Taking advice from Teldin, I forewent the 'T'ravel and instead walked across the landscape, heading north.

Right past a lair. The red sand gives way into the embankment and I immediately leap in. This should be perfectly safe!
I head in deeper and immediately see two cyclopes, and with another step I see two more.

Then another step and I hear even more. I'm... I'm sure this is still a good idea!
I walk up closer and another, named Ener, pops up from the shadows, turning his hideous green eye upon me. I take a step back from Ener, but it's too late, I've been spotted. Ener slams into me, but I scramble to my feet...

...and plunge my spear deep into his chest, tearing his right lung open.
The next few rounds are frenzied, as more and more cyclopes lunge and grab me. I keep dodging away and trying to stab them in the head(s), but I only succeed in severing tendons... which is far less effective than it sounds. Time for chest wounds. Even if I have to bleed them out over several rounds, it'll be better than being dragged down and pulled apart by a bunch of slightly crippled cyclopes.
I manage to slowly and awkwardly roll outside, stabbing where possible.

They keep swinging gnarled fists at Vanod, bruising his limbs and grabbing with dirty hands on his face (one even grabs him by his teeth but loses their grasp in the next round). Frustration builds.
A giant cyclops woman stomps forward now. Cele Redtakers, the Quest of Forever, large and angry. She swings again at Vanod and his jaw sets.
Vanod doesn't get nervous when he's surrounded. No. It's a growing roar of blood in his ears, a pounding redness right behind his eyes, a tightness in his chest that builds into a powerful roar that shakes his throat.

The fight is dizzyingly quick. Vanod lays blow after blow, sticking them full of so many holes that they might as well be atomized.

What's wrong guys

Really? This is ... this is what we're doing?
The top cyclops is Cele Redtakers the Quest of Forever, and she's running the fuck away. This makes ME angry, nevermind Vanod. He starts beating the everliving shit out of these cyclopes. They become mangled and curl up in fetal positions as he stabs and stabs and stabs.

But they won't die! It's frustrating. Finally I aim for the throats. Pro tip: When the heads don't want to cave in, the throat is the next surest way to bleed them out immediately.

No challenge for Vanod.

Going very well indeed.

Honestly I almost feel bad. These stupid monsters are just dropping like--


When Vanod kills you, you STAY DEAD. >:I