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Author Topic: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!  (Read 293568 times)

Nameless Archon

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DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:51:31 am »

We had one for 2010, obviously, but new version worldgen means new worlds, and the new seeds (words instead of just numbers) means an easier time finding memorable seeds. Furthermore, this weekend will be the first time people start to sit down with new worlds on a weekend. So, let's start a new cookbook full of tasty, tasy parameter set sharing to make the first weekend a great one!

Here's what I want from this thread:
Post your interesting worldgen parameter sets, along with a description of the 'ideal' embark you've found. Pictures of sites or directions to them (so others can find them) are especially nice, but at the very least, try to provide others with the parameters for your new Dwarven Paradise, roughly where your embark was and what you got out of it (features, resources). One man's Paradise is another man's Hidden Fun Stuff, so try to point out if you found any obvious problems (no underground plants, no iron known to playable civ, etc).

Got an embark situation you'd like to see? Ask for it, and perhaps a world that someone else has discarded would work better for you! Found an interesting embark with some unusual feature (Adamantine space elevators, tiny island off shore in the ocean, chasms open from surface to caverns)? Post it, and let others have some fun with what you've discovered!

Here's what I want to generally avoid:
1. Embarks from prior versions.

If you do post one, please clearly denote it as such if it will produce different results in v34.01+. There are already cookbooks for these, and this is primarily an attempt to collect worldgen settings for people into one place.

2. Embarks that depend on modified games.

If you do post one, please tell folks what mods you're running, so they can duplicate the changed game if they want!

What I'd like to find in this thread:
Personally, I'm looking for flat maps with magma (a "flat volcano" is preferred, but a narrow mountain volcano could work), high savage, primarily non-evil (evil border areas might be acceptable in moderation), plenty of wood, with sand (multiple soil layers preferable), iron (additional metals nice) flux (any) and a river or brook. (Aquifers I'll mod out.) Waterfalls, mid-river islands, and deep canyon embarks are nice, but non-essential. (All races should be present, most anything else I want I'll mod.)

I've found an embark close to this (whose parameters I'll post when I get back home this evening) (It's Joyous Wild, everything on my list except surface magma and possibly sand) but I'll probably never stop hunting for the 'perfect' embark. SO! What have you found so far?


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 05:37:40 am »

Spoiler: World Gen (click to show/hide)

Checking out the world with Iso World and found this:

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It's a mountainous spike in the middle of a small valley.  This made me curious to see what it was so I embarked there.  What is it?  Why Urist, it's a volcano:

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Luckily, the nearby dwarves didn't actually build anything on the spike.  The nearby embark squares are totally crapped up with dwarf and human settlements.

Mineral wealth isn't so hot though.  Prospector reports only native copper, galena, and a little bit of tetrahedrite.   Lots of clay, but no sand. The map is pretty shallow too, the surface is at z 149 and the bottom is z 103.  First cavern isn't very deep either, and has some water if the stream isn't to the player's liking.
Quote from: ThatAussieGuy
That is an insane and dangerous plan.  I approve wholeheartedly. 



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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 06:41:59 am »

Seed in previous post.

Spoiler: Embark (click to show/hide)
Bah, didn't get the x's:
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EPIC canyon.  When the embark screen says major river, it's not shitting around.  It's a monster river that's nearly the width of an entire embark square (47 tiles wide) at the bottom of a 30 z-level deep canyon with sheer cliffs straight down.  Up at the very top, there's also a stream that empties into the river, so when the water thaws, there's going to be one hell of a waterfall here.  As you can see from the IsoWorld screenshot, this river has created a huge canyon across the land.

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Course the stupid dorfs embark right smack dab in the middle of the damn thing.

I found this spot last night and I embarked one tile to the right.  That cut off almost the entire part of the map to the left of the river except for a single strip of cliff 1 tile wide.  That was a better setup since the dorfs embarked at the top of the cliff instead of the middle of the bloody river.

No iron here either.  The embark has tetrahedrite, sphalerite, and galena (bah).  There is plenty of sand though, and kaolinite rather than clay.  There are some kimberlite veins but unfortunately, no diamonds.  Top level of the map is 140, river is at 110, bottom is 71.  Two aquifers, a small one over on the left side, and a larger one underneath the river at the south end of the map.  There are no magma pools extending into the caverns, you'll have to dig all the way down to the sea.  However, the bottom of the map is only 40 levels under the river, so it's not too far.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 11:36:50 am by orius »
Quote from: ThatAussieGuy
That is an insane and dangerous plan.  I approve wholeheartedly. 



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 07:59:14 am »

Spoiler: Embark (click to show/hide)
Bah, didn't get the x's:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EPIC canyon.  When the embark screen says major river, it's not shitting around.  It's a monster river that's nearly the width of an entire embark square (47 tiles wide) at the bottom of a 30 z-level deep canyon with sheer cliffs straight down.  Up at the very top, there's also a stream that empties into the river, so when the water thaws, there's going to be one hell of a waterfall here.  As you can see from the IsoWorld screenshot, this river has created a huge canyon across the land.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Course the stupid dorfs embark right smack dab in the middle of the damn thing.

I found this spot last night and I embarked one tile to the right.  That cut off almost the entire part of the map to the left of the river except for a single strip of cliff 1 tile wide.  That was a better setup since the dorfs embarked at the top of the cliff instead of the middle of the bloody river.

No iron here either.  The embark has tetrahedrite, sphalerite, and galena (bah).  There is plenty of sand though, and kaolinite rather than clay.  There are some kimberlite veins but unfortunately, no diamonds.  Top level of the map is 140, river is at 110, bottom is 71.  Two aquifers, a small one over on the left side, and a larger one underneath the river at the south end of the map.  There are no magma pools extending into the caverns, you'll have to dig all the way down to the sea.  However, the bottom of the map is only 40 levels under the river, so it's not too far.

Nice, but tetrahedrite is a ore of iron if im not mistaken :P

i remember reading a few moments ago, a world were every last dwarf was a vampire, you might want to check that out. (not sure where tough)

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Nameless Archon

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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 09:50:15 am »

Nice, but tetrahedrite is a ore of iron if im not mistaken :P
No. Copper and silver. I take tetrahedrite on embarks where no 'pure copper' ore (copper nuggets, malachite, etc.) is available,

The iron ores are limonite, hematite and magnetite.


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 10:13:20 am »

I made this for my mod, I just copied the text from my thread, maybe it fits the topic here. :)

EIDT:PS: Serra has tons of flat, begning volcanos. Shiv should have as well, although I dont play it often

Like I said in my last post, I planned to redo the worldgens, since the sometimes cause weird errors, like a very high molten rock layer, or caverns without plants/trees. Because of this, I used the PerfectWorld Utility to make some highly customized worlds. The general geography of these worlds is always the same, but civs, river, lakes and regions differ slightly every time you generate one.

All worlds have following settings:
65*65 tiles, a small region, to help FPS.
Very high mineral count, to allow all new features.
200 Semi/Megabeasts, and many caves to allow them to survive.
Lower Megabeast attack trigger. 30 dwarves, and you are a fair target.
3 very open caverns, to avoid FPS problems.
Minimum 25-50 water in caverns, to avoid barren, plant/tree-less caverns.
I made caves visible at embark, so you can pick one if you like. The usually connect the surface to the first cavern.
25 solid levels before the first cavern. I dont know how exact the endresult is, but you should have a lot of space for your fortress.

Always check the civs before you embark. You might be seperated, or allies did not survive.
Dont run long histories. With 200 titans civs might have a slight problem to prosper.
Cursed Urborg (the evil swamp world) might easily kill of allies. This is intentional.
Scorching Shiv (the desert-volcano world) might cut of trade, and has mostly no trees. This is intentional.
Remote Tolaria (the islands) has many civ-less little islands. Again, intentional, for players who like to play without invaders.
Garden of Gaia (the patchwork world) has a huge amount of biomes. It is very easy to find 3-4 biomes for one embark. This results in a bigger variety of creatures.
Blesses Serra (the plain-good world) is for beginners. It features ocean and mountains, many volcanos, forests and streams, and mostly a benign sourrounding. You can find everything you need here.

Screenshots of all five worlds and templates:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 10:36:41 am »

Finally genned a world with a nice site

Three Biomes
  • Mountain | Warm | Wilderness
  • Temperate Freshwater Swamp | Warm | Untamed Wilds
  • Temperate Conifer Forest | Temperate | Untamed Wilds



Plenty of resources (mineral scarcity set to 220) , plenty of wood, flux (chalk), lignite, coal, iron (6k hematite), copper (28k tetrahedrite), gold (5k), Lead and silver in the 15k galena and numerous other minerals scattered about. All neighbours (very close to an elven civ with a particularly amusing werecurse
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Only things it lacks is sand, clay and gypsum really, but you can import sand and I've found rock crystal for some nice windows. No aquifier or evil/goodness either.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Note: Seed is set to 25 years, feel free to bring it up a bit, I used this seed on year 300.

How to find:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


*EDIT I'd also like to ask if anyone finds an embark similar to this but maybe with added sand, clay, longer brook/stream/river and maybe a square or two of evil/good somewhere, it would be awesome if you would PM me the seed. Need to have high savagry.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 10:43:23 am by Viscaro »


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2012, 07:24:44 pm »

I hope you guys don't mind that we cross posted your world gens over on Reddit:

We're hoping to get a community going there for people who are really into world generation, and for people who find some cool and unique worlds they want to share.
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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2012, 10:28:35 pm »

That's...amazing. And beautiful.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting

Urist Da Vinci

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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2012, 11:12:53 pm »

How to find proper surface flux stones (Dolomite, Chalk, Limestone - all sedimentary stones that are likely to contain iron and coal):

1. Before you generate a world, go into inorganic_stone_layer.txt and remove [REACTION_CLASS:FLUX] from Marble. Save the file. Also go into inorganic_stone_mineral.txt and remove [REACTION_CLASS:FLUX] from Calcite.

2. Generate a world.

3. Search for flux and multiple shallow metals in the site finder. You will notice that some of the sites are on the shore of the ocean only, while in other cases entire regions are suitable.

4. Embark within one of the large patches of flashing sites away from the water, and not near the edge of the patch. If you embark on the edge of a patch then 98% of your map could be schist and 2% of limestone is tucked away in the corner.

5. If you really care, you can edit the raws of the generated world after embarking to put the FLUX back in marble.


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2012, 11:26:42 pm »

Why calcite?  Doesn't it just appear in limestone anyway?
Quote from: ThatAussieGuy
That is an insane and dangerous plan.  I approve wholeheartedly. 


Urist Da Vinci

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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2012, 12:17:48 am »

Why calcite?  Doesn't it just appear in limestone anyway?
Calcite also appears in marble. You could edit that part out instead.


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2012, 02:00:53 pm »

Anyone got tips for getting a joyous zone near an evil zone? I want undead unicorns.
: Miner dwarves? In my volcano?

:I put childs into danger room...
They die, and their parents care nothing because legendary dining room.

Loud Whispers

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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2012, 02:06:19 pm »

Anyone got tips for getting a joyous zone near an evil zone? I want undead unicorns.

Ramp up desired evil+good biomes per region.


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Re: DF2012 (v34.01+) Worldgen Cookbook Thread!
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2012, 05:27:49 pm »

Anyone got tips for getting a joyous zone near an evil zone? I want undead unicorns.

Ramp up desired evil+good biomes per region.

I think that worked... thanks.
: Miner dwarves? In my volcano?

:I put childs into danger room...
They die, and their parents care nothing because legendary dining room.
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