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Author Topic: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...  (Read 453874 times)


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #450 on: April 07, 2012, 05:35:23 pm »

Corai, thanks. :P Thank you, too, Loud Whispers. :D As to continuing it, I don't know. My laptop crashed right after I got it uploaded and I lost most (not all) of the save - the last time I'd saved it was in the middle of spring. If you didn't mind a possible story change (I'd keep it as close as possible), I could continue. And if enough people want me to continue, that is.

Corai - you hung around the wagon most of the time. :-\ I tried to keep the skill sets as close as possible to what was described in the thread. We never went below 10 idlers, actually. (so many people decided to say they were "useless"...  ::) lol)

KodKod - really sorry. Eric Blank and Talvieno were just beginning miners when they "arrived". I barely had time to do what I did, and despite having 4-5 miners, I only have two picks. If it makes you feel any better, the bedrooms were up next. I thought about adding that the women especially were upset about the room situation, but decided against it for one reason or another.

Eric Blank, Lol. (hoping the "kiss ass" wasn't at me) Your dwarf and mine were the first two to grab picks, so we were the miners.

Well just say im a kobold and im happy. Also throw in my Cult of KodKod, its fun.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute

Loud Whispers

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #451 on: April 07, 2012, 06:34:33 pm »

How did I fare?

A grammar hammerer! Run away!

Coined it!


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #452 on: April 07, 2012, 08:08:46 pm »

If I were in the DF universe, I'd almost certainly be an Elf, which sucks.

While I'm shorter than average height, I'm also skinny, lacking in the facial hair department, usually sober, and generally not very fond of labor; I have serious, serious procrastination issues (yet somehow manage to get high marks despite writing a paper that I had a month to research in write overnight).

My only option would be to dedicate my life to the ideal Cacame Awemedinade set for people everywhere.
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #453 on: April 07, 2012, 08:29:34 pm »

If I were in the DF universe, I'd almost certainly be an Elf, which sucks.

While I'm shorter than average height, I'm also skinny, lacking in the facial hair department, usually sober, and generally not very fond of labor; I have serious, serious procrastination issues (yet somehow manage to get high marks despite writing a paper that I had a month to research in write overnight).

My only option would be to dedicate my life to the ideal Cacame Awemedinade set for people everywhere.;topicseen#msg3166116 Read.

Corai - all right. lol  If I redo it, I will. I don't know if I will, though - you seem to be the only one interested in my continuing it. :P

Loud Whispers - you're were still lurking around the meeting halls when it quit. You're okay. You just have a lot of friends, which makes you very vulnerable to tantruming/going nuts.

Oh, and two things I forgot to mention.
1. I used the wrong DF folder by accident, and there are three races I modded in... so if we continued it, those would show up sooner or later. :-\
2. FPS death is partially directly related to pathing vs number of items. At the start of the fort, even with 60 dwarves, I had no noticeable framerate loss. And I have a bad system. I think that's worth mentioning.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #454 on: April 07, 2012, 08:39:44 pm »

If I were in the DF universe, I'd almost certainly be an Elf, which sucks.

While I'm shorter than average height, I'm also skinny, lacking in the facial hair department, usually sober, and generally not very fond of labor; I have serious, serious procrastination issues (yet somehow manage to get high marks despite writing a paper that I had a month to research in write overnight).

My only option would be to dedicate my life to the ideal Cacame Awemedinade set for people everywhere.;topicseen#msg3166116 Read.

Corai - all right. lol  If I redo it, I will. I don't know if I will, though - you seem to be the only one interested in my continuing it. :P

Loud Whispers - you're were still lurking around the meeting halls when it quit. You're okay. You just have a lot of friends, which makes you very vulnerable to tantruming/going nuts.

Oh, and two things I forgot to mention.
1. I used the wrong DF folder by accident, and there are three races I modded in... so if we continued it, those would show up sooner or later. :-\
2. FPS death is partially directly related to pathing vs number of items. At the start of the fort, even with 60 dwarves, I had no noticeable framerate loss. And I have a bad system. I think that's worth mentioning.

Ah excellent. Given DF's...Interesting...physics system (Skilled Mechanic/Siege Engineer) and the tendency of succession forts to built impractical mega-project weapons, I've been brainstorming on how to make the ultimate dwarven cannon...


Using a series of roped kittens migrants nobles noble migrant crazy cat dwarves, we lure the clown car up a long flight up stairs into a long 1 tile wide room. This room will serve as the !WEAPON's firing chamber, which is connected to a massive magma cistern. With the flip of a level, the magma is released into the firing chamber, and pressurized by pumps. Another lever opens up the barrel, ideally sending the clowns flying into the oncoming gobbos. Once the clowns (or magma if they aren't hostile towards gobbos (any SCIENCE here?)) have killed the entire siege, a second barrel port opens, this one connected to a massive water cistern. The clowns are encased in obsidian, and the dwarves experience the miracle of goblin Christmas.

It's dorfy because:

1. It involves magma, lever pulling, screw pumps, and probably a water reactor considering the amount of power we'll need.

2. It's very likely to backfire and kill the entire fortress, though at least it'll probably take the entire siege/elven caravan/whatever it's aimed at with it.

3. It involves the HFS.

4. It involves weaponizing the HFS.

5. Large numbers of dwarves are likely to die in its construction, and large numbers of elves will hopefully die in its activation.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 08:42:45 pm by Archereon »
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #455 on: April 07, 2012, 10:05:09 pm »


I'm not skill-less........  sure, I might be getting fat from riding behind a desk making blueprints all day these days, but I know how to make a livable structure out of ambient materials in 24 hours... and a number of other things. 

It sounds like bosting, but my dad was a touched in the head war veteran, and insisted that I gain such skills. You try living with what ammounts to a drill seargent for a dad for your whole childhood, and not come away knowing how to make thermite grenades, plastique explosives, wigwams, aspirin, and gods so many other things its hard to list them!  Jeeze!

(Civilization could collapse tonight, and i'd be fine!)

The only trouble I would have, is that the DF universe has fantasy made up plants and animals that I know next to nothing about.  It has willow trees, so at least I could make aspirin.. which is a plus if anyone came down with a fever...  but food? Options would be limited without a formal introduction to what exactly a fisher berry, a prickle berry, and a sunberry looked like. I mean, here in my native area, I know all kinds of wild edible ditch weeds, but from what I see in the raws, toady's botanitcal index is rather limited.

(Maybe I should make a super revamp mod?)

I'm afraid that fish, slippery elm food (if you don't know what it is, don't ask. Just pretend it is pooridge) , and wild strawberries would have to do until somebody familiar with the native flora showed up in a caravan.  Knowing my luck it would be the pointy eared menace!



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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #456 on: April 07, 2012, 10:09:43 pm »

Aye, I could make what passed for aspirin too.
I know how to build a basic above ground structure too.

(Experienced bushwalker, father is/was too.)


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #457 on: April 07, 2012, 10:20:09 pm »

Archereon, welcome to hell... in all but the literal sense. We're glad to have you (except for the fact that the greater majority of us have decided to be mechanics - WHICH while that makes traps easy to make, gives us few options elsewhere).


I'm not skill-less........  sure, I might be getting fat from riding behind a desk making blueprints all day these days, but I know how to make a livable structure out of ambient materials in 24 hours... and a number of other things.

I never said you were. lol    In fact, Wierd, your dwarf had a total of seven separate skills - putting you in the top five of the most varied skillsets. A jack-of-all-trades, if you will. You were vital to the fortress's existence, and then you made an artifact on top of it. As you can't make artifact food or artifact soap, you made a mechanism, if you read. A very good one, too.

Aye, I could make what passed for aspirin too.
I know how to build a basic above ground structure too.

(Experienced bushwalker, father is/was too.)
I gave you five different skills - the ones you listed. Cook, Mechanic, Architect, Grower... and... one other I can't remember at the moment, but I'll look it up. :-\ I think you said "thresher", but I gave you "Farming (fields)" because I couldn't find "threshing".

I put a lot of effort into getting everything right. =P

Basically, according to my DF model, the fortress would do pretty well, other than a bit of a hunger problem to start out with. We'd all be happy, but when/if anyone died, all of us would feel it. Oh, and I intentionally embarked in a savage area as a worst-case scenario. Which is why there were giant keas in the first place.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #458 on: April 07, 2012, 10:37:08 pm »

I don't know about artifact soap.... but masterful and refined soaps are easy. (Just that you can't do it in game. Another reason to make a revamp mod?)

Basically, the first curing on lye soap results in a harsh, hard bar. (Assuming you made it right and didn't end up with "goo soap" or "fatty soap")

To make nicer, less rash inducing bars of soap, you have to mill it.  Basically, this means grinding up the soap, adding a little water, melting it down and recasting it into bars for a second curing period.

At this time you can add various nice smelling things and antibacterial agents that would never have survived the harsh alkalinity of the initial production. (Cedar leaf oil, lavender, rose water, etc.)

In addition to fragrances and antibacterial agents, you can make glycerin beauty bars at this time.  To do so, you need either honey or refined sugar, and some form of hard liquor. While the soap is being melted for the second curing, you add 1tbs of refined sugar and 1 cup of hard liquor to every pound of raw soap.  The soap will immediately clear, and the bars produced will be translucent. Its not as good for laundry and heavy washing, but it is better for skin, especially for the face and hands.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Depending on the initial quality of the base soap, and the quality of the workmanship in the milling process, you can have something that is soap in name only and has more in common with engine cleaner, or something more in line with an oil of olay beauty bar. Artifact though? I don't know about you, but I don't like my soap to menace with spikes of anything. :D



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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #459 on: April 07, 2012, 10:37:57 pm »

RAKninja had his foot bitten off
art imitates life.

tis what removed me from real world military service.  while not severed in any part, i took enough bone damage to make my right leg red on the wounds screen.  it healed to yellow and has stayed there.
Goblin Fortress (NOW UPDATED FOR 34.02!
magma on his bed when he is sleeping, works every time


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #460 on: April 07, 2012, 10:41:34 pm »

As long as I get a crafts workshop to make crafts out of any and every material forever, I'm happy. I also like mining and engraving.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #461 on: April 07, 2012, 10:42:48 pm »

Put [PET] on kobolds and take a kobold, then rename it CoraiUnki using runesmith.

And ill be happy, have me killed with fire if KodKod adopts me, I rather die slowly in fire then by KodKod.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #462 on: April 07, 2012, 10:44:20 pm »

And ill be happy, have me killed with fire if KodKod adopts me, I rather die slowly in fire then by KodKod.

At least you have your priorities straight.
That's probably for the best, it'd be less painful for you that way.
Tell me what you see. It's a mortal wretched cacophony!
KodBlog: A rage in progress. Updated 20/04/12


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #463 on: April 07, 2012, 10:44:35 pm »

If I get a mood, make sure I fail it but turn off my insanity and had_mood tags afterward. An endless series of half-finished projects, just like IRL.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall...
« Reply #464 on: April 07, 2012, 10:53:30 pm »

Hey kodkod, please excuse the obviously creepy question.... but which kind of milled soap bar WOULD you choose, if presented with a random assorted pile?

I see you in my mind's eye taking a scented glycerine bar if available, but I can't place which you would grab.  Lavender and rosewater basically scream "old lady that's older than the queen mum!", but I don't see you having a preference for cedarleaf, pine rosin, mint, etc.. either.

While I could possibly see you picking strawberry, getting the SCENT of a strawberry is not exactly an easy task, which is why modern science uses artificial chemicals to approximate it.

Are there cocoa nuts in DF? I could see that perhaps.....

Again, sorry for the creepy question... just the idea of this silly hypothetica situation makes my insane brain meat ask retarded questions.

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