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Messages - Splint

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DF Gameplay Questions / Re: What are the benefits of leather armor?
« on: April 26, 2024, 05:58:51 am »
Leather armor covers a decent amount and is good for the following
- Low-encumbrance option for ranged fighters (where encumbrance plays a minor role in how quickly they reload and fire)
- General armor-user training.
- Defense against animal attacks.
- Preventing accidents from wrestling throws/takedowns in normal training or combat. (I learned this one the hard way)
- Lightweight alternative to breastplates, particularly in metal-poor environments or for physically weaker recruits until they get their strength up.

Every little bit helps, though due to being a soft material, it can wear out rather quickly in combat when fending off metal weapon attacks. Bone and shell likewise can serve similar roles, keeping troops light and making sure they have something besides plain clothes for protection against damage. During wrestling in training/combat, leather helmets and armor can be the difference between a recruit getting a bruise and getting killed by accident or their ribs broken, but in general organic materials tend to fare very poorly on their own in real combat. This even extends to wood or leather shields/bucklers, especially ones of higher quality than their users' weapons as they'll frequently be smashed apart on the enemy's head.

That said, I've actually gotten decent results pairing leather armor with chain armor. Their low weight compared to breastplates means soldiers move faster and are worn out less while still having that extra layer to reduce incoming damage. While far from scientific, it seems that leather body armor over mail can be the difference between a pierced lung and "just" a broken rib from stabbing attacks from anything bigger than a bolt or arrow and can be enough to keep werecreatures from tearing the skin with an initial bite if they go for the body.

Mod Releases / Re: [47.05] LISA: The Dwarfful - Combo Weapons Update
« on: March 30, 2024, 05:44:29 pm »
I come bearing good news!

The mod has officially been ported forward to v50, along with a bunch of new stuff that I don't have a changelog for that ZM5 added.

Pick it up here.

Please note that it does not have graphical support nor music from the v47 release. That would have required slightly more effort on my end than this already was making sure it more or less worked.

Did a short test fort, and 10/10 would get all my food incinerated by a discount Brad while three of my guys were stabbed to death by a Mexican cartel member again.

Mod Releases / Re: [47.05] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp
« on: March 30, 2024, 05:21:50 pm »
Hey hey people, Splint here.

I have another unofficial update for you guys on ZM5's behalf. First up, I've made a small update to the main LoD update file to mark it clearly as an unofficial update.

Get that here, folks.

The other component is that finally, at long last, the race pack has been updated. Make sure you have the biome mod, because this won't work without it.

Get that here, my fellow clandwarves.

I don't remember if I said this before, but weight counts for a lot in offscreen battles. Any large war animal is great on a raid.

Absolutely. There's been plenty of reports where dwarves brought pet yaks and cattle on offensive actions and they proved to be rather mighty creatures due to their bulk.

And my oh my that town is a lovely sight. Bet nobody in Mong Kima would have ever believed they'd have one of the finest human cities on the continent and be counted, perhaps, as something of a great power in scarcely a single lifetime after a century of being from the sound of things, viewed as something of a backwater bumpkin kind of people.

And here's hoping the elves come to trade next year. Maybe some high-quality gifts will help smooth any ruffled feathers.

Very interested in this mod.. is it generally considered stable at this point for DF 0.47.05?

Late response, but speaking from experience it was more or less stable outside of freak occurrences that were fixed.

I suppose you lack images for most of the creatures, with the "graphical" version now ?

No graphics to be had, and there's so much stuff in the mod that it would take a very long time to do everything so I wouldn't expect Teneb to bother.

... That said you may need to make beak dogs or something useable as pack animals for them to be able to deliver any offerings, even if said offerings are token gestures of submission to the more militarily powerful entity. ...

47.05 goblins are capable of taming both evil-aligned animals and cave animals without trouble. Beak dogs don't appear to be considered pack animals; however, is it possible that anything else in that list might be something goblins have access to? (Although it's plenty easy to make the civilization templates-of-sorts that the game uses override the default behavior of animals, 47.05 goblins don't do that by themselves - they would need to be modded to.)
(For the purposes of modding, "cave animals" are defined as creatures appearing exclusively in subterranean biomes. "Evil animals" are evil-aligned creatures with [SLOW_LEARNER] or without [CAN_LEARN], and the token allowing a civilization to use this definition of evil animals also lets them use the creatures in question even if they otherwise can't be tamed.)

Wouldn't even have to do that, it's just stuff they have access to by default I don't think have the tokens needed and I never see them really use normal domestic animals from memory. All he'd have to do is add the tokens for either pulling wagons or hauling goods to the beak dog creature.

So it'd be like [WAGON_PULLER] or [PACK_ANIMAL] combined with [TRADE_CAPACITY:whatever number here] added to a suitable creature the goblins have, which usually means beak dogs (and works out alright enough since they're large enough to ride.)

Honestly if they're willing to submit to Mong Kima without a fight, then that means their loyalty to whatever master they have has likely eroded quite a bit. That said you may need to make beak dogs or something useable as pack animals for them to be able to deliver any offerings, even if said offerings are token gestures of submission to the more militarily powerful entity.

Course if they don't, then the usual route is still on the table.

Though in some lights, those who dislike excessive use of power over others might view it as little more than legitimatized banditry, even if in the course of a war effort it's still denying the enemy resources.

I do remember very clearly having caged a bronze colossus a couple forts ago, back in Thomocemir. Don't forget our raws are very old ! All our megabeasts, including titans and FB, but also demons, angels, dragons, BC, etc, have stats generated 7 years ago

That should mean ettins, giants, rocs, dragons, colossi and minotaurs are fair game for cage, stonefall and weapon traps.

That said, care needs to be taken with the tameable ones, sometimes the adults that are captured to get a program started are still viewed as enemies by your militia while they're on active duty. Also, speaking from experience in Riverrun, dragons can and will damage infrastructure and citizens/livestock with their fire breath if they see an enemy. They're like helldiver turrets - they won't go out of their way to kill your citizens with their fire, but they aren't going to view them as valid obstructions either.

Commandos as suggested. Force Reconnaissance is another option, though a bit long. If one wants to use the human language, then Tar Omud ('Land Spirits') might be a good option - I derived that one from some Germanic folklore of the land wights. Normally imperceptible but should they be roused to anger, capable of great damage.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: March 08, 2024, 10:41:33 pm »
Icebulwark continues along.

The fortress guard was finally established, mainly just as an excuse to put more dwarves under arms, but also because a uh, "possible timeline" resulted in five deaths due to a bar brawl that escalated from a brawl to people chasing those involved through the halls to beat them to death. One dwarf was incarcerated for just shy of two months for a past violation of a production order, this being a weaponsmith who would moonlight at the craftsman's guild. Gonna have to carefully vet the fortress guard, since I don't want corrupt shitheads on the force.

Multiple FB attacks also took place, but thankfully two were infinitely more killable than the other was.
- An ankylosaurid with deadly dust. Killed by a mosquito made of purple spinel.
- Said purple spinel mosquito. Decapitated by Olin, one of our Swardmasters. The head has been mounted in the tavern.
- A stonefly with stun gas. An Axedwarf named Bomrek was elevated to the status of Axe Lord for his bravery against it, even if another Axe Lord named Ushrir stole his kill (possibly because it seemed like he was just bullying the thing past a certain point.)

The king is finally getting proper furnishings installed in his dining room as well, as he's been taking his meals on his throne with no chairs (thankfully he's easy to appease with spears and bracelets.)

Something strange is also going on in the cattle area. Seeing as we've been partially making a living selling horses and sheep, a wave of recent deaths due to infections seemingly has me worried there's something skulking around in there or some shit, so I've dispatched Bomrek to see if there's anything in there.

It'd be unfortunate to lose our entire herds of livestock and war animals to a mystery disease, seeing as none of these animals would have been exposed to the forgotten beast syndromes.

EDIT: Had to roll back, no clue what caused the wave of deaths besides maybe some of that FB dust from the ankylosaurid getting on the cats and ending up in the pens that are partially open to the sky. Broke down, got DF hack 9which I haven't needed for a long time,) to clear up any possible dust spatter.

Ah, the sight of that city is a beautiful one to behold!

That's odd, I don't remember the lack of visitors being an issue, but it has been a very long time since the town was established and resettled IRL time.

If it weren't for the security concerns placing one more towards one of the map edges on either side of the bridge might have the desired result, but that'd be the kind of thing that would fall under being an experiment and probably not suited for the story here without a lot of set-up to keep such a thing properly secured against at least ground-based cavalry and infantry attacks.

I personally wouldn't consider the tweak to be cheating, since it's essentially fixing a problem the game is having. I've had to use it way back in 34.11 before to fix migrant waves more than once.

As a rescue-to-army thing, while monstrous at a glance if they have pre-existing skills and the personality for it or proper motive (such as monsters or the osmites having wronged them personally in the past,) no reason they can't serve in a domestic unit if there's ever the need to raise a new one or fill holes in the roster as they arise. But as story has some degree of priority, I'd still stress it needing to make sense in those situations which will vary from person to person and most probably won't fit the bill.

Having a specialist team to rescue people would also not go amiss. Never know when it'll be handy to have.

I look forward to the next update all the same.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: What's going on in your fort?
« on: February 15, 2024, 09:18:20 pm »
I think it's time to write again.

I've been playing 50.11 for the first time in a while, and I decided to pick from three civs, two weak, one strong. The one I chose was the kingdom of Fath Osal, the Sacks of Singing.

Their capital was isolated and small, a fortress called Bridgedfocus. Tucked away in a tundra valley within The Tower of Barricades (henceforth simply "The Barricade") they were the region's southernmost people and sheltered from the violence north of it.

They had made attempts to settle the northern slopes of The Barricade in the past, every time being met with violence by the local elves. After 246 years of this nonsense, Queen catten sent an expedition known as The Frosty Hatchets into a specific spot on the northern slopes beyond their valley to establish Ushilrithzƒm, "Icebulwark," so named due to its placement running along the southern edge of The Tundra of Sun.

The fortress has grown and thrived since then, reaching a population of over 140, but this hasn't been a bloodless establishment. The fortress has been attacked thrice by the elves of The Mellow Clouds, clearly intent on quashing The Sack dwarves once and for all. The first two were relatively minor affairs, a scouting party of infantry and three squads of cavalry respectively.

The third was a serious onslaught that involved dozens of elves and several well-armed and armored elven mercenaries from human lands on top (who stuck out due to their heavy metal armor and weapons.) It was only after dozens of deaths that they withdrew in defeat. It was curious as to why this attack was so drastically larger until we learned the awful truth.

An army of some 500 had marched on and seized Bridgedfocus, displacing the monarch who had apparently replaced Catten in the intervening five years, King Fath Lashedsuns. He arrived early in 251, with only his wife and advisor in tow, making us the new capital - and now the final hope - of Fath Osal.

Also after repeated "visits" that began to grow tiring and suspicious, we finally killed the pretender Countess of Typhoonworked, our only other major hold in the north that fell some time ago.

The fortress has also reopened to migrants. We'll need the bodies for any warfighting, and it's start to seem like we'll need every beard and plait able to bear arms soon enough.

While it's more of a long-term style of sourcing manpower, I did remember an idea I've seen some people use and I've used myself before. I forget if it was floated or not before.

Assuming there's a possibility of finding a good spot (probably underground) you could set up a kind of pseudo-foreign quarter, making an open-to-all tavern/inn with beds for rent. - with a caveat to watch each visitor closely and keep the cap low and your artifacts well-secured. While the main draw will be bards, those same bards will often have desirable skills or combat training (I once took on a human bard who turned out to be a legendary-skill armorer who put all my dwarves to shame at the job for instance.) They'll also attract actual sellswords, which while those seem to usually be fewer in number are also useful, and adding the [MERCENARY] tag to more civs might lead to a spike in them appearing from many sources, as I think by default only humans have that tag (which is kind of weird.)

Applicants essentially get two years of good/easy living (or as close as we can provide,) with the expectation that they join the army when those two years are up, making them mercenaries with extra steps as well (only those individuals can also lead squads themselves after attaining citizenship, potentially allowing us to source entire strike teams from foreign populations.) Kind of like a bizarre take on a Foreign Legion.

And of course among those we attract we still get to keep the ones who happen to have desirable trade skills such as bone carvers, clothiers or smiths.

The only reason that mugger is still alive is likely because Totten was off-duty from the sound of things. my experience with such matters tells me if she were on active duty she'd have probably smashed his skull in an instant, if he was lucky.

Those executions of enemy leadership made me laugh much harder than they should have. I guess they seemed so comically out of nowhere that I couldn't help it. That said, those Osmite bastards almost certainly have (and like have had for some time now, considering even the kindest goblin is still going to be a prick on a good day,) similar things planned for the nobility of Mong Kima at this point.

And man, I love your depictions of the bronze colossi. Not sure what it is about them.

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