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Messages - dragdeler

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 309
General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: May 17, 2024, 02:29:41 pm »
You could disable the adware parts until recently, without the browser externsion on top it does look much worse.

General Discussion / Re: Gardening with herbal magicks!
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:55:50 pm »
A carolina reaper totally might be a a self sterile cultivar. I have no idea. Would seeds preserve in oil?

Other Games / Re: Free Game List
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:59:45 pm »
Is origin third party equally as horrible as getting it straight from belzebub themselves? I had a little excursion there recently when I dug out battlefield 5, and it is so bad it is beyond satire. The current "EA app" requires about 5 exceptions in the firewall, try to delete them and they will duplicate, it will refuse to launch if the "ea background service" wasn't part of the startup, because you can not simply launch it yourself. And all of that intrusiveness so that their servers are riddled with cheaters.

It's beyond embarrassing it's a dishonor, the people responsible should have their bloodline cursed by poverty and sickness for 12 generations at least.

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:41:28 pm »
Mainly too much meat production, lots of the fecal matter is simply strewn on the fields to get rid of it, also nobody in the industry is that concerned about overfertilization, besides lowering yields or overspending. So too much nitrogen gets fixed in the soil. It's also problematic for aquatic life.

General Discussion / Re: Gardening with herbal magicks!
« on: May 15, 2024, 08:53:55 pm »
fatten mighty potaters the power of ra compels

General Discussion / Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« on: May 15, 2024, 08:28:30 pm »
They said my right ear is fine, I was inclined to believe both were before he took the vacuum to the left one for what felt like a long time again. I don't want to go through the dialogue again but I sure feel like I failed to represent my interests again, and from there we both just reaffirmed what we wanted to hear.

How could I possibly get a good impression of how well I hear so shortly after loosing a few hundred meters altitutude an you held a vacuum in there. It's not fair. I'm terrified the impression that I heareven better on the left than on the right now will only verify as time goes on. In theory a reason to rejoice, is there a ceiling to how much hearing I can recover  :P? It would help if the annoying plops when I swallow, that I deem totally normal tbf, but also have no right or reason to overstay for half a week for like 250m, weren't so prevalent since we drove home. Anyway so yeah I got told if I fear it's not completly gone I need to call back and gently nudge the receptionist to make it understood that I need to be fast tracked, and then yesterday I missed a a call from another clinic with another doctor to whom I had been rescheduled after the guy who treated me on monday had to desist, yeah apparantly that dude is at two places at once, and today my domestic doctor called to check up and I was like oh how nice but of course that was never about me as i noticed the call i missed yesterday, and im sonewhat sure i dont have my rescheduled appointment anymore which was kind of a cool thing to have a few months down the line given that the guy from monday who probably diagnosed me correctly two weeks earlier has a few things tgat mildly concern me that i dont want to get into either because id prefer to trust that he was right about my right ear this time too, and i should probably cxll the other clinic so evertything is still as discussed or cancel and use the magic fast track and i hate every waking anxiety ridden second about this.

and how the fuck do you keep an ear dry after applying something dilluted in PG if youre not supposed tobtouch they never go into that detail in conclusion i used too much punctuation bc wats the point


Or just long term, you know, why give the machine loads of data to train on facial data and preferences.

I had to look up, because I wasn't sure which letter the the wrong version would cut. C'est un oesophage!

You see: them writing colour stems readily apparantly from some lost normannic monk and insulary folks being insulary. But if you write esophagitis, you're actually pointing towards another etymologic root (which ironically enough, could fit without altering the meaning too much), so you are distorting the meaning.

Tss, use your head: "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "

Tada :D

General Discussion / Re: Anyone get thread notifications
« on: May 10, 2024, 11:48:49 am »
You mean show new replies to your posts? That works for me

Oh you should stick through that presumably it's quite funny, my old french teacher kept hyping it up, it's on my list.

Oh lawd, it's fappening.

Ij dond gnow yjou blease leave mej alone.

3 allready? 3 million I presume, happy third millionst birthday

Other Games / Re: Seeking Dynamic Economic Games
« on: May 06, 2024, 07:38:08 pm »
Sounds like Offworld Trading company but beware that game is not very sandboxy, it's short matches.

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