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Do you hate or love vampires?


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Author Topic: How to Vampirify your Dwarf in 3 Easy Steps +Vampire Fortress General (SPOILERS)  (Read 64591 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Sorry for not having seen it through, I find I don't really have the time for DF lately. The thing would be adding

Code: [Select]
[SYN_NAME:blood intoxication]

where appropriate. Namely, in this case I think maybe just sticking it after [USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:BLOOD:BLOOD_TEMPLATE] for creature raws' "dwarf" would work.

If it's still like it used to be, you shouldn't need to re-gen for this to work.

Note that this won't necessarily help your original vampire (who's probably relatively useless anyway), unless the [BLOODSUCKER] tag really makes it ingest blood on the game mechanics level. It should, however, make any well-generated vampire alcohol-independent.

If you can add something to regular dwarf blood to remove the problem, please remember that you can make regular dwarf blood contaminated wells just as well as you can make vampire dwarf contaminated wells....  One might even think that such a thing would be thematically appropriate for vampires.

That said, someone seems to be saying that remove tag won't work with that, so maybe not.
You could have berries on the rocks and the dwarves would say it was "berry gneiss."
You should die horribly for this. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.


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After I posted that message, I continued playing until the vampire drained someone. It took a while, but she got thirsty! And drank booze! And stopped being slow! :D

Here is her status screen:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

What I did was use Hotaru's idea, but make it remove 'NODRINK' instead of alcohol dependance. There was a thread elsewhere that suggested doing this. I think I mixed these two threads up, because in my head I was thinking Hotaru had suggested removing NODRINK, but I think it was someone else. Regardless, this is good enough for me.

This is exactly what I used:

Code: [Select]

It's not an exact solution to the problem, but it solves the whole 'getting lazy and slow' thing. And besides, I don't think vampires would only drink blood. They should still be able to enjoy a fine ale every so often. ;) And dwarven blood should be toxic enough for anyone to become alcoholic just from a single taste of it.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 09:19:09 am by Moogie »
I once shot a bear in the eye with a bow on the first shot, cut it up, found another one, and shot it in the eye too. The collective pile of meat weighed more than my house.


  • Bay Watcher
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Personally, what I think would be even more thematically appropriate: Dwarven vampires remain alcohol dependent, but dwarven blood counts as alcoholic (as long as they've had drinks.)

I haven't had time to do !!science!! with vampires, but I find the idea of the vampires (and especially doing an entire vampire fort) to be cool.


  • Bay Watcher
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Personally, what I think would be even more thematically appropriate: Dwarven vampires remain alcohol dependent, but dwarven blood counts as alcoholic (as long as they've had drinks.)

I haven't had time to do !!science!! with vampires, but I find the idea of the vampires (and especially doing an entire vampire fort) to be cool.

+1 this.
That's awesome.
Gotta find a way.  Probably material templates are the place to start.
I'm going to try, this weekend.

Good thinking, Grath.

[EDIT]  Opening creature_standard and putting the ALCOHOL_CREATURE tag after the blood tag in Dwarf does not cause any errors.
Next comes SCIENCE!
Code: [Select]
This controls the bleeding behavior.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 09:55:57 am by zilpin »


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Now we need to find a way to do this without having to have a sacrificial victim for every vampire we want to drink booze.
The history of a good fortress is not written in blood, it's painted on the walls by the hand of a melancholy orphan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Personally, what I think would be even more thematically appropriate: Dwarven vampires remain alcohol dependent, but dwarven blood counts as alcoholic (as long as they've had drinks.)

I haven't had time to do !!science!! with vampires, but I find the idea of the vampires (and especially doing an entire vampire fort) to be cool.

+1 this.
That's awesome.
Gotta find a way.  Probably material templates are the place to start.
I'm going to try, this weekend.

Good thinking, Grath.

You might start with adding

Code: [Select]
into [MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:BLOOD_TEMPLATE] in material template default.txt and seeing what happens! That should make all normal blood alcoholic.

I don't know if we know if bloodsucking creatures actually ingest blood in the act, but if they do, that should do it. If it works, a more refined solution will then be modding dwarves to have a blood type separate from others.
It is said knowledge is like a foul-smelling herb. It must be cooked well and thoroughly with experience to make it palatable. A young scholar's knowledge is therefore not only worthless but disgusting. -- In Dwarf Fortress you have another paradigm. Gather as much of that smelly herb as you can and toss it at your enemy, fracturing his skull through the +capybara man leather cap+.


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[ALCOHOL_CREATURE] might be more appropriate.

The whole problem could be averted by setting the vampire number in the world gen to zero, and then creating your own custom vampire types in the raws.
Our Dwarven instincts compel us to run blindly towards disaster in case there may be a ☼<☼giant cave spider silk sock☼>☼ lying around.


  • Bay Watcher
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[ALCOHOL_CREATURE] might be more appropriate.

The whole problem could be averted by setting the vampire number in the world gen to zero, and then creating your own custom vampire types in the raws.

I can verify that putting [ALCOHOL_CREATURE] behind the Dwarf's blood tag in creature_standard does make Dwarf Blood alcohol.
(Kind of creepy seeing it in the Plant menu along with mead.)

Have not been able to get a vampire to drink it yet.

I agree with the VAMPIRE_NUMBER:0 and custom vampire, with custom vampire types which remove the ALCOHOL_DEPENDENT tag will work.
It will also make it even easier to tell who is a vampire.

...but alcoholic blood is just too cool to pass up trying.

Vampires do not appear to actually drink the blood.  Although blood can be made alcohol, even after draining a dwarf, still no alcohol satiation.
On the flip side, normal dwarfs will treat barrels of alcohol-animal-blood like booze.

Only in DF, the vampires can not drink blood, but normal people can.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 05:46:00 pm by zilpin »


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I love the alcoholic blood fix. I hope Toady1 adopts it ;)

It makes sense too. Dwarves would naturally prefer the blood of their kinsmen.


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And since dwarves need alcohol throughout the day, it is logical that their blood would have high alcohol content.
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