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Author Topic: The Bay 12 Games Report, May 1st, 2012  (Read 26782 times)

Toady One

  • The Great
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The Bay 12 Games Report, May 1st, 2012
« on: May 01, 2012, 04:50:11 am »

The Bay 12 Games Report, May 1st, 2012

Mission Status

It feels like a mighty wind blowing power into the sails and taking the ship to a land of riches.  That's what your enthusiasm is like.  This month is another that if not record-breaking should just be called that anyway.  One after another, I hear stories about how Dwarf Fortress has affected people's lives.  Hopefully we are taking it in the right direction.  We shall know, for the future is now.

Congratulations to the generous.

Fun with Numbers

Thanks to everybody that helped out last month!  Hopefully we'll be getting a release together in May, depending on how these last remaining bits work out.  The largest set of changes left involves mining -- we'll be announcing those as we go, since we want to see some ideas in place before we commit to them.  Volumes of objects need to be sorted out, the raws for minecarts need to be finalized (things like which pile they go in, etc.), liquids-in-carts needs to be decided on, and...  that's about it.  We'll likely be bumping work animals in the interests of getting a release up.

April:     $4623.70
March:     $6777.02
February: $12586.51
January:   $3689.27
December:  $5468.33

Reward reminder:  If you support us, you can pick either a Story Reward or a Crayon/Colored Pencil Art Reward.  A Story Reward is basically a mini-Threetoe story (examples) and a Crayon Art Reward is a crudely drawn scene which we sketch, color in, and mail to you, anywhere in the world (assuming your contribution covers postage, which is about a dollar almost wherever you are).  We take personal requests for either reward as well, he he he.  You can also be listed among the Bay 12 Champions.
The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!