Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding

Mouse Fortress v1.4d for DF 34.11 - Roller Coastery Wooh!

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Mouse Fortress provides a framework for defining and executing custom hotkeys (button presses and combinations) and menus (in the style of a context menu). These menus and hotkeys can do anything from executing keypresses to dragging around the camera, to sending commands to DFHack. You can define multiple sets of menus and keys, and swap freely between them, making it easy to have different loadouts for different playstyles, as well as for fortress or adventure mode.

If you've found a bug, or would like to give some feedback or suggestions, you can drop it in the forum thread, the project's issues page, or in github's comment system, or you can contact me (shukaro@gmail.com).


Download - Latest
Download - v1.4d | DF 34.11


Demonstration of Camera/Cursor modes

I was so waiting for this. Thanks I will test it and give feedback :)

EDIT I did run it, got no menu... I checked the readme, but it is more technical, for coders, then a How-to-use for users.

Wow, nice to see you back. Absolutely didn't expected that. Testing...

Hehe, I forgot to mention that you need autohotkey installed for the script to run. So once that's installed, the folder is unzipped, and the dwarf fortress.exe swapped in you should be good to go.

Ah, got you.

I already have this running in the background, also an autohotkey programm. Hope they dont collide, will test :)

Maybe you should create a compiled exe with the Authotkey program. It is inlcuded anyway. People couldnt fine-tune the config.ini then, but for most users running an .Exe is a lot easier and more appealing than downloading a program, downloading your program, unpacking the second, installing the first, adding the scripts, and then see how it fares.


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