Vanod stabs Mata in the foot, and Mata falls to the ground, unable to stand.
All the giants at this point are completely covered in her blood-- though I guess they were also covered in Aleni's blood, too.

I guess giants are sort of like geysers of blood; a very large re-enactment of Kill Bill. Very tall engorged ticks.
When Mata falls down, Zotho spots me.
"You've been spotted!" has never been so dire as with these giants. I have died probably 15 times before this moment. This is the one time I refuse to savescum. So anything that happens today, is it.
A LITTLE TENSEZotho grabs for me- and actually gets a hold on me. Big fingers wrap around Vanod's spear-wrist.
Panic grips me for a moment; one grab, one blow, is all it takes to end my saga in a very succinct, mangled fashion. Or, worse yet, lose hold of the only weapon in the game, unable to retrieve it from the floor of Nutcertain without having my head mushed in like so much toad paste in a night creature's cave.
Vanod's got this, though. He winds up with his off-hand and with a wet
splup of lean protein, smacks Zotho in the stomach with his giant chicken drumstick. Zotho's guts are bruised and Vanod squirms away.

An acceptable and delicious way to deter your foe.
I somehow get out of the cave without being Stone Cold Stunner'd by 10 giants. Vanod hides behind a rock and gets sneaky again.
The giants mill about, lay on their fallen comrades. Usual giant things. Things are going suspiciously well.
My next dart in, I dispatch Zotho with a stab in the throat. That's 2 down, 9 to go, with only minor bruising on my limb somehow from a punch or two I took in the scuffles. Maybe I can actually do it this time. Maybe I can do it without being mangled.

Then Tequil, the Goals of Perfection, grabs a hold of Vanod's right ankle, and snaps that sucker like a wishbone.
Vanod's first injury. And now that the other giants are aware of him--

--It probably won't be his only one.