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Messages - izraqthedark

Pages: [1] 2
DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.22 Released
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:42:07 am »
Strange all the snow just disappeared.  Did it melt all of a sudden or is that a bug?

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.22 Released
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:23:32 am »
I am really enjoying this and was waiting for the release with much anticipation.  I really want a penguin so where would I go about finding one?

The only problems I have had was with worldgen being really slow around year 150 and beyond. I tested it on my Linux laptop and just disregarded it as a processing error.  I tested it on windows and did the same.  No big deal I understand there is a lot going on with world gen since 40d.  Site finding was kinda laggy too but also I understand that has changed.

Oddly noticed I embarked at a temperate place and there was snow and ice... I don't know if this is a bug and how would I go about melting ice so I can get water :).

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.21 Released
« on: March 22, 2011, 09:54:07 am »
I'm confused with the whole population cap because I didn't start playing until 40d and I thought it wasn't too bad but what do I know.  I agree that 2010 is kinda bugged since sometimes I get two migrant waves in the same year and from what I gathered in 40d it was only once a year.  I learned quickly through much fun that engraving your dining hall is a bad idea.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: August 17, 2010, 02:51:07 pm »
So I finally fixed that caps bug problem I was having.  I figured out it was my firewall blocking a DLL... watch out what DLLs you block lol.

??? how does that work.

Very carefully... Comodo was blocking something I found out a bit too late

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:25:00 pm »
So I finally fixed that caps bug problem I was having.  I figured out it was my firewall blocking a DLL... watch out what DLLs you block lol.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 31, 2010, 11:46:44 pm »
Here is a new one I haven't seen.  I got a canceled make pig iron bars: needs 150 iron bars.  I know this is a bug in either the announcement or in the actual making of the bars.

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: New Let's Play/Tutorial videos
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:44:47 pm »
I play considerably more fortress mode than adventure mode and I've not seen a good adventure mode tutorial and I was wondering if you could go over that with all 3 races and actually get somewhere :).

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Re: A poll about magma... because I can.
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:32:47 pm »
First off how does using magma make you a sissy elf since you aren't burning wood and burning wood makes elves cry.  I go down to the magma sea and create a big area for it to run free complete with floodgates sealing off the nasty creatures and then channel from above and create a level for workshops.  Its annoying especially because of stupid crundles but I am lazy and I suppose I could build walls around my cavern level stairs if I really wanted to.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:33:04 pm »
I tried to deal with the guard duty by switching off every month for my dwarves but they still train when I have them as inactive.  Other than that I am really enjoying the military fixes.  HAIL THE TOADY GOD.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:54:20 pm »
I put it on the bug tracker but I don't know how to upload my save so no save included sadly.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:47:04 pm »
Hm. Seems like a silly question, but - shift-p does work in other applications, right? That is, the keyboard isn't broken?

Also try setting it in the ingame keybinding menu, tell me how it shows up there, if at all.

Rex: How about an absolutely stock SDL version, unpacked in a fresh directory, with no init.txt changes?
My shift key works fine with other applications and the funny thing is it works for a while then quickly stops working.

When I try to keybind it the game just gives me a lowercase letter.  I don't know why I am the only one with this problem.  I am curious if it is something strange with my laptop.
You should be getting both "by letter" and "by position" binding options. Hm. Do you use an unusual keyboard layout? Dvorak?
I don't use anything than the standard keyboard and I've even had the caps on and no luck.  I checked the keybinding and I only get the by letter and then I have to go in and put in the by position by myself as a workaround.  I will send you my data folder to check out.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 27, 2010, 08:56:55 am »
Hm. Seems like a silly question, but - shift-p does work in other applications, right? That is, the keyboard isn't broken?

Also try setting it in the ingame keybinding menu, tell me how it shows up there, if at all.

Rex: How about an absolutely stock SDL version, unpacked in a fresh directory, with no init.txt changes?
My shift key works fine with other applications and the funny thing is it works for a while then quickly stops working.

When I try to keybind it the game just gives me a lowercase letter.  I don't know why I am the only one with this problem.  I am curious if it is something strange with my laptop.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.12 Released
« on: July 26, 2010, 08:15:54 pm »

For those who use legacy versions, I'd love to hear *why*.

I can't fix bugs without bug reports, and the legacy vein won't be around forever (one hopes), so it's in your own best interest to chat about it. ^_^

I don't know if this is an issue with my computer or your code but my shift key won't work on certain shortcuts like say lever pulling is shift + P and when i try that it reads just p.  I find it annoying and I've made work arounds with the key bindings but still I find it frustrating.  I do like the SDL version though and I really love the FPS boost it really makes playing much more enjoyable.  I can send you a save if you would like.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.10 Released
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:03:24 am »
I've noticed that there seems to be a distinct lack of fish.

Anyone else confirm a lack of fish in their forts?

Has this bug reared it's ugly head again?

I have plenty of fish at my fortress at the moment including the dreaded carp.  I am curious if you are using an old save because I had the same problem when I migrated one of my old saves to the newer versions.

DF Announcements / Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.31.10 Released
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:04:41 am »
I was playing the SDL version for windows and once again my shift key for capital letters cuts out again after 5 minutes of gameplay which I suppose isn't bad since I wasn't pulling levers or setting up traps/walls/machinery.  My game also crashed for the 3rd time and I don't know what to consider it as a bug, blame it on my laptop, blame windows 7. Any thoughts on what the problem could be? I am off to play the legacy version and see if the same thing happens and then I will report back.

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