Bay 12 Games Forum

Dwarf Fortress => DF Community Games & Stories => Topic started by: Meph on February 28, 2013, 05:44:43 pm

Title: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Meph on February 28, 2013, 05:44:43 pm

Inspired by the "learn how to orc-fortress" game by smakemupagus, to be found here (

Chapter 1 - Chancetips. Embark & Gear (
Chapter 2 - Of Caves and Kobolds (
Chapter 3 - The Summer Camp (
Chapter 4 - The bolded Bolds  (
Chapter 5 - A Year of Kobolds (

If anyone wants to be kobolded, feel free. We also have Leafar, the guard troll hanging around ;)
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: mavj96 on February 28, 2013, 06:13:43 pm

I'd like to see you lead a fort your self.
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: smakemupagus on February 28, 2013, 08:12:23 pm
"Traps, Webs and Doom" scenario, Embark on a cave!!
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: OREOSOME on February 28, 2013, 08:37:29 pm
Posting to watch.
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: Meph on February 28, 2013, 08:39:39 pm
"Traps, Webs and Doom" scenario, Embark on a cave!!

You want to kill me, dont you? Caves are full of shite. Ogre or Hunting Party embark, or the brave bold with the holy bloodsteel machete would possibly be a better choice :P
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: smakemupagus on February 28, 2013, 08:54:29 pm
Ok, if one of the other scenarios is a better choice go for it.  But I do vote for the Cave for sure :)
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: Broken on March 01, 2013, 09:49:09 am
Yeah, we want to see the cave.
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: Gamerlord on March 01, 2013, 09:49:59 am
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 04:35:43 pm
Chapter 1 - Outpost Chimpsahald - "Chancetips"

Inins Shonine - "The Bust of Infections", the weakest and saddest of the kobold tribes sends yet another group of bolds out into the wild, to fine more caves to life. Sadly, most of the caves found already have something living in them. Hungry thingies, that are not-hungry-thingies after the bolds came by. The great chieftain, Jininti Jemanebo, standing proud 2"3' tall, told you: Find cave. Loot cave. Bring back shinies and then move with 174 cousins and 214 grand-cousins to new cave. No space here.

And with this, the brave bold started his quest.


We go here. Hot woodland. Water, look a brook, fishies. Nice fishies. There cave. Wood, soil to dig in... lets go. I lead. I have magic artefact, the mighty bloodsteel machete. I keep safe. You, and you, troll and troll, you come with us. And you, take rats, for rat-on-stick, when hungry. And shalswars, my beautiful shalswar pets, you hunt good. We also need axe for wood, and shovel for dirt, and anvil for... I dunno. But take it. Take it and lets go. Go. Gogogo.

Map of the area:

And our start, king of the hill:

Tutorial: I checked if the embark has a cave. This is very important, because you cannot enter the caverns otherwise. You can ignore metals, but soil, sand and clay are very nice for kobolds. Clay is the main source of build materials, once you finish up with your wood. Nice to have is a watersource, since kobolds dont brew drinks that often. They dont need alcohol, and a clean brook or river is good enough for them.

This embark has all four. A brook, clay, very deep soil and a cave.

I took 2 breeding couples of shalswars, for scale and vermin hunting.
I took 2 brook trolls as guards, couldnt afford an ogre.
I took a couple of jack rats, as food source. Very important, since kobolds dont eat plants.
I took 1 bloodsteel machete. Ironbone is the best metal you can produce, so bloodsteel is a rare and valuable resource.
I took an anvil, because I cant make those otherwise. You have to trade one at the very least.
Important skills are tanner, leatherworker, fisher, woodcutter, woodcrafter and carpenter. And potter. Yes, you heard that right, Potter.

Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: smakemupagus on March 01, 2013, 04:37:23 pm
How do you look for caves?
Title: Re: Kobolds. Judging interest.
Post by: OREOSOME on March 01, 2013, 04:38:11 pm
They are represented by the boulder symbol on the world/region/local map.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 04:39:20 pm
That is correct. Normal worldgen has maybe... 1(?) but my included template usually have 50-200 caves. :) And they always connect to the cavern. This one even first and second cavern, but I am getting ahead of myself. ;)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: chaosgear on March 01, 2013, 04:41:11 pm
Posting to watch.
We never see masterwork succession games. This needs to be rectified.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 04:46:23 pm
Then start one ^^ No one needs my approval for anything, its free ;)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: chaosgear on March 01, 2013, 04:49:34 pm
I'm not good enough to start a decent fort.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 04:58:31 pm
You dont need to be good. You need to be entertaining :P And even if not, a succession fort has many players. I just released a new version, why not start a Dwarf Fort? Smake has his Orc fort, and I am busy with the Kobolds for now. :)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: chaosgear on March 01, 2013, 05:16:54 pm
A trinity of MDF forts!
Alright, you convinced me, but I'm too busy this weekend to start. I'll start working on Monday.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 05:53:46 pm
Chapter 2 - Of Caves and Kobolds

We are on a cave. A cave, on a cave. A CAVE! Get ready, hide, run, give me my machete and run. Keep the animals out, I go first. I explore. Run into cave, cut up strange burrower creature for good, all good now. Come on. Come, go in. OH NO. Bronze man, run, run, go out. Go Out.

Thats our start. First thing you should do is to assign your nobles and equip your military, if you have any. Caves always have inhabitants, and kobolds are not very strong. I started out against a brown burrower, and a few levels deeper a Bronze Statue. I retreated... no cave for now.


Kobolds carry food. Carry wood, dig dirt, make home. Bring rats and make kitchen. And carpenter for door. And bring the shalswars to protect food. And the trolls to protect kobolds from becoming food. And all is here. Except the shalswars. Too curious, now dead. All nice shalswars dead.  :'(

I starting digging a hide-out into the nearby hill. Its easier then digging a moat and building a wall, especially if you dont have any stone. I made a little maze-like entry, put both trolls in it, butchered the horse, and brought all the rats in, our herd. Very important to keep a breeding pair of rats. By that time the shalswars went hunting vermin in the cave... and all four got killed of course, by the Bronze Statue. I noticed that the Statue hit people with a Sandal it found, so I dared an attack and killed it with the brave bold, War Marshal Hanim. But too late. All my vermin-hunting pets are dead. That not only hurts our stockpiled food, it also means that we cant cook the vermin remains into more food.


While the rest of the bold was digging, stockpiling and making wooden thingies, our War Marshal run into the cave. Killed a nith. Run deeper. Run into the first cavern. Found a way tunneling underground. Run deeper. Run into the second cavern. So lucky. But then it struck me: Kobolds dont have the facilities to use the caverns. They cant use the crystal wood from the 2nd cavern. They cannot even dig the gems that are just in front of them, or the metal. There is nothing in the caverns, but a lot of free space and death. And probably wood and water, but we have that on the surface, with less death.

Lesson learned: Next Kobold Camp version will give Kobolds uses for caverns. Maybe dig the exposed gems. Breaking the crystal trees into pikes. Gathering some nice fungi in the first cavern. We will see. Currently there is no reason to go down there, except hunting and roleplaying. Like building a wooden "aboveground-fort" in the cavern. I will try this.

Here is the brave bold, leading the fray. One lonely kobold, deep below the earth.

Tutorial: Assign nobles just like in Dwarf Fortress. Quickly start a simple military. Take care of your pets, they are both your main food income and your best defense. Learn to use less space, because you only have a few z-lvls of soil. Rely on wood. Make wooden furniture, doors, blocks, everything. Its ok, you are Kobolds.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 01, 2013, 07:26:35 pm
Chapter 3 - The Summer Camp

Work progress, nothing too bad or too good happens for a while. First of all I locked the cave, to avoid further incedents. 3 more bronze statues run around, a cave croc, and who knows what. About 3 ingame days after I installed the door, a giant cave beetle walked up to it...


Now lets take a look at my camp. It is way different from a dwarven Fortress. There are no mason. No stone littering every tunnel. Nor really tunnels either. No stairs. And no wall or moat in view. There is simply not enough material, since I can only use wood at this moment. But at least my kobolds are busy.


Most things tend to run well. We have a designated miner that enlarges our cave, a woodcutter that brings new materials, a fisher helping us not to starve... and the rest is doing random odd jobs, mostly carrying stuff around at that time. Here is the current camp setup. Its several larger rooms and a maze-like entrance with guard trolls. On the outside you see my future wood-processing area, I want to wall this area in.  It is the first day of summer, and we have successfully survived one entire season. :)

Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: jaxy15 on March 02, 2013, 12:03:03 pm
Seems kinda cluttered, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: tomio175 on March 02, 2013, 12:10:59 pm

Meph, you rule.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 02, 2013, 12:51:58 pm
Seems kinda cluttered, doesn't it?
The camp, or the thread? ^^
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: jaxy15 on March 02, 2013, 01:00:27 pm
Seems kinda cluttered, doesn't it?
The camp, or the thread? ^^
The camp.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: CaptainKobold on March 02, 2013, 02:50:01 pm
Camps should look cluttered!  No time for Dwarven efficiency!

I think it's interesting that you go for digging and caves.  I can see that lets you get much more of the camp built much faster.  I've usually built little wooden huts and villages, sometimes with a wooden wall around.  I may need to build on a cave this time though in case I want to go cavern exploring.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 02, 2013, 02:51:35 pm
Caverns dont hold much for Kobolds atm, but I plant to change that. :)

Edit: I just wanted to say: I go for caves, because kobols officially live in cave.. check legends. :) I never heard of a kobold village before.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: CaptainKobold on March 02, 2013, 02:53:28 pm
I figure that caverns hold different kinds of wood, meat, and bones which can be enough to motivate kobolds seeking wonderful delicacies!  Cave crocodile meat likely tastes delicious after all and probably makes for some very scary looking bone armor.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: mavj96 on March 02, 2013, 10:33:11 pm
I'm having serious problems getting ogres to equip tree trunks.

I have him pastured right next to the bed and the cloud has poofed on him multiple times and the tree trunk is not equipping.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: CaptainKobold on March 03, 2013, 01:37:57 am
The main reason I like to build a town for the kobolds is a couple of the kobold camp images.


Only the most glorious of constructions for my the boldest of the 'bolds.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Demonbutter on March 03, 2013, 02:10:59 am
Oh my god! Bold me! I have no specific tastes :)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: leafar on March 03, 2013, 08:06:17 am
I noticed that the Statue hit people with a Sandal it found,
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

thats just its normal sandal, it saw vermin enter its cave and the newspaper was still on the loo - to ease ones bronze load takes quite some time...

also: troll me, so that i have an excuse for trolling :D
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Firehawk45 on March 03, 2013, 08:23:38 am
Just perfect, smake and you are on a conqust to kill all my time... Damn, bold me, the witch doctor pease. I think with kobolds, i will have enough to do :)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: jaxy15 on March 03, 2013, 08:34:41 am
If you're bolding people, can I be a wood stalk farmer?
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 04, 2013, 10:55:16 am
Chapter 4 - The bolded Bolds so far.

MEPH - The Brave Bold (Military Leader) - Sign of the Lizard

`Meph' Shantebohinild has been quite content lately.  He made a friend recently.  He talked with a friend lately.  He slept in the grass recently.  He has been satisfied at work lately.  He has complained of the lack of dining tables lately.  He has complained of the lack of a well lately. 
He is a worshipper of Obald the Foggy Sun and a worshipper of Hild. 
He is a citizen of The Bust of Infections.  He is a member of The Busty Bitches.  He is the head kobold of The Busty Bitches.  He is the warband marshal of The Busty Bitches.  He arrived at Chimpsahald on the 1st of Granite in the year 96. 
He is four years old, born on the 2nd of Moonstone in the year 92. 
He is tall.  His eyes are yellow.  His snout is somewhat short.  His black skin is very smooth.  His muzzle is somewhat broad.  His slightly low eyebrows are slightly sparse.  His hair is somewhat long.  His ears are slightly flattened. 
He is virtually never sick and quite quick to heal. 
`Meph' Shantebohinild likes black brick, demonic, heartstone, the color white, pikes and phoenixes for their fiery glow.  When possible, he prefers to consume royal fisher berry wine and hide root seeds.  He absolutely detests finches. 

He is always tense and jittery.  He is very slow to anger.  He never feels discouraged.  He is comfortable in social situations.  He is confident under pressure.  He is somewhat reserved.  He is unassertive.  He often feels filled with joy.  He is mostly unaware of his own emotions and rarely expresses them.  He prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder. He is guarded in relationships with others.  He finds helping others very rewarding.  He is immodest. He is compassionate.  He has a strong sense of duty.  He strives for excellence.  He talks very quickly when he's nervous.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

*LIZARD* A small, dog-like humanoid with long drooping ears.  Kobolds born under the Sign of the Lizard have great powers of recuperation.  Like all Earth Sign kobolds, they begin to thrive upon combat once they get a taste of it.

 Three Kills
One brown burrower ( ) in The New Crevice
One bronze statue in The New Crevice
One nith wisp in The New Crevice

FIREHAWK - The Witchdoctor - Sign of the Viper

`Firehawk' Ompsaboontane has been quite content lately.  He slept in the dirt recently.  He talked with a friend lately.  He has complained of the lack of chairs lately.  He has complained of the nasty water lately.  He has complained of the lack of a well lately.  He has been satisfied at work lately.  He admired a fine Seat lately. 
He is romantically involved with Antano Clingtires.  He is a worshipper of Obald the Foggy Sun and a dubious worshipper of Obald the Foggy Sun. 
He is a citizen of The Bust of Infections.  He is a member of The Busty Bitches.  He is the witch doctor of The Busty Bitches.  He arrived at Chimpsahald on the 1st of Granite in the year 96. 
He is four years old, born on the 24th of Obsidian in the year 92. 
He is incredibly skinny.  His yellow eyes are protruding.  His snout is somewhat short.  His ears are somewhat narrow.  His ecru skin is very smooth.  His muzzle is somewhat broad.  His dry hair is quite long.  His slightly low eyebrows are slightly sparse. 
He is possessed of amazing recuperative powers, but he is weak, very flimsy and quite clumsy. 
`Firehawk' Ompsaboontane likes olive ash glaze, arsenic fumes, star ruby, weak acid, the color green-yellow, slings, banded skirts, totems and grave worms for their toothy mouths.  When possible, he prefers to consume steelclad horse, dwarven ale and longland flour.  He absolutely detests oysters. 
He has very good creativity and a sum of patience, but he has poor empathy, a poor ability to manage or understand social relationships, poor spatial senses and quite poor focus. 
He is a nervous wreck.  He is very slow to anger.  He almost never feels discouraged.  He is impervious to the effects of stress.  He is very distant and reserved.  He prefers that others handle the leadership roles.  He often feels filled with joy.  He prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder.  He is very trusting.  He finds helping others very rewarding.  He is willing to compromise with others.  He is not easily moved to pity.  He has a sense of duty.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

*VIPER* A small, dog-like humanoid with long drooping ears.  Kobolds born under the Sign of the Viper are not shy about close combat with knife nor fang.  Like all Earth Sign kobolds, they begin to thrive upon combat once they get a taste of it.

JAXY - The Farmer - Sign of the Kestrel

`Jaxy' Shananeobebi has been quite content lately.  He admired a fine Door lately.  He had a nice bath recently.  He slept in the mud recently.  He has complained of hunger lately.  He has complained of the lack of a well lately.  He has complained of the nasty water lately.  He has been satisfied at work lately.  He has complained of the lack of chairs lately.  He talked with a friend lately. 
He is a faithful worshipper of Anebi the Swampy Cat and a worshipper of Hild. 
He is a citizen of The Bust of Infections.  He is a member of The Busty Bitches.  He arrived at Chimpsahald on the 1st of Granite in the year 96. 
He is five years old, born on the 24th of Sandstone in the year 91. 
He is average in size.  His snout is somewhat short.  His pale pink skin is very smooth.  His muzzle is somewhat broad.  His quite long hair is straight.  His eyebrows are slightly sparse.  His eyes are yellow. 

`Jaxy' Shananeobebi likes native copper, trifle pewter, black diamond, weak acid, clear glass, the color dark chestnut, pointy sticks, leather armor, earrings and beetles for their armour plating.  When possible, he prefers to consume flying squirrel, zebra loach and swamp whiskey.  He absolutely detests pillbugs. 
He has a good kinesthetic sense and the ability to focus, but he has meager creativity, little willpower, poor empathy and very bad analytical abilities. 
He is always tense and jittery.  He is very slow to anger.  He never feels discouraged.  He is impervious to the effects of stress.  He is somewhat reserved.  He is not a risk-taker.  He can be very happy and optimistic.  He has a good awareness of his own emotions.  He prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder.  He is truly fulfilled by assisting those in need.  He is very disorganized.  He snaps his fingers repeatedly when he's excited.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

*KESTREL* A small, dog-like humanoid with long drooping ears.  Kobolds born under the Sign of the Kestrel are natural hunters and bowyers.  Like all Air Sign kobolds, they are adept at stealth and cannot be ensnared in webs.

DEMONBUTTER - The Lasher (Hammerer with a Whip) - Sign of the Lizard

`Demonbutter' Ononiboento has been unhappy lately.  He slept without a proper room recently.  He admired a fine Door lately.  He slept in the grass recently.  He has complained of the lack of chairs lately.  He has complained of the lack of a well lately.  He has complained of the nasty water lately.  He has been satisfied at work lately. 
He is a worshipper of Anebi the Swampy Cat and a casual worshipper of Obald the Foggy Sun. 
He is a citizen of The Bust of Infections.  He is a member of The Busty Bitches.  He is the Lasher of The Busty Bitches.  He arrived at Chimpsahald on the 1st of Granite in the year 96. 
He is six years old, born on the 5th of Slate in the year 90. 
He is weak.  His muzzle is somewhat broad.  His snout is somewhat short.  His ecru skin is very smooth.  His hair is quite long.  His eyebrows are slightly sparse.  His ears are somewhat long.  His yellow eyes are somewhat narrow. 
He is virtually never sick, quite durable, slow to tire and agile, but he is very weak and shockingly slow to heal. 
`Demonbutter' Ononiboento likes dark blue brick, shrapnel, rose quartz, turtle shell, the color plum, gauntlets, chains and giant kiwis for their long beaks.  When possible, he prefers to consume stalk whisky and nether creeper spawns.  He absolutely detests blood gnats. 
He has a deep well of patience, willpower and good intuition, but he has a meager kinesthetic sense, poor empathy, quite poor focus and a poor ability to manage or understand social relationships. 
He is always tense and jittery.  He is very slow to anger.  He almost never feels discouraged.  He is confident under pressure.  He is very distant and reserved.  He often feels filled with joy.  He appreciates art and natural beauty.  He prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder.  He is candid and sincere in dealings with others.  He finds helping others very rewarding.  He is modest.  He is compassionate.  He is organized.  He doesn't go out of his way to do more work than necessary.  He often does the first thing that comes to mind.  He skips around when he's excited.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

*LIZARD* A small, dog-like humanoid with long drooping ears.  Kobolds born under the Sign of the Lizard have great powers of recuperation.  Like all Earth Sign kobolds, they begin to thrive upon combat once they get a taste of it.

and.. LEAFAR - The Troll. (cant actually change the name, since trolls are pets. We have two guarding the doorway atm. Hope thats ok for you)

(Size 55, humanoid) A tribal troll species of a goblin size. It has green-brown fur, black tusks and three eyes. It lives in marshes where it loves to hide in the water, and in rocky wastelands.

He is average in size.  His teeth are tangled.  His close-set black eyes are bulging.  His somewhat tall ears have large hanging lobes.  He has an angular chin.  His hair is moss green.  His skin is black.   

The text and color has been exportet by the plugin "forumdwarves" which I am testing atm, and will include in the next version of the mod.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Demonbutter on March 04, 2013, 11:41:54 am
Hmm, will the effects being born under the Lizard help with my 'shockingly slow' healing?
Also, what's the natural lifespan of a Kobold?
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Firehawk45 on March 04, 2013, 11:53:10 am
Also, what's the natural lifespan of a Kobold?

Normally until he encounters something that is larger/stronger/faster/deadlier then him. So, not that long
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Demonbutter on March 04, 2013, 12:12:37 pm
Normally until he encounters something that is larger/stronger/faster/deadlier then him. So, not that long

Haha, I know that but seeing as most of them are half a dozen years old, I was wondering how long one 'naturally' lives.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 04, 2013, 12:39:11 pm
Kobolds life between 10-20 years.

Lizard Signs, like all Earth signs get LIKES_FIGHTING:TRANCES:NOPAIN, depending on how much death they saw. First one tag, then two, then all three. So if you have one the "doesnt care for anything anymore" and had a lot of fights, he gets all three tags. But no faster healing.

Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: InZane on March 04, 2013, 12:46:07 pm
Bold me. any military custom prof :  bogeyman please
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Firehawk45 on March 04, 2013, 12:51:52 pm
sauropods... well, they are a lot of meat, so how many bolds die isnt relevant,  that thing gives a lot of resources!
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: mavj96 on March 04, 2013, 01:35:06 pm
So no one has had success with the log arming of ogres yet?
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: jaxy15 on March 04, 2013, 01:43:15 pm
So no one has had success with the log arming of ogres yet?
I have.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Demonbutter on March 04, 2013, 02:23:37 pm

Thank you.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼
Post by: Meph on March 04, 2013, 05:26:39 pm
Chapter 5 - A year of Kobolds

A year has passed, without many incidents. The cave is locked down, and the only thing our Kobolds hear are the painful screams of random animals being beaten by bronze statues. Niths, wisps, cave crocs, cave blobs, burrowers... they all get tackled by angry metal statues. And possibly beaten with silk sandals. Who knows...

Other civilizations have not yet taken up contact with us, except for 2 goblins. One kidnapper that tried to kidnap non-existing children, and a thief who was scared away by woodcutters, after scaring away said woodcutters. It must have been a curious meeting in the woods. "Ahhh, a goblin thief" ... "Ahhh, kobold with tiny axes" "Run" "Run", and he was seen no more. Speaking of our woodcutters, this is our wood processin area:


We have a farm for woodstalks, but sadly no seeds for them yet. Next to it a stockpile full of logs, and a wood processor, a sawmill and a wood carver. We can refine and smooth or polish wood, and cut it into planks for constructions, which is the most important part.

Jaxy was running around the forest too, but being a Air-Sign born kobold, he has no problem hiding from the bigger creatures. Which does include about everything when you are a kobold. So lets just say that Air-Sign Kobolds are good for fishing, hunting, beekeeping and woodcutting, because they dont die instantly. The hunter has been renamed to "thief" btw, to show how ambush skills affect kobolds. Thieving little bastards... ;)


And now to our battle. A sauropod had wandered to close to the entrance, and startet to randomly attack kobolds. Sadly for our tribe, being attacked by a 200-ton dinosaur involves only one stomp for each bold. *Stomp, woodcutter dead. *Stomp, another woodcutter dead. Meph ran out to scare away the beast or die trying, but the mindless fool also carried a wooden training axe, instead of his bloodsteel machete. Some similarily mindless overseer-bold had assigned him to woodcutting labor as well. Being able to dodge, he survived much longer... till this occured:


Our second recruit, a spearbold waiting for his pointy stick, run at the sauropod, bites it in the tail, and insta-kills it. Instead of mildly poisonous kobold saliva he injects the Sauropod with magma. This is a tiny little bug caused by some misorder in the raws, with one template being declared above another, dependant one. Note: All viper sign kobold bites cause instant-death and a pretty severe forest fire. The hero viper-born bold quickly dies by fire, which is put out by a miraculously well timed rain. (dfhack:weather rain) 

The rest of the year passed without incident. We traded some silk clothing for seeds and a shalswar that protects our food from vermin... many jack rats were born and all male newborns quickly butchered. New industries sprung up, and this is how the camp looks, being exactly one year old. We have bone-bolt loaded ballistas, a tradedepot, a thriving bee and moth industry for honey and silk, start the leather upgrades for a possible future army, and ordered ogres and more seeds for next year. Our clay production is running well, although the lack of coal is limiting how much I can use it. I have 7 woodcutter strip-cutting the map at the moment. And some underground treefarms. We have running water for our wells, and a locked down outdoorarea with a bridge.

Spoiler: Surface (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Zlvl -1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Zlvl -2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Summary (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: MuDD on March 04, 2013, 09:18:23 pm
LMAO, I had wondered what happened to my Brave Bold and how him fighting Badgers led to a truly spectacular forest fire.
Now I know, lol.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Meph on March 04, 2013, 10:17:20 pm
Yes, a design oversight that leads to 1 in 12 bolds starting fires in fights... will be fixed next release. ^^
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: smakemupagus on March 04, 2013, 11:41:48 pm
LOL.  Glad you figured it out.  The intended poison would have been nearly useless on the Sauropod because (if i remember correctly) it's Size-diluted.  Plus, it's not an injection of liquid hot molten rock.

On the bright side, it was good to confirm that Viper-kobolds will in fact use their bite attack :)

>> Hmm, will the effects being born under the Lizard help with my 'shockingly slow' healing?

Yeah unless Meph tweaked it, I think that Lizard starsign have a significant boost to recuperation, so 'shockingly slow' for a lizard-sign might be near median for the greater population.  But, I don't have raws here to double check. 

@Meph -- that plug is you use to print out the text from Character sheets is cool.  Can it do combat log screen text too?!
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Meph on March 05, 2013, 02:06:31 am
They do? Sorry, my bad then, I thought they did not.

The plugin should be able to do all text windows, fitting with color. Combat logs should work as well. Here (
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Dipo233 on March 13, 2013, 04:21:21 am
So the kobold camp mod is inside the masterwork df download, but i dont understand how i am supposed to choose the kobold race to begin with because it doesn't show up as one of the choices once i press tab. I downloaded the masterwork v.2f for mac. Or is it not on the mac version yet? Thanks to anyone who helps :)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: leafar on March 13, 2013, 04:36:44 am
in your masterwork-df folder there should be a settings.exe if you run this, there are buttons to activate orcs/kobolds(only one at a time!)(disables dwarves)
i don't use mac but from what i read in other posts, you need wine(the programm, not the drink) to run the exe
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Dipo233 on March 13, 2013, 04:37:50 am
dang. but for me the exe doesn't work :P. i guess ill try smth else. ill get back later
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Child of Armok on March 13, 2013, 03:47:33 pm
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Meph on March 15, 2013, 08:40:55 am
Working on the next kobold camp version. I will continue this once its released. :)
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: mavj96 on March 15, 2013, 09:05:45 am
Looking forward to it Meph.
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Ahrimans Library Card on March 20, 2013, 03:41:31 pm
Mighty Ahriman, noble hurler of ballista arrows at random animals!
Title: Re: Chancetips - ☼MDF Kobold Camp Tutorial Fort☼ - 5th Chapter
Post by: Meph on March 21, 2013, 05:06:22 am
Next version is out. Trap spiders work now, Ogres have natural fighting skills, Kobolds can dig gems, which makes caverns a lot more interesting and I fixed a few minor bugs. You can also make clay sling bullets now. :)