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Topics - da_nang

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So, it has come to this.

In need of excitement, I've turned to Pokémon. But I want something new.

Gen I-V? Been there, done that.

Gen VI+? No console (and PC is too old for the high seas).

Zeta Omicron? Would love to return to it, but that's basically just end game now.

But a few weeks ago, my Google-fu led me to Pokémon Reborn. A supposedly challenging fan game. It's almost complete, missing only the Pokémon League, legendaries, and the last gym (from what I've heard). But, recent dev blog posts indicate those are coming soon. Possibly this year.

So why not get a head start with a challenge?

This playthrough will be mostly blind. I don't know much about Gen VI+ and this game goes up to Gen VII (Ultra Sun/Moon) so far. Story-wise I'll try to avoid spoilers, so there I'll be pretty much blind. When it comes to Pokémon, I usually look up the wild encounters in areas I've heavily searched, staying away from unexplored areas. So mostly blind there.

As for the challenge, it's probably been done before, but here's my version of it. The Breeder Challenge is simply that you must beat the Elite Four or equivalent with Pokémon that you have hatched from an egg that your Pokémon have produced in the day care (or equivalent). Unbreedable Pokémon, such as legendaries, are exempt.

I rarely do any breeding in the main games. I tried it in Emerald, but my god the lack of information on my Pokémon was driving me bonkers. Pokémon Reborn has blessed this challenge by showing you all the information (EVs and IVs). Shinies are also more common (1 in 100 I think).

This doesn't make the challenge easy, due to the difficulty of Reborn.

Furthermore, I will be playing with Set mode, rather than Shift.

Event Pokémon may be acquired through a soft reset to ensure breedability or ensure the Pokédex entry.

Soft reset may also be used for mining, since that is a finite resource in the latest version.

Soft reset may also be used for battles that I can't be arsed to redo properly. I'll try to avoid it though.

Soft reset will not be used for breeding or acquiring IVs. I'm grinding that shit.

I've already progressed a bit but I've made a few posts spread across the forum (links will be provided), so you won't miss much. I don't want to clog up the other threads. EDIT: If those links didn't make it clear, I started out with a Rowlet.

Beware of spoilers.

And please don't spoil me.  :)

You're sleeping. As you wake up, you can sense you're in some kind of forest and your head is pounding. It's night and very dark and there are other people around you, also sleeping. But you don't remember sleeping in a forest and you don't know for how long. You don't even remember your name nor are you sure what you are. You sense a bag next to you. Your belongings, perhaps? The other people also have bags next to them. They too are waking up!

>What do you do?

Spoiler: The Two Rules (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Syntax (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Special Details (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Characters (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / Embark conundrum
« on: May 30, 2011, 06:59:06 am »
So it has come to my attention that often when I choose to embark on a cool site that I've found, there's never been an option to bring along an iron anvil. Instead I'm forced to haul a steel anvil for a much higher price. This makes me wonder, since steel requires iron bars (and the process makes 2 steel bars for 2 iron bars). How can dwarves forge a steel anvil yet still be unable to forge an iron one? Where's the iron they made it with? Surely there must be some iron lying somewhere, whether it is hematite, magnetite, limonite, goblinite or humanite. Or are they toying with me and keeping that iron for themselves? Did the new mineral scarcity setting introduce protectionism? Or is there a divine intervention in the making here, similar to the anvil origins conundrum?

DF Dwarf Mode Discussion / The joys and woes of finding a site
« on: May 24, 2011, 10:22:16 am »
So there I was yesterday, playing Dwarf Fortress, struggling to make my fort Towerrocks survive after another bloody siege. It was getting late in the evening and my eyes were quite tired. So I saved quickly, shut the computer down and did my daily evening routine. While lying bed, listening to some sweet metal, I got the idea of taking a brake with Towerrocks and do something meaningful for once in my life since school was pretty much over. I know: "Let's do a megaproject for once that won't fail on me!"

All kinds of malicious and delicious plans were running through my head until I settled on someting that the game otherwised lacked. I quickly scribbled down the basic necessities needed: "Let's see here... A volcano for one, probably going to need some iron for it, water optional but could be useful, aquifer only if it can't be avoided. Flux not necessarily needed other than for defense. Magma-safe stone is a plus. Wood... Well wood's for elves, and for this... You know what, wood is needed. For science. Finally, one cave only for framerate reasons."

Crew was up next: "We're definitely going to need a lot of miners. Not because we're going to do much digging... Well we are, but they're most likely going to die. A lot. Three miners for starters should do it. Mechanic's are needed, but not so much in the beginning. One of them. A stonecrafter to get the economy going, a farmer so we don't starve in the first year or go postal when the booze is on fire. Lastly, an architect. For myself."

Fast-forward to today, I start up Dwarf Fortress and gen a world. 400 years should be long enough. Computer comes to a crawling 3 FPS as the world is generated. Half an hour later, the world is finished. First one is a failure since none of the volcanos are satisfying me. The second world I generate looks promising. A quick look around for volcanos also seems promising. And this one caught my eye:

Looks okay to me, decent elevation and cliffs, clay and flux stone is a plus. There's an aquifer to the north but it shouldn't be a problem. Untamed wilds biome for added difficulty. Best of all, it has lots of trees and there's an elven forest retreat nearby. Thus starts the story of "The Bane of Trees" founded by "Treekillers" in 401. Mwhahaha.

And the start of the fort... could have been a little more smoother.

At first I think: "Did the game break my wagon? Where's the - Oh wait, there it is." Not sure why DF decided to place it there. Anyhow, the volcano looks good. It goes upwards in the traditional spiral way it does in so many forts. There's some hematite around here as well. And it looks like I screwed up my initial band of dwarves. So much for my memory. Framerate seems to be down for the moment, too. It might just be because of background progams, though. Might.

"No matter, we shall prevail over our failures! Let's start looking for a suitable entra-"
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Okay, so we have a cave. I do remember editing the cave settings a little bit. I just hope this isn't the cavern layer. But an entrance with bridges across that water up north sure does look awesome for a James Bond villain's entrance to his Doomfortress.
"Miners get digging! Um, miners? Miners?!" They are refusing orders!
"Oi! Get digging or get hammered!" I try designating other places for them to mine. Nothing. I put out a weapons stockpile. Sure, they're hauling the tools. How about mining with them?
"What are you? Elves? Are you scared of going underground?!" Come on! Nothing? Well fuck.

Mission Failed. Abandon the fort!

"Let's look for another volcano, then. There should be one, shouldn't there? Surely, there is. Oh, look at this beauty."

There's one little volcano sitting right here just waiting to be turned into a murderous monstrosity. Less metals, flora and no clay. Shouldn't be a problem, I hope. Mirhtful? I suppose unicorns could be a danger for those less unfortunate. It has some funky elevation and cliffs, but I dig it. It gives it a personality.

I'll go with the same setup because at this point, I just want a good site.
First impressions: "What the hell?"
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Oh, so now the volcano going to get obsidianized? It's low height also screws up my project. There's no visible iron either. And not only that, the game scares me to death by placing us that close to the edge. The framerate is going to be abysmal. We also somehow manage to spot some adamantine and a section of a cavern collapses.
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I'm guessing it's the now obsidianized magma collapsing or something, I'm not going to bother with it. Instead I'll go looking for that adamantine and I find a cavern.
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I guess I can play around with that cavern, if the framerate monster stops eating my FPS. And it gets worse. It seems like all hell is going to break loose. Literally
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Slade?! It seems that hell is being flooded with the magma from the volcano! The adamantine is out of view, in the upper left hand corner. My poor, precious FPS is going to get slaughtered, roasted over magma, and eaten by freaking clowns. But wait, it gets even worse. Going further down, there's a lot of reddish open space. Just looking over it makes DF slow down.
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Even better, the miners refuse to dig. AGAIN! So now I have two defunct saves in the Plane of Hatred, mining is impossible in both of them for reasons unknown to me and they both have framerate issues. Two volcanos, both of which have denied my megaproject to be built. Armok, either give me suitable site or save me from this hell...

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