I heard that HBO has cut funding for the show, move along, nothing to see here.
haha aw shucks
Well I guess I'll just put this here then since it won't be needed anymore. Seeya, dudes :C
I find the night creatures hilarious and pathetic on this island. Without civilizations to pester they don't get stronger, they just hobbit it up in their hidey holes, eating various animal pastes and probably smoking pipe-weed. These are the defanged, peaceful grandmas of monster island.

Like Rupola, who was settling down for a honeybee mush dinner before Vanod rudely interrupted.
I think my biggest annoyance on this island- the "dingo pack" of Monster Island- is undead harpies. They're just EVERYWHERE. Generally I'll skirt around them because of how non-threatening they tend to be, but sometimes they'll pull me out of sneaking when I'm trying to get away from something much scarier, so they have to die.

Uh, again. Re-die.
Another issue I need to mention immediately is I'm a slow drawer, and a sketchy one, too. It's hard for me to do a blow-by-blow, screenshot, and draw in quick sucession, especially if I want to do other stuff that day. So I've been debating between quick and dirty, or slow and polished. I'll go quick and dirty for this post and we'll see what happens. I'll draw the bigger paintings for the bigger encounters (again, as was the plan from the start).
Shortly after my harpy encounter, I came across a suspiciously empty lair. I think it may tie in with my next encounter, though I'm not sure.
Interestingly, I came across a zombie ogre alone in a cave, Ofara.

I wonder (briefly) at his story. He must have died of old age outside of his lair, then wandered back in to another one as an undead.
And that's another thing I have to make note of. When things die inside of their lairs, from what I can tell, they don't reanimate. However, getting up and outside is usually my best chance of winning against hordes of monsters (like the cyclopes), meaning I either get hurled against walls by 10 semi-megabeasts at once, or pull them out bit by bit, crippling their legs or lungs and risking fighting a whole new zombie army right afterwards. I'm thinking ogre guy may have been a resident of the last lair that I came across empty, then wandered into this very slightly more southern one. Apparently undeath is Alzheimers for the monsters.
I also discovered that Murky Pools, being their own miniature biomes, produce non-undead to snack on. Of course once you kill them, they very well may stand back up. Usually they're pretty non-threatening though.

Except for this crab. This crab was a badass.
Finally, after scouting another strip of the island for delicious, screaming food (manually marching up and down, not 'T'ravelling),

I come across Nutcertain.

I'm Nutcertain what's inside-
ha ha ha that was terrible-

but I'll try my best to murderate it.
Current map (I'm at the lowermost green dot):

I've grown slightly cocky since the last four lairs have been full of pansy monsters. The cyclopes were challenging, but after that was a hungry head, Bilbo, Rupola, and Ofara. All of them went down without fanfare.
I'm sure this will be the same.