Arise Thread! ARISE!
I saw this thread, and I wanted to add my comments to it, even if it's a little old.
Starting Dwarf Numbers: Why not allow this to be set anywhere from 1 - 200? It's up to the player to decide what they want. Default it to 7. Some people just want to build a megaproject, why make them wait? Some want to do a solo run. Great, set it to 1, off you go. I see no real issue here, obviously starting supplies may also need to be adjusted upward.
Migrant Waves: First two are fairly reasonable, but later on they get ridiculous. Is anyone ever happy when they get a wave of 50 migrants? Frankly, I'm happy if half of them are children, because at least I don't have to assign them jobs. This needs a major rebalancing, we should be happy to get migrants, so I would agree this needs to be adjusted by a factor of 10. And things should have to be going pretty well to get migrants.
I wouldn't mind a "Difficulty" setting, maybe a seperate one for several areas:
Migration: Higher difficulty means smaller waves, with higher requirements to even get waves. I would say the current migration situation would be the easiest difficulty.
Resource Requirement: Higher difficulty means things cost more. I think you'd just have a multiplier based on the current size calculations, so you don't necessarily double the cost of everything, unless you want to. Current difficulty is probably Easy/Medium
Hostiles: A setting affecting the frequency of sieges, megabeasts, and the like. Current difficulty is medium.
Combat: The age old "artificial" difficulty setting. Would act as a negative modifier to your troop's combat effectiveness. I guess it would probably just weight the random numbers against you for harder settings, and weight them for you for easier settings. Current difficulty is medium.
Happiness: An easy one to program, dwarves seem to have a baseline of 100 happiness, with events modifying that number. Harder settings either lower the baselines, or increase the negative effects of negative events. Easier settings do the opposite. Current difficulty: medium
I don't see any of this as being difficult to code, as you are just modifying existing calculations. I know some people are really against easy modes, so if you like, imagine the difficulty is only adjustable upward, if that helps you sleep at night.