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:04:52 am »
After the obligatory search, I haven't found a topic for this delicious-looking Kickstarter goody.

It's an 8-bit game that looks very promising, taking elements from such games as Castlevania, Mega Man and Dark Souls. It is a side-scroller about a knight that beats villains with a shovel. A shovel. I'll let that sink in for a while.
It also boasts beautiful NES-style graphics and an amazing 8-bit soundtrack.

But why listen to my poor skills of presentation? Here, have some screenshots:
Spoiler: Screenshots (click to show/hide)

And, of course, a Trailer.

Link to Kickstarter

General Discussion / Re: The Ethics of Eating Animals
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:10:29 pm »
Caniballism is a perfectly natural occurence that happens quite often in nature. It is all about not letting perfectly good energy go to waste. Whether this makes it moral or not depends mostly on culture.

General Discussion / Re: Pacifism and nonviolence in general
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:06:10 pm »
When violence works, it works. But otherwise, i am fairly non violent. Except when I explode in anger and lose judgement.

General Discussion / Re: The Ethics of Eating Animals
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:03:34 pm »
I am against battery farming but that is pretty much it. I eat meat, (although in smaller amounts as of late. No moral reason, i just seem to have lost the taste for it, really) and i consume dairy products. If meat weren't sold at stores anymore, it would not really affect me. What would affect me would be a ban of dairy products. I tend to buy free range milk and yoghurt (here, if you have your own bottles, it is just as cheap as the kind they sell in stores) and i buy cheeses that require their milk to originate from a cow that has seen more of the world than just a glimpse through a window or perhaps a slit on a livestock van.

Life Advice / Re: How to interact with people: I dont get it.
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:46:18 pm »
I really have no idea how I manage it, but i guess it has to do with the fact that i'm somewhat adaptable, despite the fact i will say what i want to say to people, without lies or trying to make myself appear as a better person than i am.

I'm also more comfortable talking to people online, or talking to people i know very well. I am a sort of an introvert, i can never quite feel comfortable with groups of unknown people or unknown people in general. Or groups of people, that too.

General Discussion / Re: Arms and Armor discussion
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:21:37 am »
That kind of reminds me of some of the crazier celtic battle strategies. Like taking off all your clothes and painting your naked body blue and going to battle that way. It's kind of the ultimate insult. "fuck you, i'm not afraid of you, and to prove it i'll leave my balls an open target for you."
It wasn't really a battle strategy so much as when Winter came around they would roll around being naked and such to prove how tough they were. Then battle shows up, and well, they're already naked, why bother? :P

The Celts were awesome. Don't listen to Roman Historians who say they were barbarians, the Romans didn't find all their torture and massacres barbaric - they found the fact that they did it in the names of their Gods to be barbaric!
Barbarism is a relative term. Most of the people Roman Historians dubbed "barbarians" had a very rich historic and cultural background along with well-defined societies and management systems were so awesome it made the historians jelly.

Life Advice / Re: Dunce
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:55:17 am »
I found that having a hobby (amateur writing in my case) postpones suicide just long enough for it to stop being a viable escape route.

Life Advice / Re: Health anxiety is terrible
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:01:15 am »
My suggestion to you would be that you go to a doctor, but since that's not an option, I'd say that you should calm down a little and possibly consult a psychologist.

Oh, and I have the polar opposite of Health anxiety. I never see my symptoms.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:58:09 am »
My brain decided to have the dumbs today, thus preventing me from writing anything and staving off sadness.

General Discussion / Re: Arms and Armor discussion
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:45:20 am »
Dunno, I'd kind of preffer the crueler option...

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: DF2013: The Succession World?
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:39:44 am »
Modding? What heresy is this?

General Discussion / Re: Arms and Armor discussion
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:38:32 am »
But the Extend-o-Batons aren't designed to kill. Only incapacitate.

Which is kind of cruel when you think about how every Viking dreams of an honourable death in combat.

General Discussion / Re: Nitpicks that Ruined Movies
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:33:06 am »
I have a similar issue with plots that require someone to be mistaken for someone else. While it is entertaining to see an assassin mistake their target for a Look/Name-Alike(tm), in most other situations it just feels like poor planning and stupidity beyond measure. Would it kill someone to ask: "Are you the Inspector?" when they met the Inspector Look-Alike On The Same Train(tm)?

General Discussion / Re: Arms and Armor discussion
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:48:17 pm »
Things I have learned regarding a riot shield line:

They fight a lot like Roman Legionaires. You will not break them by charging. You will not break them by shooting, unless you go big dakka.

One good way to break a line of tustedo would be to use Elephants. The modern and superior equivalent would be a Forklift truck.

A single Viking in a forklift truck could decimate the entire line and break the police kettle, leaving plenty of space for more Vikings to rush through. The fight would be over soon as the wall faltered and the cumbersome shields met axe and spear.

So the question is, did the Vikings historically use Forklifts in battle?

As the battle of Stamford Bridge shows, yes. It is why Harold Godwinson attacked the Vikings first instead of the Normans. He feared that would the Vikings successfully employ their Forklift trucks, all would be lost. So he rushed North to make sure they would not survive preparations. Attacking before the Vikings could employ their Forklift trucks was a brilliant strategical move, and knowing confusion defeat, Harold Hardrada ordered the Vikings to destroy the few surviving trucks; a devastating blow to Harold Godwinson who wished to use them against the Normans. Viking Forklift trucks would never be seen again as heavy infantry fell from the spotlight of conventional warfare.

Vikings: 1
Riot police: 0
Saxons: Sour
Normans: Stole their kill LOL
this reads like a script for a Monty Python sketch. :P

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