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Topics - Svarte Troner

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Hey y'all, I haven't been active on this forum for a long time, but I missed it so I'm back. Would there be any interest in a Vicky 2 lp? I have the expansions and the only mod I'll be using is HPM which changes a bit but it's not too dissimilar from vanilla.

Perhaps some sort of 'succession' type gameplay where we trade off the save after 10 years or so or I can just play myself and take suggestions from you all.

Here's a list of countries to choose from (HPM adds/changes some but this is a good enough list):

I'll take the first 10ish suggestions that are interesting to play as and then we can have a vote and go from there?

Nations so far:

Россiйская Pеспублика

President of the Republic - Alexander Kerensky - 1936

Russia entered the Weltkrieg in aid of its ally Serbia and fought a war across three fronts while isolated from its allies. Russia did not want war but felt that the only alternative was German domination of Europe. Although the army was far from defeated in 1916, the already-existing public distrust of the regime was deepened by the rising costs of war, casualties, and tales of corruption and even treason, leading to the outbreak of the Russian Revolution of 1917. At the Congress of Omsk in April 1919, the White Generals agreed to form a united political front behind Alexander Kerensky and the remaining forces of the Provisional Government. The united White forces, joined by the kingdom of Finland, made considerable gains, but the Red Army was still too strong and well placed, dominating the Russian industrial heartland and transportation networks. But soon the German empire, fearing the success of a dangerous ideology, decided to intervene on behalf of the Whites in exchange for the recognition of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
By September 1921, both Moscow and St. Petersburg fell to the White forces and a new Russian Republic was established in Moscow on October 12, with Kerensky as its first President.

The newborn Russian Federation has been under constant threat, externally and from within, since its birth.
In 1924, the shadows of another civil war threatened the country when the Minister of Defense Alexandr Kolchak tried to overthrow the government and seize power. However, the coup failed and most of the traitors were killed or arrested, even if a few (Kolchak among them) managed to escape. Since then, the government has struggled to consolidate its rule and improve the economy, still reeling from the Civil War. For the past fifteen years, the leading political parties (namely the Social Revolutionaries and Kadets) have governed in an uneasy coalition under Kerensky, maintaining their power through electoral manipulation and a lack of serious political opposition. However, the worsening of the global economy has eroded the trust of the people and, in case of trouble, clandestine forces could attempt to remove Kerensky from power and seize control of Russia.

Spoiler: Europe (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Asia (click to show/hide)


Hi guys, it's been a while since I've posted on these forums and although I still come back to lurk every now and then, I haven't posted much in over a year. Now that this semester's just about over I'll pretty much be in limbo until next february when I leave the country, so I'll need something to waste time on and what could be better than playing Darkest Hour (Hearts of Iron II) with you people?? I've done two other (unfinished/abandoned..) LPs of the game, and if you want to see those to get an idea of what this one will be like see here: (France) (KR Bulgaria). I kind of ran out of steam with those but I think Kaiserreich Russia would be a more engaging and fun country to play as considering how many events the game throws at you.

If you're unfamiliar with the Kaiserreich mod, basically the Germans and central powers (the Ottomans still exist for example) won ww1 and communists took over England and France.

This map shows all the countries (more or less accurately) in this alternate timeline.

If this attracts any interest I'll start playing over the weekend. I will take any and all suggestions and we will have votes on most major events (and possible events/decisions that I'll come up with at some point).

Бог e c нас!
God is with us!

Our glorious Tsar, Boris III

Thanks to its decisions to side with the Kaiser in the Weltkrieg, the Great Bulgarian Empire was able to recover its territorial loses in the Balkan wars of the early 20th century. Unrest in the recovered provinces and agitation from surrounding nations has left Bulgaria hard pressed to maintain control of the Empire. Rumor has it that the bloodthirsty warmongers in Fascist Romania, barbaric Serbs, power hungry demagogues in Vienna and Turkish baby-killers are plotting Bulgaria's demise as we speak!... But, the proud people of Bulgaria will defend our Great Empire until the very last drop of Bulgarian blood has soaked into the black soil of our native land! For God! For the Tsar! For Bulgaria!

Meanwhile in the rest of the world: the Syndicalist menace threatens the traditions of Europe and the world with their radicalism, putting dangerous thoughts in minds of the peasants; Russia and Spain are the brink of revolution; Dissent is fomenting in America; The Qing Empire hopes to unite China; and Japan dreams of pan-asian conquest.


Game stuff:
Ok, so I had another let's play of this game a while back as France, didn't last long. But for good reason... well not really, I kind of fucked up everything when I downloaded the newest patch... So I decided to start up this badboy which will hopefully make it farther than the last one.

The game is Darkest Hour: Kaiserreich mod and you are Bulgaria. I'll start playing tomorrow.

General Discussion / The "Great" art thread! (NSFW!)
« on: December 13, 2012, 05:27:49 pm »
I don't think we have one of these. As with most of the threads I start willy-nilly, I don't expect this will get that far.. Basically, what style of art do you like the best? What's your favorite piece, anything you'd like to share, yadda yadda, etc. Basic forum rules apply, put pictures in spoilers, you know the drill.

Now I'm not some kind of art.... person, so I don't know any terms and whatnot, but:
I like German expressionism

Spoiler: Emil Nolde (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Käthe Kollwitz (click to show/hide)

I also think these old old photographs/daguerreotypes are pretty darn neat:
Spoiler: Nicéphore Niépce (click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Happy Leif Ericson day!
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:26:26 pm »
Hinga Dinga!

Oh, and a big fuck you to Christopher Columbus. That genocidal Jerkoff only succeed in nearly wiping an entire race off the planet (which the vikings totally wouldn't have done if they were to successfully settle the Americas.)

So, fellow forumites, how do you spend your Leif Ericson day? I know I spend mine reminding everyone of how much of a dickwad Columbus was and that good old Leif was the true European discoverer of 'Murrica.

La Troisième République
January 1st, 1936
Let's survive the German onslaught

Albert Lebrun - President of France

Historical Background:

It is 1936, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party assumed control of Germany nearly 3 years ago. The Italian Fascists are fighting a war in Abyssinia. The Nazis have repudiated the just Treaty of Versailles, by seizing the Saar Basin and beginning their re-armament. The Japanese Empire is asserting its claims on Chinese lands. All the while, the British and Allies continue to yield to the fascist aggressors. What can the Free nation of France do to prepare for, or possibly prevent, the inevitable?

Spoiler: Diplomacy overview (click to show/hide)

Game info:

This game is Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game, by Paradox. It's basically a really good HOI2 mod. Anyway, we will attempt to either a) hold off the Germans for as long as possible when they attack, b) Somehow avoid becoming involved at all, c) Do something entirely different as this game can be quite unpredictable at times. With the help of Bay12's superior tacticians, I will allocate IC, research Nukes stuff, conduct diplomacy, and fight war. I'll begin actually playing anywhere from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST today (lol). If there are any questions, suggestions, concerns, complaints, etc. Feel free to ask/yell at me at any time.

General Discussion / Boots and other footwear
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:12:27 pm »
Hello fellow forumites, Svarte Troner here with another pointless thread, since we definitely need a lot more of them.

So without further ado, what kinds of footwear do we wear? Personally, I either wear my well-worn pair of steeltoed's or the shitty old sneakers I have lying around. I've been wanting to buy a new pair of shoes, preferably boots, so I came here t ask for your suggestions.

Ok, so we've all heard of the 'The Video Game Name Generator', well this thread (which is quite nsfw) gave me the idea that we should start our own competition (in the loosest sense of the word). Just generate a name and draw an ms paint image/image macro/whatever of box art or "screenshots" of what you think a game with that title would look like, then post it!

Here's my pitiful attempt:

General Discussion / Learning a language/Multilinguist thread
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:46:13 pm »
So, how many multilinguists do we have 'round here? I personally was "taught" spanish for 4 years in high school although I didn't really learn anything :D. I've tried to teach myself Finnish (which has had limited success) and I've all but mastered the Russian alphabet (although I don't know many words, it's still cool to be able to read the letters  8) ). One thing I still have trouble with to this day is the Alveolar trill though I think mine's good enough to get the point across.

To me, the prospect of learning another language for no particular reason is pretty fun. Plus it's fun to confuse people.

General Discussion / The Tattoo thread! Yay!
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:46:15 pm »
Hello all. I'm surprised no other threads have been created for this, as a search turned up no results.
Basically, share any tattoos you have or any ideas for tattoo designs.

I personally have been planning on getting one resembling this:

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It's a "Kolovrat", or sunwheel as it's known to other cultures. They're ancient slavic sun symbols. The only thing I'm a little worried about is that someone might think I'm a racist because it obviously resembles a swastika (a symbol that is unfortunately stigmatized) and is sometimes (regrettably) used by neo-nazis... On the other hand, it's used by non-racist neo-pagans.

My second option would be some phrase in cyrillic. Maybe from a famous Ukrainian poet or something. I've yet to find something.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / You are a Black Metal Musician! (NEKROx2)
« on: November 16, 2011, 04:47:57 pm »
Hello again, I hope it's ok if I revive this, for this is:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's not a very long read through, so I'll be waiting for your suggestions.
This is a traditional suggestion game in which I will attempt to illustrate a story comprised of stupid references none of you will understand with poorly drawn ms paint images. And I won't be surprised if it fizzles out by tomorrow night. Who cares, this is Black Metal!:

It's a frostbitten Wednesday morning, circa 1994. You've slowly awoken from your nokturnal slumber to find that your basement is still completely dark. Frankly, you don't even think you're in your basement.

The point of this little experiment game is to, much like the "post one word and build a story off it", create something that resembles a 'creation' myth or something along those lines. All cultures have a creation myth, and I was curious as to what we could come up with.

The rules are that you can post only one (short-ish) sentence at a time and can only post another sentence after two more posts have been made. When you post, copy the whole 'myth' and add your sentence to the end. When it get's too large, use spoilers.

So without further ado:

The vast black void split, and rushed forth a deluge of earth which formed what is the Earth.

A handy wiki (made by hubris_incalculable):  (Please edit!)

General Discussion / 'Social' Technology and social standing
« on: October 04, 2011, 05:30:32 pm »
Wasn't sure whether to put this in life advise or not, oh well here goes:

Today in my statistics class, teach was learning us on... hell I don't even remember  :P something to do with standard deviation or averages or something... but I do remember the example: "What is the average amount of texts you send each day?" She then went around asking us how many we sent each day: 30,50, 70, 130, 200, 270, 320, etc. Then she got to me. I almost felt embarrassed to say that I don't text... I mean, some people looked at me as if I were some kind of subhuman monster with no social life! This whole thing bothers me, do people really think 'the amount of texts you send' is a measure of 'social standing'?! The same goes for facebook. All I hear nowadays is "facebook this facebook that". Yeah, I do have a facebook, but I don't live on it and frankly believe that facebook should just be forgotten about (which it will eventually).

It's probably been said a million times before (moreso recently), What has become of society today where you can literally sit behind a cellphone and text completely pointless and mundane things, and still think you have a social life or whatever. I won't let this get under my skin since I'll be out of here in less than a year (finally) and couldn't care less what others think of me (or could I?), but it still bothers me. Vent complete.

I feel like I'm so much more mature than these people, hell, I can identify more with someone twice my age more than I can someone the same age.

Play With Your Buddies / Let us play: Victoria 2 The new Byzantine Empire
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:40:19 pm »
Gameplay starts on page 2

Hello. I just bought this game and I've some free time. We should hope to survive as some 1 region uncivilized minor play it!

The first order of business should be to choose a country!
This is a list of all the countries present at the start of the game. However, it is possible to release a country (ie. Ukraine from the Russian Empire) which I'd be happy to do.

I will warn you that posts may be infrequent next week (if this lasts that long) so I may end up uploading the save (If that's even possible which I don't think it is) or waiting a week to resume. Although, it hasn't taken me too long to finish a few games already.

I had an idea for a suggestion game and since my other one fizzled out and was abandoned (by me mainly), I've decided to start another one  :D.
You will take the role of a humanoid Reptilian alien who's been exiled by his own kind to planet Earth, and you must survive. Your species communicates via telepathy, this gives you the ability to influence weaker willed beings to a degree. Much of your memory has been erased, but the others saw fit to equip you with an understanding of most Earth languages and writing. Your species has studied and observed Earth for a few centuries, since Human population began rising drastically at the beginning of their industrial age and the Humans' recent use of Nuclear weapons. You also know that the current date according to certain Earth calendars is the 8th of August, 1990.

You've just awoken from paralysis, surrounded by tall pine trees, and on a steep hill. The position of the moon indicates night, although you can see the light pollution emitted by a nearby Human settlement.

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